Irga is a Canadian honey variety. Irga canadian

In terms of endurance, decorativeness, taste, the Canadian Irga is one of the best representatives of a vast genus. Canadian breeders have worked effectively on the "image" of the fruit shrub, creating dozens of large-fruited varieties on the basis of the natural species. The similarity of climatic conditions allows most of them to be successfully cultivated in the European part of Russia, in Siberia, in the Urals.

Natural potential of irgi canadian

Irga canadensis is a large multi-stemmed shrub, rather resembling a tree with thin bare trunks and a lush broad-oval crown. It has high energy and growth rates - in 3-4 years it grows 2 or more meters in height, in adult form reaches 6-8 m, in botanical gardens there are specimens under 11 m. The plant is distinguished by its durability, in one place it can grow over 50 years.

The shrub vegetation begins in the second half of April with bud break. Young leaves are soft, felt, brown-green, pubescent. Then comes 1–1.5 weeks of boiling white flowering with large drooping clusters. They are replaced by brushes of fruits - tiny apples, which during the ripening period change color from cream with a pink barrel, through all shades of red, to bright purple, and then dark purple. Irgi berries begin to ripen in July, depending on the variety, the yield can last from one to several weeks.

Note! Species representatives of Irga canadensis begin to bear fruit at the age of 5 years, varietal shrubs are distinguished by early maturity - they give the first berries already at 2–3 years.

The biological characteristics of irgi contain clear signs of endurance and unpretentiousness.

  • Like most fruit crops, it is photophilous.
  • It does not need a lot of heat for development, it can withstand frosts in the range of 40–50⁰ С.
  • It is not afraid of spring frosts even during the period of swelling of flower buds.
  • Feels comfortable on soils with a minimum nutrient content.
  • Drought-resistant, does not need regular watering.
  • Self-fertile, with abundant ovary.

And a few words about the decorative value of culture. If the Irga is common or, common in the middle lane, is more suitable for hedges, group plantings, then the Irga canadian is a soloist, "the first beauty", able to outshine many. Graceful trees look like slender dancers, depending on the season in snow-white, dark green berries with purple beads, crimson outfits.

One of the reasons why a shrub with tasty and healing fruits is not very popular - small berries (up to 0.7 cm in diameter) and low yield per bush. The large-fruited irgi varieties, which have become the hallmark of Canadian breeders, are devoid of this drawback. "Yablochko" with a diameter of up to 20 mm, large brushes, sweet pulp, amicable ripening - this is not a complete list of the advantages of varietal irgi. Unfortunately, there is not a very extensive assortment of culture on free sale, but there is plenty to choose from.

  • Irga Martin is a second generation hybrid derived from the Thyssen variety. I took only the best features from the parental form - large (ø15 mm) juicy berries with an excellent refreshing taste, early ripening, stable yield, compact bush with a moderate amount of growth. Unlike the Thyssen variety, it is characterized by amicable ripening of berries, it is resistant to pests.
  • Irga Prince William is not as large as the previous variety, but has a number of other advantages, including high frost resistance and decorative effect. In autumn, the foliage turns into an intense red-orange color and does not fly around for a long time, pleasing the eye with a bright outfit. Suitable for small gardens - the plant has a compact crown and a height of no more than 2.5 m.
  • Irga of the Pambina variety, on the contrary, belongs to large shrubs. In its adult form, it is a sprawling multi-stemmed tree up to 5 m high and with the same crown diameter. Taking into account the large berry (ø15 mm), stable and high yield, one plant is enough to provide the family with fresh fruits and prepare a vitamin supplement for the winter. Gardeners appreciate the variety for the small amount of root growth.
  • Irga Canadian Ballerina was named for her graceful silhouette and decorative properties. The variety is tall, large-fruited (berries ø12 mm), the pulp is juicy, sweet, with a light almond aroma. Ripening dates are average (starting in July). The plant is winter-hardy, unpretentious to moisture and nutrition, but on fertile, moderately moist soil, the size and taste of the berries noticeably improves.
  • The variety of Irgi Slate possesses attractive characteristics, the description of which includes the early ripening of berries (June), large-fruited (up to 12 mm), rich sweet taste, enviable winter hardiness. These qualities are especially valuable for regions with short summers and cold winters. Another plus is amicable ripening and simultaneous yield of the crop.
  • The Canadian Irgi Smokey variety has become almost classic. The tall, spreading tree is literally strewn with full clusters of large, even, dark blue fruits. The berries have a balanced amount of sugars and acids, which gives them a very pleasant, incomparable taste. The highlight of the variety is its extremely high yield. Smokey belongs to the late group, therefore, generative buds are practically not damaged by recurrent frosts and give a plentiful ovary. In Canada, it is an industrial grade.
  • Irga Honiwood is also a classic, but large-fruited. Its juicy, fleshy fruits, reaching almost 2 cm in diameter, have a balanced taste and pleasant aroma. The attractiveness is added by the high yield and the ability of the plant to bear fruit for 2-3 years after planting a one-year seedling. In terms of large fruit size, Canadian varieties Northline, Mandan, Forestburg, Linnez are on a par with Honiwood.

