Orange oil for face application. Essential orange oil for face - rich possibilities

Sweetish, light, slightly tart and such a sunny smell of orange peel fills one of the main cosmetic oils - orange - with delightful summer notes. A bright fruity aroma that always evokes a festive mood is not the only advantage of this essential oil. Due to the availability of the starting material and the relatively simple process of obtaining it, it belongs to the group of the most affordable aromatic oils.


Orange oil is obtained by hydrodistillation or cold pressing from citrus peels (leaves and flowers are used to obtain other oils - and). Oils of Guinean or Spanish origin are considered the best, products obtained in America or Brazil are less valued, where the production of orange aromatic oil is often combined with the production of orange juice.

Outwardly, this essential oil is a fairly fluid liquid, which always leaves yellow-orange traces on clothes or a napkin: dyes and pigments contained in orange peels also enter the oil during distillation.

Almost all orange essential oils contain special antioxidant components in their composition: this is one of the most rapidly oxidizing oils, requiring additional additives for long-term storage.

Among orange essential oils, it is customary to distinguish two subspecies - oils of sweet and bitter orange, which differ not only in composition, but also in smell: bitter orange oil has a more refined, refined aroma.

Orange aroma oil blends well and blends well with most essential oils. Complementary aromas for orange oil are considered to be all citrus and coniferous oils, as well as essential oils, savory, oregano and, and. It is considered an ideal partner for orange oil, emphasizing and complementing its calming effect.

The use of orange oil is based on its anti-inflammatory, soothing, tonic, regenerating, immunostimulating, antiseptic, relaxing properties.

Impact on the emotional sphere

Orange oil is one of the essential oils with a psychologically warming effect. The warm and so soft aroma of orange oil belongs to tonic odors that help improve mood and emotional state, relieve fatigue, get rid of anxiety, internal discomfort, anxiety, nervousness, sadness.

Medicinal properties

For medical purposes, orange essential oil is used to treat bleeding and inflammation in the oral cavity, obesity and edema and fluid retention, acute respiratory diseases, and blood circulation disorders.

The therapeutic effect of the use of essential oil is also manifested in the relief of muscle, joint, menstrual pain, neuralgia and headaches.

Use in cosmetology

Orange aroma oil has received the greatest distribution in the field of cosmetology, showing itself as an excellent restorative agent for all skin types. Enriched with orange oil, cosmetic creams and emulsions help restore skin elasticity and reduce wrinkles, and are used as a vitaminizing, whitening, and protective agent.

This oil is also perfect for problem skin: it will help to cope with enlarged pores and acne scars.

As part of hair cosmetics, this essential oil helps fight dandruff and excessive dryness.

Application in everyday life

In addition to the cosmetic effect, orange aroma oil has another useful property - it perfectly eliminates unpleasant odors in the house, while also disinfecting the air and increasing efficiency. In this case, you can use both traditional and simpler means.

The standard dosage for a room of 20 square meters is 5 drops of oil, which can be added to water in an aroma lamp or simply applied to or a napkin placed on a heater.

Contraindications and dosages

Before using orange essential oil, be sure to test for sensitivity by applying a drop of oil to the delicate skin behind the ear or in the crook of the elbow for several hours.

This essential oil belongs to the group of phototoxic substances, so it should be used with caution on the skin on sunny days. Pregnant women should use this oil carefully, as well as anyone who suffers from epilepsy, allergies to citrus fruits, hypotension, cholelithiasis.

  • The standard dosage for improving the quality of cosmetics - creams, tonics, milk, lotions - 5 drops of essential oil for every 15 grams of cosmetic base. The resulting compositions are best used for normal, sensitive or dry skin, while for oily skin, it is better to prepare a mixture of orange oil with naioli and juniper (2: 1: 1) as an additive.
  • The same dosage - 5 drops of aromatic oil - is also used to take delightfully relaxing and rejuvenating (after dissolving the essential oil in honey or milk).
  • For 2-3 drops of orange oil mixed with vegetable oil or a special relaxing massage cream.
  • For rinses or compresses, oil should be used more carefully - no more than 1 drop per glass of water.
  • Orange oil is also used for internal use, adding a drop of oil to a glass of tea or juice no more than 2 times a day.
  • As a food additive, orange oil is used in the preparation of drinks and sauces, pastries.

Orange oil has been used in cosmetology since ancient times. Chinese folk healers noted its unsurpassed tonic and antibacterial properties, manifested in the restoration and rejuvenation of human skin. And even today, in the world of high-tech production of caring cosmetics for face and body, orange oil remains one of the most affordable and effective personal care products.

What is orange essential oil

Orange oil is an oily liquid extracted from the peel of a sweet or bitter orange by cold pressing. Sometimes the mixture is also produced by steam distillation, but in this case the oil is of lower quality.

To obtain 100 g of essential oil, about 5 kg of fruit peel is used.

The best essential substrate is obtained from Spanish and Guinean fruits.

The main indications for the use of essential oils of sweet and bitter orange are practically the same, however, due to their different composition, they differ in color and smell.

  • Sweet orange oil is dark yellow in color and has a slightly sweet, tart flavor.
  • Bitter orange oil can have several shades, up to a rich red or brown color. Its smell is refined and refined, so these esters are very often used in the perfume industry.

Orange flavor is the 3rd most popular flavor in the world after vanilla and chocolate.

Useful properties and applications

Orange oil is widely used in the medical, food, perfume and cosmetic industries. In addition, it is often used in everyday life to eliminate unpleasant odors - the aroma of orange disinfects the room well and increases efficiency.

In Europe, until the 18th century, only wealthy people could use oil - this product was very rare and expensive.

