What trees to plant on the site. What trees can be planted near the house: signs

What trees to choose for a small garden?

Can you imagine a beautiful garden without trees? In recent years, conifers have become very popular among gardeners, but despite this, it is simply impossible to imagine a beautiful garden without deciduous trees with their luxurious crown! But when planning where it is not so easy to find a place for tall trees, the question often arises: is it worth planting deciduous trees at all on the acquired plot or is it better to limit yourself to just a few fruit trees? And is it possible to plant tall trees in a small area?

Yes, and in an already developed area, problems often arise: someone wants to replace old apple trees with new trees, and someone wants to add shade to the garden or decorate some buildings. And in all these cases, we must remember that you plant small trees, but under favorable environmental conditions, maple, spruce, and birch will grow to a height of more than 20 m in thirty years or even earlier.

Let's take a closer look at all the circumstances that need to be taken into account when choosing and planting trees on your site. In this part of the article we will talk about general problems choosing small trees, and then move on to specific species and varieties that can be recommended for small gardens.

About large trees. The mistake of many beginning gardeners is that six acres is a very small area for which large trees are not suitable. The realization that a real garden is, first of all, tall trees and shrubs, will come later, with experience. Only time will not be left to plant them. After all, large (in the future) trees are the basis, the "skeleton" of your garden. Passing by the old gardens, pay attention to those where there are - they always look more comfortable, but the borders of the garden are not so striking. Therefore, even on six hundred parts 3-4 large-sized trees will be just right. In addition, time will pass before these trees become really tall.

When placing a tall tree in a small area, you need to think in advance how exactly you want to “shade” the desired area of \u200b\u200bthe garden. And, strongly “running ahead”, who and how will saw it when the tree nevertheless grows. But if such a tree is planted correctly, and subsequently constantly monitor its development, regularly pruning it, then nothing unpredictable should happen.
  Gardens and plots with regular care and permanent owners usually develop in such a way that the trees in them do not cause problems, but delight your whole life.

Here we must reckon with the laws of geometry: it is known that a person usually looks forward and a little down, so we see mostly a trunk near closely located tall trees. Therefore, when choosing the maximum height of the plants of the future garden, remember that the best view of the vertical object is achieved where the distance from it to the point of view is 2-3 heights of the object (tree). For example, a tree 5 meters high is best viewed from a distance of 10-15 meters.

The rule follows from here: trees should be proportionate to a specific site. And in this case, even after many years, thanks to such correctly placed trees, you will be able to maintain the "frame" - the structure of your garden. Therefore, we conclude: when choosing planting material for a small garden, allow yourself the purchase of several adult (or large) plants, this will give the site the required volume and desired isolation, distract attention from the borders and connect your garden with the surrounding space.

Number of treesmust fit the size of your garden. Of course, even a small seedling in 10-15 years (and this time will fly by!) Will turn into a spreading tall tree. And if already now you will try to radically solve the problem with a lack of shadow in the area and butif you grow more trees, then get ready in a few years for another problem - excessive shading and, possibly, drying out the plot (some hardwoods take water from the soil very intensively!).

The following question is very important: where exactly to planta large tree sapling on the site?

And on six hundredths you should not refuse to plant oak or maple, you just need to take into account its future sizes in advance and carefully choose a place, because it will be difficult to transplant it later. Of course, a free-growing tree looks great. Just do not plant it strictly in the middle of the plot - it looks completely unnatural. And if you are planning a garden for many years to come, then it’s worth choosing centenarians for such tall accents.

How is your site oriented to the cardinal? Indeed, often the goal of planting a large tree is to create coziness and shadow. In which direction will the shadow fall from this tree, and what will you do in this shadow - or dine in company with a large table?

With the help of a large tree, you can also close yourself from neighbors, decorate an undesirable view, shade or windows in the bedroom. For shading, it is better to use not deciduous but deciduous trees, otherwise it will be completely dark in the rooms in winter. Be sure to keep in mind that the trees are different: for example, for pines, alders, birches and apple trees, the crowns are almost transparent, and for spruce, maple, and most varieties of willow, they are thick.

Tree Nutrition Area  usually equal to the diameter of the crown, and sometimes even exceeds it.

The distance between the trees (more precisely between the tree trunks) should be equal to the sum of their heights divided in half, an average of 3-4m ... and placing too many trees in a small area, you limit the possibility of planting other plants.

And of course, no one forbids you to opt for small deciduous trees! First, consider how many copies you can place on the site and which species you would like to plant. Having thought over the arrangement of fruit and decorative wood, start the search for their miniature brethren and alternatives. Be sure to pre-calculate the number of all tree varieties.

Well, finally, there are options for the tiniest gardens: recall the compact varieties of wood, bred specifically for small areas! Dwarf and shrub forms, as well as deciduous trees, which are naturally small in size, will not only effectively transform, but will also save you a lot of space. Today, for most trees, there are miniature varieties that often look even prettier. By the way, and in those gardens where there are no problems with the area, they can become the main stars and!

Please note that this group includes not only potentially small plants, but also those whose growth is limited by vaccination.

Try using decorative dwarf forms of familiar plants in the garden! You always want to carefully consider them - and in a small area such "kids" will turn their attention to themselves, take their eyes down, distracting them from the fence and neighboring buildings ... You can choose a miniature "copy" to solve almost any design problem.

Choosing small trees for a small garden,do not forget to inquire about the diameter of the crown of the tree and its height in adulthood. Of course, for a small garden it is more advisable to choose among the deciduous trees such varieties and species that combine attractiveness, abundant flowering, and fruiting.

Also pay attention to columnar forms of trees! Today there are many types and varieties of "green columns". They take up very little space (1 plant accounts for about two square meters). Yes, and look after such trees is much easier than their more powerful relatives.

Do not forget about the requirements of plants to environmental conditions  plot. Some trees suffer from drought, others do not tolerate excessive moisture. But even for the most adverse conditions in the garden today, you can choose a suitable compact hardy look that will not yield to decorative plants in any way.

