Iron removal from water: professional and home cleaning methods. Filters for deferrization of water from a well Purification of water from bacterial iron

Most often, ferrous water is a problem for owners of private houses. Such a defect of water is not typical for city apartments. The maximum, when iron content is present in the city sewage system, is a strong wear of the pipes. Pipes rust, rot, and this whole set has a very strong effect on the condition of the water supplied from the well. That's why iron water filter most often used by owners of private houses and summer cottages.

What happens to water when iron is removed?

Where do iron salts come from in the water? And this is a fairly common problem. You can eliminate excess salts of a similar origin from water in different ways, but the consequences will be different. Today, there is no ideal way to eliminate glandularity. Each will have some drawbacks.

What types of filters should be installed to purify water from iron salts (can be separately, can be in combination):

If you put an iron bar in water, then naturally the dissolution process will not happen. But the oxidation process will be in full swing. The iron will start to rust and turn green. The presence of dissolved iron in the water is not immediately noticeable. Only if such water from the well is defended, there is an option to notice irreversible changes.

Iron dissolved in water has a bivalent form. Once in the human body, such dissolved iron does not leave it quickly, but on the contrary begins to accumulate. In a certain amount, iron accumulated in the body becomes a health threat. When settling ferrous water, you can see cotton-like suspensions in it. This indicates an excessive iron content of the water. Conversion of ferrous iron into ferric, which is able to form a precipitate and is a deferrization process. All that then remains is to filter the formed precipitate and the water becomes purified.

All filters for water from iron from a well that convert bivalent to trivalent can be divided into two large groups:

  • Reagent (chemical);
  • Reagentless (Physical).

There are plenty of methods from both groups. Both are presented in the table below.

Since reagent methods involve the use of various chemicals, such methods are used exclusively for the production of industrial water. Reagent-free methods will help you get high-quality drinking water. Deep aeration is also often used to obtain quality drinking water.

The easiest way to get iron-free water is to defend it. The quality of cleaning will not be the best. After all, even draining the upper layers of water from a well, you can get not the most purified water. Huge tanks are used for settling. They are called sedimentation tanks. Such a tank should have enough space inside to provide as much surface area of ​​the water as possible that will come into contact with the air. The upper sedimentary layer is periodically pumped out of the settling tank. In order to get oxidized water faster, oxygen can be forcibly injected into the sump. But then it is better to buy a filter to purify water from iron, otherwise it will be more bulky and expensive. More space is added to the system for a sump and pump. And the pump itself will consume electricity. But the rate of water purification from iron in this case leaves much to be desired.

The fastest possible deferrization is guaranteed only by use. The chemical reaction allows you to quickly oxidize iron salts and then quickly filter out ferric iron from the water. Such chemical transformations are best used for water, where the amount of iron salts is much higher than the norm. If the iron content has a low level, then it is quite possible to do with non-reagent oxidants.

It is possible to overcome excessive iron content in the water in the country in a complex manner. Many in-line filters for water with a high iron content combine both reagent and reagent-free methods. So the aeration method is a complex work of oxygen and chemicals to quickly remove excess iron salts from water.

Water with a high iron content is a hard-hitting sight. A high threshold of this type of salt can give water a bright iron smell and reward it with a certain color - from yellowish to brown. Even sniffing such water is unpleasant. Anyone, looking at such water, will understand that using it means very much spoil his health.

Therefore, it will not work to save on a filter for purifying water from a well from iron. And put a more powerful version too !!! If the water in the country is too dirty, then you should choose an appropriate device for this degree of pollution. Otherwise, water treatment will be far from poor quality. And this means that for household appliances, for washing, for bathing, there can be negative consequences. For example, it is impossible to eliminate the precipitate of iron salts from the fabric. It will lose elasticity, color and begin to creep. Bathing in such water can lead to allergic outbreaks. Hair will become brittle and dull. But this is the case if you constantly use such water. Many consumers washed themselves in ferrous, rusty water. This often happens when hot or cold water is turned off for a certain period. A few hours after switching on, bad water comes out of the tap, and then it goes clean. In this case, it is better to wait until the rusty water is completely drained.

Filters for purification and removal of iron and manganese from water

The most common and oldest filter for water from iron for giving a reagent type is a filter, inside which manganese sand is used, green. Such a filter, although one of the oldest inventions, is still effective. Well removes iron and manganese salts, especially if they are also in combination with silicon salts.

But such sand cakes and gets dirty very quickly. It periodically needs to be stirred up and shaken so that it does not harden and cake. And it is natural to change after a certain period of time. But on the other hand, the quality of removing salts of this type is high.

The reagentless device looks a little different. There is a place for water supply and a place for an outlet, a control unit, a drainage system is installed, and a solenoid valve is also added. Removing iron from water is not easy. Organic matter must be broken, or conditions should be created under which impurities will settle. And after settling, impurities should be filtered.

Chlorination cannot remove iron and manganese from water. Organic compounds are highly resistant. Both humic and fulvic acids are difficult to dissolve completely. Chlorination of water will lead to the formation of toxic compounds.

The most environmentally friendly option to obtain clean water is ozonation. But the effectiveness of this method is proved experimentally. However, ozonation often does not give good results and the water has to be modified.

