How does a linear compressor work in a refrigerator. What is an inverter compressor in a refrigerator and how does it work

The principle of operation of refrigeration devices with linear compressors. What is the difference between refrigerators with linear and inverter compressors? What are the advantages of inverter compressor technology?

More and more manufacturers of refrigerators in recent years are trying to produce their products using inverter technology. For many consumers, such household appliances, which are based on an inverter compressor, have become “taste”.

Such refrigerators have not yet received mass distribution on the market, but, according to experts, their number will only grow in the near future. Although many people have heard such an expression as an inverter compressor, few can explain in detail what it is. Let's try to figure out what this new technology is.

The first step is to explain how inverter and linear compressors work. The last type of compressor is a well-known and familiar option that works according to the following scheme: turned on, worked, turned off. This means that in traditional old-style refrigerators, the linear compressor turns on at maximum power to reach the required temperature level, cools the chamber, and then turns off.

Such a stepwise method of operation is a heavy load not only on the refrigeration system, but also on the electrical network. All processes associated with the operation of a linear compressor are accompanied by certain clicks that come from the relay.

Inverter compressors have a completely different principle of operation. Thanks to the inverter system, the compressor does not have to carry heavy loads, since there is no need to periodically turn on or off. The inverter compressor of the refrigerator works measuredly, smoothly and smoothly. This principle of operation protects the entire system from overload.

Let us consider in more detail the operation of a linear compressor unit. First it turns on. The sensor measures the temperature in the chamber and compares it with the temperature you set yourself. If any differences were noticed by the sensor, the system will turn on to the maximum, due to which the camera cools quickly.

During the cooling process, the sensor in the indoor unit checks the temperature level. Upon reaching the required temperature in the chamber, the compressor is switched off. But the sensor periodically continues to compare temperature readings. When the refrigerator becomes a couple of degrees warmer, the compressor system will turn on again and will work at full capacity. And so again and again.

Inverter compressors work differently. After turning on the refrigerator, the desired temperature level is reached quickly. It is thanks to the operation of the inverter that the temperature regime is maintained at an optimal level. At the same time, the power of the inverter unit changes gently and smoothly. In fact, the compressor does not turn off, but only slows down and operates at the power that is sufficient to maintain the required temperature in the chamber. As a result, no temperature fluctuations are observed.

Undoubtedly, inverter systems have many advantages, for example:

Reduced energy consumption compared to refrigerators with linear compressors;

Minimum noise level, since the compressor does not need to work at full capacity;

Increased life of the refrigerator due to the absence of periodic on and off cycles.

But why are refrigerators with linear compressors still being made? With the traditional type of system, there are many new models on the market today. Isn't it strange if inverter type compressors have so many advantages? There is nothing surprising in this, because:

The inverter is sensitive to voltage drops;

Refrigerators with an inverter compressor are much more expensive.

Now you can weigh the pros and cons of refrigerators with linear and inverter compressors and make the right choice.

The "heart" of the refrigerator can be called a compressor. This node is responsible for maintaining a low temperature in the chambers, organizing the circulation of the cooled.

What is a compressor?

Without a compressor, the operation of the refrigerator is impossible. It is this device that creates a pressure difference in different parts of the cooling system. This is done by reducing the volume of the refrigerant and its further movement through the heat exchange system. Thanks to the operation of the compressor, heat is removed to the environment, as a result of which conditions appear in the refrigerator for cooling, freezing and long-term preservation of products.

What are refrigeration compressors: pros and cons

To date, compressors for refrigerators can be divided into several categories

Piston compressor

The most common and popular type. Such an assembly consists of one or more cylinders arranged vertically or horizontally. The pistons located in these cylinders carry out reciprocating movements with the help of a connecting rod-crank mechanism.

Strengths of this compressor:

  • Simple construction;
  • Democratic price;
  • There are no difficulties with repair or maintenance;
  • Outlet air pressure is high;
  • High wear resistance. Perfectly withstands both continuous operation and rare inclusions;
  • Unpretentious in work and content.

