Humorous fables for children aged 9-13. The funniest fables

Ivan Andreevich Krylov is a beloved writer, his fables are "the property of the people, they constitute the book of the wisdom of the people themselves."

Ivan Andreevich's fables are short and long, understandable and with a complex meaning, mainly intended for an adult audience. But the little reader also does not plan to stay away and wants to know the fables of the great grandfather Krylov.

Krylov's children's fables are written with an amazing sense of humor. They do not contain harsh moralizing, but only briefly underlined truths, which will not hurt anyone, including children, to know.

The works of Ivan Andreevich are a school of life. What is good and what is bad, children will understand by reading such fables as "Dragonfly and Ant", "Swan, Pike and Cancer", "Crow and Fox", "Elephant and Pug", "Quartet", "Monkey and Glasses" .

monkey and glasses

The monkey has become weak in his eyes in old age;
And she heard people
That this evil is not yet so big of a hand:
You just need to get glasses.
She got half a dozen glasses for herself;
Twirls his glasses this way and that:
Now he will press them to the crown, then he will string them on the tail,
Now he sniffs them, then he licks them;
The glasses don't work at all.
"Ugh abyss! - she says, - and that fool,
Who listens to all people's lies;
Everything about Points was just lied to me;
And there is no use for a hair in them.
The monkey is here with annoyance and sadness
O stone so sufficed them,
That only the spray sparkled.
Unfortunately, the same thing happens to people:
No matter how useful a thing is, without knowing the price,
The ignoramus about her tends to get worse;
And if the ignorant is more knowledgeable,
So he keeps pushing her.

Dragonfly and Ant

Jumper Dragonfly
Summer sang red;
Didn't have time to look back
As winter rolls in the eyes.
The field is dead;
There are no more bright days,
As under each leaf
Both the table and the house were ready.
Everything is gone: with a cold winter
Need, hunger comes;
The dragonfly no longer sings:
And who will come to mind
On the stomach to sing hungry!
Evil melancholy dejected,
She crawls to the Ant:
"Don't leave me, dear godfather!
Give me the strength to gather
And until spring only days
Feed and warm!" -
“Gossip, this is strange to me:
Did you work during the summer? -
Ant tells her.
“Before that, my dear, was it?
In soft ants we have
Songs, playfulness every hour,
So it made my head spin." -
“Ah, so you ...” - “I am without a soul
The whole summer she sang. -
"Did you sing along? this case:
So come on, dance!”

Swan, Pike and Cancer

When there is no agreement among comrades,
Their business will not go well,
And nothing will come out of it, only flour.
Once a Swan, Cancer and Pike
Carried with luggage, a cart came from
And together the three all harnessed themselves to it;
They are climbing out of their skin, but the cart is still not moving!
The luggage would have seemed easy for them:
Yes, the Swan breaks into the clouds,
Cancer moves back, and Pike pulls into the water.
Who is to blame among them, who is right - it is not for us to judge;
Yes, only things are still there.

A Crow and a fox

How many times have they told the world
That flattery is vile, harmful; but it's not all right,
And in the heart the flatterer will always find a corner.

Somewhere a god sent a piece of cheese to a crow;
Crow perched on the spruce,
I was quite ready to have breakfast,
Yes, I thought about it, but I kept the cheese in my mouth.
The Fox ran close to that misfortune;
Suddenly, the cheese spirit stopped Lisa:
The fox sees the cheese, the fox is captivated by the cheese.
The cheat approaches the tree on tiptoe;
He wags his tail, does not take his eyes off the Crow
And he says so sweetly, breathing a little:
"Darling, how pretty!
Well, what a neck, what eyes!
To tell, so, right, fairy tales!
What feathers! what a sock!
And, of course, there must be an angelic voice!
Sing, little one, don't be ashamed! What if, sister,
With such beauty, you are a master of singing, -
After all, you would be our king bird!
Veshunin's head was spinning with praise,
From joy in the goiter breath stole, -
And to Lisitsy's friendly words
The crow croaked at the top of its crow's throat:
Cheese fell out - with him there was a cheat.

