How to install a plastic ramp for a children's slide. Do-it-yourself children's wooden slide for giving

Why do kids love to ride slides? The question is idle. Well, cool, and that's it. It’s already smart adults who uncles and aunts have researched that skiing trains the vestibular apparatus, coordination of movements, teaches you to correctly assess the degree of risk and group in a fall. Many animals make smooth paths on wet clay slopes and roll down them.

A children's slide is made with your own hands without much difficulty. You can find a lot of slides for children to ride, which their mothers built for them. There is always a place for a children's slide on a site of any size, see fig. below. The cost of materials for a children's slide without frills, if only it was good to ride, well fits into the amount equivalent to $15-$20.

Parents with some excess of free time and money can practice craftsmanship and design on a sample slide for children to ride (see examples on the next photo), without risking spoiling something significant and prestigious: any indispensable foundations for designing a children's playroom no corner. But there are certain technical rules for the execution of play slides for children in the material. They are dictated by safety requirements, taking into account the characteristics of the child's body.

To get started, watch a detailed video on how to build a children's slide like those that still stand a lot in kindergartens and on:

Video: building a wooden children's slide

The author is undoubtedly a knowledgeable, skillful and conscientious person. As far as construction technique is concerned, it must be followed. But he either simply repeated the design of well-known samples, or, if he was guided by some regulatory documents, then outdated. At present, the construction of children's slides is regulated by GOST R 52168-2003, taking into account modern data on some features of the child's body and psyche.

What do you need to know to enjoy skiing?

We are more than 3/4 water - this is common knowledge. As well as the fact that the children's skeleton is far from being completely ossified and has not gained the elasticity of an adult. Although children are generally more enduring and tenacious than adults, their skeleton is slower and worse at accepting and absorbing (damping) instantaneous loads. Previously, these features were considered separately; now in interaction. A modern slide for children takes it into account to the fullest. Namely: a slight, but a sharp push in the direction from the bottom up causes a wave of compression of the internal organs in the child's body. This is called hydrocontusion. On the hill, hydroconcussion is negligible in absolute value. Repeated repeatedly and systematically, it gradually harms. From a bump, bruise or abrasion, a roar can be all over the world, but they pass without a trace. Regular, completely imperceptible by a child, hydrocontusion can cause a number of disorders and development and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Plus, possible anomalies of mental development: the child does not learn to correctly assess the degree of danger, risk and the degree of his endurance.


The main thing in the hill for riding on the fifth point is its slope. GOST R 52168-2003 pays the most serious attention to its device. The slope of a modern children's slide should have a profile that completely excludes hydroconcussion.

Excerpts from GOST R 52168-2003 regarding slope profiling are shown in the figure:

Its difference from the old ones is the mandatory presence of the final section C (brake pad, brake springboard). The slip section Β (accelerating) must be mated with a braking smooth transition. Along the entire length of the ramp, there should be no joints of coating sheets, visible fastener heads, and other potentially traumatic areas. Since children are very fond of flopping on a soft spot on the starting site before sliding down the hill, it is also highly desirable to pair it with the accelerating site smoothly. The ratios of the sizes of the sliding and braking sections are as follows:

  • B up to 1500 mm - C=300 mm for both types of slopes. Board height from 150 mm;
  • B from 1500 mm to 7500 mm - C from 500 mm for slopes of type 1 and from 0.3 B for slopes of type 2. Board from 250 mm .;
  • B from 7500 mm - C from 1500 mm for slopes of type 1 and from 0.3 B for slopes of type 2. Board from 350 mm.

From slides of type 1, they roll onto a damper: into a sandbox, onto an inflatable or stuffed mat. In this case section C must protrude at least 300 mm above the damper and overhang no more than 150 mm above it. Based on this, the height of the overhang of the end of the slope above the ground is calculated. From the slope type 2 roll onto the lawn or soft bedding. The recommended overhanging height of its end H is 50-70 mm, but not more than 120 mm. The type 1 ramp must be provided with a ledge along the entire length as listed above. For a type 2 ramp, the rim should extend into section C by 1/3 of its length.

Drawings of the finished profiles of the slopes of children's slides of an extremely small and close to an extremely large slope of the sliding section are given in fig. (with supporting beams and sides); on the right, the profile line is highlighted in bold. To get a 50 degree profile from a 47 degree profile with more than sufficient accuracy for practice, it must be rotated 3 degrees clockwise.

