Anthracnose currant photo. Currant anthracnose: treatment of bushes from the disease, video and photo Diseases of black currant anthracnose

Ecology of consumption. Manor: Black, white and red currants: diseases and treatment, struggle and symptoms of diseases. In order for the currant bushes in your garden to please with abundant harvests for a long time, it is very important to notice and diagnose the disease in time

Why do currant leaves turn yellow? Why are there red spots on currant leaves? Is there an effective protection of currants from powdery mildew? Are currant varieties disease resistant? The gardener and gardener will try to give comprehensive answers to these and other questions.

Currant: diseases and treatment

Redcurrant diseases and blackcurrant diseases are mostly the same and are treated in the same way. The same applies to white currants. The only thing is that one of the three species is more susceptible to some diseases, which will certainly be noted in the description of the disease. Currant diseases appear in spring and early summer and can be viral or fungal.

Virus diseases of currant:

Terry blackcurrant

Striped currant mosaic

Fungal diseases of currant:


goblet rust

columnar rust

White spotting (septoria)

powdery mildew

Gray rot

Non-cryogenic shrinkage

Terry blackcurrant

Otherwise, this disease that causes infertility is called reversion. And this is the worst viral disease of all possible. In general, all types of currants are susceptible to this sore, but most often for some reason you can see it on black. If you have manifested blackcurrant terry, treatment will not help. None. At all.

Terryness is determined only during flowering by the shape and color of leaves and petals.


Three blades on a sheet instead of five,

Elongated shape, pointed tips,

The teeth along the edge of the leaf are larger and less frequent,

The veins on the leaf are coarser and there are fewer of them,

The leaf blade is thicker,

Leaf color is darker

The smell of currant is not felt.


Petals are smaller, elongated, narrow,

The color of the petals is purple, dirty pink or even green,

Inflorescences dry up without the formation of berries,

The flowering of a diseased bush is late for a week.

Prevention and treatment of currant terry

1. Healthy planting material. There are no varieties resistant to this viral disease. Therefore, it is especially necessary to carefully approach the choice of new cuttings. Planting material should be taken only from those bushes on which there has not been a hint of terry for the last three years.

2. Careful inspection. It is necessary to carefully inspect the bushes every year during the flowering period, because. often the first symptoms can be missed. It happens that infection with terry lasts for years. But this is exactly what is dangerous. After all, this sore with the juice of a sick currant is transferred by insects (bud mites and aphids) to healthy bushes. The longer you get rid of an infected plant, the more likely it becomes to kill all the others.

3. Vector control. In order to prevent the spread of terry, if it still appears in your garden, it is worth protecting the plants from currant bud mites and aphids.

4. Increasing sustainability. To make the bushes less susceptible to terry, you can increase the amount of potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. Foliar top dressing with a solution of manganese, boron, molybdenum is also recommended. Increased use of fertilizers with nitrogen, on the contrary, will increase the risk of terry disease in currants.

5. Fire. For a bush where blackcurrant terry is noticed, there can be only one treatment - uprooting. Moreover, it is necessary to remove the entire bush, even if only one shoot is sick. You will not get by with half measures in the form of one or two cut branches. Burn the uprooted bush immediately to the ground so that even a hint of the virus does not “leak out”. During the next five years, currants cannot be returned to this place.

Striped blackcurrant mosaic

Viral disease with no cure. It is spread by sucking insects (aphids, mites), transferring saliva from diseased plants to healthy ones. The reason may also be the graft of a diseased cutting on a healthy bush. Well, pruning sick and healthy bushes in a row without intermediate disinfection of the instrument is also a very real reason.

You can determine the disease by the appearance on the leaves in early June of a pattern around the large veins of the leaf. The color of the stripes is bright yellow.

Control and prevention of vein mosaic

1. Healthy planting material. Resistant varieties do not exist in nature. Therefore, carefully choose the bushes from which you are going to receive new cuttings. They must be healthy.

2. Careful inspection. Inspect bushes annually in early summer for signs of disease.

3. Vector control. In order to prevent a striped mosaic, treat currants with a remedy for sucking pests.

4. Fire. Like any viral disease, it cannot be cured. So, only drastic measures: uprooting the entire bush with its subsequent burning.

5. Quarantine. Beware of planting currants on a sore spot for at least five years.

Anthracnose currant

In colloquial speech, this disease is called "flycat". Another fairly common fungal disease of currants. The fungus overwinters on leaf debris under the bush and is spread by insects and water. In dry and hot summers, the development of the disease is unlikely.

Anthracnose is easily identified. Small brown-red dots on currant leaves - this is the first stage. The farther, the more brown spots on currant leaves “spread” on the sides and eventually the entire leaf turns brown, after which it dries up and falls off ahead of time. For red currants, anthracnose is even more dangerous: the leaves can fall off with just a few spots.

The first red spots on currant leaves appear on the lower branches, which are closer to the wintering site of the fungus. Further, the disease can go along the leaf petioles, stalks and young shoots. Anthracnose will reach its apogee in late July - August.

Currant anthracnose: treatment and prevention

1. Purification. All fallen leaves are collected and burned. The soil under the bushes should be dug up in time, the top layer should be covered by 10 cm. Weeds should also be destroyed.

2. Spraying. When spraying, remember to treat the underside of the leaves.

If you have just noticed currant anthracnose, treatment should be carried out immediately. Immediately upon detection, spray the bush with "Fitosporin", and at the end of August, repeat the procedure.

In early spring or late autumn, after the foliage has completely fallen off, spray the bushes themselves and the soil under them with a 3% solution of 60% nitrafen at the rate of 30-40 kg / ha.

3. Choice of variety. It is worth planting varieties that are less susceptible to anthracnose: Belarusian Sweet, Varshevicha, Victoria, Golubka, Dutch Red, Gonduin Red, Reibi Castle, Zoya, Jonker van Tete, Cox, Radiant, Melody, Minai Shmyrev, Nochka, Primorsky Champion, Firstborn , Ural white, Yuterbogskaya.

Currant goblet rust

Goblet rust is caused by a fungus and is quite common. Many have seen orange-red bubbles on currant leaves more than once. Bushes are most susceptible to this disease, next to which any kind of sedge grows. It is on it that the spores of the fungus overwinter, and in the spring they “roam” with the wind on currants. The development of the disease will be especially strong at high humidity in the place where the bush grows (rainy spring, lowland). The main danger is that leaves and berries turn yellow and fall off.

Goblet rust on currant leaves is determined by the appearance of warts (pads) of a bright orange color. In some cases, swelling can be on inflorescences and ovaries. Rust spores develop on the underside of the leaves, mature and fly away further, so that signs of the disease may disappear as early as mid-summer.

Currant goblet rust: treatment and prevention

1. The right place. It is best to plant currants on a hill, away from wetlands.

2. Purification. Destroy the sedge growing nearby or mow in a timely manner. If you notice orange-red swellings on currant leaves, be sure to rake and burn all fallen leaves in the fall.

3. Spraying. When spraying, pay special attention to the underside of the leaves.

During the blooming of the leaves, the beginning of flowering and immediately after flowering (i.e. 3 times), you can spray the bushes with 1% beard liquid.

Before flowering, after flowering, after 12 days and after picking berries (i.e. 4 times), 0.4% suspension of 80% cuprosan and 1% colloidal sulfur at the rate of 3- 4 kg/ha.

4. Choice of variety. The following currant varieties are least susceptible to the development of this disease: Versailles white, Victoria red, Goliath, Dutch red, Gonduin, Zoya, Cantata, Neapolitan, Nina, Minsk, Pulkovo, Suite Kievskaya, Chereshneva, Faya fertile.

Columnar rust of currant

Currant columnar rust is another fungal disease. Unlike goblet rust, it is not transferred from sedges, but from pines and other conifers. Blackcurrant is the most susceptible to the disease.

You can determine the disease by small yellow spots on the leaves that appear during the picking of berries. Turning the sheet over, you can see orange bubbles on the underside of it. With the development of the disease, spore columns appear in places of swelling, which change their color from orange to brown. Outwardly, they resemble bristles.

The danger of a neglected disease lies in the premature fall of leaves, the deterioration of shoot growth and the loss of winter hardiness of the bush. As a result, next year's harvest will be significantly smaller.

Columnar rust on currants: control and prevention measures

1. The right place. It is best to plant currants away from pines and other conifers.

2. Purification. If you notice yellow spots on currant leaves, then in the fall it is worth collecting and burning the fallen leaves, or putting them into the soil.

