Review of the LG HOM-BOT SQUARE robot vacuum cleaner: a useful thing or an expensive gadget? High-quality cleaning with the help of "Master of cleaning corners Vacuum cleaners lg hom bot.

Vacuum cleaners robots appeared on the market a few years ago. Most people are suspicious of home robots. It is believed that in their apartment, cluttered with furniture and other necessary things, the robot vacuum cleaner will definitely not cope with its task and will stand as a souvenir. Most recently we bought robot vacuum cleaner LG Hom Bot VR59L. We just decided to test its declared miraculous abilities on our own experience and write an objective review with photos and videos.

LG robot vacuum cleaner - price

The regular price of the LG Hom Bot machine vacuum cleaner in the M.Video store is 14,990 rubles. I'm not sure what bought would this toy without discounts. However, during the New Year sales, the prices for some items in the store were reduced and I decided to buy the device. True, I confess I bought the cheapest vacuum cleaner. Nearby, masterpieces of household robotics for 20 and even 25 thousand were majestically flaunted. I know that there are more expensive options, but I was not ready to shell out such a tidy sum for a device that I encountered for the first time.

After reading the instructions for the LG Hom Bot robot vacuum cleaner, I thought that its capabilities would be enough to clean up our apartment. Of course it could buy washing robot vacuum cleaner, but then you would have to constantly spend money on expensive shampoo (whatever, according to the seller, you can’t pour it). Therefore, I decided to test this concept on the most inexpensive device, and only then, if everything goes smoothly, think about something more serious.

Robot vacuum cleaner LG Hom Bot. Opening the box

I must say that the manufacturer made sure that even just seeing the box, a potential buyer immediately became interested in the device. On both sides of the packaging container, the robot vacuum cleaner is drawn from two sides - from above and below, respectively. Moreover, if the upper side looks quite laconic and lacks some futuristic charm, but on the lower side, the brush system, ribbed rubber anti-slip wheels and touch sensors immediately attract attention. It immediately becomes clear that before us is not just an ordinary vacuum cleaner, but a vacuum cleaner with "brains".

Opening the box, we see the vacuum cleaner itself, a charger, a remote control with batteries, two versions of the instruction manual (one is quite detailed - for leisurely reading while sitting in a rocking chair, the other is short - for those who are in a hurry, or who do not have a chair - rocking chairs :).

Also included was a brush for cleaning the touch windows and the filter. No matter how long we looked for it in the box, we could not find it. We thought that they forgot to live it, but decided not to bother with its absence, since we already had something similar from another technique. Only later, when the use of the vacuum cleaner robot had already begun, we finally discovered the loss - it turned out that it was attached to a garbage container that was installed inside the vacuum cleaner. Thus, the complete set of the LG vacuum cleaner robot turned out to be complete.

Even when buying a vacuum cleaner, I asked a question about what consumables would be required during operation. The saleswoman assured me that nothing else would be required, but I immediately thought that over time I would probably have to replace the air filter and possibly the battery. True, as I was told in the service center where I called, the filter can be washed under running water and used for years without replacement. When I asked how much such a filter would cost if I had to buy it, they told me the price was 700 rubles. In principle, it is not so expensive, even if you change it once a year.

As for the battery, it was advised not to worry at all, since its resource would be enough for the entire service life of the vacuum cleaner robot, which, according to the passport, is 7 years. This, of course, does not mean that it will not have to be recharged for such a long time. It's just that each battery has a certain number of recharge cycles. Then the charge will be enough for less and less continuous work, and over time there will come a day when the vacuum cleaner will not be able to work on a single charge for several minutes.

This is exactly what happened to my old laptop. At first, he really "held" the charge for the declared three hours, then he began to work for two and a half, then two hours, etc. It all ended with the fact that the operating time on a full charge of the battery began to be only 3 minutes (!).

This is what I had in mind when I asked a service center specialist a question about battery life. Of course, only time will tell how accurate his answer was. It is reassuring that the battery in the vacuum cleaner is removable, that is, you can eventually buy a new one and install it yourself without resorting to an expensive replacement procedure at a service center.

That's the whole complete set of the robot vacuum cleaner LG. Let's move on to the outside.

External inspection of the LG Hom Bot vacuum cleaner robot

The body of the vacuum cleaner is made in the form of a large disk. The case diameter is 36 centimeters and the height is 9 centimeters. On the one hand, I would like it to be smaller in diameter; then he could clean the floor under the stools. On the other hand, a smaller diameter would lead to an increase in height (it is necessary to place everything somewhere) and then the vacuum cleaner could not pass under a children's bed, a kitchen table with legs. In short, the size of the device has its pros and cons. For example, if you do not have stools at home, then everything will be fine.

