How to make a garden wheelbarrow with your own hands from scrap materials? How to make a garden wheelbarrow with your own hands Do-it-yourself two-wheeled garden wheelbarrows.

There is always a lot to do in the garden plot. From time to time you have to endure something heavy, and this is not always good for your health. It is especially difficult for those who are not used to serious physical activity. To get pleasure from staying at the dacha, and not pain in the spine, you need not to carry heavy things in your hands, but transport them on a cart. A garden wheelbarrow made with your own hands from scrap materials will be an excellent helper during construction, harvesting and other work. Moreover, no special skills or materials are required for its construction. Everything you need either already exists at the dacha, or is easy to buy.

Option #1 – durable and simple wooden wheelbarrow

Garden and construction wheelbarrows can be bought in every store. But why waste money when you can do it yourself? You don’t need any drawings to build a wooden wheelbarrow: the product is simple and does not require significant material consumption. If you don’t have enough of something, you can always buy more during the process.

Advice. When constructing a garden wheelbarrow, you should give preference to hard types of wood: elm, birch, oak or maple. Such material will last a long time and will be reliable in operation. It is better not to use coniferous species.

We make a mounting frame

From planed boards we assemble a box - the basis of the product. We choose sizes based on our own physical fitness and the needs of the household. In our example, the width of the box is 46 cm and its length is 56 cm.

The box and wheel will be mounted on a mounting frame - the main supporting part of the wheelbarrow. To construct it, we will need two bars 3-5 cm thick and 120 cm long each. We will use these same bars as handles for the wheelbarrow. It is convenient to hold onto their ends to move loads around the site.

It is important to choose the right wood for a wheelbarrow: soft woods are more susceptible to rotting, are more deformed during use and, as a result, will not last long

We place the bars on the table, connecting the front ends to each other. We move the opposite ends of the bars apart to a distance the width of our own shoulders. Place a block of smaller diameter on top of the connected ends. It is shown in a different color in the photo. It needs to be outlined with a pencil, leaving parallel lines on the frame bars. This is how we mark the place where the wheel will subsequently be mounted to the bars. Using a hacksaw or a circular saw, we make cuts along the lines drawn on the bars as shown in the photo.

The wheel will also be wooden

We will also make a wheel with a diameter of 28 cm from wood. We take six well-planed boards with dimensions 30x15x2 cm. Glue them into a square as shown in the figure using PVA glue. We keep it under pressure for about a day until the glue dries completely. We mark a circle on the surface of the square. Additionally, we fasten the future wheel with wood screws. We drill out the wheel, focusing on the outer part of the marking. We process the rough surface of the rim using a rasp.

If you are making a wheelbarrow for gardening, it is better to buy a ready-made wheel (metal with a rubber tire). And if you are making a decorative wheelbarrow, then nothing will work better than wood.

Mounting the frame and wheel

Let's return to the mounting frame. We connect the two bars together using a spacer. It needs to be installed so that a wheel fits between the front ends of the bars (those that are sawn off from the inside). With a wheel width of 6 cm, the distance between the ends of the bars should be 9 cm. Based on these considerations, we determine the size of the spacer, file its ends and attach it to the bars with self-tapping screws.

To mount the wheel, we need a metal stud with a thread 150-200 mm long, 4 nuts and 4 washers. All with a diameter of 12-14 mm. At the ends of the bars we drill holes for this pin. Exactly in the middle of our wooden wheel we drill a hole that is slightly larger than the diameter of the pin.

In the same way, the body of a metal wheelbarrow is welded to its mounting frame. The basic working techniques are the same and do not depend on the material used.

We insert one end of the pin into the hole on one of the bars. We install a washer on the stud, then a nut, then a wheel, then another nut and washer. We thread the pin through the second beam. We secure the wheel on the outside of the bars with washers and nuts. The pin must be firmly secured to the bars, so we tighten the fastening with two wrenches.