Weak sides:

  • Low performance;
  • Regular maintenance is required;
  • Needs a filter system.

Rotary (screw) compressor

Known since the end of the 19th century. In such cooling units, the pressure difference that occurs due to the rotation of the rotor and the movable plate changes the energy of rotation. Such compressors are installed in some models.


  • Significant compression ratio.
  • The absence of elements subject to high stress and the regular injection of oil into the steam chamber ensure reliability and durability.
  • You can adjust the performance by changing the speed at which the rotors rotate.
  • Differs in small vibration therefore does not demand the strong base.
  • Relatively low noise level, thanks to which in any room
  • The small dimensions of the node itself.


The efficiency of changing the state of freon inside the system. The constant speed of rotation of the shafts causes a different compression force.

inverter compressor

Works without shutdowns, unlike linear. After the first start-up, the cooling system lowers the temperature in the chambers to the specified level, then the compressor, using only the necessary power, maintains the conditions necessary to save the products. Equipped with such nodes.


  • The compressor, with rare exceptions, does not use the maximum power in its operation, therefore, compared to other cooling systems, electricity is consumed more economically.
  • Due to the constant operation, such units do not emit loud sounds that usually accompany the process of starting a traditional compressor.
  • Inverter compressors are more durable due to the fact that there is no need to experience increased loads during constant starts and stops.
  • At first glance, refrigerators equipped with a compressor of this category are more expensive than household appliances with a traditional cooling system. But the high level of energy savings, long service life, wear resistance make the purchase more profitable.


  • The complexity of the device and production technology, making the cost of the finished compressor higher in comparison with simpler types of cooling devices.
  • A voltage drop in the home electrical network can damage the inverter compressor. To avoid such a situation, before purchasing a household appliance with such equipment, it is advisable to verify the quality of the wiring and, if necessary, replace weak areas or secure the installation site of the refrigeration unit.

Linear compressor

The operation of such a unit is carried out in three stages: turning on, cooling, turning off. The temperature in the refrigerator chamber is controlled by a sensor, as soon as it exceeds a predetermined level, the compressor starts. Lowering the temperature as soon as possible, it turns off again. This cycle repeats as long as the refrigerator is connected to the mains. The reciprocating movement of the piston in the cylinder occurs due to the influence of electromagnetic forces, which reduces energy losses and increases the service life. The energy consumption of such compressors is 40% lower than that of traditional units. Some are equipped with such nodes.


  • Increased durability and reliability due to fewer moving parts.
  • The compressor control system helps to minimize temperature fluctuations in the refrigerator compartment from the owner's setting and improve control over the temperature fluctuation range.
  • The design and operation of the compressor allows you to save energy.
  • The stability of the conditions inside the refrigerating chamber due to the continuity of the cooling system helps to cool the products in the shortest possible time and retain all the useful properties.
  • A refrigerator equipped with a linear compressor operates relatively quietly, thanks to a smooth start and stop system for the cooling unit.


  • Each inclusion is accompanied by characteristic clicks.
  • When starting, the compressor experiences maximum load and increases energy consumption.

Much less often, refrigerators are equipped with the following types of compressors:

  • Oil free. As the name suggests, the unit does not require oil to operate. Usually they are installed in refrigeration units.
  • Electrogasdynamic. In this design, the necessary pressure is obtained due to the appearance of space charges of particles in the electric field.

Like any device, compressors have their own life and need periodic maintenance. In the event of a failure of the cooling system in a household appliance, you should not fix the problem yourself, it is better to entrust it to a specialist.

The difference between a conventional refrigerator and its counterpart with an inverter compressor is that the first one works cyclically (turned on - reached the set temperature - turned off), and the inverter compressor does not turn off completely. The transition from one mode to another occurs smoothly due to a change in the number of revolutions in the compressor. Depending on the situation, the power of the device changes.

