Where it is better to dry garlic after cleaning. Do you need to cut and how to store garlic? Storage of garlic in banks

Drying garlic after his cleaning with beds grocery grooves pay great attention, as it is long been stored only succeeded in all the rules. Contrary to all logic, well-fed and cleaned garlic is still considered not dry, but fresh. Such a vegetable is used during the winter, used in conservation, add to various dishes. From it, the maternity mistresses are preparing a fragrant spice - dried garlic. We find out how to properly dry it for the winter, without losing a milligram of beneficial carbohydrates, essential oils and phytoncids, which is rich in this culture.

First of all, garlic needs to be removed on time. The heads disturbed on the garden will begin to decay on separate teeth and germinate. Such garlic does not break down for a long time. In order not to be late with cleaning, the floral arrows do not climb on several plants, and leave as landmarks. The optimal deadline for fishing is considered to be the time when the arrows are completely straightened, and the shell starts to burst.

Garlic carefully digging, trying not to damage the heads, shake with the roots of the earth, lay out on the garden and dried several hours in the sun. Wash bulbs is extremely undesirable, as the task of the gardener during this period - to dry the vegetable as quickly as possible. In the evening, the back heads are binding to bundles and hang for the final drying in the shade under the canopy. The place must be well thought out, then the bulbs will dry faster and better. Drying time lasts from week to month, depending on weather conditions.

The ashes bind to braids or cut at an altitude of 4-8 cm from the root neck. The sharp secateur is cut off the roots, then the heads are determined on storage in a cool dry room with good ventilation.

Is it possible to dry in the sun

This question remains controversial among vegetables. Many of them notice that after a long drying under the right sunny rays, garlic is baked and in the future it is worse. Part of the dachnings the best place to dry garlic considers only a well-lit by the sun.

The last option will surely suit the inhabitants of the northern regions with a non-market sun and cool weather. And in the southern regions this culture is better to diaten.

In any case, in the evening, ligaments with garlic are cleaned under a canopy, as the dew drops in the morning, which makes it difficult to dry.

How to cook dried garlic for spice

Well dried garlic distinguish the following signs:

  • top yellow and dried, makes a rustling sound;
  • roots have become filamentines;
  • thin dry scales, similar to cigarette paper, were formed on the heads.
  • The weight of the dry product is reduced from the initial by 40-60%.

In this form, the vegetable is perfect for several months. Before laying on the storage of the heads, they are examined and separately packed damaged during the squeezing, with a broken sheath or signs of damage. Such instances need to be spent primarily - to put on preservation, use in food or once again to sit.

Pre-teeth clean, cut off spoiled places and crushed. In this form, garlic turns into an exquisite spice, a long non-losing aroma and ready to add to various dishes - borsch, pilaf, salads, snacks.

There are many ways to get such a spice. Consider the most popular of them.

Methods of drying

Garlic along with apples, pears, tomatoes and other fruits or vegetables is good dry. Moreover, all the home conditions allow you to maintain the beneficial properties of the vegetable for a long time, so the hostess prefer to dry it for the winter. In the dry form, garlic reserves do not lose the fragrance for a long time, do not require space in the refrigerator and compactly stored.

How to dry indoors

Garlic for drying is cleaned from the shell, wash, allow to dry and cut into a sharp knife on thin plates. They are laid on the drying pallets that can be easily made from the primary materials as follows:

  • cut four boards width 10-15 cm;
  • from the boards, the box of arbitrary size and height are narrowed;
  • one side is tightened by a thin mesh cloth, well-transmitting air and not absorbing odors.

The garlic sliced \u200b\u200bon the plates lay on the fabric into one layer and put it in the shaded ventilated place. To protect against dust and flying insects, the box is covered with the second layer of fabric, placing the product between them. From time to time, the plates turn over, providing uniform evaporation of moisture from the surface.

Fully dried garlic fragile, easily breaks and has a color from cream to light brown. Part of the plates can be chopped by a blender and add a bit of cook salt. Get garlic salt is a popular spice ready to use. Due to the salt that absorbs excess moisture, such a spice remains longer dry and does not deteriorate.

The finished product is referred to in banks, covered with covers and stored in a dry dark place. Periodically, dried garlic reserves should be inspected. If the spice was lying and a plower smell appeared, it is scattered onto the pallet and lightly peel into the oven at a temperature of + 50 ° C.

