Heating system made of polypropylene. Installation of heating from polypropylene pipes in a private house

Increasingly, when installing water supply or heating, both in apartment buildings and in private houses, craftsmen give preference not to metal, as it was before, but to polypropylene pipes. And this is not surprising, because such material is definitely more convenient to install. This fact allows all the work to be done even by a person without any specific knowledge or experience. At the same time, you can make heating in a private house from polypropylene pipes with your own hands even alone, without resorting to anyone's help. Today we will consider how you can do such a job, how difficult it is and what is needed for this.

Read in the article:

Polypropylene pipes - their advantages over metal pipes

Earlier, when installing heating with metal pipes, there was a problem with bends. I had to make an additional threaded connection in the form of an elbow, which is not very good. After all, the more individual parts there are, the more vulnerable the structure. Of course, it was possible to bend the pipeline at the desired angle, but without special equipment, such actions were difficult to perform. There was a risk of kinking, which entailed a loss of pressure in the system. Another problem was corrosion, which over time rendered the metal unusable.

Now, if heating from polypropylene pipes is installed, these problems are not. This material bends easily in any direction. Of course, this does not mean that you can do whatever you want with it, you need to know when to stop in everything.

With regard to fittings (connections), we can say that their quality is much higher than that of metal. With the right approach, a welded joint or elbow will last no less than a solid pipe. In other words, you shouldn't be afraid to make connections. The main thing to learn for installing heating with polypropylene is owning an iron (a device for soldering pipes and fittings). It is quite simple and will not be particularly difficult.

The advantage, which cannot be ignored, is that this material does not corrode, which significantly increases the service life. Many experts say that heating quality welded from polypropylene pipes can be called eternal.

Types and characteristics of polypropylene pipes for heating

Today, the manufacturer offers a fairly wide range of similar products. It is imperative to pay attention to this when purchasing - after all, design differences also affect the operating conditions of polypropylene pipes. Such products can be either single-layer or multi-layer. Let's start with the single-layer ones, as the simplest ones. They can be labeled:

  1. PPH- this is the simplest type used for the installation of industrial pipelines, as well as cold water supply.
  2. PPB- Slightly more complex type. These pipes are suitable for heating installation, which also does not exclude their use in cold water supply systems.
  3. PPR- The scope of these pipes is already a little wider than that of the previous ones. It is allowed to use in systems not only cold, but also hot water supply.
  4. PPs- the most difficult in composition. The admissible temperature limit is up to + 95 ° С. Such pipes can even be used in steam rooms. Of the shortcomings, it can be noted that the cost is quite high.

Reinforced polypropylene pipes for heating are called multilayer - fiberglass or aluminum is laid between the plastic layers. Such plumbing products can already be bent, although they cook no worse than single-layer ones.

Reinforcement can be as follows:

  • external - solid aluminum;
  • external - perforated aluminum;
  • inner - aluminum sheet;
  • internal - fiberglass;
  • composite materials.

Related article:

In the article, we will analyze in detail the main selection criteria, what types of pipes exist, their advantages and disadvantages, how and how to insulate the heating system, advice from professionals.

It should be understood that the external reinforcement makes it quite difficult to solder the pipeline (the coating at the welding points has to be removed), which means it is better to pay attention to products with fiberglass or composites.

Which propylene pipes for heating is better, of course, it is up to everyone personally to decide, but if you pay attention to the characteristics, then the fiberglass-reinforced ones have no competitors. Indeed, in this case, the product, in principle, cannot delaminate. The reason for this is that the fiber during manufacture is literally soldered into polypropylene, and does not stick to the layers, as is the case with an aluminum layer.

Standard sizes and diameters of polypropylene pipes

The main thing that should be understood if it is decided to replace the heating line in the house from metal to polypropylene is the difference in external dimensions. It is the inner diameter that should coincide, while the outer one will differ. This happens due to the fact that the walls of polypropylene pipes are thicker than those of steel ones. When distributing heating in houses, products with a cross section of 32 to 40 mm are most often used. If we are talking about, then in this case, 16 mm is enough.

“The inner diameter of polypropylene pipes for heating a private house, presented on Russian counters, is always identical to the section of old steel pipes. This is done for the convenience of replacing old communications. ”

There is one more nuance that should be considered when purchasing such material. The size of the PP pipe is usually indicated precisely by the outer diameter, which means it is very easy to make a mistake. As a result, you will either have to go back to the store and change the pipes (if possible), or pay the money again and buy what you need. To prevent this from happening, you need to do the following. Knowing the required inner size, it is required to clarify the outer diameter of the PP pipe and subtract two wall thicknesses from it. This is how we get the data we need.

Average price of propylene pipes for heating in the Russian markets

Several major manufacturers of propylene glass-fiber-reinforced pipes for heating are presented on the shelves, the prices of which, by the way, are quite reasonable. The cost depends, like any other product, mainly on the brand. The quality of almost any of the market leaders is quite acceptable. Of course, this does not apply to polypropylene pipes sold at too low a price. In general, if there are no products on the shelves, the cost of which is several times lower than the average, you should be on your guard. Now there are quite a few fakes, the quality of which can be very unpleasantly surprising not only during the installation process, which is not so scary, but also during operation. Agree, it is rather unpleasant if the pipes flow at the most inopportune moment. Although, it is unlikely that any moment for an accident can be called a suitable one.

