Dreams involving deceased relatives: reasons and interpretation. What does it mean if deceased relatives dream

Often, people, seeing dead relatives alive in a dream, are very frightened. They decide that relatives do not dream just like that, and the deceased in a dream portend troubles, losses and misfortunes.

But these are all prejudices. Such dreams are harbingers of both bad and good events. To accurately interpret a dream, you need to understand the details.

Deceased relatives in a dream why dream

Dreams with deceased relatives are difficult to interpret. To understand everything they see, people who dream of their deceased relatives alive need to remember what exactly the deceased did in a dream.

There is an opinionthat deceased relatives want to warn the living about what is coming in his life.

The graves of deceased relatives resemble in a dream that you need to monitor them. If you dream about the grave of a deceased relative, you need to remember what state it is in.

  • Fresh means trouble from enemies.
  • Unkempt indicates that deep longing awaits the person.

If you dreamed of deceased relatives with the living, this does not mean that insurmountable trouble will happen to the living. Most often, a close relationship existed between deceased and living relatives who dreamed in the same dream. This is how the deceased warn the dreamer that a black streak is threatening the living.

If you dreamed coffin with a loved one, then this means misfortune for the dreamer. In this case, it is important who dreamed about: grandmother, grandfather or parents.

  • If a father dreamed in a coffin, financial difficulties await the person.
  • If the grandmother dreamed, then the dreamer needs to reconsider the attitude towards his friends.
  • If a grandfather or mother is dreaming, then this means health problems.

If you often dream of the same deceased, you should worry about people close to you, or rather about their relationship to the dreamer.

So, parents or grandparents who came in a dream warn that some event is coming soon, a change in relation to people close to you.

Why do dead parents dream

Deceased relatives, especially parents, dream in different places, they do different things. The dream book interprets each dream in different ways, taking into account who the dreamer is the one who died.

Communication with mom - the strongest possible. Therefore, if a mother dreamed, it will affect later life.

  • If the mother is kind and happy in a dream, then the dreamer should be more attentive.
  • A woman who dreamed of her mother may become pregnant in the near future.
  • A quarrel with a deceased mother portends illness. So, parents or grandfather,
  • A dead father in a dream is a symbol of work. He can promise both good luck in business and failure.
  • A sick father foreshadows financial difficulties.
  • If dad is crying, the dreamer is expecting regret about the act or remorse.
  • If the deceased dreamed in a coffin, financial losses await the person.

Why do dead grandparents dream?

But often in a dream there are not only parents. Sometimes deceased relatives dream - grandparents.

  • If she hugs, then the sleeping person receives protection and patronage in his life.
  • Swearing means that the sleeper is doing wrong things and actions.
  • If the grandmother, brother and sister of the sleeping person are sitting at the same table together, this means several upcoming events in the dreamer's life at once.
  • The meaning of the dream in which she cries cannot be interpreted unambiguously. Most often this bodes well for family life.

The grandfather may dream, even if the sleeping person has never seen him before, or the grandfather died before meeting him. The dream book claims that the grandfather predicts what the career of the one who sees the dream will be like.

  • The dream interpretation interprets a dream with a grandfather who pity the sleeping person as the saddest for a career. This means that serious trials await the dreamer in the future, which only mind and luck will help to overcome.
  • The patient predicts minor financial difficulties.
  • If the grandfather is alive and well, then his career will flourish.
  • According to the dream book, a fighting and hostile grandfather indicates that a mistake was made that can no longer be corrected. All that remains is to regret her.

Why do dead relatives dream alive

As mentioned above, deceased relatives come to warn the living about future events. They are reflections of the very essence of man.

You should heed the warnings of every loved one who appeared in a dream, but if dead parents dream of living, you need to be especially careful. Since they have the closest relationship to the sleeper.

You should also take into account the relationship with the deceased before he died, because the deceased can also take the dreamer's energy if he talks to him for a long time.

  • Sleeping man's brother in any conversation, it takes energy away from a living, therefore, if before his death there was a good relationship with him, he will not speak.