If coniferous trees are more sensitive to waterlogging, some deciduous - say, alder, willow and birch - tolerate well, moreover, for these trees it is easy to choose original garden forms: willow with winding branches, alder with cut leaves, or with golden or purple .

Of course, you need to consider that all dwarf and miniature tree representatives also divided into plants for sunny or semi-shaded places. In the following parts of the article we will get to know them better.

So, in addition to the tallest trees, there are medium and small ones - up to 10 meters. The latter also have the advantage that they are unlikely to grow taller than your home, which reduces the risk of damage to buildings in a hurricane wind.

And remember that in terms of decorativeness they are no worse, and the variety and assortment of such trees is simply huge! There are varietal low trees - among maples, willows, lindens, mountain ash and even chestnuts there are such varieties. Maples are very beautiful in the fall, there are varieties with constantly painted red or. Many varieties of mountain ash, apple, bird cherry, varietal birches, medium-sized willows rarely grow above 6-10 meters. There are hawthorns formed by a tree, weeping forms of elm, willow, and even alder ... There are decorative varieties of apple trees, which have splendid flowering in spring, and small colorful apples hang on branches in autumn and even winter!

And it is about these trees that we will go on. In continuation of the article  we will consider not only interesting species of small trees, but also those varieties that are found in the "groups" of higher brethren and belong to the "small" ones - up to 10 meters high.

Each owner of the site tries to ennoble it and create a beautiful garden or just make a beautiful landing from dreams and dreams a reality. However, not all plants take root as we would like. Today we’ll try to figure out what trees to plant on the site  and what determines the success of a landing.

This article will discuss a lot: how to choose plants for climatic conditions, why some plantations quickly fade, etc. In addition, we have collected interesting facts for horoscope lovers, as well as people whose souls hid the designer :)

Choose plants for the climate zone

Before you begin laying a garden, you must consider the conditions in which it will germinate. Unfortunately, most southern plants do not take root in harsh climatic conditions. Northern vegetation, on the contrary, cannot stand the sultry southern weather.

Of course, several questions arise:

  1. What trees to plant on a site in Siberia  and other areas characterized by painfully low temperature conditions? For landscaping the yard, they will be perfect for brittle willow (black or rakita), Russian willow, vetla, spruce (blue and silver), maple, linden (small-leaved, large-leaved, etc.), birch (warty, or weeping and fluffy), oak, robinia (white acacia), thuja (trees and shrubs), Amur velvet (cork tree), scoopia (wig tree, or yellowness). If you plan to plant a fruit garden, pay attention to apple trees, hawthorn, mountain ash and nuts. You can plant other plants, but provided that the varieties are adapted to the local climate.
  2. What trees to plant on a site in the suburbs,  as well as other areas of the middle band? The local climate and weather conditions suggest the landing of almost any kind of vegetation. However, it is worth remembering that greens should tolerate frosts well to -25 ... -30 ° C. Although these cold weather is not very common in these areas, it is better to be safe.
  3. What trees to plant on a summer cottage in the south?  A warm climate and rare weather changes are great for growing a fruitful garden. This is an ideal place for growing fruit-bearing plants: apple, pear, peach, quince, plum, cherries, cherries, apricots, cherry plum, actinidia, barberry, walnut (including Manchurian), honeysuckle, dogwood, hazel, sea buckthorn, fruit of five flavors ( Chinese schizandra or Manchurian schisandra), dewberry (blackberry), mountain ash, mulberry and cherry. Since the climate contributes to the active development of the fruitful garden, the design decoration of the courtyard can be made of exclusively fruit plants: beautiful, tasty and healthy - 3 in one!

You can plant plants on the site either on your own (family team), or entrust this work to professionals. Our gardeners are always ready to come to your aid and do a lot of work: planting, pruning, fertilizing, spraying, etc. We will do everything for your garden to develop and actively bear fruit! :)

Creating a fruitful garden

When choosing which trees to plant on a site, it is worth paying special attention to the characteristics of individual fruit-bearing plants. For example, cherries and cherries like to be adjacent to similar plantings. So they are better pollinated, and therefore - excellent fruiting. Individual varieties cannot self-pollinate at all and they need a pollinating neighbor.

When you decide to get your own garden and start choosing which fruit trees to plant on the site, try to immediately draw up an approximate diagram of the future garden. Consider the proximity to other plant species. Not all plants can coexist in close proximity to each other.  For example, not a single tree close to the mulberry tree will practically interfere. But the walnut seems to be trying to destroy the entire planting. Only a “friend” from his Orekhov tribe can get along with him :)

When drawing up a landing pattern, consider the distance between the plants. It directly depends on what fruit trees to plant on the site. The step between the individual representatives of botany should be equal to the sum of the heights of adult plants. Note that this is the minimum distance (if you want to achieve the maximum amount of quality crop). Make an approximate plan (where exactly you can plant trees) and figure out what they should be - medium or tall.

If you are tormented by the question: what trees to plant in a small area,  then the answer to it is quite simple - plant columnar.  Today, there are many types and varieties of "green columns". They take up very little space (about 2 sq. M. Area per 1 plant). With them you can freely cover a small courtyard and enjoy delicious aromatic fruits for several months. Yes, and look after the colonized plantations is much easier than their vigorous relatives.

All the materials necessary for a more accurate determination of which trees and shrubs to plant on the site, you can find on our website. We have posted many articles on the characteristics of planting of certain species, information on patterns and rules of the neighborhood, and many others. other

Recall that young professional gardeners can plant young animals, as well as give them gentle care. We have created dozens of beautiful gardens and are ready to take care of your site, turning it into an unusually beautiful Eden! :)

And trees grow in the swamp ...

An ideal plot for a garden is a flat area with fertile land and groundwater at a distance of about 2m from the surface of the earth. However, not all territories meet these standards. If your lands look more like a swamp than a pure field, it will not be so easy to plant fruit-trees on them. But! There is nothing impossible in this life :)

Let's figure it out what trees to plant in the wetland.  First, decide on the purpose of landscaping. If you just want to remove the water, so to speak, to fix the soil, it is not necessary to plant vegetation. It is enough to build a drainage system. If the construction is not your horse, and the water is fed up with it, think about planting aspen or willow.

