Quatrefoil in heraldry meaning. Four-leaf clover: photo. What does four leaf clover mean?

However, you can even try to tame luck, or at least learn to lure it into your life from time to time. It is known that more often than not those who know where and at what time should be lucky - that is, enterprising and quick-witted people. But sometimes even intelligence and discernment are not enough to attract fortune.

Fortunately, back in the old days, people decided not to rely entirely on chance and learned how to create real talismans of luck from ordinary objects that guaranteed success and insured against misfortunes. For a person, anything can become a talisman, for example, a ring given by a dear person; an ordinary pebble found on the street on a special day; a souvenir bought in a store at a memorable moment ... All these are personal talismans, but there are also universal talismans. In a huge variety of objects that are universally recognized as bringing good luck, each person will be able to choose what he likes and inspires confidence in him. Consider the most a popular and effective mascot is a four leaf clover.

This is an unpretentious plant, found literally everywhere: in a field, in a forest, by the road ... An ordinary clover leaf consists of three plates. This is a divine triad: body, soul and spirit. However, in each meadow, surrounded by a thousand of its three-leafed brothers and shyly hiding in their shadow, an unusual, unique clover - four-leafed - grows. He has powerful power, and is ready to give it to the lucky one who is lucky to find him.

There is a beautiful legend that Clover with four leaves took Eve with her in memory of the beautiful Eden when an angry God drove her and Adam to the sinful Earth. Each leaf in such a plant has its own meaning: 1 - hope, 2 - faith, 3 - love, 4 - luck. The talisman gains full strength with the full moon.

All over the world, people have long believed that four-leaf clover attracts luck. The ancient Egyptians depicted this plant on the mirrors - to protect a person from dark entities hiding on the other side of the mirror surface. In India, in ancient times, the plant was painted literally everywhere: on clothes, household items, tools. Hindus also believed that this amazing plant guarantees reliable protection.

Clover was also popular among the American Indians - especially among hunters. No less respectful of the four-leaf clover were the Slavs: our ancestors collected its leaves, dried them and wrapped in a handkerchief, always carried with them. It was believed that such a talisman would bring its owner love, health, beauty and protect it from various adversities. So if you find a clover with four leaves, be sure to pick it and bring it home.

How to use a four leaf clover

Further use of this miraculous plant may be different: it all depends on what kind of help you now need.

  • If you urgently need to improve your financial situation and luck at work, put the clover in your wallet.
  • If you want to get rid of dreary thoughts and feeling sick - wrap the leaf in a natural blue fabric and always carry it with you, closer to your body.
  • If you want true love to come into your life - before each exit from the house, put a leaf of clover with four plates right in your shoes. If you do this regularly, then soon you will be lucky and you will meet your soulmate.
  • If you already have a pair, and together you find a four-leaf clover - eat the plant, dividing it equally.
  • If you want to protect your house from envious neighbors and intrigues of evil spirits, then leave a leaf in the hallway.

Finding a four-leaf clover is considered a great success, which will launch a chain of favorable events in the life of a lucky finder. However, finding this plant is the same as winning the lottery. In the folk tradition, it is believed that in this case all sorts of benefits will be strewed onto a person like from a cornucopia - love, money, success, recognition, happiness ... The main thing is to save the plant and always carry it with you.

However, not every person smiles at least once in their life luck to find a clover with four leaves, and even more so - with five or six. And all because this plant is extremely rare in this form: for several thousand ordinary three-leafed clovers, there is only one multi-leafed. In this case, do not be discouraged - this plant can easily be found in souvenir shops and jewelry stores in the form of numerous figures, pendants, earrings and rings. Even hand-drawn, this symbol has a protective power and bears the seal of power.

“He laid down a six-leaf four-leaf clover with a six. All four petals - this means - disappear, longing! Heat comes to the meadows: happiness is near, on the way. ”

Clover meadows, a paradise for bees with an abundance of fragrant, beautiful inflorescences, have magical powers. Mysticism is hidden in the petals of a plant, or rather, in their quantity. The ordinary clover leaf symbolizes the triple aspect of the body, soul and consciousness - the divine triad. But there is a rare, four-leaf clover, a symbol of great luck, endowed with powerful power.

