Melatonin in sports nutrition. Melatonin - the benefits and harms of taking, dosage, side effects

Formula - C13H16N2O2
Melatonin is a hormone produced in the brain, namely in the pineal gland. also called the pineal gland. This hormone belongs to the neurotransmitters that regulate circadian (sleep-wakefulness) processes in our body. In addition to the human brain, this hormone is present in the brain of animals and plants.

Discovery of melatonin

For the first time, a synthetic analogue of melatonin was developed by Professor Aaron Lerner in 1958 and was conceived as a drug for skin rejuvenation. But the drug reached the shelves of stores and pharmacies only by 1993.

Physiological qualities

Melatonin is synthesized under the influence of N-acetyltransferase from serotonin, which in turn undergoes the synthesis of their tryptophan (the amino acid of joy)
There is a lot of tryptophan in milk, rice, fish, bananas, milk chocolate, which means that foods containing tryptophan provide the production of melatonin.
Fine A healthy adult produces 30 micrograms of melatonin per day., and the content of the hormone at night exceeds this value by 30 times and the maximum concentration is reached by about 1-2 o'clock in the morning.
The synthesis of melatonin directly depends on the illumination in the place where you are directly located. The more illuminated environment you are in, the less melatonin is produced and the less you want to fall asleep, and, accordingly, vice versa - the reverse process occurs.
In the modern world, artificial lighting allows you to stay awake at any time of the day or night, which has an extremely negative effect on the proper production of melatonin by the pineal gland.

Melatonin - prevention of aging

Some scientists believe that melatonin acts as an anti-stress hormone and as an antioxidant, respectively, fights free radicals in cells, eliminating damage to its DNA, preventing the aging process, and some cases of experiments on mice show that the hormone also rejuvenates the body.
It has been scientifically proven that the normal level of melatonin in the blood of a person reduces the risk of developing a malignant tumor of the breast, the development of melanoma (skin cancer), and prostate cancer in men.

Super Immunity

Melatonin has a beneficial effect on the endocrine system - it reduces the catecholamines produced by the adrenal glands (adrenaline, noradrenaline)
Also, melatonin, acting on the thymus, increases the number of T-cells of lymphocytes and phagocytes, the main cells of the immune system, to fight foreign organisms, thereby strengthening.
Hormone, increasing the content of GABA, increasing the amount of serotonin and dopamine in the brain - improves mood, eliminates dizziness and headaches.

for use in sports

According to some reports, melatonin has a slight fat burning effect.
In a study done in collaboration with the Journal of Pineal Research, in trials conducted on obese diabetic rats, melatonin administered to them reduced body fat levels, eliminated stress, and restored normal sleep levels.
From this it follows that melatonin normalizes the level of cortisol and reduces the level of adipose tissue in athletes under conditions of training or precompetitive stress.

The effects of taking

  1. Facilitates falling asleep
  2. Restores the circadian rhythm of sleep and wakefulness
  3. Removes daytime sleepiness
  4. Relieves anxiety
  5. Normalizes the level of cortisol (stress hormone) in the blood
  6. Has antihypertensive properties (lowers blood pressure)
  7. Slows down aging
  8. Combines an antioxidant effect, in other words, it has an antitumor effect
  9. Accelerates the energy reserves of the body
  10. Increases appetite
  11. Strengthens the immune functions of the body
  12. The drug is non-toxic

Dosage of melatonin

Like any drug, it is recommended to take Melatonin preparations with the minimum recommended dosages. At the beginning of the reception, in the first two or three days, take 1-2 mg at night, then, as the condition and in the absence of side effects, the dosage is increased to 3-5 mg at night.
The course of admission is 1-2 months or less, until the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness is fully restored.

special instructions

When taking melatonin, special attention is paid to the sleeping area, it should be minimally lit and with curtains drawn tightly. There should not be any light sources (night lamps, etc.) in the room. Otherwise, sleep may not occur, as daylight destroys melatonin molecules.
There are two types of melatonin - normal (example Melaksen) and prolonged (example Circadin).
Regular melatonin It is used to quickly fall asleep and normalize the rhythm, while the prolonged one is used for prolonged insomnia with frequent nocturnal awakenings or nightmares. Long lasting melatonin eliminates these effects, and also improves the quality of sleep (dreams are more colorful and memorable).
In the modern world, despite the fact that the drug is not well understood - melatonin, refers to dietary supplements that do not require a prescription and is freely sold in any pharmacy.


