Types of geological surveys. Engineering-geological surveys

    The price for geological work starts from 24,000 rubles,
    and deadlines 7-14 calendar days!(you can receive preliminary information about the soils at the site 3 days after the completion of drilling work)

    Price: from 100,000 rub. per object V

    Moscow and region

    Geophysical surveys are a modern type of research. The goals of the work have much in common with geological exploration, but there are still differences: the geology of the site consists of drilling, sampling and laboratory research, while geophysical surveys for construction are aimed at studying natural and artificial magnetic fields, and also allow us to obtain more information about the land plot .

    What information can be obtained from engineering geophysical surveys?

    Geophysical surveys allow us to obtain maximum information about the structure of soils, as well as underground processes. Compared to geological work, research takes less time, and the data obtained is more accurate. During the work, we establish the physical and mechanical parameters of the soil, calculate the load that the soil can withstand, study the hydrogeology of the site, conduct laboratory work, draw up graphic documentation and show the thickness of the rocks in certain areas of the area, as well as voids and their geometric parameters.

    It often happens that it is impossible to conduct geological surveys on a site (for example, due to densely built-up areas). In such situations, engineering geophysical surveys are carried out as an alternative to geological exploration.

    Important! During the observation process, we use joint ventures for geodetic surveys, so our clients receive high-quality results.

    When are geophysical surveys carried out?

    We conduct geophysical surveys in Moscow in different situations. In most cases - to create design documentation for construction, study the reasons that lead to deformations of operating structures or develop new, unexplored territories.

    We carry out engineering and geophysical surveys in conjunction with other engineering works (geological, geodetic, environmental) or as a separate type of research. For example, if it is necessary to study the territory and hydrogeological features of an area to provide populated areas with water, we carry out research as a separate type of work.

    If our task is to predict changes on the site from the start of development, we conduct a comprehensive study of the site. Geophysical surveys and well drilling make it possible to identify potential hazards and take timely measures to protect the structure from negative impacts (for example, assess the likelihood of changes in the direction and speed of groundwater in the area, which can activate sinkholes, suffusions and landslides).

    Attention! Compared to geological exploration, geophysical methods make it possible to quickly obtain information about the structure of soils in the area. Observations require less equipment and fewer engineers, so research is considered more technologically advanced.

    How do we carry out geophysical surveys for construction?

    Like other studies, geophysical surveys for construction include many diverse tasks. We try to work quickly and even when studying complex areas, we provide a report within 2-3 weeks.

    We divide the entire research process into three stages: preparation, visiting the site and the final part - analyzing the data obtained and creating a technical report. The preparatory stage includes many tasks: we collect archival documents, conduct a reconnaissance of the site, analyze the assigned tasks, negotiate with the client, assemble equipment for field work, calculate the cost and send a commercial proposal.

    The next part of the research is visiting the site and conducting observations using special equipment. We carry out electrical, thermal, seismic, seismoacoustic studies (the type of research depends on the tasks assigned). We also take soil samples that are transported for further study in laboratory research.

    The final part of the research is the processing of the information received, calculations, compilation of summary tables, laboratory research, as well as the creation of graphic documents - sections on which the power and water abundance of the site can be visually analyzed.

    When geophysical surveys for construction are completed, our clients receive a technical report. It describes as much information as possible about the work performed: characteristics of the site, assigned tasks, type of research, data obtained. For ease of use of materials from the report, we provide the client with a digital copy in pdf format.

    Important! In our company “Geology ORG”, research is carried out with modern instruments, and we have our own laboratory for detailed study of samples.

    Price of geophysical surveys

    The price of geophysical surveys is a complex issue. Each plot of land has unique characteristics, and the client’s technical specifications contain individual requirements necessary for the construction of a specific building. Due to these variable factors, we calculate the cost separately for each client.

    We calculate the cost of the service taking into account:

  • features of the geological structure of the site;
  • number and complexity of tasks;
  • area of ​​territory;
  • features of the designed structure;
  • availability of design documentation and geological reports from previous years;
  • deadlines for research;
  • our participation in the report approval process.

Most clients work with us on an ongoing basis because we have a flexible pricing system. We offer discounts for regular customers. The price of geophysical surveys will be lower if you place a comprehensive order for engineering services (for example, in combination with environmental observations).

LLC "NPC "Zemlya"
Thanks to the competent and prompt actions of the executive and management staff of Moszemcom, these projects were completed at a high level of quality. We note the high competence of the company and the speed of execution of assigned tasks.