The weight of the LG Hom Bot robot vacuum cleaner is 3.2 kilograms. This is not critical, an adult, and a child, too, can easily lift and move the vacuum cleaner from one place to another without stress.

The upper part of the body of the vacuum cleaner is glossy white plastic. It’s a little pity that over time it will get scratched and will not look so presentable. At the top there is a light indicator of operating or charging modes, an indicator of the amount of charge and a cover, lifting which you can remove the waste container for cleaning. The robot vacuum does not use any dust bags. Just after work, you need to empty the trash from the trash can and that's it.

The bottom part is black plastic. In general, it is better to talk about the lower part, looking not at her photograph. Below there are: two side brushes - they rotate when moving, raking up debris under the vacuum cleaner. The main brush is designed to send debris into the air intake. It also performs the function of pulling debris from carpets. We cannot check the effectiveness of its work, since we do not have carpets on the floor at home.

Further on the lower part there is a power button, two driving wheels - they are ribbed, rubber, do not slip on the linoleum, allowing the robot vacuum cleaner to "climb" onto the carpet and other low obstacles. There is also a battery cover and sensor windows that check the quality of cleaning and, if not everything is in order, change the movement program and force the vacuum cleaner to return to the contaminated area again.

There are also two metal contact pads on the bottom part, with which the LG Hom Bot robot vacuum cleaner contacts the charger standing on the floor. By the way, the robot itself finds it when the battery level drops to a certain value during cleaning. But more on that later.

Here, in fact, is the whole appearance. The design looks quite reliable, it does not creak or "slurp" in the hands.

Turning on the robot vacuum for the first time

Surprisingly, a vacuum cleaner just taken out of the box can immediately be turned on and put on the floor to hunt for dust. That's exactly what we did. Looking ahead a little, I’ll say that the initial charge of the battery was enough to process a room of 22 square meters.

First, the robot vacuum cleaner makes a full rotation around the axis. So he scans the room and determines where the furniture is, other objects, so as not to stumble upon them. Then he rolls up to the nearest wall (or closet), but does not bump into it, but turns 90 degrees and begins to move along the wall. Gradually, he walks around the entire room around the perimeter, avoiding obstacles that come across in his path.

According to our observation, in the process of work, it performs an additional scan of the room, circling in one place. If he did not do this, then he would have to bypass the sections of the floor where, for example, I stood after pressing the start button.

After bypassing the room around the perimeter, the robot vacuum cleaner starts zigzag movements, gradually processing the entire surface of the floor.

The most unexpected thing for us began when the vacuum cleaner went around the whole room and should have stopped automatically. For some reason, he again went under the chair and began the cleaning procedure in the second circle. Then the same thing happened near the desk and next to the sofa.

As it later became clear from the instructions, the robot first performs a rough cleaning of the entire room. It does not stop at any particular particularly contaminated area, but treats the entire surface. In principle, the logic is quite normal, suddenly the battery runs out during the cleaning process! Then we will have one patch "licked" to a shine and dust all over the rest of the floor. So, the fact that the robot vacuum cleaner then returns to the most problematic places and cleans them again is a completely normal solution. Another thing, how does he know where these very polluted places are?

It turns out that there is a special sensor on the bottom of the vacuum cleaner (in its tail). He "views" the place where the cleaning has already taken place and evaluates its quality. If there is no dust on the floor, then he considers this area cleaned. If during the first pass LG Hom Bot did not remove everything that was there from the floor, then a change is made to the cleaning program, this area is marked as "uncleaned" and the robot must then return here and "clean up" what it left.

During the operation, we have repeatedly noticed that sometimes the robot returns to the same place even more than once in order to bring the surface to a relative ideal.

On average, it takes about 10 minutes to clean a room of 22 square meters with a furniture wall, a corner sofa, a desk and an armchair, although, of course, it all depends on how dirty the floor is.

Watching the vacuum cleaner work is very interesting. Watching its movements, one simply wonders how the designers managed to cram such a complex software and hardware complex into such a relatively small case.

Features of the LG Hom-Bot Vacuum Cleaner

Surely everyone is interested in such issues as battery life, noise level and other features of its design and operation.

First, let's talk about accumulator. The initial charge is enough to get the vacuum cleaner out of the box and “instruct” it to process one room. When the charge level dropped, the vacuum cleaner suddenly announced (loudly in a human voice in Russian) that it was starting to look for a charger. It was a complete surprise - after all, the "base" was still packed in the box.

