Spotlight LED appointment. How to choose the right outdoor LED lamp or spotlight

Street lighting plays no less important role than indoor lighting, so the choice of lamps for outdoor lighting must be approached with all responsibility.
The main parameters that should be followed when choosing a spotlight among the sea of ​​proposals are: economy, brightness and color adequacy, tightness and service life. Of course, each buyer has his own needs, let's figure out how to choose the most suitable model.


First of all, of course, you need to focus on the cost of the spotlight. Indeed, for street lighting, rather powerful lamps are usually used, which consume a large amount of electricity per night.
The most economical at the moment are LED, induction and fluorescent lamps.

Varieties of spotlights

However, the last two types of lamps are more suitable for lighting indoor areas near the house, as they do not tolerate changes in humidity and temperature.
These are one of the most expensive outdoor lighting systems for private use (lighting the area around the house, cottages, paths, etc.). But on the other hand, all three provide minimal consumption with excellent light output, and usually pay off in full within one and a half to two years (the longer they work, the stronger the economic effect).

If you want to choose not only a bright economical lamp, but also a durable one, we recommend that you pay attention to LED and induction models. According to various estimates, their resource is very large - from 30 to 70 thousand hours of uptime.

Luminescent in this sense lose at times - they are able to work up to 12 thousand hours, and as the phosphor burns out, they noticeably fade. In addition, they are very sensitive to power surges and frequent switching on. Because of this, it is not recommended to connect them to motion sensors, because. otherwise, the device will exhaust the resource much earlier than the declared period.


Metal halide and halogen lamps give very bright powerful light, although their consumption parameters are much higher than their predecessors.

Halogen spotlight

Halogen spotlights create a bright, pleasant to perceive light in a warm spectrum - it is as close as possible to the sun. Under the condition of their use, the color rendition is minimally distorted - objects look the same as in the daytime. They are quite reliable, support dimming, endure temperature fluctuations.
However, the duration of their "life" is short - 2000-8000 hours, although this is almost twice the life of incandescent lamps.
Metal halide floodlights are powerful light sources ideal for illuminating large areas. They emit a flux in the neutral white spectrum, which also provides excellent color reproduction (with an index of more than 90).
Unlike halogen models, they are sources of sufficient strong ultraviolet radiation, this is useful for plants in the garden (or in greenhouses), but not very much for humans. That is why these types of lamps are used mainly in open areas, or in closed facilities where a person is not constantly located.

Sodium spotlight

They have a very wide range of color temperatures - from 3 to 20 thousand. But over the course of their service life, the temperature of such lamps can vary greatly, which complicates design calculations. Also, metal halide lamps require a long time to start and reach the nominal parameters of the glow.

Strong and powerful luminous flux is provided by sodium lamps. They have one of the highest light output parameters - it reaches a record 150-200 lumens per watt.

Such lamps generate a characteristic ocher-yellow spectrum of radiation. Because of this, the color rendition is noticeably distorted. However, thanks to this effect, it is interesting to beat the architectural features of the house or the territory adjacent to it.
In general, if you do not impose special requirements on color rendering, such spotlights will be a good solution, since they transform the lion's share of the energy expended into light. In addition, they are "long-lived" - they can withstand up to 30,000 hours of luminescence without significant loss of quality.


Protected spotlight

Another extremely important criterion for selecting a street spotlight is the degree of its tightness. Often, a special marking is applied directly to the device itself - IP with two numbers. The higher they are, the more protected (from the impact of aggressive environments) the device is. The first digit characterizes the degree of protection against the penetration of dust particles under the case, and the second - from the ingress of water (condensate).
Below, as an example, is the marking of the LED spotlight.

