Russian stove cutaway. DIY Russian mini oven


In rural areas, the construction of a Russian stove is still relevant. This heating structure is built to heat rooms and utility rooms where food is prepared. A hot crucible retains heat for a long time, so it is used for cooking delicious crumbly cereals, baking bread and pies. This article will be about how to build a Russian stove with your own hands.

There are many subtleties in the skill of how to build a Russian stove with your own hands, but if you wish and thanks to the presence of certain skills, you can do this work yourself.

Project and diagram of the device of a classic Russian stove

First, a novice master should understand the principle of the functioning of a traditional Russian heating structure.

If you look at the drawing of the Russian stove, you can see that it has the following main elements:

  • baking - in this place firewood is stored and dried;
  • cooking chamber - it serves for cooking;
  • the sixth - has the shape of a niche where you can put hot pans and pots that have been removed from the oven;
  • cold stove - a place to store dishes;
  • strangler - opening leading into the chimney;
  • view - is a door that completely covers the chimney;
  • bed - its size allows household members to rest, sleep, warm on it (more: "").
The design of the Russian stove for the entire time of its use turned out to be thought out to the smallest detail and therefore all possible disadvantages were eliminated in it - a large amount of fuel consumed and an uneven degree of heating.

On average, the size of a Russian stove is as follows:
  • width - 142 centimeters;
  • height - 213 centimeters;
  • the distance between the flooring and the couch is about 180 centimeters.
A Russian stove with such dimensions is capable of heating a room with an area of ​​30 "squares".
Mini Russian brick stoves, shown in the photo, are considered very profitable, since they consume fuel economically and use heat efficiently. And their main advantage is that not only firewood can be used to generate energy, but also coal, pallets, and other solid fuels.

How to build a Russian stove with your own hands: the main stages

Before building a Russian stove with your own hands, you need to familiarize yourself with an overview of the main stages of this work.

First of all, you should prepare all the required materials:
  • fireclay and red bricks;
  • sand, clay;
  • roofing material;
  • doors and smoke dampers;
  • asbestos cord;
  • grate.
Of the tools you will need:

The whole process of erecting a heating structure consists of the following main stages:

  1. They choose a project of a Russian stove with drawings on which the dimensions are indicated (read: ""). Then the place where the structure will be installed is determined, the condition of the soil is assessed.
  2. Arrange the foundation. To do this, a pit is dug, sand and crushed stone are laid on the bottom. The mixture is compacted and poured with a concrete layer. Make waterproofing. It is worth noting that you can do it in the same way.
  3. The rules on how to make a Russian stove with your own hands provide for the preparation of high-quality masonry mortar. The main trick is that you need to choose the right ratio of clay to sand (usually 1: 2). But it should be remembered that clay can be of different qualities. After the solution is prepared, it must becheck for "fat content". To this end, a ball is rolled up and hit hard on the floor. If it crumbles, it means that there is an excess of sand in the solution. If the ball is intact, then the consistency of the composition corresponds to its purpose.
  4. When a classic brick heating structure is being built, the scheme of a Russian stove will be an indispensable assistant for a home craftsman. The initial row is made of whole bricks, the subsequent rows form such an element as a sub-oven - it is used to store firewood. Then they lay out a cold stove, form an ash pan, create a cooking chamber and a bend, put the grate in place and fasten the doors. After the completion of the 20th row, the construction of the pipe begins, the smoke flows are laid out, the overtube is blocked with a metal shutter. In conclusion, the laying is carried out, taking into account the height of the room. The chimney begins to taper, and then a pipe is formed, passing through the ceilings and the roof (read also: "").

Decorating a Russian brick oven after the masonry is completed

Since the masonry of the Russian stove is made of refractory bricks, and the rough surface intensively collects dust and is almost impossible to clean, finishing of the heating structure is required, which can be done in several ways.

Option two - plastering the stove. For this, clay is used and the subsequent whitewashing is performed. But the main disadvantage of this method is the need to carry out repairs annually.

Option three - decorating the Russian stove with tiles. One side of them is decorated with a pattern and covered with glaze, and on the back side they have an open box for attaching decorative tiles to the surface of the structure. This process is simple: the tiles must be soaked in water in advance, and then facing.

Option four - facing with ceramic tiles. The surface of the oven is cleaned of dust and dirt, and then the seams are cleaned. Then attach the mesh with cells. When facing, the tiles are knocked out with a rubber hammer, while immediately removing the remaining mortar.

The fifth option is a hand-painted oven. To apply an ornament, you will need to purchase a minimum set of materials and tools: sandpaper, chalk (to prepare surfaces), paints, art and flute brushes.

DIY Russian stove repair

The effective functioning of brick heating structures largely depends on the state in which they are located.

During long-term operation, the following malfunctions most often occur:

A visual video on how to build a Russian stove with your own hands:

Nowadays, few people know how to build a Russian stove with a stove bench, and therefore it is considered a unique design. It can only be found in houses in villages and less often in urban households. To build a Russian stove with your own hands, you need to possess certain skills, so it is better to entrust this work to an experienced stove-maker.

The design of the Russian stove

Any mistake made during the construction process leads to the fact that the entire structure has to be redone. The scheme of laying the Russian stove, which is attached to the drawing and can be very different, can help in this matter.

Taking into account the size, these heating units are divided into mini, medium and large. They are used for heating, cooking. They certainly have a bed. To build them yourself, you need to study how the Russian stove works.

If you look at the diagram of the traditional design, you can see that it consists of:

  • the baking oven used to dry firewood is not always made;
  • a cold stove for storing kitchen utensils, it may also not be there;
  • the sixth - a niche located in front of the crucible. A hob is placed in it. In the case when the stove is located in a different place, food is kept in the pole to keep it warm;
  • bottom of the furnace. It is erected with a slight inclination towards the entrance to the chamber, so that it is easier to move the dishes in it.
  • a crucible or cooking chamber used for heat-resistant cookware and fuel filling. The vault of the chamber is similarly done with a slight bias towards the entrance. Due to this design feature, hot air is collected under the ceiling, due to which the stove bench and side walls are warmed up;
  • cheeks - the front wall of the furnace;
  • the mouth of the furnace - the holes between the cheeks;
  • overtubes - niches above which the chimney begins;
  • views - windows with a door, which serves to block the chimney. Through it you can get to the traction control valve;
  • stove, located behind the chimney above the furnace. When the oven is running, it warms up.

Currently, Russian stoves are supplemented with a cooking stove and a water heating tank. In addition, in such a design, it is possible to warm up the underfloor section, as a result of which the unit heats up to the required temperature much faster.

On the masonry diagram of a Russian stove with a stove, you can see different departments. Their presence allows not to heat the entire room in the summer, but to use exclusively the hob. As a result, the house maintains a pleasant microclimate and reduces fuel consumption. In winter frosts, all departments are heated in the stove, and then not only the oven, water and stove are heated, but also the house itself.

Before folding the Russian stove with your own hands, a number of preparatory measures are performed, which begin with the choice of its location.

Where is the best place to place the oven

The future location of the Russian stove is of no small importance. If you plan to install it in a wooden structure, leave a gap of about 20 centimeters between the walls of the house and the stove. But it is better to protect wooden walls with plates of non-combustible materials, for example, from asbestos.

The presence of a gap makes it possible to revise the furnace walls before the heating season. When the laying of the Russian stove takes place in the opening between the walls, then it should be overlaid with a 20-centimeter layer of brick. An asbestos sheet gasket is placed between the structure and the wooden wall.

In the warm season, some homeowners prefer to use a Russian stove laid out on the street with their own hands - the masonry scheme of which is simpler. In addition, you do not have to shell out a fabulous sum for a turnkey branded garden oven.

Furnace Construction Tools

Regardless of the model, before building a Russian stove, prepare the following tools:

  1. Master OK. It is used to apply mortar to the bricks, and it is also used to clean the masonry from excess mixture that protrudes between the seams.
  2. The hammer is a pickaxe. Required for splitting bricks and shaving them off, as adjustments may be necessary during the masonry process.
  3. Joining. It is used when they plan to use decorative tiles to decorate the unit.
  4. Level. It is used at different stages of construction work to check the evenness of the laying of rows of bricks.
  5. Plumb line. With its help, the verticality of the walls is measured.
  6. Ordering. It is a useful tool. When a Russian stove is being built, the ordering helps to obtain the verticality of the masonry while maintaining an equal thickness of the horizontal seams.
  7. Rule. It is used once in order to level the surface of the foundation.
  8. Scapula. She's in the mix.
  9. Capacity. The solution is kneaded in it.
  10. Measuring bar. She measures the width of the seams.

Building materials for masonry

When a Russian stove with a stove is being built with your own hands, you need to purchase:

  • refractory and fireclay bricks;
  • sand and clay;
  • grate grates;
  • not rigid wire;
  • asbestos cord;
  • gate valves;
  • doors.

The nuances of laying Russian stoves

In the case when the foundation is designed, it must be done efficiently, controlling the horizontal level of the base under the furnace with the level. After it is ready, proceed to the main stage of work. To figure out how to properly fold the Russian stove, a drawing can help. The main thing when laying bricks is to adhere to the order.

To make the design as safe as possible, a real Russian stove is made absolutely sealed. For this reason, cracked bricks are not used.

The thickness of the seams between the rows can be from 5 to 8 millimeters. When ensuring tightness, stove-makers are not advised to use clay, coating the walls with it from the inside. The fact is that after that, during the operation of the unit, soot begins to collect on them and the degree of their thermal conductivity decreases.

Before the start of laying, ceramic bricks are soaked so that in the future it does not absorb water from the solution. As a result, the mixture and the bricks dry out at the same time, thereby providing the walls with sufficient tightness.

The outer walls are placed in one or one and a half bricks, and the inner walls are also placed in half a brick. If you make the inner walls in a whole brick, then they will turn out to be too thick and will take longer to warm up, which means that the principle of operation of the Russian stove will be violated, and fuel consumption will increase.

An example of ordering a Russian stove - how to fold it yourself

It will help you figure out the process of how to fold a Russian brick oven, its schematic representation. All rows will need to be laid out dry.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

1st row. It must be laid out ideally, since the accuracy, correct direction and evenness of the future structure depend on it. Before laying, using a square, a long ruler and chalk, draw the locations of the outer walls of the unit. First, bricks of the outer walls are placed on the planned surface, and then the inner part between them is filled.

2nd row. They start laying the stove wall and decorating the internal cleaning channels.

3rd row. The doors of the cleaning and blowing chambers are installed. To fasten them, use steel wire by screwing it to the ears on the cast-iron doors. The ends are tucked into the seams.

4th row. Masonry blocks the entrances to the internal channels, creating a ceiling of the bottom channel.

5-row. For a large firebox, a grate is mounted, and the firebox is laid out from the inside with fireclay bricks, which are halved in thickness. A small firebox door is placed above the hearth channel.

6th row. Place a tank for heating water.

7th row. The grate is mounted in a small firebox, and a door is attached to a large firebox. The right wall is pulled together with a wire laid in a seam, and fixed on the walls with special holds. The back wall in a large firebox is placed without mortar.

8th and 9th rows. Install and fix the small firebox door and continue to work on the internal channels.