LLC "Market"
The LLC Market company expresses gratitude to the Moszemcom company for the high level of professionalism in carrying out work on cadastral registration, state registration of rights, as well as obtaining a construction permit. Over the months that we have been cooperating with you, we have highly appreciated the level of services you provide, as well as compliance with deadlines. The results of your work allowed us to save time on the implementation of our projects. We would also like to express our personal gratitude to the General Director of Moszemcom.

Private limited liability company "BMT Estate Limited".
The BMT Estate Limited company expresses gratitude to the Moszemcom company for its repeated assistance in the implementation of development projects in the Moscow region. We would like to note your efficiency and competence in resolving issues: - cadastral registration; -state registration of property rights; - obtaining a construction permit, as well as putting objects into operation; - Engineering surveys. Also, the Moszemcom company provided consulting support for interaction with the bodies of Rosreestr and the Government of the Moscow Region, with the aim of registering development projects. Thanks to your efficiency, we have significantly reduced financial and time costs. We would like to note the high qualifications and efficiency of your organization’s employees.

Kuznetsov Roman Valerievich.
Professional solution of existing problems with a focus on obtaining the desired positive result. I liked the fact that they managed to solve a difficult problem. Everything is quite professional.

Potemkina Irina Anatolyevna.
The opinion about the company was positive. I liked: - careful study of the presented documents; - Detailed explanation of the situation on the controversial issue; - Proposing an option to achieve the intended result (for registering the land with cadastral registration). I would like to wish: - Good luck in everything; - 100% positive results in work; - 100% achievement of the intended goals and objectives, and most importantly, good health to all MOSZEMKOM employees.

Medvedeva Natalya Leonidovna.
I was very pleased with the service provided throughout the entire time I was aware of everything that was happening regarding my issue. I felt attention and care for my far from simple situation. Thank you very much. I liked the attitude of the employees to their work, their responsibility and cordiality. There were no comments. I wish you only prosperity in the future, more clients and all the best.

Granovich Elizaveta Yakovna.
I liked that all my questions were answered in accessible language. It is clear that the specialists are competent and well versed in their field, which earned my trust. I liked the fact that they quickly resolved my issues and corrected the mistakes of the previous company. The only downside I can mention is that I had to wait in line.

Kotova Tatyana Vladimirovna.
Company employee Ekaterina conducted an extensive consultation and a full legal inspection of the apartment. After checking, I decided to buy an apartment. The company took upon itself the obligation to support the transaction and design the apartment. I liked the competence and professionalism of the company's employees. But unfortunately, I did not meet with the head of the company, due to his busy schedule. I wish the company growth and prosperity.

Ostafiev Nikolai Romanovich.
I liked the fact that the company with great self-confidence took on the solution to the problem with my land, since I could not sell the land for more than a year due to problems with borders. I liked the Speed!!! Thank you very much!!! I wish all the best.

Fedorova Violetta Sergeevna.
I would like to express my gratitude to your company for its efficiency, professionalism and individual approach. Very friendly atmosphere in the office; specialists work very quickly and efficiently. I liked the quality of service, the kindness and responsiveness of the employees. I wish you to grow and develop :)

Akhmanova Kristina Mikhailovna.
I was very pleased with the work done, they collected all the documents on time, and paid attention to some points that I didn’t even suspect. There was a business-like approach to resolving my issue. I liked the individual approach to clients, the level of professionalism, and the accessibility of explanations to clients. I would like to thank my employee Ekaterina. Throughout the entire time, the consultation was very friendly and responsive.

Yanbekov Aidar Ildarovich.
During the process, I gained complete confidence in your company. It's a pleasure to do business with you! Despite the complexity of the task, you took into account all my wishes. All issues were resolved promptly, one might say at the first call! At the present time, this, in my opinion, is the most important thing. Thank you very much “Moszemcom”! I also liked the efficiency, responsiveness, and attitude towards the client. More positivity and sparkle in the eyes..

Miroshnikov Oleg Vladimirovich.
Reliable company with employees who know their business. I liked the speed of the work.

Tsarevskaya Olga Olegovna.
They impressed us as knowledgeable and capable specialists. I'm glad I contacted your company. Thank you for efficiency. I liked the efficiency of the work, as well as the literacy of the workers. Good luck to your company. Large number of clients.

Rakushkina Inna Sergeevna.
I had an extremely positive opinion. It's a pleasure to work with your company. I will recommend you to friends and acquaintances. I liked the professional approach to business.

