Cook fish soup at home from a pike head. Pike soup - a simple recipe

If anyone in your family is an avid fisherman, then you have probably had to cook pike fish soup at home more than once. But there are some housewives who got their hands on this fish for the first time and they don’t know how to properly cook fish soup from it, which is usually called ukha. Today, in my recipe with photos, I will tell you step by step how to prepare delicious pike soup at home.

How to cook pike fish soup

I had fresh fish weighing approximately 500 grams.

We clean the pike. To do this, first remove the scales with a knife. When removing the scales, a lot of mucus is released and the fish becomes very slippery, so hold the fish tightly. After external cleaning, the entrails are removed and the head is cut off. To make the soup rich, the head is also boiled, but before putting it in boiling water, the gills must be removed. When cutting out the gills, be careful, as pike also have sharp spines on them, which can easily damage your hands. You can learn how to do this quickly and safely from the videos presented on the Internet. For example, from this.

When the fish is cleaned and gutted, cut it into portions 4-5 centimeters wide.

Place a pan with 1.5 liters of water on the fire and wait for it to boil. Place the pieces of fish in the pan, wait for the next boil and reduce the heat to medium. Salt the water. Cook the pike for 20 minutes.

Advice: In order for the broth to remain transparent, it is necessary that the fish in the pan does not boil too much, but rather simmers.

Don't forget to remove any foam that has formed.

Cut half a large onion, or one medium one, into small cubes.

Three carrots on a coarse grater. For beauty, I grated it on a Korean carrot grater.

Potatoes, 2 medium-sized pieces, peeled and cut into small cubes.

After the fish is cooked, remove it with a slotted spoon to a separate dish. This must be done carefully so that it does not fall apart.

I always strain the fish broth so that it is more transparent and there are no small bones left in it. I rinse the pan and pour the strained fish broth into it again. Since the water partially evaporated during the cooking of the pike, it is necessary to add clean water to the pan to the original amount.

Bring the broth to a boil and add the chopped vegetables. When preparing fish soup, the onions and carrots are not pre-fried.

The only spices we add are black peppercorns (5 pieces) and bay leaf.

We throw out the pike head. The meat can be left in whole pieces or cut into fillets.

Cook vegetables until soft, about 20 minutes.

Pieces of fish or fillets are placed on plates and filled with broth and vegetables. It would be very appropriate to sprinkle the pike with green onions.

Bon appetit!

Prepared according to this recipe with photo it turns out very tasty. If you cook it according to all the rules, the broth will remain clear and the fish will remain tender.

Ukha is one of the traditional first courses in Russian cuisine. It can be prepared with a wide variety of fish, but many believe that the most delicious is pike fish soup. In addition, pike meat is very healthy; it contains B vitamins, vitamin C, A, E, PP, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, iodine, sodium, zinc and many other elements. Pike meat is also a dietary product, so dishes prepared with this fish can be safely consumed by both children and those who watch the caloric content of their food.

From pike so that it turns out rich and aromatic? Firstly, the fish must be fresh (frozen will not give such aroma and taste), it is better if it is small. Secondly, you should not put too many spices in the soup, as they can interrupt the natural taste of the fish soup; salt should be added at the very beginning of cooking. Thirdly, the fish soup should be cooked in a container that does not lend itself to oxidation, over low heat, uncovered. By following these simple tips, you can easily decide on the answer to the question of pike or other fish, so that it turns out really tasty. As for the recipe itself, there are a huge number of them; I propose the simplest and most common among our housewives.

Pike soup

Ingredients: medium-sized pike (800-1000 g), one large or two small carrots, potatoes (4-6 pcs.), one onion, half a glass of parsley and basil, bay leaf, salt, ground pepper and peas, caraway seeds.

Preparation. We clean the fresh pike, rinse it and pull out the insides, remove the tail and, if desired, the head. If the ear is with the head, then remove the gills and eyes. Cut the fish into pieces, put it in a pan, fill it with cold water and put it on the fire. After boiling, turn the heat to low and add bay leaf, ground pepper, salt, and cumin to the pan. Boil for about 15 minutes. Remove the pike pieces into a separate bowl and strain the broth.

