How to properly fix plastic panels to the wall: with and without lathing. Fastening plastic panels to the wall Fastening for plastic panels

When designing work on the decoration of premises, the question often arises of the choice of material for carrying out such work. Today, a large selection of finishing materials is available on the construction market. But it is worth remembering that the material for such work is selected based on the use of the room, and the use of the wrong type can lead to destruction or rapid damage to the appearance of the entire finish as a whole. One of the versatile finishing materials are PVC panels. Since the appearance of this material, such a finish has been quite popular for a number of reasons.

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) panels are a type of finishing material made on the basis of polyvinyl chloride with the addition of various kinds of additives. In hardware stores, these plastic panels are called clapboard. It is used to decorate any building elements, as well as premises in general. The use of PVC panels is mainly used in places where dry finishing is required, and this material can also be used for both indoor and outdoor work.

Plastic PVC panels

Types of PVC panels

Such finishing material can be divided into two types:

  • Ceiling panels;
  • Wall panels;

The difference is that shelf panels are thinner ... This is due to the fact that when mounted on the ceiling, the lining will not bear any loads, therefore, for the ceiling decoration, it will not be necessary to make panels with a large thickness. Also, the ceiling lining is significantly less in weight, and this greatly facilitates the installation process, and at the same time the weight of the entire hinged structure is reduced.

Also, PVC panels can be divided according to the method of joining lamellas:

  • Seamless;
  • Embossed;
  • Beveled lamellas;

Pros and cons of PVC panels

When choosing a material for decoration, you should know and take into account all the positive and negative qualities. For PVC panels, the following can be noted positive traits :

  • Ease of installation;
  • Long service life;
  • Availability;
  • Large selection of colors;
  • Does not require special care;
  • This material is suitable for finishing any room;

Along with positive qualities, there is also a number of disadvantages , which you should pay attention to when choosing it:

  • Low impact resistance;
  • This material is not resistant to ultraviolet radiation. That is, it is not advisable to mount the lining in places that are constantly under the sun;

It should be noted that such shortcomings can be removed depending on the pricing policy. Therefore, when choosing PVC panels, great attention should be paid to these parameters.

Surface mounting methods

Before starting the installation of PVC panels in the room, it is necessary to decide on the method of fastening. Here you should be aware that the panels can be fixed in three ways.

  • Vertical mount;
  • Horizontal mount;
  • Diagonal mount (rare);

The method of fastening must be determined in advance based on the design features of the room. This is necessary in order to properly mount the frame. In some cases, if it is required to sheathe a column, then only diagonal fastening is used. In most cases, when installing the lining, the method of fastening depends only on the wishes of the customer of the work.

Panel fixing tools

When self-fastening PVC panels, you will need a tool that must be prepared in advance so as not to interrupt the work sequence for a long period. To complete the work you will need:

  • Perforator or drill;
  • Bulgarian (angle grinder);
  • Rule;
  • Level;
  • Roulette;
  • Stapler;

Any of these tools is necessary, since when performing some tasks manually, the quality of the entire finish as a whole can be seriously affected, which will entail additional costs for the purchase of material. Therefore, you should not neglect such nuances.

The choice of frame for PVC panels

In order to perform all the installation work efficiently, you should initially familiarize yourself with the preparatory work. The installation of wall or ceiling panels is 90% dependent on a well-made frame for them. It is intended for fastening panels, since such material is not used on the main surface. In some cases, it also performs the function of leveling the main surface.

The frame can be made from wooden slats or from a metal profile. This profile is used for plasterboard work. The difference between these materials is primarily in the pricing policy. But, it is also worth noting other nuances.

Wooden frame it is made faster and will cost a little less, but before installing it, additional costs and time will be required for fire-fighting wood. Also, if the rail was purchased raw, after its installation, it can change its shape. As a result, more dowels are required to secure it.

The main advantage metal frame is its durability and convenience when performing work. It does not require any additional work with it.

It is also worth noting that with unevenness on the walls of the wooden lath, more metal profile will go away. A metal frame is simply necessary in places with high humidity, since under such conditions a tree can infect a fungus and the entire frame can collapse in a short period.

In order to choose the right material for the frame, you will also need to take into account the location and type of wiring if work is carried out indoors.

To correctly make the installation of PVC panels, it is initially required to make a crate (frame). This is done in the following way. To begin with, a visual inspection of the surface is carried out where the panels will be installed. At this stage, it is necessary to identify wall defects and, if any, they need to be eliminated. After that, a check is carried out for irregularities. This will require a rule and a level. You can also use a plumb line to identify the inclination of the surface to be sheathed.

Checking the unevenness of the wall

At the next stage, it is necessary to decide on the method of fastening the lining sheets. If the horizontal fastening of the panels was chosen, the frame rails must be installed vertically. When the panels are mounted vertically, the rails are mounted horizontally. Marking is also carried out how many rails are required for the sheathed surface. The slats should be placed at a distance of no more than 50 cm from each other. A prerequisite is that the first and last slats must be placed in the corners of the surface to be sheathed.

When all the nuances are determined, you can proceed to the immediate implementation of the work. The first rail is installed from the corner and is attached to the wall using dowels. During installation, it is required to strictly control the evenness of the installation using a level. The next rail is mounted in the opposite corner. After that, a thread is pulled between them, and all subsequent rails are installed along it. The end result is a frame on which PVC panels can be attached.

Before installing the panel sheets, corner moldings are initially installed, which are attached with a stapler to the frame. In another embodiment, starting moldings can be attached along the perimeter of the sheathing surface if the sheathing area has no corners.

PVC panels are mounted with a stapler. They are connected to each other using side lamellas.

You can also watch the video instructions for installing the lathing and fixing PVC panels in the video:

Installation of PVC panels on the ceiling is carried out in the same way as on the walls. A significant difference is that all work is carried out above the level of the head. At the initial stage, it is necessary to assemble the frame for the ceiling decoration. In such cases, it is more advisable to use wooden slats, since it will be a little easier to work with them, but do not forget that the metal crate will still last longer, so you can choose it.Also, before starting work, the method of fixing the sheets is determined. For such work, any mounting method may be suitable. This parameter depends more on the design of the PVC panels.

The frame for the ceiling sheathing is made in the same way as for the walls. When constructing a ceiling lathing, take into account the laying of electrical wires. Since PVC ceiling sheets are thinner than wall ones, additional elements for a chandelier or spotlights are required in the frame.

Also, as in the wall version, moldings (ceiling plinths) are attached along the perimeter of the ceiling.

Installation of skirting boards on the lathing

Fastening is carried out on staples using a stapler for a wooden lathing and on self-tapping screws for a metal one.

You can also watch several videos with instructions for installing PVC panels on the ceiling:

Fastening PVC panels to columns

Sometimes there is a need to sheathe the column with PVC panels. This is a rather laborious task if the column is round. But such work can also be done independently. For sheathing a column, you will need to calculate the required amount of a metal profile, since a wooden frame cannot be used. The whole point of the column sheathing is the correct installation of the frame.

The metal profile is U-shaped. It is required to cut triangles along its edges on both sides. This can be done using a grinder or metal scissors. Thus, this profile can be bent into a perfect circle. Its fastening is carried out using special metal plates, which are initially fastened along the entire circumference. Then the profile is mounted on these plates.

The fastening of the lining in such cases is usually used diagonally, since the sheets of the panels are rectangular in shape and they can be easily attached along a round surface.

You can also watch a video on this topic:

Fastening PVC panels to a metal profile

To install PVC panels on a metal frame, the first thing is to correctly calculate the required number of profiles. To begin with, along the entire perimeter of the sheathed surface, it is required to fix the profile guides (UD). Their installation is carried out along a pre-marked line. If a laser level is available, these works can be done much easier and faster.

The next step will be the installation of wall profiles (CD), they are located at a distance of 50 cm from each other along the guide profiles. When the installation of wall profiles is done, they are fixed with fastening plates every 30 - 40 cm. Such a frame in many ways resembles a crate for drywall.

