How to trim the whiskers of strawberries. Do I need to trim the mustache of strawberries

Planting site for strawberries

In order to grow good bushes and get a good harvest from them, as well as offspring, you must initially plant them correctly. Therefore, we will dwell a little on how to choose a landing site. Good drainage is required. It is necessary to provide protection from cold winter winds. The most important thing is that the landing site does not form a hollow in which cold air will stagnate. A place that has a slope to the south is perfect, so the plantings will warm up faster.

Soil for growing garden strawberries

A little later, we will get to when to cut off the whiskers of strawberries, while we need to decide on the conditions in which the plants will grow well, bear fruit and produce viable shoots. Homemade strawberries grow well and bear fruit on black soil, so if your soil is too light, then you need to fertilize it with high quality. The best composition for strawberries is light loam, which allows for a normal air supply to the root system and retains sufficient moisture. It is very important that the water does not stand close to the surface. That is, if the site is located in lowlands, then it is important to make a high bed and provide drainage.

strawberry seedling

Wherever you purchase seedlings, the first step is to treat them from nematodes and mites. Heat treatment is very suitable for this. Even when you personally have to cut the mustache of strawberries, before transplanting to a new garden bed, it is very advisable to place them for 3 minutes in a bathtub where water is heated to +35 degrees. Then they are transferred for 15 minutes to a bowl in which the water is heated to 48 degrees. After such therapy for an hour, the plants are placed in cool water, +20 degrees. You can disinfect new plants with the following solution. To do this, in 10 liters of water you need to dilute three tablespoons of table salt and one teaspoon of copper sulfate. Soak the sockets in the solution for 10-15 minutes.

strawberry care

It depends on the goals pursued by the summer resident. That is why it is difficult to unequivocally answer when to trim the mustache of strawberries. In a fruit-bearing plantation, in early spring, in dry weather, remove all old, dried leaves. In the summer, if your goal is only berries, you need to remove all developing mustaches, and there will be many of them. Until the berries ripen, the soil is treated 3-4 times. At the same time, the loosening depth is 3-5 cm. During the formation of berries, it is very useful to mulch the soil with straw and other materials.

After harvesting, it is necessary to carry out loosening again. The last time (before the onset of autumn), the soil must be loosened again and at the same time the plants should be spudded. It is very useful after harvesting to completely mow the green part. In this case, care must be taken not to damage the core. The growth and development of plants for the next year depends on this. The leaves are removed, and the earth is loosened with choppers. The most important thing is to do this procedure in the summer. Literally in two weeks the bed will turn green again. If you cut the plants just before the cold, they will not have time to grow and die.

When the mustache appears

Strawberries of any variety will definitely give a mustache. And not just once a summer. Today we will talk about when to trim the whiskers of strawberries. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that if seedlings are required for reproduction, then you should not remove the mustache, you need to give them the opportunity to give roots and grow a strong outlet. However, if you do not need seedlings, then be sure to remove them regularly, as otherwise you risk your crop.

Usually in the spring the plant releases a little mustache, so the summer resident can, at his discretion, decide whether to prune them now or wait for their mass appearance in order to prune everything at once. This most massive release of whiskers falls on the end of fruiting. However, it must be remembered that a bush burdened with many powerful shoots will not be able to produce the required number of berries, or they will be much smaller than they could be.

Choose a day and time for cropping

We continue to reveal the topic when it is necessary to trim the mustache of strawberries. To do this, you need to choose the right day and weather to get started. It is desirable that the day was dry and warm. If possible, it should be early morning or late evening. In this case, be sure to arm yourself with high-quality garden shears. You can not pull on the whiskers, as they are very strong. Pulling hard can damage the main strawberry bush.

