Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Akathist to the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary Akathist to the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary with accents

"Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary" icon of the Mother of God. From the article Shamordino, embroidered icons of the monastery.

Troparion, tone 1

At Christmas you preserved your virginity, at your dormition you did not abandon the world, O Mother of God: you reposed yourself to the belly, Mother of the Being of the Belly, and through your prayers you delivered our souls from death.

Kontakion, tone 2

In the prayers of the never-sleeping Mother of God and in intercessions, the immutable hope, the grave and mortification cannot be restrained: like the Mother of the Life, bring to the life, the One who dwells in the Ever-Virgin womb.


We magnify You, Most Immaculate Mother of Christ our God, and glorify Your Dormition all-gloriously.

Kontakion 1

To the Mother of God chosen from all generations and to the Queen, ascending from earth to Heaven, we offer reverent singing of Your most honorable Dormition, Your servants, Theotokos. But you, who have victory over death, free us from all deadly troubles, let us call You:

Ikos 1

A representative angel was sent to quickly proclaim to the Mother of God Her ascendance to the worldly Ones and to come, presenting Her Son and God to Her, shining brightly about Her and standing, calling like this:

Rejoice, overjoyed Mati Tsareva.

Rejoice, Heavenly Queen, Mother of God and Lord of Heaven and earth.

Rejoice, preferred by the majesty of the coming to You of Your Son and God.

Rejoice, exalted by the announcement of Your departure to the Son.

Rejoice, chosen by God from all generations.

Rejoice, holy receptacle of the Word of God.

Rejoice, fulfillment of the prophetic prophecy.

Rejoice, most honorable crowned Apostle.

Rejoice, ornament of the saint and goodness of the priest.

Rejoice, ruler of fertilizer and power.

Rejoice, raising the godly monks to the Heavenly Kingdom.

Rejoice, opening the doors of heaven to the Christian race, ever blessed by You.

Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Dormition.

Kontakion 2

Seeing the face of the Apostles, with an omnipotent wave from the ends of the earth to the clouds, they presented themselves to Thy Most Honorable, Most Immaculate Dormition, the hierarchs: Dionysius - the heavenly secret one, the wondrous Hierotheus and Timothy, with the Divine honor of the priesthood, bowed to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

All rational creation, the oldest of the angelic ranks, came with their King, who received the soul of His Mother into His most life-giving hand; Peter, warm with faith, spoke to Her with many tears, calling:

Rejoice, to the worldly, Mother of the Creator of the world, ascending.

Rejoice, to the most heavenly, most expansive of heaven, who soars.

Rejoice, thou who sanctified the fourfold elements by Thy ascension.

Rejoice, who made the heavenly ones gladdened by Your passing.

Rejoice, you have been welcomed into the beautiful Jerusalem above.

Rejoice, thou who joyfully entered into temples not made by hands.

Rejoice, Queen of Cherubim and Seraphim.

Rejoice, Lady of the Archangels.

Rejoice, refuge of the faithful and deliverance.

Rejoice, Your inheritance is a help and protection.

Rejoice, for the whole world of Christians we come to God the Intercessor.

Rejoice, all blessings to the All-Blessed Giver.

Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Dormition.

Kontakion 3

The power of the Most High to snatch up Thomas from India, for some will of God I will not be accepted into the most honorable Dormition of the Mother of God, and present her to the tomb of Her life-receiver, who came to see the Reposed One, in her mind ascended to Heaven with her body and, having believed, cried out about this: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having in himself the thought that through God's vision he would not be able to accompany the Mother of God with the others, he was rejoiced at Her immortal dormition, and cried out to Her:

Rejoice, received from the earth by the hand of Your Son.

Rejoice, you who ascended to the highest to enjoy His glory.

Rejoice, escorted from all the angelic ranks to the mountain.

Rejoice, lifted up by the Cherubim into Heaven and above Heaven.

Rejoice, in the heavenly gates from the elder Powers, magnificently lifted up in songs.

Rejoice, surrounded and blessed by all Heavenly citizens.

Rejoice, earthly heaven, to the sublime village above.

Rejoice, Throne of the Lord, lifted up from the earth into the Kingdom of Heaven.

Rejoice, our intercession and strong intercession.

Rejoice, sinner Helper for salvation.

Rejoice, Christian Queen and according to God the Hope of the Heavenly Kingdom.

Rejoice, Mother of the Belly, and through the Lord we have the hope of eternal life.

Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Dormition.

Kontakion 4

The Jew Affoniy, having the thoughts of the unfaithful, is storming inside, and in vain the God-bearing Apostles of the Mother of God, the Most Honorable Body, were carried to the grave, rushing to refutation; suddenly, when with the blinding of his eyes his hand was taken away from his hanging bed, he confessed by faith the Mother of God, crying out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Having heard the mysteries and self-witnesses the Words of the Angels, singing with the highest hymns at the burial of the God-pleasing body of God to the Mother, and wanting to give the honor of a tax pleasing to God, laboring according to the song, saying:

Rejoice, thou who received the good news of Thy passage into the Heavenly Kingdom.

Rejoice, you who received joyful paradise from Gabriel who preached the gospel.

Rejoice, you who enlightened the most honorable multitude of Cherubim.

Rejoice, you who have rejoiced the glorious Seraphim nature.

Rejoice, foreshadowed from the patriarchs.

Rejoice, foretold by the prophets.

Rejoice, you who soon took revenge on Affoniev’s evil insolence.

Rejoice, you who gave healing to that one.

Rejoice, thou who converted Athos' unbelief to faith.

Rejoice, you who received the true confession.

Rejoice, you who raise to Heaven the love and faith of those who have You.

Rejoice, who through faith saves those who call on Your name.

Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Dormition.

Kontakion 5

The God-rich stars, the holy Apostles, in the heavenly scattering for the sake of the Gospel, were caught up in the clouds, in the breadth of the air, for the burial of the Mother of the Lord, who saw off with stumps and songs, with the Immaterial cry: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Having seen the God-seers of their Lord, receiving His soul in the hands of the Mother, and understanding the Lord, they were at pains to sing the blessed songs of Yu:

Rejoice, Queen, who bore the Reign over all.

Rejoice, even carried by the hand of His Son.

Rejoice, royal sceptre in the right hand of Christ.

Rejoice, in Noah’s hand there is a branch of a dove.

Rejoice, rod of Aaron, who has vegetated incorruption.

Rejoice, unfading one, prosperous immortality.

Rejoice, God-inspired Godfather of David.

Rejoice, thou who has risen up the word of his prophecies, psalms and beautiful harp.

Rejoice, animated holy shrine of the Lord.

Rejoice, our resurrected belly into the rest of the Lord.

Rejoice, tabernacle, overshadowed by the Cherubim.

Rejoice, Holy of Holies, spoken by the Seraphim.

Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Dormition.

Kontakion 6

Preachers of the God-bearing Apostles, after departing to the worldly Mother of God, in the common sitting of the usual meal and the offering of a portion of bread in the name of the Lord, lifting up, suddenly from above the Mother of God Queen, who came with the luminous Angels, in vain and, peace to those from the Son and God, having heard, shouted about sem: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

The Sun of Truth has risen to us, Christ God from Your most pure will and the prudence of preaching through the Apostles, enlighten the world and glorify You, Mother of God, from generation to generation. In the same way, we all please Thee, crying out to Thee:

Rejoice, Ever-Blessed One from all generations forever.

Rejoice, thou who art most gracious and merciful to men.

Rejoice, you who fulfilled your promise to the disciple’s face.

Rejoice, having given peace to this through Your presence from Your Son and God.

Rejoice, all-desiring sweet vision of the saints.

Rejoice, O venerable mothers and virgin saints, all-enjoying joy.

Rejoice, transitory paradise of the righteous.

Rejoice, you who visit all beings in heavenly glory.

Rejoice, the beginning of human salvation.

Rejoice, fulfillment of all good wishes.

Rejoice, according to God, King of kings, Mother of God Queen.

Rejoice, according to the Lord of lords, Lady and Mistress.

Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Dormition.

Kontakion 7

You always save those who want to enter Your holy temple with faith, O Mother of God, and free those who glorify You from all misfortunes and troubles; In the same way, grant to the faithful people, who ever bless You, victories against resistance and give us all petitions for salvation, for this they pray to You and sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

A new creation has shown itself to us, the Creator of all, the Lord, through You, the Mother of God. You, who have a kindred providence for us towards Him, who honestly honor Your most honorable Dormition, accept those who cry out to You:

Rejoice, Mother of God, chosen from the earthly.

Rejoice, you who are above earthly and heavenly things.

Rejoice, you who have overcome the grief of the Cherubim and Seraphim.

Rejoice, the face of the disciples like a cloud for the burial of Ti dole.

Rejoice, Thou who, after Thy burial, provided Thomas with greater abundance by the power of God.

Rejoice, through him you assured your transmigration into Heaven with the flesh.

Rejoice, adorned with the beauty of all virtues.

Rejoice, more red than the sons of men, you are numbered among your Sons.

Rejoice, as the phoenix has flourished through resurrected flesh.

Rejoice, as the cedar has multiplied in heavenly Lebanon.

Rejoice, tree of life, planted in the midst of the highest paradise.

Rejoice, ark of thought, exalted into the Highest from the flood of death.

Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Dormition.

Kontakion 8

It is strange in the highest leading You, Chosen, like the sun, the Lady, into the heavenly inconceivable beauties and indescribable kindnesses, touchingly towards the Son and God, I hold His hand, ascended and joyfully bowing to His life-giving right hand, about this we cry incessantly: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

All the former grief was taken to the Heavenly Ones and, not leaving the earthly, the Mother of God, the hand of the Son is carried, into the never-ending, all-luminous and beautiful city, Jerusalem on High, the Cherubim stand with all the Heavenly powers, where this hears those singing:

Rejoice, even the most holy soul dwells in the highest, all-bright Zion.

Rejoice, even as the incorruptible body and soul are collectively glorified.

Rejoice, thou who has entered into the throne city of the Almighty Samago.

Rejoice, thou who art ascended into the beautiful paradise of the Most High Planter.

Rejoice, brought into the city founded on the all-luminous stones.

Rejoice, brought into the enclosure guarded by the forces of the highest.

Rejoice, taken above Heaven into the splendor of God.

Rejoice, venerable one above all immaterial minds.

Rejoice, bringing the prayer of the faithful to Your Son and God.

Rejoice, and You Yourself unceasingly praying for everyone at the Throne of Your Son and God.

Rejoice, Representative to God, saving the world.

Rejoice, Intercessor, given to the Christian race by God.

Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Dormition.

Kontakion 9

Every angelic nature extols Thee, O Mother of God, but to humanity we all give birth to Thee, Mother of God, we glorify and honor Thy most venerable Dormition, Queen: For thee, for the sake of earthly things, the heavenly ones copulate, according to the singing of God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The Vetius of the prophetic utterances of God, now we see the fulfillment of You, O Mother of God, as You truly gave birth to God in the flesh. Believing in the sacrament of the word of God, we cry out:

Rejoice, supremely perfect of the Law and the Prophets.

Rejoice, star of Jacob, prophesied by Balaam.

Rejoice, O bed of the Great King, prophesied by Solomon.

Rejoice, fleece watered by Jesus, formed by Gideon.

Rejoice, Burning Kupino, foreseen by the lawgiver.

Rejoice, holy city, provided for by the husband of desire.

Rejoice, heavenly ladder, foreseen by Jacob.

Rejoice, impenetrable door, foreseen by Ezekiel.

Rejoice, sun of the village of Christ, presented by the psalmist.

Rejoice, sacrament, ordained by the diverse prophets.

Rejoice, you who brought the end of all the prophetic words prophesied about You.

Rejoice, thou who hast accomplished all the works of the Most High for the salvation of the world.

Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Dormition.

Kontakion 10

To save the world, even though the Lord chose You from the earthly race to be His Mother and, for our sake, having become a Man, ascended, descending from nowhere, to Heaven from the earth, and brought You with Him to abide in eternal glory and to reign with Himself, having no end . Moreover, like God, he hears from everyone: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Thou art the wall of the faithful, O Virgin Mother of God, and the intercession of all who come running to Thee, for the Creator of Heaven and earth, having passed from Thee in flesh, the Most Pure One, has entered into the Heavenly One in spirit and body, to the nearest intercession for all, and teach them to invite:

Rejoice, city of the Great King at the top of the Heavenly Mountain.

