Dragon Scorpio - what is his character? Characteristics of Scorpio men and women born in the year of the Dragon

The characteristics of which will make ill-wishers and applicants for the role of a spouse wary. Hot temper often develops into rage, the victims of which are often innocent people. Scorpio in the Year of the Dragon does not know how to forgive, revenge can become the meaning of life. Excessive touchiness and suspicion appear at an early age, the formation of personality depends on the atmosphere in the family, parents must teach the child to control emotions and forgive.

A complex zodiac sign constantly struggles with itself, strives to be decent and open, while periodically an irresistible force drags it into adventures. He cares about his loved ones, but at the same time lashes out at them because of failures at work. Unpredictability is a serious test for household members, Mood swings are difficult to cope with even loving people.

Financial stability of a predator

Ingenuity and the ability to make bold decisions ensure a stable financial position. The Scorpio dragon can change dramatically as a result of working on oneself; having achieved independence, he decides to live separately from his family. A successful young man combines career and entertainment, the number of ill-wishers is growing rapidly, and restraint is periodically replaced by revelations combining insults and humiliation.

Fearlessness and unpredictability are a set of qualities for the business sphere; Scorpio the Dragon does the impossible for the sake of making a profit.

Having received several life lessons, he will learn to control his emotions and reconsider his attitude towards others. An adult Scorpio man is an ideal partner, he will not betray in difficult moments, will find a way out of any trap of competitors.

Complicated love

The passionate Scorpio Dragon cannot imagine life without love, during the courtship period he showers the woman with gifts and organizes romantic dates. Falling in love quickly passes, the predator goes in search of a new victim. In no hurry to get married, he enjoys love affairs.

Compatibility depends on the partner, who must devote her life to her husband.

Unpredictability in family life compensates for an excessive sense of responsibility for the well-being of loved ones and fidelity. The appearance of a child has a positive effect on family relationships, carries the spouse “in her arms”, and protects her from problems.

Years: 1916; 1928; 1940; 1952; 1964; 1976; 1988; 2000; 2012; 2024.

The combination of Scorpio and Dragon is contradictory. As a result of this combination of signs, an extraordinary and unique person appears. His nature is dual, since in it closeness coexists with openness. The representative of this combination of signs is complex.

The cold practicality of Scorpio combines with the fiery strength of the Dragon. True, signs do not always manage to coexist harmoniously. It’s extremely difficult for a person, because both Scorpio and Dragon are very sensitive. If you piss him off or offend him, then he will show his emotional potential in all its glory. A representative of such a complex combination of signs is always forced to control himself. Otherwise, he will acquire ill-wishers and greatly damage relationships with important and dear people.

He should get used to his own inconsistency and try to achieve internal balance. If Scorpio, who was born in the year of the Dragon, manages to soften his temper, then he will become a sweet and pleasant person, possessing power and foresight. He has amazing reserves of energy. However, it should be directed in a peaceful direction. Active sports are perfect for Scorpio-Dragon. If a person realizes that he is losing self-control, then he needs to distance himself from people and find alternative ways to get rid of negative emotions.

In romantic relationships, he knows how to impress and bewitch his partner. In family life, he becomes a sincere and faithful companion who desires a harmonious and strong union.

Scorpio-Dragon: general characteristics

Scorpio-Dragon has a great gift - admitting your mistakes

The combination of Scorpio and Dragon is the most difficult. The person is charming and wins over those around him. But at the same time he is irritable, hot-tempered and vindictive. He has powerful energy that attracts people. A representative of this combination of signs can show both good nature and sincerity, as well as harshness. He constantly goes to extremes. If he is not in good spirits, it is better to avoid contact with him.

The pronounced features of Scorpio-Dragon include:

  • duality;
  • deceit;
  • good-heartedness;
  • stubbornness.

Outwardly, he seems dangerous and menacing. But inside he is vulnerable and very kind. This person thinks sensibly and, if necessary, will certainly admit his mistake. He does not allow lies and hypocrisy. If he has set a goal for himself, he will show perseverance and endurance to achieve its implementation. The representative of this combination of signs is a powerful, wise and far-sighted person. He will make a final decision only after he has thought through the situation in detail and calculated the possible outcomes of events.

His actions are difficult to predict. From time to time, Scorpio, who was born in the year of the Dragon, tends to lose touch with the surrounding reality. There are so many contradictions in his inner world that they manifest themselves one way or another. The Dragon is capable of sacrificing itself, but Scorpio always pursues personal interests. He is closed, does not like shocking behavior and is endowed with strict thinking. He likes to develop and implement plans, the essence of which he does not even divulge to those close to him. The Dragon, on the contrary, needs people’s attention.

These opposing qualities fill one person. For this reason, his behavior is often surprising. He can be generous and approachable, but the next moment he completely withdraws into himself. But it is worth noting that no circumstances will force the Scorpio-Dragon to give up or give in.

The dragon is suspicious and jealous. Scorpio, in turn, is vindictive. It is better not to conflict with this person. He always finishes what he starts. And it doesn’t matter what motives (positive or negative) he is guided by. The representative of this combination of signs is so unpredictable and changeable that it is not possible to understand his motives and aspirations.