It’s “cooler” to slide down a steep hill, and it takes up less space, which is essential if a children’s slide is being designed for a summer residence. For such a case, slides with an inclination of more than 40 degrees should be made of type 1, otherwise the braking section will be too long. Slides with an incline of less than 40 degrees make a Type 2: the brake ramp, which provides the most thrill in a Type 1 slide, will only ruin the fun of a Type 2 slide (see also further on slide surfaces).

It is not difficult to design a slide profile of an arbitrary (within the given limits) slope exactly for your specific place. We need 3 profiles: a minimum slope of type 2, a maximum type 1 and a certain average, with a flat section C of a minimum length, so to speak, a half-brake-half-trampoline. Profiles are drawn on a scale one above the other so that the starting ends are spaced from each other at equal distances. Then vertical secants with the same step are built. The segments between the profiles are divided in proportion to the angle obtained, and the desired profile is built from the points, see fig. on right. The slope angle, based on the available space, is calculated as φ=arctg(D/L), where L is the length of the downhill section minus the length of the braking section.

It remains to find somewhere a slope profile of 40 degrees with a flat section C of the smallest length. A slide for a playground, the drawings of which are given next. Fig., has just such. The missing dimensions can be removed from the drawings, they are made in accordance with all the rules. The whole structure, which is quite complex, should not be repeated, but the profile of the slope here is just what is needed.

Note: smooth pairing of the beginning of the slope with the site, if necessary. it is made as a pattern - the radius of its curvature is not critical, from 150 mm.

Platform height

According to the general rules of safety, if a solid support under a person’s feet is above the base surface (floor, ground) above 1.7 m, then this is considered to be at a height. For an adult worker - work at height. For which the surplus factor to the salary is supposed. What the employees themselves often do not suspect, and if employers know, then the issue is not sharpened.

In relation to a children's slide, this means that the height of its platform should not be more than 1.7 m. However, this is not essential for a country slide; a greater height, it will spread over the entire area. And without hyperbole, it will significantly reduce its productive (or simply useful - for recreation) area. "No more" criterion is rather vague. If we sort through the by-laws and sectoral acts on this topic (GOST has the force of law), then 2 options emerge. The first - the site is deafly fenced and with a roof. There are only 2 openings in it: the entrance and the exit to the ramp. Then its height can be maximum, 1.7 m. In this case, the staircase is made in compliance with the rules for designing stairs in residential premises: passage width, slope, step configuration, etc. If any of these conditions is not met (say, there is still an opening to which a climbing frame fits), the platform should be made no higher than 1.3-1.4 m so that an adult can freely hold the child.

Note: it is desirable to make the flooring of the platform from tongue-and-groove boards, so that those who climb under it (and how could it be without it?) Rubbish and sand do not fall on the firebrands.

Flooring and roofing

The smooth slippery surface of the ramp should lie entirely on a solid and moderately elastic flooring. Did they give out on the old slides without flooring under the coating, seemingly small failures? Each of them is a hydrocontusion. Not the same, of course, as a skydiver who forgot to pull the ring, but quite enough to hurt a child. Or just spoil the fun of riding.

Taking into account all modern requirements, the choice of materials for slippery coatings is small. Plywood, by the way, is not suitable: when peeling veneer from a wooden block, the wood structure is seriously disturbed, so plywood is not a material for outdoor use. The best Finnish bakelized plywood on the slope of the hill after the first wintering gives splinter after splinter. Coating options for the slope of the children's slide are as follows:

  • Wood impregnated with a water-polymer emulsion (WPE), and on top - 3-4 layers of acrylic bath enamel or, better, 2-3 layers of yacht varnish or enamel. Yacht paints are expensive, but are designed to withstand the abrasive effects of suspended matter in the water and give a very smooth surface, because frictional resistance to movement for small boats is significant. Such a coating will last until the need for repair 3-5 years; you won’t slide down acrylic in 2-3 years, but you can easily walk through it, and it will need to be renewed. Wooden flooring is made of hard, small-layered wood (oak, beech, hornbeam). Before painting / varnishing, it is carefully sanded and puttied.
  • Linoleum - is laid on the flooring sanded into the profile (see below). If the slope is covered with a film for the winter, it serves 2-4 years, depending on the climate. Therefore, instead of overlays that hide fasteners (also see below), it is better to install MDF skirting boards, pre-impregnated with VPE and painted or varnished.
  • Stainless steel from 0.25 mm thick. Superbly slippery, does not lose antifriction properties over time. On a solid wooden pillow does not overheat under the sun. It is not difficult to buy a solid piece of stainless steel in our time: even in small provincial towns in a tool store they will cut off a roll for a sweet soul. In extreme cases, you will have to wait a few days until they are delivered from the nearest warehouse of metal materials. There is only one drawback: any edges are traumatic, so they must be hidden or tucked up. Advice about rolled stainless steel: find out which one is more affordable in your area, and adjust the width of the slope (from 750 mm) to the width of the cut.

