Features of cement-bonded particle boards. Cement particle board in construction

Cement particle board (DSP) is a material that is actively used in construction and repair work. Such plates are in demand in a huge number of areas. But even these fundamental structures are presented in a wide variety on the construction market. Before opting for a specific product, you need to familiarize yourself in advance with the features of these structures and their areas of use.

Features of production

Cement particle board is manufactured using special technologies. The process of creating a DSP includes the following steps:

  • the solution is based on water, which is poured into a special mixing container. Aluminum, salts and water glass are also added to the container;
  • in order for mineralization to take place, elements of shavings are added to the mixture;
  • the next step is the addition of cement;
  • to obtain a DSP block, the solution is poured into a special form;

  • a certain thickness is given to the substance using a press;
  • after pressing, the product undergoes heat treatment, in the implementation of which the characteristics of the components of the raw material are taken into account;
  • in order for the substance to solidify, it is placed in special chambers. There, at a temperature of 80 C, the components are fixed;
  • after hardening, the web is cut into sheets. Their sizes are determined by GOST.

Products are made only in special factories, where strict control over the implementation of each stage is carried out. It is impossible to make a high-quality DSP panel on your own.


Cement-bonded products have a number of fixed technical characteristics that explain many of their properties:

  • the composition is a quarter made of wood chips, a little more than 8% is water, the main component is Portland cement and the share of additional impurities is 2 and a half percent;
  • material thickness varies from 8 to 12 mm;
  • the width of the slab is 120 or 125 cm;
  • length - from 2.6 to 3.2 m. On order, you can choose a model with a length of up to 3.6 m;
  • the weight of one square meter of DSP with a thickness of 8 mm reaches 10 kg.

The material has a high density, which reaches 1300 kg / m3. In the process of moisture absorption, the density can increase by 2 percent. The water absorption capacity is usually less than 16%.

The roughness of the DSP board is the relief of each sheet. It depends on the features of the grinding. Unpolished slabs have an index of 320 µm, while the material that has undergone grinding has an index of 80 µm.

The sheets have a fire resistance class G1, which means that the material has low flammability. The thermal conductivity is 0.26 W.

All of the listed characteristics allow you to choose the required number and parameters of the building material.

There are also different types of materials for slabs and molded products made from CBPB:

  • Xylolite- high-strength material with good thermal insulation. Such slabs are often used for flooring. Products are presented in a wide range of colors.
  • Fibrolite is a raw material consisting of long fibers. It has high thermal insulation properties and a soft texture. Biological factors do not have a strong effect on this type of CSP.
  • Fine chip materials include arbolite, which is used in various fields.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any building material, DSP has a number of advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of such plates include:

  • The material is highly resistant to moisture and temperature extremes. Plates can withstand up to 50 frost cycles. This characteristic significantly affects the service life of the plates.
  • The raw materials used to create such partitions are absolutely safe for human health. CSP does not emit harmful toxins and does not cause allergic reactions.
  • Cement particle board is ideal for various transformations. With it, you can use any finishing methods and change the surface of the product as you wish.
  • Wide range of. A rich variety of products can be found in modern home improvement stores.
  • Affordable price is an important advantage. Since the material is often used in the construction of a home from scratch, purchasing a large amount of material will not negatively affect your budget.

  • Cement-bonded products are easy to use. It is convenient to carry out various repair work on such a surface using a drill, punch or knife.
  • The fixed size of the products makes the installation process much easier.
  • The material is resistant to decay processes.
  • When cement bonded particleboard is used for screed floors, it offers significant cost savings when compared, for example, with self-leveling compounds or cement-sand leveling options.

The negative properties of DSPs include:

  • Products can reach a large mass, which greatly complicates their use in high rooms. The high weight is due to the high density of the material.
  • The material is not plastic. If you try to bend such a plate, then you can break it. The risk of breakage during construction works explains the need to purchase material with a stock.

Based on the data presented, it can be seen that the DSP has significantly more pluses than minuses. The disadvantages of such products are easily compensated for by their advantages.

Scope of application

Cement particle boards are used in various construction and finishing fields. The most common uses are:

  • Outdoor . It implies the suitability of the slabs for finishing the facade of a living space, the use of slabs as a basis for fences. Work on the implementation of permanent formwork is also not excluded. DSP sheets can be used in both private and industrial areas. From these slabs, both protective structures for beds in private houses and parts for industrial enterprises are erected.
  • Cement particle board is irreplaceable in the construction of a frame house. In this case, it acts as an excellent insulation. Products are used to create a warm floor. They are also often used for walls, subsequently creating an interesting decor on the slabs.
  • The resistance of the material to moisture allows it to be used as a ceiling covering in other types of saunas where the humidity level is high.

  • Often these sheets are used to create partitions in rooms. To make the plates last longer as a separator, they are covered with a special paint that performs a protective function.
  • The best varieties of cement-bonded particle boards are used to create furniture.
  • The material is used to create window sills. It is becoming a more affordable alternative to wooden structures, and at the same time it serves for no less than a long time.
  • It is permissible to make a special base for roofing in private houses from dense slabs.