Installation of metal lathing for PVC panels

At the next stage, PVC panels are cut, and installation is carried out. They are fastened with self-tapping screws to the profile. It is important not to forget that when assembling the lathing, the wall profiles must always be mounted perpendicular to the direction of fixing the panels.

As with timber framing, starting moldings are also required if the surface has no corners or curves.

Fastening PVC panels to metal crate

An unpleasant moment when working with metal profiles is the fastening of panels to them. This process is very laborious and time-consuming.

How to fix PVC panels without lathing

Sometimes there are cases when PVC panels are fixed without a frame. But such a fastening does not find great popularity, since the lining sheets will repeat all the irregularities of the sheathed surface. But for decoration, the following method is used. A sheet of plywood, chipboard or chipboard is initially attached to the surface to be sheathed. This is necessary in order to level and strengthen the entire sheathing surface. Further, according to the specified dimensions, a lining sheet is cut out and attached to a wooden base using a stapler or self-tapping screws.

How to fix PVC panels to the wall correctly

December 16, 2014

How to ennoble the walls of your home? This question often arises when it is time for the next renovation or when buying a new apartment. Many answers are born in my head: paint with paint or

glue the wallpaper, cover with decorative tiles or apply decorative plaster. Most of these options require preliminary preparatory work. Which pulls behind both investment investments and labor costs. And to do this, oh, how I do not want to.

There is an alternative method of solving this problem - wall cladding with PVC panels. This is a versatile finishing material for balconies and loggias, utility rooms and corridors, hallways and even some areas of the kitchen. Wall cladding with PVC panels is an aesthetic appearance at an affordable price. The material is new on the sales market, but it is quite suitable for finishing residential and technical premises.

PVC panels as an option for wall cladding

We found out that wall cladding with PVC panels is the easiest and most economical way to revet the walls of a dwelling or utility room. With their help, you can finish almost any wall surface with a bath or shower room inclusive. They easily fit on brick or plaster, facing tiles.

Moreover, using PVC panels for walls, installation can be done with your own hands. It does not represent particularly difficult moments and does not require specific skills. The need to level the surfaces of the walls disappears in principle, which makes repairs in the apartment easy, quick and not laborious.

But still, in order for the repair work to be successful, you need to know exactly how to fix the PVC panels to the wall, and in what ways you can do it. Our article can help you with this. In it we will try to give you all the comprehensive instructions and advice on installation, features and characteristics.

Wall cladding with PVC panels is used very often today. And this is not an accident, but, most likely, a pattern. Why do buyers give preference to this particular building material? They have already appreciated a number of indisputable advantages of these panels:

  • resistance to the effects of moisture on them - absolute;
  • the level of mechanical strength is high;
  • susceptibility to the influence of temperature or atmospheric influences on them - zero;
  • are not exposed to ultraviolet radiation;
  • ease of installation work;
  • the ability to use the material for decoration both inside and outside.

Production technology

Manufacturers of PVC panels use two main components as a base: the first is table salt, and the second is petroleum products. Therefore, the technology must imply environmental friendliness, as well as the purity of the material.

The construction of internal partitions from panels gives them good strength, so their use in houses, apartments or buildings of public importance is permissible. The use of special seamless technology in production makes it possible to make the joints between them practically invisible. If we talk about the strength of the material, then it is quite sufficient so that various lamps for additional lighting with electrical outlets and switches can be mounted on its surface.

When installing PVC panels, locks are located on one side, and grooves on the other. They are provided by the manufacturers so that the panels are fastened without the use of additional devices and directly onto the frame with self-tapping screws.

As for the thickness of the panels, it varies from 8 ml to 62 ml. This means that their scope is wide. If the surface is processed by hot lamination, then their wear resistance increases and the adhesion process between the wall and the panel is enhanced.

Types and classification

PVC panels laminated for walls are divided into three main types:

  • Rack and pinion. In the form of strips with tongue-and-groove fastening. They are made in the image of a lining or simply seamless.

  • Tiled. In the form of sheets in the form of a square.
  • Leafy. This type of panel has the largest linear dimension. With their help, you can revet rather large areas at once.
  • If we consider all types of panels by materials, then they can be divided into two classes:

  • Polyvinyl chloride.
  • Chipboard, MDF, fiberboard materials are the result of wood processing.
  • Features and properties

    Laminated chipboard panels. This class of material is considered one of the worst in terms of mechanical strength, it is not environmentally friendly, hygroscopic. It crumbles very easily, it can be easily damaged even during transportation. Moreover, in its manufacture, synthetic resins are used. Therefore, it is impractical to use it in residential premises.

    MDF panels. Newer and more modern in comparison with fiberboard. They are more resistant to stress, less hygroscopic. Manufacturers use the natural polymer lignin, which is obtained from wood, as the basis. After wood, it is the second most environmentally friendly material. The appearance of the panels imitates various types of wood, which makes them unique and stylish.

    PVC laminated panels for walls are the most moisture resistant of all types of material. They have found their main application as a cladding of those rooms in which there is a high level of humidity. Among the shortcomings, only their cold appearance can be noted: monochromatic options, granite or marble. But they look good with external wall cladding.

    Stages of preparatory work

    Before fixing the PVC panels to the wall, it is necessary to carefully make and calculate all measurements of the house or apartment, assess their condition. Only after an assessment to determine in which direction the fastening process will take place, taking into account the dimension of the cladding as such and the features of all walls of the building. If there are openings and other non-standard structural elements, then there is a possibility of additional costs and the amount of material.

    Before fixing PVC panels to the wall, experienced experts recommend holding them in any room at room temperature for at least half an hour. The surfaces where you plan to mount the panels must be thoroughly cleaned of dust, dirt and other debris.

    The surface of the facing tiles, before fixing the PVC panels to the wall, must be sanded, the wallpaper must be cleaned and any residues removed if your panels are fixed with glue. Each panel is covered with a protective film on top, it is better not to remove it during installation work, so you can keep the presentation of the material.


    Before proceeding with the installation of PVC panels, prepare the necessary tools:

  • Electric drill with a drill and a special tip. Diameter equal to the head of the dowel.
  • Hand-held electric saw.
  • Electric screwdriver. You can use a simple screwdriver.
  • Correct building level.
  • Stapler. You can use a hammer.
  • Marking pencil, crayon, tape measure.
  • Metal scissors.
  • A hacksaw for carving wood or metal.
  • Ladder.

  • Methods for attaching PVC panels to the wall

    Fastening of PVC panels to the wall is done with staples, mounting profile, nails or gluing. These are the most basic types of panel fastening for wall decoration.

    Fastening with staples or nails

    Installation of PVC panels on the wall using staples or nails is the most used method. To use this technology, the erection of the lathing is required. To erect the lathing, you will need wooden beams with a section of 40 × 25 cm.

    With the help of them, a frame is created on the surface of the wall. The bars are fastened perpendicular to the panel sheet 50 cm from one another to the wall with screws. One point to pay attention to.

    In this version, the walls are aligned using the panels. And this means that the crate should be erected perfectly evenly, strictly according to the level. Further, it is advisable to start fixing PVC panels to the wall from the corner of the building structure, fixing the finishing element in it with a bracket or a nail. In this case, the direction does not matter, just make sure that the comb of the PVC panel is directed in the direction where the installation movement is directed.

    If you started attaching PVC panels to the wall, then make sure that the panels are pressed tightly against each other. To make the wall cladding look neat in the corners or where PVC panels are adjacent to window, door or other openings, use special starting and end moldings.

    They are on sale, you will not have any problems finding them. When laying the last strip of the panel, it is necessary, applying a little effort, to push it into the finishing element or corner, as well as into the previous strip.

    Fastening panels with a mounting profile

    The technology for assembling panels in this way provides for the use of special profiles for plastic panels. They are made of either plastic or galvanized steel. During

    installation, they must be attached to the wall as in the first method.

