Temperature standards in the apartment during the heating season. What are the temperature standards in the apartment during the heating season according to SanPin? Standard air temperature in a residential area

In a previous article, we talked about , which is used for one purpose only: to reduce heat loss. Today we will answer the question of how many degrees should be in the apartment according to regulations. This value is regulated by two legal documents: GOST and SNIP. Values ​​are set separately for each room of the apartment. These requirements must be met taking into account the error up or down. Unfortunately, both the lower and upper possible limits are outside the comfortable room temperature range.

What air temperature should be in the apartment - norms

In winter, the thermometer should show at least 18 degrees (+/- error).

In the question of how many degrees should be in the apartment, everything is somewhat more complicated than it seems at first glance. Everyone has heard the average value of at least 18 degrees for the entire living area. In fact, the air temperature value is set separately for each room, depending on its purpose.

The state documents clearly state what the temperature in the apartment should be in winter. The norm is determined by two regulations:

  • GOST R-51617-2000;
  • SanPiN

These documents have two classifications: what should be the temperature in the apartment in winter according to the norm, and what should be in summer. In addition, the documents give the value of the optimal and permissible temperature. Naturally, service companies take as a basis the allowable limits, acting within the framework of the law. If even these minimum indicators are not met, it is necessary to contact the relevant authorities so that they take action.

Often, the comfortable temperature in an apartment for an individual does not coincide with the requirements of legal acts. If you are cold, please buy . If it is too hot, then you can adjust the temperature of the radiators using a thermal head, but you will still pay in full. To pay only for the heat that you used, you need to install .

Let's figure out what a comfortable temperature in the apartment, according to the state regulatory documentation, should be in different rooms:

  • room - allowable 18-24 degrees, optimal 20-22 degrees. At -30 degrees overboard for five days, the minimum temperature should be 20 degrees;
  • kitchen and toilet - optimal 19-21 degrees, permissible 18-26 degrees;
  • bathroom or combined bathroom - optimal 24-26 degrees, permissible 18-26 degrees.

The air temperature in the apartment during the heating season, established by norms and standards, may vary by an allowable error. At night, a decrease of no more than 3 degrees is allowed, as well as an increase of a maximum of 4 degrees at any time of the day.

The decrease in temperature is associated with heat loss through cold bridges.

Separately, there are norms for a common corridor, landing and storerooms. There the thermometer should show at least 15 degrees. Normally, the comfortable temperature in the apartment is closely related to the volume of air exchange. For living rooms, this value is set at 3 cubic meters per hour for each square meter of the room. In the kitchen, the norm is set regardless of its area and is 60 cubic meters per hour, no less. In a bathroom with a separate toilet, the amount of supply air and, accordingly, exhaust air should be 25 cubic meters per hour. If the bathroom is combined, then the values ​​\u200b\u200bare summed up.

The regulatory documents establish norms not only for what temperature should be in the house in winter, but also in summer. In this case, the maximum is set, which is 28 degrees. But, even if this value is exceeded, no one can help you, only you yourself. The temperature norm in an apartment in winter according to SanPiN is determined in tandem with the value of air humidity and the speed of air flow. This applies only to living rooms in which the humidity should not be higher than 60%, the optimal value is 30-45%. For other premises, this indicator is not standardized. The movement of air flows should not exceed 2 m/s.

Factors that affect the temperature regime

Adjustment of heating of a radiator by means of a thermal head.

We have already figured out what air temperature should be in the apartment and found out the value of the error up or down. Now let's figure out what this error can be caused by, that is, a decrease or increase in temperature. Knowing the reasons, we will be able to answer the question of how to increase the temperature in the apartment or lower it, based on our own preferences. What determines the readings of the internal thermometer:

  • the amount of heat loss;
  • battery capacity;
  • coolant speed in the heating system;
  • wiring of the heating system.

No matter how comfortable the temperature in the apartment is, there will still be someone who is too cold or too hot. Well, even in an apartment with central heating, it is possible to regulate the degree of air heating.

Even if utility companies comply with all the conditions of GOST, it can still be cold in your home due to high heat losses.

