Plug-ins for google chrome browser. How to connect Adobe Flash plugin to Google Chrome Browser plugins plugin settings plugins

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Very often there are questions about enabling or disabling the inclusion of modules in Google Chrome. So, we will consider all the necessary information on this issue in this article, which I took from google support at this link.

For example, let's take Adobe Flash Player as one of the standard modules (plugins) of Google Chrome.

Adobe Flash Player is integrated into Google Chrome and enabled by default. Its updates are automatically included in Chrome system updates. To use this player in other browsers, you must download the appropriate version of Adobe Flash Player.

Enable or disable Adobe Flash Player

These instructions apply to Google Chrome for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Chrome OS.

  1. Enter in the address bar chrome://plugins/ to open the page Plugins .
  2. On the page that opens, find Flash

To enable the Adobe Flash Player plugin, click on the link Turn on under his name.

To completely disable Adobe Flash Player, click on the link Disable under his name.

Note. If the Adobe Flash Player plug-in was previously installed separately, two files will be displayed in the list. If both plugins are enabled, the version that is included in the Chrome package is used. To select a specific version of Adobe Flash Player, click More in the top right corner of the page. Then click on the link Turn on under the corresponding module version. The table below shows the file name for the version embedded in Google Chrome.

Apparently, users of modern Internet browsers were faced with the ability to connect special extensions called plugins. In this sense, the Google Chrome browser is no exception. Let's see what is in his set and how to use it all.

General concepts of additions

Let's start with the very concept of "plugin". If anyone does not know, in the same Google Chrome Plugins (connected to the main browser interface) are special modules, or, as they are also called, add-ons that allow you to use some additional browser features, as well as optimize your work with it. Probably, everyone noticed that in terms of comfortable work, the same “hot keys” are often used to reduce the time to perform a particular operation.

The principles of operation of Google Chrome Plugins (and any others) are somewhat similar. True, there are also enough differences here, since they work, so to speak, more globally, although they have a clear focus on the execution of a particular task.

What are Chrome Plugins: Plugins

Now, perhaps, consider the main (standard) set presented in the browser. To view the entire list of Chrome Plugins, enable or disable any add-on, you need to type the combination Chrome://Plugins/ in the address bar, after which a page will open where the entire list will be presented.

We note right away that many users do not have a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat plug-ins are, and that is why they consider that only Adobe Flash Player, which is installed and activated in

Here it is worth paying attention to one more thing regarding Chrome Plugins. It will be possible to enable some of them only after the corresponding update. If we talk about Flash Player, this module itself will offer to download and install the latest version.

The next representative of Chrome Plugins, which is recommended to be enabled upon registration, is the module responsible for working with the popular social network Facebook. If the user has registration, the work will become much more comfortable (this applies not only to messages or notifications, but also to all the features that the social network itself and its additional components offer).

By default, some versions of the browser from Adobe have two more components. These are Adobe Shockwave and Adobe PDF. The first module is a multimedia platform formerly known as Macromedia Shockwave. The second add-in, as the name already implies, is designed to make it easier to work with documents in the .pdf format, as they say, without leaving the browser, which in some cases, viewing such files on the Internet is very convenient.

In terms of video processing, presented in there are several more specialized elements, among which the most popular among Chrome Plugins are plug-ins such as DivXPlus Web Player, Real Player, Quick Time and Windows Media Player. The presence of such add-ons allows you to play all multimedia content in general, without any restrictions in terms of supported formats.

It goes without saying that among the plug-ins included by default are Java and a special add-on from Microsoft called Silverlight.

How to enable core add-ons

So, we have Plugins Chrome add-ons. How to enter the list, we have already figured out. Now consider enabling and disabling. It's very easy to enable Chrome Plugins. To do this, click on the link (button) located below the name of the plugin.

An interesting situation may arise here. Most often this concerns the Adobe Flash Player module. If the program was installed on the system separately, say, before installing the Google Chrome browser, two files may be present when the settings are displayed (installed earlier and included in the browser). You must click the "Details" button, and then use exactly the version that is currently needed or is more recent.

Disabling modules

As for deactivation, Chrome Plugins can be disabled by doing the reverse. For this, as is already clear, the active link "Disable" is used when the enabled state of a particular module is enabled.

Installing third-party add-ons

In addition to the fact that the browser itself has a standard set of extensions, it also supports the installation of many third-party modules, which often have quite interesting and unusual functions. You can list them almost endlessly. What are only such popular extensions as Adblock, Last.FM free music player, Speed ​​Dial, iReader, RDS Bar, Auto-translate, AutoPager Chrome, Awesome Screenshot, Google Calendar and many others.

As you can see from the list, the choice is quite wide. What we are most interested in here, however, is the unique Adblock add-on. Why unique? The fact is that this module is capable of blocking advertising garbage or the intrusive appearance of various kinds of banners to a fairly high degree. Naturally, this add-on was developed not only for the Chrome browser, but also for others.

As for the installation and configuration of this module (as well as others), you first need to download the add-on to your computer, and then install it. However, it is better to use the online installation, after which it will be possible to immediately activate the add-on in the browser.

Some questions about enabling third-party modules

Actually, installed third-party Chrome Plugins modules can be enabled in the same way as any other standard add-ons (they are all installed in a separate default folder). Any of the plugins is available to be turned on or off in a standard way, so that no user will have to delve into additional settings and parameters.

Should I use add-ons?