Let's try to consider the average prices per meter of polypropylene pipes for heating in Russia.

BrandWorking pressure, barWorking temperature, degrees CMeters per packageManufacturer countryAverage cost, rub / m
FORMUL20 95 60 Turkey91
KraftFaser20 95 60 Russia89
VALFEX20 95 60 Russia81
SPK20 95 60 Turkey106
FIBER20 95 60 Russia144

Here are five of the main manufacturers on our shelves. But you cannot do with pipes alone during installation, and therefore it is worth finding out the prices for fittings. There are a lot of them, which means it makes sense to consider only the angles at 90 0 as the most popular. The cost is indicated for a pack of 10 pcs.

Name and sizeImageAverage cost, rub / m
Elbow with high pressure LF 20x1 / 2 "PPS (M-Plast) 25,88
Corner elbow LF 20х3 / 4 "PPS (Firat) 45,34
Corner elbow LF 25x1 / 2 "PPS (Firat) 35,89
Corner elbow LF 25х3 / 4 "PPS (Firat) 45,48
Elbow with high pressure LF 32x1 "(turnkey) PPS (Firat) 105,23
Elbow with high pressure LF 32x1 / 2 "PPS (MINDE) 25,08
Elbow with high pressure LF 32х3 / 4 "PPS (Firat) 55,78
Elbow with n / a LM 20x1 / 2 "PPS (M-Plast) 33,79
Elbow with n / a LM 20х3 / 4 "PPS (Firat) 61,32
Square with n / a LM 25x1 / 2 "PPS (Alpha) 51,33
Square with n / a LM 25х3 / 4 "PPS (Firat) 60
Square with n / a LM 32x1 "turnkey PPS (Firat) 117,43
Square with n / a LM 32х3 / 4 "PPS (Firat) 69,90

This is the average cost for similar products. If we talk about those who have already replaced ordinary iron pipes with polypropylene ones, it will not be uninteresting to look at their reviews:

Chivas, Russia, Rostov-on-Don: Two years ago, I decided on my own to make heating in the house, wiring to batteries and connecting to a gas boiler, (already having had a little experience in this before). I stopped at the Turkish-made Kalde reinforced polypropylene for hot water Kalde, because it had something to say “at a good price”, before that I dealt with “pilsa”, but unlike it, “calde” is soldered a little better, and much less stink when soldering ... When everything was soldered, I decided to test it for strength, so to speak. When tested under water pressure of 2 atmospheres and a temperature of +70 degrees, the pipes almost did not deform, all the adhesions remained dry, and did not bend or lead anywhere. They have been working for the second season, for a low price - I'm happy!

More details on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_722036.html

valer1234, Ukraine, Kolomyia: Experience with the products of this manufacturer is about 8 years. I first encountered them when I was rebuilding my house and had to change the pipes for water supply and heating. Then there was a small selection of manufacturers, but fortunately I chose these. Although at that time I did not really understand this, my intuition, along the way, did not disappoint me. When soldering, this pipe behaves very nicely - it heats up slowly and cools slowly ...

More details on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_3159924.html

Of course, the reviews of professionals about polypropylene pipes for heating are not as enthusiastic as those of beginners, but they still admit that they are really easy to install and durable.

How to perform heating in a private house from polypropylene pipes with your own hands: step-by-step instructions with photo examples

The laying of heating lines does not raise any special questions, and therefore it is necessary to consider the soldering process itself step by step. In addition, if the cooking of any polypropylene pipes of various types is the same, then the preparation for this process for those reinforced with aluminum, both inside and outside, has its own nuances. We will try to designate them now.

Photo exampleAction being performed
Here is the outer layer of aluminum that needs to be removed in order for the soldering to be strong and of good quality. Otherwise, the elements will not weld together, which is fraught with leakage
It is with such a device that the outer layer is removed.
We put the cleaning on the pipe and turn it several times until the aluminum layer is completely removed. This is how a pipe ready for soldering should look like.
We put both parts (corner and pipe) on a heated iron ...
... then we press them all the way. Heating time - from 3 to 8 seconds, depending on the diameter
After removing the parts from the iron, insert the polypropylene pipe into the corner until it stops and wait 3-5 seconds.
After that, the connection is ready for use.
As for the polypropylene pipe with internal aluminum reinforcement. The photo shows: on the left - external reinforcement, on the right - internal
There is another stripping for internal reinforcement. The actions are the same as with the previous pipe, but ...
... it works a little differently. By removing part of the inner reinforcement, such stripping allows the pipe to be soldered in such a way that water does not have access to the aluminum layer. This eliminates the risk of moisture getting between the pipe layers.

If the reinforcement is made with fiberglass, the pipe does not require any special preparation before brazing. As it becomes clear, the installation and welding of polypropylene for heating in a private house with your own hands is not a very difficult process and even a schoolchild can master it.

Important! Be very careful when working with the iron. Its surfaces are heated to high temperatures, which is fraught with burns. It is best to work with heavy gauntlet gloves.