    Then you need to insert the corner profile, it snaps onto the rail with special clips. Here you need to insert the first sheet of the PVC panel and attach it to the rail using a clip. Further, all subsequent strips of material are inserted into all previous ones and are also attached.

    Fastening PVC panels with glue

    This cladding method requires the wall to be perfectly flat, clean and dry. If this is not the case, but you have chosen this particular method of cladding, then before gluing you need to prepare all the surfaces of the walls. Next, the panel is greased with glue evenly and thoroughly, then fixed to the wall.

    You can also glue the panels to the frame. Then the need for leveling the walls disappears, the slats or wooden lathing bars are covered with a layer of glue. In order to glue the PVC panels to the wall, only specially designed glue is used. In another way, it is called "liquid nails".

    In no case should you use glue that contains a cleaner or solvent. When adjusting PVC panels in height, do not forget that they are capable of expanding in winter and summer.

    Therefore, you need to leave small gaps. In a damp room, using battens as a batten, make small cuts for air circulation.

    Shape and dimensions

    PVC slatted panels for walls have the following dimensions: the width of each of them is 10 ÷ 30 centimeters, the length is 2.5 ÷ 6 meters and the thickness is 8 ÷ 25 millimeters.

    Sheet panels. Their typical dimensions are: 122 ÷ 244 cm, 260 ÷ 100 cm, 200 ÷ 100 cm, 130 ÷ 100 cm, 260 ÷ 490 cm, 130 ÷ 49 cm, 128 ÷ 98 cm, 260 ÷ 98 cm.Thickness 3 ÷ 6 mm ...

    Square PVC panels for walls have the following dimensions: 30 ÷ 30 cm, 30 ÷ 60 cm, 15 ÷ 60 cm, 98 ÷ 98 cm, 98 ÷ 49 cm.

    Wall decoration with PVC panels

    Plastic panels are non-natural material. They include polyvinyl chloride and a minimum amount of softener. The structure of the material is cellular, thanks to which it has good sound insulation. Various textures or patterns are printed on the surface of the panels. From above, they are covered with a special antistatic layer, which increases wear resistance and protects against ultraviolet radiation.

    From above, they can be varnished or matte-silky. It is possible to sheathe walls with PVC panels in rooms with direct moisture on their surface, for example, in a bathroom or shower. The material is absolutely waterproof, easy to clean. Sheathing walls with PVC panels is much easier, easier than drywall.

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    How to fix plastic panels - step by step instructions

    When thinking about renovation, we always want to get an excellent result, and at the same time do without unnecessary costs and meet the minimum deadlines. Another important point is that the repair work does not cause a lot of trouble, does not leave dirt behind and does not greatly interfere with the neighbors.

    An excellent solution in this case would be the installation of plastic panels. Our instructions will help you understand how to fix plastic panels. They can be easily attached to walls or ceilings without the need to level the surface in advance.

    Plastic panels are easy to clean and are ideal for rooms with high humidity (bathroom, sauna, boiler room). A variety of colors and textures will help create a unique and cozy interior. For the installation of such panels, it is enough to have a few tools at hand.

    Required tools and preliminary preparation

    The tools necessary for attaching plastic panels can be found in almost every home:

    • electric drill;
    • hacksaw for wood;
    • scissors and a hacksaw for metal;
    • screwdriver or screwdriver;
    • tape measure, building level, pencil or marker;
    • hammer, stapler;
    • ladder.

    First, use a tape measure to measure the work surface, this will allow you to correctly calculate the required amount of materials.

    The surface must be free of wallpaper. If the panels will stick, be sure to clean the walls or tiles from paint and dust.

    Features of installation and procedure

    The panels are fastened either directly to the wall or to a pre-prepared crate. For wall mounting, it must be perfectly flat. The battens are wooden beams or slats that are screwed to the surface at a certain distance from each other. For walls, the width between the slats should not exceed 30 - 40 cm, for the ceiling - not more than 30 cm. The battens for the lathing are mounted on the wall perpendicular to the direction of the panels.

    If the wall to which the slats are attached is wooden or any other into which self-tapping screws are easily screwed, then it is best to use them to fasten the bars. If the wall is concrete or brick, then it is best to fix the bars with dowel-nails or with ordinary dowels and self-tapping screws.

    An example of fastening the lathing for plastic panels.

    Before getting started, you must understand how to properly attach the plastic panels to the wall.

    • If you decide to fasten the panels to the lathing with nails, then keep in mind that reuse of the material will be impossible, since most likely, the integrity of the panel will be violated during dismantling.
    • The best way of fixing is with clamps.
    • But using staples that are driven in with a special stapler is also a good option.
    • Another good option for attaching panels is self-tapping screws.

    The most common ways of attaching plastic panels.

    After you have decided on the method of fixing the panels, you need to do the following:

    Install the fittings first: finishing element, outer or inner corner. If the panel covers the wall up to the ceiling, then fix the ceiling plinth to the top beam.

    Available varieties of fittings for plastic panels.

    Insert the panel into the fixing element with the narrow fixing flange. The panel is fixed on the side of the wide mounting shelf using nails or staples.

    After making sure the first panel is level, insert the next, narrow end, into the groove of the previous panel. Try to mount the panels tightly to each other.

    Installation of the necessary fittings and the first plastic panel.

    The last plastic panel that completes the row must be firmly inserted between the finishing element and the previous panel. If the panel needs to be reduced in width, cut off the excess with a knife, moving along the panel.

    Video: Installation of battens, fittings and PVC panels

    Features of mounting plastic panels on walls

    If the room is dry and the walls are flat, then the panels can be fixed directly to the wall without using the lathing.

    Fastening the panels with glue directly to the walls without using the crate.

    In a room with high humidity, a plastic or metal mounting profile should be used as a crate. In this case, the panels are attached to the rails with special clips, which greatly facilitates the installation and dismantling of the structure.

    Fastening panels using a plastic profile using special clips.

    Consideration should be given to the expansion of the material with changes in temperature, so when adjusting the panels in height, leave a small gap. If a wide beam is used for the lathing, then insulation or sound-insulating material can be placed in the resulting space between the wall and the panels.

    Features of mounting plastic panels on the ceiling

    Now let's look at how to attach plastic panels to the ceiling. Before installation, it is necessary to determine the distance between the panels and the ceiling. This gap will depend on the type of lighting. If you plan to install recessed lights, then the distance should be at least 10-15 cm, so you can completely hide the wiring. Mark in advance with a pencil the places of the lamps, cut out the holes and install the base of the lighting fixtures.

    Metal lathing for the installation of plastic panels on the ceiling in the bathroom.

    Next, you follow the same steps as when installing panels on walls. In a room with a flat ceiling, you can do without lathing. Install the ceiling plinth on three walls before starting work. Use a building level to place the panels evenly.

    When installing plastic panels in a damp room, fill the ceiling gaps with silicone sealant to ensure complete waterproofing.

    Useful tips for installing plastic panels:

    1. Cut and drill panels face up. Use a metal hacksaw, hand saw or utility knife to cut. Always wear safety glasses to protect your eyes.

    2. Apply the adhesive directly to the wall. Draw the grid with straight lines, leaving no gaps. Use only special construction glue "liquid nails".

    3. When driving nails into the panel during installation, be careful not to hit the surface with a hammer, otherwise dents will remain.

    4. Clean plastic panels with soapy water. Do not use abrasive cleaning agents, coarse scourers, or solvent-based products for maintenance.

    Now you know how to fix plastic panels to the wall and how to care for them. Installation of plastic panels does not take much time and is within the power of any beginner. By choosing this easy-to-install material, you can create a unique interior with your own hands. Among the variety of panels imitating stone, wood, paper of various colors, you will definitely find an option to your liking.

    Be sure to watch the video below, it very clearly shows the process of installing plastic panels.

    Video: Finishing the walls and ceiling of the bathroom with PVC panels

    How to properly fix plastic panels to the wall?