In such models, all joints are sealed with protective gaskets and sealants. Just pay attention to the material and dimensions of the back of the lamp. It is responsible for the removal of heat and must be large enough to effectively cool the hermetically sealed case. It is best to choose devices with a thin metal back panel, it provides accelerated heat transfer.
For outdoor lighting systems, additional anti-vandal protection is also provided, which reduces the risk of mechanical damage, vibration, etc. Often the case of street lamps is made of thicker metal, to protect the luminous element, shockproof glass and metal gratings are used, the connecting cables are laid in an additional layer of especially strong insulation.
It is clear that such a device is more expensive, but for public places it is initially better to choose models with a high margin of safety.

With sensor

To illuminate areas rarely visited at night (for example, remote areas of the garden, cottages), it is best to choose a spotlight with a built-in motion sensor. Of course, such a device will cost an order of magnitude more expensive, but it will provide significant savings, since the lamp will only light up when someone passes close to the coverage area.

Searchlight with sensor

Depending on the design and power, the sensor blocks are located either in the luminaire housing or outside. Alternatively, you can simply buy a separate sensor and connect several lamps to it at once so that they light up simultaneously from several sides.
We only draw your attention to the fact that not all floodlight models are compatible with sensors. In addition, it is necessary to choose a sensor model that will work with a certain type of lamps used in the spotlight. For example, a sensor for incandescent lamps is not suitable for LED lamps and vice versa.


Autonomous searchlight

Due to the extremely low energy consumption, LED spotlights open up new possibilities for using free solar energy to illuminate a summer house or a house adjoining area.
Below is a modern universal model of LED spotlight. It is equipped with a built-in sensor (block at the very bottom) and a battery that is gaining charge from solar energy.

We highly recommend purchasing this model. It shines brightly, consumes little, plus the sensor effectively regulates the duration of the glow, and the energy itself is free.
Such lamps potentially have a very long service life, it is promised that they will be able to work for more than ten years - impressive! At the same time, they practically do not need maintenance, since they are completely autonomous. Under them, you do not need to lay power cables, because due to the presence of their own battery, they can be installed in any corner of the local area or cottage.
To maximize battery efficiency, install the battery module on the sunniest side. In this sense, it is very convenient that the battery is not tightly attached to the lamp - it can be rotated as you like and positioned closer to the sun. From time to time it is necessary to wipe the surface of the panel, because due to a dense layer of dust or dirt, most of the rays do not reach the target.
The only drawback of such systems is still a short duration of illumination. The battery charge usually lasts from 2 to 7 hours of continuous glow, after which the lamp goes out.

As you can see, thanks to the rapid progress of lighting technologies, there are plenty to choose from. Each model has its own advantages and disadvantages. For street lighting, LED spotlights are the most suitable. They shine brightly, and consume little, and are not afraid of changeable weather conditions.

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External lighting at night is not only an important component of the comfort of various households, but also a necessary element of the security system. For the organization of outdoor lighting, floodlights are most often used, illuminating large areas and participating in the illumination of structures. Trading platforms offer a wide range of such products, but it will not be difficult to make an LED spotlight with your own hands.

Scope and device

The word "searchlight" was borrowed from the Latin language. Literally projectus means - thrown forward. This concept is understood as a device that emits light by redistributing and focusing the visible energy of the radiation source located inside it. The first prototype of such a device was developed by the Italian inventor Leonardo da Vinci, and for the first time it was created by the Russian mechanic-inventor Ivan Petrovich Kulibin.

The devices in question were originally used for installation on lighthouses., protected areas and the film industry. They used a high power incandescent bulb as a light source. The designs differed: large dimensions, low efficiency, increased heating.

With the development of semiconductor devices and the advent of high-power LEDs, a new era of spotlights has come. Due to the unpretentiousness of the design and the economical use of energy, they began to be used not only in industrial and municipal facilities, but also in private households. Today they can be found on the facades of various residential and administrative buildings., tunnels, bridges. They illuminate architectural monuments, banners, paths, entrances and exits.