  • Allergy to drug components
  • Individual intolerance
  • Diabetes
  • Chronic blood diseases


There are cases when a person exceeded the dosage of melatonin by 600 times, without any harm to his health, but this is not recommended, the necessary hypnotic effect is achieved at standard dosages.

Side effects:

Side effects at normal and high dosages, the drug gives extremely rarely. Headache, drowsiness, nausea, diarrhea are possible. The phenomena are reversible with the complete cessation of the drug or a decrease in dosage.

with other drugs

It is not recommended to take with MAO inhibitors, some antidepressants (in particular with SSRIs, such as fluoxetine or fluvoxamine)
The scheme of use with drugs that depress the central nervous system, antihypertensive and antipsychotic drugs is undesirable.

Melatonin deficiency

The lack of melatonin led the test animals to rapid weight gain, type 2 diabetes, cancer, disruption of the natural cycles of sleep and wakefulness.

Action on libido

Melatonin is not able to suppress libido and lead to erectile dysfunction. Israeli scientists came to this conclusion when conducting experiments on primates. Experience has shown that with the use of 6 mg of melatonin at night daily - the levels of luteinizing, follicle-stimulating hormone and testosterone levels were within the normal range.

  1. Can't sleep in the light
  2. Can't sleep during the day
  3. Do not sit in the dark during the daytime (open the curtains and work in direct daylight)
  4. You can not work in the evening with too bright light, it is better to turn on the table lamp
  5. Try to keep a sleep schedule and go to bed before midnight (preferably at 22-23 hours) and get up, too, preferably at the same time, set yourself up for the right mode
  6. Avoid night work

Pharmacy preparations

  • "Vita-Melatonin"
  • "Melaxen"
  • "Melaton"
  • "Melapur"
  • "Circadin"
  • "Yukalin"

Links to sources:

  • Melatonin is the conductor of health. Konovalov, Kvetnoy
  • Melatonin is the medicine within you. P. V. Bobrovich
  • Melatonin in normal and pathological conditions. Anisimov V.

Our body is controlled by hormones - they are responsible for vital processes, our mood. Each of the hormones is responsible for certain tasks. As a result, the normal and correct operation of all systems and organs is ensured - without interruptions. The sleep hormone Melatonin is an important component in a whole chain of complex and necessary physiological processes.

The main effects of taking a sleep hormone

In fact, Melatonin is not only actively involved in the processes related to sleep, but also performs many other functions in the life of the body.

1. While taking the drug, there is an impressive effect on metabolism. The same applies to the work of the endocrine system as a whole.

2. Pressure stabilizes.

3. Immunity is restored and even improved, which means that you will be less sick with various ailments, especially colds.

4. This antioxidant is an active fighter against free radicals, which are quite dangerous.

5. Excellent protection against cancer.

6. Actively regulates full-fledged brain activity.

7. Thanks to the reception of the remedy, the uninterrupted functioning of the body is ensured when the climate and time zone change.

8. Although this fact has not been fully proven, but still, many note that while taking Melatonin, the aging of the body slows down, it rejuvenates.

9. In case of insomnia, the sleep hormone Melatonin restores the rhythm of sleep. Falling asleep becomes much easier. In addition, the internal biological clock is restored and drowsiness during the day is eliminated.

10. Headaches disappear.

11. The level of cholesterol in the blood decreases.

12. Sexual activity is prolonged, manifestations of the climacteric syndrome are stopped.

13. The drug impressively increases potency.

What are the functions of Melatonin?

1. Antioxidant.

2. Hormonal.

The main effect of the drug is the ability to regulate sleep. The older a person is, the more difficult it is for him to fall asleep normally. It's all about a decrease in the activity of the pineal gland, as a result of which sleep becomes restless, superficial, insomnia occurs, and quite often. If you take the drug, you can eliminate this condition and restore biorhythms in the body. At the same time, instead of frequent lack of sleep, a full-fledged sleep will appear - healthy, deep. This means that it becomes possible to normalize the correct functionality of all systems and organs. In addition, the muscle tissue is now relaxed, and the nervous system is in perfect order - calmed down to a normal level. Brain activity is also in perfect order - converting any information will not be any particular problem and will not cause discomfort. As a result, you will always feel vivacity and self-confidence, energy and health are provided to you.

