Installation of interroom doors in the apartment. Assembly and installation of the door frame, hanging the interroom do it yourself

In each residential room there are doors. Interior structures serve to separate space on the zone. The main function of the entrance doors is to protect the room from the penetration of intruders. Sooner or later, this moment occurs when the designs must be replaced. In some cases, during the repair process, the need to install a new door where it was not there. In order to save, many owners decide to mount themselves. Next will deal with how to install the door with your own hands.

Manufacturers today offer various models of doors. Often, almost all the details go separately. The design will need to be assembled in place. By purchasing the door, you should pay attention to the quality of the sealer. Experts recommend choosing one that is softer. So the closure will not be accompanied by a deaf blow. Acquire accessories better in accordance with the color of the door. This can help consultants in the store. As for the latch, preference should be given to the part that has a protrusion on the opposite side. With it, it is controlled by the adjustment of the canvas.


Before installing the doors, they should be held at no less than five days in the premises. It is necessary that the room is normal humidity and temperature. For work, you will need the following tool: screwdriver, chisel, hammer, circular saw. Be sure to prepare the level, preferably laser. With it, the door frame will be aligned.


Consider how to install a wooden door. First you need to mark up the opening and determine the position of the upper bar. Here you should remember the need to leave a gap. The optimal distance between the box and the wall is 2-3 mm. If it is more, the design will hang out, and if less is to close with effort. Details of the box will need to trim in height. This takes into account the floor drop. Racks and upper crossbinds are roasted under 45 degrees from the edges and are connected. Self-tapping screws are used as fasteners. In the process of work, you need to ensure that there is no shift in the corners. Details of the box are allowed to be flush. After that, marking under the loop and sample in the side rack.

Mounting boxes

The collected design is inserted into the opening. Between the upper timber and overlapping, small planks (wedges) should be placed. Then perform the following actions:

  • On the side and in the front check the vertical position of the design.
  • On the fasteners of the wall to the wall set the wedges (they must be appropriate).
  • Fix the loop side of the box.
  • The gap is fought from the inside. The fictional part is processed point - it will need to be aligned later.
  • In completion using the level, check the horizontal of the upper element.

Installation of fittings

Before installing the doors, accessories should be fixed. For this, the cloth is put on the edge. It will be more convenient to use a special stand. On the surface there are sections where the latch and loop will stand. The first is located in the center. The loops will be at a distance of 20-25 cm from the edge of the canvas (from above and below). On the milling machine (manual), the milling mill is displayed in height (width) of the elements and the sample is made. Next, the corners are aligned using the chisel at 90 degrees. Latch and loops are fixed with screws. Pre-make holes under fasteners.

Insert the cloth

Many people do not know how to install the door correctly. To facilitate the process, a number of recommendations should be taken into account. You need to start with the "hanging" of the canvas. Under the door is focusing. Next should join the loop. After their alignment, 2 screws are tightened to each element, not more. Then it is necessary to check the closing of the canvas and gaps. In the presence of errors, they are eliminated. Then the festive side is aligned. It often happens that the canvas has a small marriage. For example, it can be slightly twisted in the plane. In this regard, it should not be in a hurry to screw the box on both sides. Otherwise, when closing will be a slot. Giving the door, you should start the alignment of the box.

When installing, you need to follow the box that the box does not go beyond the outer wall of the room. Even if the cloth is a curve, it should not be opened spontaneously. In other words, the door should not have a slope. In this case, you should shift any side of the box. With too much distillation, the door will have to change, because even detection will not be able to disguise the defect.

Finishing stage

After the end of the alignment, you must score the wedge on the latch installation site. To do this, make a seat on the bar and then select the "tongue". Here the hole for the hidden fastener of the door frame is drilled. Next is screwed by the retaliatory element of the latch. After fixation - if necessary, adjustment is adjusted by supporting / pressing the tongue.


The hosts of many apartments instead of traditional hintage doors choose the door-coupe (how to install it will be described below). It must be said that this option allows you to significantly save space. In small apartments, the ideal solution to the zoning of the room is the door-compartment. How to install such a design? Let's discuss the basic recommendations.