Rejoice, wall and cover, not hidden from our influx.

Rejoice, thou who helpest the enemies of the faithful.

Rejoice, conqueror of the Hagarian invasions.

Rejoice, immovable preservation of pious faith.

Rejoice, destruction of the heretical regiments.

Rejoice, you who bring joy and peace to the world.

Rejoice, thou who hast corrected the all-destroying hell.

Rejoice, for those who wage war on the flesh with chastity are a fair wedding.

Rejoice, all-honorable glorification of martyrdom.

Rejoice, venerable intercessor of blessed repose through your labors.

Rejoice, monk who grieves the Giver of eternal joy.

Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Dormition.

Kontakion 11

Singing all kinds of God-inspired songs does not suffice from us to praise Thy all-honorable Dormition, O All-Praised Lady, Queen Theotokos, but we diligently offer to Thee, as the Mother of the King of all, our humble prayer, singing with the Heavenly rites to the One God who worthily glorifies Thee: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

The light-receiving light of the true Light appeared to us on earth, enlightening the souls and instructing those who honor Your all-honorable repose to the Divine mind, so that we sing Tisitsa:

Rejoice, brighter than the unquenchable fire of the immaterial.

Rejoice, never-setting dawn of the never-evening Light.

Rejoice, moon, illuminated by the Sun of Truth.

Rejoice, lightness, shining in the darkness.

Rejoice, lampstand, set on the candlestick above.

Rejoice, source of life, brought forth from the grave into the light.

Rejoice, Mother of the intelligent Light, enlightening the pious souls.

Rejoice, Mother of all God, who comforts embittered souls.

Rejoice, you who give a shameless end to those who trust in You.

Rejoice, thou who establishest the heritage of God and His servant at the Judgment of Thy Son at His right hand.

Rejoice, Most Blessed One, for through You we are also blessed, like Your Helper, the imams.

Rejoice, Most Blessed One to all generations, for the Lord is with You, and with You with us.

Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Dormition.

Kontakion 12

The grace of the high-throned glory, bestowed in heaven upon the Mother of God, venerable, sitting at the right hand of Her Son and God, seeing the minds above, raising up the Thrones and Powers, surrounding the Beginning and Power, falling in fear with the Cherubim, Seraphim and Dominion, with the Archangels and Angels crying out: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing Your all-honorable Dormition, we all praise Your ascension to the heights of heaven, O Queen of God. You sanctify, glorify and save all who sing to You with love:

Rejoice, having cleansed the earth with Your most pure feet.

Rejoice, having sanctified the air with Your ascension to Heaven.

Rejoice, you who have ascended to the circle of heaven.

Rejoice, beholder of all unspeakable kindness.

Rejoice, thou who sittest in glory before the Throne of Thy Son and God.

Rejoice, forever reigning with the Son and God.

Rejoice, beauty in the right hand of the Lord, adorning all the Heavenly Ones who bless You.

Rejoice, overjoyed by the hope of all earthly people in You.

Rejoice, clothed in the sun, shining with grace and glory throughout the entire universe.

Rejoice, who promised to preserve and save those who call upon You in all the heavens.

Rejoice, revered Mother of God and called Mother of God from Christian generations.

Rejoice, gloriously and orthodoxly glorified by all the pious from the east of the sun to the west.

Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Dormition.

Kontakion 13

O All-Singing Mother of the Immortal King of Heaven and earth, Christ our God, living and after death, accepting this present offering for Your all-honorable dormition from us, in this life and in our mortal dormition from all misfortunes, troubles and torment, deliver us from the Heavenly Kingdom, Queen , grant those who cry for You: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1).


O Most Holy Theotokos, Virgin, Lady, the highest Angel and Archangel and all creatures, the Most Honest, angelic great surprise, prophetic high sermon, apostolic glorious praise, fair adornment of saints, strong affirmation of martyrs, saving instruction for monks, inexhaustible abstinence for fasters, virgins in purity and glory, mothers quiet joy, infants wisdom and punishment, widows and orphans to the Nurse, naked clothes, sick in health, deliverance of captives, floating on the sea in silence, overwhelmed by a calm refuge, wandering not difficult for the Mentor, traveling easy passage, toiling good rest, in the troubles of the present Intercessor, the offended Protection and refuge, hope for those who do not hope, those who require a Helper, those who are sad, ever-present consolation, those who are hated, loving humility, salvation for sinners and appropriation to God, firm protection for the faithful of all, invincible help and intercession! By You, Lady, we see the Invisible One, and we offer a prayer to You, Lady, Thy sinful servants: O Most Merciful and Most Wonderful Light of the intelligent Queen, who gave birth to the King Christ, our God, the Life-Giver of all, glorified from heavenly and praised from earthly, angelic mind, radiant star, the Most Holy One, the Lady of all creatures, the Godly Maiden, the Undefiled Bride, the chamber of the Most Holy Spirit, the fiery Throne of the Invisible King, the heavenly ark, the carrier of the Word of God, the fiery chariot, the chamber of the Living God, the ineffable composition of the flesh of Christ, the nest of the Heavenly Eagle, the God-voiced Turtle, Dove meek, quiet and gentle, Mother of children, an abyss of mercy, dispelling the cloud of God’s wrath, immeasurable depth, ineffable secret, unknown miracle, not made by hands to the Church of the One King of all ages, fragrant censer, honest scarlet, God-woven purple, spiritual paradise, life-giving garden branch, beautiful color, heavenly joy that has blossomed for us, the grape of our salvation, the cup of the Heavenly King, in which the wine of inexhaustible grace has dissolved from the Holy Spirit, Intercessor of the Law, the conception of the true faith of Christ, an unshakable pillar, destructive of heretics, the sword of God’s wrath against those who oppose God, intimidation of demons, Braneh victory, the unfaithful Guardian of all Christians and the known salvation of the world! O All-Merciful Lady, Virgin Lady, Mother of God, hear us praying to You, and show Your mercy to Your people, pray to Your Son to deliver us from all evil and save (our monastery and) every monastery, and the city, and the country of the faithful, and people , piously resorting and calling on Your holy name, from all adversity, destruction, famine, cowardice, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare, from all illness and every situation, and neither wounds, nor reprimand, nor pestilence, nor any Your servants will be humbled by the righteous wrath of God. But observe and save with Your mercy, O Lady, praying for us, and grant us the beneficial dissolution of the air at the time of the fruitful offering. Ease, uplift and have mercy, O most merciful Lady, the Mother of God, in every trouble and need that exists. Remember Your servants and do not despise our tears and sighs, and renew us with the goodness of Your mercy, so that we may be comforted with thanksgiving, having found You as a Helper. Have mercy, O Most Pure Lady, on Your weak people, our Hope. Gather those who are scattered, guide those who have gone astray to the right path, return those who have fallen away from the pious faith of their fathers, support old age, bring understanding to the young, bring up babies and glorify the glorifying Thee, and most importantly, preserve the Church of Thy Son and preserve the length of days. O Most Merciful and Most Merciful Queen of Heaven and Earth, Ever-Virgin Mother of God! Through Your intercession, have mercy on our country and its army and all Orthodox Christians, preserving them under the roof of Your mercy, protect with Your honest robe and pray from You, who was incarnate without the seed of Christ, our God, that He may gird us with strength from above against all our visible and invisible enemies. Save and have mercy, O Lady, Your Holiness the Orthodox Patriarchs, Your Eminence metropolitans, Orthodox archbishops and bishops, the priests and deacons and the entire clergy, and the entire monastic order, and all the Orthodox people who worship and pray before Your honorable icon. Look upon us all with the gaze of Your merciful intercession, raise us from the depths of sin and enlighten the eyes of the heart to the vision of salvation, be merciful to us here and at the Last Judgment of Your Son, pray for us, having reposed in piety from this life, Your servants in eternal life with the Angels and The Archangels and with all the saints may appear at the right hand of Your Son God, and through Your prayer grant all Orthodox Christians to live with Christ and enjoy the joys of angels in the Heavenly villages. For You are, Lady, the glory of Heaven and the hope of the earthly, You are our Hope and Intercessor of all those who flow to You and those who ask for Your holy help. You are our warm prayer book for Your Son and our God. Your obscene prayer can do much to implore the Lord, and through Your intercession we dare to approach the Throne of Grace of the Most Holy and Life-giving Mysteries, even if we are unworthy. Moreover, seeing Your all-honorable image and Your hand holding the Almighty on the icon, we rejoice, sinners, falling with tenderness, and kissing this love, hoping, Lady, with Your holy, God-pleasing prayers to reach Heavenly endless life and shamelessly stand on the day of judgment at the right hand of Your Son and our God , glorifying Him together with the Originless Father and the Most Holy, Good, Life-Giving and Consubstantial Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Akathist to the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a Church Orthodox choral chant. It was created in honor of the revered icon of the Mother of God, which was painted to glorify and perpetuate the memory that the Holiest of all saints left this sinful world, but became the Queen of Heaven and received the entire human race as adoption. The Mother of God day and night prays to the Lord God for the forgiveness of sins that are committed every day by man.

The Icon of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a miraculous shrine of Christians, which is endowed to accept the prayers of those in need. On the Feast of the Assumption, which is celebrated every year inAugust 28thaccording to the new style and 15 according to the old calendar, they read an akathist of praise to the Dormition of the Virgin Mary. Many Assumption churches have been built everywhere, in which the Assumption Icon of the Mother of God is always located.

All akathists are similar in meaning to the hymn. Therefore, they are read or sung while standing. The Akathist to the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, like other akathists to icons of the Most Holy Virgin, glorifies and exalts Her. The reading of akathists occupies a special place among the prayers that relate toprayers of thanksgiving . Our Lady sees and knows what every person needs. This means that glorifying the Mother of God is more important than turning to her with requests. There were cases when the Most Holy Virgin herself appeared to people who arrived in a certain need, and told which icon of Her to read a prayer or order a water-blessing prayer service with an akathist.

The “Great Akathist” is the progenitor of all akathists to the icons of the Mother of God, and the church Akathist Dormition of the Virgin Mary also written after his example. This genre of Church Orthodox choral singing was not included in the statutory liturgical days of the Orthodox Church. It refers rather to thanksgiving prayers at home, which are intended for independent reading. It is not necessary to take the blessing of a priest in order to read akathists, but you can do so at the command of your heart. They are read in front of the icons of those saints to whom hymns of praise and thanksgiving are dedicated.

The Orthodox Akathist itself to the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary can be found in any prayer books that are sold in icon shops located on the territory of the Orthodox Church, as well as on Internet sites dedicated to Orthodox topics.Orthodox Church has long been using the Internet for information and other purposes. Consequently, the Christian akathist to the Dormition of the Virgin Mary can not only be read, but also listened to in recording. Listening to akathists is very useful for the spiritual development of any believer, and will also help inexperienced parishioners who are just learning to pronounce the words of prayers correctly and place emphasis in akathists.

Text of the Akathist to the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Kontakion No. 1

To the Mother of God chosen from all generations and to the Queen, who ascends from earth to Heaven, we offer reverent singing of Your most honorable Assumption, Your servants, Theotokos. But You, who have victory over death, free us from all deadly troubles, let us call You: Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Assumption.

Ikos No. 1

A representative angel was sent to quickly announce to the Most Holy Theotokos Her ascension and come to present Her Son and God to Her, shining brightly about Her and standing, calling like this: Rejoice, overjoyed Mother of the Tsar; Rejoice, Heavenly Queen, Mother of God and Lord of Heaven and earth. Rejoice, preferred by the majesty of the coming to You of Your Son and God; Rejoice, exalted by the announcement of Your departure to the Son. Rejoice, chosen by God from all generations; Rejoice, holy receptacleWords of God. Rejoice, fulfillment of the prophetic prophecy; Rejoice, most honorable crowned Apostle. Rejoice, ornament of the saint and goodness of the priest; Rejoice, ruler of fertilizer and power. Rejoice, raising the God-wise monks to the Heavenly Kingdom; Rejoice, opening the doors of heaven to the Christian race, ever blessed by You. Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Assumption.

