Toilet closet. A cabinet in the toilet above or behind the toilet - options and ideas How to make a sliding cabinet in the toilet scheme

The question of how to make a toilet behind a toilet arises at the first glance at this cramped room.

Here you need to place detergents and hygiene products, other small items, but there is not enough free space.

A locker located in unused space helps to solve this problem, as well as to give the toilet a certain appeal.

You can easily make such furniture with your own hands, but for this you should take into account the specifics of the bathroom.


The only place in the toilet where you can store the various items you need is behind the toilet.

It is small, and even occupied by plumbing fixtures, but with the right approach, you can fit a fairly voluminous cabinet here.

It will not "eat up" the usable space, but in order to become really useful it must meet specific requirements:

  • minimum depth... The dimensions of the furniture should not interfere with the use of the toilet, which means that they cannot go beyond the cistern;
  • moisture resistance... The toilet belongs to a room with high humidity, and the proximity of the tank and pipes increases the risk of direct contact with water;
  • the presence of ventilation holes to prevent the accumulation of vapors inside;
  • security free access to plumbing equipment... In the considered area, cold and hot water pipes, valves, purification filters and other units can be located. The locker should not block access to them, even if these units are used very rarely;
  • attractive appearance.

According to the method of installation, toilet cabinets are divided into built-in and hinged (body) types. In the first case, they fit between walls or in niches and are securely fixed permanently. The cabinet cabinet is hung on the wall and is manufactured as a separate, mobile furniture item. It can be moved, removed for a while.

Of what?

Materials for toilet furniture are selected taking into account the following requirements:

  • sufficient mechanical strength;
  • light weight;
  • water resistance;
  • external attractiveness;
  • ease of processing during manufacture and cleaning during operation;
  • ecological cleanliness.

If they do not have sufficient moisture resistance, then it becomes necessary to apply protective coatings or carry out a special hydrophobic impregnation.

The following materials are most often used for the manufacture of cabinets:

  • drywall... Waterproof varieties are suitable for toilet conditions. Plasterboard sheets are easy to process and are sufficiently resistant to condensation and moisture, are not subject to decay. The appearance is given by staining in the desired colors. The disadvantage is low mechanical resistance to bending, as well as the brittleness of corners and edges;
  • plywood... For bathrooms, modifications of FC and FSF with increased water resistance are quite suitable. Usually, sheets with a thickness of at least 14 mm are used. It should be noted that plywood of the FSF type contains phenol-formaldehyde, which at elevated temperatures can be released from the material;
  • wood... In the manufacture of the frame, a wooden beam is most often used. The board can also be used for doors. The main disadvantage is rotting under the influence of moisture, which requires impregnation of the material with special compounds;
  • laminated chipboard(Laminated chipboard). Its increased water resistance allows it to be used as shelves, doors and hinged housing. When choosing this material, one should take into account its significant mass, which leads to deformations under its own weight. This circumstance requires the use of reinforcing elements (stiffeners);
  • metal... In the manufacture of the frame, an aluminum profile is often used for attaching drywall or a metal corner. Metal has high mechanical strength, but steel elements require reliable protection against corrosion;
  • plastic... Dense plastic panels are widely used as doors. The variety of colors makes it possible to provide the desired design. Important advantages are low weight and absolute water resistance.

The choice of materials for toilet cabinets is made taking into account the selected design, size, design solutions.

Advice... The thickness should be optimal - to provide the necessary strength, but not to increase the weight excessively.

Scheme and drawing

Before you start making a locker, you need to think carefully about how to place it in a specific place. To do this, the space behind the toilet or installation is carefully measured, and a diagram of the location of plumbing units is drawn up, to which access must be left. It is provided with special slots, holes, hatches.

Based on the drawn up diagram, a drawing is developed with full detailing and reference to the installation site. The design of the cabinet is quite simple - a frame, top and bottom panels, shelves and doors, and, if necessary, a false panel (back wall).

Advice... The frame can be installed on the entire wall behind the toilet or only take up the space above it and the cistern.