The most valuable properties of the oil include:

  • powerful anti-cellulite effect, stimulation of lymph flow, reduction of edema and tumors;
  • elimination of various skin defects, its hydration and nutrition;
  • skin rejuvenation through the elimination of shallow wrinkles;
  • getting rid of dandruff, improving the general condition of the hair;
  • elimination of inflammation and bleeding gums;
  • normalization of the digestive system, increased appetite;
  • antiseptic action for colds;
  • elimination of headache, pain in the joints and muscles;
  • relief of abdominal pain in case of poisoning, providing a diuretic and choleretic effect;
  • increasing visual acuity, relieving overstrain during heavy eye loads;
  • providing a calming effect in case of stress, depression, emotional stress and insomnia;
  • helps to improve memory and concentration.

In addition, the fresh and warm aroma of orange increases self-confidence, gives an optimistic mood and charm.

Essential orange oil is often used as a fortune-telling incense, as it attracts good luck, love and money.

Impact on the skin

Orange oil is considered a universal remedy suitable for all skin types. With its regular use, you can notice the following positive effects:

  • softening and moisturizing the skin;
  • improvement of complexion, lightening of age spots, alignment of the overall skin tone;
  • normalization of the functioning of the sebaceous glands, elimination of oily sheen;
  • cleansing and narrowing of enlarged pores;
  • improvement of blood circulation and strengthening of skin elasticity;
  • reduction of the depth of mimic and age wrinkles;
  • restoration of the epidermis, the formation of new collagen fibers;
  • strengthening blood vessels;
  • elimination of toxins through the skin pores;
  • tightening pustules, getting rid of pimples and scars after acne;
  • getting rid of herpes on the lips.

Orange oil has a miraculous effect on the skin of the face

Mask recipes and their application

To achieve the desired goals, citrus aroma oil is used in combination with other oils and ingredients that can enhance its effect. Below are the most common effective face blends with orange oil.

Table: Orange oil based products for dry, oily, problematic and normal skin

skin type

Purpose of the mask

Ingredients and method of preparation

Instructions for use

Skin nutrition and restoration

Mix 5 drops of orange oil with 1 tsp. olive oil

Apply to the skin for half an hour, then rinse with warm water

Mix 3 drops of orange oil with 8 ml of avocado oilApply the mixture on the face, gently massaging and avoiding the areas around the eyes. Wash off after 20 minutes

Mix 1 drop of orange oil with 1 drop of leuzea oil and 2 drops of sandalwood oil. Add the resulting mixture to 10 ml of almond oil

Apply the mask for 25 minutes. If the oil mixture is not completely absorbed, rinse off the excess with warm water.

Softening and moisturizing the skin

Add 1 drop of orange oil, 1 drop of rosewood oil and 2 drops of sandalwood oil to 10 ml of avocado oil

Apply the mask for 18 minutes. Wash off with warm water

Mix 3 drops of orange oil with 2 drops of rose oil, 5 tbsp. l. orange juice and add 2 tbsp. l. ground germinated wheat

Apply the mixture on your face and leave until completely dry. Then rinse off and apply a thin layer of cosmetic cream

Smoothing wrinkles and improving complexion

Mix 5 drops of orange oil thoroughly with a ripe, pre-mashed banana

Apply the mask for 30 minutes, then rinse with water

Mix 2 drops of orange oil with 1 raw egg yolk, 1 small boiled potato and 2 tbsp. l. milk

Apply the mixture while warm on your face and cover with a towel. After 20 minutes, wash off first with warm and then cool water.

Restoring the texture of the epidermis

Pour 3 drops of orange oil into pre-whipped chicken protein. Add to the mixture 1 tbsp. l. white clay and 50 ml grapefruit juice. Mix all ingredients well

Apply to face and neck for 15 minutes. Then wash with cool water with a few drops of cucumber juice.

Cleansing and toning the skin of the face, narrowing the pores

Mix 7 drops of orange oil and 2 drops of chamomile oil with 15 ml of pure alcohol and pour in 200 ml of purified water

Pour the mixture into a glass container and place in a dark place. Apply a thin layer to the face daily

Normalization of the production of sebaceous secretion, elimination of shine

Mix 3 drops of orange oil with 10 drops of almond oil and pour in 1 beaten chicken protein. Add a pinch of salt

Apply the mask for 20 minutes, then rinse with water


Improving blood circulation, increasing tone and elasticity

Mix 2 drops of orange oil with mashed chicken yolk

Apply the mask for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water

Mix 3 drops of orange oil with 1 tsp. cream and add 2 ripe, pre-mashed strawberries

Apply to the skin in a thick layer, lightly moistening the eyelids with cool water. Wash off after 15 minutes

Smoothing wrinkles, smoothing the overall skin tone

Mix 2 drops of orange oil with 3 drops of rosewood oil, 2 drops of mint oil and 1 drop of vanilla oil. Pour the mixture into 20 ml of avocado oil and mix well

Apply for 30 minutes, then wipe the skin with a cotton swab dipped in linden decoction

Nutrition and satiety

1 drop of orange oil, 2 drops of sandalwood oil, 1 drop of leuzea oil and 2 drops of chamomile oil pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave the liquid for 5-10 minutes

Bend over the steam bath for 10 minutes, covered with a towel. Then wash with cool water with a few drops of lemon juice.

Combined (mixed)

Moisturizing and nourishing the skin

1 tsp mix orange oil with 1 tsp. sour cream. Add 2 tsp. mashed cucumber pulp and mix thoroughly

Apply the mask for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water

Orange oil is best combined with oils of lavender, geranium, nutmeg, avocado, grapefruit, mint, jasmine and thyme.