Mustache as planting material

If we have more or less figured out how to cut the shoots from fruit-bearing bushes, then what kind of strawberry mustache is taken for propagation is still open. If you need planting material, then from the very beginning of the active growth of the bush in the spring you do not remove the mustache. In the period of their mass growth, it is necessary to conduct an “audit”. In order not to oppress the mother plants, 2-3 of the strongest rosettes should be selected from each bush and rooted. All others must be ruthlessly removed. It is best for growing strong plants that adopt all varietal qualities, the “children” of the first order are suitable, that is, those that are closest to the outlet on the mustache are the strongest. All the rest (second and third order) are categorically not recommended for seedlings.

Now it becomes a little clear what mustaches are taken from strawberries for breeding. After you have rooted them, you should give them time, with the support of the mother plant, to strengthen their own root system. After the new rosette has 3 or more pairs of leaves, the plant is ready for separation. This is usually done either in the fall or the following spring.

Mustache planting in spring

Let's take a look at one of the most popular options when trimming strawberries for planting. For this, the bed is not cultivated during the summer season, that is, 2-3 strong mustaches are left on each plant, which take root and form young plants. This is how they leave for the winter, without separating from the mother plants. With the onset of early spring (as soon as the bed warms up enough and buds begin to appear on the bushes), they are planted. At the same time, after awakening, the mother plant will grow and give a good harvest, the strengthened seedlings will quickly take root in a new place and, most likely, will give the first berries.

Summer residents who have started their garden often ask when to trim strawberry mustaches in the summer. If you do not plan to leave plants for seedlings, then this can be done at any time, as soon as you notice new growing layers. Moreover, the earlier you performed this procedure, the less strength the plant will lose, which means it will give more berries. It is spring planting that is very convenient if you buy seedlings in the market. Early planting in the ground increases the chances that your whiskers will take root, winter safely and grow their own whiskers to grow the bed to the size that suits you.

Transplanting strawberries in the fall with a mustache

Autumn is the most favorable time in terms of when to trim the whiskers of strawberries for breeding. It is this option that will provide you with a berry harvest next summer. It is important to separate the mother bushes from all the others that will produce berries. If you have enough time, then do not rush to take the mustache from the newly planted bushes. Wait for the first summer and watch while removing all whiskers. See which of them took root best and gave the largest berries. Mark them with a ribbon or simply transfer them to a separate bed, they will be your mother bushes for next summer.

Rule number 1: you can not take a mustache from fruit-bearing bushes

This is one of the most important rules that gardeners forget about. Indeed, in addition to choosing when to trim the mustache of strawberries for breeding, it is also necessary to determine from which bushes they should be taken. The bush can give either a mustache or berries. If you are trying to get both, then the result will be minimal success. If a gardener takes seedlings from bushes that have just borne fruit, then as a result he receives inferior seedlings. Some of the nutrients have already been used up for the ripening of the berries, which means that the mustache will be much weaker than you would like.

In addition, there is another danger in making the bushes work on "two fronts". Since the life of plants is limited, the summer resident runs the risk of losing them ahead of time. Strawberries are quickly depleted, the bushes become small, the yield drops.

Why trim your mustache

We have probably already answered this question. Speaking about when it is better to trim the mustache of strawberries, it is necessary to remember once again that it all depends on what tasks the gardener faces. Strawberries give a lot of whiskers, on which the plant spends its strength. Therefore, in order to save them, it is necessary to carry out the removal of whiskers from early spring until late, with the exception of those intended for seedlings. The more mustaches on a bush, the more energy it spends on them, which means that less is left for berries. There is another reason. It is necessary to remove the mustache so that the bed does not thicken. Such plantings are much more difficult to care for, and the effectiveness of them will be much less.

Reproduction using mother bushes

We have already touched on this topic a little, now let's talk about when you can cut off the whiskers of strawberries in order to get strong, strong seedlings that have adopted all the varietal qualities as much as possible. For these purposes, uterine bushes are used. It will take you the first summer to select the strongest and most prolific bushes and plant them separately, for this, all the whiskers are removed from all the bushes and see which of them gave the best harvest. They now have their own mission - to give good seedlings. The next year, the uterine bushes are processed in a different way. All buds, flowers and ovaries are removed from them. But the mustache periodically look through. Of these, you need to leave the most powerful and strong, and cut off the trifle.