Theoretical advice for brazing polypropylene pipes and fittings

The best solution before starting the installation work on heating in the house would be a little exercise. To do this, you need to take stock into account when purchasing the material. It is better to buy 10-15 of the cheapest fittings and 2-3 m of pipes just for this purpose. Having cut pieces of pipe with special scissors and warmed up the iron, you need to try how well the welded joints are obtained.

Important! When aligning the pipe and fitting after warming up, try to connect them as evenly as possible. Only in this case, the soldering will turn out to be tight, and the line is neat.

You should not save on polypropylene pipes by buying those reinforced with aluminum. Especially if there is no experience in such an installation. It is better to purchase fiberglass polypropylene pipes. They are much more convenient for welding. Also, do not forget that when heated, polypropylene expands, which means that you cannot mount the fitting point-blank against the wall. It is better to leave a gap of 2-3 cm. This will allow the pipe to "play" when heated.

Welding polypropylene pipes with your own hands, although not difficult, requires complete concentration, care and accuracy from the master. Only then will the heating be carried out as planned.

If anything remains unclear, we suggest watching a short video on how to solder polypropylene pipes:

Overview of heating installation schemes: various options for heating wiring in a private house

The main heating distribution systems in the house are one-pipe and two-pipe. Although some masters, for too large areas, also offer a three-pipe system, we will not consider it due to its complexity and rather rare use.

The simplest and most common is the one-pipe system. Its only drawback is that it cannot be used with a large number of radiators. "Leningradka" belongs to such heating distribution schemes. The problem is that if the distance and the number of batteries between the first and the last heatsink is large, then the temperature difference between them will be quite sensitive.

A slightly improved version of the same one-pipe system is a scheme called "Tichelman's loop". However, the situation completely and it does not save if the area of ​​a private house is large. In this case, a two-pipe system is used. With all its positive qualities in terms of heating, it also has a negative side - the required pipe length doubles. We talked about the schemes for installing one-pipe systems with polypropylene pipes, as well as two-pipe systems in one of our articles.

In general terms, then, of course, it is best for a beginner to work with a one-pipe system - it is quite simple. But even if there is no experience, and the area of ​​the house is large enough, it is quite possible to mount heating with polypropylene pipes using a two-pipe system. To do this, you just need to study a little more information on this topic.

“Before starting work, it is necessary to draft a future system. This will help not to get confused in the intricacies of highways, and in the future - in a timely revision in order to avoid accidents. "

Only by fully understanding all the schemes of systems that exist (there are very few of them), it is possible to decide how the layout of polypropylene pipes in the house will be arranged.

Some tips for laying polypropylene pipes when installing heating

Surely everyone understands that self-installation of heating with polypropylene pipes does not only consist of drawing up a wiring diagram and welding the main parts. It is very important and correct to fix the pipes on the wall, under the floor or behind the false ceiling. After all, everything should look aesthetically pleasing.

Important! In no case should the heating pipes overlap one another. This will significantly reduce their service life and may cause an accident.

Installation of PP pipes is carried out on plastic "clips" of the required size, which are attached to the surface using self-tapping screws or dowel-nails. There is a possibility of connecting several clips to each other for the convenience of the installer. Polypropylene itself is most often hidden in niches under the floor, although walls and ceilings are also a good option. The main thing is the free space around them, which will allow them to "play" during the heating process.

The information obtained from reading the articles is, of course, important. But the clearer example is usually the one you can look at. That is why we offer you to watch a video on how to assemble polypropylene pipes with your own hands using the example of hot water supply, which is almost the same:

Well, to consolidate the information received, another video about welding polypropylene pipes:

Connecting a heating radiator to polypropylene pipes and how to do it

If a home craftsman has already figured out with a soldering iron and can weld a pipe with a fitting, then he should not have a question of how to connect a heating radiator to a polypropylene pipe. But still we will understand in stages.

If the line has already been brought to the place where the radiator will be installed, we hang it in place and try on how long the pipe sections are needed for the connection. We solder brass threaded fittings to them by ironing. If necessary, you can also purchase ball valves, which will regulate the heating temperature of the radiator.

For your information! Shut-off valves play another very important role. If it is necessary to replace the heating radiator, it will not be necessary to shut off the entire system. It is enough to close the supply and return, and then freely dismantle the battery and replace it.

When the pieces of polypropylene with fittings are ready, we switch them to the heating main and screw on the radiator - that's all. The main thing, before tying the heating radiator with polypropylene pipes, is not to forget to mark all the lines. This point is very important - after all, it will help in the future not to get confused during installation and routing on the collector.

Summing up

Most often, home craftsmen say that they cannot complete this or that work when they are simply afraid to take on it and this is the main mistake. You need to believe in yourself (not to be confused with self-confidence). Realizing that there is nothing super complicated in working with polypropylene pipes, you can easily mount any, even the most complex heating. After all, it is not the gods who burn the pots, and everyone once did it for the first time. Therefore, you should remember that the main thing is strict adherence to instructions and rules, accuracy and extreme attentiveness. It is in this case that polypropylene heating will give warmth to you and your loved ones for many years to come.

We hope that today's conversation was helpful to someone. If you still have questions, we are always happy to answer them in our discussions.

And in conclusion, one more interesting video.