First stage

As with other varieties of structures, before installing the sliding door, it is necessary to prepare the opening. It is cleaned of dust and dirt, then make marking. It will already be installed the framework elements.

Installation of guides

When using the lower element, it should be deepened in the floor, align using a level and fix. Next, the upper guide for the control line is installed. When installing, it is necessary to observe the horizontality. The upper element is placed at an altitude equal to the magnitude of the web plus 15-20 mm for gaps. Check the horizontality of the position using a level. The length of the guide is double the width of the web with an increase of 4-5 cm. This stock will provide a normal door course. As a rule, the guide is attached using brackets.

Installation of canvas

How to install the door right? First of all, the necessary elements should be attached to the canvas itself. Then you can make a setup to regulate levels. This work is better to implement with the assistant. It will support the cloth in the process of establishing carriages with rollers in the groove. If the partition door is mounted, and the guide is installed on one wall to another, the carriages must be taken in the groove in advance. For this guide has a window. In this case, the fixation of the canvas will be reduced to the docking of holders on it and anchor, which departs from the carriage.

Limiters and closers

After installing the door canvase, the plugs should be fixed. Limiters can be made in the form of a spree or a guide profile. The plugs are advised to purchase with special plastic or rubber stops.

Platbands and dough

Before mounting to the wall, you must fasten the special brackets. They can also be fixed in the guide with the help of latches. In the latter case, it will not be visible on the outside of the fastener. Then the restrictive design is fixed. It will be restored to the cloth when closing. As a limiter, you can use a bar with a finish or a profile that is purchased with other fittings. It is installed strictly vertically. Here will be fixed the response part of the key mechanism (locking element).

How to install a metal door

First, it should be noted that such structures are used to protect the house from the penetration of intruders. And quite often, the safety of the dwelling directly depends on the quality of installation. Consider how to install the front door.

Main stages of mountage

Before installing the doors, you should familiarize yourself with the process scheme. Work can be divided into three stages:

  • Dismantling the former design.
  • Preparation of opening. Before installing the doors, you should check the availability of gaps between the box and the opening. The surface of the walls should be clean and dry.
  • Direct installation. First, openings for fastening elements are drilled in the opening. Door box is fixed by anchors. What they will be more, the better. Anchor should be deepened into the wall at least 20 cm. The mount is made throughout the perimeter of the box.


Fasteners fixing the box must be located as far as possible from the outside of the wall. In the process of consolidation, it is necessary to use wooden wedges. They must be a slightly more gap between the opening and construction. When installing wedges in lateral racks, it is necessary to monitor the invariance of the distance of the gaps. If the magnitude of the gaps is changed, you will have to re-align. The vertical structure is checked with a plumb. Next to insert anchors need to drill holes. Their diameter is about 15, and the depth is about 200 mm. Anchors are inserted into the holes that, in fact, the box is fixed. Next you need to hang the canvas itself. It is advised to lubricate the loop. After installing the cloth, the gaps should be applied. Before this you need to moisten the surface of the wall with water - for better clutch. A day after the drying of the mounting foam should be laid out the eyes.

  1. Measurement of the opening
  2. Choosing doors
  3. Step 3: Collect the box
  4. Step 4: Marking under the loop
  5. Step 5: Installing the box
  6. Step 6: Reliable fixation
  7. Step 7: Breppy loops
  8. Step 8: Hipster and Facing

Replacing interroom doors - the process is not such a time-consuming and complex, as it seems. Fill the double or single opening can be independently without the help of a specialist. You, of course, do not save time, but save money and acquire new skills when repairing an apartment or at home.

How to install the interroom door: in this article we will tell how to choose a good door leaf, which consists of a block for filling the opening and how to mount it.

Measurement of the opening

The error assumption during the measurement stage of the doorway is unacceptable: if you acquire a system of large dimensions, you cannot insert it smaller - you can not fix well.

