The best supplements for muscle growth. How to choose the right sports nutrition for explosive muscle growth? Creatine taken before or after meals

Necessary for men and young guys who complex due to an unattractive shape and insufficient muscle volume. Not only women, but also men want to look their best. Some use various nutritional supplements, but they do not always have a beneficial effect on the body. It is important to understand that drugs can lead to serious health problems. Therefore, before using steroids, you need to undergo a proper examination and consult a doctor. It is important to determine which substances are missing, and to focus on restoring their deficiency.

Who Needs Muscle-Building Drugs

Men who actively and carefully monitor their health can take drugs. A person should be well versed in the rules of sports nutrition, exercise regularly and clearly adhere to the regimen.

If a man works hard, studies and does not have time to consume the necessary vitamins for muscle growth, then it is allowed to take some pills and add to food products with a lot of protein and carbohydrates.

It is important to understand that muscles will not increase miraculously, drugs are not a magic tool. Pills will help only if they are combined with hard regular training and a balanced diet.

Androgenic substances should be taken with caution, they are intended only for athletes with long experience. Professionals are able to conduct the necessary sports courses and PCT therapy. Preparations of this type are potent, they can adversely affect the state of the whole organism, therefore, before you start taking them, you need to weigh all sides. They also do not provide miraculous results, everything will depend on how much time a man will spend in the gym, and what kind of physical activity he will give his muscles. In addition, they are able to help increase muscle fibers.

Control by a doctor and trainer while taking steroids is required!

Common anabolic steroids

If the doctor has approved the use of anabolic drugs, you can use the most popular substances. Here are some of them:

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Insulin and Stanazol - scope, effectiveness

Stanazol and insulin are also considered anabolic substances. With prolonged use, you can get big health problems, if you do not provide timely assistance, even death is possible!

Stanazol is a drug that is designed to burn fat, while muscle mass remains in the same state. Sometimes the tool is used to build muscle fibers. In order for the effect to be as positive as possible, testosterone is taken in conjunction with it, which several times enhances the effect of stanazol, normalizes fluid in the body and reduces the risk of damage to muscle tissue.

Insulin is designed for diabetics who have obvious problems with the pancreas. People with diabetes constantly consult a doctor who sets the acceptable dosage. If used incorrectly, insulin can lead to death, as it helps to absorb food twice as fast, and also enhances the effects of other anabolic substances. Athletes should be aware of all the risks of taking insulin, and only then decide to take this step. For building muscle, this method is not safe, although the muscles will begin to grow before our eyes.

Sports supplements

Some sports supplements also help to achieve the desired result. These include:

  • amino acids
  • protein preparations
  • creatine
  • gainer

During strong training and heavy loads, the body is exposed to enormous stress, which disrupts the production of the hormone cortisol. Amino acids allow you to keep this hormone normal or accelerate its recovery in the near future. Athletes refer to amino acids as digested protein, ready to eat.

Protein - which is a key element in the construction of muscle tissue. This tool is easy to get from the right products. Protein is used only if there is not enough protein. The advantage of the drug is that the protein does not overload the intestines and stomach.

Protein happens:

  • whey
  • soy
  • egg

The next well-known supplement used by athletes is creatine. It produces an energy effect, as it increases the level of creatine phosphate in the body. In addition, the substance restores the reproductive ability of a person, retains water, and already in the first seven days, the athlete feels a significant increase in muscles. Athletes often use creatine, as it not only increases muscle mass, but also gives additional physical strength.

A gainer is a sports mixture that contains two effective components: and protein. This mixture is designed specifically for the fastest increase in muscle weight. The main thing is to use this mixture correctly and not to exceed the recommended dose. Also, the gainer is used to obtain energy, the athlete does not get tired so quickly during training procedures.

Before using any supplement, it is important to consult with a trainer, doctor and take tests.

The drug Synthol: rules of use

This substance is different in that when it penetrates deep into the muscle tissue, it leads to a gradual stretching and enlargement of the fascia. This drug consists of several components:

  • lidocaine -
  • various fatty acids
  • benzyl alcohol - organic alcohol

During the use of this drug, many athletes claim that it is excreted from the body for a long time, although many others note that Synthol does not leave any traces in the body after several months of use, so it is not detected by different methods. For example, several months after using this remedy, doctors took x-rays of the bones of people who took the drug, as a result of which its oils were not noticed.

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Synthol has many advantages:

  • when the drug is stopped, the muscle tissue does not begin to decrease, it retains its size, while small voids in the muscles after the removal of the substance begin to be filled with new muscle fibers
  • each athlete will be able to make this tool with his own hands at home, for this you need to buy in the store all the components that are part of Synthol, and then mix them in a certain proportion
  • the effectiveness of the mixture is very high, the result is visible not only to the athlete, but will be obvious to everyone
  • the effect of the mixture lasts for several years
  • muscle tissue does not begin to shrink on its own

The disadvantages of Synthol include:

  • there is a possibility of nerve damage, as a result of which the hand can be immobilized. However, if a person has sufficient anatomical and medical knowledge, then he will understand where to inject, so the likelihood of damage will be minimal.
  • it is possible to introduce any infection, as a result of which infection may develop
  • does not increase muscles in every person, it suits some people, but not others

Oil preparations

Oil preparations include injections, and there is a wide selection of these products in pharmacies and specialized sports stores. You can buy without a prescription.