In electrical stakes or ovens

Similarly, garlic is dried in electric stakes. In them, the product dries away much faster, since the drying electrical appliances are equipped with a light heated and forced ventilation. Under such conditions, the product is quickly and evenly communicated to the desired condition.

In the absence of electric dryers, garlic can be dried in the oven. The baking sheets are covered with baking paper and laid sliced \u200b\u200bteeth on it. The product must be dried at a temperature not higher than 40-60 ° C. At a higher temperature, the slices are darker, phytoncides are destroyed, and the essential oils dampen. As a result, the finished product has much worse taste properties, and its benefits decreases.

How to save garlic arrows fresh for winter

Garlic lovers know well that this plant has edible and useful not only underground part, but also the stem with leaves. First of all, they use young arrows in the food, which are laid out in June. They contain an even greater amount of vitamin C and are extremely necessary at the beginning of summer. Part of the arrows can be prepared for the winter in any convenient way - freeze, climb or shield with salt.

Young leaves will fit and young leaves for the harvesting of greenery. After cutting, they should be rinsed and sort yellowed and coarse feathers. The remaining harvested with the arrows.

For drying, washed and finely chopped greens are laid out into one layer on pallets and adjusted to a bulk state. Dry for several days, depending on air humidity and temperature. After crushing and refer to banks.

To freeze the arrows, they also wash in running water, dry on napkins, cut and decompressed into plastic bags or containers. In the freezer in such a form, the product is stored unlimited time.

For storage in the refrigerator, a recipe with salt is suitable. Prepared arrows lay out in pure glass jars, mocking them with salt layers, and shuffle tightly.

If in the room where the dried garlic is stored is too wet, and it fails to reduce it, it is better to remove the finished spice in the freezer. Freezing will allow you to keep your favorite seasoning much longer. In this case, it is packaged by small portions, on "once".

Drying is an eco-friendly and unearmable way to keep garlic for a long time. When complying with storage conditions, it does not lose its qualities during the year and is convenient for use. Supplement of a small amount at the end of cooking will give the dish with a thin fragrance and will protect against colds.

How to dry garlic?

How to dry garlic after digging?

An important condition for preparing garlic heads is their correct digging. If you grow it yourself, in a couple of days it is worth stopping watering plants, digging them from completely dry soil.

The following important condition - garlic do not wash. It simply remove the top layer of the shell. The washed can be rotated from humidity.

If you are going to dry your heads, then do not break down the stems and roots - it is easy to determine the availability of the product. As soon as these parts are uniformly yellowed and become brittle, it can be stored for storage.

Dry garlic in the following ways:

  • in a well-ventilated cool room, lay the heads into one layer and leave until complete drying. True, such a drying lasts 1-2 months. At the end, the roots and leaves are removed from garlic, leaving small areas from both sides, so as not to bargain the teeth;
  • sliced \u200b\u200bor solid teeth are dried in the electric grid, settling fine in the bowls and setting the temperature of 50 degrees;
  • for drying, the oven is suitable - the garlic is dried by a thin layer on the contrary to the open door and a temperature of 50 degrees;
  • if you have airhril, use the "Drying" mode, laying out the plates into one layer on a special lattice;
  • you can not just cut into, but chop garlic in the kitchen process, then in the oven it can be dried at a temperature of 90-95 degrees. In the electric grid, this product will be dried two days at a temperature of 35 degrees.

Garlic powder can also be obtained from dried poles - they are crushed in a coffee grinder.

How to store dried garlic

Dry product heads can be stored in old stockings or wooden boxes in a dark room with low humidity. Teeth and slices are stored in a glass container with a tightly spinning lid. Powder can also be stored in glass or in tightly closed packages with foil.

Even the newcomer in garden business will be raised to grow garlic. It is much more difficult to determine the harvest time and conduct preparatory work for storage.

It is not important to grow garlic in the garden plot, and even novice gardeners can cope with this task. But it turns out not to keep your crop the same juicy. In this article, you can learn how to dry garlic after digging, and when it is necessary to harvest.

Storage in pigtails

From the time of removal of the crop, its safety depends very much. Garlic must be completely ripe, but not overrevised. There are reliable ways to determine the maturity of garlic.

Garlic can be a spring and winter, and the dates of ripening in these types of garlic differ.

