How to build a wall from a profile. The construction of drywall walls in the apartment: interior and full-fledged

However, when embarking on an independent construction of a partition, it is important not to lose sight of anything. After all, only in this case it is possible to achieve proper quality and durability, avoid unnecessary worries during the installation process and save money at the same time.

Having decided on the place for erecting a drywall wall with your own hands, you can begin to form a list of materials and tools.

Having decided on the place for erecting a drywall wall with your own hands, you can begin to form a list of materials and tools. At this stage, you will need to make a number of measurements that will be needed for further calculations. Not only the height and width of the room at the place of construction of the partition are important, but also the dimensions of the doorway and, if any, windows. After all the dimensions have been fixed by you, you can arm yourself with a calculator and start compiling a list of necessary materials.

After all, only in this case it is possible to achieve proper quality and durability, avoid unnecessary worries during the installation process and save money at the same time.

Calculation of the necessary materials

The basic list of materials is as follows:

  • guide and rack profile;
  • sealing tape;
  • self-tapping screws and dowels for fastening the profile;
  • drywall;
  • self-tapping screws for fixing drywall;
  • wooden beam to reinforce the profile around the doorway;
  • heat-insulating material;
  • sleeve for insulation of electrical wiring.

Not only the height and width of the room at the place of construction of the partition are important, but also the dimensions of the doorway and, if any, windows.

In order to prevent unnecessary spending or the purchase of an insufficient amount of material, it is advisable to carry out preliminary calculations. With drywall, everything is very simple: you need to determine the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future partition. To do this, we multiply the height of the room by its width at the installation site of the drywall wall and subtract the area of ​​the doorway from the resulting number. If a single-layer cladding is planned, then the result must be multiplied by 2, in the case of a two-layer sheathing, by 4. For a wall, it is best to take standard sheets with a thickness of 12.5 mm. Depending on the characteristics of the room, you have to make a choice between simple and moisture-resistant drywall.

In order to prevent unnecessary spending or the purchase of an insufficient amount of material, it is advisable to carry out preliminary calculations.

The guide profile is needed to connect the supporting part of the structure with the floor and ceiling. Based on this, we simply multiply the length of the future wall by 2 and get the desired amount of profile. With a rack profile a little more difficult. The recommended distance between the racks is 60 cm, so first you need to divide the width of the room measured in cm by 60, thus finding out the required number of racks. Then the resulting number is multiplied by the height of the room. Add two more wall lengths to the resulting number - these are jumpers to strengthen the structure.

With drywall, everything is very simple: you need to determine the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future partition.

If there is a door in the plans, then the racks adjacent to the door must be strengthened with a wooden bar of the appropriate thickness. An alternative to a beam can be a reinforced thick-walled AU profile. The quantity is simple: the length of the two racks adjacent to the door plus the width of the doorway.

The guide profile is needed to connect the supporting part of the structure with the floor and ceiling.

Cooking tool

In order to avoid problems in the process of erecting a wall of drywall with your own hands, it is necessary to prepare in advance the tools necessary for the work. You will need:

  • roulette;
  • plumb and level;
  • metal scissors;
  • construction knife;
  • plane;
  • screwdriver;
  • grater.

Depending on the characteristics of the room, you have to make a choice between simple and moisture-resistant drywall.

The key to success: correct layout and installation

The most important and crucial moment in the assembly of the frame of the future partition is the markup. It is better to start from the floor. Then, using a plumb line, the walls and ceiling are marked. It is very important not to forget about a few nuances:

  1. When marking a plasterboard wall, it is necessary to attach to two walls perpendicular to it and average the indicators. Without doing this, you can get a room with a visual curvature, because right angles are very rare in buildings and the wall opposite the partition can be oblique in relation to the other two.
  2. The line you have drawn is an indicator for laying the guide profile, respectively, the partition will protrude beyond this line by the thickness of the drywall sheets, plaster and finishing material.

Work with a metal profile

Having finished with the markup, you can proceed to fixing the guide profile. Its laying is carried out using a sealing tape. Fix the guide profile with dowels and self-tapping screws. There should be an interval of no more than 50 cm between the fasteners. The edges of the guide profile are fixed without fail.

The next step in assembling the frame is to install and fix the rack profile along the edges of the guide. Then the racks of the doorway are installed facing each other. The distance between them should be taking into account the forthcoming sheathing of the hl. Next, the installation of the remaining racks is carried out, while the first of them is located at a distance of 55 cm from the wall, the subsequent ones are placed at an interval of 60 cm.

Drywall sheathing is a simple matter, but requires compliance with certain rules.

The distance between the uprights is measured from their centers. It is recommended that the carrier profile is first inserted into the lower guide, then into the upper one. Racks are fixed only after checking its position with a plumb line or level. If there is a dwelling on the floor above, then when laying the profile, it is advisable to use a building film. Its laying at the point of contact between two profiles will help to avoid the characteristic creak that is heard during a short-term increase in load.

The next step will be the installation of horizontal struts designed to strengthen the structure. To do this, it is necessary to cut the profile of the desired length, which is equal to the interval between the uprights plus 30 cm. Then, on the basis of the cut, marks are made on each side 15 cm from the cut line. After that, the sidewall of the profile is cut at an angle of 45 degrees, with a slope from the edge to the mark, and give it a U-shape. The workpiece is placed between the racks and fixed. The resulting ears are attached to the outside of the carrier profile.

The tightness of the sheets at the junction depends on the correctness of the cutting.

Similarly, horizontal lintels of door and window openings are installed. However, if they are planned to be rounded, then it is necessary to fix an additional spacer between the rack and the jumper at the desired angle.


