Inexplicable case. Incredible incidents from life Mysterious and unexplained incidents

In some cases, people are killed or they accidentally die, and there are no witnesses at the place of their death. But still, in most of these cases, finding a logical explanation is almost impossible.

Here are 20 of the most famous and mysterious disappearances in human history.

1. Flight MH370

One of the greatest mysteries of the 21st century is the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 during a flight from Kuala Lumpur International Airport to Beijing International Airport in China on March 8, 2014. Despite the most diverse versions and theories of what happened, this mystery still remains unsolved and what happened defies any logical explanation.

2. The Lost Eskimo Village

One cold November night in 1930, a tired Canadian hunter Joe Labelle, looking for shelter from the cold, stumbled upon one of the most mysterious places in human history. The once prosperous Eskimo village on the shores of Lake Angikuni, which Labelle repeatedly passed during his travels, disappeared without a trace. All residents, as if in a hurry, suddenly left the village, leaving unfinished business - food was still being prepared somewhere on the hearth, and in some houses the hunter found unfinished clothes with protruding needles. The Eskimos simply disappeared from this place in the most inexplicable way.

3. Springfield Trinity

The Missing Three from Springfield - Three girls are still missing. Sharyl Levitt (47), her daughter Susie Streeter (19) and Susie's friend Stacy McCall (18) have disappeared from Levitt's home in Springfield, Missouri. Susie and Stacey celebrated their high school graduation the night before and arrived at Sherry Levitt's house at about 2 a.m. after the party. The police were unable to solve the mystery of the disappearance of the girls and the investigation is still ongoing.

4. Girls who disappeared at Dunes Park

Forty-nine years ago, on a sunny Saturday afternoon, three girls, leaving their belongings on a crowded beach, in swimsuits alone, went for a walk along Lake Michigan, which is an hour's drive southeast of Chicago. This happened at noon on July 2, 1966 in Dunes National Park, Indiana. From that day on, they are considered missing - no traces of the girls have been found.

5. Spartacus

Despite numerous scientific hypotheses that this warrior was killed in battle during the Spartacus Rebellion, the body of one of the most famous slaves of antiquity, who led the rebellion, was never found, and his fate remains unknown.

6. Tara Grinstead

Tara was a history teacher at Oquilla High School, Georgia in the United States. She went missing under mysterious circumstances on October 22, 2005. In February 2009, a video of a serial killer appeared on the Internet. In the video, accompanied by the caption "Catch me killer," the man tells the details of the murder of sixteen women, including, according to local authorities, was Tara Grinstead. However, the video was later found to be falsified and neither the police nor the FBI of the state of Jordia found any suspects in the case of Grinstead's disappearance.

7. Richie Edwards

Rock fans have probably heard of Richie Edwards, a Welsh musician and rhythm guitarist for the 1990s alternative rock band Manic Street Preachers. It is known that Edwards loved to deliberately mutilate himself, suffered from depression, alcoholism and anorexia. In 1995, his car was found abandoned in what is known as the "final resting place of suicides."

8. Harold Holt

Australian Prime Minister Harold Holt disappeared without a trace on December 17, 1967. Despite being considered one of Australia's top labor ministers, Holt is widely known for his mysterious disappearance. Harold Holt went missing while swimming in Cheviot Beach, Victoria on December 17, 1967, but his body was never found. Many believe that he was probably killed because of his support for US involvement in the Vietnam War, but this version remains unconfirmed.

9. James Thetforth

Former soldier James Thetforth disappeared from a crowded bus on December 1, 1949. Thetford was driving with fourteen other passengers to his home in Bennington, Vermont. He was last seen dozing in his place. When the bus arrived at its destination, Thetford evaporated, although all his belongings remained in the trunk, and the bus schedule lay on the empty seat. Since then, Thetford has never been seen again.