An extremely hostile loved one is a reflection of the sleeper's fears. In order to avoid such nightmares, one should forget about the tragic loss.

If you dreamed that a relative died, what is it

In case a loved one dies in a dreamthat is, one should not consider it prophetic. This only indicates that a person is waiting for drastic changes in his life. This most often indicates a sharp change in the weather outside the window, but it can mean much more serious changes: in personal life, career, fate.

Thus, one should not be alarmed if deceased relatives are encountered in dreams. They only help to cope with problems and continue to live on.

Interpretations of what dead relatives dream of are both frightening and reassuring at the same time. If in a dream you are talking with a deceased relative, rest assured that this is not a harbinger of trouble, but rather a warning about something. Dream Interpretations recommend remembering the words of the deceased and recalling his actions, since these actions can serve as a clue for further actions.

Miller's dream book

Pay attention to the interpretation of the dream of dead relatives offered by Miller's dream book. This interpreter believes that each of the family members means something different. So compare:

  • hugging a deceased mother - means a sudden severe illness;
  • the deceased father asks for money - to financial problems;
  • dreamed that a recently deceased brother called - a loved one would need help;
  • to see that a dead sister is cutting a pie with a knife - to the arrival of unexpected guests;
  • communicate with a deceased grandmother or grandfather - get news from distant relatives.

Dialogue with the departed - prophetic dreams

Had a dream that you were talking to a living grandmother in a dream, but actually dead? Dreams of this kind most often foreshadow some important events. Try to remember what the living grandmother was talking about - her words can be prophetic. Especially if your grandmother asked you for something.

Another "prophet of night visions" is pastor David Loff. Interpreting why such visions are dreamed, he explains that talking with living in a dream, but really dead relatives is a sign that you are in a difficult situation and do not know what to do right. Seek advice from more experienced people, the pastor advises.

Cheerful dead relative - a sign of prosperity

Seeing that dead relatives come to you is not such a terrible symbol, dream books broadcast. The main thing is not to contact them physically, not to touch them. But observing from the outside is another matter. Especially if they are having fun - this portends prosperity and success.

If, for example, you dreamed of a deceased relative who dances and sings merrily, then this indicates an imminent invitation to visit, the interpreter of the White Magician believes. Did a relative come in a dream to bring you a gift? Expect good news from work.

Sad dreams of the dead: Joy and sorrow will alternate

Failures, troubles and grief await you, Longo's dream book clarifies why a dead relative lies in a coffin in a dream. Clarify: you saw that there was a child in the coffin, over whom all those present were crying - betrayals of loved ones await you. But the old man lying in the coffin foreshadows the successful completion of a difficult case, which, however, will take a lot of effort and money from you.

Hugging a crying deceased in a dream, meeting at the threshold of your own home is a messenger that you will be happy, but for a very short time, followed by a period of bad luck and failure. To hug him goodbye and cry with him - on the contrary, all troubles will end soon and the time of prosperity will come, says the interpreter of dreams Miss Hasse.

It is very important who exactly you saw in your dream. Parents, as a rule, portend favorable changes and joyful events in our life. Brothers and sisters are a sign that your life is going in the right direction and there are people nearby who can support and comfort you. Grandmothers and grandfathers symbolize that in the near future you have to make an important fateful decision. Try to remember, maybe they told you something? In their words, there may be a way to resolve this issue. Usually, such dreams serve as a kind of connection between the dreamer and his relatives. If something bad happened to a loved one in a dream, immediately inform him about it. To avoid problems, advise him to go to church and ask for absolution.

If in your dream there were relatives of a non-straight line, then the interpretation will be ambiguous. It is worth paying attention to what kind of relationship you really have. If you are constantly quarreling, such a dream is a clear signal that this person is actively exposing your personality in an unnecessary light, maybe even envying your success. In order to protect yourself from the negative energy of the ill-wisher, try to minimize your communication, if this is impossible during a conversation, try not to look him in the eye.

Why do dead relatives dream?

