America 44 President is the last predictions of the elders. Prophecies and curses overtake barack obama

"Barack OBAMA will not live long ... Death, according to Vanga, Nostradamus, Ragno Nero and the red-skinned leader Tenskvatave, will overtake the 44th US President in the midst of his reign."
This is what the media wrote in 2009, although some referred to 2012, which, moreover, was declared in our country as "the end of the world." But it should be noted that the prophets did not speak about the death of the president, but about the death of the empire, calling it the last ruler of the 44th. And then he came - 44th ...

On January 10, 2007, in front of the Illinois State Capitol in Springfield, Barack Obama announced his desire to run for the presidency of the United States. This place is historically important, and Obama's gesture is symbolic. After all, it was here in 1858 that Abraham Lincoln delivered his famous speech "House Divided".
On November 4, 2008, Barack Hussein Obama II was selected by the required majority of the electors, and On January 20, 2009, he was sworn in as the 44th President of the United States..

The oath was taken at 12 hours 5 minutes, but, according to the 20th amendment to the US Constitution, the oath is considered taken at exactly 12 hours. While taking the oath, President Obama's wife, Michelle Obama, held in her hands the Bible that Abraham Lincoln swore on at his inauguration. Chief Justice John Roberts and Obama face each other, and Obama repeats his oath to the judge.
Several failures occurred during the reading of the oath. John Roberts mixed up the word order, resulting in the oath was not pronounced.

The oath of the president consists of 35 words, and should be pronounced like this:
“I, Barack Hussein Obama, solemnly swear (declare) that I will act in good faith as President of the United States and with all my might to support, uphold and defend the United States Constitution.” After that, it is said: "And God help me," a phrase added to the text of the oath by George Washington.
John Roberts made a reservation by putting the adverb "in good faith" at the end of the sentence ...

The inauguration took place next to the Capitol building. The officially announced slogan of the inauguration - "The new birth of freedom", and it is timed to coincide with the 200th anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln, who abolished slavery.
Barack Hussein Obama II became the first African American president of the United States. True, all biographies of the 44th president emphasize that Obama is not a descendant of slaves, like most blacks in the United States ...

So, the prophets who lived in different centuries, without saying a word, surprisingly accurately describe the appearance on the political horizon of Obama and the associated death of the American empire.

Devil from Africa

The famous soothsayer Nostradamus who lived in France wrote two quatrains, which scholars of his legacy unconditionally consider to be relevant to current events.

Black devils in quiet Africa,
That now they live gloomily in oblivion,
Ascend the throne in this faceless world,
In 500 years there will be the first fireworks.

If we assume that Nostradamus was born at the beginning of the 16th century, according to some sources, in 1503, according to others - in 1504, then the salute in honor of Obama's inauguration will indeed sound in about 500 years. As for the black devil, Barak's father, African Barack Hussein Obama, came to the United States to study economics from Kenya, where he returned after graduating from university, leaving his one-year-old son and student wife. Isn't it a devilish act? Barack Obama Jr. himself, despite his white mother, calls himself African American and believes that his dad did the right thing. Nostradamus scholars define the "faceless world" as general globalization and a feature of the US electoral system.

The second quatrain of Nostradamus, dedicated to current events, sounds much more tragic:

The world is close to the last period.
Saturn is slowly returning.
Empire moved to the Black Nation.
An eye was ripped out by a hawk.

A slight rapprochement between the Earth and Saturn began at the end of the twentieth century, which, like the "500 years" in the first quatrain, confirms the chronological accuracy of the prediction. The victory of the black candidate Obama in the elections is just an iceberg of global processes taking place in American society, where the de facto African American population already has significantly more rights than whites. They started talking about black racism in the United States already 20 years ago.

What kind of hawk and whose eye is ripped out, it becomes clear if you look at the American dollar. One of the symbols of the United States - the white eagle stretched out its paw to another symbol located nearby - the all-seeing eye. The explanation leads us to an economic crisis, when America the eagle itself destroyed one of the foundations of its financial system - the mortgage pyramid.
According to another interpretation, Obama himself can be called a hawk, who during the elections betrayed his faith and demonstratively stopped attending church, saying that this interferes with his election campaign. Thus, the hawk-president did not allow the "eye of God" to look after himself.

The spirits of the ancestors will take revenge

William Garrison, as governor of Indiana, fought an implacable struggle with the Indians, including the legendary leader Tekumze. Under his leadership, the whites burned down their native village of Tekumze. In 1913, the leader was killed by shooting by the American military. Indiana lands were lost to the Indians.