Apply masks with massage movements

Application nuances

When applying masks, the following nuances should be considered:

  1. The face must be clean and dry. All decorative cosmetics must be washed off in advance, without using tonics and lotions. Hair must be tied in a bun or secured with a bandage.
  2. The subject for applying the mask must also be immaculately clean. It is best to use a cotton swab, sponge, thoroughly washed and dried brush or brush.
  3. Face masks should be applied along massage lines: from the chin to the temples, from the lips to the earlobes, from the temporal regions to the nose.
  4. A good result can be achieved only if these procedures are carried out regularly, but not more than 1-2 times a week.

In addition, to improve the overall condition of the skin, it is useful to periodically use orange essential extract internally. To do this, 1 drop of oil is dripped onto a teaspoon of honey, sugar or cream and diluted in a cup of juice or tea.

Precautions for use

In order not to harm the skin, experienced cosmetologists recommend adhering to the following recommendations:

  • Do not use pure orange oil on your face. This remedy contains a large amount of acids, which can cause severe irritation and increase sensitivity to light.
  • Owners of sensitive and severely damaged skin should choose masks with the least amount of oil.
  • After preparing the mask for the first time, test it to prevent an allergic reaction: apply a little mixture on the delicate skin of the wrist or elbow and leave for 15 minutes. If the procedure does not cause itching or redness, you can safely apply a face mask.
  • Apply before bed or 2-3 hours before sun exposure. Orange oil is a phototoxic agent that accumulates sunlight and often causes burns. If you applied an orange oil mask and you urgently needed to go outside, protect your skin with sunscreen.
  • When using orange oil internally, keep in mind that it causes a feeling of hunger. The permissible dose per day is 2-3 drops.

How to choose the right sweet or bitter orange oil

Currently, orange essential extract can be purchased at a pharmacy or through an online store. However, when buying oil from an unknown and unverified seller, you run the risk of acquiring a fake - ordinary vegetable oil with citrus flavor. To prevent this from happening, pay attention to the following signs of product quality:

  1. Dark container. Essential oils are poured into dark glass containers. In light glass and plastic packaging, the product tends to enter into a chemical reaction under the influence of light and lose its beneficial properties.
  2. High price. Essential oil is quite difficult to produce, so if its cost is up to 150 rubles, this is a 100% fake. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase a natural product, it is better to buy oranges and make an oil or infusion from their peel yourself.
  3. Verified producing countries. It is recommended to choose an oil that is produced in areas where fruit trees are grown: USA, Spain, Mexico, Italy, Brazil, etc.

The effect of using oil masks directly depends on the quality of the ingredients.

You can check the quality of an already purchased product using a regular paper napkin. It is necessary to apply a drop of orange aroma oil on paper and, after waiting 5 minutes, carefully examine the stain. The natural remedy will completely dissolve, leaving only an orange speck. Highly diluted oil will leave a greasy color mark, and the cheapest synthetic fake will leave a clear fat.

The video shows a good example of making orange oil at home.

Video: How to cook a miracle product at home

Terms and conditions of storage

Even if you still become a happy owner of natural orange oil, do not forget that it needs certain storage conditions. Oil in a sealed branded package is stored in a dark and dry place with an air temperature not higher than 8 degrees. After opening the jar, the best storage place is the refrigerator. At the same time, it is very important to close the lid tightly and prevent air from entering, which causes the rapid oxidation of terpenes that make up citrus oils. If all the above conditions are met, the shelf life can be about 2 years.

Do not leave the oil in the sun and do not allow air to enter the bottle


Essential orange oil as a dietary supplement is not recommended for:

  • people suffering from gallstone disease;
  • people who have low blood pressure;
  • in case of individual intolerance to the product.

The use of masks from an orange and a product of its extraction is contraindicated for those who are allergic to citrus or other ingredients of the mixture. In addition, such masks should be abandoned for people who have open wounds or pustular rashes on their faces.

If an allergic reaction is detected, it is imperative to seek the advice of a specialist.

Pregnant and lactating women are allowed external use of oil for personal care, but in limited quantities. In this case, the doctor will help determine the method of using the mask.

With the help of orange oil, you can turn any dream of healthy and beautiful skin into reality even at home. And the sunny aroma and invigorating properties of the oil of this fruit will improve your mood even after the hardest working day!

Orange oil is the concentrated energy of the sun, enclosed in a small bubble. As soon as you uncork it, a tart Mediterranean aroma will burst into gray everyday life, color life with tropical colors, share the unbridled energy of youth, and infect with the sparkling joy of eternal summer. Its life-giving power is used in aromatherapy to combat stress, in folk medicine - to treat certain diseases, in cooking - to give exotic notes to traditional dishes and, of course, in cosmetology - to care for young, mature and aging skin.

The oily substance is obtained by cold pressing from the peel of the fruit - this allows you to keep intact all the useful vitamins and minerals that make orange oil a unique tool for caring for any type of skin. The sultry power of nature, concentrated in a fragrant amber-colored liquid, will make the most tired face shine with renewed vigor:

  • moisturizes, softens the skin, eliminates peeling;
  • improves blood circulation and strengthens blood vessels;
  • relieves puffiness;
  • accelerates metabolic and regenerative processes;
  • gives the skin elasticity and firmness;
  • tightens the contour of the face;
  • smoothes mimic and age wrinkles;
  • normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • removes blackheads and tightens pores;
  • eliminates oily sheen;
  • removes toxins;
  • helps to cope with acne and post-acne (scars);
  • lightens pigment spots and evens out the skin texture;
  • stimulates the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes;
  • increases local immunity;
  • helps curb herpes.

