Press for the production of foundation dadan. Foundation production as a business

The basis of all honeycombs is made up of wax sheets, which have hexagonal bottoms on different sides. The manufacturing process for these products has been very popular for many years. It is used in beekeeping in the spring, at the beginning of summer, as well as before the onset of the main flow so that the bees can expand their own nests. After preparing the foundation, the bees will not waste energy on creating honeycombs, so they will be able to actively collect nectar.

Varieties of production

The production of foundation is a responsible, important process for successful beekeeping. Natural foundation is made on the basis of bees wax. As for the artificial one, it contains a chemical element that resembles beeswax or paraffin. In addition, the production of foundation can be carried out using polypropylene (plastic).

The production process is carried out in two ways, namely:

  • special rollers are used - manual, automatic, in which the cell relief is located. Thanks to it, you can scroll the warmed up beeswax;
  • a simple or electric press is used. The composition includes 2 plates with hexagonal cells. Comparing the press and rollers, it should be noted that the productivity of the former is not too high, therefore it is better to use it in apiaries with small dimensions.

Rollers are a special device for beekeeping, which consists of two mating ones, which are located on the embossed sides and have the shape of a cylinder.

As for wireless nourishment, it is often used for sectional honey production. The frames have internal grooves. The plastic wax is intended for wooden frames. Wire waxing is carried out manually or electrically.

The production process of a semi-artificial product involves the addition of various chemical elements, paraffin, to beeswax. Such a foundation can be brittle, which does not allow for a full-fledged naschin. If it is deformed, it will not be able to align.

Homemade foundation

Any beekeeper is able to make a foundation with his own hands, using special tools and equipment at home. DIY process:

  • for a start, you will need about 600 milliliters of silicone, the consistency of which should resemble cream. When the catalyst is added to the mass, it should become solid;
  • 40 grams of catalyst is mixed with silicone to harden;
  • you can use 1 sheet of factory wax products or plastic;
  • you will also need duct tape or tape, a spatula.

The factory foundation must be spread out on a hard, level surface. Then, with the help of scotch tape, a kind of side should be made, taking into account the size of the factory sheet. In this way, you will prevent the silicone from flowing down the sheet, as it should harden well.

In the production of foundation, such equipment as wax press is used. It is air cooled. In addition, you will need a special machine designed to create this product. The machine is assembled in accordance with European counterparts, therefore it contains a silicone matrix. Dadan hives are very popular.

You will need an appropriate pallet in which excess wax will accumulate. The pallet is installed under a special frame given under the press. It is important to remember that the silicone matrix quickly separates from the foundation, therefore it is treated with honey water, fat milk or starch solution. Since it can be difficult to open the dadan press frames, many beekeepers prefer to make foundation for the root frames.

Special equipment

To make a foundation with your own hands on a dadan or root frame, you will need the appropriate equipment:

  • for corrugation of foundation, a manual unit is used, which is made of aluminum, coated with nickel and tin;
  • the set of units contains a variety of drives - manual, smooth and corrugated;
  • the motorized unit is equipped with an aluminum alloy hand motor;
  • It should be noted that Bulgaria presents its own equipment, namely a press machine, thanks to which no cooling is required. Its work is similar to a waffle iron, which has cells of about 5.4 millimeters. Manufacturing material - aluminum;
  • As for Swiss equipment, the waffle iron press is in great demand. This press is presented in different sizes and configurations;
  • the silicone matrix has a nickel-based coating.

GOST, rules and parameters

To improve the quality of manufactured products, new indicators were introduced. The foundation is made using artificial and natural wax. So that it is not brittle, cloudy, you cannot use a lot of water. According to GOST, it is necessary to set a suitable humidity level.

The foundation must be sterilized to protect the bees from ascospherosis and foulbrood. Corrections were made to the size of the sheet. According to the new requirements, the sheet size is 410 by 400 millimeters in length.

Foundation is a waxy leaf that is used to equip the beehive. Required to improve the health, fertility of the bee colony. The released base will free the insects from the need to build a dwelling, and they will concentrate on collecting pollen (pollen) and nectar. Beekeepers are interested in how to make foundation with their own hands.

Foundation making

Self-production of foundation is rare. But it is very easy to start a line for the production of foundation at home.

In the manufacture of waxes, methods are used: a press or rollers.

Do-it-yourself rolls for foundation include 2 drums with a prepared honeycomb pattern. Passing the sheet through the mechanism is distinguished by the extrusion of the bottoms. Some beekeepers make rolls themselves for foundation, but it is advisable to use a press at home.