An important point when creating a drywall wall is the laying of electrical wiring. First, it is threaded into a protective metal or non-combustible plastic corrugation sleeve. Then holes of the appropriate diameter are made in the supporting profile in the right places. In this case, it is important to bend the edges of the hole to one side and bend, in order to prevent damage to the wiring. Then the wires are pulled to the desired points of the structure.

A layer of cardboard is cut along the outlined line with a construction knife, then the edge of the support is brought under the cut line, and the gypsum is carefully broken off.

How to avoid mistakes?

Drywall sheathing is a simple matter, but requires compliance with certain rules. So, in order to avoid the appearance of cracks as a result of subsidence, it is recommended to leave a 10-15 mm gap along the lower edge of the wall at the junction of drywall sheets and the floor. And the self-tapping screws are screwed into the hl with a depth of 1 mm so that the cap does not break through the top layer of cardboard.

The best option if you do not plan to mount weighty interior items on the walls.

The tightness of the sheets at the junction depends on the correctness of the cutting. The best result will be with the following procedure. After placing the sheet on a flat surface, measurements are taken, the boundary is marked with a pencil. A layer of cardboard is cut along the outlined line with a construction knife, then the edge of the support is brought under the cut line, and the gypsum is carefully broken off. The sheet is then turned over and placed again with a cut line at the edge of the support. The second layer of cardboard is trimmed, but not through, and carefully chipped off.

This is a fairly durable material and even large sheets can be laid on their own, the main thing is to do it without jerking.

One layer upholstery

This is the best option if you do not plan to mount weighty interior items on the walls. At possible mounting points for wall lighting fixtures, it is necessary to reinforce the drywall with plywood or build an additional spacer into the frame.

Then holes of the appropriate diameter are made in the supporting profile in the right places.

If only hl is available to you, the length of which is less than the height of your apartment, then this is easy to fix without compromising the strength of the wall. It is simply necessary to use the experience of professionals when creating a wall with your own hands. The space not covered by the sheet is sheathed with fragments of the desired size. At the same time, it is necessary to avoid the coincidence of the seams at the same level, therefore, throughout the entire wall, whole sheets and their fragments must be alternated. That is, if in the first row a sheet is sewn from below, and a fragment is sewn on top, then in the next row there should be a fragment from below, and a solid sheet from above.

An important point when creating a drywall wall is the laying of electrical wiring.

All drywall joints should be chamfered. If there is no thinning of the sheet to the edge, then it must be formed using a planer. The edge of the sheet is thinned at an angle of approximately 22 degrees, but in such a way that a decrease in thickness of no more than 4 mm is observed on the cut line. Adjacent to the borders of the wall, the edges of the hl, on the contrary, should be devoid of a chamfer.

Double skin

A two-layer plasterboard wall sheathing is practiced when it is necessary to install a partition of increased strength. Sheathing rules differ little from single-layer, with the only exception: the joints of drywall sheets in the bottom sheathing layer do not have to be processed, forming a chamfer. It will only be needed on the sheets of the top layer.

Between fasteners there should be an interval of no more than 50 cm.

When sheathing the frame, it is also important to ensure that the seams do not match. To do this, the top layer is sewn with an offset of half the width of the sheet. In addition, it is important to increase the number of fixation points. Therefore, if with a single-layer sheathing it is sufficient to fasten with self-tapping screws with an interval of 25-40 cm, then with a two-layer sheathing, fixation on the profile with an interval of 15-20 cm is necessary.

When working with hl, avoid sudden movements.


If there is a desire to make a door or window opening semicircular, then you can independently bend a cut of the required size. To do this, you will need a frame of the required radius, which can be made from scraps of the same drywall and bars.

Adjacent to the borders of the wall, the edges of the hl, on the contrary, should be devoid of a chamfer.

Having prepared everything you need, a fragment of the hl of the desired size is cut off. Then one of its sides must be perforated with a needle roller and moistened with a sponge until a water mirror is formed. After that, the workpiece is moved to a frame prepared in advance and smoothly bent. The edges are fixed and left in this position until dry. After an hour, you can remove the clamps and, if the workpiece does not feel loose to the touch, proceed with the installation.

In addition, it is important to increase the number of fixation points.

First, the drywall arch is fixed in the center and edges, then screws are screwed in at all points of contact between the drywall and the frame. During the initial fixing of the sheet, it is important not to tighten the screws, leaving the cap 1-2 mm above the surface. Caps deepen after the leaf has completely dried.

It is important to carry out all work at a room temperature not higher than 15 degrees.

Heat and sound insulation

An empty drywall wall is like a drum that doesn't store heat. Therefore, immediately take care of heat and sound insulation. The required amount of material is calculated based on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall and the thickness of the profile. The choice of material depends entirely on your preferences and financial capabilities. Comparative characteristics of the most common materials can help you navigate.

Having finished with the markup, you can proceed to fixing the guide profile.

Soundproofing material is laid before sheathing the second side of the wall. It is important to compact the material, avoiding gaps between the frame and the layers of thermal insulation. Also, before laying, make sure that the electrical wiring is connected to all the intended points of the wall.


First you need to lay a mounting grid along the joints of the HL and level the recess formed by chamfers with the general level of the wall with a starting putty.

The most important and crucial moment in the assembly of the frame of the future partition is the markup

It is recommended to strengthen the corner of the doorway using a building corner. It is laid on the starting putty and pressed tightly to the surface. Then, with a spatula, excess putty is removed, simultaneously leveling the general level of the partition. It is desirable to process the angle between the walls with a sickle.

In order to avoid problems in the process of erecting a wall of drywall with your own hands, it is necessary to prepare in advance the tools necessary for the work.