Orange oil has a positive effect on the nervous system - improves mood, relieves fatigue, helps to relax - and, as you know, stress and depressive disorders cause muscle hypertonicity, which affects the condition of the skin of the face

Orange oil can be made from Chinese sweet and bitter oranges. Fragrant elixirs obtained from different types of this fruit have similar properties, differing only in smell: sweet orange exudes a light, fresh, summery aroma, and orange - a sharp, bitter and more refined aroma. The bitter-fruited orange tree gave the world two more varieties of oil: neroli oil is produced from its flowers, and petitgrain is produced from its leaves.

Ways to use orange oil for skin care

Due to the rich composition and high efficiency of the components, orange oil is often added to factory-made cosmetics. You can enrich the finished cream, mask, emulsion, lotion or milk with a few drops of ether at your own request - three drops per 10 grams of base are enough.

Important! Orange oil is contraindicated in the presence of an allergy to citrus fruits, therefore, before using it, it is necessary to do an individual intolerance test. We mix one drop of oil with a small amount of oily cream, apply it on the wrist area and observe the reaction of the skin during the day. If irritation, itching, hyperemia occurs, the “experimental” skin area should be washed under running water, and in this case, you will have to forget about using orange oil.

Being a highly concentrated substance, orange oil, like other esters, is not used in its pure form due to the high risk of chemical burns - an exception can be made only when it is applied pointwise with a cotton swab to inflammation (acne). In all other cases, base oils and herbal infusions will be true allies of orange concentrate in the fight against skin imperfections. Cosmetics (masks, scrubs, peels) prepared at home with orange oil will bring invaluable benefits to the skin.

Moisturizing applications

Dry, dehydrated and aging skin will love the following recipe based on base oils:

  1. Take two tablespoons of any base oil (coconut, olive, peach, almond, sesame, etc.).
  2. Add three drops of orange and rosewood essential oils, one each of vanilla, geranium and jasmine.
  3. We mix the resulting substance.
  4. Apply to cleansed face with a cotton pad and gently massage.
  5. After a quarter of an hour, rinse with warm water.

Beforehand, the base oil can be slightly warmed up in a water bath - under the influence of heat, the pores will open faster and the healing components will freely reach the deep layers of the skin

Base oils (fatty and heavy) are obtained from seeds and seeds, and essential oils (light and volatile) are obtained from flowers, leaves, roots and bark of plants. The former emit an unobtrusive nutty aroma, while the latter, on the contrary, are persistent (woody, herbal, spicy, fruity, floral), due to the high content of aromatic components. Base oils are used undiluted and play the main part, while essential oils ring with a piquant note, a bright and cheerful accent against the general background.

This procedure contributes to the active regeneration of depleted and withering tissues prone to the formation of microcracks, in addition, such a mixture is considered an indispensable SOS-remedy for restoring weathered or sun-burned skin of the face and lips - a soothing symphony of natural oils will relieve irritation and restore the hydrolipidic barrier that protects against further dehydration.

Rejuvenating mask

In the fight against the first signs of aging, a tropical mask based on ripe fruit pulp is effective, which, in a duet with base oil, will soften the active effect of orange:

  1. Grind half a banana in a blender until smooth. If desired, its pulp can be replaced with juicy fruits of mango, peach, avocado.
  2. Add a teaspoon of any base oil (peanut, grape seed, etc.) to the resulting slurry.
  3. Flavor with five drops of orange ether and mix well.
  4. We apply the finished drug on the skin of the face.
  5. Wash off with warm water after half an hour.

After applying the composition, the face can be covered with a cotton napkin or ordinary gauze with holes for the mouth and eyes - so the fruit puree will not spread, will not dry out and will do its job in the best way.

Banana masks are considered universal and, in combination with additional components, are suitable for any type of skin - they moisturize dry skin and degrease problematic ones.

The mask will gently soften the skin, share the supply of vitamins and microelements, smooth out the emerging wrinkles and reduce the already well-established ones - for such care, fading skin will thank its owner with a radiance of freshness and a healthy blush, cheerfully playing on smooth cheeks.

Nourishing mask

The following recipe will be indispensable for facial skin care at any age:

  1. Take one yolk and beat well.
  2. Add a teaspoon of honey.
  3. Then add a couple of drops of orange extract and mix.
  4. Apply with a brush or cotton pad to the skin.
  5. We stand for a quarter of an hour and wash the face with water.

Before using masks containing yolk, the skin of the face must be thoroughly cleansed of sweat, fat and pathogens that flourish on this soil - the yolk quickly penetrates into the deeper layers of the dermis, where pollution can also be absorbed at the same time, causing an inflammatory process.

The yolk has astringent properties, therefore, as part of masks, it should be combined with honey, base oils or fruit purees - this combination will protect the skin from drying out, smooth out wrinkles and nourish many vitamins and microelements

Despite the prosaic ingredients, the result will be noticeable after the first application - the skin will freshen up, become velvety, soft and supple.

Refreshing mask

Tired skin that has lost its elasticity will get the maximum benefit from the cucumber-sour cream mask:

  1. Grind the peeled cucumber in a blender or on a fine grater. Two teaspoons will be used to prepare the mask, and the remaining raw materials can be eaten.
  2. Add a teaspoon of sour cream.
  3. It remains to sprinkle the resulting "salad" with three drops of orange essential oil.
  4. Mix all the ingredients and apply on the face.
  5. After 15 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water and fix the effect with a nourishing cream.

This toning mask will moisturize, soothe the skin, whiten, get rid of pigmentation and restore the former radiance of freshness to the face.