So, you need to exclude them as much as possible so that the temperature in the apartment in the winter is within normal limits. You have probably noticed how many people now insulate the outer walls with foam plastic, thereby reducing heat loss. By the way, the first step should be to replace old windows with modern energy-saving double-glazed windows.

The type of radiators and their volume also largely determine what (optimal or not) the temperature in the apartment will be. Naturally, the larger the battery, the warmer. At the same time, it is impossible to arbitrarily increase the number of sections, since the stability of the entire system depends on this. An increase in the volume of heat exchangers can lead to a decrease in the speed of the coolant. What is the risk? When the pressure drops, the batteries can heat up only partially, or they can be completely cold. In this case, it will not work to achieve the optimal air temperature in the apartment.

The decrease in pressure entails a drop in the speed of the coolant. The slower it moves, the more time to lose heat before it reaches you. Accordingly, one can only dream about the optimal temperature in the apartment in winter, as is the case with incorrect circuit wiring. Not only can errors be made in as well as their assembly, it is also possible to connect the batteries incorrectly. As a result and the bottom is hot.

How to raise or lower the temperature in the apartment

The ball valve is closed on the supply.

How many degrees should be in the house? According to GOST in the room, the lower limit, taking into account the night error, is 15 degrees. You wouldn't wish that kind of comfort on your enemy. Naturally, it is useless to complain in this case, because the requirements of the standard are met, so people begin to independently regulate the temperatures in their homes. When it's cold, everyone actively insulates, changes windows and closes cracks. As a last resort, you can include

But what to do if the normal temperature in the apartment in winter is 28 degrees, which is quite real. The maximum allowable value is 24 degrees plus the error of 4 degrees prescribed in GOST.

If the batteries have thermal heads, then there is no problem, you just need to set the required value and that's it.

And what if they are not? Living with an open window is not comfortable, as cold air pulls strongly on the floor. If there are children, then this option is excluded, and for adults this state of affairs is clearly not healthy.

What other options:

  • slightly turn off the tap in front of the battery;
  • install .

By closing the ball valve in front of the radiator, you will reduce the amount of water supplied. It is not recommended to do this, but when you really need it, you have to. Just keep in mind that in this mode, the valves will last much less. The air recuperator allows you to create the necessary air circulation, while the supply air enters the room already heated.

Comfortable temperature in the apartment in winter

We found out that the optimal temperature in the house in winter according to GOST and SNIP is 20-22 degrees. At the same time, the permissible framework is from 18 to 26 degrees, depending on the intended purpose of the room. For the kitchen, bathroom and room, the norms are different. The deviation from the table values ​​is 3 degrees down and 4 degrees up. Regrettably, but according to the law, if your house is only 15 degrees Celsius, then there can be no claims against the utility company on your part. The same is true if you have an apartment in winter, as in Tashkent on the street in summer (+30). The salvation of the drowning is the work of the drowning themselves.

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Document's name:
Document Number: 64
Type of document: Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation
Host body: Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation
Status: current
Published: Russian newspaper, N 159, 07/21/2010
Acceptance date: June 10, 2010
Effective start date: August 15, 2010
Revision date: December 27, 2010

On approval of SanPiN



On approval of SanPiN

Document as amended by:
Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2010 N 175.

In accordance with the Federal Law of March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, N 14, art. 1650; 2002, N 1 (part 1), art. 2; 2003, N 2, item 167; N 27 (part 1), item 2700; 2004, N 35, item 3607; 2005, N 19, item 1752; 2006, N 1, item 10; N 52 (Part 1), Article 5498; 2007, N 1 (Part 1), Article 21; N 1 (Part 1), Article 29; N 27, Article 3213; N 46, Article 5554; No. 49, art. 6070; 2008, No. 24, art. 2801; No. 29 (part 1), art. 3418; No. 30 (part 2), art. 3616; No. 44, art. Part 1), Art. 6223; 2009, N 1, Art. 17) and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 24, 2000 N 554 "On Approval of the Regulations on the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation and the Regulations on State Sanitary and Epidemiological Rationing" (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2000, N 31, Art. 3295; 2004, N 8, Art. 663; N 47, Art. 4666; 2005, N 39, Art. 3953)

I decide:

1. Approve the sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises" (Appendix).

2. Enact the said sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations from August 15, 2010.

G. Onishchenko

at the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
July 15, 2010
registration N 17833

Appendix. Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises


decision of the Main State
sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation
of June 10, 2010 N 64

Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN

The document takes into account:
(Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2010 N 175).