The last step is to eliminate irregularities and roughness. To do this, you need to finish all the places of fixation with self-tapping screws with a finishing putty, simultaneously processing with it all the cracks and chips that appeared during the work. When the putty dries, it is important to smooth the surface using an abrasive mesh and floats. If in the future you plan to paint or paste over the wall with thin wallpaper, then it is definitely worth treating it with a primer.

When marking a plasterboard wall, it is necessary to attach to two walls perpendicular to it and average the indicators.

What you should pay attention to

It is important to carry out all work at a room temperature not higher than 15 degrees. Even if you are working with waterproof drywall, take care to impregnate the surface with a waterproofing compound, at least in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe joints. When working with hl, avoid sudden movements. This is a fairly durable material and even large sheets can be laid on their own, the main thing is to do it without jerking.

If there is a door in the plans, then the racks adjacent to the door must be strengthened with a wooden bar of the appropriate thickness.

VIDEO: Drywall partition. Video lesson. We do it with our own hands. All stages

Many construction and finishing works can be done independently, even without special skills. The article provides detailed information on how to make a drywall wall with your own hands, step-by-step installation instructions and recommendations for the selection of materials. This guide will help you build a high-quality and durable interior partition or sheathe finished walls with drywall sheets.

Types of plasterboard structures

Due to the unique technical characteristics of drywall, even a novice master can use it in construction and repair. Sheets of various sizes are quite light, durable and easy to process. In addition, after installation and puttying the wall, it turns out perfectly flat surface, on which the paint lies evenly, and the wallpaper is pasted without problems.

There are two ways to use drywall for interior decoration:

  • build complete barriers with arches and doorways;
  • clad walls rooms to improve sound insulation and insulation.

In the first case a frame is constructed from a special metal profile, to which are attached on both sides drywall sheets. Between them is laid a layer of mineral wool or other insulation, electrical wiring. If necessary, you can even hang a door (for this, the opening needs to be strengthened additionally with wooden blocks).

for sheathing brick, concrete or wood wall you will also need a profile and sound or heat insulating material. On the frame, which is attached directly to the walls, after laying the mineral wool sheets of drywall are screwed with self-tapping screws.

This method of interior finishing allows you to quickly and efficiently level the surface, provides heat retention and reduces sound transmission.

Drywall wall: materials and equipment

Having drawn a plan for the future partition and having calculated the amount of materials necessary for work, you need to choose the right option correctly. Plain drywall- these are two sheets of cardboard filled with a gypsum mixture. However, there is a number of additional features, which determine the properties of the material and the convenience of working with it:

  • The size. The strength of the finished structure is largely depends on the number of sheets used. A solid canvas, unlike made up of many pieces, is easier to attach and is more durable. Depending on the height of the ceilings in the room, a suitable sheet size is selected. Standard are 120 by 250 or 300 cm.
  • Thickness. The choice of this parameter depends on the purpose of the structure. If special needs to be done strong interior partition, it is better to take a thick drywall ( 12.5mm). For wall cladding fit sheets 6 or 9 mm thick.
  • Additional characteristics. These include increased soundproofing(due to the addition of special fibers to the gypsum filler) and moisture resistance. The latter quality is especially important if you plan to make the walls of a bathroom or kitchen. Moisture-resistant material is usually green drywall sheets.

Profile and mounting rails designs also differ in size. vertical part frame is made from C-shaped rack metal profile 3 and 4 meters long. Its height is standard (50 mm), and its width varies from 50 to 100 mm. Cross horizontal bars are made from U-shaped guides. Their standard length is 3 meters, width and height can be different: from 50x40 to 100x50 mm. For cladding finished walls, it is better to purchase a lightweight profile, with a smaller thickness of the metal sheet.

The frame of the interior partition can also be made of wood. In this case, vertical racks and horizontal rails are made from a 50x50 or 40x40 mm timber. The latter option is also suitable for sheathing a finished wall (you can also use a beam of 30 by 40 mm).

Required element drywall wall - inner layer for sound and heat insulation. Today, manufacturers offer a huge number of special materials, from ordinary mineral wool before polyurethane foam boards, with varying degrees of sound absorption and thermal conductivity. That is why before choosing you should decide on your own requirements.

To make a plasterboard wall with your own hands, you will also need a certain set of tools.

  • First of all, it is necessary to very accurately mark the places for the future fastening of the profile, and for this you need a regular construction or special laser level.
  • You will also need to measure tape measure and meter ruler.
  • In addition, you need n coolant for drywall, screwdriver, drill, hammer, hacksaw and metal shears.
  • For puttying the finished wall is necessary putty knife.

Step-by-step instructions for installing a drywall wall

When all the necessary equipment and materials are prepared, you can proceed directly to the installation of the partition.


  • First of all, a frame is made from metal profile or wooden beam.
  • Proper marking is a guarantee of a smooth and durable structure. For this you need first draw strictly vertical lines on the walls on which the rack profile will be attached. You can use a special laser level or make a plumb line from painted construction twine, fixing it on top.
  • On the ceiling and floor from vertical lines are drawn horizontal.
  • Then the required number of racks and cross bars are cut that are laid out on the floor. In this case, the crossbars must have a margin of 10 cm for fastening. If the profile length is not enough, the pieces will be connected with special brackets.
  • At the same stage, the cutting drywall sheets.
  • Direct installation begins with the installation of the lower guide, and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future doorway, it is not needed. The profile is fixed to the floor with self-tapping screws.(in increments of about 40 cm), which are screwed through pre-installed dowels.
  • Similarly, the upper rail on the ceiling and racks near the walls are attached.

Important! A special seal must be glued to the outer surface of the profile in contact with the walls, floor and ceiling before installation. This will further strengthen the structure and improve sound insulation.