Elephant and Pug

They drove the Elephant through the streets,
‎As you can see for show -
It is known that Elephants are a curiosity with us -
So crowds of onlookers followed the Elephant.
No matter how you take it, meet Moska them.
Seeing the Elephant, well, rush at him,
And bark, and squeal, and tear,
Well, just get into a fight with him.
‎“Neighbour, stop being ashamed”,
The mongrel says to her: “Do you want to mess with the Elephant?
Look, you are already wheezing, and he goes to himself
And he does not notice your barking at all.
‎"Eh, eh!" Moska answers her:
"That's what gives me and spirit,
What am I, without a fight at all,
I can get into big bullies.
Let the dogs say:
‎“Ay, Pug! know she's strong
What barks at the Elephant!


naughty monkey,
Yes, clubfoot Mishka
They decided to play a quartet.
Got notes, bass, viola, two violins
And they sat down on the meadow under the limes, -
Captivate the world with your art.
They hit the bows, they tear, but there is no sense.
“Stop, brothers, stop! - shouts Monkey. - Wait!
How does the music go? You don't sit like that.
You are with the bass, Mishenka, sit down against the viola,
I, prima, will sit against the second;
Then the music will go wrong:
We will dance the forest and mountains!”
They sat down, began the Quartet;
He still doesn't get along.
“Wait, I found the secret! -
The Donkey shouts, - we, surely, will get along,
Let's sit next to each other."
They obeyed the Donkey: they sat down decorously in a row;
And yet the Quartet is not going well.
Here, more than ever, their analysis went
And disputes
Who and how to sit.
It happened to the Nightingale to fly to their noise.
Here with a request all to him, to solve their doubts.
“Perhaps,” they say, “take patience for an hour,
To put our Quartet in order:
And we have notes, and we have instruments,
Just tell us how to sit down! -
“To be a musician, you need the ability
And your ears are softer, -
The Nightingale answers them, -
And you, friends, no matter how you sit down,
You're not good at being musicians."

A fable is one of the ancient types of works of art, originating from the 3rd millennium BC. from Sumerian and Babylonian literature. A fable is always based on a moral and a narrative.

The fable exposes the dark sides of the human character, and since these vices have no power over time, the tales of the fables of past years are still relevant today. They help develop moral and ethical qualities in children and carry a significant educational role, guiding them on the right path.

The founder of the fable is considered to be Aesop, the ancient poet-fabulist of Ancient Greece (VI-V centuries BC), who wrote his works in prose. The original plots and the wisdom of his works, which have passed through many centuries, served as the basis for the plots of other famous fabulists J. La Fontaine and I.A. Krylov.

Read Fables online

In this section you will find the best collections of fables by Krylov, Aesop, J. Lafontaine, for children of any age, which will be useful in the process of development and education of the child.

The funniest fables


Three girls in the evening
Gathered at a friend's house:
flipped through the catalog
They drank cola, cognac.
Broke down, dreamed,
Slowly got mad...

One girl says:
- "If I met the prince,
I would do everything for him -
The boy has given birth!
But first - a fur coat, a wheelbarrow,
Well, a dacha on Rublyovka!”

Her friend replied:
- “It’s like you fell from an oak tree!
Today the princes are not honored,
It is necessary to pasture the "daddy"!

So that the "beaver" was with gray hair,
Single to il widow,
To keep the bank solid,
To enter the elite club!

If I got this
I would have thrown a feast with a mountain!
So that in the evening the wife,
And in the morning, a widow!”

The third girl got up:
- “So girls, it’s not good!
And there will be no use in life
Without love, but by calculation!

Let not the prince of elite blood,
Yes, and not a "beaver" solid!
If only to believe and love
And he valued his family!

The two friends laughed
They called the third durra.
Sit and laugh...
Well, they broke up for the time being.

Five years have passed since
How did that conversation go?
And by pike command
Ile fate favor
Friends met again
Well, they stayed to chat.

The first girl says:
- “I wanted, a fool, a prince!
There is a fur coat, there is a wheelbarrow,
There is also a dacha on Rublyovka.
Only I'm at that dacha
As if in a golden cage!
No friends, no girlfriends
A crowd of guards around!
I'm bored day by day
This cage is golden!”

- “Yes-ah-ah,” the second answered,
- If I ever knew
What is the scariest thing in the world
Be responsible for the life of the "beaver"!
He promised me mountains of gold
And slipped two contracts
By which believe do not believe
I'll fly naked out the door!
And now even a wolf howl
God forbid I become a widow!”

The third girl said:
- “Yes, it’s not sweet for you, sisters!
My Vanyusha is not like that -
Working and simple.
People have more respect
Our son and daughter are growing up.
We live in our house
And we do business together!

Here it is, light in sight
Together with my daughter and son.
Well, friends, I have to go!
You, no fluff, no feather!

She gave her hand to her husband
She hugged her son and daughter,
Got in a white Mercedes
Here is the end of the story!

A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it,
A lesson for young offspring!
We remind you again and again:

A family of lions without too much fuss
The issue was resolved in the affirmative, it seems.
Poverty has not been seen in the forest since then
(And hares, by the way, are not noticeable either).

