Feeding and watering for rapid growth of cucumbers (folk remedies). How to water cucumbers to grow faster How to water cucumbers for a good harvest

Hello, dear friends!

Almost every gardener grows cucumbers in their garden plot. Juicy, green, crispy and aromatic fruits are welcome guests on our table in any form. Summer cucumber salads will fill the body with healing microelements and vitamins, help you lose weight and cleanse yourself of waste and toxins, and those prepared for the winter will be an excellent addition to almost any meal during the cold season, regulating water-salt metabolism and saturating every cell with electrolytes.

Today we will talk about how to increase the yield of cucumbers on the site and in greenhouse conditions.

Experienced summer residents have a number of proven secrets in their arsenal for increasing the productivity of cucumber bushes, receiving an increasing number of fruits from the same area every year. I have collected the most effective tips and will be happy to share with you the best practices of advanced vegetable growers, avid gardeners and my experience.

1. Strengthening the root system

The ability of cucumbers to provide nutrients to the maximum number of ripening ovaries directly depends on the branching of the roots of the bushes. Loosening to a shallow depth after each heavy rain and scheduled watering helps saturate the soil with oxygen molecules and activates plant growth processes.

After unfolding the third true leaf, it is advisable to lightly hill up each bush (the procedure is carried out as carefully as possible, since the roots of the plants are located close to the surface). The presence of additional soil around the base of the stem leads to rapid absorption of irrigation water.

There is a special technique for the formation of additional adventitious roots in cucumbers, which is effective in case of rot in the root system. If a rhizome disease is suspected, the following procedure is carried out: half of the ovaries are removed, the lashes are lowered to the ground, and the lower part of the stem is sprinkled with fertile, moist soil. After a few days, young roots are formed, which allow the bush to further develop and bear fruit.

2. Artificial pollination

Experienced summer residents try to attract the maximum number of pollinating insects to their plot by planting fragrant herbs, honey plants, medicinal crops, spicy plants (marigold, lungwort, clover, honeysuckle, oregano, coriander, phacelia, etc.).

Everything is clear with self-pollinating cucumber varieties. Other types of crops require pollination by transferring pollen from male flowers to female ones. When growing cucumbers in greenhouses, closed structures should be ventilated daily to allow bees access to the flower stalks. In cloudy weather, rainy summer or when there are few beneficial insects in the cucumber area, use a cosmetic brush with soft bristles, first passing it carefully inside the male inflorescences, and then in the female ones.

3. Watering

Speaking about the area, you cannot bypass the rules of watering. Moisture-loving cucumbers bear fruit abundantly only if there is a sufficient amount of water in the soil. Watering in hot weather should be organized early in the morning or after sunset every day or every other day. The soil must be moistened to a depth of at least 15 cm. An important point is that for cucumber plantings, watering with water below a temperature of +18°C is unacceptable, since the root system of the bushes begins to ache and reduces the absorption of nutrients. That is, well, tap or artesian water must be preheated in the sun. In rainy summers or prolonged cloudy weather, watering of plantings is limited or stopped altogether, observing the condition of the plants.

4. Feeding (root and foliar)

Naturally, the highest yield of cucumbers can be obtained from areas with well-drained, cultivated, fertile and structured soils, well-filled in the fall with organic matter (vermicompost, manure, humus, bird droppings, garden compost, peat, ash) and mineral phosphorus-potassium fertilizers ( superphosphate, double superphosphate, potassium salt, potassium sulfate, potassium magnesium, etc.).

However, additional nutrition also plays an important role, introduced by watering the plantings and in the form of dry powder under the bushes (root feeding) and abundant fine irrigation of the leaf apparatus (foliar feeding) throughout the entire growing season of the crop, from the moment the first two leaves are formed and until end of fruiting.

How to feed cucumbers? The best feeding recipes

Bird droppings

Solution, pigeon, turkey, duck, etc. litter is a valuable source of all necessary nutrients (nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, iodine, zinc, boron, etc.). Fill half the container with droppings, add water to the top, stir, cover with a lid, and leave for 36 hours. Dilute the mother solution in a ratio of 1 liter per bucket of water. Spend 1 liter for each bush after scheduled heavy watering and loosening. Do not allow fertilizer to get on the leaves.