10th row. They build the bottom of the furnace and combine the vaults of both furnaces. The openings of the channels in the rear of the structure are left open for the movement of hot air and are led out into the cooking chamber. The water tank is closed.

11th row. Above both fireboxes, a metal corner of 50x50 millimeters is attached to the edge of the masonry, creating a base under the stove for cooking. The open space of the larger firebox, located behind the stove, is covered with a grate and is not fixed.

14th row. Build a chimney inlet and a damper hole. Take out the walls of the furnace.

15th row. They begin to narrow the masonry, which will block the cooking chamber, and remove the chimney pipe.

16th row. Repetition of the 15th row. Then the side walls are fastened with metal strips with stoppers and taken out to the outside of the walls.

17th row. They continue to work on the narrowing of the vault near the cooking chamber and lay the chimney. A corner and a strip of metal are placed above the niche of the slab - the base for the bricks to create a ceiling above the slab.

18th row. A template is placed over the crucible. According to him, the domed arch of the cooking chamber is laid out, laying bricks on the end. On a metal corner and strip, they are placed with a wide part.

19th and 20th rows. Reinforce the wall above the entrance to the cooking chamber with a metal strip. Walls are made near the arch of the furnace, creating a zone where sand is poured and compacted in order to increase the heat capacity of the furnace.

21st row. Cover the sand-filled place and walls with masonry.

22nd row. Narrowing of the overtube is started and a metal element with a round hole is installed. This is to redirect the flow of smoke to retain heat.

23rd row. Install a door to help clean the chimney.

24th row. A valve is mounted on the overtube to adjust the draft in the firebox and crucible.

25th and 26th row. Cover the space above the valve with masonry.

27 - 29th row. The overtube is combined with the chimney.

It should be noted that modern Russian stove designs differ from traditional options. For example, a mini Russian stove with a stove and a stove bench is compact and simple (read: ""). A properly designed structure can delight homeowners for many years.

This design is multifunctional. A standard stove with dimensions of 213 * 142 * 180 centimeters freely heats a room of 30 square meters.

It includes the following elements:

  1. Opechek, firewood is stored here.
  2. Cold stove used for storing kitchen utensils.
  3. Crucible. This is the place where the firewood is placed. Cooking takes place here. The arch of this element, as a rule, is inclined forward, which allows for better heating of the entire structure, including the stove bench.
  4. Under- the base of the cooking chamber (crucible), which is slightly inclined towards the outlet, which makes it more convenient and easy to move heavy utensils. The surface is carefully sanded.
  5. Six located in front of the crucible. Dishes with food are left here to cool or maintain the temperature.
  6. There is a camera above the six, which is called overtube. The chimney goes even higher.
  7. Strangler designed to create outlets for the samovar pipe, this hole has an outlet to the chimney. This element is optional for this design and is rarely used today.
  8. View- a special flap that moves horizontally. With its help, you can adjust the traction.
  9. Lounger- a place for a sunbed, it is located behind the chimney above the cooking chamber. Many people use it for sleep.


Required materials and drawing

You can build a Russian stove yourself. In this case, certain tools and materials will be required.

For the construction it is necessary to prepare:

  • level, plumb line and square;
  • construction pencils;
  • roulette;
  • steel trowels;
  • jointing;
  • pickaxe and rubber mallet;
  • grinder;
  • drill;
  • sand net;
  • roulette;
  • knife or scissors for metal;
  • bucket, solution container;
  • sprayer;
  • extension;

The following materials are purchased:

  • red and;
  • sand;
  • special clay;
  • cast-iron doors (for the blower, for the firebox and for the cooking chamber);
  • gate valves and view;
  • damper for the crucible;
  • basalt cardboard and roofing material;
  • grate grates;
  • wire;
  • decorative elements for decoration;


A step-by-step guide to masonry

Any construction begins with the creation of a foundation.

Foundation for the Russian stove

The device of the furnace assumes the mandatory presence of this element. In most cases, it is poured from concrete, since the structure is very heavy and requires a capital foundation.

The main focus should be on the following aspect: the foundation must be laid out evenly, without voids and distortions. The further operation of the entire structure depends on this.

The base is laid out separately from the foundation of the house, the gap between them should be covered with sand. From above, the foundation level is maintained at a distance of about 15 centimeters from the floor level.

It is imperative to create waterproofing. Roofing material is used as an insulating material in two layers. It is installed at a time when the first layer of masonry is ready.

Making masonry mortar

For oven work, a special masonry mortar should be prepared., which is significantly different from the usual. You can cook it yourself.

You need to pick it up in accordance with the selected material:

  1. For solid bricks a clay-sand mortar (clay + sand, ratio 1: 2) should be used. This solution can also be used for cladding the facade of the furnace with ceramic tiles;
  2. Refractory brick requires the use of a solution of refractory clay with sand;
  3. Brick chimney pipes are laid with cement-sand mortar;
  4. Fireclay brick used with a mortar made of refractory clay with the addition of chamotte powder.

It is necessary to achieve the ideal state of the clay mortar.

You can check it in the following ways:

  1. Roll up a thin tourniquet and then try to bend it. The bend radius should be as small as possible to ensure that the mortar is good;
  2. You can make a ball from a solution and put it between the two boards. Ideally, it should crack when it shrinks by about a third. If it cracks earlier, then the solution is too liquid, as they say, "skinny". If it crumbles after it has been crumpled in half, this indicates the fat content of the solution.

Stove masonry

The main requirement for masonry is maximum tightness. This will allow you to achieve the minimum size of the seams. Bricks should be chosen only even, without cracks and chips.

There are several ways of laying:

  1. Into the brick- the wall is obtained as thick as the entire length of the brick.
  2. In half a brick- the material is laid flat.
  3. At a quarter- products are placed on the edge.

For dressing, methods of spoon and bonding are used.

If ceramic bricks are used for the furnace, they should be soaked in water before work.

When carrying out work, it is necessary to remove the remnants of the mixture between the bricks in a timely manner. It is impossible to coat the inner walls with clay.

As a rule, two types of masonry are used for the construction of stoves: the outer walls are made of brick, and the inner walls are made of half-brick.

Laying orders

The main attention should be paid to the creation of an orderly masonry. It begins with the device of the first row, which is desirable to create from burnt bricks. Bricks to create the corners of the first row should be cut ¼ of the length of the product. This requires a grinder or a diamond saw.

With this laying, it is worth following the rules:

  1. Check the horizontality of the masonry mandatory at every stage of work. For this, a level and a rule are used.
  2. Corner bricks are laid first are aligned. Then the rest of the elements are put.
  3. Need to follow so that the second row is at the same height as the floor.

The walls are formed by a strictly created diagram and drawings. Cleanings are laid, an ash pan is formed.

On the 3rd row, it is necessary to create openings for the blower and cleaning. 5th row includes the installation of the grate of the small firebox. The fuel part is made from the inside with refractory bricks without the use of mortar.

On the 7th row, the grate for the stove is being installed. Doors and fireboxes are fastened using hardened wire. The vaults of the fuel section are closed in the tenth row, and the chimney channels remain open, leaving the crucible.

From the 12th row, the creation of the front wall of the crucible and the sides of the stove begins, you can already install a damper. At the same time, the bottom of the chimney is formed. Further, the walls of the furnace continue to form: the roof of the furnace gradually narrows, and the chimney channel expands. Reinforce the back wall with a steel tie.

The formation of a chimney begins on rows 2-4, where a blower and a place for cleaning are created. The valve is installed after overlap by about 25-27 rows, with a slight slope inside the pipe, so that moisture does not get on the surface of the masonry.

When laying out the chimney, it is worth remembering that in height it must end at a distance of at least 70 centimeters from the roof level. On the inside of the roof, the outline of the opening for the pipe should be roughly marked, while it should be a couple of centimeters larger around the perimeter. A hole is cut from the side of the roof with a grinder.

After the pipe has come out 10 centimeters above the roof level, it is necessary to line up the otter. This is a structure above the roof, which continues a part of the chimney led out to the outside. It is slightly wider than the bottom and covers the opening.

When creating this element, you can use the following tips:

  1. Choose an installation location a Russian stove is better in advance, even at the stage of building a house. It is desirable to include its creation in the project. Most often it is placed in the middle, although in old houses you can see it from the side, against the wall. It is also important to determine the location of the chimney outlet.
  2. To make the foundation more convenient, you need to calculate the location of the structure in such a way that there are no floor beams.
  3. Not only concrete can be used for the foundation but also brick, stone. The main thing is to create a dense and stable base with a horizontal surface.
  4. Mix for solution preparation can be purchased ready-made. When laying out the walls, do not forget to leave 2-4 mini-windows, with which you can clean the oven.

At the end of the construction, the structure should be dried. Under natural conditions, with open flaps and doors, the oven dries up in 5-7 days. And you can start using your new beautiful Russian stove.

Scope and principle of operation

In the old days, this stove was used for cooking, drying clothes, heating water and washing in it, and sleeping on a couch. She was always warm, because she kept warm for a very long time. In addition, it was regularly heated.

Nowadays, the design is becoming more and more perfect. In summer, the stove does not need to be fully heated, but only the stove can be used.

The Russian stove works simply. Firewood is put into the crucible. They generate heat during combustion, which is distributed throughout the entire furnace. Here you can cook food when the wood has burned out and the coals are left - boil soups and cereals, bake pies.

The smoke comes out through a special pipe - the chimney. The draft and smoke outlet is regulated by means of a damper to which the viewer provides access.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Russian stove has a lot of positive qualities, but at the same time, it cannot be called an ideal device.

It is worth noting the positive aspects of using:

  1. Available materials execution.
  2. Profitability.
  3. Any kind can be used solid fuel for heating.
  4. Multifunctionality. It can be used not only for heating the room, but also for cooking and recreation.
  5. It's easy to use, it is only necessary to heat the stove once a day so that the house is warm all day.
  6. Security. The firebox is located deep inside, which does not allow fire, sparks, coals to get outside of it. With qualified use, its service life is long.

Disadvantages include:

  1. Using only solid fuel that burns for a long time. Under no circumstances should gas burners and liquid fuel nozzles be installed inside.
  2. Solid waste remains. But ash can be used as fertilizer.
  3. Can be used only in one-story houses, since it gives a large load on the floors. Requires the creation of a high-quality capital foundation.
  4. Bulkiness, takes up a lot of usable area and space.
  5. The chimney can provide a smoke outlet from only one structure, as a result of which it cannot be used in apartment buildings.
  6. It takes a long time to warm up. Especially after a long downtime.
  7. Automation of its work is completely excluded, it requires human participation in its work.


According to the material of execution, a metal and brick oven are distinguished.

According to the possibilities of using the oven, there are:

  1. Heating.
  2. Heating and cooking.
  3. Bathrooms.
  4. Fireplaces are used in most cases in saunas.

In terms of size, designs differ:

  1. Small(150 * 175 centimeters).
  2. Large(150 * 230 centimeters).
  3. Custom sizes.

The position in the room can also be different:

  1. Freestanding.
  2. Combined with other designs.
  3. 2.00, (ratings: 1)

There are several options for building stoves. One of the most popular and demanded is the Russian stove. They are distinguished by the availability and economy of materials for its creation, ease of installation and excellent performance characteristics. We will learn more about how to build a Russian stove with our own hands.