Note: how to build a children's slide with a stainless steel slope coating with your own hands, see next. video clip:

Video: children's slide with a metal ramp (+ with a house and a swing)

How to make a ramp out of wood

Wood is generally an excellent material, but how to make a profiled ramp out of ordinary boards or beams? It is impossible to steam the boards so as to bend at home. Well, you can make a stacked ramp from improvised materials: scraps of boards and slats with a thickness of 20 mm or more.

How a children's slide is made of wood with a profiled ramp from ordinary lumber is shown in the figure:

The sizes of boards, laths and beams are conventionally enlarged for clarity. After assembling the flooring on the stringers, it is sanded into the profile with a powerful drill (at least 350 W) or a grinder with a flexible grinding wheel (Durex). Durex can be made by yourself from a circle of thick rubber (from 6 mm) with a diameter of 400 mm. To work with Durex, you will have to remove the safety cover from the grinder, if, of course, it is removable.

Note: under the coating of linoleum with a lining (insulated), the flooring in the profile can not be sanded.

About purchased skates

The ramp, as you can see, is the most time-consuming part of the slide. Wouldn't it be better to buy ready-made? Slippery and durable outdoors, propylene ramp can be found for sale at an affordable price.

How to choose the right ready-made ramp for a children's slide is shown in fig. below. It is better for older children to take stainless ones (pos. 1), and for the smallest (2-5 years old) - propylene ones (pos. 2), they are not so slippery. Make sure that the steel coating does not protrude anywhere (item 3), sharp edges are dangerous. Even more dangerous are slopes with railings (pos. 4). What kid doesn't swing their arms while rolling? And if the hand at the same time gets into the railing on the roll itself?

Slopes with sharp breaks (pos. 5) and without a braking section - hydrocontusion after hydrocontusion. In slopes with inserts (pos. 6) and in general with joints on the coating (pos. 6), a traumatic ledge will inevitably form sometime. Slopes with a threshold above 200 mm (pos. 7) are also produced by high-level manufacturers. There is no obvious deception here, there is a "permissible" commercial trick: such ramps are designed for use with inflatable mats for outdoor use. Mats are sold optionally, i.e. separately. Price? Reasonable, economically justified: a little more expensive than the entire children's play corner.

But the spiral (very, of course, cool) slide in pos. 8 is a real monster. The slope of a spiral slide must necessarily be grooved, once. Secondly, in this case, the outer side on the bend is needed at least twice as high, otherwise even a very calm child can fly off the slope of this slide at a turn.

Design examples

Good owners do not have extra space in their dachas and backyards, and this is where a corner slide comes in handy. But do not squeeze it into the corner of the fence: the distance from the slide to any obstacle must be at least 1.3 m!

Drawings of the corner children's slide and its upper platform are given on the trail. rice. The slope, of course, is better to make profiled. In the same way as a platform, you can build a sandbox for landing; then the length of the boards for it must be taken 1800 mm. The platform of the hill rests on 4 pillars 150x150 along its inner corners.

Pillars do not need to be concreted. It is enough to scald their lower ends with hot bitumen to a height of 750-800 mm, sprinkle with sand while still hot, wrap with roofing material and dig in 60 cm or more. In the pits, pillows of 15 cm of sand + the same amount of rubble are needed, i.e. pit depth from 900 mm.

For scalding, the ends of the bars are immersed in almost boiling bitumen. Slowly, otherwise hot spray will fly! Then they wait until the bitumen around the tree stops hissing and bubbling. This means that air and moisture are forced out of the wood. After that, the bars are kept in bitumen for at least 10-15 minutes, so that it saturates all the pores. After installing the pillars in the pits, they are covered 3/4 of the depth with rubble in layers, 15 cm each, with a rammer and filled up with excavated soil with a mountain of 15-20 cm. Wooden non-foundation buildings on such supports stand for 40-70 or more years.