In order not to become embittered and not to give his shortcomings the opportunity to prevail, he needs to keep his emotions under control. The best option is to devote yourself to sports or turn to creativity.

Scorpio, born in the year of the Dragon, has high ambitions. He is resourceful and visionary. His goals are ambitious. A person directs all his strength to achieve them. He is hardworking and will not shy away from hard physical work. He can become a wonderful leader and a competent business partner. You can rely on a representative of such a combination of signs. All his affairs are always ordered and systematized.

The opposite sex falls in love with him at first sight. Scorpio-Dragon has amazing sexual potential, which makes him very attractive. In family life, he becomes a devoted and honest family man. He is able to ensure the well-being of loved ones.

Scorpio-Dragon Woman: Characteristics

As a rule, a Scorpio-Dragon woman has inflated demands on her gentleman

The Scorpio woman, who was born in the year of the Dragon, has an attractive appearance. She is self-confident and attracts people to her. She is characterized by emotionality and activity. The representative of this combination of signs is acutely aware of her own and other people’s feelings. She loves behind-the-scenes games and adventures. She has a strong rebellious spirit.

The fundamental characteristics of a Scorpio-Dragon woman include:

  • brightness;
  • energy;
  • hot temper;
  • leadership skills.

If she defends someone’s interests, then there is no point in arguing with her. A woman will stubbornly prove her point of view. If she wants to be generous, then her nobility and kindness are limitless. But in those cases when she loses self-control, it is unbearable to be around. The Scorpio woman, born in the year of the Dragon, has an unbridled and unrestrained temper. Those around her either adore her or hate her.

She is talented and smart. A representative of such a combination of signs has an excellent chance of achieving recognition in any professional activity. However, there is one peculiarity in the characteristics of the Scorpio-Dragon woman: she loves entertainment, gambling and various pleasures. In this regard, her future depends entirely on the choice she makes. At the same time, the woman adheres to conservative views. She can become a wonderful leader who can easily motivate and inspire her subordinates.

In personal relationships, the Scorpio woman, who was born in the year of the Dragon, makes men fall in love with her and breaks hearts. At the beginning of the novel, she appears in the image of a soft and pliable companion. However, over time, he begins to show lust for power and intransigence in defending his own opinion. The Scorpio-Dragon woman has high demands on her future spouse. If a man does not live up to them and does not indulge all her whims, then she becomes furious. Of course, not everyone can cope with such character traits.

A Scorpio woman born in the year of the Dragon needs new impressions, feelings and emotions. Family is also of great importance to her. For the well-being of her loved ones, she will go to great lengths.

Scorpio-Dragon Man: Characteristics

The Scorpio-Dragon man’s relationships with colleagues at work are not easy to build.

Success favors the Scorpio man who was born in the year of the Dragon. He has the power to achieve a lot. He does not avoid risks and loves adventures.

The fundamental characteristics of a Scorpio-Dragon man include:

  • activity;
  • straightforwardness;
  • energy;
  • sincerity.

Excellent intuition allows him to avoid problems and win. In his youth, he commits many reckless acts and wastes his abilities and talents. Over the years, the character of a Scorpio man born in the year of the Dragon becomes tougher. He purposefully moves towards the implementation of his plans. He is an efficient, efficient and reliable employee. However, it is very difficult for him to establish relationships with colleagues. If the Scorpio-Dragon man doesn’t like something, he expresses his thoughts to everyone, in particular to the management. It is optimal if he holds the post of chief.

The characteristics of the personal life of a Scorpio man, who was born in the year of the Dragon, comes down to his determination and inconstancy. He is extremely honest, so he will not hide his feelings. It is not easy for him to control himself, so scandals often occur in the family. To build a happy relationship with a Scorpio-Dragon man, a woman should be affectionate and gentle. Her feelings must extinguish his attacks of anger and cruelty. In addition, the spouse needs to be very patient and strong. After all, it is not easy to cope with the energy of a Scorpio man born in the year of the Dragon.

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Check if this applies to you:

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  • the salary is only enough for rent and food;
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  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

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Spiny Dragon. Whoever touches it will get burned...

Eastern horoscope- The Dragon

Zodiac horoscope- Scorpion

A very passionate, determined, unpredictable Dragon, often causing very strong reactions and creating drama. Never gives up or compromises. All Dragons suffer from suspicion and jealousy, and the added vindictiveness of Scorpio creates a personality that is best not to be at odds with!

The Scorpio-Dragon combination has an assertive and very likeable personality. These are magnet people who attract attention at an early age.

Scorpio-Dragon people are generally positive and pleasant, but can also be moody and demanding.

He is full of optimism and is not afraid of hard work to achieve his goals. They are good organizers. They love neatness and organization, so they take as friends and personal relationships the same people who prefer order to chaos. Scorpio-Dragon are people who will be the most faithful partners. They only want long-term relationships.

These people are very ambitious and set their standards high. These people do not give up easily when faced with obstacles in both personal and business relationships.