Now a few words about when to properly trim the whiskers of strawberries. When they are well rooted and give a powerful outlet. To do this, the mustache is recommended to be shortened. Only the first outlet, which is closer to the mother plant, is used. The rest are cut off. However, if you need to get a lot of seedlings very quickly, then you can use the second and third sockets. The bushes that grow from the first outlet will be much stronger and stronger, but after a while the rest will catch up with them.

Propagation of remontant strawberries

As you know, remontant strawberries are good because they bear fruit all summer. In this case, the first harvest is only 5% of the total for the season. However, if you need seedlings, then you should clarify in advance when to trim the mustache of the remontant strawberry. The ovary of these varieties is also formed on the rosettes of the mustache, but in order to get strong seedlings, you need to sacrifice the harvest. It is permissible to collect only the very first berries, the rest of the ovary will have to be destroyed. The technique of using uterine bushes is justified, while it is necessary to leave no more than 5 mustaches on each of the plants. In this case, it is necessary to observe the landing pattern 80 * 40, otherwise it is necessary to reduce the number of mustaches by half. Mustaches can be separated from the mother plant in the fall, in the morning.

Summing up

Strawberries are the favorite garden plant for most gardeners. Fragrant berry is great for summer desserts and winter jams. Its cultivation is not associated with great difficulties, in addition, it is very profitable to take varietal plants. You will need only 2-3 bushes that can be used as mother plants, and in a year you will have a small bed with the first harvest. Mustache reproduction is very fast and easy, does not require special knowledge and effort. The need to remove mustaches that are not needed will require much more effort from the gardener. And you will have to do this throughout the season.

All about strawberry mustache

Mustaches are the main way of propagation of varieties, easy and perfectly conveying all the signs of the mother plant. Seeds for propagation are used much less frequently, since seedlings require painstaking care and a certain level of knowledge. With cross-pollination, the characteristics of the variety may be lost.

Mustaches appear immediately after flowering. Their number varies in different species. There are also beardless varieties of strawberries: "Coquette", "Bolero", "Merlan", etc. If the strawberry does not give a mustache, it is really possible to propagate it by dividing an overgrown bush or germinate seeds.

When choosing a variety, keep in mind that only a time-tested nursery can give the best planting material. When buying seedlings from hand, there is a high risk of planting plants infected with viral and fungal diseases, whose yield parameters, even with perfect observance of agricultural technology, will be far from those declared.

Reproduction of strawberries is possible with the help of a mustache.

You can separate the mustache in late spring or summer, depending on your goals and the characteristics of the plant. The last treatment is postponed until cold weather.

A competent gardener will regularly prune the whiskers of strawberries, achieving an increased yield and growing excellent planting material.

To increase the yield of strawberries, it is necessary to remove excess whiskers.

Yield increase

The plant expends a large amount of energy and nutrients on the development of young rosettes. Since the time of intensive growth of mustache and fruiting coincides, growing new bushes affect the yield. To improve the quality of fruiting will allow the removal of the mustache immediately after flowering.

More difficult with remontant varieties. The processing of beds of fruit-bearing crops several times per season is carried out often - after the first flowering and during the ripening of berries with an interval of 1-2 weeks.

Growing planting material

No more than three mustaches are left for seedlings on one mother plant, otherwise it will be weakened and may die.

Use for planting the first young outlet from the main bush. To root the mustache faster, the plant with the first pair of true leaves should be slightly dug in, without deepening the growing points.

Strawberry transplantation is possible after rooting rosettes.

The second and subsequent bushes from one mustache have a much lower life potential. It is desirable to cut them to enhance the growth of selected specimens.