Friends met over the weekend.
Of course, the table was full of food.
There were so many drinks there,
Bacchus would have strangled himself with envy!
The hostess ate and drank a lot.
Guests, not forgetting, poured,
Well, and the dog, from the master's table
Leftovers, every now and then, served.
There was a dispute about this and that.
Laughed, joked a lot.
The conversation was carried on in a cheerful rhythm,
But, nevertheless, the heroine has become a lot.
Walked away to the bedchamber,
Behind her, the poodle disappeared.
Her husband was pleasing friends all night
And in the morning the picture appeared.
When, at dawn, the guests dispersed,
He sleepily wanted to cling to his beloved,
And then the evil spirits in bed and appear
Unnecessarily necessary.
In place of the most beloved wife
Black with tail, hooves, horns
An ugly image of evil Satan,
Thrown into hell long ago by the Gods.
To the switch hand and, bright light
He opened his eyes to his wife.
There is no beloved on the bed at all,
But on the floor he finds a girlfriend.
On the mat she sleeps like a dog,
And the poodle on her bed.
Let the reader forgive me
But who of all that evening was a slave?!
Master, rust is like a gelding in a barn,
Into another box he resoundingly departed.
And I call all those who read
To learn from mistakes.
The moral here is primitive and simple:
An, if a glorious holiday happened,
If you wet your lips with nectar,
Make sure that sorting out is not ashamed


The hungry Wolf said to the She-Wolf:
- I missed the bird so much.
I won't give up the lamb either.
So appetizing is his thigh!
- Calm down, - said the Wolf, -
Or have you forgotten that it is not good,
Even children know about it
Dreaming about meat on a diet?!
- I, dear, also know
But I'm just melting from hunger.
Veil before the eyes.
Prey is often not visible.
And even if you see something
Unable to catch up. That's embarrassing!
Health thumped, as in oblivion.
I'll have to stop my diet.
Let the cholesterol be high
I'm still a wolf, not a donkey.
Read, reader, this fable,
Before you go on a diet!


Jumper Dragonfly
She knew her business well.
The whole repertoire danced
Forget about the brakes.

She knows different styles
You must understand yourself
Instantly dancer spun
On posters all over the country.

No respite on tour
No mention of the old days
Notorious Ant
The impresario is with her.

And the dragonfly tribe grows,
Have fun from the heart.
This is what it means today
"So come on, dance!"


One day two loaves of sausage
Before getting on the scales
We talked quite frankly.
Russian loaf behaved arrogantly!
"Do you know? - he said: after all, my parent-
Our Russian native manufacturer,
Not that you are born abroad
Shiny and smelly dude!"
"Maybe I'm a dude," answered in tone
Beautiful imported loaf-
But now look at yourself.
There is nothing Russian in you inside:
Shpig was imported from Germany,
And the factory bought the meat already in Italy!
And in order to feel an increase in weight,
You were bombarded with Spanish additive.
Only a shell, like from Russia,
Everything is better, prettier.
But the shell is like a condom
Which will hide any negativity.
And I'm an imported loaf.
Produced abroad.
But according to the same recipe,
Where there are no traces of Russian dope:
Without soy, substitutes for raw materials.
That's why I look like a dude."
It doesn't matter where the loaf was born.
It should be healthy and delicious!
No need to use a condom
The child must be healthy and beautiful!


Mice one fine evening
(I apologize for the stamp)
Cat Vaska invited to a meeting
Movements "Cats to mice!"

Cat Vaska (current Vasily)
Introduced the block he created...
(He, apparently, was beaten a little
For the fact that the fat dragged away.)

I have been friendly with mice since childhood!
He said, licking his mustache,
-My slogan - all mice for dinner
Swiss, but free, cheese!

I solemnly give you my word -
Here he licked his lips again,
- What about the mousetrap ban
I will promote the law.

The mice squeaked: -Vaska - darling!
What eyes he has!
Giving him unanimously
Sympathy and voices.

To thunderous applause
Cat Vaska said he was glad
HAVE such an intelligent
And a dedicated electorate

Thinking: -And besides, delicious!-
Left with a young mouse ...

With the moral of this sad fable
Find out for yourself, my reader!


Once a very wise Greek,
hastily building a pirogue,
said that there are no rivers in the world
in which there is no ford.
He said and lowered into the water
its not cunning structure,
leaned on the oars that there are forces,
trying to keep up with the flow.

The rapid is passed, in front of him
river quiet - oblique shallows,
suddenly sees a miracle: not burbot,
not tench, not bream, not catfish, not perch.
Six paws, whiskers, claws and tail,
well, just a caterpillar track,
and take a look, so diarrhea will pass
and I will back away like a cancer.
"Who are you?" our brave Greek asked.
"Well, answer me soon,
I passed a lot of rivers
but I haven't seen anything worse.
Silent like a fish, only with a tail
the sand is slowly raking in.
Our Greek wanted him with an oar,
then I thought: suddenly break!
And you won't pass by either.
so you can seem like a coward
and even the most dead ruff
the Greek will be mocked.

