When to harvest winter garlic. When to remove garlic from the garden and how to properly store it in winter

The harvesting of garlic must be carried out competently and in a timely manner. After all, this process is decisive for the further storage of the bulbs, as well as the complete and correct completion of the process of their growth.

The best time to harvest garlic is during warm days without rain. However, cleaning must be done correctly. The possibility of long-term storage directly depends on this. In order to determine when to harvest garlic, it is imperative to know the time of planting and some signs of ripening.

How to determine if it is possible to harvest

Signs for removing spring garlic are such characteristic external manifestations as:

  • the initial stage of leaf adherence to the ground;
  • the color of the leaves is yellow.

This happens mainly in the second half of August, closer to the beginning of autumn.

Winter garlic begins to be harvested in mid to late July. Most often, the 12th is on the feast of Peter and Paul. It is at this time that the bulbs reach the required mass.

The characteristic signs of the ripening of winter garlic are:

  • the acquisition of a yellowish tint by the lower leaves;
  • cracking arrows (inflorescences);
  • thinning of the skin of the heads to a dry state.

The following signs indicate the timeliness of harvesting spring and winter garlic:

  • dense head;
  • the teeth are easily separated from each other;
  • the film can be easily removed.

If the garlic is unripe, it will be too soft. Overripe - completely unsuitable for long-term storage. It should be borne in mind that if the summer turned out to be rainy, then the harvest time will be earlier.

Perfectly ripe summer and winter garlic has 3 scales. There are two ways to check this.

  1. Dig out a few heads and evaluate them.
  2. Shake off the ground from 2-3 bulbs and look at the condition of the scales.

How to clean properly

One to two weeks before harvesting, it is recommended to shake off the soil from the bulbs. This trick contributes to a faster and better ripening of the bulbs. Before harvesting the garlic, you must completely stop watering it and let the earth dry well.

Harvesting should not be extended over time. Cleaning should be done as soon as possible. This should be done in dry weather in the morning or evening.

In order to achieve one hundred percent collection of garlic and minimize damage to the bulbs, you need to know the technique of this process. It is quite simple, but it is more convenient if two people are involved in the procedure.

  1. Arrows are cut off.
  2. A row of garlic is dug in with a garden fork or shovel, directed vertically into the ground, a few centimeters from the bulb.
  3. If the tops are strong, you can gently pull on them. If not, then you need to disassemble the earth with your hands (it is recommended to wear gloves for this).
  4. Bulbs should not be thrown in a heap as they can be damaged by impact. They are folded neatly into one place.
  5. After part or all of the harvest is harvested, the garlic is carefully picked. Remove the remaining soil from the heads, remove the upper layers from the scales, clean the bottom and roots, lay the damaged bulbs.

However, the cleaning process does not end there yet. The garlic must be properly dried. This is done so that it is as suitable for storage as possible.

How to dry garlic

If the weather permits - sunny and hot days, then you can do it outside. If it rains or the humidity is high, then the crop is put under sheds or in rooms with good ventilation. Some experts recommend drying garlic outdoors during the day and moving it indoors in the evening.

If the harvesting was carried out in rainy weather, then it is necessary to dry the bulbs in special actively ventilated devices. This process takes about 10 days. The temperature in these dryers should be raised gradually. Starting from 25 degrees and up to 40.

It is imperative to dry the garlic together with the tops, which cover the heads to avoid sunburn. This further increases the bulb weight and nutritional quality of the garlic. Indeed, during drying, part of the nutrients from the leaves passes into the heads. This process takes about two weeks.

After the heads have reached a state suitable for sending the crop for storage, you need to cut off the roots and tops of it. The stem is left at least 2 centimeters, but not more than 10 (although sometimes the tops are not cut off at all, and the garlic is then woven into braids).

After that, the bulbs must be sorted out again:

  • send beautiful and whole heads for long-term storage;
  • set aside damaged, rotten bulbs for use soon.

What threatens untimely cleaning

If the garlic (both summer and winter) is not dug up in time, then the results of the delay will be quite deplorable for its appearance, taste and the possibility of long-term storage.

  1. The scales covering the bulbs will crack.
  2. The head will disintegrate into separate teeth.
  3. Parts of the bulb will take root and regrow.