Ganieva T.V.
During my work, the employees of the Moszemcom organization provided me with highly professional services. With great attention and patience, they explained to me all the actions and issues in the legislation that I did not understand, for which I am very grateful.

CJSC "MTE Finance"
We express our gratitude to the REC-Group company for its repeated prompt consulting assistance in the implementation of large projects in the field of siting production facilities. Thanks to the operational consulting of REC-Group, the costs and time costs associated with assessing the possibility of placing industrial equipment on production sites of enterprises and the necessary geological surveys of soils when assessing the possibility of producing foundations for industrial equipment have been significantly reduced. Also, REC-Group provided consulting support for interaction with Rostechnadzor authorities in order to obtain permits. We note the competence of the company’s employees, the promptness of provision, the completeness and reliability of information.

JSC "SU 87"
During the period of cooperation with the REC-Group company, the company has established itself as a professional and reliable partner. A distinctive feature of the work of REC-Group is the efficiency and high organization of the company’s personnel, the willingness to quickly respond to circumstances and make the right decisions. Based on the above, ZAO Specialized Management 87 would like to note the high potential of the REC-Group company, its focus on further successful development and prosperity.

Before the construction of any facility begins, a set of studies is carried out, the results of which determine the feasibility and possibility of constructing buildings and structures. These necessarily include engineering and geological surveys for a construction project - let’s look at what it is and why they are carried out in more detail.

The concept of IGI implies various processes and actions to obtain the most accurate information about the characteristics and conditions of a certain territory. This is a separate type of work, carried out independently and in combination with others:

  • environmental;
  • geodetic;
  • hydrometeorological;
  • geotechnical.

The main object under study is soil, its filtration, physical and mechanical properties, chemical composition, bearing capacity, groundwater and other parameters. These studies are done during the design and development of documentation in order to take into account all the features for the further implementation of construction.

Based on the results of the data obtained, specialists can:

  • theoretically and economically justify the rationality of building construction, reconstruction, and re-equipment;
  • choose the optimal location for the building from the options proposed by the designer;
  • select the type of foundation and determine the need for its additional strengthening;
  • make a forecast of possible changes or deformations under the influence of soil and the finished object;
  • Perform author's control of production and work.

Thanks to this, it is also possible to plan environmental protection measures in advance and prevent the negative impact of construction.

Types of design and geological surveys

Such studies are necessary for objects of any purpose, therefore they are divided according to specifics for:

  • private households (dacha, house, bathhouse);
  • civil and industrial use, including high-rise buildings;
  • linear objects - bridges, overpasses, highways;
  • urban development projects.

There is another classification in which the basis is the result of IGI for development on:

  • construction;
  • reconstruction;
  • liquidation;
  • examinations;
  • determination of dangerous conditions - the threat of flooding, seismic activity, landslides and other phenomena.

Objectives and purpose of engineering-geological surveys

The main mission is to justify the correct choice from the presented construction options, to study the interaction of objects with geological characteristics and site conditions.

It follows from this that the main problem that is solved in this case is the survey of the territory in order to carry out an inspection, make a detailed description of the manifestations of physical and geological processes and supposed phenomena of a geological nature.

For all types of construction, the main tasks of the IGI are:

  • program planning;
  • study of phenomena that affect the choice of construction site, operation mode;
  • identification of elements and soil characteristics according to standards to determine the type of foundation and its depth;
  • obtaining hydrogeological data;
  • analysis and forecast of the possible development of dangerous geoprocesses for the development of measures for the engineering protection of buildings;
  • minimizing the negative impact on the environment - landscape, natural complexes;
  • creating reports with reasoned recommendations based on findings, which include text and graphic additions.

During engineering and geological surveys, the following stages are distinguished:

  1. Preparatory, involving the collection of materials about the territory, including initial and archival data, to obtain the required permits.
  2. Field – topographic reconnaissance and implementation of planned work.
  3. Laboratory, in which samples taken during the previous step are examined.
  4. Desk, during which the received research data is processed and the results are compiled into a general statement.

The report with all attachments is transferred to the customer for drawing up technical specifications for construction.

Main branches of engineering geology

This is a direction in science that studies the upper layers of the earth's crust and their development under anthropogenic influence, that is, human activity. The applied task of the industry is to predict the interaction of a constructed object with geological conditions during its construction and use, and collect data for design.