Doorway it is better to measure after dismantling the old door when access to a bare wall appeared. Thus, you can estimate the situation and make the right measurements. It is easy to remove them: Take the roulette and determine the height and width of the entrance along the wall in the narrowest place (relevant for buildings, where the vertical designs are poorly observed). With these data, go to the store for a new door.

The manufacture of products for individual sizes will not need: in houses with apartments builders initially laid typical movements, and fillings for them are always in an open sale.

Interior doors in a private wooden house may differ from typical, then you have to order new and wait for their manufacture.

Choosing doors

The first thing to pay attention to when choosing a canvas and box is the material of their manufacture.

The ideal option is to purchase a box and canvas from one material. It is not necessary to give preference to the wood fiber plate, the doors from it are short-lived, they are installed on construction sites so that new owners can replace them with constant of more durable materials. Ideally, it is worth getting a one-piece array as a door fill, to reduce the cost of the canvas, can be replaced with MDF, which is also a durable raw material for the manufacture of a door, cheaper box.

Doblyar strips and platbands can be made of DVP, wood or MDF. They do not carry loads, only decorate the gaps and mask the connections.

Bivalve doors are more often chosen for large rooms and halls, single blocks are installed in bedrooms and kitchens. In any case, the size of the box and the number of cloths are determined by the size of the opening.

Step-by-step instructions for installation from scratch

The installation of interroom doors does not take much time, sufficiently stock by the necessary tool, buy the necessary material and you can start working. Follow the detailed phased instructions and the success of you is guaranteed.

This plan is valid for the installation of hinged doors, sliding are mounted somewhat differently, but in the same way.

Step 1: Cooking the tool and material

To install interroom doors, you will need:

  1. Drill or perforator;
  2. Drills for 3 and 4 mm on wood;
  3. Borants 4 and 6 mm for concrete;
  4. Saw;
  5. Screwdriver;
  6. Screws on a tree;
  7. Level / plumb;
  8. Mounting foam;
  9. Roulette;
  10. Pencil.

In addition, the door block should be bought in advance.

Step 2: Determine the Tactics of Action

Installation of wooden doors is carried out according to the standard diagram represented in the photo.

  1. Door box;
  2. Canvas doors;
  3. Nail / screw;
  4. Mounting foam.

First we collect the box, then insert it in the opening and hang the door.

Step 3: Collect the box

There are 2 options for assembling a box under the canvas.

To understand whether the extra pieces of wood are cut properly, collect a box on the floor as a mosaic: everything must be perfectly. Then pinch the planks on the tapping screw from the wall.

For the threshold, you also need to determine the place, applying a canvas-collected on the top. Return 2.5 mm from it and risk. At this label, attach the bottom bar - the thresholds.

Step 4: Marking under the loop

At the box assembly, it is worth identifying the locations of the loops. To do this, at the side rack, measure 20-25 cm from the top and bottom, attach loops and risks with a knife or pencil. Screw the product with self-drawers, thereby determining the future location of the loop, which will facilitate its mount. Now put the cloth, measure the gaps to the side faces and make risks on the canvas. In the same way, make a slight fasteners, then not to lose their location.

Remove the screws and loop, it will be necessary to mount them after installing the box in the opening.

The box is ready for installation. A more detailed process demonstrates the author of the video.

Step 5: Installing the box

Now fitting the doors do it yourself, but it starts with the installation of the collected box. To do this, you need to put the design on the threshold and align the vertical. For reconciliation, use a plumb and level. So for the time of calibration, the box did not fall, fix it with the struts or temporary clins of tree trimming.

Now you can check the cloth: it will open or not. To do this, you need to insert it into the installed box, focusing on the smooth wall. If the opening does not occur or is not implemented to the end, it is possible to correct the struts and adjust the position of the rack and transverse bars.

If you managed to install everything correctly and the canvas goes well in place, you can fix the box. How to do it:

  1. On the sides of the upper cross, the wedges are driven, then over the mounting of it to the racks;
  2. Drive wedges over the entire height of the opening, constantly checking the mechanism of installation and the absence of offsets in any plane.

