How to increase the efficiency of the human body. What are the types of work and how to quickly recover from them

Everyone understands that the greater the return from people, the lower the financial costs - no need to pay, allocate jobs in the office and constantly push unproductive team members. A bad example, as you know, is contagious, and in a team it is doubly contagious. Therefore, the company's management and personnel departments are forced to direct their efforts to identify in a timely manner those who work “in a slipshod manner”.

Infection by idleness sometimes resembles an avalanche-like fall of pre-lined dominoes - one falls, then another, and so on, until all fall. An employee who works “half-heartedly”, inefficiently and carelessly, not only brings direct harm to the organization, but also brings confusion to the team, sets the wrong standards of behavior, infecting colleagues with laziness and carelessness.

Classic example. The director (who is also the owner) of the gas station introduced a mandatory rule for operators: to politely greet visitors and always smile at them. Customers immediately noticed positive changes in the behavior of the petrol station workers. The flow of visitors increased, queues appeared at the gas station. But after some time, a new operator appeared in the team - Nadezhda Z., who previously worked at another gas station, where the requirements of the management were not so strict. Nadezhda decided that she could work the old fashioned way - talking with a frown on her face, reluctantly punching an order, not greeting visitors. Regular customers paid attention to the unsociable girl, but nevertheless, they did not lose confidence in the gas station, since Nadezhda's coldness was generously compensated by the attentive and polite service of other operators. However, over time, other employees, looking at their negligent colleague, began to pay less attention to clients, reasoning, “why can she, but we can’t?”. The business impact has been tangible. A new gas station with a regulated service system has opened five hundred meters from the gas station. Many customers switched to competitors because they could not recover from the “consumer shock” caused by first super-quality, and then extremely poor service.

The fish is looking for where it is deeper ...

It should be noted that a “reasonable person” is not capable of remaining completely inactive for a long time, unless, of course, he is sleeping. When we “do not do” something or do it incorrectly or inefficiently, we are doing completely different things, that is, we fill our time in one way or another. One such case is the well-known imitation of violent activity when an employee is constantly fussing, running around somewhere, making a lot of phone calls, but at the same time his activity does not have any useful result. The workplace of such people is littered with papers, they have a lot of unfinished projects and a huge number of business contacts, they leave work late and look extremely tired.

Another low efficiency implementation option is long swing. An employee comes to work, drinks coffee, talks with colleagues, looks at the weather forecast on the Internet, goes out to smoke, returns to the workplace and ... until lunchtime. After lunch, the entry into the working rhythm begins again. If he is not urged on, he will not do anything until the very evening, when it is already time to go home.

Delayed task completion

Maria L., a specialist in the personnel training department of a large holding in the field of petrochemical production, always prepares documents for a long time and carefully - orders for retraining of personnel, orders for the formation of training groups, agreements with training centers. The process of checking already prepared documents takes twice as long. This approach leads to the fact that the organization of industrial training is extremely slow, and the failure to meet the deadlines for personnel training limits the full use of the production capacity of the enterprise. In response to comments from management that the work is not being completed on time, Maria usually replies that she simply does not have enough time.

This is a fairly common situation for bureaucratic companies. When in order to take one step, a lot of explanations, sanctions, orders and other forms of documentary support of the activity process are required. Employees use the corporate document management system creatively enough to do nothing, or work coolly, little by little, guided by the saying “Eat - sweat, work - freeze”, for a long time and carefully prepare the process, collect signatures and permissions. A similar trick is used by people who refer to the constant lack of resources - money, equipment, information.

Performing one task at the expense of another

Many people use this loophole as an “urgent task” to temporarily get rid of boring everyday tasks or other less interesting ones.

The head of a large enterprise gave the task to Svetlana, his secretary, to call all the heads of departments so that they prepared semi-annual reports and appeared at the general meeting in the afternoon. In addition to this task, Svetlana had to perform her daily work: receive and register correspondence, answer incoming calls, and so on. The secretary began to call managers and completely forgot about her daily duties. Referring to the fact that she now has urgent work, she rather dryly asked an important client to call back after lunch, which subsequently affected the company's reputation - the client was angry with such a formal approach and even seriously considered breaking off business relations with a long-time partner and supplier.

Energy to the masses!

In order for a person to work productively, two components must be present in his activity: the first is energy, the second is direction, or purpose. A low level of energy occurs, as a rule, in people who are sick, suffering from beriberi, with low motivation, tired, having serious psychological problems, leading an unhealthy lifestyle. Therefore, one of the tasks of the personnel service and company management is detect people with low energy levels and take the necessary measures.

The management of one of the regional fast food chains found that the productivity of front-line staff - sellers and cooks of tonars - is extremely low. Many employees are lazy and careless, without enthusiasm in serving customers, which affects the attitude of consumers towards the company. The HR service was entrusted to solve the problem, which, after a series of observations, made the following conclusion: the majority of employees are young people, students. They study and work, and spend their free time in clubs, companies, discos, often drinking alcoholic beverages. It is clear that such a lifestyle does not contribute to maintaining excellent physical shape, which, in turn, affects work. Hiring older people from the point of view of personnel policy was unacceptable. Therefore, the HR service prepared an action plan, where the company's management was asked to create a corporate club for young employees - to organize a meeting room and make a small gym. The management accepted the offer of the personnel department and allocated the necessary funds. And young employees began to go to fitness classes, participate in events. The level of energy has risen significantly - everyone began to work more actively, there was a sparkle in the eyes.

Motivation can be as follows: organizing lunches and dinners for employees. Such concern for human resources is useful not only from the point of view of building corporate loyalty, but also has an economic justification. It is not always the employees themselves who take home-cooked food with them to work. And not everyone can visit a good cafe at lunchtime, either due to lack of time and money, or due to the lack of a normal catering establishment near work.

The personal appeal of managers to subordinates has a huge impact on the team. Various meetings, business meetings, work groups are great energizers for employees. Heads of departments must be able to communicate with their subordinates - to speak clearly, clearly, inspiringly. And the task of the personnel department is to look for managers among such candidates who are able to lead, raise the level of energy not only in themselves, but also in other people.