DIY bee wax

At times, bee land owners prefer plastic foundation - a sheet of plastic with extruded cells that resemble honeycomb bottoms. Often suitable for expanding nests with foundation.

Advantages of artificial foundation:

  • strong;
  • does not deform;
  • easy to store;
  • service life - within 10 years;
  • microorganisms do not settle;
  • there is no need for nourishment.

Plastic protects from pests: wax moths, rodents.

Negative sides:

  • periodic sanitization from harmful microflora;
  • waxing before installation;
  • cannot be repaired.

However, Russian beekeepers buy plastic honeycombs cautiously, they think that the product is unsafe and spoils honey. Although the product is popular with consumers in the US.

Interesting. Plastic cells appeared in 1869, but they have not been used on the domestic market for a very long time.

Agrarians of Russia give preference at the everyday level to the Scythian method, the action of which is based on the rejection of stamps and rollers.

Ease of use lies in the use of available means for the manufacture of foundation:

  • melted wax;
  • waxed paper;
  • non-woven fabric.

Foundation machine

The machine for the production of factory-made foundation has 2 weighted plates that are fastened between themselves with a specific thickness with a gap and with a convex surface in the form of hexagonal microcells.

To make it easier to remove the finished foundation, the press is moistened from the inside with water, then the wax is poured. Such a device is suitable for a non-professional apiary due to its low productivity.

Mountfoundation machineat home will not be difficult:

Home bee wax

The machine that produces the foundation is called the rolls. The tool can be found in retail outlets or you can build it yourself. The complexity of the mechanism lies in the embossed surface: the dimensions of the cells must match the dimensions of the honeycomb, which the bees do.

The main components of the design include:

  • 2 engraved drums that are coated with a polymer compound to prevent wax sticking;
  • adjustable bolts to shorten or lengthen the spacing between shafts;
  • 2 gears that give the rollers a translational rotation;
  • a base that serves as a mount for other items of equipment.

Attention! The qualitative parameter of the honeycomb is the observance of equal dimensions of the cell angles of 120 °. Only the fulfillment of this condition on the convex surface of the rollers will allow the production of solid foundation.

The initial stage in rolling wax sheets is the release of blanks.

There are two main ways:

  1. Pouring into pre-prepared forms. The purified and dissolved wax is poured into prepared molds with wooden rims, which are moistened with water ahead of time. After hardening, the finished sheet is passed through the machine. At the exit, the workpiece is thicker than the specified value, because the sheet is similar to a tape, which is later brought to the standard.
  2. Covering the sheet with wax. The wetted plywood sheet is placed several times in liquid wax. When they want to get a thin sheet - two, if thicker - more. After cooling, two sheets are removed and driven through the rollers. Such a workpiece comes out thinner: based on the size of the mold, the dimensions of the final product are adjusted. The resulting trims are at a minimum.

On a note. For the manufacture of sheets, rollers are used only with a flat surface. In advance, the working surfaces (convex and smooth) are treated with a separating mixture. As a solution, honey feed or a suspension is used: glycerin (2 tsp) and liquid soap without aroma (100 g) are mixed into 1 liter of liquid.


Do-it-yourself foundation and its creation will not require purchasing expensive special equipment. Press and hand rollers are available.

Requirements for the selection of devices:

  • high quality and safe texture;
  • aluminum rollers and work space are coated with tin and nickel;
  • purchase of prepared forms;
  • purchase of a cooling system to preserve the honeycomb structure;
  • the principle of the machine for wax - waffle iron: pressing molten wax between two strips with dies.

The correct choice of design affects the technological process: it reduces the time for the manufacture of each wax sheet.

The release begins with the calculation of the wax that is required for the production of plates. Calculations are carried out individually.


Technological processes for the production of plates are carried out in stages at home:

  1. Melt the wax, filter the liquid mass from impurities, debris.
  2. Set humidity. When the indicator is more than 2%, the liquid is evaporated on low heat.
  3. Melt over steam using two tanks. Pull out the prepared sheet, throw it over the side of the bath.
  4. Pass the sheet between the rollers. Wax adhesion is prevented by pre-cooling.
  5. It is just right to dry the foundation plates under normal conditions.

The disadvantage of self-production is the beekeeper's time-consuming, which removes from business. But the automation of your workshop will significantly reduce the time for processing wax.