10. Martha Wright

In 1975, American Jackson Wright was driving with his wife from New Jersey to New York. After passing the Lincoln Tunnel, Wright stopped the car to wipe the fogged up windows. His wife Martha got out of the car to wipe the rear window. When Wright turned around, he did not see his wife. According to the man, he did not hear or see anything unusual, and the subsequent investigation did not reveal any evidence of a violent death. Martha Wright simply disappeared.

11. Connie Converse

Connie Converse was a talented composer and performer of her generation, performing on the New York music scene in the late 1950s. However, the singer never received wide public recognition. In 1974, when she was about fifty years old, there was a crisis in her personal and professional life, and Connie fell into depression. One day, Connie wrote farewell letters and, having sent them along with the lyrics and other recordings to all her friends and family, left in an unknown direction. She was never seen again.

12. Caesarion

Caesarion was Cleopatra's eldest son and probably the only son of Julius Caesar. He was also the last king of the Ptolemaic dynasty in Egypt, who ruled the country for eleven days before being killed by order of Octavian, who later became the Roman emperor Augustus. However, the exact circumstances and place of his death remain unknown today. According to the Greek historian Plutarch, he was not killed, but was sent to India by his mother.

13. Constance Manziarli

Adolf Hitler's personal chef and nutritionist, who went missing while fleeing Berlin after the Soviet invasion and the fall of Nazi Germany. Despite suggestions that she was shot by Soviet soldiers in the Berlin Underground or that she was suicidal with cyanide, some conspiracy theorists believe that she is still alive, since Constance's body was never found.

14. Amelia Earhart

The famous American pilot was the first woman in the world to fly the Atlantic Ocean alone, but her airplane disappeared during a round-the-world flight near Howland Island in the Pacific Ocean in 1937. Its disappearance is still fraught with many mysteries that none of the historians have been able to solve.

15. Adolf Hitler

The death of one of the most famous madmen of the 20th century, Adolf Hitler, is still shrouded in mystery. According to the generally accepted version, on April 30, 1945, after active street fighting, when Soviet troops were approaching the Reich Chancellery, Hitler shot himself, and his wife Eva Braun swallowed a cyanide capsule. Their corpses were burned, and the remains were never found, and this fact gave rise to many theories about the subsequent fate of Hitler and his wife.

16.D.B. Cooper

Legendary airplane hijacker JB Cooper became known as the organizer of the most extraordinary robbery in the history of mankind. After receiving a ransom of $ 200,000, he parachuted out of a Boeing 727, which was flying at an altitude of 4 kilometers in the Oregon area on November 24, 1974. After careful searches, the police found neither Cooper himself nor any trace of him.

17. Lieutenant Felix Monkla

On the evening of November 23, 1953, the most mysterious event in UFO sighting occurred - Air Force radars in the area of ​​Lake Michigan, Wisconsin in the United States detected an unidentified flying object. The F-89C Scorpion fighter was immediately brought up to intercept it from Kingross AFB. The plane was flown by Senior Lieutenant Felix Monkla, while Lieutenant Robert Wilson was the fighter's radar operator at the time. As ground operators later claimed, the fighter approached an unidentified object, and then both of them, merged together, disappeared from the radar screens. A search and rescue operation was organized, but the wreckage of the aircraft could not be found.

18. The ghost ship "Joyt"

The merchant ship Joyta, carrying twenty-five passengers and crew, mysteriously disappeared in the South Pacific in 1955. Soon, the drifting ship was found in very poor condition, with rusted pipes and a working radio, which, due to damaged wiring, could only send distress signals within a radius of three kilometers. Until now, nothing is known about the whereabouts of the passengers of this vessel.

19. Hispanic Ninth Legion

The Ninth Legion mysteriously disappeared into foggy Britain during a military campaign. No traces of weapons, indicating that the legionaries could have been destroyed in battle, were not found - the five thousandth army seemed to be swallowed up by the earth.

