Signs from the next world from relatives. Signs from the dead

When loved ones go to another world, they really want to let us know that everything is in order with them and they are following the events of our lives. If we don't feel it, they do.

Do not specifically look for these signs - they will find you. There are a great many varieties, but the main ones are 10.

Here they are:

1. They appear in the form of an animal.

Our loved ones may briefly inhabit small animals (eg butterflies, ladybugs, birds, dragonflies).

Pay attention if the animal behaves strangely: sits on you, knocks on the window, yells at you, and so on.

2. They give you small items that they may have loved.

Our loved ones love to give us little things that were important to them, such as feathers, coins or pebbles.

Some of my clients say that they already have whole cans of coins, feathers and other little things found in the most unexpected places.

3. They exude odors.

The presence of loved ones can often be identified by the characteristic smell of their perfume, flowers, cigarette or cigar smoke, and so on.

Usually the smell occurs on its own, without any reasonable explanation.

4. They play their favorite songs at certain times.

Another sign of the presence of loved ones is when their favorite songs suddenly start playing at the very moment when we need to hear these words.

Often the same song plays in different places.

5. They come to you in your dreams.

The easiest way for departed loved ones to come to us is in a dream. You just need to ask them about it, and they will come.

However, we must definitely ask them to wake us up after this, otherwise the dream will be forgotten.

A real visitation in a dream is always peaceful; you can't confuse it with anything. Such a dream is remembered for many years.

6. They show us the same numbers over and over again.

Close ones show numbers that matter to them or to you, such as birthdays and anniversaries, or repeated numbers (1111, 2222, 3333, etc.).

7. They allow us to experience causeless peace.

When loved ones are present in a room, they usually evoke a feeling of love and peace in us.

As a rule, this happens at the most unexpected moment, when there is no reasonable explanation for this.

8. They give us thoughts.

Because our loved ones are in the form of spirits, they have no audible voice. Therefore, they transmit thoughts telepathically.

Pay attention to the thoughts that come to your mind “out of the blue.”

It is easy to distinguish your thought from the suggested one: follow the chain of your thoughts. If you can’t find the source of the thought, it’s most likely a message from the other world!

Find out what the signs of fate are, how to recognize them and use the information received from higher powers. Every person is somewhat psychic, and everyone has the right to choose whether to use innate abilities and tips from invisible mentors.

In the article:

Signs of fate - how to recognize and where they come from

Most people do not notice the signs that higher powers send them. Who exactly is meant by this definition? Almost without exception, people are protected guardian angel who is always ready to guide you on the true path and suggest the right solution in a difficult situation. The main thing is to hear it.

Besides, deceased relatives are also capable of sending signs. Most often, they appear in dreams, warning of problems and suggesting the right ways to solve them. Close people do not leave forever after death. They are invisibly present in the lives of their relatives, performing the functions of a guardian angel or helping him. From the stories of the well-known, it is known that a witch can become a mentor for her granddaughter even after death.

Even atheists believe in signs of fate. But their point of view differs from the opinion of believers and occultists. If you believe this theory, in addition to consciousness, there is also higher self, which takes on the role of a guardian angel, an invisible spirit-mentor or the spirit of a relative protecting the family. Perhaps the signs are sent by personal intuition, which can also be attributed to manifestations of the higher Self.

In general, it is difficult to say where the clues come from on the path of life. It all depends on who you are used to believing in and whose existence you support with your faith. However, it is difficult to argue with the fact that such signs exist - there are too many testimonies from people who did not board a plane that crashed later, and also made a different, right choice for them, after receiving such clues from fate, angels, higher powers or ancestral spirits .

Signs of fate in love - how to recognize your future husband

The most common signs of fate in love are dreams. Sometimes the future spouse dreams long before they meet. There are many stories and legends that a woman saw her wedding in a dream. By the way, in the old days they used special rites and conspiracies in order to. They are popular even now.

How to recognize the signs of fate in love? The desire to tell fortunes on relationships is one of them. It is likely that higher powers are pushing you to find out the future of your union in this way. You can only be happy for you if the forecast turned out to be positive. If not, an obsessive desire to go to a fortune teller or pick up cards can be a warning about an unhappy continuation of the novel.

But, of course, the most important sign is your feelings for the person in question. When true love comes, people do not think about the prompts of higher powers. They know for sure that they will be together with their lover.

