When the leaves of hazel blossom in what month. The first flowering of apple trees

DUBEN. May 31 - 11 grass


N  and Russia said: "The last oak leaf will unfold - the Earth will begin to give birth." They also judged about the future harvest by oak: “If the crown with the edge is on the oak, you will measure oats with a tub”. This meant that if by this day the oak tree unfolds leaves, then the spring crop will be good. ” If suddenly the green leaves began to fall from the oak, this was a bad omen and portended a hungry year.

L  the truth of the oak blossoms a little later than that of other tree and shrub species - in the Moscow Region, for example, the oak blossoms from mid-May to mid-June.

AT  In general, our ancestors revered the oak especially. This tree was considered a symbol of power, strength, glory of lasting faith. They even said that it was on an oak tree (and by no means on an apple tree) that juvenile apples grow. Wedding ceremonies were often performed under the oak: the young had to hold hands and walk around the tree three times. Such a union was held together forever.

D  The oak timber is unusually strong and strong, therefore it has always been in demand. However, chopping an oak tree was considered a bit of a sin. This is partly why the mighty tree was always felled together - to share the severity of the act at all. At the same time, cutting was accompanied by various purification rites.

R  those who were born on this day are firmly connected with the oak, and if during their life they at least occasionally come to this tree and sit under it, they are destined to have a long life.



Oak is one of the most energetically strong trees in central Russia. Oak in Russia has always been considered a holy tree associated with masculine energy and power. Oak carries the energy of the planet Jupiter into our world and is directly related to the zodiac sign of Sagittarius. These energies determine world processes, the fates of people and nations, and allow people to control their own destiny. The energy of this tree has a power that can "raise the dead". If a person manages to establish contact with an oak tree, this tree will be able to give him powers that will not only extend his life, but also have a beneficial effect on the fate of his children and grandchildren, up to the fifth generation.

You should never break or chop an oak tree for fun!

Oak is one of the few trees that can transmit information over vast distances. And if you crippled an oak in Moscow, you will not get support from other oaks anywhere. Oaks are single-handed, they have energy connections only with trees of their own species, regardless of the distance between them. This allows them to calmly grow alone, without losing their strength. Oak loves energetic people. His masculine energy for women is not very shown, as it can give fullness and excessive self-sufficiency, which will interfere with a meeting with the opposite sex. It is useful for women born in the sign of Sagittarius to stand under the oak tree on their birthday and mentally discuss their life plans with it. Such a meeting can help the quickest implementation of what was conceived.

Oak activity period: in the morning it is not very active, it mainly serves its needs, sleeps from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., eagerly starts to communicate from 6 p.m., but a real surge of strength comes after 9 p.m. Falls asleep at 3 in the morning and sleeps until noon. Oak stabilizes the energy of the human body, cleanses the biofield (especially the upper chakras), fills it with powerful, even, fiery power. The strength of the oak is akin to the energy of the liver. It helps to increase activity, eliminates stagnation. Especially safely, the energy of the oak affects the liver itself, the cardiovascular system and urinary tract, increases the activity of germ cells (sperm and egg cells). Promotes the birth of healthy and strong children. Energy treatment of oak in a living tree is carried out in nature and involves being under the tree for 20-30 minutes, the first 5 minutes Face the tree to establish contact, the remaining time - his back to the oak.

Usually, in the old days, the walls of a wooden house were made oak, the floors and floors were oak. This contributed to the best protection of the person from the effects of negative energy from the outside and made it possible to restore the spent energy in the shortest possible time, since the oak easily transfers energy to the person in contact with it. Oak wood is little susceptible to decay, because stores huge reserves of light energy, which gives away for centuries.


Bark and young oak branches (contain 10-20% tannins, 1.6% gallic and ellagic acids, 14% pentosans, 6% pectins, flavonoids; starch, mucus, protein substances, sugars, flobafen and other substances) them in the spring, during the period of sap flow. Dried under a canopy, the shelf life of the product is 5 years. Use as a strong astringent and strengthens blood vessels. With increasing age of the tree, the content of tannins in its bark decreases. Decoctions of oak bark (pour 1 tablespoon of raw materials with 1 glass of water, boil for 1 minute, drain) are used for excessive sweating (can be used instead of antiperspirant, a weaker decoction of oak bark is used to wipe under the armpits: based on 10 g of bark per 200 ml of water ), for treating burns, for treating purulent wounds, for frostbite, for washing hemorrhoidal bleeding nodes, for strengthening gums and eliminating bad breath, helps with inflammatory processes on the oral mucosa, strengthens loose bleeding gums.