In addition to the inconvenient ferrous iron, which must be converted to ferric iron to be purified and removed from the water, there is also bacterial iron. It is much more difficult to remove it from the water. Standard disinfection methods are not suitable here. Ultrafiltration will help to remove bacterial glandular deposits, practically at the ion-molecular level. Reverse osmosis devices are often used here. Another option is coagulation.

Two-stage deferrization filters with a high iron content will also help to overcome iron salts in water. Most of all, such powerful installations are used in those areas where the water contains a very high threshold for the content of iron salts and even manganese. It is worth noting that the price of such filters is very high, since it starts from 45,000 and the price reaches 90,000. At the first stage of such systems, everything that gives the water color is removed from the water. That is, any solid, undissolved impurities. This is a mechanical cleaning of water. Here, unnecessary sediment is eliminated using expanded clay backfill or conventional gratings or nets of different throughput. Only after the solid sediment has been eliminated, do they begin to combat the dissolved iron. If this is not done, then any iron remover will instantly clog and break, without having cleared the water from the well or well.

These two-stage most often eliminate iron salts using reagent solutions. Because Obtaining drinking water will most likely also contain a disinfectant and then also a softener, which will allow you to get high-quality soft, drinking water at the exit.

Since the reagents will sooner or later run out, large stocks of them will have to be replenished. So that a person does not constantly inhale harmful vapors and come into contact with solutions that are not covered by anything, the cartridges in such filters were made replaceable. They either need to be sent for recharge, or they must be completely changed to insert a new one, completely filled.

In this case, the risk of overflowing the amount of reagent, or making it more or less saturated, goes away, because all charged cartridges are limited and tested, which excludes the possibility of error and installation of an underfilled or too aggressive filter. Thus, the degree of water purification will always be equal and approximately the same with a small degree of error.

The owner of the dacha and country house himself controls the process of washing out such a cartridge and independently changes it, without outside help, which also helps to save money on reinstallation. Although time and labor costs, such manipulations do not save.

Main (flow) filters

There is a variant of using main or flow filters for water from iron and manganese, for example, Geyser. Their principle of operation is absolutely identical to a conventional softening filter-jug. And the system works just as efficiently and simply, without additional incentives. All that is needed for cleaning is to pass the ferrous water through the ion exchange resin cartridge. It will be much cheaper for the price. Iron salts will quickly give their place to sodium salts. Over time, the resin is washed out, losing its original ability to exchange. You can restore it with a simple saline solution. Only the salt should be close to the "Extra" version, ordinary table salt does not contain sodium in the amount required by the device. To recover, it is enough to rinse the cartridge several times with a similar saline solution.

Thus, it is clearly seen that it will not be possible to ignore the main and flow filter to purify water from iron. There is too much harm in such water to be ignored.

Regular purification of iron from well water is very important. It allows you to rid the liquid of rusty sediment and unpleasant aftertaste.

Drinking water is the basis of the life of any person. At the very least, sanitary services control its quality in central water supply systems. But the owners of summer cottages and houses outside the city, receiving precious liquid from the well, are forced to monitor the purity of the water produced and consumed themselves. It can be contaminated with various impurities that have a negative effect on the body. A common problem with water from a well in a dacha is its saturation with iron.

It is not difficult to determine the excessive presence of this element in the liquid: the need to purify water from iron is signaled by a decrease in its taste and an unpleasant appearance.

In this case, it is advisable to analyze the liquid in the nearest laboratory. If the analysis of the water from the well showed that it contains no more than 0.3 mg / l of iron, your worries were in vain. This liquid can be safely used for drinking.

Iron removal from water

But when the iron in it is more than 0.3 mg / l, you should immediately purify the water. This procedure can be done by hand. We will talk about this later, but first we will determine in what form iron can be present in water. There are only two options: in trivalent insoluble and in bivalent soluble.

To get rid of excess iron present in water in one of these forms, special techniques allow. Here are all of them:

  1. Cleaning with manganese dioxide.
  2. Aeration.
  3. The use of chemical reagents.
  4. Application of an electromagnetic field.
  5. Ozonation.
  6. Biological treatment.
  7. Ion exchange and membrane techniques.

Let us consider each of these methods in more detail, since for each specific case of improving the quality of water, a different method is chosen.

The use of manganese dioxide is recommended in cases where there is a lot of ferrous iron in the liquid. The technique involves the use of a special column. A filter membrane is installed in it, which is made of manganese dioxide. She is in contact with iron. As a result of their reaction, a compound of an insoluble type is obtained, which precipitates. It must be periodically removed from the column with your own hands.

The cost of manganese dioxide filters for systems is quite high. But on the other hand, the filter element retains its effectiveness for a long time. In addition, this technology has another important advantage. It guarantees additional removal of methane, carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide from well water.

Manganese dioxide filters for borehole water supply systems

An alternative to the described technique is aeration. Water purification in this case is based on the principle of its saturation with oxygen, which leads to the transition of iron from the bivalent state to the trivalent state and its precipitation into an easily removable sediment. Aeration has the following advantages:

  • no need to purchase expensive reagents;
  • absolute safety for humans (chemical compounds are not used);
  • low load on the filter elements (as a result, their long service life).

Aeration of water from the well is carried out using a special container equipped with a compressor. It is placed between the filter column and the well. The container can be bought or made by hand. Not the point is important. The main thing is that its volume corresponds to the amount of liquid that you use during the day. In the aeration tank, the water is saturated with oxygen and settled for a certain time. After that, the liquid can be drunk.

