From the experience of working to promote the employment of college graduates. Plan of activities to facilitate the employment of graduates of the current year

Information for the meeting of the "Round Table" on the topic: "Employment problems of young people in the Republic of Buryatia" The labor market of young people is a special socio-demographic segment of the Russian economy, which must be taken into account in employment policies. Young people are characterized by the lack of production experience and work experience. Due to the oversaturation of the labor market, more competitive categories of the population, young people are a fairly pronounced group of risk. At the same time, unlike other socially vulnerable groups, youth is the most promising workforce category. It is most susceptible to all changes, has the ability to constantly change labor functions, huge opportunities for professional growth, the longest period of upcoming work. In the Republic of Buryatia, a number of measures are made to address the problem of graduate employment. In order to reduce the imbalance between demand and proposal in the labor market since 2008, work is carried out in the republic to improve the structure and training of personnel, modernization of vocational education based on the regional needs of the labor market. Since 2008, the Government of the Republic of Buryatia, in conjunction with employers, the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the local governments of the Republic of Buryatia annually forms a state order for training professional personnel in accordance with the needs of the economy and social sphere of the republic and the main directions of the socio-economic development of the Republic of Buryatia provided for by the program Sir RB. An analysis of the work carried out shows that the imbalances between the reception and the need for employers in the frames are reduced. Positive rates indicate a decrease in the unemployment among young people, in particular graduates. Thus, since 2008, the unemployment rate of the population aged 20-29 years decreased from 15.8% to 8.7% in 2012, according to the estimate in 2013, the unemployment rate among young people will be no more than 8.0%. The main mechanism for solving the demand of the republic in highly qualified workforce is the target contract preparation, which is also designed to reduce the imbalance in the labor market. Today, one of the main indicators of the effectiveness of the university is an indicator of the employment of graduates, so educational institutions are carried out in this direction. Each educational institution has created and operate centers (services) to promote the employment of graduates and employment of students. During the year, consulting work is held in educational institutions with students with the involvement of psychologists, employers, during which testing for the definition and correction of the level of adaptation to the labor market conditions are explained by the features of training specialists, employment opportunities. There is an automated employment assistance system (stork), the vacancy databases are constantly updated and complemented. In addition, there are a number of programs in the republic aimed at attracting young sought-after specialists to areas. Public financial assistance is provided to young professionals and young families to solve their housing problems. Within the framework of the state program, the development of the agro-industrial complex and rural territories of the Republic of Belarus, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Buryatia from 28.02.2013 No. 102, the following measures of state support for human resources support are provided: - reimbursement of costs of 99% of the costs of agricultural producers to pay scholarships Student students of high schools of educational institutions of higher (4 - 5 course of study) -3000 rub. and medium (3 - 4 course of study) - 1500 rubles. professional education (hereinafter also - educational institutions), studying for full-time education on a contractual basis for specialization in the field of agricultural production; - providing a one-time payment to young professionals, in the amount of 250,000 rubles, having a higher education and (or) secondary vocational education and at the end of full-time education (including young professionals who served in the army at the end of educational institutions) to the employment contract with the agricultural organization, the peasant (farmer) economy, an individual entrepreneur exercising production and processing of products, or with an organization providing veterinary services in rural areas; - reimbursement of costs of 50% of the costs of expenditures for the study of best practices and the passage of internships of managers, specialists and workers in the agricultural organizations of the Republic of Buryatia, other constituent entities of the Russian Federation and abroad; - providing social benefits to improving the housing conditions of young professionals living in rural areas. Over the past two years, there has been a stable tendency to young citizens aged from 14 to 29 years old who appealed to the employment authorities. The share of those who applied for young people is about about half of the total number that applied to the search for suitable work (2013- 48%; 2012 is 47%) in 2013, 11556 young citizens appealed to the search for a suitable work. The share of employed young citizens increased by 1.8% compared to the same period in 2012 and amounted to 57% of the total number of employed citizens in 2013. In 2013, 2306 people were employed for regular work, for temporary work - 4,600 people. Public works took part 413 young people aged 16 to 29 years. Information on the vacancies of young citizens can receive from the specialists of the employment center, through information terminals installed on the territory of the centers, on the Employment Agency's website, as well as when registering in the Personal Account, receive SMS mailing to the cell phone and to the email address. The state service to promote self-employment received 200 people in 2013. (For 2012 - 131 people) unemployed citizens aged from 18-29 years, of them organized their own business in 2013 - 107 people, in 2012 - 87 people. All young citizens have passed a professional diagnosis of readiness for entrepreneurial activities (vocational guidance testing to identify the abilities and opportunities to organize their own business), promoted in the preparation of a feasibility study of the project of entrepreneurial activities, financial assistance to opening their own business (58800 rubles) and preparation documents provided under state registration of a small enterprise, payment of state duty, payment of notarial actions, manufacture of seals, stamps. 