The inverter system is increasingly used in modern refrigeration equipment. Experts believe that this technology belongs to the future. The advantage of the inverter compressor over the conventional motor of an old refrigerator is obvious. Here are the main ones:


Firstly: Refrigerators with this type of compressor usually consume 10-20% less electricity, since they only operate at full power when they are first turned on. Then the engine slows down and enters the mode of maintaining the desired temperature. All inverter refrigerators for energy saving correspond to class A + (this is at least), more common - A ++, and even A +++.

Secondly: due to the absence of overloads, peak modes in the operation of equipment, the wear of all parts of the mechanism is significantly slowed down. Thus, the service life of refrigerators with an inverter compressor is increased significantly. This is an important factor, since when buying a refrigerator, you have the right to count on a long period of its perfect operation. Some manufacturers (for example, the Samsung campaign) guarantee 10 years of uninterrupted operation of their products.

Third: all units with inverter compressor have a minimum noise level during operation. Only during the initial freezing is noise due to the active movement of cold air in the system. Further, the refrigerator runs at minimum power almost silently.

The clicks of turning on and off the compressor, which are typical for traditional outdated models, are completely absent here, since the refrigerator starts only at the beginning of operation and then does not turn off on its own.

Due to the design of the inverter compressor, the internal vibration of the device is also lower than with a conventional compressor.

Fourth: In a conventional refrigerator, the temperature range is quite wide, which is not very good for high-quality food storage. With the constant operation of the inverter compressor (even at the very minimum power), the temperature in the chambers is evenly kept at a certain level. And this means that the conditions for storing food in such a refrigerator are more comfortable.

Now let's talk about the disadvantages of inverter refrigerators. They are few, but they also exist.


Firstly: the cost of this technique is much higher. Over time, expenses will be covered by energy savings, but you will immediately have to pay a decent amount.

Secondly: Inverter refrigerators are sensitive to power surges. If there is a problem with this, then you may also have to purchase separate protective equipment. But do not rush to get upset. You just need to find a model with a system Volt control. This system protects equipment from power surges. When there is a power surge, the refrigerator automatically goes into standby mode. After voltage stabilization, the equipment returns to work on its own.


And it should also be noted that the refrigerator is a rather complicated device. Which compressor is in it is very important, but it is not the only one who guarantees a long and stable service life of the device. For example, poor-quality wiring inside the refrigerator, poor contacts, insufficient thermal insulation and many other flaws can disable any compressor.

You delve into the details of how compressors work. This is right. Continue to explore the rest of the contents of the appliance and find your ideal refrigerator.

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The refrigerator is a necessary type of household appliances for equipping the kitchen. Its acquisition is associated with a thorough study of the characteristics, including the type of compressor. It is the basic element that makes it function.

The productivity and durability of the refrigerator depends on the option chosen, so even before making a purchase, you need to study in detail the features of the device. Among the main types stand out inverter, which has a lot of advantages.

The device and principle of operation of the inverter compressor

The creation of the inverter compressor was relatively recent, based on the knowledge that the developers had as a result of the long-term operation of the linear type of design. This is the main feature, since it was possible to take into account all the shortcomings of the older model and correct them in the new generation.

The principle of operation of the inverter type is as follows:

  • turning on (starting) the device;
  • as a result of its functioning, the chamber inside is cooled;
  • productive work allows you to provide support for the established temperature regime;
  • decrease in speed, but the operation does not stop completely.

The inverter compressor is characterized by smooth and measured operation. In some cases, it is comparable to the work of a car engine that makes movements along the highway.

From the point of view of technical science, the inverter type of motor is capable of converting alternating current into direct current. Then the reverse process occurs, only taking into account the desired frequency of the alternating current.

The use of inverter compressors is typical not only for refrigeration units, but also for equipping medical and computer equipment. It is also often used in the design of technical equipment for measuring and servicing vehicles.

What is the difference between an inverter compressor and a linear compressor?

The operation of inverter and linear types of compressors have many differences. The very fact that the new type was made taking into account the mistakes of the old one speaks volumes. For linear, it is typical to initially gain maximum speed, and as soon as the desired temperature is reached, a shutdown occurs. Operation is controlled by a specially designed relay. At the moment of starting, a characteristic clicking sound is heard.