And now the Greek five
hidden under muddy water,
it would be by the tail, so no, in the claw ...
Over the river the echo howled for a long time !!!

This fable has one thought:
you do not crawl into the river with your hands,
and suddenly there is a crocodile fish
or even worse - piranha!


In one neglected forest
With thicket and swamp
The wolf came to settle down
For a hell of a job.

Resin painted over gray hair,
And sprinkled with nectar wool,
Gray comes to the boar,
Head of HR.

And straight to the point, they say, teeth
Pokudova is enough
Work, you see, ready
Specifically, in a pack of wolves.

The boar already grunted, as if waiting
Another statement.
- Yes, you are a wolf, not a jackal? -
He snores indignantly.

What the hell is a jackal?
Applicant rushed.
- Well, consider that you did not hit
You are in our forest, buddy.

The boar smelled his ass about the stump,
Squinted slyly:
- We have a full staff of wolves
Brigade of jackals.

Jackals in the forest? .. These are the times -
The wolf mumbles in a clear trance. -
Or maybe it ... you have
Others from vacancies?

I could be exactly like a fox
Catching mice and birds.
Boar laughs:
- Oh, wake up!
We no longer have foxes.

Instead, they live in the forest
Visiting hyenas.
Not like foxes plow here
Resignedly in three shifts.

So I would go to the hares.
Let them teach me. -
The wolf babbles. - It's a shame
But when the occasion comes...

The boar laughs:
- Wow, I'm dying!
You seem to be drunk!
We've had kangaroos for a long time
Here they jump instead of hares.

So why should I die at all?
The wolf exclaimed in despair.
- Come on, where is the bear sitting,
Toptygin, your boss?!

Bear-e-go! - grunted like a chant,
Boar. - Well, you and tsatsa.
They even forgot the word. a lion
We are now in the kingdom.

So where did I get, boar?
The wolf prays with a dull look.
Boar in response:
- led by the devil
You in the Russian forest.

But only here we have now
Big changes -
Other fauna and beast
New thinking.

We don't even have a beaver in the river.
But there are hippos
Kulik, having collected water in his beak,
The swamp surrendered to the Flamings.

Yes, I'll tell you myself
I warm up the chair.
So come on. Adyu. Salam.
Look for another place.


Joy rises up,
Rash for more intrigue!
The wedding is walking through the forest, -
Toptygin is getting married today.
glorious little wife
Behind the side, bear, playfully,
Stroking her gently with her paw, -
Irresistible diva.

All the inhabitants of the forest are glad, -
Happiness came to their reserve!
Only there were connivances,
Tar brought to the holiday.
The murmur went quietly:
"Look, the wife will be
Clearly a little bit clubfoot!
Judging by her lameness..."

After the honeymoon
No consolation for Toptyzhka!
Everything goes. Thinks. Raging!
He took everything too close.
Would it be otherwise, if they drip
Moose, foxes and wolves:
"Why did you take the clubfoot?
What, was not found softer than the withers?

Drank Toptygin. Tormented.
Is there a defect in the spouse?
Seems to be trying around the house
Just like family fun.
Knitting, washing and cooking.
There are no claims in intimacy either.
But, anyway, clubfoot, -
If you take a qualification in the taiga ...

Well, disdain ridicule
Animals are not going!
When the hares are drunk
They swear about Kosolapuya.
"What hitherto humbly I
Did he allow them insults?"
Thought Stomp, despicable
Feelings changing to revenge ...
There is a new churchyard in the reserve.
Today there is only one grave.
Who said at that holiday
"About cute clubfoot"?

And there are more disabled people.
They don't have paws.
Mishkin's honor was amused,
May not be entirely ethical.

As for Clubfoot, -
She became "Mrs. Forest".
She is now admired.
The press often writes about her.

There is no morality in history
It has no other subtext.
There is only a moratorium for now
Hayanya on and reproaches!


Pestrushechka laid an egg
Huge, so six kilos
Sensation! For the first time in the world!
There was no such thing
Correspondents, journalists
Publicists from abroad
And Guinness with his book
Wants to record in it.
They all rush to the chicken coop
And they ask for an interview
Ready Luggage Notebook:
-Tell us, Pied Mother
How could you do it with the Rooster
Laying a giant egg?
-Secret, Kura says to them,
And languidly looks into the distance.
-What are you planning next?
- Oh, you should all go away from here.
And at a distance the Rooster is standing
And he looks down at everyone.
Correspondents all to him
Questions pour rooster
-Tell me how you did it.
Laying a giant egg?
“Secret,” he sings through his teeth.
And he looks very wickedly into the distance.
-What are your plans for the future?
- The dream does not give rest,
I would like to take karate lessons
To give the Ostrich in the face.