DIY Russian stove - drawings, orders

The Russian stove was a traditional heating item for most houses of the last century. Its main components are the foundation part, the guardianship, made of wood, stone, brick or concrete mortar.

Fuel is stored in the furnace, which dries well before use. Further, you do not need to make much effort to melt the stove. Well-dried fuel ignites with the slightest spark. On the upper part of the sub-furnace there is a polycircular vault, on which there is a bedding for the manufacture of which sand is used, a crumb of brick, fixed with an earthen solution. The front part of the furnace section of the furnace is the cooking surface. Please note that bedding is the main element of the classic Russian stove. It gives the food a special flavor.

The Russian stove is a heating device, which is distinguished by a long-term heat output, even after the end of the firebox. After the accumulation of heat, its delivery lasts throughout the day, with a properly equipped furnace design.

The principle of operation of the Russian stove is based on the presence of a bend, on its upper part there is an overtube, which tapers upwards. The side part of the wall is distinguished by the presence of recesses that serve as a device for the accumulation of ash. In the same recesses, the smoldering parts of the fuel are stored, which gradually give off heat until the next kindling of the furnace.

In some cases, ash is stored on a slab made of stone or cast iron. In order to reduce the cost of the stove and increase the cleanliness of its operation, the ash pan is not equipped at all. This was done in the stoves of the poor owners. In this case, only special fuel helped to keep the heat throughout the day, in the form of certain variants of firewood, on top of which aspen was always placed. Such a stove is quite finicky and needs a special approach, therefore, we still recommend staying on a design that has an ash pan.

In order to avoid the smoke of the stove, it is necessary to follow the drawings of the Russian stove with your own hands exactly. Pay special attention to its walls, they should be particularly smooth. The bend must in no case be plastering. It is enough to grind it to a smooth state.

The central and most important part of the Russian stove, on which the quality of the operation of this device directly depends, is the firebox. There are two types of chambers inside it - cooking and fuel. For laying out the furnaces, they used the services of experienced stove-makers, who built a break between these two parts.

Cooking is done by exposing the food to hot air, which moves further towards the fuel. The stoves were distinguished by excellent operational characteristics, the firebox of which had a narrowing in the upper part.

An important secret of the correct functionality of the Russian stove is the presence of two vortices inside it, the rotational vibrations of which cancel each other out without forming turbulent moments. If the furnace threshold is too low, the circulation level is reduced.

In addition, the vortices inside the furnace trap unburned fuel particles, which smolder and generate additional heat. Cooking in a Russian oven is carried out without direct contact with heated air, therefore, there are no carcinogenic substances and toxins in it.

Particular attention should be paid to the manufacture of the crucible, its vault should be three-centered. Such a stove is distinguished by one hundred percent combustion of fuel and the absence of smoke or sparking.

The plug serves not only as a place for heating the air, but also for maintaining the temperature of previously cooked food. Therefore, we boldly declare that the main principle of the correct organization of the Russian stove is the creation of a complex smoke channel, without complex schemes and the creation of partitions.

How to fold a Russian stove with your own hands

In order to ultimately obtain a high-quality furnace with high efficiency, it is necessary to initially pay special attention to the device and functional features of the Russian furnace. In relation to the region of location, the stoves used to have different shapes, but the principle of their organization is almost always the same.

The average sizes of a Russian stove are:

  • width - one hundred and forty centimeters;
  • length - two hundred and ten centimeters;
  • height one hundred centimeters.

Previously, these values ​​were measured in arshins. Moreover, the average value of the yardstick is seventy centimeters. However, the oven is almost always installed in accordance with the dimensions of the bricks, they must always remain intact.

This above version of the stove easily heats a room with an area of ​​thirty squares. Most often, the stove was located in the corner of the premises, which was located next to the door.

Before starting masonry, it is necessary to build a solid foundation of broken bricks or stone. On any stove there is an element in the form of a baking oven, it contains tools for servicing the stove. For high heat saving, a heat-insulating material was placed between the stove and the wall.

The stove is made of bricks that are placed in a special mortar. The classic Russian stove was built of red bricks, as they are characterized by a high level of strength.

The pivotal part of the stove is distinguished by the presence of a certain slope in relation to the mouth. Another important component is the bridging threshold, which prevents sparks from entering the chimney pipe. In addition, it is on the threshold that the soot coming out of the pipes collects.

When building a furnace, special attention must be paid to order. Its horizontal plane is distinguished by the presence of cuts that help to understand the principle of the furnace. DIY Russian stove scheme and order of masonry:

1. Initially, you should prepare drawings for the Russian stove with your own hands. In relation to them, the first row is laid on the base of the foundation. Please note that before this, the foundation, made of brick and concrete mortar, is waterproofed. For these purposes, use roofing material. It is recommended to build the first row of bricks with moisture resistant characteristics. Thus, the quality of the resulting oven is improved.

2. In order for the banding of the rows in the future to be ideal, three bricks ¾ are laid in the first row. At the same time, one brick has a bevel, which ensures the most tight connection between them.

4. The fourth row is also made using whole bricks. Two bricks are distinguished by the presence of a bevel; they form an entrance arch into the furnace.

5. A wooden formwork is installed in the opening. After arranging the arch, the fifth row is laid. It is equipped with three ¾ bricks. In this row, twenty bricks are beveled, which provide the baking with high strength.

6. In the process of laying a Russian stove with your own hands, drawings should always be at hand. In the sixth row, the side walls are laid in one brick and the other walls in two. Formwork must be installed between the surfaces of the inner walls, the upper part of which resembles a semicircle. Please note that the formwork must be of such a size that the structure can be easily disassembled, if necessary.

7. After the installation of the formwork, work is carried out on the surface of the vault. It is recommended to equip the vault with wedge-shaped bricks, which improve the strength of the structure and make it as strong as possible.

8. The option of buying such a brick or making it independently is possible. In the second case, it is enough to process the edges of the brick with a special tool.

9. Please note that the lower sections of the brick should be in close contact with each other. A cement mortar is used to fill the gaps between the bricks.

10. After the forearm is made, the seventh and eighth rows should be laid. The seventh row is laid in full accordance with the first. The eighth row is made of whole bricks. Note that in the eighth row, a platform is being set up, with the help of which a cold stove is made. Dried sand should be scattered between their walls. In the eleventh row, the stove and backfill are overlapped.

11. The thirteenth row lays the walls of the furnace part and the pole. These two elements are separated by a steel strip that matches the shape and size of the oven. This strip is distinguished by the presence of holes that connect it to the general masonry using a wire.

12. Up to the seventeenth row, the walls of the two above elements are being built up. In this row, the walls of the furnace section are made using eight bricks, pre-processed with a special tool. It is on them that the consolidated part of the crucible is based. Thus, the crucible is equipped in the same way as the previously made guard.

13. After the production of the consolidated part, the eighteenth row is installed. He begins the formation of an arched opening, Please note that in the process of laying subsequent rows, the gap between the walls and the furnace is filled with dried sand, broken bricks and glass.

14. The crucible and backfill are closed on the twenty-second row. At the same time, on the next row, they become more durable and strengthened. There is also a stove element on which the samovar was previously located. The next rows overlap the overtube, however, holes remain in them. In the first there is a samovar chimney, and in the second there is a view. On the next rows, the half-door is fixed.

15. The thirty-first row is laid in such a way that the additional rows are arranged in three bricks. Thus, it is possible to form a chute that removes the smoke from the oven. The next row completely covers the cross-pipe part. After the manufacture of thirty-three rows, the chimney part is erected.

16. Above the ceiling, bricks are laid, the cutting of which involves the removal of wooden structures. In addition, a decorative effect can be achieved by cutting. In addition, the presence of grooves contributes to an increase in heat transfer.

Thus, the laying of the Russian stove is done by hand. Exact adherence to ordering in the manufacture of a Russian stove by hands is the key to obtaining a heating device with high thermal efficiency.

Russian street ovens with their own hands - manufacturing technology

Some owners make a Russian stove solely for the purpose of cooking food in it. In this case, it is located on the street. There are also mini-Russian ovens that can be easily transported from place to place and even transported in a car.

Before you read the instructions for building an outdoor stove, we suggest studying the varieties of Russian stoves with your own hands:

1. Furnaces, for the manufacture of which brick is used. They are distinguished by impressive dimensions and are used for heating the premises in which they are installed.

2. Medium-sized stoves installed in baths or summer cottages. They easily warm up a room with an area of ​​up to thirty squares.

3. Mini Russian stoves installed both outdoors and indoors. Their main function is aesthetically pleasing appearance and food preparation.

The bottom of the outdoor oven is the base. The inside of the stove is distinguished by the presence of a special empty chamber. It contains utensils and items used to care for the oven. The construction of the bottom of the fuel compartment is carried out with observance of the slope, thus, it is possible to efficiently and efficiently use the fuel.

The fuel part consists of the firebox itself and the cooking compartment. In addition, any Russian stove has a chimney, which ensures the removal of gases from fuel combustion.

To build a stove on the street follows with the preparation of the base and the creation of the foundation. For these purposes, broken brick and cement mortar are used. The laying of the stove is carried out in relation to the previously prepared scheme and order. The quality of the functioning of the oven directly depends on the quality of the masonry composition, therefore, this issue needs to be given special attention.

DIY Russian stoves video:

The era of wood stoves and fireplaces will not end as long as people like to look at a fireplace with burning logs and feel the incredibly comfortable warmth radiating from the stove walls. Instead of expensive and voracious gas and coal boilers, a simple and reliable, in its own way interesting and convenient Russian stove is gradually returning to homes. It is not difficult to build the correct Russian stove with your own hands, there would be a desire. It is no secret that in the oven business, extreme patience is always required in order to select the right materials and build brickwork as required by the ordering drawing.

Russian stove in the house: advantages and disadvantages

The structure of the combustion chamber, the scheme of the vault and smoke channels of the Russian stove is somewhat different from the usual fireplaces or Dutch women. No wonder the masters who understand a lot about building a real Russian stove say that this is a house in a house. Admirers of modern materials and technologies argue that its device is archaic and requires huge costs. With the money spent on the Russian stove, you can build two Dutch women and a fireplace in addition, but this is a purely mercantile, monetary approach to business. In practice, everyone who planned to build a Russian stove and got it, note certain advantages and benefits that are characteristic only for this scheme:

  • Low heat flux density, due to the very large area of ​​the heating surface of the stove, the radiated heat always remains soft and even curative, does not dry the air like a fireplace or electric heaters;
  • If you plan and build a Russian stove correctly, then you can rest on the couch, without the risk of freezing, even at low temperatures in the room. Masters advise to build a stove bench, even if you never have to sleep on a Russian stove;
  • Heat fluxes escaping into the foundation and adjacent soil layers block and dry the soil masses, reducing the risk of foundation deformation due to heaving forces.

For your information! According to the owners, many customers plan to build a brick stove of the Russian scheme, without even intending to use it for heating living quarters. Food, especially vegetable and meat dishes cooked in a Russian oven, cannot be compared with cooking on a gas burner or electric stove.