Note! Aeration treatment is effective only when the iron content in the water from the well does not exceed 10 mg per liter.

If you saturate the water with ozone, you get a perfectly clear liquid. The technique is carried out by means of a special installation. It contains a generator that produces the required ozone from oxygen, as well as a tube system. Through them, the liquid is fed into the tank, where it is cleaned. After removing the iron, the water is passed through a filter (fine cleaning procedure).

Advantages of ozonation:

  • the absence of any harmful bacteria in drinking water (ozone simply kills them);
  • cleaning is carried out instantly - the water simply passes through the unit and becomes perfectly clean.

Ozonation of drinking water

We must say right away that you cannot assemble an ozonation unit with your own hands. For these purposes, specialists should be involved. Another disadvantage of this technique is the high cost of equipment.

The participation of professionals also requires biological treatment of water. It is performed for liquids in which there is a lot of iron (30–40 mg / l). The technique involves the use of bacteria. They are added to the water to be purified, thereby achieving oxidation of iron. After that, the liquid is filtered and treated with ultraviolet rays.

Biological technology is very effective. But it requires the use of bacteria, additional equipment for filtration and irradiation. And it lasts long enough. Therefore, it is used very rarely to remove iron from liquid.

A simple cleaning method is to use various reagents. Chlorine, permanganate and calcium hypochlorite are usually used as such. Their principle of operation is identical - the reagents oxidize the iron dissolved in the liquid. To carry out such an operation, simple equipment is required, which is often done by hand.

The following methods of purification of life-giving moisture from a well are more complex in independent execution. Membrane technology uses special microfilters. They trap iron hydroxide (its individual colloidal particles). Recently, new generation membranes have gained popularity - nano- and ultrafiltration. With their help, it is possible to purify water by 97–99%, removing any impurities from it.

Membrane technique for moisture purification

The next technique uses magnets. The liquid is passed through an electromagnetic field. In this case, large iron particles are bound together. They do not enter the purified water, as they are retained by filters. The latter are designed for 2-3 years of active work. Then they will be demagnetized. The main advantages of the technique are protection of water pipes from rusting, high-quality disinfection of liquid.

The ion exchange technique uses special filtering devices. They are made from ion-exchange resinous compounds. These filters do not require pre-oxidation of iron. They immediately purify the water from it. In everyday life, this technology is used infrequently due to its complexity and high cost of resinous filters.

Thus, if you want to clean the fluid from the well yourself, spending a minimum of money on the process, experts advise you to turn your attention to the aeration technique. In terms of the ratio of cleaning quality, labor and financial costs, it is optimal.

In order to drink clean water and not spend money on expensive equipment, we advise you to make yourself a simple but highly effective purification system for liquid coming from a well. Be guided by the following diagram:

  1. Install a storage (roomy enough) container in the attic of your suburban home. Find a barrel-shaped tank with a curved bottom. It is not difficult to acquire such a container. For example, an ordinary food grade plastic tank will do.
  2. Bring two branches to the barrel in the attic. One is connected to the pump from the well, the other is diverting.
  3. The first pipe must be stretched along the entire length of the tank, and at the end, install a sprayer on it. You can do without it - just drill a number of holes in the pipe. They are necessary to saturate the liquid coming from the well with air, which contributes to the transition of iron to the trivalent form. There should be enough holes for the water to enter the tank in the thinnest possible streams.
  4. At a height of about 0.2 m from the bottom of the tank, connect the second pipe (it is connected to the back of the tank). At its outlet, it is desirable to mount a filter element for coarse cleaning.
  5. Connect the aquarium compressor to the tank. This device significantly accelerates the aeration process of water treatment by pumping air into the container.
  6. Insert a faucet into the bottom of the tank, through which rust will be removed from the tank (that is, iron in a trivalent oxidized form).

Aeration liquid cleaning system

Basically, your purifier is ready. The essence of its functioning is elementary. By spraying, the liquid flows from the well into a self-prepared reservoir. In it, the water settles for 20-24 hours.

This period of time is quite enough for the complete oxidation of iron and its settling on the bottom of the tank. After that, drain the clean liquid, use it, and through the faucet remove the rust from the homemade aeration unit.

The technique provides you with clean water. At the same time, no serious costs are required for its implementation - no expensive equipment and special reagents are needed. The only disadvantage of this iron removal technology is its duration. If you installed a container for 800-1000 liters, water purification will take, as mentioned, about a day.

Purification of water from iron from a well is required in most water supply systems for private houses. The same problem exists in urban water supply systems. Drinking such water is unpleasant and sometimes dangerous. In addition, the presence of iron adversely affects the condition of household appliances, the cleanliness of the washed linen and dishes.

Harm from excess substance

In small amounts, iron does not cause any visible damage to health, because it is practically not absorbed and excreted by the body in its original form. But if there is too much of it, the natural filters of the human body cannot cope. The unfortunate result is bad skin, a change for the worse in the state of the blood, and allergies.

The safe amount of the substance is in the range of 0.1–0.3 mg / l, but many wells produce fluid with more than tenfold excess of this level.

Of course, health problems are extremely rare. After all, the abundance of iron in water is usually very noticeable both visually and in taste. A rational person will not drink nasty rusty water and cook food on it in non-extreme conditions.