20. The disappearance of Valentich

The "disappearance of Valentich" in 1978 is one of the most unusual events in the history of ufology. The mysterious case of Friedrich Valentich is considered one of the most famous secrets in Australian aviation - before the plane disappeared in the sky, the pilot managed to report on the radio that he had seen a UFO. Many representatives of the ufological subculture, as well as Valentich's father, believe that the man was abducted by aliens and may even be still alive.

Rene Truta survived after a terrible hurricane lifted her 240 meters into the air and, 12 minutes later, lowered her 18 kilometers from her home. As a result of an incredible adventure, the unfortunate woman lost all her hair and one ear, broke her arm, and also received many minor wounds.

“Everything happened so quickly that it seems to me that it was a dream,” Renee said after she was discharged from the hospital on May 27, 1997. I posed for the camera and then something caught me like a dry leaf. There was a noise like a freight train. I found myself in the air. Dirt, debris, sticks hit my body and I felt a sharp pain in my right ear. I was lifted higher and higher and I lost consciousness. "

When René Truta came to, she was lying on a hilltop 18 kilometers from home. Above, a freshly plowed strip of land sixty meters wide was visible - it was the tornado that "worked".
The police said that no one else in the district was hurt by the tornado. As it turned out, such cases have already happened. In 1984, near Frankfurt am Main (Germany), a tornado lifted 64 schoolchildren into the air and lowered them unharmed 100 meters from the take-off site.

Survive in the desert

1994 year. Mauro Prosperi from Italy was discovered in the Sahara Desert. Incredibly, the man spent nine days in the exhausting heat and survived. Mauro Prosperi took part in the marathon race. Due to the sandstorm, he lost his way and lost his way. Two days later, he ran out of water. Miro decided to open his veins and commit suicide, but he did not succeed, because due to the lack of water in the body, the blood began to clot very quickly. Nine days later, the athlete was found by a family of nomads. By this time, the marathon runner was practically unconscious and lost 18 kilograms.

Nine hours at the bottom

The owner of a pleasure yacht, 32-year-old Roy Levin, was incredibly lucky, his girlfriend, cousin Ken, and most importantly, Ken's wife, 25-year-old Susan. They all survived. The yacht was quietly drifting under sail in the waters of the Gulf of California, when a squall unexpectedly came from a clear sky. The ship capsized. Susan, who was in the cabin at that time, went down with the yacht. It happened not far from the coast, but in a deserted place, and there were no eyewitnesses.

“It's incredible that the ship sank without being damaged,” said rescuer Bill Hutchison. And one more accident: while diving, the yacht turned over again, so that it lay on the bottom in a “normal” position. The "swimmers" who were overboard did not have life jackets and belts. But they were able to hold out on the water for two hours, until they were picked up by a passing boat. The boat owners contacted the coast guard, and a group of scuba divers was immediately sent to the crash site.

Several more hours passed. “We knew that one passenger remained aboard, but there was no hope of finding her alive,” Bill continued. "One could only hope for a miracle."

The windows were tightly battened down, the salon door was hermetically closed, but water still seeped out, thereby displacing the air. The woman with her last strength kept her head above the water - there was still an air gap under the very ceiling. “When I leaned to the window, I saw Susan’s face, white as chalk,” Bill said. Almost 8 hours have passed since the disaster! "

Freeing the unfortunate woman turned out to be difficult. The yacht was at a depth of twenty meters, and giving her scuba gear would mean letting the water inside. It was necessary to do something urgently. Bill went upstairs for an oxygen tank. His colleagues signaled to Susan to hold her breath and open the salon door. She understood. But it turned out differently. The door opened, but a lifeless body in a smart cocktail dress floated out. She nevertheless took water into her lungs. The count went on in seconds. Bill grabbed the woman, rushed to the surface and made it! The doctor on the boat literally pulled Susan out of the world.

Great hover

Yogi Ravi Varanasi from the city of Bhopal, right in front of the amazed audience, quite deliberately hung himself on eight hooks, hooking them over the skin of his back and legs. And when, three months later, he moved from a hanging position to a standing position, as if nothing had happened, he began to perform a set of physical exercises.