Kontakion No. 2

Seeing the face of the Apostles, with an omnipotent wave from the ends of the earth to the clouds, they presented themselves to Thy Most Honorable One, Most Immaculate. Dormition, high priests: Dionysius - the heavenly mystery, the wondrous Hierotheus and Timothy with the divine honor of the priesthood to God: Alleluia.

Ikos No. 2

All rational creation, the oldest of the angelic ranks, came with their King, Who in His most life-giving hand accepted the soul of His Mother; warm with faith, Peter, with many tears, spoke to Her, calling: Rejoice, to the worldly, Mother of the Creator of the world, ascending; Rejoice, to the most heavenly, most expansive of heaven, who soars. Rejoice, thou who sanctified the fourfold elements by Thy ascension; Rejoice, who made the heavenly ones gladdened by Your passing. Rejoice, you have been received into the beautiful Jerusalem above; Rejoice, thou who joyfully entered into temples not made by hands. Rejoice, Queen of Cherubim and Seraphim; Rejoice, Lady of the Archangels. Rejoice, refuge of the faithful and deliverance; Rejoice, Your inheritance is a help and protection. Rejoice, O Christian Intercessor for the whole world; Rejoice, all blessings to the All-Blessed Giver. Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Assumption.

Kontakion No. 3

The power of the Most High to snatch up Thomas from India, for some will of God I will not be accepted into the most honorable Dormition of the Mother of God, and present her to the tomb of Her life-receiver, who came to see the Reposed One, in her mind ascended to Heaven with her body and, having believed, cried out about this: Alleluia.

Ikos No. 3

Having in himself the thought that through God's vision he would not be able to accompany the Mother of God with the others, he was rejoiced at Her immortal Dormition, and cried out to Her: Rejoice, thou who was received from the earth by the hand of Thy Son; Rejoice, you who ascended to the highest to enjoy His glory. Rejoice, escorted from all the angelic ranks to the Mountain; Rejoice, lifted up by the Cherubim into the heavenly and under heavenly places. Rejoice, in the heavenly gates from the elder Powers, magnificently lifted up in songs; Rejoice, surrounded and blessed by all Heavenly citizens. Rejoice, earthly heaven, exalted to the mountain village; Rejoice, Throne of the Lord, lifted up from the earth into the Kingdom of Heaven. Rejoice, our intercession and strong intercession; Rejoice, sinner Helper for salvation. Rejoice, Christian Queen and according to God the Hope of the Heavenly Kingdom; Rejoice, Mother of the Belly, and through the Lord we have the hope of eternal life. Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Assumption.

Kontakion No. 4

Having a storm within, the Afphonium of unfaithful thoughts and in vain the God-bearing Apostles of the Mother of God, the Most Honorable Body, was carried to the grave in honor, rushing towards refutation; suddenly, when with the blinding of his eyes his hand was taken away from his hanging bed, he confessed by faith the Mother of God, crying out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos No. 4

Having heard the mysteries and self-witnesses of the Word of the Angels, singing in sublime hymns at the burial of the God-pleasant body of God to the Mother, and the honor of giving a tax pleasing to God, we strived according to the song, saying: Rejoice, thou who received the good news of Thy passage into the Heavenly Kingdom; Rejoice, you who received joyful paradise from Gabriel who preached the gospel. Rejoice, you who enlightened the most venerable multitude of cherubs; Rejoice, you who have rejoiced the glorious seraphim nature. Rejoice, foreshadowed from the patriarchs; Rejoice, foretold by the prophets. Rejoice, you who soon noted the evil insolence of Affoniev; Rejoice, you who gave healing to that one. Rejoice, thou who converted the unbelief of Athonius to faith; Rejoice, you who received the true confession. Rejoice, you who raise to Heaven the love and faith of those who have You; Rejoice, who through faith saves those who call on Your name. Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Assumption.

Kontakion No. 5

The God-rich stars, the holy Apostles, in the heavenly scattering for the sake of the Gospel, were caught up in the clouds, in the breadth of the air, for the burial of the Mother of the Lord, who saw off with stumps and songs, with the Immaterial cry: Alleluia.

Ikos No. 5

Having seen the God-seers of their Lord, having received His soul in the hand of the Mother, and understanding the Lord, trying to sing sacred songs with blessings: Rejoice, Queen, who bore the Reign over all; Rejoice, even carried by the hand of His Son. Rejoice, royal sceptre in the right hand of Christ; Rejoice, in Noah’s hand there is a branch of a dove. Rejoice, rod of Aaron, who has grown incorruptible; Rejoice, unfading one, prosperous immortality. Rejoice, God-inspired Godfather of David; Rejoice, thou who has risen up the word of his prophecies, psalms and beautiful harp. Rejoice, animated holy shrine of the Lord; Rejoice, our resurrected belly into the rest of the Lord. Rejoice, tabernacle, overshadowed by the Cherubim; Rejoice, Holy of Holies, spoken by the Seraphim. Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Assumption.

Kontakion No. 6

The Preachers of the God-Bearing Apostles, after departing to the super-worldly Mother of God in the common village, having had the usual meal and offering part of the bread in the Name of the Lord, lifting up, suddenly from above the Mother of God Queen, who came with the luminous Angels, in vain and, having heard peace from the Son and God, cried out about this : Alleluia.

Ikos No. 6

The Sun of Truth has risen to us, Christ God from Your most pure falsehood, by the will and prudence of preaching through the Apostles, enlighten the world and glorify You, Mother of God, from generation to generation. In the same way, we all please Thee, crying out to Thee: Rejoice, Ever-blessed One from all generations forever; Rejoice, thou who art most gracious and merciful to men. Rejoice, you who fulfilled your promise to the disciple’s face; Rejoice, having given peace to this through Your presence from Your Son and God. Rejoice, all-desiring sweet vision of the saints; Rejoice, O venerable mothers and virgin saints, all-enjoying joy. Rejoice, transitory paradise of the righteous; Rejoice, you who visit all beings in heavenly glory. Rejoice, beginning of human salvation; Rejoice, fulfillment of all good wishes. Rejoice, according to God, King of kings, Mother of God Queen; Rejoice, according to the Lord of lords, our Master, Lady and Mistress. Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Assumption.

Kontakion No. 7

You always save those who want to enter Your holy temple with faith, O Mother of God, and free those who glorify You from all misfortunes and troubles; In the same way, grant to the faithful people, who ever bless You, victories against resistance and give us all petitions for salvation, for this they pray to You and sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos No. 7

A new creation has shown itself to us, the Creator of all, the Lord, through You, the Mother of God. You have a kindred providence for us to Him, who honestly honor Your most honorable Dormition, accept those who cry out to You: Rejoice, Mother of God, chosen from the earthly; Rejoice, you who are above earthly and heavenly things. Rejoice, thou who hast surpassed the grief of the Cherubim and Seraphim; Rejoice, the face of the disciples like a cloud for the burial of Ti dole. Rejoice, Thou who, after Thy burial, gave Thomas more by the power of God; Rejoice, through him you assured your transmigration into Heaven with the flesh. Rejoice, adorned with the beauty of all virtues; Rejoice, more red than the sons of men, you are numbered among your Sons. Rejoice, like a phoenix, blossoming through the risen flesh; Rejoice, like a cedar in heavenly Lebanon, multiplied. Rejoice, tree of life, planted in the midst of the highest paradise; Rejoice, thou art exalted in the ark of thought in the Highest from the mortal flood. Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Assumption.

Kontakion No. 8

It is strange in the highest leading You, Chosen, like the sun, the Lady, into the heavenly inconceivable beauties and indescribable kindnesses, touchingly towards the Son and God, I hold His hand, ascended and joyfully bowing to His life-giving right hand, about this we cry incessantly: Alleluia.

Ikos No. 8

All the former grief was taken to the Heavenly Ones and, not leaving the earthly, the Mother of God, the hand of the Son is carried, into the never-ending, all-illuminating and beautiful city, Jerusalem on High, the Cherubim stand with all the Heavenly powers, where this one hears those singing: Rejoice, O Most Holy Soul dwells in the highest, all-bright Zion; Rejoice, even as the incorruptible body and soul are collectively glorified. Rejoice, thou who has entered into the throne city of Samago the Pantocrator; Rejoice, thou who art ascended into the beautiful paradise of the Most High Planter. Rejoice, brought into the city founded from the all-luminous stones; Rejoice, brought into the enclosure guarded by the forces of the highest. Rejoice, taken above Heaven into the splendor of God; Rejoice, venerable one above all immaterial minds. Rejoice, bringing the prayer of the faithful to Your Son and God; Rejoice, and You Yourself unceasingly praying for everyone at the Throne of Your Son and God. Rejoice, Representative to God, saving the world; Rejoice, Intercessor, given to the Christian race by God. Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Assumption.

Kontakion No. 9

Every angelic nature extols Thee, O Mother of God, but to humanity we all give birth to Thee, Mother of God, we glorify and honor Thy most venerable Dormition, Queen: For thee for the sake of earthly things the heavenly ones copulate, according to the singing of God: Alleluia.

Ikos No. 9

Now we see the prophetic utterances of God come true, O Mother of God, as you truly gave birth to God in the flesh. Believing in the sacrament of the word of God, we cry: Rejoice, thou who art chiefly perfect in the law and the prophets; Rejoice, star of Jacob, prophesied by Balaam. Rejoice, O bed of the Great King, prophesied by Solomon; Rejoice, fleece watered by Jesus, formed by Gideon. Rejoice, Burning Kupino, foreseen by the lawgiver; Rejoice, holy city, provided for by the husband of desire. Rejoice, heavenly ladder, foreseen by Jacob; Rejoice, impenetrable door, foreseen by Ezekiel. Rejoice, sun of the village of Christ, presented by the psalmist; Rejoice, sacrament, ordained by the diverse prophets. Rejoice, you who brought the end to all the prophetic words prophesied about You; Rejoice, thou who hast accomplished all the works of the Most High for the salvation of the world. Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Assumption.

Kontakion No. 10

To save the world, even though the Lord chose You from the earthly race to be His Mother and, for our sake, having become a man, ascended, descending from nowhere, to Heaven from the earth, and brought You with Him to abide in eternal glory and to reign with Himself, having no end , Moreover, like God, he hears from everyone: Alleluia.

Ikos No. 10

Thou art the wall of the faithful, O Virgin Mother of God, and the intercession of all who come running to Thee, for the Creator of Heaven and earth, having passed from Thee in flesh, the Most Pure One, hast come to the Heavenly One in spirit and body, to the nearest intercession for all, and teach them to invite: Rejoice, city of the King Great at the top of the Heavenly Mountain; Rejoice, wall and cover, not hidden from our influx. Rejoice, thou who helpest the enemies of the faithful; Rejoice, conqueror of the Hagarian invasions. Rejoice, immovable preservation of pious faith; Rejoice, destruction of the heretical regiments. Rejoice, you who bring joy and peace to the world; Rejoice, thou who hast corrected the all-destroying hell. Rejoice, for those who wage war on the flesh through chastity have been crowned with a fair amount; Rejoice, all-honorable glorification of martyrdom. Rejoice, venerable intercessor of blessed repose through labor; Rejoice, monk who grieves the Giver of eternal joy. Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Assumption.

Kontakion No. 11

Singing all kinds of God-inspired songs does not suffice from us to praise the all-honorable Dormition of Thy, All-praiseworthy Lady, Queen Theotokos, but we diligently offer to Thee, as the Mother of the King of all, our humble prayer, with the Heavenly rites singing to the only God worthily glorifying Thee: Alleluia.

Ikos No. 11

The light-receiving light of the true Light has appeared to us on earth, enlightening the souls and instructing those who honor Your all-honorable repose to the Divine mind, so that we sing from Tisitsa: Rejoice, unquenchable light of the immaterial fire; Rejoice, never-setting dawn of the never-evening Light. Rejoice, moon, illuminated by the Sun of Truth; Rejoice, brightness, holy in darkness. Rejoice, lampstand, set on the candlestick above; Rejoice, source of life, brought forth from the grave into the light. Rejoice, Mother of the intelligent Light, enlightening the pious souls; Rejoice, Mother of all God, who comforts embittered souls. Rejoice, you who give a shameless end to those who trust in You; Rejoice, thou who establishest the heritage of God and His servant at the Judgment of Thy Son at His right hand. Rejoice, Most Blessed One, for through You we are also blessed, like Your Helper, the imams; Rejoice, Most Blessed One to all generations, for the Lord is with You, and with You with us. Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Assumption.