One rooster found a great job:
He hired himself to serve in the chicken coop,
Crow something in the morning
And wake up people on time.
However, life is full of tragedy.
And soon at the neighbors house
A young rooster began to crow.
It was embarrassing for the old man.
And he began to crow early,
While the neighbor was still dozing.
But he did not wait long for revenge.
And screamed before...
The night was getting shorter.
They started singing so early
What is this singing to endure
The owners were out of breath.
In the end from the rooster
Only offal remains
But even the cat ate them.

The moral here is quite a bit:
Everyone needs to know that success in life
It's not about crowing before everyone else.


Fables for children by Vladimir Shebzukhov We continue our acquaintance

If you want to get acquainted with other works of this author, then you can simply score in the search bar of any browser "Verses by Vladimir Shebzukhov" and you will find a lot of them. Or you can contact the author himself on this page.

This is the name of our today's issue of acquaintance with the work of Vladimir Shebzukhov.


The fox was caught in the claws of a lion.
The cheat instantly found the words,
arrogantly declare,
What is she in the forest - to be held in high esteem,
Animals, they say, keep everyone in fear ...
And, suddenly, the lion does not know about it ?!
After all, whoever thinks to offend,
Retribution can not be avoided!

Already the hair on the mane stood up -
“We have seen such talkers.
At liars - spit in the eyes - dew!
Cunning everything, old fox!”

“Well, if you don’t believe me, make sure.
Walk through the forest with me
Not even a formidable roar is needed,
All the animals will scatter in an instant!

And here in the forest a lion with a fox
(This won't even happen)
They go like close friends.
Animals fled in fear
And the birds, in flocks that strayed -
It's time to fly over the seas!

The lion hesitated, however.
“The fox does not lie. And how to be here
After all, they all fled - out of fear ?!
Perhaps I should be friends with a fox!

But the truth of the story is...
They were not afraid of the fox, but of the lion!


What will not meet in fate ...
Walked on my own
Suddenly meeting on a forest path
Lion kitten, somehow, a cat.

Haven't learned to be angry yet
Having told, the lion cub, that the lioness mother
Hunters killed in a fight
He began to cry bitterly like a child.

It seemed like a little more
A cat is crying with a lion cub.
Listening with bated breath
Took in a child...

It's time to become a formidable lion.
There is not enough food for such an animal!
I wasn't fed up with what I had...
The lion decided to eat the mother cat.

Ready, it was already, and attack,
The cat climbed up the tree.
The lion, no matter how hard he tried to climb,
And, evil - remained under the tree.

“What happened all of a sudden?
You taught me a lot.
On a tree, did not show the lion -
Him to climb himself!”

“You are a lion, the master of all animals.
But, strong - my Angel, Guardian!
What can "on the chest of a snake"
I didn’t teach that!”


Barely knowing the bliss of a moment,
Don't be in a hurry to teach others
Hurrying to give advice,
Find out if they are needed.

Morality is as old as the world, however.
Reminds us of her story
About how the first time macaque
I ate a ripe pineapple...

Delight knew no bounds!
It seemed that all dreams came true!
Grandfather decided to surprise me with this:
“Try, grandfather, and you!”

But the grandfather, waking up, got angry:
“Who wakes up the old ones in the morning?!
I was born with pineapples!
I'll die with pineapples! ..

Now, if sweet youth
You can bring grandfather -
And I don't think it's stupid
And you - wake me up ... Wake up!

OWL, FOX AND Hedgehog

The fox gave advice to the hedgehog:
"Listen to what I tell you,
Thorns are no longer in fashion,
That a fur coat in the heat is not according to the weather!
Would you go to the hairdresser
And asked him to shave

Your unfashionable needles
About which only - bad talk.
Let him cut his hair "under the turtle" ...
You will see how everyone around gasps!”

The hedgehog rushed from the forest to the city,
Ashamed of being left behind.
He rarely heard advice,
When I suddenly met an owl,
I asked her if the fox was right -
Thorns, they say, are they out of fashion?
The owl answered: "You yourself,
In appearance, the animal is not stupid, like,
In the world, tea, lived a lot.
You look, and you will live far ...
When you go to the hairdresser
Ask to refresh
He, after a haircut, all lotion -
Carrot, apple, honey…”

“Why should I be so honored?”

- "So that everything is tastier ... the fox to eat!"


"If the friendship is over,
it means it ... was not!