Instrument design

By design, the LED spotlight is not a complex device. It can be used as one powerful light-emitting diode (LED), and their group. To fix the device on various surfaces, a bracket is used, which in most cases is an integral part of the device.

The following main elements that make up the design of the LED spotlight can be distinguished:

  • frame;
  • light emission system;
  • driver.

During the operation of the device, in addition to the emission of light quanta, thermal energy is also released. Therefore, to protect the emitter and projector controls, the body of the product is made of a heat-conducting lightweight material. Basically, the cases are made of aluminum and duralumin, but for low-power devices it can also be made of plastic.

The light module is made on the basis of COB (chip-on-board) or a matrix of SMD LEDs. The first type is the most common, as it was specially designed to create a directional light, while the second type, according to manufacturers, has a longer duration.

The essence of COB technology is the use of a ceramic substrate on which unpackaged radiating crystals are placed. A phosphor layer is applied on top of them. Such an approach in production makes it possible to reduce the cost of the product and obtain a uniform glow, in which individual points of the crystals are practically invisible.

The power of the COB-matrix can reach one hundred watts, and a well-executed heat sink allows you to achieve a practical light output of 100-150 lumens per watt. The service life of such a matrix, according to manufacturers, is about 30 thousand hours of operation. The technology of COB matrices is young, it appeared only in 2010 and continues to develop at a rapid pace.

SMD matrices are a set of LEDs placed on an aluminum substrate. Usually the power of one such element does not exceed two watts. A large number of LEDs, located close to each other, allows an average illumination of 110 lumens per watt. Their claimed service life reaches 50 thousand hours. A feature of spotlights with SMD-matrix compared to single-matrix ones is a greater luminous flux. This is due to the fact that LED chips with a ratio of more than 1 W per 0.9 lm are not used in single-matrix spotlights.

Operating principle

The work of a searchlight is based on the property of the p-n junction to emit light in the visible spectrum to the human eye. When voltage is applied to the radio element, charge carriers pass through the zone of contact between two materials with different conductivity. As a result, the charges collide, and a process occurs, accompanied by the emission of light quanta.

The main parameter of the emitter is its operating current. That is, this is its force at which the recombination process occurs. The temperature regime of the device depends on its value. High heating of the radio element leads to its degradation and failure. Therefore, it is important to limit the amount of current supplied to the light device, in other words, the supply voltage. For this, an electronic board is used - the driver.

When the spotlight is turned on in an alternating network of 220 volts, the voltage through the contact terminals is supplied to the device driver, in which it is rectified and reduced to the desired value. Then the signal from it hits the light source. The radiation flux is focused by a Fresnel lens or a reflector. To avoid moisture and dust getting inside the module, the housing is treated with silicone sealants. Cooling of radio elements occurs naturally due to the holes and the design of the heat sink.

Spotlight Specifications

The advantages of LED floodlights are their ease of installation, the absence of harmful substances, small size and weight. The luminous flux is characterized by uniformity and uniformity of luminescence. This type of illuminator does not have pulsations and flickering. The devices are resistant to vibrations and can operate at temperatures from minus 70 to plus 45 degrees.

It doesn't matter if you buy a spotlight in a store or construct it yourself, its main characteristics include:


Buying an LED spotlight in a store is not a problem, but it will be much cheaper and more pleasant to assemble it yourself. In fact, with the right approach, making this type of illuminator yourself is not particularly difficult, given that you can buy everything you need for this in stores. Here is a list of what you will need to build a spotlight:

Some materials will need to be bought, while others can be made from improvised means or even removed from old unnecessary appliances.

Emitter Matrix and Driver

There are three types of LEDs. For the spotlight, ultra-bright white LEDs on a metal substrate or LED are used. Emitters made in plastic cylindrical cases with pin types are unsuitable for the manufacture of powerful spotlights.