Delay can threaten even the complete unsuitability of the crop for use. Therefore, experts advise gardeners to treat the process of collecting garlic no less responsibly than planting, watering or caring for it during growth.

Compliance with the harvesting deadlines for winter and spring varieties, as well as their correct processing and drying, guarantees the possibility of long-term lying in winter, one hundred percent preservation of the taste and nutritional qualities of a healthy product, which has become an indispensable ingredient for many dishes and medicines.

Planting correctly is half the battle, you still need to know when to harvest winter garlic in 2019 so that it is on time. Owners of their own gardens plant garlic before winter without fail, almost without exception. This is due to the simplicity of winter sowing, the quantity and quality of the hardened seed yield.

When to dig out winter garlic

This issue requires detailed study. After all, the answer to it depends on the variety of seeds planted, on the variety of garlic (shooting or non-shooting), on the climatic conditions in which it grew. Yes, and if, in the course of cultivation, the crop was struck by garlic rust, read how to deal with it in the article

But if you adhere to them thoughtlessly, you can get a low-quality crop: unripe dairy or overripe bulbs falling into cloves right in the ground.

In an endless series of garden troubles: hilling potatoes, watering tomatoes, breaking through carrots, do not forget about winter garlic. Has the tops started to fade? Tie it in a knot, it will stop developing and give nutrients to the fruit. Around the beginning of July, shake off the ground from the garlic heads, exposing them by a third. Thanks to warming up in the hot July sun, they will increase in size and keep them fresh.

It's great if you left control arrows on several plants. They will be the first to signal readiness for cleaning. If the inflorescence wrapper begins to crack, and the lower leaves turn yellow, it's time to harvest. In the case of choosing non-streaked varieties for winter sowing, the garlic on the garden bed is considered ripe when the neck of the stem has softened and the leaves have turned yellow.

A great way to determine when to harvest winter garlic is to visually check the condition of the bulbs. To be on the safe side, dig up 1 or 2 heads once a week from mid-July. This method will not only help you determine exactly when it is time to remove garlic from the garden, but also diversify the menu with young garlic cloves. In mature heads, the outer shell becomes thinner, the teeth are easily separated from each other, and their shell becomes leathery and thin.

Some summer residents prefer to dig winter garlic, adhering to the biological rhythms of nature, according to the lunar calendar. This method allows you to choose the most favorable date for the safety of the harvested crop. In accordance with the phases of the moon, do not forget about the recommendations of experienced gardeners. Delay in collection time can lead to spoilage of some of the fruits.

How to remove garlic from the garden

If you water tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants throughout the summer, then you can relax with garlic and stop watering at the beginning of July, three weeks before harvesting. This technique will improve the quality of the bulbs, prepare them for long-term storage. Winter garlic is removed from the beds in dry cloudy weather in the evening or in the morning. It is advisable to complete the work within a week to avoid crop loss. Dig in the bulbs with a shovel or a special garden fork, remove them from the ground carefully, trying not to damage the roots. Do not overdo it when you shake the ground from the heads and roots. If the bulbs are injured, they will lose their keeping quality.

Some vegetable growers advise that the heads removed from the ground should be thoroughly washed, removed the unusable husk, and rinsed with clean water. After this procedure, you need to dry the fruits well in order to prevent them from rotting. Never prune the leaves and roots immediately after removing the garlic from the soil. During the drying process, the nutrients they contain are accumulated in the heads.

If possible, leave the garlic for the initial drying right in the beds. Be sure to shade it lightly so that sunburn does not reduce the quality of the fruit. Drying in moderate sun helps to destroy mold fungi, ticks, pathogenic bacteria, and increases resistance to diseases. Do not forget to monitor the weather and harvest under a canopy in the rain. Don't want to leave a valuable product out in the open? Then tie the plants into bundles of 8-10 units each and hang them to dry, heads down, in a dry, ventilated area.

If the cleaning was forced to take place in rainy weather, the only way to save what was collected is to dry the heads in special dryers with forced ventilation. After 2 weeks of any type of drying, the garlic is prepared for winter storage.

How to prepare for storage

Before final laying for the winter, the first thing to do is cut off the roots, leaving a maximum of 2 - 3 mm. You can cut them off completely, but be careful not to damage the bottom, such heads will quickly rot. To keep winter garlic without loss at room temperature, lightly scorch the remnants of the roots on the bottom with a candle or lighter fire.