The drug is based on oils, which are often used to dilute nandrolone and testosterone. By mixing all the components, you can independently prepare an effective drug.

This oil base contains many anabolic bonds that contribute to, but also negatively affect the functioning of the stomach, intestines and heart. The most famous athletes use oil preparations, which makes them even more popular and successful. If you do everything carefully and consult a doctor, then complications and adverse reactions will not follow.

Main advantages:

  • can be made by yourself
  • after the drug leaves the human blood, its effect on muscle growth does not disappear
  • the effect is visible in the coming weeks

Among the shortcomings are the following:

  • can carry an infection
  • long-term use may require surgery
  • bad effect on the nervous system,

If it is possible to build muscle in a natural way, then it is better to refuse to take such funds.

Without a doubt, the best way to build muscle is through effective training and full recovery. But to truly maximize your growth potential, supplements are required. Sports supplements play the role of an amplifier, and not only in nutrition, but also in training, and in restoring the body after physical exertion.

Thus, in this article we will focus on the best supplements for muscle growth, which are listed in order of priority for their effectiveness.

Whey tops the list of muscle building supplements because it is the most important product for triggering protein synthesis. Whey proteins are globular proteins that are isolated from whole whey, they have a high level
Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) and are extremely fast-absorbing, which is exactly what growing muscles need. Whey also contains peptides (small proteins) that increase blood flow to the muscles. That is why whey protein is often recommended to be taken immediately after a workout.

How to increase the effect of action: Take 20 grams of whey protein powder half an hour before training and 40 grams within an hour after training. Also, it can be quite helpful to take 20-40 grams of whey in the morning to set the pace for muscle growth. It is best to choose the finest whey powder, in powder form, that contains whey protein hydrolyzate (whey protein broken into small fragments for faster absorption) or whey protein isolate.

Protein casein. Another milk protein, casein, is almost as effective as whey. Casein is always paired with whey protein due to its very slow absorption rate and this makes it ideal to take.
at bedtime, because this prevents catabolism (muscle breakdown, metabolic breakdown process) during sleep. Casein fills the body for a long time and eliminates the feeling of hunger, which makes it an excellent supplement for those who use diets to burn fat. Studies have found that casein is a great complement to whey. Casein increases muscle protein synthesis in the same way that whey protein does, and the interaction between the two, scientists have found, may even be more effective for muscle growth than other types of protein.

How to increase the effect of action: Choose casein, which contains micellar casein (the slowest in the process of digestion) and take 20-40 grams before bedtime. After training, add 10-20 g of casein to whey protein. In addition, consuming 20-40 grams of casein in protein shakes between meals is also important.

Creatine. consists of three amino acids: arginine, glycine and methionine. Creatine works in several ways. On the one hand, it increases the amount of fast energy in the muscles needed to perform repetitions in exercises. The more of this fast energy available to the body, the more repetitions you can do at a given pace, which gradually builds strength and mass in the long run. Creatine also concentrates more water in muscle cells, which promotes faster muscle growth. Another effect of creatine has recently been discovered, which is to increase the level of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) in the muscles, which is critical for stimulating muscle growth.

How to Boost Your Benefits: Take 2-5 grams of creatine in the form of creatine monohydrate, creatine malate, creatine ethyl ester, or creatine alpha-KG with your protein shake immediately prior to training. This will help keep your muscles saturated with creatine and provide them with the fast energy they need to perform more reps. After training, take another 2-5 grams in addition to 40-100 grams of fast-digesting carbohydrates. At this point, the creatine will be rapidly taken up by the muscle cells, and the increase in IGF-1 levels will further enhance muscle growth. On non-training days, take 2-5g of creatine with a carbohydrate-rich breakfast.

Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs). The term "branched chain amino acids" refers to leucine, isoleucine and valine, which are essential for the repair and construction of muscle tissue. Leucine is the most important of the three, as studies show that it can stimulate muscle protein synthesis on its own. However, it's still best to use all three together, as they work synergistically (together) to provide many benefits, including muscle growth, increased energy during exercise, and blunting the action of cortisol (a catabolic hormone that suppresses testosterone and increases muscle tissue breakdown) and reduced levels of muscle soreness after exercise.

How to increase the effect of action: Take 5-10 grams of BCAAs with breakfast, as well as before and after training.

Beta-Alanine / Carnosine. In the body, the amino acid beta-alanine, in combination with another amino acid, histidine, form carnosine (a dipeptide, consisting of the amino acid residues beta-alanine and histidine). Research shows that when muscles have higher levels of carnosine, they gain more strength and endurance. Several studies have shown an increase in muscle strength and power in athletes taking beta-alanine. One recent study found that exercisers who took beta-alanine along with creatine gained more muscle mass and lost more body fat than those who took creatine alone.

How to increase the effect of action: Take 1-2 grams of beta-alanine or carnosine immediately before and after each workout in addition to a protein shake. On rest days, take 2 grams with breakfast, along with creatine.

Nitrogen boosters (nitrogen oxide boosters). is a molecule that is involved in several processes. One of the most important for bodybuilding is the ability of nitric oxide to dilate blood vessels, which allows more blood flow to the muscles for increased delivery.
oxygen, nutrients, anabolic hormones and water (blood is mostly water). This gives you more energy during your workout, improved muscle pumps, better muscle recovery and post-workout growth. By the way, the amino acid arginine is easily converted into nitric oxide in the body. Studies have shown that those subjects who were given arginine significantly increased muscle strength and muscle growth, as well as achieved significant fat loss.

