Double socket connection. Double socket: we do the connection of a double socket ourselves

To your attention a detailed step-by-step photo instruction - how to connect a double (double) socket.

A double or dual socket is a monoblock consisting of two plug connectors for connecting plugs of electrical appliances, which is installed in one seat (in one) and requires a standard set of wires for connection - phase, working zero and ground (protective zero).

Double sockets are used most often in the case when a single socket is no longer enough to connect several consumers, and for some reason it is not possible to add another socket. You need to use such sockets with extreme caution, monitor the power of the devices connected to it so that their total current does not exceed 10A-16A (depending on the characteristics of a particular model of a dual socket).

Connecting a double socket Let's take a look at the mechanisms of the Sedna model as an example.

Let's start the installation:

1. Turn off the electricity! To do this, in the electrical panel, it is necessary to transfer the levers of the circuit breakers to the "off" state, usually this is the position in which the lever is pointing down. Which particular machine needs to be turned off, if they are not signed, is determined empirically, turning them off one by one, and checking, for example, with an indicator screwdriver, the presence of voltage in the socket wiring. As a last resort, turn everything off. But then be sure to make sure that there is no electric current at the installation site!

2. We disassemble the socket, for this we unscrew, with a screwdriver, the fixing screws as shown in the image below. As a result of this, we separate the front panel from the double socket mechanism.

3. Using pliers or side cutters, we shorten the wires in the socket so that they are about 10 cm long. Then we remove the insulation from the ends by 8-10mm, and, for ease of connection, bend the wires as shown below.

4. We place the wires in the screw terminals of the double socket mechanism, the location of which is shown in the image below. We place the phase wire (we have brown) and the working zero (we have blue) in different extreme terminals, and the protective zero - ground (we have yellow-green) in the central one. And with the help of a screwdriver we tighten the guilt.

How to determine which of the wires is phase, zero, and which is grounding on your own, our detailed instructions will help you -.

5. Having installed the double socket mechanism according to the level, we fix it in the socket, with fixing screws located on the sides (see figure below).

. Connecting and installing a double socket is no different from connecting and installing a single one. Depending on the three- or two-wire electrical network (with or without grounding), the socket is connected with a three- or two-wire wire.

1. Connecting an outlet to a two-wire network.

Consider the option when you have a two-wire electrical network (without grounding) and a single socket is installed, which you want to replace with a double one.

Every socket is made up of decorative cover and working part which are screwed together. Before installing the outlet, both these parts are separated from each other. If this is not done, then the installation and connection of the working part will not work.

The decorative cover is made of plastic and, depending on the design of the socket, is attached to the working part with one or two screws. The screws are unscrewed with a screwdriver and both parts are freely separated from each other.

Now you need to dismantle the old outlet, but before dismantling it must be de-energized. If it is not possible to turn off the voltage from this outlet, then we de-energize the entire room, apartment or house. And only after checking the absence of voltage on the contacts of the socket, we proceed to dismantle it..

First of all, unscrew the screws securing the decorative cover.
After removing the cover, the working part of the socket remains in the wall, and in order to pull it out, it is necessary to loosen the fastening with which the socket is rigidly held in the socket. To do this, unscrew two side screws located on the left and right side of the working part.

The side screws are part of the fastening and serve to fix the socket in the socket. When twisted, they press on spreader legs, which move apart to the sides and abut against the side walls of the socket, rigidly holding the socket. And to relieve the pressure on the spacer legs, these screws are unscrewed.

The side screws are unscrewed alternately. First, one screw is unscrewed a few turns, then the second. In this case, the working part adheres to the fingers. When the mount is loosened, the working part can be freely pulled out of the socket.

Now it remains only to disconnect the wires from the terminal clamps of the old outlet and proceed to connect the new one.

Depending on the design of the socket, the terminal clamps can be located on the side, in front or behind the base of the working part. In my case, the holes for entering the wire strands are located at the back of the base, and the screw that clamps them is located on the side.

Advice. Before installing the socket, cut the ends of the wire again. Bite off the ends that went into the terminal connections, and then peel them again from the insulation by about 1 cm. In this way, we get ends free of all oxides and, of course, a clean and reliable contact connection. If the wire is stranded, then twist the veins with pliers into a tight twist.

Now all work on connecting a new outlet is carried out in the reverse order: power wires are connected, the working part is fixed in the socket, and at the end a decorative cover is installed. However, there are a few nuances that you may not be aware of.

1 . The location of the phase and neutral wires in the socket.