I. General provisions and scope

1.2. These sanitary rules establish mandatory sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises, which must be observed when placing, designing, reconstructing, constructing and operating residential buildings and premises intended for permanent residence.

1.3. The requirements of these sanitary rules do not apply to living conditions in the buildings and premises of hotels, hostels, specialized homes for the disabled, orphanages, shift camps.

1.4 Sanitary rules are intended for citizens, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities whose activities are related to the design, construction, reconstruction and operation of residential buildings and premises, as well as for bodies authorized to exercise state sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

1.5. Control over compliance with the requirements of these sanitary rules is carried out by bodies authorized to exercise state sanitary and epidemiological supervision in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

II. Hygienic requirements for the site and territory of residential buildings during their placement

2.1. Residential buildings should be located in accordance with the general plan of the territory, functional zoning of the territory of the city, township and other settlements (paragraph as amended, entered into force on March 27, 2011

2.2. The land allocated for the placement of residential buildings must:

- be located outside the territory of industrial and communal, sanitary protection zones of enterprises, structures and other objects, the first zone of the zone of sanitary protection of water supply sources and drinking water pipelines;

- comply with the requirements for the content of chemical and biological substances potentially hazardous to humans, biological and microbiological organisms in the soil, the quality of atmospheric air, the level of ionizing radiation, physical factors (noise, infrasound, vibration, electromagnetic fields) in accordance with the sanitary legislation of the Russian Federation .

2.3. The land plot allotted for the construction of a residential building should provide for the possibility of organizing a house adjoining territory with a clear functional zoning and placement of recreation areas, playgrounds, sports, utility sites, guest parking lots, green spaces.

2.4. When landscaping the adjacent territory of residential buildings, it must be taken into account that the distance from the walls of residential buildings to the axis of tree trunks with a crown with a diameter of up to 5 m should be at least 5 m. For larger trees, the distance should be more than 5 m, for shrubs - 1.5 m The height of shrubs should not exceed the lower edge of the window opening of the premises on the ground floor.

2.5. There should be no transit traffic along the intra-yard driveways of the local area. It is necessary to provide an entrance for special vehicles to the sites of garbage collectors.

2.6. The distances between residential, residential and public, as well as industrial buildings should be taken in accordance with the hygienic requirements for insolation and sun protection of the premises of residential and public buildings and territories.

2.7. When placing residential buildings, it is planned to provide them with water supply, sewerage, heat supply, electricity supply

2.8. On the land plots, entrances and passages to each building should be provided. Places for placing parking lots or garages for cars must comply with hygienic requirements for sanitary protection zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, structures and other objects.

In the adjoining territories it is forbidden to wash cars, drain fuel and oils, adjust sound signals, brakes and engines.

2.9. Areas in front of the entrances of houses, driveways and footpaths must have hard surfaces. When installing hard coatings, the possibility of free flow of melt and storm water should be provided.

2.10. It is forbidden to place any trade and public catering establishments on the territory of the courtyards of residential buildings, including tents, kiosks, stalls, mini-markets, pavilions, summer cafes, production facilities, enterprises for minor repairs of cars, household appliances, shoes, as well as parking lots except for guest ( paragraph as amended, put into effect on March 27, 2011 by Amendments and Additions No. 1 of December 27, 2010.

2.11. Cleaning of the territory should be carried out daily, including in the warm season - watering the territory, in winter - anti-icing measures (removal, sprinkling with sand, anti-icing reagents, etc.).

2.12. The territory of the courtyards of residential buildings should be illuminated in the evening. Lighting standards are given in Appendix 1 to these sanitary rules.