Rack Profile installed strictly vertically using a level and fastened with self-tapping screws.

The optimal distance between the racks is 60 cm, that is, for each plasterboard sheet 120 cm wide, there should be 3 vertical strips.

Zoning, dividing too large spaces or giving practicality to small rooms with partitions is an ideal solution available to the owner of any home. Before you make a partition in the room with your own hands, learn about the pros and cons of different materials and how to install products.

With your own hands, it is easy to make a partition in a room of any kind. And they come in the form of structures:

Stationary partitions are made with their own hands from drywall, concrete and brick. They are heavy and not suitable for all rooms. Sliding structures and "accordions" take up little space, allow you to divide the room into 2 zones during the day, and create a spacious bedroom at night. Each type has its pros and cons.

Types of materials for partitions

When thinking about what to make an interior partition with your own hands, pay attention to the pros and cons of different materials. The most expensive, complex and heavy options are not always convenient and appropriate to use. Perhaps their relevance will be low for the project.

brick systems

Brick structures are made from hollow blocks, a partition is laid out in half of the part. The choice is due to the low weight of the material, which is especially important when laying a wall in a multi-storey building. Pros of brick:

A brick wall will require some experience and knowledge from the worker, as well as more time than when building drywall fences with your own hands.

The disadvantage of the manufactured partition is weight. It reaches 280 kg when laid in half a brick per 1 sq. m.

Before decorative finishing, the brick requires a plaster layer.

foam concrete

To create partitions with their own hands, use foamed concrete blocks. The porous structure is responsible for certain qualities of the material, the main of which is the incredible lightness in comparison with reinforced concrete. When laying, use gypsum glue or concrete mortar.

Design advantages:

Among the shortcomings is still significant weight - 18 kg for one block. The material absorbs moisture and is not suitable for installation near wet areas.

Gypsum blocks

Gypsum boards have additional elements in the form of combs that simplify installation. Gypsum glue is used for installation. 2 types of plates are used: with a maximum length of 600 and 500 mm. The process takes 5 times less time than with brickwork.

Among the benefits of GWP:

The main drawback of the plates is the complexity of the work due to the size. It is impossible to lift them to a height alone.
Foam blocks withstand hinged structures with a maximum of 30 kg.


Drywall is a lightweight and reliable material, which is most often installed on a galvanized metal frame. It can be combined with soundproofing and heat-shielding parts: mineral wool, polystyrene foam.

Plasterboard partitions are used most often, as they have significant advantages.

Drywall is available in 4 versions, each of which is designed for different rooms. There are moisture-resistant materials painted green, they are suitable for the construction of structures in the bathroom.

With the help of drywall, the basis for which is a tree, a good microclimate is created in the room. The material is able to eliminate excess moisture from the air, while it does not swell or dry out.

Drywall protects against extraneous noise, heat loss. Certain types of sheets have increased fire resistance. They are even used next to a heated stove or fireplace.

The lightness of the design allows it to be used in any room, including apartments in multi-storey buildings. GCR processing is much easier than foam blocks or bricks. It is enough to use a construction knife or improvised cutting tools.

The advantages of drywall will come to naught if you install structures that are not intended for certain places.

Only the right type of material is mounted in rooms with high humidity, ordinary sheets will lose their properties within 5-10 years.

Fragility is another disadvantage of GKL, since the sheets are prone to damage as a result of impacts or the fall of a heavy object (for example, when carrying a cabinet, they dropped it, the sharp edge stuck into the wall).

On do-it-yourself plasterboard partitions, you can not hang shelves and other pieces of furniture heavier than 12 kg.

If you need to nail hooks for clothes or brackets for decor items, then choose a place in a metal or wooden profile.

glass blocks

Glass blocks are produced in a square shape, sometimes they are rectangular. They are made of glass up to 7 mm thick, connected to each other, and inside there is a sealed cavity. Small double-glazed windows with air sealed inside well protect against noise and prevent heat loss. However, the popularity of structures is not as wide as that of drywall, foam blocks, wood or brick.

Glass blocks are used in modern designs where large structures are appropriate. They combine decorative and functional components. Unlike thin glass partitions, the blocks look very different. Their positive properties:

With all the advantages, glass blocks retain one drawback - they are extremely sensitive to any mechanical impact. Mounting the door in such a design will not work. You can not install additional parts on such products: shelves, hooks.

How to make a partition in the room with your own hands

To make a partition in a room, you do not need to obtain permission from the inspection. The design does not belong to the carrier class. Stationary and other types of products are used in almost 100% of cases of redevelopment of an apartment.

How to make a partition in a drywall room

Do-it-yourself work on the construction of a drywall structure begins with determining the type of profile. Choose wooden bars or metal. The second method is considered more reliable and stable. For construction you will need: fasteners, a plumb line, a set of tools, a level.

Description of the stages:

  1. Marking the installation site of the structure. First, according to the markings on the ceiling, a metal base is installed - a guide. The type of fastener corresponding to the material is used. If the ceiling is concrete, then dowels with screws are used. Mounting step - from 15 to 17 cm.
  2. Improving the quality of the fit of the profile to the wall. Regardless of which frame is used for the plasterboard partition, it is sheathed with a double-sided adhesive sealant tape.

  3. Mounting rails on the floor. Before installation, a double-sided adhesive tape with a sealant is applied to the metal, then the profile is fixed to the floor.
  4. Fixing vertical rails. The upper and lower profiles are connected by installing vertical slats. The guides are attached to the wall or use suspensions (they help to align the profile with an insufficiently straight wall).
  5. Installing a doorway. The best option for structures with a door is to use a metal profile. Install the racks, strengthen them with a wooden beam, with the help of self-tapping screws, the profile is fixed in the lower and upper rails.

