How to take stone oil for prevention. Stone oil, properties, application, treatment, contraindications

Stone oil is a remedy that has been popular in non-standard healing practices for thousands of years. Its medicinal characteristics many decades ago were proven by physicians and researchers. However, today only a few people know about stone oil. So what does stone oil look like and why should it be used? More about this tool will be discussed later. What should everyone know about this unique product? What is its true value?

Stone oil: what is it, what does it heal?

In different countries of the world, this substance is called differently. For example, the inhabitants used to call Chinese stone oil "the food of immortal people." In Egypt they call it "Illyrian resin" or "white pharaoh", and in Sri Lanka they proudly say about it that it is mountain blood. This substance, known to people for about five thousand years, is called completely differently. He is praised by the inhabitants of Mongolia, China, Burma. Stone oil is widely known for its healing qualities among the inhabitants of Siberia.

So, stone oil - what is it? What does the substance treat? This is a natural remedy that helps against many diseases and simply effectively heals the body. It is used in the treatment of a wide variety of conditions, acute and chronic. Effective as a remedy for the prevention of certain diseases. Used to improve immunity.

What is stone oil made of?

Although the word “oil” is present in the name of this product, the substance itself is by no means liquid, but rather solid. In the raw version, stone oil will look like a plate, stone or powder. You can buy processed stone oil in capsules. It is known that Tibetan stone oil appears in high mountain settlements in the form of incomprehensible deposits on the walls of caves, grottoes or cracks in the rocks.

Stone oil is a natural mineral substance. It occurs, as a rule, on the surface of rocks due to the dissolution and displacement of some rocks by groundwater. As reviews of stone oil show, the shade of this substance can be completely different, and it all depends on the amount of zinc in the composition. The product can be yellow, beige, green, gray or red. There is white stone oil - purified.

The chemical composition of the substance

Specifically, the mineral genesis justifies the unique chemical composition of stone oil. After a detailed study carried out by scientists, information appeared that this oil contains about fifty trace elements, in other words, a little less than half of all currently existing ones.

The composition of stone oil also includes:

  • sodium;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • copper;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc;
  • chromium;
  • silicon;
  • selenium;
  • manganese.

Interesting and attractive in the study of oil for scientists is the fact that all available microelements can improve their properties by successfully interacting with each other.

Why are people interested in stone oil?

The healing properties of stone oil have been known since early times. People were very surprised to find that the effect of this substance is such that when it is used, any cell of the human body takes as many microelements as it needs for normal life. This theory was confirmed at the scientific and medical level. The fact is that stone oil contains a fairly large number of forming elements, for example, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon and phosphorus.

What are the health benefits of stone oil?

Scientists, interested in the possibility of introducing this mineral formation in traditional medicine, conducted a number of research works, as a result of which interesting information was obtained. It turned out that this substance cures a variety of diseases. This is because stone oil has the ability to interact with the components of the human body at the cellular level.

As a rule, it happens like this: the internal elements of the substance penetrate the human body and begin to directly contact the cells, thereby increasing their protective functions, which fail at the current pace of life. Due to the wrong way of life, low mobility, polluted ambient air, the human body is susceptible to viruses. Strengthen immune defense - the main purpose of stone oil.

Reviews of stone oil clearly demonstrate that the substance is actively used to improve metabolic processes in the body, strengthen blood vessels, optimize blood circulation, maintain the immune system in order, remove blood clots and toxins and prevent various diseases in general. Stone oil supports the body in the fight against infections, has a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, antitumor effect.

Where is stone oil used?

It has long been proven that this substance excellently heals injuries and relieves pain. Instructions for the use of stone oil confirms that the main mineral properties of the substance are actively used for the prevention and treatment of a number of diseases, from ordinary headaches to the last stages of cancerous tumors. Diseases of the heart, digestive organs, respiration, vision, urinary system, musculoskeletal system, nervous system, pathology of the male and female reproductive organs - all this is successfully cured by the use of stone oil.

Very often this substance finds its place in the cosmetic field. Reviews of stone oil for the skin are positive, girls and women note the normalization of sebum production. The water balance is restored, there is a general improvement and improvement in the appearance of the skin of the face. This product is also used in cosmetology to restore the natural color of hair, improve their structure and fight split ends. Due to the fact that this substance is able to normalize the production of subcutaneous fat, it can be used for both oily and dry scalp. In reviews of stone oil, they indicate that it actively helps restore the natural state of the hair, while postponing the time of their aging and loss.

In the medical field, the healing properties of stone oil are used to support the body in the first weeks after surgery. If necessary, the substance is prescribed by a doctor.

Options for using stone oil

Before you start using stone oil, you must definitely read the recommendations for its use, and if you wish, consult with your doctor at the local clinic. There are several ways to use stone oil. Your doctor will help you choose the right treatment option.

First you need to remember that stone oil can only be diluted in water at room temperature. If you are using this substance for the first time, it is better to make it less mineral-containing by adding more liquid.

How to prepare stone oil?

Before using the substance, it must be properly prepared. Instructions for the use of stone oil states that you must first finely grind the substance to a powder state. Oils take about 5 grams. Next, pour the resulting powder into several liters of water and insist for three days. As soon as this period comes to an end, using a small tube, pour the contents into a separate container. The sediment remaining after the infusion can be used to treat skin diseases or used in the form of lotions.

The concentration of stone oil can be different both up and down - it all depends on the severity of the disease. If the solution is needed weak, then it is better to dilute it more strongly with boiled water before use. If you need a stronger solution, then before making, increase the dose of stone powder and add less boiled water to the solution. The first positive properties from the use of the drug will not be observed immediately. As people's reviews of stone oil show, the effect occurs in two to three months.

