Clogged toilet how to clean. How to clean a clogged toilet

It is difficult to imagine a modern apartment building without properly functioning plumbing, especially a toilet. However, even the highest quality plumbing can become clogged sooner or later. And it happens at the most inopportune moment. So, you have a clogged toilet, what to do? This article will tell you how to clear a blockage at home.

How is sewerage in apartment buildings

Sewerage in apartments is necessary to eliminate liquid waste and sewage. Therefore, the places where these wastes are collected - the sink in the kitchen, the toilet bowl, the bathtub - are equipped with an output line through which they enter the sewer riser. All apartments located one above the other are connected to it.

Typically, the diameter of the riser does not exceed 100 mm. The pipe for it, as a rule, is made of plastic. Plastic pipes are less prone to clogging. The surface of their walls is smooth and, unlike cast-iron pipes, is devoid of burrs and various kinds of defects. Due to this, the "overgrowth" of the section of the riser is practically eliminated.

The device of the sewerage system

To facilitate cleaning of pipes in the riser of high-rise buildings, each floor is equipped with additional holes, and the standard configuration of all plumbing is as follows:

  • drain hole;
  • pipe with a supply to the riser;
  • riser.

Any of these areas can become clogged. There are several reasons for this.

Causes and location of blockage

Attention! Before choosing a method for cleaning the toilet, first of all, it is necessary to determine the cause, degree and location of the blockage.

Among the main causes of blockages, the following can be noted: improper operation, “growth” of plaque on cast-iron or metal pipes, incorrect installation of the toilet bowl.

In most cases, clogged toilets can be caused by household items that are not classified as liquid waste. For example, garbage after repair, cat litter, floor cloths. A diaper thrown into the toilet brings great harm to the sewer system. The sorbent of which it consists, soaks and swells in water, while completely clogging the pipe.

Often the cause of clogging in the sewer is household waste that is not intended for disposal through the sewer.

Possible reasons for the frequent clogging of the drain include the wrong choice of toilet bowl. Modern models that fit well into the design of the bathroom are not always suitable for the sewer systems of old apartment buildings. Therefore, when buying a modernized toilet bowl you like, take an interest in its technical characteristics.

Important! The fact that the water from the toilet or drain in your apartment does not go away is not always your fault. A blockage in the riser can be initiated by your neighbors from above or below.

In the case of a small blockage, water flows off in a slow stream. But it happens that the pipe is completely clogged and prevents even the slightest exit. You can determine the degree of clogging by pouring 1 liter of water into the toilet bowl. After 30 minutes, see if she came out. If the water comes out, then you can eliminate the blockage with your own hands. In no case do not use the tank to check, since if it is completely clogged, all the water flowing from it can rush to the floor without going into the sewer.

To avoid flooding the bathroom, do not drain the water from the tank in case of blockage

This is followed by checking the locality of the blockage. Turn on the water in the kitchen and bathroom. See if it goes well. If the water comes out as usual, then most likely the toilet pipe is clogged. A weak outflow of water in the bathroom and in the kitchen characterizes the problem with common pipes. As a rule, such blockages require more serious measures.

Ways to clear a blockage in the toilet

In the fight against simple blockages, three proven methods will help: mechanical, chemical, or cleaning with a plunger.

    • flush out all excess water in the toilet;
    • pour ½ pack of soda, pour in 200 ml of technical (9%) vinegar;
    • wait 20 minutes;
    • pour 2 liters of hot water into the toilet bowl (do not use boiling water).

If all of the above methods did not help, then you are dealing with a complex, most likely coked blockage. To eliminate it, you will need a special device - a plumbing cable. Its design is quite simple - it is a long piece of steel wire, equipped with a handle on one end and a tip on the other. The principle of operation of the cable is as follows: the tip penetrates into the clogged area in the pipe and, having broken through it, clears the way for drain water.

You can use regular baking soda as a cleanser.

It is preferable to work with a cable together: one person rotates the handle, while the other pushes the tip into the line, making rotational and translational movements with it. For greater maneuverability in the sewer pipe, make circular movements with the cable. As a result, the cause of the blockage can be removed outside or pushed into the riser. You can check the result by draining all the water from the barrel. Before working with the cable, be sure to cover the floor near the toilet with an unnecessary rag so as not to smear it with sewage dirt.