A typical toilet in apartment buildings often has width 82-85 cm... With this size, the outer panels and shelves are mounted to the full width. Cutouts are made in them for passing pipes. The depth of the cabinet is set according to the distance of the tank from the wall. As a rule, it is 30-40 cm. At the same time pipes require a cut-out up to 25 cm long.

Doors can be of several options. Most often, simple, swing doors (2 pieces) are installed. Projects with sliding doors and roller shutters can be used.


To make and install a cabinet in the toilet, you need to take care of the following tool in advance:

  • puncher;
  • Bulgarian;
  • electric drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • plane;
  • hacksaw;
  • scissors and a hacksaw for metal;
  • hammer;
  • chisels;
  • pliers;
  • paint brush.

To carry out measurements and quality control, you will need a building level, a plumb line, a tape measure, a metal ruler, and a square.


Most in demand in cramped toilets built-in cabinet option... It is installed between the walls behind the toilet and covers the back wall. After developing the drawing and installation diagram, you can start manufacturing and assembling this furniture. First of all, the installation site is carefully prepared. The walls must be well dried. Clean off any dirt and damaged coating. If necessary, the surface of the walls is leveled.

Advice... If there are places with mold or mildew, then they are thoroughly cleaned and processed with copper sulfate.

Frame over the toilet

The first step of installing the cabinet is marking the installation site... If the cabinet reaches the ceiling in height, then the marking begins from its surface. The extreme points that limit the depth of the cabinet are marked. A plumb line is lowered from them to check the location relative to the boundaries of the drain tank. The mark should not go beyond its limits. A line is drawn - the border of the front part. It should be strictly perpendicular to the side walls of the toilet.

Further, it is carried out wall markings... The lower point is set by stepping back from the top of the tank at the distance necessary to service its handle during operation. A line parallel to the floor is drawn through this point.

With the help of a level, these markings are transferred to the opposite side so that both lines are at the same distance from the floor. Then, the location of the shelves inside the cabinet is marked on the walls.

If the cabinet does not reach the ceiling in height, then all markings are provided on the walls. First, the lower boundaries are marked according to the specified method.

After that, the desired height of the cabinet is measured from them (according to the drawing) and lines are drawn strictly parallel to the lower marking.

The most common structure of the toilet cabinet frame is the bottom and top walls (panels), rigidly connected by vertical posts.

Advice... Most often, the frame is assembled separately, and then inserted into the wall and securely fastened.

As racks can be used wooden beams measuring 30x30 mm or aluminum profile... Rigid panels of laminated chipboard, planks or thick plywood can be directly held together by uprights. For the manufacture of gypsum plasterboard panels, first, a frame is assembled from a metal profile, which is sheathed with a drywall sheet.

Before assembling the frame in the lower panel, and, if necessary, in the upper wall, a section is cut out for joining with pipes. For this, a slot is made with a width equal to the diameter of the pipe, for the length of the distance between the line and the toilet wall. At the end of the slot, a semicircle is formed to go around the pipe. This slot allows the panel to be “put on” the pipe so that its distal edge reaches the wall surface. Their number on the panel depends on the number of highways.

The assembly of the frame when using beams is provided by metal corners. If an aluminum profile is joined, then special self-tapping screws for metal are used. The assembled structure is checked for the verticality of the racks using a plumb line and the horizontalness of the panels using a building level.

The cabinet frame is installed in the selected place, focusing on the markings. Frame posts are attached to the wall dowels with a step of no more than 30 cm... For this, before installation, the corresponding holes are made in the wall using a punch.

Important... If the walls of the bathroom do not have perfect verticality, then a gap is formed between the rack and the wall surface. A gasket should be placed in it, which provides a more rigid fastening of the frame.


Cabinet shelves are most often made from Chipboard, waterproof plywood 15 mm thick or boards.

Before installation, slots for pipes are made in them according to the above method. The cuts are made at the corners to bend around the vertical racks of the frame.

To install the shelves between the frame racks, cross-members from a wooden bar or an aluminum profile are fixed on the wall according to the markings.

The ends of the shelves lie on these crossbars and are fastened with self-tapping screws.


The highest requirements are imposed on the doors of the toilet cabinet, because it is they who create a certain appearance. The following methods of making them stand out:

When fixing the door leaves, it is important to ensure their symmetry and strictly vertical arrangement. There should be no gap between them.