Internal use of stone oil

How to drink stone oil? People who use this substance for the first time should start with 10-30 milliliters of the substance. This dosage is actually several times lower than the standard rate. It is necessary to use oil in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening during meals.

As a rule, if no negative side effects are observed within a few days of taking stone oil, then you can switch to the standard form of using this therapeutic substance. Now you can use up to 10 milliliters of the solution three times a day and 10-15 minutes before meals.

Usually the course of treatment is one and a half months, then you need to take a short break. After, if necessary, you can undergo another monthly course of treatment.

If there are acquired diseases that cannot be cured for a long time, then once the intake of medicated oil is increased twice a week after the start of treatment - in other words, they already drink 300 ml 4 times a day before meals.

External use of stone oil

In fact, it does not matter in what form the stone oil will be used: in liquid or dry. Very often, stone mortar is used in the form of a compress. In this case, it is applied to external wounds, cracks. They need to be treated with stone oil pounded to a powder, and covered with a damp cloth on top. A stone oil compress should be kept for about two hours. After that, the fabric must be removed and the place where the compress was applied should be wiped with a dry towel. This therapy should be done once a day for a month.

If purulent or inflammatory processes are observed, then it is worth making a more concentrated solution. Perfect stone oil for joints. To treat the affected organ, you will need several kilograms of stone oil, which must be infused in boiled water for several days. We also moisten a piece of tissue in the prepared solution and keep it at the diseased joint for several hours once a day.

Note that many women, in order to give their skin a younger and healthier look, add 10-20 grams of stone oil to any night cream. The effect will pleasantly surprise you.


This substance should not be used during a course of antibiotic treatment, during pregnancy and lactation, with constipation and obstructive jaundice. In addition, there are restrictions on the diet: alcoholic beverages and any meat products are prohibited, except for chicken meat.

How is stone oil cleaned?

The purification process of this mineral is quite difficult and lengthy. However, it is quite possible to implement it at home. In order to dissolve stone oil, it is necessary to infuse it for about fourteen hours. Pour the resulting liquid, stirring, into a separate deep container. The undesirable mixture comes out with the poured water, and the remaining paste is settled a second time and filtered. The bottom film consists of grains of sand and foreign bodies. They should be removed as soon as possible.

Cleaning stone oil, despite the complexity of this process, is bearing fruit. The resulting refined oil has no expiration date, so you can now use it for the rest of your life.

When cleaning, some people face such a problem: after fourteen hours of sludge, the oil begins to smell bad. In this case, the top layer of the solution should be sifted very well to remove grains of sand from it. If this situation repeats, then, undoubtedly, the cleaning process did not go in the right direction, everything should be redone.

Always remember that the application of rock oil can not only eliminate the lack of minerals, but also cause an overdose. Stone oil is consumed practically in grains of sand, in very small pinches.

The use of stone oil for the treatment of the genitourinary system

Very often, stone oil is prescribed for the treatment of the genitourinary system. The substance can be shown to both men and women. Urologists advise using it for prostate adenoma or sexual dysfunction. Consider further the methods of treating the inflammatory process in men with the help of stone oil:

  1. oral method. In this case, it is necessary to take stone oil strictly inside, diluting one tablespoon of the solution per liter of hot water.
  2. Stone oil compresses. It is necessary to mix a tablespoon of oil solution with a liter of water and alcohol. The compress is usually kept on the body for several hours.
  3. Microclysters. A few drops of oil are mixed with 600-700 milliliters of warm water. Next, the intestines are cleansed with an enema and a warm oil solution is injected.

With pathology of the genitourinary sphere in women, the course of treatment lasts longer. Proven and high-quality means in the fight against cervical erosion, fibroids will be stone oil in liquid form. It is necessary to dilute a couple of grams of this substance in two liters of boiled water and douching.

The course of treatment will be about forty days. It is recommended to use the resulting solution one and a half hours before meals 3 times a day. In case of gynecological pathology, it is necessary to additionally insert a tampon into the vagina at night, after soaking it in an oil solution, which is diluted by 600 milliliters.

Help of stone oil in the treatment of respiratory diseases

In this case, for a speedy and effective recovery, it is best to use stone oil inhalations. Many people, based on their own experience, are advised to refer to the recipe for using Chinese stone oil for bronchitis. What does that require?

A few grams of stone powder must be diluted in one glass of boiled water. Moisten the edge of the towel with the resulting solution and apply it for 20 minutes in the morning on the back, and in the evening and at night - on the chest. It will not be superfluous to use a regular oil solution, which should be taken three times a day, an hour before meals.

This mineral is especially effective in bronchial asthma. When an asthma attack occurs, you should immediately put inhalations (5 grams of the resulting powder for a couple of glasses of water). Therapeutic inhalation vapors should be inhaled half an hour before a meal.

How to find real stone oil and where to store it?

Today, the pharmaceutical industry offers a huge selection of products, including those that contain stone oil in their composition. Such preparations can be various creams for external use, balms and shampoos. Natural stone oil is, of course, unrefined. But today, on pharmacy shelves, you can find a crushed, peeled yellow-colored product with a sour taste in the form of cubes or stones.

It is quite difficult to distinguish between real and fake stone oil with the naked eye. Therefore, all that remains for the buyer is to trust the medical officer, fully relying on his high qualifications. In this case, it is better to purchase this mineral only in a proven and reliable place. On average, stone oil costs about 200-400 rubles. It is, of course, in solid form. The most expensive stone oil is presented on the market in the form of minerals, the price here varies from several thousand to 150,000 rubles.

