Penoplex insulation (EPS) - characteristics, scope and installation. Overview of penoplex Insulation penoplex technical characteristics thickness

When it comes to home, the first associations, in addition to cosiness, are also comfort and warmth. Therefore, heaters of various types and made from various raw materials will not cease to arouse increased interest among consumers. The use of this material is becoming a steady trend, so it is worth familiarizing yourself with the characteristics of foam plastic and the methods of its installation in more detail.

Plates penoplex

Penoplex is a foamed polystyrene obtained by extrusion.

  • The process itself was invented more than half a century ago in American laboratories. The result was the emergence of a new material with a structure of many small and completely "sealed" cells, not exceeding 0.2 mm in size and forming a uniform surface.
  • A foaming additive is introduced into the polymer granules, which combines with them under pressure and when heated to a certain temperature. The resulting mass is forced through the extruder. Foaming agents (and mainly carbon dioxide and a mixture of light freons) are non-toxic materials, they are non-flammable and do not emit harmful substances. In addition, as soon as the manufacturing process is completed, all these auxiliary additives are replaced by air from the environment.

Penoplex photo

As a result, a heat-insulating product is obtained with good performance for materials of this group, designed to save heat. These include:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • strength;
  • minimal moisture absorption.

Such characteristics provide penoplex with a constant presence at private construction sites and large-scale industrial buildings.

The slabs of material are packed in a film that protects from the penetration of sunlight. The original packaging allows you to store expanded polystyrene outdoors. But, despite the plastic film, it is worth providing them with additional protection from UF rays, which can damage the top layer of insulation. Other special storage conditions are not required, because expanded polystyrene is not afraid of humidity and temperature changes, the main thing is to control the safety of the package.

Types of penoplex and applications

Five existing brands of this insulation have a fairly wide range of uses.

  • Penoplex 31 C has density indicators from 28 to 30 kg/m³. Refers to the flammability group G4. Applicable in the following areas:
  • insulation of foundations in the horizontal and vertical direction, as well as roofing on a reinforced concrete base;

  • when laying pool bowls, engineering networks, when isolating thermal bridges;
  • insulation of various underground structures - fire wells, storage tanks;
  • during the construction of local water supply and sewerage systems in private homes, provided that communications are laid in the freezing zone;
  • class 31 C foam slabs are also used for the installation of shallowly buried foundations.
  • Penoplex 35 produced with a density of 28 to 37 kg/m³. Flammability group G1. It is used, like the above-mentioned variety, in the insulation of foundations in two directions, roofs (including corrugated board, and pitched), cold bridges and engineering networks. In addition, penoplex 35 is advisable to use:
    • when insulating walls;
    • when laying foundations as insulation under the sole;
    • in the floors of residential buildings, warehouses, freezers and ice arenas.

Separately, it should be said that at the time of production of this brand of expanded polystyrene, special additives are added to the feedstock at the mixing stage, which increase the resistance of the insulation to combustion. Such plates do not burn well and prevent the spread of fire further, and when smoldering, they emit only two types of gases (carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide), unlike a number of other insulating materials that “release” a whole range of harmful substances and compounds.

  • Penoplex 45 C has a density of 35 to 40 kg / m³. Flammability class - G4. It is applied to warming of the bases operated under loading of roofs and floors.

  • Penoplex 45. Density index from 38 to 45 kg/m³, flammability group G4. The scope coincides with the above types of material. And besides this, it is used for warming floors, foundations and roofs that can withstand heavy loads. That is, the material will not collapse when exposed to a load of up to 50 tons per 1 square meter.
  • Penoplex 75 not used in building construction. Its density of 40 to 53 kg/m³ makes it possible to use it in the construction of runways for airfields and aircraft hangars.

Penoplex characteristics

  • The density of the insulation, depending on the brand, can be from 28 to 53 kg / m³.
  • Penoplex is recommended to be used only in the temperature range from -50°C to +75°C. Compliance with operating temperatures is a guarantee that the material will retain its technical characteristics. If this condition is violated, the foam boards can be deformed and lose part of their thermal insulation and mechanical characteristics.
  • When choosing an adhesive composition, you should carefully read its instructions and read the manufacturer's recommendations regarding the use of the product for gluing polystyrenes.

  • Plates of extruded polystyrene foam foam have good chemical resistance to most substances and materials used in construction. These include:
    • wood preservatives (only water-based, solvent-free);
    • bituminous mixtures;
    • cement;
    • lime.
  • Substances containing a solvent can have a destructive effect on the foam, lead to its softening and, as a result, shrinkage of the material plates. The group of substances with which contact should be avoided when working with expanded polystyrene foam include:
    • paint thinners;
    • coal tar and its derivatives;
    • solvents (acetone, petroleum toluene, ethyl acetate).