During the Great Hover, Ravi Varanasi was one meter above the ground. To increase the effect, the students pierced his hands and tongue with needles. All this time the yogi ate rather moderately - a handful of rice and a cup of water throughout the day. He hung in a tent-like structure. In the rain, a tarp was thrown over the wooden frame. Ravi eagerly communicated with the public and was under the supervision of the German physician Horst Gröning.

“After the hover, he remained in great physical shape,” said Dr. Groning. - It is a pity that science to this day does not know the methodology of self-hypnosis, which is used by yogis to stop bleeding and relieve pain.

Wing mechanic

On May 27, 1995, during tactical maneuvers, the MiG-17, leaving the runway of the GDP, got stuck in the mud. Ground service mechanic Pyotr Gorbanev, together with his comrades, rushed to the rescue. Through joint efforts, the plane was able to push to the GDP. Freed from the mud, the MiG began to quickly pick up speed and a minute later rose into the air, "grabbing" the mechanic, who was bent around the front of the wing by the air flow.

While climbing, the fighter pilot felt that the plane was behaving strangely. Looking around, he saw a foreign object on the wing. The flight took place at night, so it was not possible to see it. From the ground they gave advice to shake off the "foreign object" by maneuvering.

To the pilot, the silhouette on the wing seemed very human and he requested permission to land. The plane landed at 23 hours 27 minutes, having stayed in the air for about half an hour. All this time Gorbanev was conscious on the wing of the fighter - he was firmly held by the oncoming air flow. After landing, it was found out that the mechanic escaped with severe fright and a fracture of two ribs.

Girl - night lamp

Nguyen Thi Nga is a resident of the small village of Antheong, Hoanan County, Binh Dinh Province (Vietnam). Until recently, the village itself and Nguyen did not differ in something special - the village is like a village, a girl is like a girl: she studied at school, helped her parents, and gathered oranges and lemons with her friends on the surrounding plantations.

But one day, when Nguyen went to bed, her body began to glow brightly, as if phosphorescent. A huge halo enveloped the head, and golden yellow rays began to emanate from the arms, legs and body. In the morning they took the girl to the healers. They did some kind of manipulation, but nothing helped. Then the parents took their daughter to Saigon, to the hospital. Nguyen was put in for examination, but no health abnormalities were found.

It is not known how this story could have ended if Nguyen had not been examined by the well-known medicine man Thang. He asked if she was worried about the glow. She replied that no, but only the incomprehensible fact itself, which happened on the second day of the new year according to the lunar calendar, worries.

“The most favorable time for the grace of the Almighty,” the healer reassured her. - At this time, God gives what he deserves. And if you haven’t deserved anything yet, then you will still deserve it. " Peace of mind returned to Nguyen, but the glow remained.

During the experiment, a piece of meat and a leaf of a plant were placed in front of 29-year-old artist Jody Ostroyt. Nearby was an ordinary electron microscope. Jody carefully examined the objects with the naked eye for a couple of minutes, then took a sheet of paper and depicted their internal structure. Then the researchers could go to the microscope and make sure that the artist zoomed in, but did not distort the essence of what was being depicted in any way.

“It didn't come to me right away,” Jody said. - At first, for some reason, I began to scrupulously draw the texture of various objects - trees, furniture, animals. Then I began to notice that I see much finer details, elusive to the normal eye. Skeptics say I use a microscope. But where can I get an electron microscope? "

Jody Ostroyt sees the smallest cells of a substance, as if photographs them, and then transfers them to paper with ultra-thin brushes and a pencil. “It would be better if my gift went to some scientist. Why do I need him? While my pictures are being sold out, but the fashion for them will pass. Although I can see deeper than any professor, but only in the literal sense of the word. "

Captain behind the windshield

It is not only important for motorists to wear a seat belt: the commander of the British Airways BAC 1-11 Series 528FL, Tim Lancaster, probably remembered this elementary safety rule forever after June 10, 1990.