Obsessed with a sense of revenge, his brother shaman Tenskwatawa, nicknamed the "Prophet", cursed all American leaders, predicting death in his post one in four. The shaman sent Garrison a message that read: "Garrison will not win this year, nor will he become a Great Leader. But he can win next. And if he won ... He will not end his reign. He will die reigning."

And William Garrison, elected president in 1840, opened the death row. He died a month after his inauguration.

After him, every fourth president died at his post: Zachary Taylor, Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley, Warren Harding, Franklin Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy.
The only exception turned out to be Ronald Reagan... They shot at him, but only wounded him.

Guess who is "fourth" after Reagan? That's right - Barack Obama... On it two curses of Tenskvatava converge at once. The shaman predicted that the rule of the invaders would not last more than two solar planetary days. One such day is equal to 99 years. Two days - 198 years. Further simple arithmetic: 1814 (year of prediction) + 198 (two solar planetary days) = 2012 ... Hence the assumption that this year could be the last for both America and Obama.

44th will be the last

In 1972, the so-called Eternal Book, an oracle book, was found in one of the monasteries in Bologna. Scientists believe that the author of the manuscript is a Franciscan monk, astrologer-fortuneteller Federico Martelli, nicknamed Ranyo Nero (Black spider).
Radioisotope analysis showed that Nero's manuscript was written no later than the 15th century, that is, about a century before the birth of Nostradamus. The "Eternal Book" provides a forecast of the development of our civilization up to 6323. One of the paragraphs concerns the fate of Obama:
“The power on the shores of two oceans will be the strongest on Earth. They will celebrate the holiday on Thursday. It will be ruled by rulers for four years, the 44th of which will be the last. "
Considering that the United States considers itself the strongest power, and the president, 44th of whom is Barack Obama, is elected by the Americans for a four-year term, everything points to the imminent collapse of the superpower.

America will freeze

Following Obama's victory in the presidential election, the focus was on Wanga's prophecy... During her life, the Bulgarian clairvoyant said a lot. Something has already come true, something has not. So, back in 1978, she predicted:
“When the black man wins, America will freeze and fall into a major crisis. It may even split into southern and northern states. "
Wanga perfectly understood what America is, and it is impossible to interpret her words in any other way than the connection between the economic crisis and Obama's election victory. It remains to wait for the disintegration of the United States into several states, which, by the way, has long been predicted by many modern political scientists.

Political suicide bomber

Mikhail Khazin, former deputy head of the Economic Department of the President of the Russian Federation, creator and permanent author of the website , in 2009 "predicted" the fate of Obama from the standpoint of an economist:

“The US will get a crisis on the scale of the Great Depression. They will start looking for the extreme. This is where Obama comes in handy.
Don't you find the appearance of such a strange character for the entire previous history of the United States at all suspicious? It's not even strange that he is a Negro. The oddity of Obama is that he is not at all rooted in the American establishment. He has a strange mother, father ... Obama, in a sense, is a character made. Someone pulled it out and moves it.
The American elite understands very well that the Obama administration will most likely not wait until the end of the term. After all, she will have to make very unpopular decisions in the economy. It makes no sense to put an intelligent president from your circle in the White House. He still can't really do anything. We need a character who is not a pity, so that later everything can be blamed on him.
The charismatic Obama will do some terrible things the elite needs. Then it will be swept away by the indignant masses. And the politicians will blame everything on him. In short, this is a political suicide bomber who must close the embrasure. "

"Mortal cycles" of planets

Modern astrology is also on the alert. The article Astrological Curse of American Presidents details the so-called "death cycle" of the rulers of America. A special role is assigned to the 20-year cycle of the planets Jupiter-Saturn, without exception, all presidents from the "cursed seven" are associated with the cycle of the planet Uranus.

And finally, most importantly, the 84-year cycle of Uranus, which, starting from 1781, affects the countries of the United States and England: 1781, 1865, 1949.
The liberation from England and the formation of the United States took place in 1776, shortly before the discovery of Uranus.
In 1861-1865 there was a civil war in America, and in 1949 the NATO bloc was formed.

England and France today are not at war with America, and there is no longer a civil war in the United States - all attention is directed to other countries. England and the United States are now writing military scenarios for the countries of the East.
The revolutionary events in the Arab countries in January-February 2011 - a new stage in the struggle for freedom, equality, brotherhood. Only the script has been changed. Now the Muslim Brotherhood is advocating for freedom, and the fact of active participation in the affairs of Arab states by both the United States and Britain is already obvious.