Farm animal manure

Horse, cow, pork, sheep, etc. The mother liquor is prepared similarly to the previous composition, only the concentration of the subsequent dilution changes. Add 2 liters of mother solution to a bucket of clean water.


It is used in dry form (a thin layer of sifted ash is scattered under each bush) or as an aqueous infusion (0.1 kg of ash per bucket of water).

Humus and garden compost

Used to mulch the soil around cucumber bushes. The organic layer prevents the evaporation of valuable water from the soil, and as it decomposes and receives abundant watering, it supplies the root system with all the necessary nutrition.

Fermented herbal infusion

Weeds growing on your site (nettle, quinoa, grass clippings, plantain, sedge, etc.) are used as valuable nitrogen fertilizer. Chop the greens with pruning shears, fill the barrel halfway, top up with warm water, cover with a lid, place in the sun, let ferment for a week, filter, dilute with clean water 5:1 and use for watering. For greenhouse cucumbers, it is recommended to add a glass of chicken manure for every 10 liters during fermentation. Water once a week at the rate of 1 liter for each bush only at the root, avoiding the mixture getting on the tops.

Mineral fertilizers

This solution is used for watering cucumber plantings during the period of abundant flowering. A teaspoon of urea/ammonium nitrate, potassium sulfate and superphosphate is added to a bucket of water. Another valuable composition for fertilizer is a solution of sodium humate (a tablespoon per standard bucket of water). During the fruiting period, to fill the fruits, it is recommended to fertilize with a solution of Nitroammofoska (a tablespoon per bucket of water).

Whole milk

Systematic milk feeding activates the growth of bushes. To prepare the solution, milk is diluted with warm water in a ratio of 1:2. Watering at the root is carried out from the moment the first leaves appear at intervals of once every 2 weeks.

Yeast solution

A pack of yeast (100 g) is dissolved in a bucket of water and the solution is allowed to ferment for 24 hours. Watering is carried out only at the root. Yeast significantly accelerates growth, the abundance of flowers and the number of formed ovaries. Due to the high concentration of B vitamins and microelements, the composition is useful for cucumber bushes at all stages of the growing season.

Foliar feeding

As for foliar feeding, cucumbers respond well to irrigation with preparations that accelerate ripening, for example, Epin, Zircon or special formulations for pumpkin plants: Ideal, Fertility, Rodnichok, Giant, Breadwinner, etc., which are available in abundance in online stores and garden supermarkets.

The product is used according to the instructions on the package, as a rule, it is a tablespoon per bucket of water, the consumption is 5 liters of the finished liquid per square meter. meter of cucumber plantation.

To increase the yield of cucumbers, experienced vegetable growers advise fertilizing with a solution of microelements (microfertilizers), which normalize the absorption of all nutrients. Foliar irrigation is especially important in cloudy weather and rainy, cold summers, when the root system of cucumbers minimizes the absorption of moisture and valuable compounds from the soil.

Knowing how to increase the yield of cucumbers in the beds and using these gardening tricks on your cucumber plantation, you will be able to enjoy crispy and juicy fruits until the beginning of autumn, as well as fully prepare vegetables for the winter. Have a good harvest on your site! See you!

Cucumber is one of the most popular garden crops. How to grow it yourself and without mistakes? In order for borage to produce a good harvest, you need to know ten main features of its cultivation.

To harvest a good harvest of cucumbers, you will have to work hard. This crop is considered one of the most capricious and difficult to grow, so it cannot be done without the help of professionals. We have selected 10 of the most effective tips and recommendations that will definitely help you reap a rich harvest of your favorite pumpkin representative.

1. Sow cucumbers in warm soil

Cucumbers are heat-loving plants. When sowing seeds, you should pay attention to the fact that they are sown in preheated soil. The deceptive first warming in April, during which cucumbers are sown, is often replaced by a long cold spell. Therefore, the seeds begin to rot and rot in the soil. In addition, cold snaps can cause the death of cucumber seedlings.