Lotions of decoction of oak bark, St. John's wort and mint (components are taken in equal proportions, pour 2 tbsp.spoons of the mixture with half a glass of boiling water, heat in a water bath for 30 minutes, cool, strain) soothe the itching and relieve swelling caused by insect bites.

Baths made of oak bark (1 kg per bathroom) have an antipyretic effect, promote healing of wounds, they treat skin damaged by frost, expansion of veins and scrofula.

With internal use (dilute the broth 1:10) it helps with poisoning by mushrooms and salts of heavy metals (as an antidote), with rickets, diarrhea, scurvy, internal bleeding.

Decoction and infusion of oak bark in large quantities causes vomiting. Do not prescribe children inside.


Quercetin, tannins and pentosans were found in the leaves. For medicinal purposes, leaves collected before May 15 are used. Young twigs with leaves are dried under a canopy, suspended in small bundles. Leaves are stored for about 1 year. For external use, they promote the rapid scarring of ulcers, wounds, cuts. Infusion of leaves (1 teaspoon of raw materials pour 2 tbsp. Boiling water, leave for 2 hours in a warm place, take no more than? Cup at a time) drink with bedwetting.


Acorns ripen in the year of flowering or the next year. They are harvested during ripening under a tree. They are dried in attics or under a canopy with good ventilation, spreading in one layer on paper and periodically mixing. Dried out usually in the ovens. Then cleaned from the shell and seed peel. Archaeologists believe that the first bread was baked from oak acorns, and not from cereals. Acorns are considered more nutritious than all seeds, so they could well be compared with cereals. They have quercetin - a toxic substance that is completely harmless to animals. When soaked or roasted, quercetin is washed or destroyed, and the acorns become edible to humans. Acorns are fried until light reddening (do not burn until black!), Pounded, brewed as coffee, add milk, sugar (preferably honey) if desired. Confectionery is still baked from acorn flour.

Interestingly, for some North American Indians, the common acorn served as a staple food. To get rid of 7% of tannin, which gives bitterness to acorns, they boiled acorns in boiling water. They prepared flour from dried acorns, from which they baked their main food, acorn cakes, all year long. The indigenous inhabitants of California were called "acorns."

The healing properties of acorns.

  • possess astringent, enveloping, bactericidal, antitumor properties
  • help with gum disease and toothache
  • stop bleeding, including stop heavy periods
  • help with hemoptysis and lung and chest ulcers
  • strengthen and wash the stomach
  • eliminate bladder weakness, as well as drop-out urine
  • enhance sexual potency
  • useful in various poisonings
  • used as a cosmetic for hair coloring

Slowly digested. Raw acorns are bad for the bladder.


In late summer, spherical growths - galls - sometimes caused by insects (nut-making), sometimes appear on oak leaves. Walnuts lay eggs in leaf tissue, and their larvae develop in pathologically overgrown leaf tissue, forming a gall ("nut") specific to each species. On oak leaves, rounded green galls are common, adhering to the underside of the leaf, resembling hazelnuts (“ink nuts”). They are collected, brewed and drunk like tea in the bite with lump sugar or honey. Topically applied in the form of lotions of broth (1 tbsp of raw materials per 1 liter of water, brew with boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, insist, strain). The most useful are green and unripe galls.

The healing properties of galls of oak leaves:

  • possess astringent properties - in a mixture with vinegar help with tooth and ear pain
  • promote hair growth (drinking and bathing)
  • help with cracked lips (drinking and bathing)
  • good remedy for pulmonary tuberculosis
  • contribute to the healing of scalded and burned areas of the body
  • cure eye ulcers (drinking and bathing)
  • strengthen abdominal organs, stop diarrhea and bleeding
  • dry uterine discharge
  • treat various skin diseases: lichen, erysipelas (infusion in vinegar), eczema, cracks in the arms and legs, wet ulcers (decoction)
  • help with various bleeding: from the uterus, stomach, wounds
  • treat prolapse of the anus (drinking broth)

Gauls are harmful to the bladder, a single dose - no more than 3 g.