I suddenly saw a badger from the mountain -
From his own hole
A close friend came out with luggage
(Considered until now).

And how then, not feeling the legs,
With luggage quickly ran.
And he could also see
How a grief-friend fell into a trap ...

The thief began to scream loudly.
Well, you need to save a friend!

Forgiving a friend for a trick,
Thus helped two friends!
If you hold grudges against your friends,
What will we leave for the enemies?


Stole a red cheat
The man has a basket deftly,
That was full of fish.
I was about to eat it all by myself
She's been salivating,
When suddenly a wolf appeared before her,
(Koi knew a lot about fish).

“And how and what did you catch?”
“I only lowered my tail into the hole,
The basket was already full!

"Blimey! the wolf thought
As soon as the advice of the fox fell silent -
She doesn’t feel sorry for her tail!!!”

So the truth, gray, without recognizing
Having torn off the tail of the cheat,
Rushed to the pond ... fishing ...

If only the cheat shared,
You look, the tail would not have been lost!

hedgehog and fox

According to Plutarch*

The fox argued with the hedgehog.
Probably not a controversy
That boasting that only with a snake,
Compare tricks, match her!

And, as a diligent student,
Spreading his ears, he listened to the hedgehog.
Envying, his head drooped ...
“Oh, I would like that too!” And well:

Though the fox managed to manage
A trick to bypass the trap,
The hunter who followed
He threw a net on the cheat.

Only the nose saw the animal,
Anticipating your new catch -
“Come on - into the network! .. And who is that,
Well, I'll figure it out for sure!

The hedgehog curled up in fear,
What did not let the "student" down:
The hunter could not catch
And ... cursed the cactus-animal ...

What morality to be - I don’t know ...
One trick, but - WHAT-A-Y!!!

* Plutarch of Chaeronea (ancient Greek Πλούταρχος) (c. 45 - c. 127) -
Greek philosopher, biographer, moralist.


It is not enough for a jackal to be a jackal!
He would, jackal, be more modest.
An, no! I wanted fame to go
About him in the desert among the animals.

He decided to the lion, for the sake of vanity,
(Any animal - do not dream),
Say to pay attention:
“Well, you fight with me!”

The lion looked lazily, sleepily.
I couldn't understand it at all.
What disturbs - in his bosom!
Closing his eyes, he went to sleep.

The tongue of the jackal is long.
Again the lion's peace was disturbed:
“I will tell all the animals in the desert,
That the lion was afraid to fight with me!

“These speeches disturb my sleep!
Let the wind blow through the desert
How the lion suddenly turned out to be a coward,
Why, the king of beasts - he fought with a jackal!


Bathed in the sun tangerines
The long boa constrictor slept under them ...
It's time for the boa constrictor to start.
"Just reach out!" they shout at him.

Well, the snake had one goal -
Cut minutes for sleep.
He lazily swallowed the aphids -
“Perhaps I’ll sleep more!”

Thus was born a joke about laziness,
(Is she related to you?)
There is always a minute
To kill an hour, another!


According to Aesop

Not a wolf, but only pitiful "relics" ...
A little more and the wind blew away ...
I suddenly saw how near the grove
A mule grazes on the lawn ...

“... What breed do you belong to?
You are not a cow and you are not an ox!
You graze like a mare,
But at the same time - you're like a donkey!

The mule answered, breathing in through his nostrils:
"I've been an orphan since I was little...
Who am I by name - I do not know
But the name is not a secret at all ...

Look at the back hooves
(To you, we will not lie with them):
On them, (already washed in the river),
You will also read my name!

So bypassing the mule to the left,
The hungry wolf went to read ... (?)
There are "powers" - and without the wind it "blew away" ...
For kilometers, like, five ...

“Toli is a fool?! Tol - tired?!
Fool - and only! Wonders!!!" --
She exclaimed in surprise,
All watching, fox ...

It was given to the rogue to know
That this wolf... COULD NOT READ!


The hunter decided to look for the lion's footprint.
And only lit up the dew with rays,
The hunter is already looking for a lion's footprint in the forest.

And somewhere in the evening, wearily crouching,
I saw a woodcutter walking through the clearing.
He called out: “Have you seen the lion's footprint?
In search of him, I went out into the forest a little light.

In response, they heard: “There is no need for a trace, believe me.
I am ready to show you where the beast itself is!
But the brave hunter, adjusting his sling,
He said: “Not a lion, but only a trace I am looking for!”

There lived a brave hunter - he is not braver!
That hunter decided to find the lion's trail...


Roamed the forest in search of animals,
Though well-fed, but terribly angry
Lone wolf (the world has not seen evil),
Not knowing where he will find peace.