And the sleep hormone Melatonin affects the regulation of the menstrual cycle, which is very important for every woman. If you decide to take the remedy as special supplements, then it is quite safe. The main thing is that the dosages should not be excessive. Otherwise, increased drowsiness and a slow reaction of the body are possible. If the drug is taken in the correct dosages, which can only be selected by a doctor based on a diagnosis, then there will be no adverse reactions - rest assured. But with uncontrolled intake, there is always a risk, which means that you should not choose the course and its duration yourself.

Melatonin as sports nutrition

Are you having trouble falling asleep? Then this tool will solve such problems very quickly. As a result, excellent well-being is ensured. And now you will be as focused as possible. Thanks to a long and restful sleep, the athlete will quickly recover and be able to train efficiently. During sleep, the body burns fat deposits. If you sleep little, then eat a lot. According to studies, people who sleep less than seven to nine hours a night eat more food.

The sleep hormone Melatonin - how to cope with low levels?

1. Get rid of such a bad habit as smoking. The same applies to alcohol and excessive coffee drinking.

2. You should go to bed at the same time - no later than half past ten in the evening, and you should not forget to ventilate the bedroom well before that.

3. Playing sports is an important component. Training should be regular and be from one hour a day.

4. Take a bath before bed. Be sure to add sea salt to it. Be sure to do light stretching exercises.

5. Remove the TV from the bedroom. The same goes for the computer.

6. Eat foods that contain Melatonin.

Melatonin - possible side effects

First, let's clarify right away that this can only happen with excessive doses, so you should definitely consult with a specialist regarding dosages and the duration of the drug cycle. Secondly, before taking the remedy, be sure to carefully study the instructions in order to avoid overdoses.

In the first days of admission, apathy, headaches are possible. Disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, skin rashes are not excluded. Remember that the benefits of taking the remedy outweigh the harm from it, and such problems are quite rare. The main thing is to keep everything under control and consult with a specialist.

The sleep hormone Melatonin is an active assistant in the fight against stress.

The human body has the ability to self-regulate in negative, stressful conditions. An important element for protecting the body from stress is the pineal gland. Melatonin plays an important role here as a factor that relates to non-specific protection. When we are stressed, negative emotions come out. Thanks to Melatonin, they are weakened.

In the article, we will consider the use of melatonin in sports nutrition.

Melatonin is a sports supplement for the normalization of night sleep in people. It is actively used in the vast majority of sports, especially in the pre-competitive period, when stress increases, which can negatively affect healthy sleep. In bodybuilding, just like in fitness, melatonin is in great demand due to its ability to speed up the recovery process. This property of the drug is very useful as part of a set of muscle mass and for weight loss.

What is melatonin?

Consider the description of melatonin in sports nutrition.

Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland. Its main task is the regulation of sleep and wakefulness. In addition, melatonin is involved in a number of regulatory and metabolic processes. Its normal level makes it possible to feel cheerful during the day, and at the same time helps to sleep soundly at night. Equally important is the ability of this hormone to improve the quality of sleep.

Melatonin is also found in the hormonal system of other animals and mammals. It is one of the most important regulatory mechanisms in our body. With pathologies that are associated with its synthesis, the risk of a person acquiring chronic insomnia increases.

The human body absorbs melatonin very well from the outside, for example, from sports supplements, namely from the so-called sleep pills. It is completely non-toxic and does not cause any serious side effects, so it is not sold as a medical drug, but in the form of an ordinary supplement.

Benefits of taking it

Why is melatonin so useful in sports nutrition?

The modern daily routine of a modern person is overloaded both day and night. Lack of sleep, along with a full day of work, food shortages, lack of protein, strength training and much more, simply inhibits the normal production of melatonin and other important hormones. As a result, it becomes difficult for a person to fall asleep, and at the same time, sleep is not sound. Stress also makes itself felt, against which the slightest noise leads to awakening.

Such restless sleep is not considered healthy, since the phase of the so-called delta sleep (the fourth stage) is completely absent here. As a result, immediately after waking up, people feel tired, not getting enough sleep, and also overwhelmed, even with a sleep duration of more than nine hours.

This problem can be solved through the use of drugs for sleep. The first thing that may come to mind is sleeping pills, but doctors strongly discourage the use of such serious pharmacological drugs for sleep, because they are endowed with an excessive effect with corresponding undesirable consequences. They do not stimulate the release of melatonin, they only block the action of certain receptors, thereby causing sleep. It is impossible to call him healthy in such a case.