III. Hygienic requirements for residential premises and public premises located in residential buildings

3.1. Placement of residential premises of apartments in the basement and basement floors is not allowed.

3.2. It is allowed to place public premises, engineering equipment and communications in residential buildings, subject to hygienic standards for noise, infrasound, vibration, and electromagnetic fields.

In the basement and basement floors of such residential buildings, it is allowed to build built-in and built-in-attached parking lots for cars and motorcycles, provided that the ceiling ceilings are sealed and equipped with a device for removing vehicle exhaust gases.

3.3. Public premises built into residential buildings must have entrances isolated from the residential part of the building.

3.4. Placement in residential premises of industrial production is not allowed.

3.5. When placing parking garages under residential buildings, it is necessary to separate them from the residential part of the building by a non-residential floor. Placement above the garages of premises for working with children, premises for medical and preventive purposes is not allowed.

3.6. In residential buildings of any number of storeys, on the ground, basement or basement floors, a pantry for storing cleaning equipment, equipped with a sink, should be provided. It is allowed to arrange pantries with an area of ​​​​at least 3 m / person for residents of the house: household, for storing vegetables, as well as for solid fuel. At the same time, the exit from the floor where the pantries are located must be isolated from the residential part. The laying of sewer networks in utility storerooms is prohibited.

3.7. Public premises built into residential buildings must have entrances isolated from the residential part of the building, while parking areas for staff vehicles must be located outside the local area.

Loading materials, products for public premises from the courtyard of a residential building, where windows and entrances to apartments are located, is not allowed. Loading should be carried out: from the ends of residential buildings that do not have windows; from underground tunnels or closed landing stages; from the highways.

It is allowed not to arrange loading rooms with an area of ​​built-in public premises up to 150 m2.

3.8. In residential buildings, it is not allowed to place bathrooms and toilets directly above living rooms and kitchens, with the exception of two-level apartments, in which it is allowed to place a toilet and a bathroom (or shower room) directly above the kitchen and additions No. 1 dated December 27, 2010 .

3.9. It is not allowed to arrange an entrance to a room equipped with a toilet bowl directly from the kitchen and living rooms, with the exception of the entrance from the bedroom to the combined bathroom, provided that the apartment has a second room equipped with a toilet bowl, with an entrance to it from the corridor or hall.

3.10. Residential buildings with a height of more than five floors must be equipped with elevators (freight and passenger). When equipping the house with elevators, the dimensions of one of the cabins should provide the possibility of transporting a person on a stretcher or wheelchair.

3.11. Above the living rooms, under them, and also adjacent to them, it is not allowed to place the engine room and elevator shafts, the garbage collection chamber, the trunk of the garbage chute and the device for cleaning and washing it, the electrical panel room.

IV. Hygienic requirements for heating, ventilation, microclimate and indoor air

4.1. Heating and ventilation systems must provide acceptable microclimate and indoor air conditions. The optimal and permissible parameters of the microclimate in the premises of residential buildings are given in Appendix 2 to these sanitary rules (the paragraph was supplemented from March 27, 2011 by Amendments and Additions No. 1 of December 27, 2010.

4.2. Heating systems must ensure uniform heating of indoor air throughout the entire heating period, do not create odors, do not pollute the indoor air with harmful substances emitted during operation, do not create additional noise, and must be accessible for routine repairs and maintenance.

4.3. The item was excluded from March 27, 2011 by Amendments and additions No. 1 of December 27, 2010 ..

4.4. Heaters should be easily accessible for cleaning. In case of water heating, the surface temperature of the heating devices must not exceed 90°C. For devices with a heating surface temperature of more than 75 ° C, it is necessary to provide protective barriers.

4.5. The premises of the first floors of residential buildings located in the I climatic region must have heating systems for uniform heating of the floor surface.

4.6. The device of autonomous boiler houses for heat supply of residential buildings is allowed subject to hygienic requirements for the quality of atmospheric air in populated areas, hygienic standards for noise and vibration.

4.7. Natural ventilation of residential premises should be carried out by air flow through the windows, transoms, or through special openings in the window sashes and ventilation ducts. Exhaust duct openings should be provided in kitchens, bathrooms, toilets and drying cabinets.