There are 3 main sections:

  • geodynamics;
  • soil science;
  • regional engineering geology.

Various scientific methods are used in research using the achievements of modern technologies.

Physical and mechanical properties of rocks and soils

Such soil characteristics appear under the influence of external load. Its behavior consists of 3 sequential processes, which include:

  • Reversible or elastic deformation (R).
  • Plastic displacement (P).
  • Destruction (P).

Knowledge of the actions of the soil at each stage helps to predict the possible consequences of the impact of construction.

Physical and mechanical properties are divided into:

  • rheological;
  • deformation;
  • strength.

Determining geological surveys and having specialists possess information on each of them helps prevent the collapse of constructed buildings, structures, structures and nearby objects of cultural significance, networks, and highways.

Composition and staging of IGI

Engineering-geological surveys include a certain algorithm of actions, based on the results of which the necessary documentation is drawn up.

This includes:

  • collecting, conducting analysis, bringing together into an overall picture the information received about the natural conditions of the territory together with materials from previous years;
  • reconnaissance;
  • shooting on location.

Research is carried out when designing an object. If necessary, they can be continued during construction, when the building is put into operation, during reconstruction and liquidation of structures.

Research is carried out at several stages. The main ones are:

  1. Design – creation of pre-investment documents and justification of investments in the construction of a particular facility. At this stage, a survey of the site of the designed building and linear structures is taken. If necessary, carry out drilling and mining activities using field and laboratory study methods.
  2. Pre-design, which includes a finished project and a working package of papers. At this phase, a comprehensive study of site conditions is provided and changes during construction work and when the building is put into operation are predicted. Compared to the previous paragraph, the list of activities does not change, but is significantly increased and detailed.

The composition of engineering-geological surveys directly depends on the stages being carried out.

In each individual case, the scope and content of the research depends on:

  • design stages;
  • purpose and type of routes, buildings, their class of responsibility;
  • the complexity of the area's conditions;
  • degree of knowledge.

The actions taken at all stages should maximize the area for development.

Results of engineering-geological surveys

The results of the IGI are summarized in a technical report. The content of this document should include recommendations for eliminating possible negative impacts on sustainability, the conditions of use of the constructed structure and some other analyses. Experts draw conclusions:

  • provide justification for measures to strengthen the foundation, soils in the foundations, and eliminate planning defects;
  • provide recommendations for making design decisions.

If a technical report is compiled during the operation of a finished object, an analysis of the causes of deformations and proposals for actions to stabilize these moments are added to it.


All types of surveys in construction, including geotechnical surveys, are carried out strictly in accordance with current instructions and standards (according to SNiP), codes of rules (SP), state standards (GOST) and departmental norms (VSN).

Examples of documents:

  • SNiP 1.02.03-83;
  • SNiP 1.04.03-85;
  • SNiP 1.05.03-87;
  • SNiP 1.06.04-85.
  • GOST R 22.1.06-99;
  • GOST R 22.0.01-94 and others.

Preparation of documentation in programs

Designers, constructors, surveyors and specialists in other fields working in construction use innovative technologies to create precise objects, eliminating the possibility of error. They work with special programs - AutoCAD, NanoCAD, D (similar to software from Autodesk, but less expensive) and others.

ZWSOFT company implements basic programs, modules and add-ons to them.

– software designed for the work of cadastral engineers. It includes a set of necessary tools for automating the preparation of documentation. Regular software updates allow you to draw up papers in accordance with the current requirements of regulatory and inspection authorities. This development was included in the EP of Russian computer programs.

Its capabilities are extensive and are suitable for preparing all documents of a cadastral engineer (landmark and technical plan, map plan, survey report, etc.), thanks to:

  • flexibility in choosing source information;
  • ability to import XML files;
  • compatibility with ZWCAD, ACAD and other programs of the same type;
  • creating points and objects using different tools;
  • electronic digital signature;
  • automatic control and correction of data;
  • user customization of text, graphic elements and many other options.

Interaction with Rosreestr makes the documentation correct and relevant to modern requirements.

– similar to the GeoniCS Survey program. This software allows you to:

  • process and interpret the results obtained at the stage of laboratory research;
  • make statistical reports on IGE;
  • calculate norms and calculated information from soil FMS;
  • build graphical dependencies;
  • manage the construction of IG sections and load-bearing capacities;
  • generate reporting documentation in accordance with CIS GOSTs;
  • apply geodata to the studied models that were previously created in GeoniCS Routes.