Now we come to one of the most burning questions. To use or not to use this or that plugin, each user decides for himself. Some users are confused by the fact that the included add-ons can affect not only the operation of the Internet browser, but also the entire computer system as a whole. Well, partly it is. If a browser with add-ons is used on a weak system, it is advisable to disable some modules, leaving only Adobe Flash Player, since without it it will be simply impossible to view the same streaming video on the Internet.

If the system meets modern requirements and is powerful enough, it is better to leave video plugins enabled. In addition, of course, if desired, you can also use it in the form of an Adblock module or quick access to the Facebook social network, although, according to many, it is this add-on that often “slows down”.


In general, as it is already clear, working with add-ons in the Google Chrome browser is quite simple. To do this, you do not even need to have any specific knowledge or have special skills. Whether or not to use such add-ons is another matter. But it already depends on each specific user.

On the other hand, as practice shows, very often add-ons and add-ons become very useful with. Take the same blocking of intrusive ads. Probably, it is not necessary to explain that advertising is extremely annoying.

In principle, the add-ons responsible for playing multimedia content are also important, because you won’t run a player or program manually every time. In general, there are many advantages.

Finally, it remains to be noted that the standard list of plugins may be different, it all depends on the installed version of the browser itself. Most often this can be seen if we compare the English and Russian assembly. But the principles of operation and use of plugins do not change from this.

The Adobe Flash Player plugin in the Google Chrome browser is a rather important addition that allows you to run animations, multimedia files, games, etc. on websites. Despite the active transition of web resources to HTML5 technology, the demand for Adobe Flash is still high. But sometimes you may encounter a problem with the stable operation of the plugin when launching video players on websites. We will tell you how this bug is solved and how to properly update the Flash Player and connect it via chrome://plugins.

Adobe Flash Player plugin connection error

Why does the error occur?

So, when loading a video in the Chrome browser, the user may receive the following notification on a gray screen: “The Adobe Flash Player plugin has been disabled. To enable it, go to chrome://plugins". Such a notification is caused by a malfunction of the plugin and there can be many reasons for such a bug.

  1. Single failure- caused by an error in the transmission of packets and is solved by simply reloading the browser or site through CTRL+F5.
  2. Long no updates- the presence of old versions of the plugin that do not have fixes and additions may cause an error.
  3. Technical problems on the server of a web resource are a very rare phenomenon and are solved unilaterally by the site owners.
  4. Impact of virus programs- there may be problems with the display of the plugin in Google Chrome due to the presence of trojan hijackers or third-party software.

We have listed the main options for the appearance of failures, but there are many more. All these problems are solved in quite a standard way.

Enable Adobe Flash Player in chrome://plugins?

If such a problem is not solved by a simple reboot, you need to check if the plug-in is connected in plug-ins.

Here is an additional Video instruction for this action

In most cases, this helps, but it happens that even with all these actions, the problem still remains. Below we will show you how to do a full upgrade and setup. Attention (!) - see that the modules are not duplicated in the list

Removing a bug through a full update

So, let's follow a few points that will help remove the "Adobe Flash Player plugin is disabled" error.

After all these points, open the browser - check again and connect via chrome://plugins. If the problem persists, write in detail about it in the comments. We will try to analyze the situation and give you practical advice. How to configure plug-ins in the browser.

What is a module?

Module (plugin) is a software block that is built into the browser and expands its capabilities. Unlike add-ons, a module usually does not have an interface. Modules are used to play video and audio in the browser, view PDF documents, improve web services that organize collaboration on the Internet, etc.

Module installation

Typically, the need to install modules arises when you visit a site that has specific content (such as a video). For the correct display of this content, you need to install one or another module.

The browser will tell you to install the appropriate module and prompt you to do so: you will see a notification at the top of the page. You will need to download the latest version of the module from the developer's site and install it.

How to disable a module?

How to remove a module?

You cannot delete an installed module in the browser interface. To do this, you must use the standard functions of the operating system.

  • On Windows: go to Control Panel Programs and Features and remove the unnecessary module.

  • On Mac OS: go to the folder Applications and move the icon of the program you don't need to the trash.

Update obsolete modules

Modules are not automatically updated and may be out of date. The browser detects obsolete modules: if a module is obsolete, you will see a message about it under the address bar:

  • To install the latest version of the module, select Update module...

  • If you want to perform the required action without updating the module, click Run just this time. In this case, the message about blocking the module will also appear the next time you start the browser.

A plugin (module) is a software unit that is built into Yandex.Browser and expands its capabilities. Unlike add-ons, a plugin usually does not have an interface. Plugins are used to play video and audio in the browser, view PDF documents, improve web services that organize online collaboration, etc.

Plugin Installation

Typically, the need to install plugins arises when you visit a site that has specific content (such as a video). For the correct display of this content, you need to install one or another plug-in.

Yandex.Browser will notify you that you need to install the appropriate plug-in and prompt you to do so: you will see a notification at the top of the page. You will need to download the latest version of the plugin from the developer's site and install it.

How to disable the plugin?

Disable plugin autorun

By default, in Yandex.Browser, Flash videos start automatically when you open a page. To save RAM and increase security in your browser, you can prevent automatic launch:

Update deprecated plugins

Plugins are not automatically updated and may become out of date. Yandex.Browser detects outdated plugins: if a plugin is outdated, you will see a message about it under the address bar:

    To install the latest version of the plugin, select Update plugin.

    If you want to perform the required action without updating the plugin, click Run just this time. In this case, the plug-in blocking message will also appear the next time you start Yandex.Browser.