How to increase the effect of action: Use NO-boosters that contain 3-5 g of arginine in the form of L-arginine, arginine alpha-ketoglutarate, arginine ethyl ester or malate. In addition, consider using NO boosters that contain ingredients such as citrulline, pycnogenol, and American ginseng, as these substances increase the ability of arginine to convert to NO. Take one serving at each of the following times: in the morning before breakfast, 30-60 minutes before training, immediately after training, and 30-60 minutes before bed. Studies show that taking nitric oxide along with vitamin C helps maintain NO levels longer.

. This amino acid is one of the most important in bodybuilding because it is directly involved in muscle function. Glutamine provides numerous benefits for athleticism, such as: influence on muscle growth by increasing the level of leucine in muscle fibers, counteracting the decline in muscle strength and strengthening the body's immune system. Taking glutamine before a workout can help reduce muscle fatigue and raise growth hormone levels. In addition, recent research has shown that glutamine may also play a role in fat loss by increasing calories burned and fat burned at rest and during exercise.

How to increase the effect of action: Take 5-10 grams of glutamine in the morning with breakfast, as well as before and after training.

ZMA additive. ZMA is a combination of zinc, magnesium aspartate and vitamin B6. This is a very effective supplement, because as a result of hard training of athletes, for example, in the gym,
a significant waste of these essential minerals, which are of great importance for maintaining hormone levels, and also contribute to good sleep, immunity or a speedy recovery (in the case of colds). Intense training can compromise testosterone and IGF-1 levels. Indeed, one study found that high-intensity athletes who took ZMA significantly increased their testosterone and IGF-1 levels over eight weeks of training, while those who took a placebo experienced a slight decrease in testosterone and IGF-1. Naturally, increased levels of testosterone and IGF-1 can influence rapid muscle growth.

How to increase the effect of action: A serving of ZMA supplies the body with about 30 mg of zinc, 450 mg of magnesium and 10.5 mg of vitamin B6. Take the supplement 30-60 minutes before bed without food. Taking ZMA on an empty stomach will promote maximum absorption of ingredients and good sleep for a full recovery.

. In addition to being a popular fat-burning supplement, carnitine is now also known to positively influence muscle growth through a number of mechanisms, all of which have been supported by clinical studies. On the one hand, carnitine can increase blood flow to the muscles, which means it provides similar benefits as nitrogen boosters. Carnitine increases the number of T receptors inside muscle cells, resulting in an increase in testosterone levels to stimulate even more muscle growth. In addition, carnitine supplementation increases IGF-1 levels. Put all these benefits together and you have the potential for significant muscle growth!

How to increase the effect of action: Take 1-3 g of carnitine in the form of L-carnitine, acetyl-L-carnitine or L-carnitine L-tartrate with breakfast, before and after training, and with evening meals.

. Beta-ecdysterone is a phytochemical found in plants such as spinach, where its main function is to protect the plant from insects. Russian scientists discovered many years ago that beta-ecdysterone also has anabolic properties. Indeed, it is similar in structure to the hormones found in insects and crustaceans. However, beta-ecdysterone does not behave like a hormone in the body, but rather works by stimulating protein synthesis and thus muscle growth. Some studies indicate the effectiveness of ecdysterone and for the growth of muscle strength.

How to increase the effect of action: To get the most out of beta-ecdysterone, you need to take a fairly high dose and evenly divide it throughout the day. Look for supplements that contain 100-200 mg (or more) of beta-ecdysterone per serving and take them with meals in the morning, before and after training, and at lunch and dinner, for a total of 400-500 mg per day .

High molecular weight Vitargo carbohydrates. Molecular weight is a term that refers to the mass of one molecule of a substance. Thus, high molecular weight carbohydrates are essentially made up of very large and heavy
molecules. Vitargo is a patented brand of the Swedish company Swecarb AB. Typically, the supplement is made from waxy corn (corn) starch, which makes these carbohydrates truly special as they have the ability to quickly pass through the stomach into the intestines, where they are absorbed and released into the bloodstream. Studies show that high molecular weight carbohydrates pass through the stomach almost 100% faster than sports drinks! This is important after a workout, because a large amount of carbohydrates at this point can inhibit the action of cortisol and prevent muscle breakdown, as well as increase insulin levels, which will promote muscle growth and replenish muscle glycogen levels.

How to increase the effect of action: Taking 60-100 grams of Vitargo carbohydrates after training will help speed up the process of muscle recovery and growth, as well as increase insulin production, which will affect the improvement of the action of amino acids, creatine and carnitine in muscle cells. In other words, high molecular weight carbohydrates not only have a positive effect on muscle growth on their own, but also help other sports supplements perform even better.

Note: If you have any questions regarding the individual safe use of supplements, you should consult your doctor.

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And using my 12 years of coaching experience (and 25 years of self-training experience), I will make you an expert in sports nutrition. Lesson one - never use the phrase "sports nutrition". These are supplements, “supplements”, and this word is more consistent with the main task of such products - to close holes in your diet, the lack of certain vitamins, trace elements, amino acids and other things (trust me, everyone has such gaps). I would conditionally divide consumers of sports supplements into two groups:

1. You have been training for a long time and hard (3-4 times a week without skipping) for the sake of a specific result - for example, you dream of shaking a barbell weighing 150 kg or running a marathon 42 km 195 m. You can and need a lot of what will be discussed below. I will offer specific sets of sports supplements for each task (see "Recipes").