Another reason for low energy levels is learned helplessness syndrome. The term "learned helplessness" was coined by psychologists who conducted an experiment on dogs, the essence of which was to study the animal's reaction to weak electric currents. In fact, dogs learned helplessness by refusing to take action!

Employees who are under constant pressure of criticism and negative attitudes also become helpless and lethargic. Instead of taking responsibility and taking initiative, they prefer to complain about bosses, low wages, and ungrateful clients.

One of the functions of the human resources department of an organization is diagnostics of the management style of department heads. The boss can be tough and authoritarian, but if he can not only criticize, but also praise his subordinates, the energy level in the department will be high. Conversely, a democratically minded, enterprising manager can easily stop the work of an entire company if he can only blame and find faults.

A large workflow also leads to the fact that people begin to work cautiously, sometimes preferring not to do anything, just to avoid making a mistake. It is necessary to get rid of unnecessary paperwork, as well as unnecessary approvals and permits.

Forward looking

Without a map and compass, ships go astray, and without ground control, an aircraft can lose orientation and crash. Also, staff without goals in their work begins to do anything, but not their immediate duties. Each employee should have their own “coordinate grid”. He must clearly know what to do first, what to do second, and so on. Setting goals and objectives must be specific, measurable and time bound.

A person must not only imagine his final result, but also know what he will do if at the moment it is impossible to complete the work for objective reasons. So, for example, experienced foremen always plan for builders the work that they can do in case building materials are not delivered on time. So that work does not stand still, and people do not “weaken up”. The practice of a "spare work front" can greatly increase labor productivity.

Forward-looking and should be the departments of personnel management. They should direct their activities to diagnosing the leadership style of department heads, employee satisfaction with their work, as well as building a system for maintaining employees' working time. At the same time, structured interviews, tests and focus groups are used for research.

Sample questions for interviews and focus groups with employees:

  • Work attitude, job satisfaction
    • What do you like and dislike about your job right now?
    • What resources do you lack for effective work (finance, information, other)?
    • What are the main difficulties in your work?
    • What responsibilities do you think are unnecessary, but you have to fulfill them?
    • How do you think your colleagues feel about their work?
  • Relationships with superiors, leadership style
    • What departments do you interact with the most?
    • Who controls your work, how?
    • How is your work evaluated?
    • How does your immediate supervisor formulate the goals of your work for you?
    • Are your bosses satisfied with your work or not, in what way is this expressed?
  • Structure and content of the work
    • What does your working day consist of? What do you spend most of your time on (what types of work)?
    • Do you have the freedom to make decisions?
    • How do you plan your activities?

To diagnose the leadership style, many personnel management services use psychological tests, however, in our opinion, the method of psychological testing has limitations due to the fact that tests can be reused only after a sufficiently long period of time. Since repeating the survey of the same respondents reduces the reliability of the results - many managers tend to give socially desirable answers. In addition, many standard questionnaires are quite “readable”, and it is not particularly difficult for a person to give answers that, in his opinion, management would like to see. Case studies are the most reliable and accurate method for studying management style. Moreover, it is better if they need to be answered according to the principle “Situation - actions - predictable result”.

There are two types of work - physical and mental; and the argument about which one is lighter is completely irrelevant. Fatigue during mental work can be no less, and sometimes even more, than during physical work. And, of course, both of these activities are important and useful.

What affects the level of human performance

Job- this is the implementation by a cell, organ, organ system or organism of their inherent functions. A reasonable person performs, as a rule, socially useful work. Scientific and technological progress has changed the nature of human work. Hard physical labor was replaced by mental labor. Both physical and mental work are aimed at performing certain tasks; different processes are involved in the implementation of each type of activity. “Most modern workers perform tasks that require pattern recognition, rapid acquisition and processing of information, as well as the ability to develop plans and make decisions,” writes the famous labor physiologist G. Ulmer (1997). And this leaves a serious imprint on human health.

performance- this is the ability of a person to perform the maximum possible amount of work for a certain (given) time and with a certain efficiency. Efficiency, like work, is divided into mental and physical. Based on the above definition, a person's mental performance is the ability to perform a certain amount of work that requires significant activation of the neuropsychic sphere. The physical performance of a person is the ability to perform the maximum possible amount of physical work due to the activation of the musculoskeletal system. Naturally, physical performance also depends on the state of the nervous system that innervates the musculoskeletal system.

What affects performance and how to improve the efficiency of the work performed? The main factor that affects the performance of a person is, first of all, the state of his health. Also, the mental and physical performance of a person depends on the level of fitness, experience, physical and mental condition. An important indicator of the level of a person's ability to work is his inclination for this work (i.e., talent), motivation for work and emotions associated with work, the state of the environment, and the organization of work. In the working capacity of a person, an important role is played by the optimal organization of the workplace, which allows you to maintain the necessary position of the body and its segments to perform work.

Below you will find out what types of work are, and what mechanisms are involved in their implementation.

Types of work: physical and mental performance of a person

Mental work is associated with thinking and with articulate speech, since a person does not deal with specific objects, phenomena or living organisms, but with the symbols or concepts that define them. Mental work includes receiving and processing information, comparing it with information stored in memory, transforming information, identifying problems and ways to solve them, and forming a goal.

Mental performance is associated with mental and emotional components. The thinking component is associated with the intellectual abilities of a person; it requires reflection and concentration. The emotional component includes a person's self-assessment as a subject of mental labor, an assessment of the significance of the goal and means. The emotional component causes the emergence of numerous positive and negative emotions, which is manifested by clear reactions of the autonomic nervous system and changes in a person's mood. Emotional stress and mental overload stimulate the sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system, which is manifested by an increase in heart rate and respiration, cardiac output and respiration, increased sweating ("fight and flight reaction").

Physical work is associated with the activity of the musculoskeletal system, the main role in this is played by skeletal muscles. If, due to muscle contraction, the position of a body part changes, then the resistance force is overcome, i.e., overcoming work is performed. Work in which the force of the muscle is inferior to the action of gravity and the load being held is called yielding. In this case, the muscle functions, but it does not shorten, but, on the contrary, lengthens, for example, when it is impossible to lift or hold on weight a body that has a very large mass. Despite the effort of the muscles, you have to lower this body onto some surface. Holding work is performed if, due to muscle contraction, the body or load is held in a certain position without moving it in space, for example, a person holds the load without moving. In this case, the muscles contract isometrically, that is, without changing their length. The force of muscle contraction balances the mass of the body and the load. When the muscles, by contracting, move the body or its parts in space, they perform overcoming or yielding work, which is dynamic. Static is holding work, in which there is no movement of the whole body or part of it. During static work, the muscles contract isometrically, while the distance is not overcome, but the work is carried out.