A little harder to plant fruit-trees in such spaces. You should not think about what trees to plant on the site if groundwater is close, it is better to decide how to plant your favorite plant. It is clear that a large amount of moisture will quickly kill young growth if you drop it directly into the “swamp”. Nevertheless, there is a way out. Need to create artificial hills  and plant seedlings on them. This is done quite simply. An embankment is created from fertile land about 30-40 cm in height. After the land shrinks, you will form a small hill in the center of which you can plant a fruit-bearing.

Now consider what trees to plant in a wet area and not particularly strain :) list of plants that tolerate moisture well:

  • derain white, red, offspring;
  • spirea (Douglas, felt, Billard, loosestrife);
  • gray alder;
  • white willow, ashy, whole-leafed, purple;
  • common viburnum;
  • hawthorn (Daurian, blood red, riverine)
  • honeysuckle (Tatar, Brown).

Our gardeners are able to create a lovely garden from any swamp. Just one call to us, and we will begin the transformation! :)

Design solutions

Now we determine what decorative trees to plant on the site  to create a spectacular green patch. To date, the range of nurseries (nurseries) is very wide:

  • hardwood:  maple, chestnut, alder, birch, crimson, hazel, hawthorn, goat, ash, poplar, oak, sumac, robinia, willow, mountain ash, linden, elm, etc.
  • coniferous:  fir, junipers, larch, microbiota, spruce, pine, tsugi and false algae, yew;
  • decorative bloomingand   fruit:  chokeberry, barberry, boxwood, caragana, ceanotus, red root, henomeles, quince, scoopia, wolf, action, erica, euonymus, golery, hydrangea, calcium, kerriya, privet, magonia, pachisandra, buckthorn, rowanberry, rhodinus, rhodinus, rhodinum, rhodinum, rhodinum, rhodinum, rhodinin, rhodinin , spirea, stefenendra, snowman, etc.

First, decide which trees to plant on the site along the fence.  In fact, you can plant your yard with any plants. However, when planting vegetation at the fence, please note that the minimum distance to the fence should be at least 3 m. This is one of the so-called rules of good neighborliness (described in more detail in the article "Norms for planting trees" in the section "Care for the garden").

And now let's look at which trees to plant on a personal plot not near  hedges and to create a fence! :)

For a high hedge, various types of hawthorn, barberry and yellow acacia (caragana) are perfect. The green wall will be high enough, with a good "density". This is an excellent protection against all prying eyes. A little lower we get a fence from the cotoneaster of the brilliant and spring-flowering species of spirea (Van Gutta, gray, argument, oak-leaved). If you want to create a low green border - plant Kuril tea (potentilla), Thunberg barberry or low types of spirea (Japanese, Bumalda).

If you wish, you can experiment and try to shield yourself with a number of fruitful trees. perhaps you will get not only a spectacular, but also a delicious fence :)

Below we gave examples, examples: what trees to plant on the site (photo) and how your site will look. These are just garden design options. We hope you can draw a couple of ideas for your yard :)

What trees to plant on the video site

When planting shrubs, trees in the garden, you need to calculate the place of planting. Trees should be comfortable when they grow. Choosing a place to land, you need to consider all the points. For example, if the trees, growing up, pose a threat to a residential building and a danger to people passing through the site.

Near the fence, trees should not be planted. A few years after the young trees grow, they may be damaged or even die. Growing, the branches of the trees bend due to the emphasis on the fence, and the foundation can damage their roots.

When planting trees near the border of the site, you must take into account its plan. The legislation does not have clearly defined provisions on how much distance from the border of the neighboring plot is suitable for planting trees, but it must be borne in mind that neighbors may ask them to prune the branches of the grown trees.

A tree growing near the house can damage the facade of the house or its roof; the foundation of the building can be damaged due to the roots of the tree. Falling leaves in the fall can clog the gutter - this interferes with the flow of water.

Large shrubs and trees should not be planted near a residential building. If this is nevertheless done in this way, the distance from the facade of the house should be slightly larger than the radius of the crown of an adult tree, which it will become at the age of ten or more years. Such information can be found in the nursery or found in the literature. The same rule should be applied for planting trees near the fence.

Trees should not be planted near communications passing through the site. On the site plan, you need to look at their location. Plant trees at a distance of at least two meters from them, but keep in mind that the root system will branch - for some trees, the roots reach more than four meters from the trunk. Especially carefully you need to monitor fast-growing trees. In a few years they can reach a height of about twenty meters - a birch or poplar, larch or nut.


What trees to plant in front of a private house

From the window of a private house one rarely wants to see neighboring buildings; most residents of such houses seek solitude. Landscaping and planting trees near the house can help.

Instruction manual

  • Specialist gardeners recommend planting conifers, fruit trees and, in some cases, fruit trees near the house. If you approach this process wisely, it will not require much effort. Usually trees are planted in spring or autumn.
  • Coniferous trees are an excellent solution for decorating a site. Any conifers should be planted at least ten meters from the house so that powerful roots do not damage the foundation in the future. These plants prefer sandy soil, it is better to plant completely young shoots. Keep in mind that conifers love light, so you need to plant them in a well-lit area. Fir trees and pines can and should be planted around the perimeter of the fence, this will allow you to get rid of the hassle (or at least reduce them) to collect falling cones and needles. Coniferous trees over time will provide real privacy of your site. In addition, they remarkably clean the air of harmful substances, so if your house is located next to the road, pay attention to the conifers.
  • The most common fruit trees that are planted next to the house are rowan and walnut. A nut requires heat and moisture and does not like a strong wind, so it is better to plant it almost close to the house, so you protect its crown and leaves from the effects of powerful air currents. Walnut does not tolerate transplants very well due to the not too developed root system, but it is thanks to it that this tree will not harm the foundation of your home.
  • Mountain ash - a very beautiful tree, it will delight the eye all year round. She is quite unpretentious in growing, prefers slightly shaded places. The fruits of this plant can last all winter.
  • Gardeners consider plum, apricot and cherry to be the most successful fruit trees for planting near a private house, since these trees do not require a lot of light. Before planting, you must carefully moisten and fertilize the soil. These trees require regular maintenance - feeding, pruning unnecessary branches, so before planting you need to really assess their strength. Delicious fruits are rarely found on abandoned trees that no one cares for properly.
  • Do not clutter the entire plot in front of the house with a variety of trees, it looks strange and inappropriate. A small number of well-groomed plants will create a cozy atmosphere on your site. In addition, in this case they will not interfere with each other's growth.
  • KakProsto.ru

We plant conifers on the site - fir, pine, spruce - House Practice

I used to plant birch, maple and linden on my suburban area. However, now every year I plant conifers in the area where my house and outbuildings stand.