  6. Installation of the transverse profile of the opening. A horizontal bar is attached to the guides that determine the width of the door opening. It limits the height of the opening. To increase the rigidity of the structure, the bar is fixed with additional metal profiles.
  7. Installation of other elements. In the remaining space, vertical guides are installed in increments of 60 cm.
  8. Mounting an additional profile. If sheets of sheathing material are used less than the height of the ceiling, then transverse metal pieces are installed at the points of their connection with the profile. Their ends are bent at a right angle.

  9. Covering the first side. One of the sides is filled with mineral slabs, the canvases should fit snugly against each other. For fixing, black self-tapping screws are used, the hats are deepened by a maximum of 2 mm.
  10. Installation of soundproofing. On the reverse side, sound insulation must be installed in any room, otherwise drywall partitions lose their advantages. The material is tightly placed between the vertical elements, the final layer of drywall is applied on top.
  11. Door frame installation. The base for the door is screwed to the vertical rails. It is necessary to screw in from the side of the door frame in the direction of the profile. Self-tapping screws are deepened by 2 mm.

  12. Seam sealing. Use gypsum putty, cover all the caps of self-tapping screws well.
  13. Installation of fiberglass mesh-serpyanka. A mesh is mounted at the joints of the canvases, which is slightly recessed into the putty layer.
  14. Applying a primer. After the putty has dried, the surface is cleaned, a primer is applied to the drywall, and putty is used again to create a smooth coating.

To separate spaces, for example, a dining area and a dining room, it is not necessary to use a door.

How to make a partition from foam concrete slabs

To create interior floors, foam concrete blocks up to 10 cm thick are used.

Here's how to make a partition in a foam concrete room:

To fasten the masonry, it is recommended to use a cement mortar or a special mixture for foam blocks. Gypsum plaster is sometimes used, but this is not the best choice.

How to make a wooden partition

Creating a wooden interior partition is much easier than building a brick wall. Most often, wood is used to create decorative partitions with your own hands, and it is suitable for any room. However, heavier structures made of bars are also used.

Here's how to make a reinforced type partition with your own hands:

You can make a decorative carved wooden partition with your own hands. In this case, the creation of a reinforced frame is not required. The canvas is directly attached to the floor and ceiling, sometimes to a load-bearing wall.

Partition wall installation

Installation of a partition in a room must meet certain requirements:

Weigh the pros and cons, remember the safety of the partition: heavy brick structures are best installed in private homes. If you are not sure about security, consult a professional about choosing the right option for installing an interior partition.

How to make a partition in a room with your own hands video

The best way to understand how to make a beautiful and reliable partition with your own hands is to watch a video from a professional.

Not always in apartments or purchased houses, new owners like the standard layout of rooms. So the question arises, how to build a wall of drywall with your own hands?

It is quite difficult to build a main wall, moreover, for apartment buildings, approval from the relevant authorities will be required. In this case, the easiest way out is the installation of a plasterboard partition, and the article will tell you how to do this.

Gypsum craton is a flexible, lightweight and easy-to-work material.

With it, you can give any room an original and unique look. It could be:

  • A wall dividing a room.
  • Plasterboard partition of unimaginable shape.
  • Complex decorative design.

To build a drywall wall, you must follow the following sequence of work:

  • Make a wall frame. Usually metal profiles or wooden slats are used for this.

Tip: Preference for the frame should be given to metal elements that have greater strength, less susceptibility to external factors, such as: mechanical stress, humidity. In addition, the price of the material is quite affordable, and the profile of the parts is made specifically for this material.

  • To sheathe the wall on both sides with drywall sheets, which can be ordinary, moisture-resistant or fire-resistant, depending on the purpose of the room where the plasterboard walls are being built.
  • Fill the space between the canvases. It can be glass wool or mineral wool.

The advantages and disadvantages of installing drywall walls are shown in the table:

Advantages disadvantages
  • Easy installation.
  • The ability to give the material any shape.

Tip: Before bending the sheets, they must first be moistened with water.

  • When performing work, expensive tools are not required.
  • Air ducts, telephone cables and electrical wiring can be placed in the space between the sheets.
  • The plasterboard partition wall has a smooth surface.
  • The material can be painted (see How to paint drywall: choose paint), wallpapered, tiled.
  • From prolonged exposure to moisture, the canvases can “swell”, which will worsen their original appearance.
  • Due to the low mechanical strength, it is difficult to hang cornices, lighting fixtures, paintings on the wall. This will require reinforcement of the attachment points with special embedded elements.
  • Do not install heavy objects on a drywall wall.

Frame materials

Before you build a wall from drywall, a strong and selected frame is made. For this, a metal profile is used, specially designed for panels, and a number of accessories used during its installation.

For this, the following profile sizes are used:

  • D - to form the surface on which the drywall will be attached.
  • W- for the construction of a common wall frame.
  • C - base.
  • U - guide. This is a simple U-shaped profile with smooth side walls; a support profile with special pressed ribbing is inserted into it at the end, which increases the bending rigidity of the element.

Main profile dimensions:

  • CD - the supporting element of the frame with dimensions of 60x27 millimeters.
  • UD - guide for fastening the CD profile, with dimensions of 28x27 millimeters.
  • CW - profile for wall frame posts, with dimensions 50x50; 50x75; 50x100 millimeters.
  • UW - guide for CW profile, dimensions 50x40; 75x40; 100x40 millimeters.
  • The UA profile is a variant of the CW profile, but more rigid.

The type of profiles and dimensions are shown in the photo.

To calculate the approximate amount of materials, a table is presented that indicates the consumption rates of the necessary materials for mounting the wall, the dimensions of which are:

  • Length - 3.5 meters.
  • Width - 2.5 meters.
  • Height without door openings.