But what about household appliances? An excess of a trace element leads to the formation of plaque as a result of oxidative processes, corrosion and rapid deterioration of household appliances: water heaters, washing machines and dishwashers, steam generators.

In addition, iron leaves an ugly rusty-brown stain on freshly washed linen, dishes, bathroom walls, sinks and toilets. The inner surface of pipes and heated towel rails is also covered with plaque and clogged with flakes, which leads to poor water pressure and possible leaks.

Why you can't drink rusty water, video:

Finding out the shape of the iron

In order to purify water from iron from a well quickly and efficiently, it is important to know not only the concentration of the element, but also its shape. Indeed, in nature, a substance is found in the composition of various chemical compounds.

What forms of the element can be found in water:

  • elementary;
  • bivalent and trivalent;
  • bacterial;
  • colloidal;
  • soluble organic (polyphosphates).

It is possible to guess which form of iron prevails in your water supply system based on certain criteria. So, if clear water comes from the tap, but after settling, a red-brown sediment remains at the bottom of the vessels, this indicates a trivalent modification. It is often sourced from old steel pipes in centralized water mains. This type of connection always gives out rusty spots on the sink, bathroom, toilet bowl.

The bivalent form is indicated by initially brown water - a common problem in artesian wells.

If in doubt, you can check such a liquid by adding a little weak solution of potassium permanganate to it. In the presence of ferrous iron, a weak yellow tint is transformed into a dark brown.

From shallow wells, where water from the surface penetrates, a turbid liquid with an excess of colloidal iron can flow. Iron bacteria betray themselves by the appearance of an iridescent film on the surface of the water and mucous deposits in plumbing fixtures and pipes.

A visual assessment of the condition of the water is usually not enough. To know exactly the type of harmful impurities, it is worth entrusting the research to professionals in the laboratory. You can call specialists to take fluid, or you can do it yourself.

How to properly collect water for chemical analysis:

  1. Wash one and a half liter glass or plastic bottle with hot water. Dishwashing detergents must not be used so that their traces do not affect the test result.
  2. Open the tap for a quarter of an hour - let the water through. Then fill the container at minimum pressure. All this is necessary so that the water contains as little oxygen as possible.
  3. Draw a full bottle, wait for the liquid to overflow.

For the result to be accurate, you need to get to the laboratory in less than three hours. The water bottle should be wrapped in a light-blocking material.

How to analyze and purify water from a well, video:

Professional cleaning methods

Many different systems have been invented to help get rid of iron in water at home. They can be divided into groups:

  • Filters with reagents. Getting rid of harmful impurities is due to a chemical reaction.
  • Systems using oxygen or ozone (aeration and ozonation). Under their influence, iron takes on an insoluble form and precipitates.
  • Reagent-free filters. These can be purely mechanical barriers from suspensions, electromagnetic devices, or even modern nanomembranes, cleaning due to pressure drops.

Exposure to chemicals is required if the iron concentration is greater than 10 mg / L and at very low pH values ​​in the water. In other cases, it is better to choose aeration, ozonation or reagent-free complexes. Their use is simpler and less costly. The reagents in the filters must be constantly replenished and the quality of the outlet water monitored.

Water purification methods in a private house, video:

Oxygen or ozone application

Water purification from iron from a well is often performed by the aeration method, the principle of which is based on the saturation of the liquid with oxygen. Artesian springs contain ferrous iron in dissolved form; oxidation is required to transform it into an insoluble precipitate. The oxide is removed by mechanical filtration.

Aeration can be either pressure or gravity. In the latter case, the water is sent to a special tank, where it is sprayed and sprinkled using nozzles or an injector. The compressor in the device oxygenates the liquid. As a result, the insoluble sediment falls to the bottom, so the containers must be cleaned regularly (every 2–6 months).

The pressure method requires a static mixer or aeration column. They are two-thirds filled with water, and oxygen enters the center of the chamber with liquid, forming bubbles. Oxidation occurs due to these bubbles, as well as the air filling the remaining third of the tank. Thanks to double aeration, the cleaning efficiency is increased.

Pressure aeration allows you to eliminate not only iron compounds, but also harmful volatile impurities, for example, hydrogen sulfide.

With the help of aeration, you can purify water in the highways of a private house. The only disadvantage of the method is the additional consumption of electricity.

Ozonation is carried out according to the same principle as aeration, and gives an even better result. But the equipment for the oxidation of iron with ozone is expensive, and the adjustment of the device is difficult for non-professionals. In private houses, this method is rarely used.

Use of reagents

Chlorination used to be one of the most popular water treatment methods. But now they are trying to use this method only for industrial purposes. When chlorine interacts with water, not only the destruction of harmful substances occurs, but also the formation of free radicals that are harmful to the body. In addition to chlorine, other chemical oxidants are also used in industry.

In a domestic environment, this method is not applicable: large tanks and special skills in working with toxic substances are required.

From reagent methods for home use, filters with a backfill and a backwash system are suitable. Water purification from iron from a well is carried out if aeration is insufficient, or it is technologically impossible. An automatic iron remover is a cylinder filled with a special filtering medium. This filling speeds up the oxidation process at times. Water flows in and out automatically thanks to the built-in timer and flow meter. After the cycle of filtration and regeneration, the machine introduces a portion of the reagent into the filter medium to resume chemical activity.

