Vertograd prisoner - Anna Sharipova. Prayer of the Mother of God in front of her icon, (icon of the Mother of God “Prisoned Vertograd”) Mother of God, Prisoner Vertograd

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The meaning of the word vertograd

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Dictionary of medical terms

Vertograd (historical; Church Slavonic garden")

Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Dal Vladimir


m. church. garden, esp. fruity; vineyard; vertigrade, garden; heli-grader m. gardener.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


Vertograd, m. (church and book obsolete). Garden, vineyard. Look into your helicopter city: the daffodil has already blossomed there. A. Maikov.

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.



  • Vertograd Nauk is a scientific institution.
In painting
  • "Vertograd Prisoner" (1670s) - icon of the Virgin Mary by Nikita Pavlovets, now in the State Tretyakov Gallery.
In literature
  • “Vertograd multicolored” (1676-1680) - a collection of poetry by Simeon of Polotsk.
  • Vertograd Cool (late 17th century) - a healer's book in manuscript; a medical book translated by Simeon Polovtsev from Polish for Princess Sofia. Full title: “The book of the verb Vertograd Cool, selected from many sages about various medical things that are destined for the health of people.”
  • “My Sister’s Vertograd” (1825) - poem by A. S. Pushkin, adaptation of the translation of the biblical “Song of Songs” by King Solomon (-16)
  • “Vertograd” (1909) - a poem by Konstantin Balmont from the collection “Green Vertograd”.

Examples of the use of the word vertograd in literature.

I have always been told that in the Netherlands you heard enough of the Anabaptist preachers - those boars tearing apart vertograd, but a priest who is good enough for me and my house should be respected by all who serve me.

He cultivated a low-market fruit plot of a tenth of a hectare, tiny vertograd, baked in Ashtarak's stone-grape pie, and was expelled from the collective farm as an extra eater.

But if it is so, I think to myself that he doesn’t know the devil, because he couldn’t have released Mr. Clinker then, but he released him and didn’t look at the stone walls, iron bolts and double locks, but There is no greater enemy of the old demon than Mr. Clinker, who is a diligent worker in Vertograd Lord

It is not known whether Karpov looked into the Svetitskhoveli Cathedral, but he was not only a St. Petersburg journalist, a dubious metropolitan thing, a hanger-on at a feast of the celestials, but also a mysterious, multi-layered, opaque, all sorts of Russian man, he was not surprised, did not recoil, accepted the question as due, although, perhaps, from the wrong end, and he made a flowery answer in response: - With a humble and meek spirit, Jesus reveals the kindness of his eyes and sweet vertograd divine mercy.

It was neither in my mind, nor in my mind, to guess, not to unravel, so that my pet, the one who was once the golden crown of the princess’s tower, the apple of her eye, from whom the boyar’s children, stewards, Peter himself, to whom I was preparing to hand over the keys, were torn with envy Vygovsky Vertograd.

But you, who scribble to cross out, Know: Peter and Paul, vertograd saving, destroyed by You, they died, but the essence.

In this beautiful land, the Lord planted a hundred times beautiful vertograd And he commanded the fertile soil to grow wondrous trees, which can especially delight the sense of smell, sight, and taste.

Nino, truly a great adornment to the Orthodox Church and a fair amount of praise to the people of Iberia, who enlightened the entire Georgian country with Divine teaching and the feats of apostleship, who defeated the enemy of our salvation, who planted here with her labor and prayers vertograd Christ and growing it into many fruits.

Vladimir, the destroyer Vertograd God, this wolf, stealing the best sheep of our flock, greatly pressed the general Stefan in Chersonesos.

One of our light hellands visited the very shore, and the shipmen saw there many Russian warriors, destroyers Vertograd of God.

Or, to formulate the same question differently: what else needs to be done by a historically educated person, a fanatic of the process, floating in the stream of formation and already choked in it, in order to reap the harvest of disgust, this most precious fruit Vertograd The Lord's?

The abbot, as if forgetting himself, is like a city without wars, a fortress without strategists, a dish without seasonings, a refectory without dishes, without herbs Vertograd, a meadow without inflorescences, a tree without foliage.