2. Beginners, even if they train hard, - in the first six months you should get by with only both types of proteins: “quick” before breakfast, “long” at night. They make up for the protein deficiency that any Russian man has. I will recommend the same diet to those people who go to the gym once a week, “for themselves” (however, if you are overweight, consult a nutritionist first).

Well, I recommend taking both categories (after consulting a doctor) with cardio- and chondroprotectors, regardless of the training program. Let's move on to the powders and bars. If any product known to you is missing from this material, it means that I consider it unnecessary.

1. Protein

Release form: powders

Why: Protein is often drunk right after a workout, saying: "Muscle mass, muscle mass!" But without carbohydrates, which everyone forgets about, protein powder in the matter of instant muscle building is practically useless. Use it just to make up for a general lack of protein. The body will find where to attach it, for example, make testosterone out of it. Proteins are "fast" and "long". The former are more biologically available and instantly provide your body with energy and building material. The latter give the protein gradually, over several hours. It is not difficult to distinguish them: any whey (whey) is “fast”. Any combination containing casein protein (casein) is "long".

How to take: "Fast" protein is consumed in the morning (1 serving 20 minutes before breakfast) and immediately after fat burning workouts. In general, I am a staunch supporter of a predominantly protein breakfast, this allows you to gently raise blood sugar levels after a night's sleep and further spin up your metabolism. “Long” drink 30-90 minutes after the last meal, at night, so that the body has proteins at hand even in a dream.

Recommended: Of the sports supplements that my clients have come across, I can recommend VPX's "quick" Zero Carb for breakfast. For the night, I wholeheartedly recommend "Infusion" from SAN. True, it is more than protein - such products are called "meal replacement". It includes different types of protein (which are absorbed at different times and therefore provide your body with nutrition all night long), as well as vitamins and a dosed amount of carbohydrates that does not harm the figure.

2. Complex amino acids

Release form: capsules, tablets, caplets

For what: I strongly doubt that there are a lot of amino acids in products with such names. Rather, it is the usual "fast" protein, only in convenient packaging. On the road or after a long night in an ambush under the nose of the enemy, where you can not get a shaker, this is a good replacement for a protein shake.

How to take: In any training regimen, except for hypertrophy, - 2-3 tablets 2-3 times a day, as a replacement for protein powders. And in the midst of a long hypertrophy program - 3 tablets twice a day, you can with food or a gainer, and you will also drink protein.

3. Gainer

Release form: powder

Why: My favorite product! The combination of easily digestible proteins and carbohydrates contributes not only to rapid weight gain, but also provides a hurricane of energy before training, and also significantly speeds up recovery after.

How to take: On training days, 30-45 minutes before training and immediately after. On rest days, 1 serving in the afternoon. In endurance training mode, you can three times a day: before and after training, as well as at night. And never eat a gainer for breakfast! The mass in this case will grow only on the sides.

Worth remembering

No amount of creatine with protein will ever correct technical errors or help sleep deprivation. Also, be aware that no supplement can replace a complete, regular, and healthy diet. And do not forget that even harmless and certified products, if used thoughtlessly and beyond measure, can cause irreparable damage to health. If you suffer from food allergies, metabolic disorders, diabetes, chronic diseases of the heart, kidneys, liver or gastrointestinal tract, then before taking any sports nutrition, you should definitely consult an adequate, qualified doctor.


Release form: tablets, capsules, powder

Why: BCAAs are also amino acids, but only three: isoleucine, leucine and valine. According to a number of studies, skeletal muscles have the most of them. I use BCAAs (and I advise you to do the same) to lose much less muscle during your "fat-burning" or endurance-building period.

How to take: When training - 5 capsules before and immediately after training. On rest days, 2 capsules with regular meals.

5. L-carnitine

Release form: tablets, capsules, ampoules

Why: Carnitine makes it easier for your body to access fat stores. I'm not ready to say that L-carnitine helps to lose weight, but it really increases endurance and has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular health.

How to take: 1 tablet 2 times a day with food when training endurance or strength. And with any type of training, if you feel that the heart is experiencing a lot of stress (for example, on a hot summer day).

6. Creatine

Release form: powder, tablets, capsules

Why: Creatine is a precursor to creatine phosphate (CP), one of the main sources of energy for muscle work. CF provides an exceptionally short-term power nature of the work (the first 3-5 repetitions in the bench press, for example). It is generally accepted that taking creatine-containing supplements allows you to increase strength. For some, this is true, but for others, this supplement has no effect. Try it - suddenly this food is in you.

How to take: 2-3 g once a day, you can along with a gainer. Just be sure to drink after at least three glasses of plain water. Creatine has an unpleasant ability to absorb fluid, which can lead to spasms, bloating, and even trauma to the connective tissue, for which normal hydration is critical.

7. Glutamine

Release form: powder, granules, capsules

Why: With heavy physical exertion, glutamine reserves in the body are depleted, and this negatively affects the immune system and reduces regenerative abilities. Therefore, if you have more than 5 training hours per week, you should use this supplement.

How to take: At a dose 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening 15 minutes before meals - and you will recover normally, it is easier to endure stress and get sick less.