In Canada, whose climate is similar to Russia's, only even more humid, the upper playgrounds of children's slides are common, which do not require excavation for installation, see fig. below. For proper rigidity and reliability of the entire structure, it is necessary, firstly, that the upper platform itself be of a box-shaped structure. That is, there may not be a roof, but balusters (baluster) and stiffness ties from the rear (stringer) are required. Secondly, the bowstrings of the stairs (ladder leg) must be attached to the strapping beams with rigid one-piece knots (leg brace), consisting of persistent struts and overhead earrings on the outside.

It is better to fix the entire structure on the ground, of course, not with pegs, but with L-shaped anchors made of reinforcing bars. Anchors are hammered to a depth of 60 cm. In order for ladder support brace, exposed to both soil and atmospheric destructive factors, to last for a long time, they must be protected from decay very carefully. For example, just like the heel-shoes of a fence for a front garden, which is also installed directly on the ground.

The development of the idea of ​​​​a slide for children to ride, installed on the ground without excavation, are the samples shown on the trail. rice. They use the rigidity of not only the triangle and the box, but also the so-called. biplane box. This gives a large supporting area, so such slides can not be attached to the ground at all, and all the material is a 150x24 board. The second interesting feature is the sides of the slopes decreasing in height. From above you won’t fall down in any way, but you will roll - wave your arms and yell from the heart. Finished factory products of this type are commercially available; they are brought and simply put where the owners indicate.

And if plop instead of shmyak?

Translated into an adult: if there is a swimming pool in the country house or plot with a depth of 60 cm or more. 400 mm. A plop instead of a shmyak is a delight to heaven and above. Therefore, we complete the publication with drawings of a slide for rolling into the water, see fig.

Children carry a powerful charge of energy, so the playground is an indispensable attribute of any suburban area where there are children.

Absolutely any number of entertainment items can be installed on the site. It all depends on the financial capabilities and wishes of the owners.

You can also additionally please your children by doing entertainment with your own hands. An example is a children's slide. Absolutely simple in construction, and will please for many years, if you take the process seriously.

The process of creating a slide and the end result will serve as an additional source of joy at minimal cost. Children's slide in the country will be the best entertainment for children.

wooden slide

Such a building can be placed even inside the house, if the size of your area allows. When building a slide, it is important to remember that you need to use environmentally friendly raw materials, since the child will be in direct contact with it. Best of all for such entertainment is a children's slide made of wood.

But if you decide to build from other materials, then make sure that there are no harmful components.
This also applies to bright colors, which are usually used to decorate the slide.

It is important to control such inserts both for the content of harmful substances and for resistance to fire.

Install strong railings regardless of your child's age. In any case, this will save you from unwanted injuries and falls. Also, the railing will act as a balance support for the child.

Wooden slide safety

Children's wooden slide in the first place should be a safe object for play. It will perfectly fit into any exterior and interior of the house due to its calm style decision. The first will not be evident, but will only emphasize the previously created style.

In summer, in the sun, a slide made of wood heats up slowly, without burning the child on contact, like, for example, slides made of metal. This is a big plus when children often play outside.

Such a slide can be installed anywhere on the site, and not only where there is always shade and coolness. On the metal, the child will be burned, and the tree will only become warm in direct sunlight.

Even if a plastic slide for the street is more convenient, then its weak frame will not be able to serve you for a long time. It will crack, and the child may be injured from riding such a slide.

The location of the hill on the site

The slide must be located away from extraneous buildings and trees. Such a precaution will not be superfluous, because it will make your baby's games more comfortable.

You can also dot the perimeter around the slide with grass or cover it with a special artificial turf. The descent from the hill will be softer in the future and the child is less likely to fall.

The base is best fixed or concreted. Even if the child cannot move the structure with his own hands, then from frequent skating, she herself can tip over.

The height of the structure should depend on the age of the child. It is advisable not to exceed more than 2 times the height of the one who will use it. There should be no gaps, openings, holes in the structure.

Take this seriously, because children, actively moving, do not notice small obstacles. The child may get caught or stuck.

Do-it-yourself slide

If you are interested in the question of how to make a children's slide with your own hands with high quality, then you need to follow all these tips. Then the child, riding down the hill, will be completely safe and will be left without unwanted injuries.