While flying the plane at an altitude of 5273 meters, Tim Lancaster relaxed his seat belt. Shortly thereafter, the airliner's windshield snapped. The captain immediately flew out through the opening, and he was pressed with his back to the aircraft fuselage from the outside. Lancaster's legs got stuck between the helm and the control panel, and the cockpit door ripped off by the air flow landed on the radio and navigation panel, smashing it.

Flight attendant Nigel Ogden, who was in the cockpit, was not taken aback and firmly grabbed the captain by the legs. The co-pilot managed to land the plane only after 22 minutes, all this time the captain of the plane was outside.

The flight attendant who held Lancaster believed that he was dead, but did not let go, because he was afraid that the body would get into the engine and burn it, reducing the plane's chances of a safe landing. After landing, they found out that Tim was alive, doctors diagnosed him with bruises, as well as fractures of his right hand, a finger on his left hand and right wrist. After 5 months, Lancaster again sat down at the helm. Steward Nigel Ogden escaped with a dislocated shoulder, frostbite on his face and left eye.

Used materials by Nikolai Nepomnyashchy, "Interesting Newspaper"

11/12/2015 at 21:38 · Pavlofox · 45 570

Top 10 most mysterious incidents in the world

The history of human civilization reliably keeps many secrets, many of which will never be solved. But the last two centuries have presented the world with many mysteries over which researchers are racking their brains. The most mysterious incidents in the world of the XX-XXI century - let's talk today about ten secrets of modern human history.

10. Crop circles

The most mysterious incidents in the world are mysterious. These are a variety of geometric shapes formed by crushed plants in agricultural fields. Drawings are perfectly straight and can form complex pictograms. Their size varies: they can be small and huge, only fully visible from an airplane. They began to draw great attention in the 1970s in England. In 1972, in the south of the country, two eyewitnesses, watching the sky on a moonlit night in the hope of seeing a UFO, noticed how the grass on the field had died, forming a circle. The peak of interest in the mysterious phenomenon came in the 1990s. The earliest mentions of the appearance of such pictograms (drawings) in the margins date back to the 17th century.

Hypotheses of the origin of crop circles are put forward by the most diverse: the activities of an alien civilization, micro-tornadoes, ball lightning and hoaxes of interested persons. Thus, the British David Chorley and Douglas Bauer confessed in 1991 that the appearance of the first circles was their doing. They claim to have created about 250 pictograms since 1978. But many continue to believe that the mysterious phenomenon of amazing crop drawings is not a hoax, but unsolved messages from mysterious forces. Crop circles are in 10th place among the most mysterious incidents on Earth.

9. The fall of the Tunguska meteorite

On June 30, 1908, at 7 o'clock in the morning, in the area of ​​the Podkamennaya Tunguska (the right tributary of the Yenisei, Central Siberia), local residents witnessed the flight of a celestial body, which left a trail behind it, like a falling meteorite. The sound of the fall was heard at a distance of over a thousand kilometers from the crash site. A powerful shock wave knocked down trees within a radius of 30 kilometers. This mysterious incident became known to the world as. But what kind of object exploded in the Podkamennaya Tunguska area, and whether it was really a meteorite, is still unknown. Over the years, thousands of researchers have been solving this phenomenon. Many hypotheses have been put forward, none of which has ever received documentary confirmation. The famous Tunguska meteorite, the secret of which has not yet been revealed, is in 9th place in the list of the most mysterious incidents in the world.


It is also associated with space, which caused a huge resonance in the world. In 1947, near the city of Roswell, a catastrophe allegedly occurred - the fall of a space body of artificial origin. This incident has become one of the most mysterious incidents in the world. There is still a fierce debate over the nature of the fallen object. The authorities, represented by the country's air force, claim that there was a crash of a meteorological balloon, which local residents mistook for UFO wreckage. The Roswell incident ranks eighth on our list.