  • Penoplex plates do not pose a threat to human health and are not dangerous to the environment, which is confirmed by research and certificates for these products.
  • Penoplex material can be characterized by several more indicators.
  • Low thermal conductivity (thermal conductivity at 20-30°C - 0.030 W/(m×°C)). The score for this evaluation criterion is significantly lower than the average values ​​for most other insulation materials.
  • Tests of plates for water absorption showed that the sample immersed in water collected moisture for the first 10 days. And for a month he absorbed no more than 0.6% of the volume. That is, at first, the cells located closer to the surface slowly took in water, and after they were filled, the liquid no longer penetrated. The low water absorption of foam plastic makes it possible to use it in conditions of high humidity without changing the thermal conductivity. That is, expanded polystyrene can be used without additional waterproofing, if certain environmental conditions do not require it.
  • In terms of vapor permeability, a foam slab 2 cm thick is equivalent to a layer of roofing material.
  • It is able to maintain its properties even with numerous frosts and subsequent thawing. Their service life is at least 50 years.
  • The extrusion method used in the production of boards results in a uniform and dense structure of the finished product. This gives the foam a consistently high compressive strength.
  • Many have already appreciated the simplicity, ease of operation and installation of extruded polystyrene foam. The material has no restrictions on use in any weather conditions, nor does it require protection from precipitation. Easy processing and simple cutting with a regular knife is extremely appreciated by builders.

Penoplex video

Do-it-yourself foam insulation

Extruded polystyrene foam, for all its versatility and remarkable characteristics, will become useless if the technology is violated during the installation process. Therefore, consider the stages of foam insulation.

Installation of penoplex from the inside of the building

  • Preparatory work. The standard procedure for all types of construction and finishing works is followed in this case as well. Be sure to completely remove all traces of previous surface finishes and paintwork materials. You will have to get rid of the fungus and mold with a special composition, and after that it is recommended to carry out a “sanitary treatment” with any purchased means that have a bactericidal property. The surface should be as smooth and primed as possible.
  • Base profile assembly. The installation of this special design is necessary for a more even and tight fit of the expanded polystyrene plates. The profile will also protect the insulation from external influences. Its fastening is carried out on dowel-nails, and lining washers will help to ensure a snug fit of the canvas to the surface being trimmed. An important requirement is the correspondence of the width of the basement profile to the thickness of the foam board. With the help of docking plates, adjacent structural elements are joined together. Be sure to leave a distance of about 2 mm between them.

  • Installation of insulation boards. A layer of glue is applied to the foam plastic around the entire perimeter of the material and in the center. Many professional builders advise not to save money, it is good to coat the entire slab with adhesive. After that, the foamed polystyrene is pressed against the profile. Protruding excess glue is removed, and it is better to fill small gaps with inserts from pieces of polystyrene foam that remained during trimming. The issue of using mounting foam for these purposes is controversial. Some craftsmen do not see anything wrong with its use, but there are opinions that such sealing can lead to cracking.
  • Final fastening. After the glue has dried (about 3 days), work continues. With the help of fungal dowels, the final fastening of the material takes place. The hardware is located in the middle of the plate and along its perimeter, but in such a way as to connect adjacent sheets.

  • Wall insulation from the side of the living space is not always appropriate. The main disadvantage is the reduction in space due to the thickness of the material. Therefore, the most common type of sheathing is outside.

How to insulate with foam plastic outside the building

  • In this method of insulation, you will need a material with a thickness of 80 to 100 mm. The stages are similar, but there are some nuances.
  • The facade is leveled, cracks are repaired and the wall is primed as a “final” treatment.
  • Penoplex is glued as described above and, according to the same principle, is attached to the dowels.
  • If plastering is planned, then as a preparatory stage, it is only necessary to stick a reinforced mesh.
  • If the final finish is presented using PVC panels or siding, then, accordingly, you will have to take care of the vertical guides for their fastening. An additional layer of vapor barrier is not needed, and insects and rodents do not threaten expanded polystyrene.

As you can easily see, all the work is quite simple to do on your own. The situation is more complicated with the insulation of the outside of apartments in a multi-storey building. In this case, the services of industrial climbers cannot be dispensed with.

Thermal insulation of the floor with foam

  • One of the ways is insulation on the logs. This option is suitable for wooden houses installed on a columnar foundation. In this case, slabs of extruded polystyrene foam are in between the joists.
  • First, the old floorboards are dismantled if the insulation process is already in the living room, and not at the construction stage. If they are planned to be returned to their place, then this is a good reason to consider each for integrity and treat it with impregnation with protection against decay.
  • The installation of new logs begins from the outermost beam, leveling it, and then the beam is attached from the opposite end. Now, having stretched a fishing line between them, you can install the rest of the logs based on it, not forgetting to check that they are located strictly in a horizontal plane.
  • A layer of waterproofing is attached to the assembled beams using a construction stapler. The edges of the film should reach the middle of each guide.
  • Foam boards are laid on top. It is recommended to place it in a checkerboard pattern. It is necessary to make sure that the composition of the mounting foam, which will process the seams, does not include toluene, which can have a destructive effect on the material.
  • The final fixing of the penoplex occurs with the help of dowels, and the boards are again mounted on top.

Another laying technology involves insulation followed by a cement screed. It is available for execution both during repair work and during the construction of a building.