Who knows what events in America will resonate with the 2011 revolution in Egypt?
The name of the President of the United States is reflected in the surname of the leader of Egypt Mu barrack a.
One of the poles of the magical axis, the star Sirius, was the main myth of Ancient Egypt, and the main attraction of modern Egypt is the pyramids depicted in US dollars.

Dad is also the last one? .. And Medvedev is here ...

The coat of arms of the 265th Pope Benedict ΧVΙ, who suddenly resigned on February 28, 2013, contains an element of the mirror of world events.
At the time of his reign (2005 - 2013) in 2008, US President Barack Obama and Russian President Anatoly Medvedev were simultaneously elected, as clearly indicated by the image on this coat of arms.

V the prophecies of the Catholic priest Malachi it is said that Benedict ΧVΙ will be the penultimate pope, and the last - before the beginning of the Last Judgment - will be the head of Rome who came after him, named by Saint Malachi Peter the Roman.
The 266th pope who came took the name Francis, in honor of Francis of Assisi. And that, in turn, is related to the name Peter, since his personal name was Giovanni Francesco di Pietro Bernardone ...

The resignation of Pope Benedict ΧVΙ from his post and the election of a new Pope, who for the first time in the history of the Vatican chose the name Francis, is very mystery developments. This is indicated by the stars Regulus, Fomalhaut and Aldebaran, participating in this cosmic mystery, as well as the cycle of the planets Jupiter-Saturn.

The closest conjunction of these two planets will take place in 2020 at 1 ° Aquarius ( December 21, 2020), making many changes and innovations in the global process, as well as in the life of individual important personalities and countries. Among them: Pope Francis, Barack Obama, Dmitry Medvedev, and, accordingly, the Vatican, USA, Russia.

A possible forecast for all “symbolically connected” with the sudden departure of Pope Benedict ΧVΙ has already been made from above, the astrologer concludes.

Well, as they say, wait and see.


On the last night of the overseas campaigndecided to put together the well-known prophecies about the Last President ..


"Big problems will come from overseas when the 44th" black man "is in power.

His prophecy about the 44th president is known from the words of Pavel Globa * (P.G. is perhaps the only one who saw some manuscripts. During the so-called "perestroika" Pavel Globe, according to a number of researchers, really got into the hands of some documents, presumably - letters from the Prophet Abel, in which he wrote that something about the future. Perhaps Globa, read by Abel, - put into the mouth of Nemchin. Or he still read Nemchin's book - see footnote).

But, one way or another, the "44th last" is not directly mentioned here!

Ranyo Nero:

"The power on the shores of two oceans (option: between two oceans) will be the strongest on earth. It will be ruled by rulers for four years, the 44th of which will be the last."


(back in the seventies of the last century, she talked about the collapse of the United States)

"A 'black man' will come to the White House. And this president will be the last for the country, because then America will freeze or fall into the abyss of a major economic crisis. Perhaps even disintegrate into the southern and northern states."


Edgar Cayce, who is called the "sleeping prophet", also spoke of the 44th President of the United States as the last, but allegorically (I have never seen a quote). About this allegorical prophecy (when only 44 historical halls were shown to the "sleeping prophet") at the very beginning of the video says Alexey Penzensky:

I have not seen such predictions in Nostradamus, but it has not been read correctly yet.


Knowing about these prophecies for a long time, I wondered what reasons could lead to the fact that the 44th would be the last:

1) The United States will cease to exist as a separate state, because THREE countries (America, Canada and Mexico) will unite in the North American Union (similar to the EU). And how can AMERO replace the dollar, the Canadian dollar and the peso, and the office of the American president will be abolished? But after all, in the EU countries, each country still has its own president ..

2) The United States will split into separate states or regions.

3) Will there be an eruption of the Yellowstone volcano or some other cataclysm? or even (Save, Lord!) World War III?

4) The next will not be the president, but the president of the United States? But this latter, rather, was viewed as a joke - after all, the ruler remains the ruler, no matter what kind he is.

5) Circumstances may arise that the 44th will remain for a new term .. and over the next 4 years a lot of "water will leak" ..

In short, I don’t know what to think about it. Perhaps a formal election will take place (there are only a few hours left), but then something will happen .. We will see, not long to wait!

P.S. The 45th President, Donald Trump has been elected .. and this, in any case, is the best choice for the world and for Americans, judging by Trump's statements in the election race .. However, PROPHECY still has time before the January inauguration! If we live to see Trump's inauguration, we will have to admit that even a prophecy can be corrected by the Higher Powers, if humanity makes the right choice!