It does not matter which terminal (right or left) to apply phase or zero. It is desirable that the location of the phase and neutral conductors in all sockets of the house coincide. The same location is convenient for maintaining the home electrical network and troubleshooting.

When the working part is recessed in the socket, then at first it is aligned horizontally. Then it is pressed tightly against the wall and the side screws are tightened until the spacer legs firmly rest against the side walls of the socket and fix the working part.

The side screws are tightened alternately: first, for example, the left screw is screwed in a few turns, and then the right screw. In the process of tightening the side screws, the working part is held from the sides so that it is not squeezed out of the socket.

3 . Wire length.

If the socket is installed at a new point, then before connecting, check the length of the wire, which should be no more than 15 - 20 cm. If the wire is left longer, then there is a possibility that the socket will not fit in the socket.

4 . The location of the wire in the socket.

When installing the socket in the socket, the wire is laid first (it is folded into a ring or arranged with an accordion), and then the working part is inserted, which presses the wire to the bottom of the socket. Be careful not to get the wire in the area of ​​the spreader tabs.. If this is allowed, then the legs will either crush the wire or break the insulation. In both cases we get short circuit and a broken outlet or line.

Connecting the outlet to a three-wire electrical network has a slight difference. The difference lies in the presence of an additional third wire, called or grounding which is connected to ground contact sockets.

Accordingly, a socket with grounding has a slight structural difference from a socket without grounding. A grounded socket has grounding contacts made in the form of a spring-loaded brass plate and protruding at the point where the plug is connected. Everything else is unchanged.

The terminals for connecting the power wire in the socket shown in the figure are located in the lower area of ​​​​the working part. The location of the phase and neutral wires is shown as an example. In your case, the phase wire can be located on the right side, and the neutral wire on the left.

And more advice. Never put a jumper in the socket between the ground and zero contact.. The jumper will not protect you, but will only create problems. If the house has a two-wire network, then connect only the phase and zero.

Now I hope you should not have any questions with double socket connection.
Thank you for your attention. Goodbye.
Good luck!

Currently, a double socket has become very popular, as its installation increases the usability of household appliances.

The usual model consists of:

  • socket box;
  • two divorced terminal blocks;
  • mounting part of the wires.

Sometimes, instead of a dual electrical outlet, two power sources are simply installed side by side. This requires an additional niche for the second socket, while the monolithic model is installed in one so-called glass. This way of how to connect a double socket is much easier.

Connecting a power supply with two sockets

All actions related to the replacement or installation of new electrical outlets must begin with turning off the electricity supply and checking the voltage.

We disassemble the structure into 2 parts:

  1. decorative;
  2. working mechanism.

Let's move on to the cable. We expose the cable so that the cores can be seen by about 10 cm. There is no point in leaving them longer, as they will interfere when installing a new point. If they are shorter, it is recommended to increase.

To work, you will need a tester screwdriver with an indicator at the end and rubber gloves. With a tester, we must determine where zero, phase and ground are located in the wires. To do this, touch the wires in turn with a screwdriver, if the indicator lights up, this is a phase, no - zero. It can also be identified by colors. The phase is usually colored brown, the neutral wire is blue, and the ground is yellow.

The stripped ends are inserted into the loosened contact terminals on the core of the double socket. The phase and neutral wires are connected to the side contacts. It does not matter which side to choose for the phase, and which one for zero. But it is recommended to connect the phase on the right, so as not to be confused in the future. It is important not to make a mistake by connecting everything to one contact, in which case a short circuit will occur. The central contact (sometimes it is marked with a special sign) is intended for.

When all contacts are connected, tighten them.

In order for the incoming electricity to be distributed evenly, the cross section of the cable used to connect the power source must match the cross section of the main wiring.

The presence of a double socket does not lead to an increase in power. It is rated for 16 amps maximum.

You can connect a double outlet without grounding, the algorithm of actions does not change. In a private house, it is recommended to use a monolithic socket with a protective contact in the presence of grounding. There is no grounding in apartment buildings (zeroing is designed).

The monolithic twin model has a brass bridge. If it is removed, two separate points can be installed side by side.

Electrical connection diagram

When redecorating, the old point is usually replaced with a double outlet. However, such a replacement does not always lead to the desired result, as it has its pros and cons:

When redecorating, it is possible in the form of a monoblock, using an old glass or a place under it, in this case, you can not think about the issue of laying new wiring and sticking new wallpaper on damaged walls.

Installation of a double without replacing electrical wiring and with minimal damage to walls and coatings is divided into the following steps:

We connect electricity, we check the result of work. Turning on the electrical panel, checking the result of the work performed. The starting inclusion in the mounted electric point is best done with an electrical appliance of lower cost, for example, you can put a flashlight on charge.