I had to quickly pull it out, plug it in and press the button on the back of the case. After that, the vacuum cleaner, which had just wandered aimlessly around the room, from time to time making full turns in the hope of picking up the signal from the charger, "came to life" before our eyes and went straight to the base. For some time he tried on, and then drove into her and touched the contacts of the base with his contact pads. The vacuum cleaner announced that charging is starting.

Charging the battery took about two hours. After that, the vacuum cleaner was ready to work again.

How noisy is the vacuum cleaner? In fact, he has two sources of noise - the vacuum cleaner itself, which sucks in air, and the brushes that rustle on the floor. I must say right away that it is quiet, although it works much quieter than the usual vacuum version. Maybe more expensive models are quieter, haven't had a chance to test this yet.

In addition to automatic cleaning, the LG Hom-Bot vacuum cleaner provides the possibility of manual movement control. To do this, use the buttons on the remote control. It probably makes sense to use it in rooms heavily crowded with furniture, or in rooms with a complex configuration.

According to the instructions, the robot vacuum cleaner cannot be used for cleaning workshops, offices, as well as cleaning it outdoors. Apparently, the design of the device does not provide for the possibility of cleaning very large rooms or working in conditions of increased surface contamination, for example, on asphalt.

Among the additional features of the device is the function of delaying the start by 2, 6 or 12 hours. For example, you can "ask" the vacuum cleaner to clean when you sleep or when you are not at home. For example, I would not do this, because I think that it is still worth looking after the device during operation. Although, perhaps this is the first impression. Over time, it will become clear how much he can handle cleaning on his own.

Caring for your LG Hom Bot

In order for the machine to work properly, it is necessary to perform three basic cleaning operations.

1. Cleaning the container from debris.

This has to be done after each cleaning, because, as I already wrote, the container itself is very small. This is understandable, otherwise the vacuum cleaner itself would have to do more. The container is removed from the body after opening the top cover. Next, the top cover of the container itself opens and all the contents are poured out somewhere in the right place.

Unfortunately, the configuration of the container is very complex and it is quite difficult to completely clean it of dust. True, there is a special brush for this, but even with its help it is impossible to "crawl" into all corners of the container. And is it worth it? After all, all the same, during the next cleaning, the container from the inside will again be covered in dust. So, in our opinion, it is enough to shake out the largest debris, pour out sand, and fine dust can not be cleaned every time.

On the other hand, no one bothers to simply wash the container under running water.

2. Cleaning the main brush

This is a rotating brush that pushes debris under the air intake of the vacuum cleaner. Over time, threads, long hair, etc. are wound around it. It also needs to be cleaned from time to time. This procedure is not difficult. You just need to pull the brush out of its regular place and use scissors to cut all the hair and threads. After that, they are easily removed by hand.

3. Cleaning the photocells

On the lower part of the vacuum cleaner body there are photocells for checking the quality of cleaning, and along the edges of the body there are orientation sensors. If they are not cleaned, then the vacuum cleaner may malfunction for obvious reasons.

Hence - it is necessary to clean the sensors from time to time with a brush from the kit. According to the instructions, this should be done once a month, however, all cases are strictly individual. If you notice that the vacuum cleaner starts behaving "weirdly", try cleaning the sensors.

Problems with the LG Hom Bot vacuum cleaner. What did not like

The first problem was discovered almost immediately after starting the vacuum cleaner. He drove into the base of the cat house and one of his side brushes got tangled in the high pile. To free the vacuum cleaner, I had to cut off part of the pile of the upholstery of the house with scissors.

In fairness, it must be said that it was purely our puncture, and not the fault of the robot. The instructions, which should have been read before the first use, clearly state that it is necessary to avoid using the robot vacuum cleaner on high-pile carpets, remove fringes from carpets and generally avoid contact of brushes with any shaggy coatings.

Perhaps more advanced models of robotic vacuum cleaners are free from this problem, but we encountered this problem in the very first minute of operation and experienced some disappointment.

The second problem of using the LG Hom Bot vacuum cleaner is the fact that its side surfaces are scratched on the protruding edges of the furniture and the vacuum cleaner loses its original attractive appearance literally after the first cleaning. Of course, the vacuum cleaner has a special rubber ring on the outer edge, with which it must crash into vertical objects, but sometimes there are situations that it stumbles upon furniture, the edges of which are above or below this ring. In the event that for some reason you want to return the vacuum cleaner to the store, you may be refused due to the loss of presentation.

One could say that the size of the garbage container also leaves much to be desired. For example, after the robot vacuum "passes" through three rooms, the container is filled to capacity. True, we must definitely keep in mind that we have a cat and a dog at home - both are medium-haired. So after each cleaning, the garbage container has to be cleaned. to say that it is very long and difficult. This is not to say that it is very difficult or takes a lot of time. Simply, if you compare it with a conventional vacuum cleaner, the bag of which is enough for a dozen cleanings, there is an additional operation every day.