Energy costs of the body and the physiological need of a person for energy

Doing work requires energy. The total human need for energy is the sum of the basic and working exchange. The energy expenditure of the human body during basic metabolism is the amount of energy expended by the body in conditions of complete rest to maintain life. In men, the body's energy costs average 1 kcal per 1 kg of body weight in 1 hour (4.2 kJ). In women - 0.9 kcal (3.8 kJ). Work exchange is the amount of energy expended to perform some external work. The total daily physiological human need for energy during mental work is 2500-3200 kcal (10475-13410 kJ). With mechanized labor or light non-mechanized work - 3200-3500 kcal (13 410-14 665 kJ). With partially mechanized labor or non-mechanized labor of moderate severity - 3500-4500 kcal (14 665-18 855 kJ), with heavy non-mechanized physical labor - 4500-5000 kcal (18 855-20 950 kJ).

Anatomical and physiological diameters characterize the size or function of a particular muscle. The anatomical diameter is the area of ​​the cross section of the muscle perpendicular to the long axis in a certain part of it. The physiological diameter is the sum of the cross-sectional areas of all the muscle fibers that make up the muscle. The first indicator characterizes the size of the muscle, the second - its strength. The absolute strength of a muscle is calculated by dividing the mass of the maximum load (kg) that the muscle can lift by the area of ​​its physiological diameter (cm2). This indicator in humans for different muscles ranges from 6.24 to 16.8 kg/cm2. So, for example, the absolute strength of the gastrocnemius muscle is 5.9 kg/cm2, the triceps muscle of the shoulder is 16.8 kg/cm2, the biceps muscle of the shoulder is 11.4 kg/cm2. The tension developed during contraction by one muscle fiber ranges from 0.1-0.2 g.

The scope of contraction (amplitude) depends on the length of the muscle fibers. In the fusiform and ribbon-shaped muscles, the fibers are longer, and the anatomical and physiological diameters are the same, so the strength of these muscles is not very large, and the amplitude of contraction is large. In pennate muscles, the physiological diameter is much larger than the anatomical one and, accordingly, their strength is greater. Due to the fact that the muscle fibers of these muscles are short, the amplitude of their contraction is small.

Job Performance Indicator: Human Performance Ratio (COP) of a person at work

One of the indicators of the efficiency of a person's work is the coefficient of efficiency, which indicates how much of the energy expended is converted into energy that performs useful external work:

The coefficient of performance (COP) of a person is equal to the energy expended on external work, divided by the energy produced and multiplied by 100%.

In humans, the coefficient of human efficiency of an isolated muscle can reach 35%. The efficiency of the body as a whole and the efficiency of a person at work with various types of muscular activity is low. It varies from 3 to 25%. With frequent repetition of the same work, a working dynamic stereotype develops - a system of reflex reactions that are formed with the constant repetition of the same stimuli. Reflex reactions become automatic, so the work becomes more energy efficient and less tiring, does not require constant attention and concentration.

Causes and factors of a temporary decrease in the mental and physical performance of the body

Causes a reaction of all organs and systems. With heavy loads, there is a decrease in performance, as a person gets tired. In an actively contracting muscle, blood flow increases by more than 20 times, and metabolism is activated. With moderate physical exertion, aerobic metabolism predominates in the muscle; during hard work, part of the energy is released anaerobically, that is, without the use of oxygen. As a result, lactic acid is formed and accumulated in the muscles. This is one of the factors that reduce performance: with the accumulation of significant amounts of lactic acid in muscle fibers, muscle fatigue develops. During physical work, the heart rate, stroke volume of the heart, blood pressure, oxygen consumption by the body increase. With light and moderate physical work with a constant load for 5-10 minutes, the heart rate increases, after which it reaches a constant level, or a stationary state, which does not lead to human fatigue for several hours. 3-5 minutes after the completion of such work, the heart rate returns to normal. During hard work, a stationary state does not occur, physical performance decreases, fatigue develops, heart rate increases, and after the cessation of hard work, the recovery period for normal heart rate lasts several hours.

Each person has his own individual limit of fatigue during physical and mental work, the difference for each individual is sometimes very significant. After this limit, the efficiency of the organism as a whole decreases, the person can no longer perform his work effectively. The tedious work limit is divided into two performance levels. Work that a person can perform for 8 hours without developing signs of muscle fatigue is considered easy, it is below the limit. Above it is the area of ​​maximum performance, the performance of such work is significantly limited in time. The decrease in mental and physical performance occurs as the duration of work increases. Training improves a person's performance.

How to determine the limit of tedious dynamic work? One of the important indicators is the heart rate, which remains constant during work, not increasing due to fatigue. In untrained people aged 20 to 30 years, it does not exceed 130 beats per 1 minute, less than 5 minutes after the cessation of work, the pulse rate becomes less than 100 beats per 1 minute; at the age of 31 to 50 years, it exceeds 130-140 beats per 1 minute, the pulse rate becomes less than 100 beats per 1 minute only 10-15 minutes after the cessation of work. In trained people, a faster normalization of the pulse is observed.

The same applies to a decrease in a person’s mental performance - only constant “brain training” will make it possible not to get tired too quickly.

Fatigue and recovery during physical and mental work

Fatigue- This is a physiological state of a person that occurs as a result of intense or prolonged work. It is expressed in a temporary decrease in performance, which is provoked by muscle (physical) and neuropsychic fatigue. When hard work, they are combined. Fatigue is characterized by a decrease in muscle strength and endurance, impaired coordination of movements, an increase in energy consumption to perform the same work, impaired memory, information processing speed, concentration, etc. Fatigue is subjectively felt by a person in the form of fatigue, in which a person is not able to respond normally for incentives. In addition, fatigue is due to insufficient sleep. Fatigue makes a person want to stop working or reduce the load.