It is worth saying that you need to store stone oil very carefully. It is believed that this mineral is able to lose all its healing properties if the temperature around it fluctuates above 50 degrees. Therefore, many are trying to acquire a cold-cleaned stone.

Stone oil can be stored indefinitely (especially if the substance is in a purified form). For better preservation, you can cover with a warm sheet on top.

In conclusion, people who are fully interested in maintaining their health know what rock oil is and what it has served for centuries. Stone oil is a natural, natural mineral that is mined in rock crevices. Once upon a time in ancient times, it was revered as the food of the immortals, and it was not so easy to get stone oil. Today, unfortunately, more than 70% of the population have not even heard of such a useful product. It must be remembered that this substance has a number of healing properties for the human body, and in accordance with this, it should attract the attention of not only scientists, but also the general population.

When choosing a method of treatment and prevention, the main criterion for choosing a drug is its effectiveness and the absence of side effects. Stone oil is able to increase immunity: accumulating in the body, it strengthens blood vessels, and is used in oncology.

Good performance in the treatment of prostatitis and male weakness made it so popular that many andrologists began to include the composition in the treatment and prevention regimen. Lotions are recommended for fractures, which reduces the recovery time. Positive results have been obtained when used on the body, in the treatment of lesions associated with skin diseases, including tuberculosis of the skin.

White Shilajit is a mineral product, the study of which has established the ability to increase the body's resistance, fight inflammatory processes, and accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues. Stone oil with nettle for weight loss restores metabolism. In its action, it is many times superior to ginseng and classic mummy.

Price and where to buy Stone oil

Buy Stone oil in a pharmacy does not always allow its price. A complex procurement system and a margin at each stage make it inaccessible to the average buyer. Delivery to Moscow is limited due to small batches associated with the difficult mining process in Altai.

An online store offers a convenient way to purchase: fast delivery and an affordable price will allow you to conduct a course of treatment without significant material costs. This guarantees originality and a long shelf life. For pharmacies that sell large volumes of medicines for which there is a stable demand, such goods are not a profit, since there is no interest in their individual purchase.

How much does Stone oil cost in pharmacies:

  • Moscow - 990 rubles
  • St. Petersburg - 990 rubles.
  • Krasnoyarsk - 990 rubles
  • Novosibirsk - 990 rubles
  • Ukraine, Kyiv - 399 UAH.
  • Dnepropetrovsk - 399 UAH
  • Gomel - 23 Bel. ruble.
  • Almaty - 5600 tenge.

Reviews of doctors about Stone oil

According to doctors, stone oil has pronounced healing properties.

I do not belong to the group of doctors who, in pursuit of additional income, prescribe expensive drugs with dubious properties. My patients are elderly people. They need to prescribe treatment with extreme caution, so I carefully studied the principle of action of Stone Oil, the recommendations of specialists, the reviews of doctors who used it in treatment regimens.

Conducted a course of two patients (men) with a diagnosis of stomach cancer. The result was not immediately visible. Gradually, the indicators really began to improve. The absence of contraindications, side effects and relief of the general condition of patients allows us to recommend its use without restrictions for the treatment and recovery of the body.

Victor N., doctor-specialist in oncology

Treatment of oncological diseases is protracted and not always effective. My indications are aimed at alleviating the condition and restoring the physiological functions of the body. I recommend taking stone oil in a course of 4 weeks. The therapeutic property of active mineral supplements helps to reduce pain, reduces the size of benign tumors, and stops the inflammatory process.

The general condition improves, sleep normalizes. Not being a drug, the drug does not have a negative effect on other organs. Affordable price allows you to assign it to pensioners, a person with a small income can buy it. I recommend to conduct several courses with a monthly interval.

Boris S., oncologist (therapist)

Customer Reviews of Stone Oil

Readers may be interested to know if there are negative reviews about Stone Oil and to learn about the real results of using its medicinal properties. Negative comments are left by those buyers who have encountered fraudulent sites.

I am 74 years old, and thrombosis with shortness of breath literally locked me in four walls. I felt deeply disabled until the children literally forced me to try Stone Oil Body Balm. She made lotions and took them inside.

Two weeks of procedures did not become a reason to change anything. Then there was a sudden improvement. The swelling of the legs has decreased, the pain has disappeared. Four weeks of the course gave a really healing effect, which I could not achieve by taking what the doctor prescribed. The price is small, but it worked well.

Anastasia Andreevna Mishina, 74 years old, Moscow

An industrial injury - a complex fracture of the leg chained me to the bed for a long time. Open injuries did not allow the application of plaster, required constant treatment, plus I myself had to control the immobility of the leg. I was looking for ways to speed up the process. I went to the forum of people like me - poor fellows. I read customer reviews until I came across information about a product that is significantly more effective than known products.

Stone oil, or as it is also called, white mummy, has become for many an opportunity to reduce the regeneration process by a third. There are no contraindications. Can be applied to wounds, used for external and internal treatment. I can say with 100% certainty that it helps. The positive result is obvious. Faster than predicted by the doctors, he stood on his foot. The scar is almost invisible, I do not limp.

Andrey Buinov, 35 years old, Rostov-on-Don

Instructions for use of Stone Oil

Before you learn how to take Stone oil, you need to study the instructions for use, find out the composition, exclude complications due to individual intolerance and allergic reactions, and familiarize yourself with contraindications. Stone oil consists of 49 vital minerals and beneficial trace elements. Does not contain harmful impurities (cadmium, mercury). Reviews of those who used this technique confirm the positive effect on the body, even in oncological processes.