Signs of fate - how to decipher personal signs

So, how to recognize the signs of fate? Almost every person has personal signs. Sometimes they are based on folk wisdom that has been passed down from generation to generation, from person to person for centuries. But personal observations can also be a good basis for creating personal signs. Even despite the fact that they have nothing to do with the signs of their ancestors. The fact is that higher powers can send clues in the most unusual ways.

Laplace, Pierre-Simon

So, the story of the French mathematician Pierre-Simon Laplace, who lived in the 18th century, is known. He often became a victim of street swindlers. As a mathematician, he was interested in statistics, and he made his bad luck a subject of study, recording everything, even unrelated events, of the days in which he had to give money to scammers. As a result, Pierre-Simon noticed that he became a victim of criminals only when his slippers were not in their usual place. The scientist's observations showed that his slippers disappeared at night every time before losing money as a result of fraud.

Thus, a certain force sent a signal to a person, albeit in a somewhat unusual way. Of course, the loss of slippers can hardly be considered a reliable sign. This is just an example of a sign that higher powers can send. Each person can carry out work similar to the study of Pierre-Simon - compare events with each other, and as a result get a personal sign. Knowing exactly how the signs are sent to you, you can prevent bad events.

If we talk about signs that are known to almost everyone, then not everyone believes in them. However, signs do not work for everyone, without exception. In fact, not everyone is the same. So, for example, for one person - to death, and for another - to the wedding. It is generally believed that a meeting with a black cat is in trouble, but many believe that it will only bring good luck.

It all depends on personal observations, because all signs have several meanings, sometimes radically different from each other. The study of folk signs will help to gain wisdom. But do not forget that personal observations are important here too. Existing signs are only the basis for the pursuit of knowledge.

How to understand the signs of fate from everyday events

Sometimes even a song heard on the radio at the right moment can be the answer to a question. How to understand the signs of fate that appear to a person almost every day? First of all, you need to learn to notice. Intuition will tell you if this is a sign or just a coincidence. There is a simple modern divination - ask a question and turn on the radio or TV. The first phrase you hear is the answer to your question.

In the old days there was a Christmas divination for the future - eavesdropping. At night, the girls went out into the street, counted a certain number of steps and listened to the voices from the houses and the speeches of random passers-by. According to what they heard, they interpreted the forecast for the next year. Similarly, you can find out the answer to any question, if the higher powers desire it. If you were thinking about a certain problem, and a random phrase of a passerby, not even addressed to you, seems like a good solution - act as the higher powers command, and good luck will be with you.

There are more unusual secret signs of fate - non-random encounters. Even a stranger can play an important role in a person's life. It can be a fellow traveler in transport, for example. If you met a strange person - a "guide", as they are called, who gave you a hint, remember what he said - it will definitely come in handy. Such meetings are very rare. Not everyone is sent such gifts by higher powers.

How to see the signs of fate - a second chance

How to see the signs of fate can tell your life path. How often do you step on the same rake a second time? As a rule, the first case serves as a kind of warning. It does not bring serious problems, a person manages with "little blood". The situation was sent down by higher powers in order for their wards to gain some experience. If he does not listen to their advice, a repetition of the situation can lead to serious problems and even end in death. There is such a proverb - an offended angel does not fly twice.

So, most of those who died on the Titanic already had problems with water in the past. Some of the victims of the disaster almost drowned in childhood, someone fainted in the bathroom. The situations were different, and they had to teach a person to avoid water - the higher powers know the cause of death for everyone. But far from always people listen to the prompts from above.

In North Carolina, to this day, there is a house that was struck by lightning three times. Now it is uninhabited and has the reputation of a bad place inhabited by ghosts. The hosts considered the first lightning strike to be an accident. The second did not force them to change their place of residence either. The third was the cause of death of the tenants. The neighbors are convinced that they should have listened to the clues of higher powers that warned of an unfavorable outcome.

How to learn to read the signs of fate - good luck and bad luck

American researchers told how to learn to read the signs of fate. Repeatedly, the press published materials that about 15% of the passengers did not appear on the flight, which was expected by the disaster. Usually this figure is much lower - up to 5%. Polls have shown that some of the people who avoided the deadly flight were simply too late.

Circumstances developed in their case in such a way that it was not possible to catch the plane. Among them are the loss of documents, forgotten keys, car breakdown and other troubles that saved their lives. Failures are also hints, most often of a negative nature. There is a sign - if you had to return for a forgotten thing, you need to look in the mirror, and then failure will not happen. But if you had to return three times, it is better to cancel the meeting or trip - this is a warning from higher powers.