The reason for the decrease in performance during hard physical work is the accumulation in the muscle fibers of some metabolic products (for example, lactic acid). Rest, especially active, leads to the restoration of muscle performance. This is due to the removal of lactic acid and the renewal of energy reserves in the muscle. Neuropsychic (central) fatigue is caused by prolonged intense mental work, monotonous monotonous work, noise, poor working conditions, emotional factors, diseases, malnutrition or malnutrition, hypovitaminosis.

Frequent neuropsychic fatigue leads to the development of chronic fatigue. This condition is typical for many people in modern conditions. It leads to the development of cardiovascular diseases, heart attacks, strokes, neurosis, psychosis, depression, sexual disorders. If, despite fatigue, the work continues, exhaustion occurs. Recall that heavy physical and neuropsychic stress causes stress (or rather, distress).

Distinguish between acute and chronic exhaustion. The first is a sharp decrease in performance during hard work, the second occurs due to prolonged hard or too often repeated hard work. Professional sports, sports competitions and strenuous training often lead to acute and chronic wasting. We emphasize: we are talking about professional sports, and not about physical education, which is useful and absolutely necessary at any age.

How to relax and recover after mental and physical work

Recovery- This is the process of gradual return of body functions to their original state after the cessation of work. As recovery progresses, fatigue decreases and performance increases. If a person performs work that lies above the limits of his fatigue, it is necessary to rest periodically. How to recover quickly after work in order to protect your body from the dangerous consequences of heavy stress? It should be emphasized that for effective rest, several short breaks are better than one or two long ones. Even in a state of complete rest, the skeletal muscle retains its elasticity and a certain degree of tension. This is called muscle tone. Before recovering from physical work, remember that muscle tone does not cause fatigue. Tone is the normal state of partial contraction of a relaxed muscle, due to which it is able to contract in response to a specific stimulus.

Rest- this is a state of rest or a special, specially organized type of activity that relieves fatigue and contributes to the restoration of working capacity. THEM. Sechenov in the second half of the 19th century. found that the work of some muscle groups of the limbs helps to eliminate the fatigue of other muscle groups caused by their work. This provision formed the basis for the definition of two types of recreation: active and passive. How to take a break from mental work and hard physical labor? Active recreation is recreation during which a person performs a different type of work, different from the usual work performed. Recovery during physical and mental work through active rest is faster and more efficient than during passive rest, when the body is in conditions of relative rest. So, intense mental activity should be regularly interrupted by physical activity. And vice versa: intense physical - mental.

We strongly advise knowledge workers after 1-1.5 hours not to "rest" with a cigarette in their mouth, but to climb 10-15 floors up the stairs, do 15-20 squats, the same number of jumps, perform 10-20 exercises with dumbbells.

It is expedient for manual labor workers to take a walk or, if possible, lie down for several minutes with raised legs in the fresh air.

Now that you know about fatigue during physical and mental work and recovery after it, try to organize your work in such a way that the efficiency of your activity does not decrease throughout the working day.

Walk around the equator

It is estimated that during the day a person takes up to 30 thousand steps, that is, about 20 kilometers. For every 5.5 years, he imperceptibly makes a path equal to the circumference of the equator.

How much does a human skeleton weigh?

The mass of the human skeleton is about 11 kilograms.

When is a person taller: in the morning or in the evening?

Due to the flattening of the intervertebral cartilages, a person’s height decreases by about 1.5 cm by the evening. A person’s height by the age of 80 decreases by 5–7 cm compared to the age of forty.

How many bones are in the skull?

The human skull is made up of 23 bones. Only two bones of the skull - the mandibular and hyoid - are movable, the rest are firmly connected by sutures.

Stronger than brick and granite

Bone material is 30 times stronger than brick and 2.5 times stronger than granite. A large femur can withstand a vertical load of one and a half tons.

It can withstand a load of 350 kilograms

The strongest ligament in the human body, the Bertinian ligament, which strengthens the hip joint, can withstand a load of 350 kilograms.

How many muscles in a person?

The amount of muscle a person has is not the same for all people. Within the normal range, it ranges from 400 to 680 muscles. If all these muscles were tensed, they would cause a pressure of approximately 25 tons. A grasshopper has about 900 muscles, and some species of caterpillars even have about 4,000. The total weight of all muscles is 40% of the total body weight in men, and 30% in women.

Which organ loses the most heat?

The efficiency of human muscles is 20%. The remaining 80% is spent on heat losses.

Where are the strongest muscles located?

The strongest are those that are located on both sides of the mouth and are responsible for compressing the jaws. They are capable of developing a force of about 70 kilograms.

Who loses energy more: a crying or a daring person?

According to studies by French neurologists, a crying person uses 43 facial muscles, while a laughing person has only 17. Thus, laughing is more energetically beneficial than crying.

When is the peak time for muscle activity?

It is noted that the most effective muscles work at 13:00. 30 minutes.

Oxygen consuming organ. Who is he?

Up to 60% of oxygen entering the body is consumed by muscles.

Rhythm is your guide

Rhythm is an important element of work, and everyone should learn from his heart in this respect: if you work rhythmically, then the work will be productive and you will have the strength to work for a long time.

When the biological clock breaks

Frequent violations of the physiological cycle "day-night" can lead to a painful disorder of the internal "biological clock" of a person.


How much air can you breathe?

Lung ventilation (the number of breaths multiplied by the volume of air inhaled) in a healthy person reaches 5–9 liters per minute. At rest, a person takes an average of 16 breaths per minute. This is about 23,000 per day. At the same time, about 7,000 liters of air pass through the lungs. The minute volume of a person's breathing (the amount of air passed through the lungs in one minute) is 5–8 liters per minute at rest, and during physical work it can reach more than 100 liters per minute.

Breathe easy

A person at rest spends 400–500 liters of oxygen per day, making 12–20 breaths and exhalations per minute. The respiratory rate of a horse is 12 breaths per minute, rats - 60, canaries - 108.

Who invigorates us?

Negatively charged ions of air gases are friends of health; they make a person cheerful, efficient.