Before cleaning, you have to remove stools and wheelchairs somewhere. These furnishings are a real obstacle for the vacuum cleaner robot. As I wrote earlier, its diameter does not allow it to squeeze between the legs of the stool. So if we want a more complete cleaning, we need to pick up all the small pieces of furniture from the floor - chairs, stools, slippers, fleecy rugs, etc.

In the room where the robot vacuum cleaner works, you have to close the door. If he leaves the room, we thought his brains would boil. He cannot operate in such complex premises and a certain "confusion" begins in his movements. One way or another, having left the room, he had never been able to return to it. Perhaps more expensive models do not have this problem.

Another bad moment. The robot gives very loud beeps, notifying about its conditions - the beginning of cleaning, the end of cleaning, low battery, etc. I think in some cases it can wake up, for example, a sleeping child.

Advantages of the LG Hom Bot vacuum cleaner. What did you like

Of course, it takes longer to vacuum the room than if we did it ourselves with a conventional vacuum cleaner. But the positive thing is that by running the robot vacuum cleaner, we can go about our business, and it will slowly but surely clean the floor in the room.

The robot vacuum cleaner LG Hom Bot does not have consumables. That is, there, of course, there is a dust filter, but it can be washed with water and it will be in service again. No trash bags, no other things that you have to constantly buy more. The only thing required is recharging the batteries.

The vacuum cleaner really does a very good job with complex interiors. Except for the case when his brushes got tangled in a long pile, he has never stuck anywhere. That is, you can safely leave him alone in the room, turn off the light (he has an ultrasonic sonar), and go about your business.

The relatively low price of the vacuum cleaner makes its purchase quite real. You can, of course, look at more advanced options with the function of washing the floor and recognizing glass doors, but even this cheapest model really freed us from the routine. Let not 100%, but at least a little allows you to save time on cleaning.

Brief conclusions

By the time of this writing, we have been using the vacuum cleaner for almost a week. The general impression is positive. Except for the very first case, when the robot vacuum cleaner got tangled in the pile of the cat's house, there were no problems with moving around the apartment.

It is a bit unusual to roll chairs on wheels out of the room before cleaning, and put stools on the sofa, however, in this case, the cleaning will be done more thoroughly and we agreed that the room should first be prepared.

Of course, in apartments where there is practically no furniture in the rooms, a robot vacuum cleaner will be much more useful. In an ordinary interior, of course, it does not cope with fleecy carpets, does not clean the dust in the corners. In addition, its battery may run out before the end of cleaning, and the vacuum cleaner will stop working, going to look for the base. So you need to constantly monitor the level of its charge and recharge it in time.

In general, we were satisfied with the purchase. This thing is on a par with a microwave, pressure cooker, Zeptor dishes and other things that are designed to free a person from manual labor. I hope to return to the topic in about a year, when it will be possible to draw more objective conclusions.

2015 You can already easily update the firmware of your smartphone. But the firmware of the vacuum cleaner is already something new and unknown. LG never ceases to amaze and invites us to face the future now. Meet LG Hom-Bot Square VR6270LVM - your "smart" robot vacuum cleaner.

A "smart" vacuum cleaner is a small robot assistant that vacuums your apartment by itself. with minimal outside interference.

We pressed "START" and he went, and then returned to the base, recharged and back to work. In appearance of small size, square-glamorous, it does not immediately inspire confidence - can it really compete with monsters of 350 watts? Is there any use for it other than riding your cat on it? We will try to answer these questions below.

The robot vacuum boom started a few years ago. At first they were completely stupid, they got stuck all the time, beat against the walls, weakly sucked in dust. But progress does not stand still even after several generations - they can really surprise.

LG Hom-Bot Square is one of the latest developments in robotic dust suction from your carpet. The name contains the word Square - i.e. square. Yes, it's really square, and it's a pattern break. Competitors (Samsung, Iclebo, etc.) are mostly round. But here, LG has acted wisely. Thanks to its shape, Hom-Bot can even get into the dirtiest corner of your apartment.


Unpacking the box with the vacuum cleaner, we did not expect to see such an attractive design for ... the vacuum cleaner. Bright ruby ​​color, glossy surface, bright display. The first impression is beautiful and fashionable.

Consider its technical characteristics:

In addition to the vacuum cleaner itself, the kit includes: a remote control, a charging base, various cloths and scrapers, a spare HEPA filter, a special nozzle and a microfiber pad that allow you to wipe the floor.