If troubles or delays happen in your life, do not be discouraged. Perhaps this helped you avoid more serious problems, and maybe even death in a disaster. Everything that happens is for the best. Things are lost, everything falls out of your hands, clothes get dirty - most likely, higher powers are detaining you in order to avoid trouble. According to legend, Captain Flint did not go to sea if he could not light his pipe the first or second time, and the Duke of Cumberland ordered the carriage to turn to the palace if he met two or more chimney sweeps.

Also a sign, but a good one. If all the doors open in front of you, and the traffic lights turn green, the right people meet and good things happen by chance - you are in the flow. You need to keep doing what you started. The universe will not forgive you if you fold your hands and stop acting when it tries to help you. Remember this flow mindset and try to keep it for a long time - this is the natural state of a successful and successful person.

How to see signs of fate in a dream

Some people who avoided a major accident said they suddenly changed their minds and canceled the trip of their own accord. Some of them saw bad dreams, some simply believed their intuition. Do not discount the importance of bad dreams, most often, they simply warn of the bad and recommend changing the situation for the better.

The dreams you see before an important event often turn out to be prophetic. Gray, poorly remembered dreams do not portend anything special. Some expectations will come true, but failures cannot be avoided. Good and vivid dreams promise good luck. Nightmares and dreams that leave behind an oppressive feeling of anxiety - this is a warning, you need to heed it.

You can order a prophetic dream. There are many conspiracies and rituals for this. But remember that the magic of sleep is a complex matter. However, its possibilities are wide. One has only to remember the dreamer from the Battle of Psychics, who turned her talent into a means to help people. Dream magic will help not only to receive tips from higher powers, but also other information that may be useful to you.

The interpretation of dreams is a separate issue. The meanings can be opposite, depending on the dream books. The same approach will be correct here as in the case of signs. Observe, write down, draw conclusions. Personal interpreters of dreams have the highest accuracy.

Signs of fate on the human body - moles, birthmarks, injuries

Moles, birthmarks, and even pimples and warts- all these are signs of fate on the human body. Birthmarks are always an unfavorable sign. Especially if it is a large spot of a bright or dark shade. As a rule, they indicate the need to work off karma. Detailed guidelines can be obtained by knowing the meaning of the birthmark. An indicator of improvements in fate will be the lightening or disappearance of the mark.

Each mole has its own meaning.
Usually they talk about the inclinations or talents that a person has. Sometimes moles indicate certain changes in life if they appeared recently. Their importance must be taken into account. So, for example, a mole on the little finger of the right hand indicates the talent of an entrepreneur. This can be taken into account in decision making.

Acne and warts are temporary signs of fate on the body. There are many signs about acne. For example, a pimple on your nose indicates that someone has fallen in love with you. Do you suspect that this person cannot decide on the first step? Make it yourself, this may be the message of higher powers. The meaning of warts is similar to the meaning of moles, but is temporary and related to your environment.

Road numerology - signs of fate in car numbers

How to decipher the signs of fate on the road? There are several numerological signs that will tell you about the future of your trip. So, for example, to notice a car with the same number as yours is good luck. Of course, it will not be absolutely the same as yours. If only letters differ or just one number is very good, higher powers bless your path.

In addition, car numbers that are similar to your date of birth, as well as the number of the house and apartment, portend good luck.
If you have, meeting him on the road is a very good omen. It is easy to guess that an unfortunate number will portend only bad events.

The signs of fate in road numerology are also car numbers with the same numbers, for example, 777 or 222. If the number is your lucky one, expect good events. But if you see an accident in which such a car took part, this is hardly a positive omen. In addition, do not forget to check the meanings of numbers in numerology - you can learn a lot of interesting things.

In general, in sending signs and omens, higher powers can be quite resourceful. Their tips are worthy of every person on earth. However, it is not so easy to interpret them.

In contact with

Agree, at times you really want to talk to someone who has long left us. Especially if it was a beloved and dear person. But we understand that this is no longer possible, we sadly realize that, as before, it will never be, and we fill our heads with something else.

This is what happens to most people. But there are people who had the opportunity to once again communicate with their deceased relatives, and they not only conveyed that everything was fine with them, but really suggested how to be in this or that situation. We have selected for you the most interesting real stories of people who, in their opinion, had a chance to receive a message from the other world.