The device of the ventilation system must exclude the flow of air from one apartment to another.

It is not allowed to combine the ventilation ducts of kitchens and sanitary facilities with living rooms.

4.8. Ventilation of objects located in residential buildings should be autonomous. It is allowed to connect exhaust ventilation of public premises that do not have harmful emissions to the general exhaust system of a residential building.

4.9. Exhaust ventilation shafts should protrude above the ridge of the roof or flat roof to a height of at least 1 m.

4.10. The concentration of chemicals in the air of residential premises during the commissioning of buildings should not exceed the average daily maximum allowable concentrations (hereinafter referred to as MPC) of pollutants established for the atmospheric air of populated areas, and in the absence of average daily MPC, not exceed the maximum one-time MPC or estimated safe exposure levels ( hereinafter - SHOES).

V. Hygienic requirements for natural and artificial lighting and insolation

5.1. Living rooms and kitchens of residential buildings should have natural lighting through light apertures in the outer building envelope.

5.2. The coefficient of natural illumination (hereinafter referred to as KEO) in living rooms and kitchens must be at least 0.5%.

5.3. With one-sided side lighting in residential buildings, the standard value of KEO should be provided at the design point located at the intersection of the vertical plane of the characteristic section of the room and the floor plane at a distance of 1 m from the wall farthest from the light openings: in one room - for one-, two- and three-room apartments, and two rooms for four- and five-room apartments. In the remaining rooms of multi-room apartments and in the kitchen, the standard value of KEO with side lighting should be provided at the design point located in the center of the room on the floor plane.

5.4. All premises of residential buildings must be provided with general and local artificial lighting.

5.5. Illumination on landings, stairs, elevator lobbies, floor corridors, lobbies, basements and attics should be at least 20 lux on the floor.

5.6. Above each main entrance to a residential building, luminaires must be installed that provide illumination at the entrance site of at least 6 lux for a horizontal surface and at least 10 lux for a vertical surface at a height of 2.0 m from the floor. Lighting of the pedestrian path at the entrance to the building should also be provided.

5.7. Residential premises and adjacent territory should be provided with insolation in accordance with the hygienic requirements for insolation and sun protection of premises of residential and public buildings.

5.8. The normalized duration of continuous insolation for the premises of residential buildings is set for certain calendar periods differentially depending on the type of apartments, the functional purpose of the premises, the planning zones of the city and the geographic latitude of the area:

- for the northern zone (to the north of 58°N) - at least 2.5 hours per day from April 22 to August 22;

- for the central zone (58° N - 48° N) - at least 2.0 hours per day from March 22 to September 22;

5.9. The normative duration of insolation must be ensured in at least one room of 1-3-room apartments and at least two rooms of 4-room apartments or more.

5.10. Discontinuity in the duration of insolation is allowed, in which one of the periods must be at least 1 hour. In this case, the total duration of normalized insolation should increase by 0.5 hours, respectively, for each zone.

Clauses 5.12 and 5.13 of the previous edition from March 27, 2011 are considered, respectively, clauses 5.11 and 5.12 of this edition - Amendments and additions No. 1 of December 27, 2010.

5.11. For residential buildings located in the northern and central zones, it is allowed to reduce the duration of insolation by 0.5 hours in the following cases:

- in two-room and three-room apartments, where at least two rooms are insolated;

- in four- and multi-room apartments, where at least three rooms are insolated;

- during the reconstruction of residential buildings located in the central and historical zones of cities, determined by their general development plans.

5.12. At children's playgrounds and sports grounds located in the local area, the duration of insolation should be at least 3 hours for 50% of the sites of the site, regardless of geographic latitude.

VI. Hygienic requirements for the levels of noise, vibration, ultrasound and infrasound, electromagnetic fields and radiation, ionizing radiation

(Chapter as amended as of March 27, 2011
Changes and additions N 1 dated December 27, 2010, -

6.1. The maximum permissible sound pressure levels, equivalent and maximum sound levels in the premises of residential buildings and on the territory of residential development are given in Appendix 3 to these sanitary rules.