The mysterious disappearance of the ship's crew is the seventh most mysterious incident in the world. In 1872, a sailing ship was found by an English brig. From the trajectory of movement, it was clear that no one controls it. Not a single crew member or passengers were found on board. The belongings were not touched, the supply of water and provisions were also. From the entry in the logbook it followed that the ship had reached almost the point where it was found. What happened to the crew is still unknown. The commission investigating the case suggested that the crew for some reason left the ship, leaving all their belongings and provisions. There was simply no other explanation for what happened.


Many mysterious incidents are associated with crimes. The most famous story is the case of Jack the Ripper, which was never solved. The 20th century has contributed to the history of serial killers. From 1918 to 1919, a criminal who received the nickname "Woodcutter" operated in New Orleans. The weapon of murder was an ax, with the help of which the maniac broke into the doors of the victims' houses. Like Jack the Ripper, Lumberjack wrote letters to newspapers, reporting on future killings. The crimes suddenly stopped, and the Lumberjack's identity was never established. The New Orleans murder mystery is the sixth most mysterious in the world.


The most mysterious stories in the world include the criminal case of the discovery in 1948 of the body of an unidentified man on the beach in the city of Adelaide (Australia). The case received a great public response for a number of reasons: it was not possible to establish either the identity of the unknown, or the cause of death. In addition, a piece of paper with a strange inscription "Taman Shud" was found in a secret pocket of his trousers. As it turned out, the paper was torn from a rare edition of the works of Omar Khayyam. A mysterious story that took place on the beach in Somerton - the fifth most mysterious incident in the world. This incident inspired Stephen King to write Colorado Kid.


In the fourth place among the most mysterious incidents in the world - history "Kyshtym dwarf"... In 1996, an elderly woman in a village near Kyshtym discovered a living creature of an unknown biological species. Outwardly, it looked like a humanoid of small size - about 30 centimeters in length. The woman named him Alyoshenka and nursed him for about a month. Then the creature died. His mummified remains were later discovered by the police. Then the body of the "Kyshtym dwarf" mysteriously disappeared.


- in third place in the list of the most amazing and mysterious incidents in the world. Since the 1970s, a program to search for extraterrestrial civilizations began in the United States. For this, a radio telescope was used, scanning different parts of the sky. Scientists with its help were empowered to detect signals from other civilizations. In 1977, a signal from the constellation Sagittarius was received at a frequency at which no terrestrial transmitter operates. It lasted 37 seconds. Its origin is still unknown.

2. Ship "Marlboro"

The story of the new "Flying Dutchman" ranks second among the most mysterious incidents in the world. The ship left a port in New Zealand in 1890 with a cargo of frozen lamb. He did not reach his destination, having disappeared in the area of ​​Cape Horn. Onboard there were 23 crew members and several passengers. It was decided that the sailboat sank during a storm. But after 23 years he appeared off the coast of Tierra del Fuego. It is well preserved, and skeletons in decayed clothes were found on board. True, there were ten fewer of them than were listed in the logbook. It is not known what happened to the crew, why people died and where ten people disappeared from the sailing ship. Due to bad weather, the ship could not be brought to the port. "Marlboro" is still surfing the sea.


The most mysterious incident in the world is the mystery of the death of the Dyatlov group... This tragic story is known to everyone and haunts those who want to reveal the truth about what happened more than 50 years ago. In 1959, a tourist group led by Igor Dyatlov mysteriously died in the mountains of the Northern Urals. The reasons for the terrible death of nine people have not yet been established.

14.11.2013 - 14:44

Many people do not believe that there are unknown forces that affect our lives - positive or negative. But they also have to deal with the incomprehensible. Some may think the stories in this article are fiction, but they are all told in the first person. They were found on the Internet, on forums dedicated to mystical cases ...

Devil's brush

A large place in virtual stories about the paranormal is occupied by stories about the mysterious disappearance of things.