If we are talking about a wooden structure, then you can develop drawings of a children's slide on your own. Choose the color, texture and even shape of your own choice or use a ready-made photo of a children's slide to complete the picture.

Of the materials you will need nails, boards, slats and wooden beams. Also take care of the presence of a hammer, saw and planer. These are the most basic tools for the job.

You can simplify your construction with a hand or electric drill. When assembling the structure, carefully check that there are no nails sticking out anywhere.

The slope can be made of plastic material. After all, a wooden ramp can eventually start up hooks if it is not treated with anything.

But with a metal slide, everything is much harder. Here you will already need a machine for welding metal. If you decide to make the ramp metal, then paint it with a special paint that will not allow it to heat up quickly.


DIY children's slide photo


The most favorite place for children to play is a children's slide. Probably, only this entertainment helps to throw out all the extra energy, jump from the heart, and also give the baby an unforgettable vivid experience. The children's slide is a complex structure that resembles a whole play complex. Such structures can be found on city playgrounds. On the one hand, the slide has steps, on the other - a small descent. For safety reasons, slides are equipped with handrails and railings for lifting and lowering. As a rule, such structures are small in height and may have one or more slopes. If you have a country house, then you can buy a children's slide not only to order, but also do it yourself.

It is important that the slide fits all safety standards. You can not install a slide near decorative electric lamps and trees, greenhouses, outbuildings, etc. A shadow should fall on some part of the slide. It is not good for babies to stay in the sun for a long time. What is needed in order to create a children's slide? First, decide on place for construction, sketch out a drawing and diagram of both the slide as a whole and its individual parts.

The structure must be well secured. metal support or concrete. The details of the slide must be well sanded and varnished.

Supports, handrails and railings should be well fortified.

The size of the building should also be taken into account. It must be appropriate for the age of the child. For younger students, the height of the slide should reach no more than 3.5 meters.

Necessary tools and materials

To build a wooden children's slide with your own hands, you need the following: materials:

Tools to build a slide:

  • Hammer
  • Electric drill
  • electric planer
  • Electric saw or wood saw
  • Roulette
  • Angle cutting machine
  • Drill

Work order

The children's slide is almost ready, it remains only to remove the protruding corners, screw and nail heads, carefully sand the boards and cover special protective varnish.

In addition to the slide, you can also install swings, horizontal bars, rings and other elements for children. Over time, it can be complicated by building a house, sports sectors, etc.

Do-it-yourself secrets of installing a children's slide

  1. Grooves and slats when screeding parts form a strong and stable construction.
  2. In order for the baluster to be firmly installed, the stairs can be additionally reinforced with planks.
  3. Best for painting acrylic. These paints perfectly protect against negative influences.

Thanks to on one's own made design, the child together with his peers and friends will have fun and usefully spend time. Children's slide will give a lot of positive emotions.

Mandatory elements of the amusement complex in the summer cottage are a sandbox, a swing and, of course, a slide, from which even grown-up children can enjoy riding. Most of them can be made independently, saving on the expensive purchase of ready-made structures. For example, constructing a children's slide with your own hands is quite simple, using improvised materials for this.

Advantages and disadvantages of different types of slides

In order to choose the material from which the children's slide will be made, you need to carefully read each of them, weighing all the pros and cons. The most popular are:

  • tree;
  • metal.

With a similar design, the manufacturing process is still different. The reason for this is the nature of the materials.

Each such slide for children is built according to a standard layout, which includes:

  • ladder;
  • descent;
  • base;
  • top platform;
  • mandatory protective element.

In addition, the classic design is often supplemented with all sorts of internal labyrinths, sandboxes, additional slopes - everything here depends only on your imagination.


  1. Small financial costs. Since wood is relatively inexpensive, and specialized tools are not needed for its processing.
  2. Ease of manufacture. Building a slide from wooden boards and bars does not require you to have special building abilities and skills. Often it is enough to adhere to the scheme according to which the design is made.
  3. Minimum tools. To design a slide, you will not need a large number of different devices.
  4. Environmental Safety. Wood, as a rule, not only does not cause allergies, but also does not emit toxic substances when heated.
  5. Any place to install a slide. Unlike a metal structure, a wooden attraction can be placed in any convenient place on the site, since the wood will not heat up in the burning sun and will not burn little fidgets.


  1. susceptibility to decay. Wood is a material that requires treatment with special protective agents and varnish. If this is not done, then the slide begins to rot and dry out under the influence of external factors.
  2. Descent deformation. This happens due to exposure to rain and sunlight.

