Decoration of a semicircular porch. How to fill a concrete porch in a semicircle: a master class and thematic photos

The rectangular shape of the stairs is considered standard, while the semicircular porch is exotic. Many people think that doing it with their own hands is much harder, which is not entirely true. It's just that in its creation there are some nuances that you should be aware of. But the result will be amazing - an elegant semicircular staircase leading to the house can easily become an object of envy and admiration.

Architectural features and porch options

The process of arranging a semicircular porch begins with a drawing. The topmost step should be 5 cm below the door, so measure the distance between the door frame and the surface of the platform on which the porch will be located, and divide this number by 18 (the height of the step for a comfortable step). The result obtained will indicate the number of steps. If it is not an integer, the height can be varied. Most often, an odd number is made so that it is convenient to enter and leave the house. Then calculate the size of the porch.

From the center of the door (options are possible), the distance is measured to the farthest point of the threshold - the lower step. It is calculated as follows: 30 multiplied by their total number is added to the radius of the upper step. Example: The radius of the top step is 1 meter (100 cm). Number of steps - 3 pieces. Therefore, the calculation will be as follows: 100 + (30x2) \u003d 160 cm. This means that the radius of the third, lowest step should be 160 cm.

Do-it-yourself semicircular porch

To equip a semicircular concrete porch with your own hands, you will need:

  • Site cleaning equipment.
  • Cement, sand, gravel, other types of materials - concrete can be improved.
  • Measuring devices (for example, a tape measure) to find out the height and other parameters of the stairs.
  • Fittings.
  • Concrete mixer.
  • Facing materials for design.
  • Additional accessories.

Before pouring the steps, you should check the compliance with the technology - whether the initial layer of crushed stone and sand is sufficient, whether the fittings are connected correctly, and so on. After making sure that everything is in order, you can start pouring.

To make formwork with your own hands, you need strips of galvanized metal. They are bent at the right angle and installed near the pegs, which are driven in along the contour of the pit, supported by a stone. Having well strengthened the boundaries of future steps, they lay reinforcement and begin pouring the foundation. After the concrete has dried (the period should not exceed 7-8 days), the formwork is carefully removed.
Natural stone is also good, although it will cost a little more. But folk talents can also boast unusual finishes. Some craftsmen manage to revet the porch with substandard tiles and even river pebbles. The tile is laid, interspersed with pebbles, and an original mosaic is obtained. Both that, and another is pasted by means of special structure. Before this, the porch is cleaned to smoothness. Facing a round porch made of concrete can and should be unusual and creative.

Final step by step instructions

The creation and arrangement of a semicircular porch includes the following stages of work:

  • Site clearing, marking.
  • Digging a pit 70 cm deep.
  • Laying a layer of crushed stone, and then sand by about 20 cm. Then they should be filled with water and compacted as much as possible.
  • Close the foundation of the house with roofing material with special impregnation.
  • Drill it and insert fittings.
  • Set up formwork.
  • Lay aerated concrete blocks at the bottom of the pit, make reinforcement.
  • Fill the structure with concrete.
  • Repeat the steps with reinforcement and pouring according to the number of steps.
  • Cover the resulting steps with a film or roofing material, periodically sprinkle them with water.
  • After complete drying, remove the formwork, clean the surface of the porch and veneer to taste.

More detailed information can be gleaned from training videos. When the semicircular porch is ready, you should appreciate how stylish it looks with almost any building.

Want to build your own porch? No problem! Though concrete, even wooden, even metal - choose any. In this case, the metal will be made with a beautiful canopy roof made of

We build a concrete porch

Reliable, durable and overall solid construction.

Choose sizes

Dimensions of steps: a - normal; b - foreigners

Usually the porch consists of several steps. Our task is to choose the best dimensions of the structure.

The optimal width of the stairs is 80-100 cm. If possible, the width should be increased - so the porch will be more comfortable and beautiful. Decreasing is undesirable.

The permissible angle of inclination of the stairs is from 27 to 45 degrees.

Step width, mmStep height, mmThe angle of inclination of the march, hail.
400 100 14
380 110 16
360 120 18
340 130 21
320 140 23
300 150 25
280 160 29
260 170 33
240 180 37
220 190 40
200 200 45

We make the steps equal in width to about 25 cm, in height - 12-20 cm, depending on who will use the porch. Children and the elderly? Making steps lower. Mostly young and full of energy users? We can increase the height of the steps.

We equip the upper platform so that it is approximately 50 mm below the end of the front door.

Pour the foundation for the porch

We swarm a pit along the perimeter of the future porch. Depth - from 50 cm.