    Plastic panel- decorative finishing material made of polyvinyl chloride (plastic). They are used for indoor and outdoor use. Used for walls and ceilings.

    The finishing material externally looks like a board. If you make a structural cross-section, you can see that the panel is a "sandwich": 2 plates interconnected by transverse stiffening ribs. Docking of panels with each other is carried out by means of a groove-thorn connection.

    Typical average panel sizes are:

    • length - 2600, 2700, 2800, 3000,…. 6000mm;
    • width - 80, 100, 110, 150, 200, 250, 300, 375, 500,…. 1220mm;
    • thickness - 5, 6, 8, 10mm;

    The decorative coating on the panel itself is done in several ways:

  • Offset printing. The pattern is applied on the production line when the panel passes between the rolls (offsets) on which the pattern is made. With this method, the image is clear with maximum color rendition. The surface of the panel is more resistant to mechanical stress.
  • Thermal transfer method. The decorative coating is a printed film. Application is carried out on the production line by transferring a preheated film to the surface of the panel. Due to possible violations of technological processes, the image may turn out to be blurry. Since the material of the film does not have sufficient strength, scratches can easily occur on the surface of the panel with random sliding movements along the panel.
  • Lamination. With this method, a durable decorative film is applied to the surface of the panel, which subsequently performs protective functions.
  • Coloring. It is carried out by introducing dyes into the composition of the plastic mass - a material is obtained that is painted over to the entire depth. This method is mainly used for the manufacture of "plastic lining". Has a limited color palette.
  • If you build an economic value chain, it will look like this: painting - thermal transfer - offset printing - lamination. In other words, the most expensive, but with a high-quality coating, are laminated panels, more simply - offset printing, the cheapest for interior decoration are products with a thermal transfer coating.

    Mounting methods
    Fasteners for the lathing

    Recommended by all manufacturers. It is a series of longitudinal strips made of wood or PVC-profile, attached to the surface in several rows (up to 4 ... 6). In the case of using a wooden lattice in the bathroom, it must be pre-treated with an antiseptic composition against decay, mold and mildew.

    To the crate, the panels are fastened:

  • Carnations with a wide head... for example, "roofing".
  • Self-tapping screws with a large head... for example, "galvanized self-tapping screw with a press washer."
  • Staples, clamps... - they themselves are attached to the crate, and the panel is fixed by them through the protruding flat bottom (back) part.
  • When fixing panels to a plastic profile by means of staples, it is advisable to additionally use liquid nails. This is due to the fact that the brackets have low strength - during installation they are deformed, the fastening becomes fragile, especially when the panels are mounted on the ceiling surface.

    A kind of crate Is a metal frame made of a metal profile. The main advantages are high rigidity and strength, moisture resistance. The panels are fastened to it by means of metal screws with a large head. Fixation with glue with the general name "liquid nails" is possible.

    Note: If the panels are installed in a damp room, the glue should be based on chemical solvents - the acrylic base is not resistant to moisture.

    Fastening directly to the surface

    Available in several ways:

  • When the surface is "nailed"- wood and wood products, drywall, etc. the panel can be fixed with nails, self-tapping screws directly to the finished surface.
  • With alcohol-based adhesives... - they are used to fix foam plinths and ceiling tiles; disadvantage - setting time from 15 minutes; advantages - price and moisture resistance.
  • Application of a group of adhesives with the colloquial name "liquid nails"; advantage - reliable and durable fixation, adhesion to most materials, including plastic.
  • Advice: When choosing this type of glue, it is not at all necessary to choose a highly specialized composition - most of these adhesives have a wide range of applications. More important is the initial gripping force, the higher the number, the better. Measured in kg / m².

    The use of double-sided foam tape will provide reliable instant fixation, easy to use, moisture resistant.

    Note: All these types of "fastening directly to the surface" have a significant drawback - a smooth surface without drops is required.

    With an uneven surface, the above methods are used with a wooden crate or PVC profile, as well as using a metal frame.

    Fastening with polyurethane foam

  • Compensation for drops level on the surface up to 30mm.
  • Reliable fixation.
  • Foam adhesion to most materials.
  • Fast enough installation... - wall cladding of a "typical" bathroom will take no more than 2 ... 3 days.
  • Ease of use- the method is similar to fastening by means of glue "liquid nails".
  • Minimal pollution in the course of work, - trimming panels and plastic corners.
  • Note: it is advisable to use professional foam, moreover, the one that is marked "65" and the time of formation of a surface "crust" after 10 ... 15 minutes.

    To use foam, you can buy an inexpensive "disposable" plastic gun - it will pay off on the very first use, and its performance will be enough to produce up to 10 cylinders.

    Advantages when installing panels in the bathroom

    Most common practice- This is finishing with ceramic tiles, but this is a time and material cost. A good alternative is wall and ceiling cladding with plastic panels.

    This method has a number of advantages:

  • Affordable cost of materials- the price of one square meter of panels is significantly lower than that of tiles.
  • There is no need in tile adhesive.
  • Are eliminated dirty, associated with the generation of dust when cutting tiles, types of work.
  • Minimum set tool.
  • Easy installation- it becomes possible to independently perform the entire range of works.
  • Convenience of work- panels are easily processed with common hand-made construction tools.
  • Plastic Is an absolutely inert material with respect to water.
  • Ability to complete all work within 7 days- taking into account the lack of professionalism of the person performing the work.

  • Applied tool, general list:

  • Sharp knife... for example, "clerical" with a metal holder and replaceable blades - will be needed when adjusting the panels.
  • Hacksaw for metal and separately the sheet for metal - used to cut panels or parts of the crate, PVC profile, metal frame; the blade is convenient to use for longitudinal cutting, along the long side.
  • Metal scissors- will be needed for work with a metal frame.
  • Measuring tool- ruler, tape measure, carpentry square.
  • Sealant gun... glue "liquid nails" or polyurethane foam.
  • Pencil, marker.
  • Level, plumb.
  • Hammer drill... screwdriver, puncher.
  • The list of tools determines the chosen method of panel mounting, for example, a perforator, will be needed when installing a PVC profile or metal frame, but it will not be used at all when installed on foam, a gun is needed for it.

    Surface preparation consists of:

  • Cleaning from contamination... peeling putty, plaster, nails, screws, etc.
  • Degreasing- performed if there are oil stains on the surface; used when working with liquid nails ", glue or foam.
  • Antiseptic treatment- prevent the formation of mold, mildew.
  • Applying an acrylic primer- it is necessary when using "liquid nails", alcohol glue or polyurethane foam.
  • Removing fasteners... used for furniture, mirrors, pipes.
  • It is always necessary to clean the surface, especially if work is coming up in the bathroom.

  • Delivery of panels... exposure for 1 ... 3 days in a room to accept the ambient temperature - the thermal expansion of a 3 meter panel can reach up to 1 ... 2 cm.
  • Surface preparation.
  • Instrument preparation according to the chosen method of panel mounting.
  • Surface marking vertically and horizontally.
  • Installation lathing or PVC profile, or metal frame (if this method is chosen).
  • Installation of panels in accordance with the chosen method: on the crate, PVC profile, metal frame, glue, "liquid nails", foam or on nails, self-tapping screws.
  • Helpful installation tips:

  • During installation it is not at all necessary to use moldings, both external and internal, at the end of fixing the panels, the corner joints can be closed with a flexible folding corner, which compensates for possible surface curvatures.
  • To traverse a curved surface, from the rear side of the panel, the bottom panel and stiffening ribs are removed, the panel can be bent along the long side.
  • Panels are best installed vertically- this facilitates the flow of water down and prevents it from getting inside through the joints of the panels. Another plus is visual expansion and an increase in the height of the ceiling.
  • To increase the tightness of the joints between panels... a sanitary sealant is laid in the seam, it contains antiseptic additives against mold and mildew.
  • Pipe outlet locations from the panels are sealed with sanitary sealant.
  • In the presence of any fixed communication networks... it is better to hide them under the panels during installation, for example, sewer pipes, lighting wires.
  • As a ceiling molding... you can use a non-special plastic skirting board, and a regular one made of hard foam (styrofoam skirting board).
  • Types of wall panels

    By implementation, the main types are divided:

    The most common type. Outwardly, they look like boards of different lengths (up to 3 meters) and widths (up to 500 mm). The "narrowest" ones - up to 110mm wide - have a colloquial name: "plastic lining". The range of colors is calculated in hundreds of colors and is constantly being updated.