Purifying peeling

Excessive sebum secretion, the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria and the occurrence of foci of inflammation are the main problem of oily skin. And here, clay peeling is in a hurry to help in the difficult fight against acne - after the first application, the skin will calm down, their tone will begin to even out, and the oval of the face will tighten:

  1. Beat the egg white until foamy.
  2. Add to it a tablespoon of clay and 2 tablespoons of any citrus juice (lemon, grapefruit, orange) or kefir.
  3. Use three drops of orange essential oil as a fragrant seasoning.
  4. Turn all components into a homogeneous mass.
  5. Spread evenly over the skin.
  6. After 10 minutes, rinse with cool water - warm water can provoke sweating and the production of sebaceous secretions.
  7. At the end of the procedure, a nourishing cream can be applied to the face.

Attention! To prepare clay masks, it is necessary to use ceramic, plastic, wooden or glass utensils - metal destroys the beneficial properties of this natural substance.

Clay, being a natural adsorbent, well cleanses the skin of toxins, and organic acids contained in kefir and fruit juices contribute to the gentle exfoliation of keratinized scales - the coordinated work of all components of this delicate peeling will bring victory over excessive sebum secretion, oily sheen, inflammation, polluted and enlarged pores.

Exfoliating scrub

The following scrub will help start the regeneration processes, make the skin breathe at full strength, freeing it from the shackles of keratinized scales:

  1. For dry skin, you will need two tablespoons of semolina; for oily skin, they can be replaced with the same amount of sea salt.
  2. Take a tablespoon of oatmeal or ground almonds.
  3. Fill with natural yogurt or sour fruit juice.
  4. Let's apply the finishing touch - three drops of orange oil.
  5. Mix the mixture and apply on the face.
  6. For the best penetration of nutrients, we withstand the composition for ten minutes.
  7. Wash off and fix the result with a rich nourishing cream.

Since semolina absorbs moisture very quickly, you need to act without delay. If you don’t want to rush, first mix all the ingredients to a puree state, moisten your fingers in it and dip them in dry semolina, and then, making light massage movements, apply to your face.

Semolina has a mild effect on the upper layers of the skin, cleansing impurities and dead cells, thereby increasing blood circulation and starting renewal processes.

Such an active effect will immediately bring wonderful results: the face will acquire a healthy color and velvety structure, cellular respiration will be restored, regenerative processes will be activated, all irregularities will begin to smooth out, scars will dissolve, and pores will be cleansed.

Lifting mask

Before you go to the beauty parlor and expose yourself to a variety of expensive procedures, or even lie down under the sight of syringes with “beauty injections”, you can try out an inexpensive natural remedy that can bring wonderful results. The highlight of today's program is a starch mask with a lifting effect:

  1. In a water bath, we brew an infusion of wild rose - a tablespoon of dry or fresh berries in a glass of water.
  2. Pour a tablespoon of starch into a separate container and pour in the cooled herbal infusion until the slurry acquires the consistency of thick sour cream.
  3. Add a teaspoon of base oil, for example, almond, three drops of orange and lavender ether.
  4. Mix and apply a thick layer on the face.
  5. After 15 minutes, rinse off and enjoy the result.

Starch is a hypoallergenic product with a very narrow list of contraindications (in particular, damage to the skin, the presence of wounds and inflammation), absolutely safe, natural and affordable. Salon procedures, for example, Botox injections, on the contrary, are quite expensive, have many contraindications, are associated with health risks and complications. In addition, Botox can distort facial expressions, which makes a terrible impression on others, and the substance used is toxic and alien to the human body.

Starch is in any home, and it is suitable not only for making jelly and giving textiles a solemn look - this most valuable product is of strategic importance in the war against the inexorable time for beauty and youth

The tandem of the components of this mask is truly unique: lavender oil goes well with orange oil, enhancing its soothing, relaxing properties, as a result of which small mimic wrinkles are smoothed out, blood circulation in the tissues improves, capillaries are strengthened (including rosacea), starch effectively tightens the skin, makes its elastic and elastic, and the oval of the face - more clear.

Eyelash and eyebrow care product

To give a look of mysterious charm under the shadow of silky eyelashes and curved eyebrows, the following recipe will help:

  1. As a base, take one teaspoon of burdock, peach, linseed or almond oil.
  2. Add a drop of orange extract and one vial of liquid vitamins A and E.
  3. Cleaned from the old mascara with a brush, apply a little oil on the eyebrows and eyelashes.
  4. Starting from the outer corner of the eye, lightly massage the lash line, making patting movements, and rinse after half an hour.

When applying orange oil to eyelashes, you need to be extremely careful - first blot the brush so that excess healing elixir does not get into your eyes and cause burns to the mucous membrane

Within a month of daily use, eyelashes and eyebrows will become longer, thicker, and the structure of the hairs will be restored, which will most positively affect the attractiveness of their owner.

A similar combination of oils can be used to care for the skin around the eyes, taking grape, peach or wheat oil as a base. Putting together the index, middle and ring fingers dipped in an oily liquid, use the pads to lightly press and tap on the skin of the eyelids, avoiding stretching. Wash off the applied mixture after 10 minutes. As a result, wrinkles will be smoothed out, and dark circles and bags under the eyes will disappear without a trace.

Invigorating ice massage

Cosmetic ice will help to activate blood circulation, start regeneration processes and refresh tired skin:

  1. Prepare a glass of boiled cooled water.
  2. Add a teaspoon of honey or cucumber juice and five drops of orange oil.
  3. Mix well, pour into ice cube trays and place in the freezer.
  4. Once the ice cubes are ready, you can start the massage.
  5. After the procedure, apply a nourishing cream.