Installing a cast-in-place model

To install a double socket in the socket, you need to carefully lay the wires in the box (usually in the form of an accordion). This must be done carefully so that the mounting tabs do not damage the wire insulation.
The core is deepened, fixed with self-tapping screws or fastening tabs.

Then, using self-tapping screws, the caliper of the model is attached to its working mechanism using the same self-tapping screws. Be careful when tightening the self-tapping screws, as with excessive force they can lead to a crack in the front panel.

The decorative part is installed tightly, without gaps to the wall and snaps into place.

Replacing an old socket and socket

A double socket in one socket is most often mounted when an old electrical point fails. At the same time, the number of sockets for household appliances is increasing.

The steps in this case are similar to the previous ones:

  • We turn off the power supply, we are convinced of this with the help of a tester.
  • We unscrew the screws on the decorative panel, remove the panel.
  • Loosen the fastening tabs, disconnect the wires.
  • We remove the old core.
  • We disassemble the new design into decorative and working parts.
  • To connect a double socket, we use the same method as in the previous cases.

A double socket very organically solves the issue with an increase in the number of sockets for household appliances and helps to abandon carriers and extension cords. The work is simple, does not require special knowledge and professional tools. To replace a model with one slot for a new one with two slots and does not require the help of specialists. For self-assembly, it is recommended to opt for a simple monolithic model or a model with ejection of the household appliance plug using a spring.

A double socket is a fairly popular electrical appliance used when carrying out cosmetic repairs in an apartment. This type of sockets is practically not used in the overhaul of the apartment. Experienced electricians advise avoiding it. Let's see what's what.

Positive and negative sides


  • Compactness - the number of sockets from one socket doubles;
  • Price - the cost of a double outlet is one and a half times less than two single ones;
  • Installation speed - installation of a double socket is twice as fast as installation of two single ones.


  1. Low throughput - a double outlet will not be able to power two powerful devices at the same time
  2. The price is lower only when it comes to cheap Chinese sockets. If you are or, then the cost of a double will be about the same as two singles.
  3. Falls out of the socket. The socket box experiences a double load with a lever in the center, therefore, over time, the fastenings of the double socket mechanism weaken and it falls out. Usually at the most inopportune moment, along with a bunch of bare wires.

It is much more correct and reliable when planning a major overhaul to provide the required number of outlets in each room and on each wall than to come up with “on the go”. But this is not always possible, and not everyone will redo all the wiring in order to add one electric point.

Work procedure

Since installing a double socket in most cases is part of a redecoration, we will consider a situation in which you already have an old socket, old aluminum wiring and wallpaper.

1. Turn off the electricity in the apartment

Turn off the electricity at the switchboard

2. Dismantle the old socket and socket

Dismantling the socket and socket

The socket box needs to be dismantled only if it is an old (Soviet) model

3. We free up space for a new socket

There is usually plaster, which can be knocked down with a screwdriver, chisel or chisel without much difficulty.

4. Trying on a new glass

Passing the wires into the socket

To do this, we pass the wires into the corresponding functional holes and insert the glass into the resulting niche in the wall. We make sure that the depth allows the glass not to protrude beyond the surface of the wall.

5. Dilute a solution of gypsum (alabaster)

To make a solution, take a dish (for example, a tin can), pour a glass of alabaster and add water until the solution reaches the density of sour cream. The solution should be mixed fairly quickly so that the gypsum does not freeze ahead of time.

6. Wet the inner edges of the hole with water

This must be done so that the plaster adheres well to the surface.

7. We apply plaster on the inner surface of the hole for the socket

Alabaster should be applied with a margin so that the box is well fixed

8. We also apply alabaster on the outer surface of the socket

After applying the alabaster to the socket, you should immediately insert it into the wall, after passing the wires.

9. With the remains of alabaster, we cover the resulting gaps between the wall and the socket

Without waiting until the gypsum has completely hardened, all excess sagging should be removed so that the wallpaper lies back without flaws.

10. We clean the wires

Wires should be stripped to a length of no more than 10 mm, unless otherwise indicated on the socket housing itself.

11. We connect the mechanism

We connect the mechanism of a double socket

12. We fix the mechanism in the glass

We choose how the double socket will be located, horizontally or vertically, and fix it with the help of spacer legs with a screwdriver.

13. Glue the wallpaper in place

Do not use wallpaper glue for this - it dries for a long time and will not grab right away. Use PVA or other stationery glue.