    Tiled, "under the tile"

    Made in the form of rectangular, tile-like sheets with dimensions:

    The small size allows the panels to be stacked vertically, horizontally, in a checkerboard pattern, or to tilt the overall direction. In addition to traditional "tiled" designs, various fantasy designs are used, for example, in the form of large panels, which depict parts of the city landscape.

    Sheet structures

    They are sheets with a width of up to 1220mm and a length of up to 3000mm. Due to their size, they are very convenient for installation - they allow you to immediately cover a significant area. At the same time, this type of panel has a small design palette.

    Main properties and characteristics

    Plastic panels have a number of undoubted positive consumer and technical properties:

  • Most plastic panels are lightweight, which has a positive effect on the convenience of installation work. In addition, it allows you to save on transportation costs.
  • Absolute moisture resistance. This property is provided by the material from which the panels are made - PVC, polyvinyl chloride. Do not rot.
  • Bacteriological resistance- not subject to destruction from mold and mildew.
  • Fairly high fire resistance. High-quality panels have a fire safety certificate according to KM2 (G1 - according to the old designation). In practice, this means that they cannot be ignited with a match or lighter.
  • Durability. Under normal operating conditions, the service life of a well-manufactured product can exceed 50 years.
  • Technologically advanced in application- easy and simple installation, ease of maintenance.
  • They have increased sound and heat insulation.
  • They have high consumer properties:
    • Affordable price.
    • A wide range of design solutions for the installation of panels.
    • Rich, constantly updated, colors.
  • Along with this, plastic finishing materials are not without drawbacks:

  • Low mechanical strength- the surface is easily scratched, when pressed, permanent deformation (indentation) may appear.
  • Temperature working range is -20 ° C ... + 60 ° C. At low temperatures, plastic becomes brittle and can crack from a slight impact. With an increase in temperature, the plastic material becomes too plastic, begins to melt, deform. Hence the application restrictions follow:
    • Do not use panels near heating devices with a temperature above + 50 ° C, for example, infrared heaters or gas stoves.
    • When installing lighting devices in a panel, it is necessary to provide protection against light and heat radiation.
    • If used for finishing unheated balconies or entrance vestibules, the panels will require careful handling during severe frosts.
    • In accordance with fire safety requirements, plastic panels are prohibited to be used in places of general evacuation - stairs, corridors, halls: the panel may be non-flammable, but when heated above a certain temperature, it begins to emit harmful substances and has an increased smoke generation.
  • Tips for determining the quality of panels:

  • The most durable- these are laminated panels, but also the most expensive ones.
  • If there is a choice between panels with thermal transfer or offset printing, it is better to choose the latter.
  • Stiffening rib should not be visually visible.
  • Number of internal jumpers affects the rigidity, the more there are, the stronger the panel.
  • With gentle finger pressure on the panel, there should be no dents - this indicates that the surface has elasticity, not oversaturated with chalk, which makes it brittle.
  • Smell... which publishes the panel, after opening the package, must disappear within 5 ... 6 hours, otherwise, the goods must be returned - products "fonit".
  • For bathroom any plastic panel will do, the only thing to focus on besides the aesthetic appearance is the panel's durability. In case of accidental slipping in the bathroom on soap, followed by a search for a fulcrum on the wall made of panels, residual dents may form on the latter.
  • PVC panels for walls are the easiest, fastest and most economical way to finish. Polyvinyl chloride has a number of properties that contribute to its long-term use as a finishing material for any premises (bathrooms, balconies, living rooms, offices and shops). Decorating walls with PVC panels is not such a difficult job, anyone who knows how to use a hammer, level and screwdriver can handle it.

    How to fix PVC panels to the wall, how to install the lathing and what qualities PVC tiles for walls have - in this article.

    What are wall panels

    PVC panels are often used in modern renovations, they are mounted both on walls and ceilings. Wall decoration with "clapboard" is performed very quickly, and the cost of such repairs will be significantly lower than tiles or drywall, for example.

    The panels consist of an upper decorative layer, dense plastic on the seamy side and thin plastic partitions that act as stiffeners.

    Of the advantages of PVC panels as wall finishes, it can be noted:

    • the material is suitable for finishing any premises (with high humidity, with temperature fluctuations, with high traffic);
    • lamellas can be easily washed with a damp cloth, do not absorb odors, and no stains remain on them;
    • the low weight of the material facilitates its transportation and installation;
    • a huge assortment of textures and colors (you can find cladding imitating wood, stone, tiles, plain, multi-colored, glossy or matte lamellas);
    • compliance with sanitary standards - the material is not susceptible to infection by mold and fungus, living microorganisms do not develop in it, bacteria do not accumulate;
    • the ability to hide communications and electrical wiring for finishing;
    • fire safety - the material does not burn, but melts;
    • simple installation of PVC panels, which is easy to do yourself;
    • long service life - the finish does not fade over time, does not turn yellow and does not deform;
    • thanks to the internal chambers, the panels soundproof and warm the room.

    Advice! If the room needs additional insulation, air gaps inside the lamellas can be filled with any heat-insulating material.

    When purchasing material for wall decoration, you need to pay attention to its quality:

    • panels should not be too light;
    • the shade and pattern on the decorative surface must be uniform and clear;
    • each lamella must contain a sufficient number of internal partitions, because they provide the rigidity of the material;
    • it is better to choose material from the same batch so that there are no color mismatches;
    • together with the panels, you need to buy moldings - decorative elements that cover joints, corners, slopes and cut lines of polyvinyl chloride.

    The main and, probably, the only drawback of PVC panels is considered to be their fragility - the material can be easily damaged by mechanical stress. Therefore, the cladding must be transported with care and the fixing of the PVC panels must be done carefully.

    How to install PVC panels

    Wall cladding with plastic panels can be done in two main ways:

    1. Directly to the wall with glue.
    2. On a wooden or metal crate.

    PVC panels can only be glued onto a very flat and smooth surface. If the wall in the room is exactly like this, then the wall cladding will take very little time and effort. There is not much to say about how to glue the panels - they are simply applied to the wall, leading the upper edge into the ceiling molding, and the joint line and the back wall are coated with a special glue for plastic.

    How to properly attach plastic to the crate

    The type of lathing largely depends on the purpose of the room and the climate inside it. For damp and cold rooms (bath, kitchen, balcony, pantry), a crate made of a metal profile is more suitable. The same profile that is used for the installation of drywall sheets will do.

    For the rest of the premises, you can use wooden blocks. In this case, you will need a special tool to cut the wood to the desired size.

    Attention! For damp rooms, you can also use a wooden frame, but before installing it must be treated with an antiseptic and dried thoroughly.

    In the installation of the battens, it is especially important to observe the level. Regardless of how the panels will be positioned (vertically or horizontally), the frame must be absolutely flat. Then there will be no distortions, crooked joints and protrusions of plastic.

    Installation of the lathing on the wall

    Before attaching a profile or wooden blocks to the walls, the surface must be prepared. To begin with, the wall is cleaned of the old finish: the wallpaper is removed, the paint is removed, and so on.

    They tap the plaster and determine the weak points, they must be removed and replaced with a new layer of plaster mixture. Cracks, chips and other large damage to walls are also repaired. The surface should not be perfectly smooth, however, the smoother the wall is, the easier it will be for the master to fill the crate with high quality.

    The metal profile or bars are cut to size, having previously determined the location of the PVC panels.