3. Spraying.

Before the leaves appear, immediately after flowering is completed and after collecting the berries (i.e. 3 times), treat the affected bushes with 1% beard liquid.

If you just noticed how the leaves on the currant turn yellow, immediately treat the bush with Fitosporin.

4. Choice of variety. The least susceptible to the disease are columnar rust varieties: English white, Dutch red, Houghton Castle, Reiby Castle, Meat Red, Feya fertile.

Powdery mildew on currants

Powdery mildew on currants is a fungal disease that has two varieties:

The European one appears as a white coating on the currant in the form of a cobweb and is quite rare. Red currants are more susceptible to disease.

Sferoteka or American powdery mildew is visible as a loose white coating on currant leaves, which darkens over time and looks like felt.

Spores of the fungus overwinter on the bushes themselves and fallen leaves. Young leaves are the first to become infected during flowering. Then the disease "goes" further, to older leaves. They curl up into a tube, darken and eventually fall off. Next, a white coating may appear on the currant berries and they will also dry out and fall off.

Treatment and protection of currants from powdery mildew

1. Purification. In early spring, you need to cut off the ends of the infected branches (gnarled and black), capturing a couple of buds of a healthy shoot. Collect and burn fallen leaves, spores may remain on them.

2. Pinching. At the beginning of the ripening of berries, you can pinch the tips of the branches (growth buds) so that powdery mildew does not start on them.

3. Treatment of currants from powdery mildew.

The first spraying in the spring on young leaves, the second - in a couple of weeks on the formed ovaries. For processing, you can use: preparations "Topaz" or "Vectra"; 0.1% solution of copper sulphate or beard liquid at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 5 - 7 liters of water.

Spraying with a repeat after three days (i.e. 2 times) with a solution of 5% iodine at the rate of 10 ml per 10 liters of water. This method is good because the berries can be consumed immediately.

Processing of currants from powdery mildew can also be carried out by "Fitosporin" once a month, for the first time in mid-May. This is not a chemical preparation, which means it is not absorbed by berries.

In order to destroy the fungal infection, it is possible to spray the near-trunk circle and currant bushes with iron sulfate dissolved in proportions of 300 g per 10 liters of water.

4. Choice of variety. The most resistant to powdery mildew: Asora, Binar, Dutch Red, Detvan, Dawn of the Arctic, Ilyinka, Temptation, Katyusha, Red Kislitsa, Kipiama, Red Cross, Kupalinka, Radiant, Natalie, Beloved, Night, Lights of the Urals, Rovada, Rolan, Rynok London, Stephane No. 9, Titania, Ural beauty, Ural white, Feya fertile, Ciralt, Ceres.

White spot (septoria) currant

White spot is a fungal disease that blackcurrants are most susceptible to. The spread of the disease comes from diseased fallen leaves.

Septoria is determined in early summer. The first to appear brown spots on currant leaves, they can be angular or rounded. Over time, the spots turn white, only a narrow brown stripe remains along the contour. So in July you will see not brown, but light spots on currant leaves.

Fight and prevention of white spotting

1. Fertilizer. To increase the resistance of currants to the disease, in addition to mineral supplements, microelements must also be added. It can be manganese sulfate, copper, boron or zinc.

2. Choice of variety. Give preference to currant varieties: Versailles white, Houghton Castle, Star of the North, Early Tabor, Wonderful, Chulkovekaya, Generous.

3. Other control measures are similar to those used for anthracnose.

Nektrium drying of shoots and branches of currant

A fungal disease that is more susceptible to white and red currants. As the name implies, the damage from this sore is shrunken and dead branches and shoots. The longer you delay with the drying treatment, the less in the end there will be left from the bush. This means that the yields will be lower and lower every year.

You can determine the disease by the appearance of small orange dots on the branches, which you may not notice. Then they grow and become reddish-brown bumps, it’s quite difficult to miss them. Over time, spores mature and they change color to black.

Treatment and prevention of drying out

1. Purification. Sick branches and shoots must be cut and burned. You don't want a repeat next year, do you? Be sure to disinfect the cut points with 1% Bordeaux liquid, and then cover with garden pitch.

2. Agricultural technology. Follow the rules for caring for currants (destroying weeds, planting fallen leaves, top dressing, etc.). These simple measures will minimize the spread of the fungus and increase the resistance of the bush to the disease. Your currant will not hurt, which means it will not have to be treated.

Gray rot

A fungal disease that affects many cultures. Spread by wind and rain from mummified fruits and infected branches.

On currants, it appears as brown spots on the leaves. Wood suffers mainly from white currants, becoming covered with lumps of mold.

How to treat and deal with gray mold

1. Agricultural technology. Follow the rules for caring for currants (weed control, water regime, top dressing, etc.)

2. Purification. Leaves, shoots and fruits affected by gray rot must be removed from the bush and destroyed.

General prevention of currant diseases

1. In late autumn, you can spray all the bushes with a highly concentrated solution of urea, at the rate of 700 g per 10 liters of water. They also need to cultivate the soil under the currant. This spraying will kill the pests that have settled down for the winter in the foliage that has flown around, the wintering spores of fungal diseases will also not resist. In early spring (preferably in April), be sure to carry out another such spraying.

2. Good results are obtained by spring treatment of currants for diseases with the drug "Zircon", which increases the resistance of currants to various sores. Re-spraying will need to be scheduled for the second half of August.

Now you will have healthy currants, we have considered their diseases and treatment in full. published

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Black currant diseases can be caused by both pathogens and chemical factors.
Biological pathogens of blackcurrant diseases are fungi and bacteria. Viruses can also be attributed to the group of biological pathogens of blackcurrant diseases, although not all diseases of viral origin are fully biological due to the nature of viruses. All blackcurrant diseases caused by pathogens are characterized by the fact that any healthy bush can become infected with them. Therefore, the disease is easier to prevent and prevent its occurrence.

Diseases of blackcurrant fungal nature

Blackcurrant diseases of fungal origin develop faster in a humid environment, during prolonged rains and bad weather.

Anthracnose symptoms
Brown, brown or red-brown spots appear on the leaves of blackcurrant - these are the places where spores of a pathogenic fungus develop. Over time, the spots become larger, they affect young shoots, leaf petioles and berry stalks. The leaves lose their green color, become brown, curl, dry out and subsequently fall off. The spores of the fungus overwinter in the ground, so the lower leaves of the shrub are the first to be infected.

How to cure blackcurrant from anthracnose
For the timely treatment of this blackcurrant disease, it is necessary to periodically carefully examine the bushes in search of signs of infection. This is especially important during a prolonged rainy period, when the fungus develops faster. At the first symptoms of a blackcurrant disease, the bush must be treated with a fungicidal preparation, for example, Fitosporin, Acrobat, Previkur, Ordan, Profig Gold, Skor, Ridomil. You can also use preparations containing Cu (copper) and S (sulfur), but with such agents you need to be extremely careful. The concentration of copper-containing cuprosan should be 0.4%, and colloidal sulfur should not exceed 1%, otherwise it will harm the plant.

Measures to prevent anthracnose:
Destruction of fallen leaves;
Destruction of weeds;
Mandatory autumn digging of the soil (so that the spores of the fungus fall into the deeper layers of the soil and cannot germinate);
Shrub processing in early spring, before bud break;
Spring pruning and thinning of the bush;
Use of varieties and hybrids resistant to the disease (for example, Katyusha, Belarusian Sweet, Primorsky Champion, Golubka, Zoya, Maryushka, Grazia, Semiramida, Black Veil).

Powdery mildew symptoms
The spherotek fungus that causes this blackcurrant disease primarily affects the young tissues of the plant. A white coating appears on the upper leaves, buds, petioles - this is how the mycelium of the fungus develops. With further development, it changes color, becoming brown or brown. Infected berries rot, lose their marketable appearance, and their sugar content decreases.

How to cure blackcurrant from powdery mildew
Treatment of blackcurrant from powdery mildew should be started at the first symptoms by treating the shrub with fungicidal preparations. These can be preparations containing copper compounds (copper sulfate, copper chloride), zinc, iron (ferrous sulfate) and sulfur. They block and suppress the development of the sphere library.
In addition to these substances, during the blackcurrant disease with powdery mildew, you can use the complex preparations Topaz, Tilt KE, Fitosporin, Vectra, Skor.
Note: Bordeaux mixture - a long-used remedy, has poor efficacy in the treatment of fungal diseases of black currant, significantly inferior to other drugs, it is recommended only for preventive measures.