  • First, an even layer of gravel 30-40 cm high is poured onto the soil. It is carefully compacted, and sand (about 10 cm) is laid in the second layer. The pressing procedure is repeated with him too. A reinforcing cage is assembled, which is poured with concrete. After the screed dries, the actual warming of the surface begins.
  • Waterproofing is easiest to do from dense polyethylene.

  • Penoplex plates, as in the previous version, are staggered. A reinforcing mesh is stretched from above.
  • After fixing the polystyrene foam, the screed is refilled. She is allowed to dry and the flooring is laid.

The use of extruded polystyrene foam as a heater is a worthy alternative to any other way to protect your home from heat loss and create additional sound insulation. And although it has a lot of advantages, the main pleasant moment in using penoplex for many is still its availability and ease of installation.

Extruded expanded polystyrene (EPS) is produced in the form of plates. Often it is called penoplex. But you should know that penoplex is a brand (the same as Giprok - drywall or Macroflex - polyurethane foam). The structure of the insulation in question is similar to the structure of conventional foam. Being a subspecies, penoplex is distinguished by a higher density and strength, has a fine-meshed homogeneous structure, consisting of almost completely closed cells. This material is the best kind of polystyrene plastics. EPS (penoplex) is made by extrusion, as a result of which polystyrene balls melt, forming a homogeneous mass, which is poured into a mold, where it cools. In this article, we will consider in detail the penoplex insulation, its technical characteristics, advantages, applications and installation features.

Technical characteristics of expanded polystyrene (EPS)

Penoplex is produced as a result of exposure to high temperature and pressure on polystyrene granules. Adding at the next stage a mixture of carbon dioxide and light freon, a porous mass is obtained, which is then squeezed out of the extrusion unit. After the manufacture of the plates in the cells, there is a relatively rapid replacement of the residual freon with ambient air.

Penoplex among materials for thermal insulation is distinguished by the following characteristics:

  • Low thermal conductivity. The thermal conductivity of penoplex in comparison with other thermal insulation materials is much lower and amounts to 0.03 W / m K.
  • High strength for compression and bending. Extrusion allows you to achieve a uniform structure of the material. Evenly distributed cells improve the strength characteristics of the material, which does not change its dimensions even under heavy loads.
  • Low water absorption(no more than 0.2 - 0.4% by volume in 24 hours). During the tests, XPS boards were left in water for a month. At the same time, the liquid was absorbed in a small amount only for the first 10 days, after which the material ceased to take moisture. At the end of the term, the amount of water in the slabs did not exceed 0.6 percent of their total volume.
  • Low vapor permeability(vapor permeability coefficient 0.007-0.008 mg/m h Pa). A layer of slabs of this material with a thickness of only 2 centimeters has the same vapor permeability as a layer of roofing material.
  • durability(service life - more than 50 years). Multiple cycles of freezing and thawing of the plates showed that all characteristics of the material after testing remain unchanged.
  • Fire resistance. In the manufacture of this material, freons are used, which are safe and non-flammable. They are non-toxic and do not deplete the ozone layer.
  • environmental safety. Most of the chemicals used in construction are not able to react with foam. Exception: toluene, xylene, benzene and similar hydrocarbons; formalin and formaldehyde; ethers, both simple and complex; gasoline, kerosene; oil-based paints and other organic solvents.
  • Wide operating temperature range(-50ºС to +75ºС). However, if heated excessively, the material may melt and ignite.

For clarity, we highlight all the physical and mechanical properties in the form of a table:

Indicators Test method Dimension PENOPLEX types (old types)
Penoplex (31С) Penoplex wall (31С) Penoplex foundation (35 without antiperenes) Penoplex roofing (35) 45C 45
Density GOST 17177-94 kg/m² 25,0 — 35,0 25,0 — 32,0 29,0 — 33,0 28,0 — 33,0 35,0 — 40,0 38,1 — 45,0
Compressive strength at 10% linear deformation, not less than GOST 17177-94 MPa (kgf/cm²; t/m²) 0,20 (2; 20) 0,20 (2; 20) 0,27 (2,7; 27) 0,25 (2,5; 25) 0,41 (4,1; 41) 0,50 (5; 50)
Ultimate strength in static bending, not less than GOST 17177-94 MPa 0,25 0,25 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 — 0,7
Elastic modulus SOYUZ DOR NII MPa 15 18 18
Water absorption in 24 hours, no more GOST 17177-94 % by volume 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,2
Water absorption in 28 days % by volume 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,4
fire resistance category FZ - 123 Group G4 G3 G4 G3 G4 G4
Thermal conductivity coefficient at (25±)°C GOST 7076-94 W/(m °K) 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,03
Estimated coefficient of thermal conductivity under operating conditions "A" SP 23-101-2004 W/(m °K) 0,031 0,031 0,031 0,031 0,031 0,031
Estimated coefficient of thermal conductivity under operating conditions "B" SP 23-101-2004 W/(m °K) 0,032 0,032 0,032 0,032 0,032 0,032
Partition soundproofing (GKL - foam 50 mm - GKL), Rw GOST 27296-87 DB 41 41 41
Structural noise insulation improvement index in floor construction GOST 16297-80 DB 23 23 23
Standard sizes Width mm 600
Height mm 1200 2400
Thickness mm 20,30,40,50,60,80,100 40,50,60,80,100
Operating temperature range THAT ºС -50 to +75

Expanded polystyrene is usually sold in packages of 0.25 - 0.3 m³. Depending on the thickness of the sheet, the surface area that can be covered with one package will also vary.