It is much more rational to purchase melatonin, since it does not produce a depressing effect and is needed only to restore sleep, and not to replace it. Its influence is useful not only against the background of sleep. It, like glycine, normalizes all the mechanisms of day and night in the human body, as a result of which it can improve vigor during the day and suppress sleep in case of lack of sleep, but the dosage here should be completely different.

The importance of sleep in sports

In bodybuilding, for example, good sleep is one of the pillars that can keep constant progress in muscle mass. A person can train according to the ideal program, while consuming the right amount of protein with nutrients, but in the absence of healthy sleep, the desired result will not be achieved.

This is why melatonin is so important in sports nutrition.

During sleep, people produce growth hormone, which is responsible for a number of recovery processes. This hormone accelerates protein synthesis, and, in addition, active recovery of muscle cells is launched. Against the background of all this, excess fat is also burned with the help of insulin-like growth factors. Largely due to the synthesis of growth hormone, athletes can sleep not only at night, but also during the day.

From the sphere of physiology and endocrinology, it is well known that the norm of this hormone is produced only under the condition of deep sleep. It is in this regard that various sleep pills like melatonin are in great demand in fitness and bodybuilding.

In addition, strength indicators along with sports results in general depend on sound quality sleep. Already immediately after the first dosage of such a sports nutrition - melatonin tablets - a person will feel its effect during strength training.

The use of the substance is justified in almost any situation. Even when a person does not experience sleep difficulties, such a supplement can be a means to significantly improve it. This is especially true for adults.

Types of melatonin: release form

Melatonin has been sold in pharmacies from various drug companies for a very long time in the departments of drugs intended for sleep. However, this biological additive is almost always distinguished by a clearly overpriced cost and, at the same time, it is usually dosed in a non-standard way. It is worth noting that most manufacturers of melatonin are available in capsules. In some situations, it may be tablets. There is no difference between capsules and tablets. Melatonin drops are also used in sports nutrition.

How to take melatonin?

Consider the instructions for use for melatonin in sports nutrition.

As part of the use of this tool, it is imperative to follow the annotation without exceeding the dosage. It is important to remember that this active substance may not be absorbed immediately, as a result of which you should not drink melatonin immediately before going to bed. It is recommended to use this supplement at least twenty or thirty minutes before bedtime. According to consumer reviews, one half of a single serving of this hormone in the morning will help a person overcome drowsiness.

Many people are interested in how to take melatonin in sports nutrition.

The dosage of melatonin may vary depending on the purpose of administration, and, in addition, on individual characteristics. The initial dosage of melatonin is from 1 to 2 milligrams per day, in the first three days it is required to check the tolerability of the drug. Subsequently, the dosage of melatonin can be gradually increased to 5 or even up to 10 milligrams per day.


So, consider drugs that contain melatonin:

Sports nutrition

Sports nutrition with melatonin has recently become especially popular among the planetary population, many manufacturing companies produce melatonin, while their number is constantly increasing. It is worth noting that sports nutrition enriched with melatonin is largely cheaper than certain pharmacological preparations, which makes them the most preferable for purchase. Here is a list of the most popular melatonin fortified supplements:

  • Melatonin from the company
  • Melatonin from a company called NOW.
  • Sports nutrition with melatonin from Biochem.
  • Melatonin nutrition from Cheap Supplements.
  • Melatonin from Natrol.

Melatonin in products

As already noted, melatonin can be synthesized by both animals and all kinds of plants, which means that a small amount of melatonin is present in food. A sufficiently large amount of the hormone melatonin is found, for example, in foods such as rice. Scientists have found that when eating rice, this hormone contained in it is able to be well absorbed and bind to special receptors in the brain. True, in other studies, scientists have proven that this hormone in food has little effect on plasma melatonin levels, which in turn means that this useful component is practically not absorbed from food.

Side effects and feedback on melatonin in sports nutrition

This hormone is one of the most low-toxic substances. It does not cause harm to health even in a very large dosage. Melatonin causes almost no side effects, but allergic reactions are still possible along with headache, nausea, morning sleepiness and swelling. Almost all side effects from this hormone are reversible.