When constructing a frame, it must be borne in mind that:

  • For plasterboard wall thickness 5; 7.5 or 10 centimeters, W profile is used.
  • For a thicker partition, a D series profile is installed, and the guide elements are fixed in parallel by 2, instead of one standard one.
  • Any distance between the guides is chosen, which depends on the presence of insulation or installation of communications.

Preparing to mount the wall

The instructions for installing a drywall wall suggest starting work with preparatory operations.

For this:

  • Marking is carried out on the floor, ceiling and walls where the partition is supposed to be installed.
  • The lines for installing the wall are drawn in relation to the window parallel to the other two walls.
  • Along the intended perimeter, a rigid guide profile is screwed with dowels, which serves as a support for the structure under construction.

When installing a drywall wall, the following rule must be observed:

  • The profile for the racks is turned with a stiffener to the side where the fastening of the sheets begins.
  • If mounting is done from right to left, the ribs must be on the right.
  • For a partition in which a door is provided, a rigid rack profile must be installed. A detailed video in this article will allow you to see the whole process with your own eyes and understand what kind of structure being prepared will have.

  • Rack profiles are distributed along the guides with a step of approximately 50 centimeters.

Tip: The joints of two sheets should be carried out only on the profile. This will increase the strength of the structure.

  • In that part of the wall, which is located above the door, additional profiles are inserted to ensure the rigidity of fixing the sheets.

Wall sheathing

Before proceeding with the fastening of drywall, it is necessary to choose the right material. The strength and durability of a drywall construction depends on the quality of the material, the compliance of its performance characteristics with the room in which the wall will be installed.

The basis of drywall is a gypsum core, which is covered on both sides with multilayer cardboard.

Plasterboard sheets (GKL), depending on the constituent elements, are divided into:

  • GKL- standard drywall sheets used for "cladding" rooms with normal humidity. Differs in low fire-retardant characteristics. The cost of such material is the lowest.
  • GKLO- fire-resistant drywall. In this case, the gypsum filler contains fiberglass reinforcement, and the cardboard is impregnated with fire retardants, which reduce the combustibility of the material. Fiberglass delays the spread of flames.
  • GKLV- waterproof drywall, used for the construction of partitions in wet areas: bathroom, balcony and wall alignment. The ability of drywall to absorb moisture minimizes the cardboard layer of GKL impregnated with hydrophobic compounds.
  • GKLVO- a combined type of drywall that combines waterproof fire-resistant properties. Its cost is the highest.

Depending on the purpose, the thickness of the drywall sheets is selected:

  • Wall cladding is best done with wall plasterboard with a thickness of 12.5 millimeters.
  • The ceiling is sheathed with ceiling plasterboard - 9.5 millimeters thick (see Cladding the ceiling with plasterboard: we do it right).
  • To create a figure on a drywall wall, you need an arched plasterboard, 7.5 - 8 millimeters thick.

Tip: When purchasing drywall, you must carefully inspect the sheets for defects on them so that there is no damage to the cardboard and a slanted core.

cutting drywall

To cut the material, a construction knife with a set of replaceable blades is used.

After that:

  • The sheet is placed on a flat, always solid surface.
  • A line of incision is drawn with a pencil or marker.
  • The top of the cardboard is cut with a knife.
  • The sheet is displaced along the notch line onto a lump of support and gently breaks.
  • The sheet returns to its original position, unfolds on edge, and then folds.
  • The cardboard is cut from the second side, but not through.
  • The canvas is turned over to the other side, shifted to the edge of the support and finally separated.

Tip: To ensure a gap, for high-quality sealing of joints subsequently with putty, it is necessary to form a bevel-bevel with a slope of approximately 22.5 ° degrees on the edge of the sheet with a special planer for drywall.

Sheet fastening

Drywall is attached to the metal frame with self-tapping screws 3.5x35 millimeters.


  • The corners of the sheet are attached.
  • Fasteners are placed in increments of 10 - 25 centimeters along the edges of the sheet and along its middle line.
  • Self-tapping screws are screwed in such a way that the caps of the elements are slightly recessed into the GKL, and do not protrude above the wall level.

Tip: Fixing sheets should be carried out above the floor at a distance of 15 millimeters to ensure the integrity of the structure during operation.

  • After attaching the first sheet, the remaining distance to the ceiling is measured and the corresponding segment of the GKL is prepared.
  • A chamfer is cut on it to improve the joining of the canvases to the top or bottom sheet and to the ceiling.

  • All subsequent sheets are attached entirely without chamfers, in a checkerboard pattern: after mounting the first row, a whole sheet of drywall is placed under the ceiling, and the missing part is below.

Installation of wiring, sockets, switches:

Soundproofing device and wall decoration

Mineral wool is used for soundproofing. In this case, the drywall wall reduces sound penetration from one room to another.

For this:

  • Cotton wool fits tightly between the racks of the frame without gaps, without additional fastening.
  • The reliability of laying the material can be improved by horizontal lintels made of wooden beams, the length of which is selected according to the width of the wall, and the pieces of mineral wool will be shorter.

  • After laying the soundproofing, the second side of the wall is sheathed.
  • All end surfaces are filled.
  • Serpyanka mounting mesh is glued to the joints.
  • Starting putty is applied.
  • The entire surface is treated with finishing putty.
  • The surface is finally leveled with an abrasive mesh and a grater.
  • The wall is ready for any suitable coating.

Design solutions

A beautifully designed plasterboard wall creates an original look for any room, and its owner is in a good mood. How to do this will tell the video. How can I decorate a drywall wall?

A few examples are presented below:

  • Walls can be plastered and covered with moisture-resistant paint.