1. Always there

“One clear autumn morning, my daughter Laura went to get her brother's snowboard to take some great pictures with him. Unfortunately, Josh died in a motorcycle accident back in the summer, and Laura, as an avid snowboarder, decided that his board must be present in future photos. The photographer found the perfect place to shoot - it was a huge wall of the house with graffiti on its entire wall. When he looked into the lens to take a picture, his face became surprised. He pointed just above Laura's head, where "Big Brother Watching" was written in big letters on the wall. I immediately knew it was a message from my Josh. It's nice to know that Laura has her own guardian angel." - Lynn Elsner, Missua, Montana.

2. "A sign from the nephew who saved me from tears"

“My 21 year old nephew Marky died of cancer in February 2013. Devastated by this news, I drove down the highway in my car home. Tears welled up in my eyes and I started talking to Marky about giving me a sign that he was fine and no longer in pain and happy. At that moment, a silver Lexus drove around me, the license plate on which one hundred percent converged with Mark's initials - MHR. I was happy because I knew it was a sign from my late beloved nephew. Thank you, buddy. I will always remember you and how courageous you were at 21. I love you.” – Robin McCain, Plymouth, Massachusetts

3. Happiness on a plate

“I recently lost my son. My grief can only be understood by someone who, like me, lost loved ones and loved ones. It was my first Mother's Day alone. My son and I were very close and even sometimes joked that when one of us died (I added that I would be the first), he would definitely contact the living one to say that everything was fine. That day, late in the evening, I heard a very loud, almost deafening noise downstairs. When I went downstairs, I found that a bunch of Mother's Day party plates were broken. When I started cleaning, I was surprised to notice that one plate remained unharmed, although it lay under the whole pile of rubble. When I picked it up, I couldn't hold back my tears. On it was written: "Happy Mother's Day." It was a sign. Thank you, son.” – Carol Gavigan, Illinois

4. Unexpected call

“My husband passed away at the age of 58 on December 9, 2014, and on the same day, 41 years earlier, his mother died. On the anniversary of his death in 2015, I received a strange message on my phone: “I think of you”, flowers and many calls from friends and family. In the afternoon of the same day, my phone rang twice and I was shocked by what was flashing on the screen. To my surprise, bordering on shock, my husband's name and number popped up on the mobile phone screen. Except that day, I never got a call from him again.” – Eva Dreucci, Washington, PA.

5. Gift from mom

“Walking around the mall, I found a credit card. Picking it up and approaching the nearest guard, I announced my find. He replied that the woman who had dropped the item left her cart and went to the car to look for that particular card. I decided to wait for her next to the security guard, and when she arrived, I asked her for her first and last name to check the initials on the credit card. When I gave her her thing, she said that she prayed to her mother, who had recently died, to help her find the loss. We talked a little with her, and I said that my name was Claire. She replied that her mother's name was also Claire. Coincidence or not? – Claire Salem, New City, New York.

My dad was already old, he would have been 83 on February 15. He was sick, but he could walk a little. I could no longer get up from a chair or chair. It was very difficult for him, but he courageously endured everything, never complained much. Edema was common, but before the New Year the condition worsened significantly and my sister and I sent him to the hospital. The edema was removed and they should have been discharged, but suddenly he began to live in two dimensions - among the living and among the dead.
At first it was strange to listen to him, but then I kept trying to figure out his words and their meaning. He knew that the end would be soon, he had been waiting for him for a long time and had been calling him for more than a month, for which we always scolded him. red, I asked him about the meaning, he said that my husband knows. I realized that one end is illness and the other is death, and my husband knows because his parents have already died. Tears welling up, he said, but he said no to my proposal to cry together. The day before his death, he did not know where to put himself, either to the toilet, then to lie down, then to sit and was always hungry, although he ate, although he did not remember about it. The next day his sister fed him and his heart sank. Resuscitated, but he continued to remain in a coma. I came to him, he was in a coma and with equipment connected. My sister and I stood side by side, I stroked his hands and feet, and when I rubbed my fingers, I felt joy. She said - STRANGE, JOY. He rejoiced. I suddenly felt a touch on my shoulder and stepped aside, because I thought that a nurse or a doctor had approached, it was such a palpable touch. This was the second sign. Just in case, my sister and I asked for forgiveness and left, leaving our phone number. It was January 7th, Christmas. My father is German, my mother is Russian, but we always celebrated both Russian and German Christmas. All the relatives and my mother gathered at my house. Then, slowly, they began to prepare my mother and talk about my father.
But then I said that the Nativity of Christ has already come and we are obliged to celebrate it with joy, it is sacred and comes first for me. And the father is still alive and it is not worth burying him ahead of time. Everyone's mood was different. Someone probably condemned me, someone supported me, but I kept my line and my opinion. I did not allow anyone to grieve or cry ahead of time until they called and said that if you still want to say goodbye, you can come and say goodbye. I did not go, who has not yet been, he went. They returned home to me, and at 11 o'clock they called us and said that he had died. I told my people that God heard his prayers and gave him a chance to leave without pain and torment, about which he himself prayed to him more than once in secret. They began to prepare for the funeral and I found a photograph of my father beautiful and with a smile on his face, this has not been a frequent occurrence lately. This photo was chosen for the memorable day. What was surprising was that he lay like that in the coffin, and after the funeral I dreamed of him like that, always beautiful and happy. At the last sermon, when the coffin stood in the hall, and the guests and relatives were sitting in the hall, I was in the forefront, and an artificial bush stood next to me. Suddenly one leaf rose and straightened. It was the third sign from the Pope. He looked at us. He gave me a chance to make sure that he is alive, but he is in another dimension. I hardly cried, I just talked to him when he was in the coffin, probably for many it was very unpleasant, but I whispered to him, touched his cheeks and hands. I couldn’t kiss, they don’t kiss here, so the coffin stands high and you can’t reach it. I spent the first night in prayer after his death. Then only sometimes she burst into tears, and I really still don’t know how it’s supposed to see him off, someone does it for 40 days, someone doesn’t, and we decided to do it the way the Russian people have it. Let the burden go away from our souls, I think that the dead will not be offended by this. It so happened that after my father's death, it was my son-in-law's birthday, my mother was 85 years old and we, getting together, still congratulated dryly, but congratulated, a little, but drank to health. Alive - alive. That's how I think.