Melatonin and sleep

One of the main actions of melatonin is the regulation of sleep. Melatonin is the main component of the body's pacemaker system. It takes part in the creation of the circadian (circadian) rhythm: it directly affects the cells and changes the level of secretion of other hormones and biologically active substances, the concentration of which depends on the time of day. The influence of the light cycle on the rhythm of melatonin secretion is shown in the observation of the blind. In most of them, rhythmic secretion of the hormone was found, but with a freely varying period that differs from the daily one (25-hour cycle compared to 24-hour daily cycle). That is, in humans, the rhythm of melatonin secretion has the form of a circadian melatonin wave, “freely running” in the absence of a change in light-dark cycles. A shift in the rhythm of melatonin secretion also occurs when flying across time zones.

The role of the pineal gland and epiphyseal melatonin in the daily and seasonal rhythm, sleep-wake mode seems to be undoubted today. In diurnal (daytime) animals (including humans), the secretion of melatonin by the pineal gland coincides with the usual hours of sleep. Studies have shown that an increase in melatonin levels is not a mandatory signal for the onset of sleep. In most subjects, physiological doses of melatonin produced only mild sedation and reduced reactivity to normal environmental stimuli.

With age, the activity of the pineal gland decreases, so the amount of melatonin decreases, sleep becomes superficial and restless, insomnia is possible. Melatonin helps to eliminate insomnia, prevents violation of the daily regimen of the body and biorhythm. Insomnia and lack of sleep give way to healthy and deep sleep, which relieves fatigue and irritability. During a calm deep sleep in the body, the work of all internal organs and systems normalizes, muscles relax, the nervous system rests, the brain has time to process the information accumulated during the day. As a result, a person feels vigorous and healthy.

Disturbances in the normal production of melatonin are associated with circadian rhythm disorders and pathologies such as: jet lag; insomnia due to shift work; weekend insomnia; delayed sleep phase syndrome and others.

Antioxidant effect

Melatonin neutralizes the destructive effects of oxidative processes, which are the main cause of skin aging and wilting. The most important function of melatonin is antioxidant activity, which manifests itself everywhere in the body, since melatonin penetrates into all organs and tissues. The mechanism of antioxidant action is manifested in the fact that melatonin has a pronounced ability to bind free radicals, including hydroxyl radicals formed during lipid peroxidation, and exogenous carcinogens, it also activates glutathione peroxidase, a factor protecting the body from free radical damage. The main functions of the antioxidant action of melatonin are aimed at protecting DNA. To a lesser extent on the protection of proteins and lipids.

Melatonin is the most potent endogenous free radical scavenger known. In recent years, data have appeared that melatonin can be localized not only in plasma, but also in cell nuclei and protect nuclear macromolecules from oxidative damage in all subcellular structures.

Antitumor effect

In the early stages of embryonic development, biogenic amines, including melatonin, play the role of specialized cell signaling molecules that regulate cell renewal processes. It has been established that melatonin can suppress cell proliferation, while the strength of its effect is not inferior to the powerful cytotoxic agent colchicine. In a number of studies on laboratory animals and in tumor tissue culture systems, it was found that melatonin has an antitumor, oncostatic effect. Melatonin has a variety of mechanisms of action on tumor growth: it can affect the synthesis and secretion of pituitary and sex hormones, it can modulate the immune response in the presence of tumor cells, and it can have a direct cytotoxic effect. There are suggestions that melatonin can enhance the expression of adhesion molecules and thereby prevent tumor growth, since it is known that in most malignant tumors there are violations in cell adhesion and defects in functional intercellular connections.

The melatonin metabolite significantly positively correlates with a reliable marker of the proliferative activity of tumor cells - proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). This indicator reflects the degree of tumor progression, that is, melatonin metabolites can serve as a reliable diagnostic factor. Under the influence of melatonin in some forms of cancer (breast, ovary, prostate, etc.), a decrease in the proliferative capacity of cells was observed and the number of cells dying in the form of apoptosis (oncostatic effect) increased. Nuclear receptors of cancer cells can serve as a target for realization of the antitumor effects of melatonin.

Experiments have shown that melatonin suppresses the growth of melanoma cells, although the effect of the hormone depended on the intensity of tumor proliferation: growth was inhibited at moderate, but not at high proliferative cell activity. The effects of melatonin were dose-dependent, but the mechanism of oncostatic action is still not fully understood. Epidemiological data indicate that women working night shifts, aviation employees (stewardesses, dispatchers), radio and telegraph operators have an increased risk of developing breast cancer, while women who are primarily blind (that is, with light deprivation) have this risk of 2 times less.