The company presents a modern system designed for design automation, ZWCAD. Its functions are similar to ACAD from the famous developer Autodesk. The program is just as reliable and costs less. The ZVSOFT company has been working for many years with domestic and foreign developers of design software that successfully complements the capabilities of basic systems.

Choose functional software packages for your industry and increase your level of professionalism!

Geological surveys make it possible technical justification for the feasibility and fundamental possibility of construction in a specific area at the design stage. If a preliminary assessment of the economic feasibility of construction in a given area is necessary, geotechnical surveys are a mandatory stage of pre-project preparation.

In the course of geological surveys, features of the relief and hydrological regime of the area of ​​future development; the mechanical composition of the soil is subject to study. Based on the data obtained, tectonic and seismological characteristics of the territory are compiled, as well as a forecast of probable changes in the course of geomorphological, hydrological and other processes due to the influence of the constructed facility. A comprehensive engineering and geological study of the area of ​​future development is of key importance in development planning and is carried out at the stage of pre-project preparation.

Engineering and geological surveys are carried out to determine the reliability of the site allocated for construction, immediately before starting the design of the foundation of the future facility. The choice of foundation type and further design is made on the basis of data on the physical and chemical properties of the soil and the hydrological regime of the site (in particular, the groundwater level). If there is insufficient or complete absence of geological survey data, the likelihood of engineering errors during design increases. An incorrectly designed foundation can subsequently cause deformation and premature destruction of the constructed building.

The construction of new facilities within the city is often carried out next to existing buildings. Construction may lead to irreversible changes in geomorphological processes in adjacent areas and lead to deformations of existing buildings. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the underground space of new objects is often used for the arrangement of retail space or parking lots. Renovating existing buildings often involves increasing the load on the foundation. These features of urban development require a particularly careful approach to studying the site of future construction and choosing a site that meets all safety requirements.

Engineering and geological surveys include a number of studies:

  • analysis of archival materials about similar studies in the area of ​​future construction (if any);
  • drilling of engineering-geological wells;
  • sampling of soil and water for laboratory studies of chemical and physical-mechanical properties;
  • geophysical survey to detect areas with unfavorable geological characteristics, identify underground routes, communications and other objects;
  • study of the geological structure of the territory allocated for construction;
  • study of the hydrological regime, the composition of groundwater and soil characteristics in a given area;
  • identification of existing and potential processes that pose a danger to the construction and subsequent operation of the facility;
  • geodetic reference of the designed object and accompanying engineering workings to the area.

Geological surveys make it possible to obtain data on the basis of which a technical report is drawn up, subject to approval by Mosgorgeotrest and Mosoblgeotrest.

Analysis of archival materials on geological surveys at the future construction site. The availability of data from previously conducted studies of the area of ​​future development makes it possible to more accurately describe current geological processes. An idea of ​​the dynamics of changes in the geological structure of the site and its hydrological regime is necessary to predict further changes in geological activity, taking into account the influence of the designed object.

Geological well drilling, sampling and laboratory research. Wells are drilled to take soil samples at different depths for further laboratory research. The laboratory analyzes the physical and chemical properties of soil, in particular, its exchange and absorption capacity, shrinkage, swelling, osmosis and diffusion, corrosion activity and some others.

Geophysical work to identify geologically unfavorable areas, as well as underground communications and other objects can be carried out by analyzing archival data or instrumental methods.

Study of the hydrological regime of the site, the composition of groundwater and soil characteristics. The purpose of the research is to study changes in the water body located in the area of ​​the planned construction under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors. During the research, the dynamics of changes in the channel, level, composition and temperature of water are studied.

Study of the geological structure of the area in which construction work will be carried out involves comprehensive soil and soil analysis to obtain data on soil chemistry and determine the geotectonic platform. The obtained data on the features of the geological structure of the site and the existing hydrological regime are used to generate statistics on destructive processes that complicate the construction of the facility and pose a potential danger to its operation. Statistics, in turn, serves as the basis for forecasting the further development of identified and possible occurrence of previously unrecorded geological processes.

Geodetic reference of the object and associated engineering workings to the terrain necessary for maximum accuracy of geodetic surveys relative to strong points on the ground.

Physico-chemical characteristics of soil and soils are summarized in tables, which, together with the topographic plan, are attached to the technical report on the geological work carried out. The report is compiled on the basis of regulatory documents regulating the scope of work and is subject to further approval by Mosgorgeotrest and Mosoblgeotrest.

