Silver hoof presentation. Presentation on the topic: Bazhov - Silver Hoof

NAME OF WORK AUTHOR OF WORK WRITER'S PORTRAIT Game "Literary Chains" Purpose: to repeat works from the section "Country of Childhood" Help I offer you the game "Literary Chains". We will not only recall the well-known and beloved works and their authors, but if you put all the chains correctly, we will find out the topic of today's lesson. And the chain is as follows: the title of the work - the author of the given work - the portrait of the writer.

"Little Humpbacked Horse" "Ashik - Kerib" "Boys" "Childhood" "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs" "Silver Hoof" Author Portrait of the writer P.P. Ershov M.Yu. Lermontov L.N. A.P. Tolstoy A.S. Chekhov Pushkin P.P. Bazhov Test yourself Game "Literary chains" Help Collective review

P.P.Bazhov "Silver hoof" P.P.Ershov "Little Humpbacked Horse" M.Yu. Lermontov "Ashik-Kerib" A.P. Chekhov "Boys" L.N. Tolstoy "Childhood" A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs" PP Bazhov "Silver Hoof" Help Which of these works have we not read yet? The topic of today's lesson is "Acquaintance with the work of P.P. Bazhov" The Silver Hoof ".

Information Writer Pavel Petrovich Bazhov was born in the Urals, near the city of Yekaterinburg and lived a long life there. Before becoming a writer, he worked as a teacher in a school, then in a newspaper. Pavel Petrovich traveled a lot around the Urals, wrote down legends, tales, fairy tales, old stories for which the Urals are famous. Bazhov created the famous book-collection of fairy tales "The Malachite Box". This collection also includes the tale "The Silver Hoof". Based on the tales of Bazhov, the film "The Stone Flower", the ballet "The Tale of the Stone Flower", the opera "The Tale of the Stone Flower", the symphonic poem "Azov Mountain", the animated film "The Silver Hoof", etc. were created. The writer appreciated kindness in people, honesty and perseverance, therefore, he endowed his best heroes with precisely these qualities. Bazhov is an outstanding Russian writer, the author of many wonderful works. Some of them are presented today at our exhibition, which you can see at recess.

SKAZ Reference Bazhov created the famous book-collection of fairy tales "The Malachite Box". This collection also includes the tale "The Silver Hoof". Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the tale "The Silver Hoof".

Game "Make a proposal" (group work) 1 row - what is a fairy tale? 2nd row - what is a story? 3 row - what is a tale? Help What is a fairy tale? What is a story? What is a tale? Let's play the game "Make a proposal". To the question "What is a fairy tale?" will prepare the answer 1 row. To the question "What is a story?" will prepare the answer row 2. To the question "What is a tale?" will prepare the answer row 3. And in order to answer the question, it is necessary to correctly compose a deformed sentence.

Vocabulary work golbchik assistant clerk Landlord's farm manager - booth Temporary light wooden building - mowing spoons Wide, long ravine covered with grass - is it a good thing Is it a good thing? breeding and maintaining a fire - goryun Grieving - turquoise Greenish-blue color - Manual labor (sewing, embroidery, knitting) - An attack with steps to enter the stove - Assistant - needlework Help To make this work more understandable and interesting for you, we will carry out vocabulary work.

The game "Find a mistake" Needlework - Golbchik - Aide - A clerk - a landlord's farm manager Balagan - a temporary light wooden building Slanting spoons - a wide, long ravine covered with grass Waste business - a good business Incapable - inconvenient Now - today Chowder - liquid food, kind soup made from potatoes or cereals Hearth - a device for making and maintaining a fire Goryun - grieving Turquoise - greenish-blue color manual labor (sewing, embroidery, knitting) a step with steps to enter the stove helper

Why did Kokovan's grandfather decide to take Daryonka to him? How did Daryonka live in a strange family? Initial reading Help I'll start reading the tale, and you listen carefully and get ready to answer the following questions: Why did Kokovan's grandfather decide to take Daryonka to him? How did Daryonka live in a strange family? (The teacher reads to the words "The girl is stroking this cat, and she purrs so loudly that you can hear it all over the hut"). Reading Comprehension Test (Answers to Questions)


Our journey today has come to an end. You are just great today. And the goat left some precious stones for you. Each of you can take only one pebble and put it in a malachite box. Green (chrysolite) - will be taken by those for whom it was interesting and comfortable to work in the lesson today, for whom everything worked out and succeeded in the lesson. Yellow (amber) - will be taken by those who were not always in a good mood in the lesson, something did not work out, were not always happy with themselves. Red (pomegranate) - will be taken by those who believe that he did not succeed in the lesson, the whole lesson was in a bad mood. reference

