Pies from the fairy tale geese swans. Fairy tale "Geese-swans": a story about a sister and a brother

Russian fairy tales are useful for learning the native language, developing a vivid imagination in children and for soothing reading at night. WITH beautiful pictures from recognized folk masters, the narration becomes even more vivid, exciting and memorable.

Black lacquer miniature from the village of Kholui clearly demonstrates how geese-robbers carry away little boy to the lair of the evil Baba Yaga. Needlewomen from Fedoskino with high level craftsmanship painted caskets, which clearly depicted the hard peasant labor and their modest canvas clothes.

Only with original illustrations and works by artists from the village of Mstera, children's books become truly interesting and remain in memory for many years to come. Heroes from children's literature serve as role models, and it is worth getting to know their adventures in a fairy tale better:

Simple peasants are the parents of the main characters. As befits the villagers, they worked tirelessly. The whole day from morning until late at night they worked in the field, and on Sundays they went to church or went by cart to the city for gifts.

sister - a little girl 7-8 years old. A cheerful and playful girl, who was reluctant to look after her brother, but when trouble happened and the geese took the baby away, she boldly rushed to his rescue.

Brother - boy 3-4 years old. He played on the grass and did not notice how the white swans took him to the lair of the evil witch.

Sister's helpers river , stove And apple tree . They rescued the girl well and hid her and her brother from the swan hunters under their covers.

Baba Yaga - a forest witch who feeds on human flesh. She conceived the kids in the bath to evaporate, fry in the oven and eat, only the little mouse warned the children, and they ran away from the evil sorceress in time.

Swan geese - servants of Baba Yaga. Enchanted birds that flew around villages and villages and brought small children to the witch for dinner.

The courage and perseverance of the main character of the tale are worthy of imitation. Few girls dare to do such an act and go into the forest to help out sibling. Many wild animals are waiting for the kids in the forest and you need to show real courage to face the real witch, the guardian of the world of the dead, Baba Yaga herself.

For children and their parents to spend time together

Russian folk tale "Geese-swans" with colorful drawings is intended for children and for joint reading in the family circle. Large font and easy narration will help to learn letters, new words and develop a good memory in little curious listeners.

Fairy tale recommended reading in kindergartens and schools, as well as primordially Russian literature for studying national history and Russian language. A light fairy tale is perfect for staging exciting performances in amateur children's theaters.

Every child should know the tale of the evil thieving geese so that they never leave their little brothers and sisters on the street unattended!


There lived one family: father, mother, and two children, a daughter and a little son.

"Daughter! mother said. “We’ll go to work, bring you presents, be smart, take care of your brother, don’t leave the yard.”

The parents left, and the daughter put her brother on the grass under the window, and she ran out into the street, played, took a walk, forgot what she was ordered to.

Geese swans flew from the sky, picked up the boy on their wings and carried him away.
His sister came from the street, looking - there is no brother! I've looked here and there - nowhere!

She called him and cried, and she lamented how bad it would be from her father and mother, but the brother did not respond! The girl ran into the field and in the distance saw how the swan geese disappeared behind the dark forest. And for a long time there was a rumor about them that these birds played pranks a lot and stole small children.

The girl thought that it was they and her brother that had been carried away, and rushed after them in pursuit. She ran, she ran, there is a stove on the road.

- “Stove, stove, tell me where did the swan geese fly?”

- "Eat my rye pie, then I'll tell you."

- “Oh, my father doesn’t eat wheat, but you offer me rye!”

The stove was offended and did not say where the swan geese flew.

- “Apple tree, apple tree, tell me where the geese flew to?”

- "Eat my forest apple, then I'll tell you."

- “Oh, my father doesn’t even eat garden ones, but you offer me forest food!”

The apple tree was offended and did not say where the swan geese flew.

- “Milk river, jelly banks, tell me where did the geese fly?”

- "Drink my simple jelly with milk, then I'll tell you."

- “Oh, my father doesn’t even eat cream, but you offer me a simple jelly!”

The river was offended and did not say where the swan geese flew.

And for a long time the girl would run in search, but, fortunately, she met a hedgehog on the road; she wanted to push him, but she was afraid of the needles. The girl asks:

- “Hedgehog, hedgehog, did you see where the geese flew?”

- "That's it!" - and indicated the direction.

She ran there - there was a hut on chicken legs, a baba-yaga was sitting in the hut, and her brother was on a bench, playing with golden apples. His sister saw him, crept up, grabbed him and carried him away; and the geese fly after her; villains will catch up, where to go?

A milk river flows, jelly banks.

- "Mother river, hide us!"

- "Drink my jelly!" There was nothing to do, I had to drink, then the river put her and her brother under the bank, and the geese did not notice the children, they flew past.

A girl came out with her brother, said: “Thank you!” and again runs home with the little one; and the geese returned, flying towards. What to do? Trouble!

There is an apple tree on the way.

- "Apple tree, apple tree, hide us!"

- "Eat my forest apple!" The girl quickly ate the apple, and the tree and her brother covered it with twigs, covered it with leaves; meanwhile, the swan geese did not notice the children, they flew past.