More and more young fir trees, firs and pines surround my small house, and someday my home will be surrounded by a real coniferous forest.

Coniferous trees on the site - why are they?

Why are conifers worth planting on the site? Because they will be able to delight you with the fresh greens of their crowns in both winter and summer. And the smell spread by conifers - spruce, fir and pine - on the site on a warm summer day can not be compared with anything.

Softwood Transplant Time

The best time to plant conifers is winter. This is especially true for large-sized plants - plants over 2 meters in height and over 5 years old.

The best time for transplanting conifers to the site is winter.

In winter, even such large trees are transplanted.

If you do not have the opportunity to transplant conifers in winter, then you can transplant them in late autumn or early spring. To transplant "under the snow" was successful, you can apply a little trick. Pits for transplanted plants are dug in advance and covered with insulated shields. The land is also prepared in advance for falling asleep and ramming the root system of the transplanted Christmas trees and firs.

At the moment when the snow had already fallen and the ground was slightly frozen, the trees planned for transplantation were dug out and transferred to the pits ready for planting.

If you buy coniferous trees in the nursery, then digging will not be any problem - you buy trees in peat moss. So their root system does not suffer.

In the nursery you buy coniferous trees in peat pots.

When digging trees in designated forest areas, remember that the roots of spruce and fir are quite long. And in pines, a large number of roots lie in the plane of the upper soil layer, and one root goes vertically down and it is very brittle. Never damage it.

Where to plant conifers on the site

Pine on the site can be planted anywhere - this is the most unpretentious plant of all conifers. Pine can grow on such poor soils, on which no other large plant can grow. The same goes for sunlight.

Unlike pine, which can feel great in sunny open spaces, fir and spruce tend more to shaded areas on the site.

And if pine trees can be planted on the south side of the house or garage, then it is better to plant spruce trees on the north side of the building. This is especially true for regions with hot and often dry summers, when there is no way to regularly water conifers.

Even with regular watering, the spruce and fir trees often transplanted in the second year dry and lose needles, despite the fact that in the first year after transplanting, they felt pretty good.

How to protect conifers on the site

So that coniferous trees on the site do not suffer from hot summers, you can protect them in accessible ways:

1. Plant conifers in groups, especially fir and spruce. You can protect a group of firs and firs from the southern side with young birches or lindens, whose foliage will serve as a kind of shield in the summer from the rays of the scorching sun. 2. It is possible for the summer period to enclose conifers with light slit shields on the south side, which will give a moving shadow throughout the day. 3. Try to plant spruce and fir also on the western side - there they will not be harmed by the summer sun at sunset.


Site layout, placement of plants on the site

This article is for those who are just about to buy a summer cottage, and for those who decide to uproot old fruit trees and shrubs and plant new ones.

Some gardeners tend to plant relatively heat-loving crops closer to the south side.

However, they sometimes forget that higher plants obscure low ones, and everyone needs light.

On the south side of the site there is a place for vegetables and wild strawberries, on the north - for apple trees, pears, and between them it is better to plant cherries, plums and berry bushes.

The distance from the trees to the borders of neighboring sites should be at least 3 m. Having retreated 1 m from the border, you can plant raspberries, currants, gooseberries, which bear fruit and with some shading.

There are two main styles of site planning: regular, or geometric, and landscape, or natural.

With a regular layout, strict geometric forms are maintained for the placement of trees and bushes, beds for vegetables and strawberries, and the same distances between plants are observed.

The planting pattern of fruit trees and berry bushes can be square, rectangular and checkerboard.

Square placement is convenient in areas whose length slightly exceeds the width. The rectangular fit pattern is more suitable for stretched configuration areas.

A feature of the landscape style is the free placement of plants, close to that which we observe in nature. This layout always gives the site charm and attractiveness.

When laying the garden, special attention is paid to the apple tree, which grows well and gives a high yield almost everywhere.

From berry crops, strawberries, currants, gooseberries and raspberries should grow on the garden plot.

Strawberries breed easily and are quick-growing: they begin to produce crops already in the second year after planting. On average, 1 kg of these sweet berries is collected from 1 m2.

Blackcurrant deserves much attention, the berries of which contain many vitamins. Its average yield is at least 2 kg per bush. A large and regular crop gives red currants.

Gooseberries are superior in yield to all other berry crops: on average, 3-4 kg is harvested from one bush. Raspberry easily propagates, but its yield is on average 0.5 kg / m2.

Fruit trees and shrubs should not be planted interspersed or nearby.

Currants, gooseberries and especially raspberries are placed away from apple trees. The latter are best planted also away from cherries and plums.

Do not plant gooseberry bushes next to black and red currant bushes.

Alexander Zharavin, agronomist


What trees are undesirable to plant on the site? Have omens?


be sure to plant a mountain ash-charm at home ...

andrei Ruban

Aspen and poplar, weeping willow, and just willow.

i am not an angel...

you can’t plant a Christmas tree in front of the house, willow in front of the porch ...

Nadezhda P

You can’t plant a spruce or a pine .... Poplar is possible, but it’s better to plant a male — there is no fluff from it. . Poplar is being poured water - if it grows close to the foundation, then there will never be any underground water - poplar will pump everything ...