Step 6: Reliable fixation

The delivered and cooled box must be finally fixed so that it can take the cloth. There are 2 solutions:

  1. Screw the box to the side walls on the screws. This is a reliable way, there are several screws or screws on wood for its implementation. Places of fastening choose invisible, mostly use areas under the door loops and under the castle plate. Take boot along concrete and make a hole for the screw. Now fasten the fastener so that its hat does not remain over the plane of the tree. If it lacks this quantity of fasteners, you can drill through holes in other places and also put the screws whose caps are covered with plugs in the tone of the surface.
  2. The second way is to use secret plates. The feature of the method is the lack of need for drilling the box and wall.

After that, fill the space between the opening and the mounting foam of 2/3 by the total thickness. So that the design does not squeeze, set the struts inside the passage loop for the polymerization of foam.

Step 7: Breppy loops

With the proper installation of interior doors, the hinges are fixed only before directly hanging the canvas. Parts for the box are screwed to the seats marked earlier, repeat the steps for the web.

Step 8: Hipster and Facing

The most difficult behind, you can now hang the cloth and close the locations of the joints by platbands. How to install the interroom door clearly tells the master on the video.

As you can see, replace or install a new interroom door can be completely independently, observing a clear procedure. The technology is described in detail and is given in concomitant video, so it is not difficult to understand the question.

Installing interior doors are not as difficult as it may seem at first glance. If the Master has at least a little experience with the doors, then this is a big plus. The only thing that is better to entrust the specialist is the cutting of fittings. Incorrectly installed accessories can spoil the entire result of the work.


The installation of interroom doors occurs in several stages:

  1. Installation of the box.
  2. Installation of the canvas.
  3. Installing challenges.

Preliminary stage

Technology installation of interroom doors is quite simple. However, before starting work, one responsible step is to be achieved that it is impossible to skip. This is the stage of choosing the door.

From how much responsibly approach the choice, the final result depends largely.

  1. The first thing to do is bypass shops. You should not take the first option. If we are talking about online stores, then you need to carefully reflect the characteristics of the structures.
  2. The door canvas must be perfect to the box in size. All the characteristics of the door must be known in advance. No measurements here can not do.
  3. Sometimes very cheap options appear in stores. After buying the owner may find that the box or fittings do not go in the configuration. You have to spend time and select the rest of the parts. It is not always possible to do it right. Therefore, do not look at too cheap door designs. In extreme cases, it is necessary to pre-clarify the presence of one or another parts.

Materials and tools

Materials and tools for mounting must be prepared in advance. From the tools will be required:

  • wood hacksaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • level.

From materials need to be purchased:

  • mounting foam (cylinder);
  • self-tapping screw;
  • wedges.

Build and installation box

When the door is purchased, you can start work. At the first stage, they collect a box.

Build the box - the process is simple. The only one must remember that it is necessary to dig up the side boxes to set the gap between the door and the floor. For ordinary apartments, the gap is set about 10 mm.

After the clearance is installed, the racks are connected using self-samples. After the assembly comes the installation of the box in the opening.

It is desirable that the opening is previously processed. For this, the verticality of the walls is checked, as well as the height and width of the opening.

Installation of the box occurs with the help of levels and wedges. The level of the design is checked in the opening. Procedure Next:

  1. The box is fixed in the opening of the wedges on top and bottom.
  2. First, the door must be fixed by the wedges below, before that checking the level of the design in two dimensions.
  3. The average gap between the box and the opening from all sides should be about 10 mm.

The door leaf is hung on the loop. The box at this time is fixed only by spacers and wedges.

You should not marvel the door frame before hanging the cloth. The fact is that it is necessary to make sure whether the door will not open in this position itself.

After the canvas is naked, you can bother the gap between the box and the opening.

It is necessary to ensure that the foam does not hit the door surface. The composition of the mounting foam can easily damage the surface, so it follows to work carefully.

Now you need to install a storage element.