Cryo-massage is best done in the morning, allowing the ice cube to continuously slide over the surface of the skin, without staying in one place for a long time to avoid hypothermia and irritation.

Thanks to such stress therapy, the skin will become toned, elastic, will receive a powerful boost of energy and will face the challenge of the coming day with dignity.

Soothing steam baths

At the end of the working day, you can make a healing bath that will increase blood flow, relax and restore the skin. Steam procedures will prepare the skin for further manipulations - applying scrubs, masks, nourishing creams - useful substances will be absorbed by steamed skin much better. Here is the simplest recipe:

  1. Boil water in a saucepan.
  2. And then add three drops of orange essential oil there.
  3. After that, you will have to sit over the fragrant steam at a distance of 30 centimeters, covered with a terry towel. Steam baths are undesirable for dry skin, so the procedure should be limited to three minutes, for oily skin, the session can be stretched for 10 minutes.

At this time, clogged pores will open and all impurities can be easily removed by wiping the skin with micellar water or making a cleansing mask.

Important! Steam baths should not be used by people suffering from asthma, hypertension, hirsutism (excessive hair growth), rosacea and acne in the acute stage.

Important nuances

All the above recommendations lose their meaning for pregnant and lactating women, as well as people with individual intolerance, suffering from hypotension, cancer and liver disorders, because in these cases, the use of orange essential oil will have to be abandoned.

Orange essential oil has long been used by people for the purpose of healing, and with its help they improve not only the physical, but also the psychological state. It is famous for its calming effect on the central nervous system. This makes it a good helper in the fight against insomnia, nervous tension and stress. As for physical health, orange oil is used to normalize carbohydrate-fat metabolism, restore the digestive system, treat colds, and reduce pain. Orange ether plays an equally important role in cosmetology. Its regenerating properties work wonders with the skin of the face - it comes into tone, becomes soft, supple and elastic.

Benefits of orange oil for skin

Orange essential oil is extracted from the peel by hydrodistillation. This method of obtaining ether is considered one of the simplest, which makes orange oil an affordable product. In cosmetology, there are 2 types of orange oil - sweet and bitter. They differ slightly in chemical composition and aroma, but this does not prevent them from being used for the same cosmetic purposes.

Orange oil has a very beneficial effect on the skin of any type due to the fact that it contains many beneficial compounds. Among them are vitamins, antioxidants, farnesenes, organic acids, D-limonene, citral and linalool. Thanks to these components, it has a number of benefits for the skin of the face.

  • Orange oil has a brightening effect, because it can make age spots and freckles less noticeable.
  • Under the influence of orange ether, the production of collagen fibers is activated, on which the firmness and elasticity of the epidermis directly depends. Also, this cosmetic product slows down the aging process of skin cells.
  • The relaxing property of orange essential oil helps to relieve facial tension and smooth wrinkles. Moreover, orange oil produces polishing of the skin, as a result of which they acquire smoothness and tenderness.
  • The advantages of this oil for the face also include the fact that, penetrating into the deeper layers of the skin, it controls the production of a specific secret by the sebaceous glands - sebum. As a result, excess oiliness of the skin disappears.
  • Orange ether provides the skin with the necessary cleansing: it removes toxins and impurities accumulated in the cells of the epidermis. It also shrinks enlarged pores.
  • Orange oil accelerates regeneration processes - renews existing cells and promotes the growth of new ones. This allows him to quickly heal various inflammations and maintain the youthfulness of the skin of the face.
  • Rounding out the list of benefits of orange oil are its moisturizing and nourishing properties. With their help, the skin of the face retains the optimal level of moisture for it and receives a sufficient amount of nutrients.

How to use orange face oil

Having decided to pamper your skin with orange oil, do not forget to follow certain rules for the use of this remedy. Otherwise, you will not be able to achieve the desired effect. Moreover, it can even be harmful to health.

  • For the first time using orange essential oil, do not be too lazy to do a skin test to identify individual intolerance. Apply a drop of the product to the skin behind the ear and observe its reaction. If discomfort occurs within an hour in the form of irritation, itching and redness, remove the oil with running water and do not use it again. In the absence of the described allergic symptoms, accordingly, orange ether can be safely used to improve the condition of the skin of the face.
  • Orange oil is a highly concentrated product, therefore it is applied to the skin in its pure form only pointwise, that is, at the site of inflammation. It can be distributed all over the skin of the face in combination with additional ingredients. The proportions should be as follows: 2-3 drops of ether per tablespoon of base. For the same reason, it is necessary to strictly observe the exposure time on the face of cosmetic formulations with orange oil.
  • Citrus essential oils contain a substance called bergapten. Under the influence of sunlight, it causes pigmentation of the skin, which is manifested by severe burns, swelling and blistering rashes. To avoid this, after using orange oil, do not go outside for 2-3 hours.
  • The use of orange essential oil is contraindicated in women during lactation and pregnancy. It should also be abandoned for low blood pressure, epilepsy and severe gallstone disease. It is also important to note that with prolonged use, it can increase the sensitivity of delicate skin to light.
  • Home remedies with the addition of orange essential oil should be used no more than 2 times a week. The maximum benefit from such formulations can be obtained by applying them to the skin for 1.5–2 months.

Recipes for homemade beauty products with orange oil

Orange ether can be added both to purchased formulations and to homemade ones. The second option is more effective, because it is he who should be preferred if your task is not to prevent, but to improve the skin of the face.

When creating homemade cosmetic mixtures, use dishes made of glass, ceramic or porcelain so that they do not lose their beneficial properties. Also, do not forget to clean the skin of the face from cosmetics and steam them with a steam bath before applying the mask.