8. Energy

Release form: "jars", powder

Why: Another favorite product of mine! A high-quality energy drink at the same time whips up your mood, sports enthusiasm and healthy aggression. During strength training, such a product is of paramount importance. Just keep in mind - these are special sports energy drinks that are sold in special sports nutrition stores! They contain practically no sugar, but there are substances that support the health of the cardiovascular system. They have little in common with supermarket energy drinks.

How to take: Just half a small bottle, drunk 30-45 minutes before training, - and you are ready to break any records! However, I do not recommend drinking energy drinks before every workout (maximum 1-2 times a week), and in no case drink more than one piece per day.

What to mix powders with?

Proteins and gainers can be mixed with ordinary non-mineral and non-carbonated water, freshly squeezed or packaged juice, as well as milk. For a gainer, the best option is water, in combination with juice or milk, the amount of carbohydrates and calories in the mixture will greatly go off scale. Protein powder will tolerate any of the liquids listed above, except that milk should be selected with the least fat. By the way, if your intestines do not tolerate milk, you can safely interfere with the protein on ... kefir. But all other powders, especially creatine, can only be mixed with water, and they must be drunk immediately - in liquid form, supplements are the least chemically stable.

9. Testosterone Boosters

Release form: capsules

For what. To supplements that increase testosterone levels, the attitude of doctors and laymen, as a rule, is completely negative. Obviously, because they are confused with hormonal doping. However, boosters do not pump you with extra hormones, but only gently increase the secretion of internal, your own testosterone. From the point of view of physiology, this means “becoming younger” by a few years, especially if you are over thirty. If you are 17-22 years old and you are healthy, you can safely do without this supplement - hormones in you are already in bulk!

How to take: The most useful quality of testosterone boosters, I think, is their stimulating effect on glucose metabolism. Therefore, in my opinion, it is most reasonable to use them when you are trying to get rid of excess fat. 2 capsules 2 times a day with meals.

10. Protein Bars

Form: you will laugh, but these are candy bars!

Why: Perhaps the most convenient source of protein and carbohydrates: no need to stir or drink - tore open the package and eat to your health! Use to quell hunger between major meals.

How to use. A couple of high-quality bars consistently beat off interest in food for exactly 3 hours, even for such an eternally hungry swallow like me. But the daily rate, according to my observations, is no more than 2-3 bars. If you exceed the dose, problems with appetite may begin!

* "Fast" protein - before breakfast and after training

** "Quick" protein for breakfast, "long" protein before bed

to health

There are a number of sports supplements and near-medical products that you can use in your diet, regardless of the goals that you are pursuing at a certain point in time.

cardioprotectors They should be taken before training during the hot season and during periods of endurance training. These include the L-carnitine already described above, as well as preparations containing potassium and magnesium - substances responsible for the smooth functioning of the heart. For example, potassium and magnesium aspartate.

vitamins and minerals I do not agree with the opinion that prevails among athletes and a number of coaches about the need to take increased doses of vitamins. Therefore, as a trainer, I prefer trivial pharmacy multivitamins in a normal dosage. As a rule, this is one serving immediately after breakfast. For taking additional vitamins supposedly useful to the athlete / pitching - C, E and B separately - I don’t advocate. More than enough multivitamins!

chondroprotectors American coaches have a good saying: “If you don’t play sports, you will go to a cardiologist. If you go in for sports, you will get to an orthopedist! So that the last part of this wonderful phrase does not touch you, regularly take chondroprotectors - additives that facilitate the regeneration of cartilage tissue and the restoration of the ligamentous apparatus as a whole. Even if you rarely go to the gym or don’t go at all, chondroprotectors are worth drinking to prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system. How often? This information should be in the instructions for use.

Nutritional supplements for muscle growth are one of the main causes of controversy and discussion in the bodybuilding world.

Some athletes rely only on their experience and observations, while others are associated with an entire industry, much of which is based on lies. Not to mention advertisers trying to convince potential buyers of the effectiveness of certain methods in order to sell their products.

Many people are convinced that every dietary supplement on the market is brimming with steroids. Most people, when purchasing weight gain supplements, are interested in whether they contain steroids. The open sale of anabolic steroids has become a real concern. To make the right decision about buying a sports nutrition package, you need to carefully study the composition, the action of the ingredients and not pay attention to advertising. Never buy products under the influence of the noise of other people's opinions!

Look at the label with the list of ingredients, learn more about each of them.

Check the ingredient list on the back of the package. Copy the main names and look for a description of their properties and actions inGoogle, giving preference to trusted reputable resources. Look at certain scientific studies that prove the effectiveness of a particular product.

Each ingredient must be listed with the dosage, and the nutrient panel must reflect all information related to the product. Give preference only to those products that meet your needs and goals.

By and large, this ingredient will definitely bring results. Protein is necessary for any man, no matter how active he is in sports, and is suitable for both beginners and experienced athletes.

Protein is the most important macronutrient for increasing the rate of gaining lean muscle mass. The product in powder form is very simple and easy to prepare. With protein powder, you get the protein and calories you need to meet your nutritional goals and meet your nutritional needs. The highest quality powder is produced using the best protein sources such as whey and casein, or a combination of the two. Whey is a fast-digesting protein, while casein is a protein that takes a little longer for the body to process.

However, this is not something to worry about. The only period of time when this is important is during sleep, as slow protein digestion compensates for the catabolism process and promotes protein synthesis.