  • Restoration is a very common field of application of the slabs. The material is often used to give older buildings a better look. In addition, due to their relatively low price, the products are quite suitable for large-scale work.
  • Thin slabs are often used to decorate such attributes of private houses as a fireplace and chimney.
  • Cement particle boards are sometimes used as an alternative to cement for screed floors.

DSPs are suitable for various types of work. You can carry out the following options for processing cement-bonded products:

  • cutting to the required size;
  • creating holes in slabs with a drill;
  • milling work;
  • increasing the strength at the joints using face grinding;
  • applying a primer, acrylic or silicone paints;
  • facing with ceramic products;
  • pasting with fiberglass.

These capabilities characterize the DSP material as an excellent base for any coating and as a source for the embodiment of creative ideas.


There are a number of manufacturers of DSP products that are very popular in the construction market and have earned positive feedback from customers.

Leningrad firm "TsSP-Svir" provides light gray products with a calibrated surface. Also among the assortment of the company there are polished models. The production is based on European standards and high-quality equipment from Germany.

Bashkir enterprise "ZSK" also distinguished by the production of high quality slabs in accordance with GOST. The main feature of the product is its increased resistance to temperature fluctuations and the effects of weather conditions.

Kostroma company "MTI" characterized by special geometric characteristics of products and strict adherence to all quality standards.

Tambov firm "Tamak" produces high quality slabs. The company approaches its business very carefully, so it is difficult to find even the slightest marriage among their products.

Omsk firm "Stropan" is engaged in the production of resilient cement-bonded particle boards of various thicknesses. The company is also distinguished by the creation of sheets with increased sound and heat insulation.

Knowing the list of leading companies, you can easily choose such stoves that you will not be disappointed in later.

Depending on how you decided to use the DSP for your home, you should listen to various recommendations for the correct installation of these plates.

The most common option is to insulate walls or floors using cement-bonded particle boards. To carry out this procedure, it is necessary to prepare the surface of the walls in advance, providing it with a crate made of metal and wood. It is necessary to have special cells with a fixed size of 500 * 500 mm.

Leave a space of 1 centimeter between the tiles during installation. It is covered with a special overlay, as which you can use finished products from the same material or create them with your own hands from residual raw materials.

To fix the canvases, it is necessary to use nails, screws and self-tapping screws. Fastening can be done in alternative ways - using mastic or a special adhesive solution.

To insulate the frame structure, the slabs must be installed on the outer and inner sides of the walls at the same time. If you want to insulate a utility-type room, then it is permissible to leave a small space between the base of the wall and the DSP sheet.

In private homes, many people place cement-bonded particleboards on wood floors to warm them up. To correctly carry out this process, you must follow a special algorithm:

  • In order to avoid creaking floors in the future, the base is adjusted and fixed with self-tapping screws. When adjusting the base coat, it is imperative to remove the rotten boards and replace them with new ones. If there are cracks or cracks in the surface of an insignificant nature, they must be treated with a putty.
  • Measurements of rooms are carried out taking into account the finding of the long side of the canvases across the boards.
  • It is necessary to design the layout of the DSP on paper.
  • With the help of a grinder, you need to cut the sheets to the required parameters, if necessary.
  • Slabs are installed in the direction from corner to corner. In this case, it is best to fix the products using zinc self-tapping screws.
  • The seams between the laid sheets should be primed. Only after the completion of all stages can the exterior finish of the flooring be carried out.

A special process is the use of DSP for floor screed. In order to properly carry out the dry screed procedure, it is necessary to lay the sheets on a special filler with granules and metal profiles made of plasterboard or wooden blocks. Self-tapping screws for fastening cement-bonded particle boards must be suitable for the cross-section of the beams and the material from which they are constructed. This leveling method is used only if the difference in level differences is more than 6 cm, raising the level with the help of canvases is permissible on average to a height of 7 to 10 cm.

Cement particle board (DSP) is a versatile building material suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. Moreover, in terms of the sum of its characteristics, it surpasses any sheet material based on wood (chipboard, OSB), since, in addition to high heat and sound insulating qualities, as well as enviable strength, the CFB plate demonstrates acceptable fire resistance and a complete absence of warping or shrinkage. Thanks to this, DSP can be painted, plastered, finished with ceramics (tiles) or siding.

What are such plates made of - are additives needed

DSP is a multicomponent sheet building material, in the manufacturing process of which Portland cement and wood shavings are used. In addition, the board contains special chemical additives that allow the base materials to coexist without any problems. Indeed, under normal conditions, wood is not on friendly terms with cement, which provokes excessive moisture and the associated warping and rotting of the material.

The use of special additives (up to 2.5–3% of the total volume) eliminates the negative consequences of the proximity of wood and cement, imparting such useful properties of the first and second components as heat resistance and fire resistance to the cement-bonded particle board. Moreover, due to the percentage - 24% of the wood accounts for 65% of the cement - the slab acquires other positive qualities: high strength, frost resistance, sound insulation properties, vapor permeability and complete disregard of the material by both insects and rodents.

In addition, at the same time a wooden and cement board demonstrates such qualities as resistance to fungi, moisture resistance, resistance to temperature shrinkage and compatibility with most finishing materials, which is due to enviable adhesion. At the same time, chemical additives in CBPB do not belong to environmentally harmful materials, since they do not contain either asbestos or formaldehyde.