Important... Opening should be easy, but with the exception of self-opening.


The final stage in the manufacture of a cabinet is to give it an attractive appearance.

It is enough to cover wooden doors with waterproof varnish in several layers. Fits good alkyd urethane varnish.

Before varnishing, you can provide tinting with stains or special compounds that emphasize the structure. Particleboard and drywall will have to be covered primer and then paint it in the desired color.

Advice... The plastic itself provides the decor, and therefore it just needs to be matched by color.

Accessories play an important role. To ensure that the doors are kept closed, magnetic elements are installed. The U-shaped aluminum or chrome-plated profile, which is fixed on the front edge, helps to give a decorative look to the shelves.

Door handles should not only be comfortable, but also beautiful. Their assortment is huge, and therefore it is necessary to choose taking into account the overall design (in color, size and shape). Finally, you can use plastic moldings that can give any surface an attractive look. In addition, it is advisable to cover the edges of the doors with decorative strips made of plastic or metal. If you need to fix the closed doors, you can install the latches of your favorite type.

Useful video

An alternative implementation can be seen in the following video:


A locker in the toilet will help take up the little space that is still unused. Its placement behind the toilet at the level of the cistern allows you to solve the problem of storing the necessary things without creating inconvenience. You can make this simple furniture with your own hands, taking into account the characteristics of the room.

In contact with

A lot of things need to be stored in the house and it is important that all of them are correctly arranged. Therefore, you need to rationally use all the available space. The shelves in the toilet behind the toilet are a great solution to how to use the space. After all, such a shelf will not affect the capacity of the room, since the space above the cistern, in most cases, is not used at all.

If you have a separate bathroom, then this option of shelves in the toilet will be the simplest and at the same time spacious solution for you. These shelves do not require a lot of materials and time to install. You can make them with a minimum set of tools, you only need a drill and a jigsaw. You can also sand the shelves manually with sandpaper or buy beautiful processed boards for them.

At the beginning of the work, you need to prepare the boards for the shelves, is it important? so that their width is not very large and the shelf does not interfere later in the room. Their length should be equal to the width of the room, since they will be attached precisely to the walls. After the boards are cut, they are sanded. It is advisable to cover the workpieces with stain, paint or varnish on the street before installing them, especially if the toilet has already been finished. So you will not breathe harmful paint fumes and splashes that can get on the floor, on the walls, and will not spoil the finish.

Wood varnish and stain can be removed from other materials only with a solvent.

The easiest way to fix the shelves in the toilet is with the help of corners. It is not necessary to use large and powerful mounts, you can do with compact options. But use two fasteners on each side - this will give the shelf in the toilet stability and it will not begin to tilt.

If you have pipes and other communications on the wall, then this is not a reason to abandon the idea of ​​making shelves. On the board with a jigsaw, it is easy to cut out recesses of the appropriate size and the pipes will not interfere either during installation or during operation.

Plywood shelves

The most common material for shelves is, of course, plywood. Due to its low cost, strength and durability, plywood has been holding a leading position in this area for more than a decade. In addition, everyone can make a shelf in the toilet behind the toilet with their own hands from plywood. And if you not only want to use space rationally, but also to decorate the interior, then this material is the best option for you.

First, you need to decide on the type of shelf, they can be either classic with straight details or curly cutouts. If you have a jigsaw, then it is best to choose curly options. They require a little more effort, but they also decorate the interior of any room much better.

First you need to decide on the appearance and dimensions of the shelf that you want to make in the toilet with your own hands, since the size and shape of the parts depends on this. It is best to first find or draw a drawing of the shelf. This will make it much easier to work and, in addition, you can easily calculate the amount of material you need.

The next step is to mark the parts on a solid sheet of plywood. If your design has several parts of the same size, then it is best to make templates out of cardboard and draw with their help. After the parts are cut, their ends need to be well sanded. After that, you can fold the finished product and start decorating it.