Read also
Blackcurrant: recipes and contraindications >
Blackcurrant pests >
What is useful blackcurrant
Growing blackcurrant: planting and care > Blackcurrant compote, juice, wine >

Powdery mildew prevention measures
leaf cleaning;
Destruction by burning infected plant residues;
Digging the soil;
Blackcurrant fertilizer with phosphorus and potassium to increase plant "immunity";
Spring treatment of bushes with fungicides (before bud break).
Planting blackcurrant varieties and hybrids that are resistant to powdery mildew, for example, Dachnitsa, Mermaid, Vologda, Charm, Raisin, Kapiana, Riddle, Dikovinka, Vologda, Dobrynya, Wonderful sight, Exotica.

Symptoms of septoria
This blackcurrant disease is sometimes confused with powdery mildew because of the spots on the leaves: first brown and then whitish. But with septoria, there is no whitish coating on the spots, and droplets of “dew” do not stand out on them. After some time, the bush may completely lose its leaves, and the shoots will slow down or stop growing.
Methods of control and prevention completely coincide with the treatment of anthracnose.

currant rust

Currant rust symptoms
On vegetative (leaves) and generative (flowers, fruits) organs, orange or reddish-brown goblets are formed.

How to cure blackcurrant from rust
Treatment of the bush with fungicidal preparations (Previkur, Skor, Fitosporin-M, Topaz) inhibits the development of the fungus. It is also possible to use colloidal sulfur and preparations containing Cu - copper.

Prevention of rust on currants
The sedge is an intermediate host in the development cycle of the pucinia fungus. The destruction of the sedge will not give the opportunity for the development of the fungus.
The use of rust-resistant blackcurrant varieties and hybrids, for example, Titanic, Consorta, Cossack, Concorod, Blakestone, Alta.

Another type of rust columnar- affects blackcurrant less often. You can cure blackcurrant from columnar rust using the same methods as treating goblet rust.

Viral diseases of black currant

Viral diseases of blackcurrant, in the vast majority, lead to its death. It is impossible to remove the virus from the plant, but in the early stages of the disease it is possible to save the bush.

How to cure blackcurrant from diseases caused by viruses?
At the first symptoms of infection, all infected parts of the plant must be removed, and the disease may stop progressing.
In case of severe damage to the shrub, it must be uprooted and destroyed so that the infection does not spread to neighboring bushes.


This is one of the most common viral diseases of black currant. The carrier of the virus in most cases is a kidney tick.

Currant terry symptoms
The main symptom of this blackcurrant disease is mutilated flowers that do not produce berries. On the same shrub at the beginning of the disease, double flowers and fruiting branches will be found. Another important sign is the presence of abnormally swollen kidneys. This indicates the presence of a kidney mite.

Prevention of currant terry
Choose only healthy plants for planting and propagation and carry out treatment from currant mites.
Use blackcurrant varieties that are resistant to bud mites and terry, for example, Rusalka, Dubrovskaya, Vigorous, Daughter, Moscow, Dove seedling, Michurin's memory.

Most currant diseases affect the shrub in spring or early summer. Most often, the culture suffers from fungal and viral diseases. One of the most popular diseases that haunts the berry in all regions of cultivation is currant anthracnose. After the defeat, young shoots are almost not formed on the bush, the frost resistance of the plant worsens, the yield and the amount of natural sugar in the fruits decrease. Prevention of such a disease is considered to be the maintenance of a normal agro background, the prevention of high soil moisture, as well as periodic inspection of plants and spraying of crops.

This is a fungal disease, the occurrence of which provokes the development and vital activity of the marsupial fungus of the Pseudopeziza ribis kleb type. The causative agent of the infection contributes to the early fall of the leaves, sucks nutrients from the branches of the bush. In the regions, up to 75% of the blackcurrant crop is killed by frequent heavy precipitation.

In diseased bushes, immunity to negative temperatures decreases. Up to half of the shoots can die from anthracnose. The fungus develops over two periods:

  1. In summer, at the conidia stage, the fungus produces two or three generations of spores that penetrate neighboring plants. The development of the disease takes place during the growing season of the crop. During this period, the spores of the fungus penetrate the cells of the currant leaves. Ripened conidia acquire a crescent shape, tear the tissue and are located on the surface of the leaf plate. The disease can be visually identified by the appearance of white glossy pads on the affected areas of the currant.
  2. The fungus overwinters in fallen leaves, in the form of a stroma. With the advent of spring, bag spores and bags come out of the colonies, which infect the bush. During this period, the fruiting bodies are made in the form of saucers on short legs. They are especially manifested on the surface of currant leaves in wet weather. On dry days, anthracnose resembles black lumps.

Note! The primary damage to the culture can occur not only from bagospores, but also from conidia that have been preserved in overwintered plant remains. That is why it is important to remove fallen leaves from the site in time and burn them.

Causes of the disease

The main reason for the appearance of anthracnose on currants is certain weather conditions. Basically, this is increased air humidity combined with high temperatures. The causative agent of the disease enters the host plant through holes of natural origin, periderm or mechanical damage on the surface of the leaves or in the bark of the shoots. The fungus is especially active from mid-May to the end of June. Shrub infestations can occur all summer if it is rainy.

In addition to increased air humidity, the following factors will contribute to the spread of anthracnose:

  • intensive movement of air masses;
  • insects;
  • prolonged drought with temperatures ranging from 24 to 32 degrees.
  • thickened currant plantings;
  • lack of culture.

Important! The main cause of the lesion is considered to be a humid environment, so currants are almost not infected with anthracnose during dry summers.

The mass distribution of spores in the garden plot begins in early May and lasts 3-4 weeks. It is during this period that gardeners must take appropriate measures to prevent the peak of infection in the middle of summer.

Signs of currant anthracnose

The appearance of symptoms of the disease can be observed from the middle of the growing season of the crop. The first visual sign is the defeat of the old, lower leaves of the berry. Usually such vegetative organs are invisible to the gardener, because they are in the middle of the bush.

It is quite simple to explain the defeat of the lower leaves, because such parts of the currant are in close proximity to the fallen leaves with overwintered conidia. The rapid development of the disease is observed during the second wave of sporulation. With a strong defeat, the stems of the culture remain bare, more than half of the leaves crumble. Only those organs that are at the top of the branches remain intact. Anthracnose outbreaks can cause damage to other parts of the plant such as the ovary, petioles, stalks and young shoots.

Other symptoms of the disease are:

  1. The appearance on the leaf blades of numerous microscopic brown spots with sizes of about 1 millimeter. In the future, such areas grow up to 2.5 millimeters.
  2. On the surface of the spots, traces of sporulation are visible in the form of black shiny mounds.
  3. Affected currant leaves soon darken and die.
  4. The affected areas grow faster at an intensive rate of development of anthracnose. The spots merge into large areas, increasing the area of ​​​​the lesion.
  5. Sick leaves turn brown in just a few days.
  6. Symptoms of anthracnose on shoots and petioles can be determined by the formation of small brown in-depth ulcers.
  7. Small glossy spots form on the fruits, some berries completely dry out and fall off.
  8. Blackcurrant bushes begin to hurt from mid-June, when the air warms up to a temperature of +16 ... +19 degrees. The fungus that infects the culture remains invisible for a week.
  9. Redcurrant begins to suffer from anthracnose from the last decade of May to mid-June, when temperatures range from +5 to +25 degrees. In this case, the incubation period does not exceed 6 days.

Red and white currant bushes suffer the most from the disease; such crops begin to shed their leaves at the first symptoms of infection. Blackcurrant suffers much less often from its relatives, its leaves can remain twisted for a long time. Affected vegetative organs fall off in autumn at the right time.

IN attention! Currant bushes affected by anthracnose develop worse due to a decrease in the supply of nutrients, they give less yield and more often suffer from the influence of negative temperatures.

Currant anthracnose treatment

Sometimes the currant manages to give a crop even with outbreaks of the disease, but the gardener must be notified of the consequences of anthracnose. Such an infection takes away useful substances from the plant and can cause its death in winter. In order to prevent such negative consequences, it is necessary to carry out various preventive actions and take measures to treat the currant bush.