If you have a choice, which type is better, give preference to whey protein powder.

In the modern world, most people, due to excessive work and fuss, do not have time for good nutrition. One of the best solutions to this problem is to take a protein shake with you to work, school or on the road for a snack in your free time.

To calculate, you can use the following formula: 1-1.5 g of protein per pound (453 g) of body weight. In some cases, depending on weight, more protein may be required. Two or three servings of a protein shake a day will allow you to quickly gain the necessary muscle mass. However, do not forget about natural sources of quality protein. There are many foods to eat as well.

Creatine Monohydrate

One of the first types of creatine monohydrate was called phosphagen. It had to be mixed with grape or apple juice. But due to the fact that the powder did not dissolve properly, the taste of the juice became worse. However, this supplement did an excellent job of increasing muscle volume and strength.

One of the creators of this drug shared several stories about how many companies refused to manufacture creatine. It has no calories and no protein, how can it have a positive effect on health and promote muscle building? They did not understand the most important thing.

What is creatine?

This is not a steroid. It is found in natural foods such as meat and is part of the ATP energy system that provides fuel for muscle tissue. In the form of a dietary supplement, creatine provides a more concentrated amount, which is much more difficult to extract from natural foods.

Of course, creatine is well known for its beneficial properties such as accelerating muscle growth, increasing strength and endurance. In addition, it fills muscle cells with water and increases their volume. Since this product helps to fill the cells with water, you need to drink enough fluids.

Since then, new improved versions of creatine have appeared. Manufacturers sought to improve the quality of the absorption of the product and remove possible side effects, such as cramps or swelling. However, new types of products have opened additional avenues for marketers and advertisers who want to increase sales. Many athletes still continue to take creatine monohydrate and are satisfied with the result. One of the best monohydrates is Creapure®. It is carefully ground, well absorbed and of good quality.

Amino acids BCAA

Branched-chain amino acids have a unique structure, hence the name. There are three types: leucine, isoleucine and valine. These three amino acids are the main components of protein and make up over 30% of skeletal muscle (striated) tissue.

By consuming proteins (regardless of sources), it enters the liver and is broken down into components in the form of amino acids. Then the amino acids enter the muscle tissue, contributing to the restoration and growth of muscles. Although cleaved chain amino acids bypass the liver and go directly to the muscles, they are used as energy when glycogen is not available and help speed up the recovery process and increase mass gain.

BCAAs are one of the best supplements that should complement the sports nutrition program of any athlete and bodybuilder. Her rating among athletes is very high.

Everyone involved in sports should master the basic concepts:

Anabolism is the process of synthesis of new substances and structural compounds, which contributes to the renewal and growth of new tissues, including muscle tissue. This process takes place at rest or under the influence of special substances such as growth hormones, steroids, peptides, as well as amino acids and proteins.

Catabolism is the process of destruction of various substances or structures. As a result of the breakdown of complex substances, simple ones, such as amino acids and glucose, appear. The catabolic process, which promotes the breakdown of protein to amino acids, is provoked by overwork, excessive exercise, stress and tension, hunger, etc.

Training leads to catabolism, so every athlete should be aware of the importance of recovery. There are various options. One of the best ways: consume BCAAs, some creatine and carbohydrates. BCAAs can be taken before a workout, and be sure to drink a protein shake after a workout.


This supplement should be taken by absolutely everyone, regardless of playing sports or visiting the gym. However, bodybuilders and athletes often ignore this product because it does not bring obvious results in the form of a rapid increase in muscle mass.

If you have any health problems, or lack of nutrients in the body, which can negatively affect the process of recovery, muscle contraction and protein metabolism, the results will be much worse. If you want optimal results, try to maintain your health at the proper level. Vitamins are a kind of health insurance.

For the future prospect of successful sports, you need to get all the necessary nutrients. However, it is not always possible to choose the optimal set of natural products for a balanced diet. The best option is to pick up high-quality multivitamins and complete the full course, adhering to the recommended dosage.

Pre-Workout Supplements

These types of supplements are not that important for muscle growth. However, they help to concentrate and increase the intensity of training in the gym. A carefully selected set of ingredients in this sports nutrition helps to increase energy levels. They differ in composition. Some contain creatine and are designed to increase intensity and increase activity.

In addition, they help to overcome fatigue and allow you to train harder and longer. There are many varieties, so you should decide for what purpose you will take them. Some athletes prefer these drugs in limited quantities, taking them only when they feel energy depleted or if they are doing high-intensity daily morning workouts. There are versions without the addition of stimulants. Regular use of such products can significantly increase the effectiveness of classes.

The main idea - among the many types and forms of different products, choose the supplement that will provide energy without harming health, and also help increase concentration, endurance, strength and activity. We'll have to wade through the sea of ​​​​products in search of the best options. It is advisable to read special reviews and reviews, paying attention only to authoritative Internet resources. Use the received data as a starting point.

Top Muscle Growth Supplements

  1. Protein Powder you need to use 1-3 times a day between meals, especially in cases where it is not possible to have a full meal. Be sure to drink protein shakes after exercising in the gym.
  2. BCAA– Split-chain amino acids are best taken before exercise. You can supplement this mixture with creatine and a source of carbohydrates (such as maltodextrin or dextrose). Some athletes mix the right ingredients in a large bottle of water and drink throughout the day. Or use 4-5 hours after the end of the workout. This is a pretty wise decision to complement a meal plan. On rest days, divide this doha into six parts.
  3. Creatine. For muscle growth, consume it before exercise, on rest days, and in the morning before meals.
  4. Multivitamins- daily during breakfast.
  5. Pre-Workout Supplements take according to their intended use.