It is enough to simply cover flat surfaces with stain and varnish, this is quite enough. But with the ends, you will have to work a little to make the shelf look beautiful. It is best to use edging tape, which is simply glued to the ends. The tape can be matched to the color of the toning, or, conversely, with its help to shade the ends. When everything is ready, you can hang the shelf on the wall.

Shelves in the bathroom

Many apartments have an adjoining bathroom, so the cistern, above which the shelf is planned to be installed, is in the same room as the bathroom. Bathroom shelves can be made of wood, plywood, chipboard or MDF. There are many options for how to make bathroom shelves, but it is worth remembering that this is usually a room with high humidity. Therefore, materials must be protected from moisture.

The work process itself does not differ from the assembly of wooden shelves that are used in other rooms. But it's worth remembering that if you have ceramic tiles on your walls, then the shelf mounts can only be at the seams. Making a hole in the ceramic tile itself is quite problematic and risky, since the tile can simply crack. Therefore, the fasteners on the shelf must be placed in such a way that they fall exactly into the seams of the tiles.

There is one unwritten law that you should consider if you decide to make your own bathroom shelf. No matter how large the shelves are, after a while there will be no free space on them. Therefore, if you have the opportunity, make the shelf in the bathroom large and roomy.

Fasten the shelves with screws or dowels, because the load on the shelf can be significant, use reliable methods.

Corner shelves

If you are a lover of original design solutions, then you can make a corner shelf in the bathroom with your own hands, it is not difficult and will not take much time.

For work you will need a piece of plywood, a jigsaw, a screwdriver, self-tapping screws, a level and a pencil with a tape measure. To attach the finished shelf to the wall, it is advisable to use secret fasteners, which will be located on the walls that will adjoin the wall.

Making an original corner shelf in the bathroom with your own hands is actually very simple.

First, you need to draw a circle on the piece of plywood or other material that you want to make the shelf out of. To do this, you will need a simple pencil and a piece of string. If the piece has an even square shape, then you must first draw diagonals on it. These marks will be needed in order to then divide the circle into four equal parts. Then drive a small nail into the center, to which a piece of rope is tied. A pencil is tied to the other end, with the help of which a circle is drawn.

Next, the circle is cut out according to the marks and divided into four even parts. One of the parts needs to be made smaller, as it will be the top shelf. To do this, you just need to attach a rope with a tied pencil to the sharp end in order to correctly circle the semicircular shape. After that, the part is simply cut off at the mark.

And at the end, the workpieces are fastened together, two large parts are vertically attached to the bottom piece. Above, parallel to the bottom board, a smaller piece of the circle is attached. Everything, the shelf in the bathroom with your own hands is ready. It is enough just to paint and decorate it.

Corner shelf, easy to manufacture, but it can decorate almost any interior. Most importantly, you need to hang the wooden object in such a way as to prevent moisture from entering it. Otherwise, just special impregnations are enough to protect against moisture.

What beginners need to know

If you want to really decorate your home, then you shouldn't rush to the store right after the shelves and other items. Yes, this is the easiest way, but at the same time, it does not differ in originality. Real designer jewelry is handmade. But ordering such design elements is quite expensive. Therefore, making the shelves in the bathroom with your own hands is the best option. The costs will be limited only by the time spent and the cost of materials. And at the same time, the design you make, even without the initial project, will be unique and inimitable. This is rare in the modern world and immediately speaks of the good taste of the owner of such a house.

If you want your crafts to be beautiful and durable, then use only high-quality materials. This is a guarantee that the product itself will be of high quality. In addition, quality materials are much easier to work with.

The shelf is the simplest element in the house, and you don't need to have the skills of a carpenter to make the most of it. The most important thing is not to forget about the safety rules and not to rush. Then you will succeed, and you can surprise everyone with beautiful and unique pieces of furniture that you will have in your house.

The rational use of the bathroom space largely determines the level of its comfort, and the aesthetic component is important for making the room cozy and attractive. A plumbing element such as a toilet cabinet helps to achieve these goals. If such a product is present, using the toilet will be as convenient as possible.

The bathroom is one of the most important areas of the house, and mistakes in its arrangement can affect the comfort of life. To enhance the ergonomic characteristics of this space, it is worth choosing functional, beautiful, durable closets for the toilet.