  1. The Dobly Planka is measured under the distance from the edge of the box to the edge of the wall.
  2. With the help of the knife, it is cut around the edge.
  3. The diverse element is mounted in the groove and gate. Switching is made at several points.


After the diverse is installed, you need to wait to dry the foam. If you work with the mounting foam, you must remember its extension property. It should always be applied to the substance dosed.

The next stage after installing a good plank - platbands.

  1. To install platbands, it is necessary to determine their size.
  2. After that, the platbands are roasted with a hacksaw.
  3. Drill holes under nails.
  4. The platband is fixed.

If the platband "with the beak", then it is attached to liquid nails. You do not need to stuff it.

Types of interior doors

Today in stores you can find doors made of natural wood, glass, plastic, metal and composites. Also there are mixed structures.

Usually the choice is made taking into account the design of the room and this is the right approach. However, it is necessary to consider all major varieties of these designs to know their advantages and weaknesses, as well as the subtleties of care.

  1. Wood violent of solid wood. Such designs are very durable and prestigious. In addition, they are very expensive. The most common pulp doors are made of oak and walnut. Designs are made either using glue or without it. The last type is the most durable. Caring for such a door is necessary, as for any natural surfaces. The door must be protected from humidity and high temperatures. It is recommended to wipe them with a napkin. Using abrasives is prohibited.
  2. Pilencated of soft wood rocks. Ideal for cottages and cottages. In ordinary apartments, such doors look not very appropriate. They are suitable for coun-style. Care for such structures is the same as behind hardwood doors.
  3. Pilented combined doors. These structures are made of veneer. The valuable breeds of wood they contain little. Therefore, such doors are quite inexpensive. The term of their service is true, less than in solid wood designs. However, they can chase about 50 years, which is also very good. No special care for sponge doors is not required, it is their dignity.
  4. Shield structures. The dignity of the shield doors is that they are inexpensive, do not require special care, easily replaced, have a presentable view. In addition, they are well decorated and suitable for any interior. About 85-90% of all shield doors. This design can be glazed, decorate with natural veneer or artificial materials. Shield doors - the optimal option for most apartments and offices.

Video: Instructions for installing interroom doors



Installing the interior door box is the final stage of the apartment repairs. You can cope with work on your own, you just need to correctly perform actions at each stage of installation. The most difficult thing is to perform an accurate cut on platbands.

The quality of further work depends on the thoroughness of measurements. The opening of the door, even after decoration, can have deviations from vertical and horizontal, and the box will have to be adjusted in height and width. To get rid of yourself from excess work, measurements need to be performed as follows:

  1. Measure a tape measure width at an altitude of 10-15 cm from the floor and repeat the measurements at an altitude of about 20 cm from the top of the opening. If the difference is detected in two standards, then the width needs to take a smaller value.
  2. In the same way, measure the height of the door: at a distance of 10-20 cm from the side walls of the opening. For height, take a smaller value.

When buying ready-made doors, it may be that there is no model, exactly the corresponding magnitude of the opening or not enough, the door that likes. In this case, challenges will be required that will help a little narrow.

Tools and materials

In addition to buying an interroom door with box and platbands, the following will be required:

  • handwork manual with a stupid for carrying sleepers at an accurate angle;
  • screwdriver or drill with nozzles;
  • for concrete walls need a perforator;
  • chisel;
  • construction level;
  • square, transport, line;
  • fasteners: self-tapping screws and dowels;
  • small nails;
  • a hammer;
  • foam assembly;
  • door accessories (handles, latches, loops).

Preparation of the opening of the door frame

Before installing the door frame, it is necessary to check the verticality of the wall at the opening and inside it. Do this in order that the platband is installed in the same plane with the wall and did not move away from it, and the frame got into the opening without skew, otherwise the mounting of the door frame will be made with a marriage. For measurement use a construction level with a plumb.

When detecting the deviations of the concrete wall from the vertical, it will be necessary to eliminate the defect with the help of finishing putty. By bringing the wall at the opening to the full verticality, dry it within 24 hours. Detected deviations from verticals inside the opening corrected the same way.

