Facts about the origin of the Russian language. Unusual facts about Russian

Do you know that in Russian, the words "bull" and "bee" are single?

Contrary to popular belonging in Russian is not one word with three "e" in a row, but two. And the words beginning with the letter "y" in our language of the whole 74. And in the Guinness Book of Records, a word in length is 35 letters.

Most words with the letter "f" in Russian are borrowed. Pushkin was proud that in the "Tale of Tsar Saltan" there was only one word with the letter "F" - the fleet.

In Russian, there are only 74 words starting with the letter "th". But most of us remember only "iodine, yogi" and the city of "Yoshkar-Ola".

In Russian, there are words on "s". These are the names of Russian cities and rivers: Ygyatta, Lyllum, Yakhyt, Ynykchansky, Ytyk-Kuyul.

The only words in Russian with three letters "E" in a row is the longest (and other, for example, crookedly, shortly) and "Snake."

In Russian, there is a word with a unique attachment for the tongue.

The only word of the Russian language that does not have a root - take out. It is believed that in this word the so-called zero root, which is alternating with the root -Im- (Vyne-im-AT). Previously, about the XVII century, this verb looked like to remove, and it was a material root, the same as in removing, hugging, understanding (ced, hugging, understanding), but later the root was rethought as a suffix - Nu- (how to put, blow).

The only one-one adjective in Russian is "evil."

In Russian, there are words with unique prefixes for the language and - the result and the total and AB (the statute. And eight "and eight is not lucky"), formed from the unions "and" and "a".

The words "bull" and "bee" are single. In the works of ancient Russian literature, the word "bee" was written as "Buchel." The alternation of the vowel / s is explained by the origin of both sounds from one Indo-European sound U. If you recall the dialect verb to close, having the meanings to "roar, buzz, buzzing" and the etymologically related words of bee, bug and bull, it becomes clear, what was the general meaning of these words.

Dal offered to replace the foreign word "atmosphere" to the Russian "Kolozmitsa" or "Mirocolitz".

Until the XIV century, all indecent words were called "ridiculous verbs."

In the book of Records of the Guinness of 1993, the longest word of the Russian language is called "X-rayEelectrocardiographic", in the 2003 publishing house "Serevomnomyvantic".

In the grammatical dictionary of the Russian language A.A. Publication of 2003 2003 The longest (in the letters) nine lexeme in vocabulary is an adjective "Private-Wine-winning". Consists of 25 letters.

The longest verbs - "re-release", "substantizable" and "internationalized" (all - 24 letters; Wordformers, which are 25 letters).

The longest noun - "mansion" and "highly expressive" (24 letters; Wordformes are 26 letters, however, "mansion" is practically not used in MN.).

The longest animational lined nouns - "eleventh grader" and "clerical producer" (21 letters, wordforms - 23 letters).

The longest adherent, fixed by the dictionary - "unsatisfactory" (19 letters). However, it is necessary to take into account that from the overwhelming majority of high-quality adjective on------------------------whether, not always fixed by the dictionary.

The longest interomotion included in the Grammar Dictionary is "Fizkult Hi" (15 or 14 letters, depending on the status of a hyphen).

"Accordingly," is the longest pretext and the longest union at the same time. It consists of 14 letters. The longest particle "exclusively" in the letter is shorter.

In Russian, there are so-called insufficient verbs. Sometimes the verb does not have any form, and this is due to the laws of prowness. For example: "Win". He will win, will you win, I ... Victory? Wait? Waregain? Philologists offer to use the replacement designs "I Warn Victory" or "Winner". Since the first person's first person is missing, the verb is insufficient.

The British for successful assimilation of the difficult phrase "I love you" use the Mnemonic "Yellow-Blue Bus"

As the classics "Great and Mighty Russian" said. And why is he so "mighty" and why "great"? You can give a bunch of arguments for the vast features and the largest base of synonyms. How many analogues can be remembered by the word "beautiful"? Without deepening in the Debresses and Dictionaries, about 20, while in other adverbs, 5-7 will be checked from the force. Examples of subtlety and Slavic humor can be given. Even such a thing as "sarcasm" in other languages \u200b\u200bdo not know. You can also condemn and reject the Russian mat, but it is very difficult to change its role in our lives. The same word uttered with different intonation can mean absolutely inconsistent concepts, staging in the proposal - in the root change the meaning of the phrase. And many terms over the past couple of centuries have drastically changed their meaning, due to the mixing of the mock, jargon and the popularization of foreign terms.

In the Russian Federation and about a dozen states, Russian is the official state, and over 250 million people speak different degrees. This is from official data, and in fact, almost every second person on Earth knows at least a couple of expressions in Russian, and every tenth can even associate words into simple proposals.