  • Ripening of spring, or autumn, garlic directly proportionally depends on its growing season. It is possible to determine the harvest time by the state of foliage. Swimming foliage becomes the first sign of harvesting to the collection. As a rule, this happens in the last decade of August, but the date can be shifted due to the characteristics of a particular variety and climatic conditions. Such varieties do not give arrows.
  • The ripening of winter, or winter, garlic can be revealed by faster inflorescences and yellowing lower leaves. Calculate the readiness of garlic to removal of the crop can be used by protective scales. They are thinning and becoming stronger. Before driving winter garlic after digging, it is necessary to wait for full ripening. This is usually happening in the second decade of July.

Honey with cleaning garlic is not recommended. A sign of the fact that the garlic was overripe, the cracked scales are becoming. If the bulbs of garlic easily disintegrate on the teeth, it can also speak from the overrelicness of garlic. Such garlic is very poorly stored and should be used primarily.

Drying in the Sun.

Unfortunate garlic will also be badly stored. When stored, it becomes soft and loose. It is also well amenable to various bacteria and fungi.

How to dig garlic

An important point when removing the crop garlic is the choice of weather. It should be dry and, desirable, without the sun. Watering garlic before digging is also not recommended.

  • Garlic can be shovel, but it is preferable to use forks, since the likelihood of damage to the bulbs of garlic is reduced. It should be a little digging of garlic bush and pull it out of the ground.
  • Earth with roots and bulbs is removed by hand to not damage their integrity. If the weather promises to be without precipitation, the garlic on drying can be left right on the bed for 3-5 days. If there is no such confidence, then drying the bulbs are carried out in a cover or room with good ventilability. Knowing how to dry garlic after cleaning from the bed, you can provide it with good safety in winter. In very hot weather, garlic should not be left under the action of direct sunlight. Garlic bulbs should be sharpened. Otherwise, it will be fried.
  • Garlic is dried straight with foliage and roots. After he succumbes, it should be transferred to a warmth blossomed place for another 2 weeks of drying. Only after that roots are cut off, leaving only 2-3 mm. Garlic stems are also trimmed, leaving a small part, long 10 cm.
  • Garlic needs to be sorted in size and remove damaged and sick copies from the total mass of garlic bulbs. They are stored very badly and need to be used in the first place.

The performance of these simple actions for digging and primary drying of garlic will help to achieve maximum safety of garlic in winter and until the landing of it in the soil or other purposes.

Drying garlic


As a rule, garlic do not dig in rainy weather. High humidity can contribute to the development of fungi and rapid dropping of garlic. In addition, dry land is designed much easier than wet.

However, the weather is not always favorable to gardens, and the ripening time of garlic can coincide with the rainy season. In this case, nothing else remains how to dry garlic after digging in rainy weather.

I dug garlic, and carefully separating the bulbs from the dirt, you should use dryers with the ability to change the temperature. The temperature of the start of drying should be 25 degrees of heat and gradually increases to 40 degrees.

After a complete drying, the bulbs of garlic should be sorted and examined for damage in the same way as garlic duck up in sunny weather.

Garlic in fabric bag

Requirements for savings

After garlic heads are finally dried and prepared for storage, all conditions must be provided for this. In unsuitable conditions, garlic will not be able to be stored for a long time and will lose all its qualities very quickly.

The main condition for storage of garlic is the air temperature and humidity level. And here they may differ in the types of garlic.

  • Preserving heat optimally for spring varieties. Temperature mode with this form of storage should be maintained close to 18 degrees of heat.
  • Storage in the cold is to maintain low ambient temperature. The optimal temperature regime for the storage of winter grants of garlic is 3 degrees of heat. But even at such a temperature, winter garlic is very poorly stored. It is often possible to see damage to various diseases, and before the spring he may dry at all. This is one of the reasons why it fell in autumn.

Knowing how to dry garlic after cleaning in rainy weather and in solar conditions, it is necessary to ensure the level of humidity. The optimal level of humidity for garlic storage is 50-80%. Higher humidity can provoke the appearance and distribution of dangerous diseases. It is best stored garlic having 3 layers of protective scales.

Bundles garlic

Storage methods

Methods of preserving garlic are known. Some of them are applied for a long time, and other methods use modern technologies.