The reagent method also includes ion filtration. Thanks to filters with catalytic resins, metal ions are replaced with sodium ions. The ionization method allows you to eliminate the excess of not only iron, but also other metals.

To restore chemical activity, citric acid or common salt is added to the filters. But such support is not enough for a long time. After 2-3 years, the filters will have to be changed. And organic iron is able to settle on the resin as an insoluble film and become a breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria.

Ionic water purification method, video:

Reagent-free cleaning systems

Mechanical cartridge filters (propylene or with fine-grained granulite) have become widespread due to their simplicity and the possibility of long-term use without additional consumables. They allow cleaning the liquid from rust flakes, that is, insoluble iron.

Filters are used in buildings with centralized water supply, and in country houses - after the transformation of the soluble form of the element, for example, by means of aeration. Direct purification of water from iron from a well in a similar way is not carried out.

Macrofilters are sufficient for coarse cleaning - they retain particles larger than 15 microns. For a thin one, you need micro cartridges (their cells are 5 microns). They are usually placed after macro filters in order to increase the service life.

Reagent-free methods can also include:

  1. Distillation. Here the system heats up the water and redirects clean steam without harmful particles to the post-treatment systems. Then it is cooled in special condensers. The result is absolutely pure distilled water. It is not suitable for drinking - it lacks not only harmful, but also useful substances. And people do not taste such water - it seems a little musty. A similar fluid is required for research and production processes. In a domestic environment, distillation devices are ineffective and require large amounts of electricity.
  2. Electromagnetic cleansing. It consists in the action of ultrasound on the water and running through an electromagnetic apparatus. Particles containing iron are drawn into the magnetic field and deposited in a mechanical filter. The electromagnetic method is cost-effective - it saves pipes from corrosion and does not require additional consumables. However, filters need to be changed when they are demagnetized.
  3. Membrane technologies. Filters with membranes are used to combat not only iron-containing impurities, but also bacteria, viruses, and harmful salts. Nanomembranes are good for combating bacterial and colloidal forms of pollution, microfiltration - they trap rust particles, and reverse osmosis are capable of eliminating all soluble iron modifications. However, the cost of such devices is high, and they quickly clog and deteriorate. Their use is justified only in cases where extremely high quality cleaning is required.

Sometimes ultraviolet radiation is used to remove iron-containing impurities. But this method is not very effective, and it is used only as an additional one.

Which option should you choose?

Each of the cleansing techniques has its own pros and cons. What system should you prefer, so that there is enough water for all household needs? In order not to be mistaken, the following factors should be taken into account:

  • Water flow rate. Each system has its own period of fluid purification.
  • Performance. It is calculated depending on the volume of the maximum intake at a time. If oversized filters are used, this figure is higher. But such designs require serious maintenance costs.
  • Filtering medium. It is important not only the speed and flow of water, but also the absence of harmful effects, safety for health.
  • Purpose of application. For domestic and technical needs, it is not necessary to install fine filters. And for drinking water such systems are necessary.

When choosing a purification system, it should be borne in mind that the composition of the water in the well can periodically change. It depends on the season, composition and amount of precipitation, soil characteristics.

To purify water from iron from a well as efficiently as possible, it is recommended to combine several methods.

Homemade ways to get rid of the impurity

To completely eliminate harmful impurities, treatment systems will be required. But sometimes it is not possible to establish them immediately after determining the composition of the liquid. In this case, home techniques will help:

  • Freezing. Fill a bottle with water and put it in the freezer. When half of the liquid turns into ice, drain the remainder. Melt the frozen part and use it for drinking or cooking.
  • Boiling. If you boil water over low heat for a quarter of an hour or more, ferrous impurities will settle to the bottom of the pan or tank.
  • The use of shungite or silicon. Place the minerals on the bottom of the water container. After a few hours, drain off two-thirds of the water. Harmful impurities will remain in the residue.

The easiest way to get rid of the iron is by settling. You can simply settle the water in a pot or tank, or connect an additional tank to the water supply system. Under the influence of oxygen, the iron is transformed into an insoluble form and settles to the bottom.

The advantages of this method include a constant supply of water in the house, and the disadvantages - the need for regular cleaning of the tank.

Do-it-yourself filter (step by step instructions)

It is possible to create a system due to which water is purified from iron from a well without buying expensive equipment. It works on the principle of converting ferrous iron to ferric iron under the influence of oxygen. The insoluble sediment will fall to the bottom, and clean water can be drunk and used for household needs.

The filter will require:

  • ten-liter plastic tank;
  • rubber hoses;
  • tap;
  • spray nozzle.

If you connect an aquarium compressor to the system, the process of transformation of the mineral matter will go faster. Then the device will operate using the aeration method.

The installation of a sewage treatment plant takes place in several stages:

  1. We prepare a place for the tank (for example, in the attic).
  2. We build a base from wood or brick. We fix the plastic barrel well on it to give the structure stability.
  3. In the container on one side (closer to the upper part) we make a hole for a hose, with the help of which water will flow from the well. Inside the container, it should be covered with a small hole nozzle. The inlet pipe with a spray or a conventional watering can accelerate the process by increasing the contact area.
  4. On the other hand, at a height of 40 cm from the bottom, another hole is needed. We connect a hose to it, through which purified water will flow to household appliances. It needs to be equipped with a deep cleaning filter that retains suspensions that have not had time to precipitate.
  5. In the lower part, we mount a tap for draining the remainder.
  6. Attach the aquarium compressor to the outer wall of the tank.