Treatment procedures begin in early spring before sap flow, until the buds have blossomed. They finish what they started after harvesting and in the fall during the preparation of the shrub for wintering. The whole list of preventive measures is as follows:

  • Rake and burn fallen currant leaves, because the infection persists in them in winter. Organic remains can be used as fertilizer, they are buried in the soil by 10 centimeters.
  • At the beginning of spring, as well as in the autumn, digging of the root zone of the berry is carried out.
  • Another important preventive measure is the removal of weeds along the aisles of crops.
  • Follow the recommended landing pattern. It is desirable to place currant bushes on the site in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 1-1.5 meters from each other.
  • When crops are located in lowlands or at a high level of groundwater, provide for the removal of excess moisture using a drainage system.

Effective treatment of currants is possible using the following chemicals:

  1. A 2% solution of nitrofen is used to disinfect the soil and fallen leaves. It is used in early spring before the buds swell or in the autumn during digging.
  2. A 1% solution of copper sulfate is used to treat currant bushes in early spring and soil.
  3. Bordeaux mixture 1% concentration, Cineb, colloidal sulfur, and the fungicide Thiovid prevent the development of anthracnose. Spraying of the crop is carried out after flowering and again two weeks after harvesting the berries.
  4. If the symptoms of the disease were detected during the formation and filling of the fruit, then the microbiological agent Titosporin M will help prevent the further development of the infection.
  5. After harvesting, currant bushes can be treated with drugs such as Topsin, Ridomil Gold or Previkur.
  6. Topsin M in combination with Epin improves the plant's immunity to diseases. Spraying the culture with such a solution is carried out a few days before the flowering of the currant.

Note! The fungus enters the leaves through the inner, lower surface. First of all, you need to process these areas. To avoid habituation of the disease, alternate spraying the culture with various drugs.

Top dressing helps to improve the immunity of the plant in relation to diseases. To prepare the nutrient mixture in a 10 liter bucket of water, dissolve:

  • ammonium nitrate - 5 grams;
  • copper sulfate - 3 grams;
  • boric acid - 2 grams;
  • potassium sulfate - 5 grams.

This fertilizer allows you to quickly restore a plant damaged by the disease, prevents the appearance of leaf chlorosis. During the formation of the fruit, you can make one more top dressing. In this case, dissolve in 10 liters of warm water:

  • sifted wood ash - 200 grams;
  • superphosphate - 5 grams;
  • potassium sulfate - 10 grams.

This fertilizer improves the winter hardiness of currant bushes, allows you to increase the yield and resistance of plants to drought. To protect against diseases and pests, currants are watered with the following fertilizer:

  • immunodeficiency - 1 tablet;
  • superphosphate - 5 grams;
  • potassium sulfate - 10 grams.

All these components are dissolved in 10 liters of water. The prepared solution is used for foliar feeding on the leaves. Processing must be carried out on all sides of the bush in the evening in calm weather.

To avoid the appearance of such a dangerous disease as currant anthracnose, resistant varieties allow. It can be Dove, Zoya, Red Dutch, Exhibition, Seaside Champion, Elegant, Belarusian sweet.


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5. If the period and number of treatments with chemicals are strictly limited, then the bushes can be sprayed with decoctions and infusions 4-5 times per season. The last treatment should be carried out no later than 20 days before harvest.​

Fallen leaves that accumulate under currant bushes must be removed. Because the spores of the fungus overwinter in them.

​Preventive measures​ Goblet rust is a fungal disease that affects not only leaves, but also flowers, ovaries of gooseberries and currants. Main symptoms:​

To reduce the number of ticks and diseases, the removal of the leaf apparatus can be recommended, provided that pruning is carried out immediately after the removal of the last berries. Leave cuttings of leaves (1-2 cm) above the heart. Delay is dangerous, the plant is weakened, it does not tolerate wintering well. Water immediately with top dressing with a complete complex fertilizer.

This viral disease affects leaves and root shoots. Leaves acquire a mosaic color. They become bumpy, slightly convex, one-sided. The color of the leaves also changes in the form of alternating light green and dark green areas. From mid-summer and closer to autumn, the mosaic appears in the form of bright yellow spots on raspberry leaves. Affected plants bear little fruit, the berries are tasteless, dry and woody. The root shoots are thin, the leaves are small, wrinkled. Affected bushes lag behind in growth and die. In wet years, it affects the stems and leaves of raspberries, on which the pathogen overwinters. The first signs of the disease appear at the end of May. Whitish spots appear on the leaves with a narrow brown border up to 3 mm in diameter. On the stems, the spots are small, vague, inconspicuous. The diseased tissue of the stems cracks, peels off. Black dots of sporulation develop on damaged tissues of stems and leaves in summer, which ripen in spring and cause primary infection. If you do not protect raspberries from this disease, then weakened bushes begin to bear fruit weakly and easily freeze out during the winter.

. A very common fungal disease. It mainly affects leaves, on which small angular or rounded spots with a diameter of 2-3 mm appear. The spots are initially brown, then white with a narrow brown border. On them, in the upper part of the leaves, small black pycnidia of the fungus are formed. Conidiospores ripen in them, with the help of which the disease spreads throughout the summer period. Septoria infects berries, which form small flat spots with pycnidia. Starting from the second half of summer, the disease causes leaf fall. The fungus overwinters on the affected fallen leaves, on the underside of which a large number of small fruiting bodies - pseudothecia are formed. They develop bagospores in the spring, which are the primary source of infection. It must be borne in mind that black currants are more affected by septoria than red ones.

. It appears everywhere, depending on the resistance of the variety on the leaves from the underside, forming a delicate, inconspicuous white bloom. Then the leaves stop growing, twist in a "boat" and dry out. In humid and warm summers, it is strongly manifested in the center of the bush. And from the berries comes a mushroom smell. The fungus overwinters on the affected parts of plants. Infection begins on young leaves, develops massively during flowering and fruiting, as well as in the second half of summer. All berry crops are susceptible to diseases - plants that are absolutely resistant to diseases, unfortunately, have not yet been bred, although breeders have been struggling with this task for many years . Protecting plants from damage by fungal and viral infections is the primary task of every gardener. Every summer resident who wants to save the harvest without loss needs to know about diseases of fruit and berry crops, as well as priority measures to combat them.

Gooseberry moth is one of the most dangerous pests of currants. At the beginning of flowering, bright green caterpillars penetrate the ovaries, eat away the pulp and seeds in them. Damaged berries are stained ahead of time, dry out and, entangled in cobwebs, hang in a lump on the branches.

The soil in the trunk circle must be dug up in late autumn or early spring. Currant diseases are a serious threat to the garden. Every gardener can face this. But it should be remembered that if you properly and carefully care for the bushes, then the cause for concern will disappear. Gardeners need to take note that seedlings must be healthy when planting, and the land must be cultivated. Every autumn and spring, the owners of the garden need to cut off dry branches and old leaves, and if one of the symptoms of the disease occurs, they must process all the shrubs and soil. Unfortunately, not all currant diseases are curable, and some bushes will need to say goodbye. But do not be afraid to part with them, because such measures will save your rest of the harvest!

On the outside of the sheet, characteristic black currents (spermogonia) appear;

Diseases of strawberries (strawberries) and their treatment

Read also:

Before treating raspberry mosaic and other diseases of fruit bushes, read the rules below.

Purple (purple) spotting of the stems, or raspberry didimella.

In addition to the above diseases, black, red, white currants are affected by the fungal disease brown spot, or cercosporosis, which causes brown spots on the leaves with a light middle. Measures to combat cercosporosis are similar to measures to combat anthracnose and septoria.

Powdery mildew disease of gooseberries and currants and measures to combat it

Look at the photos of strawberry diseases and their control measures below:

Berry crops, as the most early-growing, with a short vegetation cycle, are most susceptible to many fungal and viral diseases. Dangerous conditions for development and fruiting are created in almost every garden plot. There are many reasons. Here, there is no crop rotation, and the use of random planting material. The most important thing is the fear of gardeners of chemicals for plant protection. All this affects the condition of such widespread berry growers as strawberries, raspberries, currants, etc. Insufficient knowledge of gardeners of plant biology and the inability to correctly recognize the main diseases of berry growers lead to crop loss and disappointment in the culture. Before flowering, the soil under the bushes is mulched peat or compost (mulch height 6-8 cm). At the beginning of flowering, damaged berries are collected and destroyed while caterpillars are in them. Before flowering and immediately after it, they are sprayed with biological products - 1% bitoxibacillin or 0.3% lepidocide.