When You Need an Urgent Plumber Call

In most cases, blockage that occurs before the riser is relatively harmless. You can deal with it on your own using the above methods. An urgent call to a plumber is necessary in a situation where the water level in the toilet bowl gradually rises on its own. This can only mean one thing - a blockage occurred in a common riser pipe in apartments below or above your floor. With this blockage, working on the principle of communicating vessels, sewage sewage will quickly reach and overflow over the edges of the toilet bowl. This problem is not solved by improvised methods. The called plumber, having inserted a long cable into the inspection hatches, will clean the riser from the accumulated dirt.

If the blockage cannot be removed by yourself, call a specialist immediately.

Prevention of clogged toilets

In the future, regular preventive measures and adherence to simple rules for using the toilet and sewerage will help to avoid problems with the toilet:

  • do not use the toilet as a garbage chute (do not throw food and household waste into it);
  • once every two to three months, do prevention of salt deposits using chemicals;
  • even the slightest blockage must be completely eliminated to prevent more global blockages;

Don't throw trash in the toilet

  • do not throw diapers in the toilet;
  • keep foreign small objects away from the toilet;
  • explain to children the general rules for using the toilet clearly and often;
  • drain with plenty of running water.

It is a pity that few adhere to these rules. After all, other residents of the house can also clog the riser, and you can suffer.

How to clear a blockage in the toilet: video

Removing a clogged toilet: photo

Blockages in plumbing pipes are an extremely unpleasant phenomenon. They need to be cleaned immediately, but a plumber call is often characterized by long waiting times and procrastination. Many of these types of troubles can be eliminated on your own, you just need to know how. In most cases, you can clean the toilet bowl with your own hands, without spending time waiting and financial expenses. The following are ways to break through the toilet at home with different degrees of blockage.

Modern ways to eliminate blockages in the toilet

Causes of blockages

A clog in the toilet is an unpleasant breakdown in the apartment. No other accident causes so many problems and discomfort. If you know the reasons why the toilet is clogged, you can take timely measures to prevent it. The blockage appears due to:

  • flushing product residues into the plumbing fixture;
  • getting into the pipes of various debris that is insoluble in water;
  • incorrect installation of the device;
  • salt deposits on the inner walls of sewer pipes.

The first two reasons are careless handling of plumbing, its use for other purposes. Their elimination is entirely the responsibility of the owner. If the toilet is installed skewed or the angle of inclination appeared during operation due to poor-quality fixing, the passage of water is difficult. In this case, only dismantling and installation on a new one in compliance with technological requirements can help.

Over time, salts are deposited on the inner walls and gain high strength. In some cases, salt stones completely block the movement of water and a blockage forms, which is problematic to eliminate without replacing pipes. You can clean the toilet bowl and sewer pipes from salts by pouring a pipe cleaner into the pipeline once a month. Prevention is carried out according to the instructions on the package.

A clean pipe, and a pipe clogged with salts
  • the degree of clogging of pipes;
  • problem location.

The degree of blockage depends on how the water passes: the drain is completely blocked or the liquid passes, but in a very thin stream. To determine before removing the blockage in the toilet, pour 1 liter of water into it. An hour later, an analysis is carried out whether the water has left or not.

Advice! You do not need to press the tank release button to check. When using it, several liters of liquid will pour into the drain at once and the check time will increase.

To clean the toilet from blockage, you will need to determine its location. To do this, open the water in the kitchen and in the bathroom. If there were no problems with draining in these plumbing fixtures, then it does not flush the toilet well due to a plug in the pipe at the exit from it. If the drains of all devices of the water supply system do not work well, the reason lies in the common pipes, and the repair will be difficult, it is better to seek help from plumbing workers.

Dealing with small problems

To clear the blockage in the toilet during normal operation of the drains of other plumbing fixtures, simple methods are used. There are two cleaning methods:

  • mechanical (plunger for the toilet);
  • chemical (special means, soda).

Advice! Before you clean the toilet with a simple blockage, you need to pour boiling water into it. If the problem was the deposition of fat, this method will immediately give results. You also need to check the drain with a rubber-gloved hand. Perhaps the cork is located at an accessible distance, and it can be removed by hand.