All that remains is to assemble the finished product

We place a mounting frame with a wheel on the box turned upside down so that the wheel does not touch the box. Mark the position of the frame on the box with a pencil. We make two wedges the entire length of the box, 5 cm thick and 10 cm wide. We place them on the pencil lines and attach them to the surface of the box with self-tapping screws from the bottom of the product. We also attach the frame with the wheel to these wedges with self-tapping screws.

All that remains is to install a spacer that rigidly fastens the racks together. The wheelbarrow is ready, you can spray it with drying oil and use it for work

We make supports and brackets so that the wheelbarrow can be placed comfortably during loading and unloading operations. We select their length so that when installed on them, the box is parallel to the ground. A rigid connection of the racks is provided by a spacer bar attached as shown in the photo. All that remains is to cover the finished product with drying oil so that the car will serve you faithfully for many years.

A wheelbarrow made of wood serves for a long time to the delight of its owners, but even after the product fails, it does not clutter, but decorates the area as a creative flower garden

By the way, such a cart looks quite decorative and can decorate any area if it is no longer needed for work.

Option #2 – a wheelbarrow made of metal or a barrel

A universal wheelbarrow that can be used both for harvesting and for construction work must be strong. To transport cement, sand or soil, it is better to use a metal product. Making such a wheelbarrow yourself is also not difficult, but you will need skill in working with welding equipment.

An excellent option would be a cart welded from a sheet of metal 2 mm thick. Initially, the body is assembled from the sheet, after which the chassis and handles are welded to it. Depending on the expected load on the finished product, wheels from a motorcycle, moped, or even a bicycle can be used.

You can make the product cheaper if its box is made, for example, from an old iron barrel. It is better to start work by making a supporting structure in the form of the letter “A”. A light metal profile (square, pipe) is suitable for it. The bow part of the structure is equipped with a wheel, and its counter elements will be used as handles.

As a rule, such barrels are given to their owners “on occasion” and are very cheap, and a garden wheelbarrow made from this iron barrel will be light and very convenient

Half of the barrel, cut lengthwise, is fixed on the frame. Under the supporting frame you need to weld arcs or pipes, which will play the role of racks. They are needed for the wheelbarrow to gain the necessary stability during loading and unloading operations.

Now that you know how to make a garden wheelbarrow yourself, you don’t have to buy products from China in stores, which only last for a very short time.

To make your own work easier on your garden plot, you should take care of having a device such as a garden wheelbarrow or cart. This fairly simple device is necessary on the farm, because it helps to move both heavy and bulky loads with a minimum of physical effort.

Retail chains offer ready-made garden wheelbarrows, but their price is not always affordable. If you have the desire and time, you can make a garden wheelbarrow with your own hands; for its production you will need such materials and tools that a thrifty owner can find. By making a useful device yourself, you can always take into account individual preferences and needs.

Preparing to make a wheelbarrow

Before starting to manufacture a garden cart, they create drawings with their own hands based on a well-thought-out model. The main purpose of the device is first determined, what exactly is planned to be transported and over what distances. Depending on the purpose, the optimal dimensions of the body and wheels, as well as materials, are chosen.

DIY garden wheelbarrow

Having drawn an exact diagram of the planned structure, you need to determine how much materials will be needed. After conducting an inspection in your household, you can say with confidence which components are available and what needs to be purchased. In this case, you can immediately calculate financial costs, determining the profitability of your actions.

Which wheels to choose

If you have unnecessary children's bicycles, scooters, or strollers, the issue of finding wheels can be resolved very easily and quickly. Without any monetary costs, a homemade wheelbarrow for a summer residence will be provided with wheels. Depending on the design design, you can use a different number of wheels - from one to four.

If there is nothing suitable on the farm, then there is a need to purchase new wheels. They can be of different prices, but you don’t need to save too much on them by buying the cheapest ones. It should be taken into account that the wheels will bear quite a large load, so it is worth taking care of high-quality and durable parts.