Make sure that the glue does not get on the contact terminals, otherwise a short circuit may occur when the electricity is turned on.

14. We fasten the decorative frame / cashier of the double socket

Final result

You do not need to wait for the glue to dry, you can mount it. You can use.

Video how to mount a double socket with grounding


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Are you good at taking care of your own home? Of course, the concept of care includes the creation of a cozy atmosphere, cleanliness, and maintenance of household amenities in working condition. And the last - one of the main components of comfort. If taps leak in the house or sockets sparkle, living in it is somehow not very convenient, and in some cases even dangerous. Let's now consider the simplest - connecting an outlet without replacing the wiring. This is a matter for anyone who knows how to hold a screwdriver in their hands.

Types of outlets used in residential areas

What is a socket, even children know. A socket is a device for connecting various electrical appliances to a common electrical network. The socket itself consists of an external insulating housing and a working part, in which terminals for connecting an electrical wire and spring contacts for a plug are installed on an insulating base. It would seem that the socket circuit is quite simple. But technological progress does not stand still and modern sockets are not so similar to those used in the days of our parents. And when replacing an outlet, it’s still worth knowing the device of both old and new devices.

So what types of sockets are there? The classification of electrical outlets can be both by purpose and by design.

Systematics of sockets according to their design

Consider first the constructive division of sockets into types:

  • overhead sockets for open wiring - they are installed directly on the wall using a backing plate made of wood or plastic where the wires run directly along the surface of the wall (today they are most often used in small wooden houses)
  • built-in or hidden sockets for internal wiring - installed inside the wall in a special hole with a socket, the wires are also laid inside the wall and lead directly to the socket
  • socket with screw clamp terminals - in this case, the wire from the mains is inserted between two plates and fixed with a special screw, this method is currently considered the most reliable
  • socket with a key clamp - the contact is fixed using a key spring terminal, when the key is pressed, the plates diverge, freeing up space for contact, when the plate is released, they tightly cover the contact

If you are going to replace sockets, you will be able to see that built-in sockets with screw terminals are now the most common. But according to the number of sockets for the plug, sockets can be divided into single and double. Moreover, a double socket can be installed both in one socket (stationary double socket), and in different ones - two or more sockets with single sockets located in close proximity to each other and interconnected by a jumper with parallel connected conductors (such a socket is called assembled) .

Grouping outlets according to their purpose

Now consider the division of sockets into types according to their purpose:

  • socket with grounding - with an output to the body of the socket of grounding contacts connected to the grounding conductor (designed to protect against breakdown current that goes to the body of the electrical appliance)
  • closed socket - in these sockets, the socket for the plug is closed by a rising solid panel or the holes themselves are covered with shutters that move away only when the metal contacts of the plug are inserted at the same time (installed to protect small children who might try to put some kind of nail or just a finger into the socket)
  • socket with programmable on / off - the design of such a socket includes a programmable timer, with which you can set a clear time frame for the operation of the connected electrical appliance
  • socket with plug ejector - using the button included in the design of the socket, you can simply push out the plug of an electrical appliance (such a socket helps to keep the plug in working condition for a longer time)
  • outdoor socket - a socket with increased protective properties that allow the socket to remain operational in all weather conditions (protection degree from IP55 - from dust and strong water jets), has an additional cover that closes the socket for the plug
  • bathroom socket - with increased protection against moisture penetration (marking from IP44)

Regarding this classification, it is worth clarifying that recently (due to the appearance of a large number of imported electrical appliances), only grounded sockets are used - after all, it is much safer. In older houses, a ground cable is often missing, but it is not such a big problem to install it, and your site electrician can handle it. However, grounding is best done when completely (or partially) replacing wiring during a major overhaul, if you do not want this cable to be pulled over the wall. Other types of sockets, except for waterproof ones, are used exclusively at the request of the owners. But if you are going to run an outlet in the bathroom (shower or combined bathroom), then, in addition to buying an outlet with a high degree of protection against moisture, you also need to know exactly where to place the outlets in terms of safe use.

By the way, a network socket is installed most often in offices for a large local network. At home, the installation of such an outlet is not necessary, but it is best for you to answer all questions related to connecting to the Internet by specialists who conduct such a connection.

Outlet style and design

Yes, and literally a couple of words on the appearance of the sockets. Nowadays, there is a wide choice of sockets from various manufacturers. The prices for them, which is understandable, are also different: the more solid the "label", the higher the price. However, most of us who want to install an outlet ourselves prefer average prices - where you pay for quality, and not for the "coolness" of the manufacturer. But in any case, when installing new sockets, you should make sure that both sockets and switches are in harmony in style and design with the entire interior of our home. It is unlikely that anyone will be pleased to see a techno-style outlet in a cozy bedroom, with its laconic, but by no means romantic features. And vice versa will also be somehow not very good. So, when making a choice, think not only about the functionality of the sockets, but also about the emotional component that they will bring to your home.