But no matter what happens, the verdict is not subject to appeal,FOR ALL THE WORLD'S PROBLEMS(since the beginning of the existence of the States)COME ONLY FROM THIS COUNTRY:

"America destroyed the INDIANS, chained NEGROS in kaidans, dropped an atom on the JAPANESES, burned the Vietnamese with napalm, bombed the SERBS with uranium", carried out the intervention: in GRENADA (1979 - "Outburst of Fury"), in PANAMA (1983 - in "Just Cause"), LIBYA (1986 - "Eldorado Canyon"), in IRAQ (1991 - Military operation of the Multinational Forces (MNF) with UN sanction), in SOMALIA (1993 - Intervention by the United States and a number of other states with UN sanction), in YUGOSLAVIA (1995 - NATO military operation without UN sanction and 1999 - NATO intervention without UN sanction), in AFGHANISTAN and SUDAN (1998 - US unilateral military strike), again in AFGHANISTAN (2001 - NATO intervention without UN sanction), in IRAQ ( 2003-2011 - the intervention of the United States and a number of allies without the issuance of UN sanction), again in LIBYA (2011 - NATO intervention with the sanction of the UN Security Council); is waging a proxy war in Donbass, in Syria, in Yemen (without UN sanction?) .. I HOPE HERE IS THE END OF THEIR EVENTS !!!


Let's summarize. Where did the United States invade in the XX-XXI century:

1901 - the introduction of troops into Colombia

1902 - to Panama.

1904 - to Korea, Morocco and the Dominican Republic

1905 - interfere with the revolution in Honduras

1905 - to Mexico (helped the dictator Porfirio DMaz to suppress the uprising)

1905 - to Korea

1906 - invasion of the Philippines

1906 - 1909 to Cuba during the elections

1907 - to Nicaragua

1907 - in the Dominican Republic

1907 - to Honduras from Nicaragua

1908 - to Panama during the elections

1910 - Nicaragua. US sent military forces to Nicaragua and organized anti-government conspiracy

A junta of pro-American generals was formed in 1910

1911 - suppression of anti-American uprising in the Philippines

1911 - to China

1912 - to Havana (Cuba)

1912 - to Panama during the elections

1912 - American invasion of Honduras

1912-1933 - the occupation of Nicaragua. Nicaragua has become a colony of the monopoly United Fruit Company and other American companies

1914 - to the Dominican Republic, the battle with the rebels for Santa Domingo

1914-1918 - series of invasions of Mexico

1914-1934 - Haiti. the occupation lasted 19 years

1916-1924 - 8-year occupation of the Dominican Republic

1917-1933 - military occupation of Cuba, economic protectorate

1917-1918 - participation in the 1st World War

1918-1922 - intervention in Russia. In total, 14 states participated in it

Active support was provided to the territories separated from Russia - Kolchakia and the Far Eastern Republic

1918-1920 - Panama


1919 - American troops fight on the Italian side against the Serbs in Dolmatia

1919 - to Honduras during elections

1920 - Guatemala. 2 week intervention

1922 - intervention in Turkey

1922-1927 - to China during the popular uprising

1925 - Panama

1926 - Nicaragua. Invasion

1927-1934 - American troops stationed throughout China

1932 - Invasion of El Salvador from the sea. There was an uprising at that time

1937 - Nicaragua

1939 - the introduction of troops into China

1947-1949 - Greece

1948-1953 - military operations in the Philippines

1950 - Uprising in Puerto Rico suppressed by American troops

1950-1953 - armed intervention in Korea

1958 - Lebanon

1958 - confrontation with Panama

1959 - America introduces troops to Laos

1959 - Haiti

1960 - American troops enter Guatemala

1965-1973 - military aggression against Vietnam

1966 - Guatemala

1971-1973 - bombing of Laos

1972 - Nicaragua

1983 - military intervention in Grenada with about 2 thousand marines

1986 - attack on Libya

1988 - to Honduras

1988 - USS Vincennes, in the Persian Gulf, downed an Iranian plane with 290 passengers, including 57 children, with a rocket

1989 - US troops suppress riots in the Virgin Islands

1991 - large-scale military action against Iraq

1992-1994 - occupation of Somalia

1998 - Sudan. Americans destroy pharmaceutical plant with missile, claiming it produces nerve gas

1999 - Yugoslavia

2001 - invasion of Afghanistan

2003 - bombing of Iraq

2011 - Libya

2013 - Syria

2014 - Ukraine

P.S. When you once again hear from the Americans or their Russian and Ukrainian podpindosnikov something about "aggressive Russia", present this far from complete list. After all, it contains only the actions of the American armed forces. And how many more military coups (there were 80 in the last 50 years!), Murders of political leaders and other facts of gross interference in other people's affairs.