Anti-stress effect

After experiments and direct clinical observations, the concept was formulated that the pineal gland and its hormone melatonin are part of the body's defense system against adverse effects. The pineal gland and melatonin play a non-specific role, but pineal support is provided at all levels of stress management. In the case of a prolonged stressful situation, a two-phase reaction is noted: the initial decline in epiphyseal activity in the resistant phase of stress with its further sharp rise. In experiments on rats, it was shown that melatonin is able to change the negative emotional state, reduce anxiety, which is provoked by various stressors. According to numerous observations, the hormone stabilizes the activity of various endocrine systems disorganized by stress, including eliminating excessive stress adrenal hypercorticism.

Immunostimulatory effect

An important consequence of prolonged stress is stress immunodeficiency. Melatonin contributes to the normalization of immunological parameters.

Melatonin and other epiphyseal hormones can be classified as geroprotective. A relationship has been established between the degree of age-related involution of the epiphysis and decrepitude of tissues. It is known that the degree of immunological protection decreases with aging, and melatonin, as has been repeatedly indicated, has immunomodulatory activity.

Melatonin stimulates the immune system (immune stimulant) as it is involved in the regulation of thymus and thyroid function by increasing the activity of T-cells and phagocytes, which is a warning for a number of diseases and, as shown in laboratory studies, slows down the growth of seven types of cancer cells, including cancer cells mammary and prostate glands.

Lack of melatonin in the body

Experiments on laboratory animals showed that with a lack of melatonin caused by the removal of receptors, animals began to age faster: menopause began earlier, free radical cell damage accumulated, insulin sensitivity decreased, obesity and cancer developed.

Main functions

  • Regulates the activity of the endocrine system, blood pressure, sleep frequency
  • Regulates the seasonal rhythm in many animals
  • Slows down the aging process
  • Enhances the efficiency of the immune system
  • Has antioxidant properties
  • Influences adaptation processes when changing time zones

In addition, melatonin is involved in the regulation

  • blood pressure,
  • functions of the digestive tract,
  • work of brain cells.

Sleep badly at night? Flying to the other side of the world and want to be well-rested when you get there? Going to a workout and want to maximize muscle growth? In all these cases, melatonin will help you. In this article, we will talk about the reasons for the use of melatonin in sports nutrition, or rather, about its beneficial effects.

What is melatonin?

Melatonin is a hormone produced in the body by the pineal gland. Melatonin supplements have traditionally been recommended to improve sleep during periods when the body is adjusting to different time zones, as the hormone is released according to circadian rhythms (the body's internal biological rhythms) and helps regulate the sleep-wake cycle.

Read also:

Benefits of Melatonin

Melatonin has several beneficial effects that stem from its ability to regulate the sleep-wake cycle and fight free radicals. It promotes:

  • sleep normalization;
  • antioxidant protection of the body;
  • protect muscles from inflammation and damage;
  • gaining muscle mass.

Now let's look at the beneficial effects of melatonin in more detail.

Melatonin as an antioxidant

Intense exercise is associated with increased oxidative stress. Research over the past few years has shown that pre-workout antioxidant intake can improve performance and improve recovery.

Scientists say that melatonin is one of the most active antioxidants (“fighters” against free radicals) in the body.

As an antioxidant, it is about twice as effective as vitamin E. It also interacts with other antioxidant substances, improving their action.

A recent study in Spain looked at the effects of melatonin consumed during intense exercise on oxidative stress, immunity and fat metabolism. Athletes took 6 milligrams of melatonin or placebo 30 minutes before completing a 60-minute continuous workout.

In addition, they found that this substance increased fat metabolism during exercise and improved immunity.

Melatonin reduces muscle damage

In addition to increasing oxidative stress, prolonged and intense training loads lead to the release of inflammatory factors that increase muscle soreness and cause significant muscle damage. As inflammation increases during exercise, many report decreased performance, decreased exercise intensity, and increased recovery time between sets.

In this study, high performance athletes took melatonin supplements or a placebo for three days prior to the final leg of a 50km climb in the Sierra Nevada mountains in Granada, Spain. On the first day, the dosage was 3mg (during dinner), the next two days, 9mg (during breakfast, lunch, and dinner), plus an additional 3mg an hour before the run. Immediately after the test, blood and urine samples were taken from the athletes and tested for several markers of inflammation and oxidative stress. These markers were reduced in those who used melatonin. Thus, the supplement protects the muscles from damage, which makes it easier to adapt to training.