1474 unemployed citizens were directed to vocational training in the direction of the employment service authorities in 2013, aged 16 to 29 years. In 2013, 11,620 citizens aged 14-29 years old received a state-of-day orientation, for 2012 - 12850 people. Special attention is paid to vocational guidelines for students of secondary schools. Students of general education institutions are held class clocks, using games and exercises, playgrounds, business games, training - seminars, classes, professional inclinations and students' interests. Also, they take care of vocational guidance express - testing for the identification of inconsistencies and abilities to certain activities, oriented on demand professions in the labor market of the republic. All students received a career guidance service based on test results are given recommendations and information on their chosen professions. Also, the provision of vocational guidance services is carried out using 18 mobile employment centers for leaving the distant schools of the district. So, in 2013, more than 570 trips took place in rural settlements, including in 357 trips to general educational institutions, where about 10 thousand citizens, of which more than 6 thousand students of educational institutions were informed about the situation in the labor market and sought-after specialties . In addition, came out of mobile employment centers of the population in Barguzinsky, Mallokunalesky, Kamensky and Novokyzhinsky orphanages. Professional information has been provided by professional information 80 pupils of orphanages, which is aimed at ensuring knowledge about the world of professions in general, which gives the necessary knowledge about the features of various professions, possible ways of study, employment. 74 Pupils of children's homes were provided by a state-owned orientation service. At the official website of the Republican Agency Employment Agency ( in the section "For citizens", students can familiarize themselves with various professions. It is described in detail in detail what the necessary knowledge and skills should have when choosing this profession, what conditions of activity, education, etc. In order to vocationally informing students and graduates of educational institutions on the state of the labor market and educational services, aware of the choice of the type of activity and educational institution to obtain a profession, the employment service of the population together with interested departments is conducting fairs of educational and jobs for young people. In 2013, this event was visited by about 2 thousand citizens, of which the applicants were selected for vacant jobs 785 people. For the purpose of professional orientation of adolescents and young people during the year, an interregional fair of vacancies of jobs "Revival of the village", XVIII Interregional Exhibition-Fair of Training Places for Youth was held. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Buryatia, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Buryatia, the Republican Agency for Employment, Institutions and Organizations, Educational Institutions of the Republic of Buryatia, Trans-Baikal Territory, the Republic of Tyva, Irkutsk Region, Mongolia, took part in the vocational guidance events. Within the framework of the Training Fair, a presentation of educational institutions of secondary, higher and additional vocational education, career guidance testing and sociological survey of students were organized. The total number of participants amounted to 5,000 people. The Republican Fair of Workers and Training Places for Youth was held. More than 60 employers were invited to participate in the fair, from them large enterprises - 24, small and medium-sized enterprises - 18, individual entrepreneurs - 21, state and municipal enterprises - 5. About 4,000 vacancies in various specialties, including a temporary nature. For three hours of work, more than 2100 people visited the fair. The XIV Kyakhtinsky Interdistrict Fair Vacancies of Training and Jobs has been held. The number of participants amounted to 720 young people. The Republican Fair Vacancies for Youth is scheduled for June 6. As part of the program of additional measures aimed at reducing tensions in the labor market of the Republic of Buryatia 2013, 752 people were internship, including 376 graduates were employed, for which 376 mentors were enshrined. The main professions on which graduates were employed: accountant, manager, cook, economist, designer, lawyer, locksmith, welder, programmer, seller, engineer and others. Work with minor citizens The employment service of the Republic of Buryatia is organized on the basis of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 19.04.1991 No. 1032-1 "On Employment of the Population in the Russian Federation". Employment of adolescents is an important link in the prevention of children's neglect, crime, drug addiction. Working adolescents led labor skills allow you to adapt to the modern labor market. The temporary employment of minor citizens is carried out in cooperation with employers, rural settlements, schools and commissions on juvenile affairs. Temporary jobs for adolescents were organized at the enterprises of various types of economic activity, this is education, science and culture, health care, housing and communal services, transport and communications, agriculture. Employment of adolescents for temporary work was carried out in accordance with the requirements of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation. Teenagers were allowed to work in the presence of the written consent of one of the parents (guardian, trustee) and the guardianship and guardianship authority. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation for adolescents defined a shortened working day before proceeding to the work of minor citizens undergo a medical examination. For two years, 8289 adolescents were employed by the employment service authorities (2012- 4189, in 2013 - 4100 people). The average period of participation in temporary work was 0.31 months. (in 2012, the period. The period is 0.28 months; in 2013, the CP. The period is 0.35 months.) The main problem of employment of minors of citizens is the lack of funds from employers to pay salary, the amount of which should not be The minimum wage installed on the Russian Federation. Also in the Republic of Buryatia is implemented by the Law of the Republic of Buryatia dated June 10, 2003 No. 327-III "On the quotation of jobs for minor citizens." The purpose of this law is to reduce the level of tension and increase the competitiveness of adolescents in the youth labor market, as well as ensuring additional guarantees of the employment of young people from the socio-unprotected segments of the population under the age of 18. In 2012, 5094.50 thousand rubles were provided from the republican budget. In 22 districts at 44 enterprises of the republic, 59 quoted jobs for employment of minors of minors were established, in 2012 150 adolescents were employed, of which - adolescents, registered in commissions on juvenile citizens - 62 people, including those consisting on accounting in ATS - 7 people; - Children from low-income families - 30 people; - children from large families - 24 people; - Children of a lonely mother (father) - 18 people; - Children from families who lost the breadwinner - 12 people; - orphan children - 3 people; - Children remaining without parental care - 1 person. In 2013, funds from 6274.30 thousand rubles were allocated for the implementation of the Law from the republican budget. In 22 districts at 46 enterprises of the republic, 60 quota jobs were established for employment of minor citizens, 169 adolescents were employed by the end of the year. In 2013, student labor units operated in the Republic of Buryatia, the total number of fighters of which amounted to about 5,000 people. Including 43 detachments of the repair and construction profile, 12 - pedagogical, 12 service, 29 agricultural detachments, 30 paste, 1 detachment of conductors, 26 detachments of the environmental profile. Student detachments were formed in Ulan-Ude, as well as in Tunkinsky, Kyakhtinsky, Mukhorsibirsk, Kabansky, Selenginsky, Kizhainsky, Dzhidinsky, Eravninsky, Musky, Chorinsky, Severobaykal, Bichur and other regions of the Republic of Buryatia. Student labor units are formed on the basis of the following educational institutions: Buryat State University, Buryat State Agricultural Academy. V.R. Filippova, East Siberian State University of Technology and Management, Buryat Republican Pedagogical College, Buryat Forest Holy College, Buryat Republican Industrial Technical School, College of Technology and Entrepreneurship. In the republic, activities on the formation of student detachments, still, are carried out by two public organizations: BRO MOORO "Russian Student Councils" and the regional public organization "Youth headquarters of Baikal student detachments. Putyny detachments were engaged in fishwork on the Kamchatka Peninsula and in the Sakhalin region. Agricultural detachments We traveled to the Voronezh region to collect fruit and berry crops, as well as work on planting, processing of crops and harvesting in many areas of the Republic of Buryatia. Within the framework of the federal program "You - the entrepreneur" was held an installation session with teachers of universities on the launch of a new project " The time to live and work in Buryatia. "Total of 800 applications in the first selection there were selected 250 people, and according to the results of the second selection for participation in the educational program, approval from the expert commission over eighties, who were trained. A total of 5 business proasters were presented. Cove, among which agricultural leasing, 3D selection of glasses, year-round cultivation of environmentally friendly vegetables, investors also searched for mulfur entrepreneurs, whose business develops and flourishes, "minihostel" and the final project - finishing the premises of Flock. The guys received the experience of presenting their idea to experienced entrepreneurs. In May, a district IT school was held in Ulan-Ude. The event "Presentation of ideas from Sberbank" over the past time took place 2 times. In total, over sixty ideas for the start of their case were presented, including catering, cleaning companies, confectionery, bakery, hairdresser, beauty salon and MND. Trainings "Open your own business", "effective negotiator" .16 hours in interactive mode, participants have honed the skill of negotiation skills using various technologies, in particular by the SPIN method. In May, a series of trainings and master classes was held: the personality of the entrepreneur, goaling and practical marketing. 8 hours of the participants of the new set were determined and analyzed their identity from the position of the five-component "world system". The training "Art of Presentation" was also conducted. 8 hours of training participants mastered the Aza oratorical art. The event was interactive, the theoretical knowledge gained was immediately honed in practice. Also in May was the investment session. The investment session procedure includes a 3-minute presentation, a response, and feedback on the possibility of supporting the project by private investors and recommendations for improving or refining the project. On August 15, 2013, within the framework of the implementation of the Federal Program, "You - Entrepreneur" held an interdistrict forum of young entrepreneurs. 118 young entrepreneurs from the Kabansky, Zaigrajevsky, Bichur, Kurumkan, Selenginsky, Mukhorsibirsk districts and the city of Ulan-Ude took part in the forum. In the framework of the project "Time to live and work in Buryatia" in September, master classes in the leading universities of Buryatia were held in September, where he spoke about the marketing, about the global trends in its development and the last concept, using which Build a successful business. The author of the game "Starter" was also invited - Alexander Chuvaev. Participants of this game tried to do business in an improvised state. According to the results of these activities, 70 young people have been selected to continue learning. As part of the Baikal Youth Forum "Business. Family. Traditions" September 25-28, 2013 passed the regional stage of the All-Russian Competition "Young Entrepreneur of Russia-2013". More than 50 young entrepreneurs from the city of Ulan-Ude and the districts of the republic presented their business projects. Winners of the competition in four nominations: services, production, successful start, and, first declared in the contest, a female business. On December 5, the Buryat Business Center took place the selection of participants in the republic in the republic. Realistic shows for beginner entrepreneurs "Startup". There were more than 50 people who wished for the competition, 80 of them were invited to casting and presented their business projects to experts - famous businessmen of the republic. Beginners entrepreneurs presented projects in different fields - from the production of souvenir products to high technologies.