But Dimitri Angel, a poet and church builder, came to share my loneliness, verified his majestic plans, showed drawings of beautiful white and pink buildings that he wanted to realize in stone, or read me his poems about a rose that blossomed in the dewy morning Vertograd, about the fleeting running of a deer, about the busy creaking of carts on a village road, about the smell of freshly baked bread, about the tart taste of wine, about the laughter of tanned women - and I was ready to thank heaven that I was given the opportunity to taste the joys and sufferings of life.

For what, in essence, does it require from workers in Vertograd Is this evil call addressed to them from the Lord?

Alas, in this anti-parable about Vertograd he acts not so much as the creator, but as his rapist.

In recent days, all my access to the Internet brings me back to the thought of the Garden and the “Song of Songs” of King Solomon. Since such circling occurs, I considered it necessary to do some research on the topic. The starting point for a conscious search in this direction was the discovery of such a remarkable and, in a certain sense, unique icon “Vertograd Prisoner” by Nikita Pavlovets.

Here she is. And some enlarged fragments of it:

"In the icon, the Mother of God in regal robes made of heavy brocade with golden flowers with the Child in her arms is depicted standing in the garden. Two flying angels support a crown above Her head. This “coronation” indicates borrowing from Western models. In the context of the images, “hortus conclusus” coronation The Mother of God was depicted, for example, in the indicated work by M. Schongauer.

The garden is rectangular, enclosed by a low golden balustrade and planted with regular rows of herbs and flowers, mainly tulips and carnations. The same flowers stand in vases at the corners of the fence and by the pond. The display of paradise conveys not so much the artist’s impression of the royal and boyar regular gardens that actually existed in Rus' at that time, but rather the idea of ​​the comfortable, well-groomed and orderly nature of the garden of paradise, fenced off in the icon from the “wild” hilly landscape. The strictly regular layout of the Garden of Eden was one of the many properties attributed to paradise, and was especially emphasized, for example, in the vision of Blessed Andrei the Fool (Cheti Menaion, October 2), which says: “These beautiful gardens stood there in rows, like a regiment stands against a regiment.” .

It is interesting that the depicted garden is not enclosed by a fence - the balustrade has only three walls, and in the foreground the function of a barrier is performed by the depicted body of water, a pond that separates the garden from the viewer. Perhaps this reflects one of the many medieval ideas, according to which paradise is separated from the rest of the world by a river, a certain body of water that is difficult to overcome. At the same time, the Mother of God stands on a semicircular ledge, as if above a pond, she is close to the lower edge of the icon, to those ahead. This projection is associated with the similarly shaped projection of the solea in the temple, just as the small rectangular platforms on the sides of the center correspond to the steps leading to the side doors of the altar.

"S.S. Averintsev pointed out the equivalence of concepts associated with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe structure of paradise. Thus, the Slavic grad meant both “city” and “garden”; the name of the garden, vineyard Vertograd also contains the idea of ​​enclosure. That is why these images overlap on each other, inside the holy city a garden appears on icons, frescoes and miniatures. Both ideas were extremely popular in literature" (ibid.).

“The source for the iconography of the composition “The Prisoner’s Heights,” which was especially popular in Western European medieval art under the name hortus conclusus, is the biblical Song of Songs, or rather its following verses: “The locked garden is my sister, my bride, the imprisoned well, the sealed spring: your nurseries - a garden with pomegranate apples, with excellent fruits, keeper with backgammon, spikenard and saffron, calamus and cinnamon with all kinds of fragrant trees, myrrh and scarlet with all kinds of the best aromas. "(Song 4: 12-15)" (http://

The compositions under the general name hortus conclusus (or Madonna in the “rose garden”; rose garden) also include the magnificent work of the Italian master Stefano da Verona (otherwise Stefano da Zevio; ca. 1375-1451) “Madonna in the Arbor of Roses” ( early 15th century; Castelvecchio Museum, Verona; tempera on wood).