As soon as the required number of LEDs or diode assemblies to obtain the required power is purchased, their installation on the substrate begins. Since the emitters get very hot during operation, you will need to mount them on a radiator. As it can take any aluminum or copper plate and cut out the required size from it, or you can use a ready-made radiator from a computer or other equipment.

SMD LEDs usually do not have mounting holes, so they are glued to the heatsink using heat-conducting glue. Once all the elements are glued, electrical contact will need to be ensured between them. To do this, using pieces of wire, all emitters are connected in parallel or in series to each other by soldering.

If a large number of LEDs are used, then it makes sense to use a series-parallel connection. For this, branches are created, consisting of an equal number of LEDs with a limiting resistor installed in series. Its calculation is simple: the voltage of the LED is subtracted from the supply voltage and divided by the maximum allowable current.

The last value is defined as the sum of the currents of each element in the branch. As soon as the radio elements are connected, a hole is drilled in a convenient place on the radiator, through which a pair of wires is passed. One wire is soldered to the common plus of the LEDs, and the other to the minus. On the opposite side, a margin of about four centimeters is made, which makes it possible to freely solder the driver.

Depending on the number of LEDs, you will need to make or purchase a power supply with the required voltage to ignite them. To do this, you need to know the characteristics of the LEDs used.

For a medium-power floodlight, you can use general-purpose power supplies with an output ripple current of up to two amperes and a voltage of 3-5 volts higher than the direct voltage of the diodes. To avoid voltage spikes that can lead to LED burnout, the driver must be stabilized. It can be done using integrated circuits: LM317, LM350 and LM338.

Assembling elements together

As soon as the driver with the matrix is ​​\u200b\u200bready, you will need to decide on a case that can freely accommodate all the elements. As it, you can use any unnecessary device that is suitable in size. For example, a computer power supply, an old spotlight with a light bulb. And you can do it yourself, but for this you will need locksmith skills.

In this case, you should immediately provide for the possibility of attaching the case to the walls or ceiling. Ordinary food foil is suitable as a reflector, and instead of protective glass, you can use transparent plastic, for example, from a CD box.

All elements are neatly placed in the middle. To fix them, it is easiest to use non-threaded fasteners, but, for example, ties or glue. But in the case of repair when gluing the elements to the case, disassembling the device will be significantly more complicated. The plus from the LEDs is soldered to the plus of the driver, and the minus to the common wire. A connector for connecting to a 220 volt network or just a pair of wires is displayed on the case.

A test run is made. If the spotlight has worked for about an hour, and its heating temperature has not exceeded 50-60 degrees, then you can confidently seal the case and start enjoying the device you have made yourself.

For the organization of outdoor lighting, LED spotlights are increasingly being used. This is a new generation of lighting devices with many advantages.

Scope of application
They can be found everywhere. LED spotlights are used both in separate areas and as part of architectural complexes. They are also suitable for lighting large areas - construction sites, stadiums, airports, etc.
If you need to effectively illuminate a temple, a fortress, an old house or other similar structure, LED spotlights are ideal. They will also help create a unique atmosphere in the courtyard of a country mansion or in a city alley. And with the help of special controllers, you can set one or another frequency, sequence and rhythm of changes in the intensity of lighting, as well as mix several colors, getting a beautiful shade. In addition, a good result will be given by the use of several spotlights with different scattering angles (in the case of organizing complex lighting).

You can also find these devices at industrial facilities - in warehouses, equipment bases, technological installations, parking lots. But most often we see them in public places. On the facades of residential buildings and administrative buildings, in courtyards and tunnels, on bridges and enclosing structures, in public gardens and airports... LED spotlights illuminate monuments, are used to decorate nightlife and bars, clubs and shop windows. Also, they can often be seen as part of advertising structures - banners, billboards, signboards, pavement signs, posters, streamers, etc.
Wide scope of LED spotlights and landscape design. For example, to illuminate the pool and pond, the entrance group and driveway, pergolas and gazebos. These lighting fixtures are characterized by low power consumption, so they can be used wherever a conventional evening-night lighting device can cost a pretty penny. By the way, solar-powered LED floodlights are now being increasingly installed, which makes them as economical as possible.