Hello, dear editors of the newspaper "Adventures. Secrets. Wonders!" In September 1988, my husband died. According to the custom that is instituted in those places, a woman, the so-called reader, reads the Psalter before the funeral. The sons took the death of their father very hard, especially the eldest, who at that time was twenty-eight years old. And suddenly this reader approached her eldest son and asked why he did not have a cross on him and why he never made the sign of the cross during the reading of the Psalter. The son replied that he was not baptized. The reader shook her head sadly and said: "Your father will not hear your unbaptized son - neither your words of farewell, nor your prayers."

Immediately after the funeral of his father, the son was baptized, and I began to have amazing dreams. I dream that I am standing under a sprawling linden tree, and suddenly, from behind its trunk, pushing back the branches with a hand, a beautiful woman comes out in a brocade robe to her toes. Throwing back the floor of her coverlet, with a smile she puts the baby in my arms, smiles at me goodbye and disappears. From this woman came such a wave of grace and peace that I immediately realized that it was the Mother of God herself. But who is this baby she handed me?

And the next day I had a dream again - but this time I saw my dead husband. He walked along some long corridor, looking back all the time and repeating: “Remember: Thursday, 11 o'clock in the afternoon; remember: Thursday, 11 o’clock in the afternoon ... ”In the morning I told my dream at work, and I was advised not to leave my office anywhere on Thursday, just in case. I anxiously waited for Thursday, but it passed as usual, and after it the next one ... Outwardly, I seemed to have calmed down, but my heart was still heavy, some kind of unkind foreboding pressed. I was so exhausted by this that I involuntarily thought: if only everything had happened, how much you can suffer ...

And then one Thursday, our paramedic ran into my office with the words: “Run home quickly - your eldest son just got hit by a car! They took him away in an ambulance!” I involuntarily looked at the clock - the arrows froze at around 11:30.

As it turned out, the son was hit by a Volga speeding at high speed. The son was hit by the hood, he flew over the roof of the car and fell into the snow on the side of the road, miraculously avoiding hitting a telegraph pole. Doctors found a closed head injury, a severe contusion of the chest and hip, but not a single fracture. As the saying goes, God bless. Or maybe the Mother of God, that in a dream she gave me a healthy baby? What if my son had not been baptized then? I don't even want to think about it!

The next summer, I decided to put a monument on my husband's grave instead of a cross. I had no money, but my vacation was approaching and I expected to buy a monument for vacation pay. And again I dreamed of my husband; we stood side by side, talking, I said: "Soon I will erect a monument to you." And he answered very sadly: “No, you won’t bet this summer - you won’t have money.” When I woke up, I was very surprised - how can I not have money? Where do I put my vacation pay?

In the end, everything turned out exactly as the husband said. There was a fire in the house due to a gas leak - so my vacation pay, not only for a monument to a grave, was not enough for repairs!