For example, such a mysterious event: “We bought a toothbrush for my son in a store. On the way home, sitting in the back seat of the car, he held the package with this brush in his hands as if he were his own. We arrived, not yet leaving the car, we find that there is no brush. "Dani, where is the brush?" He does not remember at what moment he let go of her, and where she went. They searched ALL the car, on the seat, under the seat, under the rugs - there is no brush. They scolded the child, my husband dropped us off and went about his business. After 10 minutes, he calls me from the road and in a nervous voice says that he just heard a sound from behind, like a clap, turned - and on the seat, right in the middle, lies this damn brush "...

And this is far from an isolated case of mysterious disappearance and no less mysterious return of things.

Here is a story told by another member of the forum:

“We just moved into the apartment, my husband was assembling whatnot in an empty room on the floor. He comes to the kitchen, his eyes are round: he laid out all the details in piles, he collected everything - one leg is missing. Could not roll - nowhere - bare floor. We looked, looked, went for tea, we return - the leg lies right in the middle of the room "...

One can only guess where exactly this brush or the leg of the shelf has been - in a parallel space or at the brownies who played with the new owners.

Death is somewhere near

Sometimes unknown forces save people from certain death. How can these two cases be explained from the point of view of common sense?

“Last winter I had this: I’m walking next to the house, suddenly I hear someone calling me, I turn around to see who it was, but there’s no one behind, and at that time a huge icicle falls from the roof. a place where I could have been if I hadn't stopped. "

“I will tell you an incident that happened to my husband many years ago. At that time I was in the hospital, and he was going to visit me. Suddenly, after a couple of stops, he leaves almost unconsciously. In general, it was only at the bus stop that I found myself out. Sits on the next trolleybus and at the crossroads sees that the first trolleybus had an accident. A truck drove almost to the place where he stood. The dent, he said, was impressive. If he had stayed, at best, he would have become an invalid ... It also happens. "

But this amazing story has a sad end, but nevertheless its main character surprises with her extraordinary forebodings ...

“One friend of mine, 72 years old, by her advanced years did not even have a card in a polyclinic - she was not sick. When asked to check my health, I always answered - "Why get treatment, there is such a life - you will heal money, and a brick will fall on your head!" You will laugh - she died from a broken skull - the brick fell. I'm serious".

Sex on the Internet

A very large place on mystical forums is occupied by stories related to love and sex. Love in itself is quite a paranormal phenomenon, it is not surprising that so many mysterious things happen to lovers ...

Here's an amazing story from one woman:

“I went to English courses with my future husband and fell in love. But since I was modest and notorious, naturally, no continuation worked out, the courses ended, and I went, suffered, thinking how to meet him again. A month later, he and his friends, indulging on the phone, called my apartment. Sheer mysticism: and that among so many numbers mine accidentally dialed, and that I answered the phone, not my parents, and that I didn't send it right away, but chatted, and that I managed to identify each other and arrange a date! Already 15 years together. Mysticism and fate, I think. "

But this young man's love story has deep roots in childhood and dreams.

“When I was little, I had a dream, as if I was in another city and met a girl there. We played with, and then I feel that I am drawn home to my city. She hands me her watch, says that someday we will meet again ... I was "carried away" back, and I woke up. In the morning, I remember, I cried for a long time - I don't know why. When I grew up, I went to visit my relatives in Moscow, and there I met a girl, I spent all my free time with her, fell in love with each other. But I had to leave. She accompanied me to the station, took off her watch and gave it to me as a keepsake, I did not attach any importance to this, because I forgot about the dream. I came home, called her, and she said that when she was little, she dreamed that she gave some boy a watch, and you, she says, are my boy from a dream. I hung up and then it shot in my head, I remembered a dream, I understood what city I was in then and who, promised that I would see you again. It may be a coincidence, but the case is great. Two people had a dream that came true. We have been maintaining a relationship for 3 years, see each other often and will soon live together. "

An equally mysterious story happened to one girl on the Internet. “I hung up, I remember, a profile on a dating site. I had such a black streak, no personal life. For a couple of months I met three or four men, but "not that one" ...