Treatment of gooseberries from diseases

Bud mite is one of the most common and dangerous pests


Currant diseases anthracnose and septoria, measures to combat them

Small brown spots appear on the leaves of the plant with this disease, which are no more than one millimeter in diameter. Brown spots have small dark shiny bumps. If

Further damage to the currant bush is characterized by the formation of spores and spots on the inside of the leaf; All about berries: interesting facts and photos

Disease control measures for berry crops are best used agrotechnical: A widespread fungal disease of raspberries that mainly affects stems and buds. External signs appear first on young annual shoots in the form of small purple spots. The spots gradually increase and merge, ringing the shoot. Then they turn brown with a light middle, in which brown tubercles are formed - pycnidia of the fungus. In the spring of next year, the spots brighten, a large number of black balls appear on them - marsupial sporulation of the fungus, the causative agent of the disease. After that, the bark of the stem cracks, peels off, the wood dries out almost completely and they, starting from the top, die. Purple spotting differs from white spotting by the purple coloration of spots in early spring and summer. The development of the disease is associated with damage to raspberries by stem gall midges and other spots.

Anthracnose control measures

Treatment of currants from diseases

Before flowering, use approved systemic preparations with the addition of Novosil as a preventive measure. In the presence of drip irrigation, once every two weeks before the start of tying berries, apply Extrasol together with other mineral fertilizers, while reducing their application rate by 2 times. Here you will learn about the most common diseases of strawberries and the fight against them. The most dangerous diseases of strawberries are gray rot, various spots and powdery mildew.

During the ripening period, the berries are treated with infusion of wood ash (a third of a bucket of ash is poured into 10 liters of water and insisted for a day) or mustard infusion (100 g of powder is poured with a bucket of boiling water, insisted for 2 days, another bucket of water is added before processing). In the spring, the buds inhabited by him greatly increase in size, becoming up to 1 cm in diameter and resembling small cabbages in shape.

Protection of raspberries from viral diseases

Red currant is sensitive to anthracnose

anthracnose currant The berries are deformed and crumble along with the leaves.

Actinidia plant: description and photo Place for placement choose an open, ventilated, sunny;

Look at the photo of raspberry diseases and their treatment for viral diseases:

. Collection and destruction of fallen leaves. Cutting and burning affected shoots. Repeated digging of the soil. Thinning the base of the bush and removing shoots that are not needed for the formation of zero shoots. Treatment of currants from anthracnose disease by spraying bushes is carried out in early spring before bud break, before flowering and after it with the help of copper-containing preparations or their substitutes. Feeding plants during the growing season with complete fertilizers with trace elements in a chelated form (Fertika autumn or Fertika spring-summer). When creating optimal conditions for the development of the disease (past rains, fogs in the mornings, abundant watering and lowering the temperature), apply chemicals on berry plantations plant protection is not recommended, so we suggest using biological agents (Alirin-B and Gamair). The waiting period in this case is 1 day.​

It is not for nothing that strawberries are called strawberries. And many gardeners forget about it. Crops and plantings do not mulch. But strawberries tend to acquire diseases with improper agricultural practices. One of the widespread and harmful diseases of strawberries in all places of its cultivation is gray rot. At the end of flowering or the beginning of ripening of berries, glass caterpillars gnaw through the bark and penetrate into the branch, filling its core with a wormhole. This is clearly visible on the cut. Damaged branches wither and dry up. Means and methods of struggle. Damaged branches are cut out in early spring and autumn. During the season, drying and lagging behind in development are removed. They are cut to a healthy part or to the ground, leaving no stumps, and immediately destroyed (burned).

The exodus of ticks from them begins before flowering and lasts a little more than a month, but the bulk crawls out within the first 3 weeks. During this period, pests are most vulnerable and easy to get rid of. If they are not stopped, then they will spread along the shoots and populate young buds. The leaves of some varieties begin to fall off even with the appearance of a small number of spots and even before the berries are fully ripe. Varieties such as Dutch Red, Victoria, Pervenets will be more stable. Varieties that were strong affected by anthracnose have low winter hardiness.

Strongly affected, then the spots will merge.

Raspberry rust (with photo) and how to deal with it

In order to cure currant bushes, they should be treated with fungicides. Spray with concentrate three times: during the opening of the leaves, after the isolation of the buds and after flowering. Gardeners also recommend using the Fitosporin biological product. Grapes are a useful plant

The best predecessors: onions, garlic, lettuce, herbs, beets; Raspberry rust

Measures to combat septoria

Raspberry curl (with photo) and the fight against it

Dispose of the affected berries in pits, burying them to a depth of 80 cm and spilling abundantly with Extrasol's working solution, which in this case works as a fungicide.

Gray rot Anthracnose affects young growing leaves. On both sides of the leaf blade appear

A massive infection of currants with a kidney mite leads to the death of the kidneys and a shortage of crops. In addition, this pest is a carrier of a dangerous viral disease - terry, which leads to infertility of flowers.

With running plantings, this disease will spread especially strongly. Therefore, it is necessary to remove weeds in a personal plot in the area of ​​​​growth of currant bushes in time.

How to treat raspberries for mosaic disease

With the development of the disease, the leaves dry up and fall off. The process starts from the bottom of the branches. If petioles and green shoots are affected, small brown ulcers will be noticeable. European powdery mildew

Currant is a useful and popular garden crop. The berries of the bush are juicy and very tasty! What are jam or currant pie worth! As a rule, the shrub gives a plentiful and regular harvest, but, unfortunately, currant diseases are a very common occurrence. Many gardeners are faced with them and do not always know how to deal with them correctly.

Do not place after nightshade, tomato, pepper, eggplant, potatoes, asters, lilies, gladioli, chrysanthemums;

  • - Another, no less dangerous, fungal disease of raspberries that affects leaves and shoots. It appears in the spring as small light yellow pads on the upper side of the leaves. In summer, light orange, and then dark brown or black pads form on the underside of the leaves - an accumulation of spring and summer rust spores. Black spore pads remain to overwinter on fallen leaves and will infect leaves in spring.
  • . Selection of immune varieties resistant to septoria and anthracnose. Application of mineral fertilizers with macro- and microelements, which include zinc, manganese, boron, copper and other microelements in chelate form. Of the chemicals used are the same as against anthracnose.
  • Watering during fruiting should be done often, but only refreshing, do not allow abundant flooding of the beds or plantations.
  • - This is a disease of garden strawberries that develops in cool weather with high humidity. Frequent watering, frequent rains and wind contribute to its rapid spread. Spores germinate in just a few hours in the presence of drip-liquid moisture. Symptoms of the disease appear on all parts of the plant. On the lower leaves, peduncles, which darken and necrotic, the fruits dry up. In any place of the berries beginning to ripen, more often near the calyx or at the point of contact, rot appears. And as a result, the berries are covered with gray-brown spots. Gardeners, in the current situation, throw out rotten berries in buckets into nearby garden protection forest belts, thereby contributing to the further accumulation and spread of infection.
  • small brownish brown spots
  • In early spring (before flowering), swollen, tick-infested buds are removed.
  • ​Author's material of the site​
  • This disease refers to
  • European powdery mildew is a common currant disease that affects leaves and berries. Main symptoms:​
  • Currant diseases and methods of treatment
  • Do not compact plantings, remove weeds;
  • Look at the photo:

​Here you will learn about raspberry diseases and their treatment, as well as the prevention of the spread of diseases that affect shrubs.​

Currant diseases and their treatment

​Go to section "​

Fungal diseases of currant

White coating in the form of a cobweb on the leaves and berries of currants;

Anthracnose, goblet rust, powdery mildew, striped mosaic - these are the main diseases that most often affect such garden crops as currants. Not all diseases are curable, especially viral ones, but still, if you find the right approach, gardeners can count on a rich harvest. Let us consider in more detail common currant diseases and their treatment.

Keep the plantation for no more than 3 years;

  • Raspberry rust affects the leaves with a continuous coating of bright yellow sporulation, they dry out prematurely and fall off, shoot growth stops. Rust also affects annual shoots, forming gray ulcers on them, surrounded by a reddish border, most of which are located at the bottom of the stem. Later, fractures and death of the stem occur in the affected area. If the summer turned out to be wet, then the disease progresses until late autumn.
  • Viral and mycoplasmal diseases
  • American powdery mildew

Brown spotting

Leaves curl up

  • Currant diseases
  • . The fungus, or rather, its spores, overwinter on fallen affected leaves, and in wet weather they spread with water. Insects can also spread fungal spores to new plants.
  • The leaves dry up and fall off.