Scheduled cleaning is also possible. Set the time, and the vacuum cleaner will go to clean the apartment in your absence. It creates little noise, even in TURBO mode (strong suction mode).

If the battery in the vacuum cleaner sits down - he himself returns to the base for recharging.

Oh yes - he still speaks Russian in a female voice - various informational notifications. And if he is stuck under the closet - he calls for help.

The robot remembers your apartment and every time it orients itself better. Therefore, if for the first time he didn’t get used to your carpet very well, it doesn’t matter, next time everything will be better. He also remembers the areas where he cleaned and where he has not yet. All this really works and is tested in practice.

It is worth noting that the vacuum cleaner has a USB port for updating firmware. And some craftsmen have already released their own "updates" - for example, with the voice of Darth Vader.

We made several videos to show the work of LG Hom-Bot square in the “field conditions” of a Minsk apartment.

Video 1 - Overview of the robot vacuum cleanerLGHom-Botsquare - cleaning

Here millet is specially scattered on the carpet. The vacuum cleaner sees this square for the first time. Video result. As you can see, after 4 minutes of cleaning - 85% of the garbage was removed. The robot is not stuck anywhere. Considering the difficult terrain and the nature of the debris, the robot did a good job.

Video 2 - Overview of the robot vacuum cleanerLGHom-Botsquare - Carpet

Scattered flour on the carpet. The cleaning efficiency has been shown. The vacuum cleaner was used in manual control using the remote control. Even with such complex "garbage" as flour, the vacuum cleaner, albeit not immediately, but coped. After him, there was no trace of the spilled substance on the carpet.

Video 3 - Overview of the robot vacuum cleanerLGHom-Botsquare - Jump

The vacuum cleaner jumps onto the carpet. Even a high carpet is not a hindrance to him.


For the entire time of testing the vacuum cleaner, it showed its best side: it did not get stuck, it did not make noise like classic vacuum cleaners. It does not have the "childhood diseases" of the first robotic vacuum cleaners. He cleaned the carpet efficiently - with the naked eye it was clear that the carpets were getting cleaner. Let this not be a complete replacement for a conventional vacuum cleaner - but a good addition to it. If you don't have time to clean at all, Hom-Bot is a good choice.

Thank you for providing the vacuum cleaner representative office of LG Electronics in Minsk.



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savely June 16, 2015 - 20:31

> the average price there is about $650

Expensive. I use a machine 2 times cheaper and I suspect that it is NOT 2 times worse. :)) The map of the premises is a good thing, but even without it it's quite a thing.

So there is an offer to test/compare a robot from the price category >= 15.000 RUR.

But in general, for the type of everyday cleaning, a robot vacuum cleaner is a useful thing, in my opinion. But with restrictions and conditions. Type:

There shouldn't be a mess on the floor

The cable must be properly

Well, I won’t tell you about the carpet, I have a laminate. But the rug in the hallway seems to clean more or less normally.

> Konech but he won't crawl under the couch

The buzz is that it will just climb in (with the corresponding height of the legs, of course). And even get out. And under the kitchen cabinets and all sorts of chests of drawers. :))

savely June 16, 2015 - 20:37

By the way, my first notes are 3 months ago (I wrote to a friend, she was interested in the topic), then copy-paste:

Today was the first launch. I'm writing like "first impressions", sorry for the confusion.

I have 67 sq.m., cleaning was for 2 rooms + a small entrance hall
(I did not run it into the workshop, i.e. minus 17 meters somewhere).
In general, the rooms are in order, i.e. at least nothing is lying on the floor.
Unless the chairs had to be lifted/removed. It was possible to leave it, but then dust would remain under them.
It worked for about 2 hours, as stated (the first start had to completely exhaust the battery).
But in reality, I have already been waiting for the last half hour - when you already want to exercise there.

Cleaning the living room - he crawled under the kitchen cabinets and under the sofa! And then he got out! :)
Cleaning the nursery - there is nothing complicated, everything is OK in 20 minutes.

It looks like it’s pretty crazy, but half an hour of such a ride gives a good result.
My rooms are quite difficult to intersect, so I "moved" him from room to room with my hands and closed the room. He closed it - not necessarily with a door, the box from him is enough. It is cardboard and light (well, 1 kg), but it does not become impudent, i.e. does not try to defeat her.
He has a "virtual wall" in the kit (such a small box, you put it in the opening and it will not cross this opening), but I just bought the batteries for this "wall"; haven't tried it yet.

Noise - well, in the next room you can hear that something is slightly buzzing. I rate it as below average.
My exhaust is noisy.