We install the formwork around the perimeter of the foundation.

We fill the bottom of the pit with a 20-centimeter layer of gravel and ram it. From above we pour a 10-centimeter layer of sand. Sprinkle with water for better tamping.

We cover the site with roofing material. We lay the reinforcing mesh (the recommended cell size is 10x10 cm) and. The solution can be prepared independently. Standard proportions:

  • cement - 1 part;
  • sand - part 3;
  • gravel - 5 parts.

We pour concrete. We level the fill, pierce it with reinforcement in several places to release excess air. We leave the concrete for a few days for the initial curing.

Prices for cement and mixture bases

Cement and mixture bases

We install the formwork

We build formwork for steps. For this we use thick plywood. The height of the formwork should be 20 cm higher than the height of the future porch.

The principle is simple: we cut out the formwork elements along the height of each step and install them in the appropriate places. Between ourselves, we tighten the shields with metal plates, wooden bars or other suitable fasteners.

Important! Side shields need to be strengthened with additional stiffeners.

Steps must be reinforced. In this case, the reinforcement must be laid and installed in all three planes. An even more convenient option is to weld the frame in the shape of a future staircase and build a formwork around it. Do as you please.

Filling the steps

Lubricate the inner walls of the formwork with oil. Thanks to this, in the future we will be able to remove it without much effort.

We prepare the solution for pouring in the same way as the mixture for the foundation-platform.

We fill the stairs in stages, from the first step. We let each step dry slightly, and only after that we fill in the next one. In this case, it is necessary to install additional formwork elements on the front side of the steps. The length of these elements must correspond to the width of the stairs. We make the height the same as that of the step itself.

Important! The side of the formwork in contact with should be as smooth as possible.

The poured concrete is carefully leveled and pierced with reinforcement in several places.

We remove the formwork after at least 7-10 days. In conclusion, all that remains for us is to finish the steps. We can veneer them with stone or tiles, lay and perform any other finish at our discretion.

Railings are installed on request. The height of the handrails is from 90 cm. You can use the following option. It is also suitable for a metal and wooden porch (in this case, we will replace the metal elements with wooden ones).

We install support posts made of metal pipes in the lower and upper parts of the porch. It is advisable to choose the length so that the slope of the railing corresponds to the slope of the stairs. We connect the upper and lower ends of the racks with pipes of a slightly smaller section. We use welding.

The top tube will take over the functions of the handrail. To fill the space between our pipes, we use any rolled metal. Elements are installed with any interval. At this point, everything depends entirely on your preferences and imagination.

After mounting the structure, we clean the metal elements and prime them in 2 layers. This treatment will increase the life of the railing.

Such a porch will go well with almost any home.

We make the foundation

In general, the foundation is arranged in the same way as in the case of a concrete porch, with only one difference: at the same stage, it is necessary to install supports for the future visor.

It is better to install supports in each corner of the future visor - so the design will be as stable as possible. If the porch is large, we make supports along the length of its walls in increments of no more than 2 m.

We dig holes about one and a half meters deep for each support. Metal pipes will perfectly cope with the role of supports. We insert the pipe into the pit and fill it with concrete.

Also, supports can be made from a bursa. The procedure is the same, but first the lower part of the timber must be wrapped with roofing material or tarred and additionally impregnated with an antiseptic.

At the same stage, we install supports for the future stairs. Similarly, we dig holes, put metal racks in them and pour concrete. It is unlikely that the porch will have too long a staircase, so it will be enough to install supports at the bottom and top of the structure. For greater certainty, we can install them in the middle of the span.

The further procedure, up to the stage of pouring concrete, remains the same as in the instructions for arranging a site for a concrete porch.

At the pouring stage, we take into account that we will need to drown the staircase structure somewhat in the solution. We fill it not to the very top of the site - we leave about a 100-300 mm gap (depending on the dimensions of the structure to be equipped and its features).

Then, after the installation of the metal structure, we will fill the pit to the very top.

Drawing in accordance with the plan of the house

We cook the stairs

We take two metal channels. We weld them to the previously installed and concreted supports. In the future, we will weld rolled products for steps to these products.

We take an equal-shelf metal corner. We cut it to the selected length of the steps, increased by the length of the weld. We weld a metal corner along the contour.

We get products in the form of the letter G. We connect them together. At the top we connect these G-elements with the help of an equal-shelf corner. To do this, we weld it along the contour to both products, placing the shelves inward. To connect the bottom of the steps, we use a similar corner, but we place it with the shelves outward.