Blossoming of apple trees is observed in spring - in May-June, depending on the climate of each particular region. Favorable temperature for flowering - + 15-22 ° С. The cooler, the longer the color pleases the eye.

The apple tree is the most common deciduous fruit tree of the multicolored family. This genus includes about 36 species, but a little more than 10 species are widespread in Russia and in the neighboring countries. Cultivars were bred from low, forest, berry and Chinese apple trees.

When color appears on apple trees

It's no secret that apple trees bloom in spring, but in each region this happens at different times. In southern and temperate regions, tree crowns are covered with snow-white fragrant flowers in early to mid-May. In areas in which a temperate climate is replaced by a cold temperate, the flowering time is shifted to the end of May-beginning of June. Much depends on weather conditions: whether it was early spring or late. A favorable period for flowering is the time when the air temperature warms up to + 15-22 ° C, and this process continues from 6 to 18 days, and the cooler, the more the color pleases the eye. A healthy tree gives color 9-10 years after planting, but the first color is negligible, as a rule, as a result, only 2-3 fruits can be enjoyed. Regular preventive pruning of trees will help to wait for good fruiting; in spring and autumn, trees need to be dug in order for the root system to gain strength. Once a month, the crown needs to be thinned out and do not forget to whitewash the trunk. The flowering of the apple tree is influenced by many factors, in particular, the close proximity of lilacs for obvious reasons is undesirable.

Types of decorative apple trees

  Many decorative species of apple trees are grown precisely for their unusual and beautiful flowering. The Chinese were especially successful in this, who, as you know, from ancient times cared about bringing their soul in harmony with the outside world, filling it with peace and wisdom, besides this is not only an aesthetic pleasure: from one hectare of decorative apple trees you can collect up to 30 kg of honey. The Sargent variety has the appearance of a bush strewn with snow-white flowers, and the branches of weeping and umbrella apple trees hanging to the ground can be used as a gazebo that can hide from the midday heat. When the apple trees of Toringo and Siebold are covered with color, the pink color of their inflorescences gradually turns white.


Spraying apple trees in spring

For example, we can protect the apple tree from aphids, which form nodules on the tree bark, which later crack and turn into ulcers. Moreover, if you do not stop the aphid in time, which in addition to the apple tree also affects plums, pears, cherry plums and apricots, then the leaves of the trees will begin to curl, and then fall off.

The apple tree, as well as other fruit trees, needs several treatments in a variety of ways during the year, but in this article we will mainly touch on the spring processing of the apple tree

Spraying apple trees in spring

For the first time, an apple tree should be sprayed in the spring before buds open. The purpose of this event is a warning against fungal diseases, as well as the extermination of harmful insects that managed to successfully winter in the garden.

But in general, during the spring period, this procedure must be carried out three times: before the buds open, during and after flowering.

How to process an apple tree in spring?

Means for processing must be selected depending on the type of pests.

The most popular of them are:

  1. Urea. The greatest effect can be obtained when treating wood with this tool immediately after waking up. Urea is capable of excellently burning insects even if they are still in the cocoon. But in addition to the fact that urea is able to exterminate harmful larvae, eggs and caterpillars, it also activates vegetative processes. Since urea is still an excellent tool for saturating plants with nitrogen, it can be used several times during the year to nourish garden trees.
  2. Copper sulfate or Bordeaux liquid. An apple tree is sprayed with one of these products approximately two weeks after flowering. Effective against ticks, moths and other pests. It is a prophylactic against scab, moniliosis, anthracnose, etc.
  3. inkstone. Acts almost the same as the previous one. However, for the apple tree, this tool is used not only for preventive purposes against insects and diseases, but also as a nourishing agent, such a trace element very important for it as iron. With a deficiency of this substance, the growth of the apple tree worsens, as well as the quantity and quality of the future crop.

In addition to the above substances, you can spray the apple tree with various liquids. At the moment, in specialized stores there is a wide range of combined mixtures to combat many pests and diseases, including substances that are beneficial to the apple tree.

Spray technology

For processing, you will need: a special liquid (fungicide dissolved in water), a pump (processing apparatus) and protective equipment (gloves, mask, glasses).

The easiest way to do this is to work on colon-shaped apple trees. That is, all you need to do is to go around the plant and spray fungicide on all surfaces. There is no need to get to an uncomfortable growing branch to climb stairs, get out.