Dosage Disease Mode of application Application scheme
3 g per 300 ml of water
  • surgical intervention;
  • sinusitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • arthritis, sciatica.
  • lotions;
  • compress;
  • inhalation;
  • compress with honey.
  • constantly;
  • 2-3 times a day;
  • 1 per day;
  • 1 per day.
3 g per 2 liters of water
  • salt deposits;
  • diabetes;
  • inflammation of the urinary system;
  • disease prevention;
  • longevity.
28 days
3 g per 1 liter of water
  • pneumonia;
  • ulcer;
  • acute cystitis;
  • cervical erosion;
  • myoma, fibromyoma;
  • cataract.
1 glass, 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals28 days
3 g per 1 liter of watercancer1 glass, 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before mealsup to 80 days


When using this method of treatment, there are several warnings that you need to pay attention to. While taking the drug, you can not drink alcohol, chocolate, fatty foods. Contraindication - mechanical damage to the gallbladder due to the pronounced choleretic properties. In order to avoid tooth decay by active minerals at a high concentration of the solution, it is better to drink through a straw.

Medicinal properties will be maximum when these recommendations are followed. Sometimes, according to reviews, constipation is observed during treatment, which disappear after a few days of use.

Clinical studies have evaluated the beneficial properties of the mineral product and outlined recommendations for use in a number of diseases. It has been established that the composition does not contain harmful impurities that can adversely affect health.

With the recommended method of application, the saturation of the body with healing substances occurs gradually and carries a positive trend in changing problem areas of the body. The complex of components that enter the tissue fluid due to the biological form of the product (double salt) easily saturates the cells with minerals to the required rate.

The highest healing properties Stone oil (mummy) showed:

  • with immune diseases;
  • prostatitis;
  • fibromyomas and myomas;
  • injuries of the closed and open type;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • improving metabolism;
  • joint and muscle pain;
  • problems with memory and brain activity.

Features of the composition. Combination of components

For several thousand years, nature has been collecting a unique healing gift in the narrow gorges of the mountains, which has the ability to restore health and saturate the body with the minerals it needs. With age or after suffering injuries and diseases, there is a shortage of components that we get naturally: with water or food.

It is in these cases that Stone Oil is needed. Magnesium deficiency causes a weakening of memory, reduces concentration, and potassium is the main building element of cartilage and bone tissue. Each of the 49 chemical elements of the rock is a brick in the construction of a complex and multifunctional organism.

The composition seems to be specially selected so that each microelement becomes an assistant to a person in the fight for health. Salts help saturate the cells, providing therapeutic and preventive assistance. The use of a natural product restores lost health, improves memory.

Video: doctors' reviews of Stone oil

Non-traditional healing practices are often the last resort many of us hope for when the disease has gone too far. In the event that a person loses hope in officially recognized remedies, the most exotic methods of treatment based on the healing abilities of the natural environment around us can come to the rescue.

One of the sensational natural biostimulants in the Altai Territory is stone oil (KM). Does this natural substance really have unique healing capabilities, or is it just another “scam” of cunning scammers who seek to cash in on sick people? What do doctors think about this? Let's try to understand this issue.

Stone oil - what is it and what does it heal?

Stone oil (brakshun, mountain resin, or, as it is also poetically called, “tears of the mountains”) is a creamy, white or yellowish solid substance that forms on the walls and crevices of rocks. By definition, CM is a mineral alum.

The exact mechanism of the origin of this natural substance is still not known to science. However, local residents noticed that mountain goats stubbornly lick the rocky surface exactly in the places where this natural formation is located. Apparently, from the unshakable faith of man in the ability of the animal world to heal itself, the glory of stone oil was born as a product with exceptional healing qualities.

According to many healers who have flooded the Internet space, oil can cure literally all diseases, from the common cold to oncology. Unfortunately, no real facts of salvation with the help of mineral alum have been recorded, so practitioners are very skeptical about this type of another panacea.

Healing properties of stone oil

Nevertheless, adherents of oriental medicine assure that with the help of mountain resin one can be cured of:

  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • consequences of iron deficiency anemia;
  • problems with the musculoskeletal system;
  • gynecological ailments;
  • inflammation of the prostate gland;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms.

The ability of KM to maximize the healing process of wounds, postoperative sutures, bruises and bone fractures is also actively promoted.

Ways to use stone oil

Since brackshun belongs to the category of potassium alum, it may contain a large amount of metals - calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, chromium, magnesium. In the correct ratio, these minerals are quite capable of benefiting the body, but their environmental safety and permissible concentration depend solely on the place of extraction of the material, and cannot be thoroughly known to the patient.

In addition, harmful substances may be present in the natural compound - lime, sand, dust. Therefore, it is possible to use preparations based on stone oil inside only under strict control over the quality of the product and with the permission of a specialist.

Externally, stone oil can be used as a base for compresses and medical dressings, as well as for cosmetic purposes for home lifting of facial skin and maintaining the beauty and health of hair.

The scheme of using stone oil is quite simple - you need to drink a glass of a healing solution based on it 3 times a day. To get natural medicine, follow this recipe:

  • Dissolve 3 g of powder in 3 liters of warm boiled water;
  • stir well and leave to infuse until tender, placing the container with the liquid in a cool dark place;
  • after two days, carefully strain the solution through folded gauze.

You need to store the resulting product in the refrigerator, but not more than 10 days. The duration of treatment is 1 month, after which you should take a break. In total, up to 4 courses of procedures can be completed per year.

Important! In the process of oral consumption of KM, strict control over the state of your body is necessary, which consists in regular laboratory testing of blood and urine. With any alarming indicators, it is better to stop experimenting on your health and stop using bioadditives.