And suddenly, one fine evening some guy writes to me. A questionnaire without a photo, and the information in it is all that: "Boy, I'll get acquainted with a girl." And I must say that there, on the site, everyone is simply obsessed with one phrase: "I won't answer without a photo." Well, I also wrote that and, really, did not answer without a photo - suddenly there was a "crocodile" of some kind. And then, I don't know what came over me - she answered. And, moreover, we agreed before the meeting. And a handsome man came to this meeting, who, as it turned out, lived on a nearby street, and went to the Internet that day for the FIRST AND LAST TIME just to have fun. Now I often joke: "Probably, you went there after me, took me and immediately left. I was joking!"

But all virtual dating ends so well. Here's a creepy web horror story.
“Once upon a time I communicated on the Internet with an American. This American was fond of runes and other northern rites. In particular, he had his own totem - a wolf.

Since we were separated by a huge distance and the meeting in real life did not shine for us, we decided to try to meet in a dream. He assured me that it would work if we both tune in. We chose a night, talked on the Internet - and sleep, with the intention of meeting in a dream.

I woke up in the morning and was terribly surprised: indeed, I dreamed of him! True, the only thing I remember is how I hung on him, wrapping my legs around him, and he stood and supported me for my butt. In this position, and chatted. I went online, let's ask the uncle (without telling his dream) - and he dreamed the same thing! But that's not the point. The main thing, aunts, is that I found scratches on my pope! Can you imagine ?! And I slept alone and in my pajamas. Well, where does a person get scratches on their buttocks at night? Not otherwise, this American wolf scratched. By the way, after that I began to be afraid of him and soon stopped our communication. "

Magic ball and the language of angels

This mystical story was told in his blog by the famous writer Sergei Lukyanenko. “In Kiev, I lived in the same hotel room with the famous critic B. And then in the morning I woke up, slowly and sadly washed my face, made myself a glass of tea and sat by the window.

The critic B. had gone to bed at seven in the morning the night before, and therefore could not wake up at nine at all. I didn't even try to wake him up - a man is sleeping, he feels good ...

And suddenly critic B. spoke in an unknown language! It was precisely the language, articulate, with some kind of clear internal logic ... But critic B. could only speak Russian!

I kicked the bed in a friendly way and exclaimed: "B.! Buddy! What language do you speak?"

B. turned heavily in bed and without opening his eyes said: "This is the language in which Yahweh speaks with the angels." And he continued to sleep. An hour later, when he managed to wake up, he remembered nothing and listened to me with wild surprise. (Yes, by the way, the word "Yahweh" is not at all from his vocabulary). So I am one of the few people who have heard the language in which Yahweh speaks with the angels. "

But this funny story suggests that, nevertheless, an excessive passion for mysticism sometimes leads to comic situations.

“Once in the office of the Moscow firm M., one of the employees (a middle-aged woman, deeply" turned "" on esotericism, shamans, sorcerers, etc.) finds a strange-looking object under her desk - a small, rather heavy gray ball made of of indefinite material, hard and warm to the touch: on this occasion, the entire female part of the team is convened, and they, without hesitation, come to the conclusion that something is unclean here, and decide to immediately turn to a familiar sorcerer.

The sorcerer came, examined the ball, made a terrible face, and said that the ball is a really powerful magical artifact, that their company was jinxed by competitors, and in order to avoid consequences, the ball must be burned. Immediately.

In compliance with the appropriate magical rituals. They burn the ball, rejoice, disperse satisfied ... A couple of hours later, a local system engineer comes to work, sits down at the computer and silently starts working; after a while he stops, with a bewildered look takes the mouse and begins to examine it from all sides ... and then jumps up with a shout: "Damn! Who stole the ball from the mouse ?!"