What are the technical characteristics and sizes

Domestic enterprises have been producing the first CBPB slabs for floors and walls since the end of the 80s of the twentieth century. Now this composite building and finishing material is produced at six enterprises, adhering to the following size range:

  • Length - from 2.7 to 3.2 m. Moreover, the most popular are slabs with a length of 3 meters.
  • Width - 1.25 m
  • Thickness - from 8 to 36 mm. Moreover, this parameter divides the nomenclature into 7 standard sizes, and the depth of the most popular sheets is 10, 16 and 20 mm.

The thickness and length of the sheet affect such a value as the weight of the particle board. Moreover, an 8-mm slab with a length of 2.7 meters weighs the least - 36.45 kg, and the maximum weight will be for a 36-mm slab with a length of 3.2 meters - 194.4 kg.

Other technical characteristics characteristic of a DSP board are as follows:

  • Density - from 1.2 to 1.4 t / m 3. The difference in density depends on the moisture level, which can be unstable (standards allow fluctuations within 3%).
  • Strength - bending 9-12 MPa, tensile - 0.4 MPa. As you can see, the slab does not react well to both bending and tension. Longitudinal deformation is another matter. In this case, the resistance of the DSP is so great that it can be used to reinforce the load-bearing wall of the house.
  • Standard humidity is 9%. Moreover, after a daily stay in water, this indicator increases only up to 16%, and the linear dimensions of the sheet change by 0.3% in length and 2% in thickness.
  • Water vapor permeability - 0.03 mg / (m · h · Pa). Due to the porous structure, cement-bonded particle sheets are "breathable" materials, which, in combination with the overall environmental friendliness of the base, increases the attractiveness of this option in the eyes of builders of houses that are safe for people's health.
  • Thermal conductivity coefficient - 0.26 W / (m · K). Such a sheet cannot be compared with pure wood (0.15), but compared to brickwork (0.7), cement-bonded particle boards look very worthy, and compared to pure concrete (1.75) it is absolutely amazing.

However, no matter what technical characteristics the DSP plate demonstrates, the use of this material is associated with the solution of a narrow set of tasks, which will be discussed below in the text.

Disadvantages of cement slabs and shavings - what are they

After reviewing the characteristics, I would like to mention the disadvantages of the DSP. First of all, these should include the significant weight of the sheet, which makes it difficult to transport the panel to the upper floors or the roof. However, to form a roofing cake, usually 10- or 16-mm sheets are used, the weight of which does not exceed 75-85 kilograms, which is quite acceptable for a roofing team of 3-4 people.

The second serious disadvantage of CBPB is its low flexural strength. Such slabs are not suitable for the construction of arches and other architectural forms with curved lines. However, if necessary, the same OSB sheet can replace the cement particle board.

Practice of application in outdoor works - where it comes in handy

Due to the high frost resistance and acceptable moisture resistance, which any cement-bonded particle board possesses, the use of this material in outdoor work will be justified even in the case of using thin, 8-mm sheets. DSP is used in the construction of ventilated facades. In this case, beacons are stuffed onto the wall of the building, on top of which sheets of cement and shavings are laid. Further finishing depends on the degree of grinding on the outside of the panel. Unsanded material can be covered with plaster without forgetting about the reinforcing mesh. The sanded sheet is usually painted or left as it is.

In addition, due to the high moisture resistance of DSP, the use of this material is also possible in the context of a base for the assembly of removable or non-removable formwork. High rigidity, minimal warpage from moisture and actual water resistance make this material an ideal formwork for reusable or single use. Moreover, the sheets are easily processed, making it possible to assemble structures of even very complex configurations. And as a fixed formwork, CBPB has an additional advantage - the sheet will work as a waterproofing agent, simultaneously insulating the base.

Sandwich panels based on sheets of shavings and cement are also very popular. Such building materials allow you to assemble a house in a matter of months. In this case, the main advantage of DSP is the sheet thickness, which reaches 3.6 centimeters and makes it possible to increase the overall rigidity of the structure. Therefore, from sandwiches based on such sheets, you can build houses of virtually any number of storeys. True, a sandwich panel made of heavy-duty sheet 36 mm thick weighs more than 400 kilograms, which somewhat complicates the construction process.

DSP slabs are used not only for floors or attic floors. In this case, the panels are used as cladding, they are stuffed onto the frame racks with preliminary laying of a vapor barrier. Moreover, from the outside, the slab is first primed, increasing the adhesion of the surface, and then painted or plastered, getting an outwardly attractive facade. Well, the inner layer of mineral wool, located between the frame racks, will be responsible for the thermal insulation in the frame house, so the heat resistance of DSP in this case can be neglected.

Interior decoration and flooring - for every taste

If you have a DSP board, the use of this material in interior works is limited only by your imagination. The sheets produce high quality rough wall cladding or frame cladding. Moreover, they can be covered with a layer of plaster or primer and pasted over with wallpaper or tiles, so DSP goes to wet areas (bathrooms, showers, toilets, kitchens) and to ordinary rooms. Thick sheets can be used when arranging interior partitions.