Strawberry whiskers need to be transplanted in mid or late August. Then, during the autumn period, the young plant will have time to take root well and prepare for wintering. Fruiting begins the next year.

The soil is loosened, biohumus and ash are added. The beds are formed with a distance between rows of up to 60 cm. Now you can transplant the bushes into rows, moving the plants away from each other by 15–20 cm. After transplanting, strawberries can also be fed with foliar feeding.

You can process strawberries from pests with the help of ash.

Preparing strawberries for winter

Growth points are treated with insecticides and fungicides.

For areas with probable frosts, strawberry beds must be covered with a special covering material. The use of fallen leaves is undesirable.

The structure of the strawberry bush.

How and what to cut strawberries

There are several mandatory rules:

  1. It is important to choose the right weather. A dry sunny morning or evening is perfect. In the heat, plants are stressed and more prone to disease. Fungal and bacterial infections can penetrate into the dampness through the cut.
  2. Simply tearing off the mustache is not recommended. They are very strong and hold well on the bush. Together with the tendril, you can completely pull out the plants or partially cut off the tender roots.
  3. Pruning is done with garden shears or secateurs, making a cut at a distance of 10 centimeters from the mother outlet.

Follow the simple rules of strawberry farming, and you will have a wonderful harvest of juicy fragrant berries every year.

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comments 2

And it was so with me - there are no powerful bushes and berries. I got angry and pulled out all the bushes without flower stalks.

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You did the right thing, leave only bushes with berries and take mustaches from the most productive ones.

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How and when to trim strawberry whiskers

Garden strawberries, colloquially called strawberries, are a very popular garden crop, whose berries are loved by adults and children. To get a sweet and plentiful harvest of fragrant delicacies, the summer resident should work hard. Strawberries prefer fertile and well-groomed beds, respond well to timely weeding, loosening and top dressing.

It has three methods of reproduction: seeds, division of the bush (for "beardless" varieties) and with the help of a mustache. The latter option is most preferable, since it allows you to save all the varietal characteristics of the mother plant. In addition, this method is much easier. After all, seed propagation requires a lot of additional knowledge and careful care of seedlings, and division is not suitable for all varieties.

Should I trim my mustache or not?

The answer to this question depends on your intentions regarding the variety you like. There are two options here.

  • If you are planning to expand or update your strawberry beds, you will need planting material. To get healthy and strong seedlings, it is necessary to mark the strongest bushes during fruiting, which gave a plentiful and high-quality harvest. In the next season, these plants should be intended exclusively for obtaining mustaches, removing all inflorescences at the very beginning of flowering. Naturally, it is impossible to remove the whiskers from these specimens, it is necessary to allow them to fully develop until the time of separation and transplantation to a permanent place.
  • When it is desirable to get a high yield from the garden and at the same time prevent its thickening, it is necessary to remove the formed antennae in a timely manner. Growing whiskers take nutrients from the mother plant, which are so necessary for the formation and active growth of berries. In addition, bushes that grow too densely are more susceptible to various diseases, and the treatment of such plantings is less effective.

When should mustaches be removed?

The first tendrils appear on strawberries already during flowering, and the process of their formation and growth continues all summer. If you decide that you do not need planting material, then you need to get rid of unwanted shoots. Conventionally, this process is divided into two stages.

  • Initially, the mustache is removed before flowering or immediately after it, when the bulk of the berries have already set, but have not yet reached the required ripeness. During this period, you will not bring much harm to the future harvest if you handle the bushes carefully. But the nutrients will be spent exclusively on the growth of berries, which will allow you to get larger and tastier specimens.
  • Re-removal of the mustache is done simultaneously with the autumn pruning of leaves. Usually these manipulations are performed in late August or early September. The time depends on the climatic conditions of a particular area and the weather established at the end of the growing season.

If there is time, then it is possible to carry out an intermediate removal of the whiskers immediately after the end of fruiting. After all, the more often you do this, the less plants will be depleted and weakened. This will allow you to get a full-fledged harvest of berries from the same bed for more seasons in a row.