The principle of operation of the treatment plant is simple. At night, the container is filled with water and the compressor is connected. It saturates the water with oxygen, which converts ferrous iron to ferric. "Weighted" particles settle at the bottom of the tank.

This allows you to reduce the concentration of harmful impurities by at least five times.

In the morning, you can take clean water from the container. When it is almost over, you need to open the tap at the bottom of the tank and drain the brown sediment. If there is no compressor, the cleaning process will take longer.

Make sure that the tank does not overflow. For safety, it is worth equipping it with a float system for connecting and disconnecting a borehole pump.

How to create an iron remover with your own hands, video:

It is better to solve the problems caused by water saturated with iron at the stage of installing water supply lines. But thanks to modern technologies, purification of water from iron from a well is possible even with an already operating system of communications. The main thing is to install the correct treatment system. If you are in doubt about your choice, you should contact a specialist.

Humanity faces many serious challenges. One of them is to find an effective one coming from natural sources. The latter should be understood, etc. Today, there are many methods of how to remove harmful impurities or reduce their amount to a minimum. Let's see what kind of water purification from iron from a well is best for us. Let's take a look at each method and talk about its advantages and disadvantages.

General information

Most often, this problem is faced by people living in country houses, or summer residents. This is due largely to the lack of high-quality drinking water in the pipeline. If there is a large vegetable garden, then it can only be watered from a well, because most of us do not have water around the clock and not with such pressure as we would like. If you are a businessman and extract water from artesian sources, and then sell it, you should know that it is strictly forbidden to sell the product without purification. This applies not only to the removal of impurities, but also to other treatments, such as reducing the hardness. We often deal with water, which contains from 2 to 10 ml / l of iron, from 0.1 to 2 mg / l of manganese. We can safely say that it is undesirable to drink such a product. It is for this reason that the purification of water from iron from a well is an extremely important point. Let's take a closer look at this issue.

Advanced cleaning methods

Regardless of the purpose of your well, the water must be submitted for analysis. The only exceptions are when you are using the source for non-drinking purposes. For example, for watering the garden or for lawn maintenance. In the best case, it is necessary to resolve this issue even at a time. But, as practice shows, only 25% do this. In any case, it is necessary to hand over the water for chemical and bacteriological analysis at the SES. Only after that you need to make a decision about which cleaning system will be installed. It is advisable to talk to your neighbors and find out what kind of water they have. Today there are several effective ways to clean artesian and other natural sources:

  • mechanical;
  • ozonation;
  • chlorination;
  • aeration;
  • reverse osmosis.

If the results of the analysis from the SES are positive, then the water may not be purified at all. But this only applies to those sources that are not used for drinking purposes. These include wells for fire tanks, irrigation of land plots, etc. Let's take a closer look at which water purification from iron from a well is more rational. There are many important points here.

from iron by aeration

This method is good because, in addition to iron, it also removes such harmful impurities as manganese and hydrogen sulfide, as well as some other organic compounds. The principle of this method is quite simple, it consists in the oxidation of impurities with oxygen. The method is good because it affects a large number of harmful inclusions, but some are not effective enough. As a result of water aeration, insoluble compounds appear, which are removed by filtration or sludge. With a high pump capacity, coagulants are added, which accelerate the combination of particles, therefore, they can be removed faster. It is safe to single out several indisputable advantages of aerating water from a well. Firstly, these are low costs, but this only applies to non-pressurized systems, which consist of a tank, pump and compressor. After aeration, the water is protected from microorganisms, since oxygen is an effective oxidizing agent. There is no need to once again talk about the environmental friendliness of the method - no chemistry. Plus, the oxygenated water is delicious.

Mechanical restoration

This cleaning method is intended solely to remove mechanical impurities and refined products. is present in all natural sources as the first step. This is a filter that will remove any impurities and inclusions visible to the human eye. As noted above, after aeration of the water, compounds are formed that must be removed. So, most often they are "caught" by mechanical processing. Two-stage systems are often installed. At the first stage, a filtering device is mounted. Activated carbon, sulfocarbon, etc. can be used as a filler. At the second stage, a film filter is installed, which purifies water more efficiently. It can be said with confidence that mechanical systems, as it were, prepare a liquid for finer purification, for example, aeration, reverse osmosis, etc. The advantages of this method are that after a certain period of operation, the filter can be simply washed or treated with chlorination.

About reverse osmosis

This treatment method allows you to remove almost all impurities from water, with the exception of inclusions the size of a water molecule. For the most part, this should include gases such as hydrogen sulfide, as well as fluorine and chlorine. It is worth drawing your attention to the fact that the purification of water from ferrous iron is best carried out by osmosis. But the use of such a system implies the observance of some simple rules. First, the pressure in front of the filter is at least 3 atmospheres. Otherwise, osmosis will not work. In general, the higher the pressure, the better the overall system performance. But there are also problems here. The membrane is extremely sensitive to inclusions such as hydrogen sulfide, fluorine and chlorine. The high content of these elements in the water leads to the accelerated destruction of osmosis. To prevent this from happening, 2-3-stage carbon filters are installed.