Application and types of foam

Considering that penoplex has a number of advantages, the scope of its application is quite extensive. XPS serves as an excellent insulation both indoors and outdoors. It is perfect for apartments, houses, cottages and other structures. Penoplex can be used to insulate roofs, attics, balconies, and in any climatic region without the use of an additional moisture-proof layer. Since the material practically does not absorb water, it is quite possible to use it in an environment with high humidity. At the same time, its thermal conductivity remains almost unchanged. XPS sheets are commercially available in various thicknesses, and depending on specific requirements, you can always choose the best option.

In addition to a variety of sizes, extruded polystyrene foam is available in several types depending on the density and application. Let's look at each type:

Installation technology of polystyrene insulation boards

Warming of external, internal walls and other structures using extruded polystyrene is carried out in several stages. Let's consider each of them:

  • Preparatory stage consist in preparing the walls for insulation, cleaning them from dirt, dust, old finishing materials, paint and varnish coatings. In case of large irregularities, it is recommended to level the surface with a plaster mixture (and in other ways, depending on the design) and treat it with an antifungal compound.
  • Fixing with special adhesive facade compositions. The adhesive is applied directly to the thermal insulation board with a comb.
  • Mechanical fastening made with dowels.
  • Facade mesh installation. For better adhesion of the adhesive to the insulation, you can create a roughness on the surface of the plates. The reinforcing polymer mesh is fixed with the first plaster layer of facade adhesive. Next, a second plaster layer is applied, after which the walls are covered with decorative plaster (optional) and painted.
  • Instead of plaster it is possible to finish the walls with siding, wood, as well as the use of ventilated facades.

XPS installation technology

Roof insulation produced either at the construction stage or during the reconstruction process, for example, when transferring a cold attic to a living space. In this case, the insulation is laid on the base in several layers (the joints of the upper layer should not coincide with the joints of the lower one). Further, a vapor-permeable membrane is spread on the penoplex. The resulting cake is fixed to longitudinal rails with a thickness of at least 40 mm, to ensure ventilation between the insulation and the roofing material.

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Having considered the penoplex insulation, it can be noted that it has a higher cost compared to analogues. But, on the other hand, the convenience of work, great strength and excellent properties cover this drawback. Therefore, when choosing a thermal insulation material for your home, additionally read consumer reviews and consider all possible alternatives.

To make it comfortable to live in the house in any weather, so that even in winter you could go out on the loggia without warm clothes, you need high-quality insulation of walls, floors, ceilings. Today, many new heaters have appeared that protect house structures from heat loss. And among them stands out penoplex. Why has it become so popular in industrial and domestic use, what are its advantages and where is it used?

Reasons for popularity

Penoplex insulation has now become very popular in the insulation of buildings. They protect everything - from foundations to ceilings on balconies.

This is due to the fact that the material attracts with its most important properties:

  • Working with it does not require special skills and knowledge,
  • It is inexpensive, and insulation is economical in price.

What is penoplex

Penoplex insulation is an extruded polystyrene foam. In its structure, foam plastic - be it 31, 45. 31 - resembles the well-known foam plastic, but it has slightly different characteristics due to the peculiarities of production.

During production, polystyrene foam granules are foamed with freon or carbon dioxide. This allows you to get a material that is absolutely harmless to health, hypoallergenic and has a number of advantages over polystyrene foam and other heaters.

Penoplex is produced in the form of plates. Technical characteristics of foam insulation are considered one of the most optimal for building protection. The dimensions of the plates are standard, but they can be cut.

Material properties

Penoplex does not contain any biological substances. Therefore, it never decomposes or rots. At least in the foreseeable future, the material cannot decompose under the influence of the environment and microorganisms - manufacturers claim that its service life reaches 50 years or more.

The material has a very low thermal conductivity of 0.03 W / m ºK, so it is a universal insulation.

Penoplex is currently used for:

  • building insulation,
  • road insulation,
  • runway insulation.


  • Significant flexural and compressive strength,
  • Its water absorption is 0.2-0.3%,
  • The vapor permeability of the material is 0.007-0.008 mg / m h Pa,
  • Temperature resistance - the insulation retains its characteristics and properties at temperatures from -50 to + 75 degrees.

Pros of penoplex

Thanks to these technical characteristics, the insulation has the following advantages:

  • The material is resistant to burning and is considered fireproof,
  • Serves without loss of its qualities for a long time - from 50 years,
  • Does not emit toxic substances into the air during operation,
  • Does not absorb moisture
  • Simple and easy to use.