Assembling boxes

Most often, the bar for the box comes in the form of separate parts that will need to be connected independently. Build the door box are produced on the floor. To properly assemble the frame, you need to prepare parts.

Measure the width and length of the canvas. For the free stroke of the door, you need to make an allowance of 5-6 mm when the box markup is marked. It will give the opportunity to leave the gaps between the box and the canvas.

To install the top plank box, vertical elements should be processed:

  • measure the thickness of the upper crossbar at the site of the protrusion;
  • postpone this magnitude from the end cut of the side;
  • make a transverse cutting speaker on the side of the sidewall on this line;
  • cut the chisel part of the material from the end to the cut, aligning the surface of the profile.

After such preparation, you need to try on the crossbar of the vertical sidewall. If the thickness measurement was made inaccurate, the gap between the edges of the parts is formed. It needs to be eliminated.

Determine the loop side of the box and place the place of installation of the loop at a distance of 20 cm from the upper and lower edge. If flat loops are selected for hanging the doors, make a removal in the focus. The dimensions and depth of the excavation depend on the dimensions of the loop card. When marking a notch on the box, you need to trace the pins of the loops to be directed up. The loops can be fixed immediately or leave this part of the work for later. To put the doorbell in the frame and designate the location of the loops in it.

Connect parts of the box in the P-shaped design. To connect the use of screws. Screw them through the plane of vertical parts into the end of the top plank. In order to avoid cracking the profile of the box, on the site of the installation of screws to pre-make holes with a drill of 3-4 mm.

Racks of the interior door frame have a stock of length (about 5 cm). After connecting the parts, it is necessary to once again measure the opening of the opening and cut off the excess length of the bars. If the wooden box is collected with the threshold, then you need to prepare the lower ends to install the cross-shirt at the bottom, as indicated for the top plank.


If the work is done without helper, it is more convenient to mount the box without a canvas, and hang the door later. With this method, 1-2 struts are needed for the frame, which can be cut from the bar or other infringement material. To the ends of the struts damage the lamination of the box, wrap their cloth.

Step-by-step installation of the box are performed as:

  1. Raise the frame and install it in the opening. If the door without a threshold, then it is necessary to leave the technological gap between the end and the floor. Its size is 1.5-2 mm. Under the edges of the box, you need to pinch such thickness.
  2. To fix the box to move between it and the wall of small wedges in the upper corners (from the side and above). Check the design to vertical and horizontal, to match the edges of the wall plane.
  3. Set the spacer across the opening. Fix the box with wedges near her.
  4. Drill holes in two points on the side for mounting the door to the wall. The perforator to make removing in concrete and drive the capsules of the dowels or anchors in them. Screw fasteners screws.
  5. The gaps between the box and the wall fill the mounting foam. Before this process should be saved the frame with a wide construction tape, since the foam can fall onto its surface. Fill out the gaps on the ½ of their depth: foam expands greatly. It will take 24 hours. Running wedges need to cut or delete.

If the width of the box is less than the opening of 3 cm and more, then it will take to install a problem before it will be installed. These are the bars of the desired thickness that fasten the dowels to the wall inside the opening. After that, the installation of a box of interroom doors is performed by the above instruction.

Putting the interior door

Install the cloth and finishing work is much easier than to fix the box in the opening. The home master remains to do the following:

  • attach loops on the frame and the canvas;
  • hang up the door and check its move;
  • install pens and latches;
  • perform finishing works.

Installation of loops

For mounting mortise hinges, notches on the box need to be made to the assembly. Attach the half of the mechanism and after installing the box in the opening. Pieces of loops with a pin are fixed to the door jammer in the prepared excavation so that the spike is pointing up.

On the canvas make a notch on the markup and attach another part of the loop with a pin for a pin. Her hole is directed down. Fastening both parts produce on a screw.

If it is used in detail loops, then they must be fixed first on the canvas. Fastening to the box is performed at the time of the door hanging. Under such loops, the recess does not make, because parts of the cards enter each other and the gap between the canvas and the box is enough for their installation.