Important! When buying new wheels for a cart, you should pay special attention to their size. Small wheels can significantly complicate the movement of the structure on uneven ground; considerable physical effort will be required to move the wheelbarrow. Therefore, it is worth giving preference to medium-sized inflatable wheels with a metal rim, which will make it possible to move heavy loads in the cart even on loose and uneven soil.

Optimal body material

Depending on the purpose of a homemade garden wheelbarrow, the size of the body, shape and material for its manufacture are determined. Most often, metals are used for these purposes: aluminum or steel.

Aluminum is a more expensive material, but it has a number of advantages:

  • significantly reduces the weight of the finished structure, which facilitates its operation;
  • The body is absolutely not subject to corrosion and does not require constant painting.

Steel is stronger than aluminum. If you have a welding unit, you can perform any operations with it, giving it the desired shape. A trolley with a steel body is heavy, which may require additional effort from the worker. At the same time, the increased strength of the body allows you to move even very heavy loads without fear of damage.

Durable body

If you have wood on your farm, you can make a cart body from wood. Old baby bathtubs or troughs can easily work. Even from unnecessary metal or plastic barrels, craftsmen make a body for a wheelbarrow. To do this, the container is cut in half vertically, and the cargo bowl is ready for mounting on the frame.

Note! The body made of a plastic barrel makes the structure quite light and mobile, however, moving very heavy bulky cargo can lead to its breakage and cracks.

What and how to make handles from

A DIY garden cart is usually made with one transverse or two longitudinal handles. The advantage of making household appliances yourself is that you can design the structure, taking into account individual characteristics of use and body type (height). Some gardeners note the particular convenience of a cart with one transverse handle, because it is comfortable to carry both in front of you and behind your back. You can move such a structure behind you, holding it with one hand, while walking along an uneven road, while it would be extremely inconvenient to carry a wheelbarrow with two handles in this way.

Handles are attached to the frame with the body, for the manufacture of which different materials can be used:

  • metal,
  • tree.

Most often, preference is given to metal because of its greater strength. If there are metal pipes of small diameter in the household, they can be used in the construction of both frames and handles.

Additional Information! Metal parts are best joined together by welding rather than mechanical fastening. For convenience, the part of the metal handles that you hold with your hands can be wrapped in rubberized film.

Which model to choose

Before you start making a garden wheelbarrow yourself, you need to accurately determine its preferred design and dimensions. Garden devices for moving loads usually have from 1 to 4 wheels. One-wheeled wheelbarrows are distinguished by their mobility; they can be easily moved along narrow paths between beds without damaging the plants. However, transporting very heavy loads on them is still not very convenient. Although, if you do not plan to frequently move heavy building materials, sand, crushed stone or brick around your garden plot, then a one-wheeled wheelbarrow is an ideal option.

Two-wheeled carts are more stable than single-wheeled designs, but require a wider path to move them. A three-wheeled or four-wheeled homemade wheelbarrow for a summer residence is a very stable device; it does not tip over and does not require special effort or skill when moving large loads. However, she is not very mobile, especially in cramped circumstances.

Four wheel

Knowing the main features of each type of garden wheelbarrow, you can choose the optimal model for working on your garden plot.

Making a one-wheeled car from different materials

If you do not plan to move very heavy loads, then wood may be suitable for making a one-wheeled wheelbarrow. Strictly according to the dimensions defined in the drawing, you need to make a frame from two wooden blocks 3–5 cm thick, 120–140 cm long. The bars need to be connected in such a way that a structure similar to the letter “A” is formed. The distance between the spaced ends of the bars should be equal to the width of the person’s shoulders, since these will be the handles by which the cart will be rolled.