Now it remains to choose a method of storing the harvested and dried crop. Looking to decorate your kitchen with garlic head braids? Remove the leaves and shorten the false stem to 10 - 12 cm. Braid a pigtail: attach each bulb to the previous one sequentially by twisting the dry stem in a loop. The optimal number of bulbs for one braid is 15 bulbs. A beautiful and useful decoration is ready for storage.

Garlic is an indispensable product for preparing various dishes and homemade seals, as well as for the treatment and prevention of viral diseases. Garlic stimulates appetite, normalizes blood pressure and is useful for colds and flu. Therefore, each summer resident seeks to grow it on their own on their own. In this article, we will look at when to dig up garlic planted in the winter in different regions of the country.

Winter garlic harvest time

There is no exact date when to dig out winter garlic. It all depends on the region, the average air temperature during the period of its active growth and the amount of moisture. Therefore, the degree of its maturity must be determined by the state of the heads.

The main benefit of winter garlic is its larger heads. This not only allows you to get a good harvest, but also simplifies the process of its preparation. After all, a certain dish will require fewer cloves, so the time for cleaning and grinding it will be reduced.

Early varieties of winter garlic ripen already three months after the first shoots appear. Late varieties can take up to 110 days. In the Krasnodar Territory, Rostov Region and other warm regions, ripening occurs faster. In Siberia, it is recommended to use only early varieties in order to have time to harvest before the onset of cold weather.

If the variety is unknown, the harvest time must be determined by the condition of the garlic. The main symptom is the appearance of yellow leaves, as well as cracking of the inflorescence film. After the appearance of these signs, you should have time to harvest the crop within a week.

Experienced gardeners prefer to plant different sized garlic in different beds. This will facilitate the process of calculating the optimal time for cleaning it. For example, garlic from small cloves ripens 5-10 days earlier than from large heads.

If you remove the green heads, then over time they will ripen. However, its yield may decrease slightly. Overripe heads can also be troublesome. First of all, the heads can break and the teeth can crumble. Cleaning is best done in the morning or in the evening so that the heads do not wilted under the scorching sun.

The main signs of ripening garlic

The most effective way to determine if the garlic is ripe and it is time to dig it up is to observe the condition of the heads and leaves. The main features include:

  • New leaves cease to form.
  • The leaves begin to turn yellow. Don't wait for them to turn completely yellow. At this stage, the garlic shirt will begin to rot. Therefore, it is recommended to dig up the heads when the leaves are still partially green.
  • In garlic with arrows, the covers with bulbs begin to crack. And without them, garlic leaves lodging. In garlic with arrows, lodging of leaves is not worth waiting for. They can stand in this form until the onset of cold weather.
  • One of the characteristic signs for almost any variety is a change in the color of the shirt. Garlic should be harvested at the moment when purple stripes appear. This method is problematic to use with white garlic.

In the Moscow region, garlic harvesting should be carried out in mid-July. However, you should be guided by the main features of its ripening and variety.

Winter garlic harvesting rules

It is necessary to dig out winter garlic immediately after the appearance of the characteristic signs of ripening. It is impossible to hesitate in this matter, because in a short time the heads will divide into teeth. And this will not only lead to problems with digging, but will also affect its presentation and shelf life.

However, it is necessary to observe not only the timing of harvesting, but also the technology of this process. This will save the heads until the next harvest. Basic rules for harvesting winter garlic:

Storing garlic

After harvesting, it is extremely important to create optimal conditions for the fruits to be stored until spring without losing their taste and appearance. Basic rules for storing winter garlic:

  1. Garlic must be stored at freezing temperatures. It can be stored in the refrigerator at 2-3 degrees or at room temperature. The main thing is that the temperature is not below zero.
  2. For long-term storage, it is imperative that the bulbs are well ventilated. This is especially important if the garlic is stored in a cellar.
  3. It is also important to take care of the humidity in the room where the garlic will be stored. The room must be dry. Otherwise, there is a high likelihood of rotten bulbs and fungus. At high humidity, the heads lose their juiciness and aroma. The optimum room humidity should not exceed 80%.

There are several main ways to store winter garlic. These include.