  • Storage in beams is considered the simplest and most advanced method of preserving garlic. For storage in this way when cropping stems should be left a little more. Stems are associated with a kind of broom. For binding, you can use the twine, twine or stems themselves. Such beams can be easily stored at home.
  • Saving in kapron stockings can be used not only for storing onions, but also garlic heads. This method is very popular among the villagers of the post-Soviet space. Keep garlic in this way it is necessary in the ventilated places and regularly inspect it for signs of diseases. It is useful not only to understand how to dry garlic after digging (video), but also to ensure its storage so that the harvest does not die.
  • Capacities with good air exchange will be an excellent way to preserve garlic. An example of such a container can be a wicker basket. As in other cases, when storing garlic, it should be occurred periodically and check for the presence of individual instances.
  • Storage in banks. This method is used quite rarely. The heads of garlic are shrinking with salt, but they are not cleaned from the protective cover. Before this garlic needs to dry very well. Banks are sterilized, after which the bulbs of garlic are placed there.
  • Storage in salt. This will require a wooden container in which garlic will be stored. The first layer of garlic is laid out on the bottom and falling asleep with salt. This layer of salt is laid out another layer and again falls asleep with salt, and so on. Salt holds moisture and prevents the spread of bacteria. Regarding this method there are many disputes, but it is used quite often in dry rooms.
  • Some gardeners protect their garlic harvest in the bags of the canvas. They provide sufficient ventilability. Before such storage, garlic needs to rinse in a concentrated salt solution, and then completely dry it. Such a procedure helps to keep moisture and retain garlic in its original condition longer. It is very important how to dry garlic after harvesting and store it according to the right and proven methods.
  • There is a rather time-consuming storage method using liquid paraffin. Each garlic bulb is dip in paraffin, and only after that garlic goes on storage.

Problems with garlic storage

  • Mold. The formation of mold on garlic does not promise anything good. It is formed in those cases when garlic heads were frozen or damaged, and humidity and temperature are higher than recommended. Such a mold is very quickly striking healthy copies. Prevent the appearance of mold helps careful drying of garlic at the time of digging. Ultraviolet radiation of the Sun very quickly destroys fungi, bacteria and other pathogenic organisms. When mold appears, all the affected heads of garlic should be removed and destroyed.
  • Drying garlic. With the next check of garlic, it can be noted that he loses his form, as if all the moisture was evaporated. Paraffin will avoid this, which needs to be melted and to dip the head of garlic. It will keep moisture. You can also treat garlic heads in the salt solution of maximum concentration, and then thoroughly dry. Know how to store garlic, no less important than understanding how to dry garlic after digging (photo), otherwise you can collect an excellent harvest, but lose it when stored.

    Garlic in a wicker basket

  • Germination of roots. Such a phenomenon can often be observed from newcomers in the cultivation of garlic. At that moment, garlic begins to spend accumulated substances to continue its development. Experienced gardeners in this area are advised to catch roots. Such a soldering is delivered to garlic from the possibility of secondary germination. If such a procedure has not been carried out, and garlic has already gave roots, then you can preserve its cloves in vegetable oil. The cloves are cleaned and poured with butter in the can. At the same time, the oil will acquire a pleasant garlic fragrance. The taste qualities of the garlic itself also change and can come to taste not to everyone.

    Garlic in salt

Growing secrets garlic

To get a good harvest of garlic annually, you should know and stick to some rules for landing and care. Using them when growing, you can get amazingly large and healthy yields.

  • Know how to dry garlic after cleaning is very important. However, neglecting the simplest landing rules, there will be nothing to dry. Winter garlic so that he manage to root, it should be seen a month before the onset of cold weather. Skivar garlic is sitting immediately after frosts, about mid-April.
  • No special care garlic is required, but some agrotechnical techniques should be used regularly. Prepared and fertilized soil will not require additional feeding during the cultivation of garlic. In the spring, when the active growth of weeds begins, it is necessary to periodically hold a vent. In the future, the weeding is carried out simultaneously with loosening. Watering should be moderate. A month before harvesting, it should be completed.
  • Crow rotor is the main agrotechnical technique for any garden crops, including garlic. The garlic grown in the same place year after year becomes more located to diseases. Optimal precursors for garlic will be, cabbage, bean and cucumbers.

Summing up, you should recall that digging and drying garlic is a very important task. Garlic, dried not enough, will not be stored for a long time, but it will be subject to dangerous diseases. You can find out how to dry garlic after cleaning the video below.