He took one and a half containers. Given that no one climbed under the sofa and kitchen for a long time.
Those. really will be - wash the container after 1-2 cleanings.
The container is small, 0.5 l like. But it’s easy to maintain - I took it out, shook out the garbage, washed it with water under the tap. Of the consumables - a filter in front of the engine, but there is also a spare one in the kit, two types are enough for a year on a piece of paper.

General impression - I liked the piece of iron.
From what you need to think
- think about where to put the base (he comes to charge himself). Now she is in such a corner that he himself cannot find her.
- according to the schedule, he knows how (i.e. he will go to clean up), but still it seems to me that lifting chairs
and manual room-to-room relocation is not consistent with completely autonomous operation.
Although, you have to try. Perhaps you just need to not interfere with the robot to work. :))

In general - I like it, a cool piece of iron.


Robot vacuum cleaner


When building an image, the vacuum cleaner uses two cameras (II-SLAM and OFS) to localize its location and plot the most efficient cleaning route, thus being able not to return to an already traveled path or continue cleaning from an interrupted area. Infrared and ultrasonic sensors minimize collisions and prevent falls from edges. The unique shape of the vacuum cleaner - square and elongated side brushes allow you to clean even hard-to-reach corners. The dust container is located on top, allowing you to easily remove it for emptying. Lithium polymer battery retains its capacity even after multiple recharges. The digital bumper makes it easy to avoid obstacles, even in low light. 4 cleaning modes will help you thoroughly clean any room (Spot, Cell by Cell, Zig-Zag, My Place mode).
Automatically recognizes surface changes and turns on turbo mode on carpet.
Auto-charging and auto-parking, intelligent auto-diagnostics, voice prompts, thin body (9cm) and low noise level (only 60 dB) will make cleaning comfortable and fast.


The LG HOM-BOT SQUARE Robot Vacuum Cleaner comes with an improved top camera (II-SLAM).

Previous models of robotic vacuum cleaners can go astray or get lost in the dark, because without light it is very difficult to get a picture.

That's why HOM-BOT SQUARE uses the improved Dual Eye 2.0™ camera system, with a new II-SLAM camera that calculates and adjusts to light intensity to scan the ceiling.

With the new Dual Eye 2.0™ camera system, no matter how brightly lit the cleaning area is, the II-SLAM camera captures clear images in any light and minimizes off-route disruptions. Thus, Dual Eye 2.0 ™ allows you to track the route passed and form a new one, regardless of the lighting, the vacuum cleaner “sees even in the dark”, for example, under furniture.


HOM-BOT SQUARE buffers cleaning information by recording the location of obstacles on the map. With a new cleaning cycle, the vacuum cleaner compares the map of the previous cleaning and the given route, analyzes and finds matches, and if the cards match (cleaning is done in the same place, with the same obstacles), it cleans the given area faster and more efficiently.

Thanks to the Learn function, the robot vacuum cleaner avoids obstacles, and also minimizes approaching dangerous sections of the route (stairs, cliff) using special sensors and speed reduction.


Turbo Cleaning Mode is a feature that maximizes the motor's rotational power and suction power to improve carpet cleaning performance.

Smart Turbo mode - a function that activates the turbo cleaning mode automatically when moving to carpet surfaces (HOM-BOT SQUARE recognizes the type of surface, turns off automatically when moving to the floor)


The LG HOM-BOT SQUARE robot vacuum cleaner uses several different cleaning modes:

  • My Place Mode
    A unique cleaning algorithm that allows you to clean the area set from the control panel twice in the "zig-zag" mode to achieve maximum results.
  • Basic Modes
    • zigzag;
    • cell by cell;
    • spot.


LG HOM-BOT SQUARE "knows" at what distance obstacles are located from it. Unlike other robotic vacuum cleaners that build their route based on the principle of collisions, HOM-BOT SQUARE has a digital bumper based on ultrasonic sensors, which helps to avoid and minimize collisions with other objects.

The ultrasonic sensor is more accurate and "sees wider", even glass and other transparent objects can be recognized.

Other robot vacuums build their route based on:

  • The infrared sensor does not recognize transparent objects or objects that absorb light.
  • The collision sensor gives a signal about an obstacle directly upon collision with it.


Unlike those robot vacuum cleaners where the dust container extends from the side, the dust container of the HOM-BOT SQUARE is located at the top, which increases the hygiene of emptying. The case cover opens with one touch, the dust collector is a closed container with a convenient carrying handle.

In this way, the possibility of dust getting back into the air is minimized. In addition, the container of the HOM-BOT SQUARE models is quite large (0.6 l) compared to its predecessors.


