The magical properties of garlic. Why are evil spirits, including vampires, afraid of garlic? Garlic from evil spirits

According to the popular calendar, December 3 is called: Proklov Day (since they honor the memory of Archbishop Proclus of Constantinople, in prayers people ask the saint to protect him from everything evil, from unclean forces).

The main sign of the day - put a clove of garlic in your pocket

According to popular beliefs, on December 3, people curse the evil under the ground, which just strives to jump out. In the old days, at night, judging by superstitions, the evil spirits tried to enter the peasant's dwelling through an accidentally open door, window or chimney. To protect against demons and sorcerers, the Slavs came up with many ways, one of which is garlic. It is not for nothing that magical properties are attributed to him, evil spirits and witches do not tolerate this spicy spice on the spirit. And vampires generally cannot overcome a garlic barrier.

To protect the house from negativity, and to cleanse the space, our ancestors used garlic in rituals and amulets.

The bitten clove was put in a pocket and worn all day, thus protecting oneself from the evil eye and damage. A person who has approached you with bad intentions and black thoughts will not be able to concentrate on the source of negativity, as he will be distracted by a subtle, but very effective garlic aroma. He won't be able to do any harm!

Some even strung a whole garlic head on a rope and wore it on their chest.

If at night you hear a rustle from some corner, it means that evil spirits are trying to get into your house. Place a whole, strong head of garlic in this corner for three days. She will scare off the dark force, absorb all negative energy into herself. After the right time has passed, bury the garlic in the ground away from your home (preferably under an oak tree) or throw it into the river.

Women in the old days, before letting the child out into the street, chewed a clove of garlic and blew on the baby, thereby protecting him from the evil eye and targeting damage.

Garlic braids were hung by sailors on ships to return from the voyage safe and sound. And by hanging such a charm in the house (best of all in the corridor near the front door), you will save your home from the penetration of enemies, envious people, negative energy and dark forces.

If the baby does not sleep well, you need to put a clove of garlic under his pillow in the evening. And when an adult is overcome by insomnia and nightmares, a braid of seven heads is hung at the head of the bed.

Mothers in Russia with the help of garlic have always protected their daughters at the wedding. After all, the bride attracts all the attention, and can jinx it. A small head was wrapped in a clean cloth and attached from the inside of the wedding dress.

Garlic is very effective for various ailments. To protect yourself from hepatitis (or jaundice), you need to string thirteen garlic cloves on a thread, hang it around your neck, and wear it for thirteen days without removing it. Such a necklace will also help with intestinal worms.

A powerful and effective amulet can be easily made by yourself. Take a small white cloth bag, put a sprig of parsley and one garlic clove in it. Soak in holy water and dry. Then carry it in your pocket, and put it at the head of the bed at night.

Talisman of the day that will help you today

The mascot of December 3 is objects depicting a bunch of black grapes. This is a symbol of abundance, it will help you not to lose heart if you find yourself in a difficult financial situation.

Jewelry with the image of grapes or cherries can scare away evil spirits from you. Brooches in the form of these berries look beautiful, besides, the red cherry color will attract love and relieve loneliness.

@ Abramovich Oksana, writer

It may seem out of place to have an article on garlic on a site dedicated to flower and herb legends. However, there is no mistake. The fact is that many Slavic peoples had, and partially still survived, the custom of weaving it into a wedding wreath. Why? This is exactly what this article is about.

GARLIC (Allium sativum). The Latin name has no generally accepted etymology. Some researchers believe that it came from the Celtic "all" - burning, pungent, others - from the Persian "alii", which means heat, pungency. As you can see, in both variants its characteristic taste is noted.

And the Russian name "garlic" comes from the word "scratch". Its bulb easily disintegrates, "combed" into separate slices, the so-called "chasi". Thus, "garlic" is a "combed onion". Popular names - chapel, stinking rose, in Ukraine in the old days it was also called - poor man's molasses.