Before planting, seeds can be disinfected in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 20-30 minutes

It is recommended to sow cucumber seeds when the soil warms up to 12-13°C to a depth of 8-10 cm. To protect the seeds in the spring, plants are grown in insulated beds and also insulated with sawdust and other organic materials.

Try increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the greenhouse to 0.5%. To do this, you can light a gas burner or place 1-2 containers with mullein in the greenhouse, which releases CO2 during fermentation.

2. Grow cucumbers through seedlings

In order to get a generous harvest of cucumbers, it is best to grow this crop through seedlings. This way you will get strong seedlings that will subsequently be able to withstand adverse weather conditions and will bear fruit well.

Seedlings can be transplanted into open ground 20 days after germination

3. Water your cucumbers correctly

Cucumbers have a thin leaf surface, so if there is a lack of water, they lose turgor. In this case, the first cucumber ovaries that appear may fall off, and the quality of the crop may decrease. Excessive watering also harms plants: despite the fact that the fruits themselves contain a large amount of water, when there is excess moisture, cucumbers are especially susceptible to disease. Watering should be done only with warm water.

Cucumbers are watered at least once a week and with at least 2 liters of water

4. Don't overdo it with fertilizers

One of the reasons for failure when growing cucumbers is excessive fertilization. So, organic matter is usually used as fertilizer. To do this, chicken manure or mullein should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. 1-1.5 liters of fertilizer are applied to each plant. The hotter the weather, the more often it is necessary to feed cucumbers. It is also good to alternate complex mineral and organic fertilizers. The preparations Kemira, Mortar, and Kristallin can be used as mineral fertilizers.

Effective feeding is considered to be 1 glass of ash per 10 liters of water.

Feed the cucumbers with regular milk diluted 1:2 with water.

5. Don’t forget about hilling

When cucumbers have 2-3 true leaves, the plants need to be hilled. This must be done so that they grow additional roots. Please note that the stronger the root system, the faster the ovary appears in cucumbers.

Hilling helps to grow the root system and makes the plant more resilient.

6. Maintain distance when boarding

Cucumber seedlings should be planted at intervals of 25 cm. This way the plants will not interfere with each other and will be able to produce a good harvest.

When choosing a distance, consider the size of specific plants of a given variety and the total volume of the planted area

7. Help cucumbers survive adverse conditions

Cucumbers often suffer from rainy weather. In order to protect them from stress, you should spray them with Epin in accordance with the instructions for use. This procedure helps cucumbers withstand frosts, as well as dry periods and changes in day and night temperatures.

When cold weather sets in, cover the cucumbers with spunbond

8. Maintain crop rotation

You should not grow cucumbers in the same place for several years in a row. This crop will grow best in open ground after white cabbage or cauliflower. She feels quite good in the garden where tomatoes, peas, potatoes or beets previously grew. But after pumpkin cucumbers, they grow poorly and can get sick.

Watering when growing cucumbers is very important, since lack of moisture causes the greens to become bitter. Even if you grow hybrid varieties that do not tend to accumulate bitterness, you will not be able to get a good harvest without timely and high-quality watering. To improve productivity, irrigation of garden crops can be combined with fertilizing, using proven and safe folk recipes.

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    Watering in open ground

    Cucumbers came to our country from India, where the climate is humid and warm; That is why this vegetable crop needs warmth and plenty of moisture. The root system of cucumbers is located in the top layer of soil, from where water quickly evaporates or seeps into the lower layers. When the soil dries out, the roots of cucumber plants dry out quickly and require constant irrigation. A lot of moisture is required for the formation of juicy fruits and for the evaporation of moisture from the surface of large leaves, so cucumbers require frequent watering.

    Water temperature

    Water for irrigation of this crop must be warm. Its optimal temperature should be +25 degrees.

    To achieve a suitable water temperature, it is collected in barrels and left for a day. During this time, the water is warmed up by the sun and its temperature will not be colder than the surrounding air. This water can be safely used for watering plants.