To fill the steps, we can use different materials, for example, wood and plywood. Fastening is carried out using self-tapping screws, screwing them from the bottom side. For additional fastening of wooden elements, we use silicone and ordinary glue.

In general, finish the stairs at your discretion. If you wish, you can not close up the horizontal openings, but simply mount the sheathing directly on the steps.

Prices for popular models of welding machines


Making a visor

We mounted the racks for the frame at the stage of arranging the foundation. Further we work in this order.

We install transverse supports according to the dimensions of the frame. If desired, we can make a curved canopy. To do this, it is enough to cut the profile in increments of about 4 cm and bend it to the desired level. The advantage of a curved canopy is that precipitation and various debris will not linger on it.

We lay it on the frame and fix it with self-tapping screws. We maintain the fastening step equal to 300 mm. We glue the edges. On this canopy is ready.

We build the foundation

- the best solution for a wooden house adjoining porch. Such a foundation is simple and quick in arranging, but at the same time very reliable.

We dig holes at the points of installation of the pile - in the corners of the future porch and along the length of its edges in increments of 80-100 cm. The depth of such holes is from 80 cm. Optimally - below the freezing point of the soil.

We process the support beam with an antiseptic, wrap its lower part with roofing material, and then insert it into the pits. We fill the vertically aligned beam in the pits with concrete.

Let the concrete harden and proceed to further activities.

We mount the logs

If necessary, we cut off the tops of the beam so that all the piles are on the same level. We calculate the height of the supports so that after laying the platform between it and the front door there is approximately a 5-centimeter height difference.

We attach the logs to the supports and the wall of the house in a suitable way (with self-tapping screws, dowels, etc., depending on the material of the wall).

We make a kosour (string)

We proceed to the manufacture of the bearing part of the stairs. We will attach steps to it. That is, the bowstring is the side face of the steps.

For the manufacture of bowstrings, we use wooden boards with a thickness of 5 cm or more. We take a board and draw steps on it. We cut the blanks with a jigsaw or saw.

We fasten the bowstring with the lags with a tenon-groove connection.

We make out the platform and steps

We fasten or nail the platform sheathing boards to the lags. If desired, we lay some kind of finishing coating on top of the boards - we focus on our preferences.

We fasten the risers to the bowstring and tread. We start working from the bottom step. The procedure is simple: we fix the riser, we fix the tread on it, and so on until the end. For fixing, we use self-tapping screws or a thorn-groove connection.

Equip the railing and visor at your discretion. Installation instructions for these elements have been given previously. The sequence remains the same, it is only necessary to replace the supporting elements and trim parts with similar products made of wood or other preferred material.

Prices for different types of building boards

Building boards

Successful work!

Video - DIY house porch

After completing the construction of a country house, summer house or modern cottage, you should worry about the construction of the porch. This issue should be taken seriously. It is important not only to reliably protect the entrance from the effects of precipitation and sunlight with the help of a canopy, but also to ensure an attractive appearance, reliability, strength and durability of the entrance structure. You can build a porch with your own hands from concrete in a limited time with the help of timely prepared materials. It is important to be guided by the working draft and adhere to the construction technology.

What is needed to make a concrete porch

Having no experience in doing construction work on their own, some developers are lost in front of a lot of questions that arise. The most important thing is how to make a concrete porch with your own hands? Trying to answer it, it is important to figure out what building materials will be required, whether it will be necessary to use special equipment and whether there are enough tools available in the home arsenal. Let's figure it out in order.

Do-it-yourself concrete porch

The main building material that will be required to fill the base under the porch is a concrete mixture marked with the M200 index. Despite the fact that it is produced by specialized enterprises, it is easy to prepare a concrete solution on your own from the following components:

  • cement marked M500;
  • sifted sand;
  • medium fractional gravel;
  • water.

The purchase of materials does not require significant expenses, the list is small:

  • metal bars with a cross section of 8–10 mm used for reinforcing concrete;
  • annealed wire for connecting reinforcement into a spatial frame;
  • wooden blanks used to assemble the formwork frame;
  • boards or plywood intended for sheathing the formwork structure;
  • self-tapping screws designed to fix the formwork structure;
  • construction waste, broken bricks, stones to fill the volume;
  • roofing material or polyethylene used as waterproofing.

Home craftsmen will not face the problem of acquiring special tools, since they have most of them. Would need:

  • grinder, complete with a circle for metal;
  • wood saw;

Hacksaw for wood "Mother-in-law"
  • building level;
  • shovel and bayonet shovels;
  • roulette;
  • trowel or spatula;
  • hammer.

