Received a message your card is blocked. The message "Your card is blocked by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation": possible causes and solutions

Now one of my phones received an SMS

"Technical department of the Bank. Your bank card is blocked. Info: 89128345441" .

SMS came from a number +79512738607
The first impulse is to call! But...

Both my cards are with me. I don’t need to worry about blocking them - both are working (salary), there will be no problems ... So what kind of SMS is this? Rummaged in Google. I found out that this is another batch of divorces (after "Mom, put the money urgently ...) Many people fell for this, after all, we are talking about children ...

And now a new hassle - allegedly blocking a bank card. I found a wonderful explanation of what it is - this message ... Read it too. The main thing is not to panic. Meaning?? Call - and you will simply be left without money on your mobile phone.

As the beloved by many (and me!) Dr. Bykov from the series "Interns" says: "Turn on your brains!!!"

SMS scammers

This is a new type of scammers who use their mobile phone to steal money and in almost all cases go unpunished. Phone scams are highly lucrative and, most importantly, currently virtually unpunished.
This type of fraud has recently become very common, because, as a rule, a person who has been swindled out of a small amount of money will not contact the police and take any action.
Now SMS scammers have reached bank cards, as people are already reacting weakly to messages like: “Mom, urgently put 900 rubles on such and such a number, then I will explain everything.” That is why phone scammers invent new ways of scamming.
Now SMS messages began to arrive not on behalf of beloved children and grandchildren, but allegedly from the customer support service for bank card holders.

An SMS message arrives: “Your account is blocked. Please call the security department at this number." The bank customer is calling. Not only can the conversation turn out to be paid, but during the conversation, the SMS fraudster can find out from his victim the PIN code of his card and ... the person loses money in the account. Therefore, calling back after receiving such an SMS is by no means worth it.

Bank cards are the safest way to save money, but not one plastic owner is protected from fraudulent activities by third parties. Recently, one scheme used by scammers has become a hot topic. "Your card is blocked" - this is the text of the SMS message that comes to the number of the owner of the plastic card. How to protect your funds, and what measures to take?

Fraudulent schemes

The essence of any scheme with money is that the task of its "author" is to cause panic in the victim, it is in this state that it will be convenient for her to manipulate. Any person, when he finds out that access to a bank account is closed, will agree to take any action in order to remove restrictions from the account. SMS "Your bank card is blocked" first of all prompts the owner of the plastic to call back to the number and find out all the circumstances.

First scheme

This is the first card fraud scheme. The recipient of the SMS message calls back to the sender's number, it turns out to be paid, after which the operator issues an invoice to the subscriber, and the fraudster thus receives money for the call, though not much.

Never call back the number from which the SMS was sent, for sure it is paid.

Second scheme

An SMS message arrives on the victim's phone with the text "Your bank card is blocked info by phone XXXX". In a state of panic, the owner calls back to the specified contact and resolves the issue with the "operator". The fraudster finds out the details of the bank card, its number, expiration date, CVC2 or CVV2 security code, and finally the balance. From this set of information, you can already understand that the fraudster wants to make purchases via the Internet using a bank card.

SMS from scammers: an example

If you provide all the information by phone, then the funds from the card may be debited before you hang up. It takes a few seconds to complete an online payment transaction. In the future, it will be almost impossible to return the money.

Please note that phone scammers are real professionals. You will have to provide all the information so that the "operator" can identify the client.

What to do if you receive SMS

If you received an SMS “Your card is blocked” or there is a request, pay off any debt, for example, on a loan or overdraft, and transfer money to another account in order to remove restrictions, you should not make hasty decisions. First, do not call back at the specified number, it is better to dial the phone number of your bank's hotline and check if the bank really restricted access to the account, then the operator will definitely inform you about this and tell you how to proceed.

Under no circumstances do not provide the PIN code, card number, and other data of your card, the bank employee will not be interested in this information. To identify the client, he will specify only the code word. By the way, scammers often do not even know in which bank you have an account, and if you are asked about it by phone, you can safely hang up.

If you are a client of Sberbank and you received an SMS "Your card is blocked". Sberbank sends messages only from 900, the rest of the SMS is a scam.

The most effective type of fraud is the “message from the Central Bank”, with the text about blocking the card. That is, you receive a message from an unknown mobile from the Central Bank. Remember, the Central Bank of Russia is not engaged in servicing individuals, its task is to regulate the work of financial institutions.

SMS from scammers: an example

It is difficult to predict in advance exactly how the authors of the messages are trying to withdraw your money, in any case, they act according to a well-established scheme, so if you doubt the safety of your funds, call the bank and block the card yourself. By the way, if scammers called you on your mobile phone, turn on the voice recorder and record the conversation.