Stone oil in cosmetology - for body and face

"Tears of the mountains" have found their application in home cosmetology. Based on this mineral mixture, you can make cleansing masks, it will help relieve redness and swelling under the eyes, smooth out fine lines of wrinkles, improve hair structure and prevent hair loss.

microclysters will help - dissolve a teaspoon (without top!) of stone oil in half a liter of warm water. Enter into the rectum 10-15 ml of the solution, after emptying the intestines.

Contraindications and harm

Stone oil, due to its incomplete study, can adversely affect the patient's body. As with any other natural substance, the authenticity of the product, its purity and safety play a huge role.

  • patients with obstructive jaundice;
  • people who experience sudden changes in blood pressure (especially those prone to hypotension);
  • suffering from irregular bowel movements (with frequent constipation);
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • children and adolescents under 14;
  • those who have an individual intolerance to one or more components of the drug.

With extreme caution, the oil can be used by people who have problems with blood flow, weak blood vessels, the risk of developing a blood clot, congenital or acquired pathologies of the heart muscle.

In addition, during KM therapy, one should completely abandon alcoholic beverages, limit oneself in the consumption of meat, fatty poultry, strong coffee and tea, radishes, radishes, and natural chocolate. Mountain resin is also incompatible with taking antibiotics.

Stone oil - what it is, what heals, is more known to traditional healers. Doctors are wary of the mineral and do not recommend using it without a detailed study of the issue.

A natural mineral that originates in the mountains. In different places it is called in its own way - the food of the gods, the white stone of immortality, the brakshun, the white mummy. It is mined in the mountains of Eastern Siberia, China, Mongolia by scraping. After cleaning, the substance looks like a white-yellow powder interspersed with red, brown colors. Has a high degree of dissolution.

The richest composition determines its exceptional healing properties. According to the latest experts, the substance contains, in different proportions, almost all the elements of the periodic system.

Useful properties of the mineral product

Stone oil is a mineral compound that can treat various pathologies of internal organs and external damage. It is somewhat universal, due to the impressive content of useful elements. Useful properties are:

Stone oil is a mountain mineral with a rich chemical composition, due to which this substance also has a lot of healing properties.

  • Anti-inflammatory action. The elements that make up the mineral block the work of the cyclooxygenase enzyme, thereby reducing the inflammation process.
  • regenerating action. Almost all trace elements of oil are somehow included in the regulatory processes of the body. Their daily replenishment accelerates the production of vital recovery components.
  • Immunomodulatory action. Immunity strengthening is based on additionally entering the body: selenium (increases cellular activity), zinc (multiple cofactor, increases the immune response), magnesium (the main participant in many immune reactions).
  • Antiseptic action. Silver and zinc salts act on bacteria and microorganisms, inhibiting their life cycle and destroying them rather quickly.
  • Rejuvenating action. Silicon is involved in the synthesis of collagen, magnesium cleanses the body of toxins, selenium is a strong antioxidant that can protect cells from free radicals that accelerate the aging process.

What can be treated with stone oil

Brakshun can cure a variety of diseases, which determines its wide popularity. Such that this mineral can be difficult to find. It is usually used for the following pathologies.

Respiratory diseases

Regular use of a substance dissolved in water improves blood circulation in the tissues of the lungs, enhances sputum separation, and relieves inflammation.

Helps with tuberculosis, pneumonia, pleurisy, asthma and acute respiratory viral infections. Respiratory processes are facilitated, as well as the course of the disease.

From wounds, burns and bruises

Due to the sulfur, selenium, calcium, zinc, cobalt and other elements contained in the oil, it has a strong restorative effect. Phosphorus and manganese stimulate the regenerating abilities of the body. Helps with fractures, bruises. Local, superficial use disinfects wounds, reduces pain and inflammation in burns.

For the treatment of the genitourinary system

Highly effective oil is considered in the treatment of diseases of the kidneys, reproductive system(infertility, erosion, cysts, endometriosis and others). This is achieved due to the bactericidal action.

High efficiency is achieved through the complex use of the mineral: external and internal.

In proctology

Internal use is necessary for advanced forms of diseases. This will help not only to get rid of the manifestations, but also to influence the root of the problem, to promote the treatment of the entire excretory system.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

The course use of the white stone of immortality helps in getting rid of the existing pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. Chronic or complicated forms of diseases (gastritis, colitis, ulcers, pancreatitis), in conjunction with drug therapy, are treated faster and more efficiently.

Stone oil is successfully used as part of complex therapy in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.

The mucosa recovers faster, pain disappears. Prevention of cholelithiasis is also carried out due to the high content of magnesium in the mineral.

For weight loss

Stone oil is especially effective in the process of losing weight. What it is, what it heals, nutritionists can tell. Available useful trace elements normalize the regulatory functions of all body systems, starting metabolic processes. As a result, the metabolism is accelerated, the body breaks down and effectively uses body fat.

In parallel, there is a cleansing, removal of toxins and toxins. Combined with light physical activity, you can achieve good results. However, it will take longer than with diets and high loads.

Application in oncology

Some experts consider it possible and useful in the treatment of malignant neoplasms to add the use of a brace to the main treatment. It enhances the overall resistance of the body, helps speedy recovery after surgical procedures or chemotherapy.

Important! Stone oil is not able to cure cancer, even at an early stage. Only modern medicine and qualified specialists are capable of this.

When salts are deposited

Due to the sufficient content of potassium in the mineral, the process of salt deposition in various parts of the musculoskeletal system slows down. Since potassium is directly involved and regulates the water-salt balance in the body.

With existing deposits, an integrated approach to treatment is preferable. The internal application of the solution is carried out, as well as the application of compresses and lotions on sore spots.