In turn, the inverter model is characterized by continuous operation and lower power consumption. Also, there is a constant support for the temperature regime.

Advantages and disadvantages of an inverter motor

In most cases, the acquisition of equipment with a compressor engine is characterized by a number of advantages. Among these, the following should be noted:

  1. Silent operation. Virtually eliminates noise during operation, which ensures the comfort of operation. There are also no characteristic start-up clicks.
  2. Low power consumption. Compared to a linear type compressor, the savings are in the range of 40%, since the motor runs almost continuously.
  3. Products are stored in more favorable conditions. Static mode of operation and no temperature fluctuations, which has a positive effect on products.
  4. Duration of operation. A high power level ensures minimal stress on the mechanical elements of the refrigerator. Such an impact reduces the wear rate of spare parts, and the service life increases.

However, this does not mean that the inverter compressor is completely ideal. There are also disadvantages, which are not many, but they should be taken into account. First- this is a cost, as a rule, it is quite high. When compared with linear, the difference will be about 30%. Second, more insignificant, is the exactingness of working conditions. You need to make sure that the wiring and sockets in the house regularly maintain the same voltage and are in good condition.

Note! In some cases, it does not hurt to purchase a stabilizer. This is necessary when the voltage in the house often jumps.

Possible causes in case of breakdown of the inverter system

Despite the fact that the inverter compressor model has a lot of advantages, including a long service life, it can also fail. However, most can be prevented. As already noted, sensitivity to voltage drops is observed. Inexperienced owners may not take this factor into account when buying.

  • inspect the condition of the sockets;
  • replace those that are out of order;
  • check the condition of the wiring.

These actions will help prepare the room for the work of new equipment. In addition, for the purposes of prevention, such actions will be useful.

Many manufacturers of modern household appliances take into account such specifics of the operation of inverter compressors. Therefore, they create protection using Volt Control technology. The principle of operation is based on putting the device into standby mode when jumps occur. When the situation stabilizes, engine operation resumes.

How to test an inverter compressor

Compressor health monitoring is carried out by starting without an inverter. To do this, you need to connect the simplest light bulbs that are connected to a triangle. If none of them burn when the generator is off, everything is working properly. After the inverter and generator are connected, they should flash one after the other.

In the process of finding a good refrigerator, the compressor is an important criterion, however, when buying, you need to consider:

  • noise level;
  • life time;
  • performance;
  • number of compressors.

Recently, models with two compressors have become increasingly popular. This allows two cameras to work independently, and it also affects performance and service life.

The inverter compressor in the refrigerator has a reduced noise level and consumes 30-40% less electricity compared to conventional refrigerator compressors.

No modern kitchen can do without, among which the refrigerator plays an important role. In order for the device to serve for many years, you should carefully approach its choice. Today's refrigerators are very different from those that were produced several decades ago, and the main difference is the compressor. In addition to the usual ones, there is another type - inverter refrigerators. To make the right choice and buy a quality product, you need to familiarize yourself with the features, the principle of operation, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of these models.

Many people know about the presence of a compressor in the refrigerator, but not everyone knows about its varieties. Modern production technologies allow the production of equipment with inverter compressors (such, for example, are available from Samsung or LG). This type is not yet so popular, but now it can be bought from the world's leading brands. According to experts, the inverter motor has a great future.

4 main types of compressors

There are four types of compressors - conventional, linear, inverter and linear inverter.


A conventional compressor is an electric motor that rotates a conventional piston pump, which in turn pumps the refrigerator refrigerant. These are in the most ancient refrigerators and turn on either at 100% power or at 0%. This leads to temperature fluctuations inside the refrigerator chambers.


A linear compressor differs from a conventional compressor in that it does not have an electric motor. Instead, there is an electromagnetic coil, in the core of which a pump piston is installed. There are no rotating parts in such a compressor, as a result of which it consumes less electricity, makes less noise (at the inverter level) and costs less. It also works either at 100% power or completely off.