The brother and sister came out and ran again, and the swan geese saw them - and they were chasing them; they completely fly in, they beat with their wings, and just look - they will snatch their little brother out of their hands!

Luckily, there was a stove along the way.

- “Madame stove, hide us!”

- "Eat my rye pie!"

The little girl quickly put the pie in her mouth, and herself in the oven, sat down at the mouth. Geese-swans flew, flew, shouted, shouted and flew away with nothing.

And the children ran home, and it’s good that they managed to run, and then both father and mother returned.

Did the child fall asleep?

The Russian folk tale "Geese Swans" is over, if the child has not fallen asleep, we recommend reading a few more tales.

- Daughter, - said the mother, - we will go to work, take care of your brother? Don't leave the yard, be smart - we'll buy you a handkerchief.
The father and mother left, and the daughter forgot what she was ordered to: she put her brother on the grass under the window, she ran out into the street, played, went on a spree. Geese-swans flew in, picked up the boy, carried away on wings.

The girl returned, looking - there is no brother! Gasped, rushed back and forth - no! She called him, burst into tears, lamented that it would be bad from her father and mother, - the brother did not respond.
She ran out into an open field and only saw: geese-swans darted in the distance and disappeared behind dark forest.

Then she guessed that they had taken away her brother: there had long been a bad reputation about swan geese - that they were fooling around, they carried away small children.

She ran, she ran, she saw - there was a stove.
- Stove, stove, tell me, where did the swan geese fly?
The stove replies:
- Eat my rye pie - I will say.
- I'll eat a rye pie! My father doesn't even eat wheat...

The girl ran on. A milky river flows in the jelly banks.
- Milk river, jelly banks, where did the swan geese fly?
- Eat my simple jelly with milk - I will say.
- My father doesn’t even eat cream ...

For a long time she ran through the fields, through the forests. The day is drawing to a close, there is nothing to do - you have to go home. Suddenly he sees - there is a hut on a chicken leg, about one window, it turns around itself.

In the hut the old Baba Yaga is spinning a tow. And a brother sits on a bench, plays with silver apples. The girl entered the hut:
- Hello, grandma!
- Hello, girl! Why did it show up?
- I walked through the mosses, through the swamps, soaked my dress, came to warm up.

Sit down while spinning the tow. Baba Yaga gave her a spindle, and she left.

There lived a man and a woman. They had a daughter and a little son.

Daughter, - said the mother, - we will go to work, take care of your brother! Don't leave the yard, be smart - we'll buy you a handkerchief.

The father and mother left, and the daughter forgot what she was ordered to: she put her brother on the grass under the window, she ran out into the street, played, took a walk.

Geese-swans flew in, picked up the boy, carried away on wings.

The girl returned, looking - there is no brother! Gasped, rushed back and forth - no!

She called him, burst into tears, lamented that it would be bad from her father and mother, - the brother did not respond.

She ran out into an open field and only saw: geese-swans rushed in the distance and disappeared behind a dark forest. Then she guessed that they had taken away her brother: there had long been a bad reputation about swan geese - that they were fooling around, they carried away small children. The girl rushed to catch up with them. She ran, she ran, she saw - there was a stove.

Stove, stove, tell me, where did the swan geese fly?

The stove replies:

Eat my rye pie - I'll tell you.

I will eat rye pie! My father doesn’t even eat wheat…

Apple tree, apple tree, tell me, where did the swan geese fly?

Eat my forest apple - I'll tell you.

At my father’s, even garden ones are not eaten ...

Milk river, jelly banks, where did the swan geese fly?

Eat my simple jelly with milk - I'll tell you.

My father doesn't even eat cream...

For a long time she ran through the fields, through the forests. The day is drawing to a close, there is nothing to do - you have to go home. Suddenly he sees - there is a hut on a chicken leg, about one window, it turns around itself.

In the hut the old Baba Yaga is spinning a tow. And a brother sits on a bench, plays with silver apples.

The girl entered the hut:

Hello grandma!

Hello girl! Why did it show up?

I walked through the mosses, through the swamps, soaked my dress, came to warm up.

Sit down while spinning the tow.

Baba Yaga gave her a spindle, and she left. The girl is spinning - suddenly a mouse runs out from under the stove and says to her:

Girl, girl, give me porridge, I'll tell you kindly.

The girl gave her porridge, the mouse said to her:

Baba Yaga went to heat the bathhouse. She will wash you, boil you, put you in the oven, fry and eat you, she will ride on your bones.

The girl sits neither alive nor dead, crying, and the mouse again to her:

Don't wait, take your brother, run, and I'll spin the tow for you.

The girl took her brother and ran. And Baba Yaga will come to the window and ask:

Girl, are you spinning?

The mouse answers her:

I'm spinning, grandma...

Baba Yaga heated the bathhouse and went after the girl. And there is no one in the hut. Baba Yaga screamed:

Swan geese! Fly in pursuit! Brother's sister took away! ..