Purchase planting material at research institutes or nurseries;

Measures to combat anthracnose, white and purple spots, and rust consist in observing high agricultural technology, selecting varieties that are resistant to these types of diseases. Thinning, removal and burning of fruiting shoots. Use of drip irrigation, application of complete fertilizers with trace elements. Protection against pests (aphids, stem gall midges and other disease vectors) with drugs approved for use on berries. Spray on the green cone with copper-containing preparations or their substitutes. Be sure to add stimulants Novosil and Extrasol to tank mixtures. Another method of how to deal with rust on raspberries is to mulch the aisles with black agrospan material or straw manure (if possible).​

  • . Raspberry diseases caused by viruses and mycoplasmas are widespread and dangerous. Viral diseases of raspberries infect bushes along with shoots, are carried with planting material, transmitted by sucking pests: aphids, thrips, cicadas.
  • (sferoteka) - a dangerous fungal disease of gooseberries and currants (black, red and white). The disease is ubiquitous. It affects leaves, berries and shoots. The mycelium of the fungus is found on the surface of plants. The fungus overwinters on the affected parts of the gooseberry. In spring, spores are shed and infect plants. On the surface of leaves, shoots and berries, a dense gray felt coating of mycelium and spores is formed. Damaged leaves are deformed and dry, the tops of the shoots are bent. With this gooseberry disease, the berries stop growing, remain underdeveloped or fall off. The development of powdery mildew gooseberry disease is promoted by high relative humidity (90-100%) and a temperature of 17-28 °C. Hot and dry weather inhibits the development of the disease. Most of all, the disease affects plants overfed with nitrogen fertilizers, or plants weakened as a result of improper care.

. Diseases cause no less harm to strawberries: spotting, rot. Brown spotting is ubiquitous, has two waves of development - in early spring and autumn. In summer, during a drought, the disease fades, but does not disappear.

, become as if burned and fall off. In diseased bushes, frost resistance decreases, and in winter they freeze slightly.

At the beginning of the extension of inflorescences (the period of mass release of mites from the kidneys), the bushes are sprayed with 0.2% acarin, or 0.1% fufanon, or 0.04% phytoverm (the latter drug is used at air temperatures above 15 ° C), infusions of tobacco or onion peel.

  • In dry periods, the disease develops less. More often

To combat such a fungal disease, gardeners recommend treating the soil and shrubs with a solution of nitrafen. You can also use a 3% or 1% solution of ferrous sulfate.

Anthracnose is a fungal disease. As a rule, it develops on currants in the middle of summer, especially during heavy rains. In addition, during the winter, the pathogen does not die, but hibernates on the bush. Leaves, berries and shoots suffer from this. Main symptoms:​

Plant varieties only zoned in this zone;

Currant anthracnose: causes, symptoms and methods of struggle

The following describes the raspberry curly disease and measures to combat it with the help of special preparations. Bushiness, "witch's brooms", growth The main measure to combat gooseberry diseases is planting varieties that are resistant to diseases. It is also important to regularly fertilize with fertilizers, which contain a high content of phosphorus and potassium. Destruction of wintering powdery mildew by cutting and burning diseased shoot tips. Collection of crumbled gooseberry berries damaged by the sphere library. To treat gooseberries for diseases, frequent loosening under the bushes, thinning and removal of zero shoots is necessary. Treatment of gooseberries for diseases is carried out in early spring with the help of the drug Prophylactin (0.5 l per 10 l of water), the flow rate of the working fluid is 1 liter per 1 bush, then at the time of bud break with Abiga Peak (40 g), again after a week with Topaz ( 2 ml) and a week later with Topaz. In May, usually after precipitation in the form of rain and fog, there is a secondary infection of the berries already, spraying with Topaz (2 ml) or Thiovit Jet (20-30 g) is mandatory.

Look at the photo: this disease of garden strawberries manifests itself in the form of red-brown spots of a rounded vague shape, black spots form on top of the leaves on the surface, pillows are the fruiting bodies of the fungus, they are a source of re-infection of plants. The mushroom overwinters inside the leaves.

Causes of anthracnose

Means and methods of protection with anthracnose, before flowering and after harvesting, the bushes and the soil under them are sprayed with 0.4% oxychloride, or 0.2% soon, or ash infusion. In autumn or early spring, foliage is collected around diseased bushes and burned. Leaves are damaged on young shoots. They bend down, the shoots are bent, grow poorly or completely stop growing. Lumps of twisted leaves with aphid colonies form on their tops. Plant protection and control of pests and diseases of currants includes a whole range of measures, from prevention to chemical treatment. But among them there are fundamental ones that every gardener should know.

anthracnose Striped mosaic Brown spots on leaves with shiny dark tubercles (diameter 1 mm);

Possible methods of struggle

  • Early in the spring, clean plantations from old leaves;
  • Raspberry curl
  • . Mycoplasma disease, characterized by the formation of a large number of thin shoots collected in bunches. These are diseased shoots, there can be up to 250 of them, they are shorter than healthy ones. The bush already in the second year after the manifestation of such a formation of diseased shoots ceases to bear fruit.
  • Photos of gooseberry diseases and their treatment are presented below:
  • Ramulariasis, or white spotting

What to pay special attention to

Terry (reversion) currant is a dangerous viral disease that leads to infertility of plants. It mainly affects blackcurrant, but in recent years there have been cases of the disease and red. The causative agent of the disease is transmitted by a kidney tick. Very often it is brought into the garden with infected planting material. In order to destroy the overwintered aphid eggs, in the spring (before the buds swell), the bushes, starting from the top, are abundantly watered with hot water (up to 70 ° C). During bud break and the appearance of the first leaves, the bushes are sprayed with 0.1% Fufanon or Inta-C-M, a spark (1 tablet per 10 liters of water). After flowering, they are treated with infusions of shag, onion peel, dandelion, potato tops. 1. The acquisition of modern varieties that are resistant to the most dangerous diseases and pests will save both your strength and your harvest.​

infects red currant. Strongly diseases develop in rainy seasons. Especially progresses in the middle and end of summer.

Striped mosaic is one of the most common and dangerous viral diseases of the currant, which is caused by the activity of microparticles of a living protein substance. Main symptoms:​

With a strong lesion of the currant with anthracnose, the spots begin to merge; During the growing season, remove all whiskers, except for those that will go to bookmark new plantings;. Viral disease. The root shoots of diseased bushes almost do not differ from healthy ones, only their stems are lower and thicker.

Control of pests and diseases of currant

Infectious viral chlorosis affects growth and biennial stems. In spring, yellowness appears on the leaves along the veins, then it spreads to the entire leaf blade. Usually, with the onset of cool time, closer to autumn, chlorosis weakens somewhat. Damaged shoots become thinner and longer than healthy ones. The berries have one-sided one-sided growth, and they dry out.

This section of the article talks about the most common currant diseases and measures to combat them. You can also see photos of currant disease and treatment of shrubs from anthracnose and septoria.

, affects up to 50% of the leaf blade. Small rounded spots appear on the leaves, light gray in the center, with a clear purple rim, the center of the spot falls out, the leaf looks perforated. In humid weather, a light coating of sporulation develops in the form of dense formations, hibernates on leaves, and is a source of infection. You can lose up to 15% of the crop.

Affected plants develop ugly flowers with thread-like, needle-like petals that are purple or green (instead of white) and look like curly (double). The berries are practically not tied. From bush to bush, the disease spreads gradually, over several years.

Currant (red-gall) aphid is a very common and unpleasant pest.

2. Protecting against pests, bushes should be sprayed with insecticides, and against diseases - with fungicides.

Currant bud mite.

In gardens where currants are infected with anthracnose, it is necessary to spray the soil and bushes abundantly with copper sulfate or nitrafen. Spraying is best done in early spring until the buds open. Deformation of currant leaves; The leaves dry up and, starting from the bottom of the shrub, fall off;

Pick berries damaged by gray rot, late blight;

As you can see in the photo, when raspberries are curled, the leaves wrinkle, become small, hard, and acquire a bronze-brown color on the underside. With this disease, raspberries dry, become sour and one-sided. Curly-affected bushes die within 2-3 years.