We take out the bones from the fish and cut it into portions. Peel the potatoes, cut them into cubes and add them to the strained broth. We clean the carrots, cut them into small strips (you can grate them on a coarse grater) and throw them in after the potatoes. Chop the onion and after 10 minutes place it in the pan. Immediately after the onions add thoroughly washed wheat grits. Finely chop the parsley and basil and throw it into the fish soup, and add the rest of the spices. Cook until all products are ready. Before the pike soup is ready, put pieces of fish into the pan. Let the dish sit for about 20 minutes, after which we pour it into portioned plates. Sprinkle with herbs on top.

This is the most commonly used of the pike. But there are a lot of options for preparing this dish; almost every housewife has her own secrets and tricks for preparing fish soup. Some people fry onions and carrots separately in a frying pan, adding butter, and only at the end of cooking they throw them into the fish soup. Others prefer to cook fish soup without adding any grains.

But the most delicious fish soup, undoubtedly, comes from freshly caught pike in nature. But even here there are little secrets, thanks to which pike soup, cooked on the river bank, will be rich and aromatic.

  1. Choose the right container in which to cook the soup. A cast iron casserole is ideal for this; its thick walls will prevent the broth from boiling. In such a container it will simmer, as a result of which the maximum amount of vitamins will remain in it, and the taste will be more intense.
  2. It is better to take several types of fish, then the taste of the broth will be richer.
  3. You should not oversaturate the dish with vegetables; as for cereals, it is better to avoid them altogether, so as not to interrupt the taste of the dish.
  4. If the fish soup is supposed to be double or triple, then the smallest fish from the catch is suitable for the first broth. It must be thrown alive in scales into a pot and boiled for an hour, after which the broth must be thoroughly strained. The resulting broth will be an excellent basis for fish soup.

Bon appetit!

Step-by-step recipes for rich pike fish soup: camp, classic, special and with brine

2017-11-13 Oleg Mikhailov





In 100 grams of the finished dish

5 gr.

1 gr.


2 gr.

33 kcal.

Option 1: Classic Russian soup made from pike heads

It is almost more difficult to get a large pike head than a sturgeon one. Fishermen make stuffed animals out of them and proudly display them. If you are lucky - one large head is enough even for a 5-liter pan, if you use small fish - don’t be upset, the fish will turn out no worse.


  • pike heads - 1 kilogram;
  • 700 gram pike carcass;
  • two onions;
  • 5 potatoes;
  • two tablespoons of breadcrumbs and vegetable oil;
  • young onion feathers and a bunch of parsley;
  • bay leaf, nutmeg powder, ground pepper, salt;
  • large lemon.

Step-by-step recipe for classic pike fish soup

We disassemble the separated head - remove the gills and eyes. The last action is controversial; there are cooks who claim that without eyes, the ear from pike heads will not be the same, but in practice, very often the broth is bitter. In the absence of experience, it is better to carefully remove the eyes and not use them.

We cut the fish carcass along the ridge and remove it and all the large bones, cut off the tail and fins, do not throw anything away! We wash the meat and heads, put it in a large saucepan or kettle, fill it with three and a half liters of spring or just very clean water.

After boiling, collect the floating foam, add bay leaf, parsley and one peeled onion, cover with a lid.

After boiling for ten minutes, we catch the meat and heads, quickly disassemble them, separating them from the bones while it’s hot. Cover the bowl with boiled fish with a plate.

Place a gauze bag with bones and fins into the boiling broth, set the heat to the “slowest” setting and cook for an hour, from the moment it boils again.

Peel and cut the second onion, carrots and potatoes the way you imagine these vegetables in your ear. You can simply cut it into cubes of the appropriate size.

We brown the vegetables in vegetable oil; we don’t use a lot of it, just enough so that the vegetable strips don’t burn when stirred occasionally.

Strain the finished broth through layers of gauze at least twice, heat it up again, add vegetables and breadcrumbs, add salt to taste, and cook for a quarter of an hour. Drop in the fish slices and turn off the heat after boiling. Pepper the finished fish soup, add nutmeg and add salt if necessary.