It is better to plant only fruit trees on the plot. Birch pines when they grow will obscure the entire plot


i will hear about willow, aspen, and poplar for the first time so that they cannot be planted, but the willow cannot be planted near the house. I have already planted about ten willows, and weeping, and spherical, and silver, the mountain ash near the house protects against fire, I also have it, there are still birch trees, juniper, I want poplar, until I know where to plant it, I love poplar.

Lyubov Lutskova

Conifers, the genus is dying.


i don’t know about the bill, but before planting the nut, I would have thought it over — it would grow — it would cover not a small space!

The calculations are based on the average garden area of \u200b\u200b0.05 ha; - under vegetable and berry crops - 0.02 ha

Rules for placing plants in the garden

To ensure good pollination of plants, a diverse set of varieties is preferred. On the site, it is desirable to have early, self-pollinating varieties, and for such a culture as sea buckthorn, male and female specimens.

It is important not only to choose the right one, but also to place the plants in the garden. The following rules should be adhered to here: 1) Avoid excessive thickening of plants due to an unlimited increase in their number. 2) Fruit crops should not obscure strawberries and vegetable beds. They should be placed from the north, north-west and north-east of the plot. 3) The height of the plants should increase from south to north. 4) The warmest and most lighted areas should be allocated for citrus, subtropical crops and strawberries. 5) Trees from the border of the plot should be located at a distance of at least three meters, and shrubs - at least one meter. It is recommended to remove trees from the walls of a house or a barn for 3-4 m. 6) Trees, buildings should protect areas (in frost-hazardous places) from prevailing winds, and not obscure. them, and in lowland and valley places, sufficient ventilation of the stands should be provided.<<< Предыдущая Далее >>>

What to consider when choosing plants

  • What area along the fence do you intend to plant greenery. The shade is sunny or sunny. For what exactly are the plants needed here - to protect the site or to decorate it? What height of trees and bushes would you like to see here. Should they require special care or should plants be better “Without vagaries.” You should know the features of the soil into which you are going to resettle new settlers and take into account the local climate. And be sure to keep in mind: a small summer cottage should not be overloaded with massive plants.

Fashion mixborders

This is when flowers and shrubs combine. In this case, you can plant thuja, juniper and other species of conifers. Dwarf varieties of trees and bushes will also be appropriate.

And necessarily - a riot of flowers that are selected so that their bloom falls at different times. These will be wonderful bright spots that will attract attention. But with such landscaping, you need to take into account the condition of the fence, which will also not go unnoticed.

So before proceeding to planting, you should tidy up the fence. The flowers along the fence will be good in the form of complex compositions, and in the form of simple flower beds with unpretentious plantings. And you can bet on tall flowers. For example, plant dahlias in front of the fence. These bright large flowers will always distract passersby from the desire to look into the courtyard.


And yet, most gardeners tend to decorate fences with more “respectable” plants. For example, bushes can mask a nondescript hedge, reliably fenced off from neighbors. They are easy to care for.

As a rule, they do not braid the fence and do not spontaneously grow in the area. Which bushes are best planted along the fence? Among the most popular are derain. He has an unusually interesting color with a silver coating.

And if you place low conifers nearby, the composition will be very interesting. Derain is easy to cut and shape. It is perfectly formed, quickly forms a reliable protection against dust. If you plant a seedling in the spring, then by the beginning of autumn it will be a meter high.

Trees, how to plant in the fall. Site "Garden World"

Many newcomers are attracted to it, but we must keep in mind that derain needs a decent living space. Therefore, if you want to see more different shrubs along the fence, you need to look at other species. A good idea is to plant Thunberg barberry along the fence.

These bushes of beautiful spherical shape reach a height of 90 cm. Matte leaves with the onset of autumn acquire a red-yellow hue.

The fence at this time looks very impressive. When landing, you should take into account that barberry does not like shaded places, does not respond well to the cold north wind, so it is better to place it on the west or south side of the fence. But gardeners will have no problems with irrigation: barberry has plenty of rainwater. Derain and barberry do not tolerate the neighborhood with each other, as they have different requirements for soil composition and amount of moisture.

Some of these shrubs will not demonstrate their best decorative qualities. And what is worse about the spirea, which is also called the Kalinolny bladderwort? It also grows rapidly, literally a few months after planting, bushes strewn with succulent foliage form a full hedge. But to complete the picture, the spirea must be cut so that it is not shapeless. Look at such famous shrubs as lilac, hawthorn, elderberry , chokeberry.

How to plant apple trees in sandy soil at the cottage

All these plants are fast-growing, able to hide the fence in a short time. You can plant them in groups, and in front of them - lower sheared bushes.

Very original options can turn out. Well, if the owners want to combine business with pleasure, then along the fence they can plant berry bushes. Here you have the fence and the annual harvest of raspberries, currants, gooseberries, rose hips. Very important!

Shrubs should not be placed close to the fence. When landing, dig holes at a distance of 1-2 meters.

The trees

The usual picture: in most summer cottages, fruit trees grow along fences, performing a double function: they serve as a fence and bear fruit regularly. However, recently summer residents have been thinking not only about benefits, but also about beauty, trying to surround their possessions with decorative trees.

They plant luxurious maples, chestnuts, modest willows, birches, lindens. But conifer trees, especially spruce trees, can probably be called gardeners' favorites. However, summer residents thereby restore the old tradition of decorating compound with conifers. This should not be done spontaneously. In order for the composition of young fir trees to be truly beautiful, you need to plant them at a distance of about 30 cm and monitor their development, constantly shearing in width and height. What decorative fences are - original and different can be found in our article.

How to plant trees

The first line is to plant low conifers. It can be, for example, blue spruce. And tall trees will remain in the background. Deciduous trees with a creeping crown (birch, willow) need to be planted in the background, pointwise. Trees and many bushes, as a rule, have a developed root system, so there should be a distance between the seedlings and the fence at least 3-5 meters, otherwise over time the roots will destroy the main fence. This is also important because the fence will obscure the young plants, which will affect their growth. It is also necessary to remember that in the process of development the roots of the trees grow, cling to each other. for a friend.