Cleaning folk methods

Folk remedies for removing clogged toilets

The simplest but most effective way to clean the toilet without a plunger or cable is baking soda. For cleaning, you will need one pack. Baking soda solution is a strong alkaline compound. It will easily cope with body fat or other contaminants. Cleaning the toilet bowl at home with the use of soda refers to chemical methods. There are three ways:

  1. Pour a pack of soda into the toilet drain, pour hot water and cover it with a wet rag. The exposure time is more than 8 hours. It is better to perform an event to eliminate blockage at night. In the morning, flush the drain with plenty of hot liquid.
  2. A solution of soda with water is poured into the drain hole of the plumbing fixture. The composition is prepared in a ratio of 1:1. Exposure time from 1 hour to 1.5. After cleaning, the toilet bowl is flushed with water.
  3. You need to clean the sewer with soda and vinegar in this order: 1 glass of soda is poured into the drain hole, after which 1 glass of vinegar is poured. A simple blockage clears up quickly with a copious foam, so care must be taken to prevent the chemical from coming into contact with the skin.

Advice! After cleaning with soda, I additionally use a plunger to increase efficiency.

Soda is a strong chemical, so when working with its solutions, safety precautions must be observed:

  • to clean the blockage in the toilet on your own with a chemical composition, you need to wear rubber gloves that will prevent drops of the substance from getting on the skin;
  • in case of contact with the skin, the place is washed with a large amount of liquid and lubricated with a burn agent (if the damage is severe, consult a doctor);
  • in case of contact with eyes, they are washed with water and seek medical help;
  • if the composition has entered the digestive tract, call an ambulance (while waiting for it, the victim is given a large amount of liquid).

Important! The same safety measures apply when using special chemicals to clear blockages.

Plunger application

The plunger creates a water hammer in the sewerage system. The principle of operation is based on cyclic pressure changes in the system. If the toilet does not flush paper well, but has not yet become completely clogged, measures must also be taken to clean it using a plunger. The design of the device is simple: it consists of a rubber cap and a wooden handle.

The cap is applied to the drain hole. Next, movements are made with the handle without tearing off the rubber part. When the handle is lowered down, the pressure in the pipes increases, and the plug tends to go deeper into the pipeline. When moving up, the pressure decreases and the plug moves to the drain hole. With a high frequency of movements, the blockage is loosened and falls apart.

Advice! After completing the reciprocating movements with the handle, the plunger must be abruptly torn off from the drain. This will create a sharp jump in pressure and small contaminants will come out.

Using one method is often not enough for cleaning, so several are used at once. The plunger is suitable for additional cleaning after chemicals.

Removing a clogged toilet with a plunger is the most common way.

If the house does not have a plunger, improvised means are used to change the pressure. Used to clean the plunger from the bottle. For manufacturing you will need:

  • a bottle of 1.5-2.5 liters;
  • sharp knife or scissors.

You need to clean the toilet with a bottle in this order:

  1. The bottom of the plastic container is cut off without unscrewing the lid.
  2. The bottle is immersed in the drain hole with the cap up. The deeper the edges of the walls go, the better.
  3. Holding on to the cap, the bottle is sharply immersed into the hole, and then lifted up.
  4. The procedure is repeated several times, after which the bottle is sharply pulled out of the drain.

The action in this case is similar to a plunger, but less effective due to the fact that rubber provides greater tightness compared to plastic.


On the shelves of household chemicals stores there are a large number of toilet cleaners. It is important to remember one thing: a pipe cleaner is chosen depending on the material from which they are made.

"Mole" for cleaning the sewer is suitable for pipes made of metal or metal-plastic. Instructions for use are on the packaging. Means for cleaning pipes "Mole" is available in two types:

  • granules;
  • liquid;
  • gel.
There is a huge selection of anti-blockage products on the market.

The choice depends on the preferences of the buyer. "Mole" for cleaning pipes made of plastic is not used. As a universal remedy, you can use such compositions as:

  • "Tiret";
  • "Domestos";
  • "Mr Muscle" and others.

"Tiret" into the toilet, as well as similar means, is poured into any pipe material. Cleaning is carried out in strict accordance with the instructions, since the active substances corrode not only the blockage, but also the pipes. At night, such compositions cannot be left. When using, observe safety measures (they were mentioned earlier).

Important! After using chemicals, the toilet bowl is thoroughly cleaned of them (washed with plenty of water, preferably hot).

As chemical cleaners use the composition "Whiteness". Cleaning order:

  • removing liquid from the toilet in an accessible way;
  • after that, one bottle of the composition is poured into the drain hole;
  • the liquid is left overnight;
  • wash off the substance with plenty of water.