The origin of the ancient Russian language and his story

When it comes to the origin of the Russian language, scientists disagree in opinions, someone says that the origin has been Sanskrit, someone calls the Protoslavyan dialect of the Indo-European Group. Significant sources have almost left, only guesses and assumptions. According to the structure and general lexical features, it refers to the East Slavic subgroup of the Slavic Group from the general branch of Indo-European languages.

The first mentions of Slavic letters are dated the year of the appearance of writing, which is the famous Cyril and Methodius, namely 863. Thus, an old Slavonic language appeared specifically in order to translate church books and scriptures. He was originally a book and had little in common with modern, but his appearance gave the development of the literature and culture of our country. Church books gradually spread among the population and on their basis they began to appear and literary works. The first books were: "Tale of Boris and Gleb" began the 11th century, "Tale of Bygone Years", dated 1113, "Word about Igor's regiment" 1185-1188 and many others.

And by the 16th century, the first rules for writing and pronunciation appeared in Moscow, the so-called grammatical normalization of the language, and it was recognized as national on the territory of the Moscow kingdom. After the next few centuries, he was modified, supplemented, absorbing words and concepts from other countries and the adverbs, gained new forms and changed like a living organism to reach us in his "Majesty" and "Power"

Scientific facts about Russian

In addition to the proud statements of the Russian-speaking part of the globe about its power, there are undeniable facts confirmed by the Guinness Book of Records and other sources. Consider the main of them:

The 5th place in the prevalence of the world's population speaks of the broad geography of Russian communities in other countries and popularity among foreigners.

  • In our language there are generic forms of verbs, which are not in others. For example, "he went," "she went."
  • At school, they study 6 major cases of nouns, but in fact they are 10.
  • Almost any word in speech can be replaced by synonym without a strong loss of meaning.
  • All words on the letter "f" used today everywhere came to us from other countries.
  • Foreigners cannot catch the difference between the pronunciation of words with "Kommersant" and without it. For them, the words "the entrance" and "subsection" sound absolutely the same. This is due to the peculiarities of the development of auditory and speech devices during the period of socialization.
  • "Mattery Russian" is not a turn of speech, but a special dialect on which you can explain to a person to a problem and talk. No matter how paradoxically sounds, but there is no so much abusive and meaningful words.

  • Although the Japanese is also complicated in writing, but in colloquial speech, he is in second place after Russian, too much depends on the intonation and setting words in the proposal.
  • Slavic and Russian literature is recognized as the most beautiful, poems sound melodious and harmoniously. It is believed that the poets of our country would not be able to become famous in the world if their works were sounded in other languages.
  • Due to the non-privacy of some sounds, learning a lot of difficulties from Japanese, Chinese, Turks and most blacks. In Japanese, for example, there is no sound "P", so they are physically not capable of pronounce it. Because of this, they do not hear the difference between the letters "P" and "L".

If you carefully examine the history of the Russian language and its features, then such facts can be brought much more. Linguists and scientists constantly find interesting interrelations of different words and concepts. Funny facts about the peculiarities of colloquial speech and mentality add up in history and jokes, told around the world.

Presenting significant changes and infusion, the Russian language reached us in the modern world, and we can observe its metamorphosis every 5-10 years. This is due to the development of electronics and the computerization of the whole world, the change in worldview and beliefs, new trends in political or social reforms. Another 10 years ago, the copywriter was a writer, and bloggers and jutups only made their first steps in this area. Then gender reforms were not yet conducted in many European countries and disagreements and neoplasms in speech and concepts did not appear. And social networks, such as Instagram did not exist. The speech of the modern generation directly depends on the change in the image, the rate and rhythm of life in cities, an increase in the number and volume of information obtained.

Phonetics and spelling

According to phonetic features, the Russian language refers to a condant type, which means the prevalence of consonant phones over the vowels about 37 k 5. Depending on the combinations, consonants are pronounced in different ways. The graphic system is rather rational, in the alphabet of 33 letters, and the letter or reading unit is a syllable or an alphabet combination. Orthography has signs of a phonam type, that is, regardless of pronunciation, writing will be vocabulary. As for grammar, the Russian language refers to flexive, or synthetic, type. This means that the grammatical load is mainly at the end. All nouns are inclined by major cases and are very different on the basis of "animated / inanimate".

The vocabulary of our daily speech is full of synonyms, homonyms, antonyms, rigors and other options for the relationship of words in the proposal. In addition, all the concepts are conditionally divided into original and borrowed, which significantly increases the number of errors in their writing and use.

Many turns over time disappear from everyday speech (historians) or replaced by concepts from another language or dialectic options (archaisms). Thus, the overall picture and sound acquire completely different outlines.

The sound of the Russian language allows you to call it very melodic. Features of songs and vocal arts suggest a certain formulation of words and sounds to create harmony. Russian, English and French are recognized as the most "convenient" for writing songs.