Note! Irga canadensis is often ranked among the varieties, although it is a species that is close in botanical characteristics. Among the characteristics of this plant attractive to the gardener, decorativeness is in the first place. As a tapeworm, it will decorate the lawn, place accents in group plantings. The shrub lends itself well to cutting.

Growing irgi in the regions of Russia

Irga canadian is such an unpretentious plant with a high natural potential for survival in adverse conditions that most of its varieties are successfully cultivated in Ukraine and Belarus, they are suitable for the Baltics, Moscow region and other regions with a cold climate.

In the middle lane

The main problem of growing fruit and berry crops in this region is not so much the frosty winter as the unstable spring weather. Prolonged thaws, return frosts often lead to freezing of flower buds, and gardeners are left without a crop. Irga is not threatened, since most of its varieties are resistant to spring temperatures down to -7⁰ C, which is the norm for the middle lane.

In outskirts of Moscow

Irga Canadian in the suburbs will delight you with a gorgeous flowering and an abundant harvest of sweet fruits. The weather here allows the berry to pick up the right amount of sugar and acquire a pleasant specific taste and aroma. The following varieties received rave reviews from amateur gardeners:

  • Pambin;
  • Smokey;
  • undersized up to 1.5 m Northline;
  • high-yielding Sturgeon;
  • time-tested Thyssen;
  • rare Mandan et al.

In the Urals and Siberia

Irga grows and bears fruit even where apple and pear trees cannot stand, therefore, its large-fruited varieties are a godsend for Siberia and the Urals. It is no coincidence that this tasty and healing berry is called northern raisins.

The Canadian varieties Slate, Mandan, Pambina, domestic cultivars Krasnoyarskaya, Surprise have passed the test of Russian frosts and received registration in this region. Some gardeners try to grow the Bluessant variety, but its frost resistance ends at -35-37⁰ С.

Features of growing irgi in central Russia:

As you know, there is no dispute about tastes, some like the fruits sweeter, others more acidic, some prefer the pulp to be bright, attractive, but others like the average amount of anthocyanins or their complete absence. But some average taste characteristics, using which we can say that some fruits are tasty, while others are not, are still there.

Let's first consider the types of irgi, and then its varieties for these very taste characteristics. Why did we decide to touch on species?

Because it is still not so easy to get pure-bred irgi planting material in our country, while the species are most often propagated by simple sowing of seeds and freely sold in nurseries.

Varieties, as you know, can only be propagated vegetatively, which is not so easy to do with irga. Its cuttings do not root well enough, and although grafting on mountain ash helps to obtain a full-fledged planting material, it still leads to certain difficulties associated with a decrease in the productive age of plants and the presence of a large number of root shoots, which annually, or even several times in the year will need to be deleted.

In culture, 4 types are widespread - spike irga, blood-red, Canadian and alder-leaved. The first to ripen the fruits of the spikelet irga, then the Canadian one comes up, a little later the alder-leaved one, the last to please us is the blood-red irga.

With this in mind, you can create a kind of conveyor of fresh products by planting all four species in your garden and enjoy the fruits plucked from the branch for a long time, because, alas, it will not work to keep them in their original form - the fruits do not last more than a couple of days. But is it worth planting all these species on your site, given the taste of their fruits?

Let's figure it out, and at the same time analyze by taste characteristics those varieties that are obtained using these species, because only the name of the varieties without reference to the "parent" is unlikely to tell you anything.

Irga spiky

So, the irga is spiky.

Her fruits have the smallest size among these species, 0.5 g - this is already considered pretty good for her. But the matter is not in the mass, the taste of the fruits of the spikelet is more than mediocre, although there is quite a lot of sugar in them. The not very outstanding taste of the fruit also contributed to the fact that not a single variety was bred with the use of spicata. In VNIIS them. I.V. Michurin (Michurinsk), employees of the department of berry crops obtained several selected forms from free pollination of canadian irrigation, but the very first tasting evaluation showed that they were never destined to become varieties.

Irga blood-red

The next in line is the blood-red irga. As we have already said, its fruits ripen the very last. They have an unusual shape - they are slightly flattened, like blueberries, and an interesting feature - they are never eaten by birds. Why would that? It turns out that the fruits contain a small amount of seeds, which many birds feed on, and have a very mediocre taste. In this case, it can't even be called sugary-sweet, it's just nothing. The fruits are dense, like rubber, the pulp contains almost light juice and when you eat ripe fruits it seems as if you are chewing a berry that has not yet ripened, but, alas, it will never get better. But from the fruits of blood-red irgi, quite a lot of juice is obtained, because there is little pectin in the fruits and the juice does not "curl up", like other types of irgi. When other juices, such as apple juice, are added to the juice, a multivitamin drink, very interesting in taste characteristics, is obtained.