A few fragments:

The icon “Vertograd Prisoner” by the famous icon painter of the Armory Chamber of the second half of the 17th century, Nikita Pavlovets, was created approximately in 1670. This work of icon painting is kept today in the State Tretyakov Gallery and occupies a special place in the history of icon painting. “Prisoner's Vertograd” is a unique masterpiece, and its uniqueness lies in the special artistic style of iconography, which has been very little studied to date.

The image has a special meaning that cannot be overestimated. In fact, at present this is the only known icon of the Mother of God “Vertograd Prisoner”, which is celebrated (old style) on March 14 in accordance with the church calendar. There is a possibility that the icon was repeated several times, but none of its repetitions - lists - have survived to this day. The miraculous icons “Vertograd Prisoner” are mentioned in the works of E. Poselyanin, S. Mokhovikov and D. Rovinsky, but none of the authors provides their descriptions, which would allow us to assert or at least assume that a certain tradition of icon painting took place.

The composition of the icon “Vertograd Prisoner” is based on the biblical Song of Songs. Western European literature associated the images of the garden and the bride from the Song of Songs with the Mother of God. Based on such ideas, Latin allegories of the garden appeared, which were found in the 13th–14th centuries, as a rule, in festive sermons associated with the veneration of the Virgin Mary.

Many literary monuments testify to how popular the theme of the vertograd was - a fenced garden, which is directly related to the concept of “Mary’s garden” and the symbolism of the Mother of God. The origin of this theme in the painting of Western Europe is still unknown, but it has gained particular popularity since the beginning of the 15th century.

Probably, the composition of the icon “Prisoner Vertograd” and its essence are based on Western European artistic models, but none of the authors copies the painting of the Last Judgment, which is also called “Prisoner Vertograd”. The Pavlovets icon is a new and unique phenomenon, which has no analogues in ancient Russian art.

In the icon “Vertograd Prisoner”, the Mother of God, dressed in regal robes of heavy brocade, decorated with golden flowers, stands in the garden, holding the Baby in her arms. Above her head is a crown held by two flying angels. This “coronation” speaks of some kind of borrowing from examples of Western art.

The garden is depicted in the shape of a quadrangle and is enclosed by a golden balustrade. The garden itself is planted with herbs and rows of flowers, mainly carnations and tulips. The same flowers are placed in vases standing next to the pond and in the corners of the fence. Paradise is depicted by the icon painter in accordance with his impressions of the real gardens of that era, which belonged to the boyars or kings. The master sought to convey a feeling of well-groomed, orderly, comfortable garden of Eden, which is fenced off from the “wild” landscape with hills. It is noteworthy that the fence surrounding the garden is not closed, but encloses it on three sides. On the fourth side, the function of a fence is performed by a pond.

"The Prisoner of the Helix", without a specific source, depicts paradise using complex allegorical language. However, this work is not an allegorical painting, but first of all a great Orthodox icon.

Before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Prisoner of Vertograd” they pray for the loved ones of the deceased, for peace of mind after adversity.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos before Her icon “Prisoned Vertograd”