Furniture of this kind has a huge number of advantages and allows you to solve many important issues when arranging a bathroom:

  • veiled communications (sewer and water pipes), you can give the room an attractive, neat look. Naked pipes can hardly be called beautiful, and their design rarely fits well in an apartment. Therefore, you should not leave them unattended. By choosing the right locker, it will be possible at any time to get to the communications without any particular difficulties, which is extremely important in the event of a breakdown;
  • choosing a spacious model, you can provide yourself with additional space for storing household chemicals, cleaning items. If you divide the space inside the product into an area for pipes and for shelves, you can save a decent amount of space in the bathroom. This is especially important when the room is small, as, for example, in Khrushchev;
  • if there is a water meter, it can also be hidden in a closet in the toilet. Thus, you provide yourself with hassle-free access to the equipment, but hide it behind the facade of the furniture for greater aesthetics of the interior.

Such furniture has a lot of advantages, it is for this reason that it is so popular these days among the owners of country houses and apartments. But they are revealed as much as possible if a high-quality product is purchased.

Product variants

Modern toilet cabinets are very diverse in terms of operational parameters and appearance, so the consumer can easily choose a model in any style, depending on the decor of the bathroom of a particular size and color.

Let's describe the most popular types of toilet cabinets. By the type of doors, plumbing products are distinguished with:

  • louvered doors of two types: roller shutters and "pseudo-blinds". The first option is convenient for a small bathroom due to its compactness. The door does not swing open, which requires additional space, but folds up, rising up. Therefore, louver models can be hung in places that are inconvenient in shape. The second option is a conventional facade made in the form of blinds, but without the presence of movable strips. Such a door allows the interior of the furniture to be perfectly ventilated;
  • a plumbing hatch that covers a niche with pipes. In practice, the hatch is a regular corner frame, on which a metal door with a lock is mounted using hinges. Note that such a solution will not be expensive, but the hatch does not always look stylish, expensive;
  • swing facades - it is better to make such structures to order. They are varied in design, size, functional and practical;
  • compartment doors - this design does not require additional space to open the door, since it simply slides behind the second facade.



With sanitary hatch

Based on the material of manufacture, models are distinguished from:

  • natural wood is an expensive, beautiful, durable material. But it is worth remembering that when combining a bathroom and a toilet, the service life of a wooden cabinet may be reduced. An increased level of air humidity will negatively affect the quality of surfaces.
  • MDF - the cost of MDF structures belongs to the category of average, but under the influence of water, the material can lose its shape;
  • Particleboard is the most undesirable option for a combined toilet with a bath, since particleboard quickly absorbs moisture from the air and swells. But for a detached toilet, chipboard is an ideal option in terms of cost and external aesthetics;
  • plastic is the most practical option, since plastic is absolutely not afraid of high humidity. But the appearance of plastic models is not always aesthetically pleasing. It is rather a budget option.




Based on the shape of the product, cabinets are distinguished:

  • rectangular - standard products that are selected for the bathroom more often than others;
  • angular triangular - fit perfectly into the space of the corner, which allows you to rationally plan it;
  • angular in the shape of a trapezoid - more spacious than a triangular model;
  • radius - have an unusual design, but are quite expensive.

Placement methods

If the sewer pipe runs in a niche, it is worth picking up a standard rectangular or square cabinet in the toilet behind the toilet. It is the ideal solution for making communications attractive. The main thing is to guess the size of the model so that it fits well into the niche. If you want to save money, you don't have to buy a ready-made cabinet, but choose a hatch with a lock, with which you can close a niche with pipes.

If the pipes are concentrated in the corner of the room, then you should opt for the corner cabinet model. Such structures are characterized by high capacity, and their design will give the toilet a pleasant look.

Additional functions

In small bathrooms, it is extremely important to endow all pieces of furniture with high functionality, practicality, so that using the room is as convenient as possible at any time of the day. However, do not forget that the design of a small space also affects its comfort. Therefore, the models of closets in the toilet should have additional functions. Such a product is shown in the photo in the selection.