Kontakion No. 12

The grace of the high-throned glory, bestowed in heaven upon the Mother of God, venerable, sitting at the right hand of Her Son and God, seeing the minds above, raising up the Thrones and Powers, surrounding the Beginning and Power, falling in fear with the Cherubim, Seraphim and Dominion, with the Archangels and Angels crying out: Alleluia.

Ikos No. 12

Singing Your all-honorable Dormition, we all praise Your ascension to the heights of heaven, O Queen Mother of God. Thou sanctify, glorify and save all who sing to Thee with love: Rejoice, thou who hast cleansed the earth with Thy most pure feet; Rejoice, having sanctified the air with Your ascension to Heaven. Rejoice, you who have ascended to the Heavenly circle; Rejoice, beholder of all unspeakable kindness. Rejoice, thou who sittest in glory before the throne of Thy Son and God; Rejoice, forever reigning with the Son and God. Rejoice, beauty in the right hand of the Lord, adorning all the Heavenly Ones who bless You; Rejoice, overjoyed by the hope of all earthly people in You. Rejoice, clothed in the sun, shining with grace and glory throughout the entire universe; Rejoice, who promised to preserve and save those who call upon You in all the heavens. Rejoice, revered Mother of God and called the Mother of God from Christian generations; Rejoice, gloriously and orthodoxly glorified by all the pious from the east of the sun to the west. Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Assumption.

Kontakion No. 13

O All-Sung Mother of the Immortal King of Heaven and earth, Christ our God, living and after death, having received this offering from us for Your all-honorable Dormition, in this life and in our mortal Dormition, deliver us from all misfortunes, troubles and torment and the Heavenly Kingdom, Queen , grant those who cry for You: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read 3 times, then ikos No. 1 and kontakion No. 1)

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos:

O Most Holy Theotokos, Virgin, Lady, the highest Angel and Archangel, and all the most honorable creatures, angelic great surprise, prophetic high sermon, apostolic glorious praise, fair adornment of saints, strong affirmation of martyrs, saving instruction for monks, inexhaustible abstinence for fasters, virgins of purity and word , mothers quiet joy, babies wisdom and punishment, widows and orphans to nurse, naked clothes, sick in health, deliverance of captives, floating on the sea in silence, overwhelmed by a calm haven, wandering an easy mentor, traveling an easy passage, toiling good rest, in the troubles of the present Intercessor , protection and refuge for the offended, hopeless hope, requiring help, inexhaustible wealth for the poor, constant consolation for the sad, loving humility for the hated, salvation for sinners and appropriation to God, firm protection for the faithful of all, invincible help and intercession.

By You, the Lady, we see the invisible quickly, and we offer a prayer to You, O Lady, Your sinful servants: O most merciful and most wonderful light of the intelligent Queen, who gave birth to the King Christ our God, the Life-Giver of all, glorified by the heavenly and praised by the earthly: angelic mind, radiant star , most holy saint, Queen of queens, mistress of all creatures, Godly Maiden, undefiled Bride, chamber of the Most Holy Spirit, fiery throne of the invisible King, heavenly ark, carrying the Words of God, fiery chariot, chamber of the living God, ineffable composition of the Flesh of Christ: nest of the Heavenly Eagle, turtle dove God-voiced, meek dove, quiet and kind, child-loving mother, an abyss of mercy, opening the cloud of God's wrath, immeasurable depth, ineffable secret, unknown miracle, not made by hands to the church of the one King of all ages, fragrant censer, honest scarlet, God-woven purple, spiritual paradise, life-giving garden branch, a beautiful flower, heavenly joy that has blossomed for us, the cluster of our salvation, the cup of the Heavenly King, in which the wine of inexhaustible grace has dissolved from the Holy Spirit, Intercessor of the Law, the conception of the true faith of Christ, an unshakable pillar, destructive of heretics, the sword of God’s wrath against God’s opponents, intimidation of demons , victory in battle, the true guardian of all Christians, and the known salvation of the world.

O all-merciful Lady, Virgin, Lady, Mother of God, hear us praying to You and show Your mercy on Your people, pray to Your Son to deliver us from all evil, and save our monastery, and every monastery, and the city, and the country of the faithful, and people piously resorting and calling on Your holy name, from every adversity, destruction, famine, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners, civil war, from every illness, and every situation: neither wounds, nor rebuke, nor pestilence, nor any righteous wrath of God Thy servants will diminish: but observe and save with Thy mercy, O Lady, praying for us, and grant us the beneficial dissolution of the air at the time of the fruitful offering: ease, uplift and have mercy, having mercy on the Lady, the Mother of God, in every misfortune and need that exists.

Remember Thy servants, and do not despise our tears and sighs, and renew us with the goodness of Thy mercy, so that we may be comforted with thanksgiving in having found Thee Helper. Have mercy, O Most Pure Lady, on Thy weak people, our hope: gather those who are scattered, guide those who have gone astray to the right path, bring back those who have fallen away from the pious faith of their fathers, support old age, discipline the young, raise infants, and glorify those who glorify Thee, and preserve the Church of Thy Son greatly , and keep the days long.

O merciful and most merciful Queen of heaven and earth, Ever-Virgin Mother of God! Through Your intercession, have mercy on our country and its Christ-loving inhabitants, and on all Orthodox Christians, who preserve them under the cover of Your mercy, protect us with Your honest robe: and pray from You, Who has become incarnate without the seed of Christ our God, that He may gird us with strength from above against all our visible and invisible enemies. , against foreigners and fellow tribesmen fighting against us and our Orthodox faith.

Save and have mercy, O Lady, most holy patriarchs, metropolitans, right reverend archbishops and Orthodox bishops, priests and deacons, and all the church clergy, and all the faithful people who worship and pray before your honorable icon. Look upon everyone with the gaze of Your merciful intercession: Raise us from the depths of sin, and enlighten the eyes of the heart to the vision of salvation, be merciful to us here, and at the terrible judgment of Your Son, pray for us, having reposed in piety from this life, Your servants, in eternal life with Angels and Archangels, and with all the saints, rank, so that they may appear at the right hand of Your Son and God: and through Your prayer grant all Orthodox Christians to live with Christ, and to enjoy the joys of angels in their heavenly villages. For You are, Lady, the glory of heaven and the hope of earth, You are our hope, and the intercessor of all those who flow to You, and Your holy help of those asking: You are our warm prayer book for Your Son and our God: Your motherly prayer can do much to implore the Lord, and Through your intercession, we dare to approach the throne of grace of the Most Holy and Life-giving Mysteries even if we are unworthy.

Moreover, the all-honorable image of Yours, and seeing the Almighty held by Your hand on the icon, we rejoice in our sins, falling down with tenderness, and kiss this love, hoping, Lady, with Your holy, God-pleasing prayers to reach heavenly endless life, and do not be ashamed to stand on the day of judgment at the right hand of Your Son and God ours, glorifying Him together with the Originless Father, and the Most Holy, Good, Life-Giving and Consubstantial Spirit, forever and ever. Amen

In Orthodoxy, the Most Holy Theotokos is revered above all saints. There are many icons of the Mother of God, each of which has its own differences and helps in different needs. The Feast of the Assumption is of great importance for Christians and is celebrated on August 28th.

What is death (dormition)

Death in the Christian understanding of this word is not the cessation of human existence, but is the moment of transition from temporary, earthly life to eternal life. The transition of the Mother of God is marked (from the words sleep, sleep)

Important. The separation of the Most Holy One from the earthly world does not at all mean that Her connection with people was severed.

On the contrary, She gained an even greater ability to hear people's prayers and help people. There are countless cases of Her assistance to both individuals and entire states. In particular, She many times came to the aid of Russia, one of the main strongholds of Orthodoxy in the world.

The transition of the Mother of God from the valley of wanderings (the earthly world) to Her native Heavenly Kingdom in Christianity is considered not a tragedy, but a joy. Therefore, the Assumption is a holiday. It is called the transition to sleep, which emphasizes the temporary nature of the separation of the Mother of God from the earthly world. After separation there will come a return - after the Last Judgment and General Resurrection, the Mother of God will return to the world of people.

Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The last episodes from the earthly life of the Virgin Mary

The Gospel of John mentions how the Lord, while on the Cross, entrusted His Mother to one of his disciples. In fact, it was the author of the Gospel himself, John the Theologian. Therefore, for the rest of her life, the Mother of God stayed in his house, occasionally going to holy places - the Garden of Gethsemane, the Holy Sepulcher, the Mount of Olives - to pray.

Interesting. The Mother of God remained in prayer and fasting continuously.

During one of her visits to the Holy Sepulcher, Archangel Gabriel informed Her about the imminent transition to eternal life. He gave Her a branch of paradise as a sign of this promise.

We find the first information about the circumstances of the Dormition in the works of the holy martyr Dionysius the Areopagite, created back in the 1st century. The Orthodox Church does not recognize apocryphal traditions as canonical, but they do not reject them either. In the Canonical Gospels there is no information about the life of the Mother of God after the Ascension of the Lord. They could only be gleaned from the apocrypha.

Division of holidays in Orthodoxy

Holidays in the Orthodox church calendar are divided according to significance into several levels. At the top is Easter (Bright Resurrection of Christ).

Important. There are no other holidays equal to Easter in importance.

Moreover, this is a moving holiday, that is, it does not fall on the same date every year, but is celebrated on different dates. These dates are calculated according to the lunisolar calendar, and the Orthodox and Catholic Churches use different methods for calculation.

Next come the twelve holidays. They are called so because there are only twelve of them. They mark the most important episodes from the earthly life of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary. Therefore, they are lordly and theotokos.

The twelve feasts include four of the Mother of God. One of them is the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is celebrated on August 28 according to the new style (August 15 - according to the old style). This is a permanent holiday, unlike some other twelve-decades.

Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary

About Orthodox holidays:

How to read an akathist

After the Dormition, icons were created dedicated to this event, and an Orthodox akathist was written. It was created on the model of the Great, who is the first among Akathists glorifying the Mother of God, and in general the first among all Akathists. These chants consist of kontakia and ikos, following each other.

Interesting. The word Akathist itself (of Greek origin) indicates that one should not sit while reading it.

The akathist can be listened to in church or read independently at home. It would be a mistake to think that the Akathist to the Assumption makes sense to read only during this holiday. No, you can resort to it on any day due to spiritual or material needs.

Akathists in honor of other holidays:

Text of the Akathist and prayer for the Dormition

Kontakion 1

To the Mother of God chosen from all generations and to the Queen, who ascends from earth to Heaven, we offer reverent singing of Your most honorable Assumption, Your servants, Theotokos. But you, who have victory over death, free us from all deadly troubles, let us call You:

Ikos 1

A representative angel was sent to quickly proclaim to the Mother of God Her ascension to the worldly Ones and come to present Her Son and God to Her, shining brightly about Her and standing, calling like this:
Rejoice, overjoyed Mati Tsareva; Rejoice, Heavenly Queen, Mother of God and Lord of Heaven and earth. Rejoice, preferred by the majesty of the coming to You of Your Son and God; Rejoice, exalted by the announcement of Your departure to the Son. Rejoice, chosen by God from all generations; Rejoice, holy receptacle of the Word of God. Rejoice, fulfillment of the prophetic prophecy; Rejoice, most honorable crowned Apostle. Rejoice, ornament of the saint and goodness of the priest; Rejoice, ruler of fertilizer and power. Rejoice, raising the God-wise monks to the Heavenly Kingdom; Rejoice, opening the doors of heaven to the Christian race, ever blessed by You.
Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Assumption.