Toning mask

Would need:

  • small cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream - 1 teaspoon;
  • orange ether - 3 drops.

How to cook:

  • Pass the peeled vegetable through a fine grater.
  • Take 2 teaspoons of the resulting cucumber mass and mix it with sour cream and orange oil until smooth.

Lubricate the skin of the face with the prepared mixture. After a quarter of an hour, remove the mask. Rinse the skin with warm running water and apply a moisturizing cream on them. With this mask, you can give tired skin radiance and freshness.

Dryness mask

Would need:

  • avocado oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • ether of chamomile, orange, sandalwood, rosewood - 1 drop each.

How to cook:

  • Set the avocado oil to heat in a water bath to a comfortable temperature.
  • Then add to it the rest of the components of the healing composition.

Spread the oil mask over your face with a cotton pad. When half an hour has passed, remove the remnants of the mask with a cotton pad, after soaking it in boiled water at room temperature or in warm linden decoction. The components of the mask help to saturate the skin with moisture and nutrients, which protects it from premature aging and the appearance of early wrinkles.

Rejuvenating mask

Would need:

  • banana - 1/2 pc.;
  • orange oil - 3 drops.

How to cook:

  • Grind half of the fruit to a puree state.
  • Then thoroughly mix the banana gruel with orange essential oil.

Spread the fruit-oil mixture over the skin of the face and keep it for 20-25 minutes. Wash off with warm water afterwards. This mask is ideal for aging skin, as it softens, tightens and smoothes the epidermis.

Mask for problem skin

Would need:

  • blue clay - 1 tablespoon;
  • egg white - 1 pc.;
  • orange or grapefruit juice - 2 tablespoons;
  • orange oil - 3-4 drops.

How to cook:

  • Beat the egg white until foamy.
  • Next, add blue clay, citrus juice and essential oil to it. Mix everything thoroughly until the mass acquires a uniform consistency.

After applying the cosmetic on the skin of the face in an even layer, keep it for 10-15 minutes. When the mask has expired, remove it with cool water. At the end of the procedure, lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream. This composition has a complex effect on problem skin. It blocks the foci of inflammation; cleanses contaminated pores, thus eliminating black dots; normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Cleansing lotion

Would need:

  • medical alcohol - 2 teaspoons;
  • ether of chamomile, geranium and orange - 3 drops each;
  • water - 1/2 cup.

How to cook:

  • Combine alcohol and essential oils, mix well.
  • Dilute the resulting mixture with clean water. Stir again.

Pour the finished lotion into a dark glass container. They need to be used twice a day. This product is suitable for oily skin. It removes excess sebum, tightens pores and disinfects the skin, which helps to get rid of acne and oily sheen. Keep the cleansing lotion in the refrigerator.

Orange oil is a very beneficial product for the skin. Therefore, if you devote time to beauty and health, you should definitely try all its healing properties on yourself.

The orange tree, with its incredibly fragrant fruits, was seen as early as the 4th century BC. It was brought to Europe at the end of the 16th century. For a long time, Europeans have been watching under what conditions it is possible to get more ripe fruits and what factors negatively affect yields. The process of cultivation has begun. Now the cultivation of trees takes place on a large scale: they are planted in whole plantations.

Varieties of the orange tree

Currently, several varieties are known. The most popular among them are sweet and bitter oranges. Gorky has another name - orange. The citrus fruits of the bitter tree are unsuitable for food, but they produce a more fragrant orange oil. The color of the resulting product may have different shades, ranging from dark yellow to dark brown.

Unlike bitter orange fruits, sweet citrus fruits are eaten fresh, juice is obtained from them, and canned. However, sweet orange oil has also found wide application. Moreover, its content in the peel is much greater. For reference: to get 1 kg of orange oil, you need to take 50 kg of fresh peel of these fruits. The smell of sweet orange essential oil is less intense, but in both sweet and bitter fruits it is very close to the natural smell of the fruit. The color of the oil is mostly dark yellow.

Essential oil production process

Orange oil is obtained in production during a process called "cold pressing". No less popular is the process in which orange juice and essential oil are simultaneously obtained. In this case, fruits pre-crushed in special machines are placed in centrifuges. During processing, the separation of solid substances (peel) and liquid substance (juice, pulp) takes place. After that, they get it from the peel. Its properties are incredibly wide. However, the quality of the oil obtained in this way is somewhat worse, but the quantity significantly exceeds the volume of the product obtained by cold pressing.

Teaching oil at home

Despite the fact that at first glance, obtaining an essential substance is a rather complicated and time-consuming process, in fact, it can be prepared even at home. The end result is an excellent orange oil. It can be used for various purposes. How to get it yourself?

For manufacturing you need:

  • fresh, soft, thick orange peel;
  • odorless vegetable oil (optionally sunflower, it can be olive, corn, cottonseed).

So, first you need to rinse the peel under running hot water. Then cut it into small pieces and put in a glass bowl or jar. Pour the zest with vegetable oil in a layer of about 1 cm, close the lid and put it in a dark place, such as a kitchen cabinet. After three days, the resulting mass must be heated in a water bath for half an hour. Allow to cool and then squeeze the peel dry to obtain more orange oil.

Not a single chemical ingredient is added during the manufacturing process, only natural products are used, which means that you don’t have to worry about the quality of the resulting essential oil. It is worth knowing that the product can be stored for no more than 10 days, so you should not cook it for future use.

Application area

Regardless of how orange essential oil is obtained, it can be used for various purposes. It has found wide application in cosmetic procedures: in the manufacture of masks, creams, scrubs, etc. To improve the taste in cooking, orange oil is added to dishes. Its properties are very diverse, which is why it is also used for recreational purposes.