    Attention! If the decision is made to mount the panels horizontally, then the guides of the battens should be located in the opposite direction, that is, vertically. The opposite rule also applies: when the "lining" is located vertically, the profile is mounted in a horizontal plane.

    It is necessary to start the installation of the vertical lathing from the corner of the room. To do this, use a plumb line in one of the corners to draw a straight line. The profile will be mounted relative to this straight line.

    With horizontal lathing, the zero strips should be fastened at a level of 1-2 cm from the floor and ceiling. If the ceiling is also supposed to be sheathed with "clapboard", you need to leave a margin of a few extra millimeters.

    Most often, PVC panels are mounted vertically, thus reducing material consumption and simplifying installation. In addition, the range of such panels is much wider.

    A special molding is attached under the ceiling, into the grooves of which the upper edges of all panels will be wound. Then you need to drill holes in the wall with a puncher relative to the drawn line. The step between the holes should be no more than 15 cm.

    The first profile or bar is attached to the wall with self-tapping screws or dowels. Its evenness must be checked by the building level. Departing from the first profile 50 cm, you can install the second. Installation continues until they reach the opposite edge of the wall - the floor or ceiling line.

    How to install panels on a crate

    The "lining" begins to be mounted from the corner opposite to the doorway. It is this corner of the room that will always be in sight, it needs to be revetted with special precision.

    A corner molding is installed directly into the corner (there are moldings for both internal and external corners on sale, as well as universal parts). The part is attached to the profile with self-tapping screws.

    Now you need to dock the first panel. First, measure the desired height of the lamella (distance from floor to ceiling) and lead its upper edge into the ceiling molding. There are latches on both sides of the panel: on the left - narrow, on the right - wide. The narrow latch is inserted into the groove of the corner molding until it stops, and the wide locks are designed for installing fasteners. A self-tapping screw is screwed into them, a nail is hammered in or special clips-clamps are used.

    The installed panel is checked using a level. If all is well, you can mount the second part. Thus, continue installing the PVC panels until they reach the opposite corner of the wall.

    Here, the panel will almost always have to be trimmed vertically. To do this, use a hacksaw. The edge is wound into an end, corner or universal molding to hide the cut line. The last panel is not fastened with self-tapping screws or clamps - it is enough that it is held by the molding.

    To further strengthen the joints, the edges of each panel can be lightly greased with silicone sealant.

    In order to beautifully handle door and window slopes, the panels are carefully trimmed and their edges are covered with decorative overlays. Places for sockets and switches are pre-cut in the panels with sharp scissors or a hacksaw, after installation, they are closed with decorative overlays.

    After all the walls have been tiled, you need to check the correct installation level again with the level. The lower edges of the plastic panels are covered with a skirting board.

    Installing PVC panels is quite simple. Absolutely no difficulties will arise when the walls in the room are even and smooth - the panels are simply mounted with glue. However, you need to understand that it will be quite difficult to replace the damaged panel and, moreover, completely dismantle the cladding during the next repair - the panels will have to be torn off along with pieces of plaster.

    Installation of plastic panels on the frame is more difficult, it will take more time and will require increased costs. But, if necessary, the damaged panel can be removed very quickly and "painlessly" for the rest of the coating. In any case, wall decoration with PVC panels is the easiest and cheapest way to renovate a room.

    If you started to make repairs in the bathroom or on the loggia, but do not know how to install plastic panels on the wall, you need to thoroughly understand this issue. Learn the subtleties and nuances of this process so that home renovation is only a joy and does not bring unnecessary trouble. The cost of such an interior is many times lower, and the design options are countless.

    What are the plastic panels attached to?

    Plastic sheathing is a great way to solve several problems at once: the parts are easy to mount on the wall, and they do not require much maintenance. However, in order to accomplish the task, it is important to know how to fix the plastic panels to the wall correctly. Here are the important points regarding the installation of such cladding:

    • Fastening of PVC panels to the wall can be carried out using nails, self-tapping screws or using a special glue "Liquid nails".
    • If the walls are even, then you can mount the fasteners directly to them: in the case of a wooden or soft surface, self-tapping screws are suitable, and for concrete you need to take a dowel-nails.
    • If the walls are difficult to level, a special wooden or metal frame grate is first installed.

    Each mounting method has its own nuances:

    • If nails are used, then it will not be possible to remove the plates in order to use them elsewhere: during dismantling, the parts will simply break into several parts.
    • Clamps or staples with a special stapler work best.

    How to properly fix PVC panels on the wall

    To understand how to attach plastic panels to a wall, remember a few helpful tips:

    • Cut the elements themselves, placing them face up.
    • To protect your eyes, be sure to wear construction goggles when cutting parts.
    • When driving in nails, it is important to hit clearly on the nail head, otherwise dents will remain. It will be impossible to fix such a defect.
    • Until the end of the installation process, do not remove the protective film so as not to leave dirty marks on the casing.
    • After installation, wash the walls only with soapy water so as not to spoil the structure or design.

    On a wooden crate

    The question of how to fix plastic panels on the wall will help solve the lathing made of wood. The slats must be screwed with a distance of about fifty centimeters. Wooden beams should be perpendicular to the direction of PVC: if the details of the future interior are arranged vertically, then it is best to nail the wooden structure horizontally.

    1. Install the hardware first. Fix the outer and inner corners to the surface first, then the finishing element - the ceiling plinth, and at the end - the molding with lamellas.
    2. Next, install the first piece that connects the fasteners. Secure with nails or staples from the side of the wide mounting shelf.
    3. To prevent the whole structure from turning out to be a curve, check the first one before attaching the next part. It should be level.
    4. Mount the narrow shelf of the second element to the first, leaving no gaps.
    5. So attach all PVC panels in sequence. Only the very last element is different: it must be inserted with effort in order to fix the entire structure. If the size does not fit the remaining space, cut the part with a knife along the trim.

    With a metal frame

    If there is always high humidity in the room, for example, in a sauna or bathroom, then the tree will quickly swell, and you will have to make repairs again. How do you attach plastic panels to the wall in this case? Metal mounting structures will do. To simplify the process of installing the cladding, special clips are used. Thanks to them, you can easily remove interior elements and attach others.

    When installing the sheathing, remember that the material may expand as the temperature changes. When using a wide beam, sound insulation or insulation can be attached to the free space. So simple plastic panels will help to solve several problems at once: create a tasteful interior and keep warm inside the room.

    Installation of PVC panels without lathing on liquid nails

    For even walls, use construction glue, but during such repairs, wear a respirator and ventilate the area. The benefits will cover all temporary inconveniences. "Liquid nails" do not affect the plastic, they dry quickly, which gives the right to adjust the details on the wall. Such glue is environmentally friendly and does not depend on changes in climatic conditions (changes in temperature and humidity).

    1. Before gluing the panels, it is necessary to prepare the walls: remove old wallpaper, tiles and plaster, level out all inaccuracies and prime the surface.
    2. At the very beginning, remove the boards from the packaging for thirty minutes to allow adaptation to the humidity in the air.
    3. Prepare the glue itself: cut off the tip, put on the cap, open it and install the product in the construction gun.
    4. Draw dots, a lattice, or a zigzag pattern on the wall.
    5. At the time of gluing, press the part against the wall so that the glue better adheres to the entire element evenly. You can use a rubber roller. The first couple of minutes it is easy to adjust the position of the structure, and after 20 minutes the glue will set.
    6. The final step is to “sew up” the seams between PVC parts and other elements of the bathroom with sealant. The wall profile is ready.


    Even a beginner in repair can cope with the installation of fasteners and cladding in the bathroom on the wall surface. However, in order to avoid violations of technology and damage to the cladding, watch the step-by-step instructions in the video below, where the specialist will share his secrets in installing sheets and fasteners in the slab and on the ceiling. The guide will help you install the panels flawlessly the first time.

    Installing plastic panels on the bathroom wall

    How to fix wall panels on a loggia

    How to fix plastic panels - step by step instructions

    When thinking about renovation, we always want to get an excellent result, and at the same time do without unnecessary costs and meet the minimum deadlines. Another important point is that the repair work does not cause a lot of trouble, does not leave dirt behind and does not greatly interfere with the neighbors.