The advantages and disadvantages of reverse osmosis

It would not be superfluous to say that such a system has many advantages. Among them, a high degree of purification and removal of inclusions such as sodium and potassium salts. Only osmosis can remove these elements. However, such a system is not without its drawbacks. The main one is a high degree of purification. "Why is this bad?" - you ask. In fact, this is the same thing as drinking discilit. It is for this reason that reverse osmosis purified liquid is not recommended for drinking water. Besides the fact that the membrane is sensitive to some inclusions, the equipment itself is quite expensive and complex. This is due to the fact that mineralizers are often added. From the foregoing, we can conclude that reverse osmosis is advisable only when it is impossible to use other cleaning methods.

A little about chlorination

We all know that chlorine is used as the main disinfectant in central water supply systems. It provides epidemic safety, as it destroys all viruses and pathogenic microorganisms. But it is safe to say that direct chlorination of water, especially from natural sources, is used less and less. This is due to certain harm. Since chlorine enters into a chemical reaction upon contact with water, free radicals are formed - unstable molecules that do not have the best effect on the cells of the body. In principle, chlorination can be used, but it is better to do this along with ozonation or reverse osmosis. The method is relevant only when water is purified from iron from a well for industrial purposes.

All about ozonation

Ozone is a powerful oxidizing agent that converts most harmful impurities into insoluble impurities. Ozonation is possible only when using special generators that produce this element. This method is excellent for removing heavy salts as well as ammonia and hydrogen sulfide. Effective from dissolved iron by 95-99% is possible only by ozonation, the same applies to manganese inclusions. The principle of operation of the system is exactly the same as for aeration, only the oxidizer is more powerful. Formed insoluble compounds are removed by coal or Water purification from natural sources, wells in particular, guarantees complete disinfection of water. The method is also good in that ozone decomposes into oxygen rather quickly and somewhat improves the quality of the product. The method is becoming more and more relevant, especially after the cost of ozone generators has dropped.

Reagent and non-reagent water purification from iron

Reagent systems require one or another reagent, which is needed to restore the properties of the filter or the normal operation of the system as a whole. It is easy to conclude that reagent-free systems require nothing more than routine periodic flushing. This method of deferrization is good because there are no consumables. A system of this kind only needs a filter change every few years. A good method for purifying water from natural sources. Well removes suspended and dissolved iron, as well as manganese and hydrogen sulfide. Unfortunately, the method is often inapplicable, especially in cases where the iron content exceeds 10 mg / l. Low pH values ​​of water also hinder the use of this treatment method. In this case, it is better to use a reagent (oxidizing agent).

Electrochemical cleaning

This method appeared not so long ago, so it has not yet received widespread adoption. The principle of electrochemical cleaning is that a direct electric current is passed through the polluted water. As soon as it comes into contact with a liquid, chemical reactions will take place in the latter, as a result insoluble substances are formed, which must be removed by mechanical cleaning. The method is relevant only for industrial sources. If the purification of water from iron with ozone is used not only for industrial facilities, then the electrochemical method was created only for this. This is due to the fact that during the ongoing reactions it is difficult to control the organic composition of the liquid. Electrochemical cleaning requires sophisticated equipment and places a high load on the grid.

Ultraviolet water treatment

This method is not very popular due to the complexity of the system as a whole and insufficient efficiency. If purification of drinking water from iron by aeration or ozone is considered the main method, then ultraviolet irradiation, like chlorination, is preferable to use as an additional filter. If the liquid has optimal performance, then this is a completely different matter. Studies have shown that with good water quality, it is permissible to use ultraviolet light as the main treatment system. This solution is being implemented along with the installation of mechanical filters. For example, water purification from KIA iron is considered to be a rather effective but expensive method.

A few important details

Here we are with you and talked about what is the purification of water from iron impurities and what it is for. As you can see, it is simply impossible to do without it, especially if drinking water is obtained from the source. Regardless of the application, mechanical filters must be installed that remove insoluble compounds. But this is only the first step. By the way, water purification from KIA iron implies a rather interesting system. Its essence lies in the fact that there is a mechanical filter in front of the pump, then a fine filter, and at the outlet there is another mechanical filter. Now you will understand what this is for. The fact is that water from the source always has some kind of insoluble compounds, and they must be removed before aeration or ozonation. After cleaning, such inclusions reappear, and they must again be sifted out.


As you can see, everything is not so complicated here. The first thing you need to do is to hand over the water for analysis at the SES. Based on the results obtained, establish a specific cleaning system. If the quality is generally good, then gravity aeration or ultraviolet light can be used. If the water is not the best, then use reverse osmosis or ozonation. In any case, there are quite a few solutions, the main thing is to choose the right option. By the way, do not think that industrial water purification from iron is something superfluous, in fact, this is not at all the case. Untreated liquid is sometimes not suitable for any use.

Each of us has come across a situation when you draw water from the tap, and the water flows brown, with an unpleasant glandular taste. This phenomenon is observed both with water supply from the city water supply system and water intake from artesian wells. The high iron content is caused not only by the poor quality of water pipes, but also by its excess in the earth's crust. The healthcare organization of the Russian Federation has set an upper limit for such an indicator as "total iron", the content of which should not exceed 0.3 mg / l. At a concentration of more than 1 mg / l, a dark yellow shade of water is clearly visible, turbidity appears.