Well, congratulations to Donald TRUMP! good health and safety! Better that the prophecy is not fulfilled than an eccentric person with good intentions perishes!


P. P. S. * True, Globa is trying to be smart here too, forgetting how often he makes mistakes - which, however, does not prevent him from predicting again and again:

In search of answers to the question of what awaits the United States in the future, Globa turned to one of the most reliable, in his opinion, prophetic books - the book of predictions by Vasily Nemchin.

Vasily Nemchin is our Russian Nostradamus, only less promoted. He lived in the 16th century and was not only a seer, but also a doctor, personal physician to Grand Duke Vasily Ivanovich, father of Ivan the Terrible. Nemchin's prophetic work deals with events for 1000 years ahead. So even then, in the 16th century, he mentioned a certain overseas country. Apparently, he is talking about the United States of America.

- And what is written there?

That the 44th ruler of this country will be radically different from all 43. And that this president will lead the country to collapse and a severe economic crisis. I think this is specifically about Hillary Clinton, since she, if she wins, will be the first female president in American history. And this, you see, is a cardinal difference.[and a black person is not drastically different? - Tamis]. But, in principle, Trump also fits the description of Vasily Nemchin, since he is the only candidate who does not come from the political elite, but from show business.[and what "show business" was Reagan from? - Tamis].

- But the US chooses the 45th president, and not the 44th?

Yes, but one president was counted twice - this is Grover Cleveland, who held the top post for two terms, but with a gap. That is, he was the 22nd and 24th President of the United States. Thus, it turns out that there were 44 presidents formally, and 43 people in this post. That is, the 44th is being elected now.[president or man? - Tamis].

- And he will lead the United States into the abyss?

- Exactly. The USA literally awaits the second Great Depression.

[However, Globa's tally does not match the tally of the rest of the prophets, nor does the tally of the Americans themselves. - Tamis]


If only this 44th would not take a walk on the road .. Who would hold it ?!


Banner with Obama and the words "Goodbye Killer" appeared in Washington


(for Cleveland was counted twice)


culture art society - Election of the 45th President - 44th last

The fact that the 44th President of the United States will be the last, Wanga said long before the current events. A long time ago, a mysterious blind clairvoyant said that he would be black and predicted an extremely unenviable future for America, caused by her deceitful ambitions and greed.

In the article:

44 the President of the United States will be the last - Wanga

The United States was far from Bulgaria, where the famous seer Vanga was born and lived. However, America worried her no less than Russia, which she sympathized with. Many of her prophecies concern the future of the United States. Some of the prophecies of the Bulgarian clairvoyant are difficult to interpret, because she did not know such words as "default" and tried to describe them with more familiar synonyms. But, despite this fact, few people question the veracity of what Wanga said.

The famous seer Wanga claimed that the 44th President of the United States would be the last in American history. It is after or after his reign that the United States will face a sad fate. Wanga's words about the last US president have been scrutinized Professor Dobriyanov, who devoted his life to researching the prophecies of a clairvoyant. The Bulgarian scientist is confident that this prediction will come true, like most of the others.

Almost everyone who is familiar with this prediction is sure that this prediction of Wanga is about Obama, the current president of the United States. From her words, it was written that in 2009 a "black man" would come to power over the United States. Vanga lived her entire life in Bulgaria, besides, she was blind. Therefore, the scientist Dobriyanov is sure that this is how she tried to describe the African American, which is Barack Obama.

US Presidential Election 2016 - Wang on America's Future

Vanga did not say anything about the president who will be after Barack Obama, or "black man", as the seer called him. However, given Vanga's predictions about the future of the United States, which will overtake the states after Obama's rule, one can easily guess that the elections can really bring trouble.

As you know, the United States uses an unusual election scheme, dating back to the 18th century. Americans elect electors, who then determine who will be president. The date of the first round of elections is set for November 8, and the approving one for December 19, 2016. The last round of elections is purely a formality, as electors usually vote for their party's candidate, but the tactless Trump is not so simple. Many Republicans disown him as a black sheep and, probably, some of the electors can vote for Hillary. If Clinton wins in this way, there will be Republican discontent and popular unrest.

Most unpopular US presidential candidates: Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump

Wanga was confident that the 44th president of the United States would be the last president in the history of the United States. There are several ways to interpret the forecast for America's future. Perhaps she will suffer greatly from a natural cataclysm, an interim government will come to power, which will have to deal with the consequences of the disaster. And the presidential elections will take place later than the announced date.