Moreover, 24- or 36-mm panels are used even without a frame. They are folded in 2 or 3 sheets, fixing them to the ceiling and floor.

Such a move allows you to speed up the arrangement of the interior, and thanks to the wood base in the DSP, you can not only screw in self-tapping screws, but also hammer in nails by hanging pictures, mirrors, shelves or decor. DSP in the interior is valued for its high fire resistance. This material not only resists open flames for 50 minutes, but also does not emit toxic combustion products. Therefore, such panels are classified as a low-combustible type of building materials G1 - the DSP on its own will not burn under any circumstances.

However, the most common area of ​​application for such slabs is interfloor, basement or attic floors. DSP for floors or ceilings is more than willingly bought. With this material, you can insulate a concrete slab, strengthen the frame floor, and increase the moisture resistance of a wooden base. Installation of a floor (basement) based on DSP involves the following operations:

  • Waterproofing and soundproofing are placed on the support post.
  • A lag (5x8 centimeters bar) and cranial bars are laid on top. The placement step is 60 centimeters.
  • A boardwalk or a thin particle board is mounted on the bars - the use of thick slabs for the rough type floor will be unjustified for practical reasons. After all, only the insulation holds the sub floor.
  • A waterproofing membrane and a layer of insulation are laid on top of the flooring. Moreover, the thickness of this layer should be 2-3 centimeters less than the depth of the log - this space will go under the ventilation gap.
  • At the end, a DSP sheet is laid on the lag and fixed on ordinary countersunk head screws.

Acting in this way, you can get a warm floor with excellent strength characteristics even with a 20 mm thickness of cement-bonded particle board. Panels with a thickness of 24-36 mm can be laid on sand-cement bedding or compacted clay, abandoning the support posts. This technology is not suitable for residential buildings, but for storage facilities, a thick cement-bonded particle board, the technical characteristics of which indicate a readiness to withstand a large operational load, will come in handy.

Cement particle boards (decoding of the abbreviation DSP) are called a whole class of building materials used for various purposes.

They are made from wood chips, high-quality cement and various additives that give the cement-bonded particleboards the necessary characteristics.

  • what is DSP and how are they used in construction;
  • how they differ from other materials containing shavings and cement;
  • what documents regulate the properties of cement particle boards;
  • what characteristics does DSP have, and what types of this material are;
  • how are DSPs used, and are they harmful to health;
  • how to define a quality slab.

You will also find out what advantages and disadvantages cement particle boards have in comparison with other types of finishing materials and what builders and owners / residents of houses and apartments say about them.

Despite the fact that the term cement-bonded particle board (the material is shown in the photo) can be applied to many types of building materials, in world practice this name has been fixed only for panels and blocks, meeting the requirements of GOST 26816-86 which you can find.

Therefore, the name of the building material manufactured according to this standard always indicates the GOST number. This applies both to Russian products and to plates officially supplied to Russia from abroad.

Nevertheless, conditionally, DSP can include products of approximately comparable size from:

  • chip concrete (chip concrete);
  • fiber-reinforced concrete (Fibrolite).

Technical and other characteristics of DSP

The main technical and other characteristics that distinguish cement sheets and shavings from others include:

  • dimensions (length, width, thickness);
  • composition (percentage of components);
  • strength;
  • vapor permeability and water resistance;
  • density and weight;
  • thermal conductivity;
  • smoothness of the surface;
  • price;
  • methods of processing and installation.

Standard sheet sizes

Standard sheet sizes are prescribed in GOST 26816-86 and are:

  • length 320 and 360 cm;
  • width 120 and 125 cm;
  • thickness 8–40 mm in 2 mm increments.

The rest of the dimensions do not correspond to GOST, but due to the high popularity, many enterprises producing cement particle boards do not neglect them either.

However, even with the observance of the manufacturing technology and full compliance with the characteristics, these plates cannot be called manufactured according to the state standard due to the difference in size.

Permissible deviations from these dimensions depend on the brand and make up for:

  1. TsSP-1 in length and width ± 3 mm, in thickness ± 0.6–1.4 (depending on size).
  2. TsSP-2 in length and width ± 5 mm, in thickness ± 0.8–1.6 mm (depending on size).


The composition of the solution from which blocks of wood chips and cement are made is not prescribed in GOST, however, most manufacturers adhere to the following proportions:

  • cement M500 - 65%;
  • wood shavings (types of shavings) of various sizes and shapes - 25–28%;
  • additives (lime, aluminum sulfate, water glass, etc.) 2–5%.

This composition provides a balance between strength, including rigidity, and thermal insulation properties.

If it is necessary to increase the strength of the product, then more cement is used, and to reduce thermal conductivity, the percentage of wood waste is increased or the most effective form of shavings is selected.

By changing the composition and quantity of additives, regulate the ability to absorb water and frost resistance... After all, the more water is absorbed into the wood inside the slab, the more the cement stone will be damaged. First, due to swelling, then due to the transformation of the liquid into ice, in which the volume of water increases by 11%.

Elasticity and flexural strength most of all depend on the length and shape of the chips, as well as compliance with the technology of processing wood waste before adding them to the solution.