Irga blood-red is more productive in varieties, with her participation such masterpieces as Holland and Success... The first grade is English, its fruits weigh about 0.7 g and do not have a pleasant taste (like that of the species, it is mediocre).

But the second variety on our small list - Success - is not without reason translated from English as "success", its fruits weigh about 0.8 g and taste much more pleasant than the fruits of the species. Their taste is rated by tasters at 4.6 points, which is not bad, but it can be described as sweet and sour and quite pleasant, refreshing, even reminding some of the taste of cherries.

Irga canadian

Moving on to Irga Canadian. This species forms the largest fruits of the four named by us, however, its brush is very loose and there may be only a few fruits in it. They are simply swept away by birds even before the berries are fully ripe, at which they turn from brown-red to dark blue.

These berries are considered one of the best in taste characteristics, their taste is almost perfectly balanced, both sweetness and acid are clearly felt in it, and everything would be fine if it were not for one drawback - this type of irgi is characterized by a rather weak winter hardiness, and even in Central Russia can pretty much freeze. But Canadian breeders are not at all embarrassed by this fact, and with the use of Canadian irgi, almost the largest number of varieties has been obtained. It makes no sense to name them all and list the taste characteristics of the fruits for the simple reason that it is almost impossible to get them, but those that are the most widespread and readily available should be.

I want to start with wonderful, if not great, Honey-wood varieties... It is not for nothing that its name contains the word "khani" which means "honey". The fruits can really be called honey, they are tasty, sweet, but at the same time not sugary, like the spicata, but harmonious, pleasant. Lovers of "sour" will like the fruits of the variety Parkhill for those who want to chew the pulp, feeling its density and pleasant taste, the variety is suitable Pembina who adore large fruits that are pleasant to pick and which are suitable for dessert and for all types of processing, we can recommend planting the most widespread variety in Russia on their site Gathering... Well, for those who prefer the traditional sweet taste of irgi fruits, coupled with their very good mass, we advise you to stay on the variety Tradition.

Irga alder-leaved

And finally, the real leader in terms of the taste characteristics of the fruit, and in the number of varieties obtained with her participation, is the alder-leaved irga. The fruits of this type are large (average weight 1 g), tasty, the harmony of acid and sugar is most clearly felt in them, as well as the pleasant honey aroma of irgi.

The fruits are juicy (however, due to the huge amount of pectin, the juice from them can be obtained only by drying a little during the day in an open place) and have a high content of anthocyanins, thanks to which the juice can be used as a natural and safe food coloring.

Of course, the varieties obtained from the alder-leaved irgi cannot be ignored, and in the first place I would like to put the first Russian variety of the VNIIS selection im. I.V. Michurin, who has already been transferred to the State Tax Inspectorate and whose name will very soon appear in the State Register, - Starlight Night... The variety is named so because of the color of the berries - they are dark, almost black, with tiny dots that resemble stars in the night sky. The variety will delight you with tasty fruits with a harmonious acid and sugar content, and their chic weight (1.8-2 g), and a large number of fruits in a cluster (up to 14 pieces), and their ripening more closely in time, thanks to which the crop can be harvested maximum two times.

But we must not forget about the old, good, well-proven varieties. The best of them in terms of fruit taste are Altaglow producing fruits with a very attractive aroma, and Forestburg, the fruits of which contain just an insane amount of sugars - up to 11 mg%, and Mandan- with fruits that have an unusually juicy pulp, and of course, Smokey- the most common Canadian variety, the fruits of which are ideal for making delicious wine.

So, we hope that from this huge list you choose a species or variety that you like, and do not forget that even one tree can be placed on the site, because the self-fertility of the irgi is close to 100%, so the pollinating varieties are completely Not needed.

Types of irgi - photo

Useful properties of irgi

Irga is an underrated culture

For areas with a harsh climate, irga has no equal in terms of endurance. It can withstand cold temperatures down to -50 ° С, and flowers do not care about spring frosts down to -7 ° С. Long-lasting, lives up to 70 years. It is practically not damaged by diseases and pests, tolerates drought well, grows well and bears fruit in partial shade.

Irga is self-fertile, high-yielding, begins to bear fruit early. Already at the age of four, the irgi bush will delight you with a considerable number of berries, and by the age of 10, the yield increases to 10-15 kg per bush. The fruits ripen gradually (from mid-July to early August), which is very convenient for fresh consumption. They are not only tasty, but also curative. In short, the culture is wonderful in every sense, but underestimated by gardeners.

Soil and place

Irga is undemanding to soil. Feels good both on sandy loam and heavy loam. Humidity loves moderate, since a powerful root system, extending 2 m deep, regularly supplies the above-ground part with water. That is why in the lowlands, in areas with a close occurrence of groundwater, it develops and bears fruit poorly.