6.1.1. Noise levels from external sources in residential premises are evaluated taking into account their measurement with open windows, transoms, narrow window sashes.

6.1.2. Equivalent and maximum sound levels in dBA for noise generated on the territory by means of road and rail transport within 2 m from the enclosing structures of the first echelon of noise-protective types of residential buildings facing the main streets of citywide and regional significance, railways, it is allowed to take 10 dBA higher (correction = +10 dBA) specified in the second line of Appendix 3 to these sanitary rules.

6.1.3. Sound pressure levels in octave frequency bands in dB, sound levels and equivalent sound levels in dBA for noise generated in rooms and areas adjacent to buildings, air conditioning, air heating and ventilation systems and other engineering and technological equipment of the building itself should be take 5 dBA lower (correction = minus (-) 5 dBA) specified in Appendix 3 to these sanitary rules (the correction for tonal and impulse noise should not be accepted in this case).

6.1.4. For tonal and impulse noise, a correction of minus (-) 5 dBA should be taken.

6.2. The maximum permissible levels of vibration in residential premises are given in Appendix 4 to these sanitary rules.

6.2.1. In the daytime in residential premises it is permissible to exceed the normative levels by 5 dB.

6.2.2. For intermittent vibration, the allowable values ​​of the levels given in Annex 4 to these sanitary rules are subject to a correction of minus (-) 10 dB, and the absolute values ​​are multiplied by 0.32.

6.3. The maximum permissible levels of infrasound in residential areas and in residential buildings are given in Appendix 5 to these sanitary rules.

6.4. Maximum permissible levels of electromagnetic fields (hereinafter - EMF) when exposed to the population.

6.4.1. The maximum permissible level of weakening of the geomagnetic field in the premises of residential buildings is set equal to 1.5.

6.4.2. The maximum permissible level of electrostatic field strength in residential premises is 15 kV/m.

6.4.3. On the territory of populated areas, the maximum permissible intensity of an alternating electric field with a frequency of 50 Hz at a height of 2 m is 1000 V / m, and in residential premises the maximum permissible intensity of an alternating electric field with a frequency of 50 Hz at a height of 0.5 to 2 m from the floor is 500 W/m.

6.4.4. Permissible levels of EMF in the frequency range 30 kHz - 300 GHz for the population (in the residential area, in places of mass recreation, inside residential premises) are given in Appendix 6 to these sanitary rules.

6.4.5. The requirements of this section do not apply to electromagnetic effects of a random nature, as well as those created by mobile transmitting radio engineering objects.

6.4.6. The permissible intensity of the alternating magnetic field is given in Appendix 7 to these sanitary rules.

6.4.7. The levels of electric field strength with a frequency of 50 Hz, created by the supply and power equipment of transmitting radio engineering facilities (PRTO) inside residential buildings, should not exceed the maximum permissible levels for the population.
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Utility bills are growing every year, especially in times of crisis for the economy. Unfortunately, nothing similar can be said about their quality. When citizens give a significant part of their hard-earned funds to provide comfortable living conditions, public utilities strive to be dishonest on all fronts of their work.

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If, during self-measurement, you have established that the temperature norm is lowered, you should inform the Emergency Dispatch Service about this. If the violation of heat supply is not caused by natural factors (for example, an accident on a heating main), the dispatcher calls the emergency team to the house, which is the official act of measurement.

The measurement must be carried out by a registered device that has all the necessary technical documents. The act contains the following information:

  • the date of its compilation,
  • characteristics of the apartment,
  • composition of the commission
  • instrument data,
  • temperature values,
  • signatures of all committee members.

The act is drawn up in two copies, one of which remains with the owner of the apartment, and the other with the housing and communal services employees who measure.

Air exchange rate

Air temperature is not the only parameter that directly affects the comfort and safety of people living in the house. Important for the body is air exchange: the presence of fresh air, ventilation of residential and non-residential premises.

This parameter is also regulated by SanPiN regulations. Thus, the required rate of air exchange for a dwelling with an area of ​​18 m² is 3 m³ / h per square meter, for a kitchen - three times more.