This is the main part of sports nutrition - a kind of minimal set. Each bodybuilder must create a diet based on their own goals, body type (ectomorph, mesomorph or endomorph) and other indicators. There are many other quality supplements out there, but the ones listed above have been proven to work.

I am glad to welcome you, friends! Read this article. At the end, I will talk about my experience with drugs.

Many athletes, with the development of muscles, sooner or later rest against the ceiling. In such a situation, their eyes turn to drugs for muscle building. And this is logical, because our muscles have a development limit. Drugs are designed to expand this limit. But which of them should be taken, and which should not? - the question is not simple.

I hope you have already put on at least 20 kg of muscle since the beginning of training! Why am I doing this? The fact is that such an amount of meat can be increased without drugs, even without sports nutrition. So to speak, on Greek and breasts. If you have less muscle, then just understand the training methodology and your diet. Because you still have room to grow on natural products.

At the NAP European ChampionshipAlexey Akimov. Multiple champion and record holder of Russia in strength sports. Master of Sport. Training experience - more than 20 years. He brought up more than a dozen strong men, helped to improve the health of hundreds of people.

When your training experience and form are at a decent level, then it makes sense to think about taking drugs.

I’ll start not even with drugs, but with sports supplements. They can also benefit you. But don't expect mind-blowing muscle growth. The contribution of supplements to your progress is no more than 10%.


The most popular sports nutrition product. Protein is a supplement made primarily of protein, which we need to build muscle! Basically, protein intake is relevant in cases where we cannot get the protein norm of their products.

Indeed, an additional intake of protein will not be superfluous if you are an experienced athlete who cannot get his required norm of this nutrient from ordinary products. However, do not go to extremes, the recommended and really justified protein intake is 1.5-2 g per kilogram of body weight. Exceeding these norms can lead to increased stress on the kidneys and liver, as well as worsen digestion. If you want how to ensure maximum protein absorption, write to me, I will help you figure it out.


I must say that the gainer can really help in weight gain. You just need to carefully study the composition of the product - it is desirable that the ratio of proteins and carbohydrates in it be from 40/60 to 30/70, but not 10/90. In addition, the qualitative composition of carbohydrates will be an important point - it is necessary that it be not sugar, but more complex carbohydrates - for example, maltodextrin or amylopectin. Otherwise, most of the weight gained will be body fat.


One of the few supplements from which the effect can be felt already at the next workout! Creatine plays an important role in energy metabolism in muscle cells. As a result, it increases muscle strength and performance. And this subsequently translates into an increase in muscle mass!

Creatine does work, at least for most people. Since there is a category of people (on average, about 30%) who practically do not feel the intake of creatine. Here you need to proceed from the goals and objectives. Creatine increases strength and muscle mass, but also retains water. This must be taken into account. In addition, it is important not to get confused among the numerous forms of release of this product. Manufacturers and sellers are actively promoting new, and often more expensive forms of release, but the good old monohydrate, according to athletes, is still out of competition. The capsule option creates less stress on the gastrointestinal tract. Do not forget about the ways of taking this supplement and course options (loading, constant intake, alternation).


It is a complex of three essential amino acids: leucine, isoleucine, valine. These amino acids are very important for our muscles! BCAAs are mainly recommended for gaining lean muscle mass or for maintaining muscle during cutting. But the effectiveness of this supplement is questionable.

BCAAs really work and can help an athlete in terms of increasing strength and muscle mass. Basically, it is from these amino acids that the matrix of a new muscle cell is built, the prerequisites for the creation of which are created during strength training. Therefore, it is worth taking them before or during training with a small portion of carbohydrates, carefully choosing an individual portion. If you need help with the nutrition program, write to me, I will help.

Vitamin and mineral complexes

In addition to consuming macronutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates), you need to consume enough vitamins and minerals. Your performance and other important parameters of the body directly depend on them.

The importance of taking vitamins and minerals cannot be denied, especially since in people who train hard, the need for these substances increases, especially in winter. A feature of sports options for vitamin-mineral complexes is, as a rule, an increased dosage of active ingredients, as well as the presence of additional additives that can help in the absorption of vitamins and minerals directly. However, it should be remembered that the constant intake of excessive doses of vitamins (especially fat-soluble) and minerals can have a toxic effect on the body.

The considered sports nutrition will be a good help to increase your achievements in “bodybuilding” (from the English “bodybuilding” - lit. “body building”). By the way, you can buy all these products in flexSport stores.

Pharmacy preparations

Well, we have considered sports nutrition. Now it's the pharmacy's turn. Drugs that are available in a pharmacy can be either cheaper analogues of sports nutrition products or have more pronounced anabolic effects.

But before you run to the pharmacy, carefully weigh the pros and cons. Study the side effects, contraindications and the possibility of individual intolerance to the drug. Better yet, consult your doctor! At least consult with a professional athlete.

Glutamic acid

Accelerates nitrogen metabolism. Which leads to increased muscle growth. In addition, glutamic acid improves immunity, which is important during periods of heavy stress.