Undefiled, Unblessed, Imperishable, Most Pure Mother of God, Immaculate Lady, Heavenly Queen, Mother of the King of the highest powers, Creator of heaven and earth, one joyful Intercessor to the whole world, who gave birth to our Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior of all on earth! I cry out to You, falling down: accept this prayer song of thanksgiving from Your unworthy servant and from my vile lips, do not despise me, O All-Possessed Queen. For no one who came to You was quickly put to shame, or whoever called on You was not heard from You; for all the elements, heaven and earth, air and sea, obey You, and all the opposing souls tremble with fear, fearing Your holy name, leading You, Mother of God. Who again placed hope in Your death? Those who are sweeping aside worship Your written image, which all the powers of heaven honor, and all the tribes of the earth, the Christian race and every age of the faithful, we worship with glorification, Most Pure One, with reverent reverence. We are not imams of any other God than Your Son, with the Father ever and the Holy Spirit, in the One Divinity, glorified and worshiped from all creation, and we confess to You, according to the Lord God, Lady Theotokos, our true God, Mother, and kindly honor all, Lady. Make Thy Son merciful to us, and moreover, show me Thy usual mercy, as much as you can: pray for me, for I have departed from Him for my countless and nasty iniquities, and have only angered His mercy, and have grieved His philanthropic kindness and much more. mercy and mercy, as I am not worthy of being pardoned by Him, unless You propitiate Him for me, the Lady Queen and Mother of God, as all things are possible for You from Him. For this reason, I resort to You, the warmest Helper and the quickest Intercessor, for I am not an Imam other than You as an Intercessor to Him. To her, the Queen, my Lady, the Most Pure Lady Theotokos, I have no other highest thing on earth and in heaven, like You according to my Lord God Jesus Christ, and in You all my hope is imam, Most Pure Virgin. At the same time, looking at Your most holy image, as if I behold the true Theotokos Herself, falling with heartfelt faith and love from the soul, I bow to You with the Eternal Child held in Your hand, our Lord Jesus Christ, with Godly reverence, and offering prayer songs and prayers to Thee, I am horrified, and I tremble for my unworthiness, and cry out to You: have mercy on me, Mother of God, and show me Your ancient mercy to the wretched. As sometimes in ancient times, by Your omnipotent leadership, You saved Your reigning city from the Scythian governor, the beast-like, crafty boar, the representative of demons, the proud Khagan*, and You drowned the darkness of the army with the raging sea, crying out and attacking Your city; and again, from the sky the rain of burning Kamyks, the darkness of ships in the shaving sea boiled; and now, one Mother of God, one Thou art who still exist, show Thy philanthropic intercession on me. Defeat the invisible armies of Satan, who have captivated my spiritual city, and who have wounded my reigning soul in it with the arrow of iniquity, and who have cut me all with the swords of fornication, and who have perforated my sinful spear; for you left me barely alive, and in the ditch of sin you locked me in insensibility, and imposed a petrification of my heart, as if I was barely felt, unable to free myself from the enslavement of those. But I call to You the Mother of my Lord with sobs of tears: come to my aid quickly, so that I do not completely perish, snatch me from the hands of those, and rescue me from the sinful city, again build up my spiritual city, and make the ruler of the mind in it, and reign over Strengthen everyone’s feelings, show the enemy unapproachable and terrible; let everyone know that I am supported by You. Saving, save, O Lady Virgin, my soul, just as You sometimes saved Your city, trusting in You, for glory and intercession of the faithful, for the shame of the wicked, and forever for their endless torment, for greatness and praise from generation to generation of the faithful Christian family. Moreover, I preach Your help loudly, and remembering the terrible voivodeship of Your great intercession, I will inscribe to you the chosen victorious voivode your servant, the Mother of God, and I offer this prayer akathist thanksgiving: accept it, and bring it to your Son and God, and about me, the Queen, with the heavenly howls and from the faces of all the saints, offer Him. On the day of judgment, do not forget me, and my unworthy prayer, and my faith, which is in You, and remember all my hope placed in You. Comfort the offended me, and alleviate bodily embitterment, but consume mental illness and bodily passions first of all through Your invisible intercession and intercession. May I be able to pass the path of this short-lived life kindly and without stumbling, and I will receive its eternal goodness, and I will glorify Your firm intercession, as you are blessed, with the Son and God born of You, now and to endless ages. Amen.

* Kagan - the name of the Khazar prince (from the Khazars).

We magnify You, Most Holy Virgin, and honor Your holy image, through which you heal our illnesses and raise our souls to God.

Celebration of the icon Vertograd Prisoner occurs: March 27 (March 14, old style).

What do they pray to the icon of Vertograd Prisoner: They pray for peace of mind after adversity, for loved ones of the deceased.