Sources used: Emoticons of ducklings - Snowflake - Elf - Cartoon "Silver Hoof" - Background for presentation - Picture "Winter fun" - Picture "Winter's Tale" - Portrait of A.S. Pushkin - Portrait of L.N. Tolstoy - Portrait of M.Yu. Lermontov - Portrait of P.P. Ershov - Portrait of A.P. Chekhov - Portrait of P.P. Bazhova - Picture of the book "Malachite box". Bazhov P.P. - Picture "Silver hoof" - Picture of the book "Silver hoof" - Malachite box - Kutyavina S.V. Lesson-less development on literary reading. 4th grade. To the UMK L.F. Klimanova ("School of Russia"). FSES as-art-14. jpg gif jpg jpg jpg jpg jpg jpg /

- "Mistress of the Copper Mountain". P.P.Bazhov with his grandson. View of the Nizhniy Tagil High-Mountain Iron Mine. Comparative - comparative analysis of fairy tales and skaz. It shone - shone. Pavel Petrovich Bazhov. Illustrations to the tale of PP Bazhov "Stone Flower". P.P.Bazhov at work. P.P.Bazhov in the office. Malachite products. P.P.Bazhov in the garden. "Malachite Box". The life and work of P.P. Bazhova. It does not seem to show - it does.

Silver Hoof - Excerpt. Viewing a video clip. Silver hoof. The stories were not invented for nothing. Solve the crossword puzzle. What people call these green stones. Remember the old man's nickname. Malachite Box. Happy destiny. Read the passage. Fame. Excerpt for illustration. Zhivinka. As the old man called the girl at the first meeting. Biography of P.P. Bazhov. Freezing day. Hoof.

"Bazhov Pavel Petrovich" - One of the most striking images of this kind is the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, with whom the master Stepan from the tale The Malachite Box meets. Working with letters from peasant readers finally determined Bazhov's hobby for folklore. He worked as a journalist in the divisional newspaper Okopnaya Pravda, in the Kamyshlov newspaper Krasny Put, and since 1923 in the Sverdlovsk Krestyanskaya Gazeta newspaper. P. Bazhov in collaboration with Evgeny Permyak wrote the play "Silver Hoof" for young children.

"Pavel PP Bazhov" - Awarded the Order of Lenin. In the house-museum of P.P. Bazhov in Sysert. During his studies he took part in speeches by seminarians against reactionary teachers. In recent years. Buried in Sverdlovsk. Bazhov worked as a teacher of Russian language and literature in Yekaterinburg, then in Kamyshlov. Bazhov Pavel Petrovich (1879-1950). In 1950, at the beginning of December, P. Bazhov died in Moscow. Bazhov's works in modern times.

"The Tales of PP Bazhov" - Clouds of fluffy ridges Lizards flashed nearby, Float by side. "Mining Master". The key of the earth. " Nikita Kozhemyaka. The symbols of the natural resources of the Urals are malachite, jasper, rhodonite. Ural gems. Silver Hoof. The first tales of the "Malachite Box" were written. "Zhabreev Walker". Not far from Iset - The trail of the hoof is silvery, The old house and the garden are dense. Danila stood over a flower ... After the end of the civil war, P.P. Bazhov works in a newspaper.

"Quiz based on Bazhov's tales" - P.P. Bazhov during the Civil War. Teacher of the Russian language and literature. People's apt word. P.P. Bazhov is the editor of the Okopnaya Pravda newspaper. Augusta Stepanovna. The game “The Magic World of P.P. Bazhov ". P. Bazhov during his studies. The first edition of the collection of fairy tales "The Malachite Box". The Krasnaya Nov 'magazine. Pavel Bazhov. The story. Continue the tale. Identify the hero and name the tale. Correlate the definitions with the concept.

literary reading

in the 4th grade.

So the bell rang, We begin our lesson. Very quietly you sit down, And do not be lazy to work! Lesson topic:

Pyotr Petrovich Bazhov.

Silver Hoof.

Lesson problem:





life incident,

episode from life





Literary genre,


real life of heroes,

in which there are



magical developments.

Test. 1-group 1.How old was Daryonka? A) 8 B) 6 C) 7

2. What color was

Murenka's cat?

3. On which leg did the goat have a silver hoof? A) on the left front B) on the right front C) on the rear right

4. How many branches did the goat have?

Test. 2-group

2. How many times is Silver

Did the hoof appear to Darenka?