Do not be nervous if in a dream you saw a dead relative. This is by no means a signal of trouble or a portent of imminent death. Dream Interpretations interpret such a vision as a signal that you are doing something wrong in your life, close people suffer from your actions and words. Try to change your attitude towards others, and then you will notice a clear improvement in all areas of life.

Some interpreters say that seeing dead relatives means a quick disappointment in these people. Perhaps you will be deceived or betrayed. Also, such dreams are the forerunners of quick quarrels and scandals.

To mourn dead relatives means to cry in reality. These can be tears of bitterness and joy. Touching the dead - you will soon catch a cold or get injured. By the way, it is worth noting that these dreams are not valid if you had a dream in the morning and on Tuesday or Saturday night.

Also, the dead are a sure sign that the weather will change soon. More often it is a dream of heavy rains or snowfall. Don't be surprised if a hot day is suddenly disrupted by a storm.

As you can see, what relatives dream of has a different meaning and interpretation. Most often, such dreams foreshadow neutral events or warn of danger. These dreams should be taken seriously, without neglecting their meanings. Perhaps this will greatly help you and save you from problems. Sweet and good dreams to you!

Where do dreams come from, why are they so vivid, saturated, and the dreamer sometimes experiences such emotions in them that he may not experience in reality? Scientists still cannot find accurate and substantiated answers to these and many other questions.

But many people from time immemorial have explained dreams by nothing more than signs from above. Psychologists deny the mystical nature of dreams, considering them "pranks" of our subconscious.

It is believed that the dead appear in dreams for a change in weather. But there are many other interpretations of what the dead dream of alive. Many agree in one opinion - such dreams are warning.

Why such dreams?

Usually they leave a heavy residue, even if the dreamed person was close and loved.

If the dreamer is suspicious, the darkest thoughts may haunt him for a long time, and the interpretation of what he saw seems to him tragic.

Do not despair right away, and if you really want to decipher your dream, you need to remember its details, and then read the interpretation.

According to many, there is no need to be upset if the dreamer himself is the deceased. This promises a long life, which will also be happy and fulfilling.

Why does a person dream of departed people alive?

  • Pay attention to the mood of the deceased. If he is cheerful, take a closer look at the people around you - perhaps not all of them are as friendly as they want to appear. If the deceased is crying, beware of quarreling with someone;
  • To understand why the deceased had a dream, remember in what emotional state you yourself were. Fear, anxiety and other negative emotions speak of impending troubles, troubles;
  • As for the conversation with the deceased, there are two radically different opinions regarding its interpretation. One of them says that seeing people who have died alive in a dream and talking to them is a nuisance. Another opinion, on the contrary, says that this is for new pleasant acquaintances, changes for the better. The exact meaning depends on what mood you were and the deceased who appeared to you;
  • The calmness of the deceased means that your life will be happy, and prosperity, comfort, peace will reign in your home;
  • It is considered a bad sign if the deceased, who appeared alive in a dream, asked for something or, on the contrary, gave it. Nevertheless, many are inclined to believe that taking something from the deceased is for wealth.

You should be careful in reality if the deceased called with him, and even more so if the dreamer responded to this invitation.

They say that the deceased who has come to the house reminds that a person has a responsibility that he may have forgotten.

In almost all dream books, the interpretation of why the deceased can dream of living is said that he, most likely, simply reminds of himself, continues to protect even after his departure. It is believed that if he himself said that he was alive, there would soon be important news.

The deceased who rises from the coffin warns that soon you will have to meet guests from afar.

What will your relatives tell you about?

Often they are the people. They say that deceased relatives dream of being alive for a reason, and this is why this can happen.


She is believed to call for discretion. Perhaps mom wants to warn of the danger, to give a sign that one must not lose vigilance.