How to remove mustaches?

In order for the pruning procedure to be painless for plants, several important rules should be followed when removing the mustache.

  • It is advisable to carry out manipulations with bushes in dry and warm weather, because at high humidity there is a high probability of infection of the plant with any bacterial infection or pathogenic fungi through the resulting fresh cut.
  • If the weather is hot, then pruning is best done in the morning or evening, when the bushes experience the least stress from aggressive solar radiation.
  • You should not cut off the mustache with your hands, as they are strong enough, and you can damage, or even uproot the mother plant. Always use sharp-edged pruning shears or a small pruner for this.
  • When cutting the shoot, do not cut at the very root rosette. Always leave a section about 7–10 cm long.

How to get a mustache for breeding?

If you are planning to expand or update your strawberry plantings, then you need strong planting material. Now the varieties you like can be purchased without problems in numerous nurseries. This should be done only from trusted manufacturers in order to protect future beds from diseases and pests that can infect seedlings of unscrupulous entrepreneurs.

However, if your favorite variety is already growing and bearing great fruit, then you can easily get your own seedlings by selecting some of the best bushes for its cultivation.

  • To start in the previous season, choose the strongest plants that pleased with large and sweet berries.
  • With the onset of the new season, do not let them bloom and form ovaries. It is necessary that all the force of the bush be directed to the formation of mustaches and rosettes.
  • During the period of maximum growth, it is necessary to revise the plants selected for the formation of seedlings, leaving no more than three daughter bushes on each.
  • Only the strongest rosettes of the first order should be preserved, that is, those located closest to the main bush. The continuation of the shoot with rosettes of the second and subsequent orders, as well as weaker whiskers, must be removed so as not to waste the vitality of the mother plant.
  • If necessary, getting a large number of seedlings is undesirable, but you can leave the strongest outlets of the second order. However, their number should not exceed two per mother bush.
  • Selected child sockets should be rooted by pressing them to the ground with a wooden or wire stud and sprinkled with earth. You can do this right in the garden or in a pot next to the substrate.
  • Without separating the outlets from the main bush, they should be carefully looked after until the development of their own full-fledged root system.
  • After at least three leaves have formed on a young plant, it can be separated and allowed to develop on its own in the future. Such a bush is already ready for transplanting to a permanent place.

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When to root seedlings in a new bed?

The timing of planting depends primarily on the origin of the planting material.

If you yourself have grown and rooted rosettes of the variety you like, then it is best to replant the formed bushes in August so that they have time to take root in a new place before the onset of autumn cold weather and the completion of the growing season. Then next season you are guaranteed to get the first harvest from them.

You can place seedlings on a new bed in the spring. Usually this option is suitable for plants purchased in the nursery. In this case, you must wait for the soil to warm up well enough. The bushes are placed on the prepared site, where all the necessary fertilizers are applied in advance. They will need some time to adapt to a new place, so fruiting in the year of planting may be poor or not occur at all if adverse climatic conditions develop. However, this method is guaranteed to allow the beloved variety to fully take root during the season and even grow a mustache, which makes it possible to get your own planting material for further reproduction.


When to prune strawberries

Why trim the mustache and leaves

A mustache for strawberries is a method of vegetative propagation, with all its might, the plant strives to continue the existence of its kind. Strawberries form whiskers on any type of soil and under any growing conditions, and usually, the worse the conditions, the more whiskers form.

The first strawberry mustache shoots immediately after the first wave of flowering, there are few of them and they grow rather slowly. The most rapid growth of whiskers begins immediately after the mass ripening of berries. By the time the crop is almost complete, each bush can have at least 5-7 child rosettes. Many of them already have a fairly powerful root system.