For the treatment of joints

Stone oil helps restore bone and cartilage tissue

As a result, the joints become more mobile. The pain, discomfort during movement goes away, the limbs stop “crunching”.

Liver treatment

With the help of stone oil, the liver is cleansed, its cellular structure is restored. The condition improves with such serious diseases as cirrhosis, cholecystitis, hepatitis.

The effect is achieved by enriching the body with sodium, nickel, iodine, manganese, copper, phosphorus, iron and other elements. All of them to some extent affect the work of the main "filter" of the body.

In dentistry

Rinsing the mouth with stone oil relieves stomatitis, destroys pathogens, and soothes the mucous membrane. Helps in the treatment of periodontal disease, periodontitis, etc. Before visiting the dentist, it effectively relieves pain in pulpitis. Disinfects, preventing the inflamed nerve from festering.

Important! Stone oil is not able to rid the teeth of caries and tartar, but it effectively prevents their formation.

Application in cosmetology

The addition of oil to cosmetic care products slows down the aging process of the dermis, improves the elasticity and firmness of the epidermis. The zinc contained in the mineral reduces skin inflammation, prevents the appearance of skin inflammation.

The regular addition of bracshun to hair masks stimulates the renewal of scalp cells. The number of fallen hair decreases, they become smoother, softer.

Contraindications for use

It is forbidden to use the white stone of immortality in such situations:

  • A history of a diagnosis such as obstructive jaundice. The use of oil will increase the choleretic effect, which will aggravate the course of the disease.
  • It is better to postpone treatment with stone oil for pathologies such as pressure surges, predisposition to thromboembolism, hematopoietic disorders. This can provoke a deterioration in the condition, which is extremely dangerous.

For problems with blood pressure and hematopoiesis, stone oil should not be used.
  • It is contraindicated to use the mineral in childhood and adolescence due to the existing features in the ongoing metabolic reactions.
  • Difficulties with bowel movements are also a contraindication. Since bracshun enhances the excretion of toxins and poisons, in case of constipation they will be concentrated in the intestines and absorbed back into the body.
  • Pregnant and lactating women it is forbidden to use the mineral, even in preventive doses. It can provoke the development of pathologies in a child.

How to take stone oil

External application

External, local application of the brush is carried out by the method of lotions, compresses, irrigation, enemas. Sometimes for these purposes, the remainder of the mixture prepared for internal use is used. It contains a small sediment - it is not dangerous and not harmful.

Externally, stone oil is used in the form of compresses and lotions.

Based on localization, the procedure time varies from several hours to leaving the bandage overnight. It is recommended to carry out manipulations in one place no more than once a day.

The classic recipe for topical use is 1 tsp. without a slide of mineral per 330 ml of water. This liquid is soaked in a cloth bandage and applied to clean skin. Wrap tightly with polyethylene, wrap. In case of serious damage to the skin, a little pure powder is applied directly under the compress.

If there is a need for repeated procedures per day, then the solution is prepared as for internal use: 1 tsp. oil for 3 liters. water. The same concentration is used to rinse the oral mucosa and rinse the nasal passages. The course of topical application is from 5 days to 2 weeks. Rinsing is carried out three times a day. Enema is carried out twice during the day.

In cosmetics to maintain youthful skin, maintain healthy hair, add 1 gr. substances in a tube of any care product (about 200 ml) or in a balm (mask) for hair in an amount of 250-300 ml. It is also possible to add a small pinch of oil to the necessary one-time portion of the product.

It is forbidden to treat with stone oil (what it is and what it heals - see above) bleeding, non-healing wounds. Use with caution at the very beginning, as allergic manifestations are possible.


For the most part, stone oil is used in the classical concentration - this is 1 tsp per 3 liters. water. It is necessary to start treatment with a minimum dose to avoid severe allergies. Thus, the possible intolerance of the substance is also excluded.

Drink 15 ml of brakshuna after breakfast and dinner daily for 7-10 days. If the state of health has not worsened, then you can proceed to the standard intake regimen - 30 ml 30-60 minutes before meals, three times a day.

In the future, the amount of liquid drunk at a time should reach 1 glass. This is possible only under the condition of good health and the absence of new diseases in history.

Stone oil (what it is, what it heals - see in this article) you should start taking with 1 teaspoon

The full course of treatment is from 1 to 3 months. Repetition is possible only after the number of days that the remedy was used. At the same time, throughout the entire period, it is contraindicated to consume alcoholic beverages (even of low strength), meat (only chicken is possible), coffee, chocolate and its derivatives, tea, radish and radish.

Recipes for decoctions and tinctures

Recipes for stone oil for the treatment of many diseases are different. This is due to the fact that an organ or organ system needs a different amount of trace elements. This approach is more useful than mindless consumption of the mineral in unreasonable amounts.

With medicinal herbs

Method number 1. Half a teaspoon dilute brakshuna in 2 liters of boiled water, temperature 23-25 ​​degrees. Let stand for a day. Further in one liter of water boil for about 10 minutes 1.5 tbsp. lungwort and 1.5 tbsp. stinging nettle. Also let it sit for about half an hour. Combine two liquids in one container.

Consume 200-250 ml 30-60 minutes before meals. The effectiveness of the mineral in combination with herbs increases significantly. It helps with pulmonary pathologies, has a choleretic and diuretic effect. Helps with prostatitis, gastric inflammatory processes. Can be used both internally and externally.

Method number 2. 1 tsp powder diluted in 500 ml of boiled, cooled water. Separately, prepare a strong infusion of chamomile and calendula (pour 1 tablespoon of each herb into a glass of boiling water). Connect together.