Violation of technology processing will not only reduce the strength of the concrete stone due to the sugars contained in the wood, but also will increase the absorbency shavings.

The use of the wrong reagents or a strong increase in their amount can lead to a decrease in the vapor permeability of the cement-bonded particle board, which will make the boards unsuitable for use in breathable homes.


The tensile strength of cement-bonded particle board is low, so it cannot be used as a material that can withstand a nail or self-tapping screw under any load. However, for this parameter, the DSP outnumber most finishing materials, yielding only to glass-magnesite sheet (LSU), therefore it can withstand a hanging picture, clock or even a shelf with light dishes.

In terms of flexural strength, CBPB also surpasses most of the finishing materials, second only to LSU.

All types of strength depend on:

  • the length and shape of the chips;
  • correct processing of wood waste;
  • cement quality;
  • method of drying the plate.

Therefore, the material manufactured in accordance with the requirements of GOST has higher strength indicators.

Water vapor permeability and water resistance

One of the important properties is water resistance, which describes the ability of the material to maintain its original moisture content even after being immersed in water for a day.

According to this parameter, DSP is comparable to other wood-containing materials and surpasses LSU. Therefore, under normal conditions, when the material is installed vertically and it is raining obliquely, water absorption is low, and it will take 10-100 hours to evaporate, depending on the duration of precipitation. In this regard, this material is quite moisture resistant.

Even if frost hits immediately after a heavy and long rain, the depth of the layer damaged by freezing of water will not exceed a few hundredths of a millimeter.

In terms of vapor permeability, CBPB is comparable to clay brick and is slightly inferior to wood. The reasons are in the porous structure of cement stone, as well as wood chips. So, the vapor permeability of the shavings along the fibers is 0.3 mg / (m · h · Pa), and the same parameter of concrete is 0.03 mg / (m · h · Pa).

Due to the fact that part of the steam moves through the wood, the total vapor permeability coefficient is 0.08–0.1 mg / (m · h · Pa). In this case, the vapor permeability of wood across the fibers is 0.06–0.08 mg / (m · h · Pa). Therefore, by sheathing a wooden house from the inside or outside of the CBPB, you will not worsen its vapor permeability and do not deprive home of the main advantage - dry microclimate inside the rooms.

Other materials based on cement and wood waste have a similar value for vapor permeability. After all, the process of movement of water vapor through cement stone and wood fibers is the same regardless of the name, purpose and thickness of the material.

Density and weight

Due to the high content of cement, the density of cement-bonded concrete is 1100–1400 kg / m 3, which is comparable to:

  • solid wood plywood;
  • gypsum plasterboard sheets (GKL) that meet the requirements of GOST;
  • fiber cement plates.

Therefore, the weight of a slab with a thickness of 8 mm is 38–45 kg, the weight of a CBPB sheet is 10 mm, 12 mm or 20 mm, respectively, more, and the mass of a slab with a thickness of 40 mm may exceed 200 kg.

This makes it difficult to use the DSP on the upper floors if it is not possible to deliver it upstairs by crane or electric lift. Also, thick sheets hard to mount on the ceiling, because this will require a team of several people and a powerful overlap.

The large mass also limits the use of this material for insulating wooden floors, because very powerful floors are needed.

Thermal conductivity

This parameter describes the ability of the material transfer thermal energy through oneself, therefore, the smaller it is, the lower the heat loss will be. The thermal conductivity of cement-bonded particle boards TsSP-1 and TsSP-2 GOST 26816-86 is 0.26 W / (m · ° C). This is comparable to materials such as:

  • tuff with a density of 1200 kg / m 3 - 0.27 W / (m · ° С);
  • expanded clay concrete with a density of 1000 kg / m 3 - 0.27 W / (m · ° С);
  • foam concrete and aerated concrete with a density of 800 kg / m 3 - 0.21 W / (m · ° С).

For comparison, we present the thermal conductivity of various construction and insulation materials.

Smoothness of the surface

Plates TsSP-1 and TsSP-2 are of several types - with a polished or unpolished surface. Difference between these types of products in permissible roughness.

Unsanded have a flat but less smooth surface. The permissible roughness size for them is 0.3 mm.

For polished boards TsSP-1, the permissible roughness size is 0.08 mm, for TsSP-2 the maximum roughness size is 0.1 mm.

To the touch, the sanded board TsSP-1 resembles high-quality polished plywood, and the TsSP-2 resembles a high-quality gypsum board. Unsanded materials resemble regular plywood or chipboard (chipboard).

What is the price?

The price of cement-bonded particle boards depends on:

  • compliance with GOST;
  • plate type (TsSP-1 or TsSP-2);
  • processing quality (polished or not polished);
  • the size and weight of the sheet.