Garlic popular for planting among summer residents can be spring and winter, depending on the timing of planting. Spring garlic is planted in the spring and harvested in late autumn. Planting winter garlic is carried out before winter and already in the summer they get a rich harvest. It is impossible to overexpose it in the ground, otherwise the heads begin to deteriorate and cannot be stored for a long time. That is why it is so important to remove the culture at the right time.

How to tell if it's time to harvest winter garlic

The timing of harvesting winter garlic can be correlated with the time of germination. When shoots hatch in the spring in the garden, mark this date on the calendar. After 100 days, the heads can be dug up for further storage.

In the specialized literature, there is information that winter garlic is harvested from July 25 to August 5. However, these are averaged data, you should not rely on them. The timing depends on the region of cultivation, weather, characteristics of the variety.

There are also several ways to help determine the maturity of a vegetable.

  • You can dig out a couple of heads and try to separate the teeth from each other. If they come apart easily, the garlic is ripe.
  • Some growers look at the condition of the arrows, deliberately leaving them on several plants. When the arrow becomes soft and dryish, seeds are visible in the cracked inflorescences, and the leaves turn yellow and droop - it's time to harvest.

Garlic bulbs overripe quite quickly. If the garlic is not dug up on time, then:

  • after 3-5 days, the surface scales are loosened, the teeth are separated from each other, the integrity of the head is violated;
  • overripe bulbs begin to grow roots again; during harvesting, such garlic cannot be removed without damaging the growing roots;
  • as a result, the head becomes vulnerable to the penetration of various infections, the keeping quality of the vegetable decreases;
  • a significant delay in the timing of harvesting threatens a complete loss of the crop or a significant decrease in its quality and deterioration in taste.

That is why it is important to complete the harvesting work on time. Losing the fruits of your labor is always a shame and you must try to avoid it.

When to dig out garlic planted in the winter

Consider all the factors that affect the timing of harvesting garlic. If we take them together, it will be impossible to make a mistake.

In the regions

Taking into account the climatic features of the region, one should not forget about the influence of weather conditions in the current season. If spring came late, and summer is dry and hot, you can extend the stay of the heads in the ground for another 7-10 days. In rainy weather, it's best to hurry up and remove the garlic a week earlier.

On average, the digging of garlic in the regions is carried out in the following time periods:

  1. In outskirts of Moscow winter garlic is dug up from mid to late July.
  2. In the south of Russia Despite the early arrival of spring, winter garlic does not fully ripen until July 5th.
  3. In Siberia and the Urals winter garlic is harvested at the end of July, and if the summer is cool, then at the beginning of August.

Due to climatic differences in the regions, the timing of garlic harvesting differs by 2-3 weeks and also depends on the grade of the vegetable. The difference in the timing of collecting early and late maturing varieties is 10-14 days.

According to the recommendations of the lunar calendar, harvesting vegetables that yield crops in the underground part, which include garlic, should be carried out on the waning moon.The following dates will be favorable from the point of view of the lunar phase for harvesting garlic in 2019:

On days when the moon is waning, the juices of any plant are directed to its lower part, so the heads of garlic collected at this time will be juicy and rich in taste. Such a crop will lie for a long time, retaining all its useful properties and not spoiling.

People were engaged in gardening back in the days when there were no accurate measuring instruments for monitoring the weather and printed publications where you can read recommendations for gardeners. However, this did not prevent them from growing and storing vegetables in such a volume that they would be enough until the next harvest. What knowledge allowed them to determine the time of planting and harvesting crops?

Ancient villagers closely observed natural phenomena and associated them with the life cycle of cultivated plants. Our ancestors, who lived on the territory of the central regions of Russia, adhered to the omen that garlic must be removed before July 12, otherwise it will not be stored for a long time.

Since garlic is dug up exclusively in dry weather, it is also possible to determine the imminent arrival of rain by folk signs. For instance:

  1. Before rainy weather, the smell of golden currant, yellow acacia, sweet clover, and levkoy intensifies.
  2. If the thistle has pressed its thorns, expect bad weather.
  3. On the eve of rain, frogs croak louder than usual.
  4. If there are a lot of mosquitoes in the evening, it will rain tomorrow.
  5. Ants sit in an anthill in bad weather.
  6. If many moths flutter over the flowers in the evening, it will rain the next day.

Observant ancestors passed on folk beliefs and omens by word of mouth to the next generations. Now this invaluable experience is available to us.