Here are other cases in which a living deceased mother can appear:

  • For the birth of a daughter;
  • Seeing her in your own home means well-being in the family. This promises a faithful and loving soul mate, happiness in family life, obedient children;
  • It is necessary to draw conclusions if you saw a quarrel with your mother. A scandal may indicate that in reality you will face troubles, problems in your family or at work, and possibly an accident. Be careful - your discretion can protect you from such misfortunes;
  • If you saw yourself talking to your mother, pay attention to your lifestyle, especially if you see such a dream often.


It is believed that the dream in which the deceased father appeared alive is auspicious. It says that you can consider yourself a responsible person, an accomplished person. In addition, your father tells you that there are reliable people in your environment who are ready to help and support at any time.

If your father comes to you in a dream every day or very often, listen to his words - most likely, he is trying to prevent trouble, give advice, urge caution.

Conversations with dad promise quick changes that will be joyful.

Grandmother grandfather

Seeing your grandmother in a dream, think if you made a mistake in the recent past. Usually she is alive to call for an analysis of her actions, and if the grandmother advised something, be sure to use her advice in real life.

Crying relatives in a dream often warn of family discord, and if you dreamed about your grandmother in this state, pay attention to whether everything is fine in your relationship with your soulmate, children.

If your grandmother gave money, you may expect a worsening of your financial situation.

The grandfather who came to life foreshadows new troubles, affairs that may be associated with difficulties. Most likely, you have a lot of work ahead of you, and in addition to your worries, you may have to solve other people's problems.

If your grandfather is cheerful in a dream, be prepared for trouble. When you see your grandparents in their own home, pay attention to your health.

Brother, sister

These close relatives say that someone needs your help, and you should not refuse it. A scuffle, a fight with a deceased brother who appeared alive, portends profit.

The deceased sister can warn of uncertainty, uncertainty.


Seeing them in a dream, many experience panic.

Nevertheless, if you dream of many coffins without the dead or with them, familiarize yourself with what such dreams may be for, and they do not always promise troubles and troubles.

  • Empty, they promise you good health and many years of life;
  • Seeing that your name is written on an empty coffin, think - maybe it's time to change your life, yourself;
  • If there are many of them and they are with the dead, wait for the end of any relationship or business. Such a dream can also mean an early marriage;
  • If the coffins are near the church, be careful - you may be in serious trouble;
  • Young people dream of many coffins with the deceased about a life in abundance, a happy family life. For family people, such a dream promises well-being. Elderly people should not be afraid of it either - it promises them news from distant relatives.

It is believed that pounding coffins is to wait for hard work with good pay, and their purchase portends wealth and family well-being.

Have you seen many coffins with the dead floating on the river? Expect huge profits.

Boarded up coffins say that you will finally be left alone by the past, which weighed down every day, and if you nail them up with your own hands, then you will do everything in your power to find peace.

If you have your own business, and you are likely to have things start to decline. Nevertheless, after seeing that they were buried, you can count on that very soon everything will work out.

What to do?

Such a question does not always arise for those to whom the deceased appeared in a dream. Usually, the question of what to do if the dead are dreaming is asked by those with whom this happens often or even daily.

When a deceased relative appears in a dream, it always confuses and raises a lot of questions on the topic of why such a plot is dreaming.

Many dream books say that the deceased is an unkind sign, but most often such a dream is just a warning.

If you carefully analyze what you saw, you can find many answers and safely solve a number of current problems. It is also possible that such a plot does not mean anything, except that you simply miss your deceased loved one too much and just cannot let him go.

Try to come to terms with the loss, and then, it is likely that you will be able to forget about frightening dreams.

Miller's dream book

If deceased relatives come to you in a dream, take a close look at the vision, as it is a warning.

Did you see your father during your night out? Think seriously about the dangers that a new case may pose. Weigh all the pros and cons of this event and decide what to do in case of an unsuccessful completion of the plan. Chances are good that the event will fail.

Communicating in a dream with a mother buried in reality is a health problem. Do not wait for the disease to loudly declare itself. Preventive medical examination and tests will help to identify the disease and start treatment in a timely manner, thereby increasing the chances of recovery.

To see a deceased brother is to help a loved one. If someone you know in reality is in dire need of support, provide it, and, you can be sure, good will return with interest.