Another version is that America is facing an economic crisis, and Barack Obama will be the culprit for this state of affairs. Perhaps the United States will split into several separate states, which will bear a completely different name. Therefore, there can be no talk of any presidential elections in the United States in 2016. America will try to postpone the crisis, but sooner or later the whole world will learn about the true state of affairs in the States.

America will be dependent on other countries economically and will lose its position in the world political arena. If you remember, it becomes clear that Russia will take the dominant position in the world. America will have to acknowledge its primacy. According to some other sources, Wanga meant a kind of "spiritual freezing" of the Americans, which will come as a result of the rule of the black president.

Vanga's disciple about the last president of the United States

Gerald Selente is called the American Nostradamus. He visited the Bulgarian prophetess Vanga, and after this meeting Gerald Selente developed the ability to foresee the future on a global scale. He considers himself a student of Vanga. It is known that Wanga herself said during her lifetime that she did not take students and did not even imagine how such training should take place. She had no teachers. However, the prophecies of Gerald Selente are coming true.

Gerald Selente predicted the collapse of the Soviet Union, the 1997 Asian crisis, the 1987 American stock market crash. According to Vanga's student, Barack Obama could indeed become the last president of the United States. America will face an unenviable future, and Barack Obama himself will die early.

The United States will lose its position in the world due to revolutions, state food riots, and economic crisis. The latter will become the cause of numerous riots and rallies of the inhabitants of American cities. They will have no choice; hunger and unemployment will drive the mass protests of the Americans. The middle class is also becoming impoverished. With low incomes, people will have large debts.

Do Wanga's predictions about Obama come true?

Every person who regularly watches the news knows about the situation in which the United States is now. The country, which considers itself a world leader, has considerable debts and is on the verge of a serious crisis. We can say that Wanga's predictions about the future of America are starting to come true.

There was one more sign that foreshadowed that the reign of Barack Obama would not be the best for the United States. The President's oath in the United States is pronounced by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and the President elected by the people repeats after him. During the inauguration, Barack Obama had to repeat the text of the oath for John Roberts. The latter made a reservation, and Barack Obama's oath was pronounced incorrectly. This is the oath:

I, Barack Hussein Obama, solemnly swear (declare) that I will serve in good faith as President of the United States and with all my might to support, uphold and defend the United States Constitution.

At the very end of the text, the phrase "And God help me" should have sounded. But John Roberts used the word "good faith" instead. Many felt that this was a bad omen. Indeed, many world-class observers may agree that God is clearly not helping America.

I could not sleep at night and again I remembered the prophecy of Federico Martelli about the last president of America, which directly concerns the current 44 president of the United States.

On the Internet you can find old forums where this topic was discussed long before it was possible to talk about it seriously at all. So, a forum dated 2004 ( p? P = 19664 # 19664) discusses predictions that “the last president of the United States will be 44 president, and he will be black” ... In 2004, no one even jokingly could have imagined that an African American would be elected to the post of President of the United States, and such predictions were discussed with a certain amount of humor. Let's talk in more detail about the content of these and other prophecies about the last US president.

An ancient astrologer monk Federico Martelli lived in one of the monasteries of the Italian city of Bologna in the 15th century. He was nicknamed Ranya Nero, which translates as "Black Spider". He wrote down his own prophecies in the "Eternal Book".

In 1972, archaeologists carried out a radioisotope analysis of this manuscript. He confirmed: the book, in fact, was written in the Middle Ages. In it, researchers were interested in lines that relate to the current President of the United States - Barack Obama. We quote them literally: “The power on the shores of two oceans will be the strongest on earth. It will be ruled by rulers for four years, the 44th of which will be the last. " In 2008, the 44th President, Barack Obama, was elected in the United States. His first four-year term in office ended in 2012.

According to Nostradamus, after the arrival of the 44th president, the country will face great changes. Everyone knows that it was the word “change” that became the slogan of the election campaign of the new US president.

At the beginning of the 30s, during one of the trances, the "sleeping prophet" Edgar Cayce mentally found himself on board a ship that could move in time. UFOnauts showed him the Earth at the beginning of the XXI century.

Casey saw American and Japanese coastal cities, as well as northern Europe, lying in ruins and half-flooded. Time travelers explained to Cayce that this was not a consequence of the war, but a gigantic natural cataclysm - the movements of bottom oceanic tectonic plates. Note that the west coast of North America is located on one of the longest faults in the earth's crust - San Andreas, which crosses California from south to north.

The aliens did not name the exact date of the disaster, but they made it clear to Edgar that it did not occur earlier than 2000 and no later than 2015 - during the reign of 44 US President.