Biovacuum cleaner

The ciliated epithelium of the human respiratory tract takes out up to 20-30 g of dust per day.


Blood plasma... and ancient seas

The composition of blood plasma resembles the composition of the water of ancient earthly seas, in which life originated.

twice the length of the equator

The total length of blood capillaries in the human body is approximately 100,000 kilometers. This is 2.5 times the length of the earth's equator, and the total internal area is 2,400 m 2.

A pump that lasts a lifetime

For 60 years of a normal, not very stressful life, the human heart makes more than 2,000,000,000 contractions. The same work would be done by a tractor if it lifted a boulder weighing 65 tons from sea level to a height of 5,500 meters.

When is there more cholesterol?

100 ml of blood of a healthy person contains 20–250 mg of cholesterol in autumn and winter, and only 170–180 mg in summer and spring.

Heart "shirt"

The heart has a shirt - a layer of connective tissue; between the heart and the "shirt" there is a small amount of fluid. The pericardial sac ("heart shirt") protects the working heart muscle.

Flattened red balls

Red blood cells, or erythrocytes, whose total surface is 3,400 m 2. Every day, about 2,000,000,000 of them die in the body, which is 0.01% of their total number. The total surface area of ​​all erythrocytes is 3400 m 2 . In each mm3 of blood there are 5,000,000 red blood cells, and in all five liters contained in the body of an adult, there are 25,000,000,000,000. If you put all these red blood cells in a row, the resulting chain will stretch for 200,000 kilometers, encircling the globe five times along the equator.

"Sprints" within us

Almost all cells of the human body have nuclei that control all physiological processes in the cell itself and participate in the process of cell division. The only exception is erythrocytes. They are born with a nucleus, but already in the early stages of development, they lose it, thereby losing the ability to reproduce. New red blood cells are formed in the red bone marrow from stem cells. Every second, about 2,500,000 red blood cells are formed and about the same number die. In one day, an erythrocyte travels about 15 kilometers in the blood vessels, supplying tissues with oxygen and taking carbon dioxide from them. During the existence of one erythrocyte, on average, it travels a distance of 1,800 kilometers.

They live to die

Blood cells are constantly dying and being replaced by new ones. The life of erythrocytes (red blood cells) lasts 90-125 days, leukocytes (white blood cells) - from several hours to several months, depending on the type of leukocytes. About a billion red blood cells and five billion white blood cells die every hour in an adult's blood. They will be replaced by new blood cells. During the day, 25 grams of blood undergoes complete regeneration.

thinner hair

Blood capillaries are 10 times thinner than hair.

That's the speed!

Within one minute, the heart ejects about 4 liters of blood into the aorta. The speed of movement in the aorta is 0.5 m / s, and through the capillaries, blood flows at a speed of 0.5 mm / s. A complete circulation of blood through both circles of blood circulation is completed in 21-22 seconds.

special blood substance

Each red blood cell contains 265,000,000 hemoglobin molecules. The assembly of its molecule takes only 90 seconds. Every second, 6.5∙1014 hemoglobin molecules are synthesized in the human body. 100 ml of human blood contains 13–16 g of hemoglobin. One gram of hemoglobin can bind up to 1.34 ml of oxygen. At rest, about 4 l / min flows through the human heart, which ensures that the tissues receive about 400 ml of oxygen.

Ah, those "thin tubes"!

The wall thickness of the arteries is 0.8–0.9 mm. The diameter of various human arteries is 0.4–2.5 cm. The average diameter of human capillaries is about 7 microns, which is slightly less than the diameter of an erythrocyte. In the arteries, the volume of blood is on average 950 ml.

"Sugar Queen"

This is what the ancient Tibetan doctors called the liver. She stores nutritional reserves and, if a person is hungry, she turns them into sugar, thereby feeding him. At rest, up to 50% of the blood in a person can be in the "blood depot" - the liver and spleen, from where, if necessary, it is released into the bloodstream. The blood flow in the kidneys is 420 ml / min, in the heart - 84, in the liver - 5.7, in the brain - 53, in the striated muscles - only 2.7 ml / min. The liver consumes 10 times more oxygen than an equal muscle, and generates more heat. It is a powerful protective barrier on the way of blood flow from the digestive organs to other organs. The liver breaks down alcohol most efficiently between 6 and 8 pm. 1.5 liters of blood flows through the liver in one minute, and up to 2,000 liters per day.

Women beat more often

The heart of an adult pumps about 10,000 liters of blood per day. A normal resting heart rate for a man is 60-80 beats per minute. A woman's heart beats 6-8 beats faster. Heavy physical activity increases the heart rate to 200 beats per minute. The pulse rate of an elephant is 20, that of a bull and a frog is 25, that of a rabbit is 200, that of a mouse is 500.


Even the saber is blunt

The tip of a saber blunts when it hits tooth enamel. The hardness of enamel can be compared with quartz.

How many, two or four?

Milk teeth are replaced by permanent ones. The last molar usually erupts by the age of 18–20, and sometimes even later, when a person “acquires wisdom through teaching,” Hippocrates thought so. This tooth he called the wisdom tooth. Half of humanity has only two, not four wisdom teeth.

The naked part of our skeleton

The specific gravity of tooth enamel is 2.9–3.05 g/cm2. The dentin of the tooth has a specific gravity of only 2.2 g/cm 2 . The dentin of an adult tooth contains about 65% mineral salts, 28% organic matter and 8% water. The composition of dental cement includes about 30% organic matter, more than 55% calcium phosphate, about 8% calcium carbonate, as well as calcium and magnesium fluorides.

Can't stand it!

The most painful place in the human body is the teeth. There are usually no more than 200 pain receptors per square centimeter of skin, and from 15,000 to 30,000 receptors per square centimeter of tooth dentin. There are even more of them on the border of enamel and dentin - up to 75,000 receptors.

"Acorn" or "stomach"?

The word "stomach" is derived from the word "acorn" (in the old days, "small acorns were called stomachs"). There are one hundred gastric glands per 1 cm2 of the gastric mucosa. They are located closely. Unlike other digestive juices, bile contains almost no enzymes.