Algorithm of actions for making a wooden one-wheeled wheelbarrow:

  • Use the boards to form a box into which the transported cargo will be placed.
  • Securely fasten the box on top of the frame, and from below, at the junction of the bars, insert the axle on which the wheel is attached.
  • To ensure that the wheelbarrow has stability when installed for loading and unloading operations, supports are attached to the bottom of the frame at the level of the edge of the box closest to the handles. The size of the supports is determined so that the body of the installed structure is parallel to the ground surface.

Note! To give the structure durability, hard wood species such as oak, elm, and maple should be used. It is better to avoid coniferous trees.

To move heavier loads, you can make a one-wheeled wheelbarrow from metal using the same principle as from wood. A frame in the shape of the letter “A” is welded from a metal pipe, and the body is attached to it on top. It can be made from a metal sheet or by cutting an iron barrel. For a metal wheelbarrow, it is better to choose a powerful wheel with a larger diameter. 2 supports are welded along the frame frame opposite the wheel, on which the structure rests during loading and unloading.

Note! When making a metal structure, all connections must be made by welding.

Cars with two wheels or more

A metal homemade product on two wheels will help you move massive loads without much effort; it is better to avoid wood in such structures. Weld a rectangular frame of the required size from metal pipes. On one side, in the lower part of the supporting structure, place an axle on which 2 wheels are placed, and on the other side, a metal stand. Weld handles to the edge of the rectangular frame where the wheels are located, and place the body on top of the frame.

If desired, instead of a metal stand at the bottom of the frame opposite the handles, you can make an axle on which the wheel will be mounted, then you will get a three-wheeled structure. If you install 2 wheels on this axle, you will get a four-wheel model.

Note! For convenience, it is worth putting pieces of a thick rubber hose of a suitable diameter on the metal handles. For easy installation, the hose pieces should be preheated.

For gardening work in the country or on a personal plot, a do-it-yourself wheelbarrow can be an ideal option if you don’t want to spend money on a ready-made device and have free time and a desire to show your design abilities.

The garden wheelbarrow and cart are known to anyone who has a summer house or any plot of land, who wants to build a house or any other structure. Also, these tools are necessary if you are going to transfer a significant amount of soil, fertilizer, building materials or other cargo.

If you have not yet bought a cart or wheelbarrow, but want to do so, then you need to understand everything in order to know the general concepts of what types of such tools there are. It is also important to know about all the advantages and disadvantages of them, and maybe consider the option of making a cart yourself. In this article we will try to give a detailed answer to the question - how to make a wheelbarrow with your own hands? Along the way, we will also try to answer the following question: what material to make a wheelbarrow from and what design it could be?

Homemade car

Make it yourself or buy it

The very first question that should be asked in our situation is whether it is worth “reinventing the wheel”? Is it better to buy a ready-made tool?

First, go to the first online construction store that will give you a Google search and look at the prices. Of course, buying at retail is more expensive than making it yourself, but not so much as to completely discard this option.

After comparing prices and assessing your own efforts that will be spent on making your own cart, you can come to a certain conclusion - your own cart will come out inexpensively if you don’t need to buy material for manufacturing, and you have everything on your farm, and you are asking the only question how to assemble it from what is there. Otherwise, the work will be unprofitable.

In the same store, the price of wheels ranges from 400 to 5000 rubles.

However, if you are a crafter at heart and get satisfaction from this kind of manual activity, then why not give it a try.

Types of wheelbarrows

Wheelbarrows may differ in the number of wheels. The most common option is a two-wheeled cart or a cart with one wheel. You can also make a wheelbarrow on 4 wheels. Each of them has its own pros and cons. For example, a wheelbarrow with one wheel is very convenient to use as a garden wheelbarrow or in the vegetable garden, because it is agile and will travel along any, even the thinnest path, thereby not touching any plantings. A cart with two wheels is not suitable for this type of work. But, for example, for construction work or for transporting something heavy over long distances, this is an ideal option. In turn, a unit with one wheel is not suitable for this, because it is unstable and requires enough energy to carry it in your hands. Transporting soil in wheelbarrows with two or four wheels is much easier. It would be ideal if you have two options for such carts.