“When the black man wins, America will freeze and fall into a major crisis. It may even split into northern and southern states. "

All agree on one thing - Wanga predicted that the 44th president of the United States would be a black man, and he would be the last for her.

In 2008, the 44th President, Barack Obama, was elected in the United States. The re-election took place on Tuesday November 6, 2012. The inauguration of the President - January 20, 2013. He was not nominated for a third term, since US legislation does not allow.

Based on this prophecy to Ranu Nero, I dared to publicly predict Barack Obama's victory in the November 6 elections on October 20, 2012.

And so it happened: he remained the 44th president of the United States, and now every second (!) Until 2016, the date of the next presidential election, one should expect the end of the prophecy of Ranu Nero and other prophets that it will be the last one.

(Based on materials from the Internet)

Illustration from the internet


Under two numbers: 22nd (1885-1889) and 24th (1893-1897), the president of the United States was the same person: Grover Cleveland. So, Barack Obama may well be considered the 43rd, not the 44th President of the United States. Black is not necessarily skin color. It can also be the color of the soul. Wait and see:-)

JUSTIFY anything you want!
Even the urine of the Negro General Powell, who passed it off as a biological weapon of Hussein, which frightened the UN, she piled on full pants and allowed to drive Iraq into the Stone Age! And he was not hanged. But this is a matter of time! The Russians will be brought as in 1945.

2007 marked the 130th anniversary of the outstanding American predictor Edgar Cayce. He was born in 1877, died in 1945. Casey amazed the whole world with his predictions. And especially the United States. At the beginning of his journey, he was more involved in healing. Without a medical education, he made accurate diagnoses and prescribed treatment, using medical terminology, sometimes known only to a narrow circle of specialists. He did this, plunging into self-hypnosis, and everything that he said during the self-hypnotic sleep was recorded by a stenographer. His fame was enormous. In 1910, the New York Times (October 9) devoted a long article to him, entitled "An illiterate person under self-hypnosis becomes a doctor."

Later, Casey became famous for his predictions, which he also made in a state of self-hypnotic sleep. The stenographer wrote down everything that the fortuneteller said in a dream, because when he woke up, he, as a rule, did not remember anything of what he said in a dream. That is why it got the name: the sleeping prophet.

Another circumstance that aroused special confidence in him on the part of Christian Catholics was that Cayce periodically manifested "stigmata" - spontaneous and bleeding wounds on the body in those places where they were located in Christ during his crucifixion. For Christians, stigmatism is practically a "lifetime manifestation of holiness."

What came true of Casey's predictions?

In his prophecies, Casey predicted the dates of the beginning and end of World War I, then just as accurately predicted the beginning and end of World War II. They predicted and named the years of the "Great American Depression": 1929-1933. He even described in detail the panic on the stock exchanges.

He made a lot of global predictions that have already come true. Therefore, his prophecies in the West are especially trusted.

But for the future of the United States, he did not predict anything good. Maybe that's why they try not to think about it. Casey predicted a gigantic world cataclysm. As for America, he predicted, in particular, that New York, Connecticut and the entire east coast of the United States will shake so that they will simply disappear from the face of the earth.

The waters of the great lakes will merge into the Gulf of Mexico ... Volcanoes in the USA and Hawaii will wake up, and such a huge wave will roll that the southern coast of California will disappear under water. South America will be shaking from top to bottom ...

Incidentally, Edgar Cayce predicted that the 44th President of the United States would be the last ...

Everyone is racking their brains as to why the United States provoked the global financial crisis? Or maybe they believe in Casey's predictions? After all, the newly elected US President Barack Obama is the 44th in a row. And the world is "shaking" more and more ...

On January 20, 2009, at the inauguration ceremony of Barack Obama, the words of the oath were confused. According to media reports, the mistake was made by the chairman of the US Supreme Court Board, John Roberts, after whom Obama repeated the words. Therefore, the next day, the President of the United States had to take the oath again. Someone regarded this as an annoying, but not too significant misunderstanding, someone, on the contrary, drew attention to the fact that the solemn ceremony was overshadowed not only by this, but also by other strange events.
Maybe today it makes sense to recall the predictions of the famous American prophet Edgar Cayce and the clairvoyant Vanga that the 44th President of the United States will be black and ... the last?

Sinister clause

It turns out that Obama is not the first president to take the oath of office again. Before him were Chester Alan Arthur (21st President of the United States) and Calvin Coolidge (30th President). However, both of them were vice presidents and took the first oath where the death of the head of state caught them - those were the rules. Then they did the same in Washington with a crowd of people.