The problem is that the plant spends energy on procreation, the mother bush gives them a lot of nutrients. The distribution of nutrition is in descending order - from the mother bush - the first daughter sockets on the mustache are the strongest, the second are smaller. Although, to a certain extent, it depends on the time of germination - the first rosettes to the mother bush formed earlier.

The second reason why you need to cut strawberries is the thickening of the site. The thicker the plantation, the worse it is blown by the breeze, the longer the very high humidity remains after rains, the berries are affected by gray rot.

For the same reason, you need to remove old leaves while the bush is growing. Leaves are a source of energy and nutrition, and they also give nutrients to new growth (horns ripening, year ripening). But they gradually turn yellow, the dying foliage becomes covered with fungal spots, whole colonies of spore-bearing fungi gradually develop on them. Pathogens overwinter on old leaves and next spring there is a new wave of their growth.

When to prune strawberry leaves

It is necessary to cut the leaves not according to the dates of the calendar, but when the need arises - as they age. They begin to turn yellow with the end of fruiting. But if you pay attention, they turn yellow gradually, slowly, for about two weeks. At this time, it is better not to touch the leaves, but to continue to feed and water the strawberries - the future growth is invisible to the eye, the buds are forming.

Then the leaves turn yellow, dry out, become stained and become useless - this dying foliage needs to be cut out.

Strawberries are usually pruned in late July or early August, no later than after pruning, the plants quickly grow new young leaves.

Many gardeners are concerned about the topical issue of when to trim the mustache of strawberries. Thanks to this procedure, you will be able to get a rich harvest. In this case, the mustache is often used to propagate strawberries. To achieve tangible results, you should follow the rules of the procedure.

At first, mustaches grow on bushes during the flowering period. But their development continues throughout the summer. If there is no need for planting material, unnecessary shoots should be disposed of.

This process can be divided into 2 components:

  1. First, the mustache is removed before flowering begins. It can also be done immediately after it is completed. This is done when the bulk of the fruits are set, but not yet ripe. In order not to harm the crop, the bushes should be handled very carefully. Thanks to the procedure, nutrients will be spent only on the formation of fruits. This will help you get big and tasty fruits.
  2. The next stage of removal is carried out with leaf pruning, which is performed in the fall. Such procedures are carried out at the end of August or in early September. Specific dates are determined taking into account the climate of the region and the weather conditions that are observed by the end of the growing season.

It can be concluded that in the warm regions of Russia, as well as in the middle lane, pruning is permissible even at the beginning of autumn. In colder regions, this must be done in the summer. Experts advise to remove the mustache from July 20 to mid-August.

If necessary, intermediate removal of the mustache is carried out immediately after the end of the fruiting period. The more often the procedure is carried out, the less the bushes weaken and deplete. Thanks to this, it will be possible to get a good harvest for several seasons.

Why prune during flowering and after fruiting?

Strawberries are considered quite demanding berries. To achieve an excellent harvest, the gardener must adhere to the basic rules for caring for the plant. Mustache trimming is an important part of this process.

The formation of this part of the plant occurs in July. At this time, the gardener must decide what to do with the shoots. They need to be disposed of or used for planting.

To get a full harvest, the mustache should be removed. It is best to do this 2 times a season. The first manipulation is performed in the spring as the bushes grow. Thanks to this, it will be possible to supply the tied berries with useful elements.

If you do not carry out this manipulation, you can not count on the appearance of large fruits. The bushes will produce a crop, but the berries will turn out to be too small and unsweetened.

After the end of the fruiting period, the mustache is formed again. They need to be removed again. In this case, pruning is carried out from the very root of the plant, using special scissors or secateurs. It is not recommended to pluck the mustache with your hands. Some summer residents do not trim. However, in this case, they update the beds with an interval of 3-4 years.

How to cut?