Chemical solvents and alkalis are effective in dealing with blockages, but they may not be enough if the plug is located far from the drain and a serious blockage of the pipes.

If the toilet is completely clogged

A complex blockage requires serious measures. If the system is completely clogged, but the drains of other plumbing devices in the apartment or house are working normally, they try to clear the blockage on their own using a plumbing cable.

The cable consists of the following elements:

  • pen;
  • thick wire;
  • drill tip.

A person with minimal knowledge in the field of plumbing is able to clean the toilet with a cable. The punching of the cork occurs in the following order:

  1. The end of the cable is immersed in the drain hole, holding the handle.
  2. The wire is slowly pushed deep into the pipe, while the handle is turned. That is, a flexible cable enters the sewer like a drill, breaking through pollution.
  3. After the device rests against the plug, it is moved back and forth, trying to break through the blockage and remove deposits on the inner walls of the pipeline.
  4. Having coped with the blockage, the cable is removed. To do this, put on gloves, and spread a cloth on the floor. The removed part of the wire is immediately wiped with a cloth dipped in soapy water. This will prevent soiling of the floor, clothes and skin.

Advice! The work is done together. When the cable is immersed, one person gradually pushes it, while the other turns. At the end of the work, one removes the cable, and the other wipes it with a rag.


If the cause of the blockage is not in the toilet, but in the common pipes, the cable will not reach the place of deposits. In this case, it will be necessary to disassemble the pipes by a specialist.

Clearing a blockage yourself is an unpleasant experience, but knowing how to perform this action will save your own time and money.

To restore cleanliness in the toilet or bathroom, there are a lot of household chemicals. There are cleaning products for toilets.

Oddly enough, but many people pay attention to the problem when there is already a thick layer of limescale on the walls of the toilet bowl. In this case, even household chemicals are difficult to clean the surface of the toilet bowl.

The main reason for the formation of plaque inside the toilet are salts that are excreted from the body, as well as hard water, which contains a large amount of minerals.

The risk of plaque can be minimized by always pressing the flush button after using the toilet. Children and thrifty adults often neglect this.

To reduce the hardness of the water, which causes the appearance of limescale, the installation of special filters will allow.

But even their use and regular flushing of water does not guarantee perfect cleanliness. Over time, the toilet will still get dirty if it is not constantly washed with detergents, sponges and a brush. Compliance with sanitary hygiene contributes to the destruction of bacteria.

How to clean yourself?

A logical, and simple way is to use special chemicals that can be easily bought.

They, of course, differ both in power and in purpose. Some cannot be used, for example, if sewer pipes are made of plastic.

This must be taken into account when buying. Before cleaning, it is necessary to study the instructions attached to the product, ensure ventilation and personal safety.

Sometimes a dry toilet elbow is required. It is better to scoop out water with a disposable cup.

In the absence of special means, you will have to resort to "folk" methods.


Use ordinary table vinegar, which is heated to 40 degrees. The main thing is that the pan must be covered with a lid, otherwise the sharp and unpleasant smell will quickly spread in the room.

Then warm vinegar is poured into the toilet, after adding baking soda to the liquid. Some recommend pouring iodine.

The mixture should “work” for about 4 hours, then it is washed off. If it fails to succeed, the procedure is repeated. By the way, vinegar can be replaced with citric acid.

With whiteness

Before using whiteness, it is desirable to remove water from the toilet bowl. Then, the toilet knee is filled with bleach, one or even two bottles of the product will be required. This is done at night, and in the morning you can evaluate the result. Sometimes instead of whiteness, a bleach solution is used.

It happens that the state of the toilet bowl is critical, even chemical agents do not help. In this situation, the most aggressive substance can be used.

Use an electrolyte drained from the battery or oxalic acid. But do not forget about the dangers of concentrated acids.

They can harm both plumbing and health. Sometimes it is easier to replace the structure, since it is impossible to remove limescale.

You can increase the effectiveness of the cleaning agent with a stiff brush, but not a metal one. And it is better to maintain cleanliness with preventive measures, it is much easier than removing plaque.

Residents of private and apartment buildings often face the problem of clogging the toilet. Such an unpleasant situation has many reasons related to both improper operation and poor installation. But, no matter what caused the blockage of the toilet, most importantly, you need to be able to quickly eliminate it.