But Barack Obama, although through no fault of his own, made a public mistake, and in that part of his speech where it was not worth doing at all. According to some reports, the word order in the phrase "I swear to honestly act as President of the United States of America" ​​was confused, according to others, the word "honestly" was not uttered at all. An unpleasant slip of the tongue ... And the reaction to it was mixed. Part of the mystically minded electorate remembered Vanga's prophecy. But there was something worse - the Dow Jones was right there.
dropped 4% (the Dow Jones Industrial Average is a stock market indicator that represents the average change in the share price of a group of 30 largest American industrial companies. - Ed.).

The orchestra played "to the veneer"

Especially for the celebration, composer and conductor John Williams wrote a piece for a quartet - cello, violin, clarinet and piano. It was recorded in advance as a last resort, perhaps, they feared that the weather would not be favorable for the musicians. But this, we repeat, is only as a last resort. But despite the fact that nothing interfered with the game, the quartet played to the soundtrack. The media reported that shortly before the inauguration, the musicians checked the sound of their instruments, were dissatisfied with them and insisted on playing "to the veneer." That is, they seemed to even play, but they did not transmit the sound to the speakers, a melody, recorded from the wound, poured out of them. " Why? Nobody can answer this question. However, the people attending the event somehow found out about the deception, and many later said that since the music was not real, then, perhaps, instead of the president, there was his double in front of the Capitol?

Locked in a tunnel

In the space in front of the Capitol on the day of Obama's inauguration, about two million spectators gathered. It was possible to get there only with a ticket. The area was divided into sectors, each of which was designated with a specific color. When the ceremony began, it was discovered that the "purple" sector was almost empty. It was rather strange - after all, in the "purple" sector there were privileged spectators who showed themselves during the election campaign. It turns out that the only way to get to the "purple" sector was through an underground tunnel. But when people gathered underground, it turned out that the exit from the tunnel was closed, and no one was allowed upstairs. Fortunately, the entrance remained open, only for this reason, probably, a panic did not start in the confined space, which could have ended tragically.
Now it only remains to guess: was it by chance, out of forgetfulness or because of organizational confusion, the people stayed in the tunnel almost all the time of the inauguration, or was it someone malicious intent?
But guess do not guess, but the fact remains: instead of listening to the president's oath, his fans stayed in the dungeon in the hope that they would still be remembered and allowed to take their places in front of the Capitol. Evil tongues and this case were classified as bad omens.

UFO over the Capitol

In order not to be unfounded, we quote from the British tabloid Sun: “During the inauguration of US President Barack Obama, CNN cameras recorded an object over the Capitol that looked very much like a flying saucer. Video footage shows that a UFO appears above the obelisk in the center of the square, hovers for a while, and then slowly moves towards the Capitol building and disappears behind it. According to the official version, a large bird appeared over the Capitol. But the Internet is literally teeming with comments from people who claim that the object was flat, had a disc-like shape, shone like metal, and had no wings ... "
Based on the statistics of UFO sightings, it can be argued that unidentified flying objects often appear in those places where some cataclysms have occurred or are about to occur. They seem to want to witness turning points in the history of mankind, man-made disasters, natural disasters, watching military facilities, battlefields ... So, it is known that after the bombing of Hiroshima (August 6, 1945), a UFO was "on duty" over the city for several days. In 1962, during a test launch of the Polaris rocket from Cape Canaveral in the direction of the Caribbean Sea, many saw that the rocket was accompanied by a UFO that looked like a saucer.
It was the same before and after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. About a month before the crash, the air traffic controller of the Kharkiv airport reported that the pilots saw unidentified flying objects in the area of ​​the nuclear power plant several times. On the night of April 26-27, 1986, at a height of 300 meters above the burning block, a fireball with a diameter of about eight meters hovered. The radiation level at that time was 3000 milliroentgens per hour. “Suddenly, two bright beams of dark red color stretched from the ball to the reactor ... This lasted about three minutes ... The beams went out abruptly and the ball slowly floated away in a north-west direction, towards Belarus. Then we measured the radiation level again. It was only 800 milliroentgens per hour ... ". This is a quote from the book "UFO: Time Machine" by V. Kratokhvil.

The fate of a great power

So let's summarize. If we bear in mind all four strange events recorded during Obama's inauguration, as well as recall the ominous prediction of the famous clairvoyant Vanga, it is possible that the presidency of the 44th president will be quite alarming for the United States. Perhaps the clouds have begun to gather over the great power that has dictated the rules of the game to the whole world for many years? As they say, time will tell. We can only hope that whatever events occur, they will not cause grief for the 300 million US population and will not affect other countries.