A permanent place for an irgi can be anything, even inconvenient, somewhere near the fence or behind outbuildings. For the speedy regrowth of new shoots, the seedling is buried 5-7 cm when planting in comparison with the previous position. The soil is watered, mulched, and the shoots are cut off, leaving 4-5 buds.

Forming and feeding

Irga can be (formed both in the form of a bush and as a free-standing tree. The first option is often chosen. In the first 2-3 years, all strong shoots are left, in the next - add 2-3, the rest are cut out. The formed bush should have 10-15 branches of different ages.

If the planting pit was filled according to all the rules, then the first years can be dispensed with without additional fertilization. But starting from the 5-6th year, when the harvest becomes tangible, it is recommended to alternate organic fertilizers and mineral fertilizers. In the first year, 2-3 buckets of humus are added for each plant, the next -100 g of superphosphate, 50 g of ammonium nitrate and 30 g of potassium fertilizers.

Treat and medicine

Irgi fruits contain sugar (up to 12%), pectins, fiber, coloring and tannins, organic acids, vitamins C and B group, beta-carotene, minerals. Due to this, they have a wide range of medicinal properties.

Fresh berries help adults with insomnia, and children with restless sleep, providing a calming effect on the nervous system. Juice can be used to gargle with sore throat and use it in the treatment of purulent wounds. For rinsing the mouth with stomatitis and periodontal disease, a decoction of the fruit is used. And the infusion of them thins the blood and improves the functioning of the heart, prevents the formation of blood clots.

Berries can be used to prevent and treat liver and kidney diseases, atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases. Strengthening the walls of blood vessels, they help to lower "bad" cholesterol, reduce the likelihood of heart attack.

The astringent and anti-inflammatory properties of the juice help in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders and colitis. It relieves pain and reduces inflammation, so it can rightfully be considered a diet drink.

But for medicinal purposes, not only berries are used. Flowers, leaves, and even bark are curative. The berries are harvested as they ripen, the flowers - in May, and the bark - in the fall, after the leaves fall.

Irga in the home medicine cabinet

For medicinal purposes, infusions and decoctions are prepared from fruits and other parts of the plant. The methods are very different.

So, for stomach and intestinal disorders, take an infusion prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dried berries is poured with a glass of boiling water, infused for 30 minutes and drunk as vitamin tea.

But the infusion of irgi flowers is used for heart failure and hypertension. It is said to work just as well as drugs. A handful of flowers are poured with 500 ml of boiling water, insisted for 2 hours, then filtered and drunk in 2-3 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day.

With pancreatitis, accompanied by diarrhea, prepare an infusion of leaves with astringent properties: 1 tbsp. a spoon in a glass of boiling water (brewed like tea). Drink 0.5 cups 3 times a day.

: Growing irgi - nostalgia for ...: Growing irgi - planting and ...

  • : Immune and disease resistant ...
  • The agrotechnology of growing irgi is quite simple, since the plant is unpretentious, due to its specific features:

    • Drought resistance.
    • Winter hardiness.
    • Rapid growth.
    • Rapidity.

    In addition to harvesting its own berries and excellent melliferous properties, the plant can be used as a rootstock for growing dwarf pears and apple trees.

    Types and varieties of irgi

    About two dozen are grown as cultivated plants types of irgi, here is some of them:

    • Spikelet.
    • Alder-leaved.
    • Lamarck.
    • Canadian.
    • Oval or plain.

    In addition, in the process of selection, gardeners have bred many varieties of this wonderful plant, for example, the following:

    • Smokey.
    • Thyssen.
    • Honeywood.
    • Altaglow and others.

    The fruits of the plant have an average weight ranging from 0.3 to 0.7 grams or more, and their diameter ranges from 5 to 18 millimeters or more. The yield depends on the age of the bush, this indicator gradually grows from 6 kg in the fifth year of cultivation to 15 or more kilograms in the future. And now let's talk in more detail about some varieties and varieties of irgi.

    Irga spiky

    It is a tree up to 5 meters in height or a deciduous shrub with a dense oval crown. Forms numerous shoots. Its smooth berries are up to 10 mm in diameter, have a round shape and purple-black color with a bloom of bluish color. Varietal characteristics: winter hardiness, drought resistance, tolerates smoke and gas pollution of the surrounding air. Begins fruiting upon reaching the age of four.

    It is a shade-tolerant plant with spherical, slightly elongated black fruits. The taste of the berries is reminiscent of blueberries, rowan and plum at the same time. The berries are sweet and have no "sourness" at all.

    Irga canadian

    It is a powerful shrub up to six meters high or a ten-meter tree. Forms many thin shoots. Round fruits of dark lilac color, covered with a bluish bloom, sweet in taste, collected in clusters of 5-12 pieces. The features of this plant variety include its frost resistance, high decorative qualities, undemandingness to moisture and soil quality.