    If the weather is too hot, when the air temperature exceeds +30 degrees, you can deviate from this rule and use cool water for irrigation. But in this case, watering should be limited, and the water itself should be directed only to the root so that it does not fall on the leaves. In cold weather, it is necessary to preheat water for irrigation, since the root system of cucumbers is not able to absorb water if its temperature is below +10 degrees. The water temperature is brought to +40 degrees and the plants are carefully watered, directing the moisture to the root, but not closer than 5 cm from the stem.

    Watering time

    When growing cucumbers in open ground, proper watering is carried out in the evening, when there is no strong sun activity. Overnight, the water will be absorbed into the soil and not evaporate, which often happens when watering in the morning. It is impossible to irrigate cucumbers during the daytime, since drops of water when they hit the leaves act like a lens and the plants can get sunburned.

    It must be remembered that the frequency of watering directly affects the taste of cucumbers. Due to lack of moisture, the fruits become bitter.

    At the initial stage of development, before flowering begins, the watering rate is from 5 to 7 liters of water per 1 m² of planting. If the weather is not hot, then 2 irrigations per week are sufficient. At high air temperatures, the frequency of watering increases to 4–5 per week. From the moment flowering begins, the frequency of watering and the rate of water consumption should be increased. During drought, plants need to be irrigated as much as possible every day. In case of prolonged rains, watering should be stopped.

    At the end of the growing season in August, the frequency and intensity of watering is reduced, since heavy dew often falls at this time, and the rate of moisture evaporation is reduced. You should not over-water the cucumbers, as this causes salinization of the soil and the formation of a dense crust. In this case, you need to stop watering and loosen the soil.

    How to irrigate in a greenhouse

    In general, irrigation of crops when growing cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse or greenhouse is no different from open cultivation. But there are still some features that need to be taken into account:

    • moisture in the greenhouse evaporates more slowly than in open ground;
    • in cool and cloudy weather, the temperature inside the greenhouse is higher and the ground becomes dry faster;
    • In sunny weather, the rate of moisture evaporation and drying out of the soil increases and plants need to be watered more often.

    When growing in greenhouses, a water consumption rate of 5 to 10 liters per 1 m² of planting should be observed. In the spring, when the outside air temperature is low, it is necessary to reduce the amount of water to 2–3 liters per 1 m², and in the summer, when the weather is hot, the norm should be 7–10 liters.

    It is also recommended to use settled warm water for watering in the greenhouse. In this case, the containers should be placed inside the greenhouse so that the temperature of the air and water is the same. If the weather is cloudy and the greenhouse soil is quite wet, watering is not carried out.

    Methods for irrigating cucumbers

    Since cucumber plants are able to absorb moisture not only through the root system, but also through other parts, it is recommended to use two main methods for irrigation.


    With an open growing method, such watering is provided by natural rains. If the plants are in a greenhouse, rain is provided to them artificially by watering them from a watering can or hose with a sprayer. Sprinkling should not be done too often, as this can cause fungal diseases.

    Artificial irrigation using a watering can

    Drip irrigation

    Recently, drip irrigation has become widespread, allowing water to be delivered to each plant individually. To carry out irrigation in this way, a special system of tubes and hoses with special adjustable droppers is used. They are located on the hose at intervals that correspond to the distance between individual cucumber bushes. In this way, each plant is watered individually, which significantly saves water.

    Drip irrigation system

    To ensure drip irrigation, the system is installed in advance, and only then seedlings or dry cucumber seeds are planted in accordance with the location of the droppers. Seedlings are planted at a distance of 3 to 5 cm from the irrigation system. Water is supplied to the system under pressure using a pump. If the tank is located at a height, then watering by gravity is possible.

    How to water vegetables for a good harvest

    For a good harvest of cucumbers, you should first of all take into account that they cannot be planted in the place where tomatoes and other crops from the nightshade family previously grew. To improve productivity, you can use various liquid fertilizers using folk recipes. Such fertilizing can be combined with watering.


    Quite often, yeast irrigation is used to improve yield. For seedlings, it improves shade tolerance, promotes root formation, improves plant immunity and stimulates their growth. To prepare the nutritional composition, dissolve 10 g of yeast in 10 liters of water along with 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar and leave to brew for 2 hours. Then the concentrate is diluted with 50 liters of warm water and the plants are watered. This fertilizing is done 2 weeks after the seedlings are transplanted into the ground or after fertilizing with phosphorus preparations.