  • Lined with natural or artificial stone.

  • Make a mosaic or tile finish.

  • You can make a drawing on the wall of drywall.

  • You can make a drywall niche indoors with LED backlighting.

  • The plasterboard fireplace in the wall looks great.

The color scheme can be very different and match the color scheme of the entire room.

In order to do everything right, to avoid mistakes during the installation of the structure, before you install a plasterboard wall with your own hands, it is better to watch the video. In it, all stages are accompanied by visual instructions.

Redevelopment of the interior space can make living in a country house or apartment much more comfortable. You can perform such a procedure, including with your own hands. Partitions in apartments or houses can be erected using different building materials. However, when doing do-it-yourself redevelopment, in most cases drywall is used to assemble such structures.

One of the main advantages of this modern material is the ease of installation. The construction of drywall walls is a relatively simple procedure. It will not be difficult even for a novice home master to assemble such a design.

Main stages

Plasterboard walls and partitions are installed in country houses and apartments, usually using the following technology:

    indoors, using a level or level, marking is performed;

    a partition frame made of a metal profile is mounted;

    if necessary, soundproofing material is installed in the frame;

    wiring is being laid;

    the assembled frame is sheathed with drywall on both sides.

At the final stage, the self-mounted GKL wall is primed and plastered or pasted over, for example, with wallpaper.

What tools will be required

Before proceeding with the assembly of a plasterboard wall or partition, of course, you need to prepare all the necessary tools. Needed for installation of a similar design:

    perforator with a drill for concrete;

    grinder and scissors for metal;

    drill or screwdriver;

    level or level;

    rule, plumb.

The choice of drywall

For the installation of plasterboard walls, according to the regulations, it is supposed to use sheets with a thickness of at least 12 mm. For ordinary rooms - a bedroom, a living room, a hall - you can purchase simple cheap material in white or light gray. In wet rooms - in the bathroom or in the sauna - it is supposed to mount more expensive green GKL.

The price of moisture-resistant drywall in building supermarkets is approximately 240-250 rubles. per sheet 2500 x 1200 x 12.5 mm. An ordinary plasterboard of the same size costs about 160-200 rubles.

When choosing drywall sheets, you should, of course, pay attention to their brand. Good reviews from consumers deserved, for example, GKL "Knauf", "Volma", budget "Decorator".

In addition to simple GKL sheets, in most cases, simple steel self-tapping screws are purchased. Green moisture-resistant drywall on the frame is fixed using galvanized fasteners of this type. Such self-tapping screws in conditions of high humidity will last as long as possible.

When buying GKL, therefore, it is important to pay attention to their thickness. And the size of drywall sheets, however, is also quite an important indicator. It is believed that for standard rooms with a ceiling height of 2.5 m, for example, GKL 2.5-3 m long is most suitable.

How to choose a frame profile

Thus, we found out which drywall for walls is best suited. But for the construction of reliable structures of this type, it is important to choose the right profile, of course. In building supermarkets, if desired, you can purchase both metal elements for assembling the supporting structure of a plasterboard wall, and those made of timber. The material of the first variety among consumers is the most popular.

Metal profiles are no more expensive than wooden elements. However, they can last longer. After all, they do not rot over time, do not dry out and do not become infected with a fungus. In addition, such elements are easier to install. Choose a profile for the installation of plasterboard walls:

    CD - guide parts;

    UD - guides for mounting CD;

    CW - filter for carcass development;

    UW - guide for CW.

Intermediate elements of the frame of plasterboard walls are fixed with the help of special connectors and direct hangers.

How to markup correctly

Drywall walls are attached to the main structures of the building during construction through the upper and lower profiles, as well as through the racks. It is under these elements in the shared room that markings should be applied. Perform this procedure in most cases in the following sequence:

    draw a line on the ceiling for the upper profile;

    the same line is marked on the floor using plumb lines;

    draw lines along the walls on both sides of the future partition, connecting the upper and lower markings.

To perform the markup, in addition to the level and plumb line, it will be very convenient to use a paint cord. The use of this device will make it possible to make the most even, uninterrupted lines on the walls, floor and ceiling.

How to properly assemble the frame

The ceiling and floor guides are mounted first in the room. Then they are connected with profiles along the walls. All frame elements are fixed at this stage with dowel-nails, placing them in increments of no more than 60 cm.

Further, when assembling the frame, intermediate vertical racks are installed. They are mounted in increments of 60 cm. In some cases, to increase the strength index, walls or partition walls are placed at a distance of 40 cm from each other. A profile of the PP type is used to assemble the vertical plane of the frame. Such elements are pre-cut to the desired length. Fasten the vertical posts to the upper and lower rails using self-tapping screws with a press washer.

Drywall - the material is known to be quite fragile. Hanging any objects directly on it - a TV, a cabinet, etc., of course, is impossible. In this case, support for furniture or household appliances should be provided precisely at the stage of assembling the frame. Under such objects in the supporting structure of the partition, additional profiles are mounted.

If desired, when assembling the frame, the home master can also save on material. When cutting a profile, there are always a lot of scraps, the length of which is not enough for the installation of the main elements of the supporting structure. Such pieces, however, can still be used. It will not be difficult to lengthen the trim if necessary using special elements called connectors. With the help of the same additional elements, the main profiles are also connected if their length is not enough. This is usually done when installing plasterboard wall frames in rooms with very high ceilings.

The frame assembled from a metal profile in most cases turns out to be durable and reliable. However, when installing plasterboard walls and partitions of a large area, it is desirable to further strengthen the supporting structure using wooden bars. Such elements are placed horizontally over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe frame. A very good solution would be to use such reinforcement when building plasterboard walls in a wet room.