Squeeze half the lemon into the pan, stir the fish soup and pour into portions. Cut the second part of the lemon into slices and add to each serving. Serve the greens and slightly frozen sour cream, for extra thickness, separately.

Option 2: Quick camp fish soup from pike heads

Hiking means everything you need should be in your backpacks at a rest stop. Take a look at the list of products - that’s right, everything should be useful to a real fisherman. The gauze will be replaced by a bandage from the first aid kit, and we will get the fish ourselves!


  • large pike head, with a small layer of meat;
  • two crucian carp;
  • four small potatoes;
  • large carrots and a couple of small onions;
  • salt, bay leaf and pepper;
  • young green onion;
  • dessert spoon of sugar;
  • 40 milliliters of pure, high-quality vodka.

How to quickly cook fish soup from a pike head

We thoroughly wash the head before and after removing the gills and eyes. According to this recipe, the eyes are removed without fail.

Place a pot or pan of water on low heat, put the head in it, and cover with a lid. Before boiling, quickly gut and clean the crucian carp, remove the husks, and remove the entrails and gills. Rinse and lower into the boiling broth, along with them we put in a washed but unpeeled onion, which it is advisable to cut in half and tie in a piece of gauze.

Add a little salt to the boiling fish soup and add spices. Peel the potatoes and carrots, cut them into centimeter cubes, peel the second onion and leave it whole. From the fish soup, already slightly tinted with onion skins, we catch and throw away the bag with the onion, replacing it with a peeled one.

We time for about eight minutes, and at the end, remove all the fish and onions. We separate the meat from the head and put it back together with the vegetables. Cook, focusing on the potatoes; when they are ready, add sugar, pour in vodka, stir and sprinkle with chopped herbs, add salt if necessary.

Option 3: Pike head soup - “Guardian”

By slightly frying the fish according to this recipe, we will give the pike ear a completely original taste. In the old days, baked fish soup was served in high-class establishments, and pike fish soup was especially valued.


  • one medium-sized pike, weighing 400 grams;
  • 70 g potatoes;
  • each small carrot and onion;
  • two sprigs of parsley;
  • one egg;
  • spoon of flour;
  • “Peasant” oil - 25 grams;
  • spices, herbs and salt - to taste.

How to cook

We gut and cut the fish, remove the eyes from the head, cut off the fins and tail. Cut the pulp into slices two fingers wide.

Peel the potatoes, onions and carrots and cut them into even small cubes, chop the parsley and onion feathers.

Place all the vegetables, the head, fins and tail of the pike in salted boiling water, reduce the heat, and cook for 25 minutes under the lid. After straining the broth, add spices, salt, put in the fish chunks and head, and cook at low boil for 5 minutes.

Beat the egg with flour, catch the fish pieces, dip in the egg and fry a little in oil - bake. This process gave the name to the whole dish.

Return the fried fish to the broth for another five to seven minutes, then turn off the heat, sprinkle with herbs, and let it brew.

Option 4: Pike head soup with millet - “Special”

The recipe is special, which means there is something in it that you cannot find in ordinary soup. In our case, it is soy sauce - adding it not only changes the color of the pike fish soup, but also introduces a peculiar note of taste.


  • small fresh pike - 350 grams;
  • 80 grams of good millet;
  • three potatoes;
  • large salad onion and sweet carrot;
  • a dozen peppercorns, grind half of them in a mortar;
  • half a shot of vodka and the same amount of soy concentrate;
  • two bay leaves and a teaspoon of salt.

Step by step recipe

We clean the carcass of the selected pike, wash it, and cut it into portions. We remove the eyes and gills.

Peel the onion, leaving a little peel, and cut in half. Cut the washed and peeled carrots coarsely into 4-5 pieces. We wash the millet several times and leave it in the last water.

Fill the pike and prepared vegetables with two liters of cold water, put it on the stove and add large spices. Remove the heat from the surface of the boiling broth until it stops forming intensively.

We time it for a quarter of an hour, in the meantime we peel and coarsely chop the potatoes. At the end of the measured period of time, we catch all the products from the pan and filter the liquid.

Fill the fish slices, carrots and potatoes with broth and set to heat quickly. After 15 minutes from the start of boiling, drain the water from the millet, put the cereal in the ear and cook for exactly the same amount.