Video review: how to connect a heating radiator with polypropylene:

Polypropylene pipes are popular due to the affordable price and quality of the material. The low thermal conductivity of the polymer keeps the coolant temperature. The low equivalent roughness of the inner walls of the pipes does not reduce the flow rate. Simple assembly technology allows you to quickly mount heating in a private house from polypropylene pipes with your own hands.

Technical characteristics of polypropylene pipes for heating

The abbreviation, with information on the operating parameters of the product, is applied to the pipe walls. Basic marking of polypropylene (PP) complies with international standards:

  • manufacturer's logo;
  • letter designation and addition about product modification (PP-random, PPRC, PPs);
  • nominal pressure (PN25 MPa) of the working medium;
  • outer diameter and size of the product wall;
  • service class;
  • the maximum permissible operating pressure in bar, which indirectly indicates the service life of the product;
  • product standard.

A description of the design features, purpose and scope of the product is given by the manufacturer in the technical data sheet of the product. The table, as an example, gives data on the products of the manufacturer VALTEC (Italy):

Class Place of application Working pressure, bar
Fiberglass Aluminum
1 Hot water supply, Т = 60 ° С 13 14
2 Hot water supply, Т = 70 ° С 10 11
3 Warm floors, Т = 50 ° С 14 18
4 Warm floors, Т = 70 ° С 10 13
5 Radiator heating (taking into account the type of pipe reinforcement: aluminum foil T = 90 ° C, fiberglass fiber T = 90 ° C) 6 9

Products with an inner insert of aluminum foil are used mainly for heating. Reinforcement of polypropylene pipes with fiberglass also allows their use in radiator circuits, underfloor heating and hot water supply in private houses. However, pipes with an inner layer of fiberglass fibers allow slight elongation of the linear sections when heated and oxygen permeability.

Technical characteristics of reinforced polypropylene pipes (manufactured by VALTEC):

Physical properties Aluminium foil Fiberglass fiber
Pipe diameter and wall thickness, mm
25x4.2 32x5.4 40x6.7 25x3.5 32x4.4 40x5.5
Inner diameter 16,6 21,2 26,6 18 23,2 29
Nominal pressure, PN, bar 25 20
Mass of a running meter of a pipe, kg 0,262 0,446 0,880 0,235 0,378 0,590
Density PPR, g / cm³ 0,91 0,91
Pipe filling, liters per 1 pgm 0,217 0,353 0,556 0,254 0,423 0,660
Specific heat at kJ / (kg * ºС) 1,75 1,75
Tensile force limit, MPa 35 35
Oxygen permeability, mg / m2 per day
Equivalent roughness of the inner surface, mm 0,01 0,015
Linear increase in length 1 / ºС 3.1x10 -5 6,2x10 -5
Thermal conductivity coefficient, W / (m * ºС) 0,24 0,15

Fittings and valves for heating systems made of polypropylene are made of a random copolymer similar to the material of pipes. Non-threaded elements are designed for socket connection, in which the pipe is inserted into the body of the fitting. The inner diameter of the fittings (90 ° and 45 ° angles, couplings, adapters, tees, crosses and taps) corresponds to the outer diameter of the pipe. Linear thermal expansion is eliminated by ready-made expansion joints or self-made welded structures.

Clamps (single and blocks of clips) are intended for fastening straight, horizontal or vertical sections of the pipeline along the walls. The step of installing the fasteners (recommended by the manufacturer) depends on the size of the pipe and the quality parameters of the coolant. Clamps from similar raw materials are intended for fastening large diameter PP pipes. The mount can be rigid or floating, a small clearance will allow for free play during thermal expansion.

The connection to steel pipes or fittings is obtained using combined fittings. Collapsible fittings (American) for the transition from metal to polymer are produced with an internal or external thread made of galvanized metal on one side, and a propylene insert on the other.

A set of fittings and fittings is selected individually for each room in the house. The number and brands of fittings depend on the configuration of the heating system and the type of heating equipment.

Price of propylene pipes for heating

The cost of the product depends on the purpose and manufacturer. Well-known domestic manufacturers specializing in the production of reinforced PP pipes: Sinikon and YarInterPlast.

PP pipes of the PN25 MPa brand are used for heating. The price of polypropylene fiberglass-reinforced pipes is lower than products with an internal aluminum frame (by about 10%). The difference is explained by the guaranteed service life of the product, the permitted temperature of the heating medium and the operating pressure of the system.

Average cost of polypropylene pipes for heating (price per meter):

Pipe diameter, mm Manufacturer country Service class
/ type of reinforcement
Price, rub / pgm
25 Italy 5 / aluminum 33,75
32 Italy 47,25
40 Italy 79,50
25 Italy 5 / fiberglass 23
32 Italy 42,25
40 Italy 60,50
25 Turkey 4 / fiberglass 21,99
20 Turkey 5 / aluminum 21,52

According to the reviews of professionals, polypropylene pipes for heating are the best option for autonomous systems. Homogeneous brazed design without threaded connections and metal fittings is easy to install and convenient to operate.