Thanks to innovations, in the new models of HOM-BOT SQUARE robot vacuum cleaners, it has become possible to increase in size and make the HEPA 11 filter wider, which controls the collection of even microparticles of dust for clean air after cleaning.


The new HOM-BOT SQUARE microfiber nozzle is 2.5 times larger. This nozzle is used in the event that it is necessary not only to vacuum, but also to wipe the floor. With such a large nozzle, not a single spot on the floor will remain in your home!


The key lock function prevents incorrect use or accidental activation of the device by children or pets.


With the help of the timer, you can set the most suitable cleaning time for you, and HOM-BOT SQUARE will clean at the appointed time.


Unlike Nickel-Metal Hydride (Ni-MH) batteries, HOM-BOT SQUARE is equipped with Lithium Polymer (Li-Ion Polymer) battery to increase device life. The lithium polymer battery retains up to 90% of its capacity even after 300 recharges. Thanks to this, you will be able to change the battery in the device less often.

This is a near-philosophical article about such a newfangled thing as a robot vacuum cleaner. My wife and I bought it for the new year in the hope that we will finally have a machine that will clean up our pigsty. They did not fork out for an expensive model. Bought one of the easiest vacuum cleaner robots LG HOM-BOT. Now, after six months of use, you can safely write a review and argue whether it is worth buy a robot vacuum cleaner for a city apartment.

In advertising, as always, everything looked very tempting and simple. A happy buyer pulls a robot vacuum cleaner out of the box, puts it on the floor, turns it on and watches with surprise how this smart machine scrupulously and meticulously goes through every square meter of the floor, leaving it perfectly clean. Together with the owner, his wife watches the work of the vacuum cleaner robot. She looks happy, because now she can trust the cleaning of the apartment to a new electronic assistant. Children are especially happy with the purchase. They jump and run around the vacuum cleaner, stand in its path and watch the robot go around them to continue cleaning. Cats and dogs look at the novelty warily and avoid, preferring not to mess with this buzzing beast, which was brought in by ungrateful owners.

Robot vacuum cleaner in the store. Price. different models

Basically, that's exactly what happens. I can also say that buying a robot vacuum cleaner is usually purely impulsive, and not a premeditated step. I personally bought it as part of a gift for my wife. Naturally, when checking the vacuum cleaner in the store, a small crowd of gentlemen gathered who admired how the vacuum cleaner nicely avoids obstacles on the floor. When the men found out why I actually buy a robot vacuum cleaner, they also decided to make similar gifts to their wives. True, unlike me, they chose more serious models of washing robot vacuum cleaners. So my "pernicious" example has led some male shoppers to impulsive purchases on the emotional outburst - the impression of the demonstration and the desire to show their wives their great concern.

This is how the robot vacuum cleaner LG HOM-BOT appeared at our house

Robot vacuum cleaner LG HOM-BOT. First impression

When the time came to open the box, the same story that was shown in the advertisement was repeated exactly the same. True, instead of completely strangers on the screen, I watched a story with my household in the lead roles. When we opened the box, everyone was eager to check out the robotic vacuum cleaner in action. Forcibly, I persuaded him to remove all restrictive stickers and latches from him.

This article uses photos from my son's website

However, the first race of the robot was by no means triumphant. Almost immediately after launch, he ran into the base of the cat's house, covered with high pile, and one of the brushes immediately got tangled in the pile. The vacuum cleaner stopped and in a voice ordered to check the brushes.

The most terrible thing was that the brush got stuck in the bristle quite well, it wound the bristles on itself, and the robot's release from the fluffy captivity lasted about ten minutes. I had to partially cut off the pile from the base of the cat's house, then pull the pile out of the brush for a long time. In a word, it turned out that instead of an assistant in the household, we found another child, for whom we need to follow on his heels and remove everything that could cause a problem from his path.

True, we ourselves were to blame here, because in the instructions for Russians it was written in white that it was not recommended to use a robot vacuum cleaner on carpets with high pile. It is also necessary to remove from sight any fringe from carpets, ropes, threads and other things that can be wound around the brushes during the cleaning process.

So if you are the proud owner of carpets with high pile on the floor, the robot vacuum cleaner is contraindicated for you.

After reading the instructions properly, we began to specially prepare the room for cleaning. Namely: collect all children's toys from the floor, especially cars with ropes, take out chairs on wheels, put stools on the sofa, as well as bags, slippers, a wastebasket. That is, the robot vacuum cleaner must be allowed to walk on an empty floor.

The ideal option for him is an empty rectangular room, a flat floor covered with parquet, linoleum or something similar, but not fleecy. In this case, the vacuum cleaner will remove dust and debris from the floor quickly and quite efficiently. The more obstacles, the more he will work (he must get around them all), the more corners will remain that he cannot reach.