Material that complies with GOST 26816-86 always costs more than what was made without regard to this document. To some extent indication of GOST 26816-86 in the name of the building material is synonymous with the quality mark, regardless of the place of manufacture of the plate. We have prepared a table that includes the most popular DSP manufacturers and their official dealers, as well as the price per sheet of their products:

Manufacturer or vendor name Slab dimensions (length, width, thickness in mm) Price in rubles Cities where production and main representative offices are located
IE Bogdan Vladimir Ivanovich, official dealer of CJSC "Tomak" in the Krasnodar Territory3200х1250х10880 Production of Tambov. Representative offices Moscow, Krasnodar
LLC "TsSP-Svir"3200х1200х8715 Lodeinoe Pole production (Leningrad region). Representative offices Moscow, St. Petersburg
Company "Motive power"3200х1250х10817 Production Moscow. Representative office Moscow
Virmak company3200х1250х101080 Production Krasnodar. Representative offices Moscow, Sevastopol

As you can see from the table, the cost of wood-cement boards or panels depends on their dimensions, sheet thickness and, accordingly, its weight, which we talked about earlier: for each thickness indicator - be it 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 16mm, 18mm, 20mm, 24mm or any other price will be set per sheet or per m2 of material.

In addition, an unpolished slab with a thickness of 10 mm or 12 mm will cost less than a sanded slab of the same size.

Processing and installation methods

When installing DSP, like any other finishing material, it is often necessary to give it a certain shape.

Unlike plywood, OSB and other similar materials, DSP cannot be cut with an electric jigsaw.

The cement stone quickly erases the blade teeth until they completely lose their cutting ability. Therefore, for cutting this material it is advisable to use:

  • angle grinder (angle grinder, grinder) with a stone disc;
  • circular saw with diamond disc.

DSP can also mill using a hand-held milling cutter or copy milling machine, as well as a carbide-tipped attachment. For drilling, you can use a drill with both conventional metal drills and those with a tungsten carbide tip.

To attach the cement-bonded particleboard to any base, nails and hardened metal screws are used. A hole is drilled under the nails to the full length, for self-tapping screws it is necessary to drill a recess for the cap, slightly larger in size. Feedback from residents and home owners.

Fire safety and flammability class

According to this parameter, CBPB surpasses not only polymer insulation and PVC, but even wood concrete. DSPs have been assigned a flammability class - G1, that is, they are hardly combustible. Due to the high proportion of cement, each of the shavings is surrounded by cement stone, therefore to start the pyrolysis process in wood close to the surface exposure to a temperature of 500 degrees or more for half an hour is necessary.

As soon as the thermal effect is eliminated, the pyrolysis process is quickly completed, because for the start of a self-sustaining reaction, close contact of many chips is required.

If the temperature exceeds 700 degrees, and this effect lasts over an hour, then the pyrolysis of shavings begins throughout the depth of the plate.

At this temperature, any building materials suddenly lose their strength, and concrete is completely destroyed. Therefore, after a fire of such strength, the house cannot be repaired, except that the fire was of a local nature and only a small section of the house burned out.

Even the beginning of the pyrolysis process does not lead to the release of especially toxic substances, because the main components of pyrolysis gas (smoke) are:

  • nitrogen;
  • carbon dioxide;
  • carbon monoxide.

Only carbon monoxide is a serious danger, but, firstly, very little is released during pyrolysis, and secondly, during a fire, combustion occurs in conditions of a lack of oxygen, therefore carbon monoxide is emitted everywhere in huge quantities.

Therefore DSP one of the safest in the fire plan of materials and is comparable to gypsum board and fiber plates. It is much safer than finishing from:

  • plywood;
  • boards;
  • wood concrete;
  • insulating fibreboards;
  • foams and plastics.

Ease of installation

Due to the high content of cement CBPB much harder than most others

Mold and disease resistant

Due to the fact that the wood in the cement-bonded particle board does not have direct contact with air, it is less susceptible to mold and diseases.

In addition, for products manufactured in accordance with the requirements of GOST, the shavings are pre-soaked in a solution of lime or other reagents, increasing biological resistance wood.

DSP plate (cement particle board)- a popular building and finishing material, consisting of wood chips, Portland cement, water and special additives that provide the necessary performance characteristics.

Plates are made by pressing. The result is durable sheets with flat surfaces and ends, which significantly saves time during their installation. It is a non-combustible material, therefore it is recommended for widespread use in construction.

DSP is used:

  • as cladding of columns, interior and exterior wall cladding, cladding of entrance doors
  • for the construction of moisture-resistant partitions and wall cladding in wet rooms
  • as a top covering for floors, ceilings, window sills, creating a base for roofing
  • as a permanent formwork for building foundations

Technical characteristics of cement-bonded particle board

DSP, the technical characteristics of which are among the best among wood-based materials, is widely used in construction, agriculture and other areas of our life. In this table you can see the main technical characteristics of cement-bonded particle boards.