If a friend or girlfriend is trying to give you advice in a dream, listen carefully. Perhaps this very advice will help in reality to avoid a fatal mistake and not harm yourself. It is especially worth taking a dream seriously if a friend or girlfriend took a promise from you.

To dream of deceased relatives who suddenly resurrected is a bad influence that those around you have on you. Take a closer look at your surroundings. If someone is overly active in trying to drag you into some kind of monetary venture, do not rush to get involved in it. There is a huge possibility of a disastrous end of the case and even complete bankruptcy.

If a deceased relative rebelled in a coffin, do not count on the help of friends in a difficult situation. It won't be there.

Dream interpretation of Wangi

If a deceased relative is dreaming, you will soon have to face injustice in real life. If there were many dead, then the family or close acquaintances will fall ill or fall into a serious disaster. To avoid the fatal consequences of a dream, you should try to prevent trouble.

Hugging a deceased relative or friend in a dream is a sign of change. Change can be both positive and negative. In any case, do not despair. A difficult time passes, giving way to new joyful events. Only calmness and confidence in a bright future will help to survive all adversity with dignity. The dream book recommends maintaining composure and being optimistic in any, even seemingly hopeless, situation.

You dream that a deceased relative is dying. Such a vision is a harbinger of the cunning of the closest friends. The people you have trusted have been intriguing behind your back for a long time.

Do not be so gullible, otherwise you will have to pay dearly for your good attitude towards people. Perhaps it is your relatives who are making clever plans to trick you. In this case, the dream book advises not to trust anyone and not to be deceived.

Dream interpretation of Nostradamus

Kissing a deceased relative in a dream - to the loss of your fears. All the fears and doubts that tormented and made you suffer earlier, you will be able to win. It will become much easier to live without fears.

If you dreamed of a long-dead relative calling to follow you, you should not do this.

If you go after the deceased in a dream, then in reality you can soon become seriously ill or plunge into the most real prolonged depression.

If deceased relatives dreamed of being alive, then they have no peace in the next world.

In order for the souls of deceased relatives to find peace, it is necessary to visit the church and light a candle for their repose. You can also arrange a small commemoration in a narrow circle. Hearing the voice of the deceased - such a dream can speak to illness in real life.

Freud's dream book

See deceased relatives: you will have a long and joyful life filled with all sorts of events and accomplishments. Freud also urges to listen very carefully to all that the dead will say in a dream. Their words, as this interpreter says, are of great importance. Much of what deceased relatives say comes true.

Dream interpretation Hasse

If in a dream you regularly see deceased close relatives, then do not hesitate, they warn of danger. You should not accept a gift from a deceased relative or give something to him yourself: you will lose some of your vital energy and receive in return powerlessness and despondency. Try not to touch things belonging to the deceased at all.

A few more interpretations of what deceased relatives dream of

If in a dream you dreamed of a deceased grandmother, then get ready in reality to take part in solving serious issues. Try to remember if your grandmother said anything to you in a dream? If so, pay attention to what she said. They can help solve problems. A happy and joyful grandmother promises a successful completion of business.

In dream books, you can also find an explanation of why a deceased relative cries in a dream. A crying dead man warns of conflicts that will soon arise between you and your loved ones. Try not to exacerbate an already difficult relationship with your family. Try to find out all the omissions right away, otherwise the quarrel may develop into a serious discord between family members.

If in a dream a deceased relative gives money, then in real life try to be as economical as possible. Frivolity in money matters may well turn into a big money crash. The dream book advises at the moment not to chase big profits, but to invest only in reliable projects.

In dream books you can also find an interpretation of what a conversation with a deceased relative is about. This dream suggests that in real life someone is looking for you, and for quite some time. Perhaps this is an old friend, with whom time divorced many years ago.

Lee Hadwin, a famous English painter who paints in a dream, is sure that through dreams a person receives information from other dimensions and civilizations. Astrologers, many researchers and scientists adhere to the same point of view.