They start harvesting garlic on a clear sunny day. You can use a shovel and villas for digging. Experienced summer residents prefer to use a pitchfork, since in this case there is less risk of damage to the bulbs.

The heads are pushed up from below and brought to the surface. You need to shake off the ground carefully, with your hands, without banging your heads against each other. If the garlic is damaged during harvesting, it will not last long. These bulbs will have to be used for harvesting or eaten as soon as possible. If warm days are coming, the vegetable is laid out to dry right on the ridge.

Preparing garlic for storage

Before putting garlic for long-term storage, it must be prepared. The heads are dried and sorted and then put away in storage.


If the weather is dry, warm and no rain is predicted, the garlic can be left to dry in the garden bed. In wet weather, it is brought into a shed or under a shed. To make the heads dry better, they can be taken out into the sun during the day and returned back in the evening. The drying process takes about a week.

If you don't find the process tedious, you can hang the garlic, heads down, by tying the leaves to a string. With this method of drying, the nutrients from the drying tops will be transferred to the bulbs, and the taste of the garlic will become especially bright and rich.

After drying is complete, the roots are cut off the bulbs (leaving approximately 3 mm) and stems (a 10 cm stump should remain).


After the garlic is dried and trimmed, it is sorted out.

  • All hollow, damaged heads must be removed. All kinds of spots, growths, deformations can serve as symptoms of diseases.
  • H A garlic, which has a damaged skin, is laid separately and used in the first place; it will not work for long-term storage.
  • The heads are then sorted by size. The largest of these will be stored best.

But what to do with small onions? They can be pickled, salted, dried, or frozen. Part of the crop is used for autumn planting. The heads selected for these purposes should consist of large teeth, not show signs of rot and damage.

How to keep the heads of garlic for the winter

A feature of winter garlic is that, in principle, it is stored for a shorter period than spring garlic due to the fact that it has a smaller amount of covering scales. Therefore, storage conditions play an important role. Winter garlic can dry out due to moisture loss.

If the storage is warm and the air is humid, the vegetable can become moldy or rot. In any case, even under very good conditions, winter garlic retains all its qualities until the New Year, after which the heads begin to sprout, signs of spoilage appear on them.

Storage conditions

The most suitable premises for storing harvested vegetables, including garlic, are the cellar and basement. Before planting a crop there, a thorough harvest is carried out. If necessary, insects and rodents are removed from the storage, setting traps and laying out baits. This must be done in advance. At the same time, they check the operation of ventilation, and also carry out treatment with antiseptic and antifungal drugs.

If there are no utility rooms available, you can store garlic in an apartment, on an insulated balcony, or in a refrigerator.

The vegetable is best preserved at a temperature of 2-4 ° C. At higher values, the teeth will begin to germinate, and at minus marks, the heads will freeze.

It is advisable not to allow significant temperature fluctuations - this may cause garlic to lose its beneficial properties and taste.

The air humidity indicator should correspond to 50-80%. In a room that is too dry, garlic will dry out, and in a damp basement, it can rot or become moldy. The crop should not be kept in the light. In the case when the garlic is in a room with natural light, it should not be exposed to direct sunlight. It is important that air is regularly exchanged in the storage.

How to store garlic

In whatever way summer residents do not store their garlic harvest. Everyone chooses the storage option that is more convenient for him. And there is plenty to choose from.

There are various ways to store garlic:

In braids

For this storage method, the stem and leaves are not pruned. This method was used by ancient villagers and is still used today. The tops of the vegetable are intertwined with a pigtail along with twine or rope.

The advantage of the method is the compactness of the braids, they can easily be hung in the storage without taking up additional space, which is useful for installing boxes with other vegetables.

In bundles

For storage in this way, the stems are not intertwined, but simply tied. It is better to form stepped beams, where every few heads are tied up just above the previous ones. With this storage, the garlic is well ventilated and does not deteriorate.

In grids

First, you will have to stock up on nylon nets from under vegetables or exotic fruits. They sell pomelo, for example. Again, the method does not require a lot of storage space. Garlic nets are easy to hang in any convenient place. A vegetable stored in this way will definitely not rot, but it may begin to dry out or sprout. The heads will need to be sorted out periodically. You can replace the mesh with nylon stockings.