Finished foundation sheets

Silicone matrix for foundation

The main component of the device is the foundation matrix. It is a frame that holds the delicate mechanism made from natural beekeeping products.

The design is characterized by:

  • durability;
  • glossy surface;
  • first-class texture without harmful impurities.

Inconsistency with the rules in response to harm to the well-being of Hymenoptera and defects in honey beekeeping products that are stored and matured in prepared combs.

Many beekeepers use a silicone matrix for their foundation.

Some beekeeper owners believe that the distinguishing features of silicone products are softness and instability.

This problem is solved by adding a small amount of building ceramics to the matrix. They increase the service life of the matrix and give a pleasant appearance, thanks to the auto paint for additional coating.

It is appropriate to use varnishes instead of car paint. They are applied to the matrix with a brush or a spray can, spraying evenly over the surface.

Silicone matrices are like rubber . It is useful to adhere to the dimensions of the device so that the sheets of wax with cells can fit tightly into the structure. In addition, the size of the matrix should correspond to the hive where the installation is planned to avoid breakages during use by bees.

Technological process

To make a matrix with your own hands, you will need:

  • 600 ml of silicone;
  • putty knife;
  • 40 g of catalyst;
  • Scotch;
  • natural or artificial foundation.

First, a base is placed on a hard, flat surface. Adhesive tape will help out in the manufacture of the board, which will protect against leakage of silicone. The catalyst is then mixed in and poured into a mold. When hardened with a spatula, they take out the finished product.

Today manufacturers offer matrices of various sizes. In addition, the do-it-yourself foundation matrix is ​​cast at home, taking into account individual properties.

To install the frame in the hive, wax is heated and applied in a small amount over the equipment. When the shelf life of the product ends, it is melted with a special wax melter.

Beekeeping cannot be imagined without foundation. Wax sheets increase efficiency and health of bee colonies. The production of wax plates at home is easy to implement. It will take elementary special equipment, time, experience.

Foundation is used to rationalize beekeeping. Thanks to its use, the productivity of the enterprise, as well as the longevity of the bees, increases significantly. Bees are thin, waxy sheets with hexagonal cells that allow bees to build regular honeycombs.

In modern honey production, regular purchase of high-quality foundation is simply necessary. So the business of producing it would be a great idea. However, in order for it to generate real income, you should purchase reliable equipment for the production of foundation. We will talk about his choice.

Foundation technology

  1. Melting the wax. As a rule, only high-quality beekeeping wax is used, but about 15% of industrial wax can be added to reduce the cost of the product.
  2. The resulting raw material is settled and filtered.
  3. Forming sheets using special equipment. The machine is used for the production of foundation with rotating drums. During the formation process, the sheets are cooled with water.
  4. Pressing sheets to a thickness of about 1 mm.
  5. Making an impression using matrices.
  6. Cutting the finished product into sheets of the required size.
  7. Drying and packing of foundation.

Basic equipment

To organize a small business for the production of foundation, you will need several special machines. The minimum complete set of production includes a wax sterilizer, a roller machine, and a belt-forming machine equipped with a rotating drum.

If a larger production is planned, then it is best to purchase an automated line. Such equipment for the production of foundation will significantly save on personnel, because only 2-3 people can serve the line.

Its cost will depend on the manufacturer, performance, modernity and additional parameters. The minimum price for a production line is 500 thousand rubles, but with an increase in the productivity of equipment, its cost increases.

Roll selection

The main equipment for the production of foundation is the rolls. They can be either electric or manual. But if you plan to manufacture products in large volumes, then you need an electric press for the production of foundation. The quality of the finished product will depend on the reliability of this machine.

The equipment works on the principle of a waffle iron. The basis of the machine is metal matrices, with the help of which the surface of the foundation is formed. The choice of the press should be based on the productivity of the apparatus, the flow rate of liquid required to cool it, the dimensions of the installation, as well as its cost.

The market offers a wide selection of imported and domestic equipment. For serious production, it is not recommended to buy Chinese machines, which fail very quickly. With a small enterprise budget, it is best to purchase domestic equipment, which is practically not inferior in quality to German or Swiss machine tools. For example, the Orenburg press for the production of honeycombs OIV-50 makes it possible to manufacture products that will meet all the requirements for hardness and elasticity.

Equipment for making foundation at home

For those who are engaged in beekeeping and constantly need foundation, the production of this product at home will be quite profitable. The fact is that for a small production it will be enough to purchase manual or electric rollers and a sterilizer.