That is why it is best to plant trees in a pre-dug trench in one row. This method will give a good result: the trees along the fence will make an even thick line.

How to choose plants for the fence

The main fences near which to plant plants are of various types. And for each you need to choose the right trees, shrubs or other plantings.


One of the most popular types of country hedges. Not the worst option, but its transparency sometimes does not suit the owners of the plots. For example, they want to isolate themselves from curious neighbors. The table has a design that is convenient for climbing plants.

There is, however, a drawback: it will be necessary to carefully monitor that the mesh does not deform under the solid weight of the vines and does not rust. It quickly forms a green screen hops. But it is painfully tenacious: very soon the land will be filled both the landlord and the neighboring one.

Fighting the shoots is quite difficult. It is more practical to plant girlish grapes or echinocystis along the fence. They also grow quickly, but it’s easy to remove them. A good option is to close the net securely - as much as possible to sow beans. Or, for example, to plant Jerusalem artichoke under the fence - not only a high fence will grow, but also bring a crop of useful root crops.

Wooden fence

Near the wooden fence, any shrubs will feel good. This can be, for example, hawthorn or elderberry. Any liana (grapes, hops) will grow. Fruit trees (cherry, plum) are also appropriate. You can plant hydrangea, barberry, lilac, thuja.

All of them are unpretentious and attractive.

Fence made of steel corrugated sheet or corrugated board

Strong plants should be planted along such a fence, as the hedge material will heat up from sunlight, and plants may not withstand such a heat attack. And it’s best to paint such a fence before planting. By the way, many gardeners dispute this opinion and believe that along such a fence jasmine, lilac, raspberry, and many vines feel great.

What to plant along the fence from the street

These plants will have one purpose: to hide the site from passers-by. But should this goal be achieved in a beautiful way? And it will be such if you plant small trees along the outside of the fence: pine, spruce, chestnut, birch, and cut them as they grow. The lilac is also suitable in this place, but you will have to make sure that the lovers of the beautiful do not break off during flowering branches.

When to plant trees and shrubs

It doesn’t matter whether you are planting or replanting plants - it is better to do this in the autumn. Experts also practice winter planting, but this is an overwhelming task for summer residents. There is such a pattern: decorative bushes, which bloom in the spring, - plant in the autumn; if they bloom at the end of summer, it can be planted in spring.

As you can see, for most shrubs, planting dates are still autumn. This season is also good because you do not have to rush, for fear that the buds are about to bloom. The main thing in the autumn planting is that the seedlings can take root before severe frosts.

Well, it’s hard to predict the time of cold weather in the middle lane, so it’s better to finish all planting work by mid-October. If for some reason trees or shrubs could not be planted by this time, you can take a chance and do it a little later. But at the same time, the roots must be protected from the cold.

They do it like this: they mulch the trunk circle abundantly with peat, sawdust, leaves, etc. If it is frost in the yard, it is impossible to plant trees and shrubs. It is necessary to give them an inclined position, ground them and sprinkle with mulch.

And to plant in a permanent place with the onset of spring. It is easier with plants that are grown in containers. They can practically be planted at any time. The exception is evergreen shrubs and trees or plants blooming at that moment.

Video: A beautiful fence of flowers. Flowers on the fence

What trees can be planted in the country

What and when to plant in the countryYou just bought a summer cottage and begin to plan the construction of your cottage. In a previous article, I talked about the stages of construction.

Now we’ll talk about the landscape and what and when to plant in the country. After you have drawn up a plan of your future summer house on paper and determined where you will have a house, a bathhouse, a summer house or a utility block, a toilet and a shower, a well , you can begin planning the ennoblement of the cottage. Even if you are not planning large-scale construction, I highly recommend planting trees and bushes. Firstly, these plants do not require constant care and you only need to plant them.

Secondly, when you are planning to build a house or a bath. You will already have a full garden. We began to plant trees a few years after we had a summer cottage. And now our little girls are still very small.

But our neighbors were a little smarter and planted trees in the first year. Now there is a full-fledged garden on their site. In addition to the fact that these trees give the site beauty and well-being, they act as live fences - soundproofers.

When you buy a plot in a new holiday village or partnership, then the highest on all the plots is grass, and the sound throughout the territory is very loud. When on your site there are deities and bushes, then they automatically begin to muffle sounds from neighboring sites.

What trees can be planted in the countryApple trees of different varieties - choose to your taste. Now you can buy almost any variety that grows in central Russia. Pears.

In garden shops you can find a large number of pear varieties that have time to ripen in our climate. Plum. There are a lot of varieties of plums. What kind of plums do you like? - Buy this particular variety. Cherry.

In the climate of the middle zone, the cherry has time to ripen and gives a wonderful harvest. This is a heat-loving plant, so not every variety will bear fruit. It is best to clarify this point in the garden store. Irga.

The unusual taste of the fruits of this tree did not bring her popularity, but for a change you can opt for this tree. You can also plant trees that do not bear fruit, but create beauty or bring certain benefits. Lilac. Well, what cottage can be without lilacs?

There are two types of lilac: it grows with a bush and a tree. Choose according to your desire, having determined in advance what is more important for you. Although bird cherry is rarely planted in a summer cottage, but believe me, it's worth it.

In addition to the magical smell that appears during flowering, bird cherry gives fruits - small, but very tasty berries. Sea buckthorn. The fruits of sea buckthorn are very useful, you can make jam, stewed fruit, as well as oil, which helps with burns and other wounds.

But sea buckthorn is not easy to collect, because all branches are studded with thorns. We use this tree for the beauty of our site. Willow.

If you have very close underground water, and this becomes clear in the spring, then you can plant Willow, which requires a lot of moisture and helps to drain the site. If the mail on your site is dry, then the willow simply will not survive. Oak, spruce, pine, decorative birch - all these trees can also be planted in the summer cottage.