Polypropylene pipes in the water heating scheme of a private house

The piping transmits the flow of heat energy from the boiler to the heating devices. Water is a traditional heat carrier for heating systems for country houses. The amorphousness of the polymer to an aggressive environment under the influence of high temperatures is the key to the durability of pipes. The inner surface of the pipes offers negligible resistance to directional flow. The impurities contained in the coolant in suspension (organic matter, compounds of hardness salts, scale, sand particles) do not form deposits on the walls of polypropylene pipes. Aluminum-reinforced products exclude the access of oxygen to the heating system from the pipeline. A layer of foil-clad metal reduces the risk of corrosion of the boiler heat exchanger, increases the service life of the system as a whole. Numerous materials, diagrams, videos of DIY heating in a private house can be easily found on the Internet.

Emergency freezing of piping does not threaten the destruction of polypropylene pipes. After defrosting the water, the material restores its original properties. However, it should be remembered that it is impossible to heat PP pipes with an open flame!

The increase in the linear dimensions of the pipe during heating is perhaps the only significant drawback of polypropylene products. Reinforcement with aluminum foil significantly reduces the rate of thermal expansion and increases the level of class of pipes.

Considering that the optimal pressure in the household boiler circuit is 1.5? 2 bar, the heat source is as close as possible to the consumer and the temperature in the residential building does not fall below 5 ° C, we conclude: polypropylene reinforced with aluminum is an ideal material for piping in a private house.

Resistance heat welding production rules

Installation of polypropylene heating systems is carried out at a room temperature of at least 5 ° C. Consumables for heat sealing (accessories) must correspond to the purpose (PPRS).

The sequence of operations in the manufacture of assemblies at the place of work:

  • pipes are cut with special scissors according to preliminary markings on the body;
  • preparation of the cut surface includes chamfering to a depth of 1 mm at an angle of 30 ° and degreasing the pipe end with acetone;
  • marking the boundaries of the melt - a restrictive risk is applied to the end of the pipe with a pencil;
  • processing of the working surfaces of the soldering iron;
  • heating the tool;
  • melting of parts (with holding time ranges of pipe diameters according to the instrument passport, and the alignment of parts with the iron body);
  • docking of a node without displacement and rotation of elements;
  • cooling.

The size of the embedded section of the pipe for heating:

Diameter, mm 20 25 32 40 50
Distance from the end, mm 14,5 16 18 20,5 23,5

Time schedule for the manual thermal welding process (standard values):

Outside diameter of the pipe / inside diameter of the fitting, mm Time, s
Contact with the nozzle Docking Cooling
20 5 4 120
25 7 4 120
32 8 6 240
40 12 8 300

The voltage of the electric current in the soldering iron for polypropylene is 36V. The operation of the tool from a household network requires a circuit breaker.

After the joints have cooled, check the straightness of the joint, the uniformity of the bead of the weld and the absence of welding defects. The number of connecting nodes, when fulfilling the rules of resistance welding, does not affect the throughput of the system. Low resistance in welded parts is due to the physical properties of the material and the method of connection without reducing the flow area of ​​the pipe. Hydraulic tests for strength and density of the PP pipes system are carried out 16 hours after welding.

Polypropylene water heating schemes for a private house

A non-volatile or pressure head, one- or two-pipe scheme is chosen based on considerations of efficiency and comfort. Traditionally, private houses are equipped with horizontal wiring with independent floor contours. The heating system of small houses with natural circulation is a series of radiators. Efficient heat supply of a large-area house is carried out by two-pipe wiring with forced movement of the coolant.

High-quality installation and piping of equipment is impossible without calculating the throughput and determining the diameter of the pipes at each section. The coincidence of the calculated and actual costs will reduce heat losses, ensure stable, reliable and quiet operation of the system.

With the help of an online calculator, you can do a hydraulic calculation for a one-pipe water heating scheme for a private house with your own hands. DanfossCO and OvertopCO provide calculations for indoor natural circulation heating systems. Calculations in Excel Online are summarized in a convenient tabular form. By filling in the initial data column and choosing the necessary constants (the columns are highlighted in color), we obtain the calculation results.

The classic method of arranging a heating system is one-pipe wiring. The installation can be explained by a thematic video of heating a private house made of propylene. With your own hands, you can quickly, accurately and cheaply perform equipment strapping.

Single-pipe systems with natural circulation operate under the influence of gravitational forces. A slope when laying pipes and installing the heat generator below the level of the living quarters will increase the flow rate. However, when radiators are connected in series, it is impossible to evenly distribute the heat. The rooms located far from the boiler do not warm up well, there is a danger of stopping the circulation and boiling of the boiler water.

The problem is solved by the device for heating a private house with your own hands in the "Leningrad" scheme. Videos can be found online.

The removal of the nozzles to the heating devices divides the flow, most of the coolant continues to flow through the system. The flow through the radiator is controlled by installing a thermostat valve, diagonally connecting the device or changing the bypass flow area.

The main components of heating are a heat generator, pipes and heating appliances. The rest of the equipment ensures the performance of the system under various loads. The equipment of the system with additional elements depends on the size of the house and the modification of the selected boiler. The set operating parameters of the unit are provided by a safety group, an expansion vessel with an overflow pipe, a blower and a pressure regulator.

If the circulation pump is not built into the boiler circuit, then the blower is installed on the return line of the pipeline, in the immediate vicinity of the heat generator. The installation location of the closed-type expansion tank for heating is in front of the circulation pump. The safety group is mounted on the flow line near the boiler.