Means and methods of dealing with currant bud mites

Raspberry Anthracnose Currant anthracnose Brown, or angular, spotting

In order not to bring the terry virus into your garden, seedlings are purchased from reliable nurseries and horticultural companies. Cuttings for propagation are taken only from healthy bushes. In a timely manner, they fight against the kidney tick, the main carrier of the infection.

Gooseberry shoot aphid

Red currant damages young leaves. It settles on the underside of the leaf blade and feeds on its juice until mid-summer. Dark red or red-yellow swellings (galls) appear on damaged leaves.

Means and methods of dealing with aphids on currants

3. You need to spray the bushes in dry weather, choosing for this morning or evening hours. Do not process plants after heavy dew, before or after rain.​

Currant (red-gall) aphid

If you need to fight the disease on a bush that is already bearing fruit, Bordeaux liquid is used. One hundred grams of this liquid is dissolved in ten liters of water. You can also spray the plant with colloidal sulfur, homycin, cuprosan.

Damage to the veins of the leaf and characteristic staining in bright yellow.

In orchards affected by the disease, regularly spray the soil and bushes with blue vitriol or nitrafen in early spring, and also after picking berries. To the extent necessary, use agents such as beard liquid, cuprosan, captan, colloidal sulfur, homycin.

During the period of "budding" can be treated with immunocytophyte;

gooseberry moth

Measures to combat viral and mycoplasmal diseases. Timely removal of diseased plants. Do not plant raspberry offspring in their original place for 4-6 years. Take planting material only from healthy plants or in proven nurseries. Apply complex fertilizers intended for berry crops. Carry out protective measures against aphids and leafhoppers - carriers of diseases with one of the permitted drugs (Fufanon, Kemifos, Aktellik, Alatar, Apaches, Tanrek, etc.). Add one of the following drugs to the tank mixtures to increase immunity and relieve stress: Novosil, Narcissus, Extrasol. Strictly observe the regulations for the use of drugs.

Means and methods of dealing with gooseberry moth

- a highly common fungal disease that affects shoots, blades and petioles of leaves, raspberries and blackberries. Symptoms of the disease appear on the shoots in the form of round or oval, sharply defined, depressed spots with a concave center. The spots are purple at first, then gray with a red-violet border. With a strong defeat, they merge, crack along the stem, forming deep wounds. The bark takes the form of a thick brown scab with an ulcerated surface, on which spores of the fungus appear in autumn. Severely affected shoots dry out. Diseased leaves stop growing, curl and dry out, the berry turns gray and also dries up. Wet weather favors the spread of the disease. The peak of the development of the disease occurs in the period of July-August, when precipitation begins to fall and night temperatures decrease.

. Anthracnose is a fungal disease that affects all types of currants. The fungus overwinters on the affected fallen leaves, where bag spores are formed in spring, causing primary infection. Very small greenish-yellow, later brown spots appear on the leaves, on which very small varnished tubercles form. With a strong lesion, the spots merge, the lower leaves turn brown, dry out and fall off, remaining only at the ends of the shoots. The disease usually develops in the middle of summer, especially in rainy years. The red currant suffers most from the disease, in which premature leaf fall begins even with a weak lesion. The disease affects leaf petioles, stalks, small brown sores form on green shoots. During the summer, the disease is spread by conidiospores that form at the affected sites.

currant glass jar

- the most harmful in the southern regions, affects up to 60% of the leaves, causing their mass death. Light brown spots form, then dark spots with purple spots, the spots increase and grow to the entire leaf. The shape of the spots is angular, they are located along the midrib of the leaf. Angular spotting is more likely to damage older leaves, and the disease progresses in autumn. The disease of brown and brown spot greatly weakens strawberries, since it develops just at the time when the laying and formation of fruit buds are in progress, which sharply reduces the yield of strawberries. Individual strawberry bushes wither, but other fungal diseases can also be the cause of wilting - fusarium, verticillium, late blight wilt.


During the flowering period, the bushes are especially carefully examined. If single double flowers are found, cut off the branches on which they grow. However, this disease is unlikely to stop and you still have to part with the bush. With a lot of double flowers, the plant is immediately uprooted and destroyed (burned). With a strong invasion of aphids, the leaves dry up and fall off, the growth of shoots slows down, the filling of berries worsens and the yield of the bush decreases. 4. When working with chemicals, be sure to use personal protective equipment (respirator, rubber gloves and boots, gown or apron). In the absence of a respirator, you can cover your face with a gauze bandage and protect your eyes with goggles. After harvesting, within ten days, it is imperative to carry out a second spraying. Unfortunately, viral diseases cannot be cured. But in order for healthy bushes not to get sick with a striped mosaic, the affected seedlings must be uprooted and burned. For prevention, healthy planting material should be used, and treated with special means in spring and summer.

Means and methods of protection against anthracnose

​Glass rust

Doubleness (reversion) of currant

Before ripening berries, mulch the aisles with dry grass, sawdust or (if available) straw.


Means and methods of struggle

Septoria, or raspberry white spot

Septoria, or white spot of currant and gooseberry leaves

Powdery mildew

If a 0.01% solution is indicated in the dosage of the drug, then it is necessary to dilute 1 g in 10 liters of water, if 0.1% -10 g and I% -100 g Knowing this, it is easy to calculate the amount of the chemical recommended for use. For example, to obtain a 0.2% solution, 20 g (10x2) should be used.​

Currant diseases cause severe damage to shrubs and reduce yields. Currant is a valuable crop, therefore, special attention is paid to the fight against currant diseases.

Currant diseases are divided into those caused by fungi, viral and unexplained nature. This article discusses currant diseases caused by various fungi that are often found in gardens.

Currant diseases - currant anthracnose

In addition to fighting diseases, it is necessary to destroy currant pests that are carriers of infections. Particular attention should be paid to the fight against the bud mite, which tolerates blackcurrant terry.

Currant diseases caused by various fungi are quite easy to treat with proper agricultural technology. It is important to carry out spraying in a timely manner, to prevent high humidity, to inspect shrubs and keep the soil in good condition.

Among currant diseases, anthracnose (flycat), is a widespread disease. In fact, anthracnose accompanies currants in all places of cultivation. Anthracnose is especially active in the northern and middle regions of Russia, that is, in areas with sufficient moisture and average temperatures.

Currant anthracnose - the causative agent of the disease

The causative agent of the disease is the fungus Ps.ribis f.nigri. The spores of the fungus are spread with water or after wetting. Perhaps the spread of spores with insects. The infection most often penetrates from the underside of the leaf, where the mycelium germinates.

In years with dry and hot summers, anthracnose practically does not affect currants. The development of this currant disease is facilitated by the low location of the plots, thickened planting, overgrowing with weeds. Tillage in the autumn-spring period significantly reduces the stock of infection. On affected leaves buried in the soil, the fungus does not develop.

There are no varieties of currant resistant to anthracnose, there are strongly resistant varieties, moderately resistant and severely affected currant varieties. When choosing a variety, attention should be paid to resistance to anthracnose.

  • Important! The fungus overwinters only on fallen leaves, forming a new source of infection in the spring!

Description of the disease

Anthracnose affects the leaf surface, but petioles, young shoots, stalks and berries are sometimes affected. Very small brown spots 0.8-1.2 mm in diameter are formed on the leaves. First, small black varnished tubercles appear, where the spores of the fungus are located. Then the integumentary tissue is torn, and the spores come out in the form of white grains.

In the shade or in the depths of the bush, the site of spore formation is transparent yellow, similar to gelatin. The leaf tissue turns brown, the leaf dries up and falls off. Redcurrants may shed their leaves with just a few anthracnose spots. Blackcurrant does not shed the affected leaves for a long time. Small brown sores form on petioles and green shoots.

Harm of anthracnose

  • Currant anthracnose is considered one of the most harmful diseases.
  • Affected leaves dry out prematurely and fall off.
  • The supply of nutrients in the branches of the affected bushes is significantly reduced.
  • The general physiological functions of the bush are violated, which affects the yield.
  • Yields are reduced by more than 50%.
  • Anthracnose reduces the frost resistance of the bush. In winter, more than 50% of the branches may die off.
  • Even with good agricultural technology, next summer the bush cannot restore its development and wither.