    Irga Lamarca

    This plant, due to its high decorativeness, is most often used for the purpose of landscaping areas. As rootstocks for apple and pear trees, Lamarck's irga also has a high value, since it increases the winter hardiness of the scion, and also allows you to plant the garden on waterlogged soils, which are undesirable to use for other varieties of stone fruits.

    This shrub, reaching a height of up to 2.5 meters, mainly grows in dry places - pine forests, rocky slopes, forests. The berries are bluish-black, covered with a bluish bloom. This type of irgi is resistant to droughts, but does not tolerate frost, therefore, it is able to endure wintering without special shelters only in the southern part of the country. As for the soil, it prefers nutrient-rich calcareous soils.


    This variety is most often used in industrial plantings of irgi in Canada. Its round, fleshy fruits reach a diameter of 16 mm. They are very juicy and have a soft, sweet, pleasant taste. The productivity of one bush can reach 40 kg.


    Of all the varieties of irgi, it is on Thyssen that the largest fruits grow - up to 18 mm in diameter. They taste pretty good - sweet and aromatic. The plant blooms earlier than others and is highly productive, although the fruits ripen unevenly.


    Large fruits of the variety, up to 16 mm in diameter, have a shape from flattened to round. The berries are blue-black, have a slight waxy coating, and are combined in clusters of 9-15 pieces. They taste great and aromatic. The plant is highly productive, resistant to powdery mildew.


    The variety is distinguished by the white color of the fruit, it is very decorative, it grows in the form of a column or pyramid. It has an interesting range of autumn foliage colors.


    Both spring and autumn planting of irgi is practiced, although it is preferable to do this after all in the fall. The place for placing the plant is chosen light, and the soil is sandy loam or loamy, although this is not important. The main condition is fertile soil. You can ignore the indicator of soil acidity, but as for the depth of groundwater, it is better not to place plants in places where they are located high, with the exception of Lamarck's irgi.

    Preparation of the site for autumn planting should begin in spring - black steam should be kept on it until planting.

    In autumn, 40 g / m² of potash and phosphate fertilizers are applied to the soil, then the site is plowed to a depth of 15 cm.

    Seedlings at the age of 1–2 years are planted for hedges at a distance of 0.5–0.7 m from each other, and for berry plantations - according to the scheme 4 × 2 meters.

    The plant pit should have a size of 60 × 60 × 50 cm. The arable layer removed from it is mixed with compost and sand in a ratio of 3 × 1 × 1.

    The following nutrient composition is introduced into the pit:

    • Humus - 1-2 buckets.
    • Potash fertilizer - 0.15 kg.
    • Phosphate - 0.4 kg.

    The roots of the seedling in the pit are spread over a previously prepared mound and covered with a mixture of soil, compost and sand, while the root collar does not deepen. After planting, watering is done - up to 10 liters of water per plant, after which the settled surface of the pit is poured with soil to the level of the surrounding soil and mulched using humus, peat or dry soil. The seedling is cut to a height of 15 cm, while 4–5 full-fledged buds should remain on it.

    Irga care

    To water the plant only makes sense during a drought, while washing away dust from its foliage. It is better to start watering in the evening, at the end of it, the soil around the bush is weeded and loosened.

    Concerning fertilizers, then they should be introduced when the plant reaches the age of 4–5 years. At a distance of 20 cm from the trunk, the following composition is introduced for digging:

    • Humus - 2 buckets.
    • Superphosphate - 0.3 kg.
    • Chlorine-free potash fertilizer - 0.2 kg.

    In spring or summer, organic matter is introduced - for one plant - 5 liters of chicken manure dissolved in water (1:10), watering is performed before application.


    In autumn, the bushes must undergo thinning and sanitary pruning, in addition, all fallen leaves should be removed from the site. Irga overwinters without shelter, except for oval irga in the northern regions of the country.

    Plant pruning rules:

    • In the first years, only the most powerful zero shoots are left.
    • When the shrub gains strength, a couple of the oldest stems should be removed annually, leaving a couple of young ones in return.
    • Vertical shoots of young bushes should be shortened by ¼ of the growth over the previous year.
    • In older plants, side branches are removed in order for the crown to grow in breadth.

    Processing of cuts on young shoots is not carried out, on old ones, oil paint dissolved in natural drying oil is used. To rejuvenate old bushes, they are cut "under the stump".


    Breeding types of irgi

    The plant can be propagated in several ways, using different parts of it:

    • Seeds.
    • Root shoots.
    • Root cuttings.
    • Green cuttings.

    And here for varietal irgi slightly less options:

    • Budding.
    • Green cuttings.
    • Inoculation by cutting.

    Concerning seed, then before sowing, they should be stratified over 90-100 days. We sow 2 grams for each running meter, close it up by one and a half to two centimeters. The row spacing is from 15 to 20 centimeters. After germination, we thin out, leaving one plant in the row by 7-10 cm. Seedlings in the school grow for 2 years, they should be planted in a permanent place when they reach a height of 40 cm.