This method is good in that, due to the loose weaving of the walls of the basket, the garlic is well ventilated, which means that it spoils less. Some people store the vegetable in this way right in the room, but you need to remember that winter garlic needs coolness for storage. But spring garlic can easily lie for several months at a temperature of about 20 ° C.

In boxes of salt

The box can be made from ordinary plywood yourself. A layer of salt is poured on the bottom, on top of which the garlic heads are placed so that they do not come into contact with each other. Then the layers are repeated. This method is especially good in damp areas. Salt is an adsorbent and perfectly absorbs excess moisture from the air, ensuring good preservation of the garlic.

In flour

In this way, garlic stays well and for a long time even in an apartment. 3-liter cans are used as containers. A thick layer of flour is poured at the bottom, and then garlic bulbs are placed in a jar, sprinkling them with flour until the entire jar is full. Wood ash can be used instead of flour if available.

Despite its simplicity, this storage method shows excellent results. For reliability, it is advisable to sterilize the cans. Such a container will equally protect the garlic from excessive dryness and mold.

In onion skins

With this method, garlic can be stored well even on a cabinet shelf or mezzanine. You will need to pre-store more onion skins. Garlic heads are placed in a cardboard box or box, generously sprinkled with husks, which have bactericidal properties and maintain a moisture balance, which ensures a long shelf life.

Useful video material on the topic

When and how to properly harvest garlic - video

How to keep garlic until spring. Garlic as if only from the garden - video

If the timing of harvesting garlic has been met, the vegetable can be stored for as long as possible. In the event that the crop began to deteriorate, do not let it go to waste. Take good cloves, turn them in a meat grinder and salt the resulting mass. Store such garlic under a lid in a glass jar, consuming it as needed.

When to remove winter and summer garlic from the garden Growing garlic is not difficult. The main thing in this business is to choose the right planting time and harvest time for winter or spring garlic. Today we will just talk about when to remove garlic from the garden, as well as outline the time and method for harvesting the crop.

When to harvest winter garlic If you are growing this vegetable, you should definitely know when to harvest winter garlic in order to avoid losses during harvesting and subsequent storage. Garlic planted in autumn reaches full maturity after 100 days from germination. In most regions of the country, winter garlic is harvested in late July - early August. The time may shift to an earlier or later time depending on the region of cultivation and the prevailing weather conditions. Individual gardeners, when deciding when to harvest winter garlic, strictly adhere to the lunar calendar. How to determine that the garlic is ripe It is possible to determine whether the garlic is ripe or not yet by the following signs: in plants with cut arrows, the lower leaves should dry out, and the upper ones should turn yellow; the air bulbs on the arrows should burst the shells and garlic seeds, which are called bulbs, should appear from the cracks; the scales of the heads of garlic should be firm, dry and have a purple tint. Now we know all the signs indicating the ripening of this vegetable, including how to determine the ripeness of garlic, which has arrows with bulbs. For the growth of larger chives, it is recommended to break the arrows off the plant in advance, directing nutrients to the formation of the crop. Experienced growers leave 2-3 plants with arrows in the garden in order to determine the ripeness of the garlic and to collect the planting material. When a garlic bulb breaks down effortlessly into separate cloves, it indicates that the vegetable is overripe and needs to be removed urgently.

The timing of harvesting winter garlic, depending on the region Not fully ripe cloves will be soft to the touch, and those that are overripe will decay while the garlic is on the vine. Both those and other cloves are poorly stored in the winter. If the garlic is not removed at the optimal time, then after being moistened from precipitation, it can again begin to grow new roots and start growing. In view of these potential problems, one must be very careful as the crop approaches harvesting. Many gardeners want to know when to harvest garlic in the Moscow region, in the conditions of central Russia, in the Urals, Siberia and other regions of the country. As for the areas of the middle lane, the winter varieties of garlic ripen there usually in mid-July. But unexpected adjustments can be imposed by the weather, shifting the harvesting period by a week in one direction or another. In the northern regions of the country, it takes more time for the culture to mature, and this usually occurs at the junction of July and August. Varietal affiliation also affects the harvesting period of winter garlic. Early varieties can ripen 1-2 weeks earlier than late ones. Attention! If the summer is too dry and sultry, then ripening will occur later. A series of rains and abundant watering during the entire growing season, on the contrary, strongly affect the growth of fruits and harvesting may come earlier. Harvesting according to the lunar calendar 2018 Some gardeners sowing and hilling crops, as well as the timing of harvesting winter garlic, are determined according to the lunar calendar. Auspicious days when to harvest winter garlic in July 2018 are: July 5-8; July 15-18; July 19-21; July 22-30. We also determined that the harvest time for winter garlic may be early August. So, in August, the following numbers are the best periods for harvesting winter garlic: 1, 3, 14 and 17. Some summer residents are advised to start harvesting winter garlic in June. You should not heed such advice. In this option, harvesting will be premature, the vegetable will not fully ripen and during storage the garlic will begin to germinate again. Having spent nutrients on germination, the garlic bulbs will begin to dry out and deteriorate. Judging by popular beliefs, garlic dug up according to the lunar calendar can be stored for 40 days longer than usual. In options when the harvested garlic is supposed to be used for planting next year, the lunar calendar will also come in handy. The harvest of the next year will depend on the correct harvest time.