You will also need a concrete mixer to prepare the working mixture and a vibratory rammer to compact the concrete mass. They can be rented for the duration of construction activities. Having determined the amount of building materials necessary for the construction, and having prepared the tools, proceed to further work.

We plan to manufacture a concrete porch - preparation and calculations

The following operations precede the construction work on the construction of the porch foundation:

  • Dismantling of the previously installed site.
  • Clearing the construction site of debris.
  • Measure the distance from the ground level to the bottom of the door.
  • Calculation of the distance between the steps vertically.
  • Determining the size of the entrance area, taking into account the width of the doorway.

When calculating the optimal dimensions of the concrete base, you should be guided by the following recommendations:

  • the width of the entrance area should be 20–30 cm wider than the size of the door frame;
  • the distance from the beginning of the base of the porch to the door threshold should be in the range of 1–1.5 meters.

porch foundation

At the design stage, a number of issues should be addressed:

  • determine the appearance of the porch;
  • choose the option of the entrance stairs.

The design may vary. It provides for:

  • railing to facilitate lifting;
  • partial or full glazing;
  • open access from all sides;
  • decorative wrought iron railing.

Designs without handrails or with a lockable metal grating are also possible.

The configuration of the staircase at the entrance is determined by the requirements of the project and can have a different shape:

  • rectangular;
  • round;
  • square.

Stairs with diverging railings made in the form of a trapezoid look original. The appearance and design are determined by the owner of the premises, depending on the artistic taste and the estimated cost of construction activities.

When developing a porch project, observe the following requirements for geometric parameters:

  • the minimum width of the entrance area is 0.9–1.2 m;
  • the angle of inclination of the flight of stairs - up to 40 degrees;

Do-it-yourself semicircular concrete porch
  • support step width - 25 cm or more;
  • height difference between steps -18–22 cm;
  • protrusion of the supporting surface above the riser - 2-3 cm;
  • height difference from the threshold to the concrete surface - 3–5 cm.

Having decided on the size and design of the porch, before starting construction work, you should calculate how much material (concrete and reinforcement) needs to be used for this.

  • the depth of the base to be concreted must correspond in terms of the level to the location of the base of the foundation of the building;
  • the flight of stairs should be harmoniously perceived with the exterior of the building, and also securely fixed to the walls;
  • the reinforcing cage must be strong, cover the entire area of ​​the base to be concreted and be located at a fixed distance from the surface;
  • the brand of concrete used should provide the necessary strength of the base in conditions of intensive use.

Compliance with these rules will allow you to operate the input structure for a long time.

Preparing the foundation for a concrete porch

Guided by the project and the results of the calculations, as well as having decided on the execution option, proceed to the construction of the foundation:

  • Mark the outline of the future building structure.
  • Go deep into the soil along the contour by 40–50 cm.
  • Take out the soil, fill the pit with gravel-sand mixture.
  • Tamp down the bedding, forming a layer 15–20 cm thick.
  • Level the pillow, waterproof it with plastic wrap.

Pour concrete mortar into the reinforced pit and compact it
  • Drill channels in the wall of the building, insert reinforcement bars.
  • Check the distance between the bars, which should exceed 10 cm.
  • Hammer the vertical rods, ensuring their elevation above the soil level by 20 cm.
  • Mix the mortar by mixing sand, cement and gravel in a ratio of 3:1:3.
  • Pour concrete mortar into the reinforced pit and compact it.
  • Plan the base and do not subject it to mechanical stress until dry.

When the concrete has completely hardened, the formwork structure can be installed on the foundation base.

We collect the formwork under the porch of concrete

Properly installed formwork should repeat the configuration of the input structure. For the manufacture of the frame can be used:

  • plywood boards;
  • planed boards;
  • metal sheets.

Assembly sequence:

  • Cut the blanks of the edging elements of the formwork structure.
  • Mark on the surface of the shields the coordinates of the stairs.
  • Cut the shields according to the markup.
  • Fasten jumpers between the side shields to increase rigidity.
  • Assemble the formwork, secure it to the ground with rods to prevent movement.

Concrete porch formwork
  • Fix the elements that repeat the placement of the reference steps.
  • Eliminate leaks and gaps between the formwork panels and caulk them.
  • Treat the inner surface of the formwork structure with mastic.

The use of a special lubricant at the final stage of formwork installation facilitates the process of dismantling the structure after the concrete has hardened.