From the experience of promoting the employment of college graduates

M. N. Protorova

GOBU SPO in "Voronezh State Industrial and Humanitarian College"

In modern conditions, modernization of the education system of Russia, employment and adaptation of graduates in the labor market are the most important indicators of the success of the educational institution.

The socio-economic reality of modern society requires a system of professional education specialists of a qualitative new type: competitive, initiative, competent, highly qualified, communicable, which have skills of business communication, easily adapting to the changing conditions of the labor market capable of analyzing situations, mobile and constantly increasing their level. Education and qualifications.

To facilitate the employment of college graduates, the Center for Professional and Psychological Support of Graduates (hereinafter - the Center) was created, whose activities were regulated by the Regulations on the "Center for Professional and Psychological Support of Graduates" .

The main tasks of the center:

Professional and legal consulting and psychological support of college graduates;

Interaction with local authorities, the Department of Labor and Employment, public organizations and associations interested in improving the situation of graduates in the labor market;

Collection, generalization, analysis and provision of information to students on the status and trends of the labor market, on the requirements for the workplace applicant, the formation of the data bank of the vacancies offered by employers to the relevant specialties;

Conducting organizational activities that contribute to promoting graduate employment;

Cooperation with organizations (enterprises, institutions) speakers as employers for students and graduates;

Monitoring the employment of graduates, analysis of results, adjusting activities.

During the school year, the following areas of work are carried out:

1. Study of the needs of the Regional Labor Market

In order to assist the employment of graduates, the Center interacts with regional structures: the Department of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Voronezh Region, the Department of Labor and Employment of the Population, as well as, enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership. Heads and leading experts of enterprises and organizations assess the quality of training, participating in the work of state certification commissions in the protection of graduation qualifications of graduate students.

Since 2001, college has interacts with the Department of Labor and Employment of the population of the Voronezh region as part of an informational and analytical exchange. The meeting on the topic "Interaction of employment services and educational institutions to prevent unemployment among students and graduates" with representatives of the Labor and Employment Department of the Voronezh region as part of improving the efficiency of employment and adaptation of graduates. Work has been established on joint activities with the Center for Employment of the Population "Youth".

2. Consulting and Information Work

On the College's website in the section "Information for graduates", students and graduates can familiarize themselves with vacancies. The formation of the base of possible employment options is carried out by accumulating information from the following sources:

Monthly information on vacancies in the Region of the State Casual Institution of the Voronezh Region, the Center for Employment "Youth";

Requests and information letters about the need to train specialists from enterprises - social partners;

Information about vacancies posted in the media and the Internet.

Also in this section you can familiarize yourself with the information on the employment of graduates of 2013-2014 in full-time education, with recommendations for employment, the rules for compiling a summary, the rights of young people in labor relations. There is a schedule for consulting professional and psychological support of graduates.

For graduates who want to continue their studies in the framework of higher professional education, there are references related to the procedure for conducting a single state exam: "Official Information Portal EGE", "EGE in Voronezh", "Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements".

Together with the psychological service, the training program "Effective behavior in the labor market" is developed and used, the goal of increasing the competitiveness of college graduates when passing the interview and employment.

Much attention is paid to students belonging to preferential categories: disabled people, graduates from the orphans and the remaining parents left without care.

Information materials are developed "recommendations for employment", ",", "," , The content of which is focused on graduates and senior students. Materials are posted on the college website, and also used in individual consultations.

The "Effective Behavior in the Labor Market" booklet was developed, which examines the main issues found during the interview and recommendations on the correct response to them, and also contains information about the structure of the summary.

3. Organization and participation in events organized to facilitate the employment of graduates of educational institutions

1) job fair for students and graduates of training institutions "Career Start", organized by the Center for Employment "Youth" with the support of the Department of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Voronezh Region. The fair was attended by representatives of enterprises and organizations of the city of Voronezh. At the place of vacancies, students and graduates had the opportunity to meet with employers, to obtain information about enterprises and jobs offered, as well as consulting employment service specialists.

2) Forum "Voronezh Region is your partner", within the framework of the Forum, students visited the master class "I am your future partner: self-testing and promotion." Students got acquainted with representatives of industrial enterprises of the Voronezh region, electromechanics clusters, aircraft manufacturers, manufacturers of industrial equipment, IT -Claser, an excursion was organized.

3) Fair of vacancies of professions and students "Where to go to learn", organized by the Center for Employment "Youth". Participation took more than thirty educational institutions of various levels of education. Graduates of graduates 9-11 were invited to the fair of vacancies of professions and student seats. Express testing of schoolchildren, which will help them determine their abilities, personal qualities and will determine with the choice of specialty.

4) To attract employers from various fields of farming and economics of the city and the fields are held days careers, job fairs and presentations of companies. The main objectives of this area of \u200b\u200bwork is to attract employers from various spheres to obtain information on working places of a wide profile. During such presentations, the employer provides complete information about the company and the proposed vacancies, is responsible for students of interest.

The event "Career Day" is devoted to the adaptation of proming students to the terms of the labor market, increasing the competitiveness of college graduates, the ability to realize their capabilities in the future profession and obtain information about workplaces from various fields of labor market. In the framework of the event, there were presentations of more than 15 enterprises and organizations - potential employers, among them representatives: JSC IPPA Assembly, Voronezh branch of OJSC Rostelecom, OJSC "Corporation NPO Reef", LLC "Maximir-Cinema",Vympel-Communication OJSC, Euroset-Retail LLC, Retail Computer Salon, NPP School-Info LLC, ER-Telecom Holding CJSC, Horztorg, OJSC, OJSC Sberbank, Child Development Center Kindergarten №188.

Representatives of the Employment Center "Youth" conducted an informational meeting on the topic: "Adaptation of students to the conditions of the labor market and increasing graduate competitiveness."

The event was also attended by representatives of the Voronezh State Technical University and Voronezh State Pedagogical University, who presented information on the possibility of continuing training in the framework of higher vocational education.