They easily accept challenges and responsibilities, and usually finish whatever they start. They have a gift for being in the right place at the right time, so they have many opportunities to make money.

Scorpio-Dragon is very observant and inventive, so they can solve problems only by quickly looking at them. These skills are ideal for both work and family life.

Being overly confident can sometimes be a flaw in their character. Sometimes these characters can become too demanding and may take on too much.

The year of the dragon and the zodiac sign of Scorpio are a serious “mixture”. Here the secrecy and isolation of Scorpio is combined with the openness of the dragon. In order not to mess things up and collect a huge collection of enemies, such a person has to keep himself under control. Or keep others under control, which, however, happens extremely rarely.

Possessing the magic inherent in these men, the Scorpio dragon knows how to influence those around them. He is quarrelsome, prickly and even dangerous, and therefore hides his difficult qualities behind a mask of goodwill, which sometimes flies off him. Nature takes its toll - the Scorpio dragon needs to take it out on others. Sometimes in such aspirations he reaches the state of an energy “vampire”.

In its dynamism, the Scorpio dragon is extremely paradoxical. He can be angelically patient, kind and generous. But he can also be devilishly angry and irritated, and at such moments it is better to stay away from him.

As a sexual partner, the Scorpio dragon, especially if it is a woman, is very attractive. He knows how to impress, turn heads and bewitch his chosen one or chosen one.

These women choose their destiny themselves. They have a strong craving for entertainment, gambling and pleasure, but at the same time they have good intellectual abilities and talents. Therefore, they can easily achieve their goal, get a good job and get settled in life. They will have to make their choice in early childhood, after which they will move in one direction.

Despite their courageous and confident nature, these women are unlikely to take risks and participate in dubious activities. Before making an important decision, they try to evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages, which allows them to achieve their goals. They are also quite conservative and like to follow proven paths. At the same time, these are born leaders, ready to lead women.

Characteristics of a Scorpio-Dragon woman in Love

Attractive, noble and confident, they immediately attract the gaze of other people. They know how to look after, try to fulfill all the whims, which delights their chosen ones. However, as the courtship period progresses, you may encounter other qualities that you may not like. These are powerful women who always prefer to stand firmly by their point of view.

Horoscope of Scorpio-Dragon woman in Family and Marriage

Family often comes first for these women. They try to provide for her financially, resolve all difficulties that arise and remain devoted to their chosen ones. They make many demands on them and expect them to be fulfilled, which they do not always cope with. If this happens, then they may also experience sudden outbursts of anger, which have destructive power.

Dragon-Scorpio Woman - Career and Finance

Thanks to their talents, vitality and self-confidence, they can succeed well in their careers. They cope well with their responsibilities and perform work at a high level. Difficulties may arise with superiors, who may give what they consider stupid instructions and comments. They will not tolerate this and may openly enter into conflict, which will result in a quick dismissal.

In relationships, their partners should be patient. These are complex women who are firmly convinced that they are right and have their point of view. But they also have weaknesses that can be influenced. In particular, they are partial to flattery and praise. Using this, their chosen ones can achieve their goals by pushing them to the right decisions. However, this should be done unnoticed by them.

The imperious Scorpio Dragon, whose characteristics warn of the danger of those who try to encroach on her well-being. The Scorpio dragon bravely endures life's trials; difficulties strengthen character. He reacts painfully to advice, prefers to make decisions on his own, and is reluctant to discuss his career and personal life with loved ones.

Career is a battlefield

The global plans of a strong woman are accompanied by serious difficulties, a stable position is preceded by a difficult path, and often you have to start from scratch. An active woman does not lose heart, tirelessly fights for her place in the sun, fate generously rewards her for her patience and hard work, and achieves a stable financial position.

Vindictiveness is a serious flaw of a successful career woman; she severely punishes for grievances.

Anger doesn't go away with time. Capable of holding a grudge while waiting for the right moment.

Scorpio in the year of the Dragon needs active activity, without work becomes unbearable, finds fault with close people, gets unreasonably angry, offended.

The contradictory characterization of a secretive employee casts doubts on the employer, of which not a trace remains after the interview. She has a unique gift of persuasion, is able to highlight the main thing in her work, and is not afraid to take risks. Cunning combined with intellectual abilities is a set of qualities of a successful business woman and politician. A gambling representative of the fair sex can become a victim of a casino, it is difficult to stop her, the only way to escape is to fake the illness of a loved one. A sympathetic woman will not leave the people she values.

Dangerous Passion

She has a unique energy that no man can resist.

Prefers partners with a strong character; gentle romantics irritate the predator. Scorpio Dragon is ruthless towards members of the opposite sex, breaks hearts. Fans' suffering has a positive effect on self-esteem. An independent woman is afraid of love and prefers arranged marriage.

Necessity performing household duties drives a strong personality to hysterics, a housekeeper is the only chance to save the family.

Children adore an extreme mother who happily takes part in active games, travels, and spends money on entertainment. The predator needs to realize her energy: work, play sports, attend entertainment events.

P.S.A horoscope cannot give a 100% description of qualities, because... Scorpio manifests and forms its negative and positive qualities depending on the atmosphere in the family.