Types of foam

At the moment, several types of penoplex are produced, each of which has its own areas of application. Although this is a fairly versatile material, it is still better to follow the recommendations of the manufacturers and use different types of foam for certain types of work.

Penoplex is of the following types:

  • Penoplex Wall has a density of 25-32 kg / cu. m. and serves to insulate walls and partitions of buildings, basement floors.
  • Penoplex Foundation has a density of 29-32 kg / cu. m. and serves to protect foundations from freezing, basements, basement floors. The water absorption of this type of material is almost 0.
  • Penoplex roof has a density of 28-33 kg/cu.m. It is characterized by exceptional lightness, moisture resistance and rigid construction. Therefore, it is more convenient for them to insulate roofs of any kind.
  • Penoplex insulation 31 perfect for insulating walls, ceilings, floors. It is widely used for warming loggias and balconies, as well as for protecting a number of roofs that are not in use - that is, they are not loaded with anything other than snow during precipitation.
  • Insulation 35 designed for floor insulation and is especially often used to create underfloor heating.
  • Insulation foam 45 has a density of 35-47 kg / cu. m. and has a number of special characteristics that allow it to be a universal material. Its compressive strength reaches 10% and is equal to 0.5 MPa. Its water absorption is such that even when completely immersed in water, the insulation 45 is practically not saturated with water.

Due to its qualities, it is used for insulation of industrial facilities. Penoplex 45 is widely used for warming runways, any roads - railway tracks and asphalt road surfaces, especially if they are laid on heaving soil and permafrost; insulation of floors, foundations, roofs.

Penoplex 45 allows you to insulate exactly operated roofs, which can be driven by vehicles, as well as floors that have a heavy load. Therefore, 45 is used for the insulation of industrial facilities.

If we are talking about the construction of residential buildings, then in the field of insulation of foundations and walls, especially in harsh climates, foam 45 is practically unrivaled.

Important: All types of penoplex are not afraid if they freeze, thaw and freeze again. At the same time, this does not affect their properties in any way. They are resistant to acids, salts, alkalis, lime, alcohols, water-based paints, ammonia, cement, animal and vegetable oils.

Application features

Penoplex plates are easy to cut - they can be given the desired dimensions with conventional cutting tools. After cutting, the slabs are stacked and fixed. It is necessary to choose glue for penoplex based on the manufacturer's recommendations. Keep in mind that some adhesives can damage it. The material is resistant to gasoline, kerosene, benzene, polyester resins, acetone, oil paints.

Plates can be stored outdoors. But we must protect them from lying under the sun for a long time, since in the light the upper layers of the material begin to collapse.

The technical characteristics of the material make it an almost ideal insulation. Therefore, it can be used in almost any conditions and on any objects. And the ease of installation and work with it make it available for independent work.


Choosing a heater is not an easy task. Some of them are afraid of getting wet (stone wool), others are difficult to work with (glass wool), others have not yet found wide application (foamed glass). What remains is polystyrene. He is scolded for unnaturalness and flammability, but in terms of technical characteristics, he is among the leaders. Moreover, extruded polystyrene foam (EPS), although it costs more, it tolerates mechanical loads better than ordinary foam. One of the manufacturers, Penoplex, produces XPS of various densities and purposes. Its products are quite popular - it is one of the most famous brands in the country.

What is Penoplex and its area of ​​\u200b\u200buse

Penoplex (sometimes written "Penoplex") is a heat-insulating material produced by the company of the same name.

The PENOPLEX company is a major Russian manufacturer of polymer-based building, decorative and finishing materials. The company began its activity in 1998 with the launch of the first production line in Russia for the production of heat-insulating materials from extruded polystyrene foam under the PENOPLEX® trademark.

The PENOPLEX company produces extruded polystyrene foam (EPS or XPS). This material is used as a heater. From a cheaper analogue - expanded polystyrene (polystyrene, PPS or PPS) - it differs in greater density, due to which it better tolerates mechanical loads. Another distinguishing feature is lower vapor permeability. Rather, he almost does not conduct steam. And the main trump card is the best thermal performance. Penoplex 20 mm thick in terms of heat preservation is equivalent to almost double the thickness of mineral wool and 37 cm brickwork.

Penoplex is one of the most effective heat-insulating materials

These characteristics determine the area of ​​​​use of Penoplex. It is recommended for warming those areas where resistance to stress is important, and low vapor permeability is one of the requirements. Specifically, Penoplex is recommended to use:

  • For floor insulation:
    • under the screed, on it, as an intermediate layer;
    • when arranging the floor on logs (with some reservations);
    • heat-insulating layer under a heat-insulated floor (water or electric).
  • At .
  • Insulation of the basement of the house (if it is non-residential).
  • On rooftops (ideal for flat roofs, green roofs, the rest you have to be careful because it does not emit much steam).
  • Paths, platforms for gazebos.
  • Warming of septic tanks, wells, etc.

Another area of ​​use is the thermal insulation of facades or internal walls. But here it must be understood that due to the fact that Penoplex practically does not conduct moisture, additional measures will be needed to ensure that vapors do not get inside the wall. Plus, a well-thought-out ventilation system is needed to normalize the humidity in the house. And, in addition, you need to choose the thickness of the insulation so that the dew point is inside the insulation, but not in the wall.