Choose bushes for plantingIn addition to trees, I recommend planting bushes. They do not ask for much attention, but every year they delight with delicious fruits. What bushes are worth planting? Raspberries.

Although raspberries require annual care, even if you do not appear in the country for two years, raspberry bushes will continue to grow. It’s enough to plant one or two bushes, and in a couple of years you will have a real raspberry bush. These berries are for everybody.

Do not require special care, bear fruit in late summer or early fall. But if you are a blackberry lover - feel free to plant on the plot. You can choose several types at once: red, black, yellow.

Currants contain vitamin C in its pure form, so these berries are not only tasty, but also healthy. Gooseberry. There are just a huge number of varieties of gooseberries and each species is very tasty. Choose any - make no mistake. Barberry.

This is a stunted bush that begins to bear fruit in about the third year. Harvesting the fruits of barberry is not easy, because all branches are studded with thorns, but a lot of it is not needed. Do you like to cook a real pilaf?

Barberry in the country will be a pleasure for you. We choose climbing plantsYou can also plant climbing plants that will give the site not just a lively look, but also act as a hedge, blocking your site from viewing from the side and muffling the sound from neighboring sites. There is also a huge selection of plant species and varieties: ivy, grapes, loach , roses and many, many others. It is impossible to imagine a world without beautiful trees, shrubs and a variety of grassy and flowering plants. Not only our health and psychological state, but the rest of life as a whole depends on them. And about their aesthetic and environmental everyone knows the significance. Today we will take a closer look at what landings can be made along the fence and paths, how to arrange them, and we will give the most popular assortment.

Landing along the fence

Having bought a cottage or a plot for building a house, the first thing that the owner usually does is install a fence. First, a draft, and then a permanent, solid, designed to serve for many years. However, no matter how beautiful it may be, a solid canvas will look dull, monotonous and uninteresting.

And even an even, neatly trimmed lawn will not alleviate the impression of emptiness. To correct the above disadvantages, it is enough to correctly plant ornamental plants along the fence. Moreover, there are many options for creating compositions. The main thing is to follow some rules:

  • trees and shrubs should be planted at such a distance from the fence that the roots do not damage its base. Usually this is 3-5 m for trees and 1-1.5 m for shrubs, while the dimensions of the plants to be planted should be taken into account; the shade from the fence and plantings should be taken into account; the number of plants and the planting density should be consistent with the dimensions of the plot, not overload him.

If the fence is transparent, for example, a mesh netting, and you would like to close yourself from neighbors or an unpleasant view, then you can create a solid hedge. It is best to use such plants.like thorns, chokeberries, spirea, hydrangea, vesicle, irga, hawthorn, privet, forsythia, derain, barberry, lilac, thuja and others. A rose hedge looks beautiful, but it needs constant care.

Usually this is a single-row fence, in which plants are planted in a pre-dug trench (depth up to 50 cm) at a distance of 0.2 to 0.8 m, depending on the height of the bush. To get a beautiful dense hedge, it must be trimmed.

And the sooner and more often, the better, but do not forget that each plant has a different growth rate, which will determine the frequency of pruning. You can increase the height of the deaf fence using ordinary planting of trees along it. When the crowns close, the plants are sheared, but this is a rather laborious process.

Of the deciduous species, linden is best cut, elm can also be used. It is very fashionable now to create compositions from decorative conifers  with a slight interspersing of deciduous trees and flowers. It can also be placed along the fence.

In the background, higher forms are planted:  thuja (mainly columnar), dwarf pines, yews, cypress trees. On the front  - undersized and creeping junipers, dwarf arborvitae, low spruce.

Somewhere in the middle, you can place a low-growing deciduous plant on a stem with a weeping crown (willow, birch). If you are hesitant to choose which trees to plant along the fence, it is better to give preference to decorative forms of conifers or deciduous with a high stem. Another interesting option - palmetta.

Creating it is not easy, however, it is a very effective solution for the sunny side of the fence. It is a tree with a flat crown located along the fence. Pear, apple tree, mountain ash, creeper are suitable for these purposes. The latter can also be a decoration of the fence.

For example, a five-leaf girl’s grape will completely close the fence in a couple of seasons. Actinidia, lemongrass, ivy and others are also used from vines. Another option is to create a mixborder along the fence  from perennial and annual plants, flowering and decorative deciduous. Low shrubs or trees should be planted in the background. In addition, do not forget that all plantings should be in harmony with all elements of the garden.

Landing along the tracks

The main core of the layout of the site are the tracks. It is they, like a thread, that bind separate elements together, combining them into one integral composition.

What to plant in the country from the evil eye 2

Therefore, it is very important to correctly execute their design. Moreover, it is worthwhile to understand that landings along the road, which we used to see in and outside the city, are basically not acceptable for a summer house or a manor. Indeed, in the latter case, plants are perceived from close range.

Therefore, a logical question arises: what to plant along the track? Classic version - creating a border or a fence from annual and perennial low plants, breaking up small ribbon flower beds. However, we will pay more attention to the tree-shrub design.

There is no sense in a continuous hedge. Only if you want to completely hide any unattractive view, for example, a business building.

But if the path passes through the lawn, on which flower beds are placed, beautiful groups, you only need to emphasize the line. To do this, you can create a short, about 30 cm tall, sheared boxwood border (in warm areas, since the plant is heat-loving and does not tolerate frosts well without appropriate shelter), a low-growing form of arborvitae that is periodically cut from an early age. At the intersections of paths, you can plant a large stone and plant girl’s grapes, directing part of the shoots to a boulder. Such a composition will become a kind of accent, which will be even more expressive in the fall due to red foliage. You can also plant individual specimens of creeping juniper and other conifers along the path. 5 m. The undersized spherical forms also fit perfectly into the general view. As in the case of landings along the fence, it is worth observing the distance to the edge of the track. If it has a hard surface and a concrete board, then the norm for trees is 0.7-1.5 m, for shrubs - 0.5-1 m. For gravel surfaces this figure may be less.