The air exchange rate is a characteristic determined by the ratio of the air removed or supplied from the room per hour of time to the volume of this room.

How to measure the coolant?

The heat carrier in the central heating system is hot water flowing from the tap.

You can measure its temperature in various ways, but the simplest is measurement of tap water temperature with a thermometer poured into a glass.

Pipe temperature measurement is also possible. The value of this parameter should be equal to 50-70°С.

Responsibility of utilities for violation of the temperature standard

If the room temperature is below normal in winter, what should I do?

By law, citizens have the right to demand reduction of payment for heat by 0.15% for each hour that utilities do not comply with your temperature norm. Having carried out simple calculations, it can be established that for 4 weeks of providing a low-quality home heating service, the payment for it is reduced by more than 90%. Of course, public utilities will not voluntarily agree to such a recalculation, and therefore it is necessary to go to court.

An application for the recalculation of heating fees to the Management Company can be downloaded.

History knows examples when citizens managed to defend their rights. So, in 2014, a resident of the Perm Territory recovered 136 thousand rubles from public utilities for non-compliance by public utilities with their obligations to provide her house with heat.

Temperature standards in the apartment. Watch video:

Temperature standards in a residential area are set in order to provide comfortable conditions for human life during the cold season.

Heating in apartment buildings is provided by public utilities. Unfortunately, they do not always adhere to the current legislation. If the temperature in the apartment is not observed, then its owner has the right to file a complaint with the relevant public service.

Standard temperature in residential premises

To date, the procedure and specifics of central heating is regulated by SanPiN documents. All the necessary data are collected in Decree No. 354 of 05/06/2011. If necessary, a person can go to court at any time if these rules and regulations are not observed.

The temperature norm in the apartment according to SNIP is set as follows:

  • At least 18˚С.
  • In a corner room at least 20˚С.
  • It is allowed to decrease the temperature by 3˚С at night.

The heating appliances used in the apartment must also comply with sanitary standards. For example, the temperature of the water heater cannot be more than 90˚C.

Factors affecting the temperature in the apartment

The temperature of the indoor air in winter is important. It is formed not only through the influence of heating devices. The following factors should also be taken into account:

  1. Climatic conditions of a particular region. The minimum temperature plays an important role.
  2. Season. Premises are heated not only in winter. The devices also work in spring and autumn. At the same time, the temperature indicators during this period are different.
  3. Human factor or individual preferences.
  4. The materials used to build the house. Today, quite often an additional layer of insulation or waterproofing is used.

The permissible temperature of the wall in the apartment, according to current standards, should not be lower than 20 ° C. Otherwise, it will not be possible to create comfortable living conditions in the room. It is also affected by weather and dew point.

Norms of temperature regimes in various rooms

The optimal temperature in the apartment is a subjective concept, which depends on the individual preferences and habits of the owner. Feelings should not cause discomfort. Otherwise, the person will feel bad.

Temperature indicators are considered acceptable if they comply with the established current legislation:

Any residential type premises - at least 18 ° C.
The room between two neighboring apartments is at least 16°C.
Kitchen - at least 18 ° C.
Toilet, bathroom - at least 18 ° C.
Entrance lobby or stairwell - at least 14°C.
Storage room - at least 12 ° C.

In our separate note, you can also find out the recommended indoor humidity standards. These norms also significantly affect a person's comfortable perception of the microclimate in the room.

Influence of humidity on the comfortable state of a person at the same temperature

The ideal temperature in a child's room

Pediatric sources advise to be attentive to the temperature regime of the baby. Overheating or hypothermia can adversely affect its general condition. The temperature in the child's bedroom should be 18 ° -20 ° C. Thanks to this, all biochemical processes in his body will proceed normally.

Dr. E.O. Komarovsky warns that the increase is dangerous and can lead to failures.

However, it is necessary to increase the intensity of the heating system for a newborn who was born ahead of schedule. For its development, it is necessary to create certain conditions that the pediatrician will tell the parents in more detail.