Optimal - insulation of a recessed basement

If you prefer "breathing" walls, natural regulation of humidity - for this case, Penoplex is unsuitable for wall insulation. It does not go under ventilated facades either. There, just the task is to remove moisture from the insulation due to the movement of air in the ventilation gap. This material is not able to provide, since moisture simply does not get inside the Penoplex.

Types, characteristics, properties

  • Comfort. For insulation of walls, balconies, loggias.
  • Foundation.
  • Pitched roof.
  • Wall.

As you can see, the manufacturer clearly delimits the scope of the material. With a common technology, they differ in density. The most dense - for the foundation and floor, as they must withstand considerable loads for a long time. The manufacturer claims that the service life of Penoplex Foundation is up to 50 years.

Design differences

Some of the types of Penoplex have structural differences:

  • Plates Penoplex Wall have a rough surface, stripes are applied to the surface of the plate by a milling cutter. All this improves adhesion to the wall and / or finishing materials.
  • Penoplex Comfort is distinguished by an L-shaped edge, which guarantees the absence of through seams during installation.
  • Penoplex Roofing has a U-shaped edge, which increases the reliability of the connection.

General characteristics

Since the production technology of all types of Penoplex is similar, they have many of the same characteristics:

As you can see, according to temperature indicators, any type of Penoplex can be used in any part of the country - from south to north. Moreover, if it is left to “winter” in an unprotected form, nothing will happen to the material. This is not the merit of Penoplex, but a general property of extruded polystyrene foam.

What distinguishes different types

The manufacturer divided the types of Penoplex into areas of use. Their properties are optimal for a specific application. For example, the increased density of XPS, required for a screed, will not be needed when it is mounted on a plinth. Taking into account the fact that the price differs significantly, it does not make sense to use the Foundation brand for other purposes. But the difference in locks, other things being equal, can be neglected. This is about ease of installation. Although, and this is important.

Densityfrom 20 kg/m327-35 kg/m326-34 kg/m3from 20 kg/m3
Elastic modulus15 MPa17 MPa17 MPa15 MPa
Thickness20, 30, 40, 50, 100mm50, 100 mm100 mm50 mm
Static bending strength0.25 MPa0.4 MPa0.4 MPa0.25 MPa

As can be seen from the table, Penoplex for the foundation and roof is more dense, durable, and better tolerates bending loads. Designed for walls and the “Comfort” brand are less durable, since their area of ​​\u200b\u200bapplication does not require resistance to mechanical stress.

Low vapor permeability - good or evil?

As you know, the same property of a material in one situation can be considered as a plus, in another - as a minus. This is exactly the case with the low vapor conductivity that extruded polystyrene foam extrudes. And he does not conduct steam in one direction. Moisture does not penetrate from one side or the other. This is what distinguishes it from vapor barrier membranes, which can have one-sided conductivity.

Where steam impermeability is needed

With proper installation (without gaps and cracks) with gluing of joints, XPS does not require the use of vapor barrier membranes. He hardly misses a couple. Neither liquid nor gaseous. So the use of membranes and waterproofing is unnecessary. When used in a floor cake, this is great, because moisture usually comes from the ground. When using expanded polystyrene, it does not penetrate either by capillary or in the form of steam. In this case, this is definitely a plus.

These properties play a “plus” when using extruded polystyrene foam in the blind area, under the tracks, etc. In addition to protecting against freezing, it does not get wet. This allows, with a competent approach, to get rid of frost heaving and, for example, to make, for example, not a deep-laid strip foundation, but a shallow-depth strip or a Swedish slab.

The use of EPPS in a flat roofing pie is also optimal - leaks are minimized, heat also almost does not go away. When used on pitched roofs, it is already worth considering. The fact that Penoplex Roof does not let moisture into the attic space is good. But it will be possible to remove excess moisture from the attic only with the help of very good ventilation, which includes not only dormer windows. You will need additional elements on the ridge, in the plane of the roof. In general, given the cost of Penoplex, this is not always reasonable.

On the walls: yes or no?

Wall insulation with Penoplex is permissible only if you agree to make an effective ventilation system that will regulate the humidity in the house. In this case, there are two options:

As you can see, there are options for using extruded polystyrene foam for wall insulation, but they are far from the best. For all that, the material itself is good, but it is not suitable for this purpose.

And we must also take into account that the second option is only for non-hygroscopic materials. Such a scheme is very undesirable for wooden, frame buildings, poorly suited for foam blocks. The fact is that no matter how good the vapor barrier is, some of the moisture will still get into the walls. If the material is non-hygroscopic, during the dry season, moisture will gradually be removed from the wall. With hygroscopic materials, this process is more complicated. As a result, the tree rots, the foam block walls “bloom”.

Dimensions and weight, quantity calculation

Penoflex thermal insulation boards can be of different thickness, so the package can have different sizes, it can contain a different number of sheets. It should also be noted that the dimensions of the plates are indicated without spikes / locks.