Properties of orange essential oil

  1. Removes toxins from the body, helps with poisoning.
  2. Promotes appetite and at the same time fights excess weight.
  3. In dentistry, it is used as an antiseptic, relieves inflammation of the gums.
  4. Reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, thereby reducing the likelihood of atherosclerosis.
  5. Relieves eye fatigue, helps restore visual acuity.
  6. Relieves feelings of anxiety and fear, helps fight depression and relieves tension.
  7. Helps to focus and focus on the really important things.
  8. An ideal assistant in the fight against cellulite.
  9. It evens out the tone of the face, gives it a healthy look and helps to get rid of age spots.
  10. Increases immunity.
  11. Raises the mood.

This is just a small list of medicinal properties that orange essential oil has. Its properties and application are still being studied, so the list is supplemented every year.

In cosmetology

As mentioned earlier, orange oil is an indispensable assistant in the arsenal of a woman in the struggle for beauty. It has a beneficial effect on the skin, hair and the general condition of the female body.

Finding ready-made products containing orange oil - shampoos, masks, creams - is quite difficult, since the shelf life of the essential substance is no more than 6 months. That is why, to obtain a healing product, it is enough to add a few drops to your favorite cosmetic composition or prepare the product yourself.

The most popular masks are those that do not require a lot of ingredients. So, for example, a fairly simple mask of fresh cucumbers and sour cream:

  • for cooking, you need to mix the pulp of a fresh cucumber with one tablespoon of fat sour cream, add 2-3 drops of orange oil. The mask is ready, apply on the face and leave for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Another "summer" mask based on strawberries:

  • take 4-5 ripe strawberries, grind them into a pulp. Add one teaspoon of cream and 2-3 drops of orange essential oil. We put on the face. We leave for 15-20 minutes.

There are a lot of recipes that add not only orange oil, but also other essential substances. For example, geranium, sandalwood, tea tree, etc. The basis of the mask can be therapeutic mud, blue or black cosmetic clay, egg yolk and much more.

Important! When compiling the product, it is necessary to check whether its components cause allergies.

Hand and hair masks

In order to tidy up the skin of the hands, give it tenderness and smoothness, it is not necessary to resort to the services of cosmetologists or use expensive creams. Daily care at home will help maintain the excellent condition of the skin of the hands for many years. Perhaps the simplest mask is made on the basis of sour cream, into which you can drop geranium, chamomile, myrrh and orange oil.

For hair, it is enough to add orange oil to the shampoo. It is not recommended to pour it into the entire bottle at once, it is better to add a couple of drops immediately before use. Enriched product will give hair smoothness and shine, and also help get rid of dandruff and brittle hair. All this is due to the fact that the composition contains oil accumulate, and with each application the condition of the hair improves. This is just the smallest list of beauty recipes that use orange essential oil. Its use in cosmetics is very wide.

In aromatherapy

Due to the large number of useful and healing properties that orange oil has, its use for various kinds of inhalations has become a salvation for many people. Just 15 minutes of being in a room filled with citrus aroma helps to increase efficiency, invigorate, relieve fatigue, a person has a feeling of happiness and joy.

Aromatic lamps with the addition of orange essential oil are very popular. In order for such procedures to bring only positive emotions, it is necessary to choose the right dosage. So, for a room measuring 16 square meters. m enough four drops of essential oil. It can be used not only with aroma lamps, it is enough to apply it on a clean cotton cloth and put it, for example, on a heater. In this case, the room will also be filled with a stunning citrus aroma.

It is very useful to take baths with the addition of the essential oil of this fruit. It is important to know that it cannot be used undiluted. Milk, honey or sea salt can be used as an emulsifier. Bath time should not exceed 15 minutes.

Fans are also advised to periodically use orange oil. Reviews after visiting such a bath are only the most pleasant! You should know and remember about the dosage: for 0.5 liters of water - 4 drops of an essential product. The time of visiting the steam room should not exceed 4-5 minutes.

In cooking

Orange oil can be used not only for various masks, aromatherapy procedures, but also for the preparation of various dishes and drinks. Thus, daily consumption of tea with the addition of one drop of oil helps to remove harmful toxins from the body, improve digestion, and increase appetite.

On New Year's Eve, try adding 1 drop of sweet orange essential oil to your champagne glass. The taste of the drink will instantly change, become more saturated, and the color more golden!

Orange essential oil, the properties and application of which have not been fully studied even at the present time, is very popular due to its beneficial qualities.


Like all products, the essential oil of these fruits also has its own contraindications for use. The main one is an allergy to citrus fruits. It is also strictly forbidden to take oil to people suffering from cholelithiasis. It should be used with caution during pregnancy and lactation. Do not apply to exposed skin before going outside. Do not expose areas of the body to which it is applied to direct sunlight.


And finally, we offer to take a small test that will help determine what you really need at the moment.

Imagine two bright smells - the smell of lemon and the smell of orange. What fragrance do you prefer at the moment? Both aromas are citrusy, pleasant, but you need to choose only one.

Stopped for lemon flavor? So, you are attracted by things that do not wait for delay. Perhaps this is due to work or study, or maybe they are associated with new hobbies or hobbies. There is not always enough strength for new things, but the aroma of lemon will help restore and continue the initiated activities!

For those who liked the smell of orange, there is another explanation. Your body says that it is both physically and psychologically exhausted. He is in dire need of rest. It doesn't have to be a trip, just take some time for yourself. Stay alone in a room with a lit aroma lamp. Add a few drops of orange essential oil to it. Just be alone with your thoughts, and then the fatigue will disappear as if by hand. This method is also recommended for people who have experienced severe stress.