The most powerful are the possibilities of the four-leaf on the night of the full moon, the days of the equinox and solstice. And especially - on the night of Ivan Kupala (from July 6 to July 7).

In Ireland, on St. Patrick's Day (the holiday falls on the date - March 17), it was necessary to find a mystical four-leafed leaf. The Irish believed that on this holiday his strength was doubled.

The power of magic grass

Why did the four-leaf clover become a sacred flower? Maybe it’s all Eva’s fault, who captured the four-leafed leaf from Eden, so that he would remind her of Paradise when the angry God drove her and Adam to Earth.

It is such a belief that has existed for several millennia. Clover grew in paradise forests, so its appearance in the garden means a lucky sign for the owner. Especially if a four-leaf specimen is found.

Each leaf in such a plant has its own meaning:

  • The first petal for faith and glory. Sign of Fire.
  • The second is a symbol of wealth and good luck. Water Release.
  • The third means eternal love, hope and happiness. This is Air.
  • The fourth sheet carries health and peace of mind. Belongs to the Earth.

This unique plant has always been of great interest to people of different countries, religions and beliefs. And everywhere the meaning of clover carried a special, sacred meaning.

How to use a lucky charm

If luck is near you, it will certainly lead you to this very rare plant. After all, the four-leafed leaf occurs every 10,000 plants. Gently and carefully pick such a clover for good luck and bring it home.

You can use it in different ways:

  • Put a sheet in the shoes before leaving the house - you will come true feelings and true love in the near future.
  • Keep the four-leaf flower with you at all times (wallet is the ideal place). This is a true talisman for the attraction of money and good luck.
  • Wrap the leaf with a blue cloth and wear it closer to the body. Such a symbol will help get rid of depression, sad thoughts and longing.
  • To protect the house, place a clover leaf under the glass and hang a collage in your hallway opposite the front door. The talisman will become a reliable amulet against damage, discord and envy of ill-wishers.
  • And if a couple of lovers eat a four-leaf flower, they will be provided with long, harmonious relationships.

To create a powerful amulet of four-leaf clover, you need to tear it off in the early morning and climb the nearest hill or any other hill. When the star will rise, throw one petal first in the direction of the north, then south, west and east. In this whisper, call upon yourself the power of the four elements to protect and fulfill all desires.

After the end of the ritual, tear off a piece of ordinary clover (preferably white) and leave it to yourself as a connecting symbol between you and the four elements.

Clover goes to the rescue

If you did not succeed in finding the treasured talisman, do not be sad. Clover and so a mystical plant, it will help you anyway.

  • White flowers can protect you from the evil eye and damage. To do this, make any beautiful composition of white clover and hang it above the front door. You can also spread the grass in the rooms.
  • Red flowers have a monetary value. Such a plant is used in love magic. To improve your well-being, take a bath with red clover petals. To make love, add dried petals to your food.

Well, if your area is completely devoid of meadow vegetation - do not despair. Such a talisman can be found in numerous souvenirs, pendants and jewelry with the image of a four-lobed clover. Even a hand-drawn symbol has a protective value and carries a sign of power.

Do-it-yourself money mascot (video):

  and gardens, it turns out, is not so simple. The flower has a very interesting ancient history, which you now have to meet.