A Russian stove warmed up to moderate heat can keep warm for up to several days. It makes sense to build a stove if the owners have to leave the house for a day or two. By the time you return, the room will remain slightly cooled, but still warm, which will allow you to avoid fiddling with a fireplace or a Swede at night or in the evening.

The Russian stove is well suited for any premises, provided that people are constantly living in them. For a country house visited on weekends, it is best to build a Russian stove with a fireplace, a hot water box, or equip the room with a mixed heating system. A truly Russian stove comes to life and gives out heat only after 8-10 hours. For the impatient, you can build a stove, like for a bath, with thin walls. It is possible to raise the Russian stove to a hot state after 3-4 hours. You can build a furnace with a coal or gas burner, but in this case, the risk of cracking and collapse of the arch increases by an order of magnitude.

Standard Russian oven: dimensions

Before building a house, the craftsmen selected the most suitable corner or place near the wall for the installation of the oven box. The size of the Russian stove was determined based on the size of the room, the material of the walls and the presence of a foundation near the house. Today, the opposite is true, at first the owners prefer to build a house, and only at the stage of finishing the rough work do they think about a heating system with a Russian stove.

Modern stove-makers prefer to divide Russian stoves into three categories:

  • Small stoves, base size 1.24 m wide and 1.78 m long, such a box is easy to build under a canopy, in a summer kitchen or in the country;
  • Medium or home stoves, it can be built to heat a small house of 30-40 square meters. The size of the box sole is 2.13x1.47 m;
  • For a large one-and-a-half-story house for year-round use, a full-size Russian stove 3.25x2.25 m is best suited.

For your information! Such an unusual size range turned out due to the fact that in the old days the yardstick was an arshin, in terms of the size of a home or average Russian stove, it turned out to be 3x2 arshins.

For the most part, the given external dimensions of the brick box were used only as a guide. It was much more important to correctly observe the dimensional proportions of the furnace, hearth, vault, cross-section and section of the chimney. It is possible to build a Russian stove of any size, but it is imperative to maintain the ratio of the sizes of the parts.

Russian stove on the street

The street version of the Russian stove can be built according to the classic scheme with a long crucible, or made according to a shortened scheme, with the fire-chamber lining with refractory chamotte and the ability to heat the stove with peat or coal briquettes.

It is considered a prestigious and at the same time practical option to build a Russian stove in a traditional outdoor recreation area for the whole family. It can be a small area under a canopy, attached to the house from the back and closed from winds and drafts. In addition to the fact that the Russian stove turns out to be an indispensable tool and assistant for preparing summer baked goods and preservation, heated brickwork will help warm up during gatherings on cool autumn evenings.

You can, of course, build an outdoor fireplace on wood and warm yourself by an open fire, but this solution is justified only if the resting place is blown through by drafts. Many out-of-town recreation lovers are well aware of the insidiousness of the fireplace heat, even at a decent distance you can easily get a "campfire" tan or even burns.

If instead of a fireplace you build a Russian stove, then you can bask on the street, even leaning your back on a plastered wall. In the villages, the old people tried to build a shop or lay a heap just under the wall of the house, where the back side of the Russian stove exited. It was believed that the warmth of the Russian stove draws pain from the joints.

Simple Russian stove

For the street, it is best to build a Russian stove that runs on high-calorie solid fuel. Most often, they use:

  • Birch coal, seeded stone anthracite can be used, but by no means smoke or gas. It is best to build a firebox for a charcoal briquette or apartment coal;
  • Birch firewood or sawn old acacia. You can not use conifers, especially pine or spruce, which give a huge amount of resin and soot;
  • Pressed briquette of birch sawdust with a paraffin binder.

A classic version of a Russian street stove is shown in the photo.

Changed the shape of the crucible. I had to build a furnace of a shorter, but increased width, thanks to this, one can immediately put a daily charge of firewood into the Russian stove and engage in baking bread, canning vegetables or cooking without looking back at the state of the cinder and coals in the crucible.

If you plan to build a summer cottage version of a Russian stove for the street, then it is best to choose projects with the installation of a water-heating coil or a container for hot water. A simple device and washing will greatly facilitate the process of cooking. A small stainless steel tank and a coil made it possible to brew tea and even heat water for washing hands or dishes. If a large amount of boiling water is required, then you can build a Russian stove according to the scheme with one or even two tubular containers of 20 liters each, mounted in the base of the hearth of the stove. True, for a street Russian stove, it is imperative to build a system for draining and blowing out residual water for the winter.

Russian oven with barbecue

The outdoor version of a barbecue oven is always built in the form of one brick box, functionally divided into two compartments. This approach makes it possible to build a structure with one chimney for two combustion chambers - the crucible of a Russian stove and a pallet with charcoal coals.

What does it do? It is possible, of course, to build separate buildings for the Russian stove and barbecue, but such a solution is more expensive and does not provide any special advantages.

The presence of a barbecue does not affect the operation of the Russian stove, on the other hand, a powerful hot stream of combustion products coming from the furnace through the hailo into the chimney creates a high vacuum in the pipe. Even if the grill smokes, there will be no burning smell under the canopy.

Russian stove in a gazebo under a canopy

If you plan to equip a shed or a gazebo with a stationary stove next to the house, then most of the restrictions and conditions that you have to face if you build a Russian stove in the house simply lose their force. You can build a Russian stove with a warm trestle bed on the side for winter gatherings, make an extension with a barbecue grill, a compartment for baking bread, for baking meat, the customer's imagination is practically unlimited.

Moreover, the design of the Russian stove is best suited for equipping a gazebo or any indoor summer type:

  • The device of the chimney and the mouth of a classic Russian stove makes the structure the most fireproof, sparks and coals are reliably closed in the firebox, so a Russian stove can be built even under a fabric awning;
  • A properly heated Russian stove retains coal and heat for more than a day, even if it is raining, foggy, or strong wind outside. It is enough to throw some firewood, and the rest continues. If instead of a Russian stove you build a brazier, then before it comes to shashlik and fried meat, the owners will have to inhale the smell of old burning for a couple of hours.

It is rather difficult to build a full-fledged Russian stove for a small gazebo because of the specific shape with an elongated "back" of the combustion chamber. Therefore, the arbor version of the Russian stove is somewhat simplified. To build a small-sized stove, the size of the furnace is reduced to 50-60 liters, instead of the traditional 120-200 liters.

It is clear that the Russian stove, reduced in size, is only suitable for preparing culinary masterpieces for outdoor dining.

If it is not possible to build a mini-stove, or there is no place for chimney equipment, you can always buy a ready-made portable Russian stove, which at the end of the season can be easily removed into the house.

Traditional Russian ovens

One of the remarkable qualities of the Russian stove is its relatively simple and at the same time effective device. The heart of the furnace is a combustion chamber made of the highest quality bricks, most often long and narrow, like a tunnel with a blank back wall. The bottom of the chamber of the Russian stove is called the hearth, the near part of the hearth near the mouth or entrance to the firebox is used to install dishes, cast iron and pots. The far part of the hearth, or burner, is loaded with wood and burned to embers.

The ceiling of the chamber is called a vault, the masters recommend building an arched vault and always with a rise in the direction of the back wall. It is in this firebox that the main secret of the Russian stove lies. If the master succeeds in building a firebox or, in other words, a crucible, according to all the rules, it means that the stove will heat up and work like a clock.

The secret of the Russian stove lies in two design features:

  • Smoke and hot combustion products do not spread throughout the entire ceiling arch, but flow through the arch in a compact stream, heating the arch to a very high temperature, burning out soot deposits and creating good draft in the firebox. If you build a flat vault in the furnace, it is understandable that the draft will appear only when the Russian stove is fully warmed up, and the ceiling of the furnace will have to be cleaned almost every week;
  • In order for the stove to work properly, you need to know exactly the dimensions of the overtube, hail and chimney. Before building a Russian stove, they estimate the volume of the furnace and the required size of the bend so that just as much air enters the stove as is necessary for smoldering combustion without a flame.

Important! This scheme ensures uniform heating of the hearth and the furnace as a whole. If you build a crucible with an enlarged mouth or mouth, the wood will burn out in 20 minutes, and the furnace body will crack due to high thermal stresses.

For a Russian charcoal or briquette stove, it is best to build a hot or high firebox; for a wood-burning stove, the height of the combustion chamber is chosen 15-20% less. It is possible to build a universal version with a fireclay lining, but in practice such a furnace turns out to be, although more reliable, but very voracious.

Russian stove with a stove bench

A baking Russian oven with a short firebox can be built even in the kitchen of a private house, such a structure will take up an area of ​​about 120x150 cm.You can cook almost any food, as in a conventional oven, but in this case you have to give up one of the main advantages of the Russian oven - a stove bench.

In fact, this is a sleeping bag and a place for drying herbs, storing food, in winter, a dryer for things. On a large stove, a stove bench can even be built in two levels - on the upper one lay out herbs, dried apples and apricots, and a tank for warm water is installed on the lower level.

It is not difficult to build a stove bench, the roof of the combustion chamber is covered with a split piece of dried clay, the tiles are laid, and the beds are ready. Many of the owners of the Russian stove believe that a stove bench is worth building at least in order to be able to dry washed linen, clothes and even shoes in the winter.

Russian stove with stove

Of course, the process of cooking in a Russian oven cannot be called the most convenient, especially if you need to cook something in a hurry, without long languishing in the crucible. You can build a relatively small Russian stove with a hob, which is no more difficult to cook on than on a conventional gas stove.

One of the most successful options for a Russian stove is shown in the diagram below.

The design of the classic Russian stove has been seriously redesigned and supplemented:

  • Instead of a bedding chamber, which isolates the hot bottom of the furnace from the foundation, an additional smoke channel had to be built, leading to the overtube chamber;
  • A winter firebox appeared in the device of the Russian stove. It had to be built using the available backfill volume under the crucible;
  • A cast-iron cooking plate is installed on the bend at the exit point of the additional channel. Hot gases from the combustion chamber or from the winter furnace under the action of draft in the chimney heat the metal up to 450-500 ° C, which is quite enough for cooking.

The only drawback that you have to put up with is the presence of an overlapping cast iron shelf or adapter plate, which must be removed in summer and returned to its place in winter.

The diagram shows a two-mode Russian stove, which can be heated and cooked in it in the traditional way in the crucible, and, if necessary, used in the hob mode.

Russian stove with a stove with your own hands

It is clear that if you have enough time, effort and financial resources, you can build a furnace of any complexity and size. And the Russian stove with a hob is no exception. But before trying to build a modern oven with your own hands, it is worth considering two points:

  • The increased complexity of the layout requires very careful handling of the masonry mortar and brick binding. Not every stove-maker undertakes to build a Russian stove with a removed hob;
  • Even if it is possible to build a furnace box, the problem of switching "winter-summer" will remain a rather complicated procedure. It is almost impossible to build a Russian stove so that it can be controlled without the need to crawl into the combustion chamber.

If you try to build a Russian stove with a water tank and a stove with your own hands, everything about everything will take two weeks of work and 30 thousand rubles. for the purchase of material. A mistake will cross everything out, while a team of craftsmen undertakes to build with a guarantee for 50 thousand rubles. Moreover, the ordering of such a stove is so complicated that before building a stove, it will take at least two or three times to perform dry laying of bricks in order to understand the details.