When hanging the interior door, screw loops can be applied. Their mount occurs due to pins, under which drilled holes with a diameter less pin thickness with thread. Parts of the loops are screwed into the cloth and the box.

After hanging, you need to check the door of the door: it must remain stationary and open completely, and semi-closed or pretended. If the canvas spontaneously moves, you need to adjust the loops, tightening or relaxing fasteners.

Fastening the handle

For this part of the door finish, a drill can be required with a 5-cm diameter nozzle. If the handle without a locking mechanism, and the mount is a thread pin, you need the drill of the corresponding diameter. Overhead handles are attached to the self-tapping screw.

Under the handle with a latch, you need to make a pass-through hole in the canvas and the recess in the edge part for the tongue. Insert a mechanism, install decorative lining. Put a label on the door box, where the tongue must enter the castle's groove. The chisel to make a recess and attach the pad on the self-tapping screw.

For the handle on the pin, the through hole in a convenient location of the door canvas. Remove 1 part of the double design and passes the pin through the canvas. On the reverse side you put on decorative lining and twist the handle.

Cutting accessories has regular fastener holes. They need to screw the screws and tighten them.

Installation of trimming

Before starting work, you need to cut a foam spoke from the gap between the wall and the box. Make sections at an angle of 45 ° in the upper ends as follows:

  1. Thoroughly measure the length of the vertical bar of the box from its bottom end to the inner corner of the opening.
  2. To this magnitude, add a width of the platband and another 2-3 cm in case you need to adjust the cut.
  3. Make an angle of 45 ° for transport or use stupid and sprinkle part of the side of the sidewall. On the other side of the door, the sidewall need to sprinkle in the opposite direction.
  4. At the upper case, it is necessary to make a braid cut at both ends. Its length needs to be accurately measured as the amount of the width inside the opening and 2 measurement of the width of the platband. Spiles produce from the upper corners of the ends of 45 ° inside the opening.
  5. If everything is carefully measured and neatly cut off, the platband's planks will compare in the corners without the gap. If available, you can adjust the cut line. Surplus length on the sidewalls cut from the bottom at right angles.

Prepared platbands attach to the box, covering it with a slice and part of the wall. Fastening is made on small nails. Their caps can be removed with nipples, and the fastening will be inconspicuous.

In the installation of doors, at first glance, there is nothing complicated: just in the way to install the door block, blend foam, embed the locks, nail the platbands and the case with the end. This is how the installation process in general terms looks like, consider it in more detail to determine the rational sequence of actions.

To install interroom doors, you will need:


  • a hammer;
  • plumb;
  • roulette;
  • drill;
  • feather drill for wood Ø 24 mm;
  • facial saw or stub and hacksaw;
  • level;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • milling or chisel.


  • wooden wedges;
  • mounting foam;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • handle, door latch, loops;
  • door, box, platbands, good.

Preparatory work

Preparation of the door loop to the installation depends on the initial state of the room. In the new building, install the doors at the end of all "dirty" construction and finishing work: the ceiling and floor should be ready, plastered walls. You can even beat the wallpaper: installation of doors - work is clean, if you do everything according to the rules, there will be no dirt. When replacing the door block, you need to dismantle the old door frame, clean the surface from the crepe plaster and repair the seats of the chip.

Build door box

The dimensions of the door frame details are determined based on the size of the door canvase. In the assembled state of the gaps from the doorway to the box should be 2 mm on the sides and from above and about 4 mm below. In the P-shaped door frame (without a threshold), the side racks should be longer than the height of the door cloth by 1-1.5 cm. Cut the details of the desired size and collect a box by connecting them with self-draws. For greater strength, the box connections can be punctured.

Cutting loops

Put the door frame on the floor, place the door leaf in it. With the help of cardboard bands, set the gaps indicated above, mark the pencil location of the fastening of the loops on the box and the door canvase. The edge of the loop should be at a distance of 20 cm from the edge of the door leaf. If the doors are heavy, you can install a third loop. The main part of the load falls on the upper loop, so it is desirable to install a third loop not in the center, but closer to the top.