    An excellent solution in this case would be the installation of plastic panels. Our instructions will help you understand how to fix plastic panels. They can be easily attached to walls or ceilings without the need to level the surface in advance.

    Plastic panels are easy to clean and are ideal for rooms with high humidity (bathroom, sauna, boiler room). A variety of colors and textures will help create a unique and cozy interior. For the installation of such panels, it is enough to have a few tools at hand.

    Required tools and preliminary preparation

    The tools necessary for attaching plastic panels can be found in almost every home:

    • electric drill;
    • hacksaw for wood;
    • scissors and a hacksaw for metal;
    • screwdriver or screwdriver;
    • tape measure, building level, pencil or marker;
    • hammer, stapler;
    • ladder.

    First, use a tape measure to measure the work surface, this will allow you to correctly calculate the required amount of materials.

    The surface must be free of wallpaper. If the panels will stick, be sure to clean the walls or tiles from paint and dust.

    Features of installation and procedure

    The panels are fastened either directly to the wall or to a pre-prepared crate. For wall mounting, it must be perfectly flat. The battens are wooden beams or slats that are screwed to the surface at a certain distance from each other. For walls, the width between the slats should not exceed 30 - 40 cm, for the ceiling - not more than 30 cm. The battens for the lathing are mounted on the wall perpendicular to the direction of the panels.

    If the wall to which the slats are attached is wooden or any other into which self-tapping screws are easily screwed, then it is best to use them to fasten the bars. If the wall is concrete or brick, then it is best to fix the bars with dowel-nails or with ordinary dowels and self-tapping screws.

    An example of fastening the lathing for plastic panels.

    Before getting started, you must understand how to properly attach the plastic panels to the wall.

    • If you decide to fasten the panels to the lathing with nails, then keep in mind that reuse of the material will be impossible, since most likely, the integrity of the panel will be violated during dismantling.
    • The best way of fixing is with clamps.
    • But using staples that are driven in with a special stapler is also a good option.
    • Another good option for attaching panels is self-tapping screws.

    The most common ways of attaching plastic panels.

    After you have decided on the method of fixing the panels, you need to do the following:

    Install the fittings first: finishing element, outer or inner corner. If the panel covers the wall up to the ceiling, then fix the ceiling plinth to the top beam.

    Available varieties of fittings for plastic panels.

    Insert the panel into the fixing element with the narrow fixing flange. The panel is fixed on the side of the wide mounting shelf using nails or staples.

    After making sure the first panel is level, insert the next, narrow end, into the groove of the previous panel. Try to mount the panels tightly to each other.

    Installation of the necessary fittings and the first plastic panel.

    The last plastic panel that completes the row must be firmly inserted between the finishing element and the previous panel. If the panel needs to be reduced in width, cut off the excess with a knife, moving along the panel.

    Video: Installation of battens, fittings and PVC panels

    Features of mounting plastic panels on walls

    If the room is dry and the walls are flat, then the panels can be fixed directly to the wall without using the lathing.

    Fastening the panels with glue directly to the walls without using the crate.

    In a room with high humidity, a plastic or metal mounting profile should be used as a crate. In this case, the panels are attached to the rails with special clips, which greatly facilitates the installation and dismantling of the structure.

    Fastening panels using a plastic profile using special clips.

    Consideration should be given to the expansion of the material with changes in temperature, so when adjusting the panels in height, leave a small gap. If a wide beam is used for the lathing, then insulation or sound-insulating material can be placed in the resulting space between the wall and the panels.

    Features of mounting plastic panels on the ceiling

    Now let's look at how to attach plastic panels to the ceiling. Before installation, it is necessary to determine the distance between the panels and the ceiling. This gap will depend on the type of lighting. If you plan to install recessed lights, then the distance should be at least 10-15 cm, so you can completely hide the wiring. Mark in advance with a pencil the places of the lamps, cut out the holes and install the base of the lighting fixtures.

    Metal lathing for the installation of plastic panels on the ceiling in the bathroom.

    Next, you follow the same steps as when installing panels on walls. In a room with a flat ceiling, you can do without lathing. Install the ceiling plinth on three walls before starting work. Use a building level to place the panels evenly.

    When installing plastic panels in a damp room, fill the ceiling gaps with silicone sealant to ensure complete waterproofing.

    1. Cut and drill panels face up. Use a metal hacksaw, hand saw or utility knife to cut. Always wear safety glasses to protect your eyes.

    2. Apply the adhesive directly to the wall. Draw the grid with straight lines, leaving no gaps. Use only special construction glue "liquid nails".

    3. When driving nails into the panel during installation, be careful not to hit the surface with a hammer, otherwise dents will remain.

    4. Clean plastic panels with soapy water. Do not use abrasive cleaning agents, coarse scourers, or solvent-based products for maintenance.

    Now you know how to fix plastic panels to the wall and how to care for them. Installation of plastic panels does not take much time and is within the power of any beginner. By choosing this easy-to-install material, you can create a unique interior with your own hands. Among the variety of panels imitating stone, wood, paper of various colors, you will definitely find an option to your liking.

    Be sure to watch the video below, it very clearly shows the process of installing plastic panels.

    Video: Finishing the walls and ceiling of the bathroom with PVC panels

    How to properly attach plastic panels to the wall

    If you decide to decorate the walls and ceilings in the bathroom, hallway, kitchen or on the balcony, then you should look for materials that will cope with the high humidity in these rooms and will not change their properties. And PVC panels will be the best option in this case.

    They are not expensive, practical and of high quality. Among other advantages, the panels are easy to clean, do not deform from contact with moisture and do not fade in the sun. And their installation is quite simple.

    They are just perfect for leveling walls, and thanks to a wide color palette, they can bring any design fantasies to life. But the fastening of the panels has its own nuances and subtleties.

    Materials and tools

    Installing plastic panels is quite easy, and therefore you can do this work yourself. But to do the work with your own hands, you need some simple tools:

    After all the necessary tools are prepared, you can go for panels, lathing materials and fasteners. But beforehand it is still worth make all the necessary measurements, so as not to buy too many materials or, conversely, not to buy them later.

    How to calculate materials

    Plastic panels are available in a variety of colors and sizes. The length of the panels most often varies from 2.7 m to six meters, while their width can reach 50 cm, and the thickness of the panels is 8 or 10 mm. Based on these parameters, the required amount of materials for decorating rooms should be calculated.

    First you need measure the entire room without missing a single wall, then you need to decide in which direction the panels will fit - along or across. And already at the end of all measurements, the amount of material required should be calculated.

    It is worth remembering that depending on how you attach the panels - along or across, you can visually resize and the outline of the room. If the panels are placed parallel to the floor, then the room will visually appear wider, and vertically - higher.

    In order to complete the crate you will need metal profiles or wooden bars... Installation of plastic panels on the wall is carried out using fastening on a frame or installation on liquid nails and glue.

    Fastening plastic panels to the wall on the frame

    Before you start finishing the walls, you need to make a frame from a bar or a metal profile. Before starting work, you need to remove excess dirt and dust from the walls, and also treat the surface with a special antifungal agent.

    Then you need draw a crate mesh using a level. The distance between the slats should be no more than 40 cm. On the marking lines, holes must be drilled at a distance of 50 cm from each other. It is in them that the profile will be attached to the wall with suitable fasteners.

    First you need to fasten those profiles that will go around the perimeter of the room, and only then you need to fix the transverse parts.

    If the walls in the room are relatively flat, that is, the difference is not more than 5 cm, then it can be used for the frame wooden blocks, but with a larger drop, you need to use a metal profile. It is much easier to fix it at a distance from the wall using special fasteners. After the crate is fully completed, you can start finishing work.