As you probably noticed, a wheelbarrow is made for specific purposes and to work in specific conditions.

And one more argument in favor of having two options for wheelbarrows - for example, if you have a wheelbarrow for manure in the spring, then in the fall it is no longer suitable for harvesting.

It’s good to have more than one car at your dacha

How to approach the matter

Before you start making a cart with your own hands, develop drawings.

There are a huge number of examples of creativity, however, we recommend that you make sketches of the diagram yourself. This is because the available means from which the cart will be assembled are:

  • Metal pieces
  • Wheels
  • Cut pipes
  • Various accessories, etc.

DIY options

If at this stage you have not yet changed your mind about making a wheelbarrow yourself, then let's start studying this topic.

First, let's look at what frame and body designs can be.

Wheelbarrow made of profile pipe and galvanization

One of the options for the frame is to weld it from a square rod with a cross-section of 25 mm. You need to put two wheels on the axle. In turn, the axle is a pin mounted on nuts.

The body itself will consist from galvanized sheets. They need to be cut to the required sizes and screwed to the frame. As a result, we get a household item.

Wheelbarrow from scrap materials

In this picture, we see that the master did not try too hard to make the wheelbarrow aesthetically beautiful. He needed to make a tool for transporting earth, so that it would take a minimum of time and money.

In the picture we see the fruit of the craftsman’s labor

  • An unnecessary container was taken for mixing the solution, which later became the body
  • A frame was made from metal plumbing pipes. They were bent into an arc and welded together.
  • The axle for the wheel was also attached by welding. And the body was tightened with wire so that it would not fall out when turned over.

This is not the most ideal car option, but it will cope with its functions.

Metal wheelbarrow

In this picture we most likely see the result of the work of a perfectionist. Since the creator of this cart did not have a tool for bending pipes, a combination grinder was used to score the cart handles. The support legs were installed ready-made. The body is completely welded from scratch from a 3 mm thick sheet of iron.

If you look closely, you can notice something:

  1. The edges on the body are cut very evenly, it feels like it’s not even an angle grinder.
  2. Along the entire length of the body we see very high-quality welds.
  3. Pay attention to what color paint was chosen. This is an indication that the wheelbarrow was not made to carry earth or bricks in it, but for very clean work.

Here the owner did not try to make a car like at the factory: the bends are not as high quality, the quality of the seams is also not very neat. Although all this will not affect the performance of its functions.

Master class on making a wheelbarrow (video)

But what if you don’t have a welding machine at hand, or have never used one? In this case, there is a lot of information on the Internet on how to make a garden wheelbarrow with your own hands, with only boards, screws, an axle and devices to attach it to the cart itself.

During assembly, it is preferable to use self-tapping screws made of galvanized material. Before you start tightening the screws, make holes in the boards, but make them smaller than the screws. This is done so that the board does not split when assembled with self-tapping screws.

Drawing of a wooden wheelbarrow

In this picture, we see another version of the car. A board bottom is not as practical as a galvanized sheet bottom. In this option, all that remains is to make the sides and put two wheels on the axle.

Another option for a garden wheelbarrow is to make it from barrels. Moreover, the material of the barrel is unimportant. It can be plastic, metal, or even wood, although you will probably have to struggle with it. The barrel is cut into two parts vertically, which means that two wheelbarrows can be made from it. The procedure for performing a “barrel” cart:

  1. Mode purchased barrel into two parts.
  2. We assemble the frame, the options for which you read above.
  3. We make the sides or ribs on which the barrel will rest.
  4. We install the wheels.

Wheelbarrow from an old barrel

As you can see, old things can sometimes come in handy, so think twice when you want to clean up your garage. Then you can wrap the holders with electrical tape to make it more comfortable for your hands. We can say that the car is ready. You can start making the “sister car”.