4. Employment monitoring graduates

Every year in order to create conditions for increasing competitiveness, ensuring employment and monitoring the employment of college graduates, a commission of employment assistance is created, which organizes individual graduates, is charts of the interview with employment students, as well as processing information and timely presentation of reporting and statistical materials in the Department Education, science and youth policy of the Voronezh region and the coordination and analytical center for promoting the employment of graduates of educational institutions of vocational education.

In conclusion, we must say that success in finding work in a dynamic environment can only be achieved by one who is discovered to changes, communicable, developed the ability to continuously learn through life. Not only social prerequisites, but also their psychological features, personal and business qualities are important for active behavior of young people.

I work with students and graduates of college

1. Informing students and graduates about the status and trends in the labor market in order to facilitate their employment.

1.1. Using the information system of the Bazdata job vacancies of employers and resumes of students and graduates.

One of the areas of work of the Circle is to establish and ensure the functioning of the information system for supporting the employment of young professionals, providing graduates of data on the labor market and educational services (information stands, work on the creation of an electronic labor exchange on the college website).

^ 1.2. Use Website:

On the website of the state budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education of the Republic of Mari El "Construction and industrial College "( The" Employment "section is functioning, where the following information is placed:

  • Recommendations to a graduate

  • Articles of Labor Code of Labor Youth

  • Requirements of a modern employer

  • Job search strategy

  • Effective ways to find work

  • How to make a good resume

  • How to prepare for an interview

  • How to successfully undergo a trial period

  • How to enter a new team

  • Regulations on the promotion of the employment of graduates and temporary employment of students.

  • Plan of activities to facilitate the employment of graduates of the current year.
^ 1.3. Consulting work with students on

issues of self-presentation, career guidance and informing about the state of the labor market.

To inform and advisory work with

Students use the following forms of activity: Round tables meetings with employers, registration of an information stand of employment, participation of students in job fairs, exhibitions, developed special courses aimed at solving employment tasks., Individual advisory work with students on the organization of internships, practices, future employment .

As part of the educational disciplines, the "Legal Fundamentals of Professional Activities", "Fundamentals of Law", "Basics of Economics, Management and Marketing" Modules have been developed aimed at solving employment problems in various aspects of professional activities. As part of the regional component of the educational institution for college graduates, a training course "Adaptation of a graduate in the labor market is conducted, aimed at solving the problems of career guidance, self-sustaining for the purposes of future employment.

The task of the college pedagogical team is to help each graduate to use all the knowledge gained, skills, personal growth and self-development skills necessary for self-building a professional career, future employment.

In order to conduct consultation with students on self-presentation, career guidance and informing about the state of the labor market, the following activities were held:

  • Contests presentations of student student training courses, woodworking, catering services for interested employers;

  • Classroom clocks in prom with the participation of employers' employment professionals, members of graduates, where together with the college marketing service conducted a marketing research cycle and monitoring the target audience of consumers of educational services: "TReviecker SEC", "graduate -2012", "Employers Requirements to the level of preparation of young professionals ";

  • Meetings of students with college graduates who have achieved career growth and working at enterprises are held within the framework of comprehensive familiarization of students with their future profession and working conditions;

  • Psychological preparation of graduates with a college psychologist on employment issues (conducting trainings, master classes for the passage of interviews, writing a resume, etc.)
^ 1.4. Organization Fair of vacancies, presentations, companies, days career

In order to implement the workflow plan, the Open Days (December, April) for students of the 9th - 11 classes of schools in Volzhsk and Volzhsky District are held in college, each Saturday has been conducted from January. College students and teachers took part in vacancy fairs in 2011-2012, where college presentations, professions and specialties, employment opportunities of graduates, directions of advanced training on the college database were presented.

^ 1.5 Development of Methodological materials on the Rose-Rosos to promote the employment of graduates.

The head of college, teachers of special courses and specialists of the Employee employment center have developed guidelines for graduates on employment issues related to legal, social and psychological issues of employment, development of social partnership systems:

  • R.G.GARIFULLIN. The formation of strategic management of the educational institution is the main adaptation tool for new activities. / Bulletin trade formation. Yoshkar-Ola, 2011. -№1 /

  • R.G.GARIFULLIN The role of profile resource centers in the preparation of highly regipped working personnel. / Scientific and Methodological magazine GOU DPO (PC) with "Mari Institute of Education": Tunyktysho Teacher. - Yoshkar - Ola, 2011.-№ 2-3 /

  • R.G.GARIFULLIN. Development of a network interaction system and social partnership. / Bulletin trade formation. - Yoshkar-Ola, 2011.-№6 / Methodical recommendations on self-presentation, self-compliance, preparation of resume graduates
Posted on the college website in the section for graduates on employment issues.

2. Organization of temporary employment of students.

The college is working on the organization of temporary employment of students: sections, circles, provision of temporary jobs for college students. In college from February to August 2012, 60 juvenile students performed various economic, construction work. 125.31 thousand rubles were mastered, including 81.8 thousand rubles. through the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Mari El, 43.51 thousand rubles. Through the employment center of Volzhsk. 23 college student mastered 227, 7 thousand rubles. At the construction sites of SOTI in the summer.