Do-it-yourself installation of sockets

Well, we have already decided on the choice of new outlets. It remains to install them in their places. In this article, we are considering installing a new built-in outlet instead of the old one, and moving the outlet to another place, connecting the ground and completely replacing the wiring are topics for a separate discussion.

Outlet replacement scheme

The general scheme for connecting a new outlet looks like this:

  • turn off the power supply on the panel (turn off the machine or unscrew the plugs) and, for those who love absolute reliability, wear rubber gloves
  • check the absence of current in the socket - with an indicator or any electrical appliance, for example, a hairdryer or a table lamp
  • remove the old socket (unscrew the top cover with the socket, loosen the mounting tabs, remove the old working part, disconnect the wires)
  • clean the socket, if any (if there is no socket, you can even install a new one by fixing it with plaster or alabaster) and pull out all the wires for the most convenient access to them
  • prepare the wires for connection (cut to the desired length - somewhere at the width of the palm, remove the common braid, strip the ends of the wires by about 1-1.5 cm, solder if necessary)
  • connect the wires to the working part of the new outlet
  • carefully bend the wires, insert the working part of the socket into the socket, attach it with screws to the socket or simply adjust the mounting tabs so that the working part sits firmly and evenly in the socket
  • set decorative frame
  • screw the top cover of the new socket
  • turn on the electricity

Now let's go over those little things that may be important.

Some nuances of connecting wires

If you live in an old house where there is not even a ground wire, your task is simplified, since by and large it does not matter at all whether you connect phase or zero to the outlet terminals. Therefore, in this case, there is a normal connection of the supply wire without separating them in phase. The main thing is not to attach both wires to the same terminal, but it is very difficult to do this in a single outlet.

In fairly new houses, grounding has already been carried out and therefore a ground wire has been added to the two supply wires. Here it is already necessary to know exactly which cable performs what function in order to properly connect them to the working part of the outlet. In this case, the color marking of wires comes to the rescue:

  • phase - the wire usually has white, red or brown insulation
  • zero - blue (cyan) or black color of isolation
  • ground - yellow-green, or yellow, or green insulation

The only difference when connecting a grounded outlet from a regular one is the connection of the "ground" cable to the central terminal with antennae extending into the socket body.

There are two ways to connect the wire to the screw terminal of the terminal: simply insert an even, stripped contact between the clamp plates or wrap the end of the wire around the screw with a ring. The second case provides the most reliable contact, you should only wrap the ring clockwise - in the direction of screwing.

The ends of the wires should also be stripped correctly. The best way is to use a special stripping tool that does not damage the wire. However, not every home has such a tool (well, unless you are a professional electrician, but then you do not need to look for advice on installing sockets), so we will use what is at hand. For this purpose, home craftsmen use mainly pliers or a knife. Moreover, when stripping a stranded wire, you need to cut the insulation in a circle and remove it, but we cut off the insulation from a single-core wire, as if we were sharpening a pencil so as not to touch the wire itself. The stripped copper cable will also need to be soldered to increase its service life.

How to connect a double socket

Everything is already clear about a single outlet, now it’s worth describing the installation of a double outlet.

A stationary double socket is mounted in the same way as a single one. You just need to carefully make sure that the supply wires are connected to different conductive plates, otherwise, when you turn on the electricity, you are guaranteed a very beautiful short circuit.

But connecting the assembled sockets is a little more complicated. It needs a piece of cable that matches the one connected to the main socket. That is, if there are three wires (supplying and grounding) in the socket where the wiring of the general network is made, then there should also be three additional wires. These additional wires are pulled between the sockets, and in the first socket (where there is already an outlet for the main cable), 2 wires are connected to the terminal clamps - from the main cable and from the additional one, in the second socket the wires are connected as standard. This process is shown in more detail in the video.

That's all! It's really not difficult - probably at school, in laboratory work in physics, you collected more difficult circuits. As they say, if the master took a screwdriver in his hands, then his work begins to be afraid. So for a screwdriver and go ahead, to conquer new heights of skill. And this experience will obviously be useful to you in the future, because for the normal operation of sockets it is worth opening them at least once a year or two and inspecting whether everything is in order with wires and contacts. And then your home electrical network will work like clockwork, perhaps even Swiss. Good luck to you!