Index unit of measurement Meaning
Flexural modulus, not less MPa 3000-3500
Impact strength, not less J / m2 1800
Density kg / m³ 1100-1400
Tensile strength perpendicular to the slab bed, not less MPa 0,35-0,4
Humidity % 9 ± 3
Water absorption in 24 hours, no more % 16
Decrease in bending strength (after 20 cycles of temperature and humidity effects), no more % 30
Thermal conductivity (m- ° C) W 0,26
Flame spread index 0 (the flame does not spread over the surface)
Smoke-generating ability group D (does not emit toxic gases and vapors)
Warranty period in building structures years 50
Flexural strength MPa 7-12
Hardness MPa 45-65
Specific resistance to pulling screws out of the layer N / m² 7
Frost resistance cycles 50
Swelling in thickness in 24 hours, no more % 2
Swelling in thickness (after 20 cycles of temperature and humidity effects), no more % 5
Specific heat kJ (kg- ° C) 1,15
Fire resistance limit min 50
Biostability class 4
Flammability group G-1 (hardly combustible)

Benefits of DSP

  • Environmental friendliness. Cement particle boards do not emit toxic substances into the atmosphere and do not contain components hazardous to human health.
  • Fire safety. Does not spread combustion and does not ignite within 40-50 minutes of exposure to fire.
  • Compatibility with other materials. DSP sheet has a smooth surface, so tiles can be laid on top of it, wallpaper can be glued, and painted without prior leveling.
  • Water resistance. The material is characterized by low water absorption and retains its original dimensions after drying.
  • Biostability. Not affected by mold and mildew, does not attract insects and rodents.
  • Durability... The material has high mechanical strength, retains operational characteristics for at least 50 years.

DSP dimensions

Look at the dimensions and thicknesses of DSP sheets:

Manufacturer Tamak plant Manufacturer Kostroma plant
2700x1250x8 mm 3200х1250х8 mm 3200х1200х8 mm 2700х1200х8 mm
2700x1250x10 mm 3200x1250x10 mm 3200х1200х10 mm 2700х1200х10 mm
2700x1250x12 mm 3200x1250x12 mm 3200х1200х12 mm 2700х1200х12 mm
2700x1250x16 mm 3200х1250х16 ​​mm 3200х1200х16 mm 2700х1200х16 mm
2700х1250х18 mm 3200х1250х18 mm 3200х1200х18 mm 2700х1200х18 mm
2700x1250x20 mm 3200х1250х20 mm 3200х1200х20 mm 2700х1200х20 mm
2700x1250x24 mm 3200х1250х24 mm 3200х1200х24 mm 2700х1200х24 mm

Where to buy cement-bonded particle boards

DSP boards can be purchased at our warehouse complexes in Moscow and the Moscow region. It is possible to order delivery of material with payment on the spot.

Modern construction widely uses cement-bonded particle boards (DSP) for exterior and interior decoration. We understand what the material is and how it is used.

Modern construction is impossible without the use of modern building and finishing materials. In a huge variety of composites used for decoration, a special place belongs to slabs made of cement and wood shavings. This wood-based material outperforms other particle composites in many respects: OSB, chipboard and others. Let's figure out what the specificity of the DSP is and for what tasks it can be used.

What is DSP board

By its origin, CBPB belongs to composites. For its preparation, Portland cement is used, which is mixed with wood chips with special characteristics. Its shape in the form of long thin needles (with a length of 1-3 cm, the thickness of the chips is only 0.2-0.3 mm) provides excellent operational properties.

In addition to cement and wood chips, the mixture for forming CBPB boards includes:

  • Liquid glass.
  • Aluminum sulfate.
  • Fuel oil or industrial oils in small quantities.
  • Water (about 8 parts out of 100).

The additives make the board resistant to the development of mold and bacteria. In addition, they reduce the ability of cement to destroy wood, increase the plasticity of the mixture, and make it resistant to fire.

High-quality DSPs are a sandwich of 3 or more layers. The outer layers are made from a fine chip mix. They are smoother and easier to finish. The deeper layers are based on coarser, coarser chips, which gives them additional strength.

The surface of the slabs can be sanded to facilitate finishing work. There are also varieties, on the outer layer of which a relief is applied, imitating brickwork or the texture of natural stone.

In addition to decorative properties, DSPs have a number of parameters that determine their applicability in a particular area. Let's consider them in more detail. In order to find out how to properly decorate the walls with plastic panels, see this article.


One of the most important characteristics. The density depends on the ability of the slab to withstand operational loads, as well as its weight. To characterize the density, they usually indicate how much 1 cubic meter weighs. m of material. For DSP, this parameter ranges from 1100 to 1400 kg.


The mass of a DSP is directly related to its density. It is quite large, and exceeds similar characteristics of other composites based on wood chips by 2 times or more. A slab with a length of 2.7 m and a width of 1.25 can weigh from 36.5 kg to 164 kg, depending on the thickness. Such a mass complicates the installation of slabs and other operations with them (transportation, lifting to high floors, etc.). However, it should be emphasized that among all materials based on Portland cement, CBPB is one of the lightest.

The weight of a cement-bonded particleboard is significantly influenced by its moisture content. The standard allows for fluctuations in this parameter within 3% of the base (9%), so that the same plate in different conditions can weigh differently.


The slab has excellent resistance to compression and longitudinal deformation. Its strength characteristics make it possible to use DSP sheets to strengthen walls. However, the ability to withstand bending and especially stretching of this material is much less.

Dimensions (edit)

DSP is a relatively new material. Therefore, the number of sizes in which it is produced is not too large. The standard width of the slabs is 1 m 25 cm.The length varies from 2 m 70 cm to 3 m 20 cm.The thickness is more varied: there are 7 sizes, of which the most widely used are 1 cm, 1.6 cm and 2 cm. The maximum the thickness value reaches 3 cm 6 mm.