If you have an old bed, then we have another option for you. For this you will need: the bed itself and wheels. The wheels must be powerful. Wheels from an ancient Cossack are one of the options. The design of the trolley can be either on two wheels or on four. Assembly order:

  • Removing the bed net
  • We attach the wheels using welding or fasteners.
  • We fasten the bottom and sides from a thick steel layer.
  • We mount the handle - to your taste, but it is better to make it with the letter “p”, because it will be more ergonomic.

That's it, the creation is ready. It turns out to be a good homemade garden wheelbarrow for transporting goods. This is an indispensable tool for transporting hay, building materials, firewood and so on.

Wheel options

If you are thinking about not buying wheels for your homemade car, then we have several options for you.

  • You can use a baby stroller that is no longer useful anywhere. It would be better if it was a Soviet stroller, where the wheels are made of steel spokes. The result is a self-propelled car. One may get the impression that what was made in the USSR was designed for the purpose of being used after the child grows up. And the durability seems to border on that of a truck.
  • Bicycle wheels, no matter small or large. Of course, if the wheel is from a large bicycle, then you cannot install them one by one.

Fastening wheels (video)

Let's move on to consider the question of how to attach wheels if you do not have a welding machine.

A pin with a diameter of 16 to 20 mm can be used as an axle. It depends on which wheel. To secure the stud, you can also use nuts and clamp it on the sides.

If you use a wooden frame, some problems may arise. If the wheelbarrow is heavily loaded, the frame in the area where the axle is installed may break or crack. This problem can be solved by tightening the cut timber with iron plates.

Please note that the plates are not screwed down with screws, but are tightened with bolts, having first drilled a hole through. This design will not allow the beams to crack, provided, of course, that a reasonable load is applied to the axle.

The simplest car

This design is the leader in ease of manufacture. Its assembly will take you no more than a minute. It is enough to have a Soviet stroller and a trough.

The simplest version of a wheelbarrow: a trough and an old stroller


We believe that you found this article useful, and now you at least have a general idea of ​​what homemade cars can be, and perhaps you have your own ideas. If you have not found a car that suits your needs, you have the option of buying a ready-made car.

An ordinary garden cart is not only moved with your own hands, but also made - not only for reasons of saving on purchases at a hardware store. There are a lot of tasks on earth that require regular or occasional transportation of goods; a purchased wheelbarrow cannot cope with every type of auxiliary rigging work.

Garden cart - an indispensable assistant in a country house

In the gardening industry, a garden cart, two-wheeled or four-wheeled, makes it easier to carry out a wide variety of tasks. Removal of garbage and household waste, withered leaves and mown grass, movement of building materials, firewood and coal - the range of use of wheeled small-scale mechanization is more than wide. When landscaping the area with turf, when concreting the porch with your own hands, when laying out flower beds and greenhouses, arranging park paths, etc. an ordinary wheelbarrow increases the speed of work several times.

Of course, the easiest way is to buy a wheeled assistant in a store. Then you don’t even have to think about how to make a garden cart with your own hands that is reliable and spacious. But the choice of purchased wheelbarrows and trolleys is often limited to a single model, which was developed during the construction of the White Sea-Baltic Canal - and since then has continued to be produced according to the well-known principle “The best is the enemy of the good.”. When making it yourself, the size and load-carrying capacity of the wheelbarrow is determined by the master himself, as is its maneuverability, because you can install wheels of different sizes.

In addition, in a lived-in country house or a dacha with a garden plot there will always be a lot of conditionally ownerless materials - boards, bars, iron fittings and corners, etc. In this way, you can save on the purchase of initial parts - a DIY garden wheelbarrow will be cheap in terms of costs, although it will require time and effort.

Do-it-yourself garden wheelbarrow made of wood

A garden cart is the easiest to make from wood, because... This process does not require the use of complex equipment such as welding machines or a metal cutting saw. Wood is processed with standard tools - but keep in mind that the durability, strength and load-carrying capacity of such a cart will be noticeably inferior to its metal “sister”.