It is very interesting that, unlike its counterparts - robotic vacuum cleaners with a bumper and changing direction when they collide with an obstacle, LG HOM-BOT uses the principle of echo location to navigate the room. That is, at the beginning of work, he makes a full turn on the spot, as if scanning the room, and then starts bypassing the room, stopping millimeters from obstacles. Looking at his work, it is sometimes difficult to get rid of the thought that this is just a mechanism, and not a living thinking being.

What we liked about the LG HOM-BOT robot vacuum cleaner

First of all, this is a really good vacuum cleaner.. Although it does the cleaning more slowly than a human armed with a conventional vacuum cleaner, the robot acts on its own, without distracting you from important matters. I still remember the situation when I launched it into work in my room, and I myself sat down to work at the computer. I just lifted my feet off the floor as the robot vacuum crawled up, allowing it to sweep the floor near the chair where I was sitting. Then he continued his work, and I continued mine. We acted as one well-coordinated team.

Secondly, it works quite quietly. You can even run it when a child is sleeping in the next room. The door must of course be closed. That is, the robot vacuum cleaner will not annoy you with the annoying roar of the engine, due to which you can miss a phone call or a doorbell.

Third: robot vacuum cleaner, at least our LG HOM-BOT model does not require any consumables. You just need to shake the dust out of the container and occasionally rinse the filter under water. It's great! It's just that we have another vacuum cleaner, which has long been discontinued, and getting dust bags for which is an insoluble problem.

Further - the robot itself controls the result of its work. On the back of its round body there is a sensor that allows you to evaluate the cleanliness of the floor after work. If the sensor does not like the result, the vacuum cleaner will return to this place again.

Finally, the robot vacuum cleaner can find the base by itself, recharge the battery, and then he (CAM!) will continue cleaning from the place where he left off. The charger is on the floor, the vacuum cleaner itself finds it and crawls onto the contact pad.

What I DID NOT like about the LG HOM-BOT robot vacuum cleaner

  1. The beautiful glossy case becomes shabby very soon. The device no longer looks like new. I don't know about you, but I didn't really like it. The matter is aggravated by the fact that while moving along some protruding surface, the robot can rub against it, adding new scratches to its body.
  2. When we tried to use a robotic vacuum cleaner in a country house, it turned out that it only works well on a smooth, even floor. If the floor is covered with potholes, dents and pits, then cleaning will be ineffective.
  3. The robot vacuum cleaner quietly vacuums, but at the beginning and end of the process it emits very loud musical signals. So turning it on in a room with a sleeping person is a thankless task.
  4. And one more subjective drawback - before starting work, everything superfluous must be removed from the floor. Sometimes the thought arises that sweeping the floor with a broom would be faster.


A robot vacuum cleaner is naturally not a necessity. Without it, the vast majority of families do just fine. I think that in the near future the situation will not change and most people will prefer the old proven devices with a roaring box and a brush on the hose.

The robot vacuum cleaner is a capricious and whimsical device. Dislikes furniture, carpets and things scattered on the floor. Can easily get tangled up in socks thrown on the floor. Even a simple rope tied to a children's toy truck can stop the cleaning process. No, the vacuum cleaner will not break, it will simply wind the rope around the brush all the way to the truck, and then it will stop and will flash its lights and beep. At this time, you will calmly take a shower and assume that the apartment will be clean by the time you leave the bathroom. Imagine your disappointment when you see that your miracle of technology "kisses" with the truck (or "chewed" your sock) and flashes like a Christmas tree instead of working.

So buying it in the hope that it will do everything itself is not worth it. Before you start the vacuum cleaner, you will have to prepare a bridgehead for it.

On the other hand, if your apartment is completely minimalist, there is almost no furniture, there are no carpets on the floor, there are no stools and children's toys either, then you should try to get addicted to this technology of automatic room cleaning. Only ... I would not buy the most expensive model. It does almost the same thing as the cheapest one, only it does not clean the floor with a special solution. But this is not the worst. When you find out how much this special solution costs, you yourself will abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200busing the washing capabilities of a vacuum cleaner regularly, preferring the usual dry cleaning.

I bought the most inexpensive model of the LG HOM-BOT robot vacuum cleaner (9790 rubles). I don't regret it. Sometimes he really helps out. For example, when there is no energy for cleaning in the evening, we release the robot vacuum cleaner. In principle, it vacuums quite adequately, although rather slowly.

But we forgive him for his slowness when we see how much garbage he collects from the floor of our apartment. It's amazing where he finds it all. After all, the floor before cleaning seemed quite clean :)