Name and thicknessDimensions (L/W)Amount in a packageInsulation area per packagePacking volume
Comfort 20 mm585*1185mm18 pcs12.48 m20.273 m3
Comfort 30 mm585*1185mm12 pcs8.32 m20.2704 m3
Comfort 40 mm585*1185mm9 pcs6.24 m20.2493 m3
Comfort 50 mm585*1185mm7 pcs7.69 m20.2429 m3
Comfort 100 mm585*1185mm4 things2.77 m20.2772 m3
Foundation 50 mm585*1185mm7 pcs7.69 m20.2429 m3
Foundation 100 mm585*1185mm4 things2.77 m20.2772 m3
Pitched roof 100 mm585*1185mm4 things2.77 m20.2772 m3
Wall 50 mm585*1185mm8 pcs5.55 m20.2776 m3

There are two methods for calculating the number of packages: using the volume or area of ​​the package:

  • You know the insulated area, find the area of ​​the insulation of the required thickness in the package and divide the insulated area by this value. For example, it is necessary to insulate 15 squares, 40 mm thick plates will be used. The area of ​​the insulation in the package is 6.24 m². We consider: 15 / 6.24 \u003d 2.4 packages.
  • To calculate by volume, we multiply the insulated area by the thickness, we get the required volume. Further, by analogy with the example above, we divide the figure found by the volume of one package. We get the number of packages of insulation. Let's calculate for the same case: 15 m² * 0.04 m = 0.6 m³. According to the table, one package of this material has a volume of 0.2493 m³. we find the number of packages: 0.6 / 0.2493 = 2.4 packages.

Penoplex for blind areas around the house and basement insulation - an excellent choice

If the number of packages is not integer (most likely it will be), some surplus is formed. If the surplus turns out to be large (as in the example - more than half of the plates turn out to be unnecessary) and you will have nowhere to use it, check if the seller sells incomplete packages. In this case, the calculation will be a little more complicated. You should estimate how many plates you need in addition to whole packages. For this:

  • Find the area covered by whole packages. For example, this is: 2 pack * 6.24 m² = 12.48 m².
  • Since we need to insulate 15 squares, we subtract the found one from this figure: 15 m² - 12.48 m² = 2.52 m². This is the area for which you should buy plates.
  • The area of ​​one Penoflex heat-insulating plate is 0.6932 m². If the remainder is divided by this figure, we get the required number of additional sheets of insulation: 2.52 m² / 0.6932 m² = 3.63 pcs. It turns out that we will need 4 plates in addition to two packages.

With such an accurate calculation, it is better to take a small margin - one or two plates. In case somewhere they made a mistake in measurements or calculations, somewhere the edges were wrinkled and other unforeseen cases.

Mounting technology

When laying on horizontal surfaces - floors, flat roofs - the plates are simply laid on a flat surface. The surface should be without sharp drops, the maximum deviation is 2-3%. This requirement must be met so that voids do not form. When laying, we monitor the joints, it is advisable to glue them (you can use tape) or fill them with the same foam / glue on which the plates are attached.

If two layers of thermal insulation are laid, it is positioned so that the XPS boards of the second row overlap the seams of the lower one. They also say that the slabs are laid with alternating seams or “in a row”.

When mounting on vertical surfaces, a double mount is used:

  • Glue or glue-foam is applied to the plane.
  • Additionally fixed with dowels-umbrellas.

According to the technology of mounting plate insulation on facades, dowel-umbrellas are installed at the junction of two sheets (any two sheets) and in the plane of the sheet - two more additional fasteners. That is, there are at least 8 fasteners per sheet (indicated in red in the figure). More is possible. Less - no. Unless, of course, you want the insulation with the finish to come off. If the winds in the region are strong, it is better to put more. For insulation inside, you can put less (see diagrams below).

During installation, on the extreme plates and around the openings, we install fasteners more often: three or four elements per plate. In order to keep the insulation rigidly in the corners of the openings, a mesh is attached to it before plastering. It is attached at an angle of about 45 °, fastening the joint. Under such conditions, there will be no problems with finishing inside or outside.

If plaster, facade tiles, finishing stone and other heavy materials are subsequently applied to Penoplex, before starting installation, care must be taken to improve the adhesion of the material to the wall and to the finish. Even if you mount Penoplex Wall with stripes, it is better to add roughness to the plate with a metal brush. And from both sides. If the wall is smooth, it also does not interfere with adding roughness - for better adhesion.

Penoplex is used as a building heat-insulating material. To make it comfortable to live in the house in any weather, so that even in winter you can go out on the loggia without warm clothes, you need high-quality insulation of walls, floors, ceilings. Today, many new heaters have appeared that protect house structures from heat loss. And among them stands out penoplex. Why has it become so popular in industrial and domestic use, what are its advantages and where is it used?

Reasons for popularity

Penoplex insulation has now become very popular in the insulation of buildings. They protect everything - from foundations to ceilings on balconies.