Do-it-yourself garden wheelbarrow made of wood - step-by-step diagram

Step 1: frame - the basis of reliability

The frame for a wooden cart is knocked together from thick boards, in the form of a square or rectangle. The size of the bars for the frame is at least 70x70 mm, otherwise such a wheelbarrow will only be able to transport hay and leaves. The frame from the beams is assembled “overlapping”, screws are driven into the corners, the frame structure can be strengthened with metal corners and additional ceilings. If there are antiseptic compounds on the farm, all wood used is treated with them in advance - then our homemade wheelbarrow will resist rot and dampness longer.

Step 2: running gear

Rails for ball bearings are screwed to the bottom of the frame - one or two, depending on the number of wheels. It is better to make a wooden cart two-wheeled, providing supports for horizontal installation. If you have a ready-made axle on which you can put wheels from an old go-kart or moped, you won’t need a block with bearings.

A home-made wheelbarrow made of wood on one wheel will be unstable - such work requires high carpentry skills.

Having secured the wheels, the “skeleton” of the future cart needs to be rolled around the site - it is better to correct flaws in the wheel fasteners at an early stage. A wheelbarrow that is inconvenient to move will have to be used as an element of garden design or pushed deeper into the barn, so that the reminder of the ineffective use of time and effort does not spoil our mood with its appearance.

Step 3: making the handle

The trolley handle bears a large load when moving. It is advisable to make it out of metal, even when the wheelbarrow itself is made of wood. A handlebar from an old scooter or just a long steel stick with a rubber crossbar can be used as a metal handle. It is best to attach the handle to a hinge, with a lock. This design will allow the mounting unit to be reliable and fold during storage - which means that a garden wheelbarrow with an articulated handle will take up less space, and the handle itself will not break due to someone’s careless movement.

Step 4: body

On a durable frame with reliable wheels, you can install arbitrary-shaped sides made of boards or plywood - you get a classic garden cart, assembled with your own hands. Actually, the cargo container itself is quite feasible in a removable version - for example, in the form of an old plastic bath for transporting liquids or bulk cargo. Or a used trough, which is inserted into the spacer between the bars stuffed onto the frame. The good thing about a wooden wheelbarrow is that it provides for fastening various containers for transporting goods; this is not possible with an iron cart.

DIY garden cart made of metal

But metal has other advantages - it does not rot or crack, can withstand heavy weight and lasts for decades - if high-quality metal is chosen, all parts are well fitted and welded to each other. The garden cart is four-wheeled and large-sized, for transporting weights up to 100 kg or more, made only of metal - no tree can withstand such a load.

DIY metal garden cart - step-by-step diagram

Step 1: container first

Yes, yes, unlike its wooden counterpart, the metal cart is assembled from top to bottom. That is, the dimensions of a steel trough or other container determine the dimensions of the frame - but not vice versa. It is advisable to immediately check the tightness of our container, then with its help you can transport liquid or pasty loads without the risk of leaks to your own garden plot.

A good option would be to install pneumatic (that is, pumped up) wheels on our metal cart. Firstly, this will increase its carrying capacity to 60-80 kg. Secondly, a wheelbarrow with pneumatic wheels will significantly increase its cross-country ability. Thirdly, the handle can be used to control the wheel brakes - moving the cart along inclined planes will become much easier, without the risk of tipping over or spilling the load.

Working in the garden will be much easier if you use a garden cart. It's hard to do without this detail. It copes well with transporting large volumes of soil, fertilizers, mown grass, sawdust and other components of the life and work of a summer resident. In addition, a homemade garden cart (wheelbarrow) for a summer residence is very maneuverable. Having only one wheel, it copes well with narrow country paths, and the control, carried out using two high handles, is quite convenient.

You can purchase this assistant at any hardware store, but such equipment is expensive. If the owner of the site has at least a little experience in household work, he can easily understand how to make a cart with his own hands.