Concrete porch - how to make steps

The use of a reinforcing cage increases the strength of the concrete mass, helps to increase the service life. When making steps, follow the given sequence of actions:

  • Cut the reinforcing bars into pieces corresponding to the dimensions of the input structure.
  • Bind steel blanks with annealed wire, ensuring the reliability of the power grid.
  • Lay stone, construction waste, reducing the volume of poured concrete.
  • Prepare the working mixture in the concrete mixer, guided by the standard recipe during mixing.
  • Gradually pour the concrete mixture into the formwork by levels, starting from the bottom tier.
  • Compact the poured concrete with a vibrator to eliminate air inclusions.
  • Level the surface of the concrete, using the building level to control the absence of slopes.
  • Ensure the immobility of the formwork structure with a hardening mortar for 10-14 days.
  • Moisten the surface of the array with a small amount of water to maintain the required humidity.
  • Cover the flooded array with plastic wrap, which reliably protects against moisture evaporation.
  • Dismantle the formwork elements after the final completion of the concrete hydration processes.

This operation completes the rough stage of work prior to finishing.

Level the surface of the concrete, using the building level to control the absence of slopes

How to make a concrete porch beautiful - finishing options

The use of paints and varnishes, tiles and other cladding options for finishing stairs allows you to decorate it, improves aesthetic perception. It is important to ensure that the style of the staircase design matches the exterior of the building. As a budget option, you can use one of the following solutions:

  • imitate the texture of natural stone on the concrete surface;
  • lay out multi-colored pebbles on a finishing base.

It is difficult to call a concrete surface attractive. It is advisable to veneer it using one of the following solutions:

  • stick ceramic tiles imitating natural stone;
  • lay porcelain stoneware with a unique surface texture;
  • finish the surface with natural or artificial stone.

The following additional design elements will add a kind of “zest”, as well as increase the functionality of the input structure:

  • protective visor of the original form;
  • comfortable railings with wooden handrails.

Often, tiles are used for cladding, which have a number of advantages:

  • resistance to negative temperatures;
  • anti-slip surface.

Clinker tiles for porch and stairs

The combination of different color schemes when using tiles will give the concrete porch originality. Noteworthy is the combined version, which provides for a combination of colors similar in shade:

  • monophonic design of the supporting surface of the steps;
  • lining the riser with clinker, close to the color of the tile.

Solving the tasks of decorating the porch, creative people have the opportunity to show imagination and originality. From the many options, you can always choose the best solution.

We clad the concrete porch with our own hands

It is not necessary to invite hired specialists to carry out finishing activities. You can handle the laying of tiles on your own, adhering to the following algorithm:

  • Remove dust from the concrete base.
  • Apply an adhesive compound to the surface of the site.
  • Lubricate the working surface of the tile and the concrete base with the adhesive mixture.
  • Carefully press the tile to the concrete base without moving.
  • Maintain the tile spacing using special spacers.
  • Align the resulting seams with a special grout mixture.

The required amount of special adhesive can be calculated by knowing the surface area to be lined.


Answering the question of how to make a concrete porch with your own hands, it should be noted the importance of a responsible approach and adherence to technology when performing construction and finishing work. By following the recommendations of professionals, you can complete the task yourself. This will not only save money, but also master the skills of conducting construction activities. The most important success factor is the use of high-quality raw materials, the correct execution of calculations, as well as adherence to technology.

An integral element of a country house, a stylish cottage and a private building is an attractive porch equipped with a canopy to protect it from rain and sun rays. Among the materials that can be used for its construction, reinforced concrete stands out. It ensures the durability of the structure and is practically not affected by natural factors. It is easy to build a durable and original porch made of concrete with your own hands, following the recommendations of professional builders. In this article, we will dwell on this issue in detail.

Production of a concrete porch - we prepare materials and tools

Thinking about solving the problem of how to make a concrete porch with your own hands, you should first of all purchase the materials necessary for the work, prepare construction tools.

Acquaintance with home improvement begins with its appearance and porch. A solid building requires a reliable and solid entrance

The main position in the list of building materials is occupied by a concrete mortar of the M100-M200 brand, which can be purchased ready-made or prepared independently from the following ingredients:

  • Portland cement brand M400-M500, which binds the components of the mixture;
  • sand purified from impurities, which determines the consistency of the solution;
  • gravel or crushed stone of the middle fraction, which is a filler;
  • technical water introduced according to the recipe.

To complete the work, you will also need:

  • steel reinforcement, 0.6–0.8 cm in diameter, used to reinforce the array;
  • knitting wire, which allows you to combine the elements of the power frame;
  • wooden bars used for the manufacture of the formwork frame;
  • planed boards necessary for sheathing beams;
  • nails or screws fastening the elements of wooden formwork;
  • fragments of a used brick, facilitating the filling of the volume;
  • sheet roofing material that performs the function of a waterproofing material.