"Toothed" enzymes

During the day, a person secretes about 1 liter of saliva, 3 liters of gastric juice, 2 liters of pancreatic juice, 3.5 intestinal juice, 2 one liter of bile. A person produces an average of one liter of saliva per day.

What does the hour of the day mean for the stomach?

Most of the gastric juice is formed at 13 o'clock, even if the person has not eaten anything.

And is it all in us?

The length of the intestine in humans exceeds the length of the body by 3-4 times. The total surface area of ​​the villi of the jejunum is 37 m 2 , duodenal - 1.3 m 2 , ileum - 5.3 m 2 .

Do we still have gases?

In the process of fermentation of food gruel in the right (ascending) section of the large intestine, hydrogen and carbon dioxide are formed, and in the process of putrefaction in the left (descending) section, methane and hydrogen sulfide are formed. All this mixes with the air that enters the intestines in the process of eating along with food. When digesting lunch, about 15 liters of gases are formed.

Here are the villi!

On one cm 2 of the inner surface of the intestine there are 3,000–4,000 villi. Each is covered with 3,000 cells, which in turn have 100 suction tubes. The suction surface in the small intestines is about 5 m2, i.e. three times the body surface.

Short "life"

Every day, about 70,000,000,000 cells of the intestinal epithelium die, each of which lives only 1-2 days.

She needs to breathe, move, think

At rest and on an empty stomach, the human body produces so much energy per day that it would be enough to heat 20 liters of water from 10ºС to boiling. The heat generated by a woodcutter working for eight hours is enough to heat 100 liters of water to a boil.

Who is afraid of intestinal bacteria?

There is a lot of benzoic acid in lingonberries and cranberries. It kills putrefactive bacteria in the intestines.

What are we "made" of?

All from cells

The human body is made up of 100,000 billion cells. For comparison: the body of an elephant consists of 6,500,000 billion cells.

Water, water...

Water makes up 80% of a child's body weight and 70% of an adult's body weight. Human brain cells contain 80%, muscles - 76%, bones - about 25% of water. A sip of water is 20 milliliters of liquid for men, and 14 for a woman. The richest tissue of the human body is the vitreous body of the eye, in which it is 99%, and the poorest is tooth enamel. It contains only 0.2%.

Is water really that important?

Loss of moisture in the amount of 6-8% of body weight causes a fainting state in a person, 10% causes hallucinations and a violation of the swallowing reflex. The loss of 12% of the fluid entails cardiac arrest.

Are there gases too?

More than 96% of the mass of the human body is made up of four chemical elements. Oxygen accounts for about 60% of the mass, carbon for about 20%. They are followed by hydrogen - 10% and nitrogen - 4%.

Not only there, but also from there!

A person per day can excrete 0.5–12 liters of sweat, which contains 9899% water, 0.1% urea, uric, lactic, pyruvic, citric acids, ammonia, creatinine, serine, fats, volatile fatty acids, cholesterol, aromatic hydroxy acids , acetone, mineral salts.

Skin formations

Non-removable "clothes"

Skin is the heaviest organ of the human body. She weighs an average of 2.7 kg. The skin does not pass water, microbes, dirt. Protects us from blows, injections, bites. About 2% of the oxygen consumed by a person enters the body through the skin. A person of average height loses about 800,000 microparticles of skin every hour, and an average of 675 grams per year. By the age of seventy, the total skin loss is a little more than 47 kg, that is, 70% of the average human weight. The human body excretes about 0.5 liters of water per day through the skin. Solids stand out about 10 grams.

Who's to say if we're cold or hot?

The entire skin surface of the human body contains about 250,000 "cold" receptors and only 30,000 "heat" ones. The temperature of the skin is different in different parts of the body. So, in the armpit it is 36.6ºС, then on the stomach - 34ºС, and on the face - 25ºС. Blood and internal organs have a temperature of 37.2–38.5ºС.

Is it better to be clean or dirty?

On one cm 2 of dirty skin, there are about 40,000 microbes.

Transmitting "SOS!"

Hidden in our skin are 250,000 nerve endings that respond to cold, 30,000 to heat, and about 1,000,000 to pain.

skin and time

The skin is least sensitive to injections at 9 am and most permeable to cosmetics between 6 and 8 pm.

Space "antennas"

A human hair is 500 times thicker than the walls of a soap bubble, 5 times thicker than a capillary, 12 times thicker than the walls of the alveoli, and 20 times thicker than cobwebs. Hair grows in newborns at a rate of 0.2 mm per day, later - up to 0.3–0.5 mm per day. Eyebrow, eyelash and axillary hair live 3-4 months, head hair - 4-6 years. In a month, hair grows by one centimeter. About 100 hairs die on the head every day. Dead hair may not fall out immediately, so sometimes up to 20% of dead hair accumulates on the head.

Spit - not only girlish beauty

The longest braid of one Japanese woman is 3 meters, she grew it for 20 years. The longest hair was worn by Swami Pandarasannadi, the head of the Indian monastery Tirudathurai. In 1949, the length of his hair was 7 meters 92 centimeters.

And beard and mustache

The longest beard belonged to Hans Langseth - 5 meters 33 centimeters, and the longest mustache was from the Swede Birger Pellas - 2 meters 90 centimeters.

Heritage of primates

The tips of all twenty fingers on our limbs bear dense flat horny formations - nails. Nails are the property of primates. The nail grows from the epithelium of the nail bed. Nails protect especially sensitive fingertips. The nail on the hand grows at a rate of a hundredth of a millimeter per day, and on the leg - five hundredths. For a year on the finger, the nail lengthens in total by three centimeters. The longest nail on the hand (on the thumb of the left hand) reaches a length of 101.6 centimeters. It belonged to the Indian Sridhar Chillar. The total length of the nails on the finger of his left hand, when measured in March 1990, was 4.40 meters. He hasn't cut his nails since 1952.


Why are we crying?

Children cry to get attention, to express their emotions: fear, anger or joy. And also so that harmful substances that are produced from pain and suffering leave the body with tears. In addition, when we blink, tears wash over the eyeball, cleaning it of dust and germs. A healthy human body produces approximately 0.5 liters of tear fluid per year. Even the most severe man sheds daily from 1-3 milliliters of tears.