Organization of workshops on the production of finished products to the population (carpentry products, catering products, products obtained in the welding workshop) aims to acquire professional competencies as part of their main professional activities. The presence of real production processes and operations makes it possible to achieve a maximum effect in practical training, that is, the transfer of real experience in the creation, management and organization of enterprises.

^ II. Cooperation with enterprises and organizations serving as employers for students and graduates

2.1 Conclusion of cooperation agreements

Professional practice programs are focused on the formation of professional competence of graduates and their employment concluded contracts for the target contract preparation of students with enterprises with subsequent employment (on the preparation of 125 students annually consist of contracts with enterprises of construction profile and woodworking on the direction of students on training, about organizing practitioners with further employment. ):

LLC "DomstroServis", OJSC Volzhskpromstroy, ZAO "Standartstroy", OOO "META-M", OOO "Volzhskplit", OJSC "VEMZ", MUP "Housing", Stroybeton LLC, Progus LLC, Furone LLC ", OOO" DomstroServis ", Volzhsky branch LLC Interregional house-building company, Volzhsky branch" Mary El Dorstroy ", OOO" Volzhskspetsmontazh, OOO PKF "Versavia", OOO "Ext", Timber LLC, OJSC "Chonash", OOO "Eco Techstroy", LLC "STROYINVEST.

Organized pre-emergence in NGO groups and technological, pre-diploma practice in SPO groups at the enterprises of social partners in order to further consolidate graduates in these enterprises as full-time employees, since the educational process provides for systematic excursions, classes and work practices directly on the enterprise where Learning will come young professionals. Moreover, these production practices were all paid. Students get acquainted with the manufacturing team, their future workstation. A part of the students after the completion of practice does not stop labor relations with enterprises - work in free time.

^ 2.2 Attracting employers to participate in the protection of final qualifying work. Employers participate in the accreditation procedure of issued professions and specialties, are chairmen of state certification commissions. Employers recommendations are taken into account in the preparation and protection of student's final qualifying works. It is noted annually a high level of protection and the practical-oriented nature of scientific research works of students.

^ 2.3 Attracting employers to participate in educational activities and scientific research works of students.

Part of the graduation qualifications of students is carried out on the application of employers. Representatives of enterprises - social partners took part in the college and republican competitions of professional skills, open lessons on special services, in the research activities of students, in reviewing and protecting coursework and diploma work, in the work of the State Commission on the final certification of graduates, so students had the opportunity in advance Proven to yourself before employers from a positive side, without even finishing learning.

III. Interaction with executive authorities, including with the labor and employment bodies, public organizations and associations of employers

  • Close cooperation with "GKU" Center for Employment of the population of Volzhsk ". As part of the collaboration, students of 4 courses with consultants are organized every year. The goal of such meetings is to bring to the attention of graduate students who have established the situation in the labor market, to provide information on activities to promote the development of small entrepreneurship and self-employment of unemployed citizens within the framework of regional programs aimed at reducing tensions in the labor market, about opportunities to do their own business. Members of the Circles together with members of employment centers participate in the "Fair of vacancies of jobs" 3 times a year, organize excursions to the enterprises of the city of students of 1 course.

  • College concluded 34 treaties with the main employers of the city and social partners about cooperation and cooperation on the provision of assistance in the employment of graduates. (Agreement on cooperation for a period of 3 years with the Department of State Service Employment of the RME Se01.04.2010; with the municipal formation of GO "ROSZHASK" 03/21/2010; with ZAO "Standartstroy » 12/15/2010; with OJSC Volzhskpromstroy 17.12.2010; With Trio LLC 15.12.2010. other)

  • There were events of the interregional and republican level with the participation of representatives of other educational institutions, social partners:

  • Meeting of the Methodological Association of Deputy Directors for Educational and Industrial Work and UNGO "Formation of professional and significant qualities of the Competitiveness of the College graduates on the basis of the Resource Center" (11/25/11 - 32 deputy director for UPR);

  • Scientific and practical seminar "Designing an effective management system for continuous network specialized training and a social partnership as a condition for improving the quality of education" (27.04.12- 32 people participants)
Interregional forum "Innovative resource of vocational education and challenges of modernity" (06/08/12-35 people. Participants)

IV Employment of graduates of 2012

  • In 2012, 62 graduates were employed (66% of the total number of graduates), 52% were employed by profession, are designed to the ranks of the Russian army 19%, they continued to study at a higher level of education 12%, 4% are not employed due to maternity leave, nor One college student did not register in the employment center as unemployed.
Circle takes into account the trends in the economic development of the republic and the stated need for professional personnel in the formation of a draft state task.

An analysis of information about graduates consisted of graduates and areas of preparation is carried out regularly.

^ Retraining and Additional Vocational Training

  • The system of additional educational services is functioning, and for its students they turn out to be on preferential terms: with a 50 percent discount and the possibility of paying for training in installments.

  • CHA organizes informing and advising citizens, including employees under the risk of dismissal on obtaining educational services for advanced training, retraining, advanced training in vocational education institutions;

  • College conducts professional training of students in high school educational municipal institutions, taking into account the prospects for the development of the labor market in the city and the Republic, in 2012 50 schoolchildren received a working profession.
In 2012-2013, it is planned to deepen work in such directions as:

  • Consulting work on labor law issues, the use of the information system databases of vacancies of employers and summaries of students and graduates "Stork";

  • preparation of the summary of students;

  • presentation of enterprises;

  • Creation of the Bank Summary College Graduates (Electronic Option)

Artist: N.N. Kosheleva, head of the promotion of graduate employment

Practice: A Guide to Managing Knowledge. Harvard Business School Press, 2002.