The structure of the strawberry bush

Proper pruning of plants requiresFollow some important guidelines when removing a mustache:

  1. Manipulation should be performed in warm and dry weather. With high humidity, the risk of infection of the bushes with bacterial microorganisms or fungi increases. Infection occurs through the cut.
  2. If it is hot, prune the plants in the morning and evening. At such a time, the bushes are subjected to minimal stress from the influence of the active sun.
  3. Do not cut off the shoots with your hands. Mustaches are highly durable. As a result, there is a risk of damage or uprooting of the plant. For the manipulation to be successful, you should use sharp scissors or pruners.
  4. When pruning the shoot, you need to retreat from the basal rosette 7-10 cm.

Mustaches must also be cut from the bushes of the first year. Then the gardener must remember which bushes were healthy and brought a full harvest. It is these plants that will become mother plants next year.

In the next season, the buds are carefully cut off from them. Thanks to this, it is possible to achieve the appearance of a full-fledged mustache. In June, strong and healthy whiskers are selected for breeding. Weak shoots must be removed so that they do not draw juices from the plant.

How to get a mustache for breeding?

To increase or update the beds, you need to stock up on healthy and strong material:

  1. First, in the previous season, you need to choose the most powerful plants that gave a good and tasty harvest.
  2. Next year, it is important to prevent the beginning of flowering and the appearance of ovaries. All the power of culture should be directed to the formation of shoots and rosettes.
  3. During the period of active growth, it is necessary to revise the plants that were allocated for seedlings. On each leave no more than three child bushes.
  4. It is worth leaving only the strongest sockets - it is best to use first-order shoots that are as close as possible to the main bush. Weak whiskers are removed to avoid wasting the energy of the main plant.
  5. If you need to get more seedlings, you can use strong second-order rosettes. However, their number should not be more than two for each mother bush.
  6. Selected child sockets should be rooted. They should be pressed to the ground. For this purpose, a wire or wooden fixture is used. After that, the bushes need to be covered with earth. This is done directly in the garden or use a pot filled with substrate.
  7. Sockets do not need to be separated from the main bush. They need to be fully cared for until strong roots form.
  8. After the appearance of at least three leaves on a young plant, it is separated. After that, it can develop on its own. The bush can be planted in a permanent place.

Prevention after mustache trimming

After trimming the mustache, it is necessary to properly process the bush. During this period, strawberries are most susceptible to harmful insects and dangerous diseases. In order to maintain the health of plants in the norm, it is necessary to follow preventive recommendations.

After pruning, you need to treat the strawberries with special preparations. The best option in this case is phytosporin. It is also quite possible to make a special solution. To do this, 15 g of liquid soap and copper oxychloride should be taken per 10 liters of water.

An excellent solution is Bordeaux liquid. From home recipes, you can choose ash. It treats the entire surface of the strawberry beds.

Trimming strawberry whiskers is an important element of plant care. Thanks to the procedure, it is possible to improve the yield and make the bushes strong and strong. In this case, the shoots can be used to propagate the culture. To achieve the desired results, it is important to perform mustache manipulation in accordance with all the rules and recommendations.

Strawberries require constant care throughout the growing season. And it's not just about weeding, watering and feeding. This berry needs to regulate the density of placement of bushes in the garden.

Strawberry. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license © site

Problems of vegetative propagation of strawberries

This plant reproduces both sexually and vegetatively.

In the first case, a new organism develops from a seed, in the second, a mustache, i.e., processes that are a clone of the main specimen. The seed method allows you to preserve the genetic diversity, as well as to spread the species over large areas.

Vegetative propagation makes it possible to capture the land located next to the mother bush. Mustache reproduction allows you to create a high density of individuals of this species, displacing all the others.

Thus, if the mustache is not removed, then the strawberry can not only fill the entire garden, but also drown itself out, reducing the opportunity for efficient photosynthesis. In addition, all the shoots of the bush take nutrients that could be useful in the formation of a large number of berries.

The answer to the question of whether it is necessary to trim the mustache of strawberries suggests itself - of course, it is necessary. However, not all so simple. In some situations, strawberry offspring are useful for the harvest.