It is allowed to use sheets of moisture-resistant plywood instead of boards when constructing the formwork. Most of the tools and equipment needed to perform the work are present in the arsenal of home craftsmen.

The use of reinforcement can significantly improve the strength characteristics of the porch

It is necessary to prepare:

  • concrete mixer, facilitating the process of mixing components;
  • shovels for supplying components to the container and loading the finished solution;
  • vibrocompactor, for tamping the poured solution;
  • grinder with a cutting wheel for cutting steel bars;
  • saw for wood, necessary for cutting beams and boards;
  • building level and tape measure for control operations;
  • traditional set of tools (hammer, spatula, perforator).

After determining the need for materials to perform the work and preparing the tool, you can proceed to the next steps.

Concrete porch - preparatory work and calculations

Before starting work, it is necessary to carry out a set of preparatory measures:

  1. Dismantle the existing entrance structure.
  2. Clear the site of construction debris.
  3. Measure the distance from the zero mark to the door threshold.
  4. Calculate the height of the steps by dividing the height of the platform by their number.
  5. Calculate the dimensions of the door platform, focusing on the width of the door opening.

Before buying the materials and tools that will be needed in the work, you should initially decide on the type and shape of the porch to be made.

Determining the minimum possible dimensions of the site, it is necessary:

  • add 15–20 cm to the width of the doorway;
  • the depth of structures should be at least 100 cm.

At the design stage, it is necessary to determine the following parameters:

  • the configuration of the entrance stairs;
  • constructive performance.

The shape of the entrance staircase may resemble the following figures:

  • trapezoid;
  • a circle;
  • square;
  • rectangle.

Execution options:

  • with open access;
  • in a closed version;
  • with glazing;
  • with railings;
  • without railings.

Design and shape are decorative characteristics. They are determined depending on the aesthetic views of the owner of the premises and his financial capabilities.

The size of the area in front of the entrance to the house should be such as to ensure optimal opening of the front door

Carrying out work on the design of the entrance ladder structure, it is necessary to pay attention to compliance with the recommended dimensions, which should be:

  • entrance width - 0.8–1 meter or more;
  • the slope of the flight of stairs - no more than 40-45 degrees;
  • step width - more than 250 mm;
  • distance between steps - 16–20 cm;
  • overhang of the step support platform - up to 30 mm;
  • the distance from the doorway to the level of the upper platform is up to 50 mm.

Based on the results of preliminary calculations and determination of the design parameters, the need for mortar is calculated, as well as the approximate number of steel bars for the construction of the reinforcing cage.

Before starting manufacturing activities, remember the main rules:

  • the depth of the foundation for the front staircase must correspond to the distance from the zero mark to the lower plane of the building base;
  • must represent a single structure with the building, which is ensured by mutual reinforcement with steel bars;
  • the durability of a concrete structure depends on the brand of mortar used, as well as the quality of the waterproofing.

The shapes and lines of the concrete base must match the architectural style of the house.

Making a porch from concrete - preparing the foundation

The execution of work on the construction of the foundation is carried out according to the results of preliminary calculations, as well as after determining the size and shape of the structure.

Perform the preparation of the base for the construction of the main staircase on your own according to the following algorithm:

  1. Make a marking of the working platform, marking the contour.
  2. Remove the soil, ensuring the depth of the pit is at least 0.5 m.
  3. Fill the base of the trench with a sand and gravel cushion with a layer of 0.2 m.
  4. Plan the surface, compact the array, spill with water.
  5. Mount the wooden formwork frame in the excavated trench.
  6. Waterproof the formwork surface with a film or roofing felt.
  7. Drill holes in the adjacent wall, hammer reinforcing bars into them.
  8. Provide a spacing of at least 100 mm between horizontal rods.
  9. Install the vertical reinforcement 0.2 m above the zero mark, fix it.
  10. Prepare a mortar of cement, sand and gravel, taken in a ratio of 1:3:3.
  11. Fill the panel structure with concrete, compact it, plan according to the level.
  12. Keep still until the moisture has evaporated and the curing process is complete.

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Where would you prefer to live: in a private house or apartment?


Where would you prefer to live: in a private house or apartment?


After preparing the foundation, proceed to the installation of the formwork.

A pillow of sand and gravel is arranged in the pit

Installation of formwork under a concrete porch

Formwork installation is a serious operation that affects durability. The following materials can be used as panel formwork elements:

  • wood;
  • metal;
  • plywood.