    As an organic fertilizer during the period of active plant growth, it is useful to water them with a urea solution. When planting cucumbers by seed, after sprouts appear, they are watered with a urea solution prepared from 10 liters of water and 30 g of fertilizer. When using seedlings, fertilizing is carried out 14 days after transplanting it to a permanent place. Then watering with urea solution is repeated at the beginning and during active fruiting.

By and large, for a good harvest, cucumbers, in addition to water, only need a sufficient amount of potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus and magnesium. By choosing the right timing and quantity of fertilizers, you can achieve very good yields. Maximum yields are obtained with a skillful combination of organic and mineral fertilizers.

How to water cucumbers to make them grow faster

Cucumbers are grown in organic-rich soil. To do this, in the spring, manure or humus is added to the garden bed in an amount of 10-15 kg per 1 square meter. meter. It is advisable to apply mineral fertilizers to the soil three weeks before planting cucumbers in the garden. To do this, for 1 sq. per meter they take an average of 15 g of sodium, 20 g of phosphorus and 15 g of potassium and all this is simply scattered over the surface of the soil.

If an insufficient amount of humus or manure was used during planting, then the second feeding can be done with a solution of mullein with the addition of ash, or a solution of chicken manure with ash. Mullein is diluted with water six times, bird droppings 15 times. Take a glass of ash onto a bucket of solution.

Cucumbers are fed every 10-15 days and stop feeding 20-30 days before harvest.

Boron fertilizer has a very good effect. It is applied as foliar feeding in the flowering phase at a dose of 2 g per square meter. meter.

To ensure that fertilizers are evenly distributed in the soil when fertilizing, the soil is pre-watered.

Feeding cucumbers with folk remedies

Organic fertilizers are applied throughout the entire period of growing cucumbers, following the regime, taking into account the quantity. An excess of nutrients can cause rapid growth of foliage, accompanied by poor formation of ovaries and more. Using the means at hand, at home, you can prepare nutrient solutions for feeding greens.

Fertilizing cucumbers with ash

Slow plant growth, slow development of leaf blades, a small amount of color on the bushes - these are all signs of a deficiency of nutrients in the soil.

It is advisable to add ash throughout the season. An ash solution is used for irrigation. 1 cup of sifted ash is diluted in a bucket of water and left for a day. This solution is watered at the roots of cucumbers, until the end of fruiting, once every 7-10 days. Cucumbers are watered under the bush, the consumption rate is one liter per plant.

To prevent diseases, dust the root trunk and the ground around with ash.

Fertilizing cucumbers with yeast

This feeding increases resistance to disease, promotes the growth of the root system and the entire plant as a whole, the number of fruits increases, and the quality improves. Yeast contains significant amounts of nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, iron, and other elements.

Dissolve one pack of raw yeast in a bucket of water, stir thoroughly, and leave to ferment for a day. Water the plants at the root at the rate of one liter of solution per bush. Yeast tincture is used additionally in combination with mineral fertilizers no more than once every 15 days.

This product can also be used to water tomatoes at the initial stage of development.

Fertilizing with yeast infusion has the same effect on plants as sourdough.

Fertilizing cucumbers with soda

You can prolong the fruiting of cucumbers by watering the plantings with soda, but not only with it, but in combination with some other components. Prepare the following solution, for 10 liters of water you will need:

1 glass of ash + 1 liter of infusion of rotted hay, aged for 48 hours + 30 g of baking soda + 15 grams of urea.

Fertilizing cucumbers with chicken droppings

You can use both rotted chicken excrement and fresh ones. Before using such fertilizing from chicken manure, the beds with cucumbers are thoroughly watered so as not to cause burns to the roots of the plants. Fresh droppings are diluted with warm water in a ratio of 1:20 and the cucumbers are carefully watered with the solution at the root (0.5 liters per plant). After applying the fertilizer, the remaining solution that gets on the bushes should be washed off from the watering can with clean water.