In cases with a young apple tree, this procedure will be a little more difficult. Namely, you will need to spray the solution over the entire surface of the tree, starting from the stem and ending with the top. In this case, you must try not to miss more than one branch.

Young growth must be sprayed very carefully, since a concentrated solution can cause chemical burns in the thin bark and fragile shoots. Therefore, before proceeding with this procedure, it is recommended to conduct a small experiment, which can be done as follows:

  1. Choose any of the plants;
  2. On one of the branches we apply a mixture;
  3. We are waiting for 2-3 days;

In the event that during this period you do not find signs of burns on the plant, then the liquid can be sprayed throughout the garden. By the way, as an experiment, it is best to choose a young plant, since in cases with an old apple tree, the final result can be one of two: a damaged branch, which, due to age, cannot be restored; the chemical composition will not be able to do much harm to the thick bark of the tree, but after a few days (when the garden is completely treated), this composition will eat young plants.

Processing during the growing season

Before flowering  the apple tree is sprayed in order to fight against fungal diseases, as well as the extermination of beetles surviving after wintering. However, many insects wait for cold in the soil, and appear on the plot in the flowering period.

During flowering  the apple tree is sprayed in order to combat tinker, mites, aphids and leaflets. For these purposes, you can use Bordeaux liquid, copper or iron sulfate, as well as substitutes for these fungicides - colloidal sulfur, etc.

Against Codling Moth  the apple tree is sprayed a little later, after setting buds or falling petals.

After flowering  It is recommended to spray the apple tree no earlier than two weeks after the petals fall. In the event that signs of scab or clay diseases are found on the tree, a little more copper chloride must be added to the liquid.


Is it necessary to pick flowers from an apple tree in the first year of flowering? | Country Design - Fresh Ideas from Around the World

Experienced gardeners know that the first flowers of young seedlings of fruit crops, as well as vaccinations must be cut off. Of course, sometimes it’s so hard to force yourself to tear such beautiful flowers. Yes, and the harvest of the first year in this case will not work. Why is it necessary to pick primroses from fruit trees? Let's figure it out ...

our story

My husband and I planted a young apple tree last year. They took a bush from a good friend gardener. Variety Melba. It blooms very beautifully and has excellent harvests. So, we planted a seedling, and began to wait for the tree to give the first flowers.

The first year, of course, the tree did not bloom, took root, developed, and gained strength. And last spring, we were pleased with three buds! It is worth noting that we already planted a fairly large seedling, so the tree almost immediately began to bloom.

We did not yet know that the first flowers on the apple tree must be cut off. It’s good that the neighbor suggested. We have a quick-growing variety, so the aspiration of a tree to bloom as soon as possible, an experienced gardener explained precisely from these positions. And they need to be cut off also for the reason that they still will not tie up and fall off, only a lot of forces will be taken from the tree.

Therefore, to avoid excessive depletion of the internal nutrient reserves of the young tree, you need to pick all the flowers. In addition, it is important to know that the flowering in the first year of a seedling sharply slows down the growth of the root system, and the development of the tree itself will slow down. Ideally, you need to pluck the buds before they open, in the bud.

Tear without pity

Of course it was a pity to pick flowers, but we realized that the benefits of such an execution would be greater than if we allowed ourselves to admire the beautiful flowers of our apple tree. By the way, it is best not to rip off the flower buds that have begun, but cut them off with a sharpened knife or scissors. So you protect the shoots from damage.

The second flowering is not necessary

This year we expect more abundant flowering in our seedling. This time we will not break off anything. We are expecting the first harvest of apples. Let it be small, but still! These Melbas are really delicious!

Color Removal Pros

I’ll talk a little more about the removal of the first colors. Be sure to cut them if you bought a seedling in a nursery! This helps to activate the growth of the root system, improves the general condition of the roots, stimulates the growth of strong and healthy shoots on the tree.

This rule is only for new plants, only transplanted from a nursery or from another place. If the seedling is already in its second year in a new place, then nothing needs to be torn off. Enjoy the flowers and the first harvest.

All unnecessary - cut

In general, the fruit tree itself regulates the number of fruits. Even if it blooms all white, it is not a fact that there will be as many apples. How much a tree can grow, so much will be spoiled. Excess will fall during the formation of the fruit.