    Green cuttings harvested from young growth in the II-III decades of June. Their length should be from 15 to 20 cm. The cuttings are kept throughout the day in Heteroauxin, dissolved in water in the ratio of 75-100 mg of the drug per liter of liquid, after which they are transplanted, according to the scheme 5-7 cm by 3-4 cm, in a greenhouse equipped with a fogging unit.

    Root offspring, on which high-quality roots have already formed, are transplanted to a place of constant growth either after forcing, or after growing for one to two years.

    Concerning root cuttings, then they should be cut into a length of 10 to 15 cm, with a diameter of 7 to 8 mm. For rooting, planting is carried out in the spring, plunging the cutting into the ground vertically, along its entire length.

    The most valuable varieties of the plant can be grafted onto a seedling of irgi, hawthorn or mountain ash by cuttings. Grafting, to obtain a beautiful standard form of irgi, is best done on hawthorn or mountain ash, at a level of 50-60 cm from the soil.

    Pests and diseases

    This plant is quite resistant to diseases and pests, however, in the population there are:

    1. Tuberculariosis(drying of branches). Control measures: pruning and burning diseased shoots, as well as spring spraying plants with Bordeaux liquid or copper sulfate solution.
    2. (brown, gradually spreading spots on the foliage, covered with fluffy mold). The foliage turns yellow and falls off. Most often, the development of pathology is associated with waterlogging of the soil, therefore, in order to save irga from death, you should either normalize watering, or transplant the tree to a more suitable place. Treatment consists in treating the plant with Bordeaux liquid, oxychom, cuprosate or topaz.
    3. Phylostictic leaf spot(brown-brown spots on drying and falling foliage). Diseased leaves are removed, the bush is treated before and after flowering with Bordeaux liquid.

    From insects, irgu can damage moth moths and irrigated seed-eaters... You can fight this scourge with the help of karbofos, actellik and fufanon.

    Beneficial features

    The fruits of this plant contain in their composition many substances useful for the human body that help it resist:

    • Stress.
    • Infections.
    • Cancer disease.
    • Alzheimer's disease.
    • Cataract.
    • Night blindness.

    Irga also has anti-inflammatory, astringent, wound healing and detoxifying effects.

    Plant an irgu on your site and get in one plant an excellent honey plant, and a decoration of the site, and a delicious juicy berry, and, finally, a whole range of substances useful for the body. Well, and the agricultural technology of its cultivation is within the power of even a novice gardener.

    Irga is a winter-hardy berry crop that can withstand the harsh weather conditions of the northern regions and perfectly take root in central Russia. Irga is a versatile solution for any garden. The plant will not only provide you with a rich harvest of useful berries, but also play the role of a spectacular hedge. Several types of irgi are grown in the culture. All of them are of some interest for gardeners, but they are not without drawbacks - the plants form abundant root shoots, and the weight of the berries is small. To improve the characteristics of plants, breeders have done painstaking work and bred a lot of interesting varieties.

    More than fifteen species of irgi grow in nature, but only four have found application in culture:
    ✿ Irga spikelet is grown as a hedge. The plant is not very decorative, but it perfectly tolerates heat, cold, air pollution.
    ✿ Irga blood-red differs from other species in the bright color of the bark. Due to the great flexibility of the shoots, they are often used for weaving baskets.
    ✿ Irga canadensis is of the greatest value as a fruit plant - the berries are so sweet that you literally have to win the harvest from the birds. In addition, the Canadian Irga is extremely decorative. From curved grayish shoots with elongated light green leaves, the plant forms a beautiful wide crown. In autumn, the color of the leaves changes - the bushes create a spectacular bright red accent in the garden.
    ✿ Irga alder-leaved is also of interest as a fruit plant - the berries have a fairly dense skin under which juicy sweet pulp is hidden. Birds hardly peck at the crop, since it is quite difficult to get to the seeds. This type of irgi is very decorative and is characterized by increased resistance to adverse environmental factors.

    The climatic conditions of central Russia and the Urals are suitable for almost all varieties of irgi - the plants withstand low temperatures well (with a very strong decrease in temperature, only the tips of the shoots freeze underneath). The most popular varieties are:


    The variety was bred in Canada. The bush is vigorous, powerful, multi-stemmed, at first with vertical growth of branches, then, during the period of full fruiting, spreading, gives many root suckers. Fruits are large, up to 14-16 mm in diameter, spherical, dark blue, almost black, with a waxy coating, juicy, sweet, with a pleasant mild aroma, excellent taste. The fruits are consumed fresh and used for processing. It begins to bear fruit in the 3-4th year after planting. Blooms in the second half of May. The fruits ripen in late July - early August. When ripe, the fruits need protection from birds. The yield is high and annual. Winter hardiness is very high. Resistant to diseases and pests.