It is good to remove skin inflammations with this remedy, to do irrigation, lotions of injured skin. Treat runny nose, sore throat. To improve the skin of the face, it is enough to wipe it with a cotton pad in the morning and evening. The skin must be cleansed before use.

Method number 3. 1/2 tsp stir white mummy in 1500 ml of boiled, cool water. Let stand, then strain. Separately, brew chamomile in a cup of boiling water (about 2 tablespoons). Let cool naturally and strain.

Restorative decoction with stone oil also includes chamomile and ginger root juice

Mix liquids in one glass container. At the end, add ginger root juice (a few tablespoons) to it. Use no more than 100 ml at a time.

This composition is intended for preventive rehabilitation. Ginger is an effective immunomodulator, enhances the barrier function of the body as a whole. Chamomile has not only anti-inflammatory, soothing effect, but also stimulates the immune system. This happens due to the essential oils, organic and fatty acids contained in the flowers of the plant.

Without herbs

Based on the tolerance of stone oil and the complexity of the disease, the following proportions are distinguished when mixing the components:

  • Classic variant. 1 tsp mineral per 3 liters of water.
  • Preventive option. ½ tsp substances per 3 liters of water.
  • Enhanced version (diseases of the intestines, genitourinary system, liver disease). 1 tsp brackshun per 1 liter of water.
  • With acute gastritis. 1.5 tsp stone oil in 3 liters of water.
  • Gastric ulcer. 1 tsp mineral in 2 cups of water (about 650 ml).
  • Diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, diseased joints. 1 tsp substances per 2 liters of water.
  • Thyroid prophylaxis. 2 tsp brakshun for 2.5 liters of water.

For internal use, stone oil is dissolved in boiled water, which has cooled to a temperature of 23-25 ​​degrees.

These recipes prepare everything in the same manner - dissolve the powder in boiled water, naturally cooled to 23-25 ​​degrees. Do not touch the solution for a day, then decant through cheesecloth. Only after that they start using it. It is necessary to store the finished composition for no more than two weeks, you can in the refrigerator.

Ways to purify a natural mineral

Stone oil is purified by cold and hot cleaning methods. This happens in stages. The first 2 stages are the same, the difference is only in the final manipulation.

First of all, the mined mineral dissolves in water at 35-40 degrees. During the day, stirring occasionally, do not touch it. Then poured through a fine sieve into glassware or enameled containers. The sediment from the gauze is again filled with water for 15 hours. It is expressed in the same way.

Next, you need to filter out insoluble impurities in the solution. You can simply leave the solution for a month until the precipitation is complete, but this is long enough and the percentage of impurities will be higher. After filtration, the solution must be returned to solid form. To do this, it can be evaporated in a water bath to the consistency of thick caramel and dried in a warm room with minimal humidity.

After filtering, the stone oil is evaporated in a water bath.

The second way is to distribute the filtered mixture in a thin layer on trays and leave it in the fresh air or in a well-ventilated room until the water has completely evaporated. Periodically, the mass is mixed. This will take at least a month.

The first method is distinguished by the speed of cleaning. It is believed that the heat treatment of the mineral destroys some of the useful elements and the effect of stone oil will not be as strong as stated by experts. The second method is long and painstaking, but the healing properties are fully preserved.

How to properly store stone oil

The mineral can be stored for an unlimited amount of time. The main condition is low or medium humidity, room temperature, lack of direct sunlight.

Where to buy stone oil

Stone oil is widespread in Russia. It can be purchased at a pharmacy, online stores, specialized in traditional medicine outlets.

Purchase stone oil (what it is and what it heals, you need to find out before buying a product) only from trusted manufacturers

The main thing is to choose a trusted manufacturer because there is a high risk of buying counterfeit products.

Product cost

The pricing policy for the mineral is quite adequate. For 3 gr. on average, the manufacturer asks from 170 to 500 rubles. It all depends on the quality of cleaning and the desire of the seller to get rich. Since manufacturers unreasonably increase prices to 1000-1500 rubles.

The most high-quality healing mineral and cosmetics with it in the composition are offered by BelAltaiProject, Sashera-Med, Altai Mineral.

Stone oil really has a strong effect, which causes its high demand. However, do not forget that this healing powder is still not capable of completely curing diseases. For this, it is necessary to go to a specialist who, having studied the anamnesis, will prescribe the correct treatment regimen with drugs.

Stone oil - what is it and what does it treat:

Stone oil - reviews of doctors, application, medicinal properties:

In folk medicine of Tibet, Mongolia, Altai, Eastern Siberia and China, it is widely used stone oil for the treatment of numerous diseases. So what kind of mineral is this and what healing properties of stone oil can we also use and for the treatment of what?

Stone oil or as it is also called brakshun or “white mummy” is a mineral substance that is collected by scraping from rocks in hard-to-reach rocks and grottoes. It has a whitish-yellowish color and is formed by leaching rocks. After collection, the mineral is carefully cleaned of sand and other impurities and sold in such an unprocessed form - it can be sold in the form of pebbles, crumbs or powder.

Healing properties of stone oil

The healing and beneficial properties of stone oil are truly unique, as they contain a huge amount of minerals that are most beneficial for our body. The composition of stone oil includes silver, sodium, magnesium, iron, gold, copper, phosphorus, iodine, platinum, silicon, calcium, etc. The concentration of these substances in the oil is so high that it has a healing effect not only on a separate organ, but on the whole organism as a whole, and at the cellular level.

Doctors have found that stone oil is perhaps the only product that can have a stimulating effect on all the enzymatic processes of our body, directing as many micro and macro elements to weak areas as needed for normal functioning.