Blood filters

The total length of the renal tubules is 120 kilometers. In both kidneys, a person has about 2,000,000 nephrons. During the day, the kidneys pass through themselves 2,000 liters of blood, and this is a whole tank. An adult excretes 1,200–1,600 ml of urine per day and 15–45 mg of oxalic acid should be excreted in the urine.

What are uroliths?

The chemical composition of uroliths - kidney stones - can be different. 40% of uroliths are oxalates (salts of oxalic acid), 27% are phosphates (salts of phosphoric acid), 12–15% are urates (salts of uric acid), 2% are cystine, xanthine and protein stones, and 20–30% are mixed stones. type.


Sophisticated optical device

Up to 14 months in newborn girls and up to 16 months in boys, there is a period of complete non-perception of colors. Then comes the perception of red, then green, and even later blue. The formation of color perception ends at 7.5 years for girls and by 8 years for boys. The eye is able to distinguish between 130–250 pure colors and 5–10,000,000,000 mixed shades.

After an hour in the dark

After one hour in the dark, the light sensitivity of the eye increases 200 times.

Rods and cones

The human retina contains 125,000,000 rods and 6,500,000 cones, and taken together, they are so sensitive that a person could theoretically see a candle flame at a distance of 200 kilometers.

Hearing, smell, touch

"Hello, I can't hear you!"

The human middle ear contains 2,500 cells that respond to sounds. The upper limit of the frequencies we perceive reaches 16–20 million hertz. As the years go by, the sensitivity of the ear, especially to high-pitched sounds, decreases.

Delicious when +24ºС

There are about 9,000 nerve endings on the surface of the tongue that respond to taste. They function best at 24°C.

Mal, yes daring

The surface of the olfactory zone of the nose is only 5 cm 2, but about 1,000,000 nerve endings are located on it. The sensation of smell occurs when at least 40 nerve endings are excited.

That's why he's dying!

The coldest part of the human body is the nose. The temperature of its tip usually does not exceed +22ºС.

Nervous system

A gigantic amount and ... one percent

The human nervous system consists of 10,000,000,000 neurons and 70,000,000,000 support cells. Of this gigantic amount, only one percent performs independent work, that is, it receives signals and controls the work of the muscles; the remaining 99% are intermediary cells.

The center of all centers or the main organ of the mind

At three years old, the human brain is already 80% developed. It reaches its highest development by about 20 years. In the future, there is a decrease in its mass. The cerebral cortex makes up approximately 44% of the volume of the brain. The surface of the crust as a whole is 1468–1670 cm2.

We are in third place

Man is in third place in terms of brain mass (1,400 g) in wildlife after an elephant (5 kg) and a whale (2.5 kg).

Those are the squares!

The total area of ​​the cerebral cortex in humans averages 83,591 mm 2, chimpanzees - 24,353 mm 2, dogs - 6,523 mm 2, rabbits - 843 mm 2, rats - 254 mm 2.

Nature is not fair

Starting from the age of thirty in a person, 30,000 to 50,000 nerve cells of the brain die daily.

Water and nerve cell

A nerve cell - a neuron - contains 65–68% water and 32–35% solids, among which 68–70% are proteins. 20–25% are lipids, 2–5% are nucleic acids, and 1–2% are carbohydrates.

With him, the vessels are in good shape

Nitric oxide (II) can be formed in the human body. It provides communication between neurons and maintains vascular tone.

The bigger, the better

The larger the diameter of the nerve fiber, the faster the excitation spreads through it. In warm-blooded animals, the excitation speed is 0.5–120 m / s.

"Nervous" Helpers

No human action can be carried out without the participation of the nervous system. To transfer the body from a horizontal to a vertical position, the human brain sends hundreds of nerve impulses - signals through the nerves to the muscles.

All for sight

As part of the cranial nerves, 2,600,000 nerve fibers enter the brain, and 140,000 exit. About half of the outgoing fibers carry orders to the muscles of the eyeball, controlling fast and complex eye movements. The remaining nerves control facial expressions, chewing, swallowing, and the activity of internal organs. Of the incoming nerve fibers, 2,000,000 are visual.

Men and women

"Strong Sex"

  • The male brain weighs 200 g more than the female.
  • A boy aged 15–24 falls 6 times more often than girls of the same age.
  • There are 12 times more men than women among outstanding mathematicians.
  • Deviations from the norm of color vision are much more common in men (8%) than in women (0.5%).
  • Men have 20% more lung capacity than women.
  • 48% of men and only 22% of women snore in their sleep.
  • Boys are more likely than girls to be left-handed and generally fluent in their left hand, which is explained by the leading role of the right hemisphere of the male brain.
  • 80% of all people who stutter are men.
  • The volume of blood averages 5.2 liters in men and 3.9 liters in women.
  • The mass of the heart of a man is on average 330 g of a woman - 250 g.

"Weaker sex"

  • Girls start talking earlier than boys.
  • A woman's sense of smell is 20% better than a man's.
  • Mental depression is twice as common in women as in men.
  • Musical ear in women is better than in men: for 6 women who are not out of tune, there is 1 man.
  • Three quarters of all migraines occur in women.
  • Women are twice as sensitive to alcohol as men.
  • Women prefer sweet foods, while men prefer salty ones.
  • In women, the right eye sees more sharply and hears better in the right ear, while in men it is vice versa.
  • Adipose tissue makes up 11% of a man's weight and 23% of a woman's weight.
  • Women, more often men, suffer from dental caries.
  • 42% of men and 62% of women complain of insomnia.

Samara State University of Communications

Abstract on the topic:

"Energy consumption during physical activity of different intensity"

Vypolinla: Kalashnikova V.S.

Group D-12

Checked by: Belenkaya O.N.

Samara, 2011

  1. Participation in competitions in the process of self-study.
  2. Hygiene of nutrition, drinking regimen, skin care.
  3. Hygienic requirements during classes: places of employment, clothing, shoes.
  4. Self-control over the effectiveness of self-study. Injury prevention.