With mirror


How to choose the right one

If the design of the bathroom has been chosen, it remains to choose a suitable cabinet model for it. When choosing a mini size toilet cabinet, it is important to remember the following:

  • initially it is required to decide on the choice of the shape of the product. If there is a niche, choose built-in models to order, if not, you can choose more affordable, ready-made models;
  • then take measurements of the space in order to understand what scale the closet will successfully fit into the bathroom. It is also required to measure the parameters of the pipes, which will hide in the cabinet. Be sure to sketch schematically the features of their location before leaving the furniture store;
  • choose the current color scheme and design of the sanitary element, which will perfectly complement the decor of the bathroom;
  • ask the seller for a certificate of quality for the product, which will guarantee a long service life of the furniture, its practicality, high quality materials used in the process of its manufacture. It is also important to check the availability of fasteners and other accessories. If in addition to the model there is no bracket or hardware, you will have to purchase such fasteners separately. They will allow the installation of the structure on the wall surface.

Remember, the closets in the toilet, the photo of which is presented below, should be in harmony with the decoration of the room, complement it with their beauty. Then the room will look laconic, holistic.



Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

As you know, in any apartment there are so-called "difficult zones". One of them is a toilet, because it is in this room that complex drainage structures take place. They always complicate the repair, as it can be quite difficult to hide them. Therefore, many people use a special cabinet behind the toilet as an alternative. Thus, the most serious difficulty is solved.

But choosing it is not as easy as choosing furniture, because it is often a special design. The basis of such a product can be an installation made of plasterboard or any other material. If this option does not suit you, then you can use an ordinary wall cabinet in the toilet, which will also be able to solve the problem.

How to choose a toilet cabinet?

Of course, in this case, such a closet in the toilet serves as a decorative element. It does not always carry a functional load, but only performs the role of an addition. Sometimes in such a design, special shelves are equipped, and then it becomes more functional. It can store any household chemicals and other necessary things.

There are such plumbing cabinets of various shapes, which are dictated by certain dimensions of the space. Likewise, both color and design may not be entirely traditional. Since it is now very popular to make every room unusual, the toilet is no exception. Therefore, there are many ways.

As already mentioned, there are two main types of such structures, which means that you have two ways to resolve the issue.

Consider various options

Absolutely every sanitary closet in the toilet represents a space that is important to make the most of it. Therefore, you can use different modifications of finished products. Or go the other, more complicated way - to create built-in lockers in the toilet.

Both types are considered equally useful and are unique design elements. In fact, such a design has managed to become part of the whole interior, and therefore pay attention to how you can arrange such cabinets. We offer you several options, the photo shows the most popular ideas that can be used in different apartments and private houses.

In one case, it will be a well-known, but small-sized wall cabinet in the toilet, in the other, it will be a more spacious structure that will not only allow you to hide all the pipes, but will also become a full-fledged addition.

Depending on the size, such a structure can be used or exist as an enclosed space. The appearance of any of the options should be designed in accordance with the general style. Therefore, as a finish, you can use the same color scheme and the same material. This means that the cabinet doors can be covered with wallpaper or painted. If this is a one-piece design, then it is bought exactly to match the overall color palette.

Many will agree that a closet for a toilet is a rather useful, practical piece of furniture for such a room. A beautiful design will add zest to the interior, plus provide the necessary functionality. There are a lot of options for using cabinets, you just have to choose exactly how you will use the free space of shelves, drawers and other elements. In this article, we will tell you how to build your own closet literally from scratch.

  • 1 Materials
  • 2 Stage of preparation
    • 2.1 Installation of the frame
    • 2.2 Shelves
    • 2.3 Doors and fittings

Materials (edit)

Before proceeding directly to the assembly itself, you should decide on the materials that will be used in the assembly of the cabinet. To do this, decide what you plan to store roughly on shelves and in drawers. If the items are heavy, it is better to use laminated chipboard sheets. If these are simple household chemicals, powders, then it is quite possible to do with plywood with a thickness of about 10 millimeters.

One way or another, it is better to make the facade from chipboard in order to achieve an attractive appearance of the structure. If desired and the availability of money, these sheets can be sheathed, covered with decorative films, decorated to your taste.