The concept of comfort is individual for each person. But for everyone, without exception, home is warmth. Heating is an integral part of any home. Maximum awareness in this topic will help to make a competent decision and implement it on its own.

When installing a heating circuit in a private house, polymers, in particular polypropylene, come to replace heavy metal pipes. This is explained by its excellent quality, a fairly large assortment, and optimal technical characteristics. To create the ideal climate in the house, you need to use polypropylene pipes correctly. Therefore, it is necessary to know the requirements for the heating system itself, the properties of the material, to study popular schemes and the feasibility of their application.

Heating systems schemes based on polypropylene pipes

There are two basic schemes for installing heating from polypropylene pipes in a private house - one-pipe and two-pipe. The first is most often used because of its simplicity. Here, the coolant is both supplied to the radiators and exits them through a common collector.

Depending on the orientation of the trunk, the system can be horizontal or vertical. Water will circulate naturally along the polypropylene circuit. In order to prevent such a situation, when it is too hot in one room and cool in another, bypasses are installed on the batteries, equipped with control valves. Experts call this wiring "Leningradka".

The two-pipe system is distinguished by the presence of a supply system and a return. It is used in large private houses with several floors. If we compare this scheme with a one-pipe analogue, then its installation is more expensive, but it also has many advantages:

  1. The water supplied to each radiator has approximately the same temperature.
  2. Heat is distributed more or less evenly along the circuit.
  3. The temperature regime can be adjusted.
  4. High degree of reliability.
  5. When one radiator is repaired, the rest of the system continues to function.

They practice a two-pipe heating scheme, both with a lower wiring and with an upper one. The first option is used if you need to hide the pipeline. The pipes are laid in the floor, and two branches connect them to the batteries from below. Heat loss here is high and without a circulation pump it will be cold in the house. To make heating as efficient as possible, you must comply with the prerequisites.

Heating boilers piping

There are two types of boilers - floor-standing and wall-mounted. Connecting them has its own characteristics. The piping scheme common for all types of boilers includes:

  • boiler;
  • radiator;
  • ball valves;
  • nuts fixing the boiler;
  • cleaning filters;
  • thermal heads for batteries;
  • tees, corners;
  • Mayevsky cranes;
  • different valves;
  • measuring instruments;
  • circulation pump;
  • distributors;
  • fasteners.

The piping scheme in the case of a wall-mounted boiler can be extremely closed, since these boilers are autonomous. The floor-standing boiler must not be placed on top of the piping, as it does not discharge air. As a result, air locks will appear. Most wall-mounted boilers have air vents, so they independently release air masses.

When tying a gas boiler with a polypropylene loop, a large number of connections must not be allowed. The main condition is the presence of a rigid joint at the gas supply to the unit. A feature of a solid fuel boiler is the lack of a heat supply control function. When forced circulation is turned off, pressure will build up and the system may fail.

For such cases, there are emergency schemes. One of them is the installation of an automatic bypass. When the pump is running, the coolant flows through it, and the bypass is closed. When the pump stops, the liquid flow is redirected and passed through the bypass. For heating schemes mounted in a private house made of polypropylene with a circulation pump, the feasibility of using and the parameters of the latter is determined by the hydraulic engineering calculation.

Polypropylene pipes in convection systems

Convection systems made of polypropylene pipes are very popular. The reason is the ease of processing the material, resistance to freezing, high tightness, low thermal conductivity.

In closed-type “pumpless” systems, a lot of oxygen is released from the water when heated. If the line is made of steel pipe, it will rust very quickly. Polypropylene products are free from this drawback. The directional flow moving along the polypropylene sleeves does not encounter significant resistance. No deposits form on the walls of PP pipes.

Gravity heating system

The classical gravitational system is folded:

  • from the boiler;
  • tank;
  • pipes;
  • radiators.

Its advantages include non-volatility, self-regulation, and reliability. There is an opinion that polypropylene pipes are not suitable for the device of such a system, but this is not the case. It's just that during installation, you need to comply with some conditions:

  1. The spill must be carried out at a uniform slope along the entire length.
  2. After the boiler, a small booster section is needed, called a collector. Here the water picks up speed and continues to circulate further. It needs to be decorated with a piece of steel pipe so that the coolant is cooled.
  3. The radiator must be placed as low as possible below the level of the boiler, in extreme cases on a par with it.
  4. The solid fuel boiler is installed at a slight incline. The pipe is welded into it in the uppermost corner.
  5. The outlet pipe is also mounted with a slope at the lowest point.
  6. The taps with the maximum flow are connected to the radiators. This will negate losses, and circulation will occur across all batteries.

If the plans include a warm floor, a gravitational pumpless system is formed for the radiator, and a separate loop with a pump is arranged for the floor. Since the system has limited pressure, it will not be able to push through additional complex contours in a natural way.

Materials for the device of the heating system

The optimal diameter of a polypropylene pipe for wiring a one-pipe system in a private house is 20 mm, for risers - 25 mm. For a two-pipe system with more than 8 radiators, a polypropylene sleeve with a diameter of 32 mm is used. Fittings are selected for the cross-section of the pipes so that their inner diameter corresponds to the outer diameter of the line. They must be from the same manufacturer as the pipes and with the same markings.