Funny idioms and deposits

Any language is full of different jokes and idioms, fully understandable only by media. No exception and Russian, where jokes and booms are an integral part of the folklore and everyday communication. There is no such number of humorous programs and movements in any country of the world: KVN, Standap, performances of humorists, humorous shows, comedy and much more. A lot of jokes and jokes are associated with the peculiarities of the mentality of Russian people and attempts to explain to foreigners. The change of intonation, adding one letter, rearrange words in places - and the text changes its original meaning radically. And the addition of obsceneous subtext is the basis for 90% jokes in the Russian language.

Both the composition of everyday words and phrases vary over the years and lifestyle and humor is filled with new paints, absorbing the features of life, political and historical events, art and music.

Idiomes, or untransitized expressions, are inherent in any language of the world. Among the popular sustainable expressions that cannot be explained by a foreigner, fully conveying its meaning:

  • "Hands do not come to see."
  • "Wilails on water written."
  • "Wedge Wedge to knock out."
  • "Pour from empty to empty."
  • "How to hell from Ladan" and many others.

The same applies to Russian verbs, which have absolutely different meaning depending on the context. For example, the verb "Sitting", the usual Russian ear. And how to translate the phrase "sits the bird", "sits the prisoner", "sits the thought in the head" - the verb is the same, and the meaning is absolutely different in each phrase. You can also lead as an example verb "goes": when a person goes to work, everything is clear. And when is it raining, or is a movie? Or is there a second year of study? Such examples can be given a huge set. That is why many visitors fall in love with the country and language, absorb the oddities of the mentality and are trying to understand the Russian language, because it is not enough to learn it.

Deferences are another direction in the humorous folklore of all languages \u200b\u200bof the world, when words are partially changing with syllables and get a completely new meaning at the output:

  • "Visitors will not be" from the initial phrase "the winners do not judge";
  • "ArmoredExkin Strong";
  • the famous "cargo wax deep"
  • "Bunch is tongue" and many others.

Most often they are born as a result of reservations, as it was at the dawn of the term. His founder considers an English teacher U.A. Sucuner, which was often confused in words and issued completely amazing phrases.

As a conclusion

It is completely the meaning of many expressions and only a native speaker can explain them, even if a person lived in the country for many years, then some words can still not understand. Words "Anadia", "Jednie", "hangover", "oblivion" and many others simply have no analogues among most languages. And attempts to explain their foreigner will most likely lead to anything.

The richness of the Russian language is not only in idioms and intuitionable speech revisions, but also in the diversity of emotionally painted adjectives, interception, law. In the difference in intonation when pronouncing the phrase (the famous "execute cannot be pardoned"), in the latitude of the Russian soul and desire everything around VITEYEVATO is characterized. Synonyms of the word "man": "Men", "peasant", "Man" other often have nothing to do with the initial option and strongly depend on the context and intonation.

Russian, truly, rich and literary, and emotionally. It makes it possible for self-expression through literature and art, writing books and poetic works. And its development and filling of borrowed words allows you to expand the horizons and opportunities for creativity. And no matter how they spoke Russian about their country, politics and position, everyone proudly speaks in their own language and with pleasure emphasizes their belonging to Russian-speaking and at home and abroad.

Russian is one of the languages \u200b\u200bof international communication, especially in the post-Soviet space.

It is opochitized by many writers and has many fans among foreigners, which only at the delegation of the heart, and not because it is necessary, they want to study it.

People are competent, naturally, know the basic rules of grammar, spelling, punctuation, but are familiar to a little.

And in vain, because it really is more fascinating and more interesting than the cramming of the rules from the textbook.

"Russian language is an interesting fact itself"

That is how my teacher of Russian and literature argued.

I did not meet any more in love with my subject of the teacher in my entire curriculum.

She did not just taught us to write and speak Russian, she literally drove his sound.

And her lessons were incredibly fascinating and interesting, because she led them in heboundally, actively used visual benefits and constantly told something so interesting, which is not deducting in the textbook.

Russian language is one of East Slavic languages.

It is state in the Russian Federation, as well as official in some countries of the former USSR, for example, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, etc.

It is widespread in the world (it takes the eighth line by the number of people who consider him their own native).

It says over 250 million people all over the world.

Powerful Russian-speaking communities are not only in most republics of the former USSR, but also in countries that are removed geographically from the Russian Federation: USA, Turkey, Israel and others.

And he is considered one of the 6 working languages \u200b\u200bof the United Nations.

In general, reasons to speak Russian well (he is native for you or not - not so important), abound.

But, alas, foreigners, especially those whose native language is not included in the Slavic group, it is not easy to master Russian.