Mystery of the Trinity

Traditionally, a clover leaf consists of three half-petals. And only very rarely come across with four halves. Perhaps that is why the meaning of the four-leaf clover from ancient times had a certain magical connotation. It’s the same as the three- or five-petal lilac flowers. Clover - a symbol of Ireland. According to legends, the national hero of this country, St. Patrick, with the help of such a leaflet was able to explain the mystery to the pagan Irish After all, one leaflet meant God the Father, the second - God the Son, and the third - the Holy Spirit. After such a visual sermon, many unbelievers and astray people were baptized and came to Jesus. And what is the significance of four-leaf clover, you ask. Wait, everything has its time. Since then, in areas where grass is not specially sown, but it grows by itself and comes across not often, it is considered a great joy to find this plant. Indeed, thanks to St. Patrick, each petal on a leaf began to denote an important concept for any person. The first was equated with faith, the second with hope, the third with love. That is, such a find marked a happy change in personal and family life, the elimination of problems and much more. And now the meaning of the four leaf clover. If someone managed to find one - positive emotions knew no bounds. After all, the fourth petal symbolized the capricious luck, which now itself went into the hands and promised its master countless earthly blessings. As for Christianity, the four-fingered leaf is associated with the cross, and the petal itself is associated with God's grace. So, even by religious standards, the significance of four-leaf clover is the brightest, kind, joyful.

Symbols of prosperity and good luck

Horseshoe, rainbow, rabbit foot, bells ... Is not it, familiar attributes. Can I add a clover branch to them? Well, of course! After all, they are nothing but the ancients of different nations: Irish and Scots, Slavs, North American Indians, English, etc. Let us dwell on clover. Where did the unusual specimens with a pair of petals come from? According to biblical legends, they came from a single bush with four-fingered leaves, which Eve took with her, leaving the blessed Eden. She brought this symbol of holiness to the sinful earth as a memory of the most carefree and beautiful time of human life. The four-leaf clover had a very special meaning in the beliefs of the ancient Celts. The drawing of the plant branch on the door of the house was supposed to protect its inhabitants from evil spirits and demons of the night. Going out of the house and knowing that they would have to meet the dark time of the day somewhere on the road, in the forest or field, people always put bundles of grass in their pockets. And if among the ordinary came across a twig of four petals, the traveler was completely calm for himself. Moreover, the mystical talisman meant that sudden wealth, big profits and much more would come to a person. And the Slavs believed that a flower on Ivan Kupala has a particularly powerful magical effect. Is it prejudice? Who knows ... But even today, having found such a branch, people are happy to make wishes and are confident in their unconditional fulfillment. Jewelry with a talisman has also been very popular for a long time: pendants, earrings in the form of a clover leaf, household items and a cult with such a

Traditions from ancient days to ours

According to biblical canons, a leaf of clover usual in a person embodies the unity of an exalted soul, inner spirit and mortal body. Tibetan lamas put a similar value in it. The plant also had a religious connotation in the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians. The four-leafed Hindus checked the cardinal points. Druids called clover a flower. In China, according to the natural calendar, summer came with its flowering. Many European nations have a tradition of sowing clover seeds on graves. Therefore, it is also a symbol of farewell to the dead, a symbol of memory of them.

There is a belief that if you find a four-leaf clover, you will find happiness and luck in everything. You just need to find it by chance, only then it will bring good luck. Do you believe this superstition, and is it even possible to find such a clover?

What does clover symbolize

It turns out that a four-leaf clover still exists. But finding him is not so simple. Scientists have found that such an unusual clover occurs 1 time out of 10 thousand ordinary three-leafed clovers.

According to legend, a person who found this plant gained happiness and protection from dark forces. Each petal of this plant has its own meaning. The first leaf is a symbol of faith, the second is a symbol of hope, the third is a symbol of love, and the fourth, the most important, symbolizes luck and happiness.

For the first time, the legend of the four-leaf clover arose among the druids. For them, clover symbolized the source of the universe. His leaflets were associated with four elements: air, fire, water and earth. Finding such a clover, according to legend, received the patronage of all four natural elements.

Now in the magic of attracting good luck, not only four-leaf clover is used, but also three-leafed. This plant is considered a patron of diseases, adversities and sorrows. It is used in rituals and conspiracies.

The image of clover is actively used in the manufacture of talismans and amulets. In money magic, the image of clover is used in rituals to attract money. It is believed that if you keep a mascot with an image of clover in your wallet, you can attract wealth to yourself.

In magic, the clover flower itself is used. Dried flowers of this plant are cut off from spoilage and the evil eye, and also give peace of mind.