When installing a wooden structure, special attention should be paid to the slope. To cover it, it is best to purchase a factory-made material, such as linoleum or plastic. The latter is more expensive, but more reliable and safer.

If desired, a wooden slide is very easy to remake, for example, turn it into a pirate ship.

Metal constructions

A few years ago, such slides decorated almost every yard. With proper care, they can last a very long time.

There are practically no significant differences between a wooden and a metal slide, except that the foundation will be required for the iron structure. This design consists of:

  • small playgrounds;
  • descent;
  • pipe ladders.


  1. Structural strength. The advantage of a metal structure is that it does not require special care, it can withstand temperature extremes, rain and high humidity, as well as heavy loads.
  2. Reliability. It rarely happens that any part of such a design loosens or moves away.


  • Difficulty of installation. To install a metal slide, you will need a welding machine and the ability to use it. Moreover, you will need knowledge of metal working technology.
  • Rapid heating in the sun. Iron is subject to a rapid rise and fall in surface temperature depending on the season. If you install the slide in a place where the sun shines brightly, your child can easily get burned while playing. To avoid this, it is recommended to install the structure in a shaded place or hide it under a special canopy. It is possible to combine a metal base with a plastic slope.
  • Loss of interest in a child. It is practically impossible to decorate a metal slide with anything, which means that such an attraction can bore a baby.

Having familiarized yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of each material of manufacture, you can safely make a choice. It is not necessary to use only metal or wood, you have the right to combine them, resulting in an original, interesting and durable structure.

Photo gallery: different designs of slides

Slides can be part of a whole entertainment complex Slides can be supplemented with various elements Bright wooden slide sure to appeal to children High-quality and reliable slide will bring a lot of fun to children and their parents
For children of any age, entertainment on the slide will be happiness Reliable slide - the key to safe games Wood is the best option for non-professional welders Metal slides are considered the most durable structures.

Requirements for a children's slide

It should be understood that when installing a slide from any material, certain requirements must be observed:

Preparatory stage

The success of the work depends on careful preparation.

The choice of material for construction in the country

Wood can be called the most optimal and reliable option from which you can build unusual and original designs. It will be a godsend for people who are not directly related to construction and repair.

Non-professional welders and assemblers of metal structures during the installation of iron slides can get hurt or spoil the raw material, as this is a whimsical material that can be deformed during heating and welding. In addition, for the manufacture of such products, welding equipment is required.

Children's slides made of wood combine ease of use and high safety. Moreover, they are the easiest to manufacture and install.

Dimensioning and drawing up a drawing

Work must begin with the drawing up of a design drawing. Be sure to decide whether there will be a slide with a house or it will be a classic option. Draw a diagram showing all dimensions. This will allow you to calculate the amount of material. Norm:

  • for children from 2 to 5 years old, the slide should be made up to 1.5 m high;
  • from 5 to 11 years, it is recommended to install a structure with a height of 2.5 to 3.5 m;
  • older than 11 - above 3.5 m.

List of materials and tools

The construction of the structure should begin with the choice of wood. It is preferable to use conifers. In order to build a reliable, beautiful and comfortable wooden slide for children, you will need the following materials:

  • 8 boards (recommended dimensions - 5x14x60 cm);
  • 4 thick beams 0.6 m long;
  • 1 beam 0.8 m long;
  • several sheets of plywood (150x150x12 cm);
  • 2 round wooden profiles (30x120 cm).

List of required tools:

  • electric or mechanical saw for wood;
  • hammer;
  • manual or electric drill;
  • plane;
  • roulette and level;
  • drill.

A step-by-step guide to creating a children's slide with a ladder with your own hands

All work takes place in several stages:

How to cover the base, walls, platform and slope of the slide for better sliding and decoration

At the end of all work, the slide must be coated with varnish or a coloring emulsion without fail. Wood and plywood are also recommended to be treated with special means, otherwise, under the influence of moisture, their service life will drastically decrease.

The slope can be additionally covered with linoleum, which will provide better glide.

You can decorate the hill with your children. They will definitely enjoy this process.

Photo gallery: exterior finish of the structure

Coating with varnish and special emulsions provides the slide with a long lifespan Wooden slides provide exciting games A slide made of wood, which is coated with emulsions and special agents, will allow children to play safely In addition to varnish, slides can be coated with any emulsion, thereby giving them a bright shade Multi-colored options will delight kids Upon completion of all work, you will get an excellent attraction for children that will meet all safety requirements.