I almost bit off a hare's paw,
And the squirrel was almost bitten ...
The whole anthill with paws in an armful
Without regret from the cliff - down.

What did the well-fed seem to lack?
To this question, the wolf said to the owl:
“I am my anger, if I already got it,
I decided to pluck the beast on everything!

Owl, yawning (since it only naps during the day):
“I hear somewhere on the right, there, in the bushes,
It must have been a living movement.
To know someone is hiding their fear from you!”

How I rushed into the bushes - it's not interesting,
But from the bushes - a battered wolf himself ...
“Who did this to me is not known,
But that anger, no matter how it happened ... Sense!

What was the secret, since she indicated, knowing? -
“To break evil on the weak, go, not ah!
There is no secret, but the truth is only this:
The bear took all the anger out of you in the bushes!”

Morality is not the one where among the sheep
The tail dissolves well done ...
In defense of the weak, remember us
That he himself is weak in front of someone!

(And, since someone's anger could "get it" -
On the strong, everything is more reliable, pluck!)


Between Truth and Falsehood
Known only to one
What is the opportunity for?
Make your own choice!

An Indian shared with his grandson
One ancient truth.
Granddaughter strove for knowledge
And ... to wisdom, as such.

Grandfather told that in a man -
The fight of hardened two wolves.
One - for kindness in the world,
The other is for the kingdom of sins!

Barely, for a while, they will scatter,
How they cling to each other again.
One - to serve revenge on a saucer,
The other is for peace and love!

Grandson, listening spellbound,
I felt for the story.
Asked a question casually -
"Which wolf wins?"

Satisfied with this question,
And with wise cunning in the eyes,
(Grandfather told, you see, not just
The story of two wolves

“Well, if you asked a question, then listen:
To be undefeated -
Only wolves want to eat
Whom do you choose to feed!

See you soon!

Copying the text of the article and placing it on third-party resources only with the addition of an active link to the source.



Mother of three wonderful children. You can read about us on the page with the same name. Created this site to help young parents raise their children. And also my site will be useful for both children and future parents. Come to us more often, subscribe to be the first to receive site news. We are always glad to see you at our place!

  1. Vladimir Shebzukhov
  2. Vladimir Shebzukhov

    Fox cub and owl
    Vladimir Shebzukhov

    Clinging to the malicious burdock,
    When the road passed
    The fox cub was angry, it’s not easy to know,
    Kohl barked with all his might.

    Forest bird at the fox
    Asked if you need advice?
    Lai did not give, (and he was loud)
    Quite often, sleep owl!

    "Well, if it's not hard to give you
    Owl's wise advice,
    You see, he will help to avoid
    Prickly, everyday troubles!

    "You can't, admit it to yourself,
    Defeat these thorns
    Going on the road, try
    Bypass them!

    Forget about prickly troubles
    If you go around them once, twice ...
    You will give advice
    When will you appreciate my advice!

    The owl is right, I was convinced of that
    Little fox, because the advice helped ...

    Malicious burdock, no matter how angry,
    From anger and longing ... withered!

    August 8th, 2014 at 23:09

    Hi! Something already repeating!? This verse has already been published before.

  3. Vladimir Shebzukhov

    Irisha… I don’t remember.. I don’t think I sent it.. look what a charm (there are amazing illustrations for it, I’m sending it)


    A cowardly hunter came across a lair.
    In the eyes (unforeseen), instantly fright.
    The teddy bear was sitting alone at the threshold,
    He looked around with interest.

    The hunter, with fear, turned to him:
    “Are you at home, mom?” Suddenly, timidly - “No!”.
    Pleasant, cowardly, surprised again,
    Hearing about dad, the same answer.

    “Well, then, beast, do not expect mercy!
    For a long time I dreamed of going out on a bear!
    Anyone wishing for such an arrangement,
    When the bear itself appeared before you!

    The baby cried, he did not understand many words,
    But, the smell of danger - for sure!
    There was also a cry, out of habit, involuntarily ...
    The whole forest trembled from him - "Grandma-ah-ah-ah!!!"

    Not everyone can become a hero
    Able to offend the weak!

    December 3rd, 2013 at 21:49

    @Vladimir, there was no such poem yet. This entry is about the "Brave Hunter" And, by the way, look at the picture of him

    Vladimir Shebzukhov Answered:
    December 3rd, 2013 at 21:54

    @Irina, A.. yes yes yes ... how do you like this hunter? .. cool yes?