If the scammers managed to withdraw any amount from your account, you should definitely write a statement to the police. The probability that the bank will return the funds to you is zero, only for the reason that the client himself made a mistake and came into contact with scammers, because banks always warn plastic card holders that it is impossible to disclose personal data to third parties.

So, if you received an SMS about blocking a bank card, then you should not panic. First, call the bank and check whether it imposed restrictions or not. Then you can independently block the account for some time. Do not call back unknown numbers and talk to scammers. As a last resort, write a statement to the police, law enforcement officers are obliged to respond to the statement and conduct an investigation.

It is a common practice for people all over the world to use multiple card products. For example, salary, income and credit cards.

Such activity can be beneficial, since credit cards can be used to receive short-term loans within an interest-free period, debit cards - to receive a constant income and store own funds, payroll products - to periodically transfer earned money.

This heavy use raises numerous questions regarding various issues related to card products.

Yes, often clients receive messages, the main content of which is the text “This text is usually followed by instructions for further actions, involving a call to the specified number. Should be considered There are two possible reasons for this situation:

  • the card was indeed blocked by the bank due to certain actions of its holder;
  • card product owner became the target of hackers who are trying to steal his money.

Your bank card is blocked: what to do with a real block?

This message from a credit institution about blocking a bank card usually has the following mandatory features:

1) it is sent from the official bank number, from which other SMS messages usually come (for example, about spending funds, about changing the password);

2) the message contains offer to contact with a specialist of a credit institution by the official phone number, which is also indicated on the website of this bank, on the card itself, at ATMs, in other sources of information;

3) the message indicates details that individualize the blocked product(for example, the last digits of the card number).

If all the specified conditions are met, then you should call the bank at the hotline or another official phone number to find out the reasons for blocking and further actions of the card product holder. A possible reason is often the wrong pin code entered three times when trying to withdraw money from an ATM (in this case, the card itself is held by the device), as well as the expiration of the product.

Your bank card is blocked: what to do in case of fraud attempts?

The most common reason for receiving these messages is precisely the actions of intruders who are trying to take possession of the holder's funds in this way. Common signs of such attempts are:

  1. the absence of any individual details in the message card product, because fraudsters simply do not know them;
  2. unknown number, which is definitely not the phone number of a credit institution;
  3. unconvincing attempts to give the message an official character, as which attackers can sign the addressee (for example, "Your Bank", "Central Bank"), indicate the payment system of the card (often in such messages they write "Visa card", since they are guided by a wider distribution of such products).

When receiving these messages from scammers, it is often recommended to call the specified number and, using leading questions, make sure that you are dealing with intruders.

This advice is incorrect, because it does not take into account all possible ways to deceive card product holders. So, criminals often do not care about the money placed on the card account, they get the call from the holder, after which the account of his mobile phone will be reset. That is why in all such cases the only reasonable course of action is to phone call to the bank which is indicated on the back of the card.

SMS message received from +7 908 393-42-21

Obviously, only scammers who are trying to get as much data about your card as possible can send this. Don't be surprised if they know your name and communicate as if they were real bank employees. You may be asked to give all the data on the card, including the PIN code, as well as go to the ATM and complete the transaction.

If you still have a desire to call, then record your conversation (it is very easy to do on a smartphone). And before that, I recommend that you once again familiarize yourself with the following information from Sberbank of the Russian Federation:

Unfortunately, in this case, we are dealing with the actions of fraudsters whose purpose is your bank account. To gain access to it, fraudsters seek to get as much information as possible, including all your card details, PIN codes for them, a code word for conducting transactions through the Contact Center and other personal information. To this end, scammers can use various techniques. For example, as in this case, send an SMS with a warning, then call you and, posing as a bank employee, start asking various questions under the pretext of the need to secure your accounts or prevent any failure.

Usually scammers are very cunning and convincing, so you get the feeling that a bank employee is really calling you. Therefore, in order not to become a victim of such fraud, you need to remember a few simple rules that will help keep your funds safe.

Do not share your PIN with anyone. A bank employee will never ask you to say your PIN aloud, so if you are faced with such a request, you can be sure that this is a scam.

Do not trust SMS messages from unknown numbers. All official messages of Sberbank are sent from the short number 900 and from no other.

Keep the card out of the reach of others and do not give it to other persons (except for cashiers when purchasing goods and services).

In the event that the data on your card got to third parties and the bank becomes aware of this, your card is automatically blocked in order to avoid fraudulent activities. At the same time, the bank does not require any additional information from you to carry out these actions.

You can read more detailed information on how to protect yourself from bank card fraud on the Sberbank website by following the link (

Also, if you have any suspicions that your card details have become known to third parties, please do not hesitate to call the Contact Center of Sberbank of Russia at the toll-free number 8-800-555-55-50 and consult with our specialists.