The products are ready, but the soup itself is not yet there - let’s embellish its taste by successively adding vodka, soy sauce and chopped herbs. Five minutes of warming up under the lid and the next half hour on the switched off stove is enough for our ear from a pike head to become “Special”.

Option 5: Unusual fish soup from a pike head in brine

Before freezing, fish heads are usually freed from the gills; the eyes also need to be removed and discarded. An unassembled product will not suit us; the ear will taste bitter. Please note that we don’t need a marinade with vinegar either; we need just a brine - spicy and tender.


  • two or three pike heads, possibly frozen;
  • sweet, medium-sized carrots;
  • three boiled potatoes;
  • a glass of brine - better than cucumber, but tomatoes are also suitable;
  • garlic from a jar of cucumbers or a fresh clove;
  • a bunch of delicate dill, bay leaf and a spoonful of peppercorns.

How to cook

Wash the fish and defrost if necessary. Cut in half, regardless of size.

Place the cold water on medium heat and slowly bring to a boil. Be sure to skim off all the foam as it forms. Pour the brine into the boiling broth, reduce the temperature and cook uncovered. After a quarter of an hour, add the garlic and cook for another 40 minutes in the same mode.

We cut the peeled vegetables into slices, cubes, strips - whatever your heart desires. Dip the vegetables into the broth, strained and reheated to a boil. After boiling, add spices, take a sample and add salt, cook until the potatoes are ready.

We taste it, making sure to let the broth cool in a spoon, add salt to taste, and sprinkle with chopped herbs. Remove the cooled meat from the bones and divide it into portions.

Pike fish soup is a traditional dish of Russian cuisine, which is still loved by many today. The simplest, but very aromatic and tasty fish soup is prepared both on a fishing trip and in an ordinary home kitchen. But in both cases you need to know certain rules for preparing this dish in order for it to turn out truly tasty.

Real fishermen believe that there should be nothing in the fish soup except fish, onions and carrots. It would seem - what could be simpler? However, the recipe for pike fish soup has many secrets, the main of which relate to the choice of fish, spices and cooking utensils.

How to choose and prepare fish correctly

For a delicious real fish soup, you should take fresh pike, ideally even live - this is what fish soup is made from when fishing, and it turns out the most delicious. However, at home, just fresh fish is enough. You shouldn’t take a frozen one - the fish soup will be neither tasty nor rich. Also give preference to small fish, they make a richer broth. And large fish can give the broth a muddy taste.

Also, for greater fat and bright taste, you can add other small fish, such as perch or ruff, to the broth.

So, choosing a fish:

  • Gut it thoroughly, clean it, and be sure to remove the gills and fins.
  • Then rinse the carcass under running water and cut the fish into small pieces.
  • If you are preparing fish soup using the fish's head, remove its eyes as well.

Selecting utensils for cooking

The ideal vessel for cooking fish soup from any fish is a large clay pot. However, in modern conditions it is not easy to find one and use it in an ordinary kitchen, so a cast iron cauldron would be a good alternative to a pot. You can also take any pan, as long as it is made of metal that does not oxidize. For example, a regular enameled one will do.

What spices are suitable for fish soup?

It is believed that if the fish is fresh, then no spices are needed other than salt. Especially if it is freshly caught, seasonings can drown out the delicate sweetish taste of the broth. However, if you want to enrich the taste of your fish soup, you can add black peppercorns and bay leaves to it. As for salt, it is better to add it to the soup at the very beginning of cooking.

This is the maximum seasoning that can be put in your ear. A larger amount will simply be inappropriate and will ruin the taste of the fish.

Classic recipe for pike soup

For classic pike fish soup you will need:

  • pike weighing about a kilogram;
  • 2 onions;
  • potatoes - 4 pieces;
  • 1 carrot;
  • a few peppercorns;
  • 4 bay leaves;
  • salt;
  • a bunch of any greenery.