The sequence of measures for the construction of formwork:

  1. Prepare the side members of the structure by ensuring their height is 300 mm above the level of the porch.
  2. Mark the side shields taking into account the calculated position and dimensions of the steps.
  3. Cut all panel elements in accordance with the previously made markings.
  4. Install transverse braces between the formwork panels to ensure structural rigidity during concreting.
  5. Assemble the formwork structure, securely fix it with pegs driven into the ground.
  6. Attach longitudinal elements that reproduce the location of all the steps of the span.
  7. Seal the gaps of the panel structure and lubricate with a special mastic to facilitate its disassembly after concreting.

At this operation, the formwork construction process is completed and you can start manufacturing steps.

Depending on the drawing, it is necessary to install the formwork for pouring the steps

We create a concrete porch with our own hands - how to make steps

The service life of the input structure will be significantly higher if the array is reinforced with steel reinforcement.

Carrying out the manufacture of steps, perform work according to the following algorithm:

  1. Cut the steel reinforcement into blanks of the required length, corresponding to the dimensions.
  2. Firmly connect the reinforcing bars with tie wire, forming a reliable reinforcement frame.
  3. Lay in layers of stone or brick waste, which will reduce the need for concrete and increase strength.
  4. Mix the required volume of concrete using a concrete mixer to mix the components.
  5. Fill the formwork with concrete mortar in tiers, starting from the bottom step.
  6. Carefully compact the formed mass of concrete, being careful to completely remove air bubbles.
  7. Ensure the flatness of the concrete mass, check the horizontal level of the surface with a level.
  8. Do not subject the formwork with hardening concrete to mechanical stress for a week.
  9. Periodically moisten the surface of the concrete with water, protecting it from cracking.
  10. Protect concrete from moisture evaporation by laying plastic sheeting over the surface.
  11. Carefully dismantle the formwork frame after the evaporation of moisture and the final hardening of the concrete mass.

The draft stage of production is completed - you can proceed to finishing activities.

Concrete porch - how to finish

External cladding of a concrete structure improves its aesthetic perception and ensures a harmonious combination with the exterior of the building.

In the absence of financial opportunities, you can not decorate, and after pouring, limit yourself to the following activities:

  • lay out pebbles on a concrete surface;
  • create a texture that mimics tiles or stone.

When thinking about cladding options, it is advisable to determine a general finishing solution that ensures the unity of the style of the constructed span with the building. After all, concrete in its pure form is not particularly attractive.

As a finishing material can be used:

  • clinker tiles, on the surface of which there is an anti-slip coating. This is true in winter and rainy weather;
  • porcelain stoneware with original texture. The material ensures the presentability of the constructed structure;
  • natural stone or its artificial counterpart. Stone finishes lead in appearance among other types of cladding.

The choice of one or another type of material depends on the individual preferences of the owners of the house.

A porch for a house is simply necessary: ​​it provides a convenient entrance to the building and prevents the door from falling asleep with snow in winter. Most often, an ordinary home porch has 3-5 steps, but with a high height of the basement of the house, other options are possible.

Usually it has a square or rectangular shape, but there are more interesting solutions that have advantageous decorative qualities. Among them are a round and semicircular porch, which can be built from concrete with your own hands.

Features of a semicircular porch and drawing up a drawing

It is a little more difficult to build a porch in a semicircle with your own hands than the usual rectangular version, however, it will also be quite within the power of a home master. The most popular solution for it is concrete: it is inexpensive, fast, in addition, it can be lined with a variety of materials during subsequent finishing in order to obtain not only a durable, but also a beautiful solution.

The semicircular version differs from the usual porch in a more complex design: preliminary calculations and drawing up drawings will be required in order to calculate the volume of concrete and the dimensions of the structure. The design is carried out as follows:

  • To build a semicircular porch, you first need to determine the width of the site before leaving the house: it should be about half a meter wider than the front door, then two people can safely disperse on the steps. This value will be the diameter of the porch, according to which the following parameters are calculated.
  • The middle point of the porch is determined: it is usually marked in the middle of the front door, although there may be other solutions. With the help of a compass, a semicircle is drawn in the drawings from the midpoint, its radius is half the width of the site.
  • In the same way, the semicircles of the steps are drawn: when calculating, it must be taken into account that the width of the treads is 26-30 cm, so that they can be comfortably stepped on. This value is added to the first radius, and then to the radius of the second step.
Other calculations are carried out in the same way as in the construction of a conventional square porch: the height of one step is from 16 to 18 cm, a large riser height is undesirable. Which porch should have a maximum slope of 40-45 degrees, it is better if it is less. Depending on the total height of the porch, the number of steps is calculated, and you can start marking the territory.