Icon Vertograd Prisoner

Prayer to the icon of the Mother of God Vertograd Prisoner

Undefiled, Unblessed, Imperishable, Most Pure Mother of God, Immaculate Lady, Heavenly Queen, Mother of the King of the highest powers, Creator of heaven and earth, one joyful Intercessor to the whole world, who gave birth to our Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior of all on earth! Falling down crying out to You: accept this prayer song of thanksgiving from Your unworthy naked servant and from my vile lips, do not despise me, O All-Posted Queen. For no one who comes to You is quickly put to shame, or whoever calls on You is not heard from You; for all the elements, heaven and earth, air and sea, obey You, and all the opposing souls tremble with fear, fearing Your holy name, leading You, Mother of God. Who again placed hope in Your death? The one who refuses to worship Your written image, which all the powers of heaven honor, and all the tribes of the earth, the Christian race and every age of the faithful, worship with glorification, the Most Pure One, with reverent reverence. We are not imams of any other God, except Your Son, with the Father ever and the Holy Spirit, in the One Divinity, from all creation glorified and worshiped, and to You, according to the Lord God, the Lady Theotokos we confess, our true God, Mother, and kindly honor all, Lady. Make Thy Son merciful to us, and moreover, show me Thy usual mercy, as much as you can: pray for me, for I have departed from Him for my countless and vile iniquities, and have angered His mercy, and have grieved His philanthropic goodness and many things. mercy and mercy, as I am not worthy of being pardoned by Him, unless You propitiate Him for me, the Lady Queen and Mother of God, as all things are possible for You from Him. For this reason, I resort to You, the warmest Helper and the quickest Intercessor, for I am not an Imam other than You as an Intercessor to Him. To her, the Queen, my Lady, the Most Pure Lady Theotokos, I have no other loftiness on earth and in heaven, like You according to my Lord God Jesus Christ, and in You all my hope is imam, Most Pure Virgin. At the same time, looking at Your most holy image, as if I behold the true Theotokos Herself, falling with heartfelt faith and love from the soul, I bow to You with the Eternal Child held in Your hand, our Lord Jesus Christ, with Godly reverence, and offering prayer songs and prayers to Thee, I am horrified, and I tremble for my unworthiness, and cry out to You: have mercy on me, Mother of God, and show me Your ancient mercy to the wretched. As sometimes in ancient times, with Your omnipotent leadership, You saved Your reigning city from the Scythian governor, the beast-shaped, bow-vago boar, the representative of demons, the proud Kogan, and the raging sea of ​​the dark army drowned You, crying out and attacking Your city; and again, from the sky, with the rain of burning Kamyks, the darkness of ships, shaving in the sea, you ignited; and now, one Mother of God, one Thou art who still exist, show Thy philanthropic intercession on me. Defeat the invisible army of Satan, who captivated my spiritual city, and wounded my reigning soul in it with the arrow of iniquity, and cut me all off with the swords of fornication, and perforated me with a sinful spear, leaving me barely alive; and in the ditch of sin you locked me in insensibility, and imposed a petrification of my heart, as if I was barely felt, unable to free myself from the enslavement of those. But I call to You the Mother of my Lord with sobs of tears: come to my aid quickly, so that I do not completely perish, snatch me from the hands of those, and rescue me from the sinful city, again build up my spiritual city, and make the ruler of the mind in it, and reign over Strengthen everyone’s feelings, show the enemy unapproachable and terrible; let everyone see that I am supported by You. Saving, save, O Lady Virgin, my soul, as You sometimes saved Your city, trusting in You, for glory and intercession of the faithful; to the shame of the wicked and forever to their endless torment; for the greatness and praise of the faithful Christian race. Moreover, I preach Your help loudly, and remembering Your great intercession, the terrible voivodeship, I will write to You, the chosen Voivode, victorious, Your servant, the Mother of God, and I offer this prayer service of thanksgiving, accept it, and bring it to Your Son and God, and for me, the Queen; and with the heavenly howls and with the faces of the saints, offer Him all. On the day of judgment, do not forget me, and my unworthy prayer, and my faith, which is in You, and remember all my hope placed in You. Calm the bitter me, and ease my bodily embitterment, but consume mental illness and bodily passions with Your invisible intercession and intercession. May I be able to pass the path of this short-lived life kindly and without stumbling, and I will receive its eternal goodness, and I will glorify Your firm intercession, as blessed are You, with the Son and God born of You, now and to endless ages. Amen.