Kontakion 2

Seeing the face of the Apostles, with an omnipotent wave from the ends of the earth to the clouds, they presented themselves to Thy Most Honorable One, Most Immaculate. Dormition, high priests: Dionysius - the heavenly secret one, the wondrous Hierotheus and Timothy with the divine honor of the priesthood to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

All rational creation, the oldest of the angelic ranks, came with their King, Who in His most life-giving hand accepted the soul of His Mother; Peter, warm with faith, spoke to Her with many tears, calling:
Rejoice, to the worldly, Mother of the Creator of the world, ascending; Rejoice, to the most heavenly, most expansive of heaven, who soars. Rejoice, thou who sanctified the fourfold elements by Thy ascension; Rejoice, who made the heavenly ones gladdened by Your passing. Rejoice, you have been received into the beautiful Jerusalem above; Rejoice, thou who joyfully entered into temples not made by hands. Rejoice, Queen of Cherubim and Seraphim; Rejoice, Lady of the Archangels. Rejoice, refuge of the faithful and deliverance; Rejoice, Your inheritance is a help and protection. Rejoice, O Christian Intercessor for the whole world; Rejoice, all blessings to the All-Blessed Giver.
Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Assumption.

Kontakion 3

The power of the Most High to snatch up Thomas from India, for some will of God I will not be accepted into the most honorable Dormition of the Mother of God, and present her to the tomb of Her life-receiver, who came to see the Reposed One, in her mind ascended to Heaven with her body and, having believed, cried out about this: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having in himself the thought that through God's vision he would not be able to accompany the Mother of God with the others, he was rejoiced about Her immortal Dormition, and cried out to Her:
Rejoice, received from the earth by the hand of Your Son; Rejoice, you who ascended to the highest to enjoy His glory. Rejoice, escorted from all the angelic ranks to the Mountain; Rejoice, lifted up by the Cherubim into the heavenly and under heavenly places. Rejoice, in the heavenly gates from the elder Powers, magnificently lifted up in songs; Rejoice, surrounded and blessed by all Heavenly citizens. Rejoice, earthly heaven, exalted to the mountain village; Rejoice, Throne of the Lord, lifted up from the earth into the Kingdom of Heaven. Rejoice, our intercession and strong intercession; Rejoice, sinner Helper for salvation. Rejoice, Christian Queen and according to God the Hope of the Heavenly Kingdom; Rejoice, Mother of the Belly, and through the Lord we have the hope of eternal life.
Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Assumption.

Kontakion 4

Having a storm within, the Afphonium of unfaithful thoughts and in vain the God-bearing Apostles of the Mother of God, the Most Honorable Body, was carried to the grave in honor, rushing towards refutation; suddenly, when with the blinding of his eyes his hand was taken away from his hanging bed, he confessed by faith the Mother of God, crying out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Having heard the mysteries and self-witnesses the Words of the Angels, singing with the highest hymns at the burial of the God-pleasing body of God to the Mother, and wanting to give the honor of a tax pleasing to God, laboring according to the song, saying:
Rejoice, thou who received the good news of Thy passage into the Heavenly Kingdom; Rejoice, you who received joyful paradise from Gabriel who preached the gospel. Rejoice, you who enlightened the most venerable multitude of cherubs; Rejoice, you who have rejoiced the glorious seraphim nature. Rejoice, foreshadowed from the patriarchs; Rejoice, foretold by the prophets. Rejoice, you who soon noted the evil insolence of Affoniev; Rejoice, you who gave healing to that one. Rejoice, thou who converted the unbelief of Athonius to faith; Rejoice, you who received the true confession. Rejoice, you who raise to Heaven the love and faith of those who have You; Rejoice, who through faith saves those who call on Your name.
Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Assumption.

Kontakion 5

The God-rich stars, the holy Apostles, in the heavenly scattering for the sake of the Gospel, were caught up in the clouds, in the breadth of the air, for the burial of the Mother of the Lord, who saw off with stumps and songs, with the Immaterial cry: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Having seen the God-seers of their Lord, receiving His soul in the hands of the Mother, and understanding the Lord, they were at pains to sing the blessed songs of Yu:
Rejoice, Queen, who bore the Reign over all; Rejoice, even carried by the hand of His Son. Rejoice, royal sceptre in the right hand of Christ; Rejoice, in Noah’s hand there is a branch of a dove. Rejoice, rod of Aaron, who has grown incorruptible; Rejoice, unfading one, prosperous immortality. Rejoice, God-inspired Godfather of David; Rejoice, thou who has risen up the word of his prophecies, psalms and beautiful harp. Rejoice, animated holy shrine of the Lord; Rejoice, our resurrected belly into the rest of the Lord. Rejoice, tabernacle, overshadowed by the Cherubim; Rejoice, Holy of Holies, spoken by the Seraphim.
Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Assumption.

Kontakion 6

The Preachers of the God-Bearing Apostles, after departing to the super-worldly Mother of God in the common village, having had the usual meal and offering part of the bread in the Name of the Lord, lifting up, suddenly from above the Mother of God Queen, who came with the luminous Angels, in vain and, having heard peace from the Son and God, cried out about this : Alleluia.

Ikos 6

The Sun of Truth has risen to us, Christ God from Your most pure falsehood, by the will and prudence of preaching through the Apostles, enlighten the world and glorify You, Mother of God, from generation to generation. In the same way, we all please Thee, crying out to Thee:
Rejoice, Ever-Blessed One from all generations forever; Rejoice, thou who art most gracious and merciful to men. Rejoice, you who fulfilled your promise to the disciple’s face; Rejoice, having given peace to this through Your presence from Your Son and God. Rejoice, all-desiring sweet vision of the saints; Rejoice, O venerable mothers and virgin saints, all-enjoying joy. Rejoice, transitory paradise of the righteous; Rejoice, you who visit all beings in heavenly glory. Rejoice, beginning of human salvation; Rejoice, fulfillment of all good wishes. Rejoice, according to God, King of kings, Mother of God Queen; Rejoice, according to the Lord of lords, our Master, Lady and Mistress.
Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Assumption.

Kontakion 7

You always save those who want to enter Your holy temple with faith, O Mother of God, and free those who glorify You from all misfortunes and troubles; In the same way, grant to the faithful people, who ever bless You, victories against resistance and give us all petitions for salvation, for this they pray to You and sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

A new creation has shown itself to us, the Creator of all, the Lord, through You, the Mother of God. You, who have a kindred providence for us towards Him, who honestly honor Your most honorable Dormition, accept those who cry out to You:
Rejoice, Mother of God, chosen from the earthly; Rejoice, you who are above earthly and heavenly things. Rejoice, thou who hast surpassed the grief of the Cherubim and Seraphim; Rejoice, the face of the disciples like a cloud for the burial of Ti dole. Rejoice, Thou who, after Thy burial, gave Thomas more by the power of God; Rejoice, through him you assured your transmigration into Heaven with the flesh. Rejoice, adorned with the beauty of all virtues; Rejoice, more red than the sons of men, you are numbered among your Sons. Rejoice, like a phoenix, blossoming through the risen flesh; Rejoice, like a cedar in heavenly Lebanon, multiplied. Rejoice, tree of life, planted in the midst of the highest paradise; Rejoice, thou art exalted in the ark of thought in the Highest from the mortal flood.
Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Assumption.

Kontakion 8

It is strange in the highest leading You, Chosen, like the sun, the Lady, into the heavenly inconceivable beauties and indescribable kindnesses, touchingly towards the Son and God, I hold His hand, ascended and joyfully bowing to His life-giving right hand, about this we cry incessantly: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

All the former grief was taken to the Heavenly Ones and, not leaving the earthly, the Mother of God, the hand of the Son is carried, into the never-ending, all-luminous and beautiful city, Jerusalem on High, the Cherubim stand with all the Heavenly powers, where this hears those singing:
Rejoice, even the most holy soul dwells in the highest, all-bright Zion; Rejoice, even as the incorruptible body and soul are collectively glorified. Rejoice, thou who has entered into the throne city of Samago the Pantocrator; Rejoice, thou who art ascended into the beautiful paradise of the Most High Planter. Rejoice, brought into the city founded from the all-luminous stones; Rejoice, brought into the enclosure guarded by the forces of the highest. Rejoice, taken above Heaven into the splendor of God; Rejoice, venerable one above all immaterial minds. Rejoice, bringing the prayer of the faithful to Your Son and God; Rejoice, and You Yourself unceasingly praying for everyone at the Throne of Your Son and God. Rejoice, Representative to God, saving the world; Rejoice, Intercessor, given to the Christian race by God.
Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Assumption.

Kontakion 9

Every angelic nature extols Thee, O Mother of God, but to humanity we all give birth to Thee, Mother of God, we glorify and honor Thy most venerable Dormition, Queen: For thee for the sake of earthly things the heavenly ones copulate, according to the singing of God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

Now we see the prophetic utterances of God come true, O Mother of God, as you truly gave birth to God in the flesh. Believing in the sacrament of the word of God, we cry out:
Rejoice, master of the law and the prophets, perfect; Rejoice, star of Jacob, prophesied by Balaam. Rejoice, O bed of the Great King, prophesied by Solomon; Rejoice, fleece watered by Jesus, formed by Gideon. Rejoice, Burning Kupino, foreseen by the lawgiver; Rejoice, holy city, provided for by the husband of desire. Rejoice, heavenly ladder, foreseen by Jacob; Rejoice, impenetrable door, foreseen by Ezekiel. Rejoice, sun of the village of Christ, presented by the psalmist; Rejoice, sacrament, ordained by the diverse prophets. Rejoice, you who brought the end to all the prophetic words prophesied about You; Rejoice, thou who hast accomplished all the works of the Most High for the salvation of the world.
Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Assumption.

Kontakion 10

To save the world, even though the Lord chose You from the earthly race to be His Mother and, for our sake, having become a man, ascended, descending from nowhere, to Heaven from the earth, and brought You with Him to abide in eternal glory and to reign with Himself, having no end , Moreover, like God, he hears from everyone: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Thou art the wall of the faithful, O Virgin Mother of God, and the intercession of all who come running to Thee, for the Creator of Heaven and earth, having passed from Thee in flesh, the Most Pure One, has entered into the Heavenly One in spirit and body, to the nearest intercession for all, and teach them to invite:
Rejoice, city of the Great King at the top of the Heavenly Mountain; Rejoice, wall and cover, not hidden from our influx. Rejoice, thou who helpest the enemies of the faithful; Rejoice, conqueror of the Hagarian invasions. Rejoice, immovable preservation of pious faith; Rejoice, destruction of the heretical regiments. Rejoice, you who bring joy and peace to the world; Rejoice, thou who hast corrected the all-destroying hell. Rejoice, for those who wage war on the flesh through chastity have been crowned with a fair amount; Rejoice, all-honorable glorification of martyrdom. Rejoice, venerable intercessor of blessed repose through labor; Rejoice, monk who grieves the Giver of eternal joy.
Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Assumption.

Kontakion 11

Singing all kinds of God-inspired songs does not suffice from us to praise the all-honorable Dormition of Thy, All-praiseworthy Lady, Queen Theotokos, but we diligently offer to Thee, as the Mother of the King of all, our humble prayer, with the Heavenly rites singing to the only God worthily glorifying Thee: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

The light-receiving light of the true Light appeared to us on earth, enlightening the souls and instructing those who honor Your all-honorable repose to the Divine mind, so that we sing Tisitsa:
Rejoice, unquenchable light of the immaterial fire; Rejoice, never-setting dawn of the never-evening Light. Rejoice, moon, illuminated by the Sun of Truth; Rejoice, brightness, holy in darkness. Rejoice, lampstand, set on the candlestick above; Rejoice, source of life, brought forth from the grave into the light. Rejoice, Mother of the intelligent Light, enlightening the pious souls; Rejoice, Mother of all God, who comforts embittered souls. Rejoice, you who give a shameless end to those who trust in You; Rejoice, thou who establishest the heritage of God and His servant at the Judgment of Thy Son at His right hand. Rejoice, Most Blessed One, for through You we are also blessed, like Your Helper, the imams; Rejoice, Most Blessed One to all generations, for the Lord is with You, and with You with us.
Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Assumption.