16. Davydova N.N., Fedorov V.A. Management of the development of educational institutions based on a network approach //

dagogic magazine Bashkortostan. 2012. №4. P. 15-23.

17. Shamova T.I., Davydenko T.M., Shibanova G.N. Management of educational systems. M.: Academy, 2006. P. 43-54.

18. Lukashenko MA "Cookence" in the market of educational services // Higher education in Russia. 2006. №9. P. 47-56.

V.V. Mironov, Advisor, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation V.A. Gurtov, Director of the Budget Monitoring Center Petrozavodsk State University

E.P. Ilyasov, Director of the Coordination and Analytical Center MSTU. AD Bauman

About state measures to organize the interaction of educational organizations of vocational education and employers in order to successfully employ graduates

The result of effective cooperation between educational organizations and employers is the successful employment of graduates. It is due to the content of the main professional educational programs and the quality of graduates. The article discusses a number of existing measures today to organize the interaction of educational organizations with employers, as well as measures, additionally received by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

Keywords: vocational education, employer, employment, graduate, state, interaction measures, educational organizations

The state is seriously concerned about the shortage of qualified personnel, the need for a vocational education system cannot be satisfied. This concern was reflected back in 2004 in the message of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin: "Compared to the Soviet period, the reception in universities was almost tripled, and the number of applicants in them actually equalized with the number of graduates of secondary schools ___ and with such a diploma

we have a deficit of qualified personnel, acutely necessary for the country.

The demand of the graduate in the labor market, his work in the specialty obtained in the educational organization,

it is one of the most important indicators of the effectiveness of the cost of budget funds allocated by the state for the needs of the education system. Given this in 2013, the basic group of indicators of monitoring educational organizations introduced an indicator characterizing the employment of graduates. When evaluating the activities of the university in this area, the data of the departmental monitoring of the Ministry of Labor of Russia is used for previous years. They are sufficiently objective, because they reflect: a) the number of all graduates who applied for facilitating employment to employment service bodies; b) the number of graduates officially recognized as unemployed; c) the number of employed graduates from among

applying employment services within a year after the release.

The solution to the problem of successful employment of graduates of the received specialty depends on the expansion of employers' participation in this process and a public-public partnership in the development of vocational education, which is stated in the State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013-2020.

The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia annually monitors the employment of graduates of all levels of vocational education, their consolidation in workplaces, as well as measures taken by educational organizations to interact with employers in order to facilitate the employment of graduates at the chosen direction of preparation (specialty). As the results of the measures taken by the State, the following can be noted.

The system of promoting the employment of graduates of the vocational education institutions of the Russian Federation with the imposition of MSTU them. AD Bauman functions of the head organization. The system functions on three levels: federal, regional (77 regional centers) and local (educational organizations). As of September 1, 2013, the Centers (services) of facilitating employment (career development) operate in 483 institutions of higher education (hereinafter referred to as possible and in 2191 organizations of secondary vocational education (hereinafter referred to as SPO).

There is an automated information system for promoting the employment of graduates of the Stork (as of September 1, 2013), 2712 employers and 457 organizations of vocational and higher education are registered, vacancy bases and a summary of job seekers are regularly updated.

The Center for Budget Monitoring of the Petrozavodsk State University has created a portal "System of interactive monitoring of employment of graduates", providing information interaction between educational organizations, graduates and employers.

In all educational organizations of secondary vocational and higher education, the target training of students is underway on the basis of the conclusion of trilateral contracts "Student - Educational Institution - Employer". In 2012, the issuance under contract preparation according to the SPO programs was 14.8 thousand people (6% of the total release), according to programs in 49.0 thousand people (13% of the entire issue). Employment in the framework of the fulfillment of contractual obligations was an average of 75% of the issue.

The production is carried out, including the pre-diploma, practice of students in enterprises, institutions and organizations on the basis of contracts for the organization and conduct of practice.

Increasing the educational process in universities and educational workers and employees of specialized organizations, enterprises and institutions in the amount of at least 5% of the total number of teachers (in accordance with GEF) is ensured.

Specialists of enterprises, institutions and organizations - consumers of personnel of this profile are being involved - in the work of state certification commissions on the main educational programs in, as well as carrying out departure government certification commissions in labor organizations.

Educational organizations of higher education on the basis of scientific organizations are organized by the departments, one of the tasks of which is personnel support of scientific research. According to

monitoring of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, today more than 100 institutions of higher education have created departments on the basis of scientific organizations.

There is a social and professional accreditation of higher education programs in accordance with the rules for the participation of employers' associations in the development and implementation of public education policies. Thus, in 2012, the All-Russian Public Organization of Small and Medium Entrepreneurship "Support Russia", the All-Russian Public Organization "Association of Lawyers of Russia", an autonomous non-profit organization "Agency for Public Control of Quality of Education and Career Development", 52 vocational education programs in economics were accredited, Management and jurisprudence and 104 institutions of higher education.