Where is cement bonded particleboard used?

Slabs based on cement and shavings are widely used in dry construction. They are most widely used for the construction of buildings according to the wireframe scheme. This is facilitated by the ability of the slab to significantly increase the strength of the frame (with proper installation).

Another reason for the high popularity of CBPB is in the high rates of material safety. The composite does not emit harmful volatile substances either during normal operation or in case of fire. It does not support combustion and does not allow the flame to spread over its surface.

The material has found wide application in low-rise (up to 3 inclusive) construction. It is perfect not only for the construction of cottages and private houses, but also for public buildings: offices, entertainment centers, hotels, industrial workshops. The high safety and environmental friendliness of the cement-bonded composite allows it to be used in the construction of children's institutions, schools, hospitals, and sanatoriums.

Another area of ​​application of cement-particle boards is the construction of street buildings in the home garden. Hozblok, change houses, sheds, cellars, outdoor toilets, built of cement-bonded concrete, serve for many years due to the high resistance of the material to atmospheric moisture, temperature fluctuations, the growth of bacteria and mold fungi.

The low resistance of the material to deformation in bending somewhat limits its scope of application. DSP is either laid on the floor (on a solid foundation), or hung on the frame in a strictly vertical position. You cannot lay this material at an angle or use it to decorate arched structures!

In interior decoration, slabs based on cement and wood chips are also widely used. They are used to make internal partitions, rough floors, window sills. Also, with the help of DSP, the surfaces of the walls and ceiling are leveled.

Installation features

It is allowed to fix the slab to the frame using self-tapping screws or nails. The selection of fasteners is carried out as follows:

  • For self-tapping screws, take a thickness of 2.5 mm. The heavier the sheets, the thicker the screws are selected. The length is determined by the thickness of the "pie" with which the frame is sheathed. Before screwing in the fasteners, drill holes for self-tapping screws with a drill.
  • For nails, the selection of length and thickness is done according to the same principle. The tree must have at least 10 nail diameters to ensure a secure fit.

The DSP slab weighs a lot, therefore, in order to securely fix it on the frame, it is extremely important not to save on fasteners. The table shows the recommended number of fasteners for various sizes, as well as the maximum allowable distance between them.

The sheet is fixed along the perimeter, with strict observance of the verticality of the placement of the plate and the frequency of installation of fasteners. After the sheet is fixed around the perimeter, it is also necessary to pull it along the line that runs in the middle of the plate height (horizontally). On this line, it is permissible to screw in self-tapping screws twice less often than along the perimeter.

Laying DSP on the floor

If a slab is used to create a subfloor, the technology assumes the placement of a log system. A bar is used on the logs (its dimensions: width 5 cm, thickness - 8 cm). Lags are placed on the base, after having laid a layer of sound and waterproofing. The step between the lags is about 0.6 m.

A layer of insulation is placed between the lags. The thickness of the layer is selected so that after laying and covering with a waterproofing membrane, the layer is a couple of centimeters deeper than the lag. Such a gap is necessary for the organization of ventilation.

A DSP slab is placed on the logs (usually with a thickness of 2 cm). The slab is attached to the logs with self-tapping screws, recessed heads flush with the floor surface. Seams are carefully sealed with a sealant. A finished floor can already be laid on top of the slab.

Do-it-yourself installation of a DSP slab. Step-by-step instruction

Before starting the installation, you should draw up a project. It will allow you to understand how many sheets need to be strengthened, where each sheet will have fasteners, into which pieces the purchased plate will have to be cut. Before work, you need to carefully consider how the plate will be held in place until it is fully fixed. Since the cement-bonded composite is very heavy, it is worth considering the possibility of using lifting mechanisms.

In working with DSP, each pair of hands is more important than ever. Therefore, starting work alone is strongly discouraged. Better to work with at least one assistant.

The procedure is as follows:

  • Focusing on the prepared project, we cut the slab into pieces of the required size. The cement-bonded composite is cut with the same tools as for ordinary chipboard, but the files need to be harder.
  • On each piece we drill holes for self-tapping screws.
  • We attach a piece to the frame, checking the verticality with a level.
  • We screw in self-tapping screws in the corners, then along the perimeter and in the middle.
  • We fix the pieces one by one until the sheathing is done. Then we seal the seams with a sealant or close them with a special rail.

In the building, the width of the seam is not less than 0.4 cm, outside - not less than 0.8. Otherwise, the joints will start to crack.

All that remains is to paint the slab or plaster it for a fine finish.

Any business turns out better if you use practical experience. Such a baggage of valuable knowledge about the features of the choice and installation of DSPs can be acquired on our own experience, but mistakes will lead to delays in construction and financial losses. Therefore, we suggest watching several useful video clips to get acquainted with the experience of professional builders:

The use of modern finishing materials allows you to complete construction work much faster, without spreading unnecessary dirt and getting an excellent result as a result. Just such opportunities are provided to the builder by using the DSP.

However, before starting work, you should familiarize yourself with all the features of this material. This will help you not to expect the impossible from him and avoid annoying mistakes in editing. We hope that the tips in this article will help you with your work!