Choosing a place for a Russian stove

With the choice of a place for arranging a Russian stove, as a rule, there are no problems if the presence of a stove in the house is planned long before the house is built. The reason is simple, the huge weight of the masonry requires a removed slab foundation. If the house is made of stone, brick, slag-cement block, then the Russian stove can be easily placed in the corner zone or in the center of the most spacious room.

For frame buildings, log and log houses, the Russian stove is taken from the wooden walls and partitions at a distance of at least 120 cm.If you really need to build a Russian stove in the corner of a wooden house, then you will need to fulfill two conditions:

  • The window of the six should be deployed from the walls towards the center of the room;
  • Between the wooden walls and the stove, backfill thermal insulation of baked clay and vermiculite is laid to a masonry height of at least 15 cm.

The base of the Russian stove and part of the floor adjacent to the body are sheathed with metal plates on an asbestos-cement sheet. If you build a furnace without protection, then if the wall cracks due to overheating, part of the hot ash can cause a fire.

The problems associated with installing a Russian stove are somewhat different from the situation with other types of stove structures. The Russian stove itself, if built according to all the rules, does not pose a particular fire hazard for wooden walls. In wooden huts, the owners preferred to build a Russian stove in the dampest corner in order to dry the earthen base and log vaults, while the body of the stove was installed on a wooden frame - guardianship.

In theory, a Russian stove can be built almost close to a log or a bar, so it will be even warmer in the room. But even a low-intensity heat flux has an extremely destructive effect on wood, therefore, it is imperative to build reflective or diffusing insulation between the wall and the brickwork. But it is also impossible to close the brickwork with a heat-insulating composition, there must be an air gap 5-10 cm wide, through which air will circulate and evenly cool the body of the Russian stove. Building an oven box without a gap means condemning the brickwork to overheating, and if cracks form, then repairing the joints can turn into a daunting problem.

Masonry tools

In order to build a Russian stove, you will need the same tools that were used when making brickwork from ordinary bricks:

  1. Trowel, bricklayer's hammer for cutting bricks;
  2. Containers for mixing masonry mortar or breaking clay;
  3. Building level and plumb line;
  4. Grinder with a set of cutting wheels for metal and stone;
  5. Carpentry rulers, triangle.

In addition, you will need an entrenching tool, buckets and a container for mixing concrete, buckets for cleaning excavated soil and a set of carpentry tools for assembling the foundation formwork.

Necessary materials

To build the walls of a Russian stove, it is best to buy a ready-made mixture for laying fireplaces and wood stoves. The least critical part of the walls can be built on home-made cement-clay mortar. It is better to build the crucible, part of the pole, the ash pan and the mouth on a special mixture for fireclay bricks.

In addition, you will need:

  • Fireclay and red solid stone;
  • Sand, clay, asbestos fiber and cord;
  • Roofing material or any roll material for waterproofing on a fiberglass basis;
  • Steel wire, 15 m, annealed steel strips, 140 cm and 100 cm long;
  • Grate 38x25 cm;
  • Chimney valves, cast iron doors with a frame for a blower 25x14 cm, and a combustion chamber - 25x20 cm;
  • Cooking stove.

Particular attention is paid to the correct selection of clay. It is believed that it is possible to build a Russian stove only on very thin seams, no more than 6 mm, respectively, the clay solution must be very plastic and at the same time contain at least 30% sand in order to ensure resistance to cracking in extreme heat.

Brick selection

For the combustion chamber, first of all, fireclay SHA15 is required. Depending on the size of the furnace, 150-300 pieces will be needed to build the hottest part of the Russian stove. Chamotte needs to be bought only new, as they say, in polyethylene, it is best to take domestic material, attempts to build a firebox from Chinese or Turkish stone, as a rule, end in strong shrinkage and the formation of cracks in the vault.

The base of the Russian stove can be built of solid "iron ore" - yellow clay brick with purple veins. The material is highly durable and hard, but upon purchase it will be necessary to re-sort, since the brick is very different in size and the number of defects.

Red building brick of the M250 brand is used for laying out the main part of the base, the bed, the mouth and the overtube. It is better to build the walls and the face of the Russian stove from ordinary stone, and after 3-5 months of operation, the stove box is tiled with ceramic tiles.

A small stove will take at least 1500-1600 pieces of bricks and about 800 liters of clay-cement mortar, for a home and a large Russian stove, the cost of stone will be 2100-2200 and 2550 pieces. For masonry clay, the consumption will be 1200 liters and 1400 liters, respectively.

Foundation for the Russian stove

The best solution is to build a stove on a detached slab foundation. You can pour the slab under the box of the Russian stove even at the stage of arranging the strip base of the house, but in practice such a successful combination of circumstances is extremely rare. Most often, the foundation is required to be built with an already finished house.

To arrange the foundation in the floors, boards are removed, and between the logs and floor beams, a box of 200x150 mm timber is knocked down and cut into it. The size of the base of the Russian stove does not allow building a foundation without cutting the lagged beams, and the box will connect and strengthen the base of the floor and floors.

In the ground, a pit is torn off to a depth of at least 70-80 cm, covered with sand, waterproofing is laid and poured with rubble concrete. Before building the walls and the base of the Russian stove, the head of the foundation is coated with bitumen mastic, covered with roofing material and asbestos cardboard.

For a small oven, you can build a foundation on floor beams. Such a base is called a guardianship and is assembled in the form of a two-crowned log or log frame, most often in the form of a rectangular box. In the central part of the base, intermediate piles are driven into the ground, with which the beams are reinforced and at the same time keep the furnace from possible tilt. The free space is covered with rubble and laid with felt soaked in liquid clay. On the guardianship, you can build a Russian stove weighing up to 700-750 kg, all other options only on a slab foundation.

Mortar for masonry oven

For the construction of masonry, three types of solutions are used:

  • Refractory, refractory clay with sand and grated chamotte powder in a ratio of 1: 3;
  • Clean oily clay masonry mortar with ¼ part of very fine washed quarry sand;
  • Decorative mortar is used for facing bricks.

It is very difficult to build a Russian stove using one type of mortar, especially for a chimney and firebox, where both strength and heat resistance are required. Therefore, today even masters - stove-makers widely use ready-made fireplace mixtures of different plasticity and heat resistance. It is better to build the firebox, ash pan, intertube and chimney on fireclay mortar, the rest of the masonry bricks are laid out on clay mortar. It is best to take clay from the same quarry as the raw material for red brick.

The success of the event is 100% dependent on the selection of a good ratio or proportions of clay-sand, to build a furnace box only on a fireplace mixture, and even more so on a regular cement-sand mix, you shouldn't even try. The more complex the device of the Russian stove, the more often it is necessary to check and test the mixed clay solution.

Checking the quality of the clay taken

There are practically no reliable recipes or methods by which you can more or less confidently check the quality and properties of clay. But each master stove-maker has his own set of rules for testing clay for trial, which they will definitely use before building at least the first five rows of masonry.

Among the most well-known techniques for checking the prepared batch, the following can be mentioned:

  • Shovel test. A small piece, the size of an egg, is crushed by hand and slapped with force on a bayonet shovel. The tool is exposed to the sun, but so that the rays do not fall on the clay. If after an hour the "biscuit" has not fallen off, there are no cracks, then you can try to build the first three rows of the base of the furnace from the solution;
  • Bending test. Instead of a clay ball, they knead a sausage, as in the photo. If, after a little drying to tack, the flagellum can be bent into an arc without cracking, then the clay is quite fat and plastic, it is possible to build the most critical elements of a Russian stove from it, for example, an arched vault or an overtube.

Experienced stove-makers are able to determine the quality of the mud by touch. Laying is carried out only on fresh masonry material, an hour after kneading the clay, as they say, is aging. Therefore, the masters, before laying out a row or building a brick dressing, always use their hand to grind the mortar. If the mixture of clay and sand has become too hard, the batch is sent by an apprentice for interruption.

For amateur stove-makers, it may be advisable not to try to copy the quirks of the old masters, but to use the experience of potters. Before building the first row of masonry, clay without sand is kneaded for a very long time, first with a shovel, then with a trowel, and finally - by hand, gradually adding sand. As a result, the nature of the clay changes, the material becomes very plastic and stretchy, like liquid rubber. The work is very hard, but such a recipe allows you to get a cool solution, from which you can build anything, from a tandoor to a Russian stove. Lime and salt are not used in the formation of the batch.

Masonry of the Russian stove

The principle of laying bricks is in many ways similar to the assembly of a children's designer. Pre-check the actual shrinkage of the seam under load. To do this, you need to build a column of 5-7 bricks on freshly prepared mortar. The seam should not shrink more than 2 mm. The optimum seam thickness is 5-6 mm. Before building at least the base of the Russian stove, the masonry is recruited from dry bricks, the binding of the corners is trimmed and adjusted, the places for laying the reinforcing mesh are leveled. Only after the final adjustment of the material can one proceed to laying on a mortar.

Ordering for masonry

It is possible to build a Russian stove without ordering, if there is a layout diagram or an accurate map of the location of the furnace channels. For amateur stove-makers, ordering helps not to get confused and to properly bandage the layers.

The first row is laid out directly on the primed waterproofing. To build a stove without hanging corners, start laying with three-quarter bricks at the corner joints of the base. The brick is cut with a wedge and laid, as in the diagram.

The above scheme for ligating the corners may seem too complicated, it would seem that you can build a corner with an ordinary poke, but this is only at first glance. With a corner, you can build the first row of guardians for small-sized mini-ovens with a sole of 100x120 cm. Practice shows that for medium and large ovens, the most reliable way to build a base is the method shown in the diagram. Sometimes the craftsmen even reinsure themselves and tie up neighboring bricks with annealed wire. 1-6 rows

In the second row, on a brick basis, the contours of the channels and clearing cavities are inserted, on the third row the walls of the entire box, cleansing and blower are brought out with dry bricks, you need to build a place for installing the blower door, secure with burnt steel wire rod.

On the fourth row, the walls of the hearth cavities of the Russian stove are displayed.

In the fifth row of brickwork, it is necessary to build the lining of the firebox of the winter furnace and lay the grate.

In the sixth row, walls and internal lintels are being erected, you need to build a support for installing a metal tank for hot water.

First arch

The design of the Russian stove can be significantly simplified, for example, the bottom or the stove under the firebox can be built in an arched way. In this case, there will be no tank in the structure, and the arch will be built of brick cut with a wedge along a pre-prepared frame.

The arched vault is used for large combustion chambers in classic Russian stoves. It is difficult to construct a flat, almost one meter wide firebox ceiling. It is necessary to lay steel corners or increase the thickness of the arch by 2-3 times. In addition, laying bricks with an arch allows you to build a vault that is not afraid of overheating and strong soot.

In simple stoves with a hot water boiler and a firebox under the hob, it is easiest to build a base in the form of a flat surface.

7-10 rows of masonry

When laying the seventh row, you need to cut a groove in the brick with the help of a grinder and build a seat for installing a grate for the hob. The doors of the stove and small firebox are installed on the next two rows.

On the 10th row, a brick is laid under or the floor of the combustion chamber, it remains to build the walls of the furnace and return chimney ducts.