Pros and Features
The main advantage of LED floodlights is their service life: it does not depend on the number of on / off and can reach 15 years. Such a gap is simply unattainable for lighting technology with a gas-discharge medium or filament. The same "halogens" burn out much faster. Moreover, they consume much more electricity. And the LED spotlight, even if it “threshes” around the clock, can last up to 9 years without replacing the lighting element. Unlike, again, from "colleagues". And this is important, because in order to replace a burned-out "halogen" it is often necessary not only to hire a team of specialists, but also to call a special vehicle (lift). And it will cost more than a brand new LED spotlight.

The advantages of these devices include the ease of installation, and the spotlight can be set to almost any angle. It does not contain dangerous elements like mercury and lead. Therefore, no special disposal is required for this lighting technology. The requirements of environmentalists are also met by the so-called. cool spotlight light: it does not harm the environment. At the same time, the luminous flux is distinguished by uniformity, uniformity, a wide spectrum and high protection from aggressive environments (moisture, low temperatures, etc.)

The LED spotlight has no pulsation, radiation and stroboscopic effect. The device has small dimensions and weight, is compact and durable, resistant to vibration, can operate at temperatures from -70 to +45 degrees. The light source of this fixture has an optimal color temperature. The light itself is very bright. In addition to everything, there are many types of LED spotlights, which allows you to choose the best one, depending on the tasks assigned to it and the scope of its application.

Construction and materials used
An LED floodlight usually uses one powerful LED, which allows the body to be made of a material with high thermal conductivity (usually aluminum). As a result, the generated heat is efficiently transferred to the radiator and no additional cooling is required for the device. All this is the key to a long service life.
All joints between the elements of the LED spotlight are treated with sealant to prevent moisture and dust from getting inside. And the surfaces of the device are protected from corrosion by powder coating.

The universal mounting bracket for the LED spotlight is usually made of steel. The diffuser is made of tempered glass, which in some cases is protected by a grille. The full power of the device is reached immediately after it is turned on. And for connection to the mains, a terminal box is provided in the body of the spotlight.

A spotlight is a lamp that shines directionally and brightly. Such an emitter is most often in demand where the illuminated object is significantly removed, but at the same time it must be clearly visible in the dark. The most typical example may be the lighting of coastal maritime border areas. The same searchlights are used in the control of land borders. They create a bright beam of light, visible in the dark for several kilometers. Similar systems were widely used in wartime to illuminate air targets.

To get a bright beam of light, you need the right combination of two parts:

  • powerful point light emitter;
  • a fairly large and high-quality reflector.

The light of the best directivity is provided by a parabolic mirror. A parabola has a point called a "focus". All rays emanating from this point after reflection become parallel. The quality of the reflector determines the amount of absorbed light and parallelism, and, accordingly, the distance of the rays in the beam of light. The best result is obtained when using a point light emitter, which is placed at the focus of a paraboloid of revolution.

This is how border searchlights, car headlights and other long-range emitters are arranged. In border devices, a high-quality reflector with a diameter of two meters or more and a voltaic arc, which is closest to a point radiator in size and brightness, are used. Automobile headlights also use a high-quality reflector, which is combined with an almost point-shaped incandescent lamp helix emitter.

For high beams, a single spiral is used, located exactly in the focus of the reflector. The other coil for the low beam is out of focus and creates a more diffused light (shown in the image on the left).

When choosing a long-range floodlight, it is recommended to compare it with the floodlight designs discussed above (border floodlight and car headlight). If its efficiency is not a prerequisite, the best emitter will be a DRSh lamp (arc mercury ball). With such a llama, you will get the best spotlight for a home projector (shown in the image below):

  • It is necessary to use additional glass in a spotlight with a DRSH lamp to reduce ultraviolet radiation.