The cooking algorithm is quite simple:

  1. Pour cold water into a saucepan and add pieces of fish, put on fire. Do not close the lid so that the broth turns out transparent and the unpleasant fishy smell disappears.
  2. When the contents of the pan boil, reduce the heat and add salt and spices to the water. Cook the soup for about a quarter of an hour.
  3. Then remove the fish pieces, strain the broth through a sieve or cheesecloth, remove all the bones and return the fish back to the pan. Continue cooking over low heat.
  4. Add potato pieces into the soup. Peel the carrots and place them whole or cut into pieces. After about ten minutes, add coarsely chopped onion to the soup and let the soup cook for another 7 minutes.

Then turn off the heat and let the soup brew for another half hour. To the table, add greens that have been previously finely chopped to each plate.

Soup in a slow cooker

A slow cooker is perfect for preparing fish soup, as it can maintain a constant low temperature, ideal for letting the soup steep and simmer.

To diversify the taste of the fish soup, you can move away from the classic recipe and add celery root to the soup for taste and tomato for color.

For pike fish soup in a slow cooker you will need:

  • kilogram of pike;
  • tomato;
  • celery root;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • one carrot and one onion;
  • half a teaspoon each of salt, sugar;
  • lavrushka

If all the ingredients are ready, then you can proceed:

  1. Place the fish carcass, peeled and cut into pieces, together with the head, into the multicooker bowl.
  2. Peel all vegetables and cut into cubes. Sprinkle them on top of the fish pieces. Add salt, sugar and bay leaves.
  3. Turn on the device in “Soup” mode for an hour. After 40 minutes from the start of the program, place the tomato and celery, cut into pieces, into the bowl.

When the program finishes cooking, leave the soup on the heat for another 10 minutes and serve the fish soup with fresh herbs.

Rich fish soup from the head and tail of a pike

If you prepare some other dish from pike, for example, a pie, then you will have “offcuts” left. Don’t rush to throw them away, because you will get an excellent fish soup from the pike’s head and tail! In addition, the soup can be supplemented with one or two more types of fish. This triple fish soup will be especially tasty. However, if you do not care about the presence of meat in the soup, but just need a good fat, then one head and tail will cope with the task. Use the remaining ingredients the same as for regular ear.

  • If you are making soup solely from heads and tails, then place them in water, as in the traditional recipe.
  • If you add other fish, then put the heads and tails in a gauze bag, tie it and lower it into the pan.

When the time comes to remove the fish and strain the broth, simply discard the bag. Your rich soup from the head and tail of a pike is ready.

With added millet

This is another variation of the classic recipe. However, many believe that millet makes the fish soup taste poorer. But if you want to make the soup more satisfying, then adding cereal will help you with this.


  • 500 grams of pike;
  • 1 piece of onion and carrot;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • bay leaf, salt, pepper;
  • 100 grams of millet;
  • 50 grams of vodka.

And the process itself is not much different from the classic cooking method:

  1. Place pieces of pike, bay leaves, carrots cut into 4 pieces, and onions halved into the pan. Do not peel the onion completely - the skin will give a golden color to the broth.
  2. Pour 3 liters of cold water over the fish and vegetables. Cook the broth over low heat.
  3. At this time, rinse the millet and fill it with water.
  4. During the cooking process, remove any foam from the broth if it appears. After boiling, cook it for 10 - 15 minutes. Then remove the pike and vegetables and strain the broth. Pour the liquid back into the pan, add the chopped potatoes, carrots, pieces of pike, salt and pepper.
  5. When the broth boils again, add millet to it and cook for 15 minutes.

At the end, pour a shot of vodka into the ear, cover the soup with a lid and let the ear with millet stand for 10 minutes.

Ukha "royally"

This is the name given to a soup made simultaneously from chicken and several types of fish. The traditional recipe uses rooster meat, but it is not so easy to find now, so you can use chicken for cooking. It is better to take poultry, but regular poultry will do. You also need to purchase two or three types of fish. In the traditional recipe, these are sturgeon and sterlet, but given their cost, you can replace this fish with pike and pike perch.

So, prepare:

  • 1.5 kg of rooster or chicken meat;
  • 1 kg each of pike and pike perch;
  • 2 onions;
  • bow arrows;
  • 5 garlic cloves;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 50 ml vodka;
  • a few peppercorns, salt.