Part of the hearth and hearth is filled with dry hardened sand, it works as a thermal insulator, and at the same time compensates for the temperature stresses arising from the uneven heating of the furnace walls. You can build a Russian stove without bedding, in this case fireclay material is used instead of red brick.

11-17 rows

On the 11th row, a steel corner or pipe is laid on the edge of the front side of the oven, to which the hob will be attached.

Starting from the 12th row, the combustion chamber body is laid out of fireclay. On the hole located to the left of the cooking iron, you need to build a chimney body. Laying subsequent rows forms the walls of the combustion chamber and the mouth.

Throat, bend, mouth, crucible

In the 17th row of masonry, the walls of the crucible narrow and go to the vault. The chimney tube expands in cross section, the back wall is tightened and fixed with steel straps. Next, you need to build the bend and mouth of the Russian oven.

18 and up

After laying out the 17th row, you need to solve the problem of how to build an arched vault of the combustion chamber. Traditionally, the arch is assembled from fireclay bricks on a wooden frame.

A pre-laid brick edging along the perimeter makes it possible to support the edge blocks of the arch and hold the entire structure until the masonry mortar has completely set.

On the 19th and 20th rows, the construction of walls continues, the mouth and mouth of the furnace are finally formed. The remaining space between the arch and the side walls is filled with crushed overheated clay with clean sand.

On the 22-24th rows, the overtube vault narrows, a ventilation flap and a door to the chimney are installed.


Further, from the 25th to the 30th row, you need to build the body of the bypass channel from the overtube into the chimney cavity, because of the additional four rows, the height of the Russian stove increases to almost 2.5 m.It remains to build a node for the passage of the roofing pie and lay the pipe on required height above the roof of the house.

If you plan to build a Russian stove with a stove and a hot water tank, the height of the chimney pipe should be at least 5 m from the first row to the cut. The section cannot be increased arbitrarily, which is sometimes practiced by craftsmen to improve traction. In this case, it is better to build a chimney with a stainless steel liner pipe, this option is much easier to clean from soot and does not allow condensation to form.

Drying the laid out stove

Before building a chimney, the Russian stove is subject to revision and preliminary drying. It is necessary to find all the cracks and places with the squeezed out solution in the seams, they are rubbed with skinny clay with asbestos fiber. Unlike a fireplace or a Dutch woman, in a Russian stove the heavy brick chimney is displaced towards the mouth or, as in the case of the Teplushka described above, generally displaced by an angle.

The weight of the pipe is more than a hundred kilograms, so the craftsmen try to build a Russian stove with short masonry, no more than three or four rows a day. Most of the time is spent sanding and plastering the inner channels of the oven. The mouth and overtube are not plastered, but sanded with wet sand to achieve the smoothest possible surface. During the time spent on finishing the channels and parts of the furnace, the brickwork has time to dry out thoroughly at normal air temperature.

By the time a chimney is to be built, the Russian stove must be completely finished, dried and ready for use. To once again make sure that the selected section for the chimney is correct, a three-meter tin pipe is put on the outlet, and the furnace itself is fumigated with smoke from a mixture of raw sawdust and dry straw. By how easily the smoke goes into the tin, the parameters of the section and the height of the chimney, which still needs to be built, are specified.

Trial furnace

After the work with the furnace is finally completed, a test or drying furnace must be carried out before finishing or commissioning. To disperse a cold stove, fresh smoldering coals are collected to the top in a small iron pot and put into the furnace. Straw with grass is laid on top and chips and dry grass are added as it burns out.

It turns out a small fire from low-calorie fuel, after 1.5-2 hours you can load a bucket of real birch coals into the furnace and let them burn out and cool down together with the stove. Sometimes craftsmen prefer to build a hut from a torch, and by how the fire burns, they determine how efficiently fresh air enters the firebox.

Even professional stove-makers rarely manage to build a Russian stove without mistakes and the slightest remarks, therefore traces of smoke and soot from the first fire help determine where to cut the brick, and where to add the thickness of the stone, for example, build a smoother transition from the overtube to the high, or make the mouth higher ovens.

Safety measures when starting to operate a Russian stove

Using a Russian stove requires care and attention. Even if a master stove-maker undertook to build a furnace box, this does not mean that it becomes guaranteed to be safe in operation.

First of all, you need to be careful every time you open the mouth of the furnace, in addition to a stream of smoke, hot coals can fly out of the furnace and even a flame can blaze. Therefore, before building a Russian stove, you should make a small rearrangement in the room so that the release of coals and hot air does not lead to the ignition of wooden and fabric objects.

For the first couple of months, a safety path needs to be built around the Russian stove. For this, sheets of galvanized metal are laid along the walls on the floor, after which they are covered with dry sand. If a crack forms in the walls, embers and shards of red-hot bricks will fall onto the sand and cause no harm.

DIY Russian mini oven

A real Russian stove has always been very large. On the one hand, it was necessary to build a furnace of sufficient size to heat the house even in the most severe frosts, on the other hand, the oven itself was most of the home environment, this is how life was arranged.

For a modern private house, it is quite possible to build a Russian stove in a mini-version, with a base size of 100x130 cm. Such a crumb can be squeezed into a summer kitchen or built on an open veranda. There are more than enough options, and most importantly, the weight of the brick box will hardly exceed 600 kg, so there is no need to spend money on building a separate slab foundation. It is enough to install two piles or lay a more massive bar with a section of 200x150 mm in the base of the wooden floor.

The classic version of the Russian mini-stove

Over the past half century, several different versions of the Russian mini-oven have been developed by enthusiasts. Many of them were built and tested in practice. Most owners plan to build a mini oven for a specific utility purpose. It is clear that no one will try to build a Russian mini-stove in the classic version, for example, for organizing heating and heating in a house. The possibilities of a reduced copy for these purposes are clearly not enough. But as a tool for gastronomic experiments, the stove remains unrivaled.

For example, a classic version of a Russian mini-oven with a disproportionately enlarged crucible and a maximally widened mouth is used for very quick drying of fruits and vegetables, cooking baked dairy products, and baking bread. Many connoisseurs of Italian cuisine decide to build a Russian mini-oven for baking wood-fired pizza, Italian cheese and chicken pies and yeast bread - focaccio.

The main charm of the Russian baking oven is that almost anyone who owns a trowel and knows the basics of brickwork can build it.

Diagram of a classic mini oven

Of course, before building even a miniature version of the Russian stove, you need to make a small foundation. If wooden floors are installed in the room or in the gazebo, then a small concrete slab must be poured under the base.

The next step is to build a guardianship from red brick.

Similarly, you need to build the walls and arch of the combustion chamber.

The vault is filled with sand, after which the front wall, mouth, stem and overtube are formed.

A very simple scheme, there are no curves of channels and multilevel transitions that drive the amateur stove-makers crazy. You can build a mini-oven for baking in 3-4 days of stress-free work. More complex versions of the Russian mini-oven can be built with your own hands in 10-12 days with an 8-hour working day.

Ordering of the Russian mini-oven "Housekeeper"

The desire to build a universal version of the Russian stove makes amateur stove-makers experiment with might and main with the possibility of installing additional furnace devices. Among heating specialists, the most successful universal option, which has good efficiency and at the same time small size, is considered to be a mini-furnace developed by I.S. Podgorodnikov under the working title "Housekeeper".

To understand how difficult it is to build a mini-stove, just look at the detailed diagram - the order.

In order to build a mini-oven with dimensions of 100x150 cm, you will need to lay 33-34 rows of bricks.

In the first row, it is important to immediately correctly bandage the brick laid along the perimeter of the base, it depends on how strong the binding of the walls to the foundation will turn out. From the second to the fifth rows, it is necessary to build the blower channels for the crucible and the auxiliary firebox.

On the sixth row, the firebox chambers are covered with grates. When working from the seventh to the ninth rows, you need to build the walls of the main firebox, after which they proceed to the construction of the chamber bottom. When laying from the tenth to the twelfth rows, the channels are closed, a cast-iron cooking plate is installed, then the walls of the furnace and the arched vault of the main combustion chamber must be built. The fifteenth and sixteenth rows complete the bunch of walls with internal partitions.

To build an overtube, a steel corner 30x30 mm is laid on the seventeenth row, along which a hailo and a transition to the base of the chimney will be formed in the future. From the sixteenth to the eighteenth row, an arched vault of the furnace must be built. The vault is filled with backfill, further rows cover the sky with double bricks.

When laying the remaining rows, from 20 to 25, ventilation ducts are formed connecting the overtube and the outlet of the auxiliary firebox with the common intake of the main chimney pipe.

According to experts, the prefabricated unit of smoke channels is the weakest and most vulnerable point of the Russian mini-stove, but there is no other way to build it. All other schemes are either too heavy and cumbersome, or too weak. Often, it is in this place that the base of the chimney breaks, cracks appear, due to which the draft falls, soot and smoke is thrown into the room, the stove begins to smoke.

Option with a hot water box

In one of the latest modifications of the "Housekeeper", the craftsmen propose to build a flue gas prefabricated unit from thick-walled coaxial pipes made of stainless steel. The idea is not new. Such inserts are widely used in the manufacture of sauna stoves. On the basis of the tubular structure, it is possible to build a hot water tank.

The stainless steel insert simultaneously performs three functions:

  • Plays the role of a patch that prevents the leakage of flue gases into the room;
  • Reduces heat load on the chimney;
  • Collects coal soot if low quality wood is used.

The dimensions of the space in the chimney pipe are relatively small, therefore it is not possible to build and install a container with a large supply of water.

If it is necessary to build a mini-oven with a 20-30 liter water tank, then a niche is made in the sidewall of the oven wall for installing a rectangular tank. At the stage from the 5th to the 8th masonry rows next to the main firebox, a cavity is laid out into which the container is embedded. So that the walls of the tank do not come into contact with the flame and do not burn out, you need to build a separate channel for combustion products and fence off the container with a partition. Sometimes, instead of a tank, craftsmen build in a stainless steel coil, through which you can heat the water without the risk of the expanded metal of the hot container piercing the brickwork. The same coil can be used if you need to build a moonshine still to produce distilled water.

DIY brick oven repair

It is almost impossible to build a furnace that does not require maintenance and periodic repairs. Sometimes the situation with the stove is simply blatant, for example, they plan to build a combustion chamber for light firewood, and during operation they prefer to heat it with coal. Sometimes the Russian stove is split in an attempt to quickly warm up the room, frozen in the frost, loading the combustion chamber with fuel, like a fireplace. In any case, it is much more difficult to repair a Russian stove than to build one, so craftsmen are always advised to move the brick case, for them it is easier than messing around with finding and solving a problem.

Lack of traction

It is believed that the first and main condition for the successful operation of a Russian stove is the presence of a stable draft. If you build a chimney with cross-over channels in the overtube according to all the rules of stove science, then the draft above the mouth of the stove will always be, even if the firebox has not been used for a long time.

There may be several reasons why there is no normal removal of combustion products:

  • Overgrowth of soot in the transition channels and the coldest part of the chimney;
  • Use of substandard or unusable fuel;
  • The appearance of hidden or obvious cracks in the masonry of the upper rims, through which air is sucked from the room into the chimney.