Kontakion 12

The grace of the high-throned glory, bestowed in heaven upon the Mother of God, venerable, sitting at the right hand of Her Son and God, seeing the minds above, raising up the Thrones and Powers, surrounding the Beginning and Power, falling in fear with the Cherubim, Seraphim and Dominion, with the Archangels and Angels crying out: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing Your all-honorable Dormition, we all praise Your ascension to the heights of heaven, O Queen Mother of God. You sanctify, glorify and save all who sing to You with love:
Rejoice, having cleansed the earth with Your most pure feet; Rejoice, having sanctified the air with Your ascension to Heaven. Rejoice, you who have ascended to the Heavenly circle; Rejoice, beholder of all unspeakable kindness. Rejoice, thou who sittest in glory before the throne of Thy Son and God; Rejoice, forever reigning with the Son and God. Rejoice, beauty in the right hand of the Lord, adorning all the Heavenly Ones who bless You; Rejoice, overjoyed by the hope of all earthly people in You. Rejoice, clothed in the sun, shining with grace and glory throughout the entire universe; Rejoice, who promised to preserve and save those who call upon You in all the heavens. Rejoice, revered Mother of God and called the Mother of God from Christian generations; Rejoice, gloriously and orthodoxly glorified by all the pious from the east of the sun to the west.
Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Assumption.

Kontakion 13

O All-Sung Mother of the Immortal King of Heaven and earth, Christ our God, living and after death, having received this offering from us for Your all-honorable Dormition, in this life and in our mortal Dormition, deliver us from all misfortunes, troubles and torment and the Heavenly Kingdom, Queen , grant those who cry for You: Alleluia.


O Most Holy Theotokos, Virgin, Lady, the highest Angel and Archangel, and all the most honorable creatures, angelic great surprise, prophetic high sermon, apostolic glorious praise, fair adornment of saints, strong affirmation of martyrs, saving instruction for monks, inexhaustible abstinence for fasters, virgins of purity and word , mothers quiet joy, babies wisdom and punishment, widows and orphans to nurse, naked clothes, sick in health, deliverance of captives, floating on the sea in silence, overwhelmed by a calm haven, wandering an easy mentor, traveling an easy passage, toiling good rest, in the troubles of the present Intercessor , protection and refuge for the offended, hopeless hope, requiring help, inexhaustible wealth for the poor, constant consolation for the sad, loving humility for the hated, salvation for sinners and appropriation to God, firm protection for the faithful of all, invincible help and intercession.
Moreover, the all-honorable image of Yours, and seeing the Almighty held by Your hand on the icon, we rejoice in our sins, falling down with tenderness, and kiss this love, hoping, Lady, with Your holy, God-pleasing prayers to reach heavenly endless life, and do not be ashamed to stand on the day of judgment at the right hand of Your Son and God ours, glorifying Him together with the Originless Father, and the Most Holy, Good, Life-Giving and Consubstantial Spirit, forever and ever. Amen

Watch a video about prayer for the Dormition of the Virgin Mary

Beloved believers!

All holidays in the Orthodox Church of Christ, established in honor of saints, bring great joy to Orthodox Christians. But no matter how great the praise that we give to the saints, it cannot be compared with that which we should give to God, who created the saints.

Today is not a holiday of saints or angels. Today the Orthodox Church of God celebrates and honors the Queen of all angels and all saints. It is impossible to equate the honoring of slaves and kings. Today is a royal holiday, for the Queen of all creation is now leaving us.

However, it will be good for you to know how everything happened at the Dormition of the Mother of God, how the Mother of Life moved from us to heaven. And here's how.

Three days before the Dormition of the Mother of God, the Most Holy and All-Powerful God and our Savior Jesus Christ sent the Archangel Gabriel from heaven to announce to His Mother about Her transference into carelessness. This divine archangel, who was once sent by God to announce to Her that She would give birth to Christ, the Savior of the world, comes now and announces Her departure from this earthly life into eternal rest and into the unspeakable glory and honor that awaits Her in heaven.

And having arrived, the Archangel Gabriel brought a date branch to the Most Pure Virgin Mary as a sign, just as he brought Her a lily at the Annunciation. The Most Holy Mother of God, having learned from the Archangel Gabriel that it was necessary to leave the world and this earth, returned home in great joy and decorated Her house with candles and incense; and, praying, she left the house and went to the church, where she often used to pray to Her Sweetest Son Jesus Christ.

Every time She bowed, the trees bowed to the ground as a sign of great reverence and veneration.

So, when the Most Holy Mother of God went to the Mount of Olives and prayed, a great and glorious miracle happened: the olive trees and all the trees on that mountain and all the fruitful trees there, when She bowed, they also bowed with Her to the very ground. And every time She bowed, the trees also bowed to the ground as a sign of great reverence and veneration offered to the Most Holy Mother of God, the Mother of Life.

Then She returned, and there was a strong earthquake, so that the place on which Her house stood shook. And She fell on her face in prayer, and again lit candles and incense, and called all the holy women who lived with Her, the holy myrrh-bearers and Her friends, and said to them:

Behold, the time has come for Me to leave you, to go to My Son and My God.

And the holy women and myrrh-bearers and all the holy widows and virgins who followed the Most Holy Theotokos and Her teachings were greatly saddened and wept bitterly.

And this miracle was followed by another miracle. Suddenly there arose a great whirlwind and a strong wind, and it carried on the clouds of heaven the twelve apostles (from those ends of the earth where they were sent to preach), so that they too would become partakers of the honor and burial of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Apostles were carried on the clouds by God the Word Himself in order to give even greater honor and glory to His Most Holy Mother.

And when they arrived, She said to them:

Holy disciples of Mine and of My Son, apostles and disciples, this is the reason why the clouds brought you here to Gethsemane. I need to move from here; I received news from the Archangel Gabriel that I must leave you, but not forever, but go to heaven and from there help you.

And all the divine apostles began to cry. And finally the great Apostle Paul came and, shedding tears, said:

O Mother of Life and God of the Word! I did not see my God Jesus Christ in the flesh, and when I saw You in the flesh, it seemed to me that He Himself always abides with us and I see Him Himself. And it was a great consolation for us, the apostles, to have You with us. And now you are leaving too! This is a great joy for You, for You are leaving for eternal joy. And we both rejoice and mourn. We rejoice in Your joy, for You are leaving for these most holy places and the joy is boundless, but we also grieve, for we remain here on earth without seeing You, and without Your meekness, and without Your sacred instructions and Your holy prayers.

The other apostles said the same thing. Then the Most Pure Mother of God spoke to them the last word, saying:

Behold, I will lie down on My bed and lay My body as My will will be, and you leave it like that.

And, having said this, she asked forgiveness from everyone who was there, from the divine apostles and holy women, and, making the sign of the cross, she reclined on the bed, closed her eyes, folded her hands on her chest and gave up her spirit.

O Thy miracles, Most Pure Mother of God! As soon as the Most Holy Mother gave up Her most holy and pure spirit into the hands of Her Son, all the blind and all the crippled, the lame and the sick, who had gathered there from the city and all the surrounding areas, became healthy! The dumb spoke, the deaf heard, the lepers were cleansed, the lame walked, for the Most Holy God and Savior Christ so deigned to honor the Dormition of the Most Holy Mother with His glorious miracles, so that everyone would know that it was not an ordinary woman who died, but the Mother of the Word, the Mother of God, the God of miracles.

And as soon as the Mother of God betrayed Her most pure soul, the divine apostles heard thousands and millions of angels singing in the air, praising and singing the descent of the Mother of the Most Holy God. And they themselves began to sing, like angels in the air.

And taking the bed with the most pure and holy body of the Mother of God, they began their journey to the Garden of Gethsemane, carrying it there to put it in the grave. And they were accompanied by angelic songs from the air, and the apostles with many Christians and all the disciples of Jesus Christ sang on earth. And there arose a common singing of the verbal flock of Jesus Christ on earth and the intelligent flock in heaven, that is, angels. And so both heaven and earth - that is, both people and angels - escorted the Mother of God to Her most holy tomb.

And when they walked like this, and hymns were heard, and a fragrance emanated from the most holy body, filling the places through which they passed, the envy of the Jews was aroused, and some of them rushed with great audacity to throw that most holy bed from the shoulders of the apostles to the ground. And one even dared to come up and raise his hands on the holy bed. But - oh Your miracles, Mother of God! - everyone who wanted to throw the stretcher off the shoulders of the apostles became blind and could no longer see where they came from or where they were going!

And the one who wickedly dared to touch the stretcher with the body of the Mother of God had his hands immediately cut off by an angel

And the one who dared - it was a Jew named Anthony - to touch the most pure stretcher, on which the most holy body of the Mother of God rested, both hands were immediately cut off by the invisible angelic right hand, and they hung, clinging to the stretcher, and he himself collapsed unconscious and half dead.

And both the blind and the one whose hands were cut off began to ask forgiveness from the Mother of God. And then the divine Apostle Peter, taking from the breast of the Mother of God, from the stretcher, a palm branch brought to Her by the Archangel Gabriel, applied it to the eyes of the blind, and immediately they became healthy, and when he touched the hands cut off by an invisible angel, the hands grew together again!

And so the glorious miracles of the Mother of God took place. That's why everyone exclaimed with one voice:

Great is God Jesus Christ and great is His Most Pure Mother, the Most Holy Virgin Mary!

And we all moved on together. Those who were envious earlier also walked, singing and confessing their sins to Christ God, and, repenting of their previous sins, they sang the Mother of mercy, the Mother of the Lord, who did not restrain their sin, but forgave everyone and gave them healing.

And, having come to the Garden of Gethsemane, they laid the most pure body of the Mother of God in a stone coffin, new, carved in advance, and, placing the stone on the door of the tomb, for three days and three nights they heard the singing of angels around the tomb of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Then another wonderful thing happened. The Apostle Thomas, who was not present at the Resurrection of the Lord and therefore did not believe that the Risen Savior appeared to the ten disciples, was late now, according to the Providence of God. And he was not brought on the clouds of heaven along with the others, but his cloud brought him after the burial of the Mother of God. Therefore, he was sad and very sorrowful, thinking: “For what sins did I not deserve to see the Mother of God one day in the flesh? For what sin did I delay in faith for the Resurrection, and now I am late for the Dormition of the Mother of God?

And then God inspired the apostles, so that they, with a general council, should open the tomb of the Most Holy Theotokos, so that Thomas would kiss the feet of the Most Holy Mother of God in the tomb and receive consolation and firm hope that his preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ was also accepted.

And when they opened the grave and coffin of the Mother of God - oh Your miracles, Most Holy Theotokos! - they did not find the body of the Most Holy Virgin Mary there, but only one shroud, as it remained in the tomb of the Savior Christ after the Resurrection, for the Most Holy God and our Savior Jesus Christ took His Most Holy Mother with the body into heaven and planted it in a place that He Himself knows.

This is a genuine event, brethren, and this truth about what happened at the Dormition of the Mother of God has been passed down to this day.

But pay attention to the fact that during the terrible suffering of our Savior Jesus Christ, during His crucifixion and death, great miracles also occurred. There there was darkness from the sixth hour to the ninth over the whole earth. There the earth shook and the stones split in two in Jerusalem. There the coffins opened and the dead were resurrected.

And so, just as at the death of our Savior Jesus Christ, glorious and great miracles were performed, so Her Most Holy God and Son, our Savior Jesus Christ, deigned to honor the Dormition of His Most Holy Mother with glorious miracles. Those were: the coming of the Archangel Gabriel, the bowing of the trees bowing to Her on the Mount of Olives, the arrival of the divine apostles on the clouds, the blinding and cutting off of the hands of the daring and their healing after repentance, angelic chants heard from all sides in an invisible way, accompanying the Mother of God to the tomb, and then Her ascension with flesh to heaven and leaving the holy shroud in the tomb, as a consolation to those remaining on earth.

Why did God crown the Dormition of His Most Pure Mother with so many miracles?

But why did so many miracles happen? Why, when the Mother of God gave up Her spirit, were so many deaf, lepers, lame, one-armed, withered and all other sick people healed? Why did the Most Holy God crown the Dormition of His Most Pure Mother with so many glorious miracles? This is why: for us and for our faith, so that we know until the very end of the world who the Mother of God was on earth, who then moved to heaven.