It will be much cheaper than buying a production line, especially if there is no demand for the product in the region. At home, a matrix for the production of foundation is used, which is equipped with a water cooler.

Parts of such an apparatus must be made of stainless steel with a surface of the cells made of a special material that prevents wax from sticking to the mold. The equipment should be connected to a water supply and drainage system in order to make it easier to work with it.

In the event that raw materials are purchased, it is recommended to use a sterilizer, which will prevent infestation of bees due to low-quality wax.

There will always be a buyer for foundation

It is not only beekeepers who are sometimes involved in the processing of wax and the production of foundation in small volumes. Foundation is always a popular product among beekeepers, especially the one that is made to order. The basis of such production is equipment.

"Advanced Apiary" offers beekeepers buy the following equipment for processing wax and making foundation:

  • The armature of a solar wax melter made of galvanized steel with a tray and a container for one and two frames, designed to melt and collect wax during a sunny day. It is convenient to reheat different wax collection obtained during the inspection of hives, queen cells, freshly built honeycombs cut out of building frames at the solar wax melting plant. In this case, no special time is required, the solar energy independently performs this work, and the wax is of the highest quality.
  • Hand engraved rolls, helping to roll thin wax tape by hand and get foundation. After work, it is important to rinse the devices, dry them and keep them in a dry place.
  • More than a dozen types of wax pots for Dadan frames, differing in the material from which they were made (galvanized steel, wood and stainless steel), the way of work (gas, solar, steam and electric), the number of frames, volume.
  • A press for cold extraction of a bead with honey separation and compaction of raw materials for melting.

Equipment for the processing of wax - quickly deliver across Russia

In our online store you can order equipment for the processing of wax and the subsequent manufacture of foundation with delivery to any point in the Russian Federation by mail, courier service or transport company. Especially favorable conditions for the purchase of beekeeping goods are provided for wholesale buyers.

  • An aerodrome is a device used by beekeepers when shaking out bees. Helps the bees to enter the hive from the ground
  • Bribe - the amount of honey brought by bees in 1 day
  • Foundation is a thin plate of wax inserted into a frame by the beekeeper to make it easier for the bees to build the honeycomb. "Foundation" of the future sushi
  • Smoker - a device used to pacify bees with smoke
  • Zabrus - honey mixed with wax honeycomb lids, subject to further processing
  • Winter club - the state of the bee colony during the winter, when the bees do not sleep, but are in a less mobile state, huddled together, keeping vitality and warmth.
  • A log (or beehive) is a beehive used in ancient times to keep bees. It is a hollow tree trunk
  • Shop - the body of the hive, which is placed on top. The bees fill it exclusively with honey.
  • Honey extractor - a device for pumping honey. Thanks to centrifugal force, honey is pumped out of the honeycomb
  • Honey collection - the period of honey collection by bees. There is a main one, a supporting one, etc. The main one is when the bees bring the most bribe (honey)
  • Napryk - nectar that bees have put in honeycombs, fermented and dried to turn it into honey
  • The nucleus is a small hive that serves to keep a number of bees and a young queen before fertilization. It is used for breeding families and in uterine breeding
  • Pollen - an accumulation of pollen collected by a bee on its hind legs
  • Signet is a method of covering honeycombs with bees. It differs in different breeds, it is wet and dry, depending on whether the honey touches the wax caps or not.
  • PZhVM is a product of the vital activity of a wax moth
  • The bee colony is a structural unit of the bee society. Honey bees live only in families. Family includes worker bees, drones and only one queen
  • Pollen is an accumulation of pollen grains from seed plants
  • Pollen collector (pollen catcher) - a device for collecting pollen from honey bees
  • Swing is jarg. Period of pumping honey out of frames by the beekeeper
  • Printout - removal of wax lids from honeycomb cells for honey removal in centrifuges-honey extractors
  • Brood - eggs, open or closed with wax lids, larvae of worker bees and drones
  • PP - dividing lattice, serves to restrict the movement of the uterus along the bodies and shops
  • Dry - a frame with lined honeycombs. The name comes from the fact that the frames, after pumping honey, are usually dried indoors.
  • A drone is a male insect whose vital task is to fertilize a young uterus
  • SCI - quiet queen change - natural replacement by bees of the old queen with a new one, without swarming,
  • The street is the distance between 2 frames. The concept is used when buying and selling frame bee packages or hives, when they indicate how many streets are occupied by bees. Frames in a package are always 1 less than streets