Measures to combat anthracnose

Measures to combat currant diseases can be divided into agrotechnical and chemical. Agrotechnical practices are of great preventive value and can significantly reduce the incidence of plants.

Agrotechnical methods of currant anthracnose control

The most important technique is proper tillage. The purpose of processing is the embedding of fallen leaves in the soil. Activities are carried out during autumn and spring cultivation and digging of the soil. Fallen leaf is the only source of primary infection!

Even simple soil contamination of the leaf contributes to the destruction of fungal spores by antagonist bacteria contained in the soil. Prevention of excess moisture retention on currant leaves. To do this, thinning the bushes, destroying weeds, and removing excess moisture should be carried out.

When fertilizing, sprinkle fallen leaves with them. Cultivate only resistant varieties that are slightly affected by anthracnose.

Chemical methods of combating anthracnose

With severe damage to currants, eradicating spraying with fungicide preparations or a 3% solution of Bordeaux liquid is carried out in early spring before bud break or in autumn. During the summer, currant bushes are sprayed three times at the following times:

  • First spraying: immediately after flowering.
  • Second spraying A: 10-12 days after the first one.
  • Third obligatory spraying: after harvest.

When spraying, be sure to wet the back of the leaf. With this spraying technique, the damage to currant leaves is sharply reduced. Red currants are sprayed 8-10 days earlier than black currants. For summer spraying, 1% Bordeaux mixture or 0.5% copper oxychloride solution is recommended.

You can choose other fungicide preparations in accordance with the disease, of which there are many on the market. Bordeaux liquid is an old and tested drug that has proven itself well. Currant anthracnose is a well-studied disease. The combined use of proper agricultural technology and chemical protection will ensure the health of the currant.

White spotting (septoria)

White spot is caused by the fungus Septoria sibirica. This is one of the most common diseases, manifested in all climatic zones. Basically, only the leaves are affected.

Small 2-3 mm brown, then whitening spots with a narrow brown border are formed on the leaves. With severe damage, the spots merge. On the surface of the spots in the center on the upper side of the leaf there are dark balls, these are the spores of the fungus.

Septoria can infect currant berries, forming flat spots on them. The fungus overwinters on infected fallen leaves. Spores of the fungus come to the surface when swelling from moisture in wet weather, from excessive watering. Leaves become infected from the underside.

White spot develops more strongly in wet years and in conditions of severe neglect. Harm of white spotting:

  • With a mass defeat, the currant sheds its leaves.
  • Currant bushes stop their growth and begin to wither.
  • The defeat of the berries leads to the death of the crop.
  • The disease greatly affects the next year's yield.
  • Currant diseases. Measures to combat white spotting.
  • Agricultural practices:
  • Destruction of fallen overwintered leaves.
  • Autumn and early spring tillage in rows and between rows with digging between bushes.
  • Cutting thickened bushes.
  • Moisture prevention.

Chemical methods of dealing with white spot

Spraying bushes according to the scheme. See currant anthracnose. The first is immediately after flowering, the second is 10 days later, the third is after harvest. Spraying with 1% Bordeaux liquid is recommended.

The introduction of microelements (zinc, copper, manganese, boron) into the soil to increase resistance to the disease. Other types of currant spotting are ascochitosis, cercosporosis. Measures to combat all spotting are common, as with white spotting.

currant rust

There are columnar rust, goblet rust, leaf rust. Rust is caused by various types of fungi.

columnar rust

The causative agent is the fungus Cronartium ribicola Dietr. The disease is very widespread throughout Russia. Columnar rust attacks the leaves. Orange pustules appear on the underside of the leaf. These growths begin to quickly powder, resulting in a mass of brightly colored spores.

Yellowed spots form on the upper side of the leaf. The underside of the leaf is completely covered with a bright orange rust coating. The leaves turn brown, die and fall prematurely.

The disease appears on currants in early August and spreads rapidly. The birthplace of columnar rust is Siberia.

Harm of columnar rust

  • There is a mass defeat of the leaves.
  • Leaves fall 1-1.5 months ahead of time.
  • The yield of currants and the growth of young shoots are reduced.
  • The supply of nutrients in the bush is reduced.

Measures to combat columnar rust

  1. Autumn and spring tillage.
  2. Collection and destruction of all fallen leaves.
  3. Spraying with 1% Bordeaux liquid 3 times per season is effective (see diagram for anthracnose)
  4. Early spring eradicating spraying on dormant buds with 3% Bordeaux mixture or 0.5% copper oxychloride.

goblet rust

The causative agent of the disease is the fungus Puccinia ribesii caricis. Goblet rust is very widespread. Dangerous for both currants and gooseberries. The appearance of goblet rust is the same for currants and gooseberries. On the leaves, flowers and ovaries of the currant, bright orange pads are formed.

In the second half of summer, the signs of the disease disappear. The greatest infection of currants occurs during flowering, as a result of which flowers and young ovaries are severely affected. The development of the disease is facilitated by wet weather in spring and the proximity of sedge growth.

Harm of goblet rust

Goblet rust can affect up to 80% of the leaves, which leads to their premature abscission. Affected flowers also fall off. All this leads to low yields.

Measures to combat goblet rust

Since the disease manifests itself only in spring and early summer, it is important to inspect the currant bushes in the spring. Spring inspection of currants will help identify the disease and the degree of damage. Agricultural practices and chemical methods of dealing with goblet rust:

  • When planting, avoid low, wetlands, do not allow the site to be located close to swamps overgrown with sedge
  • Fight on the site with clogging sedges.
  • Cultivation of resistant varieties.

Chemical methods of combating goblet rust.

Early spraying with 1% Bordeaux liquid. Early spraying is crucial, as this currant disease develops only in the first half of summer.

  1. First spraying: during leafing
  2. Second spraying: during the budding period
  3. Third spraying: immediately after flowering.

In case of severe infestation, a fourth spraying is allowed. It is possible to carry out a preventive spraying on sleeping buds before the leaves bloom with 3% Bordeaux liquid. Such spraying is preventive against a complex of diseases.

powdery mildew

Powdery mildew is a very common disease. Spread by fungi: American powdery mildew, western powdery mildew, downy mildew are isolated.

American powdery mildew.

American powdery mildew infects both currants and gooseberries. Shoots of young growth are affected. First, a grayish coating is formed, which then turns brown. The raid captures the very end of the young shoot and the point of growth. Leaves do not develop. The petioles, the lower base of the leaf and large veins are affected, a gray coating is visible on the underside.

Control measures:

  • Pruning and destruction of affected shoots and leaves is necessary. It is not recommended to plant currants and gooseberries nearby.
  • Wild currant varieties are most sensitive to powdery mildew. Wild and semi-cultivated currant bushes should be destroyed on the site.
  • Cultivate resistant varieties.
  • In autumn, you should collect all the fallen leaves and dried berries, cut off the hook-shaped ends of the shoots, capturing 1-2 live buds and burn them.
  • Dig up the soil around the bushes.
  • Early in the spring, re-pruning the shoots.

In autumn and spring, spray the bushes with a 1% solution of copper sulfate or a 3% solution of iron sulfate. Spraying should be done before the leaves bloom, as there may be a burn. When buds open, after flowering and twice with an interval of 10 days, spray with a solution of soda ash with soap or a soap-copper emulsion.

Instead of soda and soap, you can use a soap-copper emulsion. Dissolve 150g in 9 liters of water. soap. Separately dissolve in glassware in 1 liter of water 5 grams of copper sulfate. Then pour a solution of copper sulphate in a thin stream into a solution of soap. The correct emulsion should be greenish in color and not flake.

Today, modern effective fungicide preparations have appeared on the market to combat spheroteca or American powdery mildew. They should be sprayed in the same way. The drug "Topaz" is effective.

Western powdery mildew

Western powdery mildew forms an inconspicuous white coating, which is located in separate spots. Then the plaque disappears, and black balls are formed mainly on the underside of the sheet.

Control measures.

Agricultural practices are the same as for other fungal diseases. Especially worth noting is the destruction of the affected leaves. Chemical methods include spring eradication spraying and summer spraying with fungicide preparations.

Other diseases caused by various fungi are niello, currant sponge, root rot, drying of branches, downy mildew, root cancer.

High agricultural technology, proper care of currants, cultivation of resistant varieties, spraying according to the scheme, eradicating spring spraying, timely cutting and destruction of diseased branches and leaves significantly reduce currant diseases caused by fungi.