    Vladimir Shebzukhov Answered:
    December 3rd, 2013 at 22:01

    The most interesting thing .. The brave hunter is written according to Aesop ... there I also have a moral (this is a fable)
    That's the talker (if the tongue is without bones),
    Only right in words - he is not a braggart at all!
    And touch things, surprise people with them,
    Find the reason. After all, that's what ... talker!
    But when morality was not written .. we performed at school and there was a joke among high school students when I read it .. now with morality, an adult fable .. and without, for children (smile smile)

    December 3rd, 2013 at 22:07

    @Vladimir, I agree 200%. You almost agree (about morality) and adults may not understand
    And emoticons can be put in a comment by clicking on one of them at the bottom of the comment field

    Vladimir Shebzukhov Answered:
    December 3rd, 2013 at 22:13

    @Irina, I have a psychological trick ... sometimes I write deliberately (smile smile)

  4. Anna Kotsaba

    The fables made me very happy, I generally like Vladimir's writing style! Anna Kotsaba invites you to visit and offers to read the post Dolphinarium and its artists

    Vladimir Shebzukhov Answered:
    July 5th, 2013 at 19:46

    @Anna Kotsaba, Thank you, Anechka .. in the adult collection of fables, the FOX AND THE LION have such a moral

    Falling asleep under the whisper of this fairy tale,
    Children dream of benefits from friendship.
    A fairy tale is useful for adults
    Not to be confused: with the boss ... a shadow!

  5. Iryna

    Irisha! Wonderful illustrations for Vladimir's wonderful fables! I didn’t know that you also have such a wonderful godmother too! Iryna invites you to visit and invites you to read the post Kiwi Ice Cream - Cooking at Home

  6. Wladlena

    Wonderful stories and illustrations! It's just a treasure trove for parents with children. Thank you for your hard work.
    Wladlena invites you to visit and invites you to read the post Useful tips for tourists - choosing a tour operator, part 1

    Vladimir Shebzukhov Answered:
    July 5th, 2013 at 04:31 pm

    I don’t even know who exactly to respond to the reviews, I can thank everyone for the reviews in the person of the author of the comment ... Happiness for the writer is the recognition of readers! Because we write something for people. With the acquisition of the Internet, I completely lost the desire to publish! I stayed in Moscow only one bookstore, where my Fables and Rubais are still lying. And I have enough books in the foyer for sale at my performances in the musical life of Moscow.
    It may be interesting how I became a fabulist ... I started with quatrains - switched to rubaiyat, then wrote and published a collection of Anecdotes from different countries and peoples in verse. A year before the departure of the Great Artist Yu.V. Nikulin gave him, for which he praised me for such an unusual folklore work (jokes are composed by the people). Further, literary friends brought me the works of Aesop, and said that more than half of his works were not written in verse .. So the collection of Fables according to Aesop came out.
    And now look what happens ... if you add morality to the joke (and it was already ready in my numerous ruby-quatrains), then it turns out to be a fable (hence the reader’s smile and serious thoughts at the end) and also, if you come up with a plot for ready-made ruby - also a fable!
    I was smiled in the comment - such a word “storehouse”, about two years ago on one site they also wrote this = “Your work is an inexhaustible storehouse of wisdom, dear author, I’m just reading it out!” Summer makeup tips from NSP Vladimir Shebzukhov Answered (a):
    July 5th, 2013 at 04:33 pm

    @Elena Kartavtseva,
    Well .. "mother-Elena", we ourselves are glad and grateful to you !!!

    Elena Kartavtseva Answered:
    July 5th, 2013 at 20:41

    @Vladimir, you have no idea how glad I am that you and Irochka “sang together”. I have a golden rule not to leave any question unanswered, and if there is an opportunity to help or provide assistance, even more so. When the offer came from you, I couldn't brush it off. The topic of children's poems did not suit my theme of the site, but I have a wonderful virtual friend - Irina. She is well done for accepting your proposal, and it “spun” ... .. Continued success in your work! Elena Kartavtseva invites you to visit and invites you to read the post Men's problems: prostate inflammation. Prevention

    Vladimir Shebzukhov Answered:
    July 5th, 2013 at 23:05

    @Elena Kartavtseva, Spaiiiiiiiiiibo, Lenochka .. this is a very good human trait - do not leave requests aside! I am just as “restless”!

  7. Vladimir Shebzukhov

    they just brought me from the performance .. turn on the computer .. and on you ... Irisha is like those bees under "add a comment" Not to mention her exquisite taste (illustrations and construction of poems) Irina-a deep bow to you from me, the author !!! Even no words .. well, todas are my gentle, fraternal Chelomki !!!

    The fable was a LAZY BOA ...

    Zoya Answered:
    July 5th, 2013 at 23:12

    @Vladimir Shebzukhov,
    Vladimir, this is wonderful. I like children who read extracurricular literature outside the curriculum. and share their knowledge with classmates.
    I also remember that I read a fable about a lion and a fox a very long time ago, but I don’t remember where.