A high-quality connection of polypropylene elements is obtained only by welding. A welding machine or a soldering iron is used. Foil-reinforced pipes are suitable for high-temperature systems, and fiberglass for low-temperature systems.

The first ones are labeled PN 25. They are designed for a pressure of 2.5 MPa. Working head for PN 20 is 2 MPa. In any heating system on radiators, Mayevsky taps are needed. They are cut into the top of the battery. The holes at the bottom are closed with a plug.

Fittings are used as transitional elements for connecting radiators in heating systems made of PP pipes. These include:

  1. Couplings. They connect two identical pipes.
  2. Taps.
  3. Crosspieces. For branching into two sides.
  4. Adapters. Needed for joining elements with different diameters.
  5. Tees. Form one-sided branches.
  6. Fittings. Required to connect the hose to a flexible hose.
  7. Plugs. Installed at the end of a polypropylene pipe.

PP hose fittings are environmentally friendly and durable. Under conditions of correct use, they can last for about 50 years.

Features of materials that need to be considered during installation

In order for the system to function correctly, during the installation process, it is necessary to take into account some features of the PP hoses. One of them is linear expansion. This phenomenon causes a change in external and internal temperatures. As a result of heating, the plastic sleeve begins to sag. Linear expansion is compensated by the correct laying of the pipeline, which guarantees its freedom of movement within the linear expansion value.

For this, fastening clamps, expansion joints are used, the design of which includes both movable and fixed parts. Sometimes the sagging can be eliminated by slitting the wall and placing sleeves in it or by installing additional clips. If these actions do not help, they take drastic measures - they disconnect the sleeve in the area of ​​the "American women", cut off the sagging section, re-solder the American woman, then twist it.

Polypropylene pipes are new opportunities

PPR products have optimal technical characteristics. They open up new opportunities for owners of suburban housing, where the heating system is powered by boilers. Their use can reduce the complexity of installation. This option is not only economically beneficial, but also reliable.

Each person understands the word comfort in his own way, but everyone needs warmth. You can provide your home with them without large capital and time costs, using polypropylene pipes, and awareness of heating issues will allow you to make the right decision.

When designing a new house or living space, it is very important to choose the right heating system made of polypropylene pipes, since it affects the consumption of electricity or fuel during subsequent operation, as well as the appearance of the room. Installation of heating from polypropylene pipes is carried out according to three types of schemes:

  1. one-pipe;
  2. collector.

The heating system used in these installation schemes can be with forced movement of water or antifreeze and gravity. Vertically and horizontally mounted.

Pros and cons of one-pipe wiring

A one-pipe system is a type of connection in which fluids move from one radiator to the next and lose temperature. With this scheme, there is no movement of the liquid in the opposite direction. It is mainly mounted vertically, but sometimes horizontal is used. It is used for heating equipment in multi-storey and private houses. The radiators can be connected from above or below.

Cons of this layout

  • the inability to regulate the heating temperature in different parts of the wiring. It is generally difficult to regulate, since a decrease in the temperature regime at the beginning of the wiring will lead to a minimum temperature at the end;
  • if the temperature difference between the upper point of the distribution and the bottom of the riser is large, then at the bottom it may be necessary to install heating batteries with a larger number of sections and area than at the beginning of the riser.
  • for normal operation, strong pumps are needed, the cost of heating boilers increases, the operational wear and tear increases, and there is a need for frequent water replenishment.

Advantages of one-pipe heating distribution with polypropylene pipes

  • gives great savings when laying in consumables and labor hours;
  • more acceptable appearance (fewer pipes are laid);
  • today there are many possibilities to correct the functional deficiencies of this system with the help of radiator regulators, thermostatic sensors.

The difference between two-pipe wiring

With a two-pipe heating distribution, a heating agent (water, antifreeze, steam, gas) with the same heating temperature is evenly distributed throughout the equipment. Radiators are connected from the top and bottom at the same time. A hot heat agent enters each radiator from the common riser through the upper connection, circulates in the heating battery and leaves through the lower connection through the common return line to the boiler for a new heating. The advantages of such a system are that with the help of a thermostatic head or a servo drive, the temperature of any radiator can be adjusted separately, and this will not affect the rest of the heating system. With this installation, the application is larger than DN 20x3.4. as well as a radiator valve over 1.2 does not make sense, it will not get warmer from this. The length of the polypropylene pipe supplying the thermal agent should be no more than 25 meters.

The disadvantage of the scheme is the high cost of laying the return pipe system.

Heating from polypropylene pipes - collector circuit

This system differs in that each radiator is connected directly to the manifold. Radiators are connected on both sides. On one line, the thermal agent supplies heat to the heating battery, on the other hand, the cooled agent returns to the collector. With this scheme, polypropylene pipes, as a rule, are drawn in a straight line and laid inside the screed. Their length is quite large. But it is easier to manage this system, the heat will be distributed evenly. With the help of a hydraulic arrow, you can draw circuits with different temperatures and pressure drops. The collector circuit is not suitable for multi-storey buildings.

Disadvantages of the collector circuit

  • high pipe consumption, compared to single-pipe distribution;
  • complication of work, since there should be no connections;
  • heating system is only forced;
  • the installation of the same number of pumps as the stand-alone circuits is distributed among the premises.