She who then moved into heaven is the Daughter of God, for do you hear what the Holy Spirit says? “Hear, O Daughters, and see, and incline Your ear, and forget Your people,” and so on. And at the same time, She is the Mother of the Word according to the flesh. This again the Holy Spirit tells us: that then the Most Immaculate Bride, the Royal Palace of the Most Holy Spirit, the most holy and pure chamber of the Spirit, came to heaven.

And if we ask the holy prophets and each of them separately, we will hear from all of them: now the spiritual and verbal Dove has settled into heaven, bringing into the world a sign of the end of the flood of sin - the olive branch that Noah’s dove carried, a sign of the propitiation of God for the salvation of the human race . The divine prophets would have told us this: now the intellectual ladder, the spiritual ladder, has settled into heaven, along which human nature rose from earth to heaven and sat down at the right hand of God the Father through O the married body of Jesus Christ.

Let us ask David, Her blessed ancestor and parent, the father of God according to the flesh, and he will also tell us: now the Queen has settled into heaven, standing at the right hand of the Holy Trinity in robes of gold, clothed and adorned.

Ezekiel the prophet will tell us: now the door of God has moved into heaven, enclosed, through which no one has passed, only the Lord God, and He left Her imprisoned, without breaking the seals of Her virginity.

If we ask the prophet Isaiah, he will also tell us: now the Virgin has moved into heaven, giving birth to Immanuel, that is, Christ God, who always is and will be with us.

If we ask Gideon, he will tell us: now a fleece full of the dew of the Holy Spirit has dwelt into heaven.

If we ask Habakkuk the prophet, he will tell us in turn: now the mountain of God, overshadowed by a thick shadow, has moved into heaven.

And David will tell us again: now the mountain in which God was pleased to live has moved into heaven.

If we ask the prophets, everyone will say that now the Mother of God the Word, the Mother of Life, the Mother of mercy and mercy has moved from us to heaven.

Yes, brethren, how much more could be said about the Mother of God, but this cannot be retold at one Liturgy, for the time is too short and no one can praise Her according to her worth. Let us know that today our Mother, the Mother of mercy and mercy, has moved into heaven. For all of us to whom God is the Father, the spiritual Mother is the Mother of the Lord, Who always prays and always intercedes for us and for the salvation of the human race.

God would have destroyed the world long ago, as the divine fathers say, for the many sins with which people anger God; but the Mother of the Lord, just as she bound Jesus Christ with her arms and swaddled Him in a manger, now also binds the wrath of God and stops Him so that He does not destroy the human race. For the Mother of mercy and mercy does not want God to destroy the souls of people, for she knows that if the wrath of God flared up, he would destroy the whole world, which has become the abode of so many sins and evils.

The Most Holy Virgin Mother of God, who served the Father as a Daughter, Christ as a Mother and as a holy Servant - the Holy Spirit, always remaining a Servant and Servant of the Lord, as stated in the Gospel, always now serving the Most Holy Trinity in heaven along with all the saints and angels after unceasingly served Him on earth until her last breath, now she always intercedes and always prays for us and our salvation.

We have there, in heaven, a kind and merciful Mother. Do not think that if the Mother of the Lord moved into heaven today, then She has left the world. No! Having once gone there, She has O greater power and with b O helps us with greater strength. She is now closer to the Throne of the Divine, She has gone there to always look after the needs of the poor, the prayers of widows, the poor, the prisoners, the persecuted, the suffering, the sick. There She became the Mother, helping everyone in trouble, everyone who is oppressed and everyone who loves Her and calls for help with all their hearts. We have in heaven a most blessed Mother, a Mother of mercy and mercy, Who always prays for the entire Church of Christ and each child of the Church of Christ individually.

Blessed and thrice blessed are the Christians who keep the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos in their home

Blessed and thrice blessed are the Christians who keep the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos in their home and every day read and other prayers of the Mother of God. There is no stronger Person in heaven or on earth, after the Holy Trinity, than the Mother of God, who can help us.

If the memory of the righteous is praised, then how much praise should we bring to the Mother of God - the Queen of all the righteous, all the saints and all the angels of God? And if She is the Queen, then from the Most Holy God she has great power to help us, to patronize the world, to come to the aid of both small and large, rich and poor, wise and simple, sick and healthy, and all believers, appearing at the same time time our Heavenly Mother.

Blessed are those Christians who, after the Holy Trinity, honor the Mother of God with all their hearts and, wherever they go, say this: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, through the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother and all Your saints, have mercy on me, a sinner.”

I’ll tell you one story so that you can see how quickly the Mother of God is a Helper.

I’ll tell you one story so that you can see how quickly the Mother of God is a Helper to those for whom She is the Mother and who reveres Her as the Mother of God the Word, and how close She is to those who believe in Her and always call on Her for help.

There lived a widow woman whose husband died when she was still young, and she was left with two small children. And the poor woman also had a household. But she revered God and the Most Holy Theotokos, holding Her icon with the Divine Child in her arms in her house. And she taught children from an early age to bow before the icon, read “Our Father,” read “I Believe,” and, to begin with, at least the shortest prayers to the Mother of God. And the children, like babies, which they were, asked:

Mom, who is this on the icon?

And she told them:

This is your Mother, your true Mother.

Aren't you our mother?

She said:

No, your true Mother is in heaven, and Her name is the Mother of God.

Who is this Child She is holding in her arms? - they asked.

This is our Lord Jesus Christ, who created us and was carried in the womb of the Mother of God. She gave birth to Him by the Holy Spirit, and He was God and perfect Man.

This is how the poor mother taught the children who the Mother of God is, and taught them with all her heart that the Mother of God is their real Mother. Therefore, children, waking up in the morning, before speaking to their mother, ran to the Mother of God, made several prostrations to the ground, read the “Our Father” and then prayers to the Mother of God, honoring Her according to the strength of their childish understanding.

And then one day the poor woman had to go to the field to harvest, and there was no one to leave her children with. And it was her custom, leaving her children, to lock them in the house. And so she called the children, left them something to eat and said:

You are left at home alone; I’ll go to work, because I have a lot to do.

And the children asked:

Who will we be left with?

“Behold, you remain with your Mother,” and she showed them the icon of the Mother of God, in front of which a lamp was burning.

And she also said:

Your Mother stays with you and will protect you, and you be smart and pray if you find yourself in trouble. Call on Her, for She will protect you!

The children believed their mother that they were not left alone, but remained with their Heavenly Mother. And the poor woman hurriedly went to her work, into the field. And the children prayed, and their minds kept moving from one thing to another, not stopping at one thought.

So, they forgot about their mother’s advice. They prayed for a while, then took up games and began to play with fire. Mom, I said, locked them in the house so that they wouldn’t go outside and get lost, knowing that she herself would hardly return home in half a day.

And when the children began to play with fire, the house caught fire. And they, seeing that household things, carpets and whatever else they had, were on fire, and when they saw that the whole house was on fire, and there was no one to come put it out, for it was summer time and everyone was at work, they ran to the icon of the Mother of God, grabbed her with their little hands and shouted:

Mom, don't leave us!

The house burned down, but the fire did not touch the wall where the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos hung, which the children clung to!

And - oh Your miracles, Mother of God! - the whole house burned down, but the fire did not touch the wall on which hung the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos with the children clinging to it!

The woman heard in the field, for someone brought this news to her:

Oh, woman, your house burned down!

And she, poor thing, says:

Oh woe is me, I left the children at home!

But the one who spoke did not know about the miracle that happened to the children, and all he said to her was: “Run, for I heard that this is your house!”

When she heard it, poor thing, and knowing that she had locked her children in the house, she began to run, and her heart was ready to jump out of her chest from this running and fear. And when she reached the outskirts, she asked:

Did my house burn down?

Yes,” they answered her, “your house burned down.” We saw a big fire in your place, and people ran to put it out, but the house was already burned down.

And she cried:

Mother of God, how did You abandon my children, I left them with You!

And, sobbing and wailing, she ran like crazy. And, having come running, she saw that people were standing and looking at the glorious miracle: the whole house had burned down, and the wall with the icon of the Mother of God stood untouched, and the children were holding the icon with their little hands and shouting: “Mom, Mom!”

And seeing this, the poor woman rushed through the fire to the icon of the Mother of God and with great gratitude thanked the Mother of God for keeping these babies, whom she entrusted to Her, alive and healthy.

Whatever sorrow befalls you and whatever misfortune, call on the Mother of God!

I told you this to show: whoever honors the Mother of God as his Mother and Patroness, She will protect him: him, and his children, and livestock, and all his acquisitions. Always have this faith, let the akathist and honest prayer service to the Mother of God not be omitted in your house, and no matter what sorrow befalls you and what misfortune, call on the Mother of God with all your heart, and She will certainly come with Her ambulance, with most holy and most powerful prayers Our own.

Know that there is no soul under heaven that would place its trust in the Mother of God and would remain ashamed to the end. Through her prayers she will have peace, consolation, protection and refuge in this century, and at the moment of death the mercy of the Mother of God will not leave her. And on the day of Judgment, the Most Holy Mother will kneel before Her Most Holy and Sweetest Son and our God Jesus Christ and say: “Lord God and My Son, this tormented soul, even if she sinned, always asked Me to pray to You. Forgive her, have mercy and show mercy to her.”

And so, through the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, we will find mercy both in this century, and at the time of death, and on the day of Judgment.

Kontakion 1
To the Mother of God chosen from all generations and to the Queen, who ascends from earth to Heaven, we offer reverent singing of Your most honorable Assumption, Your servants, Theotokos. But You, who have victory over death, free us from all deadly troubles, let us call You: Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Assumption.

Ikos 1
A representative angel was sent to quickly announce to the Most Holy Theotokos Her ascension and come to present Her Son and God to Her, shining brightly about Her and standing, calling like this: Rejoice, overjoyed Mother of the Tsar; Rejoice, Heavenly Queen, Mother of God and Lord of Heaven and earth. Rejoice, preferred by the majesty of the coming to You of Your Son and God; Rejoice, exalted by the announcement of Your departure to the Son. Rejoice, chosen by God from all generations; Rejoice, holy receptacle of the Word of God. Rejoice, fulfillment of the prophetic prophecy; Rejoice, most honorable crowned Apostle. Rejoice, ornament of the saint and goodness of the priest; Rejoice, ruler of fertilizer and power. Rejoice, raising the God-wise monks to the Heavenly Kingdom; Rejoice, opening the doors of heaven to the Christian race, ever blessed by You. Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Assumption.

Kontakion 2
Seeing the face of the Apostles, with an omnipotent wave from the ends of the earth to the clouds, the hierarchs presented themselves to Thy Most Honorable, Most Immaculate, Dormition: Dionysius - the heavenly secret one, the wondrous Hierotheus and Timothy with the God-splendid honor of the priesthood, bowing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 2
All rational creation, the oldest of the angelic ranks, came with their King, Who in His most life-giving hand accepted the soul of His Mother; warm with faith, Peter, with many tears, spoke to Her, calling: Rejoice, to the worldly, Mother of the Creator of the world, ascending; Rejoice, to the most heavenly, most expansive of heaven, who soars. Rejoice, thou who sanctified the fourfold elements by Thy ascension; Rejoice, who made the heavenly ones gladdened by Your passing. Rejoice, you have been received into the beautiful Jerusalem above; Rejoice, thou who joyfully entered into temples not made by hands. Rejoice, Queen of Cherubim and Seraphim; Rejoice, Lady of the Archangels. Rejoice, refuge of the faithful and deliverance; Rejoice, Your inheritance is a help and protection. Rejoice, O Christian Intercessor for the whole world; Rejoice, all blessings to the All-Blessed Giver. Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Assumption.

Kontakion 3
The power of the Most High to snatch up Thomas from India, for some will of God I will not be accepted into the most honorable Dormition of the Mother of God, and present her to the tomb of Her life-receiver, who came to see the Reposed One, in her mind ascended to Heaven with her body and, having believed, cried out about this: Alleluia.