In order to ensure that educational programs in the requirements of employers, trustees have been created in a number of educational institutions of higher education in a number of educational institutions of higher education. Thus, according to Rosstat, in 2012, the Board of Trustees operate in 357 organizations of higher education, including in 125 non-state.

An independent examination of the FGOF projects of professional education by the associations of employers, organizations carrying out activities in relevant sectors of the economy.

The Ministry of Internships of the graduates are organized by the Ministry of Internships of the graduates in order to acquire labor skills, adapting the workplace for subsequent employment on the specialty received. In 2009-2011 More than 219 thousand graduates of organizations of professional and higher education took place.

of them, about 36% are graduates of organizations of the SPO. More than 50% of the participants in this program were employed by the specialty received. The overall level of employment of graduates after the internship has reached 72%. FROM

In 2012, the specified event is implemented in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, related to territories with a tense situation in the labor market.

According to a survey of organizations of vocational and higher education, the share of graduates of 2012 in full-time education, employed in the specialty in the first year after the release, is (as a percentage of the general issue, according to the levels of education): 54.2% - higher and 46.6% - medium professional.

Given the accumulated successful experience of implementing measures to organize cooperation, in 2013, the following steps are further undertaken by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia:

■ The project "Development of the regulatory and technological basis (system prototype) is being implemented to collect and analyze objective information on employment indicators of graduates of vocational and higher education organizations using integration services with federal databases of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Tax Service, the Federal State Statistics Service" ;

■ Activates the work of centers (services) to facilitate the employment of graduates in educational organizations by systematic removal of employment monitoring functions and expanding the scope of the interaction of educational organizations with employers to carry out job fairs jobs, excursions in partner organizations, students 'meetings with employers' members , seminar classes with personnel staff

Higher education in Russia No. 11, 2013

services, career guidance of applicants and organization of industrial practice and targeted education;

■ by the decision of the Interdepartmental Commission with the participation of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the Ministry of Transport of Russia, the Ministry of Justice of Russia, Min-Sports of Russia, the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, Min-Culture of Russia, the Ministry of Health of Russia, OJSC "United Industrial Corporation" Oboronprom ", JSC" United Aircraft Corporation ", JSC" United Shipbuilding Corporation "In the basic indicators of the evaluation of the effectiveness of higher education organizations during monitoring in 2013, a new indicator was introduced, characterizing the employment of graduates;

■ In order to develop a regulatory framework for the interaction of educational organizations and employers, regulatory legal acts are developed and agreed with interested federal authorities:

V draft resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation "On approval of the procedure for the conclusion and termination of the Target Treaty Treaty and Treaty Treaty, as well as model forms of the Target Target Treaty and Treaty Treaty";

V Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of August 14, 2013 No. 958 "On approval of the procedure for creating professional educational organizations and educational organizations of higher education of the Department and other structural units that ensure practical training of students on the basis of other organizations engaged in the profile of the relevant educational program";

■ The composition of observational (guardianship) councils of federal and national research universities included representatives of major innovative business companies such as

OJSC Severstal, RUSAL OJSC, Salute OJSC, Aviakor-Aviation Plant OJSC, OOO Gazprom Transgaz Samara, OJSC Group of Construction Companies Group ";

■ The state support for the development of cooperation between Russian educational institutions of higher education and production enterprises is continued, the main purpose of which is to stimulate the use of potential manufacturing enterprises, including personnel, educational organizations for the development of high-tech production. Thus, from the beginning of the year, 89 companies and 60 universities supported 98 comprehensive projects for the creation of high-tech production;

■ large employers' employers (Rosatom State Corporation, Rosnano State Corporation, OJSC Sberbank of Russia, OJSC LUKOIL, ASCON) are attracted to the organization and holding of the All-Russian Student Olympiad;

■ Within the framework of the development of proposals for the vocational accreditation of educational programs, models of vocational accreditation are developed focused on employers and unification of employers;

■ In order to implement practical or-unified educational programs in 2013, 3632 people were accepted for training on applied undergraduate programs (as of September 1

2013), and the plan of events ("roadmail") "Changes in the sectors of the social sphere, aimed at improving the efficiency of education and science" is planned to increase the specific weight of the number of students on applied undergraduate programs in the total number of students by 2018 to 30% .

State-made additional measures to strengthen cooperation

between educational organizations and employers will increase, according to the forecast estimates, the specifications of the number of graduates of organizations of professional and higher education in full-time training, employed within one year after graduation on the specialty received (profession), from 44.4% in 2013 to 48.9% in 2015


1. Message from the President of the Russian Federation

the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of May 26, 2004 // Russian newspaper. 2004. №3486 of May 27.

2. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 15, 2013 No. 792-R "On approval of the State Program of the Russian Federation" Development of Education "for 2013-2020."

3. Resolution of the Government of the Russian

Federation dated December 24, 2008 №1015 "On approval of the Rules for the participation of employers' associations in the development and implementation of public policy in the field of vocational education."

4. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 9, 2010 No. 218 "On measures of state support for the development of cooperation of Russian higher educational institutions, state scientific institutions and organizations implementing comprehensive projects for the creation of high-tech production"

5. Order of the Government of the Russian

Federation of December 30, 2012 №2620-R "On approval of the plan of events (" Road Cards ")" Changes in the sectors of the social sphere aimed at improving the effectiveness of education and science ".

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