This is due to the fact that the material attracts with its most important properties:

  • Working with it does not require special skills and knowledge,
  • It is inexpensive, and insulation is economical in price.

The main reason for the popularity of expanded polystyrene is that it is cheap, but at the same time its thermal qualities are at a high level.

What is penoplex

Penoplex insulation is an extruded polystyrene foam. In its structure, foam plastic - be it 31, 45. 31 - resembles the well-known foam plastic, but it has slightly different characteristics due to the peculiarities of production.

During production, polystyrene foam granules are foamed with freon or carbon dioxide. This allows you to get a material that is absolutely harmless to health, hypoallergenic and has a number of advantages over polystyrene foam and other heaters.

Penoplex is produced in the form of plates. Technical characteristics of foam insulation are considered one of the most optimal for building protection. The dimensions of the plates are standard, but they can be cut.

Penoplex insulation is an extruded foamed polystyrene

Material properties

Penoplex does not contain any biological substances. Therefore, it never decomposes or rots. At least in the foreseeable future, the material cannot decompose under the influence of the environment and microorganisms - manufacturers claim that its service life reaches 50 years or more.

The material has a very low thermal conductivity of 0.03 W / m ºK, so it is a universal insulation.

Penoplex is currently used for:

  • building insulation,
  • road insulation,
  • runway insulation.

The high degree of resistance of penoplex to decay and chemical modification makes it possible to widely use it as a heater


  • Significant flexural and compressive strength,
  • Its water absorption is 0.2-0.3%,
  • The vapor permeability of the material is 0.007-0.008 mg / m h Pa,
  • Temperature resistance - the insulation retains its characteristics and properties at temperatures from -50 to + 75 degrees.

Expanded polystyrene insulation retains its characteristics and properties at temperatures from -50 to + 75 degrees

Pros of penoplex

Thanks to these technical characteristics, the insulation has the following advantages:

  • The material is resistant to burning and is considered fireproof,
  • Serves without loss of its qualities for a long time - from 50 years,
  • Does not emit toxic substances into the air during operation,
  • Does not absorb moisture
  • Simple and easy to use.

The advantages of penoplex in environmental friendliness, strength and its resistance to compression

Types of foam

At the moment, several types of penoplex are produced, each of which has its own areas of application. Although this is a fairly versatile material, it is still better to follow the recommendations of the manufacturers and use different types of foam for certain types of work.

At the moment, several types of penoplex are produced, each of which has its own areas of application.

Penoplex is of the following types:

  • Penoplex Wall has a density of 25-32 kg / cu. m. and serves to insulate walls and partitions of buildings, basement floors.
  • Penoplex Foundation has a density of 29-32 kg / cu. m. and serves to protect foundations from freezing, basements, basement floors. The water absorption of this type of material is almost 0.
  • Penoplex roof has a density of 28-33 kg/cu.m. It is characterized by exceptional lightness, moisture resistance and rigid construction. Therefore, it is more convenient for them to insulate roofs of any kind.
  • Penoplex insulation 31 perfect for insulating walls, ceilings, floors. It is widely used for warming loggias and balconies, as well as for protecting a number of roofs that are not in use - that is, they are not loaded with anything other than snow during precipitation.
  • Insulation 35 is intended for floor insulation and is especially often used to create warm floors.
  • Insulation foam 45 has a density of 35-47 kg / cu. m. and has a number of special characteristics that allow it to be a universal material. Its compressive strength reaches 10% and is equal to 0.5 MPa. Its water absorption is such that even when completely immersed in water, the insulation 45 is practically not saturated with water.

Due to its qualities, it is used for insulation of industrial facilities. Penoplex 45 is widely used for warming runways, any roads - railway tracks and asphalt road surfaces, especially if they are laid on heaving soil and permafrost; insulation of floors, foundations, roofs.

Penoplex 45 allows you to insulate exactly operated roofs, which can be driven by vehicles, as well as floors that have a heavy load. Therefore, 45 is used for the insulation of industrial facilities.

If we are talking about the construction of residential buildings, then in the field of insulation of foundations and walls, especially in harsh climates, foam 45 is practically unrivaled.

Important: All types of penoplex are not afraid if they freeze, thaw and freeze again. At the same time, this does not affect their properties in any way. They are resistant to acids, salts, alkalis, lime, alcohols, water-based paints, ammonia, cement, animal and vegetable oils.

Application features

Penoplex plates are easy to cut - they can be given the desired dimensions with conventional cutting tools. After cutting, the slabs are stacked and fixed. It is necessary to choose glue for penoplex based on the manufacturer's recommendations. Keep in mind that some adhesives can damage it. The material is resistant to gasoline, kerosene, benzene, polyester resins, acetone, oil paints.

Plates can be stored outdoors. But we must protect them from lying under the sun for a long time, since in the light the upper layers of the material begin to collapse.

The technical characteristics of the material make it an almost ideal insulation. Therefore, it can be used in almost any conditions and on any objects. And the ease of installation and work with it make it available for independent work.

Foam boards are easy to cut - they can be given the desired dimensions with conventional cutting tools

Penoplex insulation (video)