Save garlic for the winter is not a lot of work, especially if we compete to prepare vegetables to collect and storage. Just the absence of watering and feeding a month before harvesting, as well as the competent drying significantly increases the immunity of plants, thanks to which the vegetables are well stored until the next summer (naturally, if storage conditions are observed).

If everything is clear with the cessation of watering and making fertilizers, then everything is so simple with drying. Some gardeners think that the couples of the day are enough to dry vegetables and send them to the winter. However, it is not. The drying time of garlic depends on weather conditions, and not only the weather is taken into account, during which the drying of vegetables passes, but also the weather that was before harvesting. If a month before the digging of vegetables was a lot of rainy days, then garlic should be kept in a well-ventilated room for a couple of days longer, otherwise there is a risk of not to deceve the heads, which is why their rotting will inevitably happen.

Now, as applies to the drying of garlic. After digging the culture, it is necessary to clean the ground with the heads gently, decompose the vegetables on the garden and leave them for two or three days (naturally, if the weather is allowed, that is, there are no rains). After the specified time, the drying of garlic should be continued, but already under a canopy or in a well-ventilated room. For this, vegetables should be transferred to the place specifically allotted for this, decompose them on a flat surface or suspend, toning for the stems, and leave another two-day.

How to dry garlic after digging in rainy weather

If it is rained for a long time and in the near future it is not forerunged by sunny days, it is impossible to postpone the collection of vegetables. Drop vegetables and try to remove the lumps of the earth from each head. If it fails to do this, in no case do not wash garlic, but send it to this form. Collect plants in five to seven bundles, tie them for the stems and hang out in a well-ventilated room (shed, attic). Leave the garlic to dry at least seven days.

Signs of ripening heads

Garlic matures very uniformly. Signs of ripening are:

  • yellowing the lower leaves;
  • slowing out the outer films and the acquisition of them characteristic of the color of the color;
  • easy branch of teeth;
  • straightening arrows, up to this rolled in rings, in short grades;
  • cracking boxes with bullbags;
  • sleeping tops.

These signs are an indicator of technical maturity, when the processes of formation of bulbs are not yet completed and end after cleaning.

The cracking of the heads (physiological maturity) indicates that the teeth are ready to germinate and the harvest you need to urgently clean. But it is not always a sign of maturity. Often even the misappropriate heads crack when landing garlic after potatoes.

Terms of cleaning garlic

Cleaning time depend on the method of cultivation of culture.

For the period of cleaning the weather conditions affect. In the cold raw summer, crop maturation is drawn by 5-10 days.
It is impossible to clean the garlic early because it will be badly kept. With late cleaning, the head is scattered on separate teeth. The optimal term comes when the arrows are straightened, and the inflorescences box will begin to open. If there are no arrows, then focus on the tops: when it is pozy, get to cleaning.

The timing of ripening of garlic heads can be increased or decreased by various agrotechnical techniques.

Pre-planning activities to improve harvest

2 weeks before the technical maturity of the arrows are straightened, garlic will stop growing, and bulbs begin to pour. At this time, the leaves are adjusted or tied by a node to enhance the outflow of nutrients from stems and leaves to the heads. At the same time, the ripening time increases by 10-14 days. If the summer is very rainy, then this reception is not used, since the long-lasting finding of the heads in a wet land leads to the damage to their mushroom diseases.

When the inflorescences start straightening, the ground from the bulbs is deposited by half to be available to air to the tooth. Especially it is especially necessary to do this in crude weather. If this is not done, then due to the increased content of moisture in the soil, the penetration of air to the roots is hampered. The cloves begin to test oxygen fasting and as a result dying. This phenomenon is called shocking. The extension of the Earth contributes to the normal breathing of bulbs and accelerates their formation for 3-5 days.

When to clean garlic with beds, drying garlic

When the tops are pazy and starts to dry, the plants dig up. Clear with cleaning is impossible, as mature garlic easily germinates. It is impossible to clean garlic after the rain. It is unacceptable to pull the plants from the ground, as you can damage the bulb. Dropsy heads leave for 5-6 hours in the air so that they venture and dried. At night, the harvest is cleaned into the shed.

Garlic is dried together with the tops for 12-15 days in the sheds or in attics, laying it out in 1-2 layers. In sunny dry weather, drawers are put on open air.

Very good and quickly dry plants in the greenhouse, where there are ideal conditions for drying. Boxes with a harvest put in a greenhouse and leave for 8-10 days. Plants from time to time turn the lower heads at the top. The greenhouse is left open even at night. At properly dried garlic, the stalk elastic, well bends, but it does not break.