A spotlight close in range of light will turn out with a xenon or halogen lamp. Their main advantage will be good color reproduction. In the DRSH lamp, the color rendition is distorted by underlining the blue color. Other sources for high beams are worse. LED arrays and light emitters in gas discharge lamps of other designs are much less like point light sources and less bright. In combination with reflectors, they cannot produce a beam of light that corresponds to a sharp solid angle.

Such lamps can give a lot of directional light, but within a solid angle of more than 90 degrees. It is more correct to call them not spotlights, but spotlights. They are widely used outdoors and indoors. Since the main role in these spotlights is played by the light source, it should be chosen in relation to the purpose of the spotlight. For the best combination of brightness, economy and color reproduction, LED, xenon and halogen lamps are best suited.

If you need an economical spotlight with an adjustable solid angle of the beam of light, it is necessary to use LED lamps of a special design in it. The main part of the light of these emitters is directed towards the reflector. Moving the reflector relative to the lamp will change the value of the solid angle of the light beam. Examples of such emitters are shown below.

Indoors and outdoors in the absence of temperature values ​​outside + 35 degrees Celsius LED spotlights are also the most economical and brightest. But for outdoor luminaires, the tightness of the structure in relation to the appearance of condensate is essential. If it appears and then freezes, the LED spotlight will lose its brightness. Spotlights with sodium lamps and DRL are the most insensitive to ambient temperatures. They always get very hot.

If there is often fog, lamps with sodium lamps are most preferable. In rooms with temperatures above zero degrees Celsius, the advantages of LEDs are undeniable. Energy-saving lamps will not provide the same brightness for the same power consumption. Therefore, despite the higher price and due to the subsequent payback, for most cases it is recommended to use

> Powerful spotlights for illuminating large open areas

The specifics of lighting large open spaces: sports facilities, airfields and seaports, railway and road interchanges, quarries, construction sites, warehouses and production sites, squares in front of shopping centers, etc. imposes a number of requirements on the lighting equipment used. Where we are talking about large distances and areas, the question naturally arises of the power of lighting devices, which would be sufficient to illuminate them. Obviously, in this case, high power spotlights are required, while the concept of power is inextricably linked with the type of light source used. It is also important to understand the required type of light distribution: whether it is necessary to evenly flood a large area with light, select a separate sector, or “break through” a distance of 100-150 or more meters with a light beam.

Spotlights are the most efficient and common type of lighting equipment for illuminating large open areas. Searchlight - (lat. Projectus, which means "thrown forward") - a light device that redistributes the light emitted by a light source inside a mirror optical system and provides a given angular concentration of the light flux.
Currently, there are many models of spotlights, differing in their characteristics and applications. The classification of spotlights for lighting large open areas and objects is best to start with the light source used. Currently, the main sources of light for high power floodlights are:

  • halogen lamps (5000w)
  • gas discharge lamps (MGL and DnAt, 1000 or 2000 W)
  • LEDs (400-500 or more watts)

Floodlights with halogen lamps type ISU02-5000 are still successfully used in lighting construction sites and quarries due to their low price. The KG 5000W K27s lamps used have a number of disadvantages (high power consumption, short service life - no more than 3000 hours, operation only in open spotlights), but their use can be economically justified, for example, when organizing temporary lighting. So, they are often hung on cranes, pointing vertically down to illuminate the working area.

Searchlights with gas discharge lamps (1000-2000W) are the most common type of lighting equipment for lighting large areas and objects. Such lamps have a high light output and a long service life (10,000-20,000 hours). The disadvantages of these light sources include a rather high cost, as well as a long hot restart process in the event of a sudden power outage. Sodium lamps (DNaT, NAV, SON 1000W) used in ZhO type spotlights have the best light output, the yellow (golden) light emitted by them is excellent for illuminating highways. But where visual comfort is required, the best color discrimination, work with mechanisms, small moving parts, it is necessary to use metal halide lamps (MHL (DRI) HPI, HQI 1000 or 2000W) with high color rendering (Ra). 1000W and 2000W metal halide floodlights are used to illuminate sports facilities, airports, railway junctions, woodworking enterprises, elevators, etc.