It has an interesting alphabet with unique letters, for example, "Kommersant", words that are written and sound absolutely different, changeable endings, the distribution of words in childbirth, types and cases, many rules and exceptions from these rules.

And the Russian language from others is distinguished by the fact that many interesting facts can be brought about it.

Interesting facts about the letters of the Russian language

Well, it would seem that such an interesting in the letters, especially in the letters of the Russian language, especially for the countries neighboring the Russian Federation, for the residents of which the Russian albeit is not a native, but familiar and understandable.

But as it turned out, there are many interesting facts about the letters of the Russian language:

    A familiar and understandable today, "F" turns out to be, has its own feature: most of the words are borrowed from it from others.

    This perfectly knew A.S. Pushkin and tried in his "tale about Tsar Saltan" less to use such words.

    In addition to the word "fleet" of another in the "fairy tale" you do not find it.

    That's how much you remember the words, what starts on the letter "y"?

    Well, let it from force 5-6.

    And it turns out that such words in Russian over 70.

    And the words that start on the letter "s" do you know?

    Personally, I am not.

    It turns out that these words are, the truth is all of them - difficult-acting geographical names, for example, vyatsyt or Ytyk-Küel.

    It seems incredible that there may be a word that contains three identical letters going in a row.

    But the Russian language distinguished himself, because it can boast the word "long".

    The letters "and" and "a" can serve as consoles.

    Want examples?

    Please: "Total", "Avos."

Interesting facts about the words of the Russian language

"If there are so many interesting facts about the letters, then there should be an unmeasured number about the words of this wonderful language," I thought, and I was absolutely right.

Here you have some interesting things about the words of the Russian language:

    Sneakening words are not uncommon in Russian, but for some reason most adjectives contain two or more syllables.

    The only exception to this rule is "evil."

    You would never have guessed (I, at least, would definitely have not guessed) that two such different words as the "bull" and "bee" one root.

    Do you know why?

    Because earlier, "Buchel" said on the honey insect, and the sounds that were published and bulls, and bees, called the "White".

  1. In Russian, there are many words that have from 10 and more letters, and in words that have more than 20 letters, we will not be too surprised.
  2. Ah, this is the terrible word "to win", which cannot be used by first person.

    How many people were forced to blush, mumbling inadvertently "I will win ...", "I will win ...", trying to find a way out of the bad situation, into which yourself and drove themselves.

    By the way, this is not the only "insufficient verb" (one that cannot be used in the first person) in Russian.

    If someone wants to fix you, they say, the word "coffee" is a male genus, you can safely talk to him:

    "Your information is outdated."

    In 2009, the Ministry of Education itself recognized that coffee is the middle kind.

    Scientists of men apologized for the mistake, which crushed: "Coffee" - a derivative of "Cofius", which is actually a male race.

Do you have little interesting facts about Russian?

So catch some more:

  1. The alphabet of the Russian language is Cyrillic, which was exposed to a civil modification (I do not know what it means, but so says Wikipedia).
  2. One God knows why, but before the XIV century, linguists, writers and other certificate trained Russians called all words with not too decent meaning "ridiculous verbs", even if they were at all and not verbs.
  3. You can be proud that in 2003 an interesting fact about Russian was in the "Guinness Book of Records".

    People who record records were amazed by the fact that we have a word consisting of 35 letters: "Singomous Representative".

    In the Russian Federation, 99.4% of residents are fluent in Russian.

    True, I think, labor migrants that are so many now, no one was interviewed, well, oh well, all the same this figure is impressive.

    The Russian language gradually loses its own positions of the "official language" in many former republics of the USSR due to the fact that it replaces the state language of these countries.

Another 12 interesting facts about Russian are waiting in the video below:

What facts about Russian seem interesting to foreigners?

But what facts about Russian seem to be the most interesting foreigners:

    Why, in general, in the alphabet, two letters that do not indicate sounds: "Kommersant" and "b".

    "Some kind of absurdity," many foreigners say.

    Well, that's how it may be so that such a good word, how to "be" could not exist in the present time?

    But it feels perfectly in the past and the future.

    Well, really so hard to come up with a word for circulation?

    "Comrade" and "citizen" came out of fashion, "Mr.", "Mrs." did not fit.

    A "man" and "woman" sound rudely.

    What remains? "Hey you"?

    On the one hand, the order of words in the proposals arbitrary, but on the other hand, it is impossible to rearrange them, it is impossible.

    For example, stop the words in a short sentence "I go home" and every time you will appear a new sense load.

    In order to turn an affirmative proposal to a questionnaire, simply just a matter of question at the end and appropriate intonation.

    No special words and designs.

Of course, this is not all interesting facts about Russian.

There are so many of them that everyone does not mention, and within one article, it is quite difficult to tell about everything.

And what is the fact of you think the most interesting?

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