The more muscle work, the more energy consumption increases. Well, this is correct according to the law of conservation of energy: if energy decreases somewhere, then it will definitely arrive in the form of either the same or another energy. In laboratory conditions, in experiments with work on a bicycle energy meter, with a precisely defined resistance to pedaling, a direct (linear) dependence of energy consumption on the power of work recorded in kilograms or watts was established. At the same time, it was found that not all the energy expended by a person when performing mechanical work is used directly for this work, because most of the energy is lost in the form of heat.

It is known that the ratio of energy usefully expended on work to all energy expended is called the coefficient of performance (COP). It is believed that the highest efficiency of a person with his usual work does not exceed 0.30 -0.35. Consequently, with the most economical energy consumption in the process of work, the total energy costs of the body are at least 3 times higher than the costs of doing work. More often, the efficiency is 0.20 - 0.25, since an untrained person spends more energy on the same work than a trained one. So, it was experimentally found that at the same speed of movement, the difference in energy consumption between a trained athlete and an untrained (novice) can reach 25 - 30%. A general idea of ​​\u200b\u200benergy consumption (in Kcal) during the passage of different distances is given by the following figures, determined by the famous sports physiologist V.S. Farfel:

Table 1.

Athletics running.

Ice skating


Ski race


Power zones in sports exercises.

With a focus on power and energy expenditure, the following relative power zones in cyclic sports have been established:

1. Maximum degree of power.

In this zone, the duration of work reaches only 20 to 25 seconds. This category includes such sports as: running 100 and 200 meters; Swimming 50 meters; Bicycle race for 200 meters from the move, and these physical exercises are done with a record performance.

2. Submaximal degree of power.

This degree is slightly lower than the maximum, and therefore the duration of work under such loads can be from 25 seconds to 3-5 minutes. This includes: running 400, 800, 100, 1500 meters; swimming at 100, 200, 400 meters; skating at 500, 1500, 300 meters; as well as cycling races for 300, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 meters.

3. Large degree of power.

The duration of work reaches from 3-5 minutes to 30 minutes. This degree corresponds to: running for 2, 3, 5, 10 kilometers; swimming at 800, 1500 meters; skating for 5, 10 kilometers; cycling races of 100 kilometers or more.

3. Moderate degree of power.

The duration of the work reaches even more than 30 minutes! Physical exercises that correspond to this degree of power are: running 15 kilometers or more; race walking for 10 kilometers or more; cross-country skiing for 10 kilometers or more, as well as cycling for 100 kilometers or more. From here, the pattern is clearly manifested: the greater the load, the greater the degree of power expended on the performance of these physical exercises, the less in duration (minutes, seconds) and in quantity (for example, in meters) an athlete can work at a given level of loads. And indeed. As they say, you go quieter, you will continue. For example, if an athlete runs kilometers while jogging and can keep pace for a very long time, then only hundreds of meters are run at sprint distances and in shorter periods of time. Or, for example, if a weightlifter can hold a small weight for minutes / tens of minutes, then heavy loads are literally 2-5 seconds. So, these four zones of relative power suggest dividing many different distances into four groups: short, medium, long, extra long. So what is the essence of the division of physical exercises into zones of relative power and how is it related to energy consumption during physical activity of different intensity? Firstly, the power of work directly depends on its intensity, as mentioned above. Secondly, the release and consumption of energy overcoming distances included in different power zones have significantly different physiological characteristics, which are presented in Table 2.

Table 2.

Work relative power zone

Index Maximum submaximal Big Moderate
Limit Duration 20 to 25 s From 25 s to 3-5 min 3-5 to 30 min Over 30 min
Oxygen consumption Minor Increasing to the maximum Maximum Proportional to power
oxygen debt Almost Submaximal submaximal Maximum Proportional to power
Ventilation and circulation Minor submaximal Maximum Proportional to power
Biochemical shifts submaximal Maximum Maximum Minor

Now let's move on to a more detailed consideration of the data given in the table.

Maximum power zone: work that requires extremely fast movements can be performed within it. No other work releases as much energy as when working at maximum power. The oxygen supply per unit of time is the largest, oxygen consumption by the body is insignificant. The work of the muscles is performed almost entirely due to the anoxic (anaerobic) breakdown of substances. Almost the entire oxygen demand of the body is satisfied after work, i.e. the demand during operation is almost equal to the oxygen debt. Breathing is insignificant: during those 10-20 seconds during which the work is done, the athlete either does not breathe, or takes a few short breaths. But after the finish, his breathing is still intensified for a long time, at this time the oxygen debt is repaid. Due to the short duration of work, blood circulation does not have time to increase, while the heart rate increases significantly towards the end of work. However, the minute volume of blood does not increase much, because the systolic volume of the heart does not have time to grow. Zone of submaximal power: not only anaerobic processes take place in the muscles, but also aerobic oxidation processes, the proportion of which increases towards the end of work due to a gradual increase in blood circulation. The intensity of breathing also increases all the time until the very end of the work. Although the processes of aerobic oxidation increase during the work, they still lag behind the processes of oxygen-free decomposition. Oxygen debt is constantly progressing. Oxygen debt at the end of work is greater than at maximum power. There are big chemical shifts in the blood. By the end of work in the zone of submaximal power, breathing and blood circulation sharply increase, a large oxygen debt and pronounced shifts in the acid-base and water-salt balance of the blood occur. This can cause an increase in blood temperature by 1 - 2 degrees, which can affect the condition of the nerve centers. Zone of high power: the intensity of respiration and blood circulation has time to increase already in the first minutes of work to very large values, which remain until the end of work. The possibilities of aerobic oxidation are higher, but they still lag behind anaerobic processes. A relatively high level of oxygen consumption lags somewhat behind the oxygen demand of the body, so the accumulation of oxygen debt still occurs. By the end of the work it will be significant. Changes in the chemistry of blood and urine are also significant. Moderate power zone: These are already ultra-long distances. Work of moderate power is characterized by a stable state, which is associated with an increase in respiration and blood circulation in proportion to the intensity of work and the absence of accumulation of anaerobic decay products. With many hours of work, there is a significant overall energy consumption, one hundred reduces the carbohydrate resources of the body. So, as a result of repeated loads of a certain power during training sessions, the body adapts to the corresponding work due to the improvement of physiological and biochemical processes, the features of the functioning of body systems. Efficiency increases when performing work of a certain power, fitness increases, sports results grow.