Types of structures for transportation

Wheelbarrows for gardening can be different. The main difference is the number of wheels. If there is only one, then this is a classic version of a car. A structure with two wheels is called a cart.

Each type of “technology” has its own purpose. If we are talking about a garden or vegetable garden, then a do-it-yourself wheelbarrow for a summer residence is an irreplaceable option. The maneuverability with which she navigates narrow stitches is sometimes surprising. By carefully delivering the load without damaging the surrounding plants, the garden wheelbarrow helps to carry out all garden work quickly and without unnecessary fatigue.

This is what a garden wheelbarrow looks like in the photo:

For the tasks facing the owner of a plot in the garden, a homemade cart is no longer suitable. But it will be indispensable at a construction site, when cleaning up garbage and barnyards. You can use this type of transport to remove snow. Due to the fact that the weight of the transported materials is often very large, an unstable wheelbarrow cannot cope with the assigned tasks. Transporting goods on a cart with two wheels will be easier.

How to make your own wheelbarrow

If purchasing a garden wheelbarrow is difficult, you can easily build one yourself from scrap materials. Good for making:

  • metal scraps;
  • old wheels (from carts, mopeds, scooters, strollers and bicycles), if necessary, you can use homemade wheels for a cart;
  • pipe cuttings;
  • furniture wheels;
  • metal corner;
  • fasteners.

Any construction begins with the preparation of the project. A garden wheelbarrow should consist of two parts: a frame and a body. You will also need one wheel. The preferred diameter is from 25 to 40 cm. If you cannot find a wide wheel, you can use two narrow ones, placing them side by side.

Body drawing option:

The frame of a wheelbarrow can be made in different ways. Different materials are used: a square pipe with a cross-section of 2.5 * 2.5 cm, a water pipe. The choice of material determines whether you will need to use a welding machine. In the first case, you cannot do without it, and if you decide to use a water pipe to make a wheelbarrow or cart, then you can simply give it the desired shape, bending it where necessary.

An ordinary gas burner will help well in shaping the pipe.

Having welded the frame or connected it with bolts, you can begin to manufacture the body. It can be made of different materials: boards, sheets of galvanized material, an old barrel, cut in accordance with the tasks that will be assigned to it. Some craftsmen manage to adapt even part of an old bed under the body. The main thing is that the construction trolley is comfortable.

If a sheet of metal is used for the body, then the design should be done using a grinder. The sheet is cut according to pre-made markings. After this, it’s the turn of the welding machine. Using it, the master connects the parts of the pattern, resulting in a body for the future car.

You can also make a body by cutting off an old metal barrel. By removing part of the sidewall, the remaining part can be used to create an excellent element of a wheelbarrow or cart, in which you can transport all types of materials and even water.

When the body is ready, the chassis and handles should be welded to it. Of course, this can be done using bolts, but a design made with a welding machine is much more reliable and convenient.

You need to be careful when choosing a wheel. Ideally, it will be a product with strong spokes, durable tires and tubes, because one of the main requirements for the design is a soft ride. An inflatable wheel can easily withstand changes in terrain that exist on any surface, not to mention a summer cottage. You also need to check the strength of the bearings.

The design of garden wheelbarrows and carts has its own nuances. A novice master needs to pay attention to the following:

  1. It is necessary to provide for the possibility of strengthening the structure in the future.
  2. The bottom of a wheelbarrow or cart can be strengthened by attaching a sheet of metal to the bottom.
  3. When operating on very uneven surfaces, you can strengthen the garden wheelbarrow by welding an additional axle under the bottom.
  4. The bearing should not fit into the hub loosely: it will be better if it fits tightly, this will reduce the likelihood of its failure in the future.

Making a garden cart with your own hands is not difficult. However, despite the apparent simplicity of execution, do not forget about the details. Careful processing of the edges of the body will help to avoid injuries, and the painted structure will not only be comfortable, but also attractive from an aesthetic point of view.