For the operation of searchlights with gas discharge lamps, the presence of ballasts (ballasts) is required. To start the lamps, you also need a pulse igniter (IZU), often integrated into the body of the lamps themselves (HQI-T 2000 W/N/I). PRA for 1000W can be remote or built into the body of the searchlight. PRA for 2000W - remote. When selecting sets of spotlights with gas discharge lamps and ballasts, it is important to pay attention to the correspondence between the starting currents of the lamps and ballasts, as well as the distance between the IZU and the lamps.

At a number of facilities (airports, venues for sporting events), it is necessary to eliminate the need to wait for the lamps to restart again in case of an emergency power outage. Instantaneous (hot) restart devices (blocks) are designed to cope with this, which, of course, is a great stress for the operation of the lamps and significantly reduces their service life. Such devices work only with cable-type lamps ( , ).

LED spotlights have been actively used in various areas of lighting. However, when illuminating large open areas with LED spotlights, there are some features. High power LED spotlights must have a high-quality heat dissipation system for efficient LED operation. Usually, the function of the radiator is performed by the body of the searchlight itself, which can be equipped with an anti-condensation valve and other technical solutions. Focusing lenses are responsible for optimal light distribution in LED spotlights. It is also important to consider the size, weight and windage of LED spotlights. Often, when calculating illumination using high-power LED floodlights, it becomes clear that LED floodlights simply cannot cope with many tasks, or they require much more than analogues with gas discharge lamps. And given that the price of powerful LED spotlights is much higher, their use on such objects is often impractical.

The way the luminous flux from the spotlight spreads over the illuminated area is called light distribution. In traditional lamp spotlights, it is determined by the type of reflector, and in LED spotlights, it is determined by secondary optics (lenses) with a certain focus.

With regard to lamp spotlights (GO, ZHO, RO, IO, ISU), the following types of reflectors are distinguished:

  • The symmetrical reflector allows you to get a uniform, "flooding" illumination. Spotlights with a symmetrical reflector (see, for example,) are successfully used to illuminate construction and industrial sites, open warehouses.
  • Asymmetric reflector directs the light flux at an angle of 30-60 degrees from the main optical axis. Asymmetric floodlights (see for example) can be used on masts with a mobile crown to illuminate the squares in front of shopping centers.
  • Circular reflector directs a focused narrow beam over long distances. Floodlights with a circular reflector (see, for example,) are used to illuminate the bottom of a quarry, illuminate distant sculptures, and illuminate stadiums and football fields.

According to their texture, spotlight reflectors are mirrored (increases the overall intensity of the light flux) and cellular (to create uniform flood lighting).
Sports lighting is a complex area that requires detailed study and careful calculations. For example, when lighting a professional-level football field from 4 masts located behind the stands, the use of lighting devices with different light distributions is required, because the sectors of the field that need to be uniformly illuminated are located at different distances from the light source. Premium segment spotlights for sports lighting ( , ) have a number of features and advantages:

  • light distribution variability is worked out with extreme precision
  • cases, as a rule, have a special system for aiming adjustment
  • more complex optical system: the reflector is made of high-purity aluminum, with subsequent polishing, a special plate for recuperation of the luminous flux can be provided
  • the possibility of using hot restart blocks is provided.

The installation of powerful floodlights for lighting large open spaces is carried out, as a rule, on free-standing masts and lighting poles using floodlight brackets, traverses, frames and crowns. It is also common to mount spotlights on the roofs and walls of buildings, on cranes and other construction equipment. One way to illuminate stadiums is to place spotlights around the perimeter of the canopy.