Garlic is one of the first cultivated plants. In ancient Russia, he came about in the 9th century from Byzantium, quickly spread and became very popular. This is evidenced by the following interesting facts. The Slavs drank wine, putting garlic in a bowl, and in the time of Vladimir Monomakh, peasants ate it with salt and black bread, and rich people put garlic in their ear, and in such quantities that noble foreigners were shocked by its smell.

In the popular mind, it is a symbol of protective power, but at the same time, it is an unusual plant. According to a North Russian legend, garlic was created by Satan, and according to Ukrainian legends, it grew out of the body of Judas, or from the teeth of Herod, or from the teeth of a dead witch that fell in the grave. Hence the ambivalent attitude towards garlic.

An old legend tells about the origin of garlic ... There was a great struggle in heaven, angels fought against the Devil, the Devil against angels. The air burned from this battle, forests and glaciers melted. The crushed Devil was driven into the underworld. On the ground, there were two smoking trails left by the Devil. They radiated fire and stench, and it was impossible to breathe this poisoned air, since everyone who inhaled its vapors became angry and greedy. And God decided to rid the world of this stench. Desire and its Light merged into two sparks, and they hit the ground. And they grew up that very hour in the place where the Devil's right foot, Onion, and the left one, Garlic, set foot. And the World heard the words of God: "There is no place for the power of evil, where these plants grow by my will." And then the fire and stench disappeared, the air cleared. And from now on, wherever an unclean devilish force appears, as soon as she sees an onion or garlic, she immediately starts to run.

Our ancestors believed in the ability of garlic to scare away evil spirits, to protect from the evil eye (a slice of bitten garlic in a pocket - they cannot jinx it) and damage, it was considered an effective amulet. Biblical legends say that demons were exorcised with the help of garlic. It was worn on the chest as protection from wounds during battles. The Magi, advising the one going to the duel, advised to put three cloves of garlic in the boot as a guarantee of victory. In Ukraine, there was a custom to plant garlic on the grave to prevent the deceased from turning into a vampire, and so that there would be no new death in the family. On the eve of St. George's Day (May 6), housewives rubbed the doors and threshold with it, protecting their homes from evil spirits and witches. He was hung around open windows, stairs, in kitchens, and sometimes even on his livestock.

As a talisman, garlic was widely used in wedding ceremonies. It was woven together with flowers into a wedding wreath; before the wedding, green garlic was woven into the bride's braid, put into the groom's shoes. It was often used by pregnant women. Worn constantly in the bosom or sewn up in clothes, and women in labor - for seven or forty days after giving birth. A newborn child was rubbed with garlic on the feet, chest, tied to the arm, or sewn into the baby's shirt, hung over his cradle. Before carrying the baby to baptize, the mother chewed a clove of garlic and breathed on it.

It was believed that if a lot of garlic was born, it means that its strength will be enough to drive away all unclean spirits from all fields where rye grows. This means that no one can spoil the fields where the future bread grows.

It was an obligatory attribute of many holidays. On Christmas Eve, they put a head of garlic in front of each family member or according to the number of men in the family. It was baked into Christmas bread. On the first Saturday of Great Lent, oxen and cows were smeared with garlic on the neck and chest, special bread was baked for cattle, on which a horseshoe was made from dough, and nails on it were made from chives. This was done in order to protect livestock from diseases and evil spirits, to ensure a happy reproduction and healthy offspring.

An interesting belief about a charmed, magic garlic. If it is planted in the ground in a raw consecrated egg, then it will bloom at the very Kupala midnight. The owner of such garlic could work miracles, communicate with evil spirits and all sorts of sorcerers, he could even ride a witch like a horse. And in another belief, no less exotic, it is said that garlic, sprouted through the snake's head, serves to expose the witch. If you hang a feather from such a garlic on a hat and go to a Sunday service, then upon leaving the church, a witch will run up and try to rip the hat off her head. Then you have to quickly run home from her. And if the witch manages to rip off the hat, then its owner is in dire danger. After all, according to popular beliefs, a hat is a magic talisman, and to take possession of someone's hat is the same as to take possession of a person's thoughts. Well, and, of course, the healing properties of garlic were highly valued and are still appreciated.