All feeding is carried out in the morning or evening hours.

Signs of nutritional deficiency on cucumbers

  • A deficiency of any nutrients in the soil affects the growth and development of cucumber plants. For example, if there is a shortage nitrogen in the soil, plant growth is retarded, the leaves become light green, and the fruits become pointed and also lighten. The roots begin to turn brown and die.
  • If the plant lacks phosphorus, the leaves become small and dark green. Plant and fruit growth slows down.
  • If there is insufficient quantity in the soil potassium older leaves develop a bronze tint and then a brown edge appears on the edges. The plant practically ceases to resist diseases.
  • Not enough magnesium usually on sandy and sandy loam soils, light green spots appear on the lower leaves of the plant, then they turn yellow, become brittle and fall off prematurely.
  • Presence in soil manganese increases the intensity of plant respiration and the absorption of carbon dioxide. The lack of this element delays fruiting and reduces yield.

Please tell me what kind of fertilizer do you use for cucumbers? Do you like feeding cucumbers with yeast? What fertilizers do you use for cucumbers in a greenhouse, and which ones in open ground?

The best reviews from gardeners

    I feed them all summer, every 10 days at a time, otherwise fruiting ends quickly, and I still have cucumbers in September. Take herbal infusion, sourdough, organic infusions, in short, any fertilizers with nitrogen and everything will be fine. I also infuse mullein and add it to the irrigation water. Cucumbers love fertile soil and moisture.

    Add half a jar of 1 liter of sweet water and 1 liter of sourdough to a bucket of water.

    How to water cucumbers to make them grow faster

    Trouble with cucumbers this year. We planted good seedlings around June 20th. Usually 12-13. But it was cold, the earth did not warm up even in the greenhouse. 10 bushes died. We bought 10 of their bushes from the Polar Experimental Institute of Plant Growing. So they are now producing a harvest, and ours are as pitiful as they have ever been. I feed everything described above. Today I'll soak up the ashes. I also use it. The potatoes were covered with late blight. It's damp all summer. Believe it or not, I never watered the beds over the summer, I just fed them. The only plant that makes me happy is red currant. There are more berries on it than ever before. Have a good harvest everyone!!!

    To get a good harvest of cucumbers, you need to feed them regularly. The best fertilizer is bread sourdough. How to cook: fill a bucket 2/3 full with brown bread crusts, add water and press down with something heavy so that the contents do not float. Place the bucket in a warm place for fermentation for a week. Then dilute the resulting starter with water (1:3) and water the cucumbers at the root. Consumption - 0.5 l per bush.

    Cucumbers “love” feeding from nettle infusion - half a bucket of chopped nettle per 10 liters of water, leave for 5 days. Dilute - 1 liter. jar for 10 liters of water. In addition, fertilizing with fresh yeast 100 grams per 10 liters of water, leave for a day, water 0.5 jars under the bush. Have a good harvest!!!

The cucumber harvest depends entirely on watering and fertilizing.

How to feed cucumbers for growth

To obtain a good harvest, in addition to a properly prepared bed, fertilizing after planting the plants in the greenhouse is also important. Experts recommend four feedings per season:

  1. The first - two weeks after landing;
  2. The second - during the flowering period;
  3. The third - during the period of fruit ripening;
  4. The fourth is to prolong the fruiting stage.

Please note: When using chemical fertilizers, harmful substances may accumulate in the fruits.

To grow environmentally friendly products, you can water your cucumbers using fertilizers with an organic composition, proven by folk recipes:

  1. Manure, chicken droppings, peat compost;
  2. Infusions of herbs, plants;
  3. Ash;

Please note: It is important to carry out the feeding procedure correctly. During warm summers, fertilizing is applied to the soil. If the weather is cool, do foliar feeding.

Necessary rules for applying fertilizers:

  1. Fertilizer is applied after watering;
  2. In the evening or early morning;
  3. In cloudy weather.

Nitrogen fertilizers

The plant needs nitrogen fertilizers. If there is a lack of nitrogen after planting, cucumber seedlings begin to grow quickly, but ovaries do not form.