This type of compressor is the most common. The start of the engine can be determined by a click. But there are significant shortcomings here. Firstly, constantly running at full power can lead to serious damage to the compressor. Secondly, at the time of starting the engine, the load on the network increases significantly, which entails high energy costs. These and many other shortcomings were the reason for the introduction of inverter compressors into production.


An inverter compressor is also an electric motor with a pump, but only with an adjustable shaft speed. Adjustment allows you to smoothly adjust the engine speed and thus maintain a constant temperature in the refrigerator chambers, as well as reduce its noise and energy consumption. The engine speed control board is a little expensive, which is of course a minus.

The operation of the inverter compressor is smooth, without abrupt switching on and off. First, it starts and cools the chamber inside the refrigerator to the desired (set) temperature, which it maintains constantly. This type of engine does not turn off completely, but only reduces speed to a minimum. As a result, the temperature in the chamber remains unchanged, which is a definite plus.

Linear inverter

It does not have an electric motor and can change the speed of the pump piston. This type of compressor is the quietest and most economical to date.

Advantages and disadvantages of inverter compressor

The inverter type of compressor has its strengths and weaknesses. Benefits include:

  • Less power consumption compared to the linear type. Such refrigerators consume 10-20% less electricity, as they work at full capacity only when they are first turned on. After that, the engine reduces speed and goes into the mode of maintaining the set temperature. Refrigeration equipment with this type of compressors belongs to A +, A ++, A +++ energy classes.
  • Longer service life. Since there are no serious overloads in the operation of the engine, the wear of various parts of the mechanism is significantly reduced. This allows the technique to work much longer. For example, the manufacturer Samsung gives a ten-year warranty on its products, which indicates the reliability and high quality of household appliances with this type of engine.
  • Low noise level. Everyone knows that refrigerators are not the quietest appliance in the house. Often, the monotonous sounds emanating from them can bring a lot of discomfort. What can not be said about inverter models. This variety is able to work almost silently, and the sound can be heard only when the device is turned on for the first time, when it is necessary to cool the camera to the desired temperature.
  • Maintaining the temperature at the same level. Unlike conventional refrigerators, where the temperature range is quite wide, inverter refrigerators allow you to maintain it at the same level, without sudden changes. Whereby, .

But this type of engine also has disadvantages:

  • High price. Compared to linear compressor refrigerators, inverter refrigerators are more expensive, and not everyone can afford to buy them. Over time, the technology will certainly pay off due to energy savings.
  • Sensitivity to voltage drops. In some homes, this problem occurs quite often and appliances can be seriously damaged. Therefore, in order to protect the instrument, it is necessary to purchase additional protective equipment. Manufacturers also offer models with the Volt Control system (for example, Samsung), which will protect the refrigerator from sudden voltage drops. In the event of a power surge, the device will go into standby mode, and subsequently return to work on its own.

Samsung inverter models

Samsung Electronics is one of the world's leading home appliance brands. In its assortment there are not only refrigerators with a linear compressor, but also with an inverter one. The second type is distinguished by its efficient energy consumption, reduced noise level and high cooling capacity inside the chambers.

Depending on the change in temperature outside or inside the refrigerator, the engine starts to increase or decrease the number of revolutions per minute. This allows you to maintain the required temperature in the chamber, which means it keeps food fresh longer and maintains optimal humidity.

The noise level of the Samsung inverter refrigerator is only 38.5 dB, which is 10% lower than conventional models. This technique will not interfere with comfortable rest and sleep.

Another important advantage of Samsung products is efficient power consumption. Compared to conventional refrigerators, inverter refrigerators use 40% less energy. Any buyer should be satisfied with this factor, since in consequence the technique will allow him to save on paying bills.

Inverter motors allow the products inside the chambers to be stored much longer, and at the same time remain fresh. It's all about the normal level of humidity that this type of compressor provides.

Samsung promises customers high build quality of its products, as well as its reliability and durability. That is why it provides a ten-year warranty on this equipment.