Most often, the owners blame the craftsmen who were entrusted with building the oven. Even if you build a stove according to the most complex scheme, with a large number of chimney channels, their presence practically does not affect the operation of the firebox, but cracks in the walls of the chimney, lack of insulation, or incorrect outlet of the pipe on the roof can cause reverse draft.

First of all, you need to make sure that there are no cracks on the furnace body, most often the outer surface of the walls is whitewashed with lime, and most of the defects are well manifested by black smudges.

The problem of a "lazy" chimney is solved in several ways, for example, you can insulate the pipe with high quality and clean it more or less regularly. For low chimneys of a large cross-section, it is imperative to build a soot or chimney tooth, which collects most of the dirt and debris that has got into the chimney.

The next step is to clean the firebox and soot. Before building a stove, you need to think about how to clean the channels, especially bends and dead ends, where the bulk of debris and soot is deposited. Over the summer, a large amount of cobwebs can collect in the pipe, leaves and small twigs fall through which it is very difficult for air to break through.

The most desperate owners, instead of building an inspection window with a valve, prefer to clean the pipe with a torch and even pouring and burning a small amount of gasoline or natural gas. A strong shock wave in the chimney, even if you build a swivel elbow, knocks out all the dirt and soot back into the firebox of the Russian stove, so the method does not always give the expected result.

You can try to restore traction by burning a small amount of coal briquette on the hob. After about half an hour or an hour, the chimney will warm up, and the stove will work in the required mode.

Cleaning the Russian stove

It is clear that the quality of the used firewood or briquette greatly affects the operation of the oven. If you heat with birch wood, which gives heat and a minimum of soot, then you have to clean the stove no more than once a year. To facilitate the work, windows or doors must be built on the cross-pipe and fireboxes through which you can remove the remnants of mineral ash from the grates, sweep out sand and crumbled clay.

Some experts recommend building an exhaust fan on the pipe, with which you can simplify the ignition of the stove, the electric blower also helps when cleaning the channels of the Russian stove - fine dust and dirt are mostly blown out through the chimney.

Strengthening the frame of the Russian stove

One of the most difficult problems that one has to face during operation is the subsidence of the walls of the Russian stove on a weak foundation. There are two ways to strengthen the stone box:

  • Disassemble part of the masonry, lay fittings and a corner under the bottom of the furnace chamber, build an internal frame that tightens the walls;
  • Build the outer tensioning band from steel straps and reinforcement.

The second option is quite possible to implement with your own hands, since you do not need to beat the brickwork and fill up the cracks with repair mortar. In both cases, the steel bands are connected into a bandage using threaded rods, nuts and spring washers welded to them.

Strengthening and replacing the combustion door

Problems with the firebox, as a rule, arise when trying to build a firebox that is too hot. Due to the suction of air through the gap, the hot metal burns intensively and corrodes, even in spite of the heat-resistant paint. Over time, the wire and door frame fade, the design must be changed.

To replace, the frame is cut into two parts with a grinder, the wire is cut from the inside and all parts are pulled out of the opening. To prevent the flame from hitting the door, you need to build a barrier in front of the opening, for example, lay a whole fireclay brick on the edge. To install a new door, the frame is pulled on a piece of stainless steel wire and the cracks are filled with an asbestos cord, and then with fresh repair mortar.

Replacing the hob

Many customers, before building a Russian stove with a hob, take a long time and carefully select a cast-iron stove on which "quick" dishes will be cooked. On the market, you can buy a standard slab made of Chinese cast iron or domestic refined material. But that's not it. Modern slabs are too thin and easily burst on impact. Often, a Chinese cooker bursts even from falling bricks, they did not have time to build a stove, how it needs to be repaired.

It is possible, as the masters advise, to build a stove hob from cast iron grates, but in this case the efficiency of the firebox drops by 10-15%.

Before building a Russian stove, it is best to find an old hob from the 1950s with a set of rings. The quality of the cast iron is very high, so the slab is not cut or polished; it is necessary to build the size of the mouth and the furnace shaft to match the dimensions of the cast iron.

Replacing the stove in the oven is simple - the old cast iron is cut with a grinder, split and knocked out of the niche. Next, the support groove is cut to the size of the new plate and the part is placed in place. The ends and seams are rubbed with chamotte clay.

Replacing the grate

In order to properly replace the grates, first of all, it is necessary to remove the old parts and understand the reasons why the thick cast-iron gratings burned out or cracked. The main reason for the failure of the grate is considered non-compliance with the construction technology or the use of coal mixed with crushed stone or rock.

If built according to all the canons, the grates in the oven can last 30-40 years. To install a cast-iron grate, a support niche is cut out in the size of the grate in chamotte or brick masonry, plus a 3-4 mm thermal gap. If you build the firebox in a different way, then the grate can split the brick or, most often, crack. If you use dirty coal as fuel, individual stones get stuck between the grate bars and, when heated, can splinter the part.

As a rule, the dimensions of the grate and the door of the firebox of the Russian stove are selected in such a way that the cast-iron grate, unfolded diagonally, freely passes through the opening of the frame. In this case, the damaged element is simply replaced with a new one. If the niche of the firebox had to be built larger than the size of the opening, then the grate is assembled from two halves connected by wire.

Sealing cracks and cracks

Cracking in masonry is considered to be the most common defect. Even if you try to build a stove with a weekly exposure of every 3-4 laid rows, there is still no guarantee that the masonry mortar will not crumble and the brick will not crack. The nature of the behavior of the material can only be known by a stove-maker, who happened to build several dozen stoves from the same clay and brick.

The crumbling seam can be repaired with skinny clay, crushed and soaked in water. The damaged area in the oven masonry is cleaned of clay residues and sprayed with water. The clay, crushed into a long cord, is laid in a joint and pressed tightly into the free space with a wooden stick.

If the depth of the defect is more than 5 cm, then the seam is treated with a mixture of lean clay, sand and horse manure. The laying is hammered in two steps, with intermediate cold drying for 10 hours. Cracks in the bricks are sealed with a purchased mixture, most often with masonry mortar for fireplaces, in other words, fireclay mortar.

Replacing bricks in the masonry of the Russian stove

Large thermal stresses in the walls of a Russian stove often lead to deformation and even destruction of individual elements of the masonry. A brick with a crack is rubbed with clay and lime, the material with a collapsed front or butt surface must be replaced.

To do this, a thin chisel knocks out the mortar from the seams and removes the bricks. The replacement material is the same as for the entire oven. As a rule, in order to build a stove, bricks are purchased with a 5-7% margin of the estimated amount. The brick is cut with a wedge and hammered into the mortar with a wooden mallet.

There is only one reason for the destruction of the brick - the poor quality of the material. Earlier, in order to build a Russian stove, heavy red bricks with a stamp were purchased. And the Russian stove could stand for a hundred years, without any fireclay. Today, building a box of branded bricks is not a guarantee, the material can crack even at the first furnace.

Replacement and repair of tiles

A normal situation is when the cladding can stand for 20-30 years without repair or replacement. Individual cracks are rubbed with lime or sealed with liquid glass. If the material is planted on the walls in an adhesive solution, the tiles are soaked in water and carefully removed. The replacement is carried out in the same way as in the case of bricks.

If the customer was trying to build a furnace lining on steel wire, then a whole row has to be removed, from corner to corner. To build the cladding, it is necessary to repair the wire fasteners on the walls of the oven and stretch the wire along the entire row. Further, sequentially tying each tile to a metal mustache, restore the row with the damaged area. It will take at least four hours of working time to build one row of cladding.

Replacing the pre-furnace sheet

A simple device in the form of a thin metal or cast iron sheet is used to block incandescent pieces of ash and coals that have fallen out of the furnace. It is possible to build a classic Russian stove without protection, since the space at the exit from the firebox is reliably blocked by the mouth and the pole. If the stove does not have a hob, then the exit can be covered with a sheet of roofing steel. This makes it easier to remove the ash when cleaning the furnace.

More complex furnaces, "Teplushka" and "Housekeeping", must be built with pre-furnace plates, since the additional combustion chamber is separated from the room by only a thin door. They simply change the sheet, turn out the old fasteners, rub the holes from the self-tapping screws with mineral glue and attach a new piece of iron along the holes.

Furnace repair

The crucible, or combustion chamber of the furnace has always been and remains the most intense and loaded element of the Russian stove. It cannot be built in another way, because of the constant heating processes - cooling, the walls of the Russian red brick stove lose masonry mortar, they can crack or even lose individual blocks.

Chamotte was not used in the classic Russian stove; it was enough to build a chamber of hardened bricks with a high content of "fired" or alumina clay. The huge size allowed the stove-maker to climb inside and determine the place that had to be repaired or rebuilt. If the matter concerned the walls of the furnace, then it was possible to do with replacing the bricks, the vault had to be dismantled and rebuilt.

In modern Russian stoves, repairs can only be done by professional stove-makers, and even then, most of them prefer to move the stove, build the firebox anew.

Repair of the hearth, overlapping in the Russian oven

Under or the bottom of the combustion chamber, especially the area adjacent to the rear wall of the furnace, was heated the most. An oblique firewood burning platform had to be built next to a relatively cold ledge for a cast iron or food pot. If you try to heat the stove with coal, especially in winter or after a long period of inactivity, a crack appears in the bottom. Many stove-makers try to build a two-piece underframe, and the joint between the hot and cold parts is filled with mineral crumb-backfill.

To repair a furnace with a monolithic hearth, it is necessary to disassemble the masonry from the back and completely reposition the base of the chamber.

Overlap repair is performed in approximately the same way. Most often, under load, the overlap surface is pressed into the chamber, in this case it is necessary to remove the plaster, brick and level the sand and clay screed. Damage to the ceiling can be effectively prevented by building a stove bench with a wooden shield knocked out of oak planks.

Repair of the chimney of the Russian stove

A drop in draft and smoke in the room are the first signs indicating the fact that things are not going as well with the chimney of the Russian stove as we would like. Simply put, the chimney began to crumble. Depending on the degree of damage, the masonry can be repaired, or the chimney will have to be rebuilt. If the owners had the wisdom to build a channel from high-quality bricks, then it makes sense to fight for its health and normal operation.

The first step is to find the place of damage. Often, the owners, in order to simplify the process of lighting up a cold Russian stove, try to build a pipe with an increased cross-section, with a brick wall thickness of up to 120 mm. It turns out to be an incredibly heavy structure, this is not entirely correct. Such errors appear if, for example, a master who builds fireplaces tries to build a Russian stove. This is where a chimney is required, like a blast furnace, when the fireplace is in operation, most of the heat escapes into the chimney. For a Russian stove, it is best to build a stainless steel chimney with a section of 180 mm, carefully insulate with basalt wool and overlay with red brick M250.

The desire to build a chimney for a Russian stove, "like in a book", leads to the fact that the section of the brick pipe from the stove body to the first cutting just crumbles and cracks, the brick crumbles and falls out. In this case, the pipe is sheathed with a steel bandage and hung on supports. The masonry section with damaged brick located below is disassembled and cleaned, then you need to build or shift the entire row of the pipe contour.

Sometimes, due to freezing condensate or atmospheric moisture, brick crumbles at the top of the chimney. It is better to disassemble the damaged section of the pipe of the Russian stove and completely shift it. If the owners did not have enough funds to build a protective casing made of metal, then after the repair it is necessary to install a protective visor, treat the brick walls with a solution of liquid glass.