Properties and uses of stone oil

White mummy is used to treat a large number of diseases, as it has pronounced antibacterial, wound healing, antitumor, hepatoprotective and antimetastatic properties.

It is used to treat fractures and stimulate the growth of bone tissue, stomatitis, diabetes, prostatitis, otitis media, pleurisy, cataracts, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including ulcers, kidney diseases, skin diseases, cystitis, and to prevent the occurrence and development of malignant tumors. .

The mineral is effective in many chronic and chronic diseases that are already difficult to treat with medication, such as any diseases of the musculoskeletal system, in any inflammatory processes, in cardiovascular and nervous diseases.

How to take stone oil

Before you start taking a healing solution, you need to know a few recommendations. Stone oil is diluted only in boiled water at room temperature. For beginners, you first need to know the body's reaction to taking the mineral, so the standard dose on the first day of admission will need to be made less concentrated by diluting it with water.

The standard method of preparation is as follows: 3 grams of stone oil ground to a powder (this is about 1 teaspoon without top) is poured into 3 liters of water and left for two days to infuse. After the time has elapsed, with the help of a tube, carefully so as not to disturb the sediment, the infusion is poured into another container, and the remaining sediment is thrown away or used to treat skin diseases, if any, as lotions.

The concentration of infusion can be different, both up and down - it all depends on the specific problem. If the solution is needed weaker, then dilute it with boiled water before use. If you need more, then add more powder or less water before cooking. Since the effect of stone oil is not observed immediately, but after 1 to 3 months, it is recommended to start treatment with the standard dosage.

Internal use of stone oil

For beginners, the intake of stone oil solution should be started with 50 ml twice a weak dosage 3 times a day with meals. If there is no discomfort during the day, then the next day they switch to taking 100 ml of a standard solution 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

The course of treatment is usually 1 month, then a month break and you can continue if necessary. If there are chronic diseases that are not cured for a long time, then a single intake of a healing solution is doubled a week after the start of treatment - that is, they already drink 200 ml 3 times a day before meals.

There are no special recommendations for the treatment of certain diseases, since it was said above that the healing properties of stone oil immediately affect the entire body and the sore spot in particular. Therefore, the effect depends only on the concentration of the solution, the duration of administration and the individual characteristics of the organism.

External use of stone oil

For external use, stone oil can be used both in dry form and in the form of a solution. Cracks, wounds, burns are sprinkled with powder, and a cloth soaked in a solution is applied on top for a compress. After 2-3 hours, the tissue is removed, the skin is wiped with a dry towel. Such applications are done 1 time per day.

For other problems with the skin (purulent and inflammatory processes) and mucous membranes, a concentrated solution is made: 3 g of stone oil is infused for 2 days in half a liter of water. Wet the tissue in the resulting solution and apply it for 1 to 3 hours once a day.

To rejuvenate the skin and get rid of stretch marks, stone oil powder is added to a regular night cream. Visibly increases the elasticity and firmness of the skin.

Contraindications to stone oil

This mineral is forbidden to be used during antibiotic treatment, pregnancy and lactation, constipation and obstructive jaundice. There are also food restrictions: alcohol, strong coffee and tea, duck, goose and lamb meat, cocoa, chocolate, radish, radish are prohibited.

Purification of the "stone of immortality"- the process is laborious, but quite feasible at home. To clean the stones, you will need to dissolve them in water and infuse for about 10-12 hours. The resulting liquid is drained through a sieve (do not forget to mix along the way). Harmful impurities will leave with the drained liquid, and the remaining paste is repeatedly settled and filtered. The bottom layer is grains of sand and all sorts of foreign bodies. This should be got rid of.

Once purified, stone oil can be stored indefinitely. Sometimes it also happens that the substance begins to smell unpleasant. This is a sure sign of improper cleaning.

The use of stone oil can not only eliminate the deficiency of minerals, but also cause an overdose. In this case, more is not better. It is eaten literally with grains of sand, grams, put on a tooth.

Stone oil - how to take?

In the case of a quality product, the maximum daily dose is 3 g. The recommended therapeutic and prophylactic dose is 1 g. The required amount of the product is dissolved in 500 ml - 3 liters of water, depending on the scheme. It is worth buying purified stone oil in the form of a powder - it is easier to measure it and it does not contain impurities. The cleaning technology is based on dissolving a piece of rock in water, filtering and evaporating the liquid part.

Classic scheme: 3 grams of powder per 3 liters of water (boiled and cool). The solution is taken before meals three times a day, 200 ml. Duration - 4 weeks, after which there is a break of at least a month. The maximum concentration of the product is 3 g per 500-700 ml (stone oil, use in cancer).

Some patterns of use:

  • ulcer: 3 g of powder per 600 ml of hot water, a tablespoon three times a day;
  • diabetes mellitus: 72 g of powder should be consumed within 80 days, while for every 3 grams - 2 liters of water, every week - control of sugar levels;
  • prostatitis: 3 g per 0.5 l, make a microclyster with a volume of 40 ml of solution, once a day, duration - a month;
  • pneumonia: 3 g per 1 liter, a glass three times a day;
  • burns and wounds: 3 g per 300 ml, apply a gauze compress moistened with the solution or irrigate the wound in any other way.

Stone oil is not a complete replacement for therapeutic treatment. The product is used only in complex therapy. Treatment and prevention begin with small doses - from 1 gram per 3 liters of fluid. The concentration increases gradually.

When used, it is forbidden to take hormonal drugs, alcohol, fatty foods and cocoa beans (including chocolate). If hormonal therapy is an obligatory part of the treatment program, you should consult your doctor.