    It is worth starting work from the corner farthest to the entrance, because it is he who is seen best of all and any trimming will be visible here. First you need pin start strips at the top and bottom of the frame. An external or internal mounting angle should be attached to the side. These elements will help to fix the plastic and hide the unaesthetic appearance of the panel sections. Now you can start installing the material.

    Cut the plastic to the desired size, it is better to do it 5 cm less in height - when changing temperatures, this will help the panel not to deform. Insert it first into the upper and lower grooves, and then into the side. Plastic must be fixed in each rack of the crate fixing with screws or a stapler... Subsequent planks will be attached in the same way.

    Installing the last lane is the most difficult step. To do this, it is required to cut it by half a centimeter less than required by the rules. Insert it into the corner profile first and then snap into the groove of the previous panel... Thus, you do not deform the guides and carefully finish the installation of the wall.

    Installation of PVC panels on glue and liquid nails

    Perfectly smooth walls are a rarity these days. But if you are the happy owner of such walls, then there is the possibility of installing panels without the use of crate. This method has many advantages, but there are practically no disadvantages:

    But first you need to be as careful as possible. prepare walls for work... All visible contamination must be removed from them, primed and smeared with an anti-fungal composition. Now you can attach the plastic.

    If the wall allows, then the panel should fix with a self-tapping screw somewhere in the middle of the wall, this will help provide a more secure fit. A special flexible corner should be glued in the corners of the room. It helps to hide the curvature of the corners, to give a finishing touch to the room, and to shape the interior and exterior corners.

    But it should be remembered that with this method of installation, it is impossible to hide the wiring and fix the fixtures. Therefore, the choice of the method is only yours.

    Installation of PVC panels on the ceiling

    Installation of PVC panels on walls is much easier than on the ceiling, but this work can be done with your own hands. After all, the PVC panel helps to hide the wiring, pipes of communications, unevenness of the ceiling. And it is also convenient to place spot lighting on them.

    Ideal for the ceiling frame made of metal profiles, which will help to attach the PVC board more securely. In addition, the metal frame does not deform from moisture and temperature changes.

    Before proceeding with the assembly of the frame, you need to carefully prepare the ceiling... Remains of paint, whitewash or plaster must be removed from it. Then you need to treat the surface with an anti-fungal compound.

    To start need to make markup walls at a distance of 10 cm from the ceiling. After that, you need to install the elements at a distance of 40 cm from each other. If the distance is greater, then the PVC tracks will sag over time.

    Then you need pin start profile or a special baguette for plastic. The corners should be cut using a miter box. But you can cut the corners with a clerical knife already at the installation site. Then the panels can be installed.

    At the end of the work, it should be installed around the perimeter of the room plastic molding, and put a plastic skirting board on the floor. This completes all the work on decorating the room with plastic. If the panels are carefully operated, then they do not lose their attractiveness and beauty for a long time. And given the fact that it can be easily washed, such a finish becomes a real boon in rooms where walls and ceilings often have to be washed.

    Just do not use aggressive agents to wash the panels - they can destroy the surface and you will have to change the coating. But this also has a significant plus - if one track is damaged, the entire surface does not need to be changed, it is enough to remove the damaged area and replace it with a new one.

    As you can see, you can easily decorate the walls and ceilings with PVC panels with your own hands. All work is carried out in stages. And if strictly follow the instructions of the professionals, then the work can be done in the shortest possible time and without much effort. But remember that materials need to be selected of high quality and reliable, and it is better to take a professional tool.

    How to fix PVC plastic panels on the wall yourself

    Panels with PVC are one of the best types of finishing and decorating ceilings and walls of different rooms, and especially places with high humidity, which include kitchens, balconies, hallways, bathrooms. They attract with both their cost and quality indicators and convenience.

    Mounting methods

    There are three methods of how to fix PVC panels to the wall - self-tapping screws, clamps, glue. Fastening with glue is only suitable for perfectly flat walls. Level, clean and dry the attachment surface before use. After that, a uniform amount of glue is applied to the material, and it is fixed to the wall.

    Types of glue for mounting PVC panels:

    • special adhesive mixture for PVC panels;
    • universal glue "Moment-montage";
    • liquid nails.

    For gluing, you can use a frame. Thanks to him, there is no need to level the surface of the walls, and the adhesive is applied to the lathing from the tree. It is categorically contraindicated to use adhesive material with components such as cleaner or solvent.

    Fastening with self-tapping screws is one of the sure-fire ways of attaching plastic, for which you do not need to level the surface to a perfectly even state. So that the work does not drag on for a long time, you will need a screwdriver to screw in the screws. The disadvantage of this method of fastening: a more suitable frame in this case is a wooden one, so it will take more time to saw the timber and treat it with an antiseptic.

    The best option is clamping. It is convenient and quick to fix them in the crate. Kleimers help to securely fix the material on the wall. The crate is easily assembled from a metal profile. In case of damage to the lining, it is easy to change it to a new one. Installation of finishing is done quickly.

    Fastening tools

    Before proceeding with the installation, you need to prepare a set of tools. Most of them can be found in the house of every owner. For work you will need:

    • for marking - a pencil with a tape measure;
    • a hacksaw with fine teeth to cut the blade;
    • construction level;
    • plastic profile or slats for fixing;
    • puncher, screwdriver;
    • antiseptic, sealant, adhesive composition.

    Before you start decorating the walls with clapboard, you will need to remove the old coating, check for cracks, if there are any, remove it, treat the surface with a fungus agent. When fastening to a frame, you can do without additional leveling of the surface.

    Installation sequence

    PVC lining can be fixed directly to the wall or used for attaching the previously prepared crate. It is made from slats or wooden beams. For fixing to the wall, the distance between the beams is no more than 300-400 mm, for the ceiling - 300 mm.

    Before proceeding with the beginning of the fastening, it is better to thoroughly understand how to properly fasten the plastic panels. When polyvinyl chloride products are nailed to the crate with nails, there is a high probability of breaking the integrity of the material, which will lead to the inability to reuse them, so it is better to take clips, staples or screws.

    Then the fittings are installed: the final part, the corner on the outer or inner side... A ceiling plinth must be attached to the top rail if the wall is covered with clapboard right up to the ceiling. The material is inserted into the attachment piece with a thin mounting shelf and secured with nails or staples to the side of the wide mounting shelf. When the lining is evenly attached, the next one is inserted into its hole with the narrow side. The panels must be fastened close to one another. The lining that completes the row must be properly secured between the final part and the panel that precedes it.

    In a dry room with even walls, it is not necessary to use a lathing, and the lining can be fixed directly to the wall. In case of high humidity, instead of lathing, it is better to use a profile for mounting from plastic or metal. Clips are used for fastening, which greatly facilitates the work with the panels.

    When fixing the lining to the ceiling, it is necessary to determine the gap between it and the ceiling, which will depend on the type of lighting available. To hide the electrical wiring with built-in lamps, this gap should be 100-1 50 mm. Before fixing the panels, holes are cut out for the chandeliers, and the sockets of lighting devices are installed in them. Then the PVC panel is fixed to the ceiling in the same way as to the wall..

    With a flat ceiling, it is not necessary to use a crate. Getting started, a ceiling plinth is installed on three walls. For even placement, a building level is used. Before fixing the lining in rooms with high humidity, the gaps and crevices in the ceiling are filled with silicone sealant to create water resistance.

    Getting started, you need to know how to fix PVC panels correctly and attach the material securely. Do not neglect the technical guidance and professional advice that can make installation easier.

    • When cutting and drilling, the panel should be facing up. It is better to cut with a saw for metal products or a manual, construction knife.
    • The adhesive is applied in straight lines to the wall, drawing a grid.
    • It is best to use a soapy solution to clean the wall panels. Do not use a solvent, detergents containing abrasives, or coarse washcloths.
    • It is recommended to wear safety glasses before attaching the plastic panels to the wall.
    • Before starting work, familiarize yourself with the theory of how to attach plastic panels to the wall.

    Performing the work step by step and following the instructions, you can do the installation of the panels yourself, without resorting to the help of masters.