    The variety was bred in Canada. The bush is vigorous, multi-stemmed. Fruits are large, up to 16-18mm or more in diameter, spherical, dark blue, almost black, with a waxy coating, fragrant, of the highest taste. The variety is distinguished by amicable ripening of fruits. The fruits are consumed fresh and used for processing. The variety begins to bear fruit in the 3-4th year after planting, and full fruiting in the 6-8th year. Flowering occurs at the end of May, after the opening of the leaves. The brush contains from 1 to 20 flowers. The fruits ripen in late July - early August, 45-60 days after flowering. When ripe, the fruits need protection from birds. The yield is high and annual. The variety is characterized by outstanding winter hardiness and resistance to diseases and pests.


    The variety was bred in Canada. A medium-sized bush, multi-stemmed, at first with vertically growing, then, in the period of full fruiting, with arched-spreading branches. Forms abundant root growth. Fruits are large, up to 16 mm in diameter, from obovate to spherical in shape, dark blue, almost black, with a waxy coating, of excellent taste. In a bunch of 7-13 fruits, which are characterized by amicable ripening and resistance to cracking. The fruits are consumed fresh and used for processing. The variety begins to bear fruit in the 3-4th year after planting. Blooms in the second half of May. The fruits ripen in late July - early August. When ripe, the fruits need protection from birds. Productivity is high (surpasses the Canadian variety Smokey). Winter hardiness is very high. Resistant to diseases and pests.


    The variety was bred in Canada. The bush is vigorous, multi-stemmed, forms a significant number of root suckers. Fruits are large, up to 16-18 mm in diameter and more, spherical, dark blue, almost black in color, with a waxy coating, juicy, sweet, aromatic, very good taste. The fruits are consumed fresh and used for processing. The variety begins to bear fruit in the 3-4th year after planting. Flowering occurs in the second half of May. The fruits ripen in late July - early August. When ripe, the fruits need protection from birds. The variety is characterized by high and regular yield, amicable ripening of fruits. The winter hardiness of the variety is very high. Differs in high resistance to diseases and pests.


    The variety was bred in Canada. The bush is vigorous, multi-stemmed, with a rounded crown, which eventually becomes broadly round, forms a moderate number of root suckers. Fruits are large, up to 18mm or more in diameter, spherical, dark blue, almost black, with a waxy coating, juicy, sweet, aromatic, excellent in taste. The fruits are consumed fresh and used for processing. It begins to bear fruit in the 3-4th year after planting. Blooms in the second half of May. The fruits ripen in late July - early August. When ripe, the fruits need protection from birds. The yield is high and annual. It is characterized by an extended period of fruit ripening. Winter hardiness is very high. Differs in resistance to diseases and pests.


    The variety was bred in Canada. The bush is vigorous, at first with vertically growing, and then spreading branches. Produces a moderate number of root suckers. Fruits are large, up to 13-16 mm in diameter, rounded, dark blue, almost black, with a waxy coating, juicy, sweet, pleasant to the taste. The berries are collected in dense clusters of 7-11 pieces. Ripen amicably. The fruits are consumed fresh and used for processing. It begins to bear fruit in the 3-4th year after planting. Flowering occurs in the second half of May. The fruits ripen in late July - early August. When ripe, the fruits need protection from birds. The yield is high and annual. Winter hardiness is very high. Differs in increased drought resistance. No significant damage by diseases and pests was noted.


    The variety was bred in Canada. The bush is vigorous, multi-stemmed, the branches initially grow vertically, and in the period of full fruiting they are spreading, forming a wide crown. Forms few root suckers. Fruits are large, up to 18mm or more in diameter, from flattened at the base to spherical, dark blue, almost black, with a slight waxy coating, juicy, sweet, with an excellent aroma, very good taste. Fruits are collected in clusters, on average, 9-15 pieces. The fruits are consumed fresh and used for processing. It starts bearing fruit in the 2-3rd year after planting. Flowering occurs at the very end of May (4-8 days later than other varieties). The fruits ripen in early August. When ripe, the fruits need protection from birds. The yield is high and annual. Winter hardiness is very high. Resistant to diseases and pests.


    This variety is considered to be fruitful, super winter hardy and very large-fruited. The berries can be harvested in late July or early August (depending on weather conditions). The height of the plant is about 4 m. The taste of the fruits is very harmonious - sweet, with a slight pleasant sourness. The shape of the berries is round.


    The Scientific and Production Association "Sady Rossii" has been introducing the latest achievements in the selection of vegetable, fruit, berry and ornamental crops into the wide practice of amateur gardening for 30 years. In the work of the association, the most modern technologies are used, a unique laboratory for microclonal reproduction of plants has been created. The main tasks of NPO Sady Rossii is to provide gardeners with high-quality planting material for popular varieties of various garden plants and novelties of world selection. Delivery of planting material (seeds, onions, seedlings) is carried out by Russian post. We are waiting for you for shopping:

    In the Northern Hemisphere, the ornamental plant Irga canadensis is widely known and popular. It is also called the northern grape or wine berry, as a delicious and aromatic low-alcohol drink is prepared from it. This culture does not receive due attention from our gardeners. Perhaps this is because little is known about her. But anyone who has ever seen a plant in bloom and tasted its tasty and healthy berries will definitely want to plant Irga Canadian in their garden.