My sister and brother ran to the milky river. He sees - flying swan geese.

River, mother, hide me!

Eat my simple kiselka.

The girl ate and said thank you. The river hid her under the jelly bank.

The girl and her brother ran again. And the swan geese have returned, are flying towards, are about to see. What to do? Trouble! An apple tree stands...

Apple tree, mother, hide me!

Eat my forest apple.

The girl quickly ate and said thank you. The apple tree covered it with branches, covered it with sheets.

Geese-swans did not see, they flew by.

The girl ran again. Runs, runs, it's not far away. Then the swan geese saw her, cackled - they swoop in, beat their wings, look at that brother, they will tear it out of their hands.

The girl ran to the stove:

Stove, mother, hide me!

Eat my rye pie.

The girl rather - a pie in her mouth, and herself with her brother - in the oven, sat down in the stoma.

Geese-swans flew, flew, shouted, shouted, and flew away to Baba Yaga with nothing.

The girl said thank you to the oven and ran home with her brother.

And then my father and mother came.

Russian folk tales

Russian folktale about how insidious geese and swans kidnapped the little brother of the main character, but she was not afraid, found him and returned to her home, hiding from the chase of angry birds. Running away from geese and swans, she managed to refresh herself with pies, apples, bit off a little from the jelly coast and washed it all down from the milky river. Everything ended well - the brother was saved, the sister was happy and full and would not be punished, the swan geese were left with nothing.


Well, either a man or a woman. They had a daughter and a little son.

Daughter, - said the mother, - we will go to work, take care of your brother. Don't leave the yard, be smart - we'll buy you a handkerchief.

The father and mother left, and the daughter forgot what she was ordered to: she put her brother on the grass under the window, and she ran out into the street for a walk. Geese-swans flew in, picked up the boy, carried away on wings.

The girl returned, looks - but there is no brother! Gasped, rushed to look for him, back and forth - nowhere! She called him, burst into tears, lamented that it would be bad from her father and mother, - the brother did not respond.

She ran out into an open field and only saw: geese-swans rushed in the distance and disappeared behind a dark forest. Then she guessed that they had taken away her brother: there had long been a bad reputation about swan geese that they carried away small children.

The girl rushed to catch up with them. She ran, she ran, she saw - there was a stove.
- Stove, stove, tell me, where did the swan geese fly?
The stove replies:
- Eat my rye pie - I will say.
- I'll eat a rye pie! My father doesn't even eat wheat...

The stove didn't tell her. The girl ran on - there is an apple tree.
- Apple tree, apple tree, tell me, where did the swan geese fly?
- Eat my forest apple - I will say.
“My father doesn’t even eat garden ones ... The apple tree didn’t tell her. The girl ran on. A milky river flows in the jelly banks.

Milk river, jelly banks, where did the swan geese fly?
- Eat my simple jelly with milk - I will say.
- My father does not even eat cream ... For a long time she ran through the fields, through the forests. The day was drawing to a close, there was nothing to do - we had to go home. Suddenly he sees - there is a hut on a chicken leg, with one window, it turns around itself.

In the hut the old Baba Yaga is spinning a tow. And a brother sits on a bench, plays with silver apples. The girl entered the hut:

Hello grandma!
- Hello, girl! Why did it show up?
- I walked through the mosses, through the swamps, soaked my dress, came to warm up.
- Sit down while spinning the tow. Baba Yaga gave her a spindle, and she left. The girl is spinning - suddenly a mouse runs out from under the stove and says to her:
- Girl, girl, give me porridge, I'll tell you kindly.

The girl gave her porridge, the mouse said to her:

Baba Yaga went to heat the bathhouse. She will wash you, evaporate you, put you in the oven, fry and eat you, she will ride on your bones. The girl sits neither alive nor dead, crying, and the mouse again to her:
- Do not wait, take your brother, run, and I will spin the tow for you.

The girl took her brother and ran. And Baba Yaga will come to the window and ask:
- Girl, are you spinning?

The mouse answers her:
- I'm spinning, grandmother ... Baba Yaga heated the bath and went after the girl. And there is no one in the hut.

Baba Yaga screamed:
- Swan geese! Fly in pursuit! Brother's sister took away! ..

My sister and brother ran to the milky river. He sees - flying swan geese.

River, mother, hide me!
- Eat my simple pudding.

The girl ate and said thank you. The river hid her under the jelly bank.

Geese-swans did not see, they flew by. The girl and her brother ran again. And the geese-swans came back to meet, they will see it any moment. What to do? Trouble! There is an apple tree...

Apple tree, mother, hide me!
- Eat my forest apple. The girl quickly ate and said thank you. The apple tree covered it with branches, covered it with sheets.

Geese-swans did not see, they flew by. The girl ran again. Runs, runs, it's not far away. Then the swan geese saw her, cackled - they swoop in, beat with their wings, look at that brother, they will tear it out of their hands. The girl ran to the stove:

Stove, mother, hide me!
- Eat my rye pie.

The girl is more like a pie in her mouth, and she herself and her brother in the oven, sat down in the stoma.