Let's start preparing our unusual fish soup:

  1. To begin, place the whole chicken in cold water and place over high heat. Let the water boil and after 5 minutes of active boiling, drain the broth. Place the chicken in clean water and cook over medium heat for a couple of hours. If you do not have poultry, then reduce the time, as regular chicken will cook faster.
  2. At this time, you need to prepare the fish carcasses - clean, rinse, remove the fins, tail and head, but do not throw them away. Cut the carcasses into large pieces. When the chicken or rooster is cooked, you need to remove the meat from the pan and put the fins, gills and tail in it - they will give the most delicious broth.
    1. For fisherman's soup, you need to take fish (preferably freshly caught), gut it and wash it. Cut the gills from the head, cut the carcass into pieces.
    2. Pour water into a pot that is already installed over the fire and throw in peeled potatoes, onions and carrots - all cut into large pieces. But you can add the whole onion.
    3. When the water boils, add salt at the rate of one tablespoon per 5 liters of water.
    4. Let the vegetables boil for about 5 minutes, after which you can put the fish in the pot. Make sure that the water does not boil too much and cook the fish soup for 40 - 50 minutes.
    5. 10 minutes before readiness, add peppercorns and bay leaves to the soup, and then pour in a shot of vodka.
    6. 5 minutes before the end of cooking comes the turn of the main secret, which will allow you to cook the fish soup “smoky”. You need to dip a firebrand into the pot. The soup will have a light and pleasant taste, very suitable for the ear.

    Despite the fact that pike is a capricious fish, with tough meat and a pronounced fishy smell, with some skill it produces very tasty and aromatic dishes. And the fish soup made from pike will surely delight you with a rich broth with dense, aromatic pieces of white fish.

Yes, not everyone smiles at fishing luck (as you can see, it did for me), but if you’ve already caught/gotten/received a pike as a gift - don’t limit yourself to banal cutlets - cook fish soup!

Clean the fish from scales (very easy), cut it: gut it, separate the fish, tail, fins. Remove the gills from the heads.

Place the heads and tails of the pikes (or all of them in the singular, if there is only one pike) in a saucepan, add cold water, and put on high heat.

By the way:

It is better to take a medium-sized pike, again for fear that the fish will smell like mud.

Professionals say that the eyes should also be removed from heads before cooking. It is believed that the eyes of large fish give the broth bitterness and make it cloudy. I don’t do this and haven’t noticed anything like this, but perhaps this applies to pike from polluted waters.

Experts advise not to put pike fins in your ear - they can give the broth an unpleasant aftertaste. I put it, but again, it apparently depends on the ecology of the place where the pike was caught.

Bring to a boil, reduce heat to medium, skim off any foam that forms until the process stops.

Prepare vegetables: unpeeled onion, tomatoes, parsley root, carrots, celery stalk, coarse herb stalks.

By the way:

Why an unpeeled onion - onion skins will give the broth an amber color.

Add vegetables and spices (allspice, peppercorns, bay leaf) to the pan. Cook the broth over low heat (the soup should gurgle a little) until the head is completely cooked.

Meanwhile, prepare the roast:

Chop the carrots and celery stalk into small pieces. Heat sunflower oil in a frying pan, add vegetables. Fry carrots and celery until soft.

Peel the potatoes and cut into semicircles 1.5-2 cm wide.

By the way:

In many recipes you can see onions in the frying composition. I don't put it in because it's a very strong flavored ingredient that overpowers the taste of the fish.

Cut the pike carcass into large pieces that fit horizontally into the pan. Add to the pan. Bring to a boil, skim off any foam that forms. Cook for about 15 - 20 minutes, depending on the thickness of the carcass.

By the way:

The problem with pike is the specific “pike” smell, which in some habitats turns into the smell of mud. In my case, there is no such problem, but if you are not so lucky, you can eliminate this drawback by following the advice of experts. To prevent the pike from smelling like a swamp, it should be washed in cold, well-salted water. To destroy the specific smell of pike during cooking, in addition to roots, onions and spices, you can add 1/2 cup of cucumber brine to each liter of water;

And here is the old advice: “To prevent the pike from feeling like a swamp, place 2-3 hot birch coals in the water during cooking, clean from all dust and ash.”