This article is found under the following keywords:

  • I received an SMS from number 900 that the card is blocked what to do

  • I received a message your bank card is blocked by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

  • 900 your bank card is blocked

  • your card is blocked by scammers

  • SMS your card is blocked by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

See also my other posts about .

Fraudsters have been around for centuries and will continue to do so forever. With the advent of bank cards in this area, a large number of mobile scam and divorce schemes have simply sprung up. Recently, you can often observe cases of sending SMS that your bank card is blocked. What to do in this case and how to behave? - we will analyze in the article.

REQUEST! Dear readers, please write in the comments the phone number from which you received this message. This number will be blacklisted..

Fraud scheme

The procedure itself is quite simple. First, an SMS is sent to the bank client's phone with the text: “Ov client, your bank card has been blocked by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Info by phone: 8-800-511-26-46. The words can also be used:

  • freezing;
  • cancellation of the contract;
  • blocking;
  • account arrest;
  • the card was mistakenly frozen by the central bank, the security department.

After that, the scammers will only feed on the emotionality of the bank client. Since in such cases any logical thinking is turned off. A negligent citizen calls this number and is immediately answered by the pleasant voice of a girl who introduces herself as a bank employee.

Next, the girl asks to unlock the plastic and the account to name the card details: Number, expiration date, owner's name and CVC2 or CVV2 code. All this data does not need to be searched for a long time and they are located on the banking product itself.

After a few seconds, the client receives an SMS about writing off a certain amount of funds. The girl says that this is a verification transaction and the money will not be debited. This procedure is only needed to identify the card. But to complete the action, you need to name the coveted code that will come in SMS to your mobile phone.

Here the citizen calls this code, and the money is debited from the account. The client subsequently hears only beeps, and it is simply impossible to get through to this number. It is then that a person realizes that he was simply “shod”.

NOTE! If you managed to name all the details, but did not tell the scammers the verification code from SMS. It is highly recommended to immediately block the card after the call. You can withdraw money by bypassing 3D-Secure technology. Read about it below.

How to distinguish scammers

First of all, you need to pay attention that the reverse number is in no way associated with this bank. When the SMS banking service is connected, all notifications come from one number. For example, Sberbank has a short number 900.

But this is not an indicator either, since recently scammers have gone much further, and they have learned to fake bank numbers from virtual PBXs. So SMS that “Your card is blocked” can also come from a bank number.

In this case, banks generally stopped notifying customers about real blocking of cards. Typically, a credit institution blocks plastic in the following cases:

  • Money deducted from the card in another country. Then the bank may suspect that the plastic has been stolen and blocks it.
  • The payment system regularly collects information about suspicious outlets where there are facts of stealing details from plastic. And if the client uses this terminal or device for payment, then the plastic will immediately be blocked.
  • A huge amount of funds has been debited from the bank account or there is a strange movement of the currency.
  • The card has expired.
  • The bailiffs froze and closed the account, by court order.

They called, they said that the card was blocked - are they scammers? Here you need to consider what number you are calling from. There is a possibility that these are bank employees. In this case, you should not give any information, but simply immediately check your account in any way possible.

What to do first?

First you need to calm yourself and make sure that the card works and no one froze the account. This can be done in several ways:

  1. Call the hotline for more information. The number is indicated on the back of the plastic and usually begins with the numbers: 8 800. Sberbank has two numbers: 900 and 8 800 555555 0. Next, contact the operator. He may ask for the card number, but no more. If you hear that you are asked to name more additional details of plastic, then just hang up.
  2. Log in to your personal internet banking account. Next, you will see a list of all your products. If the card is blocked, you will see a lock indicator on its icon, and it will be transparent. There will also be an inscription: "BLOCKED". You can find out about all products in the application by downloading it from Google Play or the App Store.
  3. Go to any ATM. Insert a card and try to enter a PIN code. Some devices are programmed to remove this product immediately. And some will simply display an inscription that the product is no longer available for use.
  4. Visit any branch of the bank with a card, passport and ask the employees of a credit institution about this problem.

If an SMS message has arrived, then in 99% of cases these are scammers trying to get your hard-earned money from your account. And remember that bank employees will never ask and find out the full details of the card. The most they can ask is about the card number.

If you saw that the card was actually blocked, then they will be able to unblock it only at the bank branch in person. To do this, we take a passport and go to the nearest office.

Card details

Now let's look at what the loss of the treasured details on plastic is fraught with. As already mentioned, there are only a few of them:

  • Plastic product number.
  • Validity.
  • Owner's name.
  • CV code.

With the help of all these details, it is quite possible to withdraw money from the card or use it with the help of them in some Internet services. Unfortunately, 3D-Srecure technology does not always help. This service is connected to almost any product. The fact is that sending SMS occurs only at the initiative of an outlet on the Internet.