Such a procedure can be carried out on young trees that have just begun to bear fruit. Leave 10 apples on the tree, the highest quality, in your opinion, and cut the rest. So you will help a tree, and you will taste delicious apples. Better then, when the seedling becomes a full-fledged tree, to collect large crops, and until that time it is advisable not to tire the plant.

Why pick flowers from an adult apple tree?

There is also the secret of professional Yabloko people, whom they do not particularly share, but for you, my dear readers, I will reveal it. It turns out that the method of picking flowers works with mature trees. You need to pick flowers according to the scheme - in one season all the lower flowers are removed, and for the next season all the upper ones are removed.

The fruits of such apple trees are twice as large, healthier and juicier. Every year, the crop with this method of cutting flowers is excellent! Fruit-bearing branches rest, while others at this moment give a harvest. That’s the trick! Dangle on a mustache!


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ProShow Producer: FLOWER APPLE

Why doesn’t the apple tree bloom? Problems, care and treatment

It is sometimes difficult to say why the apple tree does not bloom several years after planting. Perhaps this is due to an incorrect definition of the variety or other factors affecting the setting of peduncles. You can always improve the care of her in order to achieve the long-awaited flowering. To begin with, it’s worth a little more to learn about the tree itself.

Why does the tree not blossom?

Winter apple varieties themselves can begin to bear fruit only for 7-8 years of planting a two-year-old seedling. Of course, this is completely unusual for summer varieties.

The most popular “mistakes” of beginning gardeners:

1. Large penetration into the soil. The root neck of the apple tree should not be buried in the soil at all, they try to leave it just above the surface of the soil. Otherwise, the tree can refuse to bloom and bear fruit for a very long time. If upon closer inspection it became clear that the trunk is too deep during planting, you will have to deal with lifting a tree or digging a hole around.

2. The vertical arrangement of all branches. The apple tree usually bears fruit on horizontal branches, so it is so important to help the correct formation of the crown. One way is to hang a small load on the edge of the branch, gradually increasing its weight. It is important not to rush, otherwise the branch may break.

3. Lack of iron. Apples are famous for their rich iron content, so its lack of soil already affects the stage of flower formation. Previously, in villages, two rusty nails were driven into a tree trunk or several rusty metal objects were buried under an apple tree, raising the level of iron in such a simple way. Modern gardeners prefer to spray the trees with a solution of iron sulfate (0.1%).

4. Diseases and insects. A careful examination of the branches and leaves will reveal a harmful source, because of which the flowers do not bloom. In each case, there is a method for controlling various pests.

Why Anthurium does not bloom, read our next article.

How to care?

Fruit trees can grow almost without unnecessary human intervention, if you pay enough attention to them at the very beginning of their development. How to care for an apple tree:

1) Landing. Apple tree seedlings are planted in a permanent place in mid-spring, although many purchase them in the nursery in the fall, when they can boast a large variety of varieties. In winter, the seedlings are stored in a dig, and as soon as the snow melts and completely thaws the top layer of the soil - they are planted in planting pits.

The roots neatly straighten on the knoll inside the pit, and the earth is sprinkled on top. The border between the roots and the crown (root neck) must be strictly at the ground level, otherwise the tree will slowly develop. The earth is compacted with a foot, and then a hole is watered at the rate of 2-3 buckets per 1 tree.

2) Watering. Apple trees of 2-3 years of age need frequent watering, but with a small dose. The irrigation rate is determined taking into account soil moisture to the depth of the root system. Usually, young trees with a hole in diameter of about a meter calmly absorb 3-4 buckets of water. The next watering is done in 15-20 days. Fruit-bearing apple trees with a crown of 3 m in diameter need stronger irrigation - about 35-42 buckets of water.

They need only one good watering per month. The older the tree, the more effective the abundant rare watering compared to frequent small doses. It is not always visible how the apple tree withers. But it is better to focus not on the appearance of the tree, but on the prolonged absence of rain, when deciding to water a hole under an apple tree.

3) Tillage. Weed plants can damage not only young but also adult fruit trees. Weeds pull a lot of nutrients and moisture from the soil, inhibiting the growth of cultivated plants. A systematic fight against them is very important for the successful flowering and fruiting of the apple tree.