Video: how to make a slide for a child out of wood

The key to a successful and fun pastime is a high-quality and reliable slide. It is a way to keep your child entertained and develop their physical skills. And as the baby grows up, it will be possible to complete the construction, improve it, which can encourage your fidget to a healthy lifestyle.

A fun slide captivates children from two to almost ten years old. Of course, I want to have my own slide in a private yard or in the country. Samples that flaunt at high-rise buildings cost a lot. For this reason, I decided to make a ramp with my own hands, and the size and design I needed.

How to make a safe and fun slide for kids

First of all, it is necessary to ensure the safety of the structure. Here are the main requirements:

  • the slope should have three areas with different slopes: for landing, descending and stopping;
  • the height of the slide can be two meters, while high sides must be provided, and the kids must ride with the help of their parents;
  • the ladder must have comfortable railings, an acceptable step and step width;
  • the site should be equipped with fences 0.5-0.7 m, depending on the height of the slide;
  • sharp elements and corners of the structure are not allowed;
  • it should be excluded that the arms, legs, head of the child between the parts of the building when moving.

In practice, before starting construction, I carefully studied and measured the factory structure. Ideally, you need to have both a small and a large slide for children of different ages.

I chose the maximum possible dimensions and made the right decision: a two-year-old grandson is helped to enjoy the descent by his parents.

We choose the material for the slope of the children's slide on the street

Three materials can be considered for making a descent for the street: plastic, metal and wood. The easiest way is to buy a ready-made plastic slope of the required size. At the same time, it costs a lot, and the service life is limited, especially if low-quality and thin plastic works in frosty conditions.

The metal construction is naturally more reliable. At the same time, it is not so easy to make such a children's slide with your own hands. Most factory designs use stainless steel to cover the escapement.

However, it is not so easy to get a sheet of the required size at an affordable price. Moreover, in the country, valuable metal can be dragged away by “metal detectors”. It is easier to use a sheet of ordinary steel. At the same time, the paint should glide well, and the slope will often have to be painted.

The easiest way at home is to make a slide in the garden for a child out of wood. Its surface must be thoroughly cleaned with sandpaper to ensure the necessary glide and to avoid splinters in the soft parts of your favorite child.

Wood should be impregnated to protect against moisture with a special composition and thoroughly painted.

At the same time, the sun, rain and frost will easily spoil your work in just one winter, so much so that it will be difficult to restore the required surface quality.

Of course, you should consider the materials you have at hand. You can experiment with a piece of linoleum, which is better to remove for the winter. It's great if a sheet of plastic with a thickness of 2-4mm of the required dimensions is found. It can be purchased from the Advertising Materials Store.

After weighing the initial data, I came to a hybrid design on my own site:

  • the base of the slide must be strong, and for this purpose a metal profile pipe should be used;
  • the bearing part of the structure will be made of thick plywood, which will ensure smooth transitions of the descent;
  • galvanized steel sheet is great for the sliding surface, the coating of which will not deteriorate in the conditions of relatively rare use of the slide in your own yard.

Photos and design ideas for a building for a child in the garden

Making a children's slide is very important for both children and adults. The design should not resemble a "simulator". For kids, you need to provide a fun fairy tale, and parents should get decorations for their own plot or cottage. Let's evaluate together interesting ideas for the design of children's slides.

This design is assembled using thin tree trunks and goes well with a natural stone walkway. The kids will definitely love the fabulous shapes of the building.

On the other side of fantasy - almost a real tractor with a slide. His place is somewhere in the backyard, and you can’t drive away the children ... However, you will have to work hard on such a craft seriously.

As follows from the photo, a large tree can be turned into a hill, or vice versa, the structure can be designed in the form of tree trunks. The hint is simple: let your imagination run wild and make the best and most beautiful slide for your children.

Before us is an image of a homemade slide with a factory descent made of plastic. If you paint the house in bright colors, it will turn out very interesting.

Look at the photo and imagine an idyll: you are relaxing on a hanging swing, watching a charming mirror of a pond, the kids frolic on the slide under the supervision of adults. Perhaps you will like this story.