Polypropylene pipes are not afraid of defrosting. But it must be borne in mind that defrosting can damage the boiler and expansion tanks. For soldering polypropylene pipes, you need a special tool. The nodes are soldered separately, and ready-made are installed in the place where they will stand.

You also need to know that when connecting, you need to choose pipes that meet the following matches:

Having weighed all the pros and cons, it is worth choosing a scheme that is most suitable for specific conditions.

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Polypropylene pipes are of high quality and at the same time have an affordable cost, which makes them a popular material. These products have low thermal conductivity, which allows you to maintain the temperature of the coolant. The ease of assembly of the structure allows you to quickly make high-quality heating in a private house from polypropylene pipes with your own hands.

The strength and durability of the structure depends on the quality of polypropylene pipes.

Technical characteristics of polypropylene pipes for heating: features

All the necessary information in the form of marking is applied to the pipe walls. The polypropylene label is referred to as PP. Also on the surface of the product, you can see the following designations:

  • manufacturer's logo;
  • designation of product modifications PP-random PPRC and PPs;
  • working medium pressure and admissible pressure in bar;
  • product wall thickness and outer diameter.

Products with internal aluminum foil inserts are used for heating. Reinforcement of polypropylene pipes with fiberglass is also used in heating circuits, hot water supply and in underfloor heating structures.

If the inner layer consists of fiberglass fibers, slight elongation of the linear sections may occur when heated. Valves and fittings are made from a similar copolymer. The inner diameter of the connecting elements corresponds to the outer section. Clamps are used to fasten vertical and horizontal sections of the pipeline. Connecting and fittings are selected individually for each room.

Some types of polypropylene are suitable for heating. It is a random copolymer, as well as cross-linked polypropylene and a special heat-resistant modification, which is characterized by high thermal resistance.

Note! Sections of polypropylene pipes that pass through partitions and walls are finished with a bushing, which protects the surface from abrasion and prevents material from shifting when heated.

The price of propylene pipes for heating: an overview of manufacturers

In the table you can see the price of polypropylene fiberglass-reinforced pipes for heating and other options.

Manufacturer (Country)Reinforcement typeDiameterCost, rub. per running meter
Sinikon (Russia)Fiberglass32-110 30-400
Tebo technics (Turkey)Fiberglass20-160 50-150
Valtec (Turkey)Aluminum25-63 120-630
Dizayn (China)Aluminum20-32 48-500
Wawin Ekoplastic (Czech Republic)Aluminum20-110 45-554
Wefatherm (Germany)Aluminum10-20 180-450
Aquatherm GMBH (Germany)Fiberglass / Aluminum16-355 130-850

Piping in the diagram

To install a high-quality heating system, a properly executed piping is required. Water is used as a traditional heat carrier. The resistance of the lines to high temperatures is the most important indicator of the durability of the structure.

The properties of the inner surface do not impede flow resistance. Impurities in the composition of the coolant do not form deposits. Aluminum-reinforced polypropylene pipes for heating, as evidenced by the reviews of professionals, serve as a guarantee of oxygen penetration into the system. In addition, an interlayer of foil-clad metal protects the heat exchanger structure from corrosion and improves the performance of the system.

Even if the system is frozen, the polypropylene lines will not collapse.

Important! Not used for polypropylene pipes. They are replaced with steel, brass or copper products.

Nuances of performing heat welding

The installation of structures made of polypropylene products is carried out at a temperature of at least five degrees. For heat sealing, special parts are used.

Heat welding consists of the following stages of work:

  • the pipe is cut according to the previously made markings;
  • the cut must be cleaned and lubricated with acetone;
  • the boundaries of the melt must be marked with a pencil;
  • the tool is being heated;
  • the elements are melted;
  • docking of nodes and cooling.

When performing heating in a private house from polypropylene pipes with your own hands, you need to withstand a certain voltage of electric current in a soldering iron. After the joints have solidified, the seams are checked for welding defects and the straightness of the joints. The strength test of the system is checked after 16 hours have elapsed.

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Options for schemes from polypropylene pipes

It is important to choose the right wiring diagram. For houses with a small area, the option with natural circulation is used. For large buildings, a two-pipe distribution system with forced circulation is used.

For high-quality piping, it is necessary to calculate the throughput of pipes and determine their diameter. If the heat consumption is calculated correctly, then this will reduce heat losses. Hydraulic calculations can be carried out using a special program. The traditional methods include a one-pipe scheme of a private house with your own hands.

Such systems function under the influence of gravitational forces. To increase the speed of the flow, a certain flow is required. When radiators are connected in series, it is difficult to distribute heat energy evenly. Rooms located further from the boiler will heat up worse.

When installing a heating system in a private house, the following options should be considered:

  • a one-pipe scheme is characterized by the fact that the line is connected to each heating device. In this case, the coolant, as it moves away from it, loses its temperature, the last radiators will be colder;

  • The two-pipe design is distinguished by the separation of the return and supply pipelines, operating in parallel. This option is used in branched circuits, when it is required to deliver a coolant with the same temperature value to each radiator. In an emergency, you can turn off one radiator or riser.