It is advisable to remove weeds with roots so that they less annoy their appearance. The use of herbicides in orchards is extremely undesirable, so all advice on their use is better to ignore. It is also very important to deeply loosen the soil before each watering.

4) Fertilizer. If the earth is poor in humus, then humus, superphosphates and potash fertilizers are placed in the planting pit. Then, every 2-3 years, before buds open in spring or autumn, at the end of growth processes, mineral fertilizers are applied along with humus. They are not only embedded in the soil to a depth of 10-12 cm in the area of \u200b\u200bthe trunks, but also scattered in the aisles, where there are no roots.

5) Regular inspection. Young trees like to attack weevils and caterpillars eating green leaves. Timely response to their appearance will save the apple tree from death.

Diseases and Pests

Diseases and pests of the apple tree:

Green apple aphid is an insect with incomplete transformation that can significantly damage and deform the shape of the leaves. Damage sites are well defined by soot deposits.

Powdery mildew - a dirty white powdery coating covering the buds, leaves, inflorescences and shoots. Over time, the plaque turns brown, forming small black dots.

Scab - spots with a greenish-brown coating on the leaves or fruits. The disease develops early in the spring, immediately after swelling of the kidneys. It leads to drying and further falling of leaves. When the apple trees bloom, the scab moves to the formed flowers and waits for the appearance of the fruit. Affected fruits can grow one-sided, cracks appear.

Fruit rot - large grayish-brown pads, consisting of spores of rot. They are arranged in concentric circles on the surface of the fruit. They are capable of easy separation with gusts of wind, infecting other fruiting trees with it.

Rust is a fungal disease that affects leaves. It looks like swelling-pads of red-brown or orange hue, reminiscent of rust on metal.

Sooty fungus - a black coating that envelops the surface of leaves, shoots, gloves and fruits.

Apple stalk is a small butterfly with a wingspan of 14-20 mm. Able to eat most of the fruit.

The main methods of healing

Apple tree treatment:

Spraying with infusions and pesticides. For each of the diseases, there is a list of drugs that can be used with minimal harm to the apple tree itself. For example, aphids are removed with a solution of laundry soap (grate 50 g on a bucket of water). You can dip into the liquid or sprinkle it abundantly with the ends of the shoot.

Inspection and cleaning of wood. Various caterpillars, oviposition, sources of infection can be seen already at the initial stage of development. If you regularly inspect the tree for “unwanted guests,” then the measures taken will be more effective than after their active reproduction.

Preventative measures. Autumn digging of row-spacing and near-trunk circles allows you to destroy the wintering stages of scab, excluding its appearance in the spring. Burning fallen leaves will destroy the main larvae. Creating hunting belts will allow catching the bulk of pests. The crown of the trees should be whitewashed to prevent caterpillars and bugs from crawling from the ground.

Natural control measures. Birds and ladybugs can significantly reduce the number of caterpillars, ticks, leaf flies, apple moths and moths.

Spraying preparations

How to spray apple trees? To combat the main pests, spraying with Bordeaux liquid (3%) on sleeping kidneys is used. In parallel with this, you can make various infusions or decoctions of bitter wormwood, chamomile, yarrow, tops of tomato and potatoes. Plant control measures are not as effective as chemical treatment, but are safer for humans and ripening fruits.

In modern horticulture, biological products are becoming more widespread, after the application of which after 1-5 days you can harvest. Compared with chemical products, which have a limitation of 30-40 days, they are a worthy alternative to "grandmother decoctions."

No matter how frightened the numerous advice of gardeners, growing apple trees is actually not so difficult. It is better to solve problems as they arrive, then the long road to the crop will seem easy and fun.

How to achieve elegant flowering from Kalanchoe - here.


Why do apple trees bloom a second time in the summer? How normal is this?


The flowering of some plants a second time (usually in autumn) is increasingly common. This behavior is explained by the fact that the abnormally warm weather in the autumn "deceives" plants, provoking repeated flowering. This is often the result of cold winters and hot summers, rather than environmental disasters. The after-hours flowering of apple trees can be explained by a kind of “hormonal failure” in the body of the tree caused by drought, high humidity, or other vagaries of nature.

Such an atypical phenomenon can happen even in areas of risky farming. For example, several years ago, in Tyumen, the only apple tree in our area, after successful fruiting, bloomed again. Unusual was the proximity of ripened fruits with the blossoming flowers of an apple tree.