This article will help with this. It describes the main causes of sewer pollution. Effective ways to deal with them are given, as well as useful tips for preventing blockages.

Signs of a clogged toilet

There are primary signs that signal a polluted state of the sewer system. If you observe at least one of them, this is an occasion to urgently start removing the blockage, without waiting for the problem to worsen.

  • filling the toilet bowl with returned sewer liquid;
  • slow passage of water through pipes into the sewer;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant smell of sewage waste.

What clogs the toilet

The toilet gets clogged over time. Like any other plumbing device, it needs to be cleaned periodically. To do this, it is necessary, if possible, to determine why the traffic jam has formed. Clogged toilet occurs for the following reasons:

  1. Incorrect installation. Clogging is often caused by an improperly installed drain system. The sewer pipe has a small angle of inclination, as a result, the waste is poorly washed off. They linger and gradually accumulate, completely clogging the system.
  2. organic waste. The toilet often flushes various foods. For example, the remains of porridge, potato peelings, bones, apple cores and much more - the list can be long listed.
  3. Household trash. A third cause of blockage is household contaminants such as broken glass, stationery, paper, bags, and more. This happens when the toilet is used as a trash can.
  4. Cat litter. Modern fillers for animal toilets are created from bentonite, a special clay that absorbs moisture and retains it. Once in the toilet, clay lumps stick together, forming a plug in the channel.

Toilet cleaning methods

Depending on the type of contamination, various methods of cleaning the toilet bowl are used. In order to return the drainage system to its former performance at home, two main methods are used:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical.

Serious blockages can only be eliminated mechanically. To cope with small pollution, various chemicals are used. Decide which method to use after determining the cause and complexity of the blockage.

Mechanical methods for removing blockage

Mechanical methods of cleaning blockages are most often used. Such work is carried out independently, without the involvement of professional plumbers. For cleaning, various mechanical devices are used.

The most common tool that every home has. It will help to cope with a shallow blockage. The best fit for the toilet is a plunger, which has a special cone on a rubber nozzle.

Application: To use the plunger, you need to fill the toilet with water about one third. The tool is installed on the drain hole so that its edges overlap the drain as much as possible, and tightly adjoin the surface of the toilet bowl. Then, by reciprocating movements of the handle, it is necessary to create pressure in the drain in order to break through the blockage. The procedure is repeated until the congestion is completely eliminated, until the water begins to quickly leave.

Plumbing cable
To eliminate blockages, a plumbing cable is often used. This is a long cable that bends easily. At one end of the tool is a handle (knob), and at the other a special metal brush. Plumbing cable can have different lengths. They are very convenient to clean deep blockages in the sewer pipe. But in most cases, one meter of length is enough to clean the toilet.

Application: Insert the cable into the toilet drain hole and push it as far as possible. The tool has a handle, by turning which it will be easy to overcome the bends of the drain system. When you get to the blockage, punch it. Flush until the water from the toilet begins to leave quickly, carrying the rest of the contaminants down the drain. After removing the blockage, clean the drain by flushing it with plenty of hot water with the addition of detergents.

Chemical methods for removing blockage

To remove light blockages, use a variety of chemicals. On the shelves of stores you can find a whole arsenal of chemistry. These substances come in the form of powders, liquids and granules. They help clean the toilet well without damaging the drain system.

soda and vinegar
The simplest and most affordable chemical remedy that can clear blockages is regular baking soda and table vinegar. For cleaning, you will need to buy a pack of soda and one bottle of seventy percent vinegar.

Application: First, scoop out excess water, leaving some in the drain. Then pour half a pack of soda into the toilet and push it as deep as possible. Pour a glass of vinegar on top and wait 15-20 minutes until the reaction is over. To improve the effect, use hot water. Pour it into the toilet and the blockage will disappear faster.

Pipe cleaners
These substances can destroy the blockage in sewer pipes formed from grease, salts and other contaminants. Depending on the type of pipes and the complexity of the blockage, you can choose imported or domestic products. Imported chemicals are suitable for any pipes (plastic and metal), and domestic for metal.

Popular foreign-made cleaners are: Domestos, Mr. Muscle and Tofix. These tools are suitable for all types of pipes. They will carefully eliminate blockages, as well as unpleasant odors.