You can pour a semicircular porch with your own hands without the involvement of assistants and special equipment. You will need formwork material, reinforcement cage, concrete mortar (it is advisable to use a concrete mixer for its preparation) and in the future - material for cladding and installation of railings.

What formwork can be made from

The first question that arises when building a semicircular porch is how to build a formwork to give the concrete a rounded shape? You can use several options:

Site preparation and foundation pouring

How to fill a semicircular porch? The first stage is clearing the site and marking the territory. It is necessary to remove construction debris and branches from it, it is desirable to pre-level the area under the porch.

After that, you can proceed to the markup: as you know from the geometry course, the radius of the circle will be the same at any point. From the center of the circle (middle of the door), it is necessary to set aside a distance equal to the radius of the lower step according to the drawing. This must be done to the right and to the left, as well as in a circle to get an even semicircle.

The more measurement points, the more even the semicircle of the porch will turn out. As marks, you can put pegs between which the string is stretched. As a result, an exact contour will be outlined, and you can proceed to work on the construction of the foundation.

A concrete porch needs a strong base, as it itself has a lot of weight. A pit 70 cm deep should be dug along the contour of the porch, a thick layer of sand is poured onto the bottom, which must be shed with water and compacted. Reinforcement connected by metal wire is laid in the pit, and formwork is installed along its edges.

The foundation of the porch must be connected to the foundation of the building itself. To do this, holes are drilled in the concrete tape, into which the reinforcement of the frame of the new extension is inserted. The concrete solution is poured, it must be carefully leveled. As a result, a strong connection of the buildings is ensured, and when the porch is upset, it will not crack.

The concrete layer is left to dry completely, this usually takes several days. When it gains sufficient strength, it is covered with a waterproofing layer: roofing material can be used for this purpose. The base for the porch is ready, and you can proceed to pouring the steps.

How to make a semicircular concrete porch? The most common method is layer-by-layer installation of formwork and pouring steps one on top of the other. Construction works are carried out in several stages:

  1. A curved formwork is installed along the marked contour, the height of which is equal to the height of the step. It needs to be fixed with wooden spacers: it should stand as firmly as possible in order to support the weight of the solution along the entire contour.
  2. A frame connected from reinforcement is laid in the formwork. These are several rows of metal mesh connected to vertical elements.
  3. The frame is poured with concrete, and you need to try so that there are no voids in the monolithic structure. To do this, the solution is pierced with a stick in several places to remove possible cavities.
  4. The solution must be allowed to dry and gain strength, after which a new row of formwork is installed and the operation is repeated. As a result, all steps are erected from the bottom up, and the whole structure will gain strength. The concrete porch is able to withstand a very large weight, and it will last for decades.

Knowing how to fill the porch in a semicircle, you can create original designs: the house will receive a beautifully designed non-standard entrance, which can be additionally decorated with railings and elegant tiling.

What is porch cladding for?

Although concrete is a strong and durable material, it needs mandatory protection from external influences. It does not tolerate increased importance, as well as sharp temperature fluctuations, but if you install a strong lining, it can last much longer. There are several options that will help to decorate the semicircular porch in an original way:

  • Ceramic tiles. Although it is made of clay, its strength resembles granite, for which it received its name. Tiled cladding is more often used not in residential buildings, but in office and public buildings. It is advisable to choose a tile with a rough textured surface, otherwise it may be too slippery in winter, and it will have to be covered with rugs.
  • Clinker tiles. It is clay fired at a very high temperature, which allows it to gain maximum strength. It differs from porcelain stoneware in the absence of various mineral additives - this is the most environmentally friendly material. You can purchase tiles of various shapes and colors, which will allow you to lay out an interesting semicircular mosaic.
  • Paving slabs. This is a cheap option, such a tile is made from concrete mortar. It is inexpensive, but not very durable: after a few years it will be necessary to restore the lining. It can have a different color and shape, styling experiments will create an interesting result.

All options have pros and cons, so you need to choose not only in appearance and cost, but also in ease of operation. To lay clinker or porcelain stoneware, you will need to purchase a special tile adhesive and prepare the solution according to the instructions. Laying is carried out from the bottom up, first lay out the treads and the upper platform, and then the risers.

Knowing how to build a semicircular porch to the house, you can implement very interesting projects: such structures look beautiful if you choose a non-standard cladding option and decorate the porch with a complex interesting pattern. It is recommended to pay attention to a few more points.