Who found the four leaf clover

Despite the fact that finding a magic clover is not an easy task, history still knows of cases when people found it. Moreover, facts are known when people found clover with more than four leaves. For example, in 2002, the Japanese Shiego Obara found clover with 18 leaves in his garden.

The world record for finding this rare plant belongs to the American prisoner George Kaminsky. For 25 years in prison, he was able to collect 73 thousand four-leaf clovers. So with the fact that this plant is rare, you can still argue. Despite the number of plants found, Kaminsky admitted that he was not particularly lucky in life. Perhaps the fact is that he did not correctly use the power of this magical clover?

If you find a clover with four leaves, do not tear it, do not disrespect nature. Just make a wish, and then luck will not leave you. Good luck and don’t forget to click on the buttons and

Four-leaf clover is a symbol of incredible luck and luck in everything. It is believed that a person who accidentally finds a four-leaf clover will be happy, lucky and rich.

The history of this popular amulet began at the dawn of civilization. It is said that Eve took a four-leaf clover for her memory when she was expelled from the Garden of Eden by an enraged God.

Since then, the four-leaf clover has always been a faithful companion of man and was considered not only a powerful protective talisman, but also an amulet that brings good luck, hope, faith and love, as well as.

Since clover grew in paradise forests, its appearance in the garden means a lucky sign for the owner. Especially if a four-leaf specimen is found.

Each leaf in such a plant has its own meaning:

  • The first petal for faith and glory. Sign of Fire.
  • The second is a symbol of wealth and good luck. Water Release.
  • The third means eternal love, hope and happiness. This is Air.
  • The fourth sheet carries health and peace of mind. Belongs to the Earth.

Since the days of our ancestors, there are many beliefs about this four petal plant. The main ones have passed through the centuries and are successfully working today:

The ancient Slavs believed that the four-leaf clover possesses special strength if it was found at the right time: clear moonlit nights, which were accompanied by an annual solstice, gave this plant special power and strength.

However, true connoisseurs of magical arts went in search of a four-leaf clover on one strictly defined night, namely, Ivan Kupala.

Our ancestors did not ignore the usual three-leafed clover: they carefully collected and dried it, then to carry it in a small bag with them as a reliable talisman from the evil eye and any unkind influence.

The girls willingly used the magic power of this plant: in the morning it was required to collect a little dew from the leaves of this plant and put three branches in the same container. In the evening, you should wash your face with this water, so that beauty and youth remain with the girl for a long time.

If people wanted to bind themselves forever with strong bonds and eternal love, then for this it was only necessary to eat each half of the lucky four-leaf clover found.

If luck is near you, it will certainly lead you to this very rare plant. After all, the four-leafed leaf occurs every 10,000 plants. Gently and carefully pick such a clover for good luck and bring it home.

How to use a four leaf clover

Put a sheet in the shoes before leaving the house - you will come true feelings and true love in the near future.

Keep the four-leaf flower with you at all times (wallet is the ideal place). It is true and good luck.

Wrap the leaf with a blue cloth and wear it closer to the body. Such a symbol will help get rid of depression, sad thoughts and longing.

To protect the house, place a clover leaf under the glass and hang a collage in your hallway opposite the front door. The talisman will become a reliable amulet against damage, discord and envy of ill-wishers.

And if a couple of lovers eat a four-leaf flower, they will be provided with long, harmonious relationships.

How to make an amulet of four leaf clover

To create a powerful amulet of four-leaf clover, you need to tear it off in the early morning and climb the nearest hill or any other hill.

When the sun rises, throw one petal first towards the north, then south, west and east. In this whisper, call upon yourself the power of the four elements to protect and fulfill all desires.

After the end of the ritual, tear off a piece of ordinary clover (preferably white) and leave it to yourself as a connecting symbol between you and the four elements.

Many unravel the meaning of four-leaf clover - a symbol of good luck and wealth:

  • the first leaflet means hope;
  • the second is faith;
  • the third, accordingly, contains love;
  • and the fourth symbolizes great fortune and wealth.

In our online store you can buy talismans.