From domestic products, the following are in demand: "Ruff", "Chimney sweep" and "Mole". These cleaners are great if the toilet is clogged. But do not forget that they can corrode not only the blockage, but also the walls of the pipes.

Application: Read the instructions and, following the dosage, pour the pipe cleaner into the toilet. Then add the required amount of hot or cool water. Leave the cleaner for 1.5-2 hours. After the specified time has elapsed, flush the toilet with hot water.

Blockage Prevention

  1. Do not use the toilet as a trash can. The garbage thrown into it will certainly lead to complete clogging of the sewer pipe.
  2. Periodically clean the water seal of the toilet, using chemicals.
  3. Flush the system with hot water every week.
  4. If your sewer system has a background riser installed, make sure it works properly.

After reading this article, you now have a general idea of ​​how to deal with a clogged toilet sewer system on your own. It is difficult to repair the consequences of careless use, so take preventive measures. Try to regularly monitor the condition of the drain system. This will help you avoid big trouble.

Video: how to clear a blockage in the toilet

There are many different ways to unclog a toilet, but the unclogging method depends on the type of blockage. About how to clean the toilet correctly without breaking the water supply system in our article.

How to clean the toilet?

This is a real household disaster. clogged toilet, which leads to unpleasant consequences in the form of a flood. In this situation, the best solution would be to turn to a professional plumber, but, as a rule, it takes too long to wait for help from the housing office, and a private master can take quite a bit from you. a decent amount. If the situation is not critical, then you can try to deal with this problem without outside help. We will tell you how to properly clean the toilet bowl in this article.

Why is the toilet clogged

Sewer blockages have a variety of causes. A common situation is the clogging of the toilet itself, in which wastewater cannot enter the system and rises to the outside. Well, if the liquid flows out of the drain of the bathtub or sink, then this means that not the toilet bowl is clogged, but the entire riser. In this case, you need to talk with your neighbors and find out exactly where the blockage has formed, and then call plumbers who have the right to interfere in the structure of sewer systems.

The most common cause of blockage is thick wads of toilet paper or any other items that have been flushed down the toilet (diapers, rags, children's toys). The next factor that provokes frequent blockages is improperly installed plumbing or the use of homemade appliances.

For right work of the entire sewage system, plumbing must have the correct shape, complete set and correct fixation. When installing the toilet and drain, it is necessary to observe a certain angle of inclination of the structure to the riser and the correct distance between them.

You can read about how to properly install a toilet from and to in our article.

Cleaning the toilet with folk remedies

You can read about how to clean pipes with folk remedies in this article. And now we will consider folk ways to deal with clogged toilets.

If your apartment does not have special chemicals that will help deal with the blockage, then you can always use what is at hand in almost every home - boiling water, soda and vinegar.

To clean the toilet with boiling water, collect a large pot of water and put it on fire. As soon as the water boils, immediately pour it into the toilet bowl at a right angle, as quickly as possible. In this way you increase system pressure and if the procedure is effective (wastewater will slowly leave), then you can add another pot of boiling water.

The second easy way is to use vinegar with baking soda or caustic soda. The procedure is as follows:

  • Pour soda powder (about 200 g) into the toilet drain;
  • pour one liter of table vinegar into the bowl;
  • wait for the chemical reaction - the substances must come into contact and you will see a light smoke and hear the characteristic boiling;
  • after the reaction fades, pour a bucket of boiling water into the toilet.

The use of home remedies guarantees the simplicity of the toilet cleaning procedure and relative safety. But there is still a drawback of this method - low efficiency. Using home remedies, it is best to remove only light blockages or soften the blockages in the pipes, so that they can be removed mechanically later.

To avoid major blockages in the pipes, we recommend that you regularly clean the pipes using the method described above.

Mechanical cleaning of the toilet

You can eliminate the cause of the blockage yourself with the help of special tools. to buy for your home. These devices do not take up much space, are very easy to use and allow you to eliminate even difficult blockages.


A plunger is the simplest design of a rubber nozzle with a wooden handle. The plunger is designed to clear simple blockages. On sale, you can also find upgraded models with handles that make work more convenient, but the principle of operation of the plunger is the same regardless of the model. To clean the toilet with a plunger, you must perform the following series of actions:

  • Fill the toilet bowl with water;
  • fix the plunger so that the rubber rim completely covers the toilet drain;
  • press the handle quickly and firmly several times so that a pressure difference occurs in the pipes, which will move the blockage plug from its place.