For carrying out engineering and geological surveys as part of the pre-project preparation of construction, the customer provides a technical assignment drawn up in accordance with the requirements of clause 4.13 of SNiP 11-02, as well as a topographic plan of the site allocated for construction with designated underground utilities and outlines of the future facility. On the basis of the submitted documents, a program of geological surveys is drawn up, in accordance with which the entire complex of studies is carried out.

Our geologists have drilling equipment at their disposal, owned by the company, as well as a laboratory fully equipped with everything necessary for research. Thus, our company can guarantee high quality research at an affordable cost.

When carrying out geological and engineering work, one of the most important areas is the geology of the site. At first glance, the essence of this concept does not raise questions even for a person who is not enlightened in construction. However, professionals have a slightly different opinion on this matter. Experts say that this type of work is the key to high-quality and successful design, and then the construction of a building object of any complexity.

As part of geological surveys on the territory of the planned construction of the facility, a complex of existing conditions is studied (geological profile of the area, composition of rocks and groundwater, characteristics of rocks) and field and experimental filtration studies are carried out. For all these operations, drilling operations are successfully used, the results of which are wells that differ in characteristics and differ in depth.

The fundamental possibility of supplying current through cable lines depends on the integrity and tightness of the power cable sheaths. Damage to the sheaths, leading to their depressurization, is accompanied by the penetration of air and moisture into the cable cavity, which is fraught with electrical breakdown of the insulation and failure of the cable line. Among the factors causing the destruction of the metal shells of underground cable lines is the presence of stray currents, which provoke and support the process of electrolytic corrosion, as well as electrochemical corrosion, which develops during prolonged contact of the metal with soil solutions. The main source of stray currents is direct current rail transport (metro, tram, electric trains). The trolley (contact wire) is usually connected to the plus of the direct electric current source, the return wire, the role of which is played by the rail track, is connected to the minus.

Metal corrosion is an electrochemical process, but electrochemical corrosion means the destruction of metal during prolonged contact with an environment that has pronounced electrolytic properties. The reduction of the oxidizing component of a corrosive environment occurs simultaneously with the process of metal ionization, and the rate of both processes depends on the electrode potential of the metal. Among the numerous examples of electrochemical corrosion, one can mention the destruction of the hull of sea ships and the rusting of above-ground and underground metal structures. The main reason for the development of corrosion processes is the thermodynamic instability of the metal in the environment.

Engineering-geological surveys

(a. geological-engineering prospecting; n. Baugrundforschung, Baugrunduntersuchungen; f. reconnaissances geotechniques; And. prospeccion y exploracion geotecnica) - are carried out with the aim of developing a technically justified one. and economically feasible solutions in the design, construction and operation of facilities, taking into account the requirements for the rational use of geol. environment. I.-g. And. are an integral part of engineering surveys, which ensure mutual coordination of design solutions with geological terrain conditions and precede all types of construction (including mines, quarries, oil and gas fields, etc.).
The program (project) of survey work is drawn up on the basis of technical specifications. assignments issued by the designer, and available information about the natural conditions of the area. I.-g. And. are carried out in stages in accordance with the stages of design. During construction, author's control is carried out over the implementation of the prospectors' recommendations. I.-g. And. include Engineering-geological survey, reconnaissance (work on opening a geological section in order to identify the conditions of the building), Engineering-geological and stationary observations (permanent or periodic recording of the state of engineering-geological conditions over time). Eng.-geol. sampling may also be included in each of these types of work.
To carry out I.-g. And. machines, equipment and instruments are used for driving exploration workings (main drill holes), geophysics. research (various modifications of seismoacoustics, electrical prospecting), field tests of soils (experimental pumping and injection, pressureometry, etc.), laboratory studies of rocks and groundwater.
The scope of survey work in the USSR is approx. 1% of the cost of construction. The effectiveness of surveys is determined by the savings obtained during the construction and operation of structures due to their harmonious combination with geol. environment, absence or minimization of processes such as collapses, landslides, environmental pollution, etc.
The first known historical information about carrying out I.-g. And. go back to the time of Dr. Rome, though, obviously. surveys have been carried out before. They received intensive development in con. 19th century, ch. arr. in connection with the railway building How specific. activities were formed in the beginning. 20th century as a result of the allocation of design to independent. area of ​​activity. M. V. Rat.

Mountain encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Edited by E. A. Kozlovsky. 1984-1991 .

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