An essential amino acid that is beneficial to our body. In addition to influencing muscle growth, it has hepatoprotective properties. In simple terms, it protects the liver. It is found in large quantities in chicken and beef. Methionine is suitable for adolescents as an acne prophylaxis.


Effective, but "uncomfortable" drug. Since it is administered intravenously. Therefore, it is highly undesirable to do it yourself. You can take a course of droppers at any hospital for a fee. In fact, Alvezin contains all the amino acids necessary for our muscles. And due to intravenous administration, they almost instantly enter the muscles.

Potassium Orotate

It activates metabolic processes in the body, thereby stimulating muscle growth. It is also popular among athletes because of its beneficial effect on the heart. Especially relevant during high-intensity training.


This drug is an adaptogen. Simply put, it helps the athlete adapt to new loads. Recommended for athletes who increase muscle mass.


A drug that stimulates weight gain. The main component is Leuzea safflower. Due to its plant origin, ecdysterone has practically no contraindications and side effects. Experienced athletes recommend taking it in conjunction with a protein shake.


You can buy it in almost any pharmacy. Taking the drug has an anabolic effect. In addition, it protects the heart during intense stress. Riboxin improves blood supply to the muscles and is involved in energy metabolism.


It is an actoprotector. In other words, it increases the efficiency of your body. As a result, you can train longer and more efficiently, which leads to an increase in muscle mass.

Over the years of development of the pharmaceutical industry, many drugs have been created that can help the athlete achieve his goals. I would divide all available drugs into several groups:

  • individual amino acids, their derivatives or amino acid complexes (glutamic acid, methionine, alvesin, aminoven and others);
  • drugs that improve energy, cellular metabolism and cellular respiration (potassium orotate, riboxin (inosine), mildronate, carnitine chloride, etc.);
  • adaptogens and drugs similar in action (leveton, ecdisten, eleutherococcus, ginseng, magnolia vine, etc.);
  • vitamins, minerals and their complexes (supradin, complivit, asparkam, panangin, magnerot, etc.).

Of the advantages of pharmaceutical preparations, it should be noted that they undoubtedly work, that is, they perform the declared function. However, this raises a very important question of the actual need for taking these drugs, as well as possible side effects, which, of course, are possible with improper use and incorrect dosages. It is necessary to compare your goals and health status with the effect of these drugs, consult with specialists and carefully monitor changes.

Parameters by which supplementation regimens and their dosages are determined

  • age,
  • level of physical activity and lifestyle,
    the presence of chronic diseases and / or predispositions to diseases (especially the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system),
  • the presence of allergic reactions to the active substances of additives,
    results of the Body Composition Analysis (height, weight, body mass index, percentage of fat, muscle and bone mass, water and visceral fat levels, metabolic rate, recommended daily caloric intake),
  • sports goals of a person.

Only by comparing all these parameters, it is possible to determine and draw up a supplementation regimen that will not only not harm human health, but will also help to achieve your goals faster and more efficiently.

Example (simulation model)


male, 25 years old, office work,

strength training 3 times a week, good health,

of the features - increased acidity of the stomach, intercostal neuralgia, pinched nerve, allergy to gluten, height 178 cm, weight - 89 kg, fat 21%, muscle tissue 54%, water 59%, visceral fat 6%, bone tissue 3.9%,

The goal is to increase muscle tissue, increase strength, and reduce fat mass.

  • 10-day course of B vitamins (combilipen, injectable),
  • 10-day course of vitamin C injection,
  • morning intake of adaptogen Eleutherococcus 15 drops,
  • taking melatonin and tryptophan before bed
  • 10 g of creatine monohydrate daily, divided into two doses, in capsules,
  • 10 g of BCAAs and 20 g of carbohydrates (amylopectin) before a 1.5-hour workout,
  • 30 g of whey isolate 30 minutes after training,
  • 20 g of casein before bed.

From personal experience

During my practice, I very often came across the fact that people incorrectly use nutritional supplements and pharmaceutical preparations, do not correlate them with their goals and condition, choose the wrong dosages and methods of administration. As a result - the lack of results and the loss of money at best, at worst - health problems. Let's look at three specific examples.

young girl

A swimmer, on the recommendation of her coach, turned to a sports store for supplements that would help her improve her fitness and performance. Without understanding the specifics of the goals, the seller advised the girl to take creatine and a gainer, which the girl did, since she herself did not really understand this issue. As a result of two weeks of taking these supplements, the girl gained an extra 4 kilograms of mass (mainly fat), her results worsened and she was not taken to the training camp.

Aged man

A man who wants to lose weight as soon as possible purchased a fat burner from the Hardcore series in a sports nutrition store. The man had problems with pressure, which he knew very well, but he did not use this supplement, even twice the dosage. He didn't even bother to read the ingredients of the drug, which included geranium extract and a hefty dose of caffeine. Thus, he acquired such health problems that for a long time threw him off from achieving his goal.

Middle-aged woman

The woman decided to reconsider her diet after reading recommendations on the Internet for making a drying diet for professional athletes. There were instructions to sharply limit the amount of carbohydrates consumed and increase the protein content, including through sports nutrition. As a result, she began to consume up to 4-4.5 g of protein per kilogram of her own weight. The result of this venture was that the predisposition to kidney disease that she had developed into a disease, and she dropped out of the training process for a year, spending a lot of time, money and effort on treatment.