Replacing the lining in the Russian stove

It is difficult to build modern Russian furnaces without the use of fireclay lining of the combustion chamber. First, the dimensions have changed: instead of a huge brick colossus weighing more than a ton, the customers prefer to build a Russian stove in a reduced design. The amount of fuel burned remains the same, and the size of the firebox is almost four times smaller. It is believed that an almost eternal firebox can be built from chamotte or dinas. This is not entirely true. Parts of the lining that come into contact with the cold air flow will burst and chip away.

If the crack is small, then one brick from a row can be replaced. In case of complete destruction or the appearance of a long chain crack, the lining of the Russian stove must be disassembled and a new masonry must be rebuilt. Most often, for this it is necessary to disassemble part of the front wall, the mouth and the overtube of the Russian stove. To make it easier to lay the brick in the firebox, before installation, you need to build the lining dry, without mortar, in an open area, adjust it to size, and only then send it to the crucible of the Russian stove.

How to decorate a Russian stove in the house

The Russian stove cannot be treated as a simple stove. Many stove-makers say that before planning and building the stove box, you have to select the optimal location so that the massive brick building does not interfere with the tenants, does not bump into it when walking and does not touch with clothes or body parts. It is best to build a Russian stove in the corner, so that the main heating side is directed to the center of the room or to the front door.

The second question that must be resolved before building a brick box is related to the design and decoration of the walls. There are many options, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Methods for whitewashing the oven

Treating the walls with a lime solution helped to effectively dry the surface of the brickwork. It was not always possible to build a Russian stove so that soot, fumes and smoke did not appear through defects in the seams and cracks, so the whitewash helped to mask black spots.

If the Russian stove had to be built in a corner, the whitewash with lime served as a kind of indicator of the state of the wall in remote nooks. When a microcrack appeared, the lime instantly turned yellow under the influence of the deadly carbon monoxide and let the owners know that they needed to take action before they burned out. A Russian stove with lime whitewash can be built even in a dugout, lime completely kills dampness and soil odors.

For whitewashing, use a roller or brush. Salt and liquid soap are added to the lime solution. You need to whitewash the Russian stove twice a year, at the end and beginning of winter.

Plastering and painting of the Russian stove

No matter how hard the craftsmen tried to build the Russian stove neatly and beautifully, ideally to bring out the plane of the walls, the brickwork, especially after the chimney shrank, always remained with small humps.

Modern facing brick allows you to build a box of a Russian stove, as they say, as in the picture. In the simplest case, the brick is primed, sheathed with steel mesh and plastered. Cement-sand plaster with the addition of a small amount of lime makes it possible to build the ideal geometry of the walls of a Russian stove. Again, so that the plaster does not turn black under the influence of heat, the stains from the masonry mortar do not come out, salt is added to the mixture.

Such a box can be tiled, glazed or simply painted with acrylic paint without any problems.

Lime plaster perfectly heals the room, especially in cases where the house is built on soil with a high level of soil water.

Decorating the Russian stove with tiles

The pinnacle of design thought in the decoration of the Russian stove is considered to be wall decoration with tiles. Many artists argue that the Russian stove needs to be built only in order to create a rich color in the room of an old hand-painted painting on fired clay.

The tiles have a serious drawback - the complexity of laying, in order to build a cladding from painted clay tiles, you will need to manually adjust each tile on the wall of a Russian stove. The cheapest cast tiles can be made by hand. To build the simplest heating surface of a Russian stove, it is enough to hammer fasteners into the walls and hang the tiles on hooks made of chopped steel wire.

The fashion for red brick in the interior of a dwelling is safely leaving, most of the owners want not only to build a Russian stove, but to make it as similar as possible to the classic design options of the late 19th century.

In addition to improving the appearance, tiles have a purely practical application. Thanks to the air gap between the brickwork and the clay body of the tile, it is possible to build a surface that will never be scalding hot and dry out the air in the room. Surprisingly, heat dissipation only increases.

Decorating the Russian stove with tiles

Instead of very expensive tiles, the price of which can go up to several hundred rubles apiece, the outer cladding can be successfully built from wall tiles. Heat transfer will remain high enough, as with tiles, but the surface will heat up to a very high temperature under 70-80 o C.

You can build a cladding for a Russian stove from several types of tiles:

  • Porcelain stoneware tiles. Excellent appearance, dense structure, with the help of porcelain stoneware, you can build an almost sealed casing for a Russian stove, make brickwork safer;
  • Majolica, a tile with a hand-painted surface, turns out very beautifully, but it will cost more to build a facing of a Russian stove from majolica than finishing with tiles;
  • Terracotta clay and mosaic tiles. Both options are considered the easiest to install. The smaller the tiles, the easier it is to build a surface with your own hands that will look perfectly flat.

The tiles are glued to the walls using heat-resistant glue, if you need to revet a Russian stove with expensive majolica, then it is better not to experiment, but to use a proprietary material for brick stoves, for example, SCANMIX Skanfixsuper. A cheaper cladding can be built on the basis of Plitonite for fireplaces or the inexpensive SILTEK T-84.

Russian stove in a stylish interior

The design of the appearance of the Russian stove has always been and remains the most pressing issue in communication between a designer and a stove-maker who undertook to build a stove. It is clear that it is much easier to come up with a decor and design for a Russian stove than to build and implement what was conceived in practice. Most craftsmen are hostile to innovations, so a lot has to be thought out and redone before the master managed to build a new element of the brick box.

Russian style

It is difficult to build a Russian stove without using its main advantages: a huge body, a massive pipe and a spacious stove bench. Most often, the Russian style is associated with the plastered and whitewashed body of the stove, on which there are shelves, items of national dishes, there are cast iron pots, a poker and a shovel for placing bread in the furnace.

The rustic style is easiest to build in a house from a bar or log. In a more modern interior, a huge stove will only be annoying, so it makes sense to build a mini-stove in the same Russian style.

It is clear that the stove and stove of the stove are used only as a decorative element and a place for storing various attributes, from a lamp to pots of herbs. Such a stove can be easily built from drywall or OSB boards. Formally, it turns out that everything that we see as a Russian stove is in fact only kitchen furniture.

A more modern image of a Russian stove can be built on the basis of decoration with tiles or painted tiles.

Country oven

To decorate a Russian country-style stove, it is not enough to build a solid stove, you will need to pick up a whole arsenal of items and attributes. To achieve a lasting Russian country-style stove experience, among other things, the stove only needs to be built live.

This means that the working capacity of the Russian stove itself remains the main style-forming element in the spirit of country. Country style is always functionality and simplicity. It is necessary to build a workable stove, the smell of firewood and birch coals, baked bread and simple products will become the main decorative elements for the Russian stove.

For a real rustic style, it is best to build a classic version of the stove with huge beds or even a warm trestle bed, the obligatory finishing with leveling plaster and whitewashing or painting with white acrylic enamel.

If desired, a country, rural style based on a Russian stove can be built in any more or less renovated room. It is enough to get rid of everything related to modern technology and build an interior using stove utensils and dishes. Any decorative utensils, pots, iron pots, tacks and spatulas for baking bread will only add realism.

Provence style Russian stove

A more modern image of the Russian stove can be built on the basis of the Provence style. It is a kind of mixture of provincialism with classic, albeit slightly outdated forms of decoration and design.

In the simplest case, a Russian Provence stove is trimmed with tiles or painted tiles. When decorating a style and choosing an interior, it is usually recommended to build a stove in the corner of the room. This arrangement is considered one of the most practical, although in the 18th-19th centuries, huge Russian stoves decorated with tiles were often built in chambers and in the center of the room.

It is quite difficult to build a Russian stove in a modern interior, with wallpaper and a suspended ceiling. The stove is best combined with wooden utensils, lining walls, ceilings and floors with an original wood pattern. If the design of the house allows, then the decoration of one of the walls adjacent to the stove can be built from facing red bricks.

Lined with simple two-tone tiles, the Russian stove looks much sleeker and lighter. This mini oven can be built in a dining room or kitchen as a functional addition to a gas or electric stove.

In addition to tiles and tiles, the Russian stove has always looked good with terracotta or natural stone in a warm color. Such a stove can be built in the yard or near the entrance to the basement, since there is enough space.

High tech

It seems impossible to build a full-fledged Russian stove, while preserving all its functions and capabilities, and at the same time combine an archaic type building with a modern high-tech interior. Too different objects.

In practice, the problem is solved in two ways. Firstly, the brick body and firebox elements can be hidden under the additional anodized aluminum cladding. Metal, like no other material, allows you to build a modern interior in combination with any structures. Due to the high thermal conductivity of the metal, it is possible to control the heating of the room and even build cold and hot zones in the kitchen or dining room. At the same time, the Russian stove does not lose its functionality and efficiency, the firebox will remain as hot as possible during the day, and a cool atmosphere will remain in the kitchen.

The Russian stove, even built in a mini - factor, always took up a lot of space. To build a rather big brick box inside the kitchen, you have to sacrifice the utility room next to the kitchen. Most of the body had to be placed in a niche, and only the front wall of the Russian stove exited into the kitchen.

Alternatively, a mini-oven can be built as an addition to the furniture wall, dividing a huge studio conditionally into two sectors - a kitchen and a recreation area. In this design, the stove turns out to be hidden behind the furniture trim, and the end location of the mouth and firebox only increases the comfort of handling an unsafe crucible. In this way, it is possible to solve two problems at once - to build and hide the stove in the modern interior of the studio and at the same time provide effective heating in the cold season.

The minimalism of the Russian stove

The Russian stove can be built as an element of expensive decoration of the room, and, if necessary, artificially simplified and aged to the requirements of the minimalist style. For example, you can build a Russian stove without any additional attributes and details in the center of the living room, finished with polished wood. Nothing superfluous, but such a stove looks quite stylish and beautiful.

With the massive box of the Russian stove, you can efficiently fill a central space in a large room that is usually empty. If the ceilings are higher than three meters, it is best to build a classic Russian stove, as in the photo. In addition to filling the interior, the stove is capable of solving very real problems with heating or cooking.

A small stove in a minimalist style can be separated from the kitchen, taken out to a free area of ​​the room, thereby building a warm sector for children to relax and play. According to this scheme, there is no longer any need to build a separate warm floor or heated floors for a winter country house. The tiled walls make the handling of the Russian stove as safe as possible, and the small dimensions of the body allow you to build a box in almost any convenient place in the building.

In small rooms, especially chopped huts, log and frame houses, building a stove according to the Russian scheme means completely solving the kitchen problem. Masonry can be plastered or manually coated with greasy clay. After such finishing, the stove is perceived as a real artifact of history. You can build a peasant mini oven for a country house in just a week.


Modern stoves, created on the basis of the Russian scheme, can be very different, be more functional and easier to use. But, oddly enough, this does not make them the leaders in demand. Before building a Russian oven, the future owner goes through a huge number of options, from pizza ovens to huge oven complexes with barbecue and hot showers. For many years now, the classic Russian scheme with a built-in stove has remained the leader among stoves for the home, its efficiency today is almost 80%, and this is a lot by modern standards, even for modern technology.