In what cases and how to trim the mustache

Vegetative propagation of strawberries should be carried out in situations where:

  • bushes in the garden are too rare;
  • landings are aging, and offspring allow you to fill the vacated space;
  • there is a need to increase the garden bed at no extra cost.

It is necessary to eliminate the mustache if the bed is completely filled with bushes and a further increase in density is undesirable. Without exception, all offspring are removed only if the bed is filled with young plantings of this or last year. In all other cases, deletion is performed selectively.

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Trimming the mustache of a strawberry. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license © site

The mustache of strawberries should not be cut off, but cut off. This should be done at a distance of 3-4 cm from the root of the bush. This rule is due to several factors:

  1. When cut off, the mother plant may be damaged, which will negatively affect its growth, flowering and fruiting.
  2. By pulling on the tendril, you can pull out the entire bush. The plant can be planted again in the ground, watered and fertilized. However, in any case, this will be an injury, which for some time will reduce the possibility of fruiting.
  3. Strawberry shoot with leaves and roots is painted green. This means that even with partial removal, it photosynthesizes and produces the organic matter necessary for flowering and fruiting. This is something like an additional leaf that increases the vitality and productivity of the plant.

If there is a need to leave several shoots with roots and leaves on this bed, then it is better to choose a very young bush as a mother specimen, which this year will not be able to fully bear fruit, or an aging bush that does not have development prospects.

Thus, in most cases, strawberry whiskers must be removed, but this must be done selectively. Bushes are selected on each bed, from which you can get a rooted shoot.

All other antennae are trimmed with scissors. The control of vegetative propagation of strawberries is one of the elements of planting care. Proper trimming of the mustache is no less important than weeding, watering and top dressing. The amount of collected red fragrant berries depends on this whole complex of actions.

What to do with strawberry mustache

First you need to decide if you need a mustache for breeding. This method is very easy and allows you to preserve the varietal qualities of strawberries.

How to remove mustache from strawberries correctly

Even if you decide to breed strawberries, you should not allow the planting to thicken due to the mustache. This contributes to the development of diseases, and the next harvest will be small.

I remove the shoots with a sharp pruner or knife. Most often I do this in the spring before the berries appear, or in the fall after fruiting is completed, in the early morning or evening. Do not cut off with your hands, as there is a possibility of damage to the roots.

What to do with a mustache for breeding strawberries

For propagation, I choose the strongest shoots of the first rows from a large mother bush. Subsequent rows are usually weaker.

In the first year of fruiting, I make sure to cut out all the whiskers in order to determine more productive bushes, and mark them with flags. Next year I use them as uterine. Most whiskers give biennial plants.

You can not grow mustaches and berries at the same time, the plant will waste energy. So you will not get a crop or good seedlings for propagation.

Strawberry bushes that are intended for propagation also need to be cut, partially removing the whiskers. The fact is that a plant can produce 10 mustaches, they will be weak and take root poorly. On the bush, I leave no more than 5 of the strongest and strongest whiskers with rosettes.

It is them in June that I pin to the ground, fix with wire staples and water them. I shorten the ends of the processes, pinching them by 1-2 cm, but do not cut them off. In order for the mustache to root, I water it well, I often add Kornevin when watering. I loosen the earth around the sockets after watering and rains, weed and spud every two to three days.

7 days before the transplant, I cut off the rooted mustache from the maternal outlet and the plant begins to feed on its own, from its roots.

For 3-4 years of life, strawberries give the maximum yield, so I remove the mustache completely. But for the 5th year, the root system is aging, the plant is often sick, the crop is smaller. Therefore, in the fall, after harvesting, I root young mustaches, and transplant them to a new place for crop rotation. I remove the old strawberries completely, planting the territory with green manure to renew the soil.

Mustaches should be left only in case of reproduction, otherwise strawberries will not have the strength to form large berries. In addition, a dense planting due to a mustache can lead to the multiplication of dangerous diseases.