Optimum temperature during the heating season

Residents of our country are seeing an increase in utility bills every year. In such a crisis, they give away a significant part of the budget and want to know that they will be in comfortable conditions in the winter. Unfortunately, public utilities do not always do their job conscientiously. That is why it is important to know what the temperature in the apartment should be during the heating season in the apartment.

The relationship between the owner of this service is regulated by GOST R 51617-2000. It specifies each period of the year and general technical conditions.

In winter, a range of 18° to 25° C must be observed.

With a deviation from the norm, comfortable living in an apartment is difficult to imagine.

The importance of maintaining a comfortable temperature

Against the background of heat in the room, a favorable environment is created for the growth and development of bacteria harmful to the human body. At the same time, normal temperature does not worsen the work of the heart. The heat thickens the blood and makes the internal organs work in an intensive mode. Constant exposure leads to dehydration, which provokes nervous tension.

Hypothermia or hypothermia quite often acts as an impetus to the development of a cold. It is important that the body temperature does not fall below 36 degrees. Hypothermia is especially dangerous for children. Their body has a small heat transfer, so it cannot recover quickly.

Rules for measuring the temperature in the room

The rules for measuring air temperature are very important, because only if they are observed will it be possible to obtain the correct result. To perform the manipulation, you will need a conventional mercury thermometer for internal use. It should be located away from heating appliances. The best solution is to place it suspended permanently.

Temperature measurement in accordance with current regulations must be carried out with a registered device. Today, there are many devices on sale that have a high level of accuracy. It must be located at least 1.5 meters from the floor. At the same time, at least 1 meter must also remain to the outer wall. An accurate result can only be obtained if the thermometer stays in the selected position for at least 10 minutes.

Indoor climate control

The indoor climate is regulated not only by the heating system. Attention should also be paid to the following factors.

  • Ventilation provides the necessary air exchange. Oxygen enters the room and carbon dioxide leaves. The latter factor negatively affects a person’s well-being and can cause severe headaches. An inlet valve can solve problems. It will prevent the exit of warm air from the room. At the same time, oxygen is supplied in sufficient quantities.
  • Central heating significantly reduces the humidity in the room. To eliminate the negative effect, it is recommended to purchase special devices. They periodically spray moisture into the environment.
  • In the bathroom, hot water from the tap causes condensation to accumulate on the walls, which can lead to the formation of mold or fungus. Correctly organized ventilation helps to solve the situation. Experts advise installing a small hood.

Responsibility of utilities for violation of temperature standards

Violation of the temperature standard not only causes discomfort, but can also lead to an exacerbation of a number of chronic diseases. If the utilities did not check the functioning of the system on time, then the residents of the house have the right to file a complaint. It initiates verification by the regulatory authorities of the validity of this application.

The responsibility of utilities for violation of the temperature standard is reduced to the need to recalculate the cost of services already provided. In addition, they are also required to eliminate all system malfunctions. After the work is completed, the microclimate of the room is re-checked. The result is recorded in a special act.

If violations were found in the central heating system, then the tenant of the apartment has the right to claim a recalculation of the amount accrued to him in the amount of 0.15 for one hour of use. Thanks to this, payment can be reduced by 90% in 28 days. However, to obtain such a decision, you will need to apply with a statement of claim to the court.

In practice, there are many examples of poor-quality provision of heating services for entire houses. Residents can file a class action complaint that will allow them to receive their legal redress.

To assert your rights, it is recommended to contact the regulatory authorities. The application may indicate several tenants at once who are not satisfied with the service of the communal organization. If she refuses to perform repairs or inspections, then a lawsuit is filed in court.


The norms and rules of the current legislation are specially designed to protect people. That is why he can always rely on them when defending his own interests. Only in this case it will be comfortable to live in this area.

If poor-quality performance of heating services is revealed, then it is required to immediately report this to the service organization. To do this, an audit report is drawn up, which is attached to the complaint in writing.

There are also cases of low temperatures in the private sector. To identify problems, you will need to check the heaters that are currently in use. There are modern methods that will allow you to increase the efficiency of each battery in a short time and with minimal investment. Radiators are recommended to be replaced with more modern devices. Thanks to this, it will be possible to achieve results and create comfort for all family members.