Any, even the most beautiful house looks unattractive if it stands on a groomed area. This picture is created by randomly planted trees and shrubs. Sometimes they look like an impassable windbreak, and sometimes they make you sad and spoil the mood with their stunted appearance, dry, dying branches. The reason does not lie at all in the fact that they do not look after the plantings, but because mistakes were made in the formation of the garden. Let's try to understand the intricacies of growing a wonderful garden.

Where to begin?

Some believe that the main thing is to buy healthy seedlings, attach them to the site and water abundantly. It turns out that everything is not so simple. So that the planted trees grow well, first you need to find out a number of characteristics:

Soil type (sandy, loamy, clayey, how much humus is in it, what acidity);

The presence and depth of underground utilities (pipes, cables);

Estimated plan for future development;

Proximity to groundwater;

Landscaping goals.

If the priority is given to the harvest, of course, you need to pick up fruit trees. If the focus is on creating rest areas on the site, visually leveling the relief, hiding any defects, and so on, ornamental plants are ideal. There are also species of fruit trees that have a very beautiful, sometimes bizarre shape, such as mulberries with a weeping, umbrella or fountain crown. They will bring a crop, and give the site a peculiar design.

What to plant?

When creating a fruit garden, it is advisable to give preference to plants acclimatized in the area. Exotic, even perfectly correctly planted trees with maximum attention to them and care will grow poorly. This applies not only to southern figs, pomegranates, citrus fruits, which in a strip with a temperate continental climate can only live in greenhouses. Even walnuts, peaches, cherries, apricots have their own distribution area and in the more northern regions they either freeze in the winter or simply do not ripen with ripening. In the southern regions, on the contrary, lovers of coolness, such as sea buckthorn, do not take root well. Suffer in the hot climate of birch, willow, spruce. But especially in this regard, the shrubs are moody. But there are generalists who feel great everywhere. This tree has a lot of advantages and as many varieties, from dwarf mountain pumilio, gnome, mugus to fifty-meter

Evergreen or deciduous

Gardening is often carried out not to produce crops, but solely to create beauty. In these cases, the owner also becomes a question about which trees to plant on the site, evergreen or deciduous. Both of them have a number of advantages and disadvantages. So, evergreen conifers bloom faded, grow slowly, their year-round identical appearance may begin to bore. But under them in the autumn there is practically no garbage, and the needles fill the air with medicinal volatile. Deciduous mostly bloom beautifully, in autumn their foliage glows with fantastic colors, but in winter the trees take on a somewhat depressing appearance. As an alternative, there are deciduous with beautiful branches of yellow, white, orange and red flowers, looking fancy even without leaves. There are also deciduous, all winter decorated with bright tassels of berries. This is a well-known mountain ash, candy, lilac.

Distance holding

If the plot is large, the question of the distance between the seedlings is not an acute issue. If the area of \u200b\u200bthe plot is small, to attach to it a lot of things will not work. In order for the planted trees to develop well and not interfere with each other, certain distances must be maintained between them. In addition, seedlings must be placed correctly in relation to any buildings and communications. Each gardener should be aware of the size of the tree he has acquired in adulthood. Take into account the height, width of the crown, the power of the root system.

  Parameters for the main types of trees can be tabulated.

Light and shadow

Plants are photophilous and shade-loving, which must be taken into account when placing them on the site. In addition, when laying an orchard, you need to place seedlings of trees, taking into account their biological characteristics of fruiting, so that the tree does not have to be treated with pesticides during the flowering period of its neighbor. Varietal features also need to be taken into account so that unwanted cross-pollination does not occur. In the north side of the plot, apples and pears are good, in the south - cherries, apricots, peaches. Mid-sized and dwarf crops are planted in the center so that they do not obscure the rest of the trees with their crown. Among ornamental plants, most plants love light. This is a chic bean bobbin “Golden Rain”, and maples, and junipers, and pines. In the shade, Magnolia, mountain ash, pine and spruce feel not bad.


  Compatibility Chart (Allelopathy)
namecompatiblenot compatible
birch treeapple tree, cherry, bird cherry, mountain ashpine
elmmaple, lindenoak
pearmaple, poplar, oak, apple treewalnut, lilac, chestnut, conifers
oakapple tree, linden, maple, pine, cedarash, elm
sprucemountain ash, hazelnutviburnum, fir, chestnut, birch, lilac, maple, barberry, jasmine
lindenapple tree, oak, maplesome conifers
rowanspruce, cherry, apple tree, pinewalnut, acacia, chestnut, viburnum
sOSapple tree, fox, mountain ash, fir, spruce, oak, cedar, lindenbirch, aspen
yew- walnut, chestnut, fir, viburnum

How to arrange the trees on the site depends on the chosen design. Fruits are most often planted in rows (linearly). Distances between lines are maintained at least 5-6 meters. You can also arrange seedlings in a checkerboard pattern. In this case, the rows are allowed to be brought a little closer, but not less than 4 meters. During the construction of hedges, stunted trees are used that are more like bushes. The distance between them must be at least 1 meter. In group plantings between seedlings of trees, they stand from 2 meters, and shrubs from 50 cm to 1.5 m (depending on the type of plant). If an open alley is planned, rows of trees are placed no closer than 6-12 meters so that the crowns do not close in the future. When arranging an arched alley (berso), seedlings are located at a distance of 3-5 meters from each other.

Planting seedlings

Many beginner gardeners ask how to plant a tree. There are several recommendations. Firstly, it is desirable that the seedling be young, because for planting (replanting) an adult tree, you will need a special technique. Secondly, it is better if the tree is acquired with a lump of land. With bare roots, the plant always takes root worse, and in some species, for example, pine, roots without soil die out within half an hour. Planting begins with digging a hole twice as wide as a lump of seedling land. The depth should be such that the root neck is on the surface. At the bottom, a little fertilized earth is poured, a peg is hammered. In some cases, they arrange drainage from small pebbles or branches. Place a seedling and sprinkle it with earth so that there are no air voids (rammed). Abundantly watered. The best time for planting is considered to be early spring and mid autumn. Only adult conifers are planted in the ground in winter.