In addition to the materials for the cabinet itself, you will need the following components:

  • Aluminum corner profiles for fixing shelves;
  • Furniture magnets;
  • Furniture hinges;
  • Corners;
  • Beam 30 by 30 millimeters for the cabinet frame;
  • Self-tapping screws;
  • Dowels.

Of course, you also need a set of tools, including:

  • Drill;
  • Screwdriver or screwdriver set;
  • Building level;
  • Roulette;
  • Pencil or marker.

Preparation phase

Obviously, it is not difficult to purchase a ready-made closet for the toilet, just as it is not difficult to mount it. Therefore, we will consider an option with independent design and assembly of this piece of furniture for a sanitary unit.

You will be satisfied with the work done, you will have something to be proud of, plus you will be able to create exactly the furniture that is ideal for your particular case. After all, not every ready-made toilet cabinet corresponds to the availability of free space, the wishes or requirements of the client.

Preparing to create a do-it-yourself closet for the toilet begins with design. That is, you determine what the dimensions will be, where the furniture will be located, how many shelves, doors there will be, and so on. Calculate the dimensions accurately so that obvious problems do not appear during installation.

  1. Create the image of your ideal locker, match your desires with the possibilities, the available space.
  2. Transfer the project to the drawing, provide literally every little thing, fasteners, hinges on it.
  3. Provide for the option of closing all sewer pipes and communications with a cabinet. In this case, the fittings, counters must remain accessible. To do this, consider the location of the plumbing hatches.

Frame installation

  1. The frame is made of bars measuring 30 by 30 millimeters. Try to make all the markings evenly using a level and tape measure.
  2. Mark the wall where you plan to install the cabinet.
  3. Assemble the frame from the cut bars, connecting the elements with each other with corners, self-tapping screws.
  4. Now the frame must be fixed on the wall, guided by the previously applied markings.
  5. Do not forget about the preliminary processing of the bars, their cleaning with sandpaper, staining, varnish, paints.


  1. Once the frame is secured to the wall, measure the boards that will serve as shelves. Make blanks.
  2. Install metal corners on the vertical bars of the frame, which will hold your shelves.
  3. Do not forget to make a cutout for the pipe, as quite often it turns out that it is right in the middle of the cabinets.
  4. Now it remains to place the shelves in their places. It is not at all necessary to fix them firmly. It is enough that they just hold on to the corners. So you can remove them if necessary, free up space.

Doors and fittings

Of course, a closet for a toilet cannot be called complete if it does not have doors and fittings.

  1. Take measurements for the doors, cut out blanks for them. Decide in advance whether your wardrobe will be equipped with one door, or it will be two swing doors.
  2. On the frame, mark the hinges. The easiest way to make a toilet cabinet is with piano hinges, since they are easy, quick to mount, and they serve quite well.
  3. Armed with a screwdriver, secure the hinges to the frame.
  4. Install furniture magnets in the marked places. It is not recommended to purchase products made in China, since their service life is extremely short. Better to pay more, but get a decent product.
  5. Treat the doors with special compounds to protect them from moisture. For wood, varnish will be the best option.
  6. Of course, the doors can be made not only of wood or chipboard. Alternatively, there are roller shutters characterized by their practicality and modern design. Plus, if there are tiles in the toilet, you can use simple sheets of plywood, which are then pasted over with the same tiles that are mounted on the walls of the bathroom.

As you can see, making a closet in the toilet with your own hands is not as difficult as it might seem. You just need to observe the correct geometry, make accurate measurements, and also confidently own the tools.

You have every right to go the easier way by buying ready-made wardrobes, or order a wardrobe in the toilet according to an individual project. That is, you give the contractor a list of your requirements, the area of ​​free space in the toilet, after which the manufacturer presents you with the finished work.

It should be noted that in the case of individual orders, it is better to invite the measurer to your place. So he will be able to take into account the most useful information, determine the distance to pipes, effectively hide communications, leave viewing windows, ensure that condensation does not form and other little things that an inexperienced person is unlikely to notice.

But if you take on the job yourself, and do everything at the highest level, the toilet will become a real source of pride. Still, work is valued much higher when you do it with your own hands.