When to harvest spring garlic. How to determine that it is ripe Now let's figure out when to remove spring garlic grown in a summer cottage or a backyard plot. On average in Russia, summer garlic begins to ripen after August 15 and up to September inclusive. It is at this time that you should carefully look at the garlic plantings and look for signs that indicate its ripening. Even summer residents with experience who use the lunar calendar to determine the timing of harvesting garlic will agree that even before digging out the bulbs, it is necessary to identify the stage of maturity of the vegetable. If this is neglected, then the heads will ripen after harvesting for storage. Here are the signs that indicate that the spring garlic is already ripe: a general slowdown in the vegetative growth of the plant; yellowing and lodging of leaves and stems; drying out of the root collar; the head with pronounced teeth is fully formed; The casing of the bulb must be sufficiently firm and dry. Attention! You do not have to wait long until the leaves of spring garlic turn yellow completely, otherwise you can lose the entire crop. Overripe garlic, like an unripe vegetable, is not suitable for long-term storage. The timing of harvesting spring garlic, depending on the region Dates when harvesting summer garlic in different regions of the country are different and depend on the following factors: Planting time of garlic. In each region, climatic conditions have some differences and this determines the time of planting and harvesting. Knowing that the growing season of spring garlic is on average 100 days, you can calculate the approximate harvesting time. The climate of the region. In every region, spring does not come at the same time. While the morning frosts are holding, the garlic should not be planted. Planting is carried out when stable positive temperatures are established. Features of the weather in a given season. Summer weather leaves its mark on the harvesting period of spring garlic. If the weather is dry and hot all summer, the garlic ripens faster. And in a cool summer with an abundance of precipitation, ripening is delayed, the harvesting time is postponed to a later time. Attention! Do not allow freezing of spring garlic intended for storage. The harvesting period for spring garlic usually occurs 2-3 weeks after the winter crop is harvested. They are also guided by the yellowing of the leaves. But it will be a mistake if you wait until all the leaves turn yellow. The leaves in the center should remain green, and the lower leaves should be yellow and withered at the time of harvest. In central Russia, garlic is planted in late April or early May. It turns out that the cloves planted in the last days of April will be ready for harvesting by August 10, and we harvest the May garlic in the second half of August. In the Leningrad region and Belarus, the harvesting time for spring garlic drops from August 24 to September 6. In the Urals and Siberia, harvesting dates come a little later, but in any case, it must be completed by the end of September. In the southern regions of the country and in Ukraine, the ripening of garlic usually occurs at the beginning of August.

Cleaning according to the lunar calendar 2018 It will also be useful to know when to harvest spring garlic according to the lunar calendar. Below is information indicating favorable times for harvesting this crop. In the last month of summer 2018, auspicious days for digging up the traditional varieties of this vegetable, as well as Egyptian garlic and Chinese garlic, are as follows: August 1-3; August 11-12; August 15-16; August 29-30. We have already said that in more northern regions, the ripening and harvesting of spring garlic often occurs in September. According to the lunar calendar, favorable days for digging up this vegetable are as follows: September 2-3; September 8-12; September 15th; September 20-22; September 26-29. Extremely undesirable days for harvesting spring garlic are August 2 and 18, and September 1, 6, 16, 17 and the last day of the month. The bulbs harvested these days are prone to decay. #Garden Garden