How iron affects human life

In the upper layer of the lithosphere, iron is in a dissolved state (Fe 2+). For its oxidation, the presence of free oxygen is required. Oxidized iron precipitates as a sludge and forms rust on pipelines and plumbing. Rust can cause significant damage not only to household electrical appliances, but also to expensive industrial equipment, lead to corrosion and holes in pipes and machine parts. A person no less than technology suffers from an increased content of iron ions in drinking water. Iron build-up occurs gradually. A single sip of dirty water will not harm the body, but the constant supply of iron ions with water leads to serious disturbances in the body. People develop diseases such as chronic allergies, dermatitis, renal failure, impaired functioning of the nervous system, liver and gastrointestinal tract.

Iron in water and its forms

In the process of development of chemical science, several forms have been identified in which iron is found in nature.

  1. Dissolved ferrous iron (Fe 2+). Main features: clear water, no color or odor. It is observed mainly in groundwater where oxygen is absent.
  2. When water comes to the surface and interacts with oxygen, ferrous iron is oxidized and transforms into a trivalent form (Fe 3+). The signs include the appearance of a characteristic odor, ferrous taste and brown color, settles in the form of rust.
  3. Oxidized iron in colloidal form. The ions have a microscopic size of less than 1 micron and form a suspension. Signs: Turbidity of the water even after long standing. Deironing stations for home do not see these contaminants and are ineffective in water purification from such iron.
  4. Iron in conjunction with glandular bacteria. As characteristic signs, the formation of brown mucus (traces of the vital activity of bacteria) is observed. They intensify corrosion processes and lead to rapid wear of pipelines.

How to determine if you need an iron removal system in your home

In just a few signs, you can determine the 100% presence of iron in water, from your or.
You have drawn water from a water supply source. It is clean and transparent, but after a while the water became cloudy and a precipitate appeared. This suggests that the iron dissolved in water oxidized and fell to the bottom of a can, bottle, jug or bucket.

  • Plumbing has yellow streaks, traces of rust on the washed clothes.
  • The appearance on the surface of the water of a thin oily film, a characteristic smell and taste of metal.

It is easy to remove iron from water

Iron removal from water can be carried out both at home and with the help of professional iron removal stations for the home. Self-cleaning includes methods such as settling water, boiling for a long time, freezing, etc. However, iron in water can be contained in several forms at once and it is not always easy to determine its presence. It is impossible to live with such water, it is dangerous to health, negatively affects plumbing, washing machines and dishwashers, leads to corrosion of pipelines. The right decision would be to contact a company that specializes in professional water purification from iron for the home.

Experts will study the chemical analysis of your source water, pay attention to all indirect indicators and select the most beneficial from iron from a well in a country house to drinking.

Equipment for water purification from iron in country houses

For a long time, through trial and error, we have investigated the field of water purification systems from iron from wells and wells and have chosen for ourselves and you the most effective equipment for deironing water for a house and a cottage.

Aeration plant ... The principle of operation of the aeration unit is based on the saturation of water with free oxygen, during which a chemical reaction occurs to convert iron into an insoluble form. Air enters the column or pipe using a compressor, iron is oxidized and precipitated. There are two modifications of the aeration system: pressurized and non-pressurized. The aerator is used only in combination with iron removal systems for the home. You can have a detailed description, cost and characteristics of aeration columns!

Iron removal systems in the house ... They are installed directly after the aeration unit. Oxidized iron is deposited on the particles of the filter media and, during regeneration, is removed to the drainage system. Iron removal stations for the home will not be effective without aeration unit. For a long service life of the water purification system from iron in a private house, timely flushing of the water deferrization system in the country is necessary. controlled by a special control unit. In our store there is a wide selection of constituent elements that are used in these systems for purifying water from iron for the home. You can assemble and buy a system for purifying water from iron in a country house for the required performance with a pressure body, medium and a control valve from various manufacturers.

Iron water purification systems for private houses with reagents ... This method is most often used in industry, but there are cases when such water deironing stations are installed in private houses. Then sodium hypochlorite is used as a reagent, which accelerates the chemical processes for the precipitation of iron. The disadvantages of this method are the exact dosage of the reagent, which depends on the concentration of iron in the water, as well as the constant replenishment of the reagent, which leads to additional costs and the need to constantly monitor the operation of the water deferrization system.

Ozone cleaning ... This process of water purification from iron is based on the operation of a special installation, inside of which oxygen is cooled. Next, the resulting solution is driven through a water stream, during which the water is purified from iron and saturated with oxygen. The main disadvantage of such an iron removal system for a cottage is its high cost and short service life.

Ion exchange systems for iron removal of water in cottages ... This method is based on the work of selective resins, which remove ions of dissolved iron, potassium, magnesium from water. A plus is the ability to use a single unit for water purification from iron for a summer residence without additional components. The main problem is the partial oxidation of iron and its deposition on the surface of the resin particles. As a result, a film forms, which reduces the efficiency of the resin and promotes the formation of microorganisms and bacteria.

Order water purification from iron to the house

Turning to our company for deironing water, tomorrow you can enjoy tasty and clean water in your home! Our specialists in a short time will select a station for purifying water from iron in a country house to drinking, and the installation team will install it in your house.