Do-it-yourself drawings of making slides from metal and wood

This material describes the design and dimensions of the slide itself, which is part of the children's complex, the construction of which is described in a separate article. You can use the provided drawings at your own discretion: either repeat only the slide, or build the entire town.

I will list the main materials needed to build the slide itself. Please note that during operation, part of the material may be damaged by mistake or cut not optimally, so the actual amount may turn out to be different:

  • timber 90x90x2350mm 4pcs;
  • board 45x90x3000mm 5pcs;
  • board 30x120x3000mm 10pcs;
  • plywood 1525x1525x16 2 sheets;
  • plywood 1525x1525x4 1 sheet;
  • timber 50x50x2000mm 18pcs;
  • sheet of galvanized metal 3 m long;
  • pipe 25x25mm 10m;
  • bolts with a diameter of 10mm for fastening the bars;
  • decorative and mortise nuts 1mm;
  • various self-tapping screws for plywood, boards and beams;
  • impregnation for wood;
  • weatherproof paint.

In practice, it is not always possible to provide materials exactly in cross section, thickness and length. This leads to changes in drawings and dimensions. I will name the main tool needed for the job:

  • electric drill;
  • drills for wood and metal;
  • jigsaw;
  • Bulgarian;
  • welding machine;
  • wood saw;
  • hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • brush;
  • shovel.

With the help of the given drawings, it is possible to manufacture parts and assemble them taking into account the range of available materials. Thus, the given dimensions should be considered as reference.

The top view allows you to estimate the dimensions of the building. In my case, it was convenient to place the ascent and descent on the same side. At the same time, the ladder and the slide can be placed on different sides and the size of the upper platform can be halved.

Installation of buildings for children on the site

Having decided on the size and design of the slide, you can proceed with its installation. You should start by choosing a place, based on the following principles:

  • next to the slide there should be no buildings and structures that can harm children during an outdoor game, especially at the base of the descent;
  • it is highly desirable to provide visual control by adults, that is, there is no need to build a slide in the backyards;
  • it is very correct if other objects for the entertainment of children are located next to the building;
  • children's slide should harmoniously fit into the landscape of the yard.

Installation begins with the installation of support bars and racks. Each of the supports has two galvanized plates with dimensions of about 200x90x3mm. They are mounted on opposite sides of the support with a bolt and self-tapping screws. The lower half of the plates is concreted.

The frame elements are fastened together with self-tapping screws and metal corners on the inside. On the vertical bars, cuts are made for reliable fastening of the horizontal strapping. The upper part of both supports of the ladder is cut at an angle for fastening to a horizontal harness.

This drawing describes the manufacture of the frame for the descent and the handrail for the slide. Welding areas should be cleaned. Metal structures must be coated with weatherproof paint for metal in two layers. I had the opportunity to use powder coating technology. The coating looks great and has no signs of corrosion after 7 years of operation.

The diagram shows the "pie" of the descent. It is based on a frame welded from a pipe with a section of 25x25mm. An additional frame made of 50x50mm timber is attached to it with self-tapping screws, to which it is convenient to attach plywood. The upper and lower platforms are made of 16mm thick plywood. The edges of these elements, in contact with the main surface of the descent, are rounded.

The middle part of the descent is made of three layers of plywood 4mm thick. Thin sheets are stacked sequentially with smooth bends and fastened to the beam with self-tapping screws. Joints of sheets in layers should not coincide. It is better to paint all wooden elements before installation.

A galvanized strip is laid on top. The sheet should be 50mm larger than the base on each side. We bend the edge of the galvanization by 90 degrees and fasten it with self-tapping screws to the frame of the timber.

This is what the finished descent looks like from below. Details made of wood and plywood are reliably protected from rain and sun.

The sketch shows the optimal cutting of one of the sheets of plywood with a size of 1525x1525x16 mm. Rectangular details of a light tone are designed to organize the upper and lower parts of the descent.

Three more details are cut out from the second sheet of plywood. When assembling the children's town, the entire sheet is used.

The step-by-step photo shows the assembly of the sides of the tray. The elongated parts are fastened with self-tapping screws to the timber frame of the descent. Then round elements are fixed to the sides.

Here we see the fastening of the side rails of the descent and the metal crossbar. Sidewalls are fixed to the sides of the tray with self-tapping screws. A short bar with a section of 50x50mm is installed between one of the side rails and the vertical post to prevent lateral rolling of plywood parts. The crossbar is fixed to the sidewalls with screws and special nuts that are recessed into the wood.