Ikos 3
Having in himself the thought that through God's vision he would not be able to accompany the Mother of God with the others, he was rejoiced at Her immortal Dormition, and cried out to Her: Rejoice, thou who was received from the earth by the hand of Thy Son; Rejoice, you who ascended to the highest to enjoy His glory. Rejoice, escorted from all the angelic ranks to the Mountain; Rejoice, lifted up by the Cherubim into the heavenly and under heavenly places. Rejoice, in the heavenly gates from the elder Powers, magnificently lifted up in songs; Rejoice, surrounded and blessed by all Heavenly citizens. Rejoice, earthly heaven, exalted to the mountain village; Rejoice, Throne of the Lord, lifted up from the earth into the Kingdom of Heaven. Rejoice, our intercession and strong intercession; Rejoice, sinner Helper for salvation. Rejoice, Christian Queen and according to God the Hope of the Heavenly Kingdom; Rejoice, Mother of the Belly, and through the Lord we have the hope of eternal life. Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Assumption.

Kontakion 4
Storming within, having the thoughts of the unfaithful, the Jew Afphonius and in vain the God-bearing Apostles of the Mother of God, the Most Honorable Body carried to the grave, rushing towards refutation; suddenly, when with the blinding of his eyes his hand was taken away from his hanging bed, he confessed by faith the Mother of God, crying out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 4
Having heard the mysteries and self-witnesses of the Word of the Angels, singing in sublime hymns at the burial of the God-pleasant body of God to the Mother, and the honor of giving a tax pleasing to God, we strived according to the song, saying: Rejoice, thou who received the good news of Thy passage into the Heavenly Kingdom; Rejoice, you who received joyful paradise from Gabriel who preached the gospel. Rejoice, you who enlightened the most venerable multitude of cherubs; Rejoice, you who have rejoiced the glorious seraphim nature. Rejoice, foreshadowed from the patriarchs; Rejoice, foretold by the prophets. Rejoice, you who soon noted the evil insolence of Affoniev; Rejoice, you who gave healing to that one. Rejoice, thou who converted the unbelief of Athonius to faith; Rejoice, you who received the true confession. Rejoice, you who raise to Heaven the love and faith of those who have You; Rejoice, who through faith saves those who call on Your name. Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Assumption.

Kontakion 5
The God-rich stars, the holy Apostles, in the heavenly scattering for the sake of the Gospel, were caught up in the clouds, in the breadth of the air, for the burial of the Mother of the Lord, who saw off with stumps and songs, with the Immaterial cry: Alleluia.

Ikos 5
Having seen the God-seers of their Lord, having received His soul in the hand of the Mother, and understanding the Lord, trying to sing sacred songs with blessings: Rejoice, Queen, who bore the Reign over all; Rejoice, even carried by the hand of His Son. Rejoice, royal sceptre in the right hand of Christ; Rejoice, in Noah’s hand there is a branch of a dove. Rejoice, rod of Aaron, who has grown incorruptible; Rejoice, unfading one, prosperous immortality. Rejoice, God-inspired Godfather of David; Rejoice, thou who has risen up the word of his prophecies, psalms and beautiful harp. Rejoice, animated holy shrine of the Lord; Rejoice, our resurrected belly into the rest of the Lord. Rejoice, tabernacle, overshadowed by the Cherubim; Rejoice, Holy of Holies, spoken by the Seraphim. Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Assumption.

Kontakion 6
The Preachers of the God-Bearing Apostles, after departing to the super-worldly Mother of God in the common village, having had the usual meal and offering part of the bread in the Name of the Lord, lifting up, suddenly from above the Mother of God Queen, who came with the luminous Angels, in vain and, having heard peace from the Son and God, cried out about this : Alleluia.

Ikos 6
The Sun of Truth has risen to us, Christ God from Your most pure falsehood, by the will and prudence of preaching through the Apostles, enlighten the world and glorify You, Mother of God, from generation to generation. In the same way, we all please Thee, crying out to Thee: Rejoice, Ever-blessed One from all generations forever; Rejoice, thou who art most gracious and merciful to men. Rejoice, you who fulfilled your promise to the disciple’s face; Rejoice, having given peace to this through Your presence from Your Son and God. Rejoice, all-desiring sweet vision of the saints; Rejoice, O venerable mothers and virgin saints, all-enjoying joy. Rejoice, transitory paradise of the righteous; Rejoice, you who visit all beings in heavenly glory. Rejoice, beginning of human salvation; Rejoice, fulfillment of all good wishes. Rejoice, according to God, King of kings, Mother of God Queen; Rejoice, according to the Lord of lords, our Master, Lady and Mistress. Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Assumption.

Kontakion 7
You always save those who want to enter Your holy temple with faith, O Mother of God, and free those who glorify You from all misfortunes and troubles; In the same way, grant to the faithful people, who ever bless You, victories against resistance and give us all petitions for salvation, for this they pray to You and sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7
A new creation has shown itself to us, the Creator of all, the Lord, through You, the Mother of God. You have a kindred providence for us to Him, who honestly honor Your most honorable Dormition, accept those who cry out to You: Rejoice, Mother of God, chosen from the earthly; Rejoice, you who are above earthly and heavenly things. Rejoice, thou who hast surpassed the grief of the Cherubim and Seraphim; Rejoice, the face of the disciples like a cloud for the burial of Ti dole. Rejoice, Thou who, after Thy burial, gave Thomas more by the power of God; Rejoice, through him you assured your transmigration into Heaven with the flesh. Rejoice, adorned with the beauty of all virtues; Rejoice, more red than the sons of men, you are numbered among your Sons. Rejoice, like a phoenix, blossoming through the risen flesh; Rejoice, like a cedar in heavenly Lebanon, multiplied. Rejoice, tree of life, planted in the midst of the highest paradise; Rejoice, thou art exalted in the ark of thought in the Highest from the mortal flood. Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Assumption.

Kontakion 8
It is strange in the highest leading You, Chosen, like the sun, the Lady, into the heavenly inconceivable beauties and indescribable kindnesses, touchingly towards the Son and God, I hold His hand, ascended and joyfully bowing to His life-giving right hand, about this we cry incessantly: Alleluia.

Ikos 8
All the former grief was taken to the Heavenly Ones and, not leaving the earthly, the Mother of God, the hand of the Son is carried, into the never-ending, all-illuminating and beautiful city, Jerusalem on High, the Cherubim stand with all the Heavenly powers, where this one hears those singing: Rejoice, O Most Holy Soul dwells in the highest, all-bright Zion; Rejoice, even as the incorruptible body and soul are collectively glorified. Rejoice, thou who has entered into the throne city of Samago the Pantocrator; Rejoice, thou who art ascended into the beautiful paradise of the Most High Planter. Rejoice, brought into the city founded from the all-luminous stones; Rejoice, brought into the enclosure guarded by the forces of the highest. Rejoice, taken above Heaven into the splendor of God; Rejoice, venerable one above all immaterial minds. Rejoice, bringing the prayer of the faithful to Your Son and God; Rejoice, and You Yourself unceasingly praying for everyone at the Throne of Your Son and God. Rejoice, Representative to God, saving the world; Rejoice, Intercessor, given to the Christian race by God. Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Assumption.

Kontakion 9
Every angelic nature extols Thee, O Mother of God, but to humanity we all give birth to Thee, Mother of God, we glorify and honor Thy most venerable Dormition, Queen: For thee for the sake of earthly things the heavenly ones copulate, according to the singing of God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9
The Vetian prophetic sayings of God are now beheld fulfilled in You, O Mother of God, as truly You gave birth to God in the flesh. Believing in the sacrament of the word of God, we cry: Rejoice, thou who art chiefly perfect in the law and the prophets; Rejoice, star of Jacob, prophesied by Balaam. Rejoice, O bed of the Great King, prophesied by Solomon; Rejoice, fleece watered by Jesus, formed by Gideon. Rejoice, Burning Kupino, foreseen by the lawgiver; Rejoice, holy city, provided for by the husband of desire. Rejoice, heavenly ladder, foreseen by Jacob; Rejoice, impenetrable door, foreseen by Ezekiel. Rejoice, sun of the village of Christ, presented by the psalmist; Rejoice, sacrament, ordained by the diverse prophets. Rejoice, you who brought the end to all the prophetic words prophesied about You; Rejoice, thou who hast accomplished all the works of the Most High for the salvation of the world. Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Assumption.

Kontakion 10
To save the world, even though the Lord chose You from the earthly race to be His Mother and, for our sake, having become a man, ascended, descending from nowhere, to Heaven from the earth, and brought You with Him to abide in eternal glory and to reign with Himself, having no end , Moreover, like God, he hears from everyone: Alleluia.

Ikos 10
Thou art the wall of the faithful, O Virgin Mother of God, and the intercession of all who come running to Thee, for the Creator of Heaven and earth, having passed from Thee in flesh, the Most Pure One, hast come to the Heavenly One in spirit and body, to the nearest intercession for all, and teach them to invite: Rejoice, city of the King Great at the top of the Heavenly Mountain; Rejoice, wall and cover, not hidden from our influx. Rejoice, thou who helpest the enemies of the faithful; Rejoice, conqueror of the Hagarian invasions. Rejoice, immovable preservation of pious faith; Rejoice, destruction of the heretical regiments. Rejoice, you who bring joy and peace to the world; Rejoice, thou who hast corrected the all-destroying hell. Rejoice, for those who wage war on the flesh through chastity have been crowned with a fair amount; Rejoice, all-honorable glorification of martyrdom. Rejoice, venerable intercessor of blessed repose through labor; Rejoice, monk who grieves the Giver of eternal joy. Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Assumption.

Kontakion 11
Singing all kinds of God-inspired songs does not suffice from us to praise the all-honorable Dormition of Thy, All-praiseworthy Lady, Queen Theotokos, but we diligently offer to Thee, as the Mother of the King of all, our humble prayer, with the Heavenly rites singing to the only God worthily glorifying Thee: Alleluia.

Ikos 11
The light-receiving light of the true Light has appeared to those who exist on earth, enlightening the souls and instructing those who honor Your all-honorable repose to the Divine mind, so that we sing from Tisitsa: Rejoice, unquenchable light of the immaterial fire; Rejoice, never-setting dawn of the never-evening Light. Rejoice, moon, illuminated by the Sun of Truth; Rejoice, brightness, holy in darkness. Rejoice, lampstand, set on the candlestick above; Rejoice, source of life, brought forth from the grave into the light. Rejoice, Mother of the intelligent Light, enlightening the pious souls; Rejoice, Mother of all God, who comforts embittered souls. Rejoice, you who give a shameless end to those who trust in You; Rejoice, thou who establishest the heritage of God and His servant at the Judgment of Thy Son at His right hand. Rejoice, Most Blessed One, for through You we are also blessed, like Your Helper, the imams; Rejoice, Most Blessed One to all generations, for the Lord is with You, and with You with us. Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Assumption.

Kontakion 12
The grace of the high-throned glory, bestowed in heaven upon the Mother of God, venerable, sitting at the right hand of Her Son and God, seeing the minds above, raising up the Thrones and Powers, surrounding the Beginning and Power, falling in fear with the Cherubim, Seraphim and Dominion, with the Archangels and Angels crying out: Alleluia.

Ikos 12
Singing Your all-honorable Dormition, we all praise Your ascension to the heights of heaven, O Queen Mother of God. Thou sanctify, glorify and save all who sing to Thee with love: Rejoice, thou who hast cleansed the earth with Thy most pure feet; Rejoice, having sanctified the air with Your ascension to Heaven. Rejoice, you who have ascended to the Heavenly circle; Rejoice, beholder of all unspeakable kindness. Rejoice, thou who sittest in glory before the throne of Thy Son and God; Rejoice, forever reigning with the Son and God. Rejoice, beauty in the right hand of the Lord, adorning all the Heavenly Ones who bless You; Rejoice, overjoyed by the hope of all earthly people in You. Rejoice, clothed in the sun, shining with grace and glory throughout the entire universe; Rejoice, who promised to preserve and save those who call upon You in all the heavens. Rejoice, revered Mother of God and called the Mother of God from Christian generations; Rejoice, gloriously and orthodoxly glorified by all the pious from the east of the sun to the west. Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Assumption.

Kontakion 13
O All-Sung Mother of the Immortal King of Heaven and earth, Christ our God, living and after death, having received this offering from us for Your all-honorable Dormition, in this life and in our mortal Dormition, deliver us from all misfortunes, troubles and torment and the Heavenly Kingdom, Queen , grant those who cry for You: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)