Plants with arrows leave at ridges within 7-10 days after harvesting the main harvest. When the flowers start shrust, they are cut, they are binding to bundles and dried in the shade of 20-25 days. During this time, the Bullbars fall, they will become much larger and will acquire an appropriate variety.

Preparation for storage

At the end of the drying, the bulbs are cleaned from the ground, cut roots and stems and removed for storage.

Cleaning from land It is to remove 1-2 layers of cover scales. We should not remove a larger number of layers, as they protect the head of garlic during storage from excess evaporation of moisture. If you remove too much scales, then after 1-2 months, the teeth will begin to dry.

Pruning roots. The roots are cut at a distance of 2-5 mm from the bottom, and the remaining tips are poured. This prevents the germination of the teeth during the storage and damage to the heads by barn pests. The seed material roots do not burn.

Trimming tops. Dry topping cut off, leaving a neck of 2-3 cm. If the garlic is stored in braids, then leave 30-40 cm of the stem, if in beams - then 15-20 cm.

Bulb decorates in bundles and stored separately.

General Rules for Storage Garlic

Storage is removed perfectly dry bulbs. Store them in a dark place at temperatures from 3 to 22 ° C and humidity not more than 70% in places where there is no strong air circulation.

Ways to preserve the harvest in a private house and in the city apartment are different. Garlic is better stored at low positive temperatures (3-6 ° C) in the cellar or in the attic where the conditions are close to optimal.

In apartments, the harvest is well preserved at 18-22 ° C in a closed space without drafts. It is impossible to store bulbs in rooms with high humidity (kitchens, bathrooms) and in places where the air temperature is above 22 ° C (in batteries, on the cabinets, antlesol). The most suitable place is the lower shelves of cabinets in the hallway or storage room, where the temperature and humidity are not too high.

In the refrigerator, the garlic will not succeed at all desire, because there is very high humidity. Heads quickly become wet and poured or mold. The maximum shelf life of garlic in the refrigerator is 7-10 days.

Silver heads will continue not more than a month. Since the teeth are not protected by the overall covering scales, the process of respiration and evaporation proceeds very intensively, and they dry quickly. They must be used primarily.

The shelf life of winter garlic is 6-8 months (depending on the variety), Svarova - 8-10 months. During this period, the bulbs are immersed in the state of natural biological peace. At the end of the period of rest, the exchange processes in the teeth are enhanced, preparations for the beginning of the vegetation are prepared. Therefore, the greatest difficulties arise in the second half of the crop storage. At this time, the heads are stored either at a temperature of 0-2 ° C (garlic germinates at + 3 ° C), or at + 20 ° C and higher (with too high temperatures, germination of teeth slows down).

How to store garlic

There are several ways to preserve garlic:

  • in braids, wreaths, beams;
  • in grids and baskets;
  • in linen bags;
  • in boxes, boxes;
  • in banks.

In brazes, bunches, baskets, grids garlic well store, if there is a barn, attic or, at least, a dry basement. Storage in banks is suitable for the apartment. The remaining storage methods are suitable for both private houses and apartments.

Storage of garlic in braids.

This is the most common way to preserve garlic. Spit occupy a little place, and control the appearance of damage in this storage method is easier.
When stored in braids after drying, 30-40 cm tops are left. For weaving braids, a durable thin rope, twine or flexible wire is necessary.

Braid braid technique.

Take 3 heads and tie them at the base of the rope. Four end is obtained: three stems and rope, which when weaving should always be intertwined with one of the stems.
Make initial binding.
Then after each weave in the spit add a new head.

Spit should not be very long, otherwise they will break under their own severity. You can braid garlic as a wreath, whining the stem around the neck of the previous head. Store braids and wreaths in the sheds at a temperature of 3-6 ° C or in the apartment storage room (at 18-22 ° C). But in the apartment garlic, braided in braids, is stored for a short time. So that braids and wreaths do not scatter, the heads are not pulled together with the tops, but cut off, then the stem remains inside and the braid is not falling apart.

You can simply link the heads into the bunch of 15-20 pieces and hang in the barn or in the attic. In the kitchen, hang a braid on long-term storage.