How to install soundproofing

As a noise-absorbing material when assembling walls and partitions from gypsum boards, the following are most often used:

    mineral wool;

    expanded polystyrene.

In this case, mineral wool is considered the most suitable option for soundproofing material. The advantages of such sheets include, among other things, ease of installation. When assembling a plasterboard partition, such material does not even have to be additionally fixed with anything. Mineral wool differs, among other things, in elasticity. Therefore, you can simply install it in the frame by surprise. In addition, this material has earned good reviews for its low price. The cost of building plasterboard walls using mineral wool can in any case be significantly reduced.

Before proceeding with the installation of the sound insulator, in the frame of the future partition, of course, you need to conduct electrical wiring. When performing this procedure, first determine the location of the sockets and switches. The wires themselves inside the future partition are pulled in a special pipe. When using this technology, it will be extremely simple to replace the cable in the future if necessary. According to safety requirements, the pipe for laying wires inside plasterboard walls is supposed to be corrugated.

Do-it-yourself plasterboard wall: step-by-step instructions for installing sheets

GKL themselves are attached to the assembled frame using, as already mentioned, self-tapping screws. Previously, drywall is cut out depending on the configuration of the supporting structure. Cut sheets using a construction knife. At the same time, cardboard is pre-cut on both sides along pre-drawn lines. Then the sheet is carefully broken along the line of cuts.

GKL "Knauf", "Decorator" and any other are attached to the frame profiles, sinking self-tapping screws into their body. At the same time, fasteners are located in increments of 20 cm. When sinking self-tapping screws, among other things, they try not to tear the cardboard. In any case, the hats of such fasteners should not protrude above the plasterboard surface. Otherwise, the finished wall in the future will not be able to be tiled or, for example, pasted over with wallpaper.

Using this technology, both ordinary and moisture-resistant drywall are fixed. The price of both these types of sheets is relatively low. However, this rather fragile material must be carefully cut and mounted. This will minimize waste, and therefore reduce the cost of building a wall.

The assembled frame should be sheathed, slowly, carefully aligning the drywall sheets. In order for the wall to look as even and tidy as possible in the future, before mounting on the gypsum plasterboard, markings can be applied according to the location of the profiles of the supporting structure. It is easiest to make such marks using a long ruler and a simple pencil.

What rules should be observed when sheathing

To mount the sheets on the frame during the construction of plasterboard walls should be in compliance with the following recommendations:

    each sheet should have at least 3 profiles - one in the middle and two along the edges;

    2 adjacent sheets should be joined in the middle;

    each drywall sheet on the frame must be securely fixed to the profile with self-tapping screws around the entire perimeter.

Before installation, it is advisable not only to cut the sheets, but also to make a small groove along their end. This will subsequently greatly facilitate the sealing of seams between the sheets.


Walls and partitions assembled from drywall usually have a flat surface. Thick wallpapers or, for example, PVC panels can be attached to such structures without prior puttying. In all other cases, such a procedure is considered necessary.

Putty for drywall is chosen depending on what type of fine finish they are going to use in the future. For example, on sale today there are compositions of this variety, intended for application to wallpaper, for painting, for tiles, etc.

In any case, the actual puttying technology itself will look something like this:

    smear with the selected composition of the pits remaining above the recessed self-tapping screws;

    glue the joints between the sheets with a sickle;

    pass the joints with putty in such a way as to completely close the sickle;

    Remove blemishes with sandpaper.

At the next stage, when erecting drywall walls with their own hands, they begin to apply the main layer of putty on the gypsum board. At the same time, using a spatula 40 cm long, coat the walls with the selected composition and carefully level it. Thus, the entire plasterboard surface of the partition is treated. Then they wait for the applied layer to dry and proceed to its processing with sandpaper or a paint grater. Instead of a grater, if desired, you can use a regular wooden block.

As soon as the walls are completely aligned, they begin to prime them. With this procedure, you can make the drywall surface not only smoother, but also more durable. In addition, when priming, dust is removed from the GKL mounted on the frame. The composition for performing this procedure, of course, should be chosen for working with gypsum.

Doors and window

Of course, in almost any partition mounted in a residential area, including plasterboard, doors are equipped. Sometimes windows are also made in such structures. Of course, sheathing openings in plasterboard partitions and walls should be correct.

At the location of the window or door, a CW profile is usually installed. It should be mounted with the front side inside the opening. In such elements, among other things, you need to insert bars of the appropriate section. First, it will strengthen the frame. And secondly, if there is a bar between the profiles, it will be easier to install a frame or a box in the future.

When assembling interior walls from drywall, the door is mounted as follows:

    a box is going on the floor;

    the box is installed in the opening and fixed with wedges;

    using a level or level, the evenness of the installation of the box is checked;

    the box is fixed in the opening by screwing through it and the profiles of self-tapping screws reinforced with timber;

    the gap between the racks and the box is filled with mounting foam.

At the final stage, an interior door is hung on the hinges in the box. Approximately according to the same technology, when assembling plasterboard partitions and walls, double-glazed windows are also mounted. Sometimes such openings in plasterboard walls inside the premises are left unglazed. In this case, the profile along the edges of the window is also reinforced with bars. Next, a decorative frame is inserted into the opening. If desired, the last element in the window can not be mounted. In this case, its slopes will simply need to be sealed with drywall strips.

Instead of a conclusion

Here is such a step-by-step instruction for assembling GKL-partitions. A plasterboard wall, built with your own hands in accordance with all the rules, will subsequently last for many years. When assembling such a structure, it is important to observe the step between the fasteners, carefully, with preliminary marking, cut and install the sheets, use a suitable putty. In this case, the GKL wall or partition will turn out to be even, beautiful and reliable.