Attach the door loop to the place of installation and outline around the perimeter with a sharp knife, cutting wood to the depth of the thickness of the loop plate. Remove the wood layer or manual electrophower to be placed or manual electrophower so that it is formed the landing place exactly in the size of the plate. Install the loop, it should sit tightly in the recess and do not act over the edges. Tighten the screws into the holes. Thus, install all hollows of the loops.

Take the door leaf on the loop and check the gaps between the web and the box. Next, set the door block vertically and check the door opening, the canvas should be freely open and do not sprinkle when closing.

Installing the door block

Remove the door leaf with loops. Position the door frame in the center of the day and fix it with wedges. Check the location of the box relative to the edge of the walls - they must be in the same plane. The first crepe side of the box with hinges. Set the rack vertically using a plumb or level. Break the wedges right above the box connecting the box with an upper crossbar, fix the entire box by setting the wedges in the corners. Take the door leaf on the loop and, tapping a rubber hammer for a box riser, adjust the position of the door in such a way that the door is free to close and adjoined when it is adjacent to the arrival of the entire plane.

Next, close the door, in the gap between the door blade and the box insert the strips of the cardboard folded several times. This is done in order to prevent the installation of the box with the mounting foam expanding when frozen. The space between the door frame and the wall fill in the mounting foam, after its complete drying, cut the extensive knife.

Fastening of plating

For docking, the platband should be cut into 45 °. The most convenient way to operate the electric end saw, if such a tool is not available, use stubs and hacksaw. The first trimbs of the platband are cut and attached and the top horizontal plank is cut and attached.

Installation of interroom doors with volunteers

Dobly planks allow you to beautifully arrange the doorway in a situation where the width of the box is less than the thickness of the walls of the doorway. Dobra on the door frame can be installed in the groove or a quarter. In the first case in the box, from the side opposite to opening the doors, there is a groove in the thickness of the good. Planks are attached to glue after installing the box. The space formed between the good and the wall is filled with the mounting foam. The platbands are nailed to the hard after drying the foam and circumcision of surplus. In the case when the dobors are installed in a quarter, the planks are attached to the box before installing in the doorway with self-draws from the outside.

Ripping snacks and handles

Decide with the height of the floor of the floor handle, usually 95-100 cm. In the distance of the distance, follow the convenience and features of the design of the door leaf.

Let's look at the cutting of the door latch with separate handles. Watch the holes of the hole drilling under the square of the handle on the stand of the doorway and under the latch itself in the center on the end side of the door. The distance from the edge of the canvas to the center of the hole for a square is determined, based on the zero measurements, most of the latches it is 45 mm.

Using a drill and a feather drill for a tree Ø 24 mm Make a hole for a square. For the edges to be neat - stop drilling, as soon as the opposite side appears the tip of the drill. Continue work, but on the reverse side. Then drill a hole for the latch.

Insert the latch into the end hole, temporarily lock the screws for convenience. Slide wood around the perimeter to the depth of the thickness of the latch plate. Remove the screws, remove the latch and remove the wood under the seat with the help of the chisels. Insert the latch to the place, check the coincidence of the hole for the square and fix the screws.

Now go to the handles - remove decorative lining from them, insert the square into one of the handles, secure it with an inner screw using a hexagon, which usually goes complete with handles. Install the handle to the place by inserting the square into the latch, then screw it with self-reversal to the door. Install the opposite handle and also fasten yourself with self-tapping, do not forget to tighten the inner screw that fixes the square. Check the handle for performance, after which you can fasten the decorative lining.

The next step is to install the oncoming bar on the box riser. In order to determine the place where the tongue of the latch will be removed, apply a little paint on it (it is better to use a water-soluble). In the marked place, make a deepening under the tongue with the help of the chisels and the hammer.

Screw the oncoming bar with self-drawers, outline around the perimeter with a knife, remove the bar and select the wood under the seat. After install the oncoming bar, screw the screws, close the door and check the latch.