1. What is the girl's full name?

A) Daryonka Grigorievna

B) Daria Grigorievna

C) Dasha Grigorievna

3. Who was Kokovan's grandfather? 3. Who was Kokovan's grandfather? A) forester B) hunter C) hunter and gold digger

4. How many bags of crackers did Kokovan take with him to the booth?

Repair the text. So grandfather ________, ______ Daryonka and cat ________ began to live together. They lived - __________, they didn’t make a lot of good, but they didn’t cry for their living, and everybody had something to do. Kokovanya left for ________ in the morning, Daryonka was in the hut __________, cooked soup and ______, and Muryonka's cat went hunting - _______ mice. In the evening they will gather, and _______ them.


were living

tidied up

A special goat ... In the area described in the tale, roe deer and deer were called wild goats, since both had horns. Lesson problem:

Who is Silver Hoof? Siberian roe deer Red deer

  • Size: small deer
  • Horns: no more than 2-3 processes
  • Drops its horns in the fall
  • Size: medium and large deer
  • Horns: from 5 or more branches
  • Walks in horns all winter, sheds horns in spring
Characteristics of the heroes.


1. Marital status.

1. Marital status.


2. Appearance.

By the age of six, small, with a button nose.

2. Appearance.

The old man is big and bearded.

3. Character.

Curious, cheerful, brave, affectionate, hardworking, loves nature, appreciates beauty.

3. Character.

Cheerful, affectionate, kind, hardworking, inquisitive, loves nature, appreciates beauty.

4. What he does.

She cleaned up the hut, cooked stew and porridge, sewed a dress for the doll, loved to listen to fairy tales.

4. What he does.

Hunter. In the summer he washes the sands, mines gold, and in the winter he runs through the forests after the goat. Master of fairy tales.

Why did Kokovanya and Daryonka want so much to see the silver hoof?
  • Maybe each of the heroes believed in fairy tales and wanted to see a miracle.
  • or
  • Were the heroes poor, hoping to sell gems, and heal richly?
  • I knew …
  • I found out today ...
  • I studied ...
  • I like it ….
  • I had a desire ...
Homework (optional).
  • Read another work by P.P. Bazhov and tell it in the next lesson.
  • 2. Retell the given tale and prepare a drawing of the most interesting fragment of the tale in your opinion.
Those chrysolites ... Unprocessed chrysolite Chrysolites, after cutting

Treated chrysolites in jewelry

Literary game based on the tale of P. Bazhov "Silver Hoof" for elementary school

Lyapina Vera Valerievna, primary school teacher MBOU School number 47 city district of Samara
Description: This material can be used by primary school teachers for extracurricular reading lessons. The game is played by two teams of students. For the correct answer, the team receives 1 token. After the end of the game, the winner is determined - the owner of the most tokens.
Target: Organization of the game activity of students to test the knowledge gained during the study of the tale "Silver Hoof".
- to instill love and interest in the work of P. Bazhov;
- develop thinking, attention, memory;
- to contribute to the formation of students' motivation to learn;
- to promote the development of skills of independent collective work;
- to promote the development of the ability to creatively apply knowledge in new situations.
-Good afternoon guys! Today we will take a trip on the tale of Pavel Petrovich Bazhov "The Silver Hoof". Let's find out how a tale differs from an ordinary fairy tale. Wish you luck!
The first task "Blitz-tournament"

Each team will hear questions to which they will answer in writing. For each correct answer, a token.
1.How Daryonka was left without parents?
(They died)
2. What is the last name of Daryonka
3. What is the nickname of the old man, the hero of the tale
4. What was Daryonka's middle name?
5. What was the name of the cat?
6. What did the cat look like?
7. Why did the cat scratch the owner's children?
(They are not affectionate)
8.What was Daryonka surprised at meeting with Kokovanei?

(That he guessed her name)
9. What did Kokovanya do in the summer?
(He washed the sands, mined gold)
10. What was Daryonka's appearance?
(Tiddly, little nose with a button)
11. What did Daryonka do in Kokovani's house when he was at work?
(She cleaned up the hut, cooked porridge and porridge)
12. Why did the goat appear to Daryonka and Kokovan?
(They were kind, disinterested)
The second task "Crossword"

1. What was the name of the pebble that the goat knocked out with its hoof?
2. She kept saying: "You are right!"
3. An orphan who went to live with a good old man hunter.
4. The surname of the author of this tale.
5. What was the nickname of the kind, cheerful old man who wanted to look at the goat.
6. The surname of the orphan girl.
Correct answer

The third task "Definitions"

Find a match between the definition and its interpretation.

The fourth task "Mathematical riddles"

Numbers are used in skaz. Remember what each number stands for.

The fifth task "Color riddle"

Colors are also used in the tale. Remember living and inanimate objects of this color.

The sixth task "Name the difference"
So now we will find out how a fairy tale differs from a tale?

Summing up and rewarding teams
It was a long time ago, but only since then
They find stones in the area of ​​those mountains.
And the goat is a magic silver hoof
Very few people wanted to appear.
And for those who rush for greed, profit
Our goat will never dream in dreams!
Only to people he with a kind and bright soul
I am ready to illuminate the world with my beauty!
Who will believe in miracles, goodness and love -
Will meet the magic goat on weekdays!

Presentation on the topic: Literary game based on the tale of P. Bazhov "Silver Hoof" for elementary school