    Irga canadian: features of the species

    Ornamental shrub - Canadian irga, depending on the variety, can grow from 2 to 7 meters in height. It is an upright crop with long, smooth shoots that droop slightly to form a wide oval crown. The young growth is slightly reddish in color, while the old branches are usually brownish in color.

    The leaves of the canadian irgi, ovoid in shape, grow up to 10 cm in length. They have an unusual color. When blooming in spring, they are brownish green. In the summer they acquire a bluish tide. And with the onset of autumn they become crimson-golden. At this time, the shrub looks especially impressive. The leaves are soft to the touch, slightly rough, tucked up with a delicate downy.

    Irga canadensis blooms in late spring with large snow-white flowers. The buds do not last long, from a week to 10 days. Individual flowers are collected in drooping clusters of 5-12 pieces. They go especially well with reddish young shoots. Almost every flower forms an ovary, so the irga is one of the generously fruiting plants.

    Irga canadensis produces fruits, excellent in taste and healing properties, reminiscent of rose hips in shape and size. They are rounded, as they mature, they turn into light pink, and then dark blue with a purple tint. Ripe berries have a gray waxy coating. They are edible. Unlike other species of this culture, the fruits of the canadian irgi are sweeter than others, since they contain a large amount of sugar and very little acid. Birds adore them. Therefore, in order to keep the harvest intact, it is necessary to throw nets or other protection from birds over the bush.

    The berries of the plant look beautiful against the background of foliage all season. At first, these are pinkish beads, originally braiding the bush. Then deep blue drops sprayed over the branches. If they are not pecked by birds, then they persist until severe frosts, when the foliage has already flown around, and bare shoots remain.

    Irga Canadian is one of the best representatives of her family. It is distinguished by excellent frost resistance, unpretentious maintenance, undemanding to the composition of the soil. However, in order for the plant to bloom beautifully and luxuriantly and produce berries with excellent sugar content, it must be placed in an open area that is well lit during the day. Although, by planting a bush in the shade of other plants, over time, the gardener will observe that the irga will outgrow everyone and rise above its rivals. And it grows quickly, reaching its optimal size for 3-4 years.

    To emphasize the decorative features of the canadian irgi, they are pruned and given a beautiful oval shape. From this, the plant becomes even better, young shoots with fruit buds are formed.

    Irga canadian: popular varieties

    Slate- the most famous variety of canadian irgi among gardeners. It is an early crop with black juicy fruits, very large in size. Its berries are characterized by increased sugar content, therefore, they have an excellent taste and aroma.

    The Slate bush must be saved from the birds, otherwise you will not be able to taste the fruits. From the point of view of decorativeness, this is a wonderful view. The plant is 1.5-2 meters tall and has a wide crown with slightly curved light gray shoots. The branches are covered with bright, green, slightly elongated leaves with a dense structure. In the fall, the bush changes its green outfit for a luxurious bright red dress.

    Variety "Mandam" is one of the mid-season shrubs of canadensis. The shrub grows up to 3 meters in height, has a spreading crown. Forms large flat-rounded berries without sourness. Differs in high yield even in unfavorable years. Winter-hardy and unpretentious.

    Variety "Ballerina" bred by breeders on the basis of wild canadian irgi. It is a deciduous, tall, up to 6 m, shrub with long shoots, which hang down to the ground with age. The high decorativeness of the plant is achieved due to the color of the foliage, which turns from bronze to green at a young age, and turns purple by autumn.

    Magnificent snow-white flowers, similar to large stars, gather in lush inflorescences. The colors are replaced by dark red, and then almost black berries. Juicy and sweet, they ripen at the end of July. This variety grows excellently in urban conditions, withstands air pollution, without accumulating harmful components in the fruits.

    Variety "Krasnoyarsk"- a product of domestic breeders - specially adapted for cultivation in difficult conditions of the Central region, Siberia and the North-West. Its most important advantage is its excellent winter hardiness. It belongs to the late-ripening varieties, on which the fruits ripen at the end of July.

    This variety can be grown as a shrub or a tree low up to 4 meters. He has especially large berries, reaching a diameter of 1.5 cm. They are sweet, with a pleasant sourness. The variety of canadian irgi "Krasnoyarskiy" is famous for its high yield.

    Irga canadian: application

    The berries of the canadian irgi contain a large amount of useful substances that have a beneficial therapeutic effect in various diseases of the heart and blood vessels. They create a tonic effect, reduce high blood pressure and normalize cholesterol levels. Irga is an excellent product that saves you from multiple sclerosis.

    The berry is eaten fresh at the time of its ripening, frozen or dried in the oven, used as a filling for pies. Especially delicious is the wine made from irgi. It has a pleasant sweetness and delicate aroma.