And in Yekaterinburg in 2003, apple trees blossomed at the end of October, when, according to our standards, it’s time to get ready for the first snow.


It happens that one tree branch blooms in the fall. And then this branch dries up. Such flowering is like a swan song, the last flowering before death (Old people say so, and they rarely make mistakes. But it’s hard to explain why the sap flow intensifies in a single branch, and it loses its “orientation” in time of year. Maybe this is something something like a "hormonal surge" from some kind of tree disease?


This situation happens if the summer was very hot. It is known that trees bloom after a dormant period (winter). In a very hot summer, the tree may also “calm down” for a while, fall into a period of rest, that is, life processes slow down. Then it begins to bloom, but not as abundantly as in spring.


Repeated flowering of apple trees is most often not massive; usually there are not so many flowers. The main reason is hot weather, weather fluctuations. Because of this, the balance of substances in the apple tree, which regulate its development, is disturbed. The buds that are laid for the next year cannot stop in time in development.

If the repeated flowering was relatively plentiful, then the next year there will be no harvest.


This is definitely not normal. The main thing is that after such a "double" work, they bloomed the next year. And the reason, of course, is in the changing climate. Every year the weather is becoming more unusual, the usual months are shifting somewhere.

The vegetation period of the apple tree begins in early spring, at the time of budding. It continues until massive leaf fall in late autumn.

The main condition that determines the time of the growing season is the length of the day and the temperature regime, this is due to the frequency of light and heat from the sun, as well as the geographical location.

Growth phase

The beginning of the growth and development phase of the apple tree depends on the variety, agricultural technology and natural conditions. From the duration and strength of lighting, the rate of increase or decrease in air temperature, from its humidity and other environmental conditions, the rate of phenophase passage can change over the years. With increased humidity of air and soil, the growing season lasts longer, and with a lack of moisture - it is reduced.

Vegetative and flower buds do not bloom at the same time, the vegetative bud swells first, then the kidney flakes burst and a greenish cone appears, the cloves of leaves protrude and as a result a full leaf develops. In the second half of the growing season, buds formed in the axils of the leaves finish forming. At this time, the shoots begin to accumulate a supply of substances that is necessary for wintering and development for the next year. How the shoot develops is influenced not only by the number and size of the buds, but also by the growth conditions of the plant and its nutrition throughout the growing season. The apple tree has weakly growing shoots, so fruit buds are laid in this tree.

Apple shoots grow approximately 70-90 days, it depends on the area of \u200b\u200bgrowth and on natural conditions. Fruit buds are located in the axils of the leaves, they can be lateral or apical. First, integumentary scales are formed, then pestles and stamens are formed - the internal organs of the flower. The buds of an apple tree are laid for three months. The period of formation of flower buds ends in the spring of next year.


The entire process of vegetation of flower buds begins with swelling, and ends with a fully opened flower. The buds on the same tree bloom unevenly, so it can bloom for several days. Weather conditions significantly affect the flowering time. The fastest flowering ends in a hot and dry spring than in a cold and lingering. The process of fertilization in a flower can be present only at a favorable temperature.


Towards the end of spring - the beginning of summer, trees begin to live not at the expense of accumulated nutrients, but begin to absorb them from the soil. It is necessary to provide them with proper watering, make mineral and organic fertilizers, and regulate the thermal regime of the soil by mulching and watering.


The growth of the aboveground and underground parts stops by the second half of summer, the trees are at rest. Root growth is enhanced in late autumn, and the growth of the aerial part stops. After leaf fall, a dormant period begins, which in turn is divided into 3 phases: initial dormancy, natural or deep dormancy, and forced dormancy. If the plant is moved to greenhouse conditions during the phase of deep dormancy, it will still not leave this period. Dormancy is an important economic and biological property of a plant. The deeper and more stable the calm, the less surprises you will encounter when working with wood. Deep rest helps plants survive severe frosts.

In winter, trees can exhibit some activity even during cold weather, and not just during thaws. During the winter, the accumulated supply of nutrients decreases; moisture is lost through the integumentary tissues of the branches and trunk. With a strong wind in cold weather, the loss of moisture can be so strong that it will destroy not only the branches, but also the tree itself. It is best to pay due attention to providing the tree with nutrients and moisture in the autumn.