At the same time, there were also beliefs about the prohibition of the use of garlic, which were associated with belief in its "satanic" origin (and in fact - with its very pungent smell). It was believed that whoever eats garlic, for twelve days it is a sin to go to church: he prays not to God, but to the evil one, and his guardian angel will also depart from this person for twelve days. Especially it is impossible to eat garlic at night, because the house in which someone has eaten garlic, the angel goes around twelve yards.

The healing properties of garlic have been known for a long time, but here's what is curious: throughout the world, garlic therapy has long been considered an exclusively Russian phenomenon. Here is what one American newspaper wrote: “You can, if you like, pinch your nostrils and shy away from the 'pleasant' smell of onions and garlic. However, onion paste and garlic oil have been found to be good remedies for infected wounds. This information has come down to us from a distant country - Russia. " Indeed, during World War II, the Russian army used garlic to heal wounds received by soldiers in battle. Although the discovery of penicillin largely replaced garlic, the use of antibiotics was limited in military settings. Red Army doctors relied so heavily on the properties of garlic that it became known as "Russian penicillin."

And another interesting fact: the name of the city of Chicago (Chicago) is a French modified word from the language of the local Miami-Illinois Indians "shikaakwa", which means "wild garlic."

In the "Book of the Hidden Tree of Life" it says so:

"And for the sake of salvation, the underground fruit was given to people, which is powerful in spirit and mortal for any evil, in order to serve as protection and guide the faithful path. A bad man cannot taste that fruit, a warlock cannot. For a witch and a ghoul he is evil, for people he is a shield and a secret sword. "

The smell and taste is not just so harsh, it appeared beyond the ground when there was too much evil in the world. Nature gave man this plant so that he could defend himself against various misfortunes and adversities.

Garlic be sure to eat at least once a week. The one who constantly does this protects himself from many troubles and troubles, from the accidental evil eye and deliberate damage.


It must be placed in the house and this can be done as follows. For home amulet not just any garlic is suitable. You need to take a strong head of garlic with dry husks, and it must be pure white in color. You need to buy it for small metal money, paper money will not work. If you decide to take for amulet a head of garlic from your own garden, then return to the garden and bury a small coin in that place.

Place the head of garlic that you have chosen for the amulet on the dining table. Prepare a yellow silk thread and a pinch in advance.

The ritual is carried out as follows. You need to take garlic in your left hand, a pinch of Thursday salt in your right hand, and say the following words out loud:

How white and strong is garlic,

How pure and strong of All Salts is Salt,

So let it be light in our house,

Clean in our house

Let everything black and evil go around it,

Does not pass through the strength of garlic and the strength of Salt.

Then you need to sprinkle the garlic with salt, tie the thread to the tail of the head of the garlic. The thread should be long, because this amulet will need to be hung from the ceiling, and the closer to the ceiling, the better. The room for placing this amulet does not have to be residential, it can be a closet or pantry, you can also put it on the upper shelf of the mezzanine. It must be remembered that garlic has a strong effect throughout the year, and then it must be replaced with a new one, repeating the ritual. An old head of garlic must not be thrown into the trash, but must be treated with respect for an item that has served you for a whole year. It is best to go outside to the park and bury it under a tree.


Garlic goes very well with Thursday salt, it is, as it were, "revealed" with the help of salt, its protective and purifying properties are enhanced hundreds of times.

Garlic is generally combined with many objects, so it is often used in rituals and for preparing magical gatherings.


Garlic, which has a huge number of useful properties, does not go well with holy water, church candles and icons. In the room where the garlic amulet is located, it is better not to light church candles at all, there should be no icons and not put holy water. If all this is combined in one room, there will not be much harm, but the garlic will lose all its protective properties.


If you suddenly have an urgent need to protect your home and you do not have the opportunity to find a suitable garlic, you can replace it with dried chopped garlic from the store, the main thing is that such garlic is clean and without additives. From such garlic, you need to pour a path along the inner side of the threshold and it is advisable to also pour garlic along all the window frames. Such protection can last for several days, and during this time you can prepare a full-fledged amulet.