Storage in baskets and grids

The bulbs are placed in 3-4 layers, if there is an increased humidity in the storage room, they are saturated with onion husks. Baskets put in a dark place, mesh hang on the wall. In baskets, the crop is preserved better than in the grids.

Storage in linen bags

Garlic is put in bags of natural fabrics and spend salt to protect against moisture. Bags put on pallets or lower shelves of boxes close to each other.

Storage in drawers and boxes

Boxes and boxes should have holes to have a small air circulation. Garlic is laid out in 3-4 layers, in rooms with high humidity, each layer moves salt. The top layer of the heads fall asleep salt by 1-2 cm. Salt absorbs excessive moisture and prevents the heads and molding heads.

Storage of garlic in a jar with salt.

Storage of garlic in banks

Crude garlic put in glass jars. Small bulbs are placed entirely, large divided into teeth. The jar is closed with dense paper or a kapron perforated lid. This is the best way to preserve garlic in an urban apartment.

Storage Bullbob

If seeding will be carried out in the spring, then the dried arrows with boxes are binding to bundles and stored in a barn at 2-4 ° C. In the apartment they can be stored on a warmed balcony. On the inflores, gauze bags are worn so that the lows do not appear. 2 months before landing, the air lows are separated from the blur, purified from impurities and stored in bulk at a temperature of 12-15 ° C.

Additional funds used for storage of garlic

In addition to the above listed, there are other ways to preserve the crop, but they are relatively rare due to their labor intensity.

Storage method Description Benefits disadvantages
In the food film The head is tightly wrapped in the food film. The residue of the stem is left open, breathing bulbs happens through it Prevents bumps from drying. Closer to the spring when the breath is enhanced, rot
In paraffin In the melted hot paraffin lower the head, then they give extra liquid drain, dried and removed into the boxes The film generated on the surface prevents the evaporation of moisture, the teeth do not dry and remain fresh and juicy until spring. This method reliably protects the head from mushroom diseases. The method is very laborious
In flour Put garlic layers, speaking each layer of flour Flour absorbs excess moisture. Very expensive storage method
In ash The bulbs are laid by layers, speaking their ashes. Top layer heads completely fall asleep The ash reliably protects against excessive humidity and does not complicate the normal breathing of bulbs. Not every person will risk falling down garlic ash.

The main goal in any way of storage is to preserve the juiciness and freshness of the teeth as much as possible and prevent damage to the harvest.

Possible problems when storing garlic

The main problems arising from storage:

  • molding and heading heads;
  • drying of teeth;
  • color change;
  • germination;
  • defeat by barn pests (root and flour pliers).

Molding and Harvesting Comes due to increased humidity. It is necessary to spend sorting, remove damaged bulbs, the rest dried within 5-6 days at the battery or on the mezzanine and remove into the dry room. If the air humidity is high, then to move the remaining garlic salt.

Drying garlic cloves. In winter varieties by the end of the storage time there is a natural drying. It can be slowed down for several weeks, wrapping the heads into the food film. If the garlic began to dry long before the end of the deadline, then the reason is too dry air. You can put the heads for a few days in the refrigerator, where the respiratory processes slow down. But you do not need to keep them there for too long, otherwise they will redeem and rot. To prevent further drying, the bulbs are treated with paraffin or robbed by the food film.

Change the color of the cloves At the base on the yellow color is an indicator of the defeat of the stem nematode. In the summer, the pest postpones eggs in the plant's diacon and the soil around them. Infected eggs nematode garlic badly stored. It is turned around, sick heads are separated from healthy and burned. All seed material, even if it is not detected by pest damage, is mandatory insecticide, then dried and continue to store under the same conditions.

Germination. Beginners to germinate the cloves are purified and poured with vegetable oil. In this form, they can be stored for a very long time. You can make an incineration of the Donets with fire, but if the process has already begun, it does not stop it. Spring teeth lose their elasticity and elasticity and are unsuitable for eating.

Defeat by barn pests It is extremely rare. Basically, garlic is amazed by root and flour ticks. Pests penetrate the teeth through the Donets and feed on its juices. The Donets gradually becomes drumming and disappears. If there is a risk of infection, the garlic during storage is shrinking the powdered chalk. In case the infection has been detected during storage, the head is 1-1.5 minutes placed in a heated to 100 ° C oven. After that, the bulbs are sorted, affected by ticks are selected and burned.

You can save garlic at once in several ways. Thus, you can avoid significant problems and determine which storage method is the best.