Signs of nitrogen deficiency:

Fertilization with chemical nitrogen fertilizers during the fruiting period promotes the accumulation of nitrates in fruits. For feeding it is necessary to use natural products:

  1. Urea (without ash);
  2. Watering or spraying: mullein, infusion of green grass, chicken droppings.
  3. Feeding cucumbers in a greenhouse with folk remedies

Proper care and timely feeding contribute to long-term fruiting. It is important to use natural, natural ingredients as fertilizers:

  1. Dried and ground banana peels are added to the soil when planting seedlings. When the peel rots, it releases nitrogen and potassium, which cucumbers need for rapid growth.
  2. Green fertilizer is quite popular among gardeners. The cut grass is poured into a large container with water and left to ferment for ten days. Then dilute a liter of concentrate in a bucket of water and water it.

Zelenka and iodine

The composition of brilliant green contains a large number of microelements, especially copper. For rapid growth of cucumbers, add 10 drops of brilliant green to a bucket of water and water the plant with the solution. This feeding is good for a swampy area.

REFERENCE: Iodine has a similar effect. It not only nourishes, but also heals plants (5 ml of iodine is dissolved in five liters of water).

Onion peel

Onion peel solution for yellowing leaves

When the leaves turn yellow, a solution of onion peels helps. In addition to the treatment provided, cucumbers begin to grow quickly. Eight liters of water will require a glass of husk. After boiling, let the solution steep until it cools down.

Chicken manure is no less effective. Place dry droppings into a container one third full and fill with water. Leave for 5 days, stirring the solution periodically. For watering, dilute 4 times.

How to feed cucumbers after planting in the ground

The stage of formation of the root system is one of the most important, since the yield depends on it. For rapid growth and strengthening, watering is necessary as soon as the first leaves appear. For watering use:

  1. Nitroammophoska solution (spoon in a bucket of water);
  2. Prepared composition of mullein (0.5 liters per 10 liters of water);
  3. Nettle infusion;
  4. Weak manganese solution.

Organic fertilizers

It is very important that the ash is wood, without any debris or plastic.

  1. Ash. In addition to a large number of microelements, the ash contains:
  • Calcium, which helps vines grow and green mass form;
  • Potassium - promotes the formation of ovaries;
  1. Rock salt, activating growth, capable of accumulating water in plants.

For rapid growth, ash water is used. To prepare ash water, add a full glass of ash to five liters of water. Leave for 10 days, stirring occasionally. You can also water the cucumbers with soda; the effect of this watering is similar to using ash.

REFERENCE: It is acceptable to use dry ash (sprinkle the soil under the plant before watering). Carry out up to six feedings per season at the rate of a glass of concentrate per 10 liters of water.

Grain feeding

Dried bread pieces are perfect as a top dressing. This feeding will accelerate the growth and improve fruiting of cucumbers. The yeast included in bread stimulates the active growth of vegetable crops. Watering is recommended once every 10 days. Fertilizing is carried out throughout the growing season. They can be used both in open ground and in greenhouses. For watering or spraying, the solution is diluted three times. To prepare the starter, fill a bucket with a lid two-thirds full with breadcrumbs or bread and add water at room temperature. Then they close it and place a load on the lid. Keep for seven days in a warm place, then filter.

This bread will be useful not only on the table, but also in the garden.


Natural yeast is also used to accelerate growth.

Yeast promotes the rapid and active growth of cucumbers

Feeding cucumbers during flowering and fruiting

Most often, gardeners use manure as top dressing. It contains chemicals that are necessary to obtain a high yield: potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen. For irrigation, the concentrate is diluted 10 times. Dilute fresh manure in a ratio of 1:20 with water; dry water requires 4 times more than manure. Leave for 10 days. It is also important when watering is done, in the morning or in the evening. Experienced gardeners prefer to water in the morning, before the sun rises high above the horizon, so that all nutrients are absorbed as much as possible during the daylight hours.

Let's sum it up

In order for the cucumber crop to grow and develop well, the use of complex compounds and chemicals is